ENME664: DYNAMICS - TerpConnect

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Office: EGR 2133; Ph: (301)405-5309; E-Mail: [email protected]. Textbook: Greenwood, D. T., Principles of Dynamics, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs,.

ENME664: DYNAMICS Instructor: B. Balachandran, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering Office: EGR 2133; Ph: (301)405-5309; E-Mail: [email protected] Textbook: Greenwood, D. T., Principles of Dynamics, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1988. References: Goldstein, H., Classical Mechanics, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1980. Kane, T, Analytical Elements of Mechanics: Vol. 2, Dynamics, Academic Press, NY, 1961. Class Notes: Copies of certain lectures will be provided in the classroom Time and Place: Lectures: Tu, Th --- 3.30 P.M. to 4.45 P.M. Engineering Lab Building (EGL) 1202 Office Hours: Tu, Th: 5.00 P.M. to 6.30 P.M. or by appointment Grading: --- Homework: 30 %, Two Mid-Term Exams ( March 16 and April 29): 40 % --- Final Exam (May 21, 4.00 P.M. to 6.00 P.M.): 30 % --- All problems assigned may not be graded. Late homework will be accepted under extenuating circumstances. Course Outline: 1. Introduction and Overview (Chapter 1 of Greenwood, Chapter 1 of Kane) 2. Kinematics in Plane and Space (Chapter 2 of Greenwood, Chapter 2 of Kane) 3. Dynamics of a Particle in Plane and Space (Chapter 3 of Greenwood, Chapter 4 of Kane) 4. Dynamics of a Collection of Particles (Chapter 4 of Greenwood, Chapter 4 of Kane) 5. D’Alembert’s Principle, Equations of Lagrange (Chapter 6, Greenwood), Virtual Power 6. Rigid Body Mechanics (Chapters 7 and 8 of Greenwood, Chapter 4 of Kane) 7. Additional Topics (time permitting): Stability, Hamiltonian Dynamics Comments: a) A copy of each reference book has been requested to be put on reserve in the Engineering and Physical Sciences Library. b) Software such as MATLAB and/or Working Model may be used for simulations. c) Likely to be away from campus during March 1—5, 15, and 16. d) Class web site: http://www.glue.umd.edu/~balab/courses/enme664/