Environment and Sustainable Resource Development

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Harrison, Wendy C. 780 644-1389. Fax 780 427-2278 ..... Machan, Wendy. 780 427-1129. Fax 780 427-0085 ..... Friesen, Ingrid. 780 865-8209. Fax 780 865- ...
August 16, 2015

Government of Alberta •

Environment and Parks Telephone directory

Public Callers Service Alberta contact centre Toll free in Alberta


Out of province

1 780 427-2711

Free cell phone access

*310 or #310

Deaf callers with TTY equipment

1 800 232 7125 780 427-9999 (Edmonton local)

Alberta Government Staff Help desk for dialing or agent assistance Edmonton

780 427 3169


403 297 7166

Environment and Parks

Environment and Parks Ministry Information Environment

Toll Free Number 310-3773 Fax 780 427-4407

Selective Table of Contents 1 1 1

6 6 6 6 8 11 13 16 20 23 24 25 25 25 26 27 31 31 31 32 33 35 35 35 35 35 35 36 37 37 37 37 37

Ministry Information Sustainable Resource Development

780 944-0313 Toll Free Number 1-877-944-0313 Fax 780 427-4407 [email protected] a

Office of the Minister 208 Legislature Building 10800 - 97 Avenue Edmonton T5K 2B6

Goodings, Chara Hanlon, Jamie

Office of the Deputy Minister

Internal Communications

11th fl Petroleum Plaza ST 9915 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2G8 Deputy Minister Werry, Bill

780 427-1799 Fax 780 415-9669 Director, Business Integration and Strategy Unrau, Dale 780 638-4331 Fax 780 415-9669 Assistant to the Deputy Minister Duhaime, Lorraine 780 415-8389 Fax 780 415-9669 Project Coordinator Le, Linh 780 422-2254 Fax 780 415-9669

Correspondence and Client Support Unit

Heise, Ryan MacDonnell, Duncan Maloney, Jason Penner, Jason Wallace, Charity Graphic Designer Edge, Gwen Business Manager Changarathil, Annie

12th fl Petroleum Plaza ST 9915 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2G8 Section Head Boudrias, Gerry

780 427-1317 Fax 780 427-1874 Internal Communications Consultant North, Barbara 780 422-7837 Fax 780 427-1874 Internal Communications Specialist Langvand, Andrew 780 427-8875 Lothammer, Rhonda 780 638-5697 Fax 780 427-1874

Web Services 12th fl Petroleum Plaza ST 9915 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2G8 Web Master Fuhr, Kevin


Web Project Support Routledge, James

Director Bluetchen, Katrina

780 422-4097 Fax 780 422-6339 Assistant Communications Director Stuparyk, Carolyn 780 427-1693 Fax 780 422-6339 Assistant Director, Digital Communications Mitok, Jennifer 780 422-3881 Fax 780 422-6339 Public Affairs Officer Chamberlin, Tim 780 427-2256 Glover, Lisa 780 422-4589

780 641-9867 Fax 780 422-6339

780 427-5520 Fax 780 422-6339 Receptionist / Administrative Support McNulty, Pat 780 415-9545 Fax 780 422-6339

Web Writer / Editor Brereton, Anton

780 427-8636 Fax 780 422-6339

780 427-7785 Fax 780 422-6339

Administrative Support Hachey, Lucille

11th fl Petroleum Plaza ST 9915 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2G8 Manager, Correspondence and Client Support Unit Gruenheidt, Wanda 780 644-2742 Correspondence Writer Banman, Tim 780 638-3232 Collins-Lauber, Kimberley 780 415-9978 Edwards, Cheryl 780 644-3921 Fax 780 415-9669 Writer Zukowski, Shannon 780 422-5147 Fax 780 415-9669 Administrative Coordinator/ARTS Administrator Read, Kim 780 415-9415 Fax 780 415-9669 ARTS Coordinator Scott, Kelsie 780 644-4906 Fax 780 415-9669 12th fl Petroleum Plaza ST 9915 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2G8 Main Information


780 644-4645 780 427-6233 Fax 780 422-6339 780 644-8372 780 427-4805 780 427-9196 780 641-8992 780 641-9425 Fax 780 422-6339


1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 6

Office of the Minister Office of the Deputy Minister Correspondence and Client Support Unit Communications Human Resources Services Environmental Monitoring Monitoring Transition Policy Management Office Policy Systems and Engagement Policy and Regulatory Alignment Corporate Services Division Enterprise Data Management Finance Branch Informatics Branch Corporate Systems and Administration Branch GeoDiscover Alberta Program Operations Division Alberta Environmental Support and Emergency Response Team (ASERT) Infrastructure Branch Peace Region Lower Athabasca Region Red Deer - North Saskatchewan Region Upper Athabasca Region South Saskatchewan Region Provincial Programs Branch AEMERA Secondment Parks Division Parks Finance Section Parks Program Coordination Parks Land-Use Framework Parks Regional Operations Policy and Planning Division Air and Climate Change Policy Branch Fish and Wildlife Policy Branch Land and Forestry Policy Branch Policy Integration Branch Water Policy Branch Wildlife Management Branch Public Lands Appeal Board Strategy Division Stewardship Branch Strategy Development and Foresight Strategic Relationships and Engagement Land Use Secretariat Transboundary Secretariat Alberta Environmental Appeals Board Natural Resources Conservation Board Surface Rights Board / Land Compensation Board

Minister, Deputy Government House Leader Phillips, Shannon Honourable 780 427-2391 Fax 780 422-6259 Chief of Staff Dancey, Brent 780 427-2391 Fax 780 422-6259 Press Secretary Tupper, Laura 780 427-2391 Fax 780 422-6259 Deputy Minister Hui, Ernie 780 644-2023 Fax 780 427-2039 Minister's Assistant Stevens, Brandon 780 427-2391 Fax 780 422-6259 Scheduling Assistant Jones, Jenni 780 427-2391 Fax 780 422-6259 Administrative Assistant / ARTS Coordinator Bunting, April 780 427-2391 Fax 780 422-6259

Web Developer Sohnle, Trent Digital Content Specialist Lau, Jennifer Turpin, Karen Multimedia Graphic Artist Hemphill, Heather Systems Analyst Chow, Felix Web and Information Specialist Patterson, Jan

Web Administrator Brownridge, Kirk Web Developer Meters, Leanne

780 422-1537 Fax 780 422-6339 780 644-4658 Fax 780 422-6339 780 644-4310 Fax 780 422-6339 780 415-9999 780 638-1301 Fax 780 427-4407 780 422-4414 Fax 780 422-6339 780 644-3206 Fax 780 422-6339 780 427-4684 Fax 780 422-6339 780 427-9317 Fax 780 422-6339 780 422-3413 Fax 780 422-6339 780 427-5934 Fax 780 422-6339

Environmental Law Section 8th fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6 See Justice and Solicitor General, Environmental Law Section for list of Barristers and Solicitors Main Number

780 427-3496


Environment and Parks

Human Resources Services 4th fl Petroleum Plaza ST 9915 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2G8 Reception / Information Line Executive Director Boyle, Mike Executive Assistant Risk, Rachel

780 644-8229 780 644-1398 Fax 780 427-2513 780 422-9515 Fax 780 427-2513


Assistant Director Dyer, Trudy

780 644-4903 Fax 780 427-2513 Human Resources Issues Advisor Hopkins, Amanda 780 422-4609 Fax 780 427-2513 Administrative Assistant Boykiw, Darlene 780 427-4948 Fax 780 427-2513 Receptionist Smathers, Kim 780 643-1643 Fax 780 427-2513 Manager, Workplace Health and Safety Beatty, Hayes 780 644-8362 Fax 780 427-2513 Workplace Health Advisor Rampling, Roy 780 427-3909 Fax 780 427-2513

HR Operations 4th fl Petroleum Plaza ST 9915 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2G8 Manager, HR Consulting Hurst, Heather Human Resource Assistant Petrovic, Nichole

780 644-1174 Fax 780 427-2513 780 644-6965 Fax 780 427-2513

Human Resource Consultant Alladina, Sameera Baron, Kalynn Chaggar, Sam Dezan, Cheryl Hallonquist, Julie Jackson, Thelma Jayachandran, Sowmia Joseph, Josie

780 644-8832 780 644-7873 780 644-8690 780 422-9348 780 644-1715 780 644-8200 780 644-1977 780 422-4480 Fax 780 427-2513 Natte, Tannis 403 382-4247 (2nd fl Provincial Building 200 - 5 Avenue South Lethbridge T1J 4L1) Pardais, Maninder 780 638-4648 Renaud-Gagnier, Corinne 780 422-9575 Waihenya, Milika 780 644-7219 Fax 780 427-2513 Human Resource Assistant McEwen, Jane 780 422-7757 Petreanu, Mihaela 780 644-4666 Fax 780 427-2513

Organizational Effectiveness and HR Programs 4th fl Petroleum Plaza ST 9915 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2G8 Director Baskier, Terry Manager, HR Programs DiMaio, Mike Senior Programs Consultant Christensen, Mecailla Meyers, Mason HR Program Consultant Chagani, Nasheena Segger, Cara

780 422-9448 Fax 780 427-2513 780 644-5574 Fax 780 427-2513 780 644-4975 780 643-6399 Fax 780 427-2513 780 422-4613 780 644-8230

Steinbach, Jeff

780 644-4307 Fax 780 427-2513 Human Resources Programs Assistant Huynh, Janet 780 644-8726 Fax 780 427-2513 Human Resources Assistant Steinke, Raelene 780 644-4614 Yan, Linda 780 644-4308 Fax 780 427-2513

Environmental Monitoring 10th fl Petroleum Plaza ST 9915 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2G8 Main Number Chief Executive Officer Vacant,

Policy and Regulatory Alignment

780 427-6236 Fax 780 427-0923

3rd fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6 Executive Director, Policy and Regulatory Alignment Clark, Wade 780 427-7426 Priority Issues Coordinator Kuhn, Robyn 780 415-4614 Policy Analyst and AREPS Coordinator Rai, Avaya 780 643-0850 Senior Manager, Risk Management and Performance Measures Best, Arron 780 422-2043 Policy Analyst and Engagement Liaison Farooq, Sarah 780 638-3573 Senior Manager, Programs Honour, Sandra 780 643-9470

10th fl Petroleum Plaza ST 9915 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2G8

Project Team 10th fl Petroleum Plaza ST 9915 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2G8 Project Coordinator Hong, Olivia

780 422-8327 Fax 780 427-0923 Executive Director, Information Systems Burns, Roger 780 644-5065 Fax 780 427-0923 Technical Architect Consultant Willson, John 780 422-6597 Business Lead, Oil Sands Information Braun, Maurya 780 638-1297 Fax 780 427-0923 Manager, Science Taggart, John 780 427-6236 Fax 780 427-0923 Manager, Information Management Nelson, Bonnie 780 427-1647 Fax 780 427-0923 Information Management Officer Berger, Corinne 780 427-2260 Fax 780 427-9838 (5th fl Great West Life Building 9920 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2M4) Research Assistant Tremblay, Nicole 780 638-4648 Fax 780 427-0923 Project Director, Joint Oil Sands Monitoring Plan Valupadas, Prasad 780 427-8565 Fax 780 427-0923 Monitoring Science Specialist Ilesanmi, Yemi 780 638-5602 Fax 780 427-0923

Policy Management Office

Executive Assistant de Pano-Yap, Joyce Director, Special Advisor Feschuk, Gerald

Branch Administrator Todd, Michelle

3rd fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6 Executive Director, Policy Systems and Engagement Enns, Lori 780 427-3607 Senior Manager, Engagement and Policy Systems Quinn, Jane 780 644-8327 Senior Policy Analyst, Engagement and Issues Systems Shannon, Jolene 780 638-3749

780 427-6236 Fax 780 427-0923

Monitoring Transition

8th fl Petroleum Plaza NT 9945 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2G6 Chief Assistant Deputy Minister Sanderson, Al

Policy Systems and Engagement

780 422-6656 Fax 780 427-7737 780 427-0393 Fax 780 427-7737

780 422-1311 (3rd fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6) 780 643-9470 (3rd fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6)

Corporate Services Division 10th fl Petroleum Plaza ST 9915 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2G8 Main Number Assistant Deputy Minister Davis, Tom Executive Advisor Burkinshaw, Angela

780 643-0890 780 644-3205 780 427-7758 Fax 780 427-0923

Engagement Advisor Wright, Evelyn

780 644-3213 Fax 780 641-9145 (7th fl Petroleum Plaza ST 9915 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2G8) Administrative Assistant to the ADM Albiston, Margaret 780 427-0743 Fax 780 427-0923 ARTS Coordinator Mayo, Katie 780 644-5054 Fax 780 427-0923 Senior Manager, Special Projects Courtright, Lori 780 644-4804 Fax 780 641-9145 (7th fl Petroleum Plaza ST 9915 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2G8) Manager Robinson, Dee 780 960-8602 Fax 780 960-8605 (1st fl 250 Diamond Avenue Spruce Grove T7X 4C7)

Enterprise Data Management 11th fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6 Acting Chief Data Officer Keller, Ray Data Program Specialist Doyle, John

780 427-0533 Fax 780 422-8837 780 644-3771 Fax 780 422-8837

Environment and Parks Spatial Data Specialist Sabila, Geniene

780 644-1123 Fax 780 422-8837

Finance Branch 6th fl Petroleum Plaza ST 9915 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2G8 Main Number

Expenditure Analyst Grewal, Inderpreet Expenditure Analysts Heinrich, Carol Expenditure Analyst Villeneuve, Jeanette Payments Supervisor Wang, Susie Payment Specialist Carter, Donna Payment Clerk Steele, Barb Wong, SiewMoi Aircraft Accounts Support Chan, Patrick O'Halligan, Janet Scheybeler, Marina Singh, Sunita

Budgets and Forecasts Section 6th fl Petroleum Plaza ST 9915 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2G8 Director, Budgets and Forecasts Brenner, Gordon

780 644-5380 Fax 780 422-0151 Team Lead, Budgets and Forecasts Yan, Jessica 780 427-3470 Fax 780 422-0151 Budget Analyst Boychuk, Gary 780 644-5190 Brandsma, Andrea 780 644-7841 Greene, Tamara 780 427-9333 Schultz, Patsy 780 427-9314 Wee, Lian 780 644-5171 Yan, Joyce 780 427-9321 Fax 780 422-0151 Team Lead, Budget and Forecasts Shupenia, Charlene 780 643-6597 Fax 780 422-0151 Budget Analyst Vandenberg-Sihvo, Johanna 780 427-9313 Fax 780 422-0151

Financial Operations Section 6th fl Petroleum Plaza ST 9915 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2G8 Director Diep, David

780 644-5080 Fax 780 422-0151 Senior Manager, Expenditure Operations McInerney, Anne 780 422-5943 Fax 780 422-0151 Team Lead, Contracts and Grants Murji, Azim 780 427-9177 Fax 780 422-0151 Contract and Procurement Coordinator Khamsaysouk, Phoun C 780 427-9133 Mawuko-Yevugah, Yvonne 780 427-9107 Fax 780 422-0151 Contract and Procurement Specialist Annett, Jenna 780 422-4268 Chaglani, Bijhan 780 638-1188 Hart, Sheila G. 780 638-1353 Masear, Vi 780 644-1095 Fax 780 422-0151 Ashfaq, Kashif 780 644-4650 Team Lead, Financial Expenditures Ta, Michael 780 643-6259 Fax 780 422-0151

Senior Manager, Revenue Waymen, Bill Team Lead, Revenues Sohanpal, Gurpreet Revenue Analyst Flood, Ryan Milne, Glynis Moore, Sandra Revenue Administrator Redeker, Janet Soh, Joyce White, Connie

780 427-9207 Fax 780 422-0151 780 427-4388 Fax 780 422-0151 780 427-9181 Fax 780 422-0151 780 427-9151 Fax 780 422-0151 780 415-6238 Fax 780 422-0151 780 427-9172 Fax 780 422-0151 780 427-3713 780 644-4550 Fax 780 422-0151 780 644-2478 780 427-2231 780 422-8573 780 644-4898 Fax 780 422-0151 780 427-9141 Fax 780 422-0151

Main fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6 Main Information Team Lead Vacant,

780 427-6311 780 415-9654 Fax 780 422-0154

Informatics Branch 14th fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6 General Enquiries 780 427-7222 Acting CIO / Executive Director Informatics George, Lee 780 415-2463 Fax 780 422-0712 Administrative Support McDermott, Karen 780 644-3208 (12th fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6) Ng, Jessica SauChu 780 422-1533 Fax 780 422-0712 Administrative Assistant Stevens, Maria 780 427-4779 (12th fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6) Assistant to CIO Yuill, Debra 780 644-8223 Fax 780 427-7434

Business Liaison Section 780 427-9203 Fax 780 422-0151 780 422-7072 780 427-8954 780 427-9110 Fax 780 422-0151

14th fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6 Director, Business Liaison Sawyer, Brian Corporate RIM Knight, Barbara

780 427-9138 780 638-3494 780 422-1563 Fax 780 422-0151

Financial Reporting and Internal Control Section 6th fl Petroleum Plaza ST 9915 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2G8 Director Little, Shelly

780 422-4363 Fax 780 422-0151 Asset and Insurance Coordinator Monilaws, Catherine 780 422-1555 Fax 780 422-0151 Team Lead, Internal Control Jurgea, Nicolaeta 780 638-4544 Fax 780 422-0151 Financial Analyst Hoybak, Laura 780 427-9109 Tran, Linda 780 644-9896 Fax 780 422-0151 Team Lead, Budget Analyst Ip, Vivian 780 427-9197 Fax 780 422-0151 Budget Analyst Kristoff, Natalie 780 644-3216 O'Hara, Maureen 780 427-5788 Fax 780 422-0151

IMAGIS Section 6th fl Petroleum Plaza ST 9915 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2G8 IMAGIS Specialist Steinbach, Dawn Khamsaysouk, Phoun


Regulatory Approvals Centre

780 643-1941 780 643-1237 Fax 780 422-0151

780 422-0217 Fax 780 422-0712

780 644-1463 Fax 780 427-9838 (6th fl Petroleum Plaza ST 9915 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2G8)

FOIP Advisor Currie, Emille Systems Analyst Lang, Anh

Schultz, Terry Sharman, Rajan

780 644-3226 780 644-4635 (12th fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6) 780 644-8329 780 644-3422

Data Management Services Section 11th fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6 Acting Director, Data Management Services McGuinness, Liz 780 415-9378 Fax 780 427-7958

Enterprise Data Management 11th fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6 Regulatory Data Technologist Pongar, Kathleen Data Techinician Pham, Jenny Drinking Water Technician Browning, Cathie Water / Air Data Technologist Mackay, Katelyn Water Quality Data Technologist Nitkowski, Beata Air Quality Data Specialist Przybylo-Komar, Ewa

780 415-9358 Fax 780 427-7958 780 427-4617 780 427-7995 Fax 780 427-7958 780 427-0534 780 415-9375 Fax 780 427-7958 780 415-9360


780 427-5022 Fax 780 422-0151 Senior Financial Officer / Executive Director Peterson, Kevin 780 427-9148 Fax 780 422-0151 Executive Assistant Cardinal, Danielle 780 644-8007 Fax 780 422-0151 Office Coordinator Robillard, Kerry 780 427-0841 Fax 780 422-0151 Records Management Coordinator Thomas, Shaijumon 780 422-5945 Fax 780 422-0151 Manager, Corporate Policy Tomiak, Laurie 780 427-3475 Fax 780 641-9145 (7th fl Petroleum Plaza ST 9915 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2G8)

Expenditures Supervisor Boodram, Linkion


Environment and Parks

Air Data Technician Carmody, Tara-Lynn Air Quality Technician Flanagan, Eric Water Quality Supervisor LeClair, Doreen

FOIP Advisor Von Schleinitz, Christina 780 643-1394

780 427-2712 Fax 780 427-7958 Surface Water Data Technologist Reinbolt, Lisa 780 427-5764 Rickard, Chris 780 644-7874 Fax 780 427-7958 Industrial Water Quality Data Tech Deagle, Ken 780 415-9380


Groundwater, Water Supply and Soil Contamination 11th fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6 Team Lead, Groundwater, Water Supply and Soil Contamination Morris, Shelley 780 427-2156 Fax 780 427-7958 Surface Water Technician Coffill, Mike 780 644-3425 Fax 780 427-1214 Surface Water Technologist Mahler, Otto 780 427-2234 Fax 780 427-1214 Water Supply Data Technologist Werner, Bob 780 422-5327 Fax 780 427-1214 Soil and Groundwater Supervisor Clare, Stephen 780 427-9718 Fax 780 427-1214 Groundwater Data Technologist Holt Oduro, Carole 780 427-9719 Fax 780 427-1214 Porter, Fraser 780 427-2612 (14th fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6) Soil Contamination Technician Liew, Lina 780 427-0666 Fax 780 427-1214 Data Management Technologist Zhu, Paul (Bao) 780 638-3264 Fax 780 427-1214

FOIP 5th fl Great West Life Building 9920 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2M4 Director, FOIP MacKenzie-McDonald, Shantel Team Lead Hamelin, Carol Access and Privacy Advisor Watson, Debra FOIP Advisor Adams, Janet McDonald, Justin

FOIP Assistant Lopez, Daisy Razi, Sona Reimer, Ashley White, Keely Team Lead Ganske, Carol Access and Privacy Advisor Day, Tammy Harasymec, Donna Murphy, Brian Sklepowich, Derek

780 638-3865 780 422-7502 Fax 780 427-9838 780 641-8666

780 427-2253 780 644-5778 Fax 780 427-9838 (5th fl Terrace Building 9515 - 107 Street Edmonton T5K 2C3) 780 427-4429 780 643-6687 Fax 780 427-9838 780 644-1252 780 415-0835 780 644-5198 Fax 780 427-9838 780 643-6856 780 644-3290 780 638-3799 780 644-1252 Fax 780 427-9838

Acting FOIP Assistant Hodge, Christopher

780 643-0709 Fax 780 427-9838 780 643-6687 Fax 780 427-9838

Informatics Branch Systems Management Office 14th fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6 Service Delivery Analyst McKenna, Gary Air Quality Data Supervisor Albert, Marilyn Office Administrator Diamond, Diane

780 644-7037 780 415-9379 780 641-9041

14th fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6 Director, Information and Data Provisioning Services Mackenzie, Phil 780 422-3480 Fax 780 422-0712

Air Photo Distribution and DEM 14th fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6 Air Photo Distribution and DEM Team Lead Balce, Tony 780 422-4197 Fax 780 422-0712 Acting Air Photo Lead Tilleard, Violet 780 422-1527 Fax 780 422-0712 Air Photo Distribution Young, Linda 780 427-4821 (Main fl Great West Life Building 9920 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2M4) Air Photo Technologist Holmes, Bill 780 427-4804 Fax 780 422-9683 (Main fl Great West Life Building 9920 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2M4) Hrycaj, Jerry 780 427-4816 Fax 780 422-9683 (Main fl Great West Life Building 9920 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2M4) Spence, Sean 780 427-4811 Fax 780 422-9683 (Main fl Great West Life Building 9920 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2M4) Wood, Syd 780 427-7417 Fax 780 422-9683 (Main fl Great West Life Building 9920 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2M4) Administrative Assistant Morrow, Janet 780 422-7212

Data Operations

Geomatics Technologist Ewchuk, Ken

Geomatics Technologist Benner, Alan Faferek, Lucyna

780 644-2655 Fax 780 422-0712 780 422-0963 780 422-0976 Fax 780 422-0712

Geomatics Engineer Grass, Erin

Information and Data Provisioning Section

14th fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6 Geoadministrative Lead Li, Helen

Acting Data Mapping Lead Sigurdson, Amber

780 644-2174 Fax 780 422-0712 Softcopy Geomatics Technologist Beaudette, Peter 780 422-4858 Fax 780 422-0712 Custom Series Mapping Lead Wilson, Heather 780 422-4908 Fax 780 422-0712 Cartographic Technologist Laurent, Yves 780 422-4765 Norton, Deborah 780 422-4860 Shivo, Tim 780 422-4703 Fax 780 422-0712

Data Services 14th fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6 Acting Data Services Manager Jaques, Kathleen Biophysical Technologist Anderson, Elaine L Johnston, Dean Biophysical GIS Technologist Sargent, Laura Data Administration Lead Cameron, Dan Distribution Lead Tripp, Kevin Geomatics Technologist Smith, Linda

780 422-5117 Fax 780 422-0712 780 422-3476 780 638-4546 Fax 780 422-0712 780 422-0521 Fax 780 422-0712 780 422-1691 Fax 780 422-0712 780 422-4106 Fax 780 422-0712 780 422-0962 Fax 780 422-0712

Geomatics Technologist Maps Currie, Michael G. 780 422-1053 (2nd fl Queen's Printer Building 11510 Kingsway Avenue Edmonton T5G 2Y5) Data Base Support Lead Vacant, 780 422-2878 Fax 780 422-0712 Geomatics Technologist Atkins, Margaret 780 422-3477 Olson, Diane 780 422-3450

Proactive Disclosure 9th fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6 Proactive Disclosure Initiative Team Lead Watts, David 780 644-2442 PDI Advisor Davis, Jessica 780 644-2443

Records and Information Management Section 6th fl Petroleum Plaza ST 9915 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2G8

ERKS 780 422-4169 Fax 780 422-0712 780 422-2565 Fax 780 422-0712

5th fl Great West Life Building 9920 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2M4 Corporate Records and Information Management (RIM) Analyst Joudrey, Catherine 780 427-6929 Fax 780 644-4682 Information Management Analyst Ng, Julian 780 644-1789

Environment and Parks

Corporate Records Management Main fl Twin Atria Building 4999 - 98 Avenue Edmonton T6B 2X3 Records Analyst Prashar, Vijay

780 643-0876 (5th fl Great West Life Building 9920 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2M4) Records Management Support Eapen, Joe 780 643-1299 (5th fl Great West Life Building 9920 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2M4)

File Room Operations Main fl Twin Atria Building 4999 - 98 Avenue Edmonton T6B 2X3 Records Analyst Boisvert, Sarah Kryvdyk, Elena

Special Projects 11th fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6 Senior Records Analyst Taylor, Joan

780 643-0841 (9th fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6)

Informatics Capability Development Section 14th fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6

Business Application Solutions 12th fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6 Acting Senior Manager Rauf, Asim Applications Analyst Bulger, Edward Huynh, Tu Yan, Janet Web and Application Developer Ismail, Muhammad

780 644-5736 780 427-9685 780 415-0091 780 427-9699 780 415-9105

Enterprise Geomatics 12th fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6 Manager, Enterprise Geomatics Romaniuk, Curt

780 422-2566 Fax 780 427-7434 (6th fl Great West Life Building 9920 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2M4)

Geospatial Project Lead Hakes, Ken

Geospatial Systems Flores, Joe

Team Lead Remesz, Vernon

780 422-4005 Fax 780 427-7434 (5th fl Great West Life Building 9920 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2M4)

780 422-3481 Fax 780 427-7434 (5th fl Great West Life Building 9920 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2M4) Senior Applications Developer Bitew, Moses 403 297-5951 (Main fl Deerfoot Square 2938 - 11 Street NE Calgary T2E 7L7)


780 427-3529 Fax 780 427-7434 (5th fl Great West Life Building 9920 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2M4)

Database Operations 403 381-5971 (Main fl Provincial Building 200 - 5 Avenue South Lethbridge T1J 4C7)

GIS Developer Lynch, Matthew

403 381-5993 (Main fl Provincial Building 200 - 5 Avenue South Lethbridge T1J 4C7) Geospatial Systems Analyst Nalder, Derek 403 388-3174 (2nd fl Provincial Building 200 - 5 Avenue South Lethbridge T1J 4L1)

12th fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6 Database Administrator Chow, Rocky

5th fl Great West Life Building 9920 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2M4 Acting Manager, Enterprise Application Services Gallivan, Ryan 780 422-6605 Fax 780 427-7434 Application Support Sawatzky, Glenn 780 644-4493 Silvano, Amelito 780 644-7940 Fax 780 427-7434

Geographic Land Information Mangaagement Planning System (GLIMPS) 5th fl Great West Life Building 9920 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2M4 GLIMPS Help Line Acting GLIMPS Team Lead Germain-frechette, Anita Applications Support Stacey, Norm GLIMPS Support Jolin, Jilliane Pelster, Jon

780 415-1103 780 427-7434

7th fl Petroleum Plaza ST 9915 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2G8 Lead Server Analyst Jassar, Jasbir

780 638-5620 780 422-0738

12th fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6 Service Request Coordinator Marchand, Claude Hill, Cheryl Kaminski, Carolyn Lailey, Jenny Client Service Analyst Gharagozlou, Ali MacRae, Shawn Majmunder, Bhavin (Jimmy)

Server Analyst Kokotailo, Chris Rainville, Jack Rojas, Horacio

780 415-1199 780 422-6653 780 422-5871 Fax 780 427-7434

SharePoint Services 12th fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6 Systems Analyst Amos, Kathleen Noel, Shirley

780 415-9361 780 422-6624

Project Planning 12th fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6 Project Manager Smith, Brad

ICT Project Zvankovic, Robert Communications Projects Shannon, Leta

780 422-2670 (5th fl Great West Life Building 9920 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2M4) 780 644-8100 780 427-2381

Corporate Performance Branch 780 422-8938

Enterprise Business Services 5th fl Great West Life Building 9920 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2M4 Senior Manager, IT Services Cser, George

780 422-6652 Fax 780 427-7434 (7th fl Petroleum Plaza NT 9945 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2G6)

780 422-6596 Fax 780 427-7434

IT Operations Section 12th fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6 Director, IT Operations Fung, Stuart

780 638-3727

Infrastructure Operations

Enterprise Applications

780 427-8030 Fax 780 427-7434

Client Services 780 422-4037 Fax 780 427-7434 (5th fl Great West Life Building 9920 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2M4)

Systems Analyst Ivanc, John

780 422-2739 780 427-5963 780 422-6635 780 641-9315 780 422-4904 780 427-9577 780 638-2869

9th fl Petroleum Plaza ST 9915 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2G8 Acting Executive Director Pattison Perry, Marilea

780 644-1157 Fax 780 422-5136 Director, Project & Business Process Management Malik, Ashish 780 644-2971 Fax 780 422-5136 Manager, Corporate Performance Communication Wood, Wayne 780 643-4385 Fax 780 422-5136 Office Administrator Beyersbergen Weiting, Nadine 780 422-0006 Fax 780 422-5136

Risk and Business Continuity Management 9th fl Petroleum Plaza ST 9915 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2G8 Acting Director, Risk Management Vacant, 780 644-8558 Fax 780 422-5136 Manager, Emergency Planning and Risk Mitigation Klein, Jonathan 780 422-0532 Fax 780 422-5136 Emergency Planning Analyst Charest, Paul 780 422-7914 Fax 780 422-5136


780 415-8497 780 422-5872 Fax 780 644-4597

Senior Database Analyst Wong, Calvin


Environment and Parks

Business Continuity Officer Galanka, Jayne Risk Management Advisor Castro, Maria Melnyk, Tanya

Nanni, Beth

780 644-3217

780 415-4631 Fax 780 422-5136 403 388-7709 (2nd fl Provincial Building 200 - 5 Avenue South Lethbridge T1J 4L1) 780 422-4919

Planning and Performance


9th fl Petroleum Plaza ST 9915 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2G8 Director Campbell, Susan

780 644-1006 Fax 780 422-5136 Senior Advisor, Outcomes, Performance and Evaluation Hautzinger, Cheryl 780 427-0047 Fax 780 422-5136 Performance Measurements Advisor Juorio, Victor 780 644-1751 Fax 780 422-5136 Evaluation Advisor Chorney, Kelsey 780 644-8009 Fax 780 422-4192 Malafry, Robin 780 644-8361 Fax 780 422-5136 Strategic Advisor Mills, Blake 780 427-0576 Fax 780 422-5136 Planning Administrator Meech, Liz 780 643-6250

Project Management and Business Process Effectiveness 9th fl Petroleum Plaza ST 9915 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2G8 Lead, Business Process Effectiveness Fioretti, Brenda 780 644-1016 Fax 780 422-5136 Business Analyst Jamshedji, Alex 780 415-6139 Business Effectiveness Advisor Adetunji, Joshua 780 644-7168 Senior Project Coordinator Stevenson, Breana 780 643-0659

Corporate Systems and Administration Branch 7th fl Petroleum Plaza ST 9915 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2G8 Main Number

780 638-4615 Fax 780 641-9145 Manager, Administrative Services Mitchell, Rene 780 644-8396 Fax 780 641-9145 Administrative Assistant Levy, Leanne 780 415-1932 Fax 780 641-9145 Facilities Coordinator Smith, Debbie 780 422-0906 Teskie, Karen 780 422-2487 Fax 780 641-9145 Vehicle and Insurance Coordinator Brown, Donna 780 422-5944 Fax 780 641-9145 Telecommunications Coordinator Mah, Kay 780 644-5777 Fax 780 641-9145

GeoDiscover Alberta Program 6th fl Great West Life Building 9920 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2M4 Main Number

780 638-3172 Fax 780 427-7434

Acting Director McEwan, Daryl

780 415-0010 Fax 780 427-7434 Manager, Business Engagement and Opportunities MacKay-Matak, Carol 780 644-1820 Fax 780 427-7434 Manager, Data Services Erker, Jordan 780 427-4612 Fax 780 427-7434 Portal Administrator Pate, Kathleen 780 638-3190 Program Coordinator Sabourin, Jacquie 780 638-3172 Fax 780 427-7434

Priority Issues Coordinator Parker, Sarah

403 297-3837 Fax 403 297-6389

Administrative Coordinator Dupin, Tara

403 382-4002 Fax 403 381-5969 (2nd fl Provincial Building 200 - 5 Avenue South Lethbridge T1J 4L1)

Strategic Advisor Sawchuk, Cindy

403 678-1879 Fax 403 678-5505 (3rd fl Provincial Building 800 Railway Avenue Canmore T1W 1P1)

Operations Division

River Forecasting

10th fl Petroleum Plaza ST 9915 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2G8 Main Number Assistant Deputy Minister Machielse, Matthew

11th fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6 Acting Director, River Forecasting Friesenhan, Evan 780 427-8218 Fax 780 422-0262 Flood Hazard Manager Haimila, Bryce 780 427-8221 Fax 780 422-0262 Acting River Forecast Manager Trevor, Bernard 780 644-1192 Fax 780 422-0262 Administrative Support Ingrey, Joanne 780 643-6380 River Engineer Eaket, Jane 780 427-2376 Fax 780 422-0262 River Hydraulics Engineer Choles, Jim 780 427-8225 Onyshko, Peter 780 422-7826 Fax 780 422-0262 Flow Forecasting Technologist Schepens, Russ 780 427-0928 Shio, Steve 780 427-0919 Fax 780 422-0262 River Technologist Bezeau, Peter 780 427-0239 Durrani, Muhammad 780 427-0228 Minke, Adam 780 422-5327 Fax 780 422-0262 River Flow Forecaster Akhtar, Khaled 780 644-2689 Chan, Elita 780 644-5211 Huang, Andrew 780 427-0239 Qureshi, Zahid 780 427-2062 Walford, Colleen 780 427-9978 Watson, David 780 427-1124 Yeung, Paul 780 427-0539 Fax 780 422-0262 River Engineering Technologist Stevenson, Pat 780 427-8349 Fax 780 422-0262 River Hydraulic and Ice Engineer Emmer, Stefan 780 427-0690 Kovachis, Nadia 780 427-8646 Sun, Wei 780 427-1151 Fax 780 422-0262

Executive Advisor Robertson, Kerry Executive Support Grainger, Debra Poirier, Val

780 427-1335 780 427-1335 Fax 780 422-5141 780 415-4811 Fax 780 422-5141 780 638-3057 780 427-1604 Fax 780 422-5141

Alberta Environmental Support and Emergency Response Team (ASERT) 7th fl Petroleum Plaza ST 9915 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2G8 Executive Director, ASERT Conrad, John Administrative Coordinator Odumade, Thomas Administrative Assistant Tiedemann, Sherri

780 422-7669 Fax 780 427-2278 780 644-7850 Fax 780 427-2278 780 643-1151 Fax 780 427-2278

Consequence Manager Zielinski, Sherry 780 644-1389 Emergency Response Unit Manager and Operations Chief Bundred, Martin 780 644-5782 Fax 780 427-2278 Emergency Response Officer Dmytriw, Mark 780 427-5562 Fax 780 644-5643 (Main fl Twin Atria Building 4999 - 98 Avenue Edmonton T6B 2X3) Green, Taya 780 778-7258 (2nd fl Provincial Building 5020 - 52 Avenue Whitecourt T7S 1N2) Johnson, Lorne 780 833-4797 Fax 780 538-5336 (1st fl Provincial Building 10320 - 99 Street Grande Prairie T8V 6J4) Pearson, Dan 403 297-6636 Fax 403 297-8232 (2nd fl Deerfoot Square 2938 - 11 Street NE Calgary T2E 7L7)

Fish Culture Manager Copeland, Craig

403 297-6517 403 297-5892 Fax 403 297-6389

780 639-4087 Fax 780 639-6181 (Cold Lake Fish Hatchery Cold Lake T9M 1N1)

Cold Lake Fish Hatchery Cold Lake Fish Hatchery Cold Lake T9M 1N1 Supervisor Pollock, Harvey

Infrastructure Branch 3rd fl Deerfoot Square 2938 - 11 Street NE Calgary T2E 7L7 Main Number Executive Director Ardell, David

Fish Culture

Fisheries Technician Boechler, Ryan Calvert, Jason McNabb, Jesse

780 639-4088 Fax 780 639-6181 780 639-4087 780 639-4087 780 639-4087 Fax 780 639-6181

Environment and Parks

Allison Creek Brood Trout Station (Crowsnest Pass) Box 394 Coleman T0K 0M0 Facility Supervisor Ripley, Laine Fisheries Technician Kobberstad, Wayne

EIMS 403 563-3385 Fax 403 563-3677 403 563-3385 Fax 403 563-3677

Raven Brood Trout Station (Caroline) Box 160 Caroline T0M 0M0 Facility Supervisor Cunningham, Steve Fisheries Technician Charles, Brian

403 722-2180 Fax 403 722-3784 403 722-2180 Fax 403 722-3784

Sam Livingston Fish Hatchery (Calgary)

Fisheries Technician Berube, Shawn Lyster, Ryan MacPherson, Willis Vallis, Jamie

403 297-7061 Fax 403 297-2839 403 297-7061 403 297-7061 403 297-7061 403 297-7061 Fax 403 297-2839

Infrastructure Support Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6 Director, Infrastructure Support Bucharski, Garry Administrative Assistant Harbarenko, Sandra

780 427-4003 Fax 780 427-6334 780 422-1355 Fax 780 427-6334

Dam Safety 8th fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6 Dam Safety Manager Iqbal, Javid Senior Dam Safety Engineer Acharya, Mohanath Cheung, Lewis Dam Safety Engineer Lim, Seong Riaz, Muhammad Senior Dam Safety Technologist Hibbert, Robert Dam Safety Technologist Montgomery, Jenna Nowosiad, Ken

780 644-7437 Fax 780 427-6334 780 427-8419 780 427-8527 Fax 780 427-6334 780 644-5070 780 415-2026 Fax 780 427-6334 780 427-5885 Fax 780 427-6334 780 638-9437 780 427-8526 Fax 780 427-6334

Water Projects Management 8th fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6 Water Projects Management Manager Douglas, Sean 780 427-0520 Fax 780 427-6334 Water Projects Management Engineer GC, Santosh 780 427-8348 Higgins, Shannon 780 644-7428 Hossain, Shahadat 780 643-9229 Zare, Hesham 780 422-1359 Fax 780 427-6334

8th fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6 EIMS Manager Titosky, Gary

780 427-4283 Fax 780 427-6334

EIMS Support Analyst Robb, Brent

780 427-3526 Fax 780 427-6334

Senior Geomatics Technologist Bhavra, Gurnam EIMS Technologist Fong, Frankie

780 427-3528 Fax 780 427-6334 780 422-3288 Fax 780 427-6334

Central / Northern Operations 3rd fl Provincial Building 4920 - 51 Street Red Deer T4N 6K8 Director, Central/Northern Operations Friedl, Rick 403 340-7696 Fax 403 340-5022 Administrative Assistant Duduman, Carly 403 340-5177 Fax 403 340-5022

Operations 3rd fl Provincial Building 4920 - 51 Street Red Deer T4N 6K8 Operations Manager Soehn, Carlin Administrative Assistant Anderson, Margaret

403 227-1106 Fax 403 227-1360 (Box 6139 Innisfail T4G 1S8)

Dickson Dam Box 6139 Innisfail T4G 1S8 Team Lead VanAmelsvoort, Louis

403 227-1106 Fax 403 227-1360 Operations and Maintenance Supervisor Williams, Jared 403 227-1106 Fax 403 227-1360 Operations and Maintenance Technologist Karamat, Waqar 403 227-1106 McCutcheon, Jason 403 227-1106 Fax 403 227-1360

Red Deer / Vermilion 2nd fl Provincial Building 4867 - 50 Street Camrose T4V 1P6 Team Lead Moch, Doug

780 679-1232 Fax 780 679-1744 Operations and Maintenance Supervisor Passek, Rick 780 679-1288 Ulrich, Terry 780 679-1273 Fax 780 679-1744 Operations and Maintenance Technologist Petiot, Robert 780 679-1736 Fax 780 679-1744

Infrastructure 3rd fl Provincial Building 4920 - 51 Street Red Deer T4N 6K8 Infrastructure Manager Ali, Chaudhry

2nd fl Provincial Building 9621 - 96 Avenue Peace River T8S 1T4 Team Leader Bailey, Wally

780 624-6238 Fax 780 624-6335 Operations and Maintenance Supervisor, Athabasca Area Slater, Gordon 780 960-8658 Fax 780 960-8605 (#1, 250 Diamond Avenue Spruce Grove T7X 4C7) Operations and Maintenance Supervisor Greer, Leonard 780 960-8650 Fax 780 960-8605 (#1, 250 Diamond Avenue Spruce Grove T7X 4C7) Operations and Maintenance Supervisor, Peace River Area Osowetski, Kevin 780 624-6325 Fax 780 624-6335 Operations and Maintenance Technologist Umar, Sulman 780 624-6325 Fax 780 624-6335

Land Management 3rd fl Provincial Building 4920 - 51 Street Red Deer T4N 6K8 Senior Land Management Technologist Shorten, Robert 403 340-7134 Fax 403 340-5022

Southern Operations 403 340-7669 Fax 403 340-5022

780 960-8652 Fax 780 960-8605 (#1, 250 Diamond Avenue Spruce Grove T7X 4C7)


Athabasca / Peace River

Director, Southern Operations Gnanakumar, Saba

403 297-5938 Fax 403 297-6389 (3rd fl Deerfoot Square 2938 - 11 Street NE Calgary T2E 7L7)

Bow Operations 3rd fl Deerfoot Square 2938 - 11 Street NE Calgary T2E 7L7 Main Number 403 297-6517 Operations and Infrastructure Manager Vacant, 403 297-5907 Fax 403 297-6389 Administrative Assistant McCullough, Julie 403 297-6693 Fax 403 297-6389 Infrastructure Engineer Shaikh, Mushir 403 297-7335 Fax 403 297-6389 Operations Support Engineer Bajracharya, Mahesh 403 297-6341 Fax 403 297-6389 Infrastructure Technologist Mahmoud, Ahmed 403 297-8253 Fax 403 297-6389 Team Lead Colistro, Italo 403 297-5935 Fax 403 297-6389 Operations Technologist Mangat, Satvinder 403 297-5936 Fax 403 297-6389

Vulcan Drawer 930 1009 - 2 Avenue North Vulcan T0L 2B0 Team Leader Ellis, Mark

403 485-4580 [2] Fax 403 485-2401 Operations and Maintenance Supervisor Puzey, Jared 403 485-4580 [1] Fax 403 485-2401 Operations Maintenance Technician Kress, Jerome 403 485-4580 [3] Fax 403 485-2401


Bow Habitat Station 1440 - 17A Street SE Calgary T2G 4T9 Supervisor, Calgary Bilas, John

Water Projects Management Technologist Girvan, Iain 780 427-8544 Fax 780 427-6334


Environment and Parks

Oldman Basin Operations

St. Mary Dam

Strategic Integration and Projects

2nd fl Provincial Building 200 - 5 Avenue South Lethbridge T1J 4L1 Oldman Basin Infrastructure Manager Elser, Paul 403 381-5289 Fax 403 381-5969 Water Operations Support Specialist Matis, Dennis 403 381-5973 Fax 403 381-5969

Box 1 Spring Coulee T0K 2C0 Team Lead Wegwitz, Lawrence

205 JG O'Donoghue Building 7000 - 113 Street Edmonton T6H 5T6 Director, Strategic Integration and Projects Wilson, Andrew 780 643-0630 (4th fl 9920 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2M4) Watershed Integration Specialist Brodziak, Lisa 780 641-9094 Fax 780 644-5329 (4th fl Great West Life Building 9920 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2M4) Brundin, Peter 780 641-9786 Fax 780 644-5329 (4th fl Great West Life Building 9920 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2M4) Scott, Courtney 403 297-3390 Fax 403 297-6069 (1st fl 3115 - 12 Street NE Calgary T2E 7J2) Project Manager Ziober, Heather 780 641-9093 (4th fl Great West Life Building 9920 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2M4)

Old Man River Dam 769 Main Street Pincher Creek T0K 1W0 Team Leader Gerber, Scott


403 627-5544 Fax 403 627-5528 Operations and Maintenance Supervisor Plante, Robert 403 627-5544 Fax 403 627-5528 Operations and Maintenance Technologist Curran, Trevor 403 627-5544 Fax 403 627-5528

Fort Macleod Shop c/o Health Care Centre 744 - 26 Street Fort Macleod T0L 0Z0 Team Leader Conway, Raymond

403 553-5053 Fax 403 553-5058 Operations and Maintenance Technologist Frank, Robert 403 553-5053 Fax 403 553-5058

Operations Support 2nd fl Provincial Building 200 - 5 Avenue South Lethbridge T1J 4L1 Operations Support Manager Mahoney, John

403 382-4365 Fax 403 381-5969 Budget and Contract Management Chambers, Joyce 403 381-5996 Fax 403 381-5969 Control Systems Specialist Dyck, Eric 403 382-4259 Fax 403 381-5969 Land Management Technologist Lampier, Susanne 403 382-4228 Fax 403 381-5969 Scada Systems Support Specialist Currie, Michael 403 381-5972 Fax 403 381-5969

Operations Technologist Conrad, Paul Nelson, Lee Perrett, Philip

403 758-3382 403 758-3382 403 758-3382 Fax 403 758-6714 Operations and Maintenance Technologist Hillmer, Clint 403 758-3382 McCorriston, Don 403 758-3382 Fax 403 758-6714

Resilience and Mitigation Branch 205 JG O'Donoghue Building 7000 - 113 Street Edmonton T6H 5T6 Executive Director Maniego, Cathy

780 638-3066 (4th fl Great West Life Building 9920 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2M4) Acting Finance Administrative Team Lead MacArthur, Amy 780 641-9095 Fax 780 644-5329 (4th fl Great West Life Building 9920 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2M4) Priority Issues Coordinator Boschmann, Cassandra 780 644-4935 (4th fl 9920 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2M4) Project Manager McKenna, David 780 427-0554 Fax 780 422-0154 (Main fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6)

Engagement Section 205 JG O'Donoghue Building 7000 - 113 Street Edmonton T6H 5T6 Director Comerford, Mark

Infrastructure 2nd fl Provincial Building 200 - 5 Avenue South Lethbridge T1J 4L1 Senior Infrastructure Technologist Chambers, Robert 403 381-5311 Fax 403 381-5969 Infrastructure Engineer Rahman, Mohammad 403 381-5398 Fax 403 381-5969 Senior Geomatics and Infrastructure Technologist Malmberg, Robert 403 381-5989 Fax 403 381-5969 Geomatics Technologist Weiss, Clayton 403 381-5984 Fax 403 381-5969 Shop / Fleet Coordinator McLean, James 403 381-5405 Fax 403 382-4459 (535 - 30 Street North Lethbridge T1H 5G4) Operations and Maintenance Supervisor Hall, Rose 403 529-3101 Fax 403 528-5224 (Lower Level Provincial Building 346 - 3 Street SE Medicine Hat T1A 0G7)

403 758-3382 Fax 403 758-6714

780 638-3175 (4th fl Great West Life Building 9920 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2M4)

Mitigation Liaison DeSantis, Ruth

403 355-2493 (1st fl Intergrath Building 3115 - 12 Street NE Calgary T2E 7J2) Leptich, Christopher 403 355-2491 (1st fl Intergrath Building 3115 - 12 Street NE Calgary T2E 7J2) Wolch, Doug 780 641-9215 Fax 780 644-5329 (4th fl Great West Life Building 9920 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2M4) Stakeholder Liaison (Calgary) Goulding, Brittany 403 355-2492 (1st fl 3115 - 12 Street NE Calgary T2E 7J2) Administrative Assistant Trela, Yani 780 643-0938

Procurement 205 JG O'Donoghue Building 7000 - 113 Street Edmonton T6H 5T6 Procurement Coordination Veale, Chris

Alberta Community Resilience Program 3rd fl Provincial Building 4920 - 51 Street Red Deer T4N 6K8 Director, Alberta Community Resilience Program Lamb, Andy 403 340-4326 Fax 403 340-5022 Program Coordinator Gerling, Micaela 403 297-3304 Fax 403 297-2843 (1st fl 3115 - 12 Street NE Calgary T2E 7J2) Roberts, Alison 780 641-8887 (4th fl 9920 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2M4) Finance and Grants Coordinator Hughes, Cindy 403 297-4136 Fax 403 297-2843 (1st fl 3115 - 12 Street NE Calgary T2E 7J2)

Peace Region Bag 900-37 3rd fl Provincial Building 9621 - 96 Avenue Peace River T8S 1T4 Executive Regional Director Beach, Darcy

780 624-6541 Fax 780 618-4350

Regional Approvals Manager Gache, Glen

780 624-6207 Fax 780 624-6180 (Bag 900-04 Main fl Provincial Building 9621 - 96 Avenue Peace River T8S 1T4) Regional Resource Manager Hervieux, Dave 780 538-5618 Fax 780 538-5622 (Box 23 Main fl Provincial Building 10320 - 99 Street Grande Prairie T8V 6J4) Approvals Manager Lawrence, Dion 780 538-8097 Fax 780 538-1941 (2nd fl Provincial Building 10320 - 99 Street Grande Prairie T8V 6J4)

