Environmental/Climate/Energy/Sustainment - astswmo

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Jun 11, 2015 - DOE, US Department of Energy, 14th Annual DOE Small Business ..... Fed Biz Opps. Environmental Management
GREEN SHEET Environmental/Climate/Energy/Sustainment Conferences, Newsletters, Reports, Training, Contracts, & Georgia Chapters

May - June, 2015 Some Sample Conferences 

May 5-6, 2015, TCEQ, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, Environmental Trade Fair & Conference, Austin, TX, http://www.tceqevents.com/TradeFair/

May 18–21, 2015, Battelle 3rd International Symposium on Bioremediation and Sustainable Environmental Technologies , Miami, FL. http://battelle.org/media/conferences/biosymp

Jun 11-12, 2015, ICCC-10,Tenth International Conference on Climate Change, Washington, DC, http://climateconference.heartland.org/

Aug 26-28, 2015, GEC, Georgia Environmental Conference, 10th Georgia Annual Environmental Conference, Jekyll Island, GA, http://www.georgiaenet.com/

Sep 2-4, 2015, Brownfields 2015, 16th National Brownfields Training Conference, Chicago, IL, http://www.brownfieldsconference.org/en/home

Sep 14-16, 2015, 25th National Tanks Conference and Expo. Phoenix, AZ, Focusing on underground tank compliance and remediation. http://www.neiwpcc.org/tanksconference/

May - June, 2015

The Green Sheet Environmental/Climate/Energy/Sustainment Conferences, Newsletters, Reports, Training, Contracts, & Georgia Chapters Updates Highlighted in Yellow Environmental/Climate/Energy Conferences 

May 5-6, 2015, TCEQ, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, Environmental Trade Fair & Conference, Austin, TX, “considered by many to be one of the best in the country,” http://www.tceqevents.com/TradeFair/

May 5, 2015, NDIA Environment & Energy Security Division Breakfast featuring Mr. John Conger, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Energy, Installations & Environment, Washington, DC www.ndia.org/meetings/544a

May 12-14, 2015, GRWA, Georgia Rural Water Association, 36th Annual Spring Conference, Jekyll Island, GA. http://www.grwa.org/userfiles/Exhibitor-Associate-Registration-Jekyll-Island-2015.pdf

May 12-14, 2015, ASAP, American Society of Adaptation Professionals, co-sponsoring climate change National Adaptation Forum, Saint Louis, MO. http://www.nationaladaptationforum.org/

May 12-14, 2015, EPRI, Electric Power Research Institute, Environmental Vision-An International Electricity Sector Conference, focused on critical environmental and sustainability challenges , Crystal City, VA. http://www.awma.org/events-webinars/upcomingevents/environmental-vision/welcome

May 12-13, 2015, NRC, National Recycling Coalition, Sustainable Materials Management Summit, College Park, MD. http://nrcrecycles.org/program/

May 14, 2015, A&WM/EPA, Air & Waste Management Assn, First Annual A&WMA/EPA Colloquium - Waste Information Exchange, Washington, DC. http://wasteinfoexchange.awma.org/

May 15-19, 2015, NJWEA, New Jersey Water Environment Association, 100th Annual Conference, Atlantic City, NJ. http://www.njwea.org/committees/educational/program-committee

May 17-21, 2015, ASCE-EWRI, American Society of Civil Engineers-Environmental & Water Resources Institute, World Environmental & Water Resources Congress, Austin, TX, http://www.ewricongress.org/

May 18–21, 2015, Battelle 3rd International Symposium on Bioremediation and Sustainable Environmental Technologies, Miami, FL. http://battelle.org/media/conferences/biosymp

May 19-22, 2015, SAME Joint Engineer Training Conference (JETC), focusing on energy trends, Houston, TX. http://www.same.org/index.php/events/calendar-of-events/2015-events/728-2015-jetc

May 11-13, 2015, California Energy, 3d Annual California Energy Summit, San Francisco, CA, http://www.infocastinc.com/events/california-energy

Jun 3-4, 2015, AEE, Assn of Energy Engineers, 33rd Annual West Coast Energy Management Congress, Long Beach, CA. http://www.energyevent.com/

Jun 8-10, 2015, AWWA, American Water Works Assn, Annual Conference & Exposition, Uniting The World Of Water, Anaheim, CA, http://www.awwa.org/conferences-education/conferences/annual-conference.aspx

June 9, 2015, ADEM, Alabama Department of Environmental Management, 15th Annual Groundwater Conference, Montgomery, AL. http://www.adem.state.al.us/misc/2015gwconf/2015GWConferenceCallForPapers.pdf

Jun 11-12, 2015, ICCC-10,Tenth International Conference on Climate Change, Washington, DC, http://climateconference.heartland.org/

Jun 15-17, 2015, AWRA, American Water Resources Assn, Summer Specialty Conference, Climate Change Adaptation, New Orleans, LA, http://www.awra.org/meetings/NewOrleans2015/

