Enhancement of the Publication Process for IEEE ... - IEEE Xplore

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Advanced Wireless Communications Systems Symposium in IEEE Interna- ... Information Technology at the Hong Kong University of Science and Tech- nology.


Enhancement of the Publication Process for IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications he success of IEEE Transactions on Wireless T Communications has been incredible since its inception in 2001. The journal now receives

To make certain all aspects of the publication process are well coordinated with the overall journal, I will also be working closely with the 1600 plus submissions per year and has become Editor-in-Chief, Prof. VK. Bhargava. one of the most downloaded journals within Finally, as a special request, I would also like IEEE Xplore. However, we should not stop there, to ask all authors with manuscripts accepted and our goal is to continuously enhance the jourbefore 2009 to check if their manuscripts have nal and build on its current success. been published. If not, please contact me immediately so I can follow up the status of your As one of the enhancements to the journal, I accepted manuscript. was appointed as the Publication Editor for IEEE I sincerely hope my role makes the publicaTransactions on Wireless Communications in tion process smoother and friendlier and March 2009 by the journals steering committee. ROSS D. MURCH enhances journal quality further. I would also like My role is to oversee and monitor the publication to sincerely thank Dr. Frankie C.Y. Chi for assistprocess of manuscripts once a manuscript has ing me as Publication Editor. been accepted. While publication can be a straightforward process mistakes can be made, such as accepted manuscripts Ross D. Murch (M’84-SM’98-F’2009) is a Chair Professor and Departgetting lost, papers being published as letters, and authors not ment Head of Electronic and Computer Engineering at the Hong Kong Unisubmitting their materials in a timely fashion. My role is to versity of Science and Technology. His wireless research contributions make certain these events do not occur and are being properinclude over 200 publications and patents on MIMO systems and antennas, ly managed and monitored. I will also be “closing the loop” OFDM, propagation and broadband wireless systems and these have attracted over 3000 citations. on the publication process to make sure that all accepted He is the Publication Editor for IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communimanuscripts are published and manuscripts are not held up in cations and was previously an Area Editor and before that an Editor for the the queue unnecessarily. same journal. He was the Technical Program Chair for the IEEE Wireless I will also be acting as a single point of contact for all Communications and Networking Conference in 2007 and also the Advanced Wireless Communications Systems Symposium in IEEE Internaauthors once a paper is accepted. If you have any queries on tional Communications Conference in 2002. the status of your accepted manuscript you can contact me He also has industrial experience in the wireless communication area directly at [email protected]. through sabbaticals at Allgon, Sweden and AT&T, Newman Springs, and I have been Area Editor and Editor previously for IEEE consulting for various organizations both inside and outside Hong Kong. He is also the founding and current Director of the Center for Wireless Transactions on Wireless Communications and before that Information Technology at the Hong Kong University of Science and TechIEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications: Wireless nology. In July 2005, he was invited to the School of Engineering Science, Series (the forerunner to IEEE Transactions on Wireless ComSimon Fraser University, Canada, as the David Bensted Fellow and in July 2004 he visited Southampton University, UK as an HKTIIT fellow. He was a munications) and understand the author’s perspective well. keynote speaker at IEEE GCC 2007 and IEEE WiCOM 2007. Prof. Murch is This experience is an advantage when overseeing the publicaalso an IEEE Fellow. tion process.