2 Nov 2013 ... The Independent School Entrance Exam (ISEE) is administered ... Questions
about registration, the test administration, or about the conditions ...
Entrance Exam for the Boston Public Schools Boston Latin Academy Entrance to Grades 7 and 9 Boston Latin School Entrance to Grades 7 and 9 John D. O’Bryant School of Mathematics and Science Entrance to Grades 7, 9, and 10
REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Friday, September 27, 2013 TEST DATE: Saturday, November 2, 2013 Exam administered by the Educational Records Bureau under the supervision of the Boston Public Schools
Language Assistance Parents/Guardians who need language assistance may call a BPS Family Resource Center at 617-635-9010, 617-635-8015, or 617-635-8040.
Table of Contents
About ERB..................................................................4 Introduction.................................................................5 Admission Calendar.....................................................6 ISEE Registration Process....................................... 6-8 Sunday Test..................................................................8 Testing with Accommodations.....................................8 Test Day Checklist.......................................................9 Boston Residency Verification.............................. 10-11 Make-up Test.............................................................12 Score Report Request.................................................13 Getting Ready for the ISEE................................. 14-16 Test Day Procedures...................................................17 Test Center Code List................................................18 Boston Public Schools Code List......................... 18-19 Priv./Parochial/Charter Code List........................ 20-21 Request Form for Test Scores ....................................22
About ERB Educational Records Bureau Board of Trustees James Honan
Dr. Thomas Kelly Dr. Mark Lauria Dr. T.J. Locke
Dr. David Magill
Dr. Cheryl Maloney Dr. Mike McGill Peter Mott
Debbie Reed
Dr. Gary Richards Keith Shahan
Rebecca Upham Kim Wargo
Dr. Andy Watson The Independent School Entrance Exam (ISEE) is administered by the Educational Records Bureau (ERB) and consists of four subtests. The writing sample, or essay, that is part of ISEE is not part of the Boston exam. The four subtests are Verbal Reasoning, Reading Comprehension, Quantitative Reasoning, and Mathematics Achievement. Questions about registration, the test administration, or about the conditions under which you took the test should be addressed in writing to: Educational Records Bureau ISEE 470 Park Avenue South New York, NY 10016 If the correspondence concerns a complaint about the test administration, be sure to include a full and accurate description of the circumstances in question. Copyright ©2013 by Educational Records Bureau. All rights reserved.
Introduction Applying to the Boston Exam Schools
The Boston Public Schools (BPS) has three exam schools – Boston Latin Academy, Boston Latin School, and the John D. O’Bryant School of Mathematics & Science. Students must be residents of Boston to apply for and attend an exam school. Admission is based entirely on a student’s grades and test scores from the Independent School Entrance Exam (ISEE). The BPS administration of the ISEE does not include the essay component. Eligible students must currently be in grade 6 to apply for grade 7, or grade 8 to apply for grade 9 at all three exam schools. Students currently in grade 9 may take the exam to apply for grade 10 at the John D. O’Bryant School of Mathematics & Science only. If you have questions about the Boston Exam Schools, the admission process, the residency policy or require assistance, please contact: Maria Vieira Enrollment Planning & Support Tel: 617-635-9512 Email:
[email protected] Website: www.bostonpublicschools.org/exam Please read all sections of this bulletin for important information and application requirements.
ISEE Registration Process Schedule of Important Dates Sept. 9 - 27 Oct. 1 - Nov. 1
Oct. 4 Nov. 2 Nov. 3 Nov. 16 Early January Jan. 31 Mid-March
Registration Period for the November 2 exam
Residency Verification Period for students attending private, parochial, METCO, charter schools, schools outside the City of Boston, and students being home schooled Deadline to request special accommodation for the ISEE ISEE test
Sunday test for students with religious obligations ISEE make-up test
Candidate Release Forms mailed to schools for collection of student grades
Candidate Release Forms due to Boston Public Schools Approximate date for exam school invitations
NOTE: Walk-in registration will only be offered at the ISEE make-up test on November 16, 2013.