Regional Integrated Approvals 780 641-8991

Main fl Provincial Building 10320 - 99 Street Grande Prairie T8V 6J4

Environment and Parks Approvals Manager Obiajulu, Okey

Acting Approvals Manager, Forestry/Lands and Range Ducharme, Camille 780 624-6321 Fax 780 624-6180 (Bag 900-35 Main fl Provincial Building 9621 - 96 Avenue Peace River T8S 1T4) Rangeland Agrologist Kaufmann, Charlie 780 835-7304 Fax 780 835-7203 (Box 1149 2nd fl Provincial Building 10209 - 109 Street Fairview T0H 1L0) Operations Acting Team Lead Goy, Richard 780 624-6450 Fax 780 624-6180 (Bag 900-04 Main fl Provincial Building 9621 - 96 Avenue Peace River T8S 1T4) Operations Unit Head Williams, Don 780 836-7309 Fax 780 836-3666 (Box 749 400 - 2 Street SW Manning T0H 2M0) Forest Officer Cook, Erin 780 624-6452 Fax 780 624-6180 (Bag 900-04 Main fl Provincial Building 9621 - 96 Avenue Peace River T8S 1T4) Boeyenga, Stacey 780 849-7279 Fax 780 849-7122 (Slave Lake Government Centre 101 - 3 Street SW Slave Lake T0G 2A0) Hamon, Scott 780 835-7303 Fax 780 835-7203 (Box 1149 2nd fl Provincial Building 10209 - 109 Street Fairview T0H 1L0) Senior Forester, Approvals Team Lead Bakker, Derek 780 624-6409 Fax 780 624-6180 (Bag 900-04 Main fl Provincial Building 9621 - 96 Avenue Peace River T8S 1T4) Area Forester Benson, Allan 780 624-6473 Fax 780 624-7127 (Bag 900-39 2nd fl Provincial Building 9621 - 96 Avenue Peace River T8S 1T4) Cook, Owen 780 624-6539 Fax 780 624-7127 (Bag 900-39 2nd fl Provincial Building 9621 - 96 Avenue Peace River T8S 1T4) Land Management Specialist McNaughton, Jack 780 624-6551 Fax 780 624-6180 (Bag 900-04 Main fl Provincial Building 9621 - 96 Avenue Peace River T8S 1T4) Poeckens, Jeff 780 836-7305 Fax 780 836-3666 (Bag 900-04 Main fl Provincial Building 9621 - 96 Avenue Peace River T8S 1T4)

Regional Compliance Main fl Provincial Building 10320 - 99 Street Grande Prairie T8V 6J4



780 833-4375 Fax 780 538-1941 (2nd fl Provincial Building 10320 - 99 Street Grande Prairie T8V 6J4) Industrial Approvals Engineer Rashid, Omid 780 624-6169 Fax 780 624-6335 (2nd fl Provincial Building 9621 - 96 Avenue Peace River T8S 1T4) Municipal Approvals Co-ordinator Chalise, Anupama 780 624-6568 Fax 780 624-6335 (2nd fl Provincial Building 9621 - 96 Avenue Peace River T8S 1T4) Water Approvals Team Lead Burr, Rod 780 624-6567 Fax 780 624-6335 (2nd fl Provincial Building 9621 - 96 Avenue Peace River T8S 1T4) Water Technologist Menchenton, James 780 624-6170 (2nd fl Provincial Building 9621 - 96 Avenue Peace River T8S 1T4) Water Management Technologist Proudfoot, James 780 538-8039 Fax 780 538-5522 (2nd fl Provincial Building 10320 - 99 Street Grande Prairie T8V 6J4) Approvals Manager Pochailo, David 403 340-7656 Fax 403 340-5022 (3rd fl Provincial Building 4920 - 51 Street Red Deer T4N 6K8) Municipal Approvals Engineer Neurohr, George 780 538-8053 Fax 780 538-5336 Industrial Approvals Engineer Calder, Neil 780 538-5608 Fax 780 538-5336 Acting Apporvals Manager, Forestry/Lands and Range Kushner, Kurt 780 538-8023 Fax 780 833-4339 (2nd fl Provincial Building 10320 - 99 Street Grande Prairie T8V 6J4) Senior Forester, Acting Team Lead Townsend, Mark 780 538-8079 Fax 780 538-5522 (2nd fl Provincial Building 10320 - 99 Street Grande Prairie T8V 6J4) Area Forester Brown, Craig L. 780 524-6230 Fax 780 524-4316 (Box 899 Provincial Building 5102 - 50 Avenue Valleyview T0H 3N0) Feser, Mark 780 538-8089 Fax 780 538-5522 (2nd fl Provincial Building 10320 - 99 Street Grande Prairie T8V 6J4) White, Kari 780 538-8074 Fax 780 538-5522 (2nd fl Provincial Building 10320 - 99 Street Grande Prairie T8V 6J4) MPB Operations and Planning Atkinson, Geoff 780 538-5419 Fax 780 538-5522 (2nd fl Provincial Building 10320 - 99 Street Grande Prairie T8V 6J4)

Operations Approvals Team Lead Bochon, Brent 780 538-8071 Fax 780 538-1941 (2nd fl Provincial Building 10320 - 99 Street Grande Prairie T8V 6J4) Operations Unit Lead Baranski, Eugene 780 524-6239 Fax 780 524-4316 (Box 899 Provincial Building 5102 - 50 Avenue Valleyview T0H 3N0) Pasula, Mike 780 622-3921 Fax 780 622-3783 (Box 150 Fox Creek T0H 1P0) Land Use Officer Cooney, Shauna 780 827-3626 Fax 780 827-4545 (Box 239 Grande Cache T0E 0Y0) Rangeland Agrologist Hedges, James 780 538-8028 Fax 780 833-4339 (2nd fl Provincial Building 10320 - 99 Street Grande Prairie T8V 6J4) Stover, Debbie 780 538-8022 Fax 780 833-4339 (2nd fl Provincial Building 10320 - 99 Street Grande Prairie T8V 6J4) Oeprations and Approvals Section Head Kozij, Michael 780 927-8204 Fax 780 927-4455 (Box 520 5001 - 46 Avenue Fort Vermilion T0H 1N0) Senior Forester, Acting Team Lead Ebert, Paul 780 926-7012 Fax 780 926-4224 (Bag 900, Airport Road 2nd fl Provincial Building 10106 - 100 Avenue High Level T0H 1Z0) Area Forester Gosman, Chris 780 926-7011 Fax 780 926-4224 (2nd fl Provincial Building 10106 - 100 Avenue High Level T0H 1Z0) Heemskerk, Tim 780 926-7013 Fax 780 926-4224 (Bag 900, Airport Road 2nd fl Provincial Building 10106 - 100 Avenue High Level T0H 1Z0) Forest Officer Cleghorn, Brent 780 927-8205 Fax 780 927-4455 (Box 520 5001 - 46 Avenue Fort Vermilion T0H 1N0) Proulx, Tammy 780 927-8203 Fax 780 927-4455 (Box 520 5001 - 46 Avenue Fort Vermilion T0H 1N0) Carson, Alan 780 956-8192 Fax 780 956-3300 (Box 57 50A Imperial Drive Rainbow Lake T0H 2Y0) Niemiec, Steph 780 926-7015 Fax 780 926-4224 (2nd fl Provincial Building 10106 - 100 Avenue High Level T0H 1Z0)


Environment and Parks


Regional Compliance Manager Paulovich, Lorie

780 538-8052 Fax 780 538-5336 Acting Compliance Assurance Lead Holt, Michael 780 624-6417 Fax 780 624-6180 (2nd fl Provincial Building 9621 - 96 Avenue Peace River T8S 1T4) Environmental Protection Officer Marcotte, Guy 780 538-5611 Fax 780 538-5336 Emms, Lucas 780 502-0305 Fax 780 926-3950 (Bag 900 2nd fl Provincial Building 10106 - 100 Avenue High Level T0H 1Z0) Watt, Michael 780 926-5263 Fax 780 926-3950 (2nd fl Provincial Building 10106 - 100 Avenue High Level T0H 1Z0) Davies, Chase 780 624-6101 Fax 780 624-6335 (2nd fl Provincial Building 9621 - 96 Avenue Peace River T8S 1T4) McCallum, James 780 624-6357 Fax 780 624-6180 (2nd fl Provincial Building 9621 - 96 Avenue Peace River T8S 1T4)

Schaubel, Lisa

Forest Health Officer Letourneau, Devin

Wildlife Biologist Anderson, Nils

Lockhart, Jessica

Melnycky, Natalka Russell, Mike

Vander Vennen, Luke Hydrologist Adhikari, Naba

Regional Resource Management Bag 900-26 Main fl Provincial Building 9621 - 96 Avenue Peace River T8S 1T4 Resource Manager Walty, David

780 624-6248 Fax 780 624-6455 Land Management and Biodiversity Specialist Hughes, Courtney 780 624-6148 (1st fl Provincial Building 9621 - 96 Ave Peace River T8S 1T4) Forest Health Officer Whitehouse, Caroline 780 624-6569 Fax 780 624-6455 (Bag 900-04 Main fl Provincial Building 9621 - 96 Avenue Peace River T8S 1T4) Senior Air Quality Specialist Liu, Yan 780 427-0428 Fax 780 427-7824 (1st fl Twin Atria Building 4999 - 98 Avenue Edmonton T6B 2X3) Senior Wildlife Biologist Moyles, Dave 780 624-6465 Fax 780 624-6455 Special Projects Coordinator Fullerton, Lyle 780 624-6496 Fax 780 624-6455 Senior Area Fisheries Biologist Wilcox, KayeDon 780 624-6499 Fax 780 624-6455 Senior Fisheries Technician Lucko, Brian 780 624-6192 Fax 780 624-6455 Fisheries Biologist Burgess, Jenny 780 538-5623 Fax 780 538-5622 (Box 23 Main fl Provincial Building 10320 - 99 Street Grande Prairie T8V 6J4) Meinke, Adrian 780 538-8013 Fax 780 538-5622 (Box 23 Main fl Provincial Building 10320 - 99 Street Grande Prairie T8V 6J4)

Soil Specialist Funwi, Joshua

Limnologist Wolanski, Alina

Wetland Specialist Trites-Russell, Marsha

780 833-4359 Fax 780 538-5336 (1st fl Provincial Building 10320 - 99 Street Grande Prairie T8V 6J4)

MacPhee, Gerry

Patmore, Leah 780 538-5609 Fax 780 538-5522 (2nd fl Provincial Building 10320 - 99 Street Grande Prairie T8V 6J4) Uhersky, Wanita 780 538-8047 (1st fl Provincial Building 10320 - 99 Street Grande Prairie T8V 6J4) 780 833-4289 Fax 780 538-5622 (Provincial Building 10320 - 99 Street Grande Prairie T8V 6J4) 780 624-7176 Fax 780 624-6455 780 833-4370 Fax 780 538-5622 (Box 23 Main fl Provincial Building 10320 - 99 Street Grande Prairie T8V 6J4) 780 624-6497 Fax 780 624-6455 780 427-9915 Fax 780 427-7824 (4th fl Twin Atria Building 4999 - 98 Avenue Edmonton T6B 2X3) 780 644-6882 Fax 780 427-7824 (111 Twin Atria Building 4999 - 98 Avenue Edmonton T6B 2X3) 780 427-8237 Fax 780 427-7824 (4th fl Twin Atria Building 4999 - 98 Avenue Edmonton T6B 2X3) 780 833-4350 (Main fl Provincial Building 10320 - 99 Street Grande Prairie T8V 6J4)

Regional Business Support Bag 900-37 3rd fl Provincial Building 9621 - 96 Avenue Peace River T8S 1T4 Regional Business Support Manager Fraser, Jordie 780 624-6196 Fax 780 618-4350 (3rd fl Provincial Building 9621 - 96 Avenue Peace River T8S 1T4) Finance and Administrative Team Lead Birnie-Browne, Tanya 780 624-7137 Fax 780 618-4350 Finance / Administrative Team Lead Moncrieff, Teena 780 926-5408 Fax 780 926-2656 (Bag 900, Airport Road 2nd fl Provincial Building 10106 - 100 Avenue High Level T0H 1Z0) Acting Peace Region OH&S Consultant Brownlee, Norman 780 624-6205 Fax 780 618-4350 Administrative Support Carlson, Alanna 780 926-5430 Fax 780 926-2656 (Bag 900 (#1 Airport Road) High Level T0H 1Z0)

Laliberte, Diane

Parker, Jessica

Boyko, Tania

Cosh, Susan

Hotston, Monique

Administrative Assistant McKen, Brenda

Administrative Support Webb, Shawneen

780 926-5406 Fax 780 926-2656 (Bag 900 (#1 Airport Road) High Level T0H 1Z0) 780 926-2238 Fax 780 926-3950 (Box 28 2nd fl Provincial Building 10106 - 100 Avenue High Level T0H 1Z0) 780 927-3712 Fax 780 927-3838 (Box 520 5001 - 46 Avenue Fort Vermilion T0H 1N0) 780 624-6156 Fax 780 624-7127 (Bag 900-39 2nd fl Provincial Building 9621 - 96 Avenue Peace River T8S 1T4) 780 624-6330 Fax 780 624-7127 (Bag 900-39 2nd fl Provincial Building 9621 - 96 Avenue Peace River T8S 1T4) 780 624-6511 Fax 780 624-6455 (Bag 900-26 Main fl Provincial Building 9621 - 96 Avenue Peace River T8S 1T4) 780 624-6116 Fax 780 624-6180 (1st fl Provincial Building 9621 - 96 Ave Peace River T8S 1T4) 780 624-6482 Fax 780 624-6180 (Bag 900-04 Main fl Provincial Building 9621 - 96 Avenue Peace River T8S 1T4) 780 624-6194 Fax 780 624-6335 (2nd fl Provincial Building 9621 - 96 Avenue Peace River T8S 1T4)

780 624-6480 Fax 780 624-6180 (2nd fl Provincial Building 9621 - 96 Avenue Peace River T8S 1T4) Vitanovec, Irene 780 624-7133 Fax 780 618-4350 Taylor, Marion 780 835-7308 Fax 780 835-7203 (Box 1149 2nd fl Provincial Building 10209 - 109 Street Fairview T0H 1L0) Finance / Administration Unit Lead Lightfoot, Maxine 780 538-8090 Fax 780 538-5522 (10811 - 84 Avenue Grande Prairie T8V 3J2) Administration / HR Team Lead DeJong, Connie 780 538-6201 Fax 780 538-5522 (10811 - 84 Avenue Grande Prairie T8V 3J2) Administrative Operations Coordinator Hula-Atkinson, JoAnn 780 833-4220 Fax 780 538-1941 (2nd fl Provincial Building 10320 - 99 Street Grande Prairie T8V 6J4)

Environment and Parks Administrative Support Albertson, Viola

Barkemeyer, Janis

Barrett, Sandra D

Fisher, Lana

Lenza, Lynn

Maguire, Kayla

Malcolm, Janice

Finance Team Lead Halliday, Kelly

Administrative Support Moody, Shannon

Wick, Heather

GIS Team Lead Sheremata, Mike

GIS Technologist Barnes, Robin

Fiege, Rhonda

Hood, Bonnie

780 538-8088 Fax 780 538-5522 (10811 - 84 Avenue Grande Prairie T8V 3J2) 780 833-4225 (10811 - 84 Avenue Grande Prairie T8V 3J2) 780 538-8077 Fax 780 538-5522 (10811 - 84 Avenue Grande Prairie T8V 3J2) 780 624-6158 Fax 780 618-4350 (Bag 900-36 3rd fl Provincial Building 9621 - 96 Avenue Peace River T8S 1T4) 780 624-6188 Fax 780 618-4350 (Bag 900-36 3rd fl Provincial Building 9621 - 96 Avenue Peace River T8S 1T4) 780 624-6414 Fax 780 618-4350 (Bag 900-36 3rd fl Provincial Building 9621 - 96 Avenue Peace River T8S 1T4) 780 624-7136 Fax 780 618-4350 (Bag 900-36 3rd fl Provincial Building 9621 - 96 Avenue Peace River T8S 1T4)

GIS Technologist O'Callaghan, Patrick

780 624-6204 Fax 780 618-4350 (Box 450 2nd fl Provincial Building 9503 Beaverhill Road Lac La Biche T0A 2C0) 780 538-5544 Fax 780 538-5522 (10811 - 84 Avenue Grande Prairie T8V 3J2)

Lower Athabasca Region Box 450 2nd fl Provincial Building 9503 Beaverhill Road Lac La Biche T0A 2C0 Main Number

780 623-5240 Fax 780 623-4584

Regional Executive Director Zitnak, Terry

780 623-5379 Fax 780 623-4584 Executive Manager, Senior Advisor Anderson, Murray 780 422-2587 (3rd fl Petroleum Plaza ST 9915 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2G8) Business Support Manager Fish, Nancy 780 623-5243 Fax 780 623-4584 Regional Approvals Manager Holland, Wayne 780 464-7955 Fax 780 449-0718 (182 Chippewa Road Sherwood Park T8A 4H5) Regional Resource Manager MacMahon, Paul 780 427-2632 Fax 780 422-0528 (1st fl Twin Atria Building 4999 - 98 Avenue Edmonton T6B 2X3) Natural Resources Manager Dockrill, Craig 780 644-3157 Fax 780 422-0528 (1st fl Twin Atria Building 4999 - 98 Avenue Edmonton T6B 2X3)

Regional Approvals Box 450 2nd fl Provincial Building 9503 Beaverhill Road Lac La Biche T0A 2C0 Approvals Manager Lapointe, Michael

780 427-7556 Fax 780 422-0528 (1st fl Twin Atria Building 4999 - 98 Avenue Edmonton T6B 2X3) Industrial Approvals Engineer Gonela, Indira 780 638-3098 (111 Twin Atria Building 4999 - 98 Avenue Edmonton T6B 2X3) Municipal Engineer McGinn, Terry 780 427-8146 Fax 780 427-7824 (1st fl Twin Atria Building 4999 - 98 Avenue Edmonton T6B 2X3) Reclamation Approvals Specialist Bello, Thelma 780 427-5129 (1st fl Twin Atria Building 4999 - 98 Avenue Edmonton T6B 2X3) Reclamation Approvals Coordinator Abioye, Stephen 780 427-6451 (111 Twin Atria Building 4999 - 98 Avenue Edmonton T6B 2X3)


Drinking Water Operations Specialist Foster, Giancarlo 780 427-9064 (111 Twin Atria Building 4999 - 98 Avenue Edmonton T6B 2X3) Water Administration Engineer Nahar, Qamrun 780 427-5053 Fax 780 422-0528 (111 Twin Atria Building 4999 - 98 Avenue Edmonton T6B 2X3) Senior Water Administration Engineer Sulieman, Zeinab 780 427-7049 Fax 780 427-7824 (1st fl Twin Atria Building 4999 - 98 Avenue Edmonton T6B 2X3) Water Administration Technologist Cholach, Shannon 780 427-9977 (1st fl Twin Atria Building 4999 - 98 Avenue Edmonton T6B 2X3) Acting Approvals Manager Black, William 780 675-8232 Fax 780 675-8165 (1st fl Provincial Building 4901 - 50 Street Athabasca T9S 1E2) Senior Lands Team Lead Laird, Jamie 780 623-5396 Fax 780 623-4584 Forest Officer MacDonnell, Erin 780 743-7154 Fax 780 790-1600 (3rd fl Provincial Building 9915 Franklin Avenue Fort McMurray T9H 2K4) Senior Forester Stronach, Robert 780 623-5399 Fax 780 623-4584 Forest Officer Grier, James 780 623-5369 Fax 780 623-4584 Area Forester Bauer, Kim 780 623-5487 Fax 780 623-4584 Rangeland Agrologist Lindquist, Jim 780 645-6336 [6255] Fax 780 645-6281 (1st fl Provincial Building 5025 - 49 Avenue St. Paul T0A 3A4) McGonigle, Kara 780 645-6237 Fax 780 645-6281 (1st fl Provincial Building 5025 - 49 Avenue St. Paul T0A 3A4) Robinson, Jaime 780 645-6336 Fax 780 645-6281 (1st fl Provincial Building 5025 - 49 Avenue St. Paul T0A 3A4) Forest Operations Unit Head Doerkson, Kathleen 780 675-8224 Fax 780 675-8165 (1st fl Provincial Building 4901 - 50 Street Athabasca T9S 1E2) Forest Officer Moseley, David 780 623-5387 Fax 780 623-4584 Barnett, Ed 780 771-3747 Fax 780 771-3949 (Box 58 Wandering River T0A 3M0) Boulianne, Luc 780 645-6372 Fax 780 645-6267 (1st fl Provincial Building 5025 - 49 Avenue St. Paul T0A 3A4)


Guillemette, Karen

780 538-5460 Fax 780 538-5336 (Main fl Provincial Building 10320 - 99 Street Grande Prairie T8V 6J4) 780 538-5265 Fax 780 538-5622 (Box 23 Main fl Provincial Building 10320 - 99 Street Grande Prairie T8V 6J4) 780 538-5265 Fax 780 538-5622 (Box 23 Main fl Provincial Building 10320 - 99 Street Grande Prairie T8V 6J4) 780 524-3567 Fax 780 524-4316 (Box 899 2nd fl Provincial Building 5102 - 50 Avenue Valleyview T0H 3N0) 780 827-3356 Fax 780 827-4545 (Box 570 Grande Cache Ranger Station Grande Cache T0E 0Y0) 780 538-5351 Fax 780 538-5336 (Main fl Provincial Building 10320 - 99 Street Grande Prairie T8V 6J4) 780 622-3921 Fax 780 622-3783 (201 Kaybob Drive Fox Creek T0H 1P0) 780 538-5260 Fax 780 833-4339 (2nd fl Provincial Building 10320 - 99 Street Grande Prairie T8V 6J4)

GIS / Cart Technologist Nicolai, Bonnie


Environment and Parks

Land Managment Specialist Yowney, Bob

780 675-8200 Fax 780 675-8165 (1st fl Provincial Building 4901 - 50 Street Athabasca T9S 1E2)

Regional Compliance


Box 450 2nd fl Provincial Building 9503 Beaverhill Road Lac La Biche T0A 2C0 Regional Compliance Manager Brad, Neil

780 422-8686 Fax 780 422-0528 (1st fl Twin Atria Building 4999 - 98 Avenue Edmonton T6B 2X3) Acting Compliance Assurance Lead Litzenberger, Dean 780 623-5326 Fax 780 623-4584 Compliance Assurance Officer Dempsey, Mike 780 623-5394 Fax 780 623-4584 Environmental Protection Officer Kara, Nasir (Nash) 780 427-7605 Fax 780 644-5643 (111 Twin Atria Building 4999 - 98 Avenue Edmonton T6B 2X3) Smith, Paul 780 788-6409 Fax 780 790-1600 (3rd fl Provincial Building 9915 Franklin Avenue Fort McMurray T9H 2K4)

Regional Resource Management Box 450 2nd fl Provincial Building 9503 Beaverhill Road Lac La Biche T0A 2C0 Resource Manager Hendren, Kathy

Senior Wildlife Biologist Chapman, Grant

Skilnick, Joann

Area Wildlife Biologist Gilligan, Justin

Johnson, Melynda

Wildlife Biologist Burgar, Joanna

780 427-2267 Fax 780 422-0528 (111 Twin Atria Building 4999 - 98 Avenue Edmonton T6B 2X3) 780 623-5475 Fax 780 623-4584 (Box 959 2nd fl Provincial Building 9503 Beaverhill Road Lac La Biche T0A 2C0) 780 743-7258 Fax 780 743-7155 (3rd fl Provincial Building 9915 Franklin Avenue Fort McMurray T9H 2K4) 780 675-8229 Fax 780 675-8165 (2nd fl Provincial Building 4901 - 50 Street Athabasca T9S 1E2) 780 826-8345 Fax 780 826-6068 (Box 6009 2nd fl Provincial Building 4902 - 50 Avenue Bonnyville T9N 2G7)

780 743-7339 (3rd fl Provincial Building 9915 Franklin Avenue Fort McMurray T9H 2K4) Wildlife Monitoring Biologist Sztaba, Agnieszka 780 743-7109 Fax 780 743-7155 (3rd fl Provincial Building 9915 Franklin Avenue Fort McMurray T9H 2K4)

Wildlife Monitoring Technician Neufeld, Hanna 780 638-2863 (1st fl Twin Atria Building 4999 - 98 Avenue Edmonton T6B 2X3) EIA Specialist McGregor, Andrea 780 623-5237 Fax 780 623-4584 (Box 959 2nd fl Provincial Building 9503 Beaverhill Road Lac La Biche T0A 2C0) Resource Management Biologist Brewer, Sarah 780 644-4744 Fax 780 427-7824 (111 Twin Atria Building 4999 - 98 Avenue Edmonton T6B 2X3) Thornton, Clarisse 780 644-6931 Fax 780 422-0528 (111 Twin Atria Building 4999 - 98 Avenue Edmonton T6B 2X3) Senior Fisheries Biologist Baldwin, Rebecca 780 743-7470 Fax 780 743-7155 (3rd fl Provincial Building 9915 Franklin Avenue Fort McMurray T9H 2K4) Soil and Contaminated Sites Specialist Olatuyi, Lekan 780 644-1212 Fax 780 422-0528 (111 Twin Atria Building 4999 - 98 Avenue Edmonton T6B 2X3) Contaminant Hydrogeologist Renic, Tomislav 780 643-0656 Fax 780 422-0528 (111 Twin Atria Building 4999 - 98 Avenue Edmonton T6B 2X3) Forest Health Technologist Robillard, Martin 780 675-8223 Fax 780 675-8165 (1st fl Provincial Building 4901 - 50 Street Athabasca T9S 1E2) Rangeland Agrologist Gebbink, Felix 403 340-4396 Fax 403 340-7081 (2nd fl Provincial Building 4920 - 51 Street Red Deer T4N 6K8) Senior Fisheries Technician Lyttle, Chad 780 623-5448 Fax 780 623-4584 (Box 959 2nd fl Provincial Building 9503 Beaverhill Road Lac La Biche T0A 2C0) Senior Fisheries Biologist Pruden-Beniuk, Alicia 780 623-5299 Fax 780 623-4584 (Box 959 2nd fl Provincial Building 9503 Beaverhill Road Lac La Biche T0A 2C0) Walker, Jordan 780 594-7864 Fax 780 594-3340 (Box 1426 5013 - 51 Street Cold Lake T9M 1P3) Latty, Dwayne 780 594-7803 Fax 780 594-3340 (Box 1426 5013 - 51 Street Cold Lake T9M 1P3) Senior Wildlife Biologist Maile, Barbara 780 826-8032 Fax 780 826-6068 (Box 6009 2nd fl Provincial Building 4902 - 50 Avenue Bonnyville T9N 2G7)

Limnologist, Water Quality Specialist Ballard, Nathan 780 427-6430 Fax 780 422-0528 (1st fl Twin Atria Building 4999 - 98 Avenue Edmonton T6B 2X3) Hydrologist Rojas, German 780 422-0874 Fax 780 422-0528 (111 Twin Atria Building 4999 - 98 Avenue Edmonton T6B 2X3) Senior Fisheries Technician Foss, Aaron 780 594-7873 Fax 780 594-3340 (Box 1426 5013 - 51 Street Cold Lake T9M 1P3) Fisheries Technician Skarsen, Rebecca 780 594-7874 (5013 - 51 Street Cold Lake T9M 1P3) Air Quality Specialist Roy, Prabal 780 788-6408 Fax 780 790-3936 (6th fl Provincial Building 9915 Franklin Avenue Fort McMurray T9H 2K4)

Regional Business Support Box 450 2nd fl Provincial Building 9503 Beaverhill Road Lac La Biche T0A 2C0 Acting OH & S Coordinator Collinge, Bonnie Acting Finance Team Lead Phillips, Ashley

780 623-5395 Fax 780 623-4584

780 623-5250 Fax 780 623-5444 (Lac La Biche Fire Centre 9505 Beaverhill Road Lac La Biche T0A 2C0) Priority Issues Coordinator McDonald, Karen 780 427-7660 Fax 780 427-7824 (1st fl Twin Atria Building 4999 - 98 Avenue Edmonton T6B 2X3) GIS Technologist Bartee, Elaine 780 645-6316 Fax 780 645-6267 (9503 Beaverhill Road Lac La Biche T0A 2C0) Connors, Rhonda 780 623-5473 Niederleitner, Joe 780 623-5367 Fax 780 623-4584 Administration HR Team Lead FMM Wheaton, Judy 780 743-7227 Fax 780 743-7244 (5th fl Provincial Building 9915 Franklin Avenue Fort McMurray T9H 2K4) Administrative Assistant Chow, Agnes 780 743-7472 Fax 780 790-3936 (6th fl Provincial Building 9915 Franklin Avenue Fort McMurray T9H 2K4) Felderhof, Tammey 780 743-7200 Fax 780 790-1600 (3rd fl Provincial Building 9915 Franklin Avenue Fort McMurray T9H 2K4) Administration & Finance Team Lead Hamilton, Stephanie G 780 623-5418 (2nd fl Provincial Building 9503 Beaverhill Road Lac La Biche T0A 2C0) Administrative Support Kostrub, Pat 780 645-6336 Fax 780 645-6281 (1st fl Provincial Building 5025 - 49 Avenue St. Paul T0A 3A4)

Environment and Parks PMO Administrator Lambert, Karen

Administrative Support Ringuette, Bernadette

Robinson, Diana

Finance Team Lead FMM Power, Linda

780 427-8059 Fax 780 415-2289 (14th fl ATB Place 10025 Jasper Avenue Edmonton T5J 1S6) 780 826-5608 Fax 780 826-6068 (Box 6009 2nd fl Provincial Building 4902 - 50 Avenue Bonnyville T9N 2G7) 780 645-6313 Fax 780 645-6267 (1st fl Provincial Building 5025 - 49 Avenue St. Paul T0A 3A4)

Fish & Wildlife Admin (Edmonton District) Arnold, Heather 780 422-0295 Fax 780 422-0528 (111 Twin Atria Building 4999 - 98 Avenue Edmonton T6B 2X3) Administrative Support Farrell, Dixie 780 464-7955 Fax 780 449-0718 (182 Chippewa Road Sherwood Park T8A 4H5) Toutant-McDonald, Lorraine 780 623-5224 Fax 780 623-5444 (Lac La Biche Fire Centre 9505 Beaverhill Road Lac La Biche T0A 2C0)

Red Deer - North Saskatchewan Region Regional Executive Director Barrett, Randall

780 826-4297 Fax 780 826-6068 (Box 6009 2nd fl Provincial Building 4902 - 50 Avenue Bonnyville T9N 2G7) Werstiuk, Sheila 780 826-3142 Fax 780 826-6068 (Box 5350 2nd fl Provincial Building 4902 - 50 Avenue Bonnyville T9N 2G5) Wychopen, Andrea 780 594-7876 Fax 780 594-3340 (Box 1426 5013 - 51 Street Cold Lake T9M 1P3) Hankinson, Kay 780 623-5226 Fax 780 623-5444 (Lac La Biche Fire Centre 9505 Beaverhill Road Lac La Biche T0A 2C0) Moroz, Eileen 780 623-5384 Fax 780 623-5444 (Lac La Biche Fire Centre 9505 Beaverhill Road Lac La Biche T0A 2C0) Whitford, Jodie 780 623-5276 Fax 780 623-5444 (Lac La Biche Fire Centre 9505 Beaverhill Road Lac La Biche T0A 2C0) Demchuk, Julie 780 645-6336 Fax 780 645-6281 (1st fl Provincial Building 5025 - 49 Avenue St. Paul T0A 3A4) Dixon, Arlene 780 623-5247 Fax 780 623-4584 (Box 959 2nd fl Provincial Building 9503 Beaverhill Road Lac La Biche T0A 2C0) Sallee, Johanne 780 623-5248 Fax 780 623-4584 (Box 959 2nd fl Provincial Building 9503 Beaverhill Road Lac La Biche T0A 2C0) Sturges, Annette 780 623-5240 Fax 780 623-4584 Administration HR Team Lead Edmonton Daoust, Sharon 780 427-6432 Fax 780 422-0528 (1st fl Twin Atria Building 4999 - 98 Avenue Edmonton T6B 2X3)

Regional Compliance

Administrative Support Hebert, Debbie

780 427-0689 Fax 780 427-7824 (1st fl Twin Atria Building 4999 - 98 Avenue Edmonton T6B 2X3)

Regional Compliance Manager Aiton, Michael

780 643-0775 Fax 780 644-5643 (1st fl Twin Atria Building 4999 - 98 Avenue Edmonton T6B 2X3) Compliance Support Coordinator Kirkpatrick, Tricia 403 340-7749 Fax 403 341-8608 (3rd fl Provincial Building 4920 - 51 Street Red Deer T4N 6K8) Compliance Manager Pagee, Andrea 403 340-7701 Fax 403 341-8608 (3rd fl Provincial Building 4920 - 51 Street Red Deer T4N 6K8) Environmental Protection Officer Erickson, Doug 780 679-1259 (2nd fl Provincial Building 4867 - 50 Street Camrose T4V 1P6) Lundberg, Nicole 403 340-7746 Fax 403 341-8608 (3rd fl Provincial Building 4920 - 51 Street Red Deer T4N 6K8) Environmental Protection Officer - Inspector Coupal, James 403 341-8675 Fax 403 341-8608 (3rd fl Provincial Building 4920 - 51 Street Red Deer T4N 6K8) Hanson, Ron 403 340-4805 Fax 403 341-8608 (3rd fl Provincial Building 4920 - 51 Street Red Deer T4N 6K8) Environmental Protection Officer Poll, Bryan 403 340-7627 Fax 403 341-8608 (3rd fl Provincial Building 4920 - 51 Street Red Deer T4N 6K8) Compliance Assurance Lead - Investigations Urquhart, Todd 403 340-5314 Fax 403 341-8608 (3rd fl Provincial Building 4920 - 51 Street Red Deer T4N 6K8)

403 845-8347 Fax 403 845-4750 (Box 1720 2nd fl Provincial Building 4919 - 51 Street

Rocky Mountain House T4T 1B3) Environmental Protection Officer - Investigator Kennedy, Jimmy 403 340-7052 Fax 403 341-8608 (3rd fl Provincial Building 4920 - 51 Street Red Deer T4N 6K8) Kingston, Bill 403 340-7735 Fax 403 341-8608 (3rd fl Provincial Building 4920 - 51 Street Red Deer T4N 6K8) Compliance Manager Collins, John 780 422-1890 Fax 780 644-5643 (1st fl Twin Atria Building 4999 - 98 Avenue Edmonton T6B 2X3) Environmental Protection Officer - Investigator Fehr, Nicole 780 422-5556 Fax 780 644-5643 (1st fl Twin Atria Building 4999 - 98 Avenue Edmonton T6B 2X3) Payette, Brendon 780 644-7964 Fax 780 644-5643 (1st fl Twin Atria Building 4999 - 98 Avenue Edmonton T6B 2X3) Pokorski, James 780 415-9371 Fax 780 644-5643 (1st fl Twin Atria Building 4999 - 98 Avenue Edmonton T6B 2X3) van Popta, Lisa 780 427-6606 Fax 780 644-5643 (1st fl Twin Atria Building 4999 - 98 Avenue Edmonton T6B 2X3) Environmental Protection Officer - Groundwater Barry, Breeann 780 427-6966 Fax 780 644-5643 (1st fl Twin Atria Building 4999 - 98 Avenue Edmonton T6B 2X3) Environmental Protection Officer - Industrial / Municipal Hunter, Susan 780 422-3051 Fax 780 644-5643 (1st fl Twin Atria Building 4999 - 98 Avenue Edmonton T6B 2X3) Environmental Protection Officer Brown, Angela 780 427-7233 (111 Twin Atria Building 4999 - 98 Avenue Edmonton T6B 2X3) Environmental Protection Officer - Water Act Smith, Todd 780 644-7856 Fax 780 644-5643 (1st fl Twin Atria Building 4999 - 98 Avenue Edmonton T6B 2X3) Fairless, Dave 780 679-1733 (2nd fl Provincial Building 4867 - 50 Street Camrose T4V 1P6)

Regional Approvals Regional Approvals Manager Hollands, Neil (111 Twin Atria Building 4999 - 98 Avenue Edmonton T6B 2X3)


780 743-7204 Fax 780 743-7244 (5th fl Provincial Building 9915 Franklin Avenue Fort McMurray T9H 2K4)


Compliance Assurance Officer Simms, Scott


Environment and Parks

Rangeland Team Lead McKay, Stewart


Agrologist Brouwer, Kelly

Shenfield, Stephen 780 514-3417 Fax 780 542-6454 (Main fl Penn West Petroleum Building 6521 - 50th Avenue West Drayton Valley T7A 1R6)

403 845-8206 Fax 403 845-4750 (2nd fl Provincial Building 4919 - 51 Street Rocky Mountain House T4T 1B3) Loonen, Harry 780 842-7550 Fax 780 842-7552 (Main fl Provincial Building 810 - 14 Avenue Wainwright T9W 1R2) Will, Kimberly 403 845-8279 Fax 403 845-4750 (2nd fl Provincial Building 4919 - 51 Street Rocky Mountain House T4T 1B3) Silzer, Tanya 780 842-7548 Fax 780 842-7552 (Main fl Provincial Building 810 - 14 Avenue Wainwright T9W 1R2) Land Management Specialist Porter, Patrick 780 842-7551 Fax 780 842-7552 (2nd fl Provincial Building 810 - 14 Avenue Wainwright T9W 1R2) Nahirniak, Cody 780 464-7955 (Main floor Centre Plaza Building 182 Chippewa Road Sherwood Park T8A 4H5) Approvals Manager Livingston, Don 403 845-8236 Fax 403 845-4750 (2nd fl Provincial Building 4919 - 51 Street Rocky Mountain House T4T 1B3) Backcountry Coordinator Crocker, Wayne 403 845-8254 Fax 403 845-4750 (2nd fl Provincial Building 4919 - 51 Street Rocky Mountain House T4T 1B3) Senior Forester Ciesielski, Bert 780 514-3420 (Main fl Penn West Petroleum Building 6521 - 50th Avenue West Drayton Valley T7A 1R6) Forester Evanochko, Darcy 403 845-8248 (2nd fl Provincial Building 4919 - 51 Street Rocky Mountain House T4T 1B3) Heemeryck, Rebecca 403 845-8237 Fax 403 845-4750 (2nd fl Provincial Building 4919 - 51 Street Rocky Mountain House T4T 1B3) Operations Forester Stubbings, Trisha 403 845-8360 Fax 403 845-4750 (2nd fl Provincial Building 4919 - 51 Street Rocky Mountain House T4T 1B3) Forest Officer Ens, Jon 403 845-8356 (2nd fl Provincial Building 4919 - 51 Street Rocky Mountain House T4T 1B3)

403 845-8301 Fax 403 845-4750 (Box 1720 2nd fl Provincial Building 4919 - 51 Street Rocky Mountain House T4T 1B3)

Lands Officer Bonang, James

Kirkup, David

Muhlbier, Dean

Schrader, Lisa

Approvals Manager Aasen, Todd

780 514-3422 (Main Floor Penn West Building 8327 - 50th Avenue West Drayton Valley T7A 1R6) 780 514-3413 (Main fl Penn West Petroleum Building 6521 - 50th Avenue West Drayton Valley T7A 1R6) 403 845-8357 Fax 403 845-4750 (2nd fl Provincial Building 4919 - 51 Street Rocky Mountain House T4T 1B3) 403 845-8587 Fax 403 845-4750 (2nd fl Provincial Building 4919 - 51 Street Rocky Mountain House T4T 1B3)

403 340-7782 Fax 403 340-5022 (3rd fl Provincial Building 4920 - 51 Street Red Deer T4N 6K8) Sand and Gravel Reclamation Coordinator Yacyshyn, Shannon 403 755-6108 Fax 403 340-5022 (3rd fl Provincial Building 4920 - 51 Street Red Deer T4N 6K8) Industrial Team Lead Sunderani, Pervez 403 340-7742 Fax 403 340-5022 (3rd fl Provincial Building 4920 - 51 Street Red Deer T4N 6K8) Industrial Engineer Alif, Noor 403 340-7722 Fax 403 340-5022 (3rd fl Provincial Building 4920 - 51 Street Red Deer T4N 6K8) Pole, Robert 403 340-4849 Fax 403 340-5022 (3rd fl Provincial Building 4920 - 51 Street Red Deer T4N 6K8) Municipal Engineer Huang, Julian 403 340-4988 Fax 403 340-5022 (3rd fl Provincial Building 4920 - 51 Street Red Deer T4N 6K8) Yan, Guangyu 780 960-8626 Fax 780 960-8605 (1st fl 250 Diamond Avenue Spruce Grove T7X 4C7) Drinking Water Operations Specialist Roulston, Jaclyn 403 340-5568 Fax 403 340-5022 (3rd fl Provincial Building 4920 - 51 Street Red Deer T4N 6K8) Water Team Lead Fulton, Angela 403 340-7736 Fax 403 340-5022 (3rd fl Provincial Building 4920 - 51 Street Red Deer T4N 6K8)

Senior Water Administration Technologist Partridge, Laura 403 340-7113 Fax 403 340-5022 (3rd fl Provincial Building 4920 - 51 Street Red Deer T4N 6K8) Senior Water Technologist Perley, Terrina 403 340-7751 Fax 403 340-5022 (3rd fl Provincial Building 4920 - 51 Street Red Deer T4N 6K8) Approvals Manager Habib, Mohammad 780 415-9629 Fax 780 427-7824 (1st fl Twin Atria Building 4999 - 98 Avenue Edmonton T6B 2X3) Acting Water Team Lead Patton, Andrew 780 427-0903 Fax 780 427-7824 (1st fl Twin Atria Building 4999 - 98 Avenue Edmonton T6B 2X3) Senior Water Administration Engineeer Dehod, Wendi 780 645-6402 (4th fl Provincial Building 5025 - 49 Avenue St. Paul T0A 3A4) Water Administration Technologist Stacey, Kathryn 780 427-6636 (111 Twin Atria Building 4999 - 98 Avenue Edmonton T6B 2X3) Acting Municipal Team Lead Wang, Fengqin 780 644-4814 Fax 780 427-7824 (111 Twin Atria Building 4999 - 98 Avenue Edmonton T6B 2X3) Drinking Water Operations Tun, Win 780 415-9630 (1st fl Twin Atria Building 4999 - 98 Avenue Edmonton T6B 2X3) Municipal Engineer Rahman, Mohammad M 780 422-1721 Fax 780 427-7824 (1st fl Twin Atria Building 4999 - 98 Avenue Edmonton T6B 2X3) Wang, Fengqin 780 644-4814 Fax 780 427-7824 (1st fl Twin Atria Building 4999 - 98 Avenue Edmonton T6B 2X3) Acting Industrial Approvals Team Lead Wu, Weiguo 780 427-0630 Fax 780 427-7824 (111 Twin Atria Building 4999 - 98 Avenue Edmonton T6B 2X3) Industrial Approvals Engineer Chowdhury, Rafiqul 780 644-5293 Fax 780 427-7824 (111 Twin Atria Building 4999 - 98 Avenue Edmonton T6B 2X3) Keykavoos, Rozita 403 297-6391 (2nd fl Deerfoot Square 2938 - 11 Street NE Calgary T2E 7L7) Shoaib, Mohammad 780 644-8525 Fax 780 427-7824 (111 Twin Atria Building 4999 - 98 Avenue Edmonton T6B 2X3) Industrial Engineer-in-Training Jayapathy, Shiya 780 644-7854 Fax 780 427-7824 (111 Twin Atria Building 4999 - 98 Avenue Edmonton T6B 2X3)

Regional Resource Management

Environment and Parks Regional Resource Manager Avis, Lisa

780 643-1874 Fax 780 644-3777 (1st fl Twin Atria Building 4999 - 98 Avenue Edmonton T6B 2X3)

Resource Manager - West Allen, Jim

Forest Health Officer Melnick, Pam

Forest Health Technician Jones, Marian

403 845-8277 Fax 403 845-4950 (2nd fl Provincial Building 4919 - 51 Street Rocky Mountain House T4T 1B3) 403 638-3805 Fax 403 638-3170 (Sundre Ranger Station 127 - 1 Street NW Sundre T0M 1X0) 403 845-8235 Fax 403 845-4750 (Box 1720 2nd fl Provincial Building 4919 - 51 Street Rocky Mountain House T4T 1B3)

Wildlife Biologist Feder, Chiara

403 845-8303 Fax 403 845-4750 (Box 1720 2nd fl Provincial Building 4919 - 51 Street

Rocky Mountain House T4T 1B3) Senior Fisheries Technician Herman, Steve 403 845-8213 Fax 403 845-4750 (Box 1720 2nd fl Provincial Building 4919 - 51 Street

Konynenbelt, Rocklyn

Rocky Mountain House T4T 1B3) 403 845-8268 Fax 403 845-4750 (Box 1720 2nd fl Provincial Building 4919 - 51 Street Rocky Mountain House T4T 1B3)

Resource Manager - South Tchir, John 403 340-7721 (4th fl First Red Deer Place 4911 - 51 Street Red Deer T4N 6V4) Species at Risk Biologist Prescott, Dave 403 340-4309 Fax 403 340-5575 (4th fl First Red Deer Place 4911 - 51 Street Red Deer T4N 6V4) Wildlife Biologist Stevens, Scott 403 755-1400 Fax 403 340-5575 (4th fl First Red Deer Place 4911 - 51 Street Red Deer T4N 6V4) Senior Fisheries Biologist Cooper, Jason 403 340-7685 Fax 403 340-5575 (4th fl First Red Deer Place 4911 - 51 Street Red Deer T4N 6V4)

403 754-4439 (4th fl First Red Deer Place 4911 - 51 Street Red Deer T4N 6V4) Soil and Contaminated Sites Specialist Pelech, Bill 403 340-7748 Fax 403 340-5022 (3rd fl Provincial Building 4920 - 51 Street Red Deer T4N 6K8) Hydrogeologist Han, Bing 403 341-8663 Fax 403 340-5022 (3rd fl Provincial Building 4920 - 51 Street Red Deer T4N 6K8) Soil and Contaminated Sites Specialist Gervais, Karen 403 755-2280 Fax 403 340-5022 (3rd fl Provincial Building 4920 - 51 Street Red Deer T4N 6K8) Hydrologist Chamulak, Terry 403 340-7737 Fax 403 340-5022 (3rd fl Provincial Building 4920 - 51 Street Red Deer T4N 6K8) Resource Manager - Centre McDonald, Darcy 780 415-8780 Fax 780 644-3777 (111 Twin Atria Building 4999 - 98 Avenue Edmonton T6B 2X3) Air Quality Specialist Mazur, Maxwell 780 643-1448 Fax 780 644-3777 (111 Twin Atria Building 4999 - 98 Avenue Edmonton T6B 2X3) Contaminated Sites Crowe, Angela 780 427-7106 Fax 780 644-3777 (111 Twin Atria Building 4999 - 98 Avenue Edmonton T6B 2X3) Ehrentraut, Kellie 780 415-1332 Fax 780 644-3777 (111 Twin Atria Building 4999 - 98 Avenue Edmonton T6B 2X3) Groundwater Hydrogeologist Dai, Qunli 780 427-0578 Fax 780 644-3777 (111 Twin Atria Building 4999 - 98 Avenue Edmonton T6B 2X3) Water Quality Specialist Classen, Claire 780 643-6252 Fax 780 644-3777 (111 Twin Atria Building 4999 - 98 Avenue Edmonton T6B 2X3) Cumulative Effects Manager - Air and Water Vavro, Maria 780 644-7516 Fax 780 644-3777 (111 Twin Atria Building 4999 - 98 Avenue Edmonton T6B 2X3) Air and Water Management Framework Implementation Coordinator Wesley, Mary Joy 780 427-1447 Fax 780 644-3777 (111 Twin Atria Building 4999 - 98 Avenue Edmonton T6B 2X3) Air Technical Coordinator Le, Phoenix 780 415-9650 (111 Twin Atria Building 4999 - 98 Avenue Edmonton T6B 2X3)

Hydrologist Okyere, Yaw


780 415-4799 Fax 780 644-3777 (111 Twin Atria Building 4999 - 98 Avenue Edmonton T6B 2X3)

Limnologist Swarbrick, Vanessa

780 644-8358 Fax 780 644-3777 (111 Twin Atria Building 4999 - 98 Avenue Edmonton T6B 2X3) Water Technical Coordinator Tuininga, Alyssa 780 427-1833 Fax 780 644-3777 (111 Twin Atria Building 4999 - 98 Avenue Edmonton T6B 2X3) Resource Manager - North Williams, Kelly 780 960-8623 (Main fl Telus Building 250 Diamond Avenue Spruce Grove T7X 4C7) Contaminated Sites Specialist McGuigan, Claire 780 644-8365 Fax 780 644-3777 (111 Twin Atria Building 4999 - 98 Avenue Edmonton T6B 2X3) Senior Fisheries Biologist Spencer, Stephen 780 960-8195 Fax 780 960-8199 (1st fl 250 Diamond Avenue Spruce Grove T7X 4C7) Fisheries Biologist Watkins, Owen 780 960-8189 Fax 780 960-8199 (1st fl 250 Diamond Avenue Spruce Grove T7X 4C7) Contaminant Hydrogeologist Leskiw, Gene 780 679-1244 (2nd fl Provincial Building 4867 - 50 Street Camrose T4V 1P6) Senior Wildlife Biologist Moore, David 780 853-8137 Fax 780 853-8264 (2nd fl Provincial Building 4701 - 52 Street Vermilion T9X 1J9) Wildlife Biologist Herdman, Emily 780 853-8137 (2nd fl Provincial Building 4701 - 52 Street Vermilion T9X 1J9) Anderson, Delaney 780 962-7412 (Main fl Telus Building 250 Diamond Avenue Spruce Grove T7X 4C7)

Regional Business Support Regional Business Support Manager VanWaas, Anita 403 845-8227 Fax 403 845-8282 (2nd fl Provincial Building 4919 - 51 Street Rocky Mountain House T4T 1B3) Priority Issues Coordinator Ballas, Debbie 403 340-7738 Fax 403 340-5022 (3rd fl Provincial Building 4920 - 51 Street Red Deer T4N 6K8) Regional Occupational Health and Safety Coordinator Campbell, Iain 780 422-9521 Fax 780 427-7824 (111 Twin Atria Building 4999 - 98 Avenue Edmonton T6B 2X3)


Senior Wildlife Biologist Hubbs, Anne

403 845-8358 Fax 403 845-8282 (2nd fl Provincial Building 4919 - 51 Street Rocky Mountain House T4T 1B3)

Fisheries Biologist Reilly, Jessica


Environment and Parks

Acting OH&S Coordinator Poirier, Vicky

Saari, Carol

403 340-5451 Fax 403 340-7081 (2nd fl Provincial Building 4920 - 51 Street Red Deer T4N 6K8) Administration Team Lead Brown, Jane 403 845-8209 Fax 403 845-4750 (2nd fl Provincial Building 4919 - 51 Street Rocky Mountain House T4T 1B3) Administrative Support Forsythe, Dianne 403 845-8228 Fax 403 845-4750 (Box 1720 2nd fl Provincial Building 4919 - 51 Street


