Entomology 2014 - Entomological Society of America 62nd Annual Meeting November 16-19, 2014 Oregon Convention Center - Portland, Oregon Abstract for Presentation #1706 ESA Section: Plant–Insect Ecosystems P-IE Section: Vectors of Plant Disease Slot 235: November 18, 2014: 1:30 to 5:30 p.m. Scheduled time: 2:30 p.m. https://esa.confex.com/esa/2014/webprogram/start.html Overwintering Potential of the Potato Psyllid Bactericera cockerelli (Hemiptera: Triozidae) and the bacterium Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum in eastern Oregon. Darrin L. Walenta1, Erik Echegaray2 and Silvia Rondon2 1 2
Oregon State University Extension Service-Union Co., La Grande, OR Oregon State University-Hermiston Agricultural Research and Extension Center, Hermiston, OR
The Oregon-Washington potato industry was placed on high alert in 2011 by the discovery of the zebra chip (ZC) disease in the Columbia Basin. Zebra chip is caused by the bacterium Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum (Lso) which is vectored by the potato psyllid Bactericera cockerelli (Sulc). Zebra chip causes significant economic loss due to increased costs associated with psyllid management and loss of Lso-infected plants, tuber quality and yield. Lso-infected potato psyllids were discovered in the Union-Baker Co. area of eastern Oregon in August 2012 following the discovery of B. cockerelli overwintering in the Columbia Basin on bittersweet nightshade (Solanum dulcamara), a wild perennial solanaceous species. At this time, the abundance and distribution of potato psyllid populations inhabiting S. dulcamara in eastern Oregon was not known. The main objectives of this study were to: 1) determine population fluctuations of B. cockerelli during the winter months in S. dulcamara; and 2) determine if the psyllid vector and/or the overwintering host serve as a green bridge for Lso pathogen transfer to the next potato production season. Overwintering site distribution, potato psyllid monitoring data and the occurrence of the Lso pathogen within vector and overwintering host populations are presented. Darrin Walenta Oregon State University Extension Service – Union Co. 10507 North McAlister Road, La Grande, OR 97850 USA Phone Number: 541-963-1010 Email:
[email protected] Erik Echegaray OSU-Hermiston Agricultural Research and Extension Center 2121 South First Street, Hermiston, OR 97838 USA Phone Number: 541-567-8321 Email:
[email protected] Silvia Rondon OSU-Hermiston Agricultural Research and Extension Center 2121 South First Street, Hermiston, OR 97838 USA Phone Number: (541) 567 8321 ext. 108 Email:
[email protected]