Registering for the ISEE
For non-residents: If you are not currently a City of Boston resident, please register for a national ISEE administration with the Educational Records Bureau by calling 1-800-446-0320 or online at www.iseetest.org (fees apply). Non-resident students applying to the Boston exam schools must take the ISEE by November 16, 2013. Test scores must be sent to Boston Exam Schools, code 888888. For current Boston residents: A test registration form is included with this booklet and must be completed by the parent. Please return the completed form to the principal/headmaster of your child’s present school by September 27, 2013.
ISEE Registration Process If the student is attending an unlisted school (school code 8888) or is presently home schooled (school code 8554), please mail the registration form directly to ISEE Operations Office Inc, Tweedy Tattersall, 423 Morris Street, Durham NC, 27701. Please use a No.2 pencil to complete the registration form. Print the information requested in each square and fill in the correct bubble. You may leave a blank box to indicate a space. Individuals should not knowingly falsify information and should understand the application is signed under the pains and penalties of perjury. Student Name: Enter your full, legal name (no nicknames). Student’s Home Address: Enter the address of your current home residence. Do not list the address of a future residence. Describe Yourself: Fill in one box only. Current Grade in School: This exam is for students in grades 6, 8, or 9 only. School Now Attending: Find your school code on pages 18-24 of this booklet. BPS ID Number: This box is for students currently attending Boston Public Schools. Please enter your six-digit student ID number. Test Center Names: Test center codes are located on page 18 of this booklet. Assignment to a selected test center is not guaranteed. The test admission ticket will be mailed to your child’s current school and distributed during the week of October 28, 2013. For students attending an unlisted school (code 8888) or presently home-schooled, test tickets will be mailed to your home address. The ticket will show your assigned Test Center location and registration number. Test Center assignments cannot be changed.
ISEE Registration Process Walk-in Registration
For families who missed the registration period in September, walk-in registration will be available at the November 16, 2013 test administration at the John D. O’Bryant School. Students will be able to walk into the test center with the required documents and register on site. Please refer to the residency verification and student identification requirements listed in this booklet. The Boston Public Schools administration of the ISEE is for Boston residents only.
Sunday Test Administration
A special Sunday test administration will be given for students who cannot sit for the Saturday administration due to religious beliefs. This special administration will be on Sunday, November 3, 2013 at Boston Latin School. To request a Sunday test for your child, please contact Maria Vieira at 617-635-9512. Parents must still complete the ISEE registration form for the November 2nd test date in order to receive a test ticket.
Testing with Accommodations
Students with documented disabilities may request to take the exam with accommodations. To be eligible, the student must have a disability that requires testing with accommodations and have appropriate documentation that establishes a current need. To apply for a special accommodation, please have your child’s school submit a completed request form and a copy of your child’s Individualized Education Program, 504 Plan, Neuro-Psychological Evaluation, or physician’s letter documenting a health concern to: Maria Vieira Boston Public Schools Enrollment Planning & Support 26 Court Street, 4th Floor Boston, MA 02108 The Special Accommodations request form is available online at www.bostonpublicschools.org/exam. All requests must be submitted by October 4, 2013 to make arrangements for the November 2 exam. Confirmation letters will be mailed home the last week in October detailing approved accommodations. Please be advised that special accommodations will not be granted at the test site without a confirmation letter from Enrollment Planning & Support. 8
Test Day Checklist Test Day Checklist
Things to remember to bring on test day: 1. 2. 3. 4.
ISEE admission ticket Student identification Residency Verification receipt* Five sharpened No. 2 pencils and an eraser
*This requirement does not apply to current Boston Public Schools students
Student Identification
Students taking the ISEE are required to provide positive identification at the test center. Examples of acceptable student identification include a passport, green card, or school ID with photo and name. The passport and green card may be expired; however, they must display a recent photo of the child. If your child does not have any type of photo identification, please have a Student ID Form completed by your child’s school. The form is available online at www.bostonpublicschools.org/exam. Students will not be admitted to the test center without proper identification.