Gardeski, Sheri

Kolga, Toni

Lenton, Brenda

Thompson, Dianne

Tyas, Pam

Berg, Lori

Davies, Phyllis

Finance Team Lead Hambleton, Nola

Administrative Support McGowan, Shirley

Raivio, Laura

Rocky Mountain House T4T 1B3) 403 845-8286 Fax 403 845-8282 (2nd fl Provincial Building 4919 - 51 Street Rocky Mountain House T4T 1B3) 403 845-8253 Fax 403 845-4750 (2nd fl Provincial Building 4919 - 51 Street Rocky Mountain House T4T 1B3) 403 845-8343 Fax 403 845-4750 (2nd fl Provincial Building 4919 - 51 Street Rocky Mountain House T4T 1B3) 403 845-8348 Fax 403 845-4750 (2nd fl Provincial Building 4919 - 51 Street Rocky Mountain House T4T 1B3) 403 845-8238 Fax 403 845-8282 (2nd fl Provincial Building 4919 - 51 Street Rocky Mountain House T4T 1B3) 403 638-3805 Fax 403 638-3170 (Sundre Ranger Station 127 - 1 Street NW Sundre T0M 1X0) 780 514-3410 Fax 780 542-6454 (Main fl Penn West Petroleum Building 6521 - 50th Avenue West Drayton Valley T7A 1R6) 403 845-8350 Fax 403 845-8282 (2nd fl Provincial Building 4919 - 51 Street Rocky Mountain House T4T 1B3) 403 845-8263 Fax 403 845-8282 (2nd fl Provincial Building 4919 - 51 Street Rocky Mountain House T4T 1B3) 403 845-8244 Fax 403 845-8282 (2nd fl Provincial Building 4919 - 51 Street Rocky Mountain House T4T 1B3)

403 845-8229 Fax 403 845-8282 (2nd fl Provincial Building 4919 - 51 Street Rocky Mountain House T4T 1B3) Regnier, Debbie 780 514-3411 Fax 780 542-6454 (Main fl Penn West Petroleum Building 6521 - 50th Avenue West Drayton Valley T7A 1R6) Acting Finance and Administration Lead Paulsen, Leanne 403 340-7694 Fax 403 340-5022 (3rd fl Provincial Building 4920 - 51 Street Red Deer T4N 6K8) Administrative Support Breitkreuz, Michelle 403 340-7052 Fax 403 340-5022 (3rd fl Provincial Building 4920 - 51 Street Red Deer T4N 6K8) Campbell, Shirley 403 340-7049 Fax 403 340-5575 (4th fl First Red Deer Place 4911 - 51 Street Red Deer T4N 6V4) DeCoteau, Sheree 403 340-7705 Fax 403 341-8608 (3rd fl Provincial Building 4920 - 51 Street Red Deer T4N 6K8) Frank, Susan 403 341-8678 Fax 403 340-5022 (3rd fl Provincial Building 4920 - 51 Street Red Deer T4N 6K8) McLellan, Maryka 403 340-5142 (4th fl First Red Deer Place 4911 - 51 Street Red Deer T4N 6V4) Records Coordinator Kitchen, Carol 403 340-7745 Fax 403 340-5022 (3rd fl Provincial Building 4920 - 51 Street Red Deer T4N 6K8) Records Administrator Drennan, Linda 403 755-6140 (3rd fl Provincial Building 4920 - 51 Street Red Deer T4N 6K8) Nielsen, Carole-Anne 403 340-7784 Fax 403 340-5022 (3rd fl Provincial Building 4920 - 51 Street Red Deer T4N 6K8) Finance and Administration Unit Lead Ranger, Betty 780 415-9357 Fax 780 427-7824 (111 Twin Atria Building 4999 - 98 Avenue Edmonton T6B 2X3) Administrative Support Abraham, Reena 780 644-1073 Fax 780 427-7824 (111 Twin Atria Building 4999 - 98 Avenue Edmonton T6B 2X3) Fenton, Kim 780 427-2265 Fax 780 427-7824 (111 Twin Atria Building 4999 - 98 Avenue Edmonton T6B 2X3) Sumbar, Barbara 780 427-8802 Fax 780 427-7824 (111 Twin Atria Building 4999 - 98 Avenue Edmonton T6B 2X3) Travers, Terri 780 638-3836 Fax 780 427-7824 (111 Twin Atria Building 4999 - 98 Avenue Edmonton T6B 2X3)

Administration Team Lead Girvan, Marian

780 679-1278 Fax 780 679-1217 (2nd fl Provincial Building 4867 - 50 Street Camrose T4V 1P6)

Administrative Support MacKenzie, Patti

780 679-1274 Fax 780 679-1217 (2nd fl Provincial Building 4867 - 50 Street Camrose T4V 1P6) Yarmuch, Leanne 780 853-8137 Fax 780 853-8264 (2nd fl Provincial Building 4701 - 52 Street Vermilion T9X 1J9) Acting Regional Informatics Unit Lead Jillard, Ryan 403 845-8592 Fax 403 845-4750 (2nd fl Provincial Building 4919 - 51 Street Rocky Mountain House T4T 1B3) GIS Technologist Keizer, Shawn 780 427-1906 (111 Twin Atria Building 4999 - 98 Avenue Edmonton T6B 2X3) Murphy, Anne 403 845-8340 Fax 403 845-4750 (2nd fl Provincial Building 4919 - 51 Street Rocky Mountain House T4T 1B3) Rystephanuk, Donna 403 845-8274 Fax 403 845-4750 (2nd fl Provincial Building 4919 - 51 Street Rocky Mountain House T4T 1B3) GIS Specialist Seely, Layne 403 340-7752 Fax 403 340-7081 (2nd fl Provincial Building 4920 - 51 Street Red Deer T4N 6K8) Resource Inventory Specialist Karpuk, Edward 403 340-7114 Fax 403 340-7081 (2nd fl Provincial Building 4920 - 51 Street Red Deer T4N 6K8)

Upper Athabasca Region 1st fl Provincial Building 5020 - 52 Avenue Whitecourt T7S 1N2 Regional Executive Director Robertson, George

780 778-7159 Fax 780 778-5538

Operations Business Support 1st fl Provincial Building 5020 - 52 Avenue Whitecourt T7S 1N2 Operations Business Support Manager Adams, Elvira 780 778-7155 Fax 780 778-5538 Priority Issues Coordinator Tartal, Dana 780 778-7203 Fax 780 778-5538 Regional Occupational Health and Safety Coordinator Rhett, Cory 780 778-7167 Fax 780 778-4659 Acting Informatics Team Lead Ogrodnick, Matt 780 778-7239 Fax 780 778-5538 (2nd fl Provincial Building 5020 - 52 Avenue Whitecourt T7S 1N2)

Environment and Parks GIS Specialist Neis, Scott

GIS Technologist Abera, Daniel

Box, Blair

Schmidt, Cindy

GIS Specialist Vassbotn, Jan

Newman, Debbie 780 723-8539 Fax 780 723-8290 (107, 1fl Provincial Building 111 - 54 Street Edson T7E 1T2) 780 849-7247 (Slave Lake Government Centre 100, 101 - 3 Street SW Slave Lake T0G 2A4) 780 817-3796 (3rd fl Government Centre 131 Civic Centre Road Hinton T7V 2E6) 780 778-7130 Fax 780 778-5538 (2nd fl Provincial Building 5020 - 52 Avenue Whitecourt T7S 1N2)

Finance and Administration 1st fl Provincial Building 5020 - 52 Avenue Whitecourt T7S 1N2 Administrative Team Lead Colbourne, Lillian

780 778-7214 Fax 780 778-5538 (Main fl Provincial Building 5020 - 52 Avenue Whitecourt T7S 1N2)

Records Officer Stark, Shelley

Administrative Support Koropczak, Donna

Kronebusch, Sadie

Michaud, Susan

Geddes, Jamel

Lightning, Lisa

Robb, Sharon

Watson, Vicki

780 778-7283 Fax 780 778-5538 (Main fl Provincial Building 5020 - 52 Avenue Whitecourt T7S 1N2) 780 674-8231 Fax 780 674-8382 (Box 4534 Provincial Building 6203 - 49 Street Barrhead T7N 1A2) 780 674-8231 Fax 780 674-8382 (Box 4534 Provincial Building 6203 - 49 Street Barrhead T7N 1A2) 780 674-8231 Fax 780 674-8382 (Box 4534 Provincial Building 6203 - 49 Street Barrhead T7N 1A2) 780 778-7208 Fax 780 778-5538 (Main fl Provincial Building 5020 - 52 Avenue Whitecourt T7S 1N2) 780 778-7103 Fax 780 778-5538 (Main fl Provincial Building 5020 - 52 Avenue Whitecourt T7S 1N2) 780 778-7119 Fax 780 778-5538 (Main fl Provincial Building 5020 - 52 Avenue Whitecourt T7S 1N2) 780 778-7153 Fax 780 778-5538 (Main fl Provincial Building 5020 - 52 Avenue Whitecourt T7S 1N2)


Administrative Support Ramey, Edith

780 675-4277 Fax 780 675-8165 (Main fl Provincial Building 4903 - 50 Street Athabasca T9S 1E2) Hodgson, Linda 780 723-8510 Fax 780 723-8290 (Main fl Provincial Building 111 - 54 Street Edson T7E 1T2) Taillefer, Brenda 780 865-8267 Fax 780 865-4313 (3rd fl 131 Civic Centre Road Hinton T7V 2E6) Administrative Team Lead Hoffman, Paula 780 723-8527 Fax 780 723-8290 (107, 1fl Provincial Building 111 - 54 Street Edson T7E 1T2) Administrative Support Bergen, Brianna 780 723-8528 Fax 780 723-8290 (Main fl Provincial Building 111 - 54 Street Edson T7E 1T2) McGill, Eva 780 723-8527 Fax 780 723-8290 (Main fl Provincial Building 111 - 54 Street Edson T7E 1T2) Roang, Julia 780 723-8217 Fax 780 723-8290 (Main fl Provincial Building 111 - 54 Street Edson T7E 1T2) Business Operations Administrative Support Borzel, Tamara 780 723-8521 Fax 780 723-8290 (107, 1fl Provincial Building 111 - 54 Street Edson T7E 1T2) Administrative Support Brown, Carroll 780 675-2419 (Main fl Provincial Building 4903 - 50 Street Athabasca T9S 1E2) Markowski, Rose 780 675-8168 Fax 780 675-8165 (Main fl Provincial Building 4903 - 50 Street Athabasca T9S 1E2) Dupuis, Charlene 780 523-6580 Fax 780 523-5757 (2nd fl Provincial Building 5226 - 53 Avenue High Prairie T0G 1E0) Payne, Lauretta 780 523-6510 Fax 780 523-5757 (2nd fl Provincial Building 5226 - 53 Avenue High Prairie T0G 1E0) Finance and Administrative Unit Lead Goehr, Kerri 780 849-7375 Fax 780 849-7122 (Slave Lake Government Centre 101 - 3 Street SW Slave Lake T0G 2A0) Administrative Support Keeley, Lisa 780 849-7102 Fax 780 849-7122 (Slave Lake Government Centre 101 - 3 Street SW Slave Lake T0G 2A0) Morrison, Pam 780 849-7259 Fax 780 849-7122 (Slave Lake Government Centre 101 - 3 Street SW Slave Lake T0G 2A0)


780 865-8370 Fax 780 865-4313 (3rd fl Government Centre 131 Civic Centre Road Hinton T7V 2E6)

780 960-8604 Fax 780 960-8605 (1st fl 250 Diamond Avenue Spruce Grove T7X 4C7) Singbeil, Wendy 780 778-7109 Fax 780 778-5538 (Main fl Provincial Building 5020 - 52 Avenue Whitecourt T7S 1N2) Finance and Administrative Unit Lead Alford, Pam 780 723-8362 Fax 780 723-8290 (107, 1fl Provincial Building 111 - 54 Street Edson T7E 1T2) Administrative Support Hansen, Stacey 780 849-7249 Fax 780 849-7122 (Slave Lake Government Centre 101 - 3 Street SW Slave Lake T0G 2A0) Finance Team Lead Heck, Pauline 780 778-7248 Fax 780 778-5538 (Main fl Provincial Building 5020 - 52 Avenue Whitecourt T7S 1N2) Administrative Support Leichnitz, Doreen 780 778-7249 Fax 780 778-5538 (Main fl Provincial Building 5020 - 52 Avenue Whitecourt T7S 1N2) Ross, Georgia 780 960-8143 Fax 780 960-8605 (1st fl 250 Diamond Avenue Spruce Grove T7X 4C7) Administrative Assistant Svenshek, Kathy 780 960-8603 Fax 780 960-8605 (1st fl 250 Diamond Avenue Spruce Grove T7X 4C7) Administrative Support Verheire, Christina 780 960-8606 Fax 780 960-8605 (1st fl 250 Diamond Avenue Spruce Grove T7X 4C7) Finance Team Lead Woodworth, Christa 780 723-8393 Fax 780 723-8290 (107, 1fl Provincial Building 111 - 54 Street Edson T7E 1T2) Administrative Support Biernacki, Laurie 780 865-8267 Fax 780 865-4313 (3rd fl 131 Civic Centre Road Hinton T7V 2E6) Area Finance Administrative Support Shaw, Cecile 780 723-8206 Fax 780 723-8290 (Main fl Provincial Building 111 - 54 Street Edson T7E 1T2) Finance Administrative Assistant Konawalyk, Ashley 780 723-8263 Fax 780 723-8290 (Main fl Provincial Building 111 - 54 Street Edson T7E 1T2) Administrative Team Lead HR McCauley, Eunice 780 523-6511 Fax 780 523-5757 (2nd fl Provincial Building 5226 - 53 Avenue High Prairie T0G 1E0) Regional Office Administrative Support Irwin, Terina 780 723-8504 Fax 780 723-8290 (107, 1fl Provincial Building 111 - 54 Street Edson T7E 1T2)


Environment and Parks

Regional Integrated Approvals 107, 1fl Provincial Building 111 - 54 Street Edson T7E 1T2 Regional Approvals Manager Schleppe, Brent Project Manager Weik, Christian

780 723-8204 Fax 780 723-8290

780 865-8315 Fax 780 865-4313 (3rd fl 131 Civic Centre Road Hinton T7V 2E6)

District Approvals Manager Hugelschaffer, Dave

780 723-8531 Fax 780 723-7963 (2nd fl Provincial Building 111 - 54 Street Edson T7E 1T2)


Approvals Manager Kentner, Darrell

Agrologist Hewitt, Roy

Holowaychuk, Dennis

Politeski, Joel

Senior Forester Johnson, Wayne

Area Forester Breen, Chris

780 778-7255 Fax 780 778-5538 (Provincial Building 5020 - 52 Avenue Whitecourt T7S 1N2) 780 674-8231 Fax 780 674-8382 (Box 4534 Provincial Building 6203 - 49 Street Barrhead T7N 1A4) 780 675-2254 Fax 780 675-8165 (1st fl Provincial Building 4901 - 50 Street Athabasca T9S 1E2) 780 674-8380 Fax 780 674-8382 (Box 4534 Provincial Building 6203 - 49 Street Barrhead T7N 1A2) 780 778-7210 Fax 780 778-5538 (2nd fl Provincial Building 5020 - 52 Avenue Whitecourt T7S 1N2)

780 778-7166 (2nd fl Provincial Building 5020 - 52 Avenue Whitecourt T7S 1N2) Sanderson, Kevin 780 778-7215 Fax 780 778-5538 (2nd fl Provincial Building 5020 - 52 Avenue Whitecourt T7S 1N2) Skrzekowski, Alanda 780 778-7157 (Provincial Building 5020 - 52 Avenue Whitecourt T7S 1N2) Timber Management Specialist Penner, Michael 780 778-7158 Fax 780 778-5538 (1st fl Provincial Building 5020 - 52 Avenue Whitecourt T7S 1N2) Land Operations Section Head Plitt, Craig 780 674-8304 Fax 780 674-8382 (Box 4534 Provincial Building 6203 - 49 Street Barrhead T7N 1A2) Forest Officer Bowlby, Jennifer 780 675-8226 Fax 780 675-8165 (1st fl Provincial Building 4901 - 50 Street Athabasca T9S 1E2)

Braun, Nicole

Geddes, David

Vierath, Chris

Approvals Manager Aziz, Muhammad

Drinking Water Specialist Mack, Hugh

780 778-7154 Fax 780 778-5538 (1st fl Provincial Building 5020 - 52 Avenue Whitecourt T7S 1N2) 780 778-7256 Fax 780 778-5538 (1st fl Provincial Building 5020 - 52 Avenue Whitecourt T7S 1N2) 780 778-7108 Fax 780 778-5538 (1st fl Provincial Building 5020 - 52 Avenue Whitecourt T7S 1N2) 780 960-8636 Fax 780 960-8605 (PO Box 4240 #1, 250 Diamond Avenue Spruce Grove T7X 3B4)

780 960-8628 Fax 780 960-8605 (1st fl 250 Diamond Avenue Spruce Grove T7X 4C7) Industrial Approvals Engineer Horgan, Fidelma 780 960-8647 Fax 780 960-8605 (#1, 250 Diamond Avenue Spruce Grove T7X 4C7) Municipal Approvals Engineer He, Yaming 780 960-8646 Fax 780 960-8605 (1st fl 250 Diamond Avenue Spruce Grove T7X 4C7) Reclamation Approvals Coordinator Augustyn, John 780 960-8660 Fax 780 960-8605 (1st fl 250 Diamond Avenue Spruce Grove T7X 4C7) Industrial Approvals Engineer Mufti, Wasim 780 960-8627 (Main fl Telus Building 250 Diamond Avenue Spruce Grove T7X 4C7) Senior Water Administration Officer Hancock, Guy 780 960-8638 Fax 780 960-8605 (1st fl 250 Diamond Avenue Spruce Grove T7X 4C7) Water Technologist Otto, Matthew 780 960-8639 Fax 780 960-8605 (1st fl 250 Diamond Avenue Spruce Grove T7X 4C7) Agrologist Kupsch, Tennille 780 723-8517 Fax 780 723-8290 Forest Officer Dodsworth, Gary 780 723-8366 Fax 780 723-7963 (2nd fl Provincial Building 111 - 54 Street Edson T7E 1T2) Acting Team Lead Scobie, Ferenc 780 865-6960 Fax 780 865-7911 (3rd fl Civic Centre 131 Civic Centre Road Hinton T7V 2E5) Forest Officer Bend, Ed 780 865-6966 Fax 780 865-4313 (3rd fl Civic Centre 131 Civic Centre Road Hinton T7V 2E6) Perih, Candace 780 723-8530 Fax 780 723-7963 (2nd fl Provincial Building 111 - 54 Street Edson T7E 1T2)

Senior Forester Legaarden, Graham

780 865-6963 Fax 780 865-4313 (3rd fl Civic Centre 131 Civic Centre Road Hinton T7V 2E6) Senior Forest and Lands Training Specialist Parkinson, Tracy 780 865-6992 Fax 780 865-4313 (3rd fl Civic Centre 131 Civic Centre Road Hinton T7V 2E6) Area Forester Williams, Dana 780 723-8375 Fax 780 723-7963 (2nd fl Provincial Building 111 - 54 Street Edson T7E 1T2) Forester Mills, Stephen 780 723-8355 Fax 780 723-7963 (2nd fl Provincial Building 111 - 54 Street Edson T7E 1T2) Woods, Krista 780 865-8396 Fax 780 865-4313 (3rd fl 131 Civic Centre Road Hinton T7V 2E6) Approvals Manager Hamid, Osman 780 849-7280 Fax 780 849-5826 (Box 390 100 Slave Lake Government Centre 101 - 3 Street SW Slave Lake T0G 2A4) Public Land Specialist Vanderwell, David 780 523-6581 Fax 780 523-5757 (2nd fl Provincial Building 5226 - 53 Avenue High Prairie T0G 1E0) Rangeland Agrologist Fairfield, Lindsie 780 523-6582 Fax 780 523-5757 (2nd fl Provincial Building 5226 - 53 Avenue High Prairie T0G 1E0) Senior Forester Cottingham, Jason 780 523-6545 Fax 780 523-5757 (2nd fl Provincial Building 5226 - 53 Avenue High Prairie T0G 1E0) Area Forester Blocka, Tanis 780 849-7245 (Main fl Slave Lake Government Centre and Library 101 - 3 Street SW Slave Lake T0G 2A3) Wotton, Amy 780 849-7297 Fax 780 849-7177 (Box 390 100 Slave Lake Government Centre 101 - 3 Street SW Slave Lake T0G 2A4) Forester Warren-Currier, Caleen 780 523-6609 Fax 780 523-5757 (2nd fl Provincial Building 5226 - 53 Avenue High Prairie T0G 1E0) Operations Section Head Yacyshyn, Therese 780 523-6544 Fax 780 523-5757 (2nd fl Provincial Building 5226 - 53 Avenue High Prairie T0G 1E0)

Environment and Parks Unit Head, Timber/Lands Michaud, Bernard

Forest Officer Parlin, Brian

Weber, Robert

Ionson, Crystal

780 849-7262 (Main fl Slave Lake Government Centre and Library 101 - 3 Street SW Slave Lake T0G 2A3) 780 849-7268 Fax 780 849-7177 (Box 390 100 Slave Lake Government Centre 101 - 3 Street SW Slave Lake T0G 2A4) 780 523-6567 Fax 780 523-5757 (2nd fl Provincial Building 5226 - 53 Avenue High Prairie T0G 1E0) 780 849-7213 Fax 780 849-7177 (Box 390 100 Slave Lake Government Centre 101 - 3 Street SW Slave Lake T0G 2A4) 780 849-7053 Fax 780 849-5826 (Box 390 100 Slave Lake Government Centre 101 - 3 Street SW Slave Lake T0G 2A4)

Regional Compliance 1st fl 250 Diamond Avenue Spruce Grove T7X 4C7 Regional Compliance Manager, Upper Athabasca Region Letwin, Todd 780 960-8612 Fax 780 960-8605 (PO Box 4240 #1, 250 Diamond Avenue Spruce Grove T7X 3B4) Acting Compliance Team Lead Lange, Bruce 780 960-8621 Fax 780 960-8605 Environmental Protection Officer Benson, April 780 960-8659 Fax 780 960-8605 Environmental Protection Officer - Inspector Harrison, Maxwell 780 960-8622 Pysh, Nicole 780 960-8619 Underschultz, Al 780 960-8655 Fax 780 960-8605 Compliance Manager Hutchings, Faye 780 960-8656 Fax 780 960-8605 Compliance Assurance Officer Holtze, Trevor 780 849-7282 Fax 780 849-7122 (Slave Lake Government Centre 101 - 3 Street SW Slave Lake T0G 2A0) Podulsky, Ken 780 778-7268 Fax 780 778-5538 (1st fl Provincial Building 5020 - 52 Avenue Whitecourt T7S 1N2) Steil, Frank 780 723-8363 Fax 780 723-7963 (2nd fl Provincial Building 111 - 54 Street Edson T7E 1T2) Environmental Protection Officer Butz, Owen 780 962-8774 (Main fl Telus Building 250 Diamond Avenue Spruce Grove T7X 4C7) Environmental Protection Officer - Investigator Coates, Tricia 780 962-7414 Fax 780 960-8605

1st fl Provincial Building 5020 - 52 Avenue Whitecourt T7S 1N2 Regional Resource Manager Quintilio, Kevin Resource Manager Bradbury, Steve

Senior Wildlife Biologist Kneteman, Jeff

780 778-7257 Fax 780 778-4659

780 723-8329 Fax 780 723-8290 (Main fl Provincial Building 111 - 54 Street Edson T7E 1T2)

780 865-8369 Fax 780 865-4313 (3rd fl Civic Centre 131 Civic Centre Road Hinton T7V 2E5) Ground Water Hydrogeologist Nipp, Kevin 780 960-8644 Fax 780 960-8605 (1st fl 250 Diamond Avenue Spruce Grove T7X 4C7) Integrated Land Specialist Karmacharya, Sharad 780 865-6965 Fax 780 865-4313 (3rd fl Civic Centre 131 Civic Centre Road Hinton T7V 2E6) Senior Wildlife Biologist Hobson, Dave 780 723-8518 Fax 780 723-7963 (2nd fl Provincial Building 111 - 54 Street Edson T7E 1T2) Fisheries Biologist Blackburn, Mike 780 723-8208 Fax 780 723-7963 (2nd fl Provincial Building 111 - 54 Street Edson T7E 1T2) Cox, Ryan 780 723-8520 Fax 780 723-7963 (2nd fl Provincial Building 111 - 54 Street Edson T7E 1T2) Penton, Paulette 780 723-8559 Fax 780 723-7963 (2nd fl Provincial Building 111 - 54 Street Edson T7E 1T2) Forest Health Officer Sharpe, Andrea 780 865-6969 Fax 780 865-4313 (3rd fl 131 Civic Centre Road Hinton T7V 2E6) Forest Health Technician Charbonneau, Caroline 780 865-6968 Fax 780 865-4313 (3rd fl 131 Civic Centre Road Hinton T7V 2E6) Resource Manager Raffael, Norbert 780 849-7303 Fax 780 849-5826 (1st fl Slave Lake Government Centre 101 - 3 Street SW Slave Lake T0G 2A0) Integrated Land Specialist Johnson, Laura A. 780 849-7263 Fax 780 849-7122 (1st fl Slave Lake Government Centre 101 - 3 Street SW Slave Lake T0G 2A0) Ground Water Contaminant Hydrogeologist Jerez, Rafael 780 960-8643 Fax 780 960-8605 (1st fl 250 Diamond Avenue Spruce Grove T7X 4C7)

Senior Fisheries Biologist Brown, Myles

Fisheries Biologist Wakeling, Kristy

Fisheries Technician Banko, Mike

Senior Wildlife Biologist Castle, Jim

Wildlife Biologist Downing, Kevin


780 849-7345 Fax 780 849-5826 (1st fl Slave Lake Government Centre 101 - 3 Street SW Slave Lake T0G 2A0) 780 849-7108 (1st fl Slave Lake Government Centre 101 - 3 Street SW Slave Lake T0G 2A0) 780 849-7285 (Slave Lake Government Centre 101 - 3 Street SW Slave Lake T0G 2A0) 780 523-6570 Fax 780 523-5757 (2nd fl Provincial Building 5226 - 53 Avenue High Prairie T0G 1E0)

780 523-6547 Fax 780 523-5757 (2nd fl Provincial Building 5226 - 53 Avenue High Prairie T0G 1E0) Soil and Contaminated Sites Specialist Anand, Vaishalie 780 960-8629 Fax 780 960-8605 (#1, 250 Diamond Avenue Spruce Grove T7X 4C7) Forest Health Technician MacCormick, Jennifer 780 849-7346 (Slave Lake Government Centre 101 - 3 Street SW Slave Lake T0G 2A0) Resource Manager Brock, Curtis 780 960-8632 Fax 780 960-8605 (1st fl 250 Diamond Avenue Spruce Grove T7X 4C7) Forest Health Officer Briggs, Colton 780 778-7213 Fax 780 778-5538 (2nd fl Provincial Building 5020 - 52 Avenue Whitecourt T7S 1N2) Forest Health Technician Brown, Allison 780 778-7202 Fax 780 778-5538 (2nd fl Provincial Building 5020 - 52 Avenue Whitecourt T7S 1N2) Limnologist Tondu, Janna 780 960-8635 Fax 780 960-8605 (1st fl 250 Diamond Avenue Spruce Grove T7X 4C7) Integrated Land Specialist van Os, Bruce 780 778-7266 Fax 780 778-5538 (Main fl Provincial Building 5020 - 52 Avenue Whitecourt T7S 1N2) Senior Fisheries Biologist Macullo, Marcel 780 675-8215 (Provincial Building 4901 - 50 Street Athabasca T9S 1E2) Fisheries Biologist Gullion, Denyse 780 675-8205 Fax 780 675-8165 (1st fl Provincial Building 4901 - 50 Street Athabasca T9S 1E2) Senior Wildlife Biologist Stambaugh, Curtis 780 778-7116 Fax 780 778-5538


Lund, Shawna

Regional Resource Management


Environment and Parks

Wildlife Biologist Blanchard, Fauve

Breault, Andre 780 778-7169 (Main fl Provincial Building 5020 - 52 Avenue Whitecourt T7S 1N2)

South Saskatchewan Region 3rd fl Deerfoot Square 2938 - 11 Street NE Calgary T2E 7L7 Regional Executive Director Foy, Martin

403 297-7950 Fax 403 297-6069

Rangeland Agrologist Boutilier, Nancy

Hood, Terry



3rd fl Deerfoot Square 2938 - 11 Street NE Calgary T2E 7L7 Regional Approvals Manager Wilkinson, Kevin

Olson, Brian

403 297-5896 Fax 403 297-6069 Forestry and Range Approvals Manager Spence, Ross 403 297-8830 Fax 403 297-8803 (8660 Bearspaw Dam Road NW Calgary T3L 1S4)

Forestry Approvals 8660 Bearspaw Dam Road NW Calgary T3L 1S4 Senior Forester Lussier, Jean Forest Management Specialist Hewison, Rupert

Area Forester Juhlin, Tim

Planning Forester Mueller, Robert

403 529-3159 Fax 403 528-5213 (1st fl Provincial Building 346 - 3 Street SE Medicine Hat T1A 0G7) 403 529-3538 Fax 403 528-5213 (1st fl Provincial Building 346 - 3 Street SE Medicine Hat T1A 0G7) 403 529-3685 Fax 403 528-5213 (1st fl Provincial Building 346 - 3 Street SE Medicine Hat T1A 0G7) 403 529-3154 [3154] Fax 403 528-5213 (1st fl Provincial Building 346 - 3 Street SE Medicine Hat T1A 0G7)

Land Approvals 8660 Bearspaw Dam Road NW Calgary T3L 1S4 Approvals Manager Lands Soulodre, Henri

403 297-8831 Fax 403 297-8803

Lands Operations Unit Lead Adams, Dan

403 562-3138 Fax 403 562-7143 (Box 540 Blairmore T0K 0E0)

Lands Officer Allen, Brian

403 562-3141 Fax 403 562-7143 (Box 540 Blairmore T0K 0E0)

Operations Unit Supervisor Mingo, Wendy Forest Officer Land Approvals Thompson, Michael

403 297-8844 Fax 403 297-8803

Forest Officer Johanson, Troy

403 297-8591 Fax 403 297-8803 Joly, Chris 403 297-5647 Salkauskas, Darius 403 297-8804 Fax 403 297-8803 Acting Supervisor / Rangeland Agrologist Carscallen, John 403 297-7623 Fax 403 297-8803 Rangeland Agrologist Boulton, Christine 403 297-6349 Kowalenko, Brendan 403 297-7622 Fax 403 297-8803 Best, Jody 403 627-1129 Fax 403 627-1146 (2nd fl Provincial Building 782 Main Street Pincher Creek T0K 1W0) Piccin, Candace 403 627-1127 Fax 403 627-1146 (2nd fl Provincial Building 782 Main Street Pincher Creek T0K 1W0)

Range Approvals Agriculture Centre 100, 5401 - 1 Avenue South Lethbridge T1J 4V6 Approvals Range Manager Laing, Brian

Van Ham, Samantha

403 529-3718 Fax 403 528-5213 (1st fl Provincial Building 346 - 3 Street SE Medicine Hat T1A 0G7)

403 381-5472 Fax 403 381-5792 Acting Supervisor / Rangeland Agrologist Fitzpatrick, Lynn 403 382-4300 Fax 403 381-5792

403 297-8814 Fax 403 297-8803 403 297-8851 Fax 403 297-8803 403 592-3186 Fax 403 297-8803 403 476-4854 403 297-8813 Fax 403 297-8803

Forest Officer Land Management Evenson, Edward 403 382-4285 (Agriculture Centre 100, 5401 - 1 Avenue South Lethbridge T1J 4V6) Land Management Specialist Keohane, Michelle 403 382-4290 Fax 403 381-5792 (Agriculture Centre 100, 5401 - 1 Avenue South Lethbridge T1J 4V6) Kerr, Frankie 403 297-8811 Fax 403 297-8803 Smith, Geoff 403 529-3167 Fax 403 528-5213 (1st fl Provincial Building 346 - 3 Street SE Medicine Hat T1A 0G7) Taje, Michael 403 562-3142 Fax 403 562-7143 (Box 540 Main fl 11901 - 19 Avenue Blairmore T0K 0E0) Wojtowicz, Cory 403 562-3135 Fax 403 562-7143 (Box 540 Blairmore T0K 0E0)

Approvals Calgary 2nd fl Deerfoot Square 2938 - 11 Street NE Calgary T2E 7L7 Approvals Manager Rush, Brock Water Approvals Team Lead Poon, Randy

403 297-7884 Fax 403 297-2749 403 297-6675 Fax 403 297-2749

Drinking Water Operations Specialist Janzen, Aaron 403 297-7891 Fax 403 297-2749 Municipal Approvals Engineer Lotz, Frank 403 297-8279 Vasicek, Kate 403 297-3803 Fax 403 297-2749 Municipal Approvals Technologist Reich, Craig 403 297-7887 Fax 403 297-2749 Senior Water Technologist Brayford, Kevin 403 297-5672 Fax 403 297-2749 Water Technologist Davis, Reed 403 297-7450 (Deerfoot Square 2938 - 11 Street NE Calgary T2E 7L7) Scoffield, Pauline 403 297-5894 Fax 403 297-2749 Team Lead Industrial Approvals Gower, Dave 403 297-8290 Fax 403 297-2749 Contaminant Hydrogeologist Brown, Janet 403 297-7888 Fax 403 297-2749 Contaminated Sites Coordinator Kirillo, Kim 403 297-8270 Riley, Warren 403 297-7445 Fax 403 297-2749 Industrial Approvals Engineer Feehan, Joseph 403 297-5940 Haghighi, Matt 403 297-7878 Wang, Aster 403 297-5891 Fax 403 297-2749 Risk Assessor McEwen, Barbara 403 297-3591 Regional Soil Specialist Duplessis, Diane 403 297-5918 Fax 403 297-2749 Soil and Contaminated Sites Specialist Quinlan, Jan 403 297-4465 Fax 403 297-2749

Approvals Lethbridge 2nd fl Provincial Building 200 - 5 Avenue South Lethbridge T1J 4L1 Approvals Manager Burland, Rob

403 382-4015 Fax 403 382-4428 Murphy, Kathleen 403 382-4000 Fax 403 381-5337 Senior Water Administration Officer / Acting Team Lead Hunt, David 403 381-5994 Fax 403 381-5337 Drinking Water Operations Specialist Vatcher, Robert (Bob) 403 382-4450 Fax 403 381-5337 Hydrogeologist Gutsell, Jeff 403 381-5301 Fax 403 381-5337 Municipal Approvals Engineer Lok, Dorothy 403 382-4253 Fax 403 381-5337 Wu, Jeffrey 403 381-5499 Fax 403 382-4428 Water Act Approvals Coordinator Kennedy, Marlin 403 381-5995 Fax 403 381-5337 Water Approvals Engineer Cayford, Jason 403 388-7710 Fax 403 381-5337 Water Technologist Firth, Jessica 403 381-5285 Fax 403 381-5337 Water Technologist Mathyk, Stephen 403 381-5970 Fax 403 381-5337

Environment and Parks Environmental Protection Officer Aldred, Carly 403 529-3149 Fax 403 952-1275 (Lower Level Provincial Building 346 - 3 Street SE Medicine Hat T1A 0G7) Senior Water Administration Officer McColl, Donna 403 381-5967 Fax 403 381-5337 Industrial Approvals Manager McIntosh, Susan 403 381-5325 Fax 403 381-5337 Groundwater Coordinator Nash, Geoff 403 382-4258 Fax 403 382-4428 Industrial Approvals Engineer McKenna, Tara 403 381-5997 Fax 403 381-5337 Sexton, Brian 403 388-3145 Zhao, Ping 403 381-5512 Fax 403 381-5337

Feenstra, Stephanie

Wemekamp, Grace

Administrative Support Anderson, Selene

Hiuser, Sarah

Coates, Lorraine

Business Support

Finance and Administration Unit Provincial Building 200 - 5 Avenue South Lethbridge T1J 4L1 Finance and Administration Unit Lead Coolidge, Kim 403 381-5180 Fax 403 382-4008 Administrative Coordinator Lundstad, Barb 403 381-5323 Fax 403 381-5337 (2nd fl Provincial Building 200 - 5 Avenue South Lethbridge T1J 4L1) Records Officer Regier, Mary Lou 403 382-4254 Fax 403 381-5337 (2nd fl Provincial Building 200 - 5 Avenue South Lethbridge T1J 4L1) Records Assistant Tymburski, Anita 403 381-5456 Fax 403 382-4428 (2nd fl Provincial Building 200 - 5 Avenue South Lethbridge T1J 4L1) Administrative Assistant Langis, Sylvie 403 297-5910 Fax 403 297-8232 (2nd fl Deerfoot Square 2938 - 11 Street NE Calgary T2E 7L7) Rich, Patty 403 297-5986 Fax 403 297-2749 (2nd fl Deerfoot Square 2938 - 11 Street NE Calgary T2E 7L7)

Chmielewski, Brenda

403 529-3680 Fax 403 528-5212 (3rd fl Provincial Building 346 - 3 Street SE Medicine Hat T1A 0G7) 403 297-8008 Fax 403 297-8003 (8660 Bearspaw Dam Road NW Calgary T3L 1S4) 403 388-1979 Fax 403 381-5792 (Agriculture Centre 100, 5401 - 1 Avenue South Lethbridge T1J 4V6) 403 381-5486 Fax 403 381-5792 (Agriculture Centre 100, 5401 - 1 Avenue South Lethbridge T1J 4V6)

Finance and Administration Unit 3rd fl Deerfoot Square 2938 - 11 Street NE Calgary T2E 7L7 Unit Lead - Business Support Aitkens, Cheryl Administrative Assistant Hermanson, Ruth

403 297-8805 Fax 403 297-6069 403 297-2005 Fax 403 297-6069

Records Assistant Lorfing, Meredith

403 297-4095 (1st fl Deerfoot Square 2938 - 11 Street NE Calgary T2E 7L7)

Administrative Assistant Sinclair, Barbra

Wollbaum, Danielle

403 297-4878 Fax 403 297-2749 (2nd fl Deerfoot Square 2938 - 11 Street NE Calgary T2E 7L7) 403 297-6250 Fax 403 297-6069 (8660 Bearspaw Dam Road NW Calgary T3L 1S4)

Administrative Support Paterson, Pat

403 362-1232 Fax 403 362-1295 (Provincial Building 220 - 4 Avenue West Brooks T1R 0E9)

Client and Program Support Detbrenner Jenkins, Carleen

403 297-6294 Fax 403 297-2843 (Environmental Protection Building 3115 - 12 Street NE Calgary T2E 7J2)

Records Analyst Reich, Debbie

403 297-5943 Fax 403 297-5669 (1st fl Deerfoot Square 2938 - 11 Street NE Calgary T2E 7L7)

Administration Team Lead Schimanski, Lynn

403 297-8852 Fax 403 297-8803 (8660 Bearspaw Dam Road NW Calgary T3L 1S4)

Administrative Support Johnston, Kris

Welsh, Yvette


403 562-3125 Fax 403 562-7143 (Box 540 Blairmore T0K 0E0) 403 297-8821 Fax 403 297-8803 (8660 Bearspaw Dam Road NW Calgary T3L 1S4)

Finance Lead Unsworth, Beverly

403 297-6126 Fax 403 297-8803 (8660 Bearspaw Dam Road NW Calgary T3L 1S4) Administrative Assistant Danish, Marilyn 403 382-4398 Fax 403 382-4428 (2nd fl Provincial Building 200 - 5 Avenue South Lethbridge T1J 4L1) Administrative Support Peterson, Camilla 403 627-1120 Fax 403 627-1146 (2nd fl Provincial Building 782 Main Street Pincher Creek T0K 1W0) Pringle, Shauna 403 529-3677 (Main fl Provincial Building 346 - 3 Street SE Medicine Hat T1A 0G7) Schneider, Kathy 403 823-1670 Fax 403 823-1651 (Main fl Provincial Building 201 Centre Street Drumheller T0J 0Y0) Stephens, Pam 403 932-2388 (2nd fl Provincial Building 213 - 1 Street West Cochrane T4C 1A5) Wallace, Kelly 403 297-7423 Fax 403 297-2843 (Main fl, Intergraph Building 3115 - 12 Street NE Calgary T2E 7J2) Whitfield, Donna 403 388-7799 Fax 403 381-5723 (2nd fl YPM Place 530 - 8 Street South Lethbridge T1J 2J8)

Resource Information 8660 Bearspaw Dam Road NW Calgary T3L 1S4 Resource Information Generalist Gaylor, Steve GIS / Cartographic Technologist Bradley, Margaret GIS / Mapping Technologist Braun, Angela GIS Specialist Dewalt, Jonathan Resource Information Generalist Castelli, Oriano

403 297-7871 Fax 403 297-8803 403 297-5370 Fax 403 297-8803 403 297-5368 Fax 403 297-8803 403 297-5369 Fax 403 297-8803

403 381-5624 Fax 403 381-5969 (2nd fl Provincial Building 200 - 5 Avenue South Lethbridge T1J 4L1) GIS / Cartographic Technologist Watke, Blair 403 382-4110 Fax 403 381-5969 (2nd fl Provincial Building 200 - 5 Avenue South Lethbridge T1J 4L1)

Compliance Program 3rd fl Deerfoot Square 2938 - 11 Street NE Calgary T2E 7L7


2nd fl Deerfoot Square 2938 - 11 Street NE Calgary T2E 7L7 Regional Business Support Manager Pledge, Spencer 403 297-6635 Fax 403 297-6069 (Deerfoot Square 2938 - 11 Street NE Calgary T2E 7L7) Priority Issues Coordinator Valle, Marisa 403 297-8108 (Deerfoot Square 2938 - 11 Street NE Calgary T2E 7L7) OHS Consultant MacDougall, Amy 403 297-8054 Fax 403 297-6069 (3rd fl Deerfoot Square 2938 - 11 Street NE Calgary T2E 7L7)

403 381-5511 Fax 403 382-4008 (2nd fl Provincial Building 200 - 5 Avenue South Lethbridge T1J 4L1) 403 381-5296 Fax 403 381-5337 (2nd fl YPM Place 530 - 8 Street South Lethbridge T1J 2J8)


Environment and Parks

Regional Compliance Manager Bourget, Darren

403 297-5930 Fax 403 297-8232

Environmental Support Analyst Newkirk, Deanne

Land and Resource Planner Wirzba, Sam

Air Quality Specialist Spurrell, Frauke

Senior Wildlife Biologist Jorgenson, Jon

403 297-5950 Fax 403 297-6069 (3rd fl Deerfoot Square 2938 - 11 Street NE Calgary T2E 7L7)

Compliance Calgary


2nd fl Deerfoot Square 2938 - 11 Street NE Calgary T2E 7L7 Compliance Manager Knaus, Craig

403 297-8294 Fax 403 297-8232 Environmental Protection Officer Sweeney, Randy 403 297-5929 Fax 403 297-8232 Compliance Assurance Lead - Regional Investigations Harris, Sean 403 297-5913 Fax 403 297-8232 EPO Investigator Dollimont, Anthony 403 297-8265 McClelland, Rick 403 297-3750 Fax 403 297-8232 Willms, Mark 403 381-5490 Fax 403 382-4008 (2nd fl Provincial Building 200 - 5 Avenue South Lethbridge T1J 4L1) EPO Inspector Bonham, Kristi 403 297-5648 Fax 403 297-8232 EPO Industrial Inspector Jorgensen, James 403 297-6035 Fax 403 297-8232 Acting Compliance Assurance Lead Municipal / Industrial Inspections West, Larry 403 297-5925 Fax 403 297-8232 EPO Municiapl Inspector Cole, Theresa 403 297-8298 Fax 403 297-8232 EPO Municipal Inspector Mcleod, Amy 403 297-5672 Fax 403 297-8232

Compliance Lethbridge 2nd fl Provincial Building 200 - 5 Avenue South Lethbridge T1J 4L1 Acting Compliance Assurance Lead Investigations McLennan, Stuart 403 382-4013 Fax 403 382-4008 EPO Investigator Juergensen, Brent 403 382-4242 Fax 403 382-4008 EPO Industrial Inspector Morrison, Kim 403 382-4016 Fax 403 382-4008 EPO Municpal Inspector Koehler, Mel 403 382-4246 Fax 403 382-4008 Investigator Bates, Coreen 403 382-4011 Fax 403 382-4008

Resource Management Program 1st fl Intergrath Building 3115 - 12 Street NE Calgary T2E 7J2 Regional Resource Manager Johnson, Darryl

403 562-3126 Fax 403 562-7743 (Main fl Forestry, Lands and Wildlife Yard 11901 - 19 Avenue Blairmore T0K 0E0)

Resource Manager Hills, Brian

403 381-5990 (2nd fl Provincial Building 200 - 5 Avenue South Lethbridge T1J 4L1)

Land and Water Specialist Simonson, Jan

Hydrologist Tanzeeba, Shoma

403 297-8715 (3rd fl Deerfoot Square 2938 - 11 Street NE Calgary T2E 7L7) 403 297-2499 Fax 403 297-6069 (3rd fl Deerfoot Square 2938 - 11 Street NE Calgary T2E 7L7) 403 297-6462 Fax 403 297-6069 (Deerfoot Square 2938 - 11 Street NE Calgary T2E 7L7)

403 297-7883 (3rd fl Deerfoot Square 2938 - 11 Street NE Calgary T2E 7L7) Koning, Wendell 403 297-8267 Fax 403 297-6069 (3rd fl Deerfoot Square 2938 - 11 Street NE Calgary T2E 7L7) Kromrey, Natalie 403 592-2822 (Deerfoot Square 2938 - 11 Street NE Calgary T2E 7L7) Environmental Monitoring Team Lead Tang, Tom 403 297-6563 Fax 403 297-6069 (3rd fl Deerfoot Square 2938 - 11 Street NE Calgary T2E 7L7) Environmental Modeller Wu, Ping 403 592-4032 Fax 403 297-6069 (3rd fl Deerfoot Square 2938 - 11 Street NE Calgary T2E 7L7) Water Quality Modeller Martin, Nancy 403 355-4458 (3rd fl Deerfoot Square 2938 - 11 Street NE Calgary T2E 7L7) Water Modeller Engineer Mekonnen, Muluneh 403 592-4022 Fax 403 297-6069 (3rd fl Deerfoot Square 2938 - 11 Street NE Calgary T2E 7L7) Water Modeling Technologist Thrussell, Neil 403 297-8287 Fax 403 297-6069 (3rd fl Deerfoot Square 2938 - 11 Street NE Calgary T2E 7L7) Forest Health Officer Jones, Brad 403 355-4854 Fax 403 297-8803 (8660 Bearspaw Dam Road NW Calgary T3L 1S4) Environmental Planner Wolfe, Rob 403 297-5383 Fax 403 297-6069 (3rd fl Deerfoot Square 2938 - 11 Street NE Calgary T2E 7L7) Forest Health Technologist McAnally, Bart 403 297-8846 Fax 403 297-8803 (8660 Bearspaw Dam Road NW Calgary T3L 1S4)

403 678-5500 [291] Fax 403 678-5505 (2nd fl Provincial Building 800 Railway Avenue Canmore T1W 1P1)

Resource Manager DePape, Dave

Fisheries Habitat Biologist Sanderman, Mike

Water Quality Specialist Chung, Cecilia

Resource Manager Johnson, Craig

403 382-4349 Fax 403 381-5723 (2nd fl YPM Place 530 - 8 Street South Lethbridge T1J 2J8)

403 297-8577 Fax 403 297-2843 (1st fl Environmental Protection Building 3115 - 12 Street NE Calgary T2E 7J2) 403 355-2400 Fax 403 297-2843 (1st fl Environmental Protection Building 3115 - 12 Street NE Calgary T2E 7J2)

403 382-4346 Fax 403 382-4596 (2nd fl YPM Place 530 - 8 Street South Lethbridge T1J 2J8) Land and Resource Management Forester Irwin, Marina 403 562-3131 Fax 403 562-7143 (Box 540 Blairmore T0K 0E0) Technologist Ling, Wayne 403 592-3164 Fax 403 297-2839 (Main fl, Intergraph Building 100, 3115 - 12 Street NE Calgary T2E 7J2) Senior Fisheries Biologist Petry, Shane 403 382-4362 Fax 403 381-5723 (2nd fl YPM Place 530 - 8 Street South Lethbridge T1J 2J8) Fisheries Biologist Coombs, Matthew 403 562-3293 Fax 403 562-3270 (Box 1139 Provincial Building 12501 - 20 Avenue Blairmore T0K 0E0) Earle, Jennifer 403 851-2211 Fax 403 932-2158 (Box 1420 2nd fl Provincial Building 213 - 1 Street West Cochrane T4C 1B4) Janssens, Emeric 403 382-4353 Fax 403 381-5723 (2nd fl YPM Place 530 - 8 Street South Lethbridge T1J 2J8) Fisheries Referral Biologist Morin, Alicia 403 476-4584 Fax 403 297-2843 (Main fl, Intergraph Building 100, 3115 - 12 Street NE Calgary T2E 7J2) Fisheries Referral Technician Neigum, Leah 403 476-4564 (1st fl 3115 - 12 Street NE Calgary T2E 7J2) Area Fisheries Biologist Christensen, Paul 403 297-7199 Fax 403 297-2843 (1st fl Environmental Protection Building 3115 - 12 Street NE Calgary T2E 7J2)

Environment and Parks Senior Wildlife Biologist Boukall, Brett

403 851-2147 (Box 1420 2nd fl Provincial Building 213 - 1 Street West Cochrane T4C 1B4)

Fisheries Biologist Bumstead, Sara

403 932-0373 Fax 403 932-2158 (Provincial Building 213 - 1 Street West Cochrane T4C 1A5) 403 851-2148 (1st fl Environmental Protection Building 3115 - 12 Street NE Calgary T2E 7J2)

Winkel, Linda

Wildlife Biologist Hale, Greg

403 627-1155 Fax 403 627-4316 (Provincial Building 782 Main Street Pincher Creek T0K 1W0)

Species at Risk Biologist Downey, Brandy

Wildlife Biologist Grue, Mike

Senior Wildlife Technician Dube, Leo

403 381-5120 Fax 403 381-5723 (2nd fl YPM Place 530 - 8 Street South Lethbridge T1J 2J8) 403 381-5526 Fax 403 381-5723 (2nd fl YPM Place 530 - 8 Street South Lethbridge T1J 2J8) 403 388-7777 Fax 403 381-5723 (2nd fl YPM Place 530 - 8 Street South Lethbridge T1J 2J8) 403 382-4363 Fax 403 381-5723 (2nd fl YPM Place 530 - 8 Street South Lethbridge T1J 2J8)

Provincial Programs Branch 4th fl Twin Atria Building 4999 - 98 Avenue Edmonton T6B 2X3 Director Blair, Colin

780 427-8536 Fax 780 427-4407 Director of Surveys / Alberta Boundary Commissioner Shrivastava, Ravi 780 422-0020 Fax 780 427-1493 (15th fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6) Branch Administrative Coordinator Gibson, Rebecca 780 643-0899 Fax 780 427-4407 (15th fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6) Priority Issues Coordinator McLennan, Mary-Ann 780 644-5159 (15th fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6) Manager, Drinking Water and Wastewater Section Charrois, Jeff 780 638-3397 (15th fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6) Industrial Wastewater Specialist Ahmed, Mesbah 780 960-8625 Fax 780 960-8605 (1st fl 250 Diamond Avenue Spruce Grove T7X 4C7)

