Environment Protection Engineering DIFFERENCES IN

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phorus bound to aluminium and organic matter, P-HCl – phosphorus bound to cal- cium, P-Rez. ... sewage from the sanatorium, which had been taking place for a few years in the past. .... Środ., Łódź, 1995, 61–70. ... [16] SOBCZYŃSKI T., ZERBE J., ELBANOWSKA H., SAJEWSKA K., SIEPAK J., Badania chemiczne osadów.
Environment Protection Engineering Vol. 35


No. 2



The spatial and vertical changes in the composition of the profundal bottom sediments of Lake Góreckie, in particular the changes in the fraction of phosphorus of different mobility and bioavailability, have been studied. The basin of this channel lake is naturally divided into two parts. The bottom sediment was collected by a Limnos sampler equipped with a device for core slicing (in situ). It was shown that in the surface layer of the sediment actively involved in the exchange of matter between the sediment and water, the content of phosphorus was rather low and only up to 24% of its pool was bound to the bioavailable fractions. However, this amount was sufficiently high to stimulate high trophy of the lake with periodical states of water hypertrophy.

1. INTRODUCTION Usually, phosphorus is the element limiting the primary production in lakes. Its compounds, relatively easily removable from the bulk water and accumulated in the bottom sediments [1], [2], in favourable conditions can be released back to the bulk. Many times, this secondary, inner source of this element determines the trophic status of lakes [3]–[5] and other inland water bodies [6]. The total content of phosphorus in the surface layer of the bottom sediment – the layer directly involved in the sediment– bulk water exchange – does not reflect the full scale of the lake status. Much more information on the current state of the lake can be obtained by the fractionation of phosphorus [2], [5], [7] which illustrates the ability of its release.

* Faculty of Chemistry, Department of Water and Soil Analysis, Adam Mickiewicz University, ul. Drzymały 24, 60-613 Poznań, Poland. E-mail: [email protected] ** Faculty of Biology, Department of Water Protection, Adam Mickiewicz University, ul. Umultowska 89, 61-614 Poznań, Poland.



2. STUDY AREA Lake Góreckie, localised in the Wielkopolska National Park, is a large and rather deep channel-moraine type reservoir (the area of 103 ha, the maximum depth of 17 m) with no outflows, almost totally surrounded by hilly forested banks. The area at the bank is agriculturally used only in the north-western part. The lake basin is naturally divided into two subbasins: a deeper southern one and a shallower (the maximum depth of 10 m) north-western one. The lake, classified into category II in susceptibility to degradation [8]–[10], presently reveals the signs of advanced degradation. The main reason is that for many years the lake received the untreated wastes from the nearby sanatorium. Despite the fact that the inflow of the wastes to the lake was totally cut off in the end of the 1990s, the lake water was in the hypertrophic state [9], [11]. 3. MATERIAL AND METHODS Sediment samples were collected in May 2008 from a profundal zone in both basins of the lake. According to the earlier tests, the sediments on the slopes of the lake basin have more mineral character and contain small amounts of phosphorus [12]. The samples were collected by a cores sampler (Limnos) with a device for core slicing. The core was sliced into 5-cm layers directly after collection; each 5-cm thick layer was treated as a separate sample. At nine sites labelled with numbers 1–9, the sediment samples were collected from a 10-cm thick layer directly involved in the exchange of matter between the sediment and the bulk water [5]. In order to analyse the changes in the chemical compositions in the deeper layers, the cores at two sites (no. 10 and 13) were 30 cm thick. The degree of sample hydration was determined directly after their collection. Next, the fractionation of phosphorus was performed by sequential extraction according to the scheme proposed by PSENNER [13], who separated 5 fractions: P-NH4Cl – loosely bound phosphorus, P-Fe – iron-bound phosphorus, P-NaOH – phosphorus bound to aluminium and organic matter, P-HCl – phosphorus bound to calcium, P-Rez. – phosphorus permanently bound to the matrix. After drying, the content of organic matter as loss on ignition at 550 ºC was analysed in the air-dry samples. The total phosphorus was determined at 850 nm using a UV-1610 (Shimadzu) spectrophotometer (molybdate method) after sample ashing at 550 ºC and mineralization in HNO3 and H2SO4 [14]. Calcium, iron and aluminium were analysed using FAAS technique in AAnalyst 300 (Perkin Elmer) after sample mineralization in HNO3 and H2O2 [15] (Ca, Al – atomization in N2O-C2H2 flame). Determination of metals from the acidic extract enabled determination of the aluminium fraction soluble in acids that can be involved in the phosphorus binding.

