entire curriculum vitae - Emphasis on Excellence, Inc.

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Oct 20, 2013 ... Coaching (IAWBC), completed January 2011. Weekly teleseminars and webinars on a variety of topics (plus attendance at conferences) ...
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Mailing Address

Meggin McIntosh, Ph.D., President Emphasis on Excellence, Inc. Helping smart people sustain lives of peaceful, predictable productivity – via classes, coaching, consulting, and publishing – so that they can keep their emphasis on excellence. P.O. Box 18390 Reno, NV 89511 775.853.5510 (phone) 775.853.5584 (fax) [email protected]


Professor & Founding Director, Emerita Excellence in Teaching Program University of Nevada, Reno Personal Data

Born August 1955 Married: Larry J. Kramer

EDUCATION Ph.D., Reading Education and Linguistics, University of North Texas, Denton, August 1988 Title of Doctoral Dissertation: “I like the name but not the soup!” An Ethnographic Study of the Metalinguistic Sentience of Young Gifted Children: Its Reflection of Their Cognitive Ability and Its Relationship to Their Literacy Acquisition and Literacy Learning M.S., Elementary Education and Linguistics, North Texas State University, Denton, August 1982 Title of Master's Thesis: The Effect of Teacher Participation in Writing Assignments on Children's Attitudes Towards Writing and on Children's Abilities to Write B.A., Stephens College, Columbia, Missouri, May 1977 Graduated from Tates Creek Senior High School, Lexington, Kentucky, January 1973

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SPECIALIZED TRAINING/CONTINUING EDUCATION Sacred Money Archetypes® Coach Certification, International Association of Women in Coaching (IAWC), completed August 2013. Higher Ground Leadership® Coach Certification, The Secretan Center and Coachville.com, completed April 2013. Money Breakthrough Method® Coach Certification, International Association of Women in Business Coaching (IAWBC), completed January 2011. Weekly teleseminars and webinars on a variety of topics (plus attendance at conferences) – ongoing and too numerous to list here ; suffice it to say hundreds as of October 2013. “Work/Life Issues in Academe: Constructing Lives of Purpose and Balance,” Colloquium on the Changing Professoriate, Michigan State University, Lansing (MI), September 2008 “Coaching Entrepreneurs I,” (4 CCEUs) University of Texas at Dallas, University of Texas at Dallas, School of Management, Executive and Professional Coaching Program, August 2008 “The Art of Partnering with Your Client,” (4 CCEUs) University of Texas at Dallas, School of Management, Executive and Professional Coaching Program, November 2007 “Emergenetics,” City of Reno Manager & Supervisor Toolkit, offered by Amplitude, LLC, September 2007 “Getting Things Done,” David Allen Company, Seatte (WA), November 2006 “Emergenetics,” City of Reno Manager & Supervisor Toolkit, offered by Amplitude, LLC, September 2006 “The Business of Coaching,” CoachVille 3rd Annual Conference, Orlando (FL), June 2004 Enfish Certification Training, Hemphill Productivity Institute, December 2003 Seminar, “Let’s Talk Patents, Trademarks, & Copyrights,” A Rocket Science Press Seminar, Reno (NV), March 2003 Seminar, “Developing the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People,” Franklin Covey, San Francisco (CA), December 2002 Certification, “Focus—Achieving Your Highest Priorities,” Franklin Covey, November 2002 Certification, “Paper Tiger Authorized Consultant Program,” Barbara Hemphill & Associates, Concord (CA), October 2002

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Seminar, “Creative Training Techniques I” (with Bob Pike), The Bob Pike Group, San Antonio (TX), June 2002 Workshop, “On the Brink of a Book,” National Speakers Association, Phoenix, AZ, April 2002 Faculty Development, “Designing a Course with WebCT,” Excellence in Teaching Program/Teaching and Learning Technologies, University of Nevada, Reno, May 2001 Faculty Development, “Web Page Design,” Excellence in Teaching Program/Teaching and Learning Technologies, University of Nevada, Reno, February 2001 Certification Workshop, “What Matters Most for Palm Computing Organizers,” Franklin Covey, Salt Lake City, August – September 2000 Certification Workshop, “What Matters Most,” Franklin Covey, Salt Lake City, August 2000 Workshop, “What Matters Most,” Franklin Covey, Reno, April 2000 Faculty Development, “Why Don’t They Learn Like I Do? An Exploration of Teaching and Learning Styles,” Excellence in Teaching Program, University of Nevada, Reno, March 2000 Faculty Development, “Webcourse Design Workshop,” Excellence in Teaching Program, University of Nevada, Reno, February – May 2000 Public Information Resources, Inc., “Learning and the Brain: Using Brain Research to Reshape Classroom Practice,” Boston, November 1999 American Productivity & Quality Center, “Faculty Instructional Development: Supporting Faculty Use of Technology in Teaching: Best Practices,” Houston, November 1998 Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development Conference on Teaching and Learning: The Assessment-Instruction Connection, Orlando, FL, October 1997 Western Workshop, National Speakers Association, Los Angeles, February 1997 Western Workshop, National Speakers Association, San Francisco, February 1996 “Project Management,” Fred Pryor Seminars, Reno, November 1995 “Syllabus ‘95: The Use of Technology in the Curriculum,” Sonoma State University (CA), July 1995 “Training the Trainer,” Fred Pryor Seminars, Reno, November 1994 “Directions for Classroom Research in Literacy,” sponsored by the National Council of Teachers of English Assembly on Research, Chicago, February 20-22, 1987 Updated 10.20.13

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“Cultural Literacy and Reading,” Federation of North Texas Area Universities Educational Institute, Dallas, February 24-28, 1986 [directed by Shirley Brice Heath, Stanford University] “Ethnography of School Learning and Teaching,” American Educational Research Association Winter Training Institute, Orlando, January 20-22, 1986 [directed by Frederick Erickson, Michigan State University] PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYMENT President and Founder, Emphasis on Excellence, Inc., a workshop, coaching, and consulting company, Reno, NV, 1995 to present Professor & Founding Director, Excellence in Teaching Program (Emerita), granted December 2003, University of Nevada, Reno Founding Director, Excellence in Teaching Program, a unit of the Office of the Provost, University of Nevada, Reno, May 1998 through December 2003 Faculty Fellow, Project Learning Links, College of Education, University of Nevada, Reno, 2001 Professor, Reading/Language Arts and Gifted Education, University of Nevada, Reno, promotion effective July 1, 1996 (Graduate Faculty) Special assignment from Vice President for Academic Affairs office during the 1997-98 school year: determine interest and need for a faculty teaching/learning center on campus (½-time assignment) Academic Project Director, Secondary Literacy Cohort Master’s Degree Program, funded through SB 204, distance education program presented in conjunction with on-campus program, Spring 1996-Spring 1999 Associate Professor (with tenure), Reading/Language Arts and Gifted Education, University of Nevada, Reno, July 1, 1991 to present (Graduate Faculty; November 1988 to 2003 when I became professor emerita) Awarded Faculty Development Leave for 1995-96 academic year Special courses/programs taught outside the department: THE WAVE, for incoming university freshmen (Transitioning into Higher Education/Widening Access Via Experience), Summer 1996 THE WAVE, for incoming university freshmen, Summer 1995 THE WAVE Pilot Program, for incoming university freshmen, Summer 1994 ENGL 102/University Seminar Pilot Program, Fall 1993 Updated 10.20.13

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Courses taught in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction: CI 207: CI 300: CI 468: CI 469: CI 602: CI 604: CI 607: CI 608: CI 621: CI 666: CI 683: CI 683: CI 687: CI 687: CI 687: CI 687: CI 715: CI 771: CI 772: CI 773: CI 791:

“Exploration of Children’s Literature” “Teaching Reading and Language Arts in the Elementary School” “Teaching Reading and Language Arts in the Lower Elementary Grades” “Teaching Reading and Language Arts in the Upper Elementary Grades” “Reading and Language Arts in the Lower Elementary Grades” “Reading and Writing in the Secondary School” “Book Selection for Children” “Book Selection for Young Adults” “Teaching Reading to Older Students” “Foundations of Literacy” “Vocabulary Development/Word Study” “Developing a Teaching Portfolio” “Special Topics: Reading and Writing in Mathematics “Special Topics: Content Area Reading/Writing” “Special Topics: Reading for Gifted Students” “Special Topics: Teaching Gifted Students in the Regular Classroom” “Education of the Gifted” “Seminar in Elementary Education: Metacognition” “Curriculum Development in Gifted Education” “Seminar in Secondary Education: Advanced Secondary Reading” “Special Topics in Curriculum & Instruction/Research”

Assistant Professor, Reading/Language Arts and Gifted Education, University of Nevada, Reno, August 1988 to June 30, 1991 (Graduate Faculty); Acting Program Head, Reading and Language Arts, Fall 1989 Adjunct instructor, East Texas State University, Alternative Certification Program (Dallas I.S.D.), Secondary School Reading/Reading in the Content Areas for Mathematics teachers, Summer 1988 North Texas State University/Meadows Excellence in Teaching Program, Graduate Fellow, June 1984May 1988 Adjunct instructor, Division of Early Childhood, Elementary, and Reading Education, North Texas State University, Fall 1984 through Spring 1988. Adjunct instructor, Division of Secondary Education, North Texas State University, Spring 1985 through Spring 1988. Teacher, ORACLE Program (Optimum Reading, Attention, Comprehension, Learning Efficiency), Southern Methodist University Reading Center, Summer 1985, Summer 1986, Summer 1987

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English, History, Analytical Reading and Reasoning classroom teacher, Talented and Gifted Magnet High School, Dallas (Texas) Independent School District, January 1983-May 1984 Third grade self-contained remedial classroom teacher, Dallas (Texas) Independent School District, 1981-January 1983 Third grade self-contained classroom teacher, Dallas (Texas) Independent School District, 1980-1981 Taught graduate course on teaching students how to write, Northeast Missouri State University, Kirksville, Summer 1980 Designed and conducted an eight week writing course for students, grades four through nine, Jefferson City, Summer 1980 Second grade and fifth grade Language Arts teacher, Jefferson City (Missouri) Public Schools, 1977-1980 Title I Remedial Reading and Mathematics teacher, Jefferson City (Missouri) Public Schools, Summer 1979 Title I Remedial Reading and Mathematics teacher, Columbia (Missouri) Public Schools, Summer 1977, 1978

PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS/AFFILIATIONS International Association of Coaches (member since 2004) International Association of Women in Business Coaching (charter member; 2010) National Speakers Association (Professional Member since 1996) Nevada Women’s Fund Membership Council (member since 2008) The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi (member since 1985) WIN – Western Industrial Nevada (member since 2012) PUBLICATIONS BOOKS Lyons, Richard, McIntosh, Meggin, and Kysilka, Marcella. (2003). Teaching College in an Age of Accountability, Boston: Allyn & Bacon.

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Margaret E. McIntosh and Roni Jo Draper, Write Starts: 101 Learning Logs for the Mathematics Classroom, (1997). Dale Seymour Publications. M. Jean Greenlaw and Margaret E. McIntosh, Educating the Gifted: A Sourcebook, (1988). Chicago: American Library Association. CHAPTERS/APPENDICES/CONTRIBUTIONS IN BOOKS McIntosh, Meggin (2009). Foreword. In Cunningham, Gini, The New Teacher’s Companion: Practical Wisdom for Succeeding in the Classroom (pp. ix – xi). Alexandria, VA: ASCD. McIntosh, M. E., & Draper, R. J. (2004). Questions to ask yourself while planning an engaging mathematics lesson. In M. F. Chappell, J. Choppin, & J. Salls (Eds.), Empowering the beginning teacher of mathematics: High School (p. 16). Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Draper, R. J., & McIntosh, M. E. (2004). Using learning logs in mathematics classrooms. In M. F. Chappell, J. Choppin, & J. Salls (Eds.), Empowering the beginning teacher of mathematics: High School (p. 24). Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Appendix, “549 Writing Formats,” in Susan D. Lenski and Jerry L. Johns, Improving Writing: Resources, Strategies, and Assessments, 2000, pp. 266-269. M. Jean Greenlaw and Margaret E. McIntosh, "Science Fiction and Fantasy in the Reading Program," in Bernice E. Cullinan (ed.), Children's Literature in the Reading Program, Newark, Delaware: International Reading Association, 1987, pp. 111-120. PUBLICATIONS (SUBSCRIPTION) “Just Whelmed Wee Weekly Workshop Program” – especially for academic women and subscribed to by professionals around the globe; www.JustWhelmed.com (July 2011 to the present). “Staying Positive Personal Workshop Program,” subscribed to by professionals around the globe; www.StayingPositiveinaFreakedOutWorld.com (September 2009 to present). “Third Thursday Productivity Time,” Monthly recording and materials sent to subscribers throughout the world (April 2009 – January 2010) http://www.toptenproductivitytips.com. “I Want to Be Just Whelmed,” Weekly ezine sent to subscribers throughout the world, www.JustWhelmed.com (January 2008 – June 2011) “Keys to Keeping Chaos at Bay,” Weekly ezine sent to subscribers throughout the world, www.KeepingChaosatBay.com (December 2006 to the present).

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“Top Ten Productivity Tips,” Weekly ezine sent to subscribers throughout the world; www.TopTenProductivityTips.com (started in December 2005). This offering has expanded to a total of eight separate series including Top Ten Productivity Tips (TTPT) for Women, TTPT for Writers, TTPT for Professors, TTPT for Women, TTPT for Teachers, TTPT for Principals, and TTPT for Entrepreneurs. COACHING PROGRAMS In addition to individualized coaching, various coaching programs are offered, including: Making a Break for It – Choosing to Leave Academia – Group Coaching Program, http://www.meggin.com/coaching/make-break-academic/ Becoming an Influential and Inspired Leader Individual Coaching Program, http://www.meggin.com/coaching/inspired-leadership-coaching/ Ta-da! Get Your Tele-workshops Up and Running! Group Coaching Program, http://www.meggin.com/coaching/tada-teleworkshop-group-coaching/ Gettin’ Cozy, Calm, and Confident with Your Money Group Coaching Program http://www.meggin.com/coaching/gettin-cozy-money/ VIP Productivity and Positivity Coaching Package VIP Sacred Money Archetypes® Package MEMBERSHIP PROGRAMS Just Whelmed Wee Weekly Workshops: JustWhelmed.com Staying Positive in A Freaked-Out World (SPIAFOW): StayingPositiveInAFreakedOutWorld.com The Life of E’s: http://LifeofEs.com Workshop Business 101: WorkshopBusiness101.com BLOGS For those who want to be “whelmed” instead of over- or underwhelmed; www.JustWhelmedBlog.com For members of the Life of E’s although others are invited, as well; www.LifeofEs.com

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WEBSITES (Selected) http://meggin.com (Primary site) http://GetaPlanGuides.com http://KeepingChaosatBay.com http://TopTenProductivityTips.com http://JustWhelmed.com http://StayingPositiveinaFreakedOutWorld.com VIDEOS (www.MegginonYouTube.com) Top Ten Productivity Tips for Allowing Others to Be Productive on a Plane, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FND3C0bGb0w Pomodoro Technique – Time Management Strategy, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wxw8b43tznk Top Ten Productivity Tips for Hiring a Virtual Assistant, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JfYDt8AhxUw, 2013 Workshop Business 101 - Sharing Slides with Workshop Attendees, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jc9hkajrbVU, 2013 Entrepreneurs - Use Teleseminars as a Business Strategy, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KjdawRplHn8, 2013 Workshop Business 101 - Tips for Using Elance, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iEINIZzFZQo, 2013 Top Ten Productivity Tips for Entrepreneurs - People to Have on Your Team, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pd4XncTZgww, 2013 Workshop Business 101 - Teaching from published curriculum, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qLAiyJhgLBc, 2013 Workshop Business 101 - Intro & Enrolling Conversations, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ye0TihzIMmw, 2013 Ways to Say "No", http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nrLHad_tyYk, 2013 Workshop Business 101 - Pricing for Your Value Not Your Time, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d644M3AfkzQ, 2013 Workshop Business 101 - Finding out the problems you can help people with, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SSNPcnQ6L0o, 2013 Updated 10.20.13

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Workshop Business 101 - F2F or Tele or Web- Choosing What is Best, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDSk4U_mFoQ, 2013 Workshop Business 101 - Workshop Lengths & Breaks, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pAUbox7n-z4, 2013 Workshop Business 101 - Why So Many Domain Names?, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Arh2yW_qSOk, 2013 Top Ten Productivity Tips for Using a Planner, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hTzyr_QvvA4, 2013 Workshop Business 101 - Mixing F2F with Tele and Web Options, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RjX8MHjV1AE, 2013 Putting Pockets in Your Personal Life - 01, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cYyOXinQimc, 2013 Top Ten Productivity Tips for Keeing a Time Log, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ndtwXj2yW34, 2013 Putting Pockets in Your Personal Life - Financial Pockets, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uNb9COVJjGY, 2013

CURRICULUM PUBLICATIONS/OTHER PUBLICATIONS 500+ Writing Prompts, http://www.meggin.com/pumpernickel-publishing/, 2013 The Compendium of Productivity Tips for Professors, www.ProductivityTipsforProfessors.com, 2012 Top Ten Productivity Tips – The Collection http://toptenproductivitytips.com/thecollection.php, 2012 Contributor - Too Much on Your Plate? 70 Tips for Taking Charge of Your Life http://www.meggin.com/publications/tips-booklets/too-much-on-your-plate/, 2011 Putting Pockets in Your Personal Life: 52 Tips to Implement Immediately http://www.meggin.com/publications/tips-booklets/putting-pockets-in-your-personal-life/, 2011 Putting Pockets in Your Professional Life: 52 Tips to Implement Immediately http://www.meggin.com/publications/tips-booklets/putting-pockets-in-your-professional-life/, 2011 Put Time & Energy Pockets* into Your Life: 52 Tips for Teachers http://www.meggin.com/publications/tips-booklets/put-time-energy-pockets-into-your-life/, 2011 Teaching Tool: 1001 Descriptors for Vocabulary Development, Characterization, Writing, and Warm-Up Activities, Pumpernickel Publishing, 2009 Updated 10.20.13

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Teaching Tool: Team Teaching – Instrument re Key Concerns, Pumpernickel Publishing, 2008 Teaching Tool: Learned Helplessness Questionnaire and Checklist, Pumpernickel Publishing, 2008 Teaching Tool: 50+ Fabulous Prompts for Writing Activities and Assessments, Pumpernickel Publishing, 2008 Curriculum materials, An Integrated Language Arts Unit on The Giver, (e-book), Pumpernickel Publishing, 2007. Curriculum materials, Learning Logs for the Content Area Classroom, (e-book) Pumpernickel Publishing, 2007 Curriculum materials, 80 Alternatives to Book Reports, (e-book) Pumpernickel Publishing, 2006 Curriculum materials, 50 Questions to Ask About Any Novel, (e-book) Pumpernickel Publishing, 2006 Curriculum materials, Learning Logs for Subs, (e-book) Pumpernickel Publishing, 2006 Cassette Tape set, “Effective Time & Paper Management for School Administrative Teams,” 1998, Emphasis on Excellence, Inc. Blackline masters, Read Faster/Comprehend More: How to Do It and How to Teach It, 1996, Emphasis on Excellence, Inc. Assessment, Margaret E. McIntosh and D. LaMont Johnson, Key Concerns in Team Teaching Rating Scale, Educational Testing Service Test Collection and Tests in Microfiche, February 1995. Blackline masters, An Integrated Language Arts Unit on The Giver, 1995, Emphasis on Excellence, Inc. Blackline masters, Vocabulary and Concept Development in Geometry: A Study of Greek and Latin Word Roots, 1994, Emphasis on Excellence, Inc. Blackline masters, Literature-Based Writing, 1993, Emphasis on Excellence, Inc. Blackline masters, Learning Logs for Classroom Teachers and Substitute Teachers, 1992, Emphasis on Excellence, Inc. Blackline masters, Margaret E. McIntosh, Teaching Characterization, with a Special Look at Strong Female Protagonists, Palo Alto, CA: Dale Seymour Publications, 1988. Blackline masters, M. Jean Greenlaw and Margaret E. McIntosh, Metaphor: The Language of Magic, Palo Alto, CA: Dale Seymour Publications, 1988.

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Get a Plan! Guide® Publications Get-a-Plan Guide®, Meggin McIntosh, Get-a-Plan! Guide® to Waayy Better Meetings, Emphasis on Excellence, Inc., 2012 Get-a-Plan Guide®, Meggin McIntosh, Get-a-Plan! Guide® Thwarting Time Thieves, Emphasis on Excellence, Inc., 2012 Get-a-Plan Guide®, Meggin McIntosh, Get-a-Plan! Guide® to De-Clutter & De-stress: A Dozen Ways to Decrease Your Clutter and Decrease Your Stress, Emphasis on Excellence, Inc., 2012 Get-a-Plan Guide®, Meggin McIntosh, Get-a-Plan! Guide® to Codes to Use When You Are Completely Overwhelmed, Emphasis on Excellence, Inc., 2011 Get-a-Plan Guide®, Meggin McIntosh, Get-a-Plan! Guide® to Dealing with and Deflecting Distractions, Emphasis on Excellence, Inc., 2010 Get-a-Plan Guide®, Meggin McIntosh, Get-a-Plan! Guide® to Networking, Emphasis on Excellence, Inc., 2010 Get-a-Plan Guide®, Meggin McIntosh, Get-a-Plan! Guide® to Postponing Writing Procrastination, Emphasis on Excellence, Inc., 2010 Get-a-Plan Guide®, Meggin McIntosh, Get-a-Plan! Guide® to Ridding Your Workspace of Clutter, Emphasis on Excellence, Inc., 2010 Get-a-Plan Guide®, Meggin McIntosh, Get-a-Plan! Guide® to Deliberately Designing Your Professional Presence, Emphasis on Excellence, Inc., 2010 Get-a-Plan Guide®, Meggin McIntosh, Get-a-Plan! Guide® to Writing Better, Faster, and (Yes!), Writing More Easily: Tools, Tricks, Tips, Techniques, Tactics (& More) for Propelling Your Writing Productivity, Emphasis on Excellence, Inc., 2010 Get-a-Plan Guide®, Meggin McIntosh, Get-a-Plan! Guide® to Seven Sane and Sensible Email Practices…So You Control Your Email Instead of It Controlling You, Emphasis on Excellence, Inc., 2010 Staying Positive in a Freaked-Out World Publications Staying Positive in a Freaked-Out World Series, Meggin McIntosh, Which Tense Do You Inhabit? A Personal Workshop to Help You Stay Positive and Productivity (Even If Others Around You Are Not), Emphasis on Excellence, Inc., 2013

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MAGAZINE/PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS/ARTICLES Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Deliberately Designing Your Professional Presence So You Can Get a Job – and Be Regarded as a Professional Educator,” 2013 AAEE (American Association for Employment in Education) Job Search Handbook for Educators, 47th Annual Edition, pp. 22-23. Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Deliberately Designing Your Professional Presence So You Can Get a Job – and Be Regarded as a Professional Educator,” 2012 AAEE (American Association for Employment in Education) Job Search Handbook for Educators, 46th Annual Edition, pp. __. Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Deliberately Designing Your Professional Presence So You Can Get a Job – and Be Regarded as a Professional Educator,” 2011 AAEE (American Association for Employment in Education) Job Search Handbook for Educators, 45th Annual Edition, pp. 13 – 14. Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Deliberately Designing Your Professional Presence So You Can Get a Job – and Be Regarded as a Professional Educator,” 2010 AAEE (American Association for Employment in Education) Job Search Handbook for Educators, 44th Annual Edition, pp. 30 – 31. Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Deliberately Designing Your Professional Presence,” San Diego Statement: Newsletter of the National Association of Professional Organizers – San Diego Chapter, April 2009, Vol 2: 12. Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Clean Up and Clear Out the Old Email Backlog in Your Inbox,” inSite Housing, Hospitality, and Health Services, Fall 2008, Issue 8. Article, Margaret E. McIntosh and Roni Jo Draper, “Using Learning Logs in Mathematics: Writing to Learn,” Mathematics Teacher, 94, October 2001, pp. 554-557. Article, Margaret E. McIntosh, “Formative Assessment in Mathematics,” The Clearing House, 71, November/December 1997, pp. 92-96. Article, “Margaret E. McIntosh, “Communicating Mathematically: Introduction,” The Clearing House, 71, September/October 1997, pp. 7-8 (I was guest editor for this issue). Article, “Margaret E. McIntosh, “Guide Students to Better Comprehension of Word Problems,” The Clearing House, 71, September/October 1997, pp. 26-32. Article, Margaret E. McIntosh , “500+ Writing Activities for the Middle School Mathematics Classroom,” Mathematics Teaching in the Middle Grades, March 1997, pp. (partially reprinted in Factorial, Winter 1997, Vol. 29, No. 2, 16+. Article, Margaret E. McIntosh and Roni Jo Draper, “Logging on Daily,” Writing Teacher, November 1996, pp. 26-29 Article, Margaret E. McIntosh , “Families: Children’s First Writing Teachers,” Writing Teacher, 10, September 1996, pp. 6-7. Updated 10.20.13

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Article, Margaret E. McIntosh, “Time Management for Teachers,” Instructor Magazine, August 1996, pp. 74-75 Article, Margaret E. McIntosh and Roni Jo Draper, “Using the Question-Answer Relationship Strategy to Improve Students' Reading of Mathematics Texts,” Clearing House, 69, January/February 1996, pp. 154-162. Article, Margaret E. McIntosh and Roni Jo Draper, “Applying the Question-Answer Relationship Strategy in Mathematics,” Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy (formerly Journal of Reading), 39, October 1995, pp. 120-131. Interview, Margaret E. McIntosh , “Steve and Susan Tchudi Respond to the Question: Why Write?” Writing Teacher, 9, Fall 1995, pp. 3-6. Article, Margaret E. McIntosh, “Poetry for Children,” Writing Teacher, 8, May 1995, pp. 23, 26-28. Article, Margaret E. McIntosh, "Word Roots in Geometry?” Mathematics Teacher, 87, October 1994, pp. 510-515. Article, Margaret E. McIntosh and LaMont Johnson, “An Instrument to Facilitate Communication About Key Concerns for Team Teachers,” Clearing House, 67, January/February 1994, pp. 152-154. Article, Margaret E. McIntosh and Donald R. Bear, “Directed Reading-Thinking Activities to Promote Learning through Reading in Mathematics,” Clearing House, 67, September/ October 1993, pp. 40-44. Article, Martha Combs and Margaret E. McIntosh, “Teachers in Transition: Dilemmas We Face As We Challenge Our Histories,” Contemporary Issues in Reading, Spring 1993, pp. 115-122. Article, Margaret E. McIntosh, “An Interview with Shane Templeton,” Writing Teacher, January/February 1993. Article, Margaret E. McIntosh and Susan Vaughn, “Extra! Extra! Special Supplement to the Clearing House News: Unit Resource Notebooks Put Teachers in a Bind(er),” Clearing House, 66, September/October 1992, pp. 19-21. Article, Margaret E. McIntosh and Donald R. Bear, “Successfully Attracting Rural Teachers to Participate in a Master's Degree Program—Offered in Their Own Backyard,” The Reading Professor, Fall 1991, 14-19. Article, Margaret E. McIntosh, “No Time for Writing in Your Class?” Mathematics Teacher, 84, September 1991, pp. 423-433. [portions reprinted in Mathematical Ideas, 7th ed, HarperCollins, 1994]

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Article, Margaret E. McIntosh, “Can Reading and Writing Be Nourishing? Sure They Can When the Topic is Food!” Writing Teacher, April/May 1991, pp. Article, Margaret E. McIntosh, “'Don't be a sit-down, shut-up kind of teacher!' Letters to Future Teachers from Current High School Students,” The Clearing House, 64, March/April 1991, 243245. Article, Margaret E. McIntosh, “Teaching a Unit Resource Notebook in the Secondary/Content Area Reading and Writing Methods Class,” The Reading Professor, 12, Fall 1990, 26-31. Article reprint, Margaret E. McIntosh and M. Jean Greenlaw, "Fostering the Post-Secondary Aspirations of Gifted Urban Minority Students," from Roeper Review, in Sandra L. Berger (Ed.), Flyer File on Gifted Students, ERIC/CEC, 1990. Article, Donald Bear and Margaret E. McIntosh, "Directed Reading-Thinking Activities: Four Activities to Promote Thinking and Study Habits in Social Studies," The Social Studies, October 1990, 54, 385-388. Article, Margaret E. McIntosh, "Using Children's Literature with Middle School Readers," Focus: Teaching English Language Arts, Spring 1989, 15, 55-60. [The entire issue went through a refereeing process at NCTEnglish and is distributed by the Council]. Article, Margaret E. McIntosh, "'If I Were in Charge of the World' and Other Poems to Stimulate Writing," Writing Teacher, April/May 1989, 2, 41-43. Article, Margaret E. McIntosh, "Kindergarten: Journey to a Foreign Country," Educating Able Learners: Discovering and Nurturing Talent, January/February 1989, 14, 5,10. Article, Margaret E. McIntosh, "Gifted Children in Literature: Good Reading for Able Learners," Challenge, January/February 1989, 7, 50-52. Article, Margaret E. McIntosh and M. Jean Greenlaw, "Ladies First: Teaching Characterization through Strong Female Protagonists in High Fantasy Literature," The ALAN Review, Winter 1988, 15, 47-50. Article, Margaret E. McIntosh, "Helping Students Assess Their Own Creative Reading Behavior," Gifted Child Today, March/April 1988, 11, 53-54. Article, Margaret E. McIntosh and M. Jean Greenlaw, "Predictable Books for Preschool Gifted," Gifted Child Today, November/December 1987, 10, pp. 16-20 Article, Margaret E. McIntosh, "Investigating Language in Young Children," Gifted Students Institute Quarterly, Fourth Quarter 1987, 12, pp. cover, 4-5. Article, M. Jean Greenlaw and Margaret E. McIntosh, "Metaphor: The Language of Magic," The Clearing House, December 1986, 60, pp. 161-165. Updated 10.20.13

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Article, Margaret E. McIntosh and M. Jean Greenlaw, "Fostering the Post-Secondary Aspirations of Gifted Urban Minority Students," Roeper Review, November 1986, 9, pp. 104-107. Article, B. DeLin DuBois and Margaret E. McIntosh, "Reading Aloud to Students in Secondary History Classes," The Social Studies, September/October 1986, 77, pp. 210-213. Article, Margaret E. McIntosh, "An Ethnographic Study of the Metalinguistic Awareness of Young Children," Gifted Students Institute Quarterly, Fourth Quarter 1986, 9, pp. 5-6+. Article, Margaret E. McIntosh, "Enhancing Readers' Analysis by Synthesis Abilities," Reading-CanadaLecture, Fall 1986, 4, pp. 171-176. Article, M. Jean Greenlaw and Margaret E. McIntosh, "Literature for Use with Gifted Children," Childhood Education, March/April 1986, 62, pp. 281-286. Article, Margaret E. McIntosh, "Critical and Creative Reading for High School Students Using Kurt Vonnegut's "Harrison Bergeron"," The ALAN Review, Spring 1986, 13, pp. 68-70+. Article, Margaret E. McIntosh, "Inference Research: Lessons for Practitioners," The Education Digest, December 1985, 51, pp. 54-56. Article, M. Jean Greenlaw and Margaret E. McIntosh, "Good Books for Gifted Readers," Tempo, Spring 1985, 5, pp. 14, 25-26. Article, Margaret E. McIntosh, "What Do Practitioners Need to Know About Current Inference Research?" The Reading Teacher, April 1985, 38, pp. 755-761. Article, Margaret E. McIntosh, "Reading Instruction for Gifted Secondary Students," Centering Teacher Education, August 1984, 1, pp. 19-21. Article, Margaret E. McIntosh, "Oh, Greetings and Readings: Using Lloyd Alexander's Chronicles of Prydain to Teach Creative and Critical Reading," Challenge, September-October 1983, 2, pp. 3336. MAGAZINE/PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS/TEACHING IDEAS Teaching idea, Margaret E. McIntosh, “Ending with a Bang/Part II,” The Teaching Professor, 9, June/July 1995, p 6. Teaching idea, Margaret E. McIntosh, “Idea Exchange: Making the Best Out of a Bad Situation: A Writing Stimulus for a Terrible Day,” Writing Teacher, 1, December/January 1987/1988, pp. 45-46. Teaching idea, Margaret E. McIntosh, “Idea Exchange: A Dried Pea: Using Direct Experience to Stimulate Writing,” Writing Teacher, 1, December/January 1987/1988, 43-44.

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Teaching idea, Margaret E. McIntosh, "Idea Exchange: Turning Your Students Into "Jolly Letter Writers," Writing Teacher, 1, October/ November 1987, p. 45. Teaching idea, Margaret E. McIntosh, "Short and Snappy: Answering Questions About Words," Livewire, October 1986, pp. 11-12. Numerous teaching ideas published in Good Apple, Learning, Teacher, and Instructor magazines, and by the Continental Press, 1978-1982 ON-LINE PUBLICATIONS/ARTICLES Note: Essentially all of the on-line publications are picked up and republished on sites throughout the world; the links below are to the blog or article directory where they were first published. Article, Meggin McIntosh, “A Dozen Best Practices for Using a “Tickler” File,” http://www.clearconceptinc.ca/2013/05/a-dozen-best-practices-for-using-a-tickler-file/ (May 2013). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Dealing with Perfectionism,” Clear Concept, http://www.clearconceptinc.ca/2013/01/dealing-with-perfectionism/ (January 2013). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “CALM Down: This Message is for You If You Feel Crazed, Frantic, and Outof-Control,” Clear Concept, http://www.clearconceptinc.ca/2012/12/calm-down-this-message-isfor-you-if-you-feel-crazed-frantic-and-out-of-control/ (December 2012). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Design a Memorable Meeting,” Clear Concept, http://www.clearconceptinc.ca/2012/11/design-a-memorable-meeting/ (November 2012). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Creating an Operations Manual So You Can Easily and Confidently Delegate Tasks,” Clear Concept, http://www.clearconceptinc.ca/2011/06/creating-an-operations-manualso-you-can-easily-and-confidently-delegate-tasks/ (June 2011). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “5 Essential Steps for Clearing Up Your Money Clutter,” http://bit.ly/hn8KNa (Feb 2011). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “5 Ways to Clean Up Your Money Clutter,” http://bit.ly/gnLJ5f (Feb 2011). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Organizing Your Digital Files - Ways to Get Started,” http://bit.ly/hs1OSr (Dec 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors - Are You a Perfectionist? What Is It Costing You?” http://bit.ly/hkv4DA (Dec 2010).

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Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Pay Attention to Language - What Are the "Orange Cone" Words for You,” http://bit.ly/fCiWat (Dec 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “10 Tips for Forming a New Habit - So You Can Be Peacefully, Predictably Productive,” http://bit.ly/fN7PLd (Dec 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “10 Tips for Eliciting Extraordinary Efforts From Your Students,” http://bit.ly/h26CPO (Dec 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Leadership - What Does It Take? An Acronym to Share With Student Leaders (and School Colleagues)” http://bit.ly/fCcJ9m (Dec 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Schedule, Planner, and To-Do List Completed Overloaded? It's Time to Clear Out 20% or More,” http://bit.ly/eInOnA (Dec 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “10 Tips for Creating a Speaking Agreement - When You Don't Want Any Surprises,” http://bit.ly/fJ8K7C (Dec 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Rescheduling or Canceling Appointments or Other Commitments - Use This Powerful Phrase,” http://bit.ly/f6KmvK (Dec 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Is Your Calendar Crammed? How Can You Make More Room to Get More Done?” http://bit.ly/gKh27V (Dec 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Heeding Road Closure Signs - Wisdom for You and Your Business,” http://bit.ly/goI9iO (Dec 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Finding Creative Solutions to Business Challenges - Use Graphic and Sensory Prompts,” http://bit.ly/i4bltC (Dec 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Money Clutter Is Costing Your Business - Get Some Issues Resolved,” http://bit.ly/fifnUP (Dec 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Questions to Ask Yourself If You Want to Increase Your Productivity - Your Business, Your Life,” http://bit.ly/i5NCnS (Dec 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Avoid Getting Behind in Your Grading - Plan Smart Before the Semester Even Starts,” http://bit.ly/dIHiee (Dec 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Slow Down During This Holiday Season - And Live Better Now So You Can Be Around for Another Holiday,” http://bit.ly/eJK0My (Dec 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Problems in Your Business? Remember, You Can't Steer a Parked Car - Get Some Forward Motion,” http://bit.ly/dRd9O3 (Dec 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors - Avoid Getting Behind in Your Grading,” http://bit.ly/h91Kbp (Dec 2010). Updated 10.20.13

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Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Taking a Bold Action - Could You Then Be More Productive? Would You Feel More Alive in Your Life?” http://bit.ly/eDsjkS (Dec 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Creatively Generate Solutions to Troublesome Issues (Whether You Think You Are Creative or Not)” http://bit.ly/gS01z1 (Dec 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Stressed Out? Overwhelmed? Do You Need to Yield? What Will Happen If You Do?” http://bit.ly/fc4Tm8 (Dec 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Creativity - First You Have to Pose Great Questions to Get Great Answers,” http://bit.ly/gw5LKQ (Dec 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Creativity - What's Required of You If You Really Want to Find Creative Solutions to Your Problems,” http://bit.ly/gjxyWz (Dec 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Creativity - Do You Consider Yourself Creative? How Do You Know?” http://bit.ly/fC7Xmf (Dec 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Women - Look the Part and Increase Your Productivity,” http://bit.ly/ebAOix (Dec 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “6 More Strategies to Get Positive Student Evaluations,” http://bit.ly/fjMPCb (Nov 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Women - Pay Attention to the Details and Increase Your Productivity,” http://bit.ly/edKAad (Nov 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Be More Productive By Downshifting Your Responsiveness - Counter Intuitive Until You Think About It,” http://bit.ly/g9lZ1b (Nov 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “5 Tips for Getting Great Student Evaluations,” http://bit.ly/esG3tM (Nov 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Allowing Others on a Plane to Be Productive,” http://bit.ly/hiPmRH (Nov 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors - Help Your Students Get to Know One Another and Improve the Learning Environment,” http://bit.ly/hzNCs1 (Nov 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Writers: Downshift Your Responsiveness When You Work at Home,” http://bit.ly/dLWtIN (Nov 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Tips for Air Travelers To Give Out to Others,” http://bit.ly/fkHUtX (Nov 2010).