June 16-18, 2015. DOE, US Department of Energy, 14th Annual DOE Small Business Forum & Expo, Phoenix, AZ, https://eteba.org/listing/14th-annual-doe-small-business-forum-and-expo/

Jun 18-21, 2015, ACEC, American Council of Engineering Companies, 2015 Georgia Engineers Summer Conference, Brasstown Valley, GA, http://campaign.r20.constantcontact.com/render?ca=47b58373-4c6f-4cf9-9c6b-10d8900a74d3&c=dd616f10-d5f9-11e3b7c7-d4ae52843aae&ch=ddbe0e00-d5f9-11e3-b7f0-d4ae52843aae

Jun 19-21, 2015, MREA, Midwest Renewable Energy Association, 26th Annual Energy Fair, Clean Energy & Sustainable Living, Custer, WI. https://www.midwestrenew.org/energyfair

Jun 22-25, 2015, A&WMA, Air & Waste Management Assn, 108th Annual Conference & Exhibition, Connecting the Dots: Environmental to Climate, Raleigh, NC. http://ace2015.awma.org/

Jun 24-26, 2015, ACCO, Assn. of Climate Change Officers, Climate Strategies Forum, Washington, DC, http://www.climatestrategiesforum.org/

Jul 12-15, 2015, GAWP, Georgia Association of Water Professionals, 2015 Annual Conference & Expo, Savannah, GA, http://www.gawp.org/events/event_details.asp?id=477966&group=

Aug 5-6, 2015, JCESD, 3rd Journal Conference on Environmental Science and Development , Paris, France, http://www.ijesd.org/jcesd/3rd/

Aug 11-13, 2015, ASTSWMO, Association of State & Territorial Solid Waste Management Officials, Joint Hazardous Waste and Materials Management Training Conference, Long Beach, CA. http://www.astswmo.org/

Aug 19-21, 2015, A&WMA, Air & Waste Management Assn, Southern Section Annual Technical Conference, Pine Mountain, GA. http://www.gaawma.org/assets/documents/2015_ssawma_annual%20conference%20exhibitors%20and%20sponsors%20package.pdf

Aug 26-28, 2015, GEC, Georgia Environmental Conference, 10th Georgia Annual Environmental Conference, Jekyll Island, GA, http://www.georgiaenet.com/

Aug 26-28, 2015, SAME, Society of American Military Engineers, SC/SA Joint Engineer Training Symposium (JETS), Nashville, TN. https://www.regonline.com/builder/site/Default.aspx?EventID=1595136

Aug 30-Sep2, 2015, AHMP, Alliance of Hazardous Materials Professionals, 2015 Annual National Conference, Scottsdale, AZ. https://www.ahmpnet.org/ahmp-2015-national-conference

Sep 2-4, 2015, Brownfields 2015, 16th National Brownfields Training Conference, Chicago, IL, http://www.brownfieldsconference.org/en/home

Sep 9-10, 2015, A&WA, Air and Water Association, Addressing Climate Change Conference, Emerging Policies, Strategies, & Technological Solutions, Oakbrook IL. http://climatechange.awma.org/

Sep 9-11, 2015, Georgia Annual Safety, Health, & Environmental Conference, Savannah, GA. http://www.georgiaconference.org/

Sep 13-17, 2015, Clean Up 2015, International Contaminated Site Remediation Conference. Melbourne, Australia. http://www.cleanupconference.com/index.html

Sep 14-16, 2015, 25th National Tanks Conference and Expo. Phoenix, AZ, Focusing on underground tank compliance and remediation. http://www.neiwpcc.org/tanksconference/

Sep15-17, 2015, RE3, Remediation, Redevelopment, Results Conference, Philadelphia, PA. http://www.enviroblend.com/RE3/

Sep16-18, 2015, EIA, Environmental Information Assn, Carolinas Fall Conference, Myrtle Beach, SC, http://eia-usa.org/meetinginfo.php

Sep 16-18, 2015. A&WMA, Air & Waste Management Assn, Southern Section Annual Meeting & Technical Conference, Callaway Gardens, GA, http://www.awma.org/conferences/conferences-detail-view/a-wma-southern-section-2015-annual-meeting

Sep 19-22, 2015, AIPG, American Institute of Professional Geologists, National Conference. Anchorage, AK, http://www.aipg.org/events/futureannualmeetings.html

Sep 19-26, 2015, AEG, Association of Engineering Geologists, 58th Annual Meeting, Pittsburg, PA http://www.aegweb.org/docs/defaultsource/events/pgh15_flyer.pdf?sfvrsn=2

Sep 20-23, 2015, SME, Society for Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration, 2nd Environmental Considerations in Energy Production Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, http://www.aiche.org/sites/default/files/community/199496/aiche-community-siteevent/230361/smeenvconfcfp.pdf

Sep 26-30, 2015, WEFTEC 2015, 88th Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition & Conference, Chicago Il, http://10times.com/water-environment-federation

Sep 28-29, 