780 427-8600 (15th fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6)


780 427-3464 Fax 780 422-2545 Senior Manager, Environmental Assessment Kristensen, Corinne 780 427-9116 Fax 780 427-4407 (Main fl Twin Atria Building 4999 - 98 Avenue Edmonton T6B 2X3) Application and Security Coordinator Collins, Valerie 780 427-9541 Fax 780 422-0154 (Main fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6) Education and Training Specialist Peyton, Ali 780 644-1120 Fax 780 422-2545 Water Application Coordinator Tumm, Judy 780 422-8057 Fax 780 422-0154 (Main fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6) Tweten, Cheryl 780 643-1675 Fax 780 422-0154 (Main fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6) Water Use Reporting Berube, Tanya 780 644-4419 Fax 780 422-0154 (Main fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6) Branch Secretary Gan, Mee-Peng 780 415-1100 Fax 780 422-2545

Environmental Assessment, Aggregates, Applications and Continuations Main fl Twin Atria Building 4999 - 98 Avenue Edmonton T6B 2X3

Aggregates Unit

Supervisor Fletcher, Jane


780 415-4667 Fax 780 422-3120 (5th fl Petroleum Plaza ST 9915 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2G8)

Commercial and Industrial Applications Unit

5th fl Petroleum Plaza ST 9915 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2G8 Provincial Approvals Manager Hoover, Val

3rd fl Petroleum Plaza ST 9915 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2G8 Team Lead, Aggregates Sweeney, Joanne

Administrative Support Richards, Donna

780 427-1011 Fax 780 427-1185

780 415-4672 Fax 780 427-1185 Compliance and Assurance Support Kaba, Lizette 780 415-4651 Fax 780 427-1185 (Main fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6) Land Administrator Huxley, Brenda 780 415-4664 Montinola, Catalina 780 415-4641 Fax 780 427-1185 Legal Administrator Davidson, Shelly 780 415-4656 (5th fl Petroleum Plaza ST 9915 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2G8) Mire, Vanessa 780 638-1231 Fax 780 427-1185

5th fl Petroleum Plaza ST 9915 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2G8 Acting Team Lead, Applications Murray, Jon Land Administrator Gamroth, Lorelei Harris, Patricia Ho, Catherine Macchione, Frank Maingat, Marie

780 643-6594 Fax 780 427-1029 780 427-4665 Fax 780 427-1029 780 415-4668 780 415-4685 Fax 780 422-3120 780 643-1853 Fax 780 427-1029 780 415-4678 Fax 780 422-3120

Continuations Unit 5th fl Petroleum Plaza ST 9915 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2G8 Team Lead, Continuation Currie, Shelly Team Lead Schmidt, Fabi Land Administrator Gogerla, Sherryl McNeil, Pat Ochitwa, Teresa Vawter, Annette

780 415-6255 Fax 780 422-2545 780 643-1646 Fax 780 422-2545 780 415-4682 Fax 780 422-3120 780 415-4680 780 427-7430 780 415-2201 Fax 780 422-2545

Legal Administrator Hill, Pamela

780 415-2222

Environmental Assessment 5th fl Petroleum Plaza ST 9915 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2G8 Registrar of Environmental Assessment Daneluk, Melanie 780 427-8873 Fax 780 427-9102 (2nd fl Petroleum Plaza ST 9915 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2G8) Environmental Assessment Coordinator Jurijew, Meghan 780 643-6853 Fax 780 427-4407 (Main fl Twin Atria Building 4999 - 98 Avenue Edmonton T6B 2X3) Trembath, Margot 780 422-9727 Fax 780 427-4407 (2nd fl Petroleum Plaza ST 9915 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2G8) Industrial Resource Specialist Kress, Gerald 780 415-4653 Fax 780 427-1185 (3rd fl Petroleum Plaza ST 9915 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2G8) Administrative Support Bennett, Holly 780 644-5345 Fax 780 422-3120

Approvals and Disposition Services 5th fl Petroleum Plaza ST 9915 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2G8 Head, Approvals and Disposition Services Watson, Jeffrey 780 415-4669 Assistant to the Executive Director Chieng, Trisha 780 415-4639


Resource Manager Morton, Kim

Financial Coordinator Skura, Debbie


Environment and Parks

Agriculture Continuation Unit 5th fl Petroleum Plaza ST 9915 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2G8 Team Lead, Agriculture Continuations Zubko, Donna-Jean 780 427-8614 Fax 780 422-2545 Land Administrator Bihis, Wilma G. 780 427-3563 Fax 780 422-2545 Hiew, Caroline 780 415-4686 Fax 780 427-1029 Jansman, Linda 780 415-4692 Legarie, Michelle 780 643-1852 Ready, Lila 780 427-8876 Fax 780 422-2545 Administrative Support Budnick, Jeana 780 644-2146 Fax 780 422-3120


Sales and Support Unit 5th fl Petroleum Plaza ST 9915 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2G8 Team Lead, Sales and Support Roth, Lori Senior Land Administrator Zavitz, Norma Land Administrator Quaale, Ramona Legal Administrator Dadson, Jane

Drinking Water and Wastewater

780 644-4983 Fax 780 422-2545 780 415-4679 Fax 780 427-1029 780 643-1851 Fax 780 427-1029 780 415-4670

Technical Services Unit 2nd fl Petroleum Plaza ST 9915 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2G8 Team Lead Dunaj, Ted Geomatics Technologist Ambalavaner, Shan Christianson, Chris Schesnuk, Dale Telder, John Shrivastava, Namrata

780 415-4629 Fax 780 422-4252 780 422-1028 780 415-4603 780 415-4606 780 415-4617 Fax 780 422-4252 780 415-4607 Fax 780 722-4252

Provincial Compliance 15th fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6 Enforcement Program Specialist Campbell, Norma Justice Liaison Brooymans, Hanneke

4th fl Twin Atria Building 4999 - 98 Avenue Edmonton T6B 2X3 Drinking-water Quality Regulator Reid, Donald

780 644-8061 Fax 780 427-4407 (15th fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6) Municipal Wastewater Specialist Aidun, Bijan 780 427-7620 Fax 780 427-4407 Drinking Water & Wastewater Operator Certification Program Lead Abramowski, Kathy 780 427-7713 Fax 780 427-5204 (15th fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6) Implementation Analysis Engineer Lewis, Randy 780 960-8614 Fax 780 960-8605 (PO Box 4240 #1, 250 Diamond Avenue Spruce Grove T7X 3B4) Assistant Certification Program Coordinator Bello, Vernice 780 643-1992 Fax 780 644-4955 (10th fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6)

Surveys and Technical Services Section 780 638-1257

780 644-8355 Fax 780 422-4252 Program Manager, Financial Practices Edwards, Andrew 780 638-4305 Fax 780 422-4252 (2nd fl Petroleum Plaza ST 9915 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2G8) Surface Material Auditor Hines-Grant, Simone 780 422-2516 Fax 780 427-1493 (Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6) Administrative Support Winters, Kelly 780 638-4002 Fax 780 427-1493

Provincial Resource Management Licensing and Resource Data 2nd fl Great West Life Building 9920 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2M4

Acting Head Licensing and Resource Data Nadeau, Stuart 780 422-3570 Fax 780 422-9559 Head, Licensing and Resource Data Trowsdale, Carol 780 427-9305 Fax 780 422-0266 Licensing Program Serv Spec Nadworny, Stephen 780 644-7034 Fax 780 422-0266 Revenue and Commercial Services Coordinator Wolfram, Verna 780 427-3466 Fax 780 422-0266 Revenue and Licensing Administrator Wu, Elise 780 427-9335 Fax 780 422-0266 Resource Data Biologist Bilyk, Lonnie 780 427-8136 Fax 780 422-9559 Sherburne, Chad 780 638-4143 Fax 780 422-9557

2nd fl Petroleum Plaza ST 9915 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2G8 Project Leader Banham, Geoff

Geomatics Technologist Mitha, Nizar

Parseyan, Sid

780 638-3769 Fax 780 427-1493 (15th fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6) Records and Special Projects Supervisor Titanich, Edward 780 422-0051 Fax 780 427-1493 (15th fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6) Geomatics Technologist Yanishewski, Marty 780 422-0076 Fax 780 427-1493 (15th fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6)

Division Coordination 4th fl Twin Atria Building 4999 - 98 Avenue Edmonton T6B 2X3 Main Number Toll Free Number 310-3773 Division Planning Director Dickson, Tom 780 415-9367 Fax 780 427-4407 (15th fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6) Pesticide Certification Specialist Servant, Vivianne 780 538-8054 Fax 780 538-5336 (1st fl Provincial Building 10320 - 99 Street Grande Prairie T8V 6J4) Remediation Specialist Davis, Doug 403 755-6141 Fax 403 340-5022 (3rd fl Provincial Building 4920 - 51 Street Red Deer T4N 6K8) Training and Integration Advisor Manchak, Dwayne 780 427-6681 Fax 780 427-4407 (Main fl Twin Atria Building 4999 - 98 Avenue Edmonton T6B 2X3) Morin, Danielle 780 427-4976 (Main fl Twin Atria Building 4999 - 98 Avenue Edmonton T6B 2X3) Ruchkall, Sheldon 403 340-7716 Fax 403 341-8608 (3rd fl Provincial Building 4920 - 51 Street Red Deer T4N 6K8)

Business Operations Unit

780 422-1291 Fax 780 427-1493 (15th fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6)

780 422-1027 Fax 780 427-1493 (15th fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6) Supervisor, Advisory Services Edwards, Curt 780 422-0979 Fax 780 427-1493 (15th fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6) Geomatics Technologist Draginda, Nick 780 422-0028 Fax 780 427-1493 (15th fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6)

2nd fl Petroleum Plaza ST 9915 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2G8 Supervisor Yap, Sharon Geomatics Technician Crosland, Alexandra Delumen, Monarch Staniszewski, Krystian Administrative Support Ly, Anh Penedo, Raquel

780 422-2518 Fax 780 422-4252 780 415-4609 780 415-4626 780 644-1862 Fax 780 422-4252 780 644-7655 780 427-7831 Fax 780 422-4252

AEMERA Secondment 11th fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6 Main Number

Air Monitoring McIntyre Centre 4946 89 Street Edmonton T6E 5K1

780 427-6225 Fax 780 427-4407

Environment and Parks Mobile Air Monitoring Technologist Beaton, Shea 780 427-7888 Fax 780 422-2011 Monitoring Systems Auditor Collins, Marty 780 427-7888 Fax 780 422-2011


Water Monitoring South

Water Technologist - Project Sandhu, Harpreet

Main fl Deerfoot Square 2938 - 11 Street NE Calgary T2E 7L7 Manager Hussey, Morna Research Analyst Bureyko, Jake

Sibbio, Sarina

403 297-7605 Fax 403 297-2749 403 297-7898 Fax 403 297-2749

Compliance Assurance 403 297-5917 Fax 403 297-5669 780 415-4624 Fax 780 427-1185 (3rd fl Petroleum Plaza ST 9915 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2G8) 780 415-4625 Fax 780 427-1185 (3rd fl Petroleum Plaza ST 9915 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2G8)

2nd fl Deerfoot Square 2938 - 11 Street NE Calgary T2E 7L7 Environmental Protection Officer - Inspections Chan, John 403 297-8265 Miller, Leslie 403 297-8262 Fax 403 297-8232

Environmental Planning and Science 3rd fl Deerfoot Square 2938 - 11 Street NE Calgary T2E 7L7 Main Information

403 297-4279 Fax 403 297-6069

Planning and Strategic Engagement 780 643-6267 Fax 780 427-1185 (3rd fl Petroleum Plaza ST 9915 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2G8)

Lethbridge Field Office

3rd fl Deerfoot Square 2938 - 11 Street NE Calgary T2E 7L7 Airshed Coordinator Billings, Laura Lee

403 297-5949 Fax 403 297-6069

Waste Reduction Specialist Whitfield, Dave

Monitoring Programs

Science and Technical Support

11th fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6 Monitoring Program Coordinator Bosch, Allyson Tupker, Kendall

3rd fl Deerfoot Square 2938 - 11 Street NE Calgary T2E 7L7

Water Monitoring North Main fl McIntyre Centre 4816 - 89 Street Edmonton T6E 5K1 Hydrometric Technologist Langston, Greg

Water Quality Technologist Bilyk, Mike

Water Modelling Analyst Moreno, Niandry 780 422-4073 Fax 780 468-2494 (McIntyre Centre 4946 89 Street Edmonton T6E 5K1) 780 422-4324 Fax 780 468-2494

Calgary Office 3rd fl Deerfoot Square 2938 - 11 Street NE Calgary T2E 7L7 Regional Flood Recovery Manager Simieritsch, Rob 403 297-8713 Fax 403 297-2749 Backcountry Trails Flood Rehabilitation Program Lead Jevne, Andun 403 297-3287 Fax 403 297-8803 (8660 Bearspaw Dam Road NW Calgary T3L 1S4) Recreation Stewardship Coordinator Davis, Heather J. 403 562-3128 (Main fl 11901 - 19 Avenue Blairmore T0K 0E0) Special Projects Litke, Jay 403 297-6635 Fax 403 297-6069 Records Analyst Witt, Margaret 403 297-4095 Fax 403 297-5669 (1st fl Deerfoot Square 2938 - 11 Street NE Calgary T2E 7L7)

403 297-8255 Fax 403 297-6069

Environmental Modelling 3rd fl Deerfoot Square 2938 - 11 Street NE Calgary T2E 7L7 WRMM Modeler Berg, Kent

403 381-5305 Fax 403 381-5337

Compliance Assurance 2nd fl Provincial Building 200 - 5 Avenue South Lethbridge T1J 4L1 Information EPO Inspector Williams-Jones, Leigh-Ann

403 381-5511 Fax 403 382-4008 403 388-1102 Fax 403 382-4008

Environmental Planning and Science Science and Technical Support 2nd fl Provincial Building 200 - 5 Avenue South Lethbridge T1J 4L1 2nd fl Provincial Building 200 - 5 Avenue South Lethbridge T1J 4L1

Parks Division 2nd fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6 Reserve Alberta Parks

Public Enquiries

403 297-5893 Fax 403 297-6069 403 297-6302 Fax 403 297-6069

Water Quality Modeller Wang, Michael

403 355-4458 Fax 403 297-6069 Environmental Data Support Analyst Berlando, Amy 403 297-5672 Fax 403 297-6069

Lethbridge Office Authorizations 2nd fl Provincial Building 200 - 5 Avenue South Lethbridge T1J 4L1 Information

2nd fl Provincial Building 200 - 5 Avenue South Lethbridge T1J 4L1 Water Technologist Williams, Wayne

Environmental Modeling

Alberta Environment Shop 535 - 30 Street North Lethbridge T1H 5G4

780 422-6803 780 415-9370 Fax 780 422-8606

Water Authorizations Team

403 381-5322 Fax 403 382-4428

Industrial Authorizations Team 2nd fl Provincial Building 200 - 5 Avenue South Lethbridge T1J 4L1 Industrial Approvals Coordinator Schultz, Rod 403 382-4249 Fax 403 382-4428 Industrial Approvals Engineer Choquette, Brynn 403 381-5512 Fax 403 382-4428 Reclamation Approvals Coordinator Johnson, Terry 403 381-5491 Fax 403 381-5337 Soil and Contaminated Sites Coordinator Macknak, Eric 403 381-5998 Fax 403 381-5337

Assistant Deputy Minister Statt, Graham Executive Advisor Nazarali, Tazim Executive Support Chouinard, Lisa

Toll Free Number 1-877-537-2757 780 427-3582 Toll Free Number 1-866-427-3582 Fax 780 427-5980 780 644-4948 Fax 780 427-5980 780 644-3543 Fax 780 427-5980 780 644-8407 Fax 780 427-5980

Parks Finance Section 2nd fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6 Director Schinkel, Dale Director of Finance Walia, Neenu Divisional Financial Officer Morcos, Emad Financial Admin Officer Lesyk, Doreen Turlione, Angela

780 427-8224 Fax 780 427-5980 780 427-8582 780 643-1043 Fax 780 427-5980 780 427-8499 780 427-0350 Fax 780 427-5980

Financial Administrator Monkman, Kimberley

780 427-5518 Fax 780 427-5980 Revenue Contracts and Revenue Management Coordinator Bresler, Marcy 780 427-9112 Fax 780 427-5980

Parks Program Coordination 2nd fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6


Administrative Support Makaryshyn, Debra

2nd fl Deerfoot Square 2938 - 11 Street NE Calgary T2E 7L7 Information


Watershed Resiliency and Restoration Program Coordinator Dietrich, Monique 403 476-4569 (1st fl 3115 - 12 Street NE Calgary T2E 7J2)


Environment and Parks

Executive Director Donelon, Steve

780 422-4407 Fax 780 427-5980 Assistant to the Executive Director; Parks ARTS Coordinator Knutson, Donna 780 427-8450 Fax 780 427-5980 Branch Administrator Paulsen, Shirley 780 427-7397 Fax 780 427-5980 Manager, Strategic Initiatives MacDonald, Nancy 780 427-5478 Fax 780 427-5980

Parks Land Management 3rd fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6 Director Jones, Scott


780 427-8783 Fax 780 427-5980 Acting Administrative Coordinator Lamin, Laryssa 780 638-3829 Fax 780 427-5980

Parks Conservation and Recreation Planning 3rd fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6 Manager Draper, Tracy

780 427-2757 Fax 780 427-5980 Geomatics and Land Registries Coordinator Hunter, Duke 780 427-6673 Fax 780 427-5980 GIS Specialist Herman, William 780 644-2746 Proudfoot, Wendy 780 427-3524 Fax 780 427-5980 Parks Science Coordinator Gould, Joyce 780 427-7702 Fax 780 427-5980 Parks Ecologist and ACIMS Coordinator Allen, Lorna 780 427-6621 Fax 780 427-5980 Restoration Ecologist Anderson, Karen J. 780 644-2747 Fax 780 427-5980 Parks Zoologist Vujnovic, Drajs 780 427-7159 Fax 780 427-5980 Information Specialist Meijer, Marge 780 427-8554 Fax 780 427-5980 Senior Parks Planner Schmidt, Robin 780 644-8409 Fax 780 427-5980 Senior Systems Planner Lazaruk, Heather 780 427-2330 Fax 780 427-5980

Parks Capital Planning and Infrastructure 3rd fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6 Manager, Capital Planning and Infrastructure Johnson, Murray 780 427-2096 Fax 780 427-5980 Senior Parks Development Planner Arnason, Leah 780 643-1044 Fax 780 427-5980 Infrastructure Asset Management Coordinator van Hemert, Tom 780 427-7308 Fax 780 427-5980 Capital Planning Infrastructure Technologist Ross, Paul 780 643-1812 Fax 780 427-5980 Development Planner Wyman, Brent 780 427-3121 Fax 780 427-5980

GIS Technician Buer, Amanda Parks Wayfinding Specialist Lambert, Heather

780 427-6639 780 427-7526 Fax 780 427-5980

Civil Technologist Cariaga, Kristine

780 427-3120 Fax 780 427-5980

Infrastructure Technologist Brittain, Graham Danylyshen, Chantel

780 427-9384 780 644-2749 Fax 780 427-5980 Infrastructure Technologist (Flood Tech) Wildeman, Gerald 780 427-3132 Fax 780 427-5980

Parks Land Use and Dispositions

Enforcement Operations Coordinator Lester, Scott 780 427-0012 Fax 780 427-5980 Enforcement Training Coordinator Simpson, Stephanie 780 643-0793 (Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6) Operations Planner Branscombe, Ben 780 644-5356 Fax 780 427-5980 Operations Coordinator Schmidt, Anita 780 427-3155 Fax 780 427-5980

Parks Learning and Stewardship Services

780 427-9445 Fax 780 427-5980 Planning and Land Use Technologist Johnstone, Deborah 780 644-5357 Fax 780 427-5980 Land Use Technologist Brinkworth, Lyndon 780 427-2274 Fax 780 427-5980 Dispositions Project Support Azuela, Herman 780 427-2840 Fax 780 427-5980

2nd fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6 Manager, Learning and Stewardship Services Wirtanen, Kevin 780 422-4843 Fax 780 427-5980 Coordinator, Volunteer Services Marshall, Brad 780 427-9017 Fax 780 427-5980 Volunteer Steward Coordinator Grove, Coral 780 427-8515 Fax 780 427-5980 Learning and Stewardship Planner Ritzer, Ted 780 427-8556 Fax 780 427-5980 Environmental Education Coordinator Cantelon, Kevin 780 644-8406 Fax 780 427-5980 Project Coordinator Fraser, Frank 780 638-3052 Fax 780 427-5980

Parks Land-Use Framework

Parks Reservation Service

2nd fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6 Manager Spytz, Chris

2nd fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6 Project Manager Kulak, Lindsay

3rd fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6 Senior Manager Graham, Laura

780 644-8360 Fax 780 427-5980 (2nd fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6)

Team Lead Richards, Bill

Land Use Framework Planner Gill, Cara

780 644-3382 Fax 780 427-5980 780 638-3023 Fax 780 427-5980

Parks Operations, Learning and Stewardship 2nd fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6 Director Findlay, John Administrative Assistant Ruzycki, Lori Receptionist Nahoniak, Tenaya

Operations Planner McEwin, Pam

Lanz, Nicole

780 427-3805 Fax 780 427-5980 780 427-6781 Fax 780 427-5980

Parks Consultation and Engagement 2nd fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6 Manager Driver, Elizabeth

780 644-5355 Fax 780 427-5980 Consultation and Engagement Advisor, Parks Division White, Daynika 780 422-4044 Fax 780 427-5980

Parks Operations 2nd fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6 Manager, Parks Operations Marvin, Doug

Data Management Coordinator Nahorniak, Chartina

Bell, Jenny

780 427-8522 Fax 780 427-5980

780 644-5044 Fax 780 427-5980

780 427-8395 Fax 780 427-5980 780 643-1811 Fax 780 427-5980

780 427-9470 Fax 780 427-5980 403 529-3161 (3rd fl Provincial Building 346 - 3 Street SE Medicine Hat T1A 0G7) 403 529-3161 Fax 403 529-3700 (3rd fl Provincial Building 346 - 3 Street SE Medicine Hat T1A 0G7)

Parks Marketing and Public Information 2nd fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6 Manager Warring, Richard

780 427-9706 Fax 780 427-5980 Public Information Coordinator, Parks Division Desjardins, Tracy 780 427-9385 Fax 780 427-5980 Marketing and Public Information Officer Davis, Laura 780 427-4932 Fax 780 427-5980 Information Officer Fitl, Mary 780 427-4926 Fax 780 427-5980 Parks Web Coordinator McGregor, Darren 780 427-7304 Fax 780 427-5980

Environment and Parks Web and Graphic Designer Lapiak, Joachim

780 643-0970 Fax 780 427-5980

Parks Policy and Strategic Support 2nd fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6 Acting Director Beraska, Keith

780 644-8734 Fax 780 427-5980

Parks Business Integration and Analysis 2nd fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6 Manager Finzel, Roy

780 427-5818 Fax 780 427-5980

Program Analyst Laurin, Nova Prins, Jared

Parks Program Planning and Policy Coordination 2nd fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6 Senior Program / Policy Planner Myers, Sandra Policy Analyst Crell, Caroline Writer / Editor Vacant, Administrative Assistant Conlin, Dianne

780 427-1742 Fax 780 427-5980 780 427-7323 Fax 780 427-5980 780 641-9537 Fax 780 427-5980 780 638-3829 Fax 780 427-5980

Parks Regional Operations

3rd fl Provincial Building 346 - 3 Street SE Medicine Hat T1A 0G7 Park Ecologist, South Region Lockerbie, Cameron

403 529-3134 Fax 403 529-3700

Parks Operation Support 535 - 30 Street North Lethbridge T1H 5G4 Infrastructure Project Coordinator - Lethbridge Shop Vacant, 403 381-5407 Fax 403 382-4459 Infrastructure Project Coordinator - Lethbridge Janzen, Darcy 403 382-4344 Fax 403 382-4459 Infrastructure Team Leader Yeoman, Wesley 403 529-3160 Fax 403 529-3700 (3rd fl Provincial Building 346 - 3 Street SE Medicine Hat T1A 0G7) Maintenance Service Worker Abraham, Ron 403 381-5324 Fax 403 382-4459 Equipment Operator - Vulcan Shop Fukuda, Wesley 403 485-2293 Fax 403 485-2401 (Drawer 930 1009 - 2 Avenue North Vulcan T0L 2B0) Maintenance Service Worker - Vulcan Shop Matheson, Terry 403 485-2293 Fax 403 485-2401 (Drawer 930 1009 - 2 Avenue North Vulcan T0L 2B0) Plumber - Vulcan Shop Grant, Doug 403 485-2293 Fax 403 485-2401 (Drawer 930 1009 - 2 Avenue North Vulcan T0L 2B0)

Executive Director Regional Operations Hugill, Robert 403 362-1203 Fax 403 382-4257 (Provincial Building 220 - 4 Avenue West Brooks T1R 0E9)

Parks Southwest Management Area

Parks South Region

Area Manager Bocking, Keith

4th fl Administration Building 909 - 3 Avenue North Lethbridge T1H 0H5 Main Number Acting Regional Director Swain, Peter Regional Controller Manley, Marge

403 388-1293 Fax 403 382-4257 403 382-4100 Fax 403 382-4257

403 388-3140 Fax 403 382-4257 Regional Infrastructure Administrative Assistant Vander Molen, Annette 403 388-7722 Fax 403 382-4257 Heritage Protection Specialist Dolan, Bill 403 382-4347 Fax 403 382-4257 Senior Parks Planner Jones, Rosemary 403 388-7703 Fax 403 382-4257 Program Support Douglas, Adele 403 382-4149 Fax 403 382-4257 Administrative Assistant Mrak, Helen 403 388-1114 Fax 403 382-4257 Parks Land Use Officer Kuehrt, Mel 403 388-7704 Fax 403 382-4257

4th fl Administration Building 909 - 3 Avenue North Lethbridge T1H 0H5 Main Number

Box 297 Milk River T0K 1M0 Courier Address Visitor Centre Coordinator Lodermeier, Suzanne Caretaking Supervisor Law, Shelly

403 647-2364 [229] Fax 403 647-2503 403 647-2364 [354] Fax 403 647-2503

Parks Cypress Management Area Box 12 Elkwater T0J 1C0 Information Area Manager Swain, Peter

403 893-3777 [101] Fax 403 893-8900 403 893-3777 [107] Fax 403 893-8900

Area Administrative Assistant Melvin, Janine 403 893-3777 [115] Fax 403 893-8900 Equipment Operator Woolsey, Randy 403 893-3822 Fax 403 893-8900 Head of Visitor Services Ractliffe, Mike 403 893-3777 [114] Fax 403 893-3987 Information Officer Freimark, Marion 403 893-3833 Fax 403 893-8900 Interpretive and Education Coordinator Dodds, Chris 403 893-3777 [102] Fax 403 893-8900 Visitor Centre Coordinator McFayden, Katy 780 427-5138 [110] Fax 403 893-8900 Resource Coordinator Berndt, Darwyn 403 893-3777 [110] Fax 403 893-8900 Resource Management Technologist Clarke, Chris 403 893-3777 [112] Fax 403 893-8900 Water Technologist Hordos, Pius 403 893-3777 [111] Fax 403 893-8900

Parks Dinosaur Management Area 403 382-4097 Fax 403 382-4257 403 382-4099 Fax 403 382-4257

Area Administrative Team Lead McNaughton, Patricia

403 382-4098 Fax 403 382-4257 Area Visitor Services Program Coordinator Domes, Aaron 403 388-1287 Fax 403 382-4257 Area Water and Maintenance Lead Morrison, Dale 403 388-1287 Fax 403 382-4257

Parks Lethbridge District Office / Park Lake Provincial Park 4th fl Administration Building 909 - 3 Avenue North Lethbridge T1H 0H5 Main Number 403 381-5745 District Water and Maintenance Supervisor Russell, Lorne 403 381-5756 Fax 403 381-5747

Parks Pincher Creek District Office Main fl, Room 101 NE Provincial Building 782 Main Street Pincher Creek T0K 1W0 Visitor Services Specialist Eijgel, Heidi


Parks Writing-on-Stone Provincial Park

Dinosaur Provincial Park Visitor Centre Box 60 Patricia T0J 2K0 Courier Address Area Manager Hofer, Philipp

403 378-4342 [223] Fax 403 378-4247 Area Maintenance and Utilties Coordinator MacDonald, Bill 403 378-3233 Fax 403 378-4247 Area Administrative Assistant Chase, Carmen 403 378-4342 [238] Fax 403 378-4247 Visitor Centre Operations Supervisor Deschamps, Shauna 403 378-4342 [239] Fax 403 378-4247 Interpretation and Education Supervisor Hammer, Fred 403 378-4342 [225] Fax 403 378-4247 Marketing and Public Relations Specialist Martin, Donna 403 378-4342 [237] Fax 403 378-4247 Visitor Services Program Coordinator Jenkins, Jarrid 403 378-4342 [228] Fax 403 378-4247 Business Operations Assistant Swanson, Warren 403 378-4342 [221] Fax 403 378-4247

Parks Northwest Region 403 627-1152 Fax 403 627-1109

1st fl Provincial Building 10320 - 99 Street Grande Prairie T8V 6J4


780 427-8758 780 427-6313 Fax 780 427-5980 Records Management Coordinator Lai, Jessica 780 427-8272 Fax 780 427-5980

Parks Medicine Hat Office - South Region


Environment and Parks

Regional Director McLeod, Calvin Regional Controller Siscoe, Sandra Operations Manager Hervieux, Margot Infrastructure Team leader McGhee, Rob


Infrastucture Assistant Yaseniuk, Chad

Park Ecologist Arbuckle, Reg Land Use Officer Ogden, Alec

780 538-8010 Fax 780 538-5617

780 538-5603 Fax 780 538-5617 780 849-7370 Fax 780 849-7330 (Box 730 102 Slave Lake Government Centre 101 3rd St SW Slave Lake T0G 2A0) 780 849-7109 Fax 780 849-7330 (Box 730 102 Slave Lake Government Centre 101 3rd St SW Slave Lake T0G 2A0) 780 538-5393 Fax 780 538-5617 780 538-5531 Fax 780 538-5617

780 538-5635 Fax 780 538-5617

Maintenance Service Worker (Moonshine/Dunvegan Provincial Park) Hampton, Rob 780 864-2266 Fax 780 864-3443 (M&J Building 50 Street Spirit River T0H 3G0) Maintenance Service Worker (Saskatoon Island / Musreau / Two Lakes Bielecki, Robin 780 766-3921 Fax 780 766-2333

Parks Slave Lake District Office Box 730 102 Slave Lake Government Centre 101 3rd St SW Slave Lake T0G 2A0 Visitor Services Coordinator Robbins, Ceiridwen Administrative Support Olsen, Darlene

2nd fl Provincial Building 9503 Beaverhill Road Lac La Biche T0A 2C0 Regional Director, Northeast Region, Parks Division Nowicki, Luc 780 623-5472 Fax 780 623-5239 Regional Controller Kaufman, Bernadette 780 623-5470 Fax 780 623-5239 Acting Operations Manager Harvey, Glenn 780 623-5481 Fax 780 623-5239 Infrastructure Team Leader Nevill, Gary 780 623-5442 Fax 780 623-5239 Infrastructure Technologist Kemp, Patrick 780 623-5471 Fax 780 623-5239 Business Administrator Anderson, Cheryl 780 623-5318 Fax 780 623-5239 Program Support Coordinator Sullivan, Leslie 780 623-5469 Fax 780 623-5239 Heritage Protection Team Leader Boisvert, Rae 780 623-5474 Fax 780 623-5239 Parks Land Use Officer Downes, Natasha 780 623-5476 Fax 780 623-5239 Planner Okrainec, Jennifer 780 623-5435 Fax 780 623-5239 Front Country Maintenance Foreman Hattum, Jim 780 623-5235 Fax 780 623-5239 Visitor Services Specialist Colter, Dixie 780 645-6315 Fax 780 623-5239

Parks Lakeland District Office 2nd fl Provincial Building 9503 Beaverhill Road Lac La Biche T0A 2C0 Administration Support Nowak, Nicole

780 623-5235 Fax 780 623-5239 Backcountry Maintenance Foreman Dominique, Ron 780 623-5235 Fax 780 623-5239 780 849-7137 Fax 780 849-7330 780 849-7100 Fax 780 849-7330

Boreal Centre for Bird Conservation Located in Lesser Slave Lake Provincial Park Box 1076 Slave Lake T0G 2A0 Main Number 780 849-8240 Fax 780 849-7330

Parks High Pairie Office (Winagami Lake and Hilliards Bay) Provincial Building 5226 - 53 Avenue High Prairie T0G 1E0 Maintenance Service Worker (Hilliards Bay/Winagami Provincial Park) Donahue, Paul 780 523-6577 Fax 780 523-6525

Parks Peace River District Office 1st fl Provincial Building 9621 - 96 Ave Peace River T8S 1T4

Parks Athabasca District Office 780 624-6125 Fax 780 624-6455

Parks Northeast Region 780 538-5350 Fax 780 538-5617

Parks Grande Prairie District Office 1st fl Provincial Building 10320 - 99 Street Grande Prairie T8V 6J4 Visitor Services Specialist Rhodes, Chelsey

Administrative Support Burnes, Reina

Parks Cold Lake District Office Box 8208 Cold Lake South Cold Lake T9M 1P3 Administrative Support Rooks, Melanie

780 594-7856 Fax 780 594-7858

District Maintenance Foreman Kjenner, Darren

780 943-2342 (Box 39 Elk Point T0A 1A0)

Parks Fort McMurray District Office Gregoire Lake P.P. Box 14 3rd fl Provincial Building 9915 Franklin Avenue Fort McMurray T9H 2K4 District Administrator MacNeil, Shelley

2nd fl Duniece Centre 4810 - 50 Street Athabasca T9S 1C9 Administrative Support Buss, Kathleen District Maintenance Foreman Buss, Darryl

780 675-8213 Fax 780 675-8203 780 681-2469 Fax 780 675-8203

Parks Central Region 700 Millennium Centre 4909 - 49 Street Red Deer T4N 1V1 Regional Director Sutherland, Tom

403 340-5355 Fax 403 754-6243

Parks East Central Branch 700 Millennium Centre 4909 - 49 Street Red Deer T4N 1V1 Regional Operations Manager Santo, Grant

403 340-7657 Fax 403 754-6243

Regional Controller Reimer, Brenda

403 754-6238 Fax 403 754-6243 Regional Personnel / OHS / Administrative Support Olansky, Sandra 780 673-2302 Fax 780 679-0991 (RR2 Site 3 Box 9 Camrose T4V 2N1) Regional Administration / Program Support Foesier, Karen 403 755-1452 Fax 403 754-6243 Regional Planner Krause, Terry 403 340-7683 Fax 403 754-6243 Regional Information Technologist / Program Support Haase, Brent 403 754-6240 Fax 403 754-6243 Land Use Officer Kelly, Ashley 403 755-6163 Regional Park Ecologist Vujnovic, Ksenija 780 644-7688 Fax 780 427-5980 (3rd fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6)

Parks Infrastructure Team 700 Millennium Centre 4909 - 49 Street Red Deer T4N 1V1 Regional Team Leader Ewachow, Dale

403 755-6102 Fax 403 754-6243 Regional Infrastructure Technologist Daviduck, Darcy 403 340-7661 Perozzo, Dan 403 755-6185 Fax 403 754-6243 Regional Infrastructure Administrative Support Androsoff, Laura 403 755-2289 Fax 403 754-6243

Visitor Services Team 700 Millennium Centre 4909 - 49 Street Red Deer T4N 1V1 Regional Team Leader Cole, Alison

403 754-6239 Fax 403 754-6243

Parks West Central Region 780 743-7437 Fax 780 788-6443 (6th fl Provincial Building 9915 Franklin Avenue Fort McMurray T9H 2K4)

PO Box 4240 #1, 250 Diamond Avenue Spruce Grove T7X 3B4 Operations Manager Halabi, Sam

780 960-8170 [229] Fax 780 960-8141

Environment and Parks Regional Controller Dombrosky, Norma

780 960-8170 [222] Fax 780 960-8141

Program Support Coordinator Kuhn, Wanda 780 960-8170 [224] Fax 780 960-8141 Land Use Officer Weyer, Mike 780 960-8170 [223] Fax 780 960-8141 Administrative Support Ruby, Kayla 780 960-8170 [221] Fax 780 960-8141

Administrative Support O'Neill, Colleen

403 748-3939 Fax 403 748-3938 District Maintenance Foreman - Red Deer Collie, Mike 403 887-8641 Fax 403 748-3938

Parks Wainwright District Provincial Building 4705 - 49 Avenue Stettler T0C 2L0 District Clerk MacNaughton, Carol

403 742-7516 Fax 403 742-7999

Administrative Support Burstrom, Daniella

District Maintenance Foreman Lychak, Charles

780 817-3797 Fax 780 865-8353 780 865-8395 Fax 780 865-8353

1st fl Provincial Building 4919 - 51 Street Rocky Mountain House T4T 1B5 General Information

403 845-8349 Fax 403 845-8595

Administrative Support Grover, Roni

403 845-8349 Fax 403 845-8595 Visitor Services Supervisor - David Thompson Corridor Thursfield, Graham 403 845-8309 Fax 403 845-8595

Parks Infrastructure Maintenance PO Box 4240 #1, 250 Diamond Avenue Spruce Grove T7X 3B4 Infrastructure Team Leader Coulson, Bill Water Technologist Hovdestad, Hawkeye Administrative Support Osborne, Kathy

780 960-8170 [245] Fax 780 960-8141 780 960-8170 [234] Fax 780 960-8141 780 960-8170 [244] Fax 780 960-8141

Rocky Mountain House Shop c/o 1st fl Provincial Building 4919 - 51 Street Rocky Mountain House T4T 1B5 Maintenance Service Worker Hope, Douglas

403 845-8370

Parks Camrose District Central 52365 Range Road 210 Sherwood Park T8G 1A6 District Maintenance Foreman - Miquelon / Blackfoot / Strathcona Key, Frank 780 922-3293 Fax 780 922-5554 District Maintenance Service Worker - Miquelon / Blackfoot / Strathcona Thibeault, Jim 780 922-3293 Fax 780 922-5554 Maintenance Service Worker - Miquelon Lake Mack, Robyn 780 672-2071 (RR2 Site 3 Box 9 Camrose T4V 2N1)

Parks Red Deer District 700 Millennium Centre 4909 - 49 Street Red Deer T4N 1V1 District Clerk Belan, Shirley

1st fl, Provincial Building 213 - 1 Street W Cochrane T4C 1A5 Mailing Address Box 8003 Cochrane, AB T4C 2J7 Infrastructure Manager Vander Helm, Stan Administrative Support Cavalieri, Shannon Infrastructure Team Leader Evenson, AJ

2nd fl Provincial Building 800 Railway Avenue Canmore T1W 1P1 Regional Director Storie, Mark

Administrative Support Marble, Shauna

Assistant to the Director Christiansen, Laurie

403 678-5500 [275] Fax 403 678-5505 Administratve Support / Receptionist Davis, Heather P. 403 678-5508 Fax 403 678-5505 Flood Recovery Safety Officer Griffith, Hal (1st fl, Provincial Building 213 - 1 Street W Cochrane T4C 1A5) Planning Team Leader Lynn, Maria 403 678-5508 [270] Fax 403 678-5505 Regional Controller Palmer, Jenny 403 678-5500 [267] Fax 403 678-5505 Finance / Personnel Administrator Wishart, Sandy 403 678-5500 [266] Fax 403 678-5505 Resource Management Support Milhousen, Debra 403 678-5500 [283] Fax 403 678-5505

Parks Operations Section 2nd fl Provincial Building 800 Railway Avenue Canmore T1W 1P1 Kananaskis Area Manager Hanna, Dave

Caretaker Ainscough, Dorinda

403 591-6311 Fax 403 591-7379 (c/o Peter Lougheed Provincial Park Box 130, Kananaskis Village Kananaskis T0L 2H0) 403 591-6311 Fax 403 591-7379 (c/o Peter Lougheed Provincial Park Box 130, Kananaskis Village Kananaskis T0L 2H0)

403 851-2210 Fax 403 932-8104 403 932-8103 Fax 403 932-8104 403 851-2144 Fax 403 932-8104

403 932-0382 403 932-0382 Fax 403 932-8104 Johnson, Rich 403 932-0382 Fax 403 297-2372 LeBlanc, Torrie 403 932-0382 Paczkowski, Jonathan 403 932-0382 Reade, Jodi 403 932-0382 Schmidek, Leah 403 932-0382 Leong, Al 403 932-0382 Fax 403 932-8104 (Environmental Learning Centre 13931 Woodpath Road SW Calgary T2W 5R6) Seward, Gary 403 932-0382 (Environmental Learning Centre 13931 Woodpath Road SW Calgary T2W 5R6) Administration Team Lead Muthukumaru, Jody 403 932-0386 Fax 403 932-8104

1st fl, Provincial Building 213 - 1 Street W Cochrane T4C 1A5 Mailing Address Box 847 Cochrane, AB T4C 1A5 Team Leader Johnston, Bill

403 932-8103 Fax 403 932-8104

403 932-2981 Fax 403 932-8104

Infrastructure Technologist Aasen, Lukas Busby, Mathew

Parks FOAs / Facilities

McDonald, Andrea

403 748-2833 Fax 403 748-3938

Parks Infrastructure / Operations Support

Parks Kananaskis Region

403 678-5508 [272] Fax 403 678-5505

403 932-8103 Fax 403 932-8104

403 678-5500 [282] Fax 403 678-5505 Assistant to Operations Manager Code, Sandra 403 678-5500 [276] Fax 403 678-5505

Parks Maintenance / Trails - Peter Lougheed Provincial Park c/o Peter Lougheed Provincial Park Box 130, Kananaskis Village Kananaskis T0L 2H0 Technologist - Peter Lougheed / Spray Cieslak, James 403 591-6323 Fax 403 591-7379 Maintenance Service Worker Belliveau, Andre 403 591-6323 Cairns, Jody 403 591-6323 Fax 403 591-7379


Parks Rocky Mountain House District Office

780 853-8159 Fax 780 853-8264 (Box 8 2nd fl Provincial Building 4701 - 52 Street Vermilion T9X 1J9) District Maintenance Service Worker Lysen, Darryl 780 853-8159 Fax 780 853-8264 (Box 8 2nd fl Provincial Building 4701 - 52 Street Vermilion T9X 1J9)


403 591-6314 Fax 403 591-7379 (c/o Peter Lougheed Provincial Park Box 130, Kananaskis Village Kananaskis T0L 2H0)

Utilities Technologist Donnelly, Steve

Parks Hinton District Office 3rd fl Civic Centre 131 Civic Centre Road Hinton T7V 2E6 Visitor Services Supervisor Sunderwald, Scott

Maintenance Service Worker Peterson, Randy


Environment and Parks


Parks Public Engagement 2nd fl Provincial Building 800 Railway Avenue Canmore T1W 1P1 Public Engagement and Inclusion and Collaboration Team Leader Den Hoed, Don 403 678-5500 [269] Fax 403 678-5505 Flood Recovery Volunteer and Partner Coordinator Airey, Kaylyn 403 678-5500 Fax 403 678-5505 Information and Outreach Programmer Bagg, Christian 403 678-0760 Dowling, Kieran 403 678-0760 (c/o Peter Lougheed Provincial Park Box 130, Kananaskis Village Kananaskis T0L 2H0) Information Content Coordinator Fizor, Duane 403 678-5500 [235] Fax 403 678-5505 [235] Environmental Education Coordinator Barnes, Andrea 403 678-5500 [284] Perkins, Vicki 403 678-5500 [284] Fax 403 678-5505 Web and Print Publications Coordinator Hery, Christian 403 678-5508 [289] Fax 403 678-5505 Visitor Information Centre Administrator Oberhoffner, Joe 403 673-2785 (c/o Bow Valley Provincial Park Box 280 Exshaw T0L 2C0) Interpretive Supervisor Rubeling, Daniella 403 673-3663 [220] Fax 403 673-3587 (Bow Valley Provincial Park Box 280 Exshaw T0L 2C0) Interpretation and Education Programmer Miller, Jill 403 673-3663 [218] Fax 403 673-3587 (Bow Valley Provincial Park Box 280 Exshaw T0L 2C0) Interpretive Supervisor Landry, Claudette 403 591-6319 Fax 403 591-7379 (c/o Peter Lougheed Provincial Park Box 130, Kananaskis Village Kananaskis T0L 2H0)

Parks Park Ecology 2nd fl Provincial Building 800 Railway Avenue Canmore T1W 1P1 Park Ecologist Team Leader Percy, Melanie Park Ecologist Paczkowski, John Gow, Rod

GIS Coordinator Jevons, Scott

403 678-5500 [231] Fax 403 678-5505

403 678-5500 [238] Fax 403 678-5505 403 673-3663 [207] Fax 403 673-3587 (c/o Bow Valley Provincial Park Box 280 Exshaw T0L 2C0) 403 678-5500 [274] Fax 403 678-5505

Parks Canmore Nordic Centre 100 1988 Olympic Way Canmore T1W 2T6 Manager Roycroft, Michael

403 678-2400 [104] Fax 403 678-5696

Visitor Experience and Marketing Supervisor Taylor, Sue 403 678-2400 [114] Fax 403 678-5696 Visitor Experience & Marketing Specialist Roy, Vicky 403 678-2400 [117] Special Events Coordinator Macklern, Aleks 403 678-2400 Fax 403 678-5696 Biathlon Range Specialist Coyne, Geret 403 678-2400 [105] Fax 403 678-5696 Administrative Supervisor Murphy, Corin 403 678-2400 [102] Fax 403 678-5696 Facilities Maintenance Pellerin, Aaron 403 678-2400 [110] Fax 403 678-5696 Maintenance Service Worker Ashton, Paul 403 678-2400 [108] McSween, Dave 403 678-2400 [106] Temple, Jamie 403 678-2400 Fax 403 678-5696 Mechanic Oruski, Jim 403 678-2400 Fax 403 678-5696 Technologist Weiss, Lee 403 678-2400 [103] Fax 403 678-5696 Trails Specialist Andersen, Chris 403 678-2400 [266] Fax 403 678-5696

Parks Maintenance / Trails - Elbow / Highwood / Sheep Elbow Ranger Station Bag 1 Bragg Creek T0L 0K0 Technologist - East Kananaskis Dick, Joe Fullerton, Stanley (Sam) Jacobson, Kyle

403 949-4941 403 949-4941 403 933-7172 (c/o 535 Turner Valley T0L 2A0)

Parks Bow Valley Provincial Park Bow Valley Provincial Park Box 280 Exshaw T0L 2C0 Administrative Support Chappeland, Marie-Pierre

403 673-3663 [201] Fax 403 673-3587

Parks Kananaskis District Box 130 Kananaskis T0L 2H0 Administrative Support / Office Manager Brehaut, Christine 403 591-6300 Fax 403 591-7379 (Box 130 Gunn T0E 1A0)

Parks East Kananaskis Box 535 Turner Valley T0L 2A0 Administrative Support / Office Manager Herman, Debra 403 933-7172 Fax 403 933-7173

Parks Maintenance / Trails - Bow Valley Provincial Park William Watson Lodge (Special User c/o Bow Valley Provincial Park Facility) Box 280 Exshaw T0L 2C0 Technologist - Bow Valley and ETPRA Eamon, Jeff 403 673-3663 [227] Fax 403 673-3587

Parks Calgary Management Area (Fish Creek/Glenbow/Cochrane Districts) c/o Fish Creek Provincial Park Box 2780 15979 Bow Bottom Trail SE Calgary T2P 2M7 Manager - Calgary Management Area (Alberta Parks) Sjovold, Travis 403 297-5293 Fax 403 297-5284 Administrative Support Till, Irene 403 297-5293 Fax 403 297-5284 Maintenance Supervisor (FCPP District) Hummel, Robert 403 297-7846 Fax 403 297-5284 Maintenance Service Worker (Glenbow / Cochrane District) Thome, Trevor 403 297-5293 Fax 403 297-5284

c/o Peter Lougheed Provincial Park Box 130, Kananaskis Village Kananaskis T0L 2H0 Administrative Support Johnston, Patti Perron, Rosalie Ross - Cieslak, Gwen

Parks Public Safety Box 70 Kananaskis Village Kananaskis T0L 2H0 Station Officer Corriveau, Martin Fire Prevention Officer Jeffries, Huw Lesiuk, Brent Noseworthy, Doug Robertson, Gary Public SafetyTeam Leader MacKenzie, Jeremy

Parks Environmental Education Environmental Learning Centre 13931 Woodpath Road SW Calgary T2W 5R6 District Visitor Services Coordinator Rempel, Jennell 403 297-7833 Fax 403 297-5284 (Box 2780 Bow Valley Ranch Visitor Centre Calgary T2P 0Y8) Interpreter Millen, Julia 403 297-7827 Fax 403 297-7849 Environmental Education Coordinator Kirzinger, Roland 403 297-7927 Fax 403 297-7849

403 591-7227 403 591-7227 403 591-7227 Fax 403 591-7372

Public Safety Specialist Koppang, Mike

403 591-7755 Fax 403 591-7123 403 591-7755 403 591-7755 403 591-7755 403 591-7755 Fax 403 591-7123 403 678-5500 [277] Fax 403 678-5505 (2nd fl Provincial Building 800 Railway Avenue Canmore T1W 1P1) 403 678-5500 [278] Fax 403 678-5505 (2nd fl Provincial Building 800 Railway Avenue Canmore T1W 1P1)

Parks Kananaskis Emergency Services Centre Box 70 Kananaskis Village Kananaskis T0L 2H0 KESC - Team Leader Halifax, Craig

403 591-7755 Fax 403 591-7123 Emergency Communications Officer Gilhen, David 403 591-7755 McQuiston, Duncan 403 591-7755 Webb, Becky 403 591-7755 Fax 403 591-7123

Environment and Parks

Special Events and Permits Provincial Building 213 - 1 Street West Cochrane T4C 1A5 Special Events and Permit Coordinator Rees, Tammi 403 851-2207 (Box 1420 2nd fl Provincial Building 213 - 1 Street West Cochrane T4C 1B4) Visitor Services Interpreter - Miquelon Lake Hodgson, Isabella 780 678-2022 Fax 780 679-0991 (AFSC Building 4910 - 52 Street Camrose T4V 2V4)

Policy and Planning Division 11th fl Petroleum Plaza ST 9915 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2G8 Information

780 422-8463 780 644-8430 780 422-4715 780 644-7984 780 422-8640

Air and Climate Change Policy Branch 12th fl Baker Centre 10025 - 106 Street Edmonton T5J 1G4 Executive Director Rich, Kate (Kathleen)