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Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Caring for Aging Parents - While Still Caring for Yourself,” http://bit.ly/fwvPda (Nov 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Step-By-Step Directions for Using the Whole Book DR-TA (Directed Reading-Thinking Activity),” http://bit.ly/eqNWUM (Nov 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Reading-Study Strategies for Students - The Whole Book DR-TA (Directed Reading-Thinking Activity),” http://bit.ly/8XQyBz (Nov 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Who Are The Most Productive Professors You Know? Learn From Your Colleagues,” http://bit.ly/abNYTx (Nov 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Interviewing and Hiring a Virtual Assistant - What You Want to Hear From Your Prospective VA,” http://bit.ly/hdMeuJ (Nov 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Learning From Productive Faculty Members Who Manage Their Space, Time, and/or Life,” http://bit.ly/eMQv4p (Nov 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Writers - Have You Been Using Mindmapping, Yet? Why Mindmapping Is A Great Alternative to Outlining,” http://bit.ly/9ZA6Lh (Nov 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Writing in Your "Third Place" - Coffee Shop, Restaurant, Hotel Lobby, Library, Or Another Place,” http://bit.ly/eJj6A9 (Nov 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Using Mindmapping As a Writer - 5 Reasons Why Mindmapping Helps You More Than Outlining,” http://bit.ly/gfqfv9 (Nov 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Learning From Academic Colleagues Who Productively Manage Aspects of the Faculty Life,” http://bit.ly/gByyxE (Nov 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “5 Tips to Start Clearing Out Your Money Clutter,” http://bit.ly/gJSueZ (Nov 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “10 Simple Steps for Creating the Operations Manual for Yourself, Your Job, and Your Organization,” http://bit.ly/h6hIeX (Nov 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Time Management? How About Making Good Use of Your Time? Get Tips and Ideas From These Books,” http://bit.ly/hbYsqd (Oct 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Books to Help You Increase Your Productivity,” http://bit.ly/9fTAcU (Oct 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Interruptions - Implement These Changes and Decrease the Disruption,” http://bit.ly/bjgjzr (Oct 2010).

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Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Technology Tips You Won't Want to Procrastinate (Books on Enhancing Your Productivity)” http://bit.ly/bZCikp (Oct 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Determining Your Strengths + Putting Those Strengths to Work for You = Productivity and Profits,” http://bit.ly/9uPVJs (Oct 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Get More Productive With Your Email - Excellent Resource Books,” http://bit.ly/dtKEmr (Oct 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Women - Books to Read to Build Your Commitment to Your Value and Worth,” http://bit.ly/dlFaIX (Oct 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “10 Tips for Getting Started With Mindmapping to Create Plans, Generate New Ideas, and Get Unstuck,” http://bit.ly/9dgVGX (Oct 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “5 Ways to Deal With Interruptions - Incoming Email, Phone Calls, and People,” http://bit.ly/bbK1TR (Oct 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Feeling Overwhelmed? Eliminate the Phrase "Get Caught Up" From Your Vocabulary,” http://bit.ly/9NE7rr (Oct 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors - Assign Numbers to Your Students and Return Assignments Quickly and Easily,” http://bit.ly/ce69OV (Oct 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Reading and Study Strategies for Students - The Table of Contents DR-TA,” http://bit.ly/9dVSxi (Oct 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “7 Steps for Clearing Out Your Money Clutter - Dealing With Your Credit Cards,” http://bit.ly/96tyQ7 (Oct 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “5 Tips for Closing Out - Really Ending - Your Semester in a Productive, Positive Way,” http://bit.ly/auVILh (Oct 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “4 Books Worth Reading to Enhance Your Leadership During Times of Change,” http://bit.ly/bm1DVq (Oct 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “When the Backlog Overwhelms You, What Should You Do?” http://bit.ly/bLqK6w (Oct 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Writing Tools - Books to Help You on Your Writing Journey,” http://bit.ly/bD3ela (Oct 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Reading and Study Strategies for Students: The "No-Book DR-TA" - Directed Reading-Thinking Activity,” http://bit.ly/cqBfAq (Oct 2010).

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Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Reading and Study Strategies for Students - The Table of Contents DR-TA,” http://bit.ly/9dVSxi (Oct 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Feeling Overwhelmed? Do You Know How Much Time You Have Available to Promise (ATP)?” http://bit.ly/aEtkXi (Oct 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Creating a Coupon in 1ShoppingCart (Or Most Other Shopping Cart Systems),” http://bit.ly/cWk5MZ (Oct 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “How to Back Up Google Documents (Google Docs),” http://bit.ly/avToDE (Oct 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Writers: 10 Words You Can Use to Describe Your Writing Time,” http://bit.ly/cAhhi9 (Oct 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “5 Questions to Ask Your Mother (Or Father) Before It Is Too Late,” http://bit.ly/aQFdZZ (Oct 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Seven Suggestions for Productively and Profitably Using Teleseminars in Your Business,” http://bit.ly/as1af9 (Oct 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “5 Tips for Closing Out Your Semester - Peacefully, Productively, and Ready for What's Coming Next!” http://bit.ly/9frvsv (Oct 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Using Teleseminars and Teleconferencing As Part of Your Academic Life,” http://bit.ly/a2vNVj (Oct 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “5 More Questions to Ask Your Mother (Or Your Father) Before It Is Too Late,” http://bit.ly/9eHWXl (Oct 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Overwhelmed Or Underwhelmed? Put Yourself in an Eggshell,” http://bit.ly/c2Vf3o (Oct 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “6 Practices for Proactively Building Relationships on Campus,” http://bit.ly/dxgF1f (Oct 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “10 Tips to Write More and Write More Easily By Using Two Monitors,” http://bit.ly/9DVaRY (Oct 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “4 Tips for Building Relationships - On and Off Campus,” http://bit.ly/adJaSK (Oct 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Are Distractions Adding to Your Overwhelm (and Detracting From Your Sense of Calm and Control)?” http://bit.ly/cfRv2i (Oct 2010).

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Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Overwhelmed? Whatever You Do, Slow It DOWN (I Beg You!),” http://bit.ly/9Qu8ZU (Oct 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Your Attention and Your Energy Are Inextricably Related - So Be Intentional About Your Attention,” http://bit.ly/clLwOe (Oct 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Postponing Writing Procrastination - Starting and Stopping,” http://bit.ly/dCBBUi (Oct 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Overwhelmed? How About Using Goldilocks and the Three Bears As a Model?” http://bit.ly/aPLEI5 (Oct 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Postponing Writing Procrastination - Capturing Ideas,” http://bit.ly/bjY27g (Oct 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Complexity Can Paralyze Us - Are You Overwhelmed by Choices?” http://bit.ly/9iOONs (Oct 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Postponing Writing Procrastination - Is Perfectionism Your Friend?” http://bit.ly/axlCF5 (Oct 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Postponing Writing Procrastination - Get Into a Routine and Remember Why You're Writing,” http://bit.ly/c0t7Z8 (Oct 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Entreprenuers - Start Smart Each Day to Be More Productive, Earn More Money, & Have a Great Day,” http://bit.ly/dc540m (Oct 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “5 Productivity Practices for Your Classroom So That Students Learn More Because You Teach More,” http://bit.ly/aihsa7 (Oct 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors - Questions to Ask Before Accepting a Graduate Student to Mentor and Advise,” http://bit.ly/as9Ms2 (Oct 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “5 Practices to Establish in Your Classroom to Increase Everyone's Peace of Mind,” http://bit.ly/9NVyv4 (Oct 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Working Productively at Your Desk - So You Are Getting Your Work Done and Not Just Messing Around,” http://bit.ly/abzCsZ (Oct 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Writers - Writing When You Are Happy Or Sad & Whatever the Season Smart Or a Way to Procrastinate?” http://bit.ly/bJn9tP (Oct 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Eat Low Fat and Increase Overall Productivity - Easy Snacking,” http://bit.ly/b6nBFa (Oct 2010).

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Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Women As Leaders - Encouragement for Those Who Need to Step It Up But Aren't Sure How to Lead,” http://bit.ly/9zSu2g (Oct 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Writers - Acknowledge Your Writing Rhythms for Increased Productivity,” http://bit.ly/9IAFSL (Oct 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “10 Simple Gestures to Make Connections and Make a Difference in Your Life and Others' Lives,” http://bit.ly/deAn59 (Oct 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Protecting Your Mental Health When Others Are Losing Theirs,” http://bit.ly/9uMGkX (Oct 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “When You Need to Get a Lot of Articles Submitted in a Short Period of Time, Mine Your Inventory,” http://bit.ly/bnAdg1 (Oct 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Tips for Reading, Making Notes, Learning, and Taking Action on What You Are Learning,” http://bit.ly/d3G8Hw (Oct 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Recovering From a Hysterectomy,” http://bit.ly/abMfjY (Oct 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “10 Tips for Hiring a Your First Virtual Assistant - Or For Hiring Your Fifth VA,” http://bit.ly/a9wY2K (Oct 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “5 Tips for Getting Your Make-Up Organized, Decluttered, and Pleasant (And Safe!) to Use,” http://bit.ly/cHDDCf (Oct 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Postponing Writing Procrastination - Working at Your Desk With Your "Seat" in a Chair,” http://bit.ly/bWg8aH (Oct 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Writers: Do You Have Too Many Books? 10 Tips for Clearing the Clutter and Getting More Writing Done,” http://bit.ly/cHTl2t (Oct 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “What If You Need to Publish Many Articles in a Hurry - 5 Tips for Accessing Your Current Inventory,” http://bit.ly/doO9c7 (Oct 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Is Your Bathroom Crammed With Too Many Lotions and Sundries? 6 Tips for Clearing Them Out,” http://bit.ly/bzYnTh (Oct 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Entrepreneurs - Productively Reduce Your Costs - Be Smart in This (Or Any) Economy,” http://bit.ly/btPEuF (Oct 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Making Decisions and Changing Your Life - Making a Significant Or a Subtle Change For the Better,” http://tinyurl.com/2bc6oho (April 2010).

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Article, Meggin McIntosh, “6 Characteristics of the Lion to Consider For Your Own Leadership,” http://tinyurl.com/2fsvwyj (April 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Low Fat Snacks to Maintain Productivity and Focus (and Be Healthier, Too)!” http://tinyurl.com/2cqthse (April 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors - 10 Questions to Ask Your Students the First Day to Show You Care and Help Them Learn,” http://tinyurl.com/2dcmjyr (April 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Are You a Sheep? 8 Characteristics That Sheep (Not Leaders) Exhibit,” http://tinyurl.com/2cycxne (April 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Overwhelmed by Too Many Options - What If You Were Thankful For All These Choices?” http://tinyurl.com/2874rks (April 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Make Decisions That Affect Your Life and Then Make a Plan,” http://tinyurl.com/2ekwojh (April 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “When You're Overwhelmed and Want To Give Up, Should You? Or is it the Beginning of Your Recovery?” http://tinyurl.com/y9yubh2 (March 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “5 Tips For Writing More Productively During Your Editing and Revising Stage,” http://tinyurl.com/ycr3wxs (March 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors - 5 Ways to Take Attendance Quickly and Easily,” http://tinyurl.com/y948s5g (March 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors - Taking Attendance Without Wasting Time and Sometimes Even Encouraging Student Learning,” http://tinyurl.com/y8mzp9k (March 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Increasing, Maintaining, and Protecting Your Emotional Energy So You Can Lower Your Stress Level,” http://tinyurl.com/yhnyzwy (March 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Increase Your Peace, Positivity, and Productivity by Putting "Pockets" in Your Life,” http://tinyurl.com/yaw9g4v (March 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Imagine Calm in Your Life - Purposely Put in Pockets and See What Happens,” http://tinyurl.com/yha9swc (February 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “10 Tips For Getting "Unstuck" When You Are Writing,” http://tinyurl.com/ygz6nol (February 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Minimizing the Effect That Negative People Have on YOU and Making Your Position Clear,” http://tinyurl.com/ycfemd8 (February 2010).

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Article, Meggin McIntosh, “5 Tips For Productively Editing and Revising Your Writing,” http://tinyurl.com/yf4rmog (February 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “10 Tips For Keeping a Time Log to Accurately Chart Your Time, Energy, and Attention,” http://tinyurl.com/yfj9zql (February 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “5 Tips to Move Past the Fear So You Can Get Feedback on Your Writing,” http://tinyurl.com/yfzvkox (February 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “5 Tips For Getting Over the Fear of Sharing Your Writing With Others,” http://tinyurl.com/yhqkhl7 (February 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Making Decisions and Making Changes,” http://tinyurl.com/yakjuen (February 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Ten Tips For Preparing For Times When You Get Sick - Notifying Classes, Colleagues, and Committees,” http://tinyurl.com/yg4vgjm (February 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “3 Questions to Ask and Answer So Your Life Can Be Better by This Time Next Year,” http://tinyurl.com/ykvyuh9 (February 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Use Your Planner's Calendar and Put Pockets in Place to Increase Your Productivity,” http://tinyurl.com/yj9htw2 (February 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Increasing, Maintaining, and Protecting Your Mental Energy So You Can Lower Your Stress Level,” http://tinyurl.com/yzcc6n5 (February 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors - Prepare a Toolkit to Take to Class,” http://tinyurl.com/yzj4xv4 (February 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors - Writing Letters of Recommendation - Be More Responsive and Less Stressed,” http://tinyurl.com/yh7rcmn (February 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “5 Tips For Effective Delegation - Recognize the Possibilities to Be More Productive,” http://tinyurl.com/yl95buw (February 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Delegation - 5 Tips to Effective Delegation,” http://tinyurl.com/yha4h6m (February 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Writing Letters of Recommendation For Students - 5 Tips For Lessening the Procrastination and Stress,” http://tinyurl.com/yjxw82f (February 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Increasing, Maintaining, and Protecting Your Physical Energy So You Can Lower Your Stress Levels,” http://tinyurl.com/yj64l4m (February 2010).

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Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Increasing, Maintaining, and Protecting Your Spiritual Energy So You Can Lower Your Stress Levels,” http://tinyurl.com/yzf48vx (February 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “5 Ways to Save Time, Energy, and Stress When Advising Undergraduates Or Graduate Students,” http://tinyurl.com/ylxmea9 (February 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Multitasking Or Multiminding? Either Way, You Are Not Being Productive,” http://tinyurl.com/ygn3evl (February 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “5 Productive Paths For Professors When Advising Students,” http://tinyurl.com/yjrgfn8 (February 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “10 Productive (& Grown-Up) Ways to Remind Yourself of What You Need and Want to Accomplish,” http://tinyurl.com/yzf34aq (February 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “10 Tips to Say Thank You to Customers, Colleagues, and Providers Increase Everyone's Productivity,” http://tinyurl.com/yzep685 (February 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors - Hire a Helper (Sherpa) For Each of Your Classes - Doing So Helps You and Your Students,” http://tinyurl.com/yf8amrq (February 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “10 Delegation Possibilities - Who Might You Consider When Delegating?” http://tinyurl.com/yfe7r3a (February 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “10 Great Questions to Ask to Assess Your Own (and Others') Productivity,” http://tinyurl.com/ylqb9ct (February 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “10 Ways NOT to Remind Yourself What You Need to Do,” http://tinyurl.com/yztnfup (February 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “10 Tips For Delegating to People Who Are "Shared" by Others,” http://tinyurl.com/yhoqffb (February 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “10 Tips For Delegating to People Who Are Surly,” http://tinyurl.com/yzp5v5o (February 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “10 Tips For Effectively Tracking Tasks You Have Delegated,” http://tinyurl.com/ylyns6t (February 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “10 Tips For Minimizing Incoming Paper and Information,” http://tinyurl.com/ykrwc89 (February 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “4 Components Your Planner Must Have If You Intend to Be Productive,” http://tinyurl.com/yjlfxh4 (February 2010).

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Article, Meggin McIntosh, “10 Tips For Achieving Peaceful, Predictable Productivity,” http://tinyurl.com/yfsthro (February 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “10 Tips For Productively Respecting Others' Time,” http://tinyurl.com/yklv4jd (February 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “10 Signs That You Are Dangerously Close to Being Crazed and Neither Positive Nor Productive,” http://tinyurl.com/yfbry7f (February 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “10 Tips For Productive Communication,” http://tinyurl.com/yh2h2t9 (February 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “10 Productive Ways to Consistently Maintain a Positive Attitude,” http://tinyurl.com/ylqckqr (February 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “10 Productive Ways to Capture Your Ideas So You Can Process and Deal With Them Later,” http://tinyurl.com/yjawedk (February 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “10 Productive Ways to Release Control Over Those Areas Where You Don't Have Control Anyway!” http://tinyurl.com/yj9svqr (February 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “10 Productive Ways to Take Control Over Your Life So You Can Be More Successful,” http://tinyurl.com/yk6t6hu (February 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Maintain Your Computer Weekly - Spend a Little Time and Effort and Save Hours and Headaches Later,” http://tinyurl.com/yzqzwnn (February 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “10 Productivity Systems to Have in Place If You Want to Maximize Your Efficiency,” http://tinyurl.com/yglromu (February 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Opening the Door to Success and Bringing Others Together to Make the Decision to Change and Succeed,” http://tinyurl.com/ygwb7td (February 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Opening the Door to Positive Change in Your Personal and Professional Life,” http://tinyurl.com/yf3k7s3 (Febraury 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Close the Doors (or Keep Them Closed) On People, Activities, and Practices That Bring You Down,” http://tinyurl.com/yhqeo5m (February 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Setting Policies in Your Personal and Professional Life to Reduce Stress and Stay Positive,” http://tinyurl.com/yjgc8ab (February 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Keeping the Doors Closed and Why That Makes Sense in Business,” http://tinyurl.com/yfmujou (February 2010).

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Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Keeping Your "Doors" Open - 4 Questions to Ask (and Answer),” http://tinyurl.com/y9jmw2s (January 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Decision Doors - What's Lying Through the Doors You're Not Opening? Both Good and Bad,” http://tinyurl.com/yalqtfb (January 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Antioxidants For Toxic Academic Work Environments - Signals That It's Becoming (Or Already Is) Toxic,” http://tinyurl.com/ybbu5nx (January 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Grateful Failure - It is Very Attractive,” http://tinyurl.com/yayw6s3 (January 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “The Business of Life - When You Want to Stay Positive - 5 Reasons to Consider Success and Failure,” http://tinyurl.com/ycmoadv (January 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Have Tension and Stress Become Your Cloaks?” http://tinyurl.com/yd5e7ho (January 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Are You Too Tense? What Are You Expecting From Yourself?” http://tinyurl.com/y8grtam (January 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Are You Too Tense? Make a Worry Jar,” http://tinyurl.com/y99qwu6 (January 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Being "Too Tense" - What Are the Upsides and the Downsides to This Stress?” http://tinyurl.com/ybmfyxv (January 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Delegate Your Procrastination - The Completion of Tasks and Projects,” http://tinyurl.com/yc2cp4p (January 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Are People Around You Doing Great - But You Aren't? 3 Suggestions to Move Through Negative Feelings,” http://tinyurl.com/yco8udp (January 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Graceful Failure - On Blistered Feet,” http://tinyurl.com/ya254ed (January 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Offering Coupons - For Success and Failure,” http://tinyurl.com/yannbkp (January 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Graceful Success,” http://tinyurl.com/y896ad2 (January 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Grateful Success,” http://tinyurl.com/yd9oukg (January 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Dealing With Negative Emotions - When You Really Want to Be at Your Peak Performance,” http://tinyurl.com/yed3tyk (January 2010).

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Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Are You Inhabiting ‘Past Tense?’ What If You Shifted Your Focus to the Present?” http://tinyurl.com/y8teerk (January 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Eliminate Anything You Can to Reduce Your Stress - Including Trinkets, Knick-Knacks, and Clothes,” http://tinyurl.com/ybcpmxa (January 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “What Do You Need to Eliminate From Your Life? What About the Little Things That "Bug" You?” http://tinyurl.com/y9woj2q (January 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Clutter - Is it Taking a Toll on Your Stress Level?” http://tinyurl.com/ycn58ef (January 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Check Your Crystal Ball - And If It's Not Working, Then Ask, ‘So What?’” http://tinyurl.com/y9mfck2 (January 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Worrying About the Future - Is This a Wise Use of Your Time and Energy?” http://tinyurl.com/yaa3gre (January 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Procrastinating? Ask For Some Help Or Assistance,” http://tinyurl.com/yk2y86g (January 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “6 Marketing Mistakes Made by Small Business Owners and Entrepreneurs,” http://tinyurl.com/ybyhzcl (January 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Are You Missing the Present Because You're Stressing About the Future Or Worried the Past?” http://tinyurl.com/ydybgof (January 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Focus on the Present - How to Get and Stay Mentally Focused on Now,” http://tinyurl.com/yar9lqj (January 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Focus on the Present - Do You Remember What 'Now' Feels Like For You?” http://tinyurl.com/ybwzwg3 (January 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Writing a Top Ten Productivity Tips Article Or Blog Post,” http://tinyurl.com/ycas7ko (January 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Focus on the Present - Open a Window to See What You See Now!” http://tinyurl.com/yaybubh (January 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Are You Doing Great? Good News, Right! Everybody is Happy, Aren't They? No?” http://tinyurl.com/ybavv3q (January 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Do You Need an Assistant If You Write Grants? How to Make Your Case to a Supervisor,” http://tinyurl.com/y9387xl (January 2010).

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Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Postponing Procrastination - Mindfully and Deliberately,” http://tinyurl.com/ycu769g (January 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Schedule Away Procrastination,” http://tinyurl.com/yb2jlrw (January 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Procrastination - What's Next?” http://tinyurl.com/ydvacb3 (January 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “7 Decisions You Can Make to Shorten Your Procrastination List,” http://tinyurl.com/yasdjes (January 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Procrastination - Answer These Three Questions,” http://tinyurl.com/y99fhux (January 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Deliberately Delete (Some) Of What You Are Procrastinating,” http://tinyurl.com/ybhksem (January 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Polish Off Procrastination - Start by Knowing What You Are Procrastinating About,” http://tinyurl.com/y8jho75 (January 2010). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “The Business of Life - 3 Tips For Failing in Good Spirits,” http://tinyurl.com/ybld7od (November 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “The Business of Life - Where Should You Invest and Where Should You Let Go?” http://tinyurl.com/yz8fh7a (November 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “The Business of Life - Maintain Your Enthusiasm,” http://tinyurl.com/yjoakao (November 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “The Business of Life - What is the Currency You Use?” http://tinyurl.com/ylh3vr8 (November 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Managing Your Day and Managing Your Week Based on the Energy Requirements Shown in Your ‘Planner’,” http://tinyurl.com/yh2mass (November 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “The Business of Life - Do You Need to Declare Bankruptcy?” http://tinyurl.com/yg36yyg (November 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “The Business of Life - What Business Are You In?” http://tinyurl.com/yhpemxt (November 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Admit What You Aren't Good at - And Either Delegate It, Hire it Out, Get Some Help, Or Let it Go,” http://tinyurl.com/ykcjnkd (November 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Goals to Keep - And Goals to Release,” http://tinyurl.com/ylrpuzz (November 2009).

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Article, Meggin McIntosh, “What Adds to Your Energy and What Subtracts From It? Figure Out the Answers and Then, Take Action!,” http://tinyurl.com/ykculny (November 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Energy Charting - Get Rid of (or Minimize) What (or Who) You Dread, Resent, Begrudge, Or Dislike,” http://tinyurl.com/yad5aq3 (November 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Writing - Can You Be Productive Working on Multiple Articles and Grants at the Same Time?” http://tinyurl.com/y9oyu6t (October 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Mathematics Word Problems - What If You Asked the Question First?” http://tinyurl.com/ycqsyo8 (October 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Energy Charting - You Have to Know Where Your Energy is Before You Can Make the Needed Changes,” http://tinyurl.com/y8tzlmy (October 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Personal Power - Two Suggestions to Increase Your Power - And Your Positive Outlook on Life,” http://tinyurl.com/yc24t9b (October 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Power - Use it Wisely and Well to Display Your Leadership (Not Your 'Neediness'),” http://tinyurl.com/ybzjncg (October 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Releasing the Extraordinary Energy You Have - Pay Attention to Your Spiritual Energy,” http://tinyurl.com/ydxr9f3 (October 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Staying Positive by Releasing the Extraordinary - Affirm the Extraordinary in Other People,” http://tinyurl.com/y9uwaoq (October 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Energy Charting - What Increases Your Energy?” http://tinyurl.com/yefko4m (October 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Radically Distinctive - Is That How You Would Describe Your Life? If So, it Helps You Stay Positive,” http://tinyurl.com/ydgtvrf (October 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Traveling For Business - Why, Oh Why Does it Require So Much Energy? 10 Answers For Work Travelers,” http://tinyurl.com/yhq8gma (October 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Releasing the Extraordinary Energy You Have - Pay Attention to Your Emotional Energy,” http://tinyurl.com/y89kpod (October 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Releasing the Extraordinary Energy You Have - Pay Attention to Your Intellectual (Mental) Energy,” http://tinyurl.com/yl6v49s (October 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “What is Extraordinary About Your Life? Focus on the "Good Stuff",” http://tinyurl.com/yaa64v6 (October 2009).

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Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Releasing the Extraordinary Energy You Have - Pay Attention to Your Physical Energy,” http://tinyurl.com/yadeozk (October 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Need Some Help Staying Postive? What is Still Intact in Your Life?” http://tinyurl.com/yc6fcpt (October 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Staying Positive by Releasing the Extraordinary - Be Thankful Daily For What is Amazing About You,” http://tinyurl.com/y8a4tsk (October 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Staying Positive by Releasing the Extraordinary - Live Your Extraordinariness (Boldly and Proudly),” http://tinyurl.com/ybfn7cv (October 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Energy Charting - Conserve, Control, Monitor, and Extend Your Energy,” http://tinyurl.com/yczcczr (October 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Staying Positive by Releasing the Extraordinary - Tell Others About Why You Are Amazing,” http://tinyurl.com/yfs6rzp (October 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Staying Positive by Releasing the Extraordinary - Name What it is That is Amazing About You,” http://tinyurl.com/yjkr4e3 (October 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Staying Positive by Releasing the Extraordinary - Ask Others What They Think is Amazing About You,” http://tinyurl.com/yhpn6c4 (October 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Staying Positive by Releasing the Extraordinary - Identify What is Amazing About Yourself,” http://tinyurl.com/yljucen (October 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Staying Positive by Releasing the Extraordinary - 7 Steps,” http://tinyurl.com/yjvrvbx (October 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Women (and Men, Too) - Do You Have the Right to More Energy (& More Money),” http://tinyurl.com/yfemvzj (October 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Teachers - Build Vocabulary With a Variety of Different Dictionaries (Not a Class Set),” http://tinyurl.com/yznbd5h (October 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Writers - Seven Techniques For Writing Productively,” http://tinyurl.com/yks7my9 (October 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Writers - Five More Talking Points For Yourself As a Writer,” http://tinyurl.com/ykoqjty (October 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Interviewing For a Teaching Position? Here Are Some Tips For 'Wowing' Your Interview Committee,” http://tinyurl.com/yfsrbjj (October 2009).

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Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Writers - Four Tactics to Increase Your Writing Productivity,” http://tinyurl.com/yflszu7 (October 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Writers - Four More Tactics to Support Your Writing Productivity,” http://tinyurl.com/yzypnum (October 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Writers - Five Talking Points For Yourself As a Writer,” http://tinyurl.com/yg52qoe (October 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Writers - Three Tactics For Writing More Productively,” http://tinyurl.com/yzauhnl (October 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Writers - Three Techniques For Writing Productively,” http://tinyurl.com/yj6hyby (October 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Writers - Five Tips For Writing Productively,” http://tinyurl.com/yzo8nlp (October 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Writers - Five More Tips For Writing Productively,” http://tinyurl.com/ylbdp89 (October 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Creating Engaging Units of Study For Your Students - Motivating Learners,” http://tinyurl.com/ygqedpp (October 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Writers - Five MORE Fabulous Tricks For Writing More Productively,” http://tinyurl.com/ylkxb7s (October 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Increase Your Positive Energy by Expressing Your Thankfulness - Use the 5 Levels of Gratitude,” http://tinyurl.com/yk8j4hj (October 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Writers - Five Tricks For Writing More Productively,” http://tinyurl.com/ygsrok4 (October 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Toxic Academic Work Environment - 3 Signs and Sources of the Start of an Intolerable Situation,” http://tinyurl.com/yf765k2 (October 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Writers - Five MORE Fabulous Tools For Writing,” http://tinyurl.com/ykgfu8u (October 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Writers - Five Fabulous Tools For Writing,” http://tinyurl.com/ygddvdy (October 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Writers - The Top Ten Signs That You Are Pretending to Write,” http://tinyurl.com/yfh45ht (October 2009).

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Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Staying Positive and Being More Productive - By Displaying Gratitude,” http://tinyurl.com/yftawo9 (September 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Positive Energy - Evaluate the ROE (Return on Energy) For Your Various Projects and Commitments,” http://tinyurl.com/yhqgdfx (September 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Staying Positive is Easier If You Take Care of Your Own Energy Needs Before the Needs of Others,” http://tinyurl.com/yk3aecs (September 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Concentrate Your Energy So You Can Maintain Your Positive Outlook,” http://tinyurl.com/ygx4r53 (September 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Staying Positive - Are You Trying to Focus on Too Many Targets?” http://tinyurl.com/ygmpjs9 (September 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Sane and Sensible Scheduling of Your 'Work' Day - Survey the Situation - It's a Buffet of Options,” http://tinyurl.com/nc9hyy (September 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Staying Positive in a Freaked-Out World - What Are the Sources of Your Anxiety?” http://tinyurl.com/lj5jf5 (September 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Although It's a Difficult Concept For Type "A" Personalities - You Really Can't Control Everything,” http://tinyurl.com/lnsman (September 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Sane and Sensible Scheduling For Your 'Work' Day - To What Are You (Overly) Committed?” http://tinyurl.com/lhpkft (September 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Staying Positive Even When You Feel Stressed and Worried - How Much Influence Can You Have?” http://tinyurl.com/n6wcsq (September 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Permission to Videotape Your Workshop - Alternatives If the Group Can't Or Won't Pay For the Rights,” http://tinyurl.com/nqw2wc (September 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Staying Positive in a Freaked-Out World - Can You Impact Others' Attitudes?” http://tinyurl.com/nbypcn (September 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Staying Positive in a Freaked-Out World - Are You in Control?” http://tinyurl.com/kl88y5 (September 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Authors - Are You Having Trouble Getting Your Works Published - Here Are Some Ideas to Do So,” http://tinyurl.com/nwg5jx (September 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Sane and Sensible Scheduling of Your 'Work' Day - Learn About How to Schedule,” http://tinyurl.com/nzbta4 (September 2009).

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Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Staying Positive - Do You Radiate Positive Energy? Assess Yourself on a Radiance Scale,” http://tinyurl.com/mgtdye (September 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Sane and Sensible Schedule of Your Work Day - Are You a "Sinner" With Your (Over) Scheduling?” http://tinyurl.com/leqk95 (September 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Sane and Sensible Scheduling of Your 'Work' Day - Survey the Situation - It's a Buffet of Options,” http://tinyurl.com/nc9hyy (September 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Staying Positive in a Freaked-Out World - What Are the Sources of Your Anxiety?” http://tinyurl.com/lj5jf5 (September 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Staying Positive in a Freaked-Out World - What Does Freaked-Out Look and Feel Life For Others?” http://tinyurl.com/c9937j (September 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Staying Positive in a Freaked-Out World - What Does Freaked-Out Look and Feel Like For You?” http://tinyurl.com/dxov8f (September 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Take the Pulse on Your Productivity - How is the 'Health' of Your Organization? - Your People,” http://tinyurl.com/nnqe72 (September 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors - Should You Give Points to Students For Attending Class Or For Class Participation?” http://tinyurl.com/kquswn (September 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Creating Engaging Units of Study For Your Students - Will You Be Ready For Censorship Challenges?” http://tinyurl.com/lt88bz (September 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Take the Pulse on Your Productivity - How is the 'Health' of Your Organization?” http://tinyurl.com/ll7r8b (September 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Take the Pulse on Your Productivity - How is the 'Health' of Your Organization? - Projects,” http://tinyurl.com/kvkyz5 (September 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Take the Pulse on Your Productivity - How is the 'Health' of Your Organization? Physical Set-Up,” http://tinyurl.com/ml43sh (September 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Take the Pulse on Your Productivity - How is the 'Health' of Your Organization? Planning,” http://tinyurl.com/nx9pt5 (August 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Academic Writing - When You Have Been Successful in the Past With Other Types of Writing,” http://tinyurl.com/lscox6 (August 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Take the Pulse on Your Productivity - How is the 'Health' of Your Organization? - Paper,” http://tinyurl.com/myh4wf (August 2009).

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Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Regaining Focus - Or Maintaining Focus - When You Have Disruptive, Noisy Co-Workers - Tips to Try,” http://tinyurl.com/lbze6l (August 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Academic Writing - Too Many Articles That Are Partially Written - Tips For Finishing and Submitting,” http://tinyurl.com/ntmf5t (August 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Principals With Two Schools - Staying Productive Using a Tickler File System,” http://tinyurl.com/kkzhyf (August 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Take the Pulse on Your Productivity - How is the 'Health' of Your Organization? - Procrastination,” http://tinyurl.com/n4lp2x (August 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Academic Writing - Speeding Up the Process to Have Journal Articles Accepted,” http://tinyurl.com/kr773b (August 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Take the Pulse on Your Productivity - How is the 'Health' of Your Organization? All Things Digital,” http://tinyurl.com/mcwvoz (August 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “No Privacy - Noisy Co-Workers - How Am I Supposed to Get My Work Done in This Environment?” http://tinyurl.com/nuowyt (August 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Educators - Writing Goals and Objectives For Your Instruction - Make Your Objectives Measurable,” http://tinyurl.com/nbmqvq (August 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “The Brady Bunch Split Screen Technique - Put Yourself in the Other Screen,” http://tinyurl.com/n5qrag (August 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Antioxidants For a Toxic Academic Work Environment - Two Behaviors That Start (& Increase) Toxicity,” http://tinyurl.com/ox5hdg (August 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Creating Engaging Units of Study For Your Students - Developing Background Knowledge,” http://tinyurl.com/ntof88 (August 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors - Should You Hire Someone to Help You & Where Should You Find an Excellent Assistant?” http://tinyurl.com/l5j6k4 (August 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Timelines, Schedules, and Distractions - Questions and Answers to Increase Your Writing Productivity,” http://tinyurl.com/nml44y (August 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Preparing For and Returning From a Vacation - Without Being Totally Overwhelmed,” http://tinyurl.com/nq2lap (August 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Giving Feedback When You Are the "Boss" - And Others Aren't Doing Their Jobs in the Lab,” http://tinyurl.com/kq5b58 (August 2009).

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Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Planfully Put in "Pockets" of Health - Pay Attention and Take Action,” http://tinyurl.com/ngapzf (August 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Put in Pockets of Time and Energy - For Yourself, Your Family, & Your Friends - Build Relationships,” http://tinyurl.com/loqxu6 (August 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Decrease Clutter and Decrease Stress - Clean the Space As Soon As You Take Everything Out,” http://tinyurl.com/ncw3cp (August 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Decrease Clutter and Decrease Stress - Rinse and Repeat,” http://tinyurl.com/mmyffx (August 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Teachers - Put in Pockets of Time & Energy - Then Bring Your Joy and Passion to School For Students,” http://tinyurl.com/nl7987 (August 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Do You Have Any "Pockets" in Your Life, Or Are You Overwhelmed by Commitments and Time Pressures?” http://tinyurl.com/n2ut6h (August 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Do You Have Any "Pockets" in Your Life, Or Are You Living Too Close to the Edge?” http://tinyurl.com/nqospd (August 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Teachers - Set Boundaries in Your Professional Life With Students, Colleagues, and Administrators,” http://tinyurl.com/l25xmp (August 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Self-Employed? Put in Pockets of Protected Spaces and Places - For Your Work and Your Home,” http://tinyurl.com/mvwgas (August 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Putting in Pockets of Time - Reduce the Sense of Stress and Overwhelm in Your Life,” http://tinyurl.com/mopyq9 (August 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Teachers - Put Pockets in Your School Day - Reduce Your Stress and Increase Your Productivity,” http://tinyurl.com/nkqcce (August 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Purposefully Putting in Pockets of Energy - Make Sure You Have the Reserves of Energy You Need,” http://tinyurl.com/mlu4hd (August 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Put in Protected Pockets of Time and Energy - For (and With) Your Family and Friends,” http://tinyurl.com/lkjger (July 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Put Pockets in Place at Home - Give Yourself the Time, Energy, and Space to Be Peacefully Productive,” http://tinyurl.com/mmwhox (July 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Put Pockets in Place at Home - The Physical Space to Enjoy Being (Yes, Just Being),” http://tinyurl.com/lhxsro (July 2009).

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Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Teachers - Put in Pockets of Time - Increase Your Productivity in the Beyond and in the Classroom,” http://tinyurl.com/nv3pmd (July 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Teachers - Put in Pockets of Time & Energy by Loving Your Job and Being With Others Who Love Theirs,” http://tinyurl.com/mg7jnu (July 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Putting in Idea Pockets - Capture and Keep All the Brilliant Ideas You Can Generate,” http://tinyurl.com/kvabdx (July 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Teachers - Put in Pockets of Energy and Increase Your Instructional Effectiveness (REALLY!),” http://tinyurl.com/kuqupz (July 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Put Pockets in Place With Your Possessions - Be Proactive,” http://tinyurl.com/nwvwfg (July 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Put Pockets in Place With Your Possessions,” http://tinyurl.com/l2kfm5 (July 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Putting in Pockets of Wealth - For the Good Economic Times (And For the Not-So-Good Times, Too),” http://tinyurl.com/ll5p3a (July 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Put Pockets in Place at Work - When You Work For Someone Else,” http://tinyurl.com/lwb4f2 (July 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Put in Pockets of Health - And Increase Your Overall Productivity,” http://tinyurl.com/lnuyxa (July 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Put Pockets Into Your Life - Experience the Difference Between Being 'Calm' Instead of 'Crazed',” http://tinyurl.com/lml2sn (July 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Teachers - Put Pockets in Your School Day - Increase Your Productivity and Reduce Your Stress,” http://tinyurl.com/kwwcto (July 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Teachers - Put Pockets (AKA Boundaries) Into Your Life As a Professional Educator,” http://tinyurl.com/m4v7z3 (July 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Self-Employed? Put in Pockets of Protected Spaces and Places - For Yourself and Your Work,” http://tinyurl.com/lzmmr7 (July 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Putting in Pockets of Time - Reduce the Sense of Overwhelm and Stress in Your Life,” http://tinyurl.com/mew773 (July 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Pockets - Put in Pockets For Yourself Outside of School - Life Beyond the Classroom,” http://tinyurl.com/l83xab (July 2009).

