Lesson Essential Questions: How do you personal values and goals impact your
business decisions? Vocabulary: Employee, entrepreneurship, entrepreneur ...
COURSE: Entrepreneurship
Should you become an entrepreneur
Days: 10
Subject(s): Entrepreneurship Grade(s):
Key Learning(s): Traits of entrepreneurs and advantages/disadvantages of owning your own business
Instructional Tools:
Computers Internet PowerPoint Graphic Organizers Worksheets
Unit Essential Question(s): Compare and contrast the advantages/disadvantages of being an employee vs. and entrepreneur.
Concept: Entrepreneur 15.5.12.A 15.5.12.B
Concept: Entrepreneurial characteristics 15.5.12.A 15.5.12.B
Concept: Entrepreneurship and you 15.5.12.A 15.5.12.B
Lesson Essential Questions: Describe an entrepreneur.
Lesson Essential Questions: What are some characteristics of successful entrepreneurs?
Lesson Essential Questions: How do you personal values and goals impact your business decisions?
Vocabulary: Employee, entrepreneurship, entrepreneur, manufacturing, retailing, wholesaling, service, SBA
Vocabulary: Self-assessment, aptitude
Vocabulary: Opportunities, ideas, trade show, brainstorming, problem solving
Concept: Types of ownership 15.5.12.C 15.5.12.E
Lesson Essential Questions: How are businesses classified on types of ownership?
Lesson Essential Questions:
Lesson Essential Questions:
Vocabulary: Sole proprietor, partnership, corporation, s-corp, double taxation, limited liability, franchise
Board Approval: — 1—
COURSE: Entrepreneurship
Basic entrepreneurial Skills
Days: 8
Subject(s): Entrepreneurship Grade(s):
Key Learning(s): Demonstrate basic entrepreneurial skills
Instructional Tools:
Computers Internet PowerPoint Graphic Organizers Worksheets
Unit Essential Question(s): Give an example were math, writing, and communication skills would be used when running your own business.
Concept: Math skills 15.5.12.B
Concept: Communication skills 15.5.12.B
Lesson Essential Questions: Why are adequate math skills essential for entrepreneurs?
Lesson Essential Questions: Why are communication skills imperative for entrepreneurs?
Lesson Essential Questions:
Vocabulary: Growth rates, rate of interest, principal, term, mark up, mark down, discount
Vocabulary: Interview, memo, complaint letter, resume, business proposal
Board Approval: — 2—
COURSE: Entrepreneurship
Business Plan
Subject(s): Entrepreneurship
Days: 42
Key Learning(s): Create a business plan
Instructional Tools:
Computers Internet PowerPoint Graphic Organizers Worksheets
Unit Essential Question(s): What are some of the important elements of a business plan?
Concept: Business information 15.5.12.D 15.5.12.F 15.5.12.K 15.5.12L
Concept: Marketing 15.5.12.D 15.5.12H
Concept: Competition 15.5.12.D 15.5.12.J
Lesson Essential Questions: What is included in the basic information about a business section?
Lesson Essential Questions: Why is it important to analyze the market?
Lesson Essential Questions: How would competition impact your business?
Vocabulary: Mission statement, business plan, statement of purpose, executive summary, utilities, zoning, personnel, inventory, shift, benefits, salary, liability insurance, licensing
Vocabulary: Four P’s of marketing, market size, target market, demographics, psychographics, recession, focus group, survey, primary data
Vocabulary: Competitors, primary market, secondary market, market share, competitive analysis, direct competition
Concept: Sales strategies 15.5.12.D
Concept: Promotions 15.5.12.D 15.5.12.G Lesson Essential Questions: Develop a promotion strategy.
Concept: Qualifications 15.5.12.D
Vocabulary: Promotion, media options, jingle slogan, positioning, features, marketing strategy, discount pricing, brand
Vocabulary: Personality, values, goals
Lesson Essential Questions: Develop a business sales strategy.
Vocabulary: Action plan, distribution system, press release, supply chain management, physical distribution
Lesson Essential Questions: Describe the qualifications one would need to run various types of businesses.
Board Approval: — 3—
Concept: Financings 15.5.12.D 15.5.12.M
Concept: Legal 15.5.12.D
Concept: Trade show displays 15.5.12.D
Lesson Essential Questions: Describe the basic financial terms and entrepreneur should know.
Lesson Essential Questions: How are logos, copyrights, and trademarks used to benefit a business?
Lesson Essential Questions: Market you business successfully at a trade show.
Vocabulary: Startup costs, royalty fees, balance sheet, income statement, taxes, accounts payable and receivable, net worth, operating income, revenue, profit, expenses, depreciation, breakeven, cash flow, transaction, payroll, venture capitalist, collateral, debt
Vocabulary: Logo, trademark, royalty fee, copyright, intellectual property
Vocabulary: Trade show, venture capitalist, seed money, preparation, share of ownership
Concept: Staffing
Concept: Floor plans/layouts
Lesson Essential Questions: Develop a staffing schedule. 15.5.12.D 15.5.12.I Vocabulary: Benefits, bonus, chain of command, commission, job analysis, performance evaluation, wages, profit sharing, freelancer
Lesson Essential Questions: Develop a floor plan. 15.5.12.D
Lesson Essential Questions:
Vocabulary: Floor plan, access, zoning, building codes, scale
Board Approval: — 4—