780 644-5290 Fax 780 415-1718 Assistant to the Executive Director Martin, Gotthelf 780 638-2341 Office Coordinator Thibeau, Eleanor 780 644-6999 Fax 780 415-1718

Air Policy Section 12th fl Baker Centre 10025 - 106 Street Edmonton T5J 1G4 Section Head Namsechi, Hamid

780 427-9931 Fax 780 415-1718 Senior Air Emissions Standards Engineer Curran, Rhonda Lee 780 644-5339 Fax 780 415-1718 Senior Air Emissions Engineer Ricci, Matilda 780 644-8357 Fax 780 415-1718 Air Emissions Engineer Gollapudi, Sushmitha 780 643-1673 Fax 780 415-1718 Senior Source Standards Engineer Dobko, Randy 780 427-6869 Fax 780 415-1718 Senior Air Evaluation Scientist Wong, Raymond 780 427-0820 Fax 780 415-1718 Air Modelling Engineer Lyder, David 780 644-8693 Fax 780 415-1718 Emissions Inventory Scientist Melick, Richard 780 422-9495 Fax 780 415-1718 Ambient Air Scientist Clayton, Andrew 780 644-7966 Fax 780 415-1718 Ambient Air Specialist Parrell, Crystal 780 427-6873 Fax 780 415-1718

Air Policy Specialist Bielawski, Phyllis Sharkey, Richard Senior Air Scientist Aklilu, Yayne-abeba Air Effects Scientist Blair, Laura

780 644-4717 Fax 780 415-1718 780 643-0892 780 644-6974 Fax 780 415-1718 780 644-5039 Fax 780 415-1718 780 427-4979 Fax 780 415-1718

Climate Change Policy Section 12th fl Baker Centre 10025 - 106 Street Edmonton T5J 1G4 Section Head Climate Change Policy Spears, Nicole 780 427-4208 Fax 780 415-1718 Senior Policy Advisor Carmichael, Heather 780 644-3022 Finzel, Christeen 780 415-6654 Micek, Monica 780 644-1292 Waddell, Brian 780 422-8687 Fax 780 415-1718 Policy Analyst Ottoni, Steven 780 638-3698 Fax 780 415-1718 Adaptation Strategy Coordinator Thompson, Yvette 780 427-3312 Fax 780 415-1718

Climate Change Regulatory and Mitigation 12th fl Baker Centre 10025 - 106 Street Edmonton T5J 1G4 Section Head Vacant, Senior Policy Advisor Bambrick, Amanda

780 638-4478 Fax 780 415-1718 780 644-5482 Fax 780 415-1718

780 644-6958 780 644-6941 Fax 780 415-1718 Climate Change Emissions Analyst Manji, Shahin 780 644-7001 Fax 780 415-1718 Climate Change Specialist Forseth, Patrick 780 644-7521 Hamaliuk, Robert 780 644-8364 Hernandez, Gustavo 780 644-7844 Pletcher, Shan 780 638-3628 Storey-Bishoff, John 780 644-7119 Wheler, Justin 780 644-6982 Fax 780 415-1718

Fish and Wildlife Policy Branch

Executive Director Ripley, Travis Administrative Coordinator Drummond, Debra Gunn, Deborah Administrative Support Bluett, Jodi Elkow, Corene

780 523-6517 Fax 780 523-5757 (2nd fl Provincial Building 5226 - 53 Avenue High Prairie T0G 1E0)

Fish and Wildlife Habitat Policy 2nd fl Great West Life Building 9920 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2M4 Section Head Stepnisky, Dave

780 427-3029 Fax 780 422-9559 Aquatic Invasive Species Technician Rushcall, Tany 780 644-4647 Fax 780 422-9559 Provincial Wildlife Habitat Specialist Mack, Glenn 780 422-3344 Fax 780 422-9557 Provincial Aquatic Habitat Specialist Walker, Dani 780 644-5353 Fax 780 422-9559 Provincial Aquatic Invasive Species Specialist Wilson, Kate 780 427-7791 Fax 780 422-9559 Provincial Habitat Biologist Berg, Gavin 780 422-3412 Fax 780 422-9557 Provincial Environmental Flows Biologist Makowecki, Lauren 780 427-7793 Fax 780 422-9559 Provincial Environmental Flows Specialist Paul, Andrew 403 851-2200 Fax 403 932-2158 (Provincial Building 213 - 1 Street West Cochrane T4C 1A5)

Fisheries Management Policy

Policy Advisor Fiorillo, Sam McLaren, Lindsay

2nd fl Great West Life Building 9920 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2M4 Main Number


Fish and Wildlife Policy Manager Heckbert, Mark

780 427-5185 Fax 780 422-9559 780 427-7763 Fax 780 422-9559 780 427-7743 Fax 780 422-9559 780 427-5558 Fax 780 422-0266 780 427-5182 Fax 780 422-9559 780 427-0152 Fax 780 422-9557

2nd fl Great West Life Building 9920 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2M4 Section Head / Provincial Fisheries Allocation Park, David 780 427-8347 Fax 780 422-9559 Provincial Fish Stocking and Aquaculture Specialist Wagner, Jim 780 427-7959 Fax 780 422-9559 Provincial Fish Science Specialist Sullivan, Michael 780 422-3409 Fax 780 422-9685 (7th fl OS Longman Building 6909 - 116 Street Edmonton T6H 4P2) Provincial Fish Disease Specialist Larson, Bev 780 427-8288 Fax 780 422-9685 (7th fl OS Longman Building 6909 - 116 Street Edmonton T6H 4P2) Fish Disease Technician Port, Emily 780 427-3833 Fax 780 422-9685 (7th fl OS Longman Building 6909 - 116 Street Edmonton T6H 4P2) Fish Stock Assessment Biologist MacPherson, Laura 780 422-3196 Fax 780 422-9685 (7th fl OS Longman Building 6909 - 116 Street Edmonton T6H 4P2)

Species at Risk, Non-Game and Wildlife Disease Policy 2nd fl Great West Life Building 9920 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2M4


Assistant Deputy Minister Flint, Shannon Executive Advisor Schmidt, Jaclyn Executive Assistant Miller, Michelle White, Jane Williams, Cindy

780 427-1799 Fax 780 415-9669

Air Policy Analyst Cho, Sunny


Environment and Parks


Section Head Cotterill, Sue

780 422-9535 Fax 780 422-9557 Provincial Species at Risk Specialist Fargey, Pat 780 415-2001 Fax 780 422-9557 Species at Risk Biologist Kemper, Cindy 780 644-8014 Fax 780 422-9557 Provincial Wildlife Status Biologist Court, Gordon 780 422-9536 Fax 780 422-9557 Provincial Wildlife Disease Specialist Pybus, Margo 780 427-3462 Fax 780 422-9685 (7th fl OS Longman Building 6909 - 116 Street Edmonton T6H 4P2) Wildlife Disease Specialist Ball, Mark 780 644-8012 Fax 780 422-9685 (7th fl OS Longman Building 6909 - 116 Street Edmonton T6H 4P2) Wildlife Disease Technician Stamler, Samantha 780 643-0873 (7th fl OS Longman Building 6909 - 116 Street Edmonton T6H 4P2) Wildlife Status Biologist Gutsell, Robin 780 644-1154 Fax 780 422-9557 Caribou Recovery Biologist Flasko, Amy 780 538-5620 Fax 780 538-5622 (Main fl Provincial Building 10320 - 99 Street Grande Prairie T8V 6J4) Wachowski, Julia 780 833-4292 Fax 780 538-5622 (Box 23 Main fl Provincial Building 10320 - 99 Street Grande Prairie T8V 6J4) Provincial Non-Game Specialist Wilkinson, Lisa 780 723-8556 Fax 780 723-7963 (2nd fl Provincial Building 111 - 54 Street Edson T7E 1T2) Sage-Grouse Recovery Biologist Whiklo, Todd 403 528-5209 Fax 403 528-5212 (3rd fl Provincial Building 346 - 3 Street SE Medicine Hat T1A 0G7)

Land and Forestry Policy Branch

Oil Sands Reclamaton Research Specialist Brassard, Brian 780 415-9376 Fax 780 422-4192

10th fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6 Executive Director Singh, Kem

Rangeland Integration Section

Special Projects Manager Smith, Dan

780 427-7012 Fax 780 422-4192 780 674-8232 Fax 780 674-8382 (2nd fl Provincial Building 5020 - 52 Avenue Whitecourt T7S 1N2)

Waste Policy Section 10th fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6 Section Head Kane, Patrick Waste Policy Team Lead Della Costa, Christine Senior Waste Policy Advisor Lakusta, Shelleen Page, Natasha Waste Management Specialist Berkenbosch, Rick Nelson, Carol Senior Waste Policy Advisor Martin, Jennifer Nicol, Scott Waste Policy Advisor Adjei, Richard Esslinger, Jarret

780 422-2136 Fax 780 422-4192 780 427-8242 Fax 780 422-4192 780 415-8931 780 427-5830 Fax 780 422-4192 780 644-2310 780 427-5445 Fax 780 422-4192 780 427-2257 780 422-2009 Fax 780 422-4192 780 427-0054 780 644-5091 Fax 780 422-4192

Land Conservation and Reclamation Policy Section 10th fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2G8 Section Head Pojasok, Taras

4th fl Great West Life Building 9920 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2M4 Section Head Newsham, Helen

780 427-4764 Fax 780 422-0454

Administrative Assistant Round, Sharon

780 422-5346 Fax 780 422-0454 Land Allocation and Management Senior Advisor Stokes, Teresa 780 422-5203 Fax 780 422-0454 Provincial PGR Weed Management and Program Specialist Webb, Brad 780 427-7965 Fax 780 422-0454 Rangeland Issues Management Specialist Pals, Matthew 780 638-3185 Fax 780 422-0454 Land Information Management and Analysis Unit Lead Willoughby, Mike 780 422-4598 Fax 780 422-0454 Land Geomatics Program Lead Green, Sarah 780 643-1769 Fax 780 422-0454 Provincial Land GIS Analyst Zimmer, Alison 780 643-6881 Fax 780 422-0454 Rangeland GIS Technologist Aneliunas, Ryma 780 427-4576 Fax 780 422-0454 Integrated Operations Unit Lead Kesseler, Rob 780 422-4568 Fax 780 422-0454

Issues and Planning Section 4th fl Great West Life Building 9920 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2M4 Manager, Issues and Planning Vacant,

780 422-2083 Fax 780 422-0454 Administrative Coordinator / Expenditures and Contracts 780 427-2980 Lockhart, Lynn 780 427-8249 Fax 780 422-4192 Fax 780 422-4192 Manager, Reclamation, Remediation and Pesticides (10th fl Oxbridge Place Byrtus, Gary 780 427-9911 9820 - 106 Street Fax 780 422-4192 Edmonton T5K 2J6) Contaminated Sites Policy Specialist Administrative Assistant Sawatsky, Norman 780 644-4957 Amlani, Nasrin 780 427-3081 Fax 780 422-4192 Fax 780 422-4192 Reclamation Policy Specialist (10th fl Oxbridge Place Dinwoodie, Gordon 780 427-0600 9820 - 106 Street Wildlife Management Policy Lambert, Brian 780 643-1635 Edmonton T5K 2J6) 2nd fl Great West Life Building Fax 780 422-4192 Caputo, Emilia 780 427-3595 9920 - 108 Street Remediation and Reclamation Specialist Fax 780 422-0454 Edmonton T5K 2M4 McGillivray, Susan 780 415-4643 Administrative Support Section Head Fax 780 427-1185 Shaver, Angela 780 427-3595 Besko, Matt 780 427-7769 (3rd fl Petroleum Plaza ST Fax 780 422-0454 Fax 780 422-9559 9915 - 108 Street Provincial Carnivore Specialist Range Resource Policy Section Edmonton T5K 2G8) Frame, Paul 780 422-8411 4th fl Great West Life Building Mohamed, Premee 780 638-3286 Fax 780 422-9557 9920 - 108 Street Fax 780 422-4192 Edmonton T5K 2M4 Provincial Big Game Specialist Pesticide Policy Specialist Area Range Management Specialist - Lethbridge Corrigan, Rob 780 644-8011 Shaikh, Nasir 780 427-0031 Fax 780 422-9557 Broadbent, Tanner 403 381-5982 Fax 780 422-4192 Fax 403 381-5792 Commercial Wildlife and Priority Species Specialist Environmental Soil Specialist (Agriculture Centre Kay, Dave 780 644-4646 Chen, Chi 780 427-5125 100, 5401 - 1 Avenue Fax 780 422-9557 Fax 780 422-4192 South Provincial Waterfowl Specialist Mine Water Policy Specialist Lethbridge T1J 4V6) Caswell, Jason 780 415-8145 Burkus, Zvonko 780 643-0811 Area Range Management Specialist - Red Deer Fax 780 422-9557 Fax 780 422-4192 Blonski, Laura 403 340-5311 Quantitative Wildlife Biologist Reclamation Policy Specialist (2nd fl Provincial Building McKenzie, Hannah 780 638-1245 Watson, Don 780 427-5553 4920 - 51 Street Fax 780 422-9559 Fax 780 422-4192 Red Deer T4N 6K8)

Environment and Parks Provincial Rangeland Specialist - Barrhead Lawrence, Donna 780 674-8301 Fax 780 674-8382 (Box 4534 Provincial Building 6203 - 49 Street Barrhead T7N 1A4) Provincial Rangeland Specialist - Grasslands / Lethbridge DeMaere, Craig 403 382-4297 (Agriculture Centre 100, 5401 - 1 Avenue South Lethbridge T1J 4V6) Provincial Rangeland Specialist - Montane / Foothills / Pincher Creek Alexander, Mike 403 627-1131 Fax 403 627-1146 (2nd fl Provincial Building 782 Main Street Pincher Creek T0K 1W0) Area Range Management Specialist Pincher Creek / Lethbridge Miller, Amanda 780 643-6685 Fax 780 422-0454 Range Management Specialist France, Terri 403 297-7364 (8660 Bearspaw Dam Road NW Calgary T3L 1S4) Range Management Specialist - Peace River Stone, Colin 780 624-6322 Fax 780 624-6180 (Bag 900-35 Main fl Provincial Building 9621 - 96 Avenue Peace River T8S 1T4) Range Management Specialist - St. Paul Moisey, Darlene 780 645-6308 Fax 780 645-6281 (1st fl Provincial Building 5025 - 49 Avenue St. Paul T0A 3A4)

Loskutova, Olena

Public Lands Policy Section

9th fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6 Acting Manager, Modelling and Geographic Science Chang, Chiadih 780 427-0123 Fax 780 422-4192 Geographic Science Team Lead Churchill, Tom 780 427-8832 Fax 780 422-4192 Geomatics Program Specialist Companiytsev, Valery 780 638-3835 Fax 780 422-4192 Geomatics Specialist Sharma, Richa 780 644-4463 Fax 780 427-1185 Senior GIS Analyst Page, Don 403 340-7117 Fax 403 340-7081 (2nd fl Provincial Building 4920 - 51 Street Red Deer T4N 6K8) Xu, Chen 403 592-3026 Fax 403 297-6069 (3rd fl Deerfoot Square 2938 - 11 Street NE Calgary T2E 7L7) Technical Coordinator Adei, Benjamin 403 476-4880 Fax 403 297-6069 (3rd fl Deerfoot Square 2938 - 11 Street NE Calgary T2E 7L7) Environmental Modeller Magai, Robert 780 427-7990 Fax 780 415-1718

Forestry Policy Section 8th fl Great West Life Building 9920 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2M4 Section Head Greenway, Ken

Policy Advisor Jehlicka, Naomi Forestry Policy Analyst Boult, Tim Bluetchen, Jeremy

780 422-4017 Fax 780 644-7571 (11th fl Baker Centre 10025 - 106 Street Edmonton T5J 1G4) 780 643-9147 Fax 780 427-0085

Policy Integration Branch 10th fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6 Executive Director von Hauff, Heather

Mattiello, Danielle

780 643-9369 Fax 780 422-4192 780 422-4356 Fax 780 422-4192 780 638-1044 Fax 780 422-4192 (9th fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6) 780 427-8315 Fax 780 422-4192

Biodiversity, Ecosystem Services and Science Section 9th fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6 Section Head Makowecki, Brian

780 422-4569 Fax 780 422-4192

Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services 9th fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6 Acting Manager, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Kerr, Gillian 780 644-7965 Fax 780 422-4192 Policy Advisor Junor, Dave 780 422-5462 McMillan, Sandra 780 644-3421 Fax 780 422-4192

Modelling and Geographic Science

Science and Technology 780 427-6571 780 644-8220 Fax 780 427-0085

9th fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6


780 422-6444 Fax 780 422-4192

Technology Specialist Phaneuf, Rick

Administrative Coordinator Bolseng, Ted Administrative Assistant Kushneryk, Crystal

Manager Keller, Jerry

780 638-3029 Fax 780 422-4192 (10th fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6) Science and Technology Analyst Unwala, Sadiq 780 427-0637 Fax 780 422-4192 Ecosystem and Risk Assessment Modeller Bampfylde, Caroline 780 644-4969 Fax 780 415-1718

Policy Alignment and Legislation Section 10th fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6 Acting Section Head, Policy Alignment and Legislation McLennan, Brenna 780 644-1467 Manager, Legislation and Regulatory Projects Dent, Heather 780 422-3035 Fax 780 422-4192 Policy Advisor Isaac, Kendra 780 644-6967 Fax 780 422-4192 Policy Analyst Pawelec, Tom 780 644-2474 Ta, Angela 780 427-7848 Ternovatsky, Mark 780 644-4693 Fax 780 422-4192 Senior Advisor Legislation Webb, Cal 780 427-1625 Fax 780 422-4192 Legislative Coordinator Connell, Leanne 780 427-1788 Fax 780 422-4192

Socio-Economics and Environmental Health Section 10th fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6 Section Head Metz, Mary

780 644-8856 Fax 780 422-4192

Economist Anderson, Barry J. Dobson, Stephen Neupane, Anish

780 422-1358 780 427-6439 780 427-8803 Fax 780 422-4192 Environmental Health Team Lead Hopkins, Debra 780 644-8371 Fax 780 415-1718 (9th fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6) Environmental Health Risk Assessor Wall, Kaitlyn 780 644-8590 Fax 780 422-4192 (9th fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6) Sociologist Habulin, Cory 780 427-5448 Fax 780 422-4192

Planning Branch 3rd fl Petroleum Plaza ST 9915 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2G8 Executive Director Milligan, Scott Assistant to Executive Director Keef, Nicole

780 422-0672 Fax 780 638-3187 780 422-1118 Fax 780 638-3187


2nd fl Petroleum Plaza ST 9915 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2G8 Section Head, Public Lands Policy Begg, John 780 427-4657 Fax 780 427-1185 Policy Analyst Chowdhury, Nazmul 780 644-3184 Unit Lead, Riparian Management Haekel, Gerry 780 427-4767 Fax 780 427-1185 Aquatic Ecologist Staudt, Danica 780 644-2358 Fax 780 422-4252 Policy Analyst Bykowski, Alexandra 780 638-3118 Low, Jessica 780 644-7654 Fax 780 422-4252 Tax Recovery Coordinator Dave, Meena 780 427-4664 Fax 780 422-4252

780 641-1059


Environment and Parks


Senior Manager Dyson, Ian

403 381-5430 Fax 403 382-4428 (2nd fl Provincial Building 200 - 5 Avenue South Lethbridge T1J 4L1) Director, Policy and Operational Alignment Jantzie, Tim 780 644-8353 (11th fl Petroleum Plaza ST 9915 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2G8) Business Manager Finley, Elma 780 422-4842 Fax 780 427-1185 Technical Coordinator Agyapong, Dinah 780 415-4650 Bambrick, Donna 780 644-5121 Highet, Lara 780 644-8944 Fax 780 427-1185 IRMS Operations Specialist Maracle, Shilpa 780 638-5681 Fax 780 638-3187 Technical Coordinator Park, June 780 427-4766 Fax 780 427-1185

Regional Planning Section 11th fl Baker Centre 10025 - 106 Street Edmonton T5J 1G4 Director Lalonde, Kim

Planning Lead, North Biamonte, Vince Biodiversity Planner Vacant,

403 297-7480 Fax 403 297-6069 (3rd fl Deerfoot Square 2938 - 11 Street NE Calgary T2E 7L7) 780 643-1708 Fax 780 638-3187 780 643-1283 Fax 780 638-3187

Land Management Planner Vinge, Tim

780 638-3214 Fax 780 427-1185 (3rd fl Petroleum Plaza ST 9915 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2M4) Land-use Framework Planner Price, Tracy 780 644-3298 Fax 780 638-3187 Planning Lead - South Sweet, Christine 780 415-4647 Fax 780 638-3187 Land Management Planner Sundquist, Karen 780 643-6508 Fax 780 638-3187 Central Planning Lead Willms, Chad 780 643-1639 Fax 780 638-3187 Regional Planner - Central Polasek, Laura 780 427-3555 Fax 780 638-3187 Air Planning Specialist Slessor, Fiona 780 643-6510 Fax 780 638-3187 Forest Management Planner Trenchard, Shereen 780 778-7110 Fax 780 778-5538 (Main fl Provincial Building 5020 - 52 Avenue Whitecourt T7S 1N2) Water Management Planner Kneffel, Eleanor 780 427-6866 Lebel, Mathieu 780 643-6480 Fax 780 638-3187

Cumulative Effects Assessment Section 11th fl Baker Centre 10025 - 106 Street Edmonton T5J 1G4

Director Johnson, Dallas

Wahab, Samuel

780 644-8356 Fax 780 638-3187 Lead, Evaluation and Improvement Depoe, Sarah 780 427-3347 Fax 780 638-3187 Air Modeller Xu, Wen 780 643-1650 Fax 780 638-3187 Biodiversity Specialist White, Shannon 780 643-1637 Fax 780 638-3187 Land and Biodiversity Modeller Van Rensen, Cassidy 780 643-6982 Fax 780 638-3187 Surface Water Specialist Leidl, Chantelle 780 644-7514 Fax 780 638-3187 Water Modeller Vacant, 780 427-3423 Fax 780 638-3187

Planning System and Support Section 3rd fl Petroleum Plaza ST 9915 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2G8 Director Hemens, Brendan Planner Clifford, Carrie Information Lead Mathyk, Jocelyne

780 641-9429 Fax 780 427-1185 780 427-9773 403 388-3132 Fax 403 381-5969 (2nd fl Provincial Building 200 - 5 Avenue South Lethbridge T1J 4L1)

Geomatics Lead Arril, Ben

780 422-0567 Fax 780 427-1185 Integrated Land Management Specialist Chand, Cynthia 780 644-3374 Fax 780 427-1185 Administrative Support Dick, Andrew 780 415-4662 Fax 780 427-1185 Project Management Specialist May-McDonald, Judy 780 427-2931 Fax 780 638-3187 (11th fl Baker Centre 10025 - 106 Street Edmonton T5J 1G4) Project Management Coordinator Thurston, Carol 780 415-1860 Fax 780 638-3187 (11th fl Baker Centre 10025 - 106 Street Edmonton T5J 1G4) Business Process Support Development Coordinator Ussher, Sherry 780 644-2449 Fax 780 427-1185

Land and Environment Planning (North) 3rd fl Petroleum Plaza ST 9915 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2G8 Director Savage, Robert Senior Planner Siad-Omar, Abdi

Planner Dahl, Monica

780 644-4918 Fax 780 427-1185 780 427-7227 Fax 780 427-7824 (Main fl Twin Atria Building 4999 - 98 Avenue Edmonton T6B 2X3)

780 675-8206 Fax 780 675-8165 (Main fl Provincial Building 4903 - 50 Street Athabasca T9S 1E2) Integrated Land Management Specialist Bruce, John 780 638-1230

780 427-6756 Fax 780 427-1185 (3rd fl Petroleum Plaza ST 9915 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2M4)

Watershed Planner Prusak, Joe

780 415-8495 Fax 780 427-7824 (Main fl Twin Atria Building 4999 - 98 Avenue Edmonton T6B 2X3) Project Management Lead Coish, Dave 780 644-8733 Fax 780 427-1185 (3rd fl Petroleum Plaza ST 9915 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2M4)

Land and Environmental Planning (Central) 3rd fl Petroleum Plaza ST 9915 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2G8 Director Bruha, Jamie

780 415-8561 Fax 780 427-1185 Watershed Ecosystem Services Analyst Fularz, Jerzy 780 415-4623 Fax 780 427-1185 Planner Adams, Lori 780 427-7066 Fax 780 427-7824 (Main fl Twin Atria Building 4999 - 98 Avenue Edmonton T6B 2X3) Integrated Land Management Planner Bissonnette, Michael 780 644-8940 Fax 780 427-1185 Planner Mussell, Dave 780 960-8642 (Main fl Telus Building 250 Diamond Avenue Spruce Grove T7X 4C7)

Land and Environmental Planning (South) 3rd fl Deerfoot Square 2938 - 11 Street NE Calgary T2E 7L7 Director Sinton, Heather

403 297-3628 Fax 403 297-8803 (8660 Bearspaw Dam Road NW Calgary T3L 1S4) SSRP Planning Coordinator McCubbin, Heather 403 562-3289 Fax 403 297-6069 (8660 Bearspaw Dam Road NW Calgary T3L 1S4) Zary, Amber 403 381-5470 Fax 403 382-4428 (2nd fl Provincial Building 200 - 5 Avenue South Lethbridge T1J 4L1) Environmental Planner Cerney, Linda 403 388-3130 (2nd fl Provincial Building 200 - 5 Avenue South Lethbridge T1J 4L1) Dash, Cheryl 403 381-5562 Fax 403 382-4428 (2nd fl Provincial Building 200 - 5 Avenue South Lethbridge T1J 4L1) Goodwin, Audrey 403 529-3591 Fax 403 528-5224 (102 Provincial Building 346 - 3 Street SE Medicine Hat T1A 0G7)

Environment and Parks Planner Boehme, Phil

Nelson, Greg

403 340-7195 (3rd fl Provincial Building 4920 - 51 Street Red Deer T4N 6K8) 403 341-8679 (3rd fl Provincial Building 4920 - 51 Street Red Deer T4N 6K8)

Water Policy Branch 7th fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6 Main Number Executive Director Ridge, Andy Senior Advisor DiMarzo, Luigi Senior Policy Advisor McLeod, Kim

Administrative Assistant Hohn, Evelyn

780 638-4198 Fax 780 644-4955 780 422-7872 780 427-2405 Fax 780 422-6712 780 644-4961 Fax 780 644-4955 780 644-8716 Fax 780 644-4955

Groundwater Policy Section 7th fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6 Section Head Wallace, Steve Groundwater Policy Advisor MacPherson, Jennifer Podporin, Oleg

780 427-9759 Fax 780 644-4955 780 427-9517 780 638-3650 Fax 780 644-4955

Hydrogeologist Guha, Sangeeta Moktan, Hira

780 643-1863 780 415-0526 Fax 780 644-4955 Groundwater Water Policy Specialist Gordon, Sue 403 297-5671 Fax 780 644-4955 (2nd fl Deerfoot Square 2938 - 11 Street NE Calgary T2E 7L7) Klebek, Margaret 780 427-9840 (Main fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6) Satterthwaite, Susan 780 415-9491 (Main fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6) Water Process Engineer Moody, Sarah 780 427-0574 (Main fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6)

Surface Water Policy 7th fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6 Section Head Hebben, Thorsten

780 644-5302 Fax 780 422-6712 Policy Project Management Specialist Meilleur, Susan 780 643-1042 Fax 780 644-4955 Water Policy Advisor Hurley, Joey 780 638-3855 Fax 780 422-6712 Water Quality Specialist Casey, Richard 780 427-1583 Fax 780 422-6712

780 644-1238 Fax 780 422-6712 Water Quality Guidelines Specialist Little, Joanne 780 427-3363 Fax 780 422-6712 Hydrologist Seneka, Michael 780 427-9976 Fax 780 422-6712 Water Policy Specialist Islam, Zahidul 780 643-9044 Fax 780 422-6712 Surface Water and Aquatic Policy Specialist Westcott, Kim 780 644-4654 (Main fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6) Limnologist Hazewinkel, Roderick 780 415-9631 (Main fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6) Water Process Engineer Sharma, Kusumakar 780 644-7522 (Main fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6)

Water Resources Coordination Section

Buziak, Kelly

Self, Julie Thompson, Breanna

780 427-9539 Fax 780 638-3493

Strategy Division 11th fl Petroleum Plaza ST 9915 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2G8 Assistant Deputy Minister Blackwood, Rick Executive Advisor Goertzen, Donna Executive Support Krumm, Annette

780 427-1139 Fax 780 415-9669 780 422-4738 Fax 780 415-9669 780 422-4547 Fax 780 415-9669

Stewardship Branch 3rd fl Great West Life Building 9920 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2M4

Energy 3rd fl Great West Life Building 9920 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2M4 Policy Analyst Callihoo, Dennis

780 641-9784

3rd fl Great West Life Building 9920 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2M4 780 644-7271 Fax 780 422-6712 780 644-6984 Fax 780 644-4955 780 644-1048 (Main fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6) 780 644-6989 780 643-0982 Fax 780 644-4955

Wildlife Management Branch 2nd fl Great West Life Building 9920 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2M4 Main Number Executive Director Bjorge, Ron

780 427-5185 Fax 780 422-0266 780 427-9503 Fax 780 422-0266

Non-game, Species at Risk and Wildlife Disease

Policy and Planning 3rd fl Great West Life Building 9920 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2M4

Engagement and Relationships 3rd fl Great West Life Building 9920 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2M4 Engagement Coordinator Aginas, Lyndon

780 643-6470 Fax 780 643-6595

Collaboration and Stakeholder Interaction 3rd fl Great West Life Building 9920 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2M4 Stakeholder Engagement Analyst Leeder, Jared 780 643-3458 Fax 780 643-6595 (4th fl Great West Life Building 9920 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2M4)

2nd fl Great West Life Building 9920 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2M4

Strategy Development and Foresight

Game and Priority Species

11th fl Baker Centre 10025 - 106 Street Edmonton T5J 1G4 Executive Director Lane, Cam

2nd fl Great West Life Building 9920 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2M4 Manager, Priority Species Hamilton, George

780 415-2001 Fax 780 422-9557

Public Lands Appeal Board 2nd fl Petroleum Plaza ST 9915 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2G8 Appeals Coordinator McClure, Gordon Board Legal Counsel Bachelder, Andrew Assistant Registrar Gohil, Dillon


Aboriginal Engagement and Planning

7th fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6 Section Head Vanderpuye, Edith Water Policy Advisor Ali, Arshad

Administrative Assistant Hardcastle, Rhonda


Office Coordinator Girard, Juliet

780 644-4959 Fax 780 644-4955

Water Quality Technologist Raven, Mary

Administrative Assistant Ness, Kim Administrative Support Rahim, Shamim

780 427-4743 Fax 780 638-3493 780 427-0606 Fax 780 638-3493 780 641-8895 Fax 780 638-3493

Strategic Forestry Initiatives Lindsay, Kate

780 427-9451 Fax 780 644-7571 780 427-7533 Fax 780 644-7571 780 415-4655 Fax 780 644-7571 780 427-4458 Fax 780 644-7571

Integrated Resource Management System Office 11th fl Baker Centre 10025 - 106 Street Edmonton T5J 1G4


Environment and Parks

System Designer Crosby, Wayne

System Office 11th fl Baker Centre 10025 - 106 Street Edmonton T5J 1G4 Systems Manager Stemp, Raymond Portfolio Coordinator Sengar, Heena


Foresight Strategist Benedict, Christy Rose, Peter Research Analyst Williams, Cheryl Hobbs, Lyndsay

780 427-2303 Fax 780 644-7571 780 641-9510 Fax 780 644-7571

780 415-1288 780 644-2275 Fax 780 644-7571

Strategic Advisor Free, Brian Krieger, Martina Thrussell, Douglas

780 643-1780 780 644-6966 Fax 780 644-7571

780 644-8728 Fax 780 638-3187 Environmental Strategies Advisor Hansdah, Devraj 780 643-6599 Fax 780 638-3187

Strategic Priorities and Innovation 11th fl Baker Centre 10025 - 106 Street Edmonton T5J 1G4 Section Head Kryba, Shauna

780 638-1338 Fax 780 421-0028

9th fl Petroleum Plaza ST 9915 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2G8 Section Head Willianen, Sharon

780 643-1672 Fax 780 644-7571

11th fl Baker Centre 10025 - 106 Street Edmonton T5J 1G4 Section Head Flett, Jillian

780 644-1260 Fax 780 421-0028 780 960-8633 Fax 780 960-8605 (PO Box 4240 #1, 250 Diamond Avenue Spruce Grove T7X 3B4) 780 427-7765 780 427-9457 Fax 780 421-0028 403 340-4854 Fax 403 340-5022 (3rd fl Provincial Building 4920 - 51 Street Red Deer T4N 6K8)

Intergovernmental Relations 9th fl Petroleum Plaza ST 9915 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2G8 Section Head Acheson, Kathy Manager Kavalinas, Stan Policy Analyst Casorso, Michelle

780 427-2074 Fax 780 421-0028 780 422-4572 Fax 780 421-0028 780 422-6445 Fax 780 421-0028


780 422-0260 Fax 780 644-7571 Research and Innovation Coordinator Wheatley, Matthew 780 643-6820 Fax 780 644-7571 Innovation Program Analyst Nguyen, Michelle 780 644-7513 Project Coordinator Zeleny, Kim 403 382-4012 Fax 403 382-4428 (2nd fl Provincial Building 200 - 5 Avenue South Lethbridge T1J 4L1) Strategy Analyst Kitagawa, Myles 780 644-5122 Fax 780 644-7571 Strategic Analyst McFadden, Farrah 403 388-3183 Fax 403 382-4428 (2nd fl Provincial Building 200 - 5 Avenue South Lethbridge T1J 4L1)

Strategic Relationships and Engagement

Administrative Coordinator Proulx, Francine

780 644-1253 Fax 780 421-0028

Strategic Relationships

Senior Advisor Horning, Curtis

Strategic Planning and Development

9th fl Petroleum Plaza ST 9915 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2G8 Executive Director Stokes, Robert

9th fl Petroleum Plaza ST 9915 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2G8 Section Head Chawla, Neelam Analyst Dixon, Sarah

Strategic Foresight 11th fl Baker Centre 10025 - 106 Street Edmonton T5J 1G4 Section Head Horton, Andrew

Ritchie, Karen

Advocacy 780 643-6591 Fax 780 644-7571 (Main fl Oxbridge Place 9820 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2J6)

780 422-2690 Fax 780 427-1185 780 427-2306 Fax 780 421-0028

9th fl Petroleum Plaza ST 9915 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2G8 Section Head Toner, Justin Senior Engagement Specialist Mortemore, Nora Engagement Specialist Bateman, Nancy Eeglon, Brenda

780 422-7407 Fax 780 421-0028 780 427-4857 Fax 780 421-0028 780 638-4177 780 427-5369

Education and Outreach 12th fl Petroleum Plaza ST 9915 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2G8 Section Head Harris, Rob Administrative Assistant Supernault, Arlene

780 643-0911 Fax 780 427-4407

780 638-3294 Fax 780 427-4407 Innovation and Partnerships Specialist Kulba, Doug 780 833-4232 Fax 780 538-5336 (1st fl Provincial Building 10320 - 99 Street Grande Prairie T8V 6J4) Provincial Education and Outreach Specialist Barwise, Joanne 780 644-7806 Stefanyshyn, Darice 780 644-1742 Steiger, Carly 780 644-8466 Fax 780 427-4407

403 476-4866 (8660 Bearspaw Dam Road NW Calgary T3L 1S4)

Graphic Designer Lemay, Andre Plante, Karen

780 638-1300 780 427-5779 Fax 780 427-4407 Regional Education and Outreach Specialist, South Saskatchewan Region Aupers, Wendy 403 297-6357 Fax 403 297-2843 (Main fl, Intergraph Building 100, 3115 - 12 Street NE Calgary T2E 7J2) Price, Jane 403 297-8850 Fax 403 297-8803 (8660 Bearspaw Dam Road NW Calgary T3L 1S4) Regional Education and Outreach Specialist, Upper and Lower Peace Region Burke, Blaine 780 538-6219 Fax 780 833-4339 (3rd fl Provincial Building 10320 - 99 Street Grande Prairie T8V 6J4) Regional Education and Outreach Specialist, Upper Athabasca Region Gustafson, Glenn 780 960-8631 Fax 780 960-8605 (1st fl 250 Diamond Avenue Spruce Grove T7X 4C7) Regional Education and Outreach Specialist, Lower Athabasca Region Farrant, Charlotte 780 623-5368 Fax 780 623-4584 (2nd fl Provincial Building 9503 Beaverhill Road Lac La Biche T0A 2C0) Regional Education and Outreach Specialist, Red Deer North Saskatchewan Region Stagman, Rita 780 514-3414 Fax 780 542-6454 (Main fl Penn West Petroleum Building 6521 - 50th Avenue West Drayton Valley T7A 1R6) Education and Outreach Specialist Kennedy, Sharina 403 341-8676 Fax 403 340-5022 (3rd fl Provincial Building 4920 - 51 Street Red Deer T4N 6K8) Robertson, Heather 780 778-7262 (250 Diamond Avenue Spruce Grove T7X 4C7)

ESRD Information Centre Main fl Great West Life Building 9920 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2M4 Main Number Toll Free Number 1-877-944-0313 Toll Free Number 310-esrd (3773) Information Centre Supervisor Johnston, Brad 780 427-9318 Fax 780 427-4407 ESRD Information Officer Brown, Craig 780 422-2082 Fax 780 427-4407 Gorday, Dianne 780 427-4795 Nelson, Valerie 780 427-8120

Bow Habitat Station Bow Habitat Station 1440 - 17A Street SE Calgary T2G 4T9 Main Number Managing Director Saude, Robyn

403 297-6561 Fax 403 592-8552 403 592-8542 Fax 403 592-8552

Environment and Parks Education Programmer Hayzelden, Erin Kerley, Lauren Lovely, Alison Verger, Kate Programming Coordinator Higgins, Janine Jorstead, Catherine Public Outreach Coordinator UnRuh, Tamara Administrative Assistant Shropshire, Cindy

403 297-6561 403 297-6561 403 297-6561 403 297-6561 Fax 403 592-8552 403 592-8541 403 592-8545 Fax 403 592-8552 403 592-8544 Fax 403 592-8552 403 592-8543 Fax 403 592-8552

Land Use Secretariat 9th fl Centre West Building 10035 - 108 Street Edmonton T5J 3E1 Main Number

Transboundary Secretariat 1407 Baker Centre 10025 - 106 Street Edmonton T5J 1G4 Director, Transboundary Secretariat Yee, Brian 780 638-3186 Fax 780 644-7571

780 427-4954 Fax 780 644-7571 Transboundary Water Quantity Specialist delaChevrotiere, Carmen 780 427-0710 Fax 780 644-7571 Transboundary Water Quality Specialist Li, Gongchen 780 422-8464 Fax 780 644-7571 Administrative Assistant Westaway, Andrea 780 644-4686 Fax 780 644-7571

Alberta Environmental Appeals Board 3rd fl Peace Hills Trust Tower 10011 - 109 Street Edmonton T5J 3S8 Information

780 427-6207 Fax 780 427-4693

Chair Perras, Delmar

780 427-6207 Fax 780 427-4693 General Counsel and Settlement Officer Van Nes, Gilbert 780 427-4179 Fax 780 427-4693 Board Secretary Black, Denise 780 427-7002 Fax 780 427-4693 Registrar of Appeals Myrmo, Valerie 780 427-6569 Fax 780 427-4693 Associate Counsel Fluker, Marian 780 427-4202 Fax 780 427-4693 Administrative Assistant Delaney, Jennie 780 415-8542 Mah, Candice 780 427-8420 Fax 780 427-4693

Natural Resources Conservation Board Information

780 422-1977 Web Address http://www.nrcb.gov.ab.ca Fax 780 427-0607 For concerns or complaints related to agricultural Toll Free Number activities under the 1-866-383-6722 Agricultural Operation Practices Act

Calgary Office 1910, Centennial Place 250 - 5 Street SW Calgary T2P 0R4 Main Number

Edmonton Office 4th fl Sterling Place 9940 - 106 Street Edmonton T5K 2N2 Main Number

780 422-1977 Fax 780 427-0607

Fairview Office Provincial Building 10209 - 109 Street Fairview T0H 1L0 Main Number

780 835-7111 Fax 780 835-3259

Lethbridge Office Agriculture Centre 100, 5401 - 1 Avenue South Lethbridge T1J 4V6 Main Number

Morinville Office 2nd fl Provincial Building 10008 - 107 Street Morinville T8R 1L3 Main Number

403 381-5166 Fax 403 381-5806

780 939-1212 Fax 780 939-3194

Red Deer Office 3rd fl Provincial Building 4920 - 51 Street Red Deer T4N 6K8 Main Number

403 340-5241 Fax 403 340-5599

Surface Rights Board / Land Compensation Board Summerside Business Centre 1229 - 91 Street SW Edmonton T6X 1E9 Information

780 427-2444 Fax 780 427-5798

Web Address and E-Mail Web Address www.srblcb.gov.ab.ca Chairperson Hawranik, Gerald Director Mason, Jill Board Solicitor Sinclair-Santos, Karen Board Administrator Tardy, Dawn Office Administrator Thompson, Debbie Administrative Support Horkey, Deda Klute, Wendy Przyswitt, Helga Tkachuk, Shirley Board Officer Chmelyk, Arlene McDonald, Wanda Omilian, Elizabeth Board Officer Assistant Penner, Laurie Land Compensation Board Blair, Lynne

403 297-8269 Fax 403 662-3994


780 427-2444 Fax 780 427-5798 780 427-9388 Fax 780 427-5798 780 427-6441 Fax 780 427-5798 780 427-2444 780 427-2444 [7266] Fax 780 427-5798 780 644-8769 780 415-6450 780 427-0917 780 644-8768 Fax 780 427-5798 780 427-9127 780 427-8254 780 427-7642 Fax 780 427-5798 780 427-6785 Fax 780 427-5798 780 644-8770 Fax 780 427-5798

Climate Change Panel Assistant Deputy Minister Locke, Sandra

780 644-7702 (4th fl Commerce Place 10155 - 102 Street Edmonton T5J 4L6) Technical Engagement Lead, Climate Change Panel Fulsom, Michael 780 427-3069 (11th fl Petroleum Plaza ST 9915 - 108 Street Edmonton T5K 2G8)


780 644-7972 Web Address http://www.landuse.alberta.ca/ Fax 780 644-1034 [email protected] Stewardship Commissioner Blackwood, Rick 780 427-1139 Fax 780 415-9669 Executive Advisor Goertzen, Donna 780 422-4738 Fax 780 415-9669 Executive Support Krumm, Annette 780 422-4547 Vanderzyde, Anne 780 415-1395 Fax 780 415-9669 Executive Director, Land Use Secretariat Damer, Crystal 780 644-5014 Fax 780 644-1034 Executive Support Tauber, Amie 780 644-7972 Fax 780 644-1034 Budget / Project Coordinator Hung, Ursula 780 427-9195 Fax 780 644-1034 Director, Consultations Bartesko, Dave 780 422-4871 Fax 780 644-1034 Consultation Officer Cardinal, Susan 780 638-3117 Fax 780 644-1034 Director, Operations Management Tralnberg, Carolyn 780 644-8431 Fax 780 644-1034 Engagement Officer Thompson, Ciaran 780 638-3043 Fax 780 644-1034 Land Stewardship Officer Mohammed, Eleanor 780 427-4659 Fax 780 644-1034 Director, Regional Planning Tjostheim, Glen 780 644-7977 Fax 780 644-1034 Regional Planning Project Lead Hickley, Mac 780 644-1480 Fax 780 644-1034 Regional Plan Project Support Coordinator Harback, Kimberly 780 638-3873 Fax 780 644-1034 Policy Analyst Calbick, Ken 780 644-7980 Fax 780 644-1034 Hamilton, Anthony 780 427-2561

Senior Transboundary Advisor Toth, Tim


Aasen - Barwise 403 932-0382

Aasen, Lukas (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 932-8104

Aasen, Todd (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 340-5022

403 340-7782

Abera, Daniel (ESRD) [email protected]

780 849-7247

Abioye, Stephen (ESRD) [email protected]

780 427-6451 780 644-1073 Fax 780 427-7824

Abraham, Ron (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 382-4459

Abramowski, Kathy (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-5204

Acharya, Mohanath (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-6334

Acheson, Kathy (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 421-0028

Adams, Dan (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 297-8803

Adams, Elvira (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 778-5538

Adams, Janet (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-9838

Adams, Lori (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-7824

Adei, Benjamin (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 297-6069

Adetunji, Joshua (ESRD) [email protected]

403 381-5324 780 427-7713 780 427-8419 780 427-2074 403 297-8851 780 778-7155 780 427-2253 780 427-7066 403 476-4880 780 644-7168 780 427-9915

[email protected]

14 Ali, Chaudhry (ESRD)

[email protected]

17 Alif, Noor (ESRD)

[email protected]

11 Alladina, Sameera (ESRD)

[email protected]

16 Allen, Brian (ESRD)

[email protected]

27 Allen, Jim (ESRD)

[email protected]

24 Allen, Lorna (ESRD)

[email protected]

7 Ambalavaner, Shan (ESRD)

[email protected]

36 Amlani, Nasrin (ESRD)

[email protected]

20 Amos, Kathleen (ESRD)

[email protected]

16 Anand, Vaishalie (ESRD)

[email protected]

4 Andersen, Chris (ESRD)

[email protected]

34 Anderson, Barry J. (ESRD)

[email protected]

33 Anderson, Cheryl (ESRD)

[email protected]

6 Anderson, Delaney (ESRD)

[email protected]

10 Anderson, Elaine L (ESRD)

Adhikari, Naba (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-7824

Adjei, Richard (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-4192

Aginas, Lyndon (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 643-6595

Agyapong, Dinah (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-1185

Ahmed, Mesbah (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 960-8605

Aidun, Bijan (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-4407

Ainscough, Dorinda (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 591-7379

Airey, Kaylyn (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 678-5505

[email protected]

Aitkens, Cheryl (ESRD) [email protected]

403 297-8805

21 Annett, Jenna (ESRD)

Fax 403 297-6069

Aiton, Michael (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 644-5643

Akhtar, Khaled (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-0262

Aklilu, Yayne-abeba (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 415-1718

Albert, Marilyn (ESRD) [email protected]

780 427-0054 780 643-6470 780 415-4650 780 960-8625 780 427-7620 403 591-6311 403 678-5500

780 643-0775 780 644-2689 780 644-5039 780 415-9379 780 538-5460

Albertson, Viola (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 538-5336

Albiston, Margaret (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-0923

Aldred, Carly (ESRD) [email protected]

403 529-3149 Fax 403 952-1275

Alexander, Mike (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 627-1146

Alford, Pam (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 723-8290

780 427-0743

403 627-1131 780 723-8362

[email protected]

32 Anderson, Karen J. (ESRD)

[email protected]

35 Anderson, Margaret (ESRD)

[email protected]

34 Anderson, Murray (ESRD)

[email protected]

23 Anderson, Nils (ESRD)

[email protected]

24 Anderson, Selene (ESRD)

[email protected]

29 Androsoff, Laura (ESRD)

[email protected]

30 Aneliunas, Ryma (ESRD)

[email protected]

13 Arbuckle, Reg (ESRD)

[email protected]

6 Ardell, David (ESRD)

[email protected]

31 Arnason, Leah (ESRD)

[email protected]

4 Arnold, Heather (ESRD)

[email protected]

10 Arril, Ben (ESRD)

[email protected]

780 644-6984 Fax 780 644-4955 780 960-8652 Fax 780 960-8605 403 340-7722 Fax 403 340-5022 780 644-8832 Fax 780 427-2513 403 592-3186 Fax 403 297-8803 403 845-8358 Fax 403 845-8282 780 427-6621

35 Augustyn, John (ESRD)

[email protected]

7 Aupers, Wendy (ESRD)

[email protected]

14 Avis, Lisa (ESRD)

[email protected]

2 Aziz, Muhammad (ESRD)

[email protected]

20 Azuela, Herman (ESRD)

[email protected]

15 Bachelder, Andrew (ESRD)

[email protected]

26 Bagg, Christian (ESRD)

Fax 780 427-5980

[email protected]

780 422-1028

24 Bailey, Wally (ESRD)

Fax 780 422-4252 780 427-3081 Fax 780 422-4192 780 415-9361 780 960-8629 Fax 780 960-8605 403 678-2400 [266] Fax 403 678-5696 780 422-1358 780 623-5318 Fax 780 623-5239 780 962-7412 780 422-3476 Fax 780 422-0712 780 644-2747 Fax 780 427-5980 403 227-1106 Fax 403 227-1360 780 422-2587

[email protected]

32 Bajracharya, Mahesh (ESRD)

[email protected]

5 Bakker, Derek (ESRD)

[email protected]

19 Balce, Tony (ESRD)

[email protected]

30 Baldwin, Rebecca (ESRD)

[email protected]

33 Ball, Mark (ESRD)

[email protected]

28 Ballard, Nathan (ESRD)

[email protected]

15 Ballas, Debbie (ESRD)

[email protected]

4 Bambrick, Amanda (ESRD)

[email protected]

26 Bambrick, Donna (ESRD)

[email protected]

7 Bampfylde, Caroline (ESRD)

[email protected]

11 Banham, Geoff (ESRD)

[email protected]


780 960-8636


Fax 780 960-8605 780 427-2840


Fax 780 427-5980 780 427-0606


Fax 780 638-3493 403 678-0760


780 624-6238


Fax 780 624-6335 403 297-6341


Fax 403 297-6389 780 624-6409


Fax 780 624-6180 780 422-4197


Fax 780 422-0712 780 743-7470


Fax 780 743-7155 780 644-8012


Fax 780 422-9685 780 427-6430


Fax 780 422-0528 403 340-7738


Fax 403 340-5022 780 644-5482


Fax 780 415-1718 780 644-5121


Fax 780 427-1185 780 644-4969


Fax 780 415-1718 780 422-1291


Fax 780 427-1493

21 Banman, Tim (ESRD)

780 638-3232


780 524-6239


403 755-2289 Fax 403 754-6243 780 427-4576

[email protected]

28 Baranski, Eugene (ESRD)

[email protected]

32 Barkemeyer, Janis (ESRD)

Fax 780 524-4316 780 538-5265

Fax 780 422-0454

[email protected]

Fax 780 538-5622

780 422-4268

3 Barnes, Andrea (ESRD)

403 678-5500 [284]

Fax 780 422-0151 780 538-5393 Fax 780 538-5617 403 297-5892 Fax 403 297-6389 780 643-1044 Fax 780 427-5980 780 422-0295 Fax 780 422-0528 780 422-0567

[email protected]

28 Barnes, Robin (ESRD)

[email protected]

6 Barnett, Ed (ESRD)

[email protected]

26 Baron, Kalynn (ESRD)

[email protected]

13 Barrett, Randall (ESRD)

[email protected]

34 Barrett, Sandra D (ESRD)

20 Ashton, Paul (ESRD)

403 678-2400 [108]