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Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Teachers - Putting in 'Physical' Pockets - Reduce Your Anxiety and Stress,” http://tinyurl.com/l38ezl (July 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Purposefully Putting in Pockets of Energy - Emotional, Physical, Mental, Spiritual, and Creative,” http://tinyurl.com/mkg45z (July 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Creating Engaging Units of Study For Your Students - Teacher and Student Resources,” http://tinyurl.com/lcl3w5 (July 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Creating Engaging Units of Study For Your Students - Write Learning Objectives,” http://tinyurl.com/natmxa (July 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Creating Engaging Units of Study For Your Students - First, Develop the Content Outline,” http://tinyurl.com/n76fvc (June 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Energy - Productivity is Linked to Positive, Negative, and Neutral Energy How's Your Time Spent?” http://tinyurl.com/muwrwf (June 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Decrease Clutter and Decrease Stress - Getting Rid of Your 'Teacher' Books,” http://tinyurl.com/m8xm55 (June 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Antioxidants For a Toxic Academic Work Environment - Identify Sources People Who Start Toxicity,” http://tinyurl.com/klz48n (June 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Decrease Clutter and Decrease Stress - When You're Finished, Get the Clutter Out of Your Space!” http://tinyurl.com/mt3cry (June 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Decrease Clutter and Decrease Stress - Refuse to Put Anything in a Miscellaneous Category,” http://tinyurl.com/km2mgc (June 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors - Learning Styles Your Students May Exhibit,” http://tinyurl.com/6au3k2 (June 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Toxic Academic Work Environments - What Damage Results in the Community and the Society,” http://tinyurl.com/m2gwmg (June 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “The Toxic Academic Work Environment - What Damage Results to the People Who Work in Toxicity?” http://tinyurl.com/mb9y6t (June 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Decrease Clutter and Decrease Stress - What is it About Clutter That Causes Stress?” http://tinyurl.com/kobere (June 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Decrease Clutter and Decrease Stress - Schedule Time to Handle Your Clutter,” http://tinyurl.com/mvmdmx (June 2009).

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Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Energy Charting - Categories That Require Your Attention If You Want to Maintain Your Productivity,” http://tinyurl.com/nomebg (June 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Energy Charting - Look at the Percentages,” http://tinyurl.com/lkduxq (June 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Decrease Clutter and Decrease Stress - Decide to Decide,” http://tinyurl.com/lj27k9 (June 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Energy Charting - What Needs Your Attention So You Can Be Highly Productive?” http://tinyurl.com/kmtqkp (June 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Decrease Clutter and Decrease Stress - Start and Finish in One Place at a Time,” http://tinyurl.com/nvqfye (June 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Decrease Clutter and Decrease Stress - Arrange For a Helper,” http://tinyurl.com/nosf9p (June 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Decrease Clutter and Decrease Stress - Ask the 13 Questions,” http://tinyurl.com/mzuhs9 (June 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Decrease Clutter and Decrease Stress - Take Before and After Pictures,” http://tinyurl.com/m5yqmg (June 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Decrease Clutter and Decrease Stress - VOW to Get Rid of a Certain Amount Or Percentage of 'Stuff',” http://tinyurl.com/n77z7u (June 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Teachers - A Day in the Life of a Teacher - Be Clear on Your Purpose Enhance Your Sense of Self,” http://tinyurl.com/lt4olp (June 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Self-Sufficiency Syndrome,” http://tinyurl.com/mwfpwu (June 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “If You Want to Be 'Just Whelmed' - Get (Really) Clear on Your Priorities,” http://tinyurl.com/n5jhdf (June 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Antioxidants For Toxic Academic Environments - Descriptive Synonyms Consider the Cost of Toxic,” http://tinyurl.com/mbf4y7 (May 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Overwhelmed? Use the 3-Folder Sorting Technique – And Get Back to Being ‘Just Whelemd” http://tinyurl.com/kshonc (May 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Rid Your Office & Your Classroom of Clutter - Items to Keep - You Don't Have to Toss it All!” http://tinyurl.com/l73wmv (May 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Overwhelmed? What If You Designed a Productive Work Environment?” http://tinyurl.com/lffbsq (May 2009). Updated 10.20.13

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Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Be Sane and Sensible - Delete, Early and Often,” http://tinyurl.com/l9sg46 (May 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Overwhelmed? Look at Your Life With Fresh Eyes - The Eyes of a Stranger, Really,” http://tinyurl.com/krqz2n (May 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Be Sane and Sensible - Devalue Instantaneous Email Responses (I'm Not Kidding - Email is Not IM),” http://tinyurl.com/mt3o9t (May 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Overwhelmed? Are You Experiencing 'Time Debt'?” http://tinyurl.com/l7oo8x (May 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Be Sane and Sensible - Best Practices For Controlling Your Email - And Helping Others Be Productive,” http://tinyurl.com/nvh7kz (May 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Teachers - Vocabulary Development - Create Mystery Boxes,” http://tinyurl.com/mgnpuw (May 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Want to Be 'Just Whelmed'? What If You Could Fall in Love With Your Work?” http://tinyurl.com/m3ntbs (May 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Want to Be 'Just Whelmed?' Choose to Be More, Not Less,” http://tinyurl.com/mq2z5b (May 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Diminish Overwhelm - Know What Your Commitments Are,” http://tinyurl.com/krsv28 (May 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Teachers - A Day in the Life of a Teacher - Culling the Items You've Captured and Collected,” http://tinyurl.com/dcw6gd (May 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “The Brain and Overwhelm - Not Meant For Each Other,” http://tinyurl.com/nx5suu (May 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Be Sane and Sensible - Defend Yourself Against the Encroachment of Email,” http://tinyurl.com/le33ay (May 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Be Sane and Sensible - Defer Some of Your Email and Where to Keep it While It's Waiting For You,” http://tinyurl.com/ltgth4 (May 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Be Sane and Sensible - Decide to Decide,” http://tinyurl.com/ndlcql (May 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Be Sane and Sensible - Determine When and How Often to Access Your Email,” http://tinyurl.com/neny7g (May 2009).

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Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Antioxidants For Toxic Academic Environments - Determining What Is and Isn't a Toxic Environment,” http://tinyurl.com/krbkx6 (May 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Rid Your Office & Your Classroom of Clutter - Keep a List Handy When You Declutter,” http://tinyurl.com/m7lfzy (May 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors - Prepare For Productivity by Designing Your Desk As a Conveyor Belt,” http://tinyurl.com/lhnls6 (May 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Overwhelmed? What If You Asked For Help? Imagine Others Helping You Give Them a Chance to Assist,” http://tinyurl.com/lkeup6 (May 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Overwhelmed? Can You Hold Things 'Lightly'?” http://tinyurl.com/mltguu (May 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Overwhelmed? See Time As Plentiful Vs Scarce,” http://tinyurl.com/l2x9mu (May 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Email - Set Up Folders For Increased Productivity,” http://tinyurl.com/mae3jg (May 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Diminish Overwhelm - Do More of What Boosts Your Energy,” http://tinyurl.com/nwm2x5 (May 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Overwhelmed? Go Simple Instead of Going Complex - Make Different Choices,” http://tinyurl.com/n873bw (May 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Overwhelmed? Go Simple Instead of Going Complex,” http://tinyurl.com/lywk46 (May 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Feeling Underwhelmed? Do You Work With People Who Are Uncommitted, Uninspired, Or Unworthy?” http://tinyurl.com/cepr4d (May 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Email Tips - Turn Off Your Email - Be More Productive,” http://tinyurl.com/lzlted (May 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Rid Your Office Or Your Classroom of Clutter - But What If I Need it Someday?” http://tinyurl.com/lq5o8w (May 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Impression Management - Your Personal Presence - Sending Thank You Notes,” http://tinyurl.com/nuwnua (May 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Feeling Underwhelmed? Minimize What Drains Your Energy,” http://tinyurl.com/ma2a9v (May 2009).

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Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Staying Positive in a Freaked-Out World - What Are the Sources of Your Anxiety?” http://tinyurl.com/lj5jf5 (May 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Email - Strategies to Curtail the Appearance of Emails,” http://tinyurl.com/nxoys8 (May 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Rid Your Office &-Or Your Classroom of Clutter - Give it to Someone Else,” http://tinyurl.com/ln53vy (May 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Feeling Underwhelmed? If You're Not Engaging Your Talents, Education, and Passions, You Probably Are,” http://tinyurl.com/n5d524 (May 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Rid Your Office Or Your Classroom of Clutter - That Belongs Somewhere Else,” http://tinyurl.com/lcoryv (May 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “What Leads to Feeling Underwhelmed?” http://tinyurl.com/l8sr5r (April 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Rid Your Workspace of Clutter - Isolate (and Contain) Those Hazardous Materials in Your Office,” http://tinyurl.com/nd2wth (April 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Rid Your Workspace of Clutter - Grab the Recycle Bin and Shredder!” http://tinyurl.com/lfzox6 (April 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Rid Your Workspace of Clutter - Get a Trash Barrel Nearby!” http://tinyurl.com/kptdhc (April 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Impression Management – Your Personal Presence – Business Cards & Stationery,” http://tinyurl.com/c2ug9m (April 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Rid Your Workspace of Clutter – The Method of 9,” http://tinyurl.com/c6ljej (April 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “14 Ways to Say No – At Least One of These Will Work the Next Time You’re Asked to Do Something!” http://tinyurl.com/cfc8rh (April 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Teachers – A Day in the Life of a Teacher – Finish Your Day,” http://tinyurl.com/d44tgp (April 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Staying Positive in a Freaked-Out World – What Does Freaked-Out Look and Feel Like For Others?” http://tinyurl.com/c9937j (April 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Teachers – Set Boundaries in Your Professional Life,” http://tinyurl.com/dnm9tr (April 2009).

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Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Just Whelmed – What Are the Differences Among Overwhelmed, and ‘Just Whelmed’?” http://tinyurl.com/c3xz4m (April 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Staying Positive in a Freaked-Out World – What Does Freaked-Out Look and Feel Like For You?” http://tinyurl.com/dxov8f (April 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Teleseminars – What to Do to Prepare – 4 Weeks in Advance,” http://tinyurl.com/dcsz6e (April 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Dealing With and Deflecting Distractions – Declutter Your Physical Space to Increase Your Focus,” http://tinyurl.com/db29bd (April 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Dealing With and Deflecting Distractions – Determine What You Need and Why You Need It,” http://tinyurl.com/dknynb (April 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Dealing With and Deflecting Distractions – Write Down Where You Were And What Your Next Action Is,” http://tinyurl.com/cczbnf (April 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Dealing With and Deflecting Distractions – Break Your Tasks Into Smaller Pieces For Increased Focus,” http://tinyurl.com/cwuuro (April 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Dealing With and Deflecting Distractions – Create Productivity Slots,” http://tinyurl.com/ceoyhn (April 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Dealing With and Deflecting Distractions – Eliminate As Many Distractors As You Can Control,” http://tinyurl.com/dmqmrd (April 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Dealing With and Deflecting Distractions – First, Know What Distracts You and Decreases Productivity,” http://tinyurl.com/d2csaq (April 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Know Great Teachers? Acknowledge the Difference They Make,” http://tinyurl.com/dabu9z (April 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Email – Reply in Reverse Order,” http://tinyurl.com/d44pyc (April 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Use a ‘Waiting For’ Folder to Increase Professionalism, Productivity, and Peace of Mind,” http://tinyurl.com/c74bm3 (April 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Teachers – Formative Assessment – Informal Assessment of Students’ Mathematical Dispositions,” http://tinyurl.com/d3czwr (April 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Learning Logs to Use in Workshops For Mathematics and Science Teachers,” http://tinyurl.com/dfllfk (April 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Failure is a Comma, Not a Period,” http://tinyurl.com/dz48hd (April 2009). Updated 10.20.13

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Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Worrying – Is it Helping?” http://tinyurl.com/d6wuxo (April 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Teachers – Formative Assessment – Informal Assessment of Students’ Mathematical Processes,” http://tinyurl.com/copgee (April 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Teachers – Formative Assessment – Informal Assessment of Students’ Content Knowledge in Mathematics,” http://tinyurl.com/c4lueo (April 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Teachers – Summative and Formative Assessment in Mathematics – What Are the Differences?” http://tinyurl.com/ckvegc (April 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Waiting For the Perfect Time to Write (or to Get Other Projects Completed)? The Perfect Time is Now,” http://tinyurl.com/c65end (April 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Separate Your ‘University Self’ From Your ‘Entrepreneurial Self’ – Tips and Suggestions,” http://tinyurl.com/c35gv6 (March 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Email – Strategies (and Acronyms) To Control the Impact of Email on You and Your Colleagues,” http://tinyurl.com/cpj7es (March 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Teachers – ‘Things I Wish I Had Known Then’ – 21 Considerations For Teachers and Their Students,” http://tinyurl.com/dcpa67 (March 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Email – Never Send Emails You Don’t Want on the Front Page of the Newspaper – Stay Professional,” http://tinyurl.com/dhuupm (March 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Email – Use an Executive Summary Idea I Your Professional Emails,” http://tinyurl.com/c6prw3 (March 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Use Timers in the Classroom (For Your Students and For Yourself) – Increase Focus,” http://tinyurl.com/cpnj48 (March 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, Alternative Assessment of Student Learning – Writing Assignments,” http://tinyurl.com/afobyv (February 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, Building Vocabulary and Spelling Knowledge – Homophones,” http://tinyurl.com/dkqnxa (February 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “A Day in the Life of a Teacher – Follow-Up & Action Files,” http://tinyurl.com/d4yme6 (February 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “A Day in the Life of a Teacher – Follow-Up, Reading Files,” http://tinyurl.com/am8h9q (February 2009).

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Article, Meggin McIntosh, “A Day in the Life of a Teacher – Follow-Up & Meeting Files,” http://tinyurl.com/c78ods (February 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “A Day in the Life of a Teacher – Build New Habits That Support Your Productivity,” http://tinyurl.com/acqmh5 (February 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “What’s Your Clutter Factor? What Can You Do About It,” http://tinyurl.com/c8zjle (February 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Planner or Tickler (1-31) File? How to Use Both For Optimal Professional & Personal Productivity,” http://tinyurl.com/begxf4 (February 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “A Day in the Life of a Teacher – Culling the Items You’ve Captured and Collected,” http://tinyurl.com/dcw6gd (February 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “A Day in the Life of a Teacher – The Five Phases of Getting Yourself Organized,” http://tinyurl.com/cj3uxs (February 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “A Day in the Life of a Teacher – Collecting Incoming Items,” http://tinyurl.com/bvqgbt (February 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Teachers – A Day in the Life of a Teacher – Use January and December Tickler Files – Be More Productive,” http://tinyurl.com/cdbxk4 (February 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Making the Jump to Leave Your Workplace – What Relationships Will You Want to Maintain?” http://tinyurl.com/b8bvvw (February 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Entrepreneurs, Speakers, Consultants – Overwhelmed or Overcommitted, By Any Chance?” http://tinyurl.com/akyvjb (February 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Teachers – Learning Logs for Subs – What Really Went On While You Were Out?” http://tinyurl.com/bob7gn (February 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Wearing Multiple Hats – Growing Multiple Areas of Your Business,” http://tinyurl.com/ca7b8c (February 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Speakers and Writers – How to Generate Content and Put it to Good Use for Yourself & Your Projects,” http://tinyurl.com/bm6bxa (February 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Speakers and Trainers – Making Money in the Summer,” http://tinyurl.com/cw3cp8 (February 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Consultants – Broaching the Money Issue When Someone Thinks Maybe You Work for Free (or Cheaply),” http://tinyurl.com/chbxlv (February 2009).

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Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Speakers and Trainers – How Often Should You Follow Up On Your Marketing Material,” http://tinyurl.com/brj4zd (February 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Alternative Assessment of Student Learning – Performance Assessment,” http://tinyurl.com/c6qkcg (February 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Alternative Assessment of Student Learning – Oral Presentations,” http://tinyurl.com/cw8w26 (February 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Alternative Assessment of Student Learning – Individual Learning Agreements,” http://tinyurl.com/c65la6 (February 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Alternative Assessment of Student Learning – Different Types of Knowledge,” http://tinyurl.com/c7o5cw (February 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Alternative Assessment of Student Learning – Portfolio Assessment,” http://tinyurl.com/d4587n (February 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Overcome Reading Overwhelm – 4 Ideas to Reduce the Piles of Reading,” http://tinyurl.com/cxh3qk (January 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Organizing Your Hard Drive,” http://tinyurl.com/devwnt (January 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Email – Use Your Signature Line Powerfully to Communicate Who You Are and What You Do,” http://tinyurl.com/bda7gv (January 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Entrepreneurs – Delegating and Hiring Teens and Tweens to Assist With Your Business,” http://tinyurl.com/bgq3s4 (January 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Middle School Math Students’ Ratings of Themselves – ‘There, I Finally Said It’,” http://tinyurl.com/amvofz (January 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Teachers – Vocabulary Development – Collecting Words and Being Curious About Words,” http://tinyurl.com/appams (January 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Use List Descriptors for Your Workshops, Meetings, and Group Warm-Ups Activities,” http://tinyurl.com/bv7zvm (January 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Teachers – Build Students’ Vocabulary Using Cameras (and Some Ways to Get Cameras For Your Students),” http://tinyurl.com/dgd8kz (January 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Teachers – Build Vocabulary Using Dictionaries – The Dictionary Game,” http://tinyurl.com/asw34b (January 2009).

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Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Teachers – Vocabulary Development – Repeated Encounters With Words,” http://tinyurl.com/cyfxvt (January 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Teachers – Workaholic Behavior – Is It a Positive Or a Negative Addiction,” http://tinyurl.com/bykqyt (January 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Expand Vocabulary Development Through Writing – Use Lists of Descriptors – Primary Grades to College,” http://tinyurl.com/chsldt (January 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Educators – For 2009, Ask and Answer These Questions Including “What is My Job?” http://tinyurl.com/bree3j (January 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Teachers – Vocabulary Development – Differentiating Between and Among Tier 1, 2, and 3 Words,” http://tinyurl.com/ahawns (January 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Teachers – Content Area Reading – Construct a Cloze Test to Assessing Students’ Reading – Text Match,” http://tinyurl.com/dffv4a (January 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Teachers – Building Vocabulary – Reinforce High Frequency Words Using PowerPoint (vs. Flash Cards),” http://tinyurl.com/bavwfl (January 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Educators, Clean Off (and Clean Out) Your Desk – Increase Your Peace of Mind and Your Productivity,” http://tinyurl.com/6ak7tj (January 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Teachers – Secrets of Success for 2009 and Beyond – Share 10 More Success C-Crets With Students,” http://tinyurl.com/a9xskd (January 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Teaching Characterization With Lists of Descriptive Terms – Primary Grades Through College Students,” http://tinyurl.com/77dxsp (January 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Teachers – Secrets of Success for 2009 and Beyond – Share These 12 Success C-Crets With Students,” http://tinyurl.com/8e7sl2 (January 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Messages for Freshmen – Words to Live by in 2009 and Beyond,” http://tinyurl.com/b3ft2s (January 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Teachers – Deliberately Design Your Professional Presence – Your Habits, Handshake, and Scent,” http://tinyurl.com/ahftf2 (January 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Teachers – Deliberately Design Your Professional Presence – Accessorize & Professionalize Your Look,” http://tinyurl.com/auku9l (January 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Teachers – Deliberately Design Your Professional Presence – Bearing, Facial Expression, Eye Contact,” http://tinyurl.com/dee267 (January 2009).

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Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Entrepreneurs – Delegating Tasks and Shopping – How to Handle Purchases,” http://tinyurl.com/beel9j (January 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Entrepreneurs – How Much Stationery Should You Purchase When You Start Out,” http://tinyurl.com/bgr2xw (January 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Teachers – A Day in the Life of an Educator – Capturing Incoming Items,” http://tinyurl.com/alcu69 (January 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Teachers – A Day in the Life of an Educator – Follow Up to Increase Productivity & Reduce Stress,” http://tinyurl.com/bxnjap (January 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Teachers – A Day in the Life of an Educator – Why You Need to (and Want To) Delegate (Yes, You Can!),” http://tinyurl.com/adg4ev (January 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Teachers – A Day in the Life of an Educator – Get Going, Get Yourself Heard, Make a Difference,” http://tinyurl.com/cnzr8x (January 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Teachers – A Day in the Life of an Educator – Using Monthly (January – December) Tickler Files,” http://tinyurl.com/cqeljs (January 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Teachers – A Day in the Life of an Educator – Create a Clutter-Free Zone,” http://tinyurl.com/bl3ymu (January 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Teachers – A Day in the Life of an Educator – Applying the 80-20 Rule (Pareto Principle),” http://tinyurl.com/d4pgge (January 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Teachers – A Day in the Life of an Educator – Why Getting Organized Matters to Colleagues and Kids,” http://tinyurl.com/79eghh (January 2009). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Teachers – Time and Paper Management – Annotated Bibliography (L-W) Books on Productivity,” http://tinyurl.com/9rzydc (Dec 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Teachers – Time and Paper Management – Annotated Bibliography (A-L) Books on Productivity,” http://tinyurl.com/8fjgwm (Dec 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Teachers – Poetry For Children – Characteristics and Examples,” http://tinyurl.com/99x7xn (Dec 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Effectively Concluding Your Course – Energizing Your Class As You Approach the End,” http://tinyurl.com/9z43nn (Dec 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Teachers – Use the Directed Reading-Thinking Activity (DRTA) To Promote Learning in Your Math Class,” http://tinyurl.com/9djzvm (Dec 2008).

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Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Teachers – Vocabulary Development – Choosing Favorite Words to Build and Enhance Curiosity For Words,” http://tinyurl.com/ayjzbl (Dec 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Effectively Concluding Your Course – Managing Energy Quadrants,” http://tinyurl.com/75enfg (Dec 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Teachers – Prompt Writing (Using Children’s Literature) With Your Intermediate Students,” http://tinyurl.com/7rt3ht (Dec 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Teachers – Vocabulary Development Made Easy – Never, Ever Walk Anywhere Again With Your Students,” http://tinyurl.com/94f776 (Dec 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Teachers – Deliberately Design Your Professional Presence – Your Clothing and Your Professional Wardrobe,” http://tinyurl.com/993db3 (Dec 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Teachers – Team Teaching – Communicate About Key Concerns – Time to Process,” http://tinyurl.com/8rq2nq (Dec 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Teachers – Reading Achievement (Lack of It, That Is) And Academic Learned Helplessness,” http://tinyurl.com/8hr4ow (Dec 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “1001 Descriptors – For Vocabulary Development – Primary Grades through College (And Beyond!),” http://tinyurl.com/8ctroc (Dec 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Design an Effective Course Syllabus – Determine Your Goals & Objectives First,” http://tinyurl.com/7jg4nb (Dec 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Teachers – Poetry for Children – 8 Suggestions for Experiencing Poetry,” http://tinyurl.com/97la2v (Dec 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Teachers – Poetry for Children – 4 General Types,” http://tinyurl.com/9hqs6q (Dec 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Complete Your Own Assignments, Especially If You Teach in a College of Education,” http://tinyurl.com/a7vyhe (Dec 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “One Company or Two? That is the Question – And Here Are Some Answers,” http://tinyurl.com/9g2dhn (Dec 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Effectively Concluding Your Course – Determining Final Course Grade,” http://tinyurl.com/9w52u2 (Dec 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Teachers – Steps to Maintain Classroom Management – Dealing With Misbehavior,” http://tinyurl.com/9l5l4k (Dec 2008).

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Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Change Your Habits So You Can Be More Productive,” http://tinyurl.com/7hhsbw (Dec 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Decide on Next Actions to Optimize Your Productivity,” http://tinyurl.com/9n73qc (Dec 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Teachers – Tips for Parents to Help Students Become Readers and Studiers,” http://tinyurl.com/8uxng3 (Dec 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Evaluate Your Teaching Effectiveness – Conduct Informal Student Evaluations – Day 1,” http://tinyurl.com/7kvxe8 (Dec 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Using Instructor-Directed Learning Methods – One End of a Continuum,” http://tinyurl.com/885fa2 (Dec 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Teachers – Academic Philosophy – Yours and Your Schools,” http://tinyurl.com/87ywn9 (Dec 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Evaluate Your Teaching Effectiveness – Conduct Informal Student Evaluations – Mid-Term,” http://tinyurl.com/98brpw (Dec 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Evaluate Your Teaching Effectiveness – Conduct Informal Student Evaluations – 1st Exam,” http://tinyurl.com/78nbvw (Dec 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Evaluate Your Teaching Effectiveness – Conduct Informal Student Evaluations – Week 3,” http://tinyurl.com/9v6x3v (Dec 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Strategically Manage Your College Courses – Dealing With Disruptive Students,” http://tinyurl.com/76fxu6 (Dec 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Provide Closure For Your Classes – And Increase the Students’ Learning,” http://tinyurl.com/6v9495 (Dec 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Syllabus Focus Group Questions & the Answers From University Students,” http://tinyurl.com/8oddsa (Dec 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Block Out Time (No, I’m Not Kidding) To Get Your Work Done,” http://tinyurl.com/7v3c65 (Dec 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Syllabus Suggestions From Students Who Were Focus Group Participants,” http://tinyurl.com/7yftnl (Dec 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Put Everything in ‘Bins’ and ‘Buckets’ – And Then Process What’s There,” http://tinyurl.com/a5ebxo (Dec 2008).

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Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Clear Out That Psychic RAM (and Keep it That Way),” http://tinyurl.com/72a8do (Dec 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Take on Procrastination and Build Your Reputation,” http://tinyurl.com/6wwls9 (Dec 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Alternative Assessment of Student Learning – Promoting Learning,” http://tinyurl.com/77a9n8 (Dec 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Strategically Manage Your College Courses – Teaching Large Classes that Feel Small,” http://tinyurl.com/7akngk (Dec 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Evaluate Your Teaching Effectiveness – Invite a Formal Observation by a Colleague,” http://tinyurl.com/86cx33 (Dec 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Using Instructor-Directed Learning Methods – Strategic Use of Guest Speakers,” http://tinyurl.com/7bd8xp (Dec 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Effectively Concluding Your Course – Supporting Students’ Time & Project Management,” http://tinyurl.com/7rpgba (Dec 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Maintain Your Edge – Develop Mutually Beneficial Relationships,” http://tinyurl.com/8rumav (Dec 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Strategically Manage Your College Courses – Teaching Large Classes – Tips For ‘Before’,” http://tinyurl.com/89fj76 (Dec 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “A Day in the Life of a Teacher – Self Interruptions – How to Divert As Many As Possible,” http://tinyurl.com/a6geg2 (Dec 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “A Day in the Life of a Teacher – Interruptions From Others – How to Divert As Many As Possible,” http://tinyurl.com/84mrle (Dec 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “A Day in the Life of a Teacher – Clearing the Clutter,” http://tinyurl.com/a8umdd (Dec 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “A Day in the Life of a Teacher – Using a Planner for Optimum Organization,” http://tinyurl.com/9exyv9 (Dec 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Effectively Concluding Your Course – Your Last Class Meeting,” http://tinyurl.com/6f6zbn (Dec 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Evaluate Your Teaching Effectiveness – Self Evaluation,” http://tinyurl.com/699e36 (Dec 2008).

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Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Using Student-Driven Learning Methods – CooperativeCollaborative Learning – Part 3,” http://tinyurl.com/5rk8a9 (Dec 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Using Student-Driven Learning Methods – CooperativeCollaborative Learning – Part 2,” http://tinyurl.com/6p22ft (Dec 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Using Student-Driven Learning Methods – Strategic Use of Student Presentations,” http://tinyurl.com/6rthn9 (Dec 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Evaluate Your Teaching Effectiveness – The “Official” Course Evaluation,” http://tinyurl.com/6cosct (Dec 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Using Student-Driven Learning Methods – Strategic Use of Role Playing,” http://tinyurl.com/6yy87o (Dec 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Using Student-Driven Learning Methods – Strategic Use of Focused Study Time,” http://tinyurl.com/6xmd24 (Dec 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Using Student-Driven Learning Methods –Strategic Use of Experiential Learning,” http://tinyurl.com/6oezf2 (Dec 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Using Student-Driven Learning Methods – CooperativeCollaborative Learning – Part 1,” http://tinyurl.com/65jn2o (Dec 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Using Student-Driven Learning Methods – Strategic Use of Open Discussion,” http://tinyurl.com/595rp8 (Dec 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Evaluate Your Teaching Effectiveness – Have Your Teaching Recorded (Video and or Audio),” http://tinyurl.com/59zkxr (Dec 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Evaluate Your Teaching Effectiveness – Arrange Informal Assessments by Colleagues,” http://tinyurl.com/5hs5xo (Dec 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Maintain Your Edge – Build a Following Among Students,” http://tinyurl.com/6ln2xr (Dec 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “10 Writing and Assessment Prompts For Students – From Aphorism to Assignment,” http://tinyurl.com/58yxyx (Dec 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors - Maintain Your Edge – Focus on the Differences You Are Making,” http://tinyurl.com/5ogelv (Dec 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors - Using Instructor-Directed Learning Methods – Strategic Use of Video,” http://tinyurl.com/5gukx8 (Dec 2008).

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Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors - Using Instructor-Directed Learning Methods – Teach Students How to Be Engaged in Class,” http://tinyurl.com/6n8mso (Dec 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Maintain Your Edge – Be An Advocate for the Marginalized,” http://tinyurl.com/54pddj (Dec 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Maintain Your Edge – Take Care of Yourself,” http://tinyurl.com/6rzxry (Dec 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Using Instructor- Directed Learning Methods – Strategic Use of Lecture With Change-Ups,” http://tinyurl.com/6bdwa7 (Dec 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Educators – What Do You Have on and in Your Desk? And What Are You Using Your Desk For?” http://tinyurl.com/5edoj4 (Dec 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Using Instructor-Directed Learning Methods – Handling Whole Group Discussion Challenges,” http://tinyurl.com/6h7mo3 (Dec 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors - Using Instructor-Directed Learning Methods – Whole Group Discussions Later in the Term,” http://tinyurl.com/6hfthr (Dec 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Using Student-Driven Learning Methods – Active Learning,” http://tinyurl.com/6qcgh2 (Dec 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Using Instructor-Directed Learning Methods – Whole Group Discussions Early in the Term,” http://tinyurl.com/6oukq5 (Dec 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Using Instructor-Directed Learning Methods – Strategic Use of Whole Group Discussions,” http://tinyurl.com/6alvnk (Dec 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Strategically Manage Your College Courses – The First Exam (or Major Assignment),” http://tinyurl.com/6mw5qk (Dec 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Using Instructor-Directed Learning Methods – Using Visuals With Your Lecture,” http://tinyurl.com/5hd95u (Dec 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Launch Your College Course Effectively – Whet Students’ Appetites for Course Content,” http://tinyurl.com/6alo6c (Dec 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Strategically Manage Your College Courses – Interpersonal Communications,” http://tinyurl.com/56bhxx (Dec 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Processing Your Physical In Box,” http://tinyurl.com/6djj2c (Dec 2008).

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Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Design an Effective Syllabus – The Readings,” http://tinyurl.com/5vsm4d (Nov 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Strategically Manage Your College Courses – Surviving If (When) You’re Not Prepared,” http://tinyurl.com/62jwqz (Nov 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Strategically Manage Your College Courses – Organize Your Materials,” http://tinyurl.com/6joajp (Nov 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Educators – Clean Off (and Clean Out) Your Desk – Increase Your Peace of Mind and Your Productivity,” http://tinyurl.com/6ak7tj (Nov 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Educators – Create a Not-To-Do List,” http://tinyurl.com/yqvhmu (Nov 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Workshops – Preparing for One-Day Workshop Takes Time, Energy, and Effort,” http://tinyurl.com/6aw326 (Nov 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Launch Your College Course Effectively – Closing Out the First Class Meeting,” http://tinyurl.com/6ass7o (Nov 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Launch Your College Course Effectively – First Impressions,” http://tinyurl.com/5t9x6a (Nov 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Launch Your College Course Effectively – Introduce Yourself to Students,” http://tinyurl.com/6xgwx5 (Nov 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Launch Your College Course Effectively – Helping Students to Get to Know One Another,” http://tinyurl.com/5u6z6q (Nov 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Strategically Manage Your College Courses – Classroom Environment,” http://tinyurl.com/5fv4xg (Nov 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Launch Your College Course Effectively – Getting to Know Your Students,” http://tinyurl.com/5tc80p (Nov 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Launch Your College Course Effectively – Use Class Time Efficiently and Wisely,” http://tinyurl.com/57yhy8 (Nov 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Launch Your College Course Effectively – Clarify Learning Objectives and Expectations,” http://tinyurl.com/5oke8w (Nov 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “10 Writing and Assessment Prompts For Students – From Astrological Prediction to Beauty Tip,” http://tinyurl.com/5nqwls (Nov 2008).

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Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Strategically Manage Your College Courses – Ethical Issues,” http://tinyurl.com/5m8ukz (Nov 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Plan Your Courses Strategically,” http://tinyurl.com/6n8fa9 (Nov 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “10 Writing and Assessment Prompts For Students – From Counting Sheep to Runic Characters,” http://tinyurl.com/5ta7yj (Nov 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Educators – Deliberately Design Your Professional Presence – What Are You Announcing?” http://tinyurl.com/5kbptd (Nov 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Design an Effective Course – Start With Your Syllabus,” http://tinyurl.com/5w2dyz (Nov 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Design an Effective Course Syllabus – The First 6 Components,” http://tinyurl.com/58ql92 (Nov 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Design an Effective Course Syllabus – Professional Touches,” http://tinyurl.com/5sueqx (Nov 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Design an Effective Course Syllabus – Communication Channels & Catalog Clarity,” http://tinyurl.com/6k46kf (Nov 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Design an Effective Course Syllabus – Assignments, Assessments & Learning Experiences,” http://tinyurl.com/5hwc5x (Nov 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Design an Effective Course Syllabus – Attendance Policies & Grading,” http://tinyurl.com/6368fy (Nov 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “10 Writing-and Assessment Prompts For Students – From Abbreviation to Acknowledgement,” http://tinyurl.com/6g3wzs (Nov 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Creating a Presentation That Gets the Positive Attention You Want,” http://tinyurl.com/64bz7p (Nov 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Know the Generations in Your Classroom – the Baby Boom Generation,” http://tinyurl.com/6cscve (Nov 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Learning Styles Your Students May Exhibit,” http://tinyurl.com/6au3k2 (Nov 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Students with Special Needs,” http://tinyurl.com/6jl8yg (Nov 2008).

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Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Know the Generations in Your Classroom – The 13th Generation (GenX),” http://tinyurl.com/5qppqs (Nov 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Know the Generation in Your Classroom – The Millennial Generation,” http://tinyurl.com/5gzdh2 (Nov 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Dealing Positively With Common Problem Situations,” http://tinyurl.com/5nh66e (Nov 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – What Students Want From College Instructors,” http://tinyurl.com/6np3ew (Noc 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Multiple Intelligences Are Alive and Well in Your Classroom,” http://tinyurl.com/5b3pqy (Nov 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Reasons to Have a Clean, Orderly Desk,” http://tinyurl.com/5d3qcx (Oct 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors –Design Memorable Meetings,” http://tinyurl.com/6y989q (Oct 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Preparing For Egress and Ingress,” http://tinyurl.com/48tbxh (Sept 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Overcome Reading Overwhelm – 8 Ideas That Work,” http://tinyurl.com/43l2u9 (Sept 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Close Your Classes Compellingly – And Ensure More Learning,” http://tinyurl.com/4ag77p (Sept 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – What a Desk Is,” http://tinyurl.com/49fxsd( (Sept 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Use a Tickler (1-31) File,” http://tinyurl.com/4lk7f2 (Sept 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Keeping on Track When You Are Not In-Charge,” http://tinyurl.com/4942pp (Sept 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Keeping Meetings on Track When You Are In Charge,” http://tinyurl.com/4agm98 (Sept 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Uses For a Timer,” http://tinyurl.com/3qvgcd (Sept 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Feeling Great About Your Day (And Your Life),” http://tinyurl.com/4errdg (Sept 2008).

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Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Places to Consider Having an Inbox (to Avoid the AbsentMinded Professor Moniker),” http://tinyurl.com/3vlgm8 (Sept 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Entrepreneurs – Ten Team Members to Have on Board,” http://tinyurl.com/44kf3n (Sept 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Overcome Reading Overwhelm – 5 Ideas to Remove Some of What You Receive Daily,” http://tinyurl.com/4y9bok (Sept 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Using a Tickler (January – December) File,” http://tinyurl.com/4kxzp2 (Sept 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – What a Desk Is Not,” http://tinyurl.com/48s6da (July 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Wise Ways to Travel,” http://tinyurl.com/3mspj4 (July 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Prevent Your Own Meeting Attendance (When Appropriate),” http://tinyurl.com/459zq7 (July 2008) Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Use the Concept of ‘Prime Real Estate’ at Your Desk/Workstation,” http://tinyurl.com/25erpm (March 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Extracting Yourself from a Meeting,” http://tinyurl.com/2uw4p2 (March 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Here Are Some Phrases & Statements to Remember,” http://tinyurl.com/2yj65u (February 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Reasons to Empty Your Psychic RAM (and How to Do So),” http://tinyurl.com/yspn99 (February 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Make Sure You Have Productive Appointments,” http://tinyurl.com/37co5c (February 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Traveling in a Peacefully Productive Manner,” http://tinyurl.com/36rk43 (February 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Three More Truths About Networking Effectively,” http://tinyurl.com/2uardd (February 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Questions to Ask to Keep Paper from Becoming Clutter,” http://tinyurl.com/32yoq7 (February 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Five Truths About Networking Effectively,” http://tinyurl.com/2uh7y6 (February 2008).