Boston Residency Verification Process Exam School Residency Policy
In June 2010, the Boston School Committee revised the residency policy for applicants seeking admission to the examination schools. The policy requires both the student and parent/guardian to live in the City of Boston on or before the first Friday in November of the application year. Boston School Committee policy defines residency as the place where a student dwells permanently, not temporarily, and is the place that is the center of his or her domestic, social, and civic life. Temporary residence in the City of Boston solely for the purpose of applying and/or attending a Boston Public Schools shall not be considered residency.
Boston Residency Verification Process
Parents must complete the residency verification process if your child currently attends a private, parochial, charter school, METCO program school, schools outside the city of Boston, or is being home-schooled. Even if you have other children enrolled in BPS, you must complete the residency verification for the exam school applicant. Please remember to keep a copy of your verification receipt to present on test day. The Residency Verification Period will be open from October 1 through November 1, 2013 at the BPS Family Resource Centers. If you do not complete the residency verification process, your child will not be allowed to sit for the exam and/or considered for admission to an exam school. There are no exceptions to the residency policy. All Residency Verification Applications Must Include: 1.
Child’s original birth certificate or I-94 form (court order of guardianship if applicable)
Parent/Guardian photo identification
Two Residency Proofs (items cannot be from the same bullet): • A Utility Bill (not water or cell phone) dated within the past 60 days • A Deed, Mortgage Payment dated within the past 60 days, or Property Tax Bill • A current Lease, Section 8 Agreement, or BPS Landlord Affidavit
Boston Residency Verification Process • A W2 form dated within the year or a Payroll Stub dated within the past 60 days • A Bank or Credit Card Statement dated within the past 60 days • A Letter from an Approved Government Agency* dated within the past 60 days * Approved government agencies: Departments of Revenue (DOR), Children and Family Services (DCF), Transitional Assistance (DTA), Youth Services (DYS), Social Security, any communications on Commonwealth of Massachusetts letterhead. Boston Public Schools Family Resource Center Locations: East Zone FRC 1216 Dorchester Avenue Dorchester, MA 02124 T: 617-635-8015 West Zone FRC 515 Hyde Park Avenue Roslindale, MA 02131 T: 617-635-8040 North Zone FRC 75 Malcolm X Blvd Roxbury, MA 02119 T: 617-635-9010 All Family Resource Centers are open Monday through Friday 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM, Wednesdays 12 Noon – 7:00 PM. To avoid long lines and serve you best, we advise parents to come in during the week that corresponds with the first letter of your child’s last name: A-F
October 1 – October 4
October 7 – October 11
M-S October 15 – October 18 T-Z All
October 21 – October 25
October 28 – November 1
Please pay close attention to the requirements and dates noted above as there are no exceptions to the residency policy.
Make-up Administration Make-up Test Administration
The make-up test for the ISEE will take place on Saturday, November 16, 2013 at the John D. O’Bryant School located at 55 Malcolm X Blvd. Boston, MA 02119. The make-up test date is for students who were unable to attend the first Saturday test administration due to serious illness, injury, family crisis, or other unusual circumstance. For families who missed the registration period in September, walk-in registration will be available on site. (Please refer to residency and student identification requirements) Students who take the exam on November 2 may not take the make-up test, regardless of circumstances that might have affected his/her performance. The Boston Public Schools will not retest a student under any circumstances after November 16, 2013. Please call Maria Vieira at 617-635-9512 if you have any questions regarding the make-up test.
Alternative Test Date
Families have the opportunity to register for a national ISEE administration on an alternative date with the Education Records Bureau. However, the Boston Public Schools will only accept one set of test scores. If national testing is selected, it is the parent/ guardian’s responsibility to schedule, pay, and have the student test no later than November 16, 2013 to be considered for the Boston exam schools. There is no exception to this policy. Students applying to private and independent schools as well may want to consider taking the ISEE at a national test site. A national test administration includes the multiple choices sections and the essay component. In addition, a national test administration will allow scores to be sent to the Boston Exam Schools and an additional five ERB member schools. The school code for the Boston Exam Schools is 888888. It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to ensure that the ISEE scores from a national test administration are forwarded to Enrollment Planning & Support for receipt by Friday, December 6, 2013. To view a list of the national ISEE locations, please visit the ISEE online registration at www.iseetest.org. Please be advised students may sit for one test administration within a six month period. 12
Score Report Request Score Report Request
Students taking the ISEE with Boston Public Schools have the option of sending a score report to six additional ERB member schools. There is a $100 fee for this service. Please refer to the last page of this booklet for the request form. Your scores will be reported automatically to Boston Public Schools. If you are applying to multiple schools, including the Boston Exam Schools, consider taking a national test administration (see Alternative Test Date section). You will be able to receive a copy of your child’s test scores two weeks after their test date.