[email protected]

780 643-1874 Fax 780 644-3777

403 529-3680 Fax 403 528-5212

3 Barry, Breeann (ESRD)

17 Atkinson, Geoff (ESRD)



780 644-4650

[email protected]

403 297-6357 Fax 403 297-2843

780 849-7285

[email protected]

[email protected]

33 Atkins, Margaret (ESRD)


Fax 780 960-8605

10 Banko, Mike (ESRD)

[email protected]

[email protected]


780 538-8047

Fax 780 427-1185

2 Ashfaq, Kashif (ESRD)

780 960-8660

Fax 403 678-5696 780 422-3477 780 538-5419 Fax 780 538-5522

[email protected]

30 Bartee, Elaine (ESRD)

[email protected]

4 Bartesko, Dave (ESRD)

[email protected]

9 Barwise, Joanne (ESRD)

[email protected]

Numbers to the right cross-reference to the page(s) where an employee appears in the Ministry Listings

11 30

Fax 403 678-5505 780 624-6188


Fax 780 618-4350 780 771-3747


Fax 780 771-3949 780 644-7873


Fax 780 427-2513 780 427-0689


Fax 780 427-7824 780 538-5265


Fax 780 538-5622 780 427-6966


Fax 780 644-5643 780 645-6316


Fax 780 645-6267 780 422-4871


Fax 780 644-1034 780 644-7806 Fax 780 427-4407



Abraham, Reena (ESRD) [email protected]

29 Ali, Arshad (ESRD)


Baskier - Braun

Baskier, Terry (ESRD) [email protected]


Bateman, Nancy (ESRD) [email protected]

780 422-9448

2 Best, Jody (ESRD)

[email protected]

Fax 780 427-2513

403 627-1129

780 638-4177

36 Beyersbergen Weiting,

403 382-4011

Nadine (ESRD) 22 [email protected] Fax 780 422-5136 a

Bates, Coreen (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 382-4008

Bauer, Kim (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 623-4584

Beach, Darcy (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 618-4350

Beaton, Shea (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-2011

Beatty, Hayes (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-2513

Beaudette, Peter (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-0712

Begg, John (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-1185

Belan, Shirley (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 748-3938

780 623-5487 780 624-6541 780 427-7888 780 644-8362 780 422-4858 780 427-4657 403 748-2833

Bell, Jenny (ESRD) [email protected]

403 529-3161

Belliveau, Andre (ESRD) [email protected]

403 591-6323

11 8 24 2 4 33 29 26 29

Fax 403 591-7379

780 422-0006

780 427-0239

Bezeau, Peter (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-0262

Bhavra, Gurnam (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-6334

Biamonte, Vince (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 638-3187

Bielawski, Phyllis (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 415-1718

Bielecki, Robin (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 766-2333

Biernacki, Laurie (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 865-4313

Bihis, Wilma G. (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-2545

Bilas, John (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 297-2839

Billings, Laura Lee (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 297-6069

780 427-3528 780 643-1708 780 643-0892 780 766-3921 780 865-8267 780 427-3563 403 297-7061 403 297-5949 780 427-8136

Bello, Thelma (ESRD) [email protected]

780 427-5129


Bilyk, Lonnie (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-9559

Bello, Vernice (ESRD) [email protected]

780 643-1992


Bilyk, Mike (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 468-2494

Bend, Ed (ESRD) [email protected] Benedict, Christy (ESRD) [email protected] Benner, Alan (ESRD) [email protected] Bennett, Holly (ESRD) [email protected] Benson, Allan (ESRD) [email protected] Benson, April (ESRD) [email protected] Beraska, Keith (ESRD) [email protected] Berg, Gavin (ESRD) [email protected] Berg, Kent (ESRD) [email protected] Berg, Lori (ESRD) [email protected] Bergen, Brianna (ESRD) [email protected] Berger, Corinne (ESRD) [email protected] Berkenbosch, Rick (ESRD) [email protected] Berlando, Amy (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 644-4955 780 865-6966 Fax 780 865-4313 780 415-1288 780 422-0963 780 644-5345


Fax 780 422-3120 780 624-6473


Fax 780 624-7127 780 960-8659


Fax 780 960-8605 780 644-8734


Fax 780 427-5980 780 422-3412


Fax 780 422-9557 403 297-5893


Fax 403 297-6069 403 638-3805


Fax 403 638-3170 780 723-8528


Fax 780 723-8290 780 427-2260


Fax 780 427-9838 780 644-2310


Fax 780 422-4192 403 297-5672


Fax 403 297-6069

Berube, Shawn (ESRD) [email protected]

403 297-7061

Best, Arron (ESRD) [email protected]


Fax 780 422-0712

Berndt, Darwyn (ESRD) [email protected]

Besko, Matt (ESRD) [email protected]


Fax 780 644-7571

403 893-3777 [110]

Berube, Tanya (ESRD) [email protected]



Fax 403 893-8900 7

Fax 403 297-2839 780 644-4419


Fax 780 422-0154 780 427-7769


Fax 780 422-9559 780 422-2043


780 422-4324 780 624-7137

Birnie-Browne, Tanya (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 618-4350

Bissonnette, Michael (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-1185

Bitew, Moses (ESRD) [email protected]

20 Bocking, Keith (ESRD)

[email protected]

Fax 403 627-1146

780 644-8940 403 297-5951 780 427-9503

Bjorge, Ron (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-0266

Black, Denise (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-4693

Black, William (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 675-8165

Blackburn, Mike (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 723-7963

Blackwood, Rick (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 415-9669

Blackwood, Rick (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 415-9669

Blair, Colin (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-4407

Blair, Laura (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 415-1718

Blair, Lynne (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-5798

780 427-7002 780 675-8232 780 723-8208 780 427-1139 780 427-1139 780 427-8536 780 427-4979 780 644-8770

Blanchard, Fauve (ESRD) [email protected]

780 778-7169

Blocka, Tanis (ESRD) [email protected]

780 849-7245

Blonski, Laura (ESRD) [email protected]

403 340-5311 780 644-8220

Bluetchen, Jeremy (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-0085

Bluetchen, Katrina (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-6339

Bluett, Jodi (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-9559

Bochon, Brent (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 538-1941

780 422-4097 780 427-5182 780 538-8071

5 Boechler, Ryan (ESRD)

[email protected]

6 7 34 31 28 17 24 7 25 24

Boehme, Phil (ESRD) [email protected]

34 5 35 37 11 19 35 37 23 31 37 19 18 32 33 1 31 9

780 639-4087


780 849-7279


Boisvert, Rae (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 623-5239

Boisvert, Sarah (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 644-4597

Bolseng, Ted (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-4192

780 623-5474 780 415-8497 780 422-4356


Fax 780 422-0151

Borzel, Tamara (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 723-8290

Bosch, Allyson (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-8606

780 427-9207 780 723-8521 780 422-6803

3 17 25

780 644-4935


780 427-1317


Fax 780 427-1874 403 851-2147


780 645-6372


Boulianne, Luc (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 645-6267

Boult, Tim (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-0085

Boulton, Christine (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 297-8803

Bourget, Darren (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 297-8232

Boutilier, Nancy (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 528-5213

Bowlby, Jennifer (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 675-8165

780 427-6571 403 297-6349 403 297-5930 403 529-3159 780 675-8226

33 20 21 20 18

780 817-3796


780 644-5190


Boychuk, Gary (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-0151

Boykiw, Darlene (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-2513

Boyko, Tania (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 624-6455

Boyle, Mike (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-2513

Brad, Neil (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-0528

Bradbury, Steve (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 723-8290

Bradley, Margaret (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 297-8803

Brandsma, Andrea (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-0151

Branscombe, Ben (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-5980

Brassard, Brian (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-4192

Braun, Angela (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 297-8803

Numbers to the right cross-reference to the page(s) where an employee appears in the Ministry Listings


403 297-5648

Boodram, Linkion (ESRD) [email protected]

Box, Blair (ESRD) [email protected]



Fax 403 297-8232

Boukall, Brett (ESRD) [email protected]


780 514-3422

Bonham, Kristi (ESRD) [email protected]

Boudrias, Gerry (ESRD) [email protected]


403 340-7195

Fax 780 849-7122

Bonang, James (ESRD) [email protected]


Fax 780 639-6181

Boeyenga, Stacey (ESRD) [email protected]

Boschmann, Cassandra (ESRD) 25 [email protected] 10

403 382-4099 Fax 403 382-4257

780 427-4948 780 624-6511 780 644-1398 780 422-8686 780 723-8329 403 297-5370 780 644-7841 780 644-5356 780 415-9376 403 297-5368

2 10 2 12 19 21 3 26 32 21

Braun - Chan 780 638-1297

Braun, Maurya (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-0923

Braun, Nicole (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 778-5538

Brayford, Kevin (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 297-2749

Breault, Andre (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 528-5213

Breen, Chris (ESRD) [email protected]

780 778-7154 403 297-5672 403 529-3718 780 778-7166 403 591-6300

2 Brundin, Peter (ESRD)

[email protected]

18 Bucharski, Garry (ESRD)

[email protected]

20 Budnick, Jeana (ESRD)

[email protected]

20 Buer, Amanda (ESRD)

[email protected]

18 Bulger, Edward (ESRD)

[email protected]

30 Bumstead, Sara (ESRD)

Fax 403 591-7379

Breitkreuz, Michelle (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 340-5022

[email protected]

Brenner, Gordon (ESRD) [email protected]

780 644-5380

3 Bunting, April (ESRD)

Fax 780 422-0151

Brereton, Anton (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-6339

Bresler, Marcy (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-5980

Brewer, Sarah (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-7824

[email protected]

Briggs, Colton (ESRD) [email protected]

780 778-7213

19 Burke, Blaine (ESRD)

Fax 780 778-5538

Brinkworth, Lyndon (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-5980

Brittain, Graham (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-5980

[email protected]

Broadbent, Tanner (ESRD) [email protected]

403 381-5982

32 Burland, Rob (ESRD)

Fax 403 381-5792

Brock, Curtis (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 960-8605

Brodziak, Lisa (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 644-5329

Brooymans, Hanneke (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-4252

Brouwer, Kelly (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 845-4750

[email protected]

Brown, Allison (ESRD) [email protected]

780 778-7202

19 Busby, Mathew (ESRD)

Fax 780 778-5538

403 340-7052

780 644-4658 780 427-9112 780 644-4744

780 427-2274 780 427-9384

780 960-8632 780 641-9094 780 644-8355 403 845-8206

Brown, Angela (ESRD) [email protected]

780 427-7233

Brown, Carroll (ESRD) [email protected]

780 675-2419 780 422-2082

Brown, Craig (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-4407

Brown, Craig L. (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 524-4316

Brown, Donna (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 641-9145

Brown, Jane (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 845-4750

Brown, Janet (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 297-2749

Brown, Myles (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 849-5826

Browning, Cathie (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-7958

Brownlee, Norman (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 618-4350

Brownridge, Kirk (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-6339

Bruce, John (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-1185

Bruha, Jamie (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-1185

780 524-6230 780 422-5944 403 845-8209 403 297-7888 780 849-7345 780 427-7995 780 624-6205 780 422-3413 780 638-1230 780 415-8561

[email protected]

16 Bundred, Martin (ESRD)

[email protected]

1 Bureyko, Jake (ESRD)

[email protected]

25 Burgar, Joanna (ESRD)

[email protected]

12 Burgess, Jenny (ESRD)

[email protected]

26 Burkinshaw, Angela (ESRD)

[email protected]

26 Burkus, Zvonko (ESRD)

[email protected]

19 Burnes, Reina (ESRD)

[email protected]

8 Burns, Roger (ESRD)

[email protected]

24 Burr, Rod (ESRD)

[email protected]

14 Burstrom, Daniella (ESRD)

[email protected]

13 Buss, Darryl (ESRD)

[email protected]

17 Buss, Kathleen (ESRD)

[email protected]

36 Butz, Owen (ESRD)

Fax 780 644-5329 780 427-4003 Fax 780 427-6334 780 644-2146 Fax 780 422-3120 780 427-6639 780 427-9685 403 932-0373 Fax 403 932-2158 780 644-5782 Fax 780 427-2278 780 427-2391 Fax 780 422-6259 780 415-4624 Fax 780 427-1185 780 743-7339 780 538-5623 Fax 780 538-5622 780 538-6219 Fax 780 833-4339 780 427-7758 Fax 780 427-0923 780 643-0811 Fax 780 422-4192 403 382-4015 Fax 403 382-4428 780 624-6125

8 Campbell, Norma (ESRD)

[email protected]

7 Campbell, Shirley (ESRD)

[email protected]

24 Campbell, Susan (ESRD)

[email protected]

26 Cantelon, Kevin (ESRD)

[email protected]

5 Caputo, Emilia (ESRD)

[email protected]

23 Cardinal, Danielle (ESRD)

[email protected]

6 Cardinal, Susan (ESRD)

[email protected]

1 Cariaga, Kristine (ESRD)

[email protected]

25 Carlson, Alanna (ESRD)

[email protected]

12 Carmichael, Heather (ESRD)

[email protected]

[email protected]

2 Carson, Alan (ESRD)

[email protected]

32 Carter, Donna (ESRD)

[email protected]

20 Casey, Richard (ESRD)

[email protected]

28 Casorso, Michelle (ESRD)

[email protected]

780 644-5065

2 Castelli, Oriano (ESRD)

780 624-6567 Fax 780 624-6335 780 865-8395 Fax 780 865-8353 403 932-0382 Fax 403 932-8104 780 681-2469 Fax 780 675-8203 780 675-8213 Fax 780 675-8203

[email protected]

9 Castle, Jim (ESRD)

[email protected]

29 Castro, Maria (ESRD)

[email protected]

29 Caswell, Jason (ESRD)

[email protected]

28 Cavalieri, Shannon (ESRD)

[email protected]

28 Cayford, Jason (ESRD)

[email protected]

[email protected]

780 962-8774

19 Cerney, Linda (ESRD)

9 Buziak, Kelly (ESRD)

780 644-1048

35 Chagani, Nasheena (ESRD)

[email protected]

6 Bykowski, Alexandra (ESRD)

[email protected]

16 Byrtus, Gary (ESRD)

[email protected]

20 Cairns, Jody (ESRD)

[email protected]

19 Calbick, Ken (ESRD)

[email protected]

3 Calder, Neil (ESRD)

[email protected]

10 Callihoo, Dennis (ESRD)

[email protected]

1 Calvert, Jason (ESRD)

[email protected]

34 Cameron, Dan (ESRD)

[email protected]

34 Campbell, Iain (ESRD)

[email protected]

780 638-3118 780 427-9911 Fax 780 422-4192 403 591-6323 Fax 403 591-7379 780 644-7980 Fax 780 644-1034 780 538-5608 Fax 780 538-5336 780 641-9784 780 639-4087 Fax 780 639-6181 780 422-1691 Fax 780 422-0712 780 422-9521 Fax 780 427-7824

403 340-7049


Fax 403 340-5575 780 644-1006

[email protected]

[email protected]

33 Chaggar, Sam (ESRD)

[email protected]

32 Chaglani, Bijhan (ESRD)

[email protected]

29 Chalise, Anupama (ESRD)

[email protected]

37 Chamberlin, Tim (ESRD)

[email protected]

9 Chambers, Joyce (ESRD)

[email protected]

35 Chambers, Robert (ESRD)

[email protected]

6 Chamulak, Terry (ESRD)

[email protected]

4 Chan, Elita (ESRD)

[email protected]

15 Chan, John (ESRD)

[email protected]

Numbers to the right cross-reference to the page(s) where an employee appears in the Ministry Listings


Fax 780 422-5136 780 644-8406


Fax 780 427-5980 780 427-3595


Fax 780 422-0454 780 644-8007


Fax 780 422-0151 780 638-3117


Fax 780 644-1034 780 427-3120


Fax 780 427-5980 780 926-5430


Fax 780 926-2656 780 644-3022


Fax 780 415-1718 3

[email protected]

Fax 780 624-6455 Fax 780 427-0923


10 Carmody, Tara-Lynn (ESRD) 36 Carscallen, John (ESRD)


780 638-1257

403 297-7623


Fax 403 297-8803 780 956-8192


Fax 780 956-3300 780 427-9172


Fax 780 422-0151 780 427-1583


Fax 780 422-6712 780 422-6445


Fax 780 421-0028 403 381-5624


Fax 403 381-5969 780 523-6570


Fax 780 523-5757 780 415-4631


Fax 780 422-5136 780 415-8145


Fax 780 422-9557 403 851-2210


Fax 403 932-8104 403 388-7710


Fax 403 381-5337 403 388-3130


780 422-4613


Fax 780 427-2513 780 644-8690


Fax 780 427-2513 780 638-1188


Fax 780 422-0151 780 624-6568


Fax 780 624-6335 780 427-2256


Fax 780 422-6339 403 381-5996


Fax 403 381-5969 403 381-5311


Fax 403 381-5969 403 340-7737


Fax 403 340-5022 780 644-5211


Fax 780 422-0262 403 297-8265 Fax 403 297-8232



Brehaut, Christine (ESRD) [email protected]

780 641-9786


Chan - Currie Fax 780 422-0151

Chand, Cynthia (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-1185

Chang, Chiadih (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-4192

Changarathil, Annie (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-6339

Chapman, Grant (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 623-4584

Chappeland, Marie-Pierre (ESRD) [email protected]

780 644-3374 780 427-0123 780 641-9867 780 623-5475 403 673-3663 [201]

780 865-6968 Fax 780 865-4313

Charest, Paul (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-5136

Charles, Brian (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 722-3784

Chase, Carmen (ESRD) [email protected]

780 422-7914 403 722-2180 780 638-3397 403 378-4342 [238] 780 644-1253 Fax 780 421-0028

Chen, Chi (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-4192

Cheung, Lewis (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-6334

780 427-5125 780 427-8527 780 415-4639 780 427-9127

Chmelyk, Arlene (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-5798

Chmielewski, Brenda (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 381-5792

Cho, Sunny (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 415-1718

Cholach, Shannon (ESRD) [email protected]

[email protected]

34 Churchill, Tom (ESRD)

[email protected]

33 Ciesielski, Bert (ESRD)

[email protected]

1 Cieslak, James (ESRD)

[email protected]

12 Clare, Stephen (ESRD)

[email protected]

30 Clark, Wade (ESRD)

[email protected]


5 7 23 27

Fax 403 378-4247

Chawla, Neelam (ESRD) [email protected]

Chieng, Trisha (ESRD) [email protected]

3 Chung, Cecilia (ESRD)

Fax 403 673-3587

Charbonneau, Caroline (ESRD) [email protected]

Charrois, Jeff (ESRD) [email protected]


780 644-2478

Chan, Patrick (ESRD) [email protected]

403 381-5486 780 644-4717 780 427-9977 780 427-8225

Choles, Jim (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-0262

Choquette, Brynn (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 382-4428

Chorney, Kelsey (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-4192

Chouinard, Lisa (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-5980

Chow, Agnes (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 790-3936

Chow, Felix (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-6339

403 381-5512 780 644-8009 780 644-8407 780 743-7472 780 644-3206

36 32 7 23 37 21 31 11 6 25 6 25 12 1

Clarke, Chris (ESRD) [email protected]

Christiansen, Laurie (ESRD) [email protected] Christianson, Chris (ESRD) [email protected]

403 297-7199 403 678-5500 [275] Fax 403 678-5505 780 415-4603 Fax 780 422-4252

[email protected]

29 Cook, Erin (ESRD)

[email protected]

Fax 403 591-7379 780 427-9718

4 Cook, Owen (ESRD)

[email protected]

Fax 780 427-1214 780 427-7426 403 893-3777 [112]

2 Coolidge, Kim (ESRD)

[email protected]

27 Coombs, Matthew (ESRD)

[email protected]

Fax 403 893-8900 780 643-6252

15 Cooney, Shauna (ESRD) 31 Cooper, Jason (ESRD)

Cleghorn, Brent (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 927-4455

[email protected]

780 427-9773

34 Corrigan, Rob (ESRD)

Clifford, Carrie (ESRD) [email protected]

780 927-8205

403 388-1979

Coates, Lorraine (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 381-5792

Coates, Tricia (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 960-8605

Code, Sandra (ESRD) [email protected]

780 962-7414 403 678-5500 [276] 780 644-3425 Fax 780 427-1214

Coish, Dave (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-1185

Colbourne, Lillian (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 778-5538

Cole, Alison (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 754-6243

Cole, Theresa (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 297-8232

Colistro, Italo (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 297-6389

Collie, Mike (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 748-3938

Collinge, Bonnie (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 623-4584

Collins, John (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 644-5643

Collins, Marty (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-2011

Collins, Valerie (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-0154

Collins-Lauber, Kimberley (ESRD) 5 [email protected]

Companiytsev, Valery 2 (ESRD) [email protected] 22 Conlin, Dianne (ESRD)

[email protected]

29 Connell, Leanne (ESRD)

[email protected]

24 Connors, Rhonda (ESRD)

[email protected]

[email protected]

9 Copeland, Craig (ESRD)

[email protected]

21 Corriveau, Martin (ESRD)

[email protected]

19 Cosh, Susan (ESRD)

[email protected]

29 Cotterill, Sue (ESRD)

[email protected]

Fax 403 678-5505

Coffill, Mike (ESRD) [email protected]

780 644-5293

Fax 403 297-2843

403 591-6323

14 Conway, Raymond (ESRD)

780 644-7966

Comerford, Mark (ESRD) 14 [email protected]

Christensen, Paul (ESRD) [email protected]

780 514-3420

Fax 780 415-1718

780 644-3184

780 644-4975

[email protected]

Clayton, Andrew (ESRD) [email protected]

Chowdhury, Nazmul (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-2513

33 Conrad, Paul (ESRD)

Fax 780 422-4192

[email protected]

Colter, Dixie (ESRD) 33 [email protected]

Christensen, Mecailla (ESRD) [email protected]

[email protected]

Fax 780 644-3777

780 638-3727

Fax 780 427-7824

780 427-8832

22 Conrad, John (ESRD)

Classen, Claire (ESRD) [email protected]

Chow, Rocky (ESRD) [email protected]

Chowdhury, Rafiqul (ESRD) [email protected]

403 297-7883

780 644-8733 780 778-7214 403 754-6239 403 297-8298 403 297-5935 403 887-8641 780 623-5395 780 422-1890 780 427-7888 780 427-9541 780 415-9978

780 645-6315

4 Cottingham, Jason (ESRD)

[email protected]

34 Coulson, Bill (ESRD)

[email protected]

17 Coupal, James (ESRD)

[email protected]

28 Court, Gordon (ESRD)

[email protected]

22 Courtright, Lori (ESRD)

[email protected]

7 Cox, Ryan (ESRD)

[email protected]

29 Coyne, Geret (ESRD)

[email protected]

12 Crell, Caroline (ESRD)

[email protected]

13 Crocker, Wayne (ESRD)

[email protected]

25 Crosby, Wayne (ESRD)

[email protected]

23 Crosland, Alexandra (ESRD)

[email protected]

1 Crowe, Angela (ESRD)


Fax 780 623-5239

780 422-7669 403 758-3382 403 553-5053 780 624-6452 780 624-6539 403 381-5180 403 562-3293 780 827-3626 403 340-7685 780 639-4087 780 644-8011 403 591-7755 780 624-6116 780 422-9535 780 523-6545


Fax 780 523-5757 780 960-8170 [245]


Fax 780 960-8141 403 341-8675


Fax 403 341-8608 780 422-9536


Fax 780 422-9557 780 644-4804


Fax 780 641-9145 780 723-8520


Fax 780 723-7963 403 678-2400 [105]


Fax 403 678-5696 780 427-7323


Fax 780 427-5980 403 845-8254


Fax 403 845-4750 780 643-6591


Fax 780 644-7571 780 415-4609


Fax 780 422-4252 780 427-7106

Fax 780 427-7434

Numbers to the right cross-reference to the page(s) where an employee appears in the Ministry Listings


Fax 780 422-9557

Cser, George (ESRD) [email protected]

Currie, Michael G. (ESRD) [email protected]


Fax 780 624-6180

780 427-8030 403 722-2180

Fax 403 627-5528



Fax 403 591-7123

Curran, Trevor (ESRD) [email protected]

780 623-5473


Fax 780 422-9557

Fax 780 415-1718

Fax 780 623-4584


Fax 780 639-6181

Fax 780 644-3777

Currie, Michael (ESRD) [email protected]


Fax 403 340-5575

Curran, Rhonda Lee (ESRD) [email protected]



Fax 780 827-4545


780 427-1788


Fax 403 562-3270

780 638-3835

Fax 780 422-4192


Fax 403 382-4008

[email protected]

Currie, Emille (ESRD) [email protected]


Fax 780 624-7127

Fax 403 722-3784



Fax 780 624-6180

Cunningham, Steve (ESRD) [email protected]

780 638-3829


Fax 403 553-5058


Fax 780 427-5980


Fax 403 758-6714

780 638-3175

Fax 780 422-4192


Fax 780 427-2278

780 644-5339 403 627-5544

15 5 7 31 8

780 644-3226


403 381-5972


Fax 403 381-5969 780 422-1053


Currie - Eamon Currie, Shelly (ESRD) [email protected] Dadson, Jane (ESRD) [email protected]

780 415-6255 Fax 780 422-2545 780 415-4670 780 675-8206

23 Delumen, Monarch (ESRD)

[email protected]

24 DeMaere, Craig (ESRD)

[email protected]

34 Demchuk, Julie (ESRD)

Dahl, Monica (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 675-8165

Dai, Qunli (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 644-3777

Damer, Crystal (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 644-1034

Dancey, Brent (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-6259

Daneluk, Melanie (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-9102

Danish, Marilyn (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 382-4428

Danylyshen, Chantel (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-5980

Daoust, Sharon (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-0528

[email protected]

Dash, Cheryl (ESRD) [email protected]

403 381-5562

34 Desjardins, Tracy (ESRD)

Fax 403 382-4428

Dave, Meena (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-4252

780 644-5014 780 427-2391 780 427-8873 403 382-4398 780 644-2749 780 427-6432

780 427-4664 780 415-4656 403 340-7661

Daviduck, Darcy (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 754-6243

Davies, Chase (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 624-6335

Davies, Phyllis (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 542-6454

Davis, Doug (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 340-5022

Davis, Heather J. (ESRD) [email protected] Davis, Heather P. (ESRD) [email protected] Davis, Jessica (ESRD) [email protected] Davis, Laura (ESRD) [email protected]

780 624-6101 780 514-3410 403 755-6141 403 562-3128 403 678-5508 Fax 403 678-5505 780 644-2443 780 427-4932 Fax 780 427-5980

Davis, Reed (ESRD) [email protected]

403 297-7450

Davis, Tom (ESRD) [email protected]

780 644-3205

Day, Tammy (ESRD) [email protected] de Pano-Yap, Joyce (ESRD) [email protected] Deagle, Ken (ESRD) [email protected] DeCoteau, Sheree (ESRD) [email protected] Dehod, Wendi (ESRD) [email protected] DeJong, Connie (ESRD) [email protected] delaChevrotiere, Carmen (ESRD) [email protected] Delaney, Jennie (ESRD) [email protected] Della Costa, Christine (ESRD) [email protected]

780 643-6856 Fax 780 427-9838 780 427-0393 Fax 780 427-7737 780 415-9380 403 340-7705 Fax 403 341-8608 780 645-6402 780 538-6201 Fax 780 538-5522 780 427-0710 Fax 780 644-7571 780 415-8542 Fax 780 427-4693 780 427-8242 Fax 780 422-4192

15 Dempsey, Mike (ESRD)

[email protected]

37 Den Hoed, Don (ESRD)

[email protected]

1 Dent, Heather (ESRD)

[email protected]

23 DePape, Dave (ESRD)

[email protected]

21 Depoe, Sarah (ESRD)

[email protected]

26 DeSantis, Ruth (ESRD)

[email protected]

13 Deschamps, Shauna (ESRD)

[email protected]

33 Detbrenner Jenkins, Carleen

(ESRD) 23 [email protected] Dewalt, Jonathan (ESRD) 28 [email protected] Dezan, Cheryl (ESRD) 10 [email protected] Diamond, Diane (ESRD) 16 [email protected] Dick, Andrew (ESRD) 24 [email protected] Dick, Joe (ESRD) 25 [email protected] Dickson, Tom (ESRD) 29 [email protected] Diep, David (ESRD) 4 [email protected] Dietrich, Monique (ESRD) 26 [email protected] DiMaio, Mike (ESRD) 20 [email protected] DiMarzo, Luigi (ESRD) 2 [email protected] Dinwoodie, Gordon (ESRD) 4 [email protected] Dixon, Arlene (ESRD) 2 [email protected] Dixon, Sarah (ESRD) 4 [email protected] Dmytriw, Mark (ESRD) 16 [email protected] Dobko, Randy (ESRD) 14 [email protected] Dobson, Stephen (ESRD) 10 [email protected] Dockrill, Craig (ESRD) 37 [email protected] Dodds, Chris (ESRD) [email protected] 37 Dodsworth, Gary (ESRD)

[email protected]

32 Doerkson, Kathleen (ESRD)

[email protected]

Dolan, Bill (ESRD) [email protected]

24 Dollimont, Anthony (ESRD)

[email protected]

Fax 780 422-4252 403 382-4297 780 645-6336

33 Dombrosky, Norma (ESRD)

[email protected]

13 Domes, Aaron (ESRD)

[email protected]

Fax 780 645-6281 780 623-5394

12 Dominique, Ron (ESRD)

[email protected]

Fax 780 623-4584 403 678-5500 [269]

30 Donahue, Paul (ESRD)

[email protected]

Fax 403 678-5505 780 422-3035

33 Donelon, Steve (ESRD)

[email protected]

Fax 780 422-4192 403 297-8577

22 Donnelly, Steve (ESRD)

[email protected]

Fax 403 297-2843 780 427-3347

34 Douglas, Adele (ESRD)

[email protected]

Fax 780 638-3187 403 355-2493 403 378-4342 [239]

8 Douglas, Sean (ESRD)

[email protected]

27 Dowling, Kieran (ESRD)

[email protected]

Fax 403 378-4247 780 427-9385

26 Downes, Natasha (ESRD)

[email protected]

Fax 780 427-5980 403 297-6294

21 Downey, Brandy (ESRD)

403 297-8265 780 960-8170 [222] 403 388-1287 780 623-5235 780 523-6577 780 422-4407 403 932-8103 403 382-4149 780 427-0520 403 678-0760


780 623-5476


Fax 780 623-5239 403 381-5526

Draginda, Nick (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-1493

780 415-4662


Draper, Tracy (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-5980

403 949-4941


Drennan, Linda (ESRD) [email protected]

780 415-9367


Driver, Elizabeth (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-5980

Drummond, Debra (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-9559

Dube, Leo (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 381-5723

Ducharme, Camille (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 624-6180


Fax 780 422-0151 403 476-4569


780 644-5574


Fax 780 427-2513

780 523-6547 780 644-3771 780 422-0028 780 427-2757

780 427-7743 403 382-4363 780 624-6321 403 340-5177

780 427-0600


Duhaime, Lorraine (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 415-9669


Dunaj, Ted (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-4252


Dupin, Tara (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 381-5969


Duplessis, Diane (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 297-2749


Dupuis, Charlene (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 523-5757


Durrani, Muhammad (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-0262


Dyck, Eric (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 381-5969


Dyer, Trudy (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-2513


Dyson, Ian (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 382-4428


Eaket, Jane (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-0262


Eamon, Jeff (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 421-0028 780 427-5562 Fax 780 644-5643 780 427-6869 Fax 780 415-1718 780 427-6439 Fax 780 422-4192 780 644-3157 Fax 780 422-0528 403 893-3777 [102] Fax 403 893-8900 780 723-8366 Fax 780 723-7963 780 675-8224 Fax 780 675-8165 403 382-4347 Fax 403 382-4257

Numbers to the right cross-reference to the page(s) where an employee appears in the Ministry Listings

24 26


Fax 403 340-5022

780 638-1338


780 644-5355

Duduman, Carly (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 623-4584




780 623-5247


403 755-6140

780 422-7872

Fax 780 422-4192


Fax 780 427-6334


780 644-5080


Fax 403 382-4257

780 641-9041

Fax 780 427-4407


Fax 403 932-8104

Fax 780 422-8837

Fax 780 427-1185


Fax 780 427-5980

Doyle, John (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-2513


Fax 780 523-6525


780 422-9348


Fax 780 623-5239

Fax 780 523-5757

Fax 403 297-8803


Fax 403 382-4257

Downing, Kevin (ESRD) [email protected]



Fax 780 960-8141

Fax 403 381-5723

403 297-5369


Fax 403 297-8232

[email protected]

Fax 403 297-2843


780 415-8389 780 415-4629 403 382-4002 403 297-5918 780 523-6580 780 427-0228 403 382-4259 780 644-4903 403 381-5430 780 427-2376 403 673-3663 [227] Fax 403 673-3587

31 23 9 7 1 24 6 20 17 6 8 2 33 6 30


Davidson, Shelly (ESRD) [email protected]

780 427-0578

[email protected]

780 415-4626


Eapen - Geddes

Eapen, Joe (ESRD) [email protected]

403 851-2211

Earle, Jennifer (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 932-2158

Ebert, Paul (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 926-4224

Edge, Gwen (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-6339

Edwards, Andrew (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-4252

Edwards, Cheryl (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 415-9669

Edwards, Curt (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-1493

Eeglon, Brenda (ESRD) [email protected]


780 643-1299

780 926-7012 780 427-7785 780 638-4305 780 644-3921 780 422-0979 780 427-5369 780 415-1332

5 Feehan, Joseph (ESRD)

[email protected]

22 Feenstra, Stephanie (ESRD)

[email protected]

9 Fehr, Nicole (ESRD)

[email protected]

1 Felderhof, Tammey (ESRD)

[email protected]

24 Fenton, Kim (ESRD)

[email protected]

1 Feschuk, Gerald (ESRD)

[email protected]

24 Feser, Mark (ESRD)

[email protected]

36 Fiege, Rhonda (ESRD)

[email protected]

15 Findlay, John (ESRD)

Ehrentraut, Kellie (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 644-3777

Eijgel, Heidi (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 627-1109

Elkow, Corene (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-9557

Ellis, Mark (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 485-2401

Elser, Paul (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 381-5969

[email protected]

Emmer, Stefan (ESRD) [email protected]

780 427-0690

6 Fiorillo, Sam (ESRD)

Fax 780 422-0262

Emms, Lucas (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 926-3950

403 627-1152 780 427-0152 403 485-4580 [2] 403 381-5289

780 502-0305

Enns, Lori (ESRD) [email protected]

780 427-3607

Ens, Jon (ESRD) [email protected]

403 845-8356

Erickson, Doug (ESRD) [email protected]

780 679-1259

Erker, Jordan (ESRD) [email protected]

780 427-4612

Esslinger, Jarret (ESRD) [email protected]

780 644-5091

[email protected]

31 Finzel, Christeen (ESRD)

[email protected]

7 Finzel, Roy (ESRD)

[email protected]

8 Fioretti, Brenda (ESRD)

[email protected]

10 Firth, Jessica (ESRD)

[email protected]

2 Fish, Nancy (ESRD)

[email protected]

14 Fisher, Lana (ESRD)

[email protected]

13 Fitl, Mary (ESRD)

[email protected]

6 Fitzpatrick, Lynn (ESRD)

[email protected]

32 Fizor, Duane (ESRD)

[email protected]

Fax 780 422-4192 403 845-8248

Evenson, AJ (ESRD) [email protected]

403 932-8103


403 382-4285

Ewachow, Dale (ESRD) [email protected]

403 755-6102 780 422-2565

780 422-5556 780 743-7200 780 427-2265 780 422-1311 780 538-8089 780 624-6414

780 422-4842 780 415-6654 780 427-5818 780 644-1016 780 644-6958 403 381-5285 780 623-5243

[email protected]

31 Friedl, Rick (ESRD)

[email protected]

27 Friesenhan, Evan (ESRD)

[email protected]

6 Fuhr, Kevin (ESRD)

[email protected]

31 Fukuda, Wesley (ESRD)

[email protected]

20 Fularz, Jerzy (ESRD)

[email protected]

11 Fullerton, Lyle (ESRD)

[email protected]

780 524-3567

11 Fullerton, Stanley (Sam)

Fax 780 524-4316

(ESRD) 26 [email protected] Fulsom, Michael (ESRD) 20 [email protected]

780 427-4926 Fax 780 427-5980 403 382-4300 Fax 403 381-5792 403 678-5500 [235]


780 643-1394


Flett, Jillian (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 638-3187


Flint, Shannon (ESRD) [email protected]

780 538-5620 780 415-4672 780 644-8728 780 422-8463 780 422-7072

Fargey, Pat (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-4693


Foesier, Karen (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 754-6243


Fong, Frankie (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-6334


Forseth, Patrick (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 415-1718


Forsythe, Dianne (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 845-4750

Foss, Aaron (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 594-3340

780 422-3481 780 427-4202 403 755-1452 780 422-3288 780 644-7521 403 845-8228 780 594-7873

Fulton, Angela (ESRD) [email protected] Fung, Stuart (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 678-5505 [235]

Fluker, Marian (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 845-4750

34 Freimark, Marion (ESRD)

Fax 780 623-4584


403 845-8303

[email protected]

Fax 403 381-5337

780 415-2001

Feder, Chiara (ESRD) [email protected]

11 Fraser, Jordie (ESRD)

Fax 780 415-1718


Fax 780 449-0718

[email protected]

Fax 780 422-5136

Fairless, Dave (ESRD) [email protected]

780 464-7955

9 Fraser, Frank (ESRD)

Fax 780 427-5980

Fax 780 427-7434

Farrell, Dixie (ESRD) [email protected]

[email protected]

Fax 780 415-1718

Fax 780 427-1185

Fax 780 623-4584

2 Frank, Susan (ESRD)

Fax 780 427-1185

Flores, Joe (ESRD) [email protected]

780 623-5368

[email protected]

26 Free, Brian (ESRD)


Farrant, Charlotte (ESRD) [email protected]

16 Frank, Robert (ESRD)

780 427-8522

780 679-1733

780 638-3573

[email protected]

Fax 780 427-5980

Fax 780 422-0151

Farooq, Sarah (ESRD) [email protected]

12 France, Terri (ESRD)

[email protected]

Fletcher, Jane (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-9557

[email protected]

Fax 780 618-4350


Fax 780 523-5757

13 Frame, Paul (ESRD)

Fax 780 538-5522

Flood, Ryan (ESRD) [email protected]

Fairfield, Lindsie (ESRD) [email protected]

[email protected]

Fax 780 427-7824


780 523-6582

21 Foy, Martin (ESRD)

Fax 780 790-1600

Fax 780 538-5622

Fax 780 422-0712

[email protected]

Fax 780 644-5643

Flasko, Amy (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-0712 780 422-0976

403 381-5511


Fax 403 754-6243

20 Foster, Giancarlo (ESRD)

Fax 403 382-4008

Flanagan, Eric (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 932-8104

Evenson, Edward (ESRD) [email protected]

Faferek, Lucyna (ESRD) [email protected]

27 Finley, Elma (ESRD)

Fax 780 427-7434

Evanochko, Darcy (ESRD) [email protected]

Ewchuk, Ken (ESRD) [email protected]

[email protected]

403 297-5940 Fax 403 297-2749

4 32

780 427-9064


403 297-7950


Fax 403 297-6069 780 422-8411 403 297-7364


403 553-5053


Fax 403 553-5058 403 341-8678 780 638-3052 780 624-6196 780 427-7765 403 893-3833 403 340-7696 780 427-8218 780 422-1537 403 485-2293 780 415-4623


Fax 780 427-1185 780 624-6496


Fax 780 624-6455 403 949-4941


780 427-3069


403 340-7736


Fax 403 340-5022 780 422-8938


780 644-6882


Funwi, Joshua (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-7824

Gache, Glen (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 624-6180

780 624-6207

Ganske, Carol (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-9838

Gardeski, Sheri (ESRD) [email protected].

Fax 403 845-8282

Gaylor, Steve (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 297-8803

GC, Santosh (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-6334

Gebbink, Felix (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 340-7081

Geddes, David (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 778-5538

Geddes, Jamel (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 778-5538

Numbers to the right cross-reference to the page(s) where an employee appears in the Ministry Listings


Fax 403 485-2401

Fax 780 422-2545



Fax 780 422-6339

Gan, Mee-Peng (ESRD) [email protected]



Fax 780 422-0262

Fax 780 427-1029



Fax 403 340-5022

Gamroth, Lorelei (ESRD) [email protected]



Fax 403 893-8900

Fax 780 427-7434



Fax 780 421-0028

Gallivan, Ryan (ESRD) [email protected]



Fax 780 618-4350




Fax 780 427-5980

Galanka, Jayne (ESRD) [email protected]



Fax 403 340-5022




Fax 780 422-9557


780 644-3217


780 422-6605


780 427-4665 780 415-1100 780 644-5198 403 845-8286 403 297-7871 780 427-8348 403 340-4396 780 778-7256 780 778-7208

23 23 4 16 21 7 12 18 17

George - Hattum 780 415-2463

George, Lee (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-0712

Gerber, Scott (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 627-5528

Gerling, Micaela (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 297-2843

403 627-5544 403 297-3304

Germain-frechette, Anita (ESRD) [email protected]

780 427-7434

Gervais, Karen (ESRD) [email protected]

403 755-2280

3 Graham, Laura (ESRD)

[email protected]

8 Grainger, Debra (ESRD)

[email protected]

8 Grant, Doug (ESRD)

[email protected]

5 Grass, Erin (ESRD)

[email protected]


Green, Sarah (ESRD) [email protected] Green, Taya (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 340-5022

780 644-8360

26 Halifax, Craig (ESRD)

[email protected]

Fax 780 427-5980 780 638-3057

6 Hall, Rose (ESRD)

[email protected]

Fax 780 422-5141 403 485-2293

27 Halliday, Kelly (ESRD)

[email protected]

Fax 403 485-2401 780 644-2174

4 Hallonquist, Julie (ESRD)

[email protected]

Fax 780 422-0712 780 643-1769

32 Hamaliuk, Robert (ESRD)

[email protected]

Fax 780 422-0454 780 778-7258

6 Hambleton, Nola (ESRD)

[email protected]

403 591-7755

45 30

Fax 403 591-7123 403 529-3101


Fax 403 528-5224 780 538-8088


Fax 780 538-5522 780 644-1715


Fax 780 427-2513 780 644-8364


Fax 780 415-1718 403 845-8350


Gharagozlou, Ali (ESRD) [email protected]

780 422-4904


Gibson, Rebecca (ESRD) [email protected]

780 643-0899


Greene, Tamara (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-0151


Greenway, Ken (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 644-7571


Greer, Leonard (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 960-8605


Grewal, Inderpreet (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-0151

[email protected]

Fax 780 422-9557

Grier, James (ESRD) [email protected]

780 623-5369

11 Hamilton, Stephanie G

780 623-5418



Fax 780 623-4584

403 378-4342 [225]


Gilhen, David (ESRD) [email protected] Gill, Cara (ESRD) [email protected] Gilligan, Justin (ESRD) [email protected] Girard, Juliet (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-4407 403 591-7755 Fax 403 591-7123 780 638-3023 Fax 780 427-5980 780 675-8229 Fax 780 675-8165 780 644-4961 Fax 780 644-4955 780 427-8544 Fax 780 427-6334

Girvan, Marian (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 679-1217

Glover, Lisa (ESRD) [email protected] Gnanakumar, Saba (ESRD) [email protected]

780 679-1278 780 422-4589


403 297-5938


Fax 403 297-6389 780 849-7375 Fax 780 849-7122

Goertzen, Donna (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 415-9669

Goertzen, Donna (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 415-9669

Gogerla, Sherryl (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-3120

Gohil, Dillon (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 638-3493

780 422-4738 780 422-4738 780 415-4682 780 641-8895 780 643-1673


Gunn, Deborah (ESRD) 35 [email protected] Gustafson, Glenn (ESRD) 31 [email protected]


Goodings, Chara (ESRD) [email protected]

780 644-4645


Fax 780 422-6339 34

Fax 403 528-5224

Gorday, Dianne (ESRD) [email protected]

780 427-4795


Gordon, Sue (ESRD) [email protected]

403 297-5671


Gosman, Chris (ESRD) [email protected] Gould, Joyce (ESRD) [email protected] Goulding, Brittany (ESRD) [email protected] Gow, Rod (ESRD) [email protected] Gower, Dave (ESRD) [email protected] Goy, Richard (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 644-4955 780 926-7011


Fax 780 926-4224 780 427-7702


Fax 780 427-5980 403 355-2492


403 673-3663 [207]


Fax 403 673-3587 403 297-8290


Fax 403 297-2749 780 624-6450 Fax 780 624-6180

Gruenheidt, Wanda (ESRD) [email protected]

Gullion, Denyse (ESRD) 23 [email protected]

Fax 780 415-1718

403 529-3591

Grue, Mike (ESRD) [email protected]

Guillemette, Karen (ESRD) 35 [email protected]

780 638-3098

Goodwin, Audrey (ESRD) [email protected]

Grover, Roni (ESRD) [email protected]

Guha, Sangeeta (ESRD) 37 [email protected]

Gonela, Indira (ESRD) [email protected]


780 960-8650 780 427-4388

Griffith, Hal (ESRD) [email protected]

Grove, Coral (ESRD) 16 [email protected]

Fax 780 422-6339

Goehr, Kerri (ESRD) [email protected]

Gollapudi, Sushmitha (ESRD) [email protected]


780 422-4017

Gutsell, Jeff (ESRD) [email protected] Gutsell, Robin (ESRD) [email protected] Haase, Brent (ESRD) [email protected] Habib, Mohammad (ESRD) [email protected] Habulin, Cory (ESRD) [email protected] Hachey, Lucille (ESRD) [email protected] Haekel, Gerry (ESRD) [email protected] Haghighi, Matt (ESRD) [email protected] Haimila, Bryce (ESRD) [email protected] Hakes, Ken (ESRD) [email protected] Halabi, Sam (ESRD) [email protected] Hale, Greg (ESRD) [email protected]

780 427-8515

3 Hamelin, Carol (ESRD)

[email protected]

33 Hamid, Osman (ESRD)

[email protected]

7 Hamilton, Anthony (ESRD)

[email protected]

3 Hamilton, George (ESRD)

(ESRD) 29 [email protected] Hammer, Fred (ESRD) 26 [email protected]

403 388-7777

780 849-7280


780 415-2001


Fax 403 378-4247 780 835-7303 Fax 780 835-7203


Hampton, Rob (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 864-3443

Han, Bing (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 340-5022

Fax 403 381-5723

780 864-2266 403 341-8663

780 644-2742


780 643-1863


Hancock, Guy (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 960-8605


Hankinson, Kay (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 623-5444


Hanlon, Jamie (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-6339


Hanna, Dave (ESRD) [email protected]


Hansdah, Devraj (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 638-3187


Hansen, Stacey (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 849-7122


Hanson, Ron (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 341-8608


Harasymec, Donna (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-9838


Harback, Kimberly (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 644-1034


Harbarenko, Sandra (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-6334


Hardcastle, Rhonda (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 638-3493


Harris, Patricia (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-3120


Harris, Rob (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-4407


Harris, Sean (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 297-8232


Harrison, Maxwell (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 960-8605


Hart, Sheila G. (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-0151


Harvey, Glenn (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 623-5239

Hattum, Jim (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 623-5239

Fax 780 644-4955 780 827-3356 Fax 780 827-4545 780 675-8205 Fax 780 675-8165 780 427-5558 Fax 780 422-0266 780 960-8631 Fax 780 960-8605 403 381-5301 Fax 403 381-5337 780 644-1154 Fax 780 422-9557 403 754-6240 Fax 403 754-6243 780 415-9629 Fax 780 427-7824 780 427-5448 Fax 780 422-4192 780 427-5520 Fax 780 422-6339 780 427-4767 Fax 780 427-1185 403 297-7878 Fax 403 297-2749 780 427-8221 Fax 780 422-0262 780 422-4037 Fax 780 427-7434 780 960-8170 [229] Fax 780 960-8141 403 627-1155 Fax 403 627-4316

Numbers to the right cross-reference to the page(s) where an employee appears in the Ministry Listings


780 427-2561

Hamon, Scott (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 845-8595


Fax 780 849-5826


Fax 780 427-5980 403 845-8349

780 422-7502 Fax 780 427-9838

780 960-8638 780 623-5226 780 427-6233 403 678-5500 [282]

9 28 15 18 13 1 29

Fax 403 678-5505 780 643-6599 780 849-7249 403 340-4805 780 644-3290 780 638-3873 780 422-1355 780 427-9539 780 415-4668 780 643-0911 403 297-5913 780 960-8622 780 638-1353 780 623-5481 780 623-5235

36 17 13 4 37 7 35 23 36 22 19 3 28 28


Girvan, Iain (ESRD) [email protected]

780 427-9333

Fax 403 845-8282



Hautzinger - Ip 780 427-0047

6 Highet, Lara (ESRD)

780 644-8944

Hautzinger, Cheryl (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-5136

[email protected]

Fax 780 427-1185

Hawranik, Gerald (ESRD) [email protected]

780 427-2444

37 Hill, Cheryl (ESRD)

780 427-5963

Fax 780 427-5798

Hayzelden, Erin (ESRD) [email protected]

403 297-6561

Hazewinkel, Roderick (ESRD) [email protected]

780 415-9631 780 960-8646

[email protected]

36 Hill, Pamela (ESRD)

[email protected]

35 Hillmer, Clint (ESRD)

780 415-2222 403 758-3382

[email protected]

Fax 403 758-6714

18 Hills, Brian (ESRD)

403 381-5990

He, Yaming (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 960-8605

Hebben, Thorsten (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-6712

Hebert, Debbie (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 826-6068

Heck, Pauline (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 778-5538

Heckbert, Mark (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 523-5757

Hedges, James (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 833-4339

Heemeryck, Rebecca (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 845-4750

Heemskerk, Tim (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 926-4224

Heinrich, Carol (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-0151

[email protected]

Fax 780 723-8290

780 644-8372

1 Hofer, Philipp (ESRD)

403 378-4342 [223]

Heise, Ryan (ESRD) [email protected]

780 644-5302 780 826-4297 780 778-7248 780 523-6517 780 538-8028 403 845-8237 780 926-7013 780 427-9181

780 641-9429

[email protected]

35 Hines-Grant, Simone (ESRD)

[email protected]

13 Hiuser, Sarah (ESRD)

[email protected]

17 Ho, Catherine (ESRD)

[email protected]

31 Hobbs, Lyndsay (ESRD)

[email protected]

9 Hobson, Dave (ESRD)

[email protected]

14 Hodge, Christopher (ESRD)

[email protected]

9 Hodgson, Isabella (ESRD)

[email protected]

3 Hodgson, Linda (ESRD)

[email protected]

34 Hoffman, Paula (ESRD)

Hemens, Brendan (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-1185

[email protected]

Hemphill, Heather (ESRD) [email protected]