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Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors - Use a Planner Productively,” http://tinyurl.com/33uou5 (February 2008). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Calm Down – This Message is for You If You Feel Crazed, Frantic and Outof-Control,” http://tinyurl.com/35dwph (December 2007). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Wise Ways to View Travel,” http://tinyurl.com/2k9rod (December 2007). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Ways to be Wise When Traveling (Before and During),” http://tinyurl.com/3y7d34 (December 2007). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Educators – Practice Selective Perfectionism,” http://tinyurl.com/2sfoce (December 2007). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Educators – Saying ‘No’ Instead of ‘Yes’” http://tinyurl.com/2rugjy (December 2007). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Increase Your Productivity by Asking the Right Questions,” http://tinyurl.com/3xeszw (December 2007). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Educators – Dealing with Illness (Either Your Own, Students’, Colleagues, Families’, Or Others’),” http://tinyurl.com/3yrxxw (December 2007). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Educators – Not Depleting Your Own Pie,” http://tinyurl.com/2k7zgw (December 2007). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Professors – Write Good Memos (If You Have To Write Them at All),” http://tinyurl.com/3clea3 (December 2007). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Educators – Communicate Assertively,” http://tinyurl.com/3aeg3h (November 2007). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Educators – Dealing With a Toxic Environment,” http://tinyurl.com/3chpv7 (October 2007). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Educators – Use Your Planner Effectively,” http://tinyurl.com/2n24gg (October 2007). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Educators – Getting (or Staying) Off the Phone,” http://tinyurl.com/2v6tha (October 2007). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Educators - Know Who You Are and What You Need,” http://tinyurl.com/2npkaf (October 2007).

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Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Educators – Know How to Read a Book in an Hour,” http://tinyurl.com/2vf3by (October 2007). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Educators – Sending Professional Emails,” http://tinyurl.com/3dyhsy (October 2007). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Proactively Designing Your Voice Mail Messages,” http://tinyurl.com/35or3y (October 2007). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Educators – Stay Home and Recuperate When You are Sick!” http://tinyurl.com/3e5xer (October 2007). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Educators – Adjust Your Mornings for a Peaceful, Productive Start of the Day,” http://tinyurl.com/334ljd (October 2007). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Educators – Avoid Filing Systems That Aren’t,” http://tinyurl.com/2v5hcs (October 2007). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Educators – Get Control Over Your Email,” http://tinyurl.com/2d6cs2 (September 2007). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Look Out For Procrastination Time Thieves!” http://tinyurl.com/2464gv (September 2007). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Increasing Productivity by Using Signs for Yourself and Others (So You Should Have Some Handy!)” http://tinyurl.com/2bfs8v (September 2007). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Look Out For People Who Are Time Thieves!” http://tinyurl.com/27gzaa (September 2007). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Look Out For Self-Distraction Time Thieves!” http://tinyurl.com/2hpoqy (September 2007). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Look Out For Gossip Time Thieves!” http://tinyurl.com/yroway (September 2007). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Educators – Be Good to Yourself!” http://tinyurl.com/yw6myy (September 2007). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Look Out For Time Thieves!” http://tinyurl.com/22sxuy (September 2007). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Look Out for Headache Time Thieves!” http://tinyurl.com/2yoza8 (September 2007). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Look Out for Drop-In Visitor Time Thieves!” http://tinyurl.com/2zryuh (September 2007). Updated 10.20.13

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Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Look Out For Email Time Thieves!” http://tinyurl.com/yqkfs5 (September 2007). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Look Out for Telephone Time Thieves!” http://tinyurl.com/2a6zrw (September 2007). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Look Out for Time Thieves!” http://tinyurl.com/2evdap (September 2007). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Educators – What Image Do You Want to Project?” http://tinyurl.com/2zun9d (September 2007). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Keeping Chaos at Bay – Don’t Shunt Tasks,” http://tinyurl.com/2nnes5 (September 2007). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Keeping Chaos at Bay – Cleaning Up and Clearing Out Your Email Backlog in Deleted and Sent Items,” http://tinyurl.com/2oquev (September 2007). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Keeping Chaos at Bay – Cleaning Up and Clearing Out the Old Email Backlog in Your Inbox,” http://tinyurl.com/35h62u (September 2007). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Educators – Create a Not-to-Do List,” http://tinyurl.com/yqvhmu (September 2007). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Student teachers (interns) and their lead teachers don’t just wear “one hat at a time,” One Hat at a Time Newsletter, http://www.onehatatatime.com/meggin.htm (April 4, 2005). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Pushing a Rope: Maneuvering through an Instructional Session: Strategic Course Planning,” NASJE (National Association of Judicial Educators) News, 20:1, Winter 2005, http://nasje.unm.edu/current-newsletter/resources_01.htm (January 30, 2005). Article, Meggin McIntosh, “Pushing a Rope: Maneuvering through an Instructional Session: Introduction and Overview,” NASJE (National Association of Judicial Educators) News, 19:4, Fall 2004, http://nasje.unm.edu/current-newsletter/resources_01.htm (November 8, 2004). CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS Egbert, Dwight, Bebis, George, McIntosh, Meggin, LaTourrette, Nancy, and Mitra, Aniruddha, “Computer Vision Research as a Teaching Tool in CS1,” ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, November 2002, Boston (MA)

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ERIC DOCUMENTS Article, Margaret E. McIntosh, "Why We Need to Watch, Look, and Listen When Young Children Write: What We Can Learn from Them About Their Language," ERIC Documents, April 1989, ED 299 566. Article, Margaret E. McIntosh, "The Efficacy of Teacher as Researcher: A Testimonial," ERIC Documents, June 1987, ED 278 015 Article, M. Jean Greenlaw and Margaret E. McIntosh, "Literature for Use with Gifted Children," ERIC Documents, September 1985, ED 265 721 Article, Margaret E. McIntosh, "High Fantasy Literature as a Genre for Gifted Children and Youth," ERIC Documents, October 1984, ED 244 473. Article, Margaret E. McIntosh, "An Historical Look at Gifted Education as it Relates to Reading Programs for the Gifted," ERIC Documents, October 1984, ED 244 472. GRANTS Awarded National Science Foundation Grant (Co-Principal Investigator; G. Bebis (PI), D. Egbert, M. McIntosh, E. Jacobson, Co-PIs), “Combined Research-Curriculum Development in Computer Vision,” 2000 – 2003, $497,751. Awarded Faculty Enhancement Grant through office of the Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs—Undergraduate Instruction, University of Nevada, Reno, “Instructional Development, Effectiveness, and Attitude Seminars (IDEAS) for Professors,” 1997-98, $4000 Awarded Dwight D. Eisenhower Professional Development Program Grant, PR:OGRAMS (Project Results: Obtaining the Goal of Raising Achievement in Mathematics and Science), 1997-98, $18,000 Awarded Faculty Enhancement Grant through office of the Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs—Undergraduate Instruction, University of Nevada, Reno, “Instructional Development, Effectiveness, and Attitude Seminars (IDEAS) for Professors,” 1996-97, $3875 Awarded Dwight D. Eisenhower Professional Development Program Grant, PR:OGRAMS (Project Results: Obtaining the Goal of Raising Achievement in Mathematics and Science), 1996-97, $11,326 Awarded Faculty Enhancement Grant through office of the Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs—Undergraduate Instruction, University of Nevada, Reno, “Instructional Development, Effectiveness, and Attitude Seminars (IDEAS) for Professors,” 1994-95, $3875

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Awarded International Reading Association's Gertrude Whipple Professional Development Program Grant, "Teaching the Use of Reading and Writing Strategies for the Enhancement of Learning in Middle School and High School Mathematics Classrooms," 1989, $3,000. Awarded University of Nevada, Reno Junior Faculty Research Award, "Applications of the Model for Classifying the Evidence Provided by Children of Their Metalinguistic Sentience," 1988-1989, $9,000. Awarded Gifted Students Institute Grant-in-Aid, "An Ethnographic Study of the Metalinguistic Awareness of Young Gifted Children: Its Reflection of Cognitive Ability and Its Relationship to Reading Acquisition and Reading Learning," 1986-1987, $2,000. Awarded National Council of Teachers of English Research Foundation Grant-in-Aid, with M. Jean Greenlaw, "An Ethnographic Study of the Metalinguistic Awareness of Young Gifted Children: Its Reflection of Cognitive Ability and Its Relationship to Reading Acquisition," 1986-1987, $5,877. Awarded North Texas State University faculty research grant, with M. Jean Greenlaw, "An Ethnographic Study of the Metalinguistic Awareness of Young Gifted Children," 1986-1987, $3,500. Awarded North Texas State University faculty research grant, with M. Jean Greenlaw, "High Fantasy Literature and Inference Development," 1985-1986, $2,100. Awarded North Texas State University faculty research grant, with M. Jean Greenlaw, "Using Literature to Increase the Ability to Draw Inferences," 1984-1985, $4,100. Awarded grant for research on the gifted, with M. Jean Greenlaw, North Texas State University/Texas Woman's University Chapter, Phi Delta Kappa, 1983, $300. ACADEMIC PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES/SERVICE Team Member, TEDx University of Nevada, 2013-2014, http://www.tedxuniversityofnevada.org/. Co-host, Podcast, “Around the Academy,” with Dr. Julie-Ann McFann (weekly podcast on issues related to new and experienced college and university faculty members); 2008 - 2009. POD Ambassador (for Nevada, Arizona, and New Mexico), Professional and Organizational Network; Fall 2008 – December 2010 Reviewer, Session Proposals, POD (Professional and Organizational Network); National Conference, 2008 Evaluator, WINSET (Workforce Initiative for Nevada Students in Engineering and Technology; an NSFfunded project), Western Nevada Community College, 2003 - 2004

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Consulting Editor, The Clearing House, Heldref Publications, 2003 Ex-Officio Board Member, Coral Academy of Science Charter School, Reno, NV 2002-2003 Reviewer, Book Manuscript on Culturally Diverse Children’s Literature, Allyn & Bacon Publishers, November 2002 Member, Advisory Board, Nevada Association for the Gifted and Talented, 2002-2003 Reviewer, Book Manuscript on Children’s Literature, Allyn & Bacon Publishers, July 2002 Reviewer, Book Manuscript on Children’s Literature, Allyn & Bacon Publishers, June 2002 Consulting Editor, The Clearing House, Heldref Publications, 2002 Committee Member, Nevada Semenza Christian Teaching Award, Reynolds School of Journalism, University of Nevada, Reno, Spring 2001 Consulting Editor, The Clearing House, Heldref Publications, 2001 Reviewer, Book Manuscript on Children’s Literature, Allyn & Bacon Publishers, 2001 Consulting Editor, The Clearing House, Heldref Publications, 2000 Event Coordinator, “Your Own Way: A Daylong Event for 8 th Grade Girls in the WCSD,” a joint service of Professional Saleswomen of Nevada, Partners in Education, Junior Achievement, and the University of Nevada, Reno, Fall 1999 – Spring 2000 Member, Excellence in Education Committee (to choose a Washoe County School District teacher each month to be honored for excellent teaching), a joint service of Channel 4, Northern Nevada Medical Center, and Sierra Schools Credit Union 1999 - 2000 Facilitator, Racial Justice Institute, Board Retreat, YWCA, June 1999 Panel Member, “Raising the Bar for Our Students and Employees/Education vs. Training,” Leadership Reno-Sparks Alumni Meeting, Desert Research Institute, June 1999 Consulting Editor, The Clearing House, Heldref Publications, 1999 Referee, Mathematics Teacher, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1999 Referee, Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1999

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Member, Excellence in Education Committee (to choose a Washoe County School District teacher monthly to be honored for excellent teaching), a joint service of Channel 4, Northern Nevada Medical Center, and Sierra Schools Credit Union 1998-‘99 school year Event Coordinator, “Your Own Way: A Daylong Event for 8 th Grade Girls in the WCSD,” a joint service of Professional Saleswomen of Nevada, Partners in Education, Junior Achievement, and the University of Nevada, Reno, Fall 1998 and Spring 1999 Member, Publications Committee, International Reading Association, 1998-99 Consulting Editor, The Clearing House, Heldref Publications, 1998 Referee, Mathematics Teacher, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1998 Referee, Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1998 Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Writing Teacher, 1998 Member, Gifted and Talented Advisory Council, Washoe County School District, 1997-98 Reviewer, Book Manuscript on Gifted Education, Harcourt Brace College Publishers, 1998 Founding Member, Board of Trustees, Sage Ridge School, Reno, NV, 1997-98 Invited Guest Editor, The Clearing House, August/September 1997 issue; Themed issue: Communicating Mathematically Reviewer, Book Manuscript on Content Area Literacy, Houghton Mifflin, 1997 Member, Executive Committee, Excellence in Education, Inc. (creating a new private middle school for the Reno area) Consulting Editor, The Clearing House, Heldref Publications, term beginning January 1997 Member, English/Language Arts Standards Advisory Board, Nevada Department of Education, 1997 Referee, Mathematics Teacher, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1996-97 Referee, Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1996-97 Reviewer, Book proposal and partial manuscript on Content Area Literacy, Houghton Mifflin, 1996 Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Writing Teacher, 1996-97

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Referee, Mathematics Teacher, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1995-96 Referee, Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1995-96 Reviewer, Book Prospectus/Children’s Literature, Delmar Publishing Company, 1995 Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Writing Teacher, 1995-96 Referee, Mathematics Teacher, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1994-95 Referee, Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1994-95 Founding Member, Friends of the College of Education, University of Nevada, Reno, 1995 Member, Nevada State Committee of the Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges, Visiting Accreditation Team, McQueen High School, Reno, March 1995 Member, University Distinguished Teaching Award Selection Committee, University of Nevada, Reno, 1994-95 Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Writing Teacher, 1994-95 Member, Summer School Advisory Committee, University of Nevada, Reno, 1994-95 Reviewer, Book Prospectus/Children’s Literature, Delmar Publishing Company, 1994 Member, Steering Committee, Hug High School (Reno) Restructuring Team, 1993-94 Member, Departmental Award for Teaching Selection Committee, University of Nevada, Reno, 1993-94 Member, Portfolio Teaching Mentor Program, University of Nevada, Reno, 1993-94 Referee, Mathematics Teacher, 1993-94 Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Writing Teacher, 1993-94 Chair, Summer School Advisory Committee, University of Nevada, Reno, 1993-94 President, University of Nevada, Reno Chapter of Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society, 1992-1993 Team Resource Person, Washoe County School District Personal Education Plan Advisory Team for Gifted and Talented Students, 1993 Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Writing Teacher, 1992-93 Updated 10.20.13

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Chair, Summer School Advisory Committee, University of Nevada, Reno, 1992-93 Guest reviewer for articles related to mathematics, Research in the Teaching of English, 1992-1993 College of Education Faculty Advisor, Phi Delta Kappa, 1992-1993 Vice-President, University of Nevada, Reno Chapter of Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society, 1991-1992 Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Writing Teacher, 1991-92 Intellectual Freedom Officer, Nevada, IRA Intellectual Freedom Committee, 1991-1992 Member, State Research Advisory Council, Gifted and Talented, 1991-1992 Ex-Officio Director, Association for Educational Excellence, Reno, Nevada, 1990-1991, 1991-1992, 1992-1993 Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Writing Teacher, 1990-91 Secretary, University of Nevada, Reno Chapter of Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society, 1990-1991 Member, Task Force to Review Licensure for Teachers of the Gifted and Talented, State of Nevada, Department of Education, 1990 Member, Steering Committee for 1992 Southwest Regional Conference of the National Council of Teachers of English Member, Review Committee, The Mind's Eye Literary Magazine, 1990 Proposal reviewer, 1990 National Reading and Language Arts Conference, Miami, Florida Curriculum and Instruction and Fantasy Bibliographer for The Year's Work in Children's Literature Studies, 1989 Treasurer, University of Nevada, Reno Chapter of Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society, 1989-1990 Member, Committee on English Language Arts in Rural Schools, National Council of Teachers of English, 1989-1991 Proposal reviewer, 1989 National Reading Conference, Austin, Texas Social Studies/Special Education curriculum consultant, Arlington I.S.D., Spring and Summer 1988 Program Chair, Doctoral Students' Assembly of N.C.T.E., 1986-1987

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Founding member (and co-author of constitution and by-laws) of National Council of Teachers of English Doctoral Students Assembly Chair, National Reading and Language Arts Educators Conference Program Selection Committee, 1986, 1987 Member, National Reading and Language Arts Educators Conference Steering Committee, 1985-1987 Member, Texas State Council/IRA Conference Signs Committee, March 1985 Member, National Reading and Language Arts Educators Conference Program Selection Committee, 1985 Member, N.T.S.U. Selection Committee of the 1985 Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities Co-Chairperson, N.T.S.U. Reading Conference, February 1985 Alternate Delegate to Regional Convention, Phi Delta Kappa, District III, 1984-1985 Research Representative, N.T.S.U./T.W.U. Chapter, Phi Delta Kappa, 1984-1985, 1985-1986 Member, International Reading Association Young Authors Committee, 1984-1985, 1985-1986 Consultant to the National Council of Teachers of English Commission on the Education of Teachers of Reading, 1984-1986 Curriculum writer (for the gifted), Dallas Independent School District, 1983 Co-Editor of Worth Reading, N.T.S.U. Reading Newsletter, 1982-1983, 1983-1984, 1984-1985 Membership Chairperson, Jefferson City National Education Association, 1979-1980 President, Northeast Uniserv District, Missouri National Education Association, 1979-1980 Language Arts Co-Chairperson, Jefferson City Public Schools, 1978-1979, 1979-1980 AWARDS AND HONORS Nominated for Professional Saleswomen of Nevada’s Professional Saleswoman of the Year Award, 2000 Certificate of Recognition (based on nomination by others on campus), Women’s Resource Center, National Women’s History Month, March 2000 Recipient, 1998 Regents’ Teaching Award, University and Community College System of Nevada

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Nominated for 1997 Regents’ Teaching Award, University and Community College System of Nevada Honored as College of Education's Senior Scholar's most influential teacher, University of Nevada, Reno Alumni Association Senior Scholars Awards Dinner, Spring 1995 Awarded First Annual Students’ Choice Award by students in College of Education, Student National Education Association, April 1995 Recognized at Manzanita and Juniper Residence Halls’ 1st Annual Favorite Faculty Reception, University of Nevada, Reno, April 1995 Named as Official Announcer for University of Nevada, Reno graduation ceremonies, May 1994 – May 1999 Named as honorary member, Golden Key Honor Society, University of Nevada, Reno, November 1993 Named as Nevada Professor of the Year, sponsored by the Council for Advancement and Support of Education, September 1993 Nominated by University of Nevada, Reno for the 1993 United States Professor of the Year, sponsored by the Council for Advancement and Support of Education, June 1993 Honored as College of Education's Senior Scholar's most influential teacher, University of Nevada, Reno Alumni Association Senior Scholars Awards Dinner, Spring 1993 Named one of "Nevada's Most Wanted Professional Women," American Lung Association, January 1993 Recipient, Distinguished Teaching Award, University of Nevada, Reno, 1992 Named "Woman of Achievement" by Nevada Women's Fund, 1992 First Runner Up, Distinguished Teaching Award, University of Nevada, Reno, 1991 Recipient, Cashell Teaching Award, College of Education, University of Nevada, Reno, 1991 Finalist, Distinguished Teaching Award, University of Nevada, Reno, 1990 Finalist, Cashell Teaching Award, College of Education, University of Nevada, Reno, 1990 Recipient, “Top Prof” Award, given by the N.T.S.U. Mortar Board Society, November 1987 Recipient, Stephens College Alumnae Outstanding Achievement Award for 1987 Member, Delta Kappa Gamma Honor Society for Women Educators, Iota Chapter

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Excellence in Teaching Award, Jefferson City National Education Association, 1979-1980 Chosen by faculty and students of Stephens College to be the Baccalaureate speaker and to receive the honorary bachelor's hood, May 1977 Listed in Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities, 1975-1976, 1976-1977, 1983-1984, 1985-1986, 1987-1988, 1988-1989 TELESEMINARS/WEBINARS (TAUGHT &/or HOSTED FOR PROFESSIONALS IN VARIOUS FIELDS) Teleseminar (Two 90-minute classes) “Identify & Capitalize on Your Own Productivity 'Hot Spots',” http://www.meggin.com/classes/hot-spots/, November 2013 Teleseminar (90 minutes) “Using the new Circa smartPlanner,” November 2013 Tele-event (4 hours), “30 Articles in Just Thirty Days,” www.30ArticlesinJust30Days.com, October 2013 Teleseminar (Two 90-minute classes) “A Simple System to Finish Unfinished Business,” http://www.meggin.com/classes/unfinished-business/, October 2013 Teleseminar (Two 90-minute classes) “Planning Your Next Quarter,” http://www.meggin.com/classes/ planning-next-quarter/, September 2013 Teleseminar (90 minutes), “Clean Up Your Money Clutter,” for Belinda Rosenblum’s Rich Life Mastery Group Program, http://ownyourmoney.com, September 2013 Webinar (90 minutes) “Using a Shopping Cart,” http://www.meggin.com/using-a-shopping-cart/, August 2013 Teleseminar (Two 90-minute classes) “Quantifying Your Value: Energy Charting for Your Professional and Personal Life,” http://www.meggin.com/classes/energy-charting/ , July 2013 Webinar, “Seven Sane & Sensible Email Practices,” Indiana University School of Medicine, June/July 2013 Teleseminar Series (Seventeen 90-minute classes) “Workshop Business 101: Sane & Sensible Steps for Setting Up and Running Your Workshop Business,” May – September 2013 (www.WorkshopBusiness101.com). Webinar (via Skype; 90 minutes), “How Much Time, Energy, & Attention Do You Have Available to Promise,” University of Massachusetts Amherst, Post-doc/Grad Student Seminar – Preparing for College Teaching, April 2013. Teleseminar (90 minutes) “Strategies for When You Are Seriously and Scarily Behind,” http://www.justwhelmed.com/ScarilyBehind.php, March 2013 Updated 10.20.13

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Teleseminar (90 minutes) “Antioxidants for Your Toxic Work Environment,” http://www.meggin.com/classes/previous-classes/toxic-work-environments/, March 2013 Teleseminar (90 minutes) “A Simple System to Finish Unfinished Business,” http://www.meggin.com/classes/previous-classes/unfinished-business/, February 2013 Teleseries (2 hours each class) “Clean Up Your Money Clutter,” http://cleanupyourmoneyclutter.com/, February 2013 Teleseminar (90 minutes) “If You Do Nothing Else This Semester,” http://ifyoudonothingelsethissemester.com/, January 2013 Tele-event (4 hours), “Mind Sweep Event,” www.mindsweepevent.com, January 2013 Webinar (75 minutes), “Get Your “Stuff” Organized with Paper Tiger Software,” www.meggin.com/PaperTiger.php, December 2012 Teleseminar (2 hours), “Planning Your First Quarter of 2013,” December 2012 Teleseminar (90 minutes), “Developing Your Curriculum Vitae (CV),” http://getaplanguide.com/cv2012.php, November 2012 Teleseminar (90 minutes), “Decluttering Your Mind,” The Morning Glory International Voice of Hope, November 2012 Teleseminar (90 minutes) “Packing Lunches = Supply Chain Management: Leveraging the Skills You’ve Developed as a Parent to Excel in Your Career,” with special guest, Magda Pecsenye, http://www.meggin.com/classes/upcoming-public-classes/packing-lunches, October 2012 Tele-event (4 hours), “Mind Sweep Event,” www.mindsweepevent.com, November 2012 Webinar (60 minutes) “Proficient and Productive Use of Mindmapping: Open Your Mind!,” http://www.meggin.com/classes/previous-classes/mindmapping/, October 2012 Teleseminar (90 minutes) “Peace of Mind for Caring Hearts and Helping Hands!,” with special guest, Marie Gibson, http://www.meggin.com/classes/previous-classes/peace-of-mind-for-the-caregiver, October 2012 Teleseminar (90 minutes) “If You Do Nothing Else This Semester,” http://ifyoudonothingelsethissemester.com/, September 2012 Teleseminar (90 minutes) “Conflict: Discerning a Path Through the Differences,” with special guest, Mallary Tytel, Ph.D., http://www.meggin.com/classes/previous-classes/conflict/, September 2012

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Webinar (75 minutes), “Get Your “Stuff” Organized with Paper Tiger Software,” www.meggin.com/PaperTiger.php, August 2012 Teleseminar (90 minutes) “Identify & Capitalize on Your Own Productivity 'Hot Spots',” http://www.meggin.com/hotspots.php, August 2012 Teleseminar (90 minutes) “I Can't Believe You Just Said That! How Extraverts and Introverts Communicate Differently,” with special guest, Rena Hanks, http://keepingchaosatbay.com/superwoman.html, July 2012 Teleseminar (90 minutes) “Available to Promise – Know How to Promise Your Time, Energy, and Attention with Integrity,” National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity, http://facultydiversity.org, July 2012 Webinar (75 minutes), “Get Your “Stuff” Organized with Paper Tiger Software,” www.meggin.com/PaperTiger.php, July 2012 Teleseminar (90 minutes) “Hunks, Chunks and Bites (Or How to Eat an Elephant): Managing Your Small and Large Projects,” sponsored by the Nevada Small Business Development Center, Reno (NV), June 2012 Teleseminar (90 minutes) “Identify & Capitalize on Your Own Productivity 'Hot Spots',” sponsored by the Nevada Small Business Development Center, Reno (NV), June 2012 Teleseminar (90 minutes) “Marketing that Matters: Increase Your Impact,” sponsored by the Nevada Small Business Development Center, Reno (NV), May 2012 Teleseminar (90 minutes) “Marketing that Matters: Gain ‘Mindshare’ without Emptying Your Pockets,” sponsored by the Nevada Small Business Development Center, Reno (NV), May 2012 Teleseminar (90 minutes) “Clean Up Your Money Clutter: More Money Focus, Confidence, Calming with Less Stress, Distraction, Drama” sponsored by the Nevada Small Business Development Center, Reno (NV), May 2012 Teleseminar (90 minutes) “Balancing the Super Woman Act,” with special guest, Lucinda Cross, http://keepingchaosatbay.com/superwoman.html, May 2012 Teleseminar (90 minutes) “Be Heard! Know Your Intuitive Leadership Style,” with special guests, Katie Snapp and Carol Wight, http://meggin.com/intuitiveleadership.php, April 2012 Webinar (90 minutes), “Creating Grace, Space, & Pace with Your Own ‘Just Whelmed’ Calendar,” http://www.JustWhelmed.com/JWCalendar.php, March 2012 Teleseries (90 minutes each class), “Clean Up Your Money Clutter,” http://www.cleanupyourmoneyclutter.com, March 2012

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Tele-event (4 hours), “Mind Sweep Event,” www.mindsweepevent.com, March 2012 Teleseminar (90 Minutes), “Once Upon a Time…An Introvert’s Roadmap to Social Media,” with special guest, Michelle Lawson, http://meggin.com/onceupon.php, February 2012 Teleseminar (90 minutes), “ATP: Available to Promise,” http://www.justwhelmed.com/ATP.php, January 2012 Teleclass (90 minutes), “How to Complete Your Projects…Especially the Ones That Have Been Bugging You,” National Association of Independent Writers and Editors, http://news.naiwe.com/2011/12/12/member-teleclass-how-to-complete-your-projects/, January 2012 Teleseminar (90 minutes), “Compulsive List Making,” with special guest, Paula Rizzo, www.keepingchaosatbay.com/ListMaking.html, January 2012 Tele-event (4 hours), “Mind Sweep Event,” www.mindsweepevent.com, January 2012 Teleseminar (120 minutes), “Obstacle Illusions: Are You Delusional?” www.obstacleillusionprogram.com, December 2011 Teleseminar (90 minutes), “Top Ten Productivity Tips for Better (and I mean, WAAAYYY Better) Meetings,” http://toptenproductivitytips.com/waybettermeetings.php , December 2011 Teleseminar (120 minutes), “Networking for Introverts,” www.meggin.com/NetworkingforIntroverts.php, November 2011 Teleseries (12 sessions), “Make it Happen, Get it Done” Hat Trick Program, www.meggin.com/HatTrick.php, October - December 2011 Teleseminar (90 minutes), “Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Completing Your Projects,” www.CompletingYourProjects.com, October 2011 Webinar (90 minutes), “Creating Grace, Space, & Pace with Your Own “Just Whelmed Calendar,” www.JustWhelmed.com/JWCalendar.php, October 2011 Teleseminar (90 minutes), “Strategies for When You Are Seriously and Scarily Behind,” www.justwhelmed.com/ScarilyBehind.php, September 2011 Tele-event (4 hours), “30 Articles in Just Thirty Days,” www.30ArticlesinJust30Days.com, September 2011 Teleseminar/Webinar Series (3 parts), “Countdown to Your Teleseminar,” www.meggin.com/CountdownToYourTeleseminar.php, August 2011

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Webinar (60 minutes), “Get Your “Stuff” Organized with Paper Tiger Software,” www.meggin.com/PaperTiger.php, June 2011 Teleseminar (90 minutes), “The Mind Has a Mind of Its Own: Teaching and Learning That's in Sync with the Mind,” with special guest, Dr. Linda Nilson, www.meggin.com/TheMind.php, June 2011 Teleseminar (90 minutes), “Making a Break for It!,” www.meggin.com/MakingaBreakForIt.php, June 2011 Webinar (90 minutes), “Choose Your Words Carefully: Get Rid of (K)notty Words,” with special guest, Bob Nicoll, www.SPIAFOW.com/ChooseWords.php, June 2011 Teleseminar (60 minutes), “Facing Out from the Academy,” with special guest, Dr. Adam Arenson, www.meggin.com/FacingOut.php, May 2011 Tele-event (4 hours), “30 Articles in Just Thirty Days,” www.30ArticlesinJust30Days.com, May 2011 Teleseminar (90 minutes), “Quantifying Your Value: Energy Charting,” www.meggin.com/EnergyCharting.php, May 2011 Teleseminar (90 minutes), “Glass Ceilings & Labyrinths,” with special guest Dr. Moira Killoran, www.meggin.com/GlassCeiling.php, April 2011 Tele-event (4 hours), “30 Articles in Just Thirty Days,” www.30ArticlesinJust30Days.com, March 2011 Webinar (90 minutes), “Mindmapping,” www.meggin.com/Mindmapping.php, February 2011 Teleseminar Series (Two 90 minute classes), “Clean Up Your Money Clutter,” February 2011 Teleseminar (90 minutes), “The Plagues & Pains of Plagiarism,” with special guest Dr. Caroline L. Eisner, www.meggin.com/Plagiarism.php, February 2011 Teleseminar Series (10 parts), “Shift Your Money Mindset: Become Peacefully, Predictably Productive & Prosperous,” www.meggin.com/ShiftYourMoneyMindset.php, February – April 2011 Webinar (75 minutes), “Deliver Us from Digital Clutter,” with special guest, Jocelyn Coverdale, January 2011 Teleseminar (60 minutes), “Moms Are Mathletes,” with special guest Cheryl Hecht, www.meggin.com/Moms.php, January 2011 Teleseminar (4 hours), “30 Articles in Just 30 Days,” www.30ArticlesinJust30Days.com, January 2011 Teleseminar Series (10 parts), “Miniskirts: Mini-Lessons for Immediate Leadership,” www.meggin.com/Miniskirts.php, January – April 2011 Teleseminar (90 minutes), “Obstacle Illusions: Are You Delusional?” December 2010 Updated 10.20.13

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Teleseminar (90 minutes), “I Just Want to Be Whelmed: Creating a Vibrant and Productive Work Life,” December 2010 Teleseminar (90 minutes), “Get a Plan! Get a Grant! Tips, Tools, & Tactics for Writing Successful Grant Proposals,” with special guest, Vickie Galindo, www.GetaPlanGuide.com/GetAGrant.php, December 2010 Teleseminar (90 minutes), “Frantic & Frazzled? Body-Mind Shifts,” with special guest Lisa Metzgar, www.meggin.com/FranticFrazzled.php, November 2010 Teleseries (12 sessions), “Make it Happen, Get it Done” Hat Trick Program, www.meggin.com/HatTrick.php, November 2010 Teleseminar (90 minutes), “Use Your Head! "Rut Busting" for the Overwhelmed,” with special guest, Deb Erickson, www.meggin.com/UseYourHead.php, October 2010 Teleseminar + coaching (4 hours + monthly, ongoing support), “30 Articles in Just 30 Days,” www.30ArticlesinJust30Days.com, October 2010 Teleseminar (90 minutes), “Strategies for When You Are Seriously and Scarily Behind,” hosted by Lisa Montaro, October 2010 Teleseminar (90 minutes), “When Life Gives You Lemons, Put ‘em In Your Bra,” with special guest Kim Wolinski (AKA Dr. DeClutter), www.meggin.com/Lemons.php, October 2010 Teleseminar (90 minutes), “Teaching What You Don't Know,” with special guest, Dr. Therese Huston (author of Teaching What You Don’t Know), September 2010 Teleseminar (90 minutes), “Antioxidants for a Toxic Work Environment ,” September 2010 Teleseminar (90 minutes), “I Just Want to Be Whelmed,” hosted by Deb Erickson, September 2010 Teleseminar (90 minutes), “Decide to DECIDE!” with special guest, Lisa Montanaro, JD, August 2010 Teleseminar (60 minutes), “Stress No More!,” with special guest, Darshan Shanti, August 2010 Teleseminar (90 minutes), “How to Quickly and Easily Write a Book,” with special guest, Melinda Copp (The Writer’s Sherpa), July 2010 Teleseminar (90 minutes), “Plan to Thrive: How to Shape, Track, and Follow Through on Your Best Business Plans,” with special guest, Margaret Lukens, MBA, July 2010 Teleseminar (3 hours), “Marketing That Matters: Lessons From a Puffin,” July 2010 Teleseminar (90 minutes), “‘So, What Do You Do?’” July 2010 Updated 10.20.13

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Teleseminar (90 minutes), “Networking for Introverts,” June 2010 Teleseminar (90 minutes), “Get Your Message ‘Out There!’ Create Materials That Inform, Inspire, and Instruct,” with special guest, Paulette Ensign of Tips Products International, June 2010 Teleseminar (60 minutes), “Top Ten Productivity Tips for Better (and I mean, WAAAYYY Better) Meetings,” June 2010 Teleseminar + coaching (4 hours + monthly, ongoing support), “30 Articles in Just 30 Days,” beginning June 2010 Teleseminar (90 minutes), “Chaos to Calm: Your Prescription from an ER Nurse Turned Yogi,” with special guest Diane Sieg, RN, CSP, June 2010 Teleseminar (90 minutes), “Perfect is Good Enough,” with special guest, Roni Jo Draper, Ph.D., May 2010 Teleseminar (90 minutes + ongoing coaching), “Countdown to Your Teleseminar,” May 2010 Webinar (90 minutes), “The Basics of Using Audio Acrobat,” May 2010 Teleseminar (90 minutes), “Managing Multiple Responsibilities - Responsibly,” April 2010 Teleseminar (90 minutes), “Marketing That Matters: Lessons from a Puffin,” sponsored by the San Francisco Bay Area chapter of the National Association of Professional Organizers, April 2010 Teleseminar (90 minutes), “Productive Networking…Even If You Are an Introvert,” sponsored by the San Francisco Bay Area chapter of the National Association of Professional Organizers, March 2010 Teleseminar (90 minutes), “Break Down Writer's Block,” with special guest, Daphne Gray-Grant, April 2010 Teleseminar (90 minutes), “I Want to Be Just Whelmed,” March 2010, sponsored by www.JenniferCares.com Teleseminar (90 minutes), “Obstacle Illusions: Strategically Plan (& Play) Your Professional Life,” sponsored by the San Francisco Bay Area chapter of the National Association of Professional Organizers, March 2010 Teleseminar (90 minutes), “Developing Your Curriculum Vitae (CV),” March 2010 Teleseminar (90 minutes), “Time Travel: 7 Shortcuts to Maximize Your Time,” with special guest, Dr. Joelle Jay, March 2010

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Teleseminar/coaching event (4 hours), “30 Articles in Just 30 Days,” co-facilitated with Gini Cunningham, March 2010 Teleseminar (90 minutes), “Setting Up Your Business: The Have-to-Have’s and the Nice-to-Have’s,” sponsored by the San Francisco Bay Area chapter of the National Association of Professional Organizers, March 2010 Teleseminar (60 minutes), “Getting Through 'n Sticking Like Glue,” with special guest, Linda Evans, March 2010 Teleseminar (90 minutes), “Seeing Green: Make Changes That Make Sense,” with special guest, Candita Clayton, March 2010 Teleseminar (90 minutes), “The Energy of Attitude,” especially for the Staying Positive Society, with special guest, Darla Arni,” February 2010 Teleseminar (90 minutes), “Take Care,” with guest Jennifer Antkowiak,” February 2010 Teleseminar (90 minutes), “Language Wizards with John Crow; Q & A session,” January 2010 Teleseminar (90 minutes), “Marketing that Matters - Lessons from a Puffin,” January 2010 Teleseminar (90 minutes), “Obstacle Illusions – Are You Delusional? Strategically Plan (and Play) Your Professional and Personal Life for 2010,” December 2009 Teleseminar/coaching event (4 hours), “30 Articles in Just 30 Days,” co-facilitated with Gini Cunningham, December 2009 Teleseminar (90 minutes), “Skirt Strategies: Your Unique Leadership Story,” with guest Katie Snapp, December 2009 Teleseminar (90 minutes), “Ready, Get Set, Perform…and Learn: Peak Performance,” with guest, Dr. Jon Skidmore, November 2009 Teleseminar (90 minutes), “Meet Your Language Wizards,” with guest, Dr. John Crow, October 2009 Teleseminar/coaching event (4 hours), “30 Articles in Just 30 Days,” co-facilitated with Gini Cunningham, October 2009 Teleseminar (60+ minutes), “Face It! Some Emotions Are Better Not Displayed,” September 2009 Teleseminar (45 minutes), “Face It! Some Emotions Are Better Not Displayed,” sponsored by the Association of Executive and Administrative Professionals, August 2009 Teleseminar (Three 90-minute sessions), “Deputize…Then Delegate,” August 2009