Differences in composition and proportion of phosphorus fractions in bottom sediments


4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The lake sediments in the surface layer (0–10 cm) were red-brown in colour and of semi-liquid consistence. The deeper layer was darker, the colour ranging from brown to black, and the hydration degree of the sediment clearly decreased with its increasing depth. The sediments collected from the surface layer (down to 10 cm) were characterised by a similarly high degree of hydration and similar content of organic matter (table 1). The sediment collected from the south basin contained more calcium and iron. The content of phosphorus was also higher in the south basin, which is related to the discharge of the untreated domestic sewage from the nearby sanatorium. This fact has been already confirmed in the earlier studies [12]. In general, the content of total phosphorus in the surface layer of the sediment was relatively low. Much higher content of phosphorus was determined in other lakes in the Wielkopolska National Park, the area subjected to strong anthropogenic pressure [16], and in a several dozen lakes studied by KENTZER [2]. Table 1 Physicochemical characteristics of bottom sediments of stations No. 1–9 Parameter Hydration Organic matter Calcium Iron Aluminium Phosphorus

Unit % % d.w. g kg–1 d.w. g kg–1 d.w. g kg–1 d.w. g kg–1 d.w.

1 88.1 28.1 75.0 6.77 4.95 1.09

2 89.6 27.1 83.0 5.97 5.10 1.15

3 87.0 27.1 71.0 3.56 3.70 1.03

Station No 4 5 91.9 89.7 26.3 27.2 122 120 5.21 6.53 3.69 3.53 1.17 1.26

6 88.3 26.2 128 4.96 3.02 1.06

7 89.7 27.1 114 10.2 4.37 1.27

8 88.8 26.4 88.0 11.5 6.12 1.01

9 90.2 27.2 112 10.7 6.88 1.26

The fractional analysis of phosphorus proved that the most bioavailable fractions, that is P-NH4Cl and P-Fe, made together from 15% to 24% of the pool of this element (figure 1). Much greater content of phosphorus was found in its fraction bound to organic matter and aluminium (P-NaOH), which is less bioavailable. The lowest content of phosphorus was observed in the residual fraction (P-Rez.), which is practically biologically unavailable. A similar fractional distribution of phosphorus was characteristic of many Polish lakes [2]. As expected, in all deep cores of the sediment (table 2), both hydration and the content of organic matter decreased with increasing depth. In the shallower layers of the sediment, calcium was found in high concentration, which can be related to the progressive eutrophication of the lake, leading to periodical strong alkalinity of the water. In the polar cores collected from the southern basin, a characteristic vertical distribution of iron content was established. From the surface to the depth of 20 cm, the concentration of iron increased with the depth, but in the deeper layers it decreased. This pattern of changes can be related to the above-mentioned discharge of sewage from the sanatorium, which had been taking place for a few years in the past.



In the north-western basin subject to anthropogenic pressure only from scattered sources, the content of iron also increased with the depth of the sediment, but the gradient of concentrations was much smaller (table 2). 60








Median 25%-75% The range of non-divergent Divergent Extreme

P-Rez P-NH4Cl P-NaOH P-Fe P-HCl

Fig. 1. Phosphorus fractions in surface layer of bottom sediments (0–10 cm) in stations 1–9 Station 10

Station 11 P -NH4Cl

100% 80% 60% 40%

P -Fe




P -HCl


P -Rez.

0% 0



0 -1


5 -1


0 -2


5 -2


P -NH4Cl


P -Fe P -NaOH


P -HCl


P -Rez


0 -3




0 -1


5 -1

Station 12

80% 60% 40%




0 -1


5 -1


0 -2


5 -2

0 -3 25

P -NH4Cl


P -Fe

P -Fe




P -Rez


0 -3 25


P -HCl



5 -2

Station 13 P -NH4Cl



0 -2


P -HCl


P -Rez

0% 0



0 -1


5 -1


0 -2

5 -2 20


0 -3

Fig. 2. Vertical changes of percentage proportion of phosphorus fractions in bottom sediments of Lake Góreckie

Differences in composition and proportion of phosphorus fractions in bottom sediments


Table 2 Spatial and vertical changeability of physicochemical parameters of bottom sediments Layer (cm)



Hydration Organic matter Calcium Iron Aluminium Phosphorus

% % d.w. g kg–1 d.w. g kg–1 d.w. g kg–1 d.w. g kg–1 d.w.

95.4 33.6 143 6.79 4.97 1.50

89.8 28.2 121 11.6 5.77 1.12

Hydration Organic matter Calcium Iron Aluminium Phosphorus

% % d.w. g kg–1 d.w. g kg–1 d.w. g kg–1 d.w. g kg–1 d.w.

96.6 29.8 143 5.13 3.40 1.62

86.4 28.0 121 6.26 5.40 1.33

Hydration Organic matter Calcium Iron Aluminium Phosphorus

% % d.w. g kg–1 d.w. g kg-1 d.w. g kg–1 d.w. g kg–1 d.w.

96.0 26.3 89.0 5.12 3.71 1.35

89.0 23.3 86.0 5.27 4.54 1.20

Hydration Organic matter Calcium Iron Aluminium Phosphorus

% % d.w. g kg–1 d.w. g kg–1 d.w. g kg–1 d.w. g kg-1 d.w.