780 422-4414

1 Hohn, Evelyn (ESRD)

Fax 780 422-6339

Hendren, Kathy (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-0528

[email protected]

Herdman, Emily (ESRD) [email protected]

780 853-8137

15 Hollands, Neil (ESRD)

Herman, Debra (ESRD) [email protected]

403 933-7172

30 Holmes, Bill (ESRD)

Herman, Steve (ESRD) [email protected] Herman, William (ESRD) [email protected] Hermanson, Ruth (ESRD) [email protected] Hernandez, Gustavo (ESRD) [email protected] Hervieux, Dave (ESRD) [email protected] Hervieux, Margot (ESRD) [email protected] Hery, Christian (ESRD) [email protected] Hewison, Rupert (ESRD) [email protected] Hewitt, Roy (ESRD) [email protected] Hibbert, Robert (ESRD) [email protected] Hickley, Mac (ESRD) [email protected] Hiew, Caroline (ESRD) [email protected] Higgins, Janine (ESRD) [email protected] Higgins, Shannon (ESRD) [email protected]

780 427-2267

[email protected]

12 Holland, Wayne (ESRD)

[email protected]

15 Holowaychuk, Dennis

Fax 780 427-6334

[email protected]

780 415-4685

23 Hrycaj, Jerry (ESRD)

[email protected]

Fax 780 422-3120 780 644-6966

36 Huang, Andrew (ESRD)

Fax 780 644-7571

[email protected]

780 723-8518

19 Huang, Julian (ESRD)

[email protected]

Fax 780 723-7963 780 643-6687

4 Hubbs, Anne (ESRD)

[email protected]

Fax 780 427-9838 780 678-2022

31 Hugelschaffer, Dave (ESRD)

[email protected]

Fax 780 679-0991 780 723-8510

17 Hughes, Cindy (ESRD)

[email protected]

27 Hughes, Courtney (ESRD)

[email protected]

Fax 403 378-4247 780 723-8527

17 Hugill, Robert (ESRD)

Fax 780 723-8290

[email protected]

780 644-8716

35 Hui, Ernie (ESRD)

[email protected]

Fax 780 644-4955 780 464-7955 Fax 780 449-0718

780 427-4804

11 Hula-Atkinson, JoAnn

(ESRD) 13 [email protected] Hummel, Robert (ESRD) 4 [email protected]

Fax 780 422-9683 780 675-2254


Hong, Olivia (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-0923


Honour, Sandra (ESRD) [email protected]


Hood, Bonnie (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 618-4350


Hood, Terry (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 528-5213

[email protected]

Hoover, Val (ESRD) [email protected]

780 427-3464

23 Huynh, Janet (ESRD)


Fax 780 422-2545

780 422-8327 780 643-9470 780 624-7136 403 529-3538

403 845-8370


Hope, Douglas (ESRD) [email protected]


Hopkins, Amanda (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-2513


Hopkins, Debra (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 415-1718


Hordos, Pius (ESRD) [email protected] Horgan, Fidelma (ESRD) [email protected]

780 422-4609 780 644-8371 403 893-3777 [111] Fax 403 893-8900 780 960-8647 Fax 780 960-8605

[email protected]

4 Hunter, Susan (ESRD)

[email protected]

2 Hurst, Heather (ESRD)

[email protected]

2 Hussey, Morna (ESRD)

[email protected]

11 Hutchings, Faye (ESRD)

[email protected]

20 Huxley, Brenda (ESRD)

[email protected]

29 Huynh, Tu (ESRD)

[email protected]

2 Ilesanmi, Yemi (ESRD)

[email protected]

33 Ingrey, Joanne (ESRD)

[email protected]

27 Ionson, Crystal (ESRD)

[email protected]

18 Ip, Vivian (ESRD)

[email protected]

Numbers to the right cross-reference to the page(s) where an employee appears in the Ministry Listings


780 643-1672


Fax 780 644-7571 780 643-9229


Fax 780 427-6334 780 624-6482


Fax 780 624-6180 780 960-8170 [234]


Fax 780 960-8141 780 427-9109


Fax 780 422-0151 780 427-4816


Fax 780 422-9683 780 427-0239


Fax 780 422-0262 403 340-4988


Fax 403 340-5022 403 845-8235


Fax 403 845-4750 780 723-8531


Fax 780 723-7963 403 297-4136


Fax 403 297-2843 780 624-6148


403 362-1203


Fax 403 382-4257 780 644-2023


Fax 780 427-2039 780 833-4220


Fax 780 538-1941 403 297-7846


Fax 403 297-5284 780 427-9195

Fax 403 381-5337


780 427-9719

780 960-8633

Hunt, David (ESRD) [email protected] 10 Hunter, Duke (ESRD)


Fax 780 960-8605

Fax 780 644-1034

19 Hurley, Joey (ESRD)

780 624-6417

780 644-8769 Fax 780 427-5798

Hung, Ursula (ESRD) [email protected]

780 849-7282

Fax 403 592-8552 780 644-7428

21 Hoybak, Laura (ESRD)

Fax 780 849-7122

Fax 780 427-1029 403 592-8541

403 297-8008 Fax 403 297-8003

Holtze, Trevor (ESRD) [email protected]


Fax 780 644-1034 780 415-4686

[email protected]

[email protected]

Fax 780 427-6334 780 644-1480

24 Hovdestad, Hawkeye (ESRD)

Fax 780 427-1214

Fax 780 674-8382 780 427-5885

[email protected]

Holt Oduro, Carole (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 562-7143 780 674-8231

22 Hotston, Monique (ESRD)


Fax 403 678-5505 403 562-3138

[email protected]

Fax 780 624-6180

Fax 780 538-5617 403 678-5508 [289]

8 Hossain, Shahadat (ESRD)

Holt, Michael (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 538-5622 780 538-5603

[email protected]


Fax 780 415-1718 780 538-5618

23 Horton, Andrew (ESRD)

Fax 780 675-8165

Fax 403 297-6069 780 644-7844

[email protected]

(ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-5980 403 297-2005

5 Horning, Curtis (ESRD)


Fax 403 845-4750 780 644-2746

[email protected]

Fax 780 427-1493

[email protected]

Fax 403 933-7173 403 845-8213

780 422-2516

34 Horkey, Deda (ESRD)

403 381-5994 780 427-6673

37 20 26

Fax 780 427-5980 780 422-3051


Fax 780 644-5643 780 638-3855


Fax 780 422-6712 780 644-1174


Fax 780 427-2513 403 297-5917


Fax 403 297-5669 780 960-8656


Fax 780 960-8605 780 415-4664


Fax 780 427-1185 780 644-8726


Fax 780 427-2513 780 415-0091


780 638-5602


Fax 780 427-0923 780 643-6380


780 849-7213


Fax 780 849-7177 780 427-9197 Fax 780 422-0151


Iqbal - Kirzinger 780 644-7437

7 Johnson, Murray (ESRD)

Iqbal, Javid (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-6334

[email protected]

Irwin, Marina (ESRD) [email protected]

403 562-3131

22 Johnson, Rich (ESRD)

Fax 403 562-7143

Irwin, Terina (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 723-8290

Isaac, Kendra (ESRD) [email protected] Islam, Zahidul (ESRD) [email protected]

780 723-8504 780 644-6967

[email protected]

17 Johnson, Terry (ESRD)

[email protected]

33 Johnson, Wayne (ESRD)

Fax 780 778-5538 403 932-8103

[email protected]

Fax 780 422-6712

780 427-3529

5 Johnston, Dean (ESRD)

[email protected]

[email protected]

Fax 780 427-7434 780 644-8200

2 Johnston, Kris (ESRD)

[email protected]

Fax 780 427-2513

Jacobson, Kyle (ESRD) [email protected]

403 933-7172

Jamshedji, Alex (ESRD) [email protected]

780 415-6139

Jansman, Linda (ESRD) [email protected]

780 415-4692

30 Johnston, Patti (ESRD)

[email protected]

6 Johnstone, Deborah (ESRD)

[email protected]


Keef, Nicole (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 638-3187


Keeley, Lisa (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 849-7122


Keizer, Shawn (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 591-7372 780 644-5357

[email protected]

Fax 403 297-2749 403 382-4344

27 Jones, Marian (ESRD)

[email protected]

Fax 403 382-4459 780 422-5117

4 Jones, Rosemary (ESRD)

[email protected]

Fax 780 422-0712 780 422-6652

5 Jones, Scott (ESRD)

[email protected]

Fax 780 427-7434 780 644-1977

Fax 780 427-7824

Jeffries, Huw (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 591-7123

Jehlicka, Naomi (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-0085

780 644-7854 403 591-7755 780 643-9147 403 378-4342 [228] Fax 403 378-4247 780 960-8643

Jerez, Rafael (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 960-8605

Jevne, Andun (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 297-8803

403 297-3287 403 678-5500 [274] Fax 403 678-5505 403 845-8592 Fax 403 845-4750 403 297-8591

2 Jorgensen, James (ESRD)

[email protected]

Jorgenson, Jon (ESRD) 14 [email protected] Jorstead, Catherine (ESRD) 30 [email protected] Joseph, Josie (ESRD) 33 [email protected] Joudrey, Catherine (ESRD) 27 [email protected] Juergensen, Brent (ESRD) 19 [email protected] Juhlin, Tim (ESRD) 25 [email protected] Junor, Dave (ESRD) 30 [email protected] Juorio, Victor (ESRD) 16 [email protected] 20

Fax 403 297-8803 403 382-4346

Johnson, Craig (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 382-4596

Johnson, Dallas (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 638-3187

780 644-8356 403 562-3126


Fax 780 826-6068

403 388-7703

403 592-8545 780 422-4480

Fax 780 623-5239


Kemper, Cindy (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-9557


Kennedy, Jimmy (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 341-8608


Kennedy, Marlin (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 381-5337


Kennedy, Sharina (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 340-5022


Kentner, Darrell (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 778-5538


Keohane, Michelle (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 381-5792

780 427-6929

403 562-3141 780 422-5462 780 644-1751


Kane, Patrick (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-4192

Kara, Nasir (Nash) (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 644-5643

Karamat, Waqar (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 227-1360

6 12

780 422-2136 780 427-7605 403 227-1106

403 341-8676 780 778-7255 403 382-4290

Key, Frank (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 922-5554

32 12 7

18 20

780 644-7965 780 422-4568 780 922-3293

33 32 29

Keykavoos, Rozita (ESRD) [email protected]

403 297-6391


Khamsaysouk, Phoun (ESRD) [email protected]

780 643-1237


23 Khamsaysouk, Phoun C







403 297-8811

Fax 780 422-0454




Kesseler, Rob (ESRD) [email protected]



403 297-6561


Fax 780 427-1185 780 422-6635

403 381-5995

Fax 780 422-4192

Fax 780 427-4407 780 415-4651

403 340-7052

Kerr, Gillian (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-0151 780 643-6853

780 644-8014


Fax 780 422-5136 780 638-4544


Fax 403 297-8803

Fax 780 422-4192


780 623-5471

Kerr, Frankie (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 562-7143




Fax 403 382-4008


403 755-6163

Kerley, Lauren (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 644-4682 403 382-4242

780 427-0533


Fax 780 427-2513



Kemp, Patrick (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 592-8552


780 422-6444


Fax 403 678-5505



Kelly, Ashley (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 297-8232 403 678-5500 [291]


780 427-1906


Fax 780 427-5980 403 297-6035

780 849-7102

Fax 780 422-8837

Fax 403 382-4257 780 427-8783

780 422-1118

Keller, Ray (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 638-3170

Kaminski, Carolyn (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 538-5336 780 826-8345

403 638-3805

780 644-4646


Fax 780 422-6259


Fax 780 849-7122 780 833-4797

Jurijew, Meghan (ESRD) [email protected]

Kaba, Lizette (ESRD) 34 [email protected]

Fax 403 562-7743 780 849-7263

Jurgea, Nicolaeta (ESRD) [email protected]

780 427-2391

780 422-4572

Fax 780 422-4192

Fax 403 297-8803


Fax 780 422-0151 780 427-9133

(ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-0151

Kingston, Bill (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 341-8608

Kirillo, Kim (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 297-2749

Kirkpatrick, Tricia (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 341-8608

Kirkup, David (ESRD) [email protected] Kirzinger, Roland (ESRD) [email protected]

Numbers to the right cross-reference to the page(s) where an employee appears in the Ministry Listings

403 340-7735 403 297-8270 403 340-7749


13 20 13

780 514-3413


403 297-7927


Fax 403 297-7849


[email protected]

780 835-7304

Keller, Jerry (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-5980

403 355-4854

[email protected]

Fax 403 381-5723

Jayapathy, Shiya (ESRD) [email protected]

Johnson, Melynda (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-9557

403 297-5647

Fax 780 427-2513

Johnson, Lorne (ESRD) [email protected]

Kay, Dave (ESRD) [email protected]


[email protected]

Jayachandran, Sowmia (ESRD) [email protected]

Johnson, Laura A. (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 421-0028

22 Joly, Chris (ESRD)

Janzen, Aaron (ESRD) [email protected]

Johnson, Darryl (ESRD) [email protected]

Kavalinas, Stan (ESRD) [email protected]

403 382-4353

20 Jones, Jenni (ESRD)

Johanson, Troy (ESRD) [email protected]


Fax 780 422-2545

403 297-7891

Jillard, Ryan (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 835-7203

Fax 403 562-7143 403 591-7227

780 623-5470

Kaufmann, Charlie (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-0712 403 562-3125

403 340-7114



34 Jones, Brad (ESRD)

Jevons, Scott (ESRD) [email protected]

780 638-4546


Fax 403 340-7081 Fax 780 623-5239

Fax 780 427-4407


Fax 780 865-4313

Kaufman, Bernadette (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 932-8104 780 427-9318

780 865-6965


780 638-5620

780 644-8353

Jenkins, Jarrid (ESRD) [email protected]

(ESRD) 29 [email protected] Karpuk, Edward (ESRD) 25 [email protected]

24 Jolin, Jilliane (ESRD)

Jantzie, Tim (ESRD) [email protected]

Jassar, Jasbir (ESRD) [email protected]

780 778-7210

[email protected]

Ivanc, John (ESRD) [email protected]

Jaques, Kathleen (ESRD) [email protected]

403 381-5491

26 Karmacharya, Sharad

Fax 403 381-5337

35 Johnston, Bill (ESRD) 5 Johnston, Brad (ESRD)

Janzen, Darcy (ESRD) [email protected]

403 932-0382 Fax 403 297-2372

780 643-9044 780 415-9105

Janssens, Emeric (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-5980

Fax 780 422-4192

Ismail, Muhammad (ESRD) [email protected]

Jackson, Thelma (ESRD) [email protected]

780 427-2096



Kitagawa - Lewis 780 644-5122

Kitagawa, Myles (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 644-7571

Kitchen, Carol (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 340-5022

403 340-7745

Kjenner, Darren (ESRD) [email protected]

780 943-2342

Klebek, Margaret (ESRD) [email protected]

780 427-9840 780 422-0532

36 Krumm, Annette (ESRD)

[email protected]

16 Kryba, Shauna (ESRD)

[email protected]

28 Kryvdyk, Elena (ESRD)

[email protected]

35 Kuehrt, Mel (ESRD)

[email protected]

5 Kuhn, Robyn (ESRD)

Klein, Jonathan (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-5136

Klute, Wendy (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-5798

Knaus, Craig (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 297-8232

[email protected]

Kneffel, Eleanor (ESRD) [email protected]

780 427-6866

34 Kulba, Doug (ESRD)

Fax 780 638-3187

Kneteman, Jeff (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 865-4313

[email protected]

Knight, Barbara (ESRD) [email protected]

780 644-1463

3 Kushner, Kurt (ESRD)

Fax 780 427-9838

Knutson, Donna (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-5980

Kobberstad, Wayne (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 563-3677

Koehler, Mel (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 382-4008

Kokotailo, Chris (ESRD) [email protected]

780 415-6450 403 297-8294

780 865-8369

780 427-8450 403 563-3385 403 382-4246 780 415-1199 403 845-8253

[email protected]

37 Kuhn, Wanda (ESRD)

[email protected]

22 Kulak, Lindsay (ESRD)

[email protected]

19 Kupsch, Tennille (ESRD)

[email protected]

26 Kushneryk, Crystal (ESRD)

[email protected]

7 Lai, Jessica (ESRD)

[email protected]

22 Lailey, Jenny (ESRD)

[email protected]

5 Laing, Brian (ESRD)

[email protected]

16 Laird, Jamie (ESRD)

Kolga, Toni (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 845-4750

Konawalyk, Ashley (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 723-8290

Koning, Wendell (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 297-6069

[email protected]

403 845-8268

15 Lalonde, Kim (ESRD)

Konynenbelt, Rocklyn (ESRD) [email protected] Koppang, Mike (ESRD) [email protected] Koropczak, Donna (ESRD) [email protected] Kostrub, Pat (ESRD) [email protected] Kovachis, Nadia (ESRD) [email protected] Kowalenko, Brendan (ESRD) [email protected] Kozij, Michael (ESRD) [email protected] Krause, Terry (ESRD) [email protected] Kress, Gerald (ESRD) [email protected] Kress, Jerome (ESRD) [email protected] Krieger, Martina (ESRD) [email protected] Kristensen, Corinne (ESRD) [email protected] Kristoff, Natalie (ESRD) [email protected]

780 723-8263 403 297-8267

[email protected]

17 Lakusta, Shelleen (ESRD)

[email protected]

22 Laliberte, Diane (ESRD)

780 427-8272 Fax 780 427-5980 780 641-9315 403 381-5472 Fax 403 381-5792 780 623-5396 Fax 780 623-4584 780 415-8931 Fax 780 422-4192 780 624-6156 Fax 780 624-7127 403 297-7480


Lambert, Karen (HEALTH) [email protected]

Fax 780 415-2289

Lamin, Laryssa (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-5980


Lampier, Susanne (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 381-5969


Landry, Claudette (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 591-7379


Lane, Cam (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 644-7571


Lang, Anh (ESRD) [email protected]


403 340-4326 780 643-1635 780 427-7526 780 427-8059 780 638-3829 403 382-4228 403 591-6319 780 427-9451 780 644-4635 780 960-8621


Lange, Bruce (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 960-8605


Langis, Sylvie (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 297-8232

Langston, Greg (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 468-2494

Fax 780 427-4407 780 644-3216

780 638-1044 Fax 780 422-4192

Fax 780 427-5980

Fax 780 421-0028 780 427-9116

780 538-8023 Fax 780 833-4339

Lambert, Heather (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 485-2401 780 427-9457

780 723-8517 Fax 780 723-8290


Fax 780 427-1185 403 485-4580 [3]

780 833-4232 Fax 780 538-5336

Fax 780 422-4192

Fax 403 754-6243 780 415-4653

780 427-8395 Fax 780 427-5980

Lambert, Brian (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 927-4455 403 340-7683

Fax 780 960-8141


Fax 403 297-8803 780 927-8204

780 960-8170 [224]

Fax 403 340-5022

Fax 780 422-0262 403 297-7622

780 415-4614

Lamb, Andy (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 645-6281 780 427-8646

403 388-7704 Fax 403 382-4257


Fax 780 674-8382 780 645-6336

780 422-5872 Fax 780 644-4597

Fax 403 297-6069

Fax 403 678-5505 780 674-8231

780 422-0260 Fax 780 644-7571

[email protected]

Fax 403 845-4750 403 678-5500 [278]

780 422-4547 Fax 780 415-9669


Fax 780 422-0151

403 297-5910 780 422-4073 780 427-8875

Kromrey, Natalie (ESRD) [email protected]

403 592-2822


Langvand, Andrew (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-1874

Kronebusch, Sadie (ESRD) [email protected]

780 674-8231


Lanz, Nicole (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 529-3700


Lapiak, Joachim (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-5980

Krumm, Annette (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 674-8382 780 422-4547 Fax 780 415-9669

403 529-3161 780 643-0970

37 Lapointe, Michael (ESRD)

[email protected]

36 Larson, Bev (ESRD)

[email protected]

5 Latty, Dwayne (ESRD)

[email protected]

27 Lau, Jennifer (ESRD)

[email protected]

2 Laurent, Yves (ESRD)

[email protected]

29 Laurin, Nova (ESRD)

[email protected]

26 Law, Shelly (ESRD)

[email protected]

36 Lawrence, Dion (ESRD)

[email protected]

18 Lawrence, Donna (ESRD)

[email protected]

9 Lazaruk, Heather (ESRD)

[email protected]

33 Le, Linh (ESRD)

[email protected]

27 Le, Phoenix (ESRD)

[email protected]

5 Lebel, Mathieu (ESRD)

[email protected]

20 LeBlanc, Torrie (ESRD)

[email protected]

11 LeClair, Doreen (ESRD)

[email protected]

32 Leeder, Jared (ESRD)

[email protected]

10 Legaarden, Graham (ESRD)

[email protected]

34 Legarie, Michelle (ESRD)

[email protected]

8 Leichnitz, Doreen (ESRD)

[email protected]

32 Leidl, Chantelle (ESRD)

[email protected]

26 Lemay, Andre (ESRD)

[email protected]

12 Lenton, Brenda (ESRD)

[email protected]

26 Lenza, Lynn (ESRD)

[email protected]

8 Leong, Al (ESRD)

[email protected]

30 Leptich, Christopher (ESRD)

[email protected]

35 Lesiuk, Brent (ESRD)

[email protected]

3 Leskiw, Gene (ESRD)

[email protected]

19 Lester, Scott (ESRD)

[email protected]

21 Lesyk, Doreen (ESRD)

[email protected]

25 Letourneau, Devin (ESRD)

[email protected]

1 Letwin, Todd (ESRD)

[email protected]

26 Levy, Leanne (ESRD)

[email protected]

26 Lewis, Randy (ESRD)

[email protected]

Numbers to the right cross-reference to the page(s) where an employee appears in the Ministry Listings

780 427-7556


Fax 780 422-0528 780 427-8288


Fax 780 422-9685 780 594-7803


Fax 780 594-3340 780 415-9999


780 422-4765


Fax 780 422-0712 780 427-8758


Fax 780 427-5980 403 647-2364 [354]


Fax 403 647-2503 780 538-8097


Fax 780 538-1941 780 674-8301


Fax 780 674-8382 780 427-2330


Fax 780 427-5980 780 422-2254


Fax 780 415-9669 780 415-9650


780 643-6480


Fax 780 638-3187 403 932-0382


Fax 403 932-8104 780 427-2712


Fax 780 427-7958 780 643-3458


Fax 780 643-6595 780 865-6963


Fax 780 865-4313 780 643-1852


Fax 780 422-2545 780 778-7249


Fax 780 778-5538 780 644-7514


Fax 780 638-3187 780 638-1300


Fax 780 427-4407 403 845-8343


Fax 403 845-4750 780 538-5351


Fax 780 538-5336 403 932-0382


Fax 403 932-8104 403 355-2491


403 591-7755


Fax 403 591-7123 780 679-1244


780 427-0012


Fax 780 427-5980 780 427-8499


Fax 780 427-5980 780 538-5609


Fax 780 538-5522 780 960-8612


Fax 780 960-8605 780 415-1932


Fax 780 641-9145 780 960-8614 Fax 780 960-8605


Li - Marchand 780 422-8464

Li, Gongchen (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 644-7571

Li, Helen (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-0712

Liew, Lina (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-1214

Lightfoot, Maxine (ESRD) [email protected] Lightning, Lisa (ESRD) [email protected] Lim, Seong (ESRD) [email protected] Lindquist, Jim (ESRD) [email protected] Lindsay, Kate (ESRD) [email protected] Ling, Wayne (ESRD) [email protected] Litke, Jay (ESRD) [email protected] Little, Joanne (ESRD) [email protected] Little, Shelly (ESRD) [email protected]

780 422-4169 780 427-0666 780 538-8090

37 Lussier, Jean (ESRD)

[email protected]

4 Ly, Anh (ESRD)

[email protected]

780 644-5070

[email protected]

[email protected]

Fax 780 427-6334 780 645-6336 [6255] 780 427-4458 403 592-3164 403 297-6635 780 427-3363 780 422-4363

Macullo, Marcel (ESRD) [email protected]

780 675-8215


780 427-7990


780 853-8159 403 297-7061 780 623-5448 780 641-9095

[email protected]

780 643-1853

[email protected]

780 849-7346

MacDonald, Nancy (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-5980

Locke, Sandra (ESRD) [email protected]

780 644-7702


MacDonnell, Duncan (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-6339

Lockerbie, Cameron (ESRD) [email protected]

403 529-3134


MacDonnell, Erin (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 790-1600


MacDougall, Amy (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 297-6069

Fax 403 845-4750

Fax 403 529-3700 780 833-4289

Lockhart, Jessica (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 538-5622

Lockhart, Lynn (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-4192

780 427-8249

Lodermeier, Suzanne (ESRD) 403 647-2364 [229] Fax 403 647-2503 [email protected] 403 382-4253

Lok, Dorothy (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 381-5337

Loonen, Harry (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 842-7552

780 842-7550

Lopez, Daisy (ESRD) [email protected]

780 427-4429

Lorfing, Meredith (ESRD) [email protected]

403 297-4095

Loskutova, Olena (ESRD) [email protected]

780 641-1059

Lothammer, Rhonda (ESRD) [email protected]

780 638-5697

Lotz, Frank (ESRD) [email protected]


Fax 403 297-2749 403 297-6561


Low, Jessica (ESRD) [email protected]

780 644-7654


Lund, Shawna (ESRD) [email protected] Lundberg, Nicole (ESRD) [email protected] Lundstad, Barb (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-4252 780 624-6192


Fax 780 624-6455 780 849-7053


Fax 780 849-5826 403 340-7746


Fax 403 341-8608 403 381-5323 Fax 403 381-5337

780 427-4805 780 743-7154 403 297-8054 780 427-1335


Fax 780 641-9145


Mahler, Otto (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-1214

Mahmoud, Ahmed (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 297-6389

27 Mahoney, John (ESRD)

[email protected]

26 Maile, Barbara (ESRD)

[email protected]

1 Maingat, Marie (ESRD)

[email protected]

11 Majmunder, Bhavin (Jimmy)

(ESRD) 21 [email protected] Makaryshyn, Debra (ESRD) 6 [email protected]

780 644-5777 780 427-2234 403 297-8253 403 382-4365 780 826-8032 780 415-4678

780 422-4569


Malcolm, Janice (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 833-4339

780 644-1820


Malik, Ashish (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-5136


Malmberg, Robert (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 381-5969


Maloney, Jason (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-6339


Manchak, Dwayne (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-4407


Mangat, Satvinder (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 297-6389

780 422-3480 Fax 780 422-0712

403 678-2400

Maniego, Cathy (ESRD) [email protected]

403 381-5998

Fax 780 788-6443

780 644-2971 403 381-5989 780 427-9196 780 427-6681 403 297-5936

31 6 11 5 8 1 24 7 8

780 644-7001


Manley, Marge (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 382-4257


Maracle, Shilpa (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 638-3187


Marble, Shauna (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 932-8104


Marchand, Claude (ESRD) [email protected]

Numbers to the right cross-reference to the page(s) where an employee appears in the Ministry Listings


780 638-3066


Fax 403 742-7999 780 743-7437

780 538-5260

Fax 780 415-1718

Fax 780 422-0528 403 742-7516

780 644-8361

Manji, Shahin (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 381-5337 780 427-2632

780 427-7793


Fax 403 678-5696



780 427-0534

Fax 780 679-1217


780 643-6267

Fax 780 422-5136

780 679-1274


Fax 780 427-1185

Malafry, Robin (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 678-5505




Fax 780 427-7434


780 638-2869

780 672-2071

403 678-5500 [277]


Fax 780 422-3120

Fax 780 422-9559

Fax 780 960-8605


Fax 780 826-6068

Makowecki, Lauren (ESRD) [email protected]

780 960-8628


Fax 403 381-5969


Fax 780 422-9557

Macklern, Aleks (ESRD) [email protected]

MacNeil, Shelley (ESRD) [email protected]

Mah, Kay (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-4192

MacKenzie-McDonald, Shantel (ESRD) [email protected] a

MacNaughton, Carol (ESRD) [email protected]


780 427-8420

Makowecki, Brian (ESRD) [email protected]

780 638-3865

MacMahon, Paul (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-4693

780 622-3921


780 422-3344

Mackenzie, Phil (ESRD) [email protected]

Macknak, Eric (ESRD) [email protected]

Mah, Candice (ESRD) [email protected]


Fax 780 422-5141

Mackay, Katelyn (ESRD) 4 [email protected] MacKay-Matak, Carol (ESRD) 21 [email protected]

Lovely, Alison (ESRD) [email protected]

Lucko, Brian (ESRD) [email protected]

780 427-5478

Mack, Hugh (ESRD) 20 [email protected] Mack, Robyn (ESRD) 14 [email protected]

Fax 780 427-1874 403 297-8279

403 378-3233

Machielse, Matthew (ESRD) 32 [email protected] Mack, Glenn (ESRD) 27 [email protected]

MacKenzie, Jeremy (ESRD) 33 [email protected] MacKenzie, Patti (ESRD) 1 [email protected]

Fax 780 622-3783

403 388-3140 780 638-5681 403 851-2144 780 422-2739

27 34 29 5



Livingston, Don (ESRD) [email protected]

Maguire, Kayla (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-1029

3 MacCormick, Jennifer

Fax 403 378-4247

403 845-8236


Fax 780 644-5329

35 Macchione, Frank (ESRD)

Fax 780 427-7824

Fax 780 415-1718

Fax 780 623-4584

MacDonald, Bill (ESRD) [email protected]

Liu, Yan (ESRD) [email protected]

Magai, Robert (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 297-2839


780 427-0428


Fax 780 853-8264

[email protected]

Fax 780 623-4584



Fax 403 678-5505

(ESRD) [email protected]

780 623-5326

403 297-7061 Fax 403 297-2839


25 MacArthur, Amy (ESRD)

Fax 780 422-0151


780 427-9577


Litzenberger, Dean (ESRD) [email protected]

780 422-3196 Fax 780 422-9685

MacRae, Shawn (ESRD) [email protected]

[email protected]

Fax 780 422-6712

Fax 780 644-4955


22 Lyttle, Chad (ESRD)

Fax 403 297-6069


403 678-5508 [270]

[email protected]

Fax 403 297-2839

MacPherson, Willis (ESRD) [email protected]



35 Lyster, Ryan (ESRD)

Fax 780 644-7571

780 427-9517

(ESRD) 29 [email protected] MacPherson, Laura (ESRD) 31 [email protected]


403 381-5993

11 Lysen, Darryl (ESRD)

Fax 780 645-6281

24 MacPherson, Jennifer

Fax 780 415-1718

[email protected]

7 Lynn, Maria (ESRD)

780 644-7655

780 644-8693

17 Lynch, Matthew (ESRD)

Fax 780 778-5538

Fax 780 926-2656

Fax 780 853-8264

10 Lyder, David (ESRD)

780 926-5406

[email protected]

780 853-8159

[email protected]

20 MacPhee, Gerry (ESRD)

Fax 403 297-8803 Fax 780 422-4252

4 Lychak, Charles (ESRD)

Fax 780 538-5522 780 778-7103

403 297-8831


Marcotte - Miller Fax 780 538-5336

Markowski, Rose (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 675-8165

Marshall, Brad (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-5980

Martin, Donna (ESRD) [email protected] Martin, Gotthelf (ESRD) [email protected] Martin, Jennifer (ESRD) [email protected] Martin, Nancy (ESRD) [email protected]


780 538-5611

Marcotte, Guy (ESRD) [email protected]

780 675-8168 780 427-9017 403 378-4342 [237]

10 McDonald, Karen (ESRD)

[email protected]

17 McDonald, Wanda (ESRD)

[email protected]

26 McEwan, Daryl (ESRD)

[email protected]

27 McEwen, Barbara (ESRD)

[email protected]

Fax 403 378-4247 780 638-2341 780 427-2257

31 McEwen, Jane (ESRD)

[email protected]

32 McEwin, Pam (ESRD)

[email protected]

Fax 780 422-4192 403 355-4458 780 644-5044

22 McFadden, Farrah (ESRD)

[email protected]

26 McFayden, Katy (ESRD)

Marvin, Doug (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-5980

[email protected]

Masear, Vi (ESRD) [email protected]

780 644-1095

3 McGhee, Rob (ESRD)

Fax 780 422-0151

[email protected]

Mason, Jill (ESRD) [email protected]

780 427-9388

37 McGill, Eva (ESRD)

Fax 780 427-5798

Matheson, Terry (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 485-2401

Mathyk, Jocelyne (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 381-5969

Mathyk, Stephen (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 381-5337

Matis, Dennis (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 381-5969

Mattiello, Danielle (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-4192

Mawuko-Yevugah, Yvonne (ESRD) [email protected] May-McDonald, Judy (ESRD) [email protected] Mayo, Katie (ESRD) [email protected] Mazur, Maxwell (ESRD) [email protected] McAnally, Bart (ESRD) [email protected] McCallum, James (ESRD) [email protected] McCauley, Eunice (ESRD) [email protected] McClelland, Rick (ESRD) [email protected] McClure, Gordon (ESRD) [email protected] McColl, Donna (ESRD) [email protected] McCorriston, Don (ESRD) [email protected] McCubbin, Heather (ESRD) [email protected] McCullough, Julie (ESRD) [email protected] McCutcheon, Jason (ESRD) [email protected]

403 485-2293 403 388-3132 403 381-5970 403 381-5973 780 427-8315 780 427-9107

[email protected]

27 McGillivray, Susan (ESRD)

[email protected]

34 McGinn, Terry (ESRD)

[email protected]

20 McGonigle, Kara (ESRD)

[email protected]

8 McGowan, Shirley (ESRD)

[email protected]

33 McGregor, Andrea (ESRD)

[email protected]

3 McGregor, Darren (ESRD)

780 427-5138 [110] Fax 403 893-8900 780 849-7370 Fax 780 849-7330 780 723-8527 Fax 780 723-8290 780 415-4643 Fax 780 427-1185 780 427-8146 Fax 780 427-7824 780 645-6237 Fax 780 645-6281 403 845-8263 Fax 403 845-8282 780 623-5237 Fax 780 623-4584 780 427-7304

[email protected]

28 McQuiston, Duncan (ESRD)

[email protected]

17 McSween, Dave (ESRD)

[email protected]

32 Meech, Liz (ESRD)

[email protected]

11 Meijer, Marge (ESRD)

[email protected]

11 Meilleur, Susan (ESRD)

[email protected]

16 Meinke, Adrian (ESRD)

[email protected]

12 Mekonnen, Muluneh (ESRD)

[email protected]

26 Melick, Richard (ESRD)

Fax 780 542-6454


McKen, Brenda (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 624-6335


McKenna, David (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-0154


McKenna, Gary (ESRD) [email protected]


McKenna, Tara (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 381-5337


McKenzie, Hannah (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-9559


McLaren, Lindsay (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 415-1718


McLean, James (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 382-4459

McLellan, Maryka (ESRD) [email protected]

403 340-5142


McLennan, Brenna (ESRD) [email protected]

780 644-1467 780 644-5159

780 514-3417 780 624-6194 780 427-0554 780 644-7037 403 381-5997 780 638-1245 780 644-6941 403 381-5405

McDonald, Andrea (ESRD) [email protected]

403 591-6311


McLennan, Mary-Ann (ESRD) [email protected]


McLennan, Stuart (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 382-4008

Mcleod, Amy (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 297-8232

Fax 403 591-7379 Fax 780 644-3777 Fax 780 427-9838

27 McNulty, Pat (ESRD)

McKay, Stewart (ESRD) [email protected]

403 381-5325


780 644-5778

[email protected]


780 422-5943

780 644-3208

McDonald, Justin (ESRD) [email protected]

36 McNeil, Pat (ESRD)

Fax 403 381-5337

Fax 403 227-1360

780 415-8780

[email protected]

McIntosh, Susan (ESRD) [email protected]

780 415-9378

McDermott, Karen (ESRD) [email protected]

McDonald, Darcy (ESRD) [email protected]

26 McNaughton, Patricia (ESRD)


Fax 403 297-6389 403 227-1106

403 388-3183 Fax 403 382-4428

[email protected]

Fax 780 422-0151

Fax 403 297-6069 403 297-6693

780 427-9470 Fax 780 427-5980

2 McNaughton, Jack (ESRD)

McInerney, Anne (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 758-6714 403 562-3289

780 422-7757 Fax 780 427-2513

[email protected]


Fax 403 381-5337 403 758-3382

20 McNabb, Jesse (ESRD)

Fax 780 427-7958

Fax 780 638-3493 403 381-5967

403 297-3591

McGuinness, Liz (ESRD) [email protected]


Fax 403 297-8232 780 427-4743

[email protected]

15 Melnick, Pam (ESRD)

Fax 780 523-5757 403 297-3750

6 McMillan, Sandra (ESRD)

Fax 780 427-7434

780 644-8365

Fax 780 624-6180 780 523-6511

780 415-0010

[email protected]

Fax 780 644-3777

Fax 403 297-8803 780 624-6357

37 McLeod, Kim (ESRD)

McGuigan, Claire (ESRD) [email protected]


Fax 780 644-3777 403 297-8846

780 427-8254 Fax 780 427-5798

[email protected]

Fax 780 427-0923 780 643-1448

[email protected]

Fax 780 427-5980

Fax 780 638-3187 780 644-5054

12 McLeod, Calvin (ESRD)

[email protected]

Fax 780 422-0151 780 427-2931

780 427-7660 Fax 780 427-7824


403 382-4013 403 297-5672

[email protected]

3 Melnycky, Natalka (ESRD)

[email protected]

780 538-8010


Fax 780 538-5617 780 427-2405


Fax 780 422-6712 780 644-3421


Fax 780 422-4192 780 639-4087


Fax 780 639-6181 780 624-6551


Fax 780 624-6180 403 382-4098


Fax 403 382-4257 780 415-4680


Fax 780 422-2545 780 415-9545


Fax 780 422-6339 403 591-7755


Fax 403 591-7123 403 678-2400 [106]


Fax 403 678-5696 780 643-6250


780 427-8554


Fax 780 427-5980 780 643-1042


Fax 780 644-4955 780 538-8013


Fax 780 538-5622 403 592-4022


Fax 403 297-6069 780 422-9495


Fax 780 415-1718 403 845-8277


Fax 403 845-4950 780 624-7176


Fax 780 624-6455

3 Melnyk, Tanya (ESRD)

403 388-7709


21 Melvin, Janine (ESRD)

403 893-3777 [115]


[email protected] [email protected]

13 Menchenton, James (ESRD)

[email protected]

10 Meters, Leanne (ESRD)

[email protected]

8 Metz, Mary (ESRD)

[email protected]

4 Meyers, Mason (ESRD)

[email protected]

21 Micek, Monica (ESRD)

[email protected]

32 Michaud, Bernard (ESRD)

[email protected]

31 Michaud, Susan (ESRD)

[email protected]

8 Milhousen, Debra (ESRD)

[email protected]

16 Millen, Julia (ESRD)

[email protected]

33 Miller, Amanda (ESRD)

[email protected]

23 Miller, Jill (ESRD)

[email protected]

22 Miller, Leslie (ESRD)

[email protected]

22 Miller, Michelle (ESRD)

[email protected]

Numbers to the right cross-reference to the page(s) where an employee appears in the Ministry Listings

Fax 403 893-8900 780 624-6170


780 427-5934


Fax 780 422-6339 780 644-8856


Fax 780 422-4192 780 643-6399


Fax 780 427-2513 780 644-1292


Fax 780 415-1718 780 849-7262


780 674-8231


Fax 780 674-8382 403 678-5500 [283]


Fax 403 678-5505 403 297-7827


Fax 403 297-7849 780 643-6685


Fax 780 422-0454 403 673-3663 [218]


Fax 403 673-3587 403 297-8262


Fax 403 297-8232 780 422-4715


Milligan - O'Callaghan 780 422-0672

33 Morrow, Janet (ESRD)

Milligan, Scott (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 638-3187

Mills, Blake (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-5136

Mills, Stephen (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 723-7963

Milne, Glynis (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-0151

[email protected]

403 476-4854

20 Moyles, Dave (ESRD)

Mingo, Wendy (ESRD) [email protected]

780 427-0576 780 723-8355 780 427-8954

780 422-5327

[email protected]

6 Mortemore, Nora (ESRD)

[email protected]

18 Morton, Kim (ESRD)

[email protected]

3 Moseley, David (ESRD)

[email protected]

6 Mrak, Helen (ESRD)

780 422-7212 780 427-4857 Fax 780 421-0028 403 381-5120

780 624-6465 Fax 780 624-6455 403 388-1114

Fax 403 297-8803

Mitchell, Rene (ESRD) [email protected]

780 644-8396

6 Mufti, Wasim (ESRD)

780 960-8627

Fax 780 641-9145

Mitha, Nizar (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-1493

Mitok, Jennifer (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-6339

Moch, Doug (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 679-1744

Mohamed, Premee (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-4192

Mohammed, Eleanor (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 644-1034

Moisey, Darlene (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 645-6281

Moktan, Hira (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 644-4955

Moncrieff, Teena (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 926-2656

Monilaws, Catherine (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-0151

Monkman, Kimberley (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-5980

Montgomery, Jenna (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-6334

Montinola, Catalina (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-1185

780 422-3881 780 679-1232 780 638-3286 780 427-4659 780 645-6308 780 415-0526 780 926-5408 780 422-1555 780 427-5518 780 638-9437 780 415-4641

Moody, Sarah (ESRD) [email protected]

780 427-0574

Moody, Shannon (ESRD) [email protected]

780 833-4225 780 853-8137

Moore, David (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 853-8264

Moore, Sandra (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-0151

Morcos, Emad (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-5980

Moreno, Niandry (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 297-6069

Morin, Alicia (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 297-2843

Morin, Danielle (ESRD) [email protected]

780 427-9110 780 643-1043 403 297-6302 403 476-4584 780 427-4976 780 623-5384

Moroz, Eileen (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 623-5444

Morris, Shelley (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-7958

Morrison, Dale (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 382-4257

Morrison, Kim (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 382-4008

Morrison, Pam (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 849-7122

780 427-2156 403 388-1287 403 382-4016 780 849-7259

24 Muhlbier, Dean (ESRD)

[email protected]

1 Murji, Azim (ESRD)

[email protected]

7 Murphy, Anne (ESRD)

[email protected]

32 Murphy, Brian (ESRD)

[email protected]

37 Murphy, Corin (ESRD)

[email protected]

33 Murphy, Kathleen (ESRD)

[email protected]

35 Murray, Jon (ESRD)

Fax 403 382-4257 403 297-8844

403 845-8357 Fax 403 845-4750 780 427-9177 Fax 780 422-0151 403 845-8340 Fax 403 845-4750 780 638-3799 Fax 780 427-9838 403 678-2400 [102] Fax 403 678-5696 403 382-4000

[email protected]

3 Muthukumaru, Jody (ESRD)

[email protected]

25 Myers, Sandra (ESRD)

[email protected]

7 Myrmo, Valerie (ESRD)

[email protected]

23 Nadeau, Stuart (ESRD)

[email protected]

35 Nadworny, Stephen (ESRD)

[email protected]

11 Nahar, Qamrun (ESRD)

[email protected]

15 Nahirniak, Cody (ESRD)

[email protected]

3 Nahoniak, Tenaya (ESRD)

[email protected]

25 Nahorniak, Chartina (ESRD)

[email protected]

25 Nalder, Derek (ESRD)

[email protected]

22 Namsechi, Hamid (ESRD)

[email protected]

24 Nanni, Beth (ESRD)

[email protected]

13 Nash, Geoff (ESRD)

[email protected]

4 Natte, Tannis (ESRD)

[email protected]

27 Nazarali, Tazim (ESRD)

[email protected]

22 Neigum, Leah (ESRD)

[email protected]

17 Neis, Scott (ESRD)

[email protected]

10 Nelson, Valerie (ESRD)

[email protected]

27 Ness, Kim (ESRD)

[email protected]

20 Neufeld, Hanna (ESRD)

[email protected]

18 Neupane, Anish (ESRD)

[email protected]

14 Neurohr, George (ESRD)

[email protected]

3 Nevill, Gary (ESRD)

[email protected]

16 Newkirk, Deanne (ESRD)

[email protected]

4 Newman, Debbie (ESRD)

[email protected]

30 Newsham, Helen (ESRD)

[email protected]

20 Ng, Jessica SauChu (ESRD)

51 2

Fax 780 427-0923 780 427-5445


Fax 780 422-4192 403 341-8679


403 758-3382


Fax 403 758-6714 780 427-8120


780 427-7533


Fax 780 644-7571 780 638-2863


780 427-8803


Fax 780 422-4192 780 538-8053


Fax 780 538-5336 780 623-5442


Fax 780 623-5239 403 297-5950


Fax 403 297-6069 780 960-8604


Fax 780 960-8605 780 427-4764


Fax 780 422-0454 780 422-1533


Fax 403 381-5337

[email protected]

Fax 780 422-0712

780 643-6594

23 Ng, Julian (ESRD)

780 644-1789


780 960-8642

34 Nguyen, Michelle (ESRD)

780 644-7513


403 932-0386

29 Nicol, Scott (ESRD)

780 422-2009


Fax 780 427-1029 10 Mussell, Dave (ESRD)

[email protected]

780 427-1647

Fax 403 932-8104 780 427-1742 Fax 780 427-5980 780 427-6569 Fax 780 427-4693 780 422-3570 Fax 780 422-9559 780 644-7034 Fax 780 422-0266 780 427-5053 Fax 780 422-0528 780 464-7955 780 427-6781 Fax 780 427-5980 780 643-1811 Fax 780 427-5980 403 388-3174 780 427-9931 Fax 780 415-1718 780 422-4919 403 382-4258 Fax 403 382-4428 403 382-4247 780 644-3543 Fax 780 427-5980 403 476-4564 780 723-8539 Fax 780 723-8290

[email protected]

[email protected] [email protected]

27 Nicolai, Bonnie (ESRD)

[email protected]

37 Niederleitner, Joe (ESRD)

[email protected]

24 Nielsen, Carole-Anne (ESRD)

[email protected]

24 Niemiec, Steph (ESRD)

[email protected]

11 Nipp, Kevin (ESRD)

[email protected]

14 Nitkowski, Beata (ESRD)

[email protected]

26 Noel, Shirley (ESRD)

[email protected]

26 North, Barbara (ESRD)

[email protected]

5 Norton, Deborah (ESRD)

[email protected]

31 Noseworthy, Doug (ESRD)

[email protected]

6 Nowak, Nicole (ESRD)

[email protected]

21 Nowicki, Luc (ESRD)

[email protected]

2 Nowosiad, Ken (ESRD)

[email protected]

25 Oberhoffner, Joe (ESRD)

[email protected]

22 Obiajulu, Okey (ESRD)

[email protected]

16 O'Callaghan, Patrick (ESRD)

patrick.o'[email protected]

Numbers to the right cross-reference to the page(s) where an employee appears in the Ministry Listings

Fax 780 422-4192 780 624-6204


Fax 780 618-4350 780 623-5367


Fax 780 623-4584 403 340-7784


Fax 403 340-5022 780 926-7015


Fax 780 926-4224 780 960-8644


Fax 780 960-8605 780 415-9375


Fax 780 427-7958 780 422-6624


780 422-7837


Fax 780 427-1874 780 422-4860


Fax 780 422-0712 403 591-7755


Fax 403 591-7123 780 623-5235


Fax 780 623-5239 780 623-5472


Fax 780 623-5239 780 427-8526


Fax 780 427-6334 403 673-2785


780 833-4375


Fax 780 538-1941 780 538-5544 Fax 780 538-5522



[email protected]

780 422-1027

23 Nelson, Greg (ESRD) 11 Nelson, Lee (ESRD)

Fax 780 427-1185

[email protected]

[email protected]

780 623-5387 Fax 780 623-4584

Mire, Vanessa (ESRD) [email protected]

23 Mueller, Robert (ESRD)

36 Nelson, Carol (ESRD)

[email protected]

Fax 780 422-0262 780 638-1231

[email protected]

Fax 403 381-5723

Minke, Adam (ESRD) [email protected]

[email protected]

4 Nelson, Bonnie (ESRD)



Ochitwa - Politeski 780 427-7430

Ochitwa, Teresa (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-2545

Odumade, Thomas (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-2278

Ogden, Alec (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 538-5617

Ogrodnick, Matt (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 778-5538

O'Halligan, Janet (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-0151

O'Hara, Maureen (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-0151

Okrainec, Jennifer (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 623-5239

Okyere, Yaw (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 644-3777

Olansky, Sandra (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 679-0991

Olatuyi, Lekan (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-0528

Olsen, Darlene (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 849-7330

Olson, Brian (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 528-5213

Olson, Diane (ESRD) [email protected]

780 644-7850 780 538-5531 780 778-7239 780 427-2231 780 427-5788 780 623-5435 780 415-4799 780 673-2302 780 644-1212 780 849-7100 403 529-3685 780 422-3450 780 427-7642

Omilian, Elizabeth (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-5798

O'Neill, Colleen (ESRD) colleen.o'[email protected]

Fax 403 748-3938

Onyshko, Peter (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-0262

Oruski, Jim (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 678-5696

Osborne, Kathy (ESRD) [email protected]

403 748-3939 780 422-7826 403 678-2400 780 960-8170 [244] Fax 780 960-8141 780 624-6325

Osowetski, Kevin (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 624-6335

Otto, Matthew (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 960-8605

Ottoni, Steven (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 415-1718

780 960-8639 780 638-3698

Paczkowski, John (ESRD) [email protected]

403 678-5500 [238]

Paczkowski, Jonathan (ESRD) [email protected]

403 932-0382 Fax 403 932-8104

Page, Don (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 340-7081

Page, Natasha (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-4192

Pagee, Andrea (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 341-8608

Palmer, Jenny (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 678-5505

403 340-7117 780 427-5830 403 340-7701 403 678-5500 [267] Fax 403 678-5505 780 638-3185

23 Parkinson, Tracy (ESRD)

[email protected]

6 Parlin, Brian (ESRD)

[email protected]

28 Parrell, Crystal (ESRD)

[email protected]

16 Parseyan, Sid (ESRD)

[email protected]

3 Partridge, Laura (ESRD)

[email protected]

3 Passek, Rick (ESRD)

[email protected]

28 Pasula, Mike (ESRD)

[email protected]

15 Pate, Kathleen (ESRD)

[email protected]

28 Paterson, Pat (ESRD)

[email protected]

12 Patmore, Leah (ESRD)

[email protected]

28 Patterson, Jan (ESRD)

[email protected]

20 Pattison Perry, Marilea

(ESRD) 4 [email protected] Patton, Andrew (ESRD) 37 [email protected] Paul, Andrew (ESRD) 29 [email protected] Paulovich, Lorie (ESRD) 6 [email protected] Paulsen, Leanne (ESRD) 30 [email protected] Paulsen, Shirley (ESRD) 29 [email protected] Pawelec, Tom (ESRD) 7 [email protected] Payette, Brendon (ESRD) 18 [email protected] Payne, Lauretta (ESRD) 31 [email protected] Pearson, Dan (ESRD) 30 [email protected] Pelech, Bill (ESRD) 29 [email protected] Pellerin, Aaron (ESRD) [email protected] 33 Pelster, Jon (ESRD)