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Teleseminar (90 minutes), “ATP: Available to Promise,” August 2009 Teleseminar/coaching event (4 hours), “30 Articles in Just 30 Days,” co-facilitated with Gini Cunningham, July 2009 Teleseminar (90 minutes), “Networking for Introverts,” July 2009 Webinar (60 minutes), “Putting Pockets of Time into Your Life - So You Can Take Care of Others, Too,” Sponsored by LifeCare; hosted by Barbara McVicker, July 2009 Teleseminar (90 minutes), “Seven Sane & Sensible Email Practices,” July 2009 Teleseminar/coaching event, “30 Articles in Just 30 days,” June 2009 Teleseminar (90 minutes), “Be Smart, Sensible, and Savvy with Social Media: Linked In, Facebook, and Twitter for Grown-ups (Really!),” with guest Alice Heiman, June 2009 Teleseminar (90 minutes), “Keeping Chaos at Bay by ‘Putting Pocket of Time, Energy, and Calm Back into Your Life’,” sponsored by the National Association of Entrepreneur Moms, June 2009 Teleseminar (90 minutes), “Cures for the Concerns of the Overwhelmed Caregiver,” with guest Barbara McVicker, May 2009 Teleseminar (90 minutes), “Seven Sane and Sensible Practices (So You Control Your Email Instead of It Controlling You!),” sponsored by Media Briefings Group, May 2009 Teleseminar (90 minutes), “Making a Break for It!” May 2009 Teleseminar (90 minutes), “Developing Your Curriculum Vitae,” May 2009 Teleseminar (90 minutes), “Countdown to Your Teleseminar,” April 2009 Teleseminar (90 minutes), “Educated, Yes. Organized, No. Speaking and Organizing in the Education (K16) Market,” sponsored by Calahan Solutions: LFOE (Learning From Organizing Experts Series), April 2009 Teleseminar (60 minutes), “Staying Positive in a Freaked-Out World,” sponsored by Randy Dean, April 2009 Webinar (90 minutes), “Use PowerPoint Like a Professional (vs. Embarrassing Yourself)/Part 2,” April 2009 Teleseminar/coaching event, “30 Articles in Just 30 Days,” co-facilitated with Gini Cunningham, April 2009

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Teleseminar (90 min), “Slights, Insults, and Unnecessary Comments: Letting Go of Stuff®” with Darren Johnson, March 2009 Webinar (90 minutes), “Use PowerPoint Like a Professional (vs. Embarrassing Yourself)/Part 1,” April 2009 Teleseminar (90 minutes), “Why Be Wiped Out? Realistic Stress Management Strategies That Go WAY Beyond "Eat Right and Get Plenty of Sleep"” with Patricia Hutchings, March 2009 Teleseminar (60 minutes), “Please! I Want to Be ‘Just Whelmed’!” Sponsored by Annie Jennings, February 2009 Teleseminar & Webinar (60 minutes), “Maximizing Your Affiliate Relationship & Income,” February 2009 Teleseminar (60 minutes), “Taming the Email Beast,” with Randy Dean, February 2009 Webinar (90+ minutes), “Prepare, Produce, and Present First-Rate Handouts,” February 2009 Teleseminar (60 minutes), “How to Become a Socially Relevant Breaking News Expert,” with Annie Jennings, January 2009 Teleseminar/coaching event, “30 Articles in Just 30 Days,” co-facilitated with Gini Cunningham, January 2009 Teleseminar (90 minutes), “Business Have-to-Haves & Nice-to-Haves,” sponsored by LFOE (Learn From Organizing Experts), January 2009 Teleseminar, “ShoeBox 101: Getting Your Personal and Professional Accounting in Order,” with special guest Marie Gibson, January 2009 Teleseminar, “Obstacle Illusions – Are You Delusional? Strategically Plan (and Play) Your Professional and Personal Life for 2009,” December 2008 Webinar, “Using AudioAcrobat,” December 2008 Webinar, “Maximize Your Marketing Efforts When Your Center, Program (or Other Entity) is Short of Cash,” December 2008 (with 2 follow-up teleseminars in January & February 2009) Teleseminar, “Staying Positive in a Freaked-Out World,” December 2008 Teleseminar/coaching event, “30 Articles in Just 30 Days,” co-facilitated with Gini Cunningham, November 2008 Teleseminar (90 minutes), “Antioxidants for Toxic Academic Work Environments,” Sponsored by Gina Hiatt, Ph.D. of The Academic Ladder, November 2008

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Webinar (60 minutes), “Hunks, Chunks, & Bites: Project Management,” Sponsored by SPIE (Society of PhotoInstrumental Optical Engineers), November 2008 Teleseminar (90 minutes), “The Myth of Multitasking,” with special guest Dave Crenshaw, author of The Myth of Multitasking: How 'Doing it All' Gets Nothing Done, November 2008 Teleseminar (90 minutes), “Deliberately Designing Your Professional Presence,” sponsored by LFOE (Learn From Organizing Experts), November 2008 Teleseminar (90 minutes), “So, What Do You Do?” October 2008 Teleseminar (90 minutes), “Antioxidants for Toxic Work Environments,” October 2008 Teleseminar (90 minutes with Cheryl Hecht), “Antioxidants for Toxic Work Environments,” October 2008 Teleseminar (60 minutes), “Hunks, Chunks, & Bites,” Hosted by Cybertary, September 2008 Teleseminar (90 minutes), “Networking for Introverts,” September 2008 Webinar (90 minutes), “KickStartCart (Shopping Cart) Demo,” August 2008 Webinar (90 minutes), “Read Faster & Remember More, Part III,” August 2008 Teleseminar (90 minutes), “Available-to-Promise: Knowing What You’ve Agreed to Do So You Can Make Promises (to Yourself & Others) with Integrity,” August 2008 Webinar (90 minutes each), “Read Faster & Remember More, Part I & II,” July & August 2008 Teleseminar (90 minutes), “Protect the Fruits of Your Brain Power, i.e. Your Intellectual Property” with special guest Bonnie Drinkwater, Esq., July 2008 Teleseminar (90 minutes), hosted by KJ’s Cottage, “Business Have-to-Haves & Nice-to-Haves,” July 2008 Teleseminar (90 minutes), “Creating Margins in Your Personal and Professional Life,” June 2008 Teleseminar (90 minutes), “Respect & Relationships: Build Both…Only If You Care About Making a Difference,” with special guest Mike Domitrz (www.thedatesafeproject.org), June 2008 Webinar (90+ minutes), “Reaching & Teaching/Learning & Earning with Teleseminars, Webinars & Other Cool Tools, Part II” June 2008 Webinar (90+ minutes), “Reaching & Teaching/Learning & Earning with Teleseminars, Webinars & Other Cool Tools, Part I” May 2008

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Teleseminar (90 minutes), “Bullying DOES Happen: What Parents, Educators, and the Community Can Do to Stop It?” with special guest, Billy Simms, May 2008 Teleseminar (90 minutes), “Determining Your Value: Energy Charting for Your Professional and Personal Life,” May 2008 Teleseminar (90 minutes with Gini Cunningham), Words that Fall Out of Your Keyboard: Writing Naturally,” May 2008 Teleseminar (90 minutes), “Setting Up Your Business: The Have-to-Have’s and the Nice-to-Have’s,” May 2008 Teleseminar (90 minutes with Susan Tamme), “Who Helped You Pick Up Your Boots? An Attitude of Gratitude,” April 2008 Teleseminar (90+ minutes), “Become the Emperor or Empress of Your Email,” April 2008 Teleseminar (90 minutes), “Making a Break for It!” April 2008 Teleseminar (90 minutes), “Knowing and Operating From Your Strengths,” April 2008 Teleseminar (90 minutes), “Create a Not-to-Do List,” March 2008 Teleseminar (90 minutes), “Deliberately Designing Your Professional Presence,” March 2008 Teleseminar (90 minutes with Heather Nelson), “Do ONLY What Only YOU Can Do: Using Virtual Assistants,” March 2008 Teleseminar (90 minutes with Julie-Ann McFann), “What Would Cinderella Do? Happily Ever After Is a Choice,” February 2008 Webinar (2 hours), “Prepare, Produce, and Present First-Rate Handouts: Enhance Your Impact on Others' Learning,” February 2008 Webinar (90 minutes), “Use PowerPoint® Like a Pro (Instead of Embarrassing Yourself) Part II” February 2008 Teleseminar (90 minutes with Jill Lublin), “Get Noticed! Gain Attention! Get the Word Out!” January 2008 Webinar (90+ minutes), “Use PowerPoint® Like a Pro (Instead of Embarrassing Yourself) Part I” January 2008 Webinar (90+ minutes), “Hunks, Chunks, and Bites: Project Management,” January 2008

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Teleseminar (90 minutes with Sharon Sutherlin), You “Gotta” Have a Website—and It Better Be Good: Managing Your Web Presence and Web Development Process,” January 2008 Webinar (60 minutes for Organizers Power UP!) “Use PowerPoint® Like a Pro (Instead of Embarrassing Yourself,” January 2008 Teleseminar (90 minutes), “Obstacle Illusions—Are You Delusional? Strategically Plan (and Play) Your Professional and Personal Life for 2008,” December 2007 Teleseminar (90 minutes with Chris Cox), “High Performance Living – Tools to Supercharge Your Life,” December 2007 Teleseminar (90 minutes), “Maximize Your Marketing Efforts When You’re Short of Cash and Clients,” November 2007 Webinar (2 hours), “Organized for Success,” November 2007 Teleseminar (90 minutes), “Developing a Curriculum Vita,” November 2007 Webinar, (90+ minutes), “Using PowerPoint® Like a Professional (vs. Embarrassing Yourself),” November 2007 Webinar, (90+ minutes), “Using PowerPoint® Like a Professional (vs. Embarrassing Yourself),” October 2007 Teleseminar (90 minutes with Paulette Ensign), “Leveraging Your Knowledge as an Educator into Money-Making Information Products,” October 2007 Teleseminar (90 minutes), “Maximize Your Marketing Efforts When You’re Short of Cash and Clients,” September 2007 Teleseminar (Three 90-minute sessions), “Deputize…Then Delegate,” July - August 2007 Teleseminar (90 minutes), “I Just Want to Be Whelmed,” June 2007 Teleseminar (90 minutes), “Determining Your Value: Energy Charting for Your Professional and Personal Life,” May 2007 Teleseminar (90 minutes), “Deliberately Designing Your Professional Presence,” April 2007 Teleseminar (90 minutes), “Making a Break for It!” April 2007 Teleseminar (90 minutes), “Setting Up Your Business: The Have-to-Have’s and the Nice-to-Have’s,” March 2007 Teleseminar (90 minutes), “Knowing and Operating from Your Strengths,” March 2007 Updated 10.20.13

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Teleseminar (90 minutes), “Developing a Curriculum Vita,” February 2007 RADIO INTERVIEWS Guest Speaker, “Strategies When You are Seriously and Scarily Behind,” Cheri Hill Radio Show, September 2013 STAFF DEVELOPMENT PRESENTATIONS/CONSULTATIONS/FACILITATIONS BUSINESS/PROFESSIONAL COMMUNITY Professional Development, “Networking for Introverts,” Microsoft Licensing, Reno (NV), October 2013 Professional Development, “Networking for Introverts,” ProNet, Reno (NV), September 2013 Professional Development, “Sane and Sensible Scheduling of Your Workday,” Marketer’s Exchange, Reno (NV), August 2013 Professional Development, “A Simple System to Finish Your Unfinished Business,” ProNet, Reno (NV), August 2013 Speaker, “Decision Doors,” Nevada Women's Fund Salute to Women of Achievement, Breakfast Event for Honorees, John Ascuaga’s Nugget, Reno (NV), May 2013 Speaker, “Hit DELETE on Overwhelm,” International Association of Administrative Professionals (IAAP), Valley in the Sierras Annual Membership Meeting, Reno (NV), April 2013 Professional Development, “So, What Do You Do?” ProNet, Reno (NV), April 2013 Professional Development, “Creating a Not-to-Do List,” Microsoft Licensing, GP, Reno (NV), April 2013 Professional Development, “Becoming Just Whelmed – Dealing with Information Overload (Read FasterRemember More),” Microsoft Licensing, GP, Reno (NV), October 2012 Speaker, “I Want to Be ‘Just Whelmed’,” Community Members, sponsored by More to Life Adult Day Care Health Center, LLC, Reno (NV), September 2012 Professional Development, “Deliberately Designing Your Professional Presence,” ProNet, Reno (NV), August 2012 Speaker, “Seven Sane & Sensible Practices for Establishing and Maintaining Peaceful, Predictable Productivity,” St. Mary’s/Dignity Health Executive Retreat, Squaw Valley (CA), August 2012

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Speaker, “Women’s Stories,” Nevada Women's Fund Salute to Women of Achievement, Breakfast Event for Honorees, John Ascuaga’s Nugget, Reno (NV), May 2012 Professional Development, “Solutions for YOU! Certifiably Crazy to Pitifully Conservative Ideas for Dealing with Disturbances, Fluctuations, and Other Perplexing Challenges,” Pro-Net, Reno (NV), April 2012 Professional Development, “Seven Sane & Sensible Email Practices – Staying ‘Just Whelmed’ with Your Email,” Microsoft Licensing, GP, Reno (NV), April 2012 Speaker, “How to Say No,” International Association of Administrative Professionals (IAAP), Reno (NV), April 2012 Professional Development, “Read Faster and Remember More: Overcoming Reading Overload,” College of Extended Studies, University of Nevada, Reno (NV), April 2012 Professional Development, “Write Fast! Write Now! Writing for Leaders,” College of Extended Studies, University of Nevada, Reno (NV), March 2012 Professional Development, “Write Fast! Write Now! Writing for Leaders,” College of Extended Studies, University of Nevada, Reno (NV), February 2012 Professional Development, “I Want to Be Just Whelmed,” Microsoft Licensing, GP, Reno (NV), February 2012 Speaker, “Life is a Bank and Time is the Medium of Exchange,” Nevada Professional Coaches Association, Monthly Meeting, Reno (NV) January 2012 Professional Development, “Create a Not-to-Do List,” Biz Flash, Reno (NV), November 2011 Professional Development, “Write Fast! Write Now! Professionals” College of Extended Studies, University of Nevada, Reno (NV), October 2011 Speaker, “Women’s Stories,” Nevada Women's Fund Salute to Women of Achievement, Breakfast Event for Honorees, John Ascuaga’s Nugget, Reno (NV), June 2011 Professional Development, “Strategies for When You Are Seriously and Scarily Behind,” a special fundraiser for Nevada Women’s Fund Scholarships, Silver Legacy Hotel, Reno (NV) February 2011 Professional Development, “Putting Pockets of Time, Energy, and Calm Back Into Your Life” American Chemical Society/Reno Chapter, Reno (NV), February 2011 Speaker, “Marketing That Matters,” Luncheon event, WE of the World, Atlantis Casino, Reno (NV), February 2011

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Professional Development, “Put a Sock In It!” Reno Sparks Assistance League Workshop, Reno, (NV), October 2010 Professional Development, “Putting Pockets of Time, Energy, and Calm Back Into Your Life” IAAP Workshop, Reno (NV), August 2010 Professional Development, “Seven Sane & Sensible Email Practices,” Nevada Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology Workshop, July 2010 Leadership Development, “What Does It Mean to Lead? And Would Anyone Notice If You Didn’t?” Northern Nevada Advertising Association Board Retreat, July 2010 Professional Development, “Create a Not-to-Do List,” eWomenNetwork, Reno, (NV), May 2010 Speaker, “Peaceful, Predictable Productivity – What I Wish I’d Done Sooner,” NxLevel, University of Nevada, Reno, Redfield Campus, Reno (NV), August 2009 Speaker, “Peaceful, Predictable Productivity,” NxLevel, University of Nevada, Reno, Redfield Campus, Reno (NV), April 2009 Professional Development, “Take the Pulse on Your Productivity (and the Health of Your Organization),” Sparks Chamber Forum, Sparks (NV), October 2008 Professional Development, “Organize Your Space and ‘Find’ Profits, Peace, and Productivity,” Business II Business Networking Workshop, Reno (NV), May 2008 Professional Development, “Make a Difference (and Make Money) Teaching Teachers,” An Emphasis on Excellence Seminar, Denver (CO), July/August 2008 Professional Development, “Make a Difference (and Make Money) Teaching Teachers,” An Emphasis on Excellence Seminar, Reno (NV), July 2008 Professional Development, “Make a Difference (and Make Money) Teaching Teachers,” An Emphasis on Excellence Seminar, Reno (NV), July 2007 Professional Development, “Make a Difference (and Make Money) Teaching Teachers,” An Emphasis on Excellence Seminar, Reno (NV), June 2007 Professional Development, “Getting Organized (GO)” Seminar, (with Rena Hanks), Reno (NV), May 2007 Professional Development, “Getting Organized (GO)” Seminar, High Tech Center/Great Basin College, Elko (NV), March 2007 “8-Hour Miracle™” for CPA at a large construction and bulding management enterprise, January 2007

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Professional Development, “Getting Organized (GO)” Seminar, High Tech Center/Great Basin College, Elko (NV), August 2006 Professional Development, “Getting Organized (GO)” Seminar, (with Rena Hanks), Morrison University, Reno (NV), June 2006 Professional Development, “Getting Organized (GO)” Seminar, (with Rena Hanks), University Inn, University of Nevada, Reno, February 2006 Professional Development, “Getting Organized (GO)” Seminar, (with Rena Hanks), University Inn, University of Nevada, Reno, November 2005 Continuing Education, NxLevel for Entrepreneurs, “Make a Break for It! Why Leave a Safe, Secure, and Prestigious Position (Why Not?!)” Nevada Small Business Development Center, April 2005 Continuing Education for Professional Certificate Programs, “Time and Paper Management,” Extended Studies, University of Nevada, Reno, Elko (NV), April 2004 Continuing Education, “Mastering Leadership Competencies: Producer Role,” Extended Studies, University of Nevada, Reno, April 2004 Continuing Education, “Mastering Leadership Competencies: Coordinator Role,” Extended Studies, University of Nevada, Reno, March 2004 Professional Development, “Input, Throughput, Output: Managing What Comes In, What Gets Done, and What Goes Out,” an Emphasis on Excellence, Inc. Seminar, Reno (NV), February 2004 Luncheon Keynote, “Using a Not-to-Do List: Determining What Does and Doesn’t Need to Be Done,” Reno-Sparks Chamber of Commerce, Reno (NV), February 2004 Leadership Development, “Keeping Chaos at Bay: Proactive & Realistic Strategies for Time, Paper, and Life Management for Women,” WeACT (Women Executives Accelerating Change Today), Reno (NV), February 2004 Leadership, Management, Supervisory Team (of the Atlantis), “10 Key Practices for Keeping Chaos at Bay,” Atlantis Casino Resort, Reno (NV), January 2004 Continuing Education for Professional Certificate Programs, “Time and Paper Management,” Extended Studies, University of Nevada, Reno, November 2003 Staff Development, “Read Faster/Remember More,” Part of the Results-Based Leadership Series offered by St. Mary’s Learning Institute, St. Mary’s Health Network (Community), Reno, November 2003

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Staff Development, “Input, Throughput, Output: Managing What Comes In, What Gets Done, and What Goes Out,” Part of the Results-Based Leadership Series offered by St. Mary’s Learning Institute, St. Mary’s Health Network (Community), Reno, October 2003 Continuing Education, “Mastering Leadership Competencies: Producer Role,” Nevada State Bank, Extended Studies, University of Nevada, Reno, October 2003 “8-Hour Miracle™” for The Media Center, October 2003 Staff Development, “Getting from To Do…to Done,” Part of the Results-Based Leadership Series offered by St. Mary’s Learning Institute, St. Mary’s Health Network (Community), Reno, September 2003 Continuing Education, “Mastering Leadership Competencies: Coordinator Role,” Nevada State Bank, Extended Studies, University of Nevada, Reno, September 2003 Continuing Education, “Mastering Leadership Competencies: Producer Role,” Nevada State Bank, Extended Studies, University of Nevada, Reno, June 2003 Continuing Education, “Mastering Leadership Competencies: Coordinator Role,” Nevada State Bank, Extended Studies, University of Nevada, Reno, May 2003 Continuing Education for Professional Certificate Programs, “Time and Paper Management,” Extended Studies, University of Nevada, Reno, April 2003 Staff Development, “Focus—Achieving Your Highest Priorities,” Part of the Results-Based Leadership Series offered by St. Mary’s Learning Institute, St. Mary’s Health Network (Community), Reno, March 2003 Sales Training, “Managing Your Time, Paper, and Information—Yes! It Can Be Done!” BoothCreek Resorts, Northstar (CA), February 2003 Staff Development, “Getting It Done Right—the First Time!” IT Department, St. Mary’s Health Network, Reno, January 2003 Staff Development, “Focus—Achieving Your Highest Priorities,” Part of the Results-Based Leadership Series offered by St. Mary’s Learning Institute, St. Mary’s Health Network (Community), Reno, January 2003 Staff Development, “Getting It Done Right—the First Time!” Part of the Results-Based Leadership Series offered by St. Mary’s Learning Institute, St. Mary’s Health Network (Community), Reno, January 2003 Staff Development, “Getting It Done Right—the First Time!” Part of the Results-Based Leadership Series offered by St. Mary’s Learning Institute, St. Mary’s Health Network (Community), Reno, May 2002 Updated 10.20.13

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Continuing Education for Professional Certificate Programs, “Time and Paper Management,” College of Extended Studies, University of Nevada, Reno, May 2002 Staff Development, “Getting It Done Right—the First Time!/Results-Based Leadership Series” St. Mary’s Learning Institute, St. Mary’s Health Network (internal), Reno, May 2002 Continuing Education for Professional Certificate Programs, “Time and Paper Management,” College of Extended Studies, Day Zimmerman Hawthorne Corporation, Hawthorne (NV), May 2002 Staff Development, “Managing Your Time, Managing Your Paper (Yes, It Can Be Done!), Bible, Hoy, & Trachok Law Firm, Reno (NV), September 2001 Staff Development, “What Matters Most®,” Thornton Enterprises, Reno (NV), September 2001 Continuing Education for Professional Certificate Programs, “Time and Paper Management,” College of Extended Studies, University of Nevada, Reno, April 2001 Manager Training, “Managing Your Time, Managing Your Paper (Yes, It Can Be Done!)” Carson Valley Inn, Minden (NV), March 2001 Professional Development, “Read Faster and Remember More,” Emphasis on Excellence, Inc. public seminar, Carson City (NV), July 2000 Staff Development, “Managing Your Time, Managing Your Paper (Yes, It Can Be Done!), Emphasis on Excellence, Inc. public seminar, Carson City (NV), June 2000 Staff Development, “How to Increase Your Personal and Professional Power,” Successful Images, Reno (NV), January 2000 In-Service, “Presentation Skills for Women,” University of Kansas, Edwards Campus, Business Community, June 1999 In-Service, “Critical and Creative Thinking about Supervision,” University of Kansas, Edwards Campus, MBA and MA Students, June 1999 In-Service, “Critical and Creative Thinking: The Same or Different—and Does It Matter?” University of Kansas, Edwards Campus, MBA and MA Students, April 1999 Speaker, “Tips for Managing Your Time and Staying Organized,” St. Mary’s Health Promotions Network, May 1998 Speaker, “Self-Imposed Organizational Strategies for the Organizationally Challenged,” Professional Saleswomen of Nevada Seminar Series, May 1998

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Speaker, “Enhancing Business Management for a More Effective Organization,” American Warehousing Association, Advanced Course, The Center for Logistics Management, University of Nevada, Reno, September 1997 Staff Development, “Time Management,” American Warehousing Association, Advanced Course, The Center for Logistics Management, University of Nevada, Reno, September 1996 Professional Development, “Managing the Office for Efficient Production,” Roseman Advertising, Reno, July 1996 Professional Development, “Increasing Efficiency and Effectiveness with a Planning System,” Roseman Advertising, Reno, June 1996 Professional Development, “Active Learning (What other kind is there, right?!)” Great Basin Trainers Association Conference, Winnemucca (NV), May 1996 Professional Development, “Maintaining a Professional and Productive Desk and Filing System,” Roseman Advertising, Reno, May 1996 Professional Development, “Time and Paper Management for Professionals,” Executive Skill Builders Series, Division of Continuing Education, University of Nevada, Reno, March 1996 Professional Development, “Read Faster, Comprehend More,” Executive Skill Builders Series, Division of Continuing Education, University of Nevada, Reno, February 1996 Staff Development, “Time Management for Managers,” Electro-Tech, Inc., Sparks (NV), January 1996 Professional Development, “Read Faster, Comprehend More,” Executive Skill Builders Series, Division of Continuing Education, University of Nevada, Reno, October 1995 Professional Development, “Read Faster, Comprehend More,” Executive Skill Builders Series, Division of Continuing Education, University of Nevada, Reno, September 1995 Staff Development, “Time Management,” American Warehousing Association, Advanced Course, The Center for Logistics Management, University of Nevada, Reno, September 1995 Staff Development, “Time Management,” Coca-Cola Non-Carbonated Beverages Management Skills Development Course, The Center for Logistics Management, University of Nevada, Reno, January 1995 GOVERNMENT AGENCIES/ASSOCIATIONS Facilitation/Strategic Planning for APAC: Assessments, Program Accountability, and Curriculum, Nevada Department of Education, September 2013

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Facilitation/Strategic Planning for Striving Readers Team, Nevada Department of Education, July – December 2012 Facilitation/Strategic Planning for APAC: Assessments, Program Accountability, and Curriculum, Nevada Department of Education, June 2012 Professional Development, “There’s a Hole in My Bucket, Dear Liza, Dear Liza,” Nevada Department of Education, Carson City (NV), June 2011 Productivity & Leadership Development, “Available to Promise (ATP): Knowing What You’ve Agreed to Do So You Can Make Promises (to Yourself & Others) with Integrity,” Nevada Department of Education, Carson City (NV), February 2010 Productivity & Leadership Development, “Obstacle Illusions: Strategically Planning Your Professional Life for Maximum Impact,” Nevada Department of Education, Carson City (NV), January 2010 Leadership Development, “Pulling it All Together: Working From Your Strengths,” City of Reno (NV) Manager & Supervisor Toolkit, June 2009 Leadership Development, “Effective, Productive, Exciting, and (Gasp) Worthwhile Meetings,” City of Reno (NV) Manager & Supervisor Toolkit, March 2009 Leadership Development, “Deputize, Then Delegate,” City of Reno (NV) Manager & Supervisor Toolkit, February 2009 Professional Development, “Creating a Not-to-Do List: Leverage Your Time, Energy, and Resources,” Nevada Department of Education, January 2009 Leadership Development, “Project Management,” City of Reno (NV) Manager & Supervisor Toolkit, January 2009 Professional Development, “FOCUS: Achieving Your Highest Priorities,” Franklin Covey Seminar, City of Reno (NV) Manager & Supervisor’s Toolkit Seminar, September 2008 Professional Development, “Become the Emperor or Empress of Your Email,” Nevada School Nutrition Association, June 2008 Professional Development, “Deputize…then Delegate,” Legislative Council Bureau, Carson City (NV), May 2008 Professional Development, “Help! I’m Over the Top!,” Legislative Council Bureau, Carson City (NV), May 2008 Leadership Development, “What’s in Your Toolkit Now?” City of Reno (NV) Manager & Supervisor’s Toolkit Seminar, May 2008

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Leadership Development, “Become the Emperor or Empress of Your Email (and other Electronic Tools,” Manager & Supervisor Toolkit Seminar, April 2008 Leadership Development, “Effective, Productive, Exciting, and (Gasp) Worthwhile Meetings,” City of Reno (NV) Manager & Supervisor Toolkit Seminar, April 2008 Productivity consulting/workshops, Truckee Meadows Regional Planning Authority (Nevada), January – May 2008 Leadership Development, “Deputize…then Delegate,” City of Reno (NV) Manager & Supervisor Toolkit Seminar, March 2008 Leadership Development, “Overcoming Information Overload,” City of Reno, January 2008 Leadership Development, “Project Management,” City of Reno (NV) Manager & Supervisor Toolkit, December 2007 Leadership Development, “Focus: Achieving Your Highest Priorities through Increased Effectiveness and Efficiency,” City of Reno (NV) Manager & Supervisor Toolkit Seminar, October 2007 Leadership Development, “What’s in Your Toolkit Now?” City of Reno (NV) Manager & Supervisor’s Toolkit Seminar, May 2007 Leadership Development, “Deputize…then Delegate,” City of Reno (NV) Manager & Supervisor Toolkit Seminar, February 2007 Leadership Development, “Focus: Achieving Your Highest Priorities through Increased Effectiveness and Efficiency,” City of Reno (NV) Manager & Supervisor Toolkit Seminar, March 2007 Leadership Development, “Project Management,” City of Reno (NV) Manager & Supervisor Toolkit, January 2007 “8-Hour Miracle”™, USDA Forest Service, Portland (OR), November 2006 Leadership Development, “Effective, Productive, Exciting, and (Gasp) Worthwhile Meetings,” City of Reno (NV) Business Update, August 2006 Leadership Development, “Managing Your Stress, Your Time, and Your Life,” City of Reno (NV) Manager’s and Supervisor’s Toolkit Seminar, June 2006 Leadership Development, “Deputize…then Delegate,” City of Reno (NV) Manager’s and Supervisor’s Toolkit Seminar, March 2006 Leadership Development, “Effective, Productive, Exciting, and Worthwhile Meetings,” City of Reno (NV) Manager’s and Supervisor’s Toolkit Seminar, February 2006 Updated 10.20.13

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Leadership Development, “Keeping Chaos at Bay,” City of Reno (NV), January 2006 Staff Development, “Focus: Achieving Your Highest Priorities through Increased Effectiveness and Efficiency,” Bureau of Land Management (Mineral Adjudication Division), Reno (NV), November 2005 Staff Development, “Increasing the Pass Rate on Civil Service Exams, Part 3,” City of Reno (NV), June 2005 Leadership Development, “Keeping Chaos at Bay,” City of Reno (NV), April 2005 Leadership Development, “Deputize…then Delegate,” City of Reno (NV) Manager’s and Supervisor’s Toolkit Seminar, March 2005 Staff Development, “Keeping Chaos at Bay,” Administrative Aide Retreat, City of Reno (NV), March 2005 Leadership Development, “Managing Information Overload,” City of Reno (NV), March 2005 Professional Development, “Be the Emperor/Empress of Your Email: Command Its Appearance, Control Its Impact, Conclude Its Fate,” Sierra Nevada Chapter of American Records Managers and Administrators (ARMA), Sparks (NV), September 2004 Staff Development, “Increasing the Pass Rate on Civil Service Exams, Part 2,” City of Reno (NV), August 2004 Staff Development, “Increasing the Pass Rate on Civil Service Exams,” City of Reno (NV), June 2004 Management/Business Update, “How Productive Are You and Your Employees?” City of Reno (NV), March 2004 Staff Development, “Time and Paper Management: Increase Your Effectiveness and Efficiency,” City of Reno (NV), February 2004 Staff Development, “Time and Paper Management: Increase Your Effectiveness and Efficiency,” City of Reno (NV), January 2003 Staff Development, “Time and Paper Management: Increase Your Effectiveness and Efficiency,” City of Reno (NV), February 2002 Staff Development, “How to Keep All the Plates Spinning….No Matter What “Shape” You’re In!” Mojave County Department of Health and Human Services, Kingman (AZ), August 2001 Continuing Education, “Developing Performance Objectives,” Nevada POST (Peace Officers Standards and Training), Carson City (NV), June 2001 Updated 10.20.13

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Staff Development, “Managing Your Time, Managing Your Paper (Yes, It Can Be Done!)” Washoe County Library, Reno (NV), March 2001 Staff Development, “Managing Your Time, Managing Your Paper (Yes, It Can Be Done!)” Washoe County Human Resources Department, Reno (NV), February 2001 Staff Development, “Managing Your Time, Managing Your Paper (Yes, It Can Be Done!)” Washoe County Human Resources Department, Reno (NV), December 2000 Staff Development, “Building Time Management Skills as a Team…No Matter What “Shape” You’re In!” USDA/Nevada Farm Services Agency, Reno (NV), November 2000 Staff Development, “Stress Management—What “Shape” Are You In?” Clark County Libraries, Las Vegas (NV), June 2000 Staff Development, “Developing Performance Objectives,” Nevada Peace Officers, Reno (NV), May 2000 UNIVERSITY/COLLEGE COMMUNITY Faculty Development, “Begin and End Your Summer with an Energizing Sense of Peace and Calm,” Illinois State University, Normal (IL), May 2013 Faculty Development, “Tips, Tools, & Techniques for Productively Managing Your Time & Energy This Summer,” University of Illinois, Urbana (IL), May 2013 Faculty Development, “I’ve Been Promoted - Now What?” Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis (IN), March 2013 Faculty Development, “I Want to Be Just Whelmed,” Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis (IN), March 2013 Faculty Development, “Seven Sane & Sensible Email Practices,” Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis (IN), offered via teleseminar after a campus shut-down precluded offering the f2f workshop, June & September 2013 Faculty Development, “If You Do Nothing Else This Semester,” via teleseminar, University of Wyoming, Laramie (WY), March 2013 Faculty & Graduate Student Development, “Putting in Pockets of Time, Energy, and Attention,” Department of Social Work, University of Nevada, Reno (NV), February 2013 Staff Development, “Solutions for YOU! Certifiably Crazy to Pitifully Conservative Ideas for Dealing with Disturbances, Fluctuations, and Other Perplexing Challenges,” University of Nevada Cooperative Extension, Reno (NV), October 2012

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Faculty Development, “Available to Promise: How Much Time & Energy (Truthfully) Do You Have 'Available to Promise'?,” via teleseminar, Michigan State University (MI), September 2012 Faculty Development, “Identify & Capitalize on Your Own Productivity ‘Hot Spots’,” via webinar, New Mexico State University (NM), September 2012 Leadership Development, “Chaos to Control,” Montana State University, Bozeman (MT), April 2012 Faculty Development, “Lay Out Your Life,” Montana State University, Bozeman (MT), April 2012 Faculty Development, “7 Sane & Sensible Practices for (Re)Gaining & Maintaining Control of Your Work Life,” Office of Faculty and Organizational Development, Michigan State University, East Lansing (MI), March 2012 Staff Development, “7 Sane & Sensible Practices for (Re)Gaining & Maintaining Control of Your Work Life,” Human Resource Development, Michigan State University, East Lansing (MI), March 2012 Faculty and Staff Development, “I Want to Be Just Whelmed,” Point Loma Nazarene University, (CA), August 2011 Faculty and Staff Development, “Pez, Popcorn and Peeps,” Point Loma Nazarene University (CA), August 2011 Faculty and Staff Development, “Providing Effective Feedback,” Intern Supervisors, College of Education, University of Nevada, Reno (NV), August 2011 Faculty and Staff Development, “Seven Sane & Sensible Practices for Controlling Email,” New Mexico State University (NM), March 2011 Faculty and Staff Development, “What's the Point of PowerPoint?,” New Mexico State University (NM), March 2011 Faculty and Staff Development, “Create a Not-to-Do List,” New Mexico State University (NM), March 2011 Faculty and Staff Development, “I Just Want to Be Whelmed,” University of Nevada, Reno (NV), January 2011 Faculty and Staff Development, “I Just Want to Be Whelmed,” University of Nevada, Reno (NV), October 2010 Faculty Development, “Achieving, Attaining, Accomplishing: Strategies for Striving, Surviving, and Thriving through Tenure (and Beyond!),” Oberlin College, Oberlin (OH), October 2010 Faculty Development, “Help! I'm Over the Top! Tools, Tips, and Techniques to Gain Control of an Academic Life,” Wayne State University, Detroit, (MI), May 2010 Updated 10.20.13

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Faculty Development, “Achieving, Attaining, Accomplishing: Strategies for Striving, Surviving and Thriving in Academic Life,” University of Nevada Reno, School of Medicine, Las Vegas (NV), May 2010 Faculty Development, “Strategic, Systematic, and Sensible Workflow Practices: Move From Chaos to Control,” University of Massechusettes, Amherst (MA), March 2010 Faculty Development, “Bulletin Board Leadership: Your Life As a Leader,” University of Albany, Albany (NY), March 2010 Faculty Development, “Achieving, Attaining, Accomplishing: Strategies for Striving, Surviving, and Thriving through Tenure (and Beyond!),” University of Albany, Albany (NY), March 2010 Faculty Development, “What Matters When You Lead? (And Would Anyone Notice If You Didn't?),” University of Albany, Albany (NY), March 2010 Faculty Development, “Create a Not-to-Do List: Leverage Your Time, Energy, and Resources,” Indiana University, Purdue University, Indianapolis (IN), February 2010 Faculty Development, “I Just Want to be Whelmed: Maintaining a Vibrant and Productive Work Life,” Indiana University, Purdue University, Indianapolis (IN), February 2010 Faculty Development, “Seven Sane & Sensible Email Practices,” Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis (IN), February 2010 Faculty Development, “Help! I'm Over the Top! Tools, Tips and Techniques to Gain Control of an Academic Life,” Westfield State College, Westfield (MA), January 2010 Faculty Development, “Protect Your Time, Energy, and Attention,” University of Massachusettes, Amherst, Co-sponsored by The Five Colleges Inc. & The Mount Holyoke College Alfred P. Sloan Award for Career Flexibility in The Academy, Amherst (MA), January 2010 Faculty Development, “From Chaos to Control: Strategic, Systematic, and Sensible Workflow Practices,” University of Massachusettes, Amherst, Amherst, (MA), January 2010 Faculty Development, “Achieving, Attaining, Accomplishing: Strategies for Striving, Surviving and Thriving through Tenure (and Beyond),” University of Nevada, Reno, Reno (NV), January 2010 Faculty Development, “Deputize, Then Delegate,” Sponsored by MU-ADVANCE, Marshall University, Huntington (WV), November 2009 Faculty & Graduate Student Development, “There’s a Hole in My Bucket, Dear Liza, Dear Liza,” University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio (TX), November 2009 Faculty & Graduate Student Development, “I Want to Be ‘Just Whelmed’,” University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio (TX), November 2009 Updated 10.20.13