91.2 25.6 100 8.09 5.19 1.22

87.2 23.9 86.0 8.02 3.55 1.16


10–15 Station 10 88.6 27.7 114 12.6 6.64 1.09 Station 11 84.5 25.3 86.0 12.1 10.2 0.91 Station 12 86.9 22.1 68.0 6.03 8.70 0.99 Station 13 84.9 22.6 71.0 9.09 5.10 1.04




86.1 24.8 107 14.8 4.90 0.95

84.2 23.9 107 11.7 4.79 1.16

83.6 21.8 107 6.74 4.16 0.91

82.5 23.3 107 15.1 4.11 1.00

80.1 23.5 100 8.01 6.19 0.99

– – – – – –

84.3 20.3 64.0 5.31 6.40 0.78

82.8 17.9 57.0 7.22 7.56 0.74

– – – – – –

82.0 20.6 50.0 10.4 5,23 0.93

78.9 20.0 43.0 10.6 4.75 0.82

78.7 18.6 43.0 11.1 5.20 0.67

The analysis of the content of phosphorus along the vertical profile of the sediment showed its highest concentration in the layer at the depth of 0–5 cm (table 2). In the deeper layers – already from 5–10 cm – the content of phosphorus systematically decreased (figure 2). With the increasing depth, the contribution of individual fractions of phosphorus also changed. In all samples, the contribution of bioavailable phosphorus forms (the sum of P-NH4Cl and P-Fe fractions) decreased with the depth, and the decrease of the most readily bioavailable fraction of P-NH4Cl was much faster. The content of the fraction bound to aluminium and organic matter (P-NaOH) also decreased with the depth, but the decrease was smaller. As a result of the chemical transformations taking place in the sediments, with increasing depth and, consequently with prolonged time of deposition, the content of the phosphorus fraction bound to calcium (P-HCl) increased.



This increase was observed despite the fact that the content of calcium in the deeper layers of the sediment decreased. In the older layers of the sediment, the content of the residual fraction, practically biologically unavailable, was found to increase. However, in general, the contribution of P-Rez. was not high (table 2). 5. CONCLUSIONS In the bottom sediment of Lake Góreckie, the greatest amounts of phosphorus, especially in the bioavailable fractions, were found in the surface layer of 0–5 cm. With increasing depth of the sediment, the content of the bioavailable fractions of phosphorus decreased, while the content of the hardly bioavailable species increased. Higher content of phosphorus was found in the sediments form the southern basin, to which the untreated domestic sewage had been discharged for a few years in the past. In the pool of phosphorus accumulated in the surface layer, maximum 24% occurred in biologically available fractions. As follows from the observations of the aquatic environment, even this relatively low amount of phosphorus prompted intense algal bloom throughout the vegetation season, leading to the unclassifiable high concentration of chlorophyll a and to deoxygenation of the bulk water below the water surface layer. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The research has been supported by the Ministry of Science and Education within the project No. N305 022 32/1103. REFERENCES [1] WIŚNIEWSKI R.J., Rola zasilania wewnętrznego w eutrofizacji zbiorników zaporowych, [in:] Procesy biologiczne w ochronie i rekultywacji nizinnych zbiorników zaporowych (red. M. Zalewski), Bibl. Monit. Środ., Łódź, 1995, 61–70. [2] KENTZER A., Fosfor i jego biologicznie dostępne frakcje w osadach jezior różnej trofii, Rozpr. habil., Wyd. UMK, Toruń, 2001. [3] GNAUCK A., LUTHER B., HEINRICH R., HOFFMAN A., Modeling and simulation of phosphorus dynamics in hollow lakes, 4th Intern. Conf. Reserv. Lim. and Wat. Qual., Ceske Budejovice, 2002, 98–101. [4] PERKINS R.G., UNDERWOOD G.J.C., The potential for phosphorus release across the sediment–water interface in an eutrophic reservoir dosed with ferric sulphate, Wat. Res., 2001, 35 (6), 1399–1406. [5] BARTOSZEK L., Wydzielanie fosforu z osadów dennych, Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Rzeszowskiej, Budownictwo i Inżynieria Środowiska, 2007, 240, z. 42, 5–18. [6] JONIAK T., KUCZYŃSKA-KIPPEN N., NAGENGAST B., Phosphorus content in bottom sediments of small water bodies in relation to water trophy, TEKA Kom. Ochr. Kszt. Środ. Przyr., 2007, 4, 70–75. [7] GAO L., ZHOU J.M., YANG H., CHEN J., Phosphorus fractions in sediment profiles and their potential contributions to eutrophication in Dianchi Lake, Environ. Geol., 2005, 48, 835.

Differences in composition and proportion of phosphorus fractions in bottom sediments


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