The Independent School Entrance Exam (ISEE) consists of four subtests and is administered for the City of Boston by the Educational Records Bureau. The Middle Level test will be used for candidates entering Grade 7. The Upper Level test will be used for candidates entering Grades 9 and 10. The examination consists of verbal and quantitative reasoning sections that measure your capability for learning. It also consists of reading comprehension and mathematics achievement sections that provide specific information about what you have learned in school in these subject areas. The Boston Public Schools test administration does not include an essay component. ISEE MIDDLE and UPPER LEVELS Verbal Reasoning (Both Levels) synonyms sentence completion Quantitative Reasoning (Middle Level) concepts/understanding applications/higher order thinking quantitative comparison Quantitative Reasoning (Upper Level) arithmetic/algebra/geometry concepts/understanding applications/higher order thinking quantitative comparison Reading Comprehension (Both Levels) humanities passages science passages social studies passages Mathematics Achievement (Middle Level) knowledge and skills computation/comprehension applications Mathematics Achievement (Upper Level) arithmetic/algebra/geometry knowledge and skills comprehension applications The entire test takes about two hours and ten minutes. The time will vary somewhat depending on such factors as the length of time required to read directions, answer questions, etc.
Test Preparation Test Preparation
The Educational Records Bureau (ERB) understands the value and desire for parents and students to “see” the types of questions that will be presented on each level of the test, and help make it as fair as possible for all families to gain access to the same information preparing students for the test. ERB is pleased to offer a preparation book for each level FREE of charge when downloaded from the website www.iseetest.org. Preparation books may also be purchased in a hard copy format for $20 each.* Free preparation books available are: What to Expect on the ISEE – Middle Level (Applicants to Grades 7 & 8) What to Expect on the ISEE – Upper Level (Applicants to Grades 9-12) Each book includes level-specific background information about the ISEE test and experience, sample questions, a full-length practice test, scoring information. Please understand that these books are not training books for exam strategies, and they are not a shortcut to higher scores. The goal of these books is to help families understand the format of the test being taking, the directions given, the types of test items, and the answer sheet used. While other companies claim to have ISEE preparation books, know that these books are the only books authorized and approved by ERB. * Please note that if you choose to order the preparation book the cost of $20 includes shipping and handling in the United States. The book is sent through the U.S. Postal Service using Priority Mail. Please allow 5-7 business days for delivery upon receipt of your order. If you live outside the United States, please call 1-800-446-0320 or 919-956-8524 for the international shipping cost and delivery time. You may order the book by calling 1-800-446-0320 or 919-956-8524, or online at www.iseetest.org. If you choose to download the book for free and print it yourself, the complete book is 140 pages in length.
Test Preparation Getting Ready for the ISEE •
• • • •
The best way to prepare for the ISEE is to continue to work hard at your studies. You should attempt to answer every question, but do not spend too much time on any one question. It is better to go on to the next question. You may return to omitted questions if time permits. You will not be penalized on the test for guessing, but avoid making wild guesses. If you can eliminate one or more incorrect answers, you increase your chances of being right. Do not worry if you are unable to complete the test. No student is expected to answer every question correctly. In general, ISEE scores show what you have gradually learned over a period of time. Last minute cramming for the test is not helpful.
The ISEE is a multiple choice exam in the subjects of English Language Arts and Mathematics. The Middle Level test will be used for candidates applying for grade 7, and the Upper Level test will be used for candidates applying for grades 9 and 10. The November 2nd exam does not include an essay component.