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Keynote Presentation, Preparing Future Faculty Conference, “Protect Your Time, Energy, and Attention in an "Exacting" Way,” University of Michigan, Ann Arbor(MI), October 2009 Faculty Development, “Making a Break for It,” Center for the Education of Women, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor(MI), October 2009 Faculty Development, “Strategic, Systematic, and Sensible Workflow Practices,” Michigan State University, East Lansing (MI), October 2009 Faculty Development, “Networking for Introverts,” Texas A & M, College Station (TX), September 2009 Faculty Development, “I Want to Be 'Just Whelmed',” Texas A & M, College Station (TX), September 2009 Faculty Development, “Help! I'm Over the Top! Tools, Tips, and Techniques to Gain Control of an Academic Life,” Texas A & M, Co-sponsored by the Women’s Faculty Network, College Station (TX), September 2009 Graduate Student Development, “Protect Your Time, Energy, and Attention ... in an "Exacting" Way” University of Nevada, Reno, Reno (NV), September 2009 Faculty Development, “Poised for Life…Poised for Success,” WISE (Women in Science and Engineering) at Syracuse University (NY), August 2009 Faculty Development, “Put Pockets of Time, Energy, and Calm Back Into Your Life,” University of Florida, Surgery Residents and Surgeons, April 2009 Faculty Development, “Help! I’m Over the Top! Tools, Tips, and Techniques to Gain Control of the Academic Life,” University of Nevada, Reno, Reno (NV), March 2009 Faculty Development, “Help! I’m Over the Top! Tools, Tips, and Techniques to Gain Control of the Academic Life,” BYU Faculty Center, Brigham Young University, Provo (UT), February 2009 Faculty Development, “I Just Want to Be Whelmed: Maintaining a Vibrant and Productive Work Life,” BYU Faculty Center, Brigham Young University, Provo (UT), February 2009 Faculty Development, “Bungling the Burglars Who Steal Your Time, Attention, Energy, and (Really) Your Life: For Those Who Want to Take a Stand Against this Crime!” Center for Teaching and Learning, Boise State University, Boise (ID), February 2009 Faculty Development, “I Just Want to Be Whelmed: Maintaining a Vibrant and Productive Work Life,” Center for Teaching and Learning, Boise State University, Boise (ID), February 2009 Faculty Development, “Achieving, Attaining & Accomplishing: Strategies for Striving, Surviving, & Thriving Through Tenure & Beyond!” CU ADVANCE - Cornell University (NY), January 2009 Updated 10.20.13

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Faculty Development, “Poised for Life…Poised for Success: Maintaining Balance and Equilibrium as a Woman in Academia,” CU ADVANCE - Cornell University (NY), January 2009 Faculty Development, “Achieving, Attaining & Accomplishing: Strategies for Striving, Surviving, & Thriving Through Tenure & Beyond!” University of Nevada, Reno, Reno (NV), November 2008 Faculty Development, “Help! I’m Over the Top! Tips, Tools, & Techniques to Gain Controf of an Academic Life,” University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso (TX), October 2008 Faculty Development, “Create a Not-to-Do List: Leverage Your Time, Energy, and Resources,” University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso (TX), October 2008 Faculty Development, “I Just Want to Be Whelmed,” New Mexico State University, Las Cruces (NM), October 2008 (2 separate workshops for faculty & graduate students) Faculty Development, “I’m Tenured…Now What? Adjusting Your Thermostat onYour Academic Life,” Texas A & M, College Station (TX), September 2008 Faculty Development, “Achieving, Attaining & Accomplishing: Strategies for Striving, Surviving, & Thriving Through Tenure & Beyond!” Texas A & M, College Station (TX), September 2008 Faculty Development, “Peacefully, Predictably, and Purposefully Crafting a Productive 360 Degree Life,” Michigan State University, Lansing (MI), September 2008 Faculty Development, “I Just Want to Be Whelmed!” University of Florida, Gainesville (FL), September 2008 Faculty Development, “Become the Emperor or Empress of Your Email (and Other Electronic Tools,” University of Richmond, Richmond (VA) March 2008 Staff Development, “Become the Emperor or Empress of Your Email (and Other Electronic Tools,” University of Richmond, Richmond (VA) March 2008 Faculty Development, “Poised for Life…Poised for Success: Maintaining Balance and Equilibrium as a Woman in Academia,” Marshall University, Huntington (WV), February 2008 Faculty Development, “I Just Want to Be Whelmed,” Excellence in Teaching Program, University of Nevada, Reno, Reno (NV), February 2008 Staff Development, “I Just Want to Be Whelmed,” Child & Family Research Center, University of Nevada, Reno, Reno (NV), February 2008 Graduate Students/Faculty Development, “Feeding the Tiger: Do You Have a Choice?” University of Nevada, Reno, Reno (NV), February 2008

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Faculty Development, “I Just Want to Be Whelmed,” University of Florida, Gainesville (FL), February 2008 Faculty Development, “Achieving, Attaining, Accomplishing Strategies for Striving, Surviving, and Thriving through Tenure (and Beyond!)” and “Help! I’m Over the Top! Tools, Tips, and Techniques to Gain Control of an Academic Life,” University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst (MA) January 2008 Faculty Development, “I Just Want to be Whelmed” and “Bungling the Burglars Who Steal Your Time, Information, and (Really) Your Life,” Shawnee State University, Porsmouth (OH), October 2007 Faculty Development, “I Just Want to be Whelmed,” Shawnee State University, Porsmouth (OH), October 2007 Faculty Development, “Fierce Conversations: Their Value and Their Necessity,” “Conciliating the Tiger,” and “Energized, Efficient, and Engaging Classes,” University of Texas, El Paso (TX), January 2007 “8-Hour Miracle”™, Grant-funded special project office, University of Nevada, Reno, Reno (NV), November 2006 Faculty Development, “Keeping Chaos at Bay (Even When They Keep Speeding Up the Line!)” Brigham Young University, Provo (UT), October 2006 Staff Development, “Keeping Chaos at Bay (Even When They Keep Speeding Up the Line!)” Garden City Community College (KS), August 2006 Staff Development, “Building a Strengths-Based Team (Focusing on Strengths vs. “Addressing” Weaknesses), Faculty of Education, Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada; February 2006 Staff Development, “Building a Strengths-Based Team (Focusing on Strengths vs. “Addressing” Weaknesses), Faculty of Education, Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada; videoconferenced class, January 2006 Faculty Development, “Time/Stress Budget Out of Whack? Get Control of the Budget!” Denison University, Granville (OH), October 2005 Staff Development, “Keeping Chaos at Bay (Even When They Keep Speeding Up the Line!)” State University of New York (SUNY) Geneseo, August 2005 Staff Development, “Keeping Chaos at Bay (Even When They Keep Speeding Up the Line!)” New Mexico State University, Las Cruces (NM), May 2005 Faculty & Graduate Student Development, “Keeping Chaos at Bay (Even When They Keep Speeding Up the Line!)” New Mexico State University, Las Cruces (NM), May 2005 Updated 10.20.13

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Faculty & Graduate Student Development, “Keeping Chaos at Bay (Even When They Keep Speeding Up the Line!)” University of Texas, El Paso (TX), May 2005 Staff Development & Consulting, “Filing What You Have, Finding What You File,” CASAT, University of Nevada, Reno (NV), March – May 2005 Staff Development, “Focus—Achieving Your Highest Priorities,” CASAT, University of Nevada, Reno (NV), January 2005 Faculty & Staff Development, “A Quest for Selfishness: Achieving Consciousness, Clarity, and Conviction about the Value, Necessity, and Power of being Selfish,” a seminar & coaching event cosponsored by Emphasis on Excellence, Inc. & Pillar Consulting, LLC, University of Nevada, Reno (NV), January – March 2005 Faculty & Staff Development, “Keeping Chaos at Bay: Productive and Realistic Strategies for Time, Paper, and Life Management,” Denison University, Granville (OH), October 2004 Faculty & Staff Development, “Be the Emperor/Empress of Your Email: Command Its Appearance, Control Its Impact, Conclude Its Fate,” Denison University, Granville (OH), October 2004 Faculty Development, “Handling Hordes: Teaching Large Classes Effectively,” Excellence in Teaching Program, University of Nevada, Reno (NV), August 2004 Staff Development, “Feeding the Tiger: Do You Have a Choice?” University of Nevada, Reno (NV), College of Liberal Arts Staff Retreat, Reno (NV), August 2004 Staff Development, “Using Our Head (Brain) When We Teach (and that means not just using our head!)” Summer Institute for Addiction and Prevention Studies, CASAT (Center for the Application of Substance Abuse Technologies), Las Vegas (NV), August 2004 Staff Development, “Keeping Chaos at Bay: Productive and Realistic Strategies for Time, Paper, and Life Management,” Shawnee State University, Portsmouth (OH), May 2004 Dinner Presentation, “Creating Your Not-to-Do List,” Shawnee State University, Portsmouth (OH), May 2004 Staff Development, “Keeping Chaos at Bay: Productive and Realistic Strategies for Time, Paper, and Life Management,” Marshall University, Huntington (WV), April 2004 Faculty Development, “Designing an Effective Syllabus,” Geriatric Interdisciplinary Summer Internship (GISI) workshop, University of Nevada School of Medicine, Reno (NV), February – March 2004 Faculty Development, “Making the First Day Successful,” through the Excellence in Teaching Program, University of Nevada, Reno (NV), January 2004

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Staff Development, “Becoming a Strengths-Based Organization,” CASAT (Center for the Application of Substance Abuse Technologies), University of Nevada, Reno (NV), December 2003 Faculty Development, “Using Active Learning Strategies in the University Classroom,” University of Nevada, Reno (NV), October 2003 Leadership Training, “Developing a Strengths-Based Organization,” CASAT (Center for the Application of Substance Abuse Technologies), University of Nevada, Reno, October 2003 Faculty Development, “Keeping Chaos at Bay: Proactive and Realistic Strategies for Time, Paper, and Life Management,” Ohio University-Southern Faculty and Administrators, Ironton (OH), September 2003 Faculty Development, “Managing Time, Paper, and Information: Creating a Productive Professional (and Personal) Life,” Ohio University Faculty, Athens (OH), September 2003 Faculty Development, “Productivity and Promise(s),” Ohio University Administrators, Athens (OH), September 2003 Staff Development, “Priorities, Passions, Pleasures, & Promises: Doing What You Need to Do, Doing What You Want to Do,” Food for Health and Soul, University of Nevada Cooperative Extension, Las Vegas (NV), September 2003 Staff Development, “Keeping Chaos at Bay: Proactive Strategies for Managing Your Time” Nevada Food Stamp Nutrition Education Plan, Reno (NV), August 2003 Faculty Development Series, IDEAS for Professors (Instructional Development, Effectiveness, and Attitude Seminars), University of Nevada, Reno, August – November 2003 Staff Development, “Responding to Classroom Predicaments,” Graduate School Instructional Development Program, University of Nevada, Reno, August 2003 Faculty Development, “Developing an Excellent Syllabus,” University of Nevada, Reno, August 2003 Training, “Priorities, Passions, Pleasures, & Promises: Doing What You Need to Do, Doing What You Want to Do,” Alumni Relations, University of Nevada, Reno, July 2003 Faculty Development, “Developing Effective Assignments,” University of Nevada, Reno, July 2003 Staff Development, “Read Faster/Remember More,” University of Nevada, Reno, June 2003 Staff Development, “Focus—Achieving Your Highest Priorities,” University of Nevada, Reno, April 2003 Staff Development, “Increasing Engagement (and Learning!) through Interactive Lectures,” Food for Health & Soul, University of Nevada Cooperative Extension, Las Vegas (NV), March 2003

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Faculty Development, “Managing Your Time, Paper, and Information—Yes! It Can Be Done!” New Mexico State University Teaching Academy, Las Cruces (NM), February 2003 Staff Development, “Leadership in Difficult Times,” UNR Foundation, University of Nevada, Reno, January 2003 Faculty Development, “The Semester Ahead—Getting Started on the Right Foot,” University of Nevada, Reno, January 2003 Staff Development, “Responding to Classroom Predicaments,” Graduate School Instructional Development Program, University of Nevada, Reno, January 2003 Staff Development, “Let’s Get Organized!” Nevada Food Stamp Nutrition Education Plan, Las Vegas (NV), January 2003 Faculty Development, “Developing a Teaching Portfolio,” University of Nevada, Reno, September – October 2002 Staff Development, “Managing Your Time, Managing Your Paper (Yes, It Can Be Done!),” University of Nevada, Reno, August 2002 Faculty Development, “Increasing Student Engagement (and Learning) Using Interactive Lectures,” University of Nevada School of Medicine, August 2002 Faculty Development, “Developing an Excellent Syllabus,” University of Nevada, Reno, August 2002 Faculty Development, “Handling Hordes: Teaching Large Classes Effectively,” University of Nevada, Reno, August 2002 Faculty Development, “Developing Effective Assignments,” University of Nevada, Reno, July 2002 Staff Development, “Read Faster/Remember More,” University of Nevada, Reno, July 2002 Faculty Development, “Teaching Critical Thinking and Deep Learning,” (facilitation) University of Nevada, Reno, June 2002 Staff Development, “Teaching Adult Learners,” Western Center for the Application of Substance Abuse Technologies (Western CAPT), University of Nevada, Reno, June 2002 Faculty and Staff Development, “What Matters Most®,” University of Nevada, Reno, April 2002 Faculty Development, “Maximizing Program Effectiveness Using Compressed Video,” Cooperative Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, March 2002

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Faculty Development, “Fostering Critical and Creative Thinking: A Workshop for the College of Engineering and the Mackay School of Mines,” University of Nevada, Reno, February – March 2002 Staff Development, “Responding to Classroom Predicaments,” Graduate School Instructional Development Program, University of Nevada, Reno, January 2002 Staff Development, “Communicating Effectively (No Matter What “Shape” You’re In!),” Student Services, University of Nevada, Reno, November 2001 Staff Development, “What Matters Most®,” Western Center for the Application of Substance Abuse Technologies (Western CAPT), University of Nevada, Reno, November 2001 Faculty and Staff Development, “What Matters Most®,” University of Nevada, Reno, October 2001 Faculty Development, “Preparing for (and Having) a Great Semester,” (for College of Education LOAs and new faculty), University of Nevada, Reno, August 2001 Faculty Development, “First Day of Class,” New Faculty Orientation, University of Nevada, Reno August 2001 Staff Development, “Responding to Classroom Predicaments,” Graduate School Instructional Development Program, University of Nevada, Reno, August 2001 Faculty and Staff Development, “What Matters Most®,” University of Nevada, Reno, July 2001 Staff Development, “Effectively Teaching Adult Learners,” Center for the Application of Substance Abuse Technologies (CASAT), University of Nevada, Reno, June 2001 Faculty and Staff Development, “What Matters Most®,” University of Nevada, Reno, April 2001 Staff Development, “Real Time Demands with Declining Resources: How Can We Manage Time and Paper?” 2001 Student Services Symposium, University and Community College System of Nevada, April 2001 Faculty Development, “Developing a Teaching Portfolio,” University of Nevada, Reno, March/April 2000 Faculty Development, “Developing Effective Assignments,” University of Nevada, Reno, February/March 2001 Faculty Development, “Helping Students Become Strategic Learners,” Western Nevada Community College, Carson City (NV), January 2001 Faculty Development, “Developing an Effective Syllabus,” University of Nevada, Reno, January 2001

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Faculty and Staff Development, “What Matters Most®,” University of Nevada, Reno, a special workshop for deans, department chairs, and administrative assistants, January 2001 Staff Development, “Responding to Classroom Predicaments,” Graduate School Instructional Development Program, University of Nevada, Reno, January 2001 Faculty and Staff Development, “What Matters Most®,” University of Nevada, Reno, January 2001 Staff Development, “Effectively Teaching Adult Learners,” Western Center for the Application of Substance Abuse Technologies (Western CAPT), University of Nevada, Reno, December 2000 Faculty Development, “Developing Performance Assessments,” Quality Undergraduate Education (QUE) Project, Sponsored by the Education Trust and the National Association of System Heads (NASH), Nevada State Meeting, Reno, December 2000. Faculty and Staff Development, “What Matters Most®,” University of Nevada, Reno, November 2000 Staff Development, “Team Building: Geometric Psychology,” Truckee Meadows Community College, Reno (NV), October 2000 Faculty Development, “Developing a Teaching Portfolio,” University of Nevada, Reno, October 2000 Faculty Development, “Effective Teaching,” University of Nevada School of Medicine, Las Vegas (NV), September 2000 Faculty Development, “Preparing for (and Having) a Great Semester,” (for LOAs and new faculty), University of Nevada, Reno, August 2000 Faculty Development, “Becoming a Faculty Consultant,” University of Nevada, Reno, August 2000 – May 2001 Faculty Development, “First Day of Class,” New Faculty Orientation, University of Nevada, Reno August 2000 Faculty Development, “Developing an Effective Syllabus,” University of Nevada, Reno, August 2000 Staff Development, “Responding to Classroom Predicaments,” Graduate School Instructional Development Program, University of Nevada, Reno, August 2000 Faculty Development, “Developing an Effective Syllabus,” Western Nevada Community College, August 2000 Staff Development, “Time Management for Home and Office,” Cooperative Extension Retreat, Mesquite (NV), August 2000

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Faculty Development Series, IDEAS for Professors (Instructional Development, Effectiveness, and Attitude Seminars), University of Nevada, Reno, July 2000 Faculty Development, “How to Teach Teachers Effectively—and Make Money at the Same Time,” University of Nevada, Reno, June 2000 Faculty Development, “Effectively Teaching Educators,” Northwest Regional Professional Development Program/University of Nevada, Reno, May 2000 Faculty Development, “Developing Effective Assignments,” University of Nevada, Reno, May 2000 (Future) Faculty Development, “Effective Presentation Skills,” Social Psychology club (Ph.D. students), University of Nevada, Reno, March 2000 Faculty Development, “How Do You Know When Someone Understands?” Family Medical Center Physicians, University of Nevada School of Medicine, March – April 2000 Speaker, “Using Active Learning Strategies to Engage Your Audience,” training for Your Own Way Presenters, Junior Achievement, March 2000 Faculty Development, “Using Active Learning Strategies in the College Classroom,” Western Nevada Community College, February 2000 Faculty Development, “Evaluating a Teaching Portfolio: A workshop for Deans, Department Chairs, and Members of Promotion/Tenure Committees,” University of Nevada, Reno, February 2000 Faculty Development, “Teaching Students to be Strategic Learners,” Great Basin College (NV), January 2000 Faculty Development, “Designing an Excellent Syllabus,” Truckee Meadows Community College (NV), January 2000 Faculty Development, “Making the First Day Successful,” Western Nevada Community College, January 2000 Faculty Development Series, IDEAS for Professors (Instructional Development, Effectiveness, and Attitude Seminars), University of Nevada, Reno, January – March 2000 (f2f and via Distance Education) Faculty Develoment, “Teaching Students to be Strategic Learners,” First Year Experience Faculty, University of Nevada, Reno, January 2000 Staff Development, “Responding to Classroom Predicaments,” Graduate School Instructional Development Program, University of Nevada, Reno, January 2000 Faculty Development, “Designing an Excellent Syllabus,” University of Nevada, Reno, January 2000 Updated 10.20.13

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Faculty Development, “Developing a Teaching Portfolio,” University of Nevada, Reno, September/October 1999 Faculty Development, “Developing Effective Assignments,” University of Nevada, Reno, September/October 1999 Speaker, “Becoming a Strategic Learner,” Chemical Engineering First Year Experience class, August 1999 Faculty Development, “Developing Effective Assignments,” Great Basin College, Elko (NV), August 1999 Faculty Development, “Seminars for New Faculty,” University of Nevada, Reno, August – December 1999 Faculty Development, “Becoming a Faculty Consultant,” University of Nevada, Reno, August – February 2000 Speaker, “The First Day of Class,” New Faculty Orientation, University of Nevada, Reno, August 1999 Staff Development, "Responding to Classroom Predicaments," Graduate Student Instructional Development Program, Fall Training, University of Nevada, Reno, August 1999 Faculty Development, “Developing an Effective Syllabus,” University of Nevada, Reno, August 1999 Faculty Development, “Read Faster/Comprehend More,” University of Nevada, Reno, July 1999 Faculty Development Series, IDEAS for Professors (Instructional Development, Effectiveness, and Attitude Seminars), University of Nevada, Reno, July 1999 Staff Development, “What is Your E-Value,” College of Education, University of Nevada, Reno, July 1999 Staff Development, “Learning Outcomes,” Student Services, University of Nevada, Reno, July 1999 Faculty Development/Consulting, “Teaching for Critical and Creative Thinking,” William Allen White School of Journalism and Mass Communications, University of Kansas, April 1999 Facilitator, Task Force on Teaching and Learning Excellence, University of Nevada School of Medicine, Las Vegas, February – May 1999 Faculty Development, “Peer Evaluation,” Department of Nutrition, University of Nevada, Reno, March 1999 Faculty Development, “Developing Effective Assignments, Advanced Level,” University of Nevada, Reno, February – March 1999

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Faculty Development, “Developing a Teaching Portfolio,” University of Nevada, Reno, February – March 1999 Faculty Development, “Teaching for Understanding,” “Collaborative Learning,” and “Learning Styles,” Mackay School of Mines, University of Nevada, Reno, January – March 1999 Faculty Development, “Developing Effective Assignments,” University of Nevada, Reno, January/February 1999 Faculty Development Series, IDEAS for Professors (Instructional Development, Effectiveness, and Attitude Seminars), University of Nevada, Reno, January – March 1999 Staff Development, "Responding to Classroom Predicaments," Graduate Student Instructional Development Program, Fall Training, University of Nevada, Reno, January 1999 Faculty Development, “Developing an Effective Syllabus,” Great Basin College, January 1999 Faculty Development, “Active Learning,” Great Basin College, January 1999 Faculty Development, “Developing an Effective Syllabus,” University of Nevada, Reno, January 1999 Faculty Development, “Developing Critical and Creative Thinking,” William Allen White School of Journalism & Mass Communications, University of Kansas, October 1998 Faculty Development Series, IDEAS for Professors (Instructional Development, Effectiveness, and Attitude Seminars), University of Nevada, Reno, August – October 1998 Faculty Development, “Evaluating a Teaching Portfolio,” (taught with Marsha Read), University of Nevada, Reno, Fall 1998 Faculty Development, “Developing a Teaching Portfolio” (taught with Marsha Read), University of Nevada, Reno, Fall 1998 Faculty Development, “Designing Effective Assignments,” University of Nevada, Reno, Fall 1998 Speaker, “The First Day of Class,” New Faculty Orientation, University of Nevada, Reno, August 1998 Staff Development, "Responding to Classroom Predicaments," Graduate Student Instructional Development Program, Fall Training, University of Nevada, Reno, August 1998 Faculty Development, “Developing an Effective Syllabus,” University of Nevada, Reno, July 1998 Faculty Development, “Ensuring Active Engagement in Freshmen Classes,” University of Nevada, Reno, June 1998

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Faculty Development, “Time and Paper Management for University Faculty,” University of Nevada, Reno, July 1998 Faculty Development, “Read Faster/Comprehend More,” University of Nevada, Reno, June 1998 Facilitator, “Developing Teaching Portfolios,” University of Nevada, Reno, March/April 1998 Speaker, “Quick Tips for Staying Organized,” Wellness Center Series, March 1998, University of Nevada, Reno Speaker, “What do you do to keep your audience from falling asleep?”; “Your teaching personality can either be the problem…or the solution;” “Using questions to engage learners and facilitate their learning,” (3 presentations) CMPP 760/Communications in Pharmacology and Physiology, January & February 1998 Faculty Development Series, IDEAS for Professors (Instructional Development, Effectiveness, and Attitude Seminars), University of Nevada, Reno, January – April 1998 Staff Development, "Responding to Classroom Predicaments," Graduate Student Instructional Development Program, Spring Training, University of Nevada, Reno, January 1998 Speaker, “The First Day of Class,” New Faculty Orientation, University of Nevada, Reno, August 1997 Staff Development, "Responding to Classroom Predicaments," Graduate Student Instructional Development Program, Fall Training, University of Nevada, Reno, August 1997 Faculty Development Series, IDEAS for Professors (Instructional Development, Effectiveness, and Attitude Seminars), University of Nevada, Reno, August - November 1997 Faculty Development, “Read Faster/Comprehend More,” University of Nevada, Reno, July 1997 Faculty Development, “Time and Paper Management for University Faculty,” University of Nevada, Reno, July 1997 Staff Development, “Efficiency & Organization for Office Managers and Secretaries,” College of Education Staff Council Retreat, May 1997 Faculty Development, “Fostering Critical Thinking Through Excellent Instruction,” Reynolds School of Journalism, University of Nevada, Reno, March 1997 Faculty Development Series, IDEAS for Professors (Instructional Development, Effectiveness, and Attitude Seminars), University of Nevada, Reno, January - April 1997 (1 section offered, 30 professors accepted; waiting list) Staff Development, "Responding to Classroom Predicaments," Graduate Student Instructional Development Program, Spring Training, University of Nevada, Reno, January 1997 Updated 10.20.13

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Discussion leader, “What Can I Accomplish with a Syllabus?” Faculty Senate Brown Bag Forums on Teaching, November 1996 Speaker, “The First Day of Class,” New Faculty Orientation, University of Nevada, Reno, August 1996 Staff Development, "Responding to Classroom Predicaments," Graduate Student Instructional Development Program, Fall Training, University of Nevada, Reno, August 1996 Professional Development, “Read Faster and Comprehend More! A Seminar for Professors” University of Nevada, Reno, May 1996 Professional Development, “Six Hat Thinking,” Maynard Institute, Reynolds School of Journalism, April 1996 Staff Development, "Responding to Classroom Predicaments," Graduate Student Instructional Development Program, Spring Training, University of Nevada, Reno, January 1996 Faculty Development Series, IDEAS for Professors (Instructional Development, Effectiveness, and Attitude Seminars), University of Nevada, Reno, January - April 1996 (2 sections offered, 30 professors accepted into each section; waiting list for both sections) Staff Development, “Read Faster, Comprehend More,” Division of Continuing Education, University of Nevada, Reno, December 1995 Faculty Development Series, “Fostering Critical Thinking Through Excellent Instruction,” Reynolds School of Journalism, University of Nevada, Reno, November 1995 - April 1996 Faculty Development Series, “Facilitating Critical Thinking in the Journalism Classroom,” Reynolds School of Journalism, University of Nevada, Reno, August - October 1995 Staff Development, "Facilitating Learning through Strong Openings and Closings," Graduate Student Instructional Development Program, Spring Training, University of Nevada, Reno, August 1995 Speaker, “The First Day of Class,” New Faculty Orientation, University of Nevada, Reno, August 1995 Staff Development, "Facilitating Learning through Strong Openings and Closings," Graduate Student Instructional Development Program, Spring Training, University of Nevada, Reno, January 1995 Staff Development, IDEAS for Professors (Instructional Development, Effectiveness, and Attitude Seminars), University of Nevada, Reno, January - May 1995 (one section offered, 30 professors accepted, waiting list of 30+) Discussion leader, “What Can I Accomplish with a Syllabus?” Faculty Senate Brown Bag Forums on Teaching, November 1994

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Staff Development, "Facilitating Learning through Strong Openings and Closings," Graduate Student Instructional Development Program, Fall Training, University of Nevada, Reno, August 1994 Discussion leader, “What Can I Accomplish with a Syllabus?” Faculty Senate Brown Bag Forums on Teaching, April 1994 Staff Development, "Facilitating Learning through Strong Openings and Closings," Graduate Student Instructional Development Program, Spring Training, University of Nevada, Reno, January 1994 Staff Development, "Developing Strong Openings and Closings for Instruction," Graduate Student Instructional Development Program, Fall Training, University of Nevada, Reno, August 1993 Faculty Development, "Determining What is Important/Doing What is Important," a workshop sponsored by the Associate Vice President for Instructional Enhancement, University of Nevada, Reno, January 1993 Faculty Development, "Managing Your Desk/Managing Your Files," a workshop sponsored by the Associate Vice President for Instructional Enhancement, University of Nevada, Reno, November 1992 Faculty Development, "Involving Students in Learning," New Faculty Orientation, University of Nevada, Reno, August 1992 Staff Development, "Active Participation," Graduate Student Instruction Development Program, University of Nevada, Reno, Fall Training, August 1992 Faculty Development, "Getting Students Involved Right at the Beginning of Your Classes," New Faculty Orientation, University of Nevada, Reno, August 1991 Staff Development, "Teaching to the Objective/Active Participation," Graduate Student Instructional Development Program, University of Nevada, Reno, August, 1991 Staff Development, "Teaching to the Objective" and "Active Participation," Graduate Student Instructional Development Program, University of Nevada, Reno, January 1991 Staff Development, "Teaching to the Objective" and "Active Participation," Graduate Student Instructional Development Program, University of Nevada, Reno, August 1990 K-12 TEACHERS, ADMINISTRATORS, AND SCHOOLS Staff Development, “Strategic, Systematic, and Sensible Workflow Practices,” Mono County School District Administrators, Bridgeport (CA), April 2013 Staff Development, “The Business of Life: Graceful & Grateful Success and Failure,” Washoe County School District (NV) Administrative Professionals, August 2012

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Staff Development, “Seven Sane & Sensible Practices for (Re)Gaining & Maintaining Control of Your Work Life,” Washoe County School District (NV) Parent Involvement Faciliatators (PIFs), May 2012 Staff Development, “Your Stories – Informative, Indicative, Infective, & Instructive,” Washoe County School District (NV) Administrative Professionals Workshop, April 2012 Consultant, Classroom Instructional Coach, and Workshop Leader – Mineral County School District, Hawthorne (NV), November 2011 – March 2012 Workshop Leader and Coach, Washoe County School District, an elementary & middle school (SIG), Reno (NV), October 2011 – June 2012 Staff Development, “Academic Vocabulary,” All Junior and High School Teachers, Plumas County Office of Education (CA), September 2011 Staff Development, “Paying Attention to the Road Signs of the School Year,” Administrative Professionals, Washoe County School District, Reno (NV) August 2011 Staff Development, “Putting Pockets Back Into Your Life,” Administrative Professionals, Washoe County School District, Reno (NV), August 2011 Consultant, Classroom Instructional Coach, and Workshop Leader – Mineral County School District, Hawthorne (NV), February – October 2011 (Title I Grant) Speaker, middle school classrooms at Our Lady of Snows, Reno (NV), November 2010 Keynote Speaker, “Put a Sock In It!” Start Fresh Conference, Washoe County School District, Reno(NV) August 2010 Facilitator, State Board of Education Annual Retreat, Carson City (NV), August 2010 Keynote Speaker, “Staying Positive in a Freaked-Out World,” Welcome Back to School Gathering, Bishop Manogue High School, Reno (NV), August 2010 Staff Development, “Managing Your Responsibilities – Responsibly,” Washoe County School District/21st Century, Reno (NV), March 2010 Staff Development, “There’s A Hole in My Bucket, Dear Liza, Dear Liza,” Washoe County School District (7 elementary schools), Reno (NV), November 2008 Staff Development, “Engaging Students in Learning,” Dayton High School, Dayton (NV) September 2008 Staff Development, “There’s A Hole in My Bucket, Dear Liza,” Washoe County School District, Reno (NV), August 2008 (2 separate sessions for different segments of staff/administrators Updated 10.20.13

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Staff Development, “Take a Taxicab to Your Destination: Increasing Achievement, Collegiality, & Productivity, “ Huffaker Elementary School, Reno (NV), July 2008 Staff Development, “Take a Taxicab to Your Destination: Increasing Achievement, Collegiality, & Productivity,” Bud Beasley Elementary School, Reno (NV), June 2008 Staff Development, “So, What’s Your Story?!” Dayton High School Back-to-School Kickoff, Dayton (NV), August 2007 Staff Development, “So, What’s Your Story?!” Reed High School Back-to-School Kickoff, Reno (NV), August 2007 Staff Development, “Pez, Popcorn, and Princesses: Professional Presence,” Washoe County School District Administative Assistants and Secretaries, Reno (NV), August 2007 “8-Hour Miracle”™, Title I Offices, Washoe County School District, Reno (NV), July September 2007 Train-the-Trainer, “Owning Words for Literacy™,” Nevada Reading First, Weeklong seminar, Reno (NV), June 2007 and then follow-up teleseminars & consulting with the trainers throughout Fall 2007/Spring 2008 “8-Hour Miracle”™, World Languages & ELL, Washoe County School District, Reno (NV), May 2007 Train-the-Facilitator, “Fierce Conversations: Their Value and Their Necessity,” Washoe County School District Administrators, Reno (NV), May - June 2007; continued consulting at Squaw Valley in August 2007 and throughout Fall 2007 Staff Development, “Surviving and Thriving (with Your Students!) in the Noah’s Ark that is Your Classroom: Differentiated Instruction/Part II,” White Pine (NV) County School District, May 2007 Staff Development, “GO! Getting Organized,” Lincoln County (NV) School District, May 2007 Leadership Development, “Fierce Conversations: Their Value and Their Necessity,” Washoe County School District Elementary Administrators, Reno (NV), April 2007 Staff Development, “Owning Words for Literacy™,” McQueen High School Staff Development Day (2 separate workshops for like departments), Reno (NV), April 2007 Staff Development, “Making Mentoring Work…Well,” Elko County School District, Elko (NV), March 2007

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Staff Development, “Surviving and Thriving (with Your Students!) in the Noah’s Ark that is Your Classroom: Differentiated Instruction/Part I,” White Pine (NV) County School District, March 2007 Staff Development, “Owning Words for Literacy™/Part Ib,” Keller Middle School, Las Vegas (NV), February 2007 Staff Development, “Coaching, Collaborating, & Consulting: New Roles & New Responsibilities,” Humboldt County School District, Winnemucca (NV), January 2007 Train-the-Trainer, “Owning Words for Literacy™,” Nevada Reading First, Screening and selection of candidates; teleseminars, consulting, leading up to the summer training, January – May 2007 Staff Development, “Coaching, Collaborating, & Consulting: New Roles & New Responsibilities,” Northeastern Nevada Regional Professional Development Program, Elko (NV), January 2007 “8-Hour Miracle”™, Associate Superintendent’s Office, Washoe County School District, Reno (NV), November 2006 Staff Development, “Making Mentoring Work…Well,” Elko County School District, Elko (NV), October 2006 Leadership Development, “Being a Strengths-Focused Person and then Building Strengths-Based Teams,” 5-Workshop Series, Regional Center for Teaching and Learning, Reno (NV), October 2006 – May 2007 Staff Development, “Hovering is NOT Reading,” 4-Workshop series, Dayton High School, Dayton (NV), September 2006 – March 2007 Staff Development, “Owning Words for Literacy™/Part I,” Keller Middle School, Las Vegas (NV), August 2006 Staff Development, “TREASURE MAP™: Teaching Reading/Enthusiasm, Application, and Secrets for Uncommon Reading Effectiveness…Making Achievement Possible,” 5-workshop series offered for 10 middle schools throughout the 2006-2007 school year, Washoe County School District, Reno (NV), August 2006 – April 2007 Leadership Development, “Strong Leadership by Reading First Principals (RFPs)”, sponsored by Nevada Reading First, Las Vegas (NV), Fall 2006 – Spring 2007 (3-workshop series) Leadership Development, “Literacy Leaders & Coaches (LLCs)”, sponsored by Nevada Reading First, Las Vegas (NV), Fall 2006 – Spring 2007 (3-workshop series) Staff Development, “Owning Words for Literacy™!: Developing Students’ Vocabulary for Increased Achievement in Reading,” Part 2; taught 7 times throughout the state during Fall 2006 & Spring 2007 (sponsored by Nevada Reading First)

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Staff Development, “Owning Words for Literacy™!: Developing Students’ Vocabulary for Increased Achievement in Reading,” Part 1; taught 9 times throughout the state during Fall 2006 (sponsored by Nevada Reading First) Staff Development, “Coaching, Collaborating, & Consulting: New Roles & New Responsibilities,” Humboldt County School District, Winnemucca (NV), August 2006 Staff Development, “Nevada Reading First Intensive for New Literacy Leaders & Coaches (LLCs)”, sponsored by Nevada Reading First, Las Vegas (NV), August 2006 Leadership Development, “Fierce Conversations: Their Value and Their Necessity,” Washoe County School District Secondary Administrators, Squaw Valley (CA), August 2006 Leadership Development, “Creating an Environment and an Attitude for Developing Achievement through Literacy,” Hug High School Administrators and Department Leaders, Squaw Valley (CA), August 2006 Staff Development, “Being Positive, Being Playful, Being Productive,” Administrative Professionals, Washoe County School District, Reno (NV), June 2006 Staff Development, “Creating Classrooms that Support (and Coaching for) Comprehension,” Clark County School District, Las Vegas (NV), May 2006 Staff Development, “Creating Dynamic Schools through Mentoring, Coaching, and Collaboration: A workshop for coaches of new teachers,” Elko County School District, Elko (NV), May 2006 Staff Development, “Coaching, Collaborating, & Consulting: New Roles & New Responsibilities,” Northeastern Nevada Regional Professional Development Program, Elko (NV), May 2006 Staff Development, “Supporting Reading Across the Curriculum in the Middle School: The Vital Role of Administrators,” Washoe County (NV) School District; 4 sessions as part of the SB 404 Grant, April – June 2006 Staff Development, “Making Mentoring Work…Well,” Elko County School District, Elko (NV), April 2006 Staff Development, “Take a Taxicab to Your Destination! Increasing Achievement, Collegiality, and Productivity,” Grace Warner Elementary School, Reno (NV), March 2006 Staff Development & Coaching, “Owning Words for Literacy™!: Developing Students’ Vocabulary for Increased Achievement in Reading, Part II” Owyhee Combined Schools, Owyhee (NV), March 2006 Staff Development, “Owning Words for Literacy™!: Developing Students’ Vocabulary for Increased Achievement in Reading, Part I” Douglas County School District, Minden (NV), February 2006

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Staff Development, “Owning Words for Literacy™!: Developing Students’ Vocabulary for Increased Achievement in Reading, Part I” Clark County School District, Las Vegas (NV), February 2006 Staff Development, “Owning Words for Literacy™!: Developing Students’ Vocabulary for Increased Achievement in Reading, Part I” Owyhee Combined Schools, Owyhee (NV), September 2005 Leadership Development, “‘Principaled’ Time, Paper, Information, and Life Management,” Washoe County School District Principals Academy, Reno (NV), September 2005 – February 2006 Leadership Development, “Strong, Focused, “Fierce” Leadership in Nevada Reading First Schools: Tools for the Principals” part of Nevada’s Reading First Grant, Nevada Department of Education, Las Vegas (NV), September 2005 – May 2006 (a six-part series of day-long workshops) Leadership Development, “Building Individual and Team Strengths and Capacities,” part of Nevada’s Reading First Grant, Nevada Department of Education, Las Vegas & Reno, August 2005 – May 2006 (an eight-part series of day-long workshops) Staff Development, “Owning Words for Literacy™!: Developing Students’ Vocabulary for Increased Achievement in Reading,” Part 2; taught 10 times throughout the state during Fall 2005 – Spring 2006 (sponsored by Nevada Reading First) Staff Development & Consulting, “Increasing Learning and Literacy in the Middle School Classroom,” Carson City (NV), August 2005 – May 2006 Staff Development, “Owning Words for Literacy™!: Developing Students’ Vocabulary for Increased Achievement in Reading,” Part 1; taught 14 times throughout the state during Fall 2005 – Spring 2006 (sponsored by Nevada Reading First) Staff Development, “Take a Taxicab to Your Destination! Increasing Achievement, Collegiality, and Productivity,” Elmcrest Elementary School, Reno (NV), August 2005 Staff Development, “Nevada Reading First Intensive for New Literacy Leaders & Coaches (LLCs)”, sponsored by Nevada Reading First, Las Vegas (NV), August 2005 Staff Development, “Keeping Chaos at Bay,” Administrative Professionals, Washoe County School District, Reno (NV), June 2005 Staff Development & Consulting, “Distinguished Differentiated Instruction for Deserving Middle School Students (Hint: They're ALL Deserving!)” Carson City (NV), March – May 2005 Staff Development, “Making Mentoring Work…Well,” Northeast Nevada Technology Consortium, Elko (NV), February 2005 Staff Development, “Consulting, Collaborating, & Coaching” (for lead teachers & their interns), Northeast Nevada Regional Professional Development Program, Elko (NV), February 2005

