High School (Years 10 to 12). Undergraduate, postgraduate, masters and PhD. Early career professionals â Industry,. Ap
LambEx 2018 Young Guns Finding Australia’s Next Generation of Lamb Leaders
Round One – Entry Form Competition Aim: The aim of the LambEx 2018 Young Guns competition is to recognise and encourage young and upcoming industry professionals, producers and scientists to consider a future or ongoing career in the Australian lamb industry. With the average age of an Australian farmer now at 56 it remains critically important to ensure we continue to attract and retain young people in the lamb industry. To this aim, the competition will support young people by providing training in relevant areas, as well as developing their communication and networking skills and industry contacts.
Round One Entry consists of: • Round One Entry Form • Biography of career and industry experience provided as a 1-page word document or a link to a video (maximum two minutes) • Photograph of yourself (head and shoulders) • Your 350 word response (noting that references are not included in the word count) to the below question: The Australian lamb and sheepmeat industry has a bright future, it is currently worth an estimated $4.38 billion to the national economy and has grown significantly in the past decade. Identify and discuss a key opportunity within the Australian lamb industry and how it will influence the future of the sheep and lamb sector?
Entry Submission Submissions will be accepted by email to
[email protected] until 5pm AWST Friday 13 April 2018. Bio and Response to the question must be provided in a word document. The headshot of yourself is to be provided as a .jpg file of 2Mb – 4Mb. If providing a video biography, please upload to a platform (vimeo, youtube) and provide a link in the body of your submission email.
Competition Convener All enquiries in relation to the competition, and making your Round One submission can be forwarded to: Young Guns Convenor: Tina Brock Address: PO Box 4, Glenside SA 5065 Email:
[email protected] Phone: 08 8332 3277
LambEx 2018 Young Guns is proudly sponsored by
Young Guns Round One Entry Form Entry Category
Entry Submission
Tick ( )
Email your complete submission by 5pm AWST Friday 13 April 2018 to
[email protected]
High School (Years 10 to 12) Undergraduate, postgraduate, masters and PhD Early career professionals – Industry, Apprentices, Scientists (40 years and under)
Competition Entry Form Entrant Name Business/Uni/School Your address PO/Street: Town:
Date of birth
Post Code:
Endorsement: Please gain an endorsement from your supervisor/manager/teacher or if you’re under 18, your parent/guardian. Name (please print) Role Phone Signature
Entry requirements: By signing at the below I confirm my completed Young Guns Round One entry consists of: This completed Round One Entry Form Biography: 1-page word document or link to a 2-minute video Photo Your 350 word response Acceptance of the competition Terms and Conditions available at www.lambex.com.au
Entrant Name: ______________________________________ Date of Entry: ______________________________________ Signature:
LambEx 2018 Young Guns is proudly sponsored by