No. of Questions
Quantitative Reasoning
37 Questions
Mathematics Achievement
47 Questions
Verbal Reasoning
Reading Comprehension
Time Limit
40 Questions
20 minutes
36 Questions
35 minutes
35 minutes
40 minutes
Test Preparation Test Day Procedures
Students must arrive at their assigned test center with all required documents at 8:30 AM on Saturday, November 2, 2013 to check-in. Students will be escorted to a testing room for the exam administration process. a.
The test administrator will give students all the instructions needed to take the exam. b. Books, magazines, calculators and calculator watches, timers, stop watches, etc. will not be allowed in the test room. c. Students may wear a regular watch to help keep time. d. Parents are not allowed in the testing rooms and/or the test site building. e. Food, snacks, and beverages are not allowed in the testing rooms. f. Test administrators will invalidate the exam and dismiss any student who violates the expected rules of conduct including, but not limited to: • giving or receiving help on the exam • causing undue disturbance • using notes, calculators, or other aids without approval • purposely working on the wrong section of the test • attempting to take the exam for someone else • using cell phones, pagers, or beepers. In the event of a dispute concerning a candidate’s behavior during the test, ERB will allow the candidate to provide additional information to resolve the matter if possible. ERB reserves the right, however, to cancel a candidate’s test scores if there is reason to question their validity. NOTE: The ISEE is a secure test.
School Code List Test Center Code List
The list below gives the code numbers, names and locations of the Test Centers in Boston where the ISEE will be administered on Saturday, November 2, 2013. Use these code numbers in the appropriate boxes on your registration form.
CODE W257 W258 W259 W260 W261 W262 W263 W264 W265 W266 W267 W268
NAME AND ADDRESS Boston Latin School, Boston John D. O’Bryant School, Roxbury Edison K-8 School, Brighton East Boston High School, East Boston Boston Latin Academy, Dorchester Boston Comm Leadership Academy, Hyde Park West Roxbury Ed Complex, W. Roxbury UP Academy, South Boston Mildred Ave K-8 School, Mattapan Curley K-8 School, Jamaica Plain Burke High School, Dorchester Edwards Middle School, Charlestown
School Code List
Use one of the following two lists to complete the section called School Now Attending on your registration form. 18
CODE 1230 4661 1420 1195 1470 1020 1010 1040 1120 1050 1103 4272 1260 1064 1070 4178 2010 4381 1080 1162 1265
BOSTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Another Course to College BTU K-8 Pilot School Boston Arts Academy Boston Community Leadership Academy Boston Green Academy Boston Latin Academy Boston Latin School Brighton High School Burke, Jeremiah E., High School Charlestown High School Comm. Academy of Health & Science Curley K-8 School Dearborn 6-12 STEM Academy Dorchester Academy East Boston High School Edison K-8 School Edwards Middle School Eliot K-8 School English High School Excel High School Fenway High School
School Code List
4160 2440 4053 4242 4610 4260 2140 4620 1440 4033 4055 4290 2360 4331 1210 1053 4323 1171 4171 2190 4360 1292 1293 1294 1325 4671 4285 4400 1285 1030 4410 4680 4592 1450 2950 4192 4130 1200 1459 1460 2040 4570 2450 1253 4283 1256 4600
Gardner Pilot Academy Harbor School Hernandez K-8 School Higginson/Lewis K-8 School Horace Mann School Hurley K-8 School Irving Middle School Jackson-Mann K-8 School Kennedy Health Careers Kilmer K-8 School King K-8 School Lee School Lilla G. Frederick School Lyndon K-8 School Madison Park High School Margarita Muñiz Academy Mario Umana Academy Mary Lyon High School Mary Lyon K-8 School McCormack Middle School McKay K-8 School McKinley Middle School McKinley Prep. High School McKinley South End Academy Middle School Academy Mildred Avenue K-8 School Mission Hill K-8 School Murphy K-8 School New Mission High School O’Bryant, John D., School Ohrenberger School Orchard Gardens K-8 School Perry K-8 School Quincy Upper School Rogers Middle School Roosevelt K-8 School S. Greenwood K-8 School Snowden International School TechBoston Academy 6-8 TechBoston Academy 9-12 Timilty Middle School Tobin K-8 School UP Academy Urban Science Academy Warren-Prescott K-8 School West Roxbury Academy Young Achievers K-8 School