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Staff Development, “Serving the Deserving (Note: They’re All Deserving),” Clark County School District, Las Vegas (NV), January 2005 Staff Development, “Owning Words for Literacy!: Developing Students’ Vocabulary for Increased Achievement in Reading,” Part 2; taught 10 times throughout the state during Spring 2005 (sponsored by Nevada Reading First). Staff Development, “Increasing Student Learning and Achievement through Content Literacy Strategies,” West Wendover High School, Wendover (NV), December 2004 – April 2005 Staff Development, “The Mentoring Relationship,” Northeast Nevada Technology Consortium, Elko (NV), October 2004 Professional Development, “Shameless Self-Promotion: Of Yourself, Your School, and Your Staff,” Principals Academy, Washoe County (NV) School District, September 2004 Staff Development, “Take a Taxicab to Your Destination! Increasing Achievement, Collegiality, and Productivity,” Esther Bennett Elementary School, Reno (NV), September 2004 Leadership Development, “Building Individual and Team Strengths and Capacities,” part of Nevada’s Reading First Grant, Nevada Department of Education, Las Vegas, Reno, & Elko (NV), Sepember 2004 – June 2005 (an eight-part series of day-long workshops) Staff Development, “Owning Words for Literacy!: Developing Students’ Vocabulary for Increased Achievement in Reading,” Part I; taught 14 times throughout the state during Fall 2004 – Spring 2005 (sponsored by Nevada Reading First). Leadership Development, “‘Principaled’ Time, Paper, Information, and Life Management,” Washoe County School District Principals Academy, Reno (NV), September 2004 – February 2005 Staff Development, “Raising Achievement, Eliminating Gaps,” West Wendover Elementary School, Wendover (NV), September 2004 – April 2005 (7-part series) Staff Development, “Transforming Schools: Motivated Teachers and Motivated Learners,” Southside Elementary School, Elko (NV), September 2004 – April 2005 (7-part series) Staff Development, “Read Faster/Remember More! Learn It and Teach It!” McQueen High School, Reno (NV), August 2004 Staff Development, “Take a Taxicab to Your Destination! Increasing Achievement, Collegiality, and Productivity,” Caughlin Ranch Elementary School, Reno (NV), August 2004 Staff Development, “Developing Vocabulary through and FOR Reading,” Clark County School District, Las Vegas (NV), June 2004 Staff Development, “Time Management & Team Building,” Clark County (NV) School District, May 2004 Updated 10.20.13

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Staff Development, “Input, Throughput, Output: Managing What Comes In, What Gets Done, and What Goes Out,” Nye County (NV) School District, May 2004 Staff Development, “Promoting Content Area Reading and Learning,” Jackpot (NV), April 2004 Professional Development, “Shameless Self-Promotion: Of Yourself, Your School, and Your Staff,” Principals Academy, Washoe County (NV) School District, April 2004 Staff Development, “Aligning Curriculum & Assessment,” Churchill County School District, Fallon (NV), March – May 2004 Staff Development, “Developing Vocabulary through and FOR Reading,” Clark County School District, Las Vegas (NV), March 2004 Staff Development, “The Mentoring Relationship,” Northeast Nevada Technology Consortium, Elko (NV), March 2004 Facilitation, “Developing a 5 Year Strategic Plan,” State Consortium/Regional Professional Development Programs, Reno (NV), February 2004 In-Service, “To Do, Doing, Done: Determining and Accomplishing Tasks, Projects, and Goals that Matter Most,” an Emphasis on Excellence, Inc. seminar, Reno (NV), January 2004 In-Service, “Developing Performance Assessments, Part II,” Lincoln County School District (NV), January 2004 In-Service, “Developing Performance Assessments,” Lincoln County School District (NV), November 2003 In-Service, “To Do, Doing, Done: Determining and Accomplishing Tasks, Projects, and Goals that Matter Most,” an Emphasis on Excellence, Inc. seminar, Elko (NV), October 2003 Staff Development, “The Care and Feeding of the Noah’s Ark That Is Your Classsroom: Differentiating Instruction,” Jackpot (NV), October 2003 – January 2004 Staff Development, “Mapping the Journey,” Nevada Reading Excellence Act Literacy Leaders, University of Nevada, Reno and University of Nevada, Las Vegas, September 2003 – April 2004 In-Service, “Vocabulary Development,” Yerington Elementary School (NV), August 2003 In-Service, “Under the Big Top: Increasing Achievement through Differentiated Instruction in the Block Schedule,” El Dorado County Union High School District (CA), August 2003 In-Service, “Keeping Chaos at Bay: Proactive and Realistic Strategies for Time, Paper, and Life Management,” Washoe County (NV) School Counselors and Psychologists, August 2003 Updated 10.20.13

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In-Service, “To Do, Doing, Done: Determining and Accomplishing Tasks, Projects, and Goals that Matter Most,” Lincoln County (NV) School District, July 2003 In-Service, “The Care and Feeding of the Noah’s Ark That Is Your Classsroom: Differentiating Instruction,” an Emphasis on Excellence, Inc. seminar, Reno (NV), June 2003 In-Service, “The Case of Missing Time,” an Emphasis on Excellence, Inc. Seminar, Reno (NV), June 2003 In-Service, “Under the Big Top: Increasing Literacy Achievement through Differentiating Instruction,” Four Middle Schools in the Washoe County School District, Reno (NV), June 2003 In-Service, “Increasing Students’ Achievement through Reading in the Content Areas,” Coral Academy of Science Charter School, Reno (NV), June 2003 In-Service, “Focus—Achieving Your Highest Priorities,” Nevada Reading Excellence Act, University of Nevada, Reno, April 2003 In-Service, “The Case of Missing Time,” an Emphasis on Excellence, Inc. Seminar, Reno (NV), March 2003 Staff Development, “Learning Vocabulary for Life—Not Just for the Test,” Yerington (NV) Intermediate School, February 2003 Staff Development, “Differentiating Instruction,” Lincoln County (NV) School District, February 2003 Staff Development, “Mentoring for Success,” Northeast Technology Consortium, Elko (NV), January 2003 In-Service, “Thriving in the Block Schedule,” Pershing County Middle School, Lovelock (NV), January 2003 In-Service, “Differentiating Instruction: Increased Learning Through the Use of Varied Strategies,” Carson City School District (NV), January – February 2003 In-Service, “The Care and Feeding of the Noah’s Ark That Is Your Classroom: Differentiating Instruction,” Lincoln County School District (NV), November 2002 In-Service, “The Care and Feeding of the Noah’s Ark That Is Your Classroom: Differentiating Instruction,” Carson City School District (NV), October - November 2002 In-Service, “The Care and Feeding of the Noah’s Ark That Is Your Classroom: Differentiating Instruction,” Humboldt County School District (NV), September 2002 Staff Development, “Becoming Leaders,” Nevada Reading Excellence Act, (locations throughout the State of Nevada), September 2002 – May 2003 Updated 10.20.13

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Staff Development, “Improving Reading and Learning in All Curriculum Areas,” Yerington Intermediate School, Yerington (NV), August 2002 Staff Development, “Increasing Student Engagement and Learning,” McQueen High School, Reno (NV), August 2002 Staff Development, “Positive Image- and Self-Projection for Women,” Humboldt County School District, Winnemucca (NV), August 2002 In-Service, “The Main Course: Reading,” University of Nevada, Reno, August 2002 In-Service, “BYOB! Bring Your Own Brain: Learning, the Brain, and the Classroom,” University of Nevada, Reno, July 2002 Professional Development, “How to Effectively Teach Teachers—and Make Money at the Same Time!” University of Nevada, Reno, July 2002 In-Service, “What Matters Most for Educators,” University of Nevada, Reno, July 2002 In-Service, “Outstanding, Practical Strategies to Increase Reading Achievement,” Seminars for Educational Excellence, Chicago (IL), Grand Rapids (MI), and Detroit (MI), May 2002 In-Service, “The Care and Feeding of the Noah’s Ark That Is Your Classsroom: Differentiating Instruction,” Humboldt County School District (NV), February – March 2002 In-Service, “Keeping All the Plates Spinning: Organization Tips, Tools, & Techniques,” Sun Valley Elementary School, Reno (NV), February 2002 In-Service, “The Care and Feeding of the Noah’s Ark That Is Your Classsroom: Differentiating Instruction,” Washoe County School District (NV), February – March 2002 In-Service, “What Matters Most for Educators,” University of Nevada, Reno, January 2002 In-Service, “Differentiating Instruction to Increase Student Learning,” Carson City School District (NV), November 2001 – February 2002 In-Service, “Increasing Students’ Writing Abilities,” Caliente Elementary School and CO Bastian High School, Lincoln County School District (NV), November 2001 In-Servive, “Dramatically Increase Students’ Reading Achievement (and Watch Their Test Scores Soar!) Seminars for Educational Excellence, Ontario (CA) and Anaheim (CA), October 2001 In-Service, “Increasing Students’ Writing Abilities,” Panaca and Pioche Elementary Schools, Lincoln County School District (NV), October 2001

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In-Service, “Increasing Learning Through Standards-Based Classrooms,” Churchill County School District (all elementary schools, the junior high, and the high school), September – November 2001 In-Service, “Increasing the Achievement of All Students Through Content Area Reading Strategies,” Washoe County School District (NV), September 2001 – February 2002 In-Service, “Increasing the Achievement of All Students Through Content Area Reading Strategies,” Mendive Middle School, Washoe County School District (NV), August 2001 In-Service, “Increasing Reading Achievement Across the Curriculum,” Lone Pine School District (CA), August 2001 In-Service, “Leading Standards-Based Schools,” Churchill County School District Administrators, August 2001 In-Service, “What Matters Most for Educators,” Rural Summer Institute, Nevada Department of Education, Elko (NV), July 2001 Professional Development, “How to Effectively Teach Teachers—and Make Money at the Same Time!” University of Nevada, Reno, July 2001 In-Service, “What Matters Most for Educators,” University of Nevada, Reno, July 2001 In-Service, “Prepare Your Students’ Brains for School’s Main Course: Reading,” University of Nevada, Reno, June 2001 In-Service, “BYOB! Bring Your Own Brain: Learning, the Brain, and the Classroom,” University of Nevada, Reno, June 2001 In-Service, “Effective Teaching in the Block,” North Valleys HS, Washoe County School District, Reno (NV), June 2001 Staff Development, “The Language of Leadership Training Institute for Site Trainers,” Northern Nevada Regional Professional Development Program, Elko (NV), June 2001 In-Service, “What Matters Most®,” Douglas County (NV) School District Administrators, June 2001 In-Service, “Improving Reading and Learning in ALL Curriculum Areas,” Mendive Middle School, Reno (NV), May 2001 In-Service, “Read Faster, Remember More,” Seminars for Educational Excellence, Portland (OR), April 2001 In-Service, “What Matters Most for Educators,” University of Nevada, Reno, March 2001

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In-Service, “Creating Good Spellers,” Lincoln County School District (NV) Elementary Staff, March 2001 In-Service, “Vocabulary Development for Life, Not Just for the Test,” Lincoln County School District (NV) Secondary Staff, March 2001 In-Service, “Teaching the Noah’s Ark that is Your Classroom,” Carson Valley Middle School Institute Day, Carson City (NV), February 2001 In-Service, “Why Teach Well?” St. Teresa’s Catholic School, Carson City (NV), January 2001 In-Service, “Effective Presenting and Facilitating,” IDEA Team, Nevada Department of Education/Washoe County School District, January 2001 In-Service, “Effective Teaching in the Block Schedule,” Reed High School, Reno (NV), January 2001 In-Service, “Presenting a Positive and Professional Image,” a presentation for student interns, College of Education, University of Nevada, Reno, December 2000 In-Service, “Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening, Viewing, and Representing: Can I Do It All?,” Lincoln County School District Elementary Staff (NV), November 2000 In-Service, “Reading in Every Curriculum Area, For ALL Students,” Lincoln County School District Secondary Staff (NV), November 2000 In-Service series, “Differentiating Instruction,” Carson City School District (NV), October 2000 – May 2001 In-Service, “Teaching Students to Read Faster and with Better Comprehension,” Lincoln County School District, Caliente (NV), September 2000 In-Service, “Project TELL (Teachers Emphasizing Learning and Literacy)” GOALS 2000, Churchill County School District, September 2000 – March 2001 In-Service, “Prepare Your Students’ Brains for School’s Main Course: Reading,” University of Nevada, Reno, August 2000 In-Service, “BYOB! Bring Your Own Brain: Learning, the Brain, and the Classroom,” University of Nevada, Reno, August 2000 In-Service, “Teaching with the Brain in Mind” Part I and Part II,” Rural Summer Institute, Nevada Department of Education, Elko (NV), July 2000 In-Service, “Differentiating the Curriculum/Strategies to Increase Reading Achievement,” SELECT 6Upper Elementary, Middle School, and High School/GOALS 2000, Douglas County School District, June 2000 – March 2001

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In-Service, “Differentiating Instruction,” Incline Elementary School, Incline Village (NV), June 2000 Consulting, “Curriculum Development,” Incline Academy, Incline Village (NV), May 2000 In-Service, “Active Learning,” Washoe County School District IDEA Team and Regional Trainers, April 2000 In-Service, “Targeting Your Learners (A train-the-trainer program),” Nevada Department of Education/Washoe County School District IDEA Team training, March 2000 In-Service, “Teaching the Gifted Student in the Regular Classroom,” Sierra Nevada Academy (charter school), Washoe County School District (NV), March 2000 In-Service, “Content Area Literacy,” Lincoln County School District (NV), February 2000 In-Service, “Presenting Effectively to Adult Learners (and specifically to educators),” Nevada Department of Education/Washoe County School District IDEA Team training, February 2000 In-Service, “Read Faster/Remember More: How to Do It and How to Teach It,” Lincoln County School District (NV), January 2000 (includes demonstration lesson with students, workshop for parents, and workshop for teachers and administrators) In-Service, “Differentiating Instruction,” Lincoln County School District (NV), September 1999 In-Service, “Differentiating the Curriculum/Strategies to Increase Reading Achievement,” SELECT 5Elementary/GOALS 2000, Douglas County School District, July 1999 – March 2000 Staff Development, “Standards Implementation Workshop: Writing to Learn,” Nevada Department of Education, Carson City, August 1999 In-Service, “Project TELL (Teachers Emphasizing Learning and Literacy)” GOALS 2000, Churchill County School District, August 1999 – March 2000 In-Service, “Differentiated Instruction: Continuing…,” WCSD Summer Institute, Nevada Department of Education, Reno (NV), August 1999 In-Service, “Differentiated Instruction: Getting Started,” WCSD Summer Institute, Nevada Department of Education, Reno (NV), August 1999 In-Service, “Differentiated Instruction: Continuing…,” Rural Summer Institute, Nevada Department of Education, Elko (NV), July 1999 In-Service, “Differentiated Instruction: Getting Started,” Rural Summer Institute, Nevada Department of Education, Elko (NV), July 1999

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In-Service, “Differentiating the Curriculum/Strategies to Increase Reading Achievement,” SELECT 5Secondary/GOALS 2000, Douglas County School District, June 1999 – March 2000 Professional Development, “How to Effectively Teach Teachers—and Make Money at the Same Time!” University of Nevada, Reno, June 1999 In-Service, “Teaching with the Brain in Mind,” Manogue High School, Reno (NV), January – May 1999 In-Service, “Differentiating Instruction,” Lincoln County School District (NV), February 1999 In-Service, “Using Reading Strategies to Improve the Learning of Students at Hug High School,” Washoe County School District (NV) Institute Day, February 1999 In-Service, “Teaching with the Brain in Mind,” Zephyr Cove Elementary School & Kingsbury Middle School, November 1998 In-Service, “Teaching with the Brain in Mind,” Douglas County School District, October 1998 In-Service, “Aligning Curriculum and Assessment,” Churchill County Junior High School, October 1998 In-Service, “Using What We Know About the Brain to Help Our Children Learn: Workshops for Parents,” Douglas County School District, August – September 1998 In-Service, “Image Projection for Educators,” (taught with Christine Lazzarini), Reno & Douglas County (NV), September & October 1998 In-Service, “Effective Time and Paper Management,” Manogue High School, Reno (NV), November – December, 1998 In-Service, “Differentiating Instruction/GOALS 2000,” a series of train-the-trainer presentations in Churchill County School District, August 1998 – March 1999 In-Service, “Creating a Positive School Climate,” Hug High School, WCSD, Reno (NV), August 1998 In-Service, “Developing Performance Assessments,” Manogue High School, Reno (NV), August – October 1998 In-Service, “Differentiated Instruction,” Northeast Counties Special Education Consortium, Elko (NV), August 1998 In-Service, “Increasing Reading Achievement in the Intermediate Grades,” University of Nevada, Reno, July 1998 In-Service, “Preceptorship for Preceptors (Training for Trainers)/Elementary,” Douglas County School District/Nevada 2000, July/August 1998

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In-Service, “Time Management for Families,” Churchill County School District Family Resource Center, June 1998 In-Service, “Increasing Reading Achievement in the Intermediate Grades,” University of Nevada, Reno, June 1998 In-Service, “Preceptorship for Preceptors (Training for Trainers)/Secondary,” Douglas County School District/Nevada 2000, June 1998 In-Service, “Fire Up Middle School Students to Read,” Grand Prairie (TX), June 1998 In-Service, “Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking, Viewing, & Representing: How Can I Do It All? Intermediate Grades,” Grand Prairie (TX), June 1998 In-Service, “Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking, Viewing, & Representing: How Can I Do It All? Middle School,” Grand Prairie (TX), June 1998 In-Service, “What Counts as Progress in Reading and Writing? Middle School,” Grand Prairie (TX), June 1998 In-Service, “Reading in Every Curriculum Area--for All Secondary Students,” Grand Prairie (TX), June 1998 In-Service, “Using Picture Books to Incite & Inspire Excellent Writing,” Washoe County School District Institute Day, March 1998 In-Service, “Teaching Students to Read and Learn from their Mathematics Books, Part 2,” Washoe County School District, February 1998 In-Service, “Increasing Reading Achievement in the Middle Grades,” Traner Middle School, February 1998 In-Service, “Image Projection for Educators,” (taught with Christine Lazzarini), Reno & Douglas County (NV), January & February 1998 In-Service, “High Standards and High Expectations—the Way to Go!” Sparks High School, January 1998 In-Service, “Increasing Reading Achievement in the Intermediate Grades,” Sponsored by Project READ, Washoe County School District/North Valley Elementary Schools, January 1998 In-Service, “Teaching Students to Read and Learn from their Mathematics Books, Part 1,” Washoe County School District, December 1997 In-Service, “Time & Paper Management for Educators,” Washoe County School District Institute Day, November 1997

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In-Service, “Active Learning for the Learning Combatant,” An Emphasis on Excellence, Inc. Seminar, Fallon (NV), October 1997 In-Service, “Classroom Management Strategies for the Professional Teacher,” Carson City School District, October 1997 In-Service and Facilitation, “Aligning Curriculum and Assessment,” A GOALS 2000 Project, Churchill County School District, September 1997 – May 1998 In-Service, “Content Area Reading Strategies,” Project READ, Washoe County School District, September 1997 In-Service and Consultation, “Improving Instructional Effectiveness,” Bishop Manogue High School, Reno (NV), August 1997 – May 1998; includes a total of 6 days of in-service, parent education meetings, and demonstration teaching, consultation with teachers and administrators, and teacher observations. In-Service, “More Effective Strategies for Teaching in a Block Schedule,” Churchill County High School, Fallon (NV), August 1997 In-Service, “Aligning Curriculum and Assessment,” Churchill County School District, Fallon (NV), August 1997 In-Service and Consultation, “SELECT (3): Spectrum of Educational Learning Experiences for Children and Teachers,” Douglas County School District, GOALS 2000: Educate America Act, Professional Development Activities, June 1997 - April 1998, including the following presentations as well as 5 days of in-classroom support, observation, follow-up, and demonstration teaching. “Teaching Students to Be Strategic Learners: A Train the Trainers Workshop,” Douglas County School District, June 1997 “Helping Your Child Learn: A Presentation for Parents,” Douglas County School District/Valley Schools, September-October 1997 (3 presentations) “Helping Your Child Learn: An Advanced Presentation for Parents,” Douglas County School District/Lake Schools, October 1997 “Coaching for Growth: A Presentation for Administrators,” Douglas County School District, September & November 1997 “Teaching Students to Learn,” Douglas County School District, All high school and middle school teachers, November 1997 “Teaching Students So That They Can Meet and/or Exceed the Competencies,” Douglas County School District, January-March 1997

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In-Service and Consultation, “Reading and Writing in Mathematics and Science,” funded by a Dwight D. Eisenhower Professional Development Program Grant, PR:OGRAMS (Project Results: Obtaining the Goal of Raising Achievement in Mathematics and Science), Carson City and Lyon County School Districts (NV), July 1997 - May 1998 Includes 5-day intensive training, July 1997  5 ½ day follow-up/training sessions, September 1997 - March 1998  5 ½ day presentations for parents (one in Carson City and 4 in Lyon County)  13 days in the classroom—follow-up, consultation, demonstration lessons, etc., September 1997 - May 1998 In-Service, “Aligning Curriculum and Assessment,” Churchill County School District, Fallon (NV), June 1997 In-Service, “Effective Strategies for Teaching in a Block Schedule,” Churchill County High School, Fallon (NV), June 1997 Consultation, “Designing a Secondary Reading Program,” Grand Prairie I.S.D. (TX), June 1997 In-Service/Consultation, “Improving Students’ Reading in the Secondary School,” Grand Prairie I.S.D. (TX), June 1997 (included 1 day-long presentation and 2 days of facilitating curriculum writing) In-Service, “Differentiating Instruction,” Scarselli Elementary School, Minden (NV), May 1997 In-Service, “Strategic Creativity for Educators,” An Emphasis on Excellence, Inc. Seminar, Minden (NV), March 1997 In-Service, “Time & Paper Management for Teachers,” Washoe County School District Institute Day, March 1997 In-Service, “Metacognition: Let’s Think About Our Thinking,” Washoe County School District Institute Day, March 1997 In-Service, “Effective Time and Paper Management for Educators,” An Emphasis on Excellence, Inc. Seminar, Minden (NV), February 1997 In-Service, “Strategic Creativity for Educators,” An Emphasis on Excellence, Inc. Seminar, Reno (NV), February 1997 In-Service, “Addressing the Learning Needs of Gifted Students in the Regular Classroom,” Carson City School District Teacher Institute Day, February 1997 In-Service, “Matching Curriculum and Assessment—What a Concept!” (3 day-long sessions) Churchill County (NV), January/February 1997 In-Service, “Read Faster/Comprehend More: How to Do It and How to Teach It,” An Emphasis on Excellence, Inc. Seminar, Minden (NV), January 1997 Updated 10.20.13

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Seminar, “Effective Time and Paper Management for Administrators, Part II,” Lyon County School District (NV), January 1997 In-Service, “Increasing Effectiveness in the Classroom—Organization Makes a Difference!” Incline Village (NV), January 1997 Seminar, “Increasing Administrative Efficiency and Effectiveness through Time and Paper Management: A Workshop for School Administrators,” An Emphasis on Excellence, Inc. Seminar, Reno (NV), October 1996 Seminar, “Effective Time and Paper Management for Administrators, Part I,” Lyon County School District (NV), September 1996 Seminar, “Increasing Administrative Efficiency and Effectiveness through Time and Paper Management: A Workshop for School Administrators,” An Emphasis on Excellence, Inc. Seminar, Winnemucca (NV), September 1996 In-Service and Consultation, “SELECT (2): Spectrum of Educational Learning Experiences for Children and Teachers,” Douglas County School District, GOALS 2000: Educate America Act, Professional Development Activities, September 1996 - April 1997, including the following presentations as well as 14 days of in-classroom support, observation, follow-up, and demonstration teaching.  “Helping Your Child in Mathematics: A Presentation for Parents,” Douglas County School District/Valley Schools, September 1996  “Helping Your Child in Mathematics: A Presentation for Parents,” Douglas County School District/Lake Schools, September 1996  “Coaching for Growth: A Presentation for Administrators,” Douglas County School District, September 1996  “Teaching Students Who Are Above Average in Ability,” Douglas County School District, October 1996  “Teaching Students Who Are Below Average in Ability,” Douglas County School District, November 1996 In-service, “Increasing Efficiency and Effectiveness through Better Time and Paper Management,” Winnemucca (NV), August 1996 (presentations at 2 elementary schools) In-Service and Consultation, “Reading and Writing in Mathematics and Science,” funded by a Dwight D. Eisenhower Professional Development Program Grant, PR:OGRAMS (Project Results: Obtaining the Goal of Raising Achievement in Mathematics and Science), Douglas County School District (NV), August 1996 - April 1997  Includes 5-day intensive training, August 1996  5 ½ day follow-up/training sessions, September 1996 - February 1997

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 10 days in the classroom—follow-up, consultation, demonstration lessons, etc., September 1996 - March 1997 Seminar, “Increasing Administrative Efficiency and Effectiveness through Time and Paper Management: A Workshop for School Administrators,” An Emphasis on Excellence, Inc. Seminar, Reno (NV), July 1996 Staff Development, “Read Faster/ Comprehend More: How to Do It and How to Teach It,” University of Nevada, Reno, June 1996 Presentation, “Reading Science,” Reno Summer of Discovery/Science Institute for Girls, University of Nevada, Reno, June 1996 In-Service and Facilitation, “Teaching Middle School Students to be Strategic Learners,” Grand Prairie Independent School District, May 1996 In-Service, “Creating Novel Units for Middle School Readers,” Grand Prairie Independent School District, May 1996 In-Service, “Teaching Students to Define, Recognize, Produce, and Appreciate Metaphor,” Northern Nevada Writing Project, Washoe County School District (NV), April 1996 In-Service, “Time Management for Teachers,” Galena High School (NV), April 1996 In-Service, “Just How Do I Teach My Students to Read and Learn from the New Mathematics Books?” Middle School and High School Mathematics Teachers, Washoe County School District (Nevada), March-April 1996 In-Service, “Teaching Students to Read Faster and Comprehend More,” Wooster High School (NV), March 1996 In-Service, “Using Reading and Study Guides to Improve Learning in Social Studies,” Galena High School (NV), March 1996 In-Service, “SELECT: Spectrum of Educational Learning Experiences for Children and Teachers: Differentiating the Curriculum for Elementary, Middle, or High School Students,” (3 presentations) Douglas County School District (Scarselli Elementary School, Kingsbury Middle School, Douglas High School) GOALS 2000: Educate America Act, Professional Development Activities, February-March1996 In-Service, “SELECT: Spectrum of Educational Learning Experiences for Children and Teachers: Differentiating the Curriculum,” Douglas County School District, GOALS 2000: Educate America Act, Professional Development Activities, February 1996 In-Service and Demonstration Teaching, “Teaching Middle School Students to be Strategic Learners through Reading,” Grand Prairie (TX) I.S.D., January 1996 Updated 10.20.13

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In-Service, “SELECT: Spectrum of Educational Learning Experiences for Children and Teachers,” Douglas County School District Administrators, GOALS 2000: Educate America Act, Professional Development Activities, January 1996 In-Service, “Teaching Gifted Students in the Heterogeneously-Grouped High School,” Galena High School (NV), December 1995 In-Service, “Teaching Reading and Learning Strategies to High School Students,” Washoe County School District (NV), November - December 1995 Presentation, “Reading Faster and Remembering More of What You Read,” Campus Cruise ‘95 for G/T Elementary Students, University of Nevada, Reno, November 1995 Presentation, “Reading Faster and Remembering More of What You Read,” Early Outreach ‘95 for G/T Middle School Students, University of Nevada, Reno, November 1995 In-Service and Demonstration Teaching, “Teaching Middle School Students to Make Meaning from Expository Text,” Grand Prairie (TX) I.S.D., November 1995 In-Service and Demonstration Teaching, “Engaging Middle School Students in Reading,” Grand Prairie (TX) I.S.D., September 1995 Facilitator, “Developing an Integrated Curriculum: English/Language Arts and World History,” Galena High School, September 1995 Staff Development, "Classroom Management for Beginning Elementary and Secondary Teachers," University of Nevada, Reno, July 1995 Staff Development, “What Do I Do the Summer Before My First Year of Teaching?” University of Nevada, Reno, June 1995 Facilitator, “Multicultural Curriculum Concerns,” Galena High School English Department, May 1995 Continuing Education, “Teaching the Gifted Student in the Regular Classroom,” Eagle Valley Middle School, Carson City, March - May 1995 In-Service, “Alternative Education: Definitions, Strategies, and Goals,” Wooster High School, Reno, March - April 1995 Staff Development, “Addressing the Various Learning Styles of High School Students through Differentiated Learning Tasks,” Lyon County (NV), March 1995 Staff Development, “Time and Paper Management for Teachers,” University of Nevada, Reno, February 1995

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In-Service, “Reading and Writing in the Content Areas,” Northern Nevada Writing Project, Reno, February 1995 In-Service, “Exciting Writing,” Roger Corbett Elementary School, Reno, February 1995 (sponsored by Apple School Supply, Sparks) In-Service, “Improving the Reading and Comprehension Skills of High School Students,” McQueen High School, Reno, February 1995 Facilitation, “How to Best Serve At-Risk, Alternative Education Students,” Wooster High School, Reno, January 1995 Self-Improvement, “How to Increase Your Reading Speed and Improve Your Comprehension,” University of Nevada, Reno, January 1995 Self-Improvement, “How to Increase Your Reading Speed and Improve Your Comprehension,” University of Nevada, Reno, January 1995 Self-Improvement, “How to Increase Your Reading Speed and Improve Your Comprehension,” University of Nevada, Reno, November 1994 Staff Development, “Connecting Reading and Writing,” a presentation to principals, Grand Prairie I.S.D. (TX), November 1994 Staff Development, “The Reading/Writing Connection in the Upper Elementary Grades,” Grand Prairie I.S.D. (TX), November 1994 Staff Development, “Pre-reading Strategies for Alternative Education Students,” Sparks High School, September 1994 Staff Development, “Time and Paper Management for Teachers,” University of Nevada, Reno, September 1994 Staff Development, "Classroom Management for Beginning Elementary and Secondary Teachers," University of Nevada, Reno, August 1994 Staff Development, "What Do I Do the First Two Weeks of School?" University of Nevada, Reno, July 1994 Staff Development, “How Should You Spend the Summer Before Your First Year of Teaching?” University of Nevada, Reno, May 1994 In-service, "Time and Paper Management for Teachers," Churchill County (Nevada) School District, March 1994 Continuing Education, "Reading and the Gifted," Eureka (Nevada), March/April 1994 Updated 10.20.13

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Staff Development, "Time and Paper Management for Teachers," University of Nevada, Reno, February 1994 Staff Development, “Six Thinking Hats/A Tool to Facilitate Thinking About Restructuring,” Hug High School (Reno), February 1994 Staff Development, "Classroom Management for Beginning Elementary and Secondary Teachers," University of Nevada, Reno, January 1994 In-service, "What Can a High School Do to Change Student Behaviors and Attitudes?" Reed High School, Washoe County School District, January 1994 In-service, "Using Frank Williams' Creativity Model to Develop Curriculum to Motivate Underachieving Gifted, At-Risk Students," Clark County School District, December 1993 In-service, "Strategies for Learning in Mathematics," Jacksonville (Texas) Independent School District, October 1993 In-service, "Reading and Writing Strategies in Mathematics," Lyons Township High School, Western Springs (Illinois), August 1993 In-service, "Motivating Bright, Unmotivated Students," Squaw Valley Academy, Squaw Valley (CA), August 1993 In-service, "Alternative Strategies for Alternative Students," Washoe County School District, August 1993 Staff Development, "Time and Paper Management for Teachers," University of Nevada, Reno, August 1993 Staff Development, "What Do I Do the First Two Weeks of School?" University of Nevada, Reno, August 1993 Staff Development, "Classroom Management for Beginning Secondary Teachers," University of Nevada, Reno, July 1993 Staff Development, "Using Children's Books as Stimuli for Writing," Northern Nevada Writing Project, June 1993 Staff Development, "How Should You Spend the Summer Before Your First Year of Teaching?" University of Nevada, Reno, May 1993 Staff Development, "Time and Paper Management for Teachers," University of Nevada, Reno, May 1993 Continuing Education, "Time and Paper Management for Teachers," Winnemucca (Nevada), April 1993 Updated 10.20.13

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Staff Development, "Using Question-Answer Relationships to Enhance Reading in Mathematics," Billinghurst Middle School, March 1993 Staff Development, "Alternative Assessment Techniques," Reno High School, February 1993 Staff Development, "Time and Paper Management for Teachers," University of Nevada, Reno, January 1993 In-service, "Alternative Strategies for Alternative Students," Washoe County School District, January 1993 Staff Development, "Addressing the Learning Needs of Gifted/At-Risk Students in the Elementary School." Clark County School District, December 1992 Staff Development, "Reading Strategies for Mathematics," Billinghurst Middle School, Reno, November 1992 Staff Development, "Implementing Reading and Writing Strategies in the Mathematics Classroom," Lyons Township High School, Western Springs (Illinois), October 1992 In-Service, "Education for Gifted Students: Superfluous or Essential?" Humboldt County School District (Nevada), October 1992 Staff Development, "Reading Strategies for Use in the High School and Middle School Mathematics Classroom," Plano (Texas) Independent School District, September 1992 Staff Development, "Addressing the Learning Needs of Gifted (and not-so-gifted) Students at the High School Level," Incline High School, Incline Village (Nevada), August 1992 Workshop, "Time Management for Teachers," Start Fresh-Reno, Nevada Department of Education, August 1992 Staff Development, "Getting a Handle on Time and Paper Management: A Workshop for Educators," University of Nevada, Reno, August 1992 Workshop, "Developing Concepts by Teaching Greek and Latin Word Roots in the Geometry Classroom," University of Nevada, Reno, August-September 1992 Staff Development, "What Do I Do the First Two Weeks of School?" University of Nevada, Reno, August 1992 Workshop, "Team Teaching in the Primary Grades," University of Nevada, Reno, July 1992 Continuing Education, "Foundations of Literacy," Ely (Nevada), June 1992

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Staff Development, "Using Reading and Writing Strategies in Mathematics," Carrollton-Farmers Branch (Texas) I.S.D., June 1992 Staff Development, "How Should You Spend the Summer Before Your First Year of Teaching?" University of Nevada, Reno, May 1992 In-Service, "Addressing the Learning Needs of Students in Alternative Education Programs," Washoe County School District (Nevada), February/March 1992 Continuing Education, "Content Area Reading Strategies," Fallon, and Winnemucca (Nevada), February March 1992 Staff Development, "Time and Paper Management for Elementary School Teachers: How to Manage Your Time, Your Paper, and Your Grading," University of Nevada, Reno, January 1992 Staff Development, "Time and Paper Management for Middle School Teachers," Swope Middle School, Washoe County School District (Nevada), December 1991 Continuing Education, "Reading Across the Curriculum," Eureka (Nevada), November 1991 Staff Development, "Addressing the Needs of Middle School Gifted Students," Washoe County School District, November 1991 Continuing Education, "Reaching and Teaching the Gifted," Winnemucca and Fallon (Nevada), September/October 1991 Staff Development, "Time and Paper Management for Middle School and High School Teachers: How to Manage Your Time, Your Paper, and Your Grading," University of Nevada, Reno, August, 1991 Staff Development, "Developing a Game Plan for the First Two Weeks of School, University of Nevada, Reno, August 1991 Staff-Development, "Team Teaching with Reduced Numbers of Pupils in the Primary Grades," Carson City School District, July and August, 1991 Staff Development, "What Do I Do the Summer Before My First Year of Teaching?" University of Nevada, Reno, June, 1991 Workshop presenter, "Vocabulary Development in Mathematics," Nevada Science and Math Alliance Workshop, Reno, April, 1991 Staff Development, "Managing the Paperload and Grading in Middle School," Washoe County School District, Institute Day, April 1991 Staff Development, "Building Comprehension by Integrating a Whole Language Perspective in the Elementary Classroom," Washoe County School District, Institute Day, April 1991 Updated 10.20.13

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Staff Development, "Modifying the Curriculum for Teaching Gifted Students in the Regular Content Classroom," Quincy High School, Quincy, California, March 1991 Staff Development, "Strategies for Teaching and Learning in First Grade Classrooms with Reduced Numbers of Pupils," Fallon (Nevada), January 1991 Staff Development, "Enhancing Reading Comprehension," Nevada Coalition of Adult Literacy Programs, Reno, November 1990 Staff Development, "Developing a Portfolio System for Evaluating Writing," Battle Mountain (Nevada) High School, November 1990 Staff Development, "Strategies for Modifying the Curriculum for Gifted Students in the Regular Classroom," Sierra-Plumas Unified School District, Sierra City, California, October 1990 Staff Development, "Modifying the Curriculum for Secondary Gifted Students," Dayton (Nevada) High School, October 1990 Continuing Education, "Education of the Gifted," Elko, September, October, and November, 1990 Staff Development, "Enhancing the Reading Ability of At-Risk Students (a 9-part series)," Washoe High School (Reno), September, 1990 - May, 1991 Staff Development, "Strategies and Activities to Enhance Thinking Skills in First Grade Classrooms with Reduced Numbers of Children," Douglas County School District, September 1990 Staff Development, "Developing and Maintaining Positive Relations with Parents," Reno, September 1990 Staff Development, "What is Whole Language and Why Should I Know About It?" Virginia Palmer Elementary School, Reno, September 1990 Staff Development, "Strategies to Enable Secondary School Students to Read and Learn from Text," Battle Mountain, August 1990 Staff Development, "How Do I Develop a Game Plan for the First Two Weeks of School?" Reno, August 1990 Staff Development, "Secondary School Reading," Fernley High School, Fernley, May 1990 Staff Development, "How Should I Spend the Summer Before My First Year of Teaching?" Reno, May 1990 Continuing Education, "Reading and Study Strategies for Remedial Students in Secondary School," Reno, April 1990