[email protected]

32 Penedo, Raquel (ESRD)

[email protected]

13 Penner, Jason (ESRD)

[email protected]

29 Penner, Laurie (ESRD)

[email protected]

32 Penner, Michael (ESRD)

780 865-6992

18 Perozzo, Dan (ESRD)

[email protected]

Fax 780 865-4313 780 849-7268

19 Perras, Delmar (ESRD)

Fax 780 849-7177 780 427-6873

31 Perrett, Philip (ESRD)

[email protected]

24 Perron, Rosalie (ESRD)

[email protected]

Fax 780 427-1493 403 340-7113

14 Peterson, Camilla (ESRD)

[email protected]

Fax 403 340-5022 780 679-1288

7 Peterson, Kevin (ESRD)

[email protected]

Fax 780 679-1744 780 622-3921

9 Peterson, Randy (ESRD)

[email protected]

Fax 780 622-3783 780 638-3190 403 362-1232

6 Petiot, Robert (ESRD)

[email protected]

21 Petreanu, Mihaela (ESRD)

[email protected]

Fax 403 362-1295 780 926-2238

10 Petrovic, Nichole (ESRD)

[email protected]

Fax 780 926-3950 780 427-4684

1 Petry, Shane (ESRD)

Fax 780 422-6339

[email protected]

780 644-1157

5 Peyton, Ali (ESRD)

[email protected]

Fax 780 422-5136 780 427-0903

Fax 780 538-5336 403 340-7694

[email protected]

13 Plante, Robert (ESRD)

[email protected]

17 Pledge, Spencer (ESRD)

Fax 780 523-5757

[email protected]

403 297-6636

6 Pletcher, Shan (ESRD)

403 340-7748 Fax 403 340-5022 403 678-2400 [110] Fax 403 678-5696 780 422-0738 780 427-7831 Fax 780 422-4252 780 641-8992 Fax 780 422-6339 780 427-6785 Fax 780 427-5798 780 778-7158

[email protected]

15 Plitt, Craig (ESRD)

[email protected]

30 Pochailo, David (ESRD)

[email protected]

5 Podporin, Oleg (ESRD)

[email protected]

24 Podulsky, Ken (ESRD)

[email protected]

1 Poeckens, Jeff (ESRD)

[email protected]

37 Poirier, Val (ESRD)

[email protected]

18 Poirier, Vicky (ESRD)

[email protected]

Pals, Matthew (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-0454

Pardais, Maninder (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-2513

[email protected]

Fax 780 723-7963

Park, David (ESRD) [email protected]

780 427-8347

31 Percy, Melanie (ESRD)

403 678-5500 [231]

Fax 780 422-9559

Park, June (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-1185

[email protected]

Fax 780 723-7963

[email protected]

Parker, Jessica (ESRD) [email protected]

780 624-6330

10 Perkins, Vicki (ESRD)

403 678-5500 [284]

30 Pole, Robert (ESRD)

Fax 780 624-7127

Parker, Sarah (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 297-6389

780 638-4648

780 427-4766

403 297-3837

[email protected]

2 Penton, Paulette (ESRD)

[email protected]

34 Perih, Candace (ESRD)

[email protected]

6 Perley, Terrina (ESRD)

[email protected]

Fax 780 778-5538 780 723-8559

Fax 403 678-5505 780 723-8530

Fax 403 678-5505 403 340-7751 Fax 403 340-5022

780 427-9148


Fax 780 422-0151 403 591-6314


Fax 403 591-7379 780 679-1736


Fax 780 679-1744 780 644-4666


Fax 780 427-2513 780 644-6965


Fax 780 427-2513 403 382-4362


Fax 403 381-5723 780 644-1120


Fax 780 422-2545 780 427-4617


780 638-3029


780 623-5250 780 427-2391

12 1

Fax 780 422-6259 26 Piccin, Candace (ESRD) 33 Plante, Karen (ESRD)

Fax 403 297-8232


16 Honourable (ESRD)

780 644-2474

780 523-6510

403 627-1120

Fax 780 623-5444

Phillips, Shannon


Fax 403 627-1146

Phillips, Ashley (ESRD) [email protected]

[email protected]

780 644-7964

403 591-7227

Fax 780 422-4192



Fax 403 591-7372

Phaneuf, Rick (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-5980

Fax 780 644-5643

403 758-3382


Fax 403 340-5022 780 427-7397


Fax 403 758-6714

Pham, Jenny (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 932-2158 780 538-8052

780 427-6207


Fax 780 427-7824 403 851-2200


Fax 780 427-4693

Fax 780 415-1718 780 638-3769

403 755-6185 Fax 403 754-6243

19 Pojasok, Taras (ESRD)

[email protected]

30 Pokorski, James (ESRD)

[email protected]

18 Polasek, Laura (ESRD)

[email protected]

14 Politeski, Joel (ESRD)

[email protected]

Numbers to the right cross-reference to the page(s) where an employee appears in the Ministry Listings

403 627-1127


Fax 403 627-1146 780 427-5779


Fax 780 427-4407 403 627-5544


Fax 403 627-5528 403 297-6635


Fax 403 297-6069 780 638-3628


Fax 780 415-1718 780 674-8304


Fax 780 674-8382 403 340-7656


Fax 403 340-5022 780 638-3650


Fax 780 644-4955 780 778-7268


Fax 780 778-5538 780 836-7305


Fax 780 836-3666 780 427-1604


Fax 780 422-5141 403 340-5451


Fax 403 340-7081 780 427-2980


Fax 780 422-4192 780 415-9371


Fax 780 644-5643 780 427-3555


Fax 780 638-3187 403 340-4849


Fax 403 340-5022 780 674-8380 Fax 780 674-8382


Poll - Rooks 403 340-7627

Poll, Bryan (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 341-8608

Pollock, Harvey (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 639-6181

Pongar, Kathleen (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-7958

Poon, Randy (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 297-2749

Port, Emily (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-9685

Porter, Fraser (ESRD) [email protected]

780 639-4088 780 415-9358 403 297-6675 780 427-3833 780 427-2612 780 842-7551

Porter, Patrick (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 842-7552

Power, Linda (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 743-7244

Prashar, Vijay (ESRD) [email protected]

780 743-7204 780 643-0876 403 340-4309

Prescott, Dave (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 340-5575

Price, Jane (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 297-8803

Price, Tracy (ESRD) [email protected]

403 297-8850 780 644-3298

13 Rahman, Mohammad (ESRD)

[email protected]

6 Rahman, Mohammad M

(ESRD) 3 [email protected] Rai, Avaya (ESRD) 20 [email protected] Rainville, Jack (ESRD) 31 [email protected] Raivio, Laura (ESRD) 4 [email protected] Ramey, Edith (ESRD) 14 [email protected] Rampling, Roy (ESRD) 13 [email protected] Ranger, Betty (ESRD) 5 [email protected] Rashid, Omid (ESRD) 15 [email protected] Rauf, Asim (ESRD) 36 [email protected] Raven, Mary (ESRD) 34 [email protected]

403 381-5398 780 422-1721


Rich, Patty (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 297-2749

403 845-8244


Richards, Bill (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-5980


Richards, Donna (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-3120

Rickard, Chris (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-7958

Ridge, Andy (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 644-4955

Riley, Warren (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 297-2749

Fax 780 675-8165 780 427-3909 780 415-9357 780 624-6169 780 644-5736 780 644-1238 780 643-6687


Reade, Jodi (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 932-8104


Ready, Lila (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-2545


Redeker, Janet (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-0151

Proulx, Tammy (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 421-0028 780 927-8203 Fax 780 927-4455 780 623-5299

Pruden-Beniuk, Alicia (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 623-4584

Prusak, Joe (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-7824

Przybylo-Komar, Ewa (ESRD) [email protected]


780 415-8495 780 415-9360 780 427-0917


Rees, Tammi (ESRD) [email protected]

780 415-9415 403 932-0382 780 427-8876 780 427-9138 403 851-2207 403 382-4254

37 Reid, Donald (ESRD)

403 297-5943 780 644-8061

Fax 780 960-8605

Quaale, Ramona (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-1029

Quinlan, Jan (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 297-2749

Fax 403 893-3987 780 849-7303

Raffael, Norbert (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 849-5826

Rahim, Shamim (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 644-7571

780 415-4655

29 Ritchie, Karen (ESRD)

[email protected]

24 Ritzer, Ted (ESRD)

[email protected]

3 Roang, Julia (ESRD)

[email protected]

31 Robb, Brent (ESRD)

[email protected]

21 Robb, Sharon (ESRD)

[email protected]

19 Reimer, Brenda (ESRD)

[email protected]

24 Reinbolt, Lisa (ESRD)

403 754-6238

20 Remesz, Vernon (ESRD)

403 381-5971

[email protected]

19 Renaud-Gagnier, Corinne

(ESRD) 6 [email protected] Renic, Tomislav (ESRD) 27 [email protected] Rhett, Cory (ESRD) 19 [email protected] Rhodes, Chelsey (ESRD) 35 [email protected]

[email protected]

21 Robertson, Gary (ESRD)

[email protected]

24 Robertson, George (ESRD)

[email protected]

15 Robertson, Heather (ESRD)

[email protected]

4 Robertson, Kerry (ESRD)

[email protected]

28 Robillard, Kerry (ESRD)

[email protected]

Fax 403 754-6243 780 427-5764

2 Rempel, Jennell (ESRD)

16 Robbins, Ceiridwen (ESRD)

Fax 780 427-4407

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

Fax 403 297-5669

Pysh, Nicole (ESRD) [email protected]

403 893-3777 [114]

[email protected]

780 427-7763


Fax 780 422-9559 780 422-9515


Fax 780 427-2513 403 476-4866


780 427-8556


Fax 780 427-5980 780 723-8217


Fax 780 723-8290 780 427-3526


Fax 780 427-6334 780 778-7119



[email protected]

780 644-1252

Ractliffe, Mike (ESRD) [email protected]

1 Risk, Rachel (ESRD)


403 591-7755

3 Reich, Debbie (ESRD)

32 Reimer, Ashley (ESRD)

780 427-2062

[email protected]

403 563-3385 Fax 403 563-3677


Fax 780 422-9685

Fax 780 422-0262

4 Ripley, Travis (ESRD)

Fax 780 826-6068

780 641-8887

Pybus, Margo (ESRD) [email protected]

Qureshi, Zahid (ESRD) [email protected]

[email protected]

Fax 403 297-2749

403 754-4439

780 778-7257

[email protected]

35 Ripley, Laine (ESRD)

20 Roberts, Alison (ESRD)

[email protected]

[email protected]

Fax 780 778-4659


403 297-7887

34 Reich, Craig (ESRD)

7 Reilly, Jessica (ESRD)

Quintilio, Kevin (ESRD) [email protected]

780 826-5608


Fax 780 849-7330

403 485-4580 [1]

780 644-8327

403 297-7445


[email protected]

780 514-3411

Fax 403 485-2401

Quinn, Jane (ESRD) [email protected]

780 638-4198


Fax 780 542-6454

Puzey, Jared (ESRD) [email protected]

403 297-4465

780 644-7874


Regnier, Debbie (ESRD) [email protected]

[email protected]

780 643-1851

780 415-4667


Fax 403 381-5337

Fax 780 427-5798

780 960-8619

780 427-9445


Regier, Mary Lou (ESRD) [email protected]

Przyswitt, Helga (ESRD) [email protected]

780 427-3462

403 297-5986


403 297-7833

4 Robillard, Martin (ESRD)

[email protected]

5 Robinson, Dee (ESRD)

[email protected]

30 Robinson, Diana (ESRD)

[email protected]

Fax 403 297-5284 780 422-9575

2 Robinson, Jaime (ESRD)

780 538-5635 Fax 780 538-5617

780 778-7159 780 778-7262


780 415-4811


Fax 780 422-5141 780 427-0841


Fax 780 422-0151 780 675-8223


Fax 780 675-8165 780 960-8602


Fax 780 960-8605 780 645-6313


Fax 780 645-6267 780 645-6336

Rojas, German (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-0528


Rojas, Horacio (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-7434


Romaniuk, Curt (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-7434

Rooks, Melanie (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 594-7858

Numbers to the right cross-reference to the page(s) where an employee appears in the Ministry Listings


Fax 780 778-5538


Fax 780 778-4659


Fax 403 591-7123

Fax 780 645-6281

Fax 780 422-0528 780 778-7167

780 849-7137

[email protected]

Fax 780 427-2513 780 643-0656

Fax 780 778-5538

780 422-0874 780 422-5871 780 422-2566 780 594-7856

11 12 5 5 28


Prins, Jared (ESRD) [email protected]

780 427-2306

Ringuette, Bernadette


5 (ESRD)

Fax 780 422-6712

Fax 780 415-9669

Fax 780 427-5980


Fax 780 624-6335

Read, Kim (ESRD) [email protected]

Proulx, Francine (ESRD) [email protected]


Fax 780 427-7824


Proudfoot, Wendy (ESRD) [email protected]


Fax 780 427-2513

780 427-6313

780 427-3524

780 644-5290

780 422-6653

Fax 780 427-9838

Fax 780 538-5522

780 644-8357

Fax 780 415-1718

780 675-4277


Fax 780 415-1718

Rich, Kate (Kathleen) (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 845-8282


Fax 780 427-6334


Razi, Sona (ESRD) [email protected]

Proudfoot, James (ESRD) [email protected]

[email protected]

780 415-2026

780 643-0850


780 538-8039

14 Ricci, Matilda (ESRD)

Fax 780 427-7824

403 529-3677

Fax 780 427-5980

[email protected]

Fax 403 381-5969

Pringle, Shauna (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 638-3187

8 Riaz, Muhammad (ESRD)



Rose - Simpson 780 644-2275

36 Savage, Robert (ESRD)

Rose, Peter (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 644-7571

Ross, Georgia (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 960-8605

Ross, Paul (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-5980

Ross - Cieslak, Gwen (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 591-7372

[email protected]

Roth, Lori (ESRD) [email protected]

780 644-4983

24 Sawyer, Brian (ESRD)

Fax 780 422-2545

Roulston, Jaclyn (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 340-5022

Round, Sharon (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-0454

Routledge, James (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-6339

Roy, Prabal (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 790-3936

780 960-8143 780 643-1812 403 591-7227

403 340-5568 780 422-5346 780 427-9317 780 788-6408

Roy, Vicky (ESRD) [email protected]

403 678-2400 [117]

Roycroft, Michael (ESRD) [email protected]

403 678-2400 [104]

Rubeling, Daniella (ESRD) [email protected]

403 673-3663 [220]

Ruby, Kayla (ESRD) [email protected]

780 960-8170 [221]

Fax 403 678-5696 Fax 403 673-3587 Fax 780 960-8141 403 340-7716

[email protected]

17 Sawatsky, Norman (ESRD)

[email protected]

26 Sawatzky, Glenn (ESRD)

[email protected]

30 Sawchuk, Cindy (ESRD)

[email protected]

14 Schaubel, Lisa (ESRD)

[email protected]

32 Schepens, Russ (ESRD)

[email protected]

1 Schesnuk, Dale (ESRD)

[email protected]

12 Scheybeler, Marina (ESRD)

[email protected]

30 Schimanski, Lynn (ESRD)

[email protected]

30 Schinkel, Dale (ESRD)

[email protected]

30 Schleppe, Brent (ESRD)

[email protected]

29 Schmidek, Leah (ESRD)

[email protected]

24 Schmidt, Anita (ESRD)

Ruchkall, Sheldon (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 341-8608

Rush, Brock (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 297-2749

Rushcall, Tany (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-9559

Russell, Lorne (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 381-5747

Russell, Mike (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 538-5622

Ruzycki, Lori (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-5980

[email protected]

Rystephanuk, Donna (ESRD) [email protected]

403 845-8274

16 Schrader, Lisa (ESRD)

Fax 403 845-4750

Saari, Carol (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 845-8282

[email protected]

Sabila, Geniene (ESRD) [email protected]

780 644-1123

2 Schultz, Rod (ESRD)

Fax 780 422-8837

Sabourin, Jacquie (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-7434

Salkauskas, Darius (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 297-8803

Sallee, Johanne (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 623-4584

Sanderman, Mike (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 297-2843

Sanderson, Al (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-7737

Sanderson, Kevin (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 778-5538

Sandhu, Harpreet (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 297-2749

Santo, Grant (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 754-6243

Sargent, Laura (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-0712

[email protected]

780 415-9491

35 Sengar, Heena (ESRD)

Satterthwaite, Susan (ESRD) [email protected] Saude, Robyn (ESRD) [email protected]

403 297-7884 780 644-4647 403 381-5756 780 833-4370 780 427-3805

403 845-8229

780 638-3172 403 297-8804 780 623-5248 403 355-2400 780 422-6656 780 778-7215 403 297-7898 403 340-7657 780 422-0521

403 592-8542 Fax 403 592-8552

[email protected]

20 Schmidt, Cindy (ESRD)

[email protected]

31 Schmidt, Fabi (ESRD)

[email protected]

27 Schmidt, Jaclyn (ESRD)

[email protected]

10 Schmidt, Robin (ESRD)

[email protected]

26 Schneider, Kathy (ESRD)

[email protected]

16 Schultz, Patsy (ESRD)

[email protected]

6 Schultz, Terry (ESRD)

[email protected]

20 Scobie, Ferenc (ESRD)

[email protected]

13 Scoffield, Pauline (ESRD)

[email protected]

22 Scott, Courtney (ESRD)

[email protected]

2 Scott, Kelsie (ESRD)

[email protected]

18 Seely, Layne (ESRD)

[email protected]

25 Segger, Cara (ESRD)

[email protected]

28 Self, Julie (ESRD)

[email protected]

4 Seneka, Michael (ESRD)

[email protected]

36 Servant, Vivianne (ESRD)

[email protected]

780 644-4918 Fax 780 427-1185 780 644-4957 Fax 780 422-4192 780 644-4493

34 Seward, Gary (ESRD)

403 932-0382


32 Sexton, Brian (ESRD)

403 388-3145


403 297-7335


[email protected]

[email protected]

5 Shaikh, Mushir (ESRD)

Fax 780 427-7434

[email protected]

403 678-1879

6 Shaikh, Nasir (ESRD)

Fax 403 678-5505 780 422-0217

[email protected]

780 427-0031


Fax 780 422-4192

[email protected]

780 638-3749


Fax 780 422-0712 780 833-4359

10 Shannon, Leta (ESRD)

780 427-2381


780 644-6974


Fax 780 538-5336 780 427-0928 Fax 780 422-0262 780 415-4606 Fax 780 422-4252 780 422-8573 Fax 780 422-0151 403 297-8852 Fax 403 297-8803 780 427-8224 Fax 780 427-5980 780 723-8204

3 Shannon, Jolene (ESRD)

Fax 403 297-6389

[email protected]

6 Sharkey, Richard (ESRD)

[email protected]

24 Sharma, Kusumakar (ESRD)

[email protected]

3 Sharma, Richa (ESRD)

[email protected]

21 Sharman, Rajan (ESRD)

[email protected]

25 Sharpe, Andrea (ESRD)

[email protected]

18 Shaver, Angela (ESRD)

Fax 780 723-8290

[email protected]

403 932-0382

29 Shaw, Cecile (ESRD)

Fax 403 932-8104 780 427-3155 Fax 780 427-5980 780 778-7130 Fax 780 778-5538 780 643-1646 Fax 780 422-2545 780 644-8430 780 644-8409 Fax 780 427-5980 403 823-1670 Fax 403 823-1651 403 845-8587 Fax 403 845-4750 780 427-9314

[email protected]

26 Shenfield, Stephen (ESRD)

[email protected]

17 Sherburne, Chad (ESRD)

[email protected]

23 Sheremata, Mike (ESRD)

[email protected]

31 Shio, Steve (ESRD)

[email protected]

26 Shivo, Tim (ESRD)

[email protected]

21 Shoaib, Mohammad (ESRD)

[email protected]

14 Shorten, Robert (ESRD)

[email protected]

3 Shrivastava, Namrata (ESRD)

Fax 780 422-0151

[email protected]

403 382-4249

25 Shrivastava, Ravi (ESRD)

Fax 403 382-4428 780 644-8329 780 865-6960

[email protected]

3 Shropshire, Cindy (ESRD)

[email protected]

18 Shupenia, Charlene (ESRD)

Fax 780 865-7911

[email protected]

403 297-5894

20 Siad-Omar, Abdi (ESRD)

Fax 403 297-2749

[email protected]

403 297-3390

8 Sibbio, Sarina (ESRD)

Fax 403 297-6069 780 644-4906 Fax 780 415-9669 403 340-7752 Fax 403 340-7081 780 644-8230 Fax 780 427-2513 780 644-6989 780 427-9976 Fax 780 422-6712 780 641-9510 Fax 780 644-7571 780 538-8054 Fax 780 538-5336

[email protected]

1 Sigurdson, Amber (ESRD)

[email protected]

16 Silvano, Amelito (ESRD)

[email protected]

2 Silzer, Tanya (ESRD)

[email protected]

35 Simieritsch, Rob (ESRD)

[email protected]

35 Simms, Scott (ESRD)

[email protected]

36 Simonson, Jan (ESRD)

[email protected]

24 Simpson, Stephanie (ESRD)

[email protected]

Numbers to the right cross-reference to the page(s) where an employee appears in the Ministry Listings

Fax 780 415-1718 780 644-7522


780 644-4463


Fax 780 427-1185 780 644-3422


780 865-6969


Fax 780 865-4313 780 427-3595


Fax 780 422-0454 780 723-8206


Fax 780 723-8290 403 845-8301


Fax 403 845-4750 780 638-4143


Fax 780 422-9557 780 624-6158


Fax 780 618-4350 780 427-0919


Fax 780 422-0262 780 422-4703


Fax 780 422-0712 780 644-8525


Fax 780 427-7824 403 340-7134


Fax 403 340-5022 780 415-4607


Fax 780 722-4252 780 422-0020


Fax 780 427-1493 403 592-8543


Fax 403 592-8552 780 643-6597


Fax 780 422-0151 780 427-7227


Fax 780 427-7824 780 415-4625


Fax 780 427-1185 780 644-2655


Fax 780 422-0712 780 644-7940


Fax 780 427-7434 780 842-7548


Fax 780 842-7552 403 297-8713


Fax 403 297-2749 403 845-8347


Fax 403 845-4750 403 297-2499


Fax 403 297-6069 780 643-0793


Sinclair - Taylor Sinclair, Barbra (ESRD) [email protected] Sinclair-Santos, Karen (ESRD) [email protected] Singbeil, Wendy (ESRD) [email protected] Singh, Kem (ESRD) [email protected] Singh, Sunita (ESRD) [email protected] Sinton, Heather (ESRD) [email protected] Siscoe, Sandra (ESRD) [email protected] Sjovold, Travis (ESRD) [email protected]

403 297-4878

21 Spytz, Chris (ESRD)

[email protected]

Fax 403 297-2749 780 427-6441

37 Stacey, Kathryn (ESRD)

[email protected]

Fax 780 427-5798 780 778-7109

Fax 403 297-8803 780 538-5350 Fax 780 538-5617 403 297-5293 Fax 403 297-5284

780 514-3414

36 Sullivan, Leslie (ESRD)

Fax 780 542-6454


Stambaugh, Curtis (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 778-5538

Stamler, Samantha (ESRD) [email protected]

780 643-0873


Staniszewski, Krystian

780 644-1862

[email protected]

30 Stark, Shelley (ESRD)

[email protected]

780 743-7258

12 Staudt, Danica (ESRD)

[email protected]

[email protected]

780 427-8600

23 Steiger, Carly (ESRD)

Slater, Gordon (ESRD) [email protected]

780 960-8658

Fax 780 427-2513

[email protected]

[email protected]

34 Steinbach, Dawn (ESRD)

[email protected]

2 Steinbach, Jeff (ESRD)

[email protected]

780 674-8232

32 Stemp, Raymond (ESRD)

Smith, Paul (ESRD) [email protected] Smith, Todd (ESRD) [email protected] Soehn, Carlin (ESRD) [email protected] Soh, Joyce (ESRD) [email protected] Sohanpal, Gurpreet (ESRD) [email protected] Sohnle, Trent (ESRD) [email protected] Soulodre, Henri (ESRD) [email protected] Spears, Nicole (ESRD) [email protected] Spence, Ross (ESRD) [email protected] Spence, Sean (ESRD) [email protected] Spencer, Stephen (ESRD) [email protected] Spurrell, Frauke (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 528-5213 780 422-0962

780 644-8466 780 723-8363

Smith, Dan (ESRD) [email protected]

403 529-3167

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

780 643-1941

780 644-4614

780 623-5469 780 422-3409 780 427-8802 780 427-1151 403 340-7742

Sundquist, Karen (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 638-3187

Supernault, Arlene (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-4407


Sutherland, Tom (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 754-6243


Svenshek, Kathy (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 960-8605


Swain, Peter (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 382-4257

Swain, Peter (ESRD) [email protected]

403 893-3777 [107]


Swanson, Warren (ESRD) [email protected]

403 378-4342 [221]

2 2

Swarbrick, Vanessa (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 644-3777


Sweeney, Joanne (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-1185

780 817-3797 780 643-6508 780 638-3294 403 340-5355 780 960-8603 403 382-4100

780 644-8358 780 427-1011 403 297-5929 Fax 403 297-8232

20 Stepnisky, Dave (ESRD)

780 427-3029


Sweet, Christine (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 638-3187


Sztaba, Agnieszka (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 743-7155

780 427-2391

780 415-4647 780 743-7109

Fax 780 422-0712

[email protected]

Fax 780 422-6259

780 788-6409

12 Stevens, Maria (ESRD)

780 427-4779


Ta, Angela (ESRD) [email protected]

13 Stevens, Scott (ESRD)

403 755-1400


Ta, Michael (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-0151

Fax 780 790-1600 780 644-7856 Fax 780 644-5643 403 340-7669 Fax 403 340-5022 780 638-3494 Fax 780 422-0151 780 427-9203 Fax 780 422-0151 780 644-4310

[email protected] [email protected]

Fax 403 340-5575

3 Stevenson, Pat (ESRD)

780 427-8349


Taillefer, Brenda (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 865-4313


Taje, Michael (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 562-7143


Tang, Tom (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 297-6069


Tanzeeba, Shoma (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 297-6069


Tardy, Dawn (ESRD) [email protected]


Tartal, Dana (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 778-5538


Tauber, Amie (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 644-1034


Taylor, Joan (ESRD) [email protected]


Taylor, Marion (ESRD) [email protected]

[email protected]

1 Stokes, Teresa (ESRD)

Fax 780 427-1185 780 422-5203

Fax 780 422-6339

[email protected]

Fax 780 422-0454

403 297-8814

20 Stone, Colin (ESRD)

780 624-6322

Fax 403 297-8803 780 427-4208 Fax 780 415-1718 403 297-8830 Fax 403 297-8803 780 427-4811 Fax 780 422-9683 780 960-8195 Fax 780 960-8199 403 297-8715

780 427-6236 Fax 780 427-0923

780 422-2690

[email protected]

31 Storey-Bishoff, John (ESRD)

[email protected]

20 Storie, Mark (ESRD)

[email protected]

4 Stover, Debbie (ESRD)

[email protected]

15 Stronach, Robert (ESRD)

[email protected]

22 Stubbings, Trisha (ESRD)

[email protected]

Fax 780 624-6180 780 644-7119 Fax 780 415-1718 403 678-5508 [272] Fax 403 678-5505 780 538-8022 Fax 780 833-4339 780 623-5399 Fax 780 623-4584 403 845-8360 Fax 403 845-4750

Numbers to the right cross-reference to the page(s) where an employee appears in the Ministry Listings

28 17 27 27 27 15 23 22 34 12


Taggart, John (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-0262


780 643-6259


[email protected]



780 643-0659

3 Stokes, Robert (ESRD)


780 427-7848

7 Stevenson, Breana (ESRD)

[email protected]


Fax 403 378-4247

Sweeney, Randy (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-9559


Fax 403 893-8900


[email protected]


Fax 780 422-0262

403 932-2388

4 Stevens, Brandon (ESRD)


Fax 780 427-7824

6 Stephens, Pam (ESRD)

[email protected]


Fax 780 422-9685


Fax 780 644-7571


Fax 780 623-5239

Fax 780 865-8353

Fax 780 427-2513 780 427-2303

780 427-7049

Sunderwald, Scott (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-2513


Fax 780 427-7824


Fax 780 422-0151 780 644-4307

780 623-5240

Fax 403 340-5022

Fax 780 723-7963


Fax 780 623-4584

Sunderani, Pervez (ESRD) [email protected]



Fax 780 422-6339


Fax 780 427-4407 Fax 780 427-4407

5 Steinke, Raelene (ESRD)

Fax 780 641-9145

780 644-1742

[email protected]

780 422-2670

780 422-0906

24 Sun, Wei (ESRD)

Fax 780 422-0151

7 Steil, Frank (ESRD)

Smith, Brad (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 674-8382

[email protected]

780 427-1693

780 865-8267 403 562-3142 403 297-6563 403 297-6462

2 17 20 22 22

780 427-2444


780 778-7203


780 644-7972


780 643-0841


780 835-7308


Fax 780 835-7203


Skura, Debbie (ESRD) [email protected]

Smith, Linda (ESRD) [email protected]

780 644-2358 780 427-3713

780 643-1643

32 Sumbar, Barbara (ESRD)

Fax 780 427-5980 Fax 780 422-4252

18 Stefanyshyn, Darice (ESRD)

Smith, Geoff (ESRD) [email protected]

780 644-4948

[email protected]

Fax 780 638-3187

[email protected]

Fax 780 778-5538

4 Steele, Barb (ESRD)

780 778-7157

Smith, Debbie (ESRD) [email protected]

780 778-7283

780 644-1252

780 643-6510

19 Sullivan, Michael (ESRD)

Fax 780 422-4252

Fax 780 743-7155

Skrzekowski, Alanda (ESRD) [email protected]

Smathers, Kim (ESRD) [email protected]

780 778-7116

[email protected]

28 (ESRD)

Skilnick, Joann (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 960-8605

5 Sulieman, Zeinab (ESRD)

Stagman, Rita (ESRD) [email protected]

12 Statt, Graham (ESRD)

Fax 780 427-9838

[email protected]


780 594-7874

Slessor, Fiona (ESRD) [email protected]

780 422-6596

14 Sturges, Annette (ESRD)

[email protected]

Skarsen, Rebecca (ESRD) [email protected]

Sklepowich, Derek (ESRD) [email protected]

780 427-6636

Fax 780 427-7434

Fax 780 422-0151 403 297-3628

[email protected]

Fax 780 427-5980

Stacey, Norm (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-4192 780 644-4898

26 Stuparyk, Carolyn (ESRD)


Fax 780 778-5538 780 427-7012

780 644-3382



Taylor - Vitanovec

Taylor, Sue (ESRD) [email protected]

403 678-2400 [114]

Tchir, John (ESRD) [email protected]

403 340-7721

Fax 403 678-5696

780 415-4617

Telder, John (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-4252

Temple, Jamie (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 678-5696

Ternovatsky, Mark (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-4192

Teskie, Karen (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 641-9145

Thibeau, Eleanor (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 415-1718

Thibeault, Jim (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 922-5554

Thomas, Shaijumon (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-0151

Thome, Trevor (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 297-5284

Thompson, Breanna (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 644-4955

Thompson, Ciaran (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 644-1034

403 678-2400 780 644-4693 780 422-2487 780 644-6999 780 922-3293 780 422-5945 403 297-5293 780 643-0982 780 638-3043

Thompson, Debbie (ESRD) [email protected]

780 427-2444 [7266]

Thompson, Dianne (ESRD) [email protected]

403 845-8348

Thompson, Michael (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-5798 Fax 403 845-4750 403 297-8813 Fax 403 297-8803 780 427-3312

Thompson, Yvette (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 415-1718

Thornton, Clarisse (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-0528

Thrussell, Douglas (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 340-5022

Thrussell, Neil (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 297-6069

Thursfield, Graham (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 845-8595

Thurston, Carol (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 638-3187

Tiedemann, Sherri (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-2278

Till, Irene (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 297-5284

Tilleard, Violet (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-0712

Titanich, Edward (ESRD) [email protected] Titosky, Gary (ESRD) [email protected] Tjostheim, Glen (ESRD) [email protected] Tkachuk, Shirley (ESRD) [email protected]

780 644-6931 403 340-4854 403 297-8287 403 845-8309 780 415-1860 780 643-1151 403 297-5293 780 422-1527 780 422-0051 Fax 780 427-1493 780 427-4283 Fax 780 427-6334 780 644-7977 Fax 780 644-1034 780 644-8768 Fax 780 427-5798

30 Toutant-McDonald, Lorraine

(ESRD) 15 [email protected] Townsend, Mark (ESRD) 24 [email protected] Tralnberg, Carolyn (ESRD) 30 [email protected] Tran, Linda (ESRD) 33 [email protected] Travers, Terri (ESRD) 6 [email protected] Trela, Yani (ESRD) 31 [email protected] Trembath, Margot (ESRD) 29 [email protected] Tremblay, Nicole (ESRD) 3 [email protected] Trenchard, Shereen (ESRD) 30 [email protected] Trevor, Bernard (ESRD) 35 [email protected] Tripp, Kevin (ESRD) 37 [email protected] Trites-Russell, Marsha (ESRD) 37 [email protected] 16 Trowsdale, Carol (ESRD)

[email protected]

20 Tuininga, Alyssa (ESRD)

[email protected]

Toth, Tim (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 421-0028 780 427-4954 Fax 780 644-7571

Fax 403 297-2839

Valupadas, Prasad (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-0923


Fax 780 422-0151 780 638-3836


Vallis, Jamie (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 644-1034 780 644-9896

403 297-7061



Fax 780 427-7824

Van Ham, Samantha (ESRD) [email protected]

780 427-8565 403 529-3154 [3154] 780 427-7308

780 643-0938


van Hemert, Tom (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-5980

780 422-9727


Van Nes, Gilbert (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-4693

van Os, Bruce (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 778-5538

van Popta, Lisa (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 644-5643

Van Rensen, Cassidy (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 638-3187

Fax 780 427-4407 780 638-4648


Fax 780 427-0923 780 778-7110


Fax 780 778-5538 780 644-1192


Fax 780 422-0262 780 422-4106

VanAmelsvoort, Louis

780 427-4179 780 778-7266 780 427-6606 780 643-6982 403 227-1106

[email protected]

10 Vandenberg-Sihvo, Johanna

780 427-9313

780 427-9305

24 Vander Helm, Stan (ESRD)

403 932-2981

Fax 780 422-0266

[email protected]

Fax 403 932-8104

780 427-1833

15 Vander Molen, Annette

403 388-7722


Vanderwell, David (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 523-5757


Vanderzyde, Anne (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 415-9669

VanWaas, Anita (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 845-8282


Vasicek, Kate (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 297-2749


Vassbotn, Jan (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 865-4313

34 Turpin, Karen (ESRD) [email protected] 6 Tweten, Cheryl (ESRD) [email protected] 30 Tyas, Pam (ESRD) [email protected] 4 Tymburski, Anita (ESRD) [email protected] 24 Uhersky, Wanita (ESRD)

[email protected]

7 Ulrich, Terry (ESRD)

[email protected]

37 Umar, Sulman (ESRD)

[email protected]

37 Underschultz, Al (ESRD)

[email protected] [email protected]

[email protected]

19 Unsworth, Beverly (ESRD)

[email protected]

36 Unwala, Sadiq (ESRD)

[email protected]

37 Urquhart, Todd (ESRD)

[email protected]

37 19 13 34 7


(ESRD) [email protected] Fax 780 422-0151

Fax 780 422-6712

29 Turlione, Angela (ESRD) [email protected]


Fax 403 227-1360

Vanderpuye, Edith (ESRD) [email protected]

22 Tupper, Laura (ESRD) [email protected]


4 (ESRD)

Fax 780 422-0712 780 833-4350


Fax 403 528-5213


3 UnRuh, Tamara (ESRD)

780 422-7407

780 644-8431


Valle, Marisa (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 538-5522


403 297-8108


780 415-9370

780 427-3475

Fax 780 960-8605

780 538-8079

36 Tupker, Kendall (ESRD) [email protected]

Tomiak, Laurie (ESRD) [email protected]

Toner, Justin (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 623-5444

780 644-2449 Fax 780 427-1185

780 415-9630

[email protected]

Todd, Michelle (ESRD) [email protected]

780 960-8635

[email protected]

12 Tun, Win (ESRD) [email protected]

31 Tumm, Judy (ESRD)

2 Unrau, Dale (ESRD)

Fax 780 641-9145

13 Ussher, Sherry (ESRD)

(ESRD) 23 [email protected] Vander Vennen, Luke (ESRD) 14 [email protected]

780 643-9470

Tondu, Janna (ESRD) [email protected]

780 623-5224

Fax 780 644-3777 780 422-8057 Fax 780 422-0154

Fax 780 422-8606 780 427-2391 Fax 780 422-6259 780 427-0350 Fax 780 427-5980 780 638-1301


Fax 780 427-4407 780 643-1675 Fax 780 422-0154 403 845-8238 Fax 403 845-8282 403 381-5456 Fax 403 382-4428 780 927-3712 Fax 780 927-3838 780 679-1273 Fax 780 679-1744 780 624-6325 Fax 780 624-6335 780 960-8655 Fax 780 960-8605 780 638-4331 Fax 780 415-9669 403 592-8544 Fax 403 592-8552 403 297-6126 Fax 403 297-8803 780 427-0637 Fax 780 422-4192 403 340-5314 Fax 403 341-8608


Vatcher, Robert (Bob) (ESRD) [email protected]

10 Vavro, Maria (ESRD) [email protected] 7 Vawter, Annette (ESRD)

[email protected]

7 Veale, Chris (ESRD)

[email protected]

19 Verger, Kate (ESRD)

[email protected]

1 Verheire, Christina (ESRD)

[email protected]

37 Vierath, Chris (ESRD)

[email protected]

21 Villeneuve, Jeanette (ESRD)

[email protected]

33 Vinge, Tim (ESRD)

[email protected]

13 Vitanovec, Irene (ESRD)

[email protected]

Numbers to the right cross-reference to the page(s) where an employee appears in the Ministry Listings

29 27

Fax 403 382-4257 780 624-6497


Fax 780 624-6455 780 644-7271 780 523-6581 780 415-1395 403 845-8227 403 297-3803 780 865-8370 403 382-4450

35 18 37 15 20 17 20

Fax 403 381-5337 780 644-7516


Fax 780 644-3777 780 415-2201


Fax 780 422-2545 780 641-8991


403 297-6561


Fax 403 592-8552 780 960-8606


Fax 780 960-8605 780 778-7108


Fax 780 778-5538 780 427-9151


Fax 780 422-0151 780 638-3214


Fax 780 427-1185 780 624-7133 Fax 780 618-4350


von Hauff - Witt von Hauff, Heather (ESRD) [email protected] Von Schleinitz, Christina (ESRD) [email protected] Vujnovic, Drajs (ESRD) [email protected] Vujnovic, Ksenija (ESRD) [email protected] Wachowski, Julia (ESRD) [email protected] Waddell, Brian (ESRD) [email protected] Wagner, Jim (ESRD) [email protected] Wahab, Samuel (ESRD) [email protected] Waihenya, Milika (ESRD) [email protected]

780 643-9369

33 Watson, Vicki (ESRD)

[email protected]

Fax 780 422-4192 780 643-0709

4 Watt, Michael (ESRD)

[email protected]

Fax 780 427-9838 780 427-7159

780 833-4292 780 422-8687

Fax 780 422-0151


Webb, Becky (CT) [email protected]

Fax 403 591-7123


Webb, Brad (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-0454


Webb, Cal (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-4192


Webb, Shawneen (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 624-6180

Weber, Robert (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 523-5757

Wee, Lian (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-0151

Wegwitz, Lawrence (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 758-6714

Fax 780 422-9559 780 427-6756 Fax 780 427-1185 780 644-7219

780 644-2442

Waymen, Bill (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 415-1718 780 427-7959

780 926-5263


Fax 780 538-5622


Fax 780 427-2513

Wakeling, Kristy (ESRD) [email protected]

780 849-7108


Walford, Colleen (ESRD) [email protected]

780 427-9978


Fax 780 422-0262

780 427-9141 403 591-7755 780 427-7965 780 427-1625 780 624-6480 780 523-6567 780 644-5171 403 758-3382 780 865-8315

780 427-8582


Weik, Christian (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 865-4313

Walker, Dani (ESRD) [email protected]

780 644-5353


Weiss, Clayton (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 381-5969


Weiss, Lee (ESRD) [email protected]


Welsh, Yvette (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 297-8803

Wemekamp, Grace (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 381-5337


Werner, Bob (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-1214


Werry, Bill (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 415-9669


Werstiuk, Sheila (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 826-6068


Wesley, Mary Joy (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 644-3777

Wall, Kaitlyn (ESRD) [email protected] Wallace, Charity (ESRD) [email protected] Wallace, Kelly (ESRD) [email protected] Wallace, Steve (ESRD) [email protected] Walty, David (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-9559 780 594-7864 Fax 780 594-3340 780 644-8590 Fax 780 422-4192 780 641-9425 Fax 780 422-6339 403 297-7423 Fax 403 297-2843 780 427-9759 Fax 780 644-4955 780 624-6248 Fax 780 624-6455 403 297-5891

Wang, Aster (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 297-2749

Wang, Fengqin (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-7824

Wang, Fengqin (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-7824

Wang, Michael (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 297-6069

Wang, Susie (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-0151

Warren-Currier, Caleen (ESRD) [email protected] Warring, Richard (ESRD) [email protected] Watke, Blair (ESRD) [email protected] Watkins, Owen (ESRD) [email protected] Watson, David (ESRD) [email protected]


780 644-4814 780 644-4814 403 355-4458 780 415-6238 780 523-6609

West, Larry (ESRD) 14 [email protected] Westaway, Andrea (ESRD) 14 [email protected] Westcott, Kim (ESRD) 25 [email protected] Weyer, Mike (ESRD) 3 [email protected] Wheatley, Matthew (ESRD) 18 [email protected]

Fax 780 523-5757 780 427-9706


Fax 780 427-5980 403 382-4110


Fax 403 381-5969 780 960-8189


Fax 780 960-8199 780 427-1124


Fax 780 422-0262

Watson, Debra (ESRD) [email protected]

780 641-8666


Watson, Don (ESRD) [email protected]

780 427-5553


Watson, Jeffrey (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-4192 780 415-4669


Wheaton, Judy (ESRD) [email protected] Wheler, Justin (ESRD) [email protected] Whiklo, Todd (ESRD) [email protected] White, Connie (ESRD) [email protected] White, Daynika (ESRD) [email protected]

10 Whitehouse, Caroline (ESRD)

[email protected]

403 381-5984 403 678-2400 [103]

4 Whitfield, Dave (ESRD)

[email protected]

3 Whitfield, Donna (ESRD)

[email protected]

30 Whitford, Jodie (ESRD)

[email protected]

32 Wick, Heather (ESRD)

[email protected]

33 Wilcox, KayeDon (ESRD)

[email protected]

10 Wildeman, Gerald (ENERGY)

[email protected]

19 Wilkinson, Kevin (ESRD)

[email protected]

3 Wilkinson, Lisa (ESRD)

[email protected]

8 Will, Kimberly (ESRD)

[email protected]

18 Williams, Cheryl (ESRD)

[email protected]

8 Williams, Cindy (ESRD)

[email protected]

30 Williams, Dana (ESRD)

[email protected]

Fax 403 678-5696 403 297-8821 403 381-5296 780 422-5327 780 427-1799 780 826-3142 780 427-1447 403 297-5925

21 Williams, Don (ESRD)

[email protected]

21 Williams, Jared (ESRD)

[email protected]

4 Williams, Kelly (ESRD)

[email protected]

1 Williams, Wayne (ESRD)

[email protected]

13 Williams-Jones, Leigh-Ann

(ESRD) 15 [email protected] Willianen, Sharon (ESRD) 22 [email protected]

57 34

Fax 780 638-3187 780 624-6569


Fax 780 624-6455 403 297-8255


Fax 403 297-6069 403 388-7799


Fax 403 381-5723 780 623-5276


Fax 780 623-5444 780 538-8077


Fax 780 538-5522 780 624-6499


Fax 780 624-6455 780 427-3132


Fax 780 427-5980 403 297-5896


Fax 403 297-6069 780 723-8556


Fax 780 723-7963 403 845-8279


Fax 403 845-4750 780 643-1780


Fax 780 644-7571 780 422-8640


780 723-8375


Fax 780 723-7963 780 836-7309


Fax 780 836-3666 403 227-1106


Fax 403 227-1360 780 960-8623


403 381-5305


Fax 403 381-5337 403 388-1102


Fax 403 382-4008 780 644-1260


Fax 780 421-0028 780 643-1639



Willms, Chad (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 638-3187

780 644-4654


Willms, Mark (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 382-4008

780 960-8170 [223]


Willoughby, Mike (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-0454

Willson, John (ESRD) [email protected]

780 422-6597



Wilson, Andrew (ESRD) [email protected]

780 643-0630



Wilson, Heather (ESRD) [email protected]

780 422-4908



Fax 780 422-0712


Wilson, Kate (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-9559


Winkel, Linda (ESRD) [email protected]


Winters, Kelly (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-1493

Wirtanen, Kevin (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-5980 Fax 403 381-5723

Fax 403 297-8232 780 644-4686 Fax 780 644-7571

Fax 780 960-8141 780 643-6820 Fax 780 644-7571 780 743-7227 Fax 780 743-7244 780 644-6982 Fax 780 415-1718 403 528-5209 Fax 403 528-5212 780 422-1563 Fax 780 422-0151 780 422-4044 Fax 780 427-5980

White, Jane (ESRD) [email protected]

780 644-7984


White, Kari (ESRD) [email protected]

780 538-8074


Wirzba, Sam (ESRD) [email protected]


Wishart, Sandy (ESRD) [email protected]

White, Keely (ESRD) [email protected]

780 643-1637

Fax 780 538-5522 780 415-0835

Witt, Margaret (ESRD) [email protected]

Numbers to the right cross-reference to the page(s) where an employee appears in the Ministry Listings

403 381-5490 780 422-4598

780 427-7791

22 32


403 851-2148


780 638-4002


780 422-4843 403 382-4349 403 678-5500 [266]

26 22 29

Fax 403 678-5505 403 297-4095 Fax 403 297-5669



Walia, Neenu (ESRD) [email protected]

Walker, Jordan (ESRD) [email protected]

[email protected]

Fax 780 926-3950

Watts, David (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-5980

17 White, Shannon (ESRD)

Fax 780 778-5538


Fax 780 427-5980 780 644-7688

780 778-7153



Wojtowicz - Zvankovic 403 562-3135

20 Yarmuch, Leanne (ESRD)

Wojtowicz, Cory (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 562-7143

Wolanski, Alina (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-7824

Wolch, Doug (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 644-5329

Wolfe, Rob (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 297-6069

Wolfram, Verna (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-0266

Wollbaum, Danielle (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 297-6069

Wong, Calvin (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-7434

[email protected]

Wong, Raymond (ESRD) [email protected]

780 427-0820

31 Yuill, Debra (ESRD)

Fax 780 415-1718

Wong, SiewMoi (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-0151

[email protected]

Wood, Syd (ESRD) [email protected]

780 427-7417

4 Zary, Amber (ESRD)

Fax 780 422-9683

Wood, Wayne (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-5136

[email protected]

Woods, Krista (ESRD) [email protected]

780 865-8396

18 Zeleny, Kim (ESRD)

Fax 780 865-4313

[email protected]

Woodworth, Christa (ESRD) [email protected]

780 723-8393

17 Zhao, Ping (ESRD)

Fax 780 723-8290

Woolsey, Randy (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 893-8900

Wotton, Amy (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 849-7177

Wright, Evelyn (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 641-9145

Wu, Elise (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-0266

Wu, Jeffrey (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 382-4428

Wu, Ping (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 297-6069

Wu, Weiguo (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-7824

Wychopen, Andrea (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 594-3340

Wyman, Brent (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-5980

Xu, Chen (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 297-6069

Xu, Wen (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 638-3187

Yacyshyn, Shannon (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 403 340-5022

Yacyshyn, Therese (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 523-5757

Yan, Guangyu (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 960-8605

Yan, Janet (ESRD) [email protected]

780 427-8237 780 641-9215 403 297-5383 780 427-3466 403 297-6250 780 422-4005

780 644-4550

780 643-4385

403 893-3822 780 849-7297 780 644-3213 780 427-9335 403 381-5499 403 592-4032 780 427-0630 780 594-7876 780 427-3121 403 592-3026 780 643-1650 403 755-6108 780 523-6544 780 960-8626

[email protected]

10 Yaseniuk, Chad (ESRD)

[email protected]

8 Yee, Brian (ESRD)

[email protected]

22 Yeoman, Wesley (ESRD)

[email protected]

24 Yeung, Paul (ESRD)

[email protected]

21 Young, Linda (ESRD)

[email protected]

5 Yowney, Bob (ESRD)

[email protected]

3 Zare, Hesham (ESRD)

[email protected]

5 Zavitz, Norma (ESRD)

[email protected]

27 Zhu, Paul (Bao) (ESRD)

[email protected]

18 Zielinski, Sherry (ESRD)

[email protected]

2 Zimmer, Alison (ESRD)

[email protected]

24 Ziober, Heather (ESRD)

[email protected]

20 Zitnak, Terry (ESRD)

[email protected]

22 Zubko, Donna-Jean (ESRD)

[email protected]

14 Zukowski, Shannon (ESRD)

[email protected]

13 Zvankovic, Robert (ESRD)

[email protected]

Yan, Linda (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-2513

Yanishewski, Marty (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 427-1493

Yap, Sharon (ESRD) [email protected]

Fax 780 422-4252

780 427-9321 780 644-4308 780 422-0076 780 422-2518

780 638-3186


Fax 780 644-7571 403 529-3160


Fax 403 529-3700 780 427-0539


Fax 780 422-0262 780 427-4821


780 675-8200


Fax 780 675-8165 780 644-8223


Fax 780 427-7434 780 422-1359


Fax 780 427-6334 403 381-5470


Fax 403 382-4428 780 415-4679


Fax 780 427-1029 403 382-4012


Fax 403 382-4428 403 381-5512


Fax 403 381-5337 780 638-3264


Fax 780 427-1214 780 644-1389


780 643-6881


Fax 780 422-0454 780 641-9093


780 623-5379


Fax 780 623-4584 780 427-8614


Fax 780 422-2545 780 422-5147


Fax 780 415-9669 780 644-8100


14 18 14


Fax 780 422-0151



780 427-3470

Yan, Joyce (ESRD) [email protected]

780 849-7109 Fax 780 849-7330



Fax 780 422-0151



780 427-9699

Yan, Jessica (ESRD) [email protected]

780 853-8137 Fax 780 853-8264

3 2 24 24

Numbers to the right cross-reference to the page(s) where an employee appears in the Ministry Listings