School Code List CODE PRIV./PAROCHIAL/CHARTER SCH. 5600 Academy of the Pacific Rim 8019 Advent School 8548 Atrium School 8023 BC High School 8660 Beacon Academy 8130 Beaver Country Day 8013 Belmont Day School 5900 Benjamin Banneker Charter School 8020 Berea School 8157 Boston Archdiocesan Choir School 5500 Boston Collegiate Lower School 5501 Boston Collegiate Middle School 5520 Boston Prep Charter School 5400 Boston Renaissance Charter School 8140 Brimmer and May 8670 British School 8146 Buckingham, Browne and Nichols 8165 Cambridge Friends School 8027 Cathedral High School 8028 Catholic Memorial School 8284 Chestnut Hill School 5200 Conservatory Lab Charter School 8185 Dedham Country Day School 8520 Delphi Academy 8142 Dexter School 5530 Dorchester Collegiate Academy 8034 East Boston Central Catholic School 5452 Edward Brooke - East Boston 5451 Edward Brooke - Mattapan 5450 Edward Brooke - Roslindale 8698 Epiphany School 5490 Excel Academy Charter School 8149 Fayerweather St. School, Cambridge 8037 Holy Name School 8554 Home Schooled 8281 Jackson School, Newton 8042 Kingsley Montessori School 8556 Learning Project 8133 Maimonides School 5431 MATCH High School 5430 MATCH Middle School 8880 METCO Program 8260 Milton Academy, Middle School 8049 Mission Grammar School (OLPH) 8273 Monsignor Haddad Middle School 8622 Mother Caroline Academy 20
School Code List
8285 8286 8588 5700 8561 8614 8134 8287 8135 8110 8659 8089 8081 8064 8065 5905 8580 5302 5301 5300 8060 8160 8261 5470 8623 8071 8141 8257 8070 8299 8330 8076 8168 8083 8138 8258 8092 8094 8173 8290 8096 8262 8122 8187 8100
Mt. Alvernia Academy Mt. Alvernia High School Nativity Prep School Neighborhood House Charter School Neighborhood Schools New Beginnings Academy New England Hebrew Academy Newton Country Day School Park School Parkside Christian Academy Park Street School Pope John Paul II, Columbia Pope John Paul II, Lower Mills Pope John Paul II, Mattapan Square Pope John Paul II, Neponset Prospect Hill Academy Charter School Rashi School Roxbury Prep - Dorchester Roxbury Prep - Lucy Stone Roxbury Prep - Mission Hill Sacred Heart, Roslindale Shady Hill School Shaloh Hebrew School Smith Leadership Academy Solomon Schechter School South Boston Catholic Academy Southfield School St. Agatha School, Milton St. Brendan School St. Catherine School, Norwood St. Clements School St. Columbkille School St. John Evangelist, Canton St. John School, Boston St. Mary School, Brookline St. Mary of the Hills, Milton St. Patrick School, Roxbury St. Peter Academy St. Rose School, Chelsea St. Sebastian Country Day School St. Theresa School Thacher Montessori Thayer Academy Ursuline Academy Winsor School
Please enter 8888 if your school is not listed
ISEE - November 2, 2013 2013-2014 Additional Score Report Request
Please print all information to request that your scores be sent to schools other than the Boston Public Schools. DO NOT MAIL BEFORE NOVEMBER 2, 2013.
Last Name
Date of birth
Your permanent address
Boston Examination Registration No.
City State Zip
Phone: (Area code) Number
NOTE: These scores alone will not determine eligibility for the Boston Public Schools’ Examination Schools and the validity of these scores may not have been verified by Boston Public Schools.
Please send score reports to: Code
Name of School
AUTHORIZATION TO RELEASE SCORE REPORTS I hereby authorize release of ISEE scores to the schools named above.
Signature of Parent or Guardian
Right Header
The fee for reporting ISEE scores to any schools other than City of Boston schools is $100. Send completed form and fee to ISEE Operations Office, 423 Morris Street, Durham, NC 27701. Make check or money order payable to ERB. Do not send cash.