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Staff Development, "Developing a Literature-Based Curriculum," Seeliger Elementary School, Carson City, March 1990 Staff Development, "Classroom Management Strategies for Gifted Students," Washoe County School District G/T teachers, October 1989 Staff Development, "I Can Read the Words But I Don't Know What They Say," training for tutors of adult illiterates, sponsored by the Center for Learning and Literacy, Reno, October, 1989 Staff Development, "Training for Tutors: Teaching Reading and Mathematics to Middle School and High School Students," Reno Junior League sponsored workshop, September 1989 Continuing Education, "Reading and Writing in the Content Areas: Strategies for Improving Students' Learning," Gardnerville, Nevada, September 1989 Staff Development, "Curriculum Considerations for the Gifted," Washoe County (Nevada) School District, September 1989 Continuing Education, "Reading and Writing for the Remedial Student, K-12," Elko, Nevada, April/May 1989 Continuing Education, "Strategies to Improve Students' Reading and Writing Abilities, K-12," Eureka, Austin, and Lovelock, Nevada, September/October 1988 Staff Development, "Ensuring Active Learning in Social Studies," Arlington I.S.D., August 1988 Professional Development, "How to Spend the Summer Before Your First Year of Teaching," sponsored by MEM-Korp., May 1988 Staff Development, "Using Literature in the Secondary Classroom," Lewisville I.S.D., April 1988 Staff Development, "Modifying the Curriculum for Both Ends of the Continuum: A Seminar for Secondary School Teachers," Coppell I.S.D., February 1988 Staff Development, "Extending the Basal with Language and Literature," Mesquite I.S.D., November 1987 Staff Development, "Reading, Writing, and Literature Across the Curriculum," Mesquite I.S.D., November 1987 Advanced Academic Training, "How to Develop and Maintain Positive Relations with Parents," sponsored by Ft. Worth I.S.D., October 1987 Staff Development, "Keeping 25 Children Appropriately Occupied in Your Classroom," Mesquite I.S.D., October 1987

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Advanced Academic Training, "How to Keep 25 Children Appropriately Occupied in Your Classroom," sponsored by Ft. Worth I.S.D. September, 1987 Staff Development, "Writing Across the Curriculum, K-12, Whitewright I.S.D., August 1987 Staff Development, "Using Literature in the English Class to Reinforce Reading and Vocabulary Development," Garland I.S.D., August 1987 Staff Development, "Using the Language Experience Approach to Enable the Learning Disabled," Dean Learning Center, Dallas, August 1987 Advanced Academic Training, "How to Develop a Game Plan for the First Two Weeks of School," sponsored by Ft. Worth I.S.D., August 1987 Professional Development, "How to Spend the Summer Before Your First Year of Teaching," sponsored by MEM-Korp., Denton, May 1987 Staff Development, "Current Metacognition Research: Implications for Chapter I Secondary Students," Albuquerque (New Mexico) Public Schools, March 1987 Staff Development, "Teaching Comprehension Strategies Measured by the TEAMS," Region X Education Service Center, January 1987 Professional Development, "Writing Strategies: Primary Grades," Ft. Worth I.S.D., December 1986 Professional Development, "Writing Strategies: Intermediate Grades," Ft. Worth I.S.D., November 1986 Staff Development, "Teaching TEAMS Objectives: Main Idea, Sequence, Drawing Conclusions, and Cause-Effect," Keller I.S.D., August 1986 Staff Development, "Teaching Vocabulary to Middle School and High School Students in the Reading and English Class," Carrollton-Farmers Branch I.S.D., August 1986 Staff Development, "Teaching Reading to Gifted Students, K-12," an Arlington private school, April 1986 Staff Development, "Creative Reading, Writing, and Thinking through the Use of Children's and Young Adult Literature," Hurst-Euless-Bedford I.S.D., March 1986 Advanced Academic Training, "Using Children's Literature Effectively (Grades K-8)," Region X Education Service Center, November 1985, December 1985, January 1986 Advanced Academic Training, "Meeting Students' Reading/Learning Needs in Heterogeneous Classrooms (Grades 1-6)," Arlington I.S.D., October 1985 Staff Development, "Extending the Basal for the Gifted," Hurst-Euless-Bedford I.S.D., August 1985 Updated 10.20.13

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Staff Development, "Practical Applications of Current Metacognition Research," Grand Prairie I.S.D., August 1985 Staff Development, "Practical Applications of Current Schema Theory Research," Grand Prairie I.S.D., August 1985 Staff Development, "Heterogeneous Classrooms Where Everyone Learns," Region IX Education Service Center Consultant, June 1985 Staff Development, "Strategies for Teaching Reading and Literature Skills and Concepts," Region X Education Service Center Consultant, Bonham I.S.D., Grand Prairie I.S.D., Greenville I.S.D., Garland I.S.D., Fall 1984 Staff Development, "Content Area Reading for Chapter I Students," Wilmer-Hutchins Independent School District, August 1984 Staff Development, "Prepare Them to Write--Prewriting," Grapevine Independent School District, August 1983 Staff Development, "Direct Teaching Strategies," Dallas Independent School District, August 1983 Staff Developments for various Dallas schools on teaching writing to elementary school students, 19801983 Taught workshops about using learning activities and learning centers to pre-service and in-service teachers for various school districts and colleges in central Missouri, 1978-1980 CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS/INVOLVEMENTS INTERNATIONAL Speaker, "Teaching Mathematics Educators about Using Reading and Writing Strategies to Enhance Learning," 2nd North American Conference on Adult and Adolescent Literacy, International Reading Association, Banff, Alberta, Canada, March 1991 Speaker, "Cultural Diversity and Cooperation," International Reading Association World Congress, PreCongress Institute, London, England, July 1986 NATIONAL Speaker, “Powerful Communication - PowerPoint® PLUS: Present Yourself – & Your Boss – with Pride!” Association of Executive and Administrative Professional Annual Convention, New Orleans (LA), September 2010

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Speaker, “Be the Princess (or Prince) of PowerPoint Preparation: 10 Secrets to Reign with Dignity and Distinction,” Association of Executive and Administrative Professional Annual Convention, Sparks (NV), September 2009 Speaker, “Maximizing Your Marketing Efforts When You’re Short of Cash,” NAPO (National Association of Professional Organizers) National Conference, Orlando (FL), May 2009 Speaker, “Maximizing Your Marketing Efforts When You’re Short of Cash,” POD (Professional and Organizational Development Network in Higher Education) National Conference, Sparks (NV), October 2008 Speaker, “Managing Time, Paper, and Information: Dream, Nightmare, or Reality?” Pre-conference Institute, POD (Professional and Organizational Development Network in Higher Education) National Conference, Atlanta (GA), October 2002 Speaker (with Richard Lyons), “A Proven Initiative for Improving Student Accountability Outcomes,” POD (Professional and Organizational Development Network in Higher Education) National Conference, Atlanta (GA), October 2002 Speaker, “Teaching College Students to Be Strategic Learners,” College Reading and Learning Association, 34th Annual Conference, Spokane (WA), October 2001 Speaker, “Developing Strategic Learners,” College Reading and Learning Association, 33 rd Annual Conference, Reno (NV), November 2000 Speaker, “Effective Time and Paper Management,” NAFEM (North American Association of Food Equipment Manufacturers) Sales and Marketing Conference, Kansas City, June 1999 Speaker, “Understanding Spelling and Schooling Among 1009 Ninth Graders,” Forty-Sixth Annual Meeting National Reading Conference, Charleston, S.C., December 1996 Speaker, “Active Learning for the Mathematically ‘Learning Combatant’,” Extended Session, SeventyFourth Annual Meeting, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, San Diego, April 1996 Speaker, “Increasing the Reading Speed and Comprehension of Older Students: Ideas to Use and Ideas to Share with Others,” Poster Session, International Reading Association Fortieth Annual Convention, Anaheim, May 1995 Speaker, "Improve Learning in Geometry: Interdisciplinary Study of Greek and Latin Word Roots," Minicourse presentation, Seventy-Second Annual Meeting, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Indianapolis, April 1994 Speaker, "The Development of Content Specific Orthographic Knowledge: A Look at Vocabulary in Geometry," 43rd Annual Meeting of the National Reading Conference, Charleston, December 1993

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Speaker, "Meeting the Learning Needs of Gifted Children and Young Adults--Using Geometric Psychology, " National Association for Gifted Children, Annual Convention, Atlanta, November 1993 Speaker, "Appropriate Literature for Gifted Learners," Thirty-Eighth Annual Convention, International Reading Association, San Antonio, May 1993 Speaker, "Alternative Strategies for Gifted Students in Alternative High School Programs," Annual Convention, National Association for Gifted Children, Los Angeles, November 1992 Speaker, "What Do Greek and Latin Roots Have to Do With Geometry? A Case for (and Some Ideas for) Interdisciplinary Study of the Vocabulary of Geometry," National Council of Teachers of English Annual Convention, Louisville, November 1992 Speaker, "Reading and Writing in the Science Classroom," National Science Teachers Association National Convention, Reno, December 1991 Speaker and Pre-Conference Session Chair, "Teaching the Use of Reading and Writing Strategies for the Enhancement of Learning in Middle School and High School Mathematics Classrooms--A Gertrude Whipple Program Development Project," International Reading Association, ThirtySixth Annual Convention, Las Vegas, May 1991 Speaker, "Words, Wonder, and Wisdom in the Intermediate Grades: Putting the "Know" in Word Knowledge" Symposium: "Strategies at Work in the Content Areas: Formal and Informal Applications in the Intermediate Classroom," International Reading Association, Thirty-Fifth Annual Convention, Atlanta, May 1990 Speaker, "Reading and Writing Strategies for At-Risk Students: How English/Language Arts Teachers Can Assist Learning Throughout the School," National Council of Teachers of English, Spring Convention, Colorado Springs, March 1990 Chair, "Our Endangered World: Integrating Science Across the Seventh Grade Curriculum," National Council of Teachers of English, Spring Convention, Colorado Springs, March 1990 Chair, "Folklore: The Magic Touch to Literacy Development," National Council of Teachers of English, Spring Convention, Colorado Springs, March 1990 Chair, "Text Processing," National Reading Conference, Austin, December 1989 Chair, "Three Perspectives on Spelling Curriculum and Instruction," National Council of Teachers of English, Annual Convention, Baltimore, November 1989 Speaker, "Successful Strategies for Serving Gifted Students in Rural Schools," National Rural Education Association, Annual Conference, Reno, October 1989

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Presider, "Rural Regular and Special Education Teachers' Perceptions of Teaching Hyperactive Students," National Rural Education Association, Annual Conference, Reno, October 1989 Speaker, "Why Teacher Educators Should Do Their Own Assignments," National Council of Teachers of English, Spring Conference, Charleston, South Carolina, March 1989 Discussant, "Orthographic Awareness Reflected in Metalinguistic Observation, Levels of Response to Literature and Writing Fluency, Divergent Trends within One Classroom," National Reading Conference, Tucson, November 1988. Consultant, "ALAN at Fifteen: At the Heart of Adolescent Literature," National Council of Teachers of English, Annual Convention, St. Louis, November 1988 Speaker, "Fantasy: "Invadist" not Escapist Literature for Young Adults," National Council of Teachers of English, Annual Convention, St. Louis, November 1988 Speaker, "What Does the Metalinguistic Awareness of Young Gifted Children Tell Us?" Gifted Students Institute Annual Spring Conference, April 1988 Associate Chair, "Reading, Writing, Talking, and Thinking," National Council of Teachers of English, Annual Convention, Los Angeles, November 1987 Speaker, "Assessing the Metalinguistic Content of Young Children's Oral Language," National Council of Teachers of English/Doctoral Students' Assembly, Annual Convention, Los Angeles, November 1987 Speaker, "Reading Aloud to Students in Middle School and High School Social Studies Classes," National Social Science Association, Fall Meeting, Dallas-Ft. Worth, October 1987 Speaker, "Teaching Reading and Language Arts Pre-Service Teachers About Direct Instruction: Modeling the Process," National Reading and Language Arts Educators' Conference, Kansas City, October 1987 Co-Chair and Speaker, "The Year of the Reader: Does She Have a Model? Strong Female Protagonists in High Fantasy Literature," Pre-Convention Institute, International Reading Association, Anaheim, May 1987 Speaker, "Eliciting the Use of Metaphor in Elementary School Students--Production," National Council of Teachers of English, Spring Conference, Louisville, March 1987 Speaker, "Strong Female Characters in High Fantasy Literature for Young Adults," Assembly on Literature for Adolescents, National Council of Teachers of English, Annual Convention, San Antonio, November 1986

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Speaker, "Surviving a Doctoral Program: What Sacrifices You Can Expect to Make as a Doctoral Student," National Council of Teachers of English/Doctoral Students' Assembly, Annual Convention, San Antonio, November 1986 Speaker, "Changing Pre-Service and In-Service Teachers' Perceptions of the Reading Process Through Metalinguistic/ Metacognitive Awareness Interviews with Students," National Reading and Language Arts Educators Conference, Kansas City, September 1986 Speaker, "Gifted Children in Literature," Preconvention Institute, Thirty-first Annual Convention, International Reading Association, Philadelphia, April 1986 Speaker, "Using High Fantasy Literature with Gifted Elementary, Middle, and High School Students to Develop Critical and Creative Reading, Writing, and Thinking," Annual Convention, Council for Exceptional Children, New Orleans, April 1986 Discussion leader, "Coffee and Conversation: For Doctoral Students Only," National Council of Teachers of English, Spring Conference, Phoenix, March 1986 Speaker, "Strategies Which Enable Students to Really Learn the Vocabulary Their Teachers are Trying to Teach," National Council of Teachers of English, Spring Conference, Phoenix, March 1986 Speaker, "Science Fiction and Fantasy Books Worth Teaching to Teens," Assembly on Adolescent Literature Workshop, National Council of Teachers of English, Philadelphia, November 1985 Speaker, "One Boy Reading: Perceptions of the Process," National Reading and Language Arts Educators Conference, Kansas City, September 1985 Speaker, "High School Students' Response to Fantasy: Reading and Writing," Preconvention Institute, Thirtieth Annual Convention, International Reading Association, New Orleans, May 1985 Recorder, "Sentence Combining and Beyond," National Council of Teachers of English, Spring Conference, Houston, March 1985 Chair/Recorder, "Enhancing Written Language Development--Is It Possible?" National Council of Teachers of English, Spring Conference, Houston, March 1985 Chair/Recorder, "What Do Children Understand About Their Own Compositions?" National Council of Teachers of English, Spring Conference, Houston, March 1985 Discussion leader, "Coffee and Conversation: For Doctoral Students Only," National Council of Teachers of English, Spring Conference, Houston, March 1985 Speaker, "An Naturalistic Study in Metalinguistics: Similarities and Differences Between Verbally Gifted Students Who Are Fluent in the Production of Humor," National Reading and Language Arts Educators' Conference, Kansas City, September 1984

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Chair, "Black Images in Children's Fiction: A Slide Presentation," Spring Conference, National Council of Teachers of English, Columbus, April 1984, Elementary Section Speaker, "Extending the Reading Abilities of the Average to Above Average Reader," Spring Conference, National Council of Teachers of English, Columbus, April 1984, Secondary Section Chair, "Quality for All Through the Experiences of Literature," 73rd Annual Convention, National Council of Teachers of English, Denver, November 1983 REGIONAL Speaker, “Manage Your Academic Life: Plan to Succeed by Focusing, Flexing, and Flowing through Your Days, Weeks, & Months,” Western Region IDeA Scientific Conference, Reno (NV), June 2011 Speaker, “Maximizing Your Marketing Efforts When You’re Short of Cash,” NAPO-SFBA 20th Annual Conference, San Rafael (CA), November 2009 Speaker, “Marketing That Matters: Lessons from a Puffin,” NAPO (National Association of Professional Organizers) 11th Annual Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference, Bethesda (MD), October 2009 Keynote Speaker, “Staying Positive in a Freaked Out World,” National Orientation Directors Association (Region II), Reno (NV), February 2009 Speaker, “Succeeding with Lateral Leadership: Strengthen Yourself, Strengthen Others,” Western Extension Leadership Development Conference, Portland (OR), June 2006 Speaker, “Succeeding with Lateral Leadership: Strengthen Yourself, Strengthen Others,” Western Extension Leadership Development Conference, Park City (UT), May 2004 Speaker, “Setting SMART Goals: If You Don’t Have a Destination, Any Road Will Take You to Nowhere,” Western States Leadership Conference, Reno (NV), June 2001 Speaker, “Setting SMART Goals: If You Don’t Have a Destination, Any Road Will Take You to Nowhere,” Society of Women Engineers Western Regional Conference, University of Nevada, Reno, February 2001 General Session Speaker, “Managing Your Time, Managing Your Paper,” Western Regional WIC Directors Conference, Reno (NV), September 2000 Speaker, “Learning Mathematics by Communicating Mathematically: Reading and Writing Strategies,” Western Regional Conference of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Reno (NV), November 1998

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Speaker, "Reading and Writing Strategies that Improve Learning In Secondary Mathematics Classes," Western Regional Conference of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Salt Lake City (UT), February 1997 Speaker, " Reading and Writing Strategies that Improve Learning In Middle and High School Mathematics Classes" Central Regional Conference of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Kansas City (MO), October 1996 Speaker, “Reading and Writing Strategies that Improve Learning in Middle and High School Mathematics Classes,” Canadian Regional Conference, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Vancouver, B.C., August 1996 Speaker, “Teaching Gifted Students in the Regular Classroom,” Western Regional Middle Level Consortium Conference, February 1996 Speaker, "Improving Learning in Geometry through the Study of Greek and Latin Word Roots," Central Regional Conference of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Springfield (MO), October 1995 Speaker, "Vocabulary and Concept Development in Geometry: An Interdisciplinary Approach," Southern Regional Conference of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Tulsa, October 1994 Speaker, "Helping Students Read and Learn from Their Mathematics Textbooks: How Reading Teachers Can Work with Mathematics Teachers," Fifteenth West Regional International Reading Association Conference, Reno, February 1994 Chair, Luncheon Speaker Committee, Fifteenth West Regional International Reading Association Conference, Reno, February 1994 Speaker, "Help Students Read and Learn From the UCSMP Textbooks with Question-Answer Relationships," Western Regional Conference of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, San Francisco, February 1994 Speaker, "Using Reading and Writing Strategies to Facilitate Learning in the Geometry Classroom," Western Regional Conference of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Las Vegas, February 1993 Speaker, "Interdisciplinary Word Study: Involving the Whole School in Building Vocabulary Across the Curriculum," Southwest Regional Council of Teachers of English/Language Arts, Reno, October 1992 Speaker, "Using Reading and Writing Strategies to Enhance the Learning in Mathematics Classrooms," Southwest Regional Conference of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Albuquerque, November 1991

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Speaker, "Using Computers to Help Teach Composition," Southwest Regional Conference for Teachers of English/Language Arts, Park City, Utah, October 1990 Speaker, "Strategies to Promote Metacognitive Awareness (and Thereby Improve Reading Ability) in Secondary Level Chapter I Students," Sixteenth Southwest Regional Conference, International Reading Association, Oklahoma City, February 1988 Speaker, "Using High Fantasy Literature to Develop the Inferencing Abilities of Gifted Middle School Students," Fourteenth Southwest Regional Conference, International Reading Association, San Antonio, January 1986 Speaker, "Developing Gifted Secondary Students' Abilities to Make Inferences Through the Use of High Fantasy Literature," Thirteenth Southwest Regional Conference, International Reading Association, Albuquerque, January 1985 Speaker, "Creative Reading and Writing Using Literature of the New Southwest," Southwest Regional Conference for Teachers of English, Albuquerque, October 1984 Speaker, "Using Sentence Combining to Improve the Reading Comprehension of Elementary Students," Twelfth Southwest Regional Conference, International Reading Association, Little Rock, October 1983 STATE Speaker, “I Want to Be ‘Just Whelmed’,” Nevada Association of Career and Technical Education Summer Conference, Lake Tahoe (NV), July 2009 Speaker, “Managing the Time of Your Life;” “Great Brains Don’t Think Alike;” and “Grow Your Creativity,” Diocese of Reno Annual Conference, Reno (NV), January 2003 Speaker, “Leadership in the 21st Century,” University of Nevada Cooperative Extension Statewide Conference, Reno (NV), October 2002 Speaker, “Keeping All the Plates Spinning: Time and Paper Management,” Nevada School Food Service Association Annual Conference, South Lake Tahoe (CA), June 2002 Speaker, “Personal and Professional Productivity: Organize Yourself and Your Life,” Nevada Escrow Association Convention, Reno (NV), February 2002 Speaker, “Classroom Management,” “Designing Effective Lessons,” “Organize and Simplify Your Life,” “Setting SMART Goals,” Diocese of Reno Annual Conference, Reno (NV), January 2002 Speaker, “What Matters Most®,” Nevada Rural Educators’ Conference, Elko (NV), July 2001

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Speaker, “Teaching the Noah’s Ark that is Your Classroom,” Nevada Department of Education MegaConference, Las Vegas, March 2001 Speaker, “Time and Paper Management for Busy, Busy, Busy Educators (Yes, It Can Be Done!)” Nevada Department of Education Mega-Conference, Las Vegas, March 2001 Speaker, “Managing Your Time and Paper in a Changing E-conomy: Who Predicted a Paperless Office, Anyway?!” Nevada Library Association, Reno (NV), October 2000 Speaker, “Differentiating Instruction” and “Teaching with the Brain in Mind,” Nevada Department of Education Mega Conference, Lake Tahoe, March 2000 Speaker, “Shameless Self Promotion,” Nevada Library Association Annual Conference, Elko (NV), October 1999 Speaker, “Consider How to Improve Your Time and Paper Management Skills—and Improve Your Life,” Nevada Dietetic Association Annual Meeting, Reno (NV), April 1999 Keynote Speaker, “Motivation: Is It Ours to Give?” Nevada Association for Gifted Children Fifth Annual Conference, Reno, March 1997 Speaker, “Using the QAR Strategy in Social Studies and Language Arts: An Interdisciplinary Approach,” Nevada State Council of Teachers of English State Conference, Reno, October 1994 Speaker, “Constructive Activism: A Workshop for Parents of Gifted Students,” Nevada Association for Gifted Children Third Annual Conference, Reno, October 1994 Leader, "Using Six Thinking Hats to Facilitate Creativity," Creativity Night, Nevada Association for Gifted Children Second Annual Conference, Las Vegas, June 1993 Speaker, "The Mathematics/Linguistics Connection," Nevada Mathematics Leaders Conference, University of Nevada, Reno, August 1992 Speaker, "Content Reading Strategies for Secondary Teachers," Thirteenth Annual Nevada Reading Week, Nevada State Department, February 1992 Speaker, "Identifying Young Gifted Children," Northern Nevada Early Childhood Educators' Conference, Reno, October 1990 Speaker, "Strategies Teachers Can Use to Enable Students to Read and Learn from the Social Studies Textbook," Northern Nevada Council for the Social Studies/Nevada State Department Conference, March 1990 Speaker, "A Travel Guide to Picture Books for Teachers, K-12," Annual Nevada Reading Week Conference, Reno, January 1990

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Speaker, "Kicking Off the New School Year with Literature," Nevada State Department, Reno, August 1989 Speaker, "Why Children's Literature: Ideas for Elementary and Secondary Teachers," Tenth Annual Nevada Reading Week Conference, Reno, January 1989 Speaker, "A Case for the Introduction and Adoption of a New Term: Metalinguistic Sentience," Fourteenth Annual Reading Research Conference of the Washington Organization for Reading Development, Seattle, March 1989 Speaker, "Teaching Vocabulary in the Content Areas: Social Studies, Mathematics, and Science," State Conference, Silver State Reading Association, Las Vegas, March 1989 Speaker, "Enhancing the Vocabulary Development of College Bound Middle and High School Students," State Conference, Utah Council of the International Reading Association, March 1989 Speaker, "Strategies for Ensuring That Students Learn Vocabulary--for Life, Not Just for a Test," State Convention, Nevada State Council of Teachers of English, Sparks, October 1988 Speaker, "Enhancing the Vocabulary Development of Below Average Children," Eighteenth Annual Conference, Texas Council for Exceptional Children, San Antonio, July 1988 Speaker, "Teaching Vocabulary to College Bound Middle School and High School Students: Strategies I Know Will Work Because I've Tried Them!" Sixteenth Annual Convention, Texas State Council International Reading Association, Ft. Worth, March 1988 Speaker, "Research Report: An Ethnographic Study of the Metalinguistic Awareness of Young Gifted Children," Fifteenth Annual Convention, Texas State Council International Reading Association, El Paso, February 1987 Speaker, "Teaching Metaphor to Enhance the Reading Comprehension of Elementary and Middle School Students," Fifteenth Annual Convention, Texas State Council International Reading Association, El Paso, February 1987 Speaker, "Teaching for Critical Thinking Using Children's Literature," Texas Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, Fort Worth, November 1986 Speaker, "Ensuring that Students Learn Vocabulary--For Life, Not Just for the Test," Texas Joint Council of Teachers of English, Fort Worth, February 1986 Speaker, "Using High Fantasy Literature to Increase Gifted High School Students' Abilities to Draw Inferences," Fifteenth Annual Conference, Texas Council for Exceptional Children, Fort Worth, July 1985 Speaker, "Learning Characteristics of Gifted Students as They Affect Reading Instruction," Thirteenth Annual Conference, Texas State Council International Reading Association, Dallas, March 1985 Updated 10.20.13

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Speaker, "Creative and Critical Reading for Gifted (and Not So Gifted) High School Students," Twelfth Annual Convention, Texas State Council International Reading Association, Corpus Christi, March 1984 Speaker, "Improving Reading Comprehension Through Sentence-Combining Activities," Eleventh Annual Convention, Texas State Council International Reading Association, Houston, March 1983 LOCAL Speaker, “Clean up Your Money Clutter,” American Business Women’s Association/Zephyr Chapter, Reno, (NV), January 2013 Speaker, “Staying Positive in a Freaked-Out World,” American Business Women’s Association/Zephyr Chapter, Reno (NV), March 2010 Speaker, “Setting SMART Goals,” Northern Nevada Autism Society of America, Reno (NV), April 2001 Speaker, “Reading and Writing Strategies for the Middle School Mathematics Classroom,” Washoe County Middle School Conference, November 1994 Conference chair, The Second Annual Reading and Language Arts Conference sponsored by the College of Education, University of Nevada, Reno, August 1990 Speaker, "Adapting Content Area Reading Strategies to a Sports Literature Class," and "What Parents Can Do to Facilitate their Children's Success in School," The Second Annual Reading and Language Arts Conference, Reno, August 1990 Speaker, "Parenting Gifted Children: Techniques for Helping Your Child Take Advantage of Their Talents and Opportunities," Third Annual Parent Day, Washoe County School District, January 1990 Speaker, "What Parents Can Do to Help Their Children Excel in School," Nevada Family Living Conference, Sparks, October 1989 Speaker, "Kicking Off the New School Year with Literature," Nevada Department of Education, Reno, August 1989 Conference chair, The First Annual Reading and Language Arts Conference sponsored by the College of Education, UNR, August 1989 Speaker, "Teaching Metaphor to Intermediate, Middle, and High School Students," and "Good Informational (Non-Fiction) Books: A Booklist for Parents and Teachers," First Annual Reading and Language Arts Conference, Reno, August 1989

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Panelist, "Literacy in the 1990's," Teacher Advisory Board Roundtable on Teacher Education, Reno, April 1989 Speaker, "Informational Books for Young Readers," Sierra Nevada Council/IRA, Reno, January 1989 Discussion group leader, "Good Literature to Share with Adults/Parents as Readers," Literacy in Nevada--A Cornucopia of Needs: Focus on Secondary and Adult Learners," State Education Policy Seminar, University of Nevada - Reno, October 1988 Speaker, "Beginning Reading for Gifted Young Children," Eighth Annual N.T.S.U. Early Childhood Symposium, Denton, June 1985 Speaker, "What Current Inference Research has to Say to Intermediate Classroom Teachers," N.T.S.U. Reading Conference, Denton, February 1985 Speaker, "Teaching Reading in the High School English Class," N.T.S.U. Secondary Education Conference, Lewisville, September 1984 Speaker, "Critical and Creative Reading for Gifted Secondary Students," Summer workshop, North Texas Council of International Reading Association, Plano, August 1984 Speaker, "Priming the Pump: Prepare them to Write--Prewriting," Second Annual Elementary Education Conference, N.T.S.U., November 1982 INVITED ADDRESSES/SPEECHES/PRESENTATIONS Keynote Speaker, “Staying Positive in a Freaked-Out World: Decision Doors,” Nevada Association of Career and Technical Education, Lake Tahoe (NV), July 2013 Keynote Speaker, “Staying Positive in a Freaked-Out World,” Nevada Parks and Recreation Division Conference, Reno (NV), April 2010 Keynote Speaker, “Staying Positive in a Freaked-Out World,” Start Fresh, Sponsored by Northern Nevada Teachers of English and the University of Nevada, Reno Continuing Education Program, August 2009 Keynote Speaker, “What’s On the Bulletin Board of Your Life?” Churchill County School District Institute Day, March 2009 Dinner Speaker, “What Are the Keys?” Nevada State Convention, American Association of University Women, Reno (NV), April 2006 Keynote Speaker, “Life is a Bank and Time is the Medium of Exchange,” eWomenNetwork, Reno (NV), April 2006

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Luncheon Speaker, “15 Ideas to Implement Immediately to Combat Constant Information Inundation,” Reno (NV) Lions Club, April 2005 Luncheon Speaker, “Creating a ‘Not-to-Do’ List,” Professional Saleswomen of Nevada, Reno (NV), July 2004 Luncheon Speaker, “Creating a ‘Not-to-Do’ List,” Society of Women Engineers, Reno (NV), June 2004 Luncheon Keynote, “Make Your Mark and See Where It Takes You!”, Nevada Brownfields Conference, Sparks (NV), May 2004 Closing Keynote, “Make Your Mark and See Where It Takes You!” Nevada CUPA (College and University Professionals Assocation) Human Resources Conference, Verdi (NV), March 2004 Speaker, “Keeping Chaos at Bay,” Sierra Nevada Club of Printing House Craftsmen, Reno (NV), May 2003 Speaker, “Decluttering for Peace (as well as for a lot of other reasons!), Heart of the Home, Carson Valley (NV), April 2003 Keynote, “What Kind of Magnet Are You?” Nevada CUPA (College and University Professionals Assocation) Human Resources Conference, Verdi (NV), March 2003 Keynote, “Let’s Get Organized,” Nevada Association of Counties (NACO) Annual Conference, Lake Tahoe (NV), November 2002 Keynote, “No Matter What ‘Shape’ You’re In: Character Traits, Personalities, and their Impact on Interaction with Your Governing Body,” Nevada Association of Counties (NACO) Annual Conference, Lake Tahoe (NV), November 2002 Speaker, “Time and Paper Management,” MOPS (Mothers of Pre-Schoolers), Reno, May 2002 Speaker, “Questions We Need to Ask,” Reno-Sparks Assistance League, February 2002 Speaker, “Setting SMART Goals,” Professional Saleswomen of Nevada, October 2001 Keynote Speaker, “What Kind of Magnet Are You?” Start Fresh Conference, Nevada Department of Education, August 2001 Speaker, “Setting SMART Goals,” Books and Beyond Reading Recognition Program, Little Flower School, Reno (NV), April 2001 Keynote Speaker, “Managing Your Time and Paper Resources (Who Predicted a Paperless Office, Anyway?)” Northern Nevada Human Resources Association, Reno (NV), September 2000 Speaker, “Who Were Your Best Teachers?” Reno South Rotary, January 2000 Updated 10.20.13

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Opening Keynote Speaker, “Knots in Your Personality,” National Assistance League Convention, Seattle (WA), September 1999 Keynote Speaker, “Who Were Your Best Teachers?” University of Nevada, Reno Foundation Fall Meeting, September 1999 Opening Keynote Speaker, “Don’t Tie Yourself in Knots Over This!” Start Fresh Conference, August 1999 Keynote Speaker, “Dealing with Differences—Geometrically!” National Assisteens Convention, Scottsdale (AZ), August 1999 Keynote Speaker, “Presentation Skills,” Sierra Nevada Chapter of the American Society for Training and Development, October 1998 Keynote Speaker, “Shift Your View: Educators as Entrepreneurs,” Finish Fresh Conference, April 1998 Keynote Luncheon Speaker, “You have—and you need—all the different personality shapes in Assistance League!” National Assistance League, District II Conference, Reno (NV), April 1998 Speaker, “Helping Your Children Succeed in School,” Kickoff Dinner/Seminar, Washoe County School District/North Valley Elementary Schools, January 1998 Speaker, “Organizing to Work Smarter, Not Harder,” Assistance League of Reno-Sparks Annual Retreat, Truckee (CA), August 1997 Speaker, “Time and Paper Management for Professionals,” Enrolled Agents, Reno (NV), July 1997 Speaker, “Education at the University in 1997,” Golden Grads, University of Nevada, Reno, May 1997 Luncheon Speaker, “Increasing Your Productivity,” Professional Saleswomen of Nevada, April 1997 Keynote Speaker, “Self-Imposed Organizational Strategies for the Organizationally Challenged,” Professional Secretaries International Ponderosa Pines Chapter “Day After” Professional Secretaries Day Seminar, Carson City (NV), April 1997 Keynote Speaker, “Your Teaching Personality Can Be Either the Problem or the Solution” Western U.S. Colleges of Agriculture Teaching Symposium, University of Nevada, Reno, September 1996 Dinner Speaker, “Time and Paper Management Tactics for School Administrators,” Douglas County (NV) School Administrators Association, September 1996 Keynote Speaker, “101 (or thereabouts) Ideas to Improve Literacy Achievement in Your Classroom,” 12th Annual Reading and Writing Conference, Weber State University, Ogden, UT, June 1996

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Speaker, “You Can Read Faster and Comprehend More!” Reno Host Lions Club, Harrah’s, Reno, May 1996 Speaker, “Highly Gifted Middle School Students in a High School Setting: Positives and Pitfalls,” Galena High School G/T Parents Meeting, November 1995 Speaker, “Study Skills and Time Management,” Juniper & Manzanita Residence Halls, University of Nevada, Reno, October 1995 Speaker, “Views on Education Today,” Audrey Webb Child Study Center, Stephens College, Columbia, MO, October 1995 Speaker, “Getting Organized,” Rotary luncheon, John Ascuaga’s Nugget, Reno, July 1995 Speaker, “The 8 R’s of Good Teaching,” Sierra Council/IRA Officer Installation Dinner, Reno, May 1995 Speaker, “Helping Your Children with Reading and Study Skills,” ALERT (Alliance Looking at Educational Reforms Today), Reno, May 1995 Speaker, “Making a Clean Sweep of Your Classroom,” Finish Fresh Conference, Nevada State Department of Education, April 1995 Speaker, “Time Management for Graduate Students,” Graduate Student Association Graduate Awareness Week, University of Nevada, Reno, April 1995 Speaker, “Excellence in Education,” Friends of the College of Education Spring Meeting, University of Nevada, April 1995 Speaker, “Optimism: A Key to Continued Success,” Sparks High School Honor Society Induction Ceremony, Sparks (NV) November 1994 Speaker, “Organizing for Efficiency,” Washoe County Teachers of Mathematics, October 1994 Speaker, “I Know a Good Teacher,” College of Education Advisory Board, September 1994 Speaker, “Leadership Involves Integrity,” Reed High School and Sparks High School Student Council Leadership Retreat, Lake Tahoe, NV, August 1994 Speaker, “Getting Organized--This Summer!” Northern Nevada Teachers of English, Reno, May 1994 Speaker, “Optimism: A Key to Your Success,” Induction Ceremony, Douglas County High School Honor Society, Minden (NV), May 1994 Opening Session Speaker, "Empower Yourself and Your Students," Fernley (NV) Public Schools, August 1993

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General Session Speaker, "Setting SMART Goals for Yourself--As You 'Finish Fresh' and As You Look Down the Road At the Rest of Your Life," First Annual Finish Fresh Conference, Nevada Department of Education, Reno, April 1993 Speaker, "Some Things I Wish I Had Known Then (and a few things I still wish I knew)," Graduate Student Association Graduate Awareness Week, University of Nevada, Reno, April 1993 Speaker, "Attention Parents!! What Do Your Gifted Children Need From You?" Clark County School District, December 1992 Faculty Speaker, "Empowering Yourself--for College and for Life," Second Annual Freshmen Convocation, University of Nevada, Reno, August 1992 Keynote Speaker, "C-crets of Successful Programming for Gifted Students," Nevada Association for Gifted Children Annual Conference, Reno, June 1992 Speaker, "Why Am I Here? And How Can I Manage My Time Since I Am Here?" Phi Delta Kappa, January 1992 Speaker, "Building the Reading Comprehension of Less Skilled Readers," RAD tutors, sponsored by the Children's Cabinet, Reno, January 1992 Speaker, "C-crets of Success," December graduation brunch, University of Nevada, Reno, December 1991 Speaker, "Achieving Your Goals," Straight as an "A"rrow Banquet, Battle Mountain (Nevada), November 1991 Speaker, "Creative Imagination," University of Nevada, Reno Study Skills Center, February 1991 Speaker, "Building Reading Comprehension," RAD tutors, sponsored by Children's Cabinet, Reno, January 1991 Speaker, "Gifted Children and Literature," Association for Excellence in Education, Reno, June 1990 Speaker, "IQ and Other Means of Identifying Gifted Students," PAGES, Incline Village, March 1990 Speaker, "Setting Goals for Now--and for Life," Washoe County School District Intern Program for Gifted High School Students, November 1989 Speaker, "What Is It Like for a Gifted Child in a Classroom for Gifted Students? (and what should you expect?)" Association for Excellence in Education, Reno, June 1989 Speaker, "Parenting a Gifted Child: Harder, Easier, or Different?" Association for Excellence in Education, Reno, May 1989

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Speaker, "Maintaining A Warm Fuzzy Classroom in a Cold Prickly Environment," Student Education Association, N.T.S.U., Denton, November 1987 Keynote speaker, "How to Maintain a Warm Fuzzy Classroom in a Cold Prickly Environment," Missouri Student NEA State Convention, Springfield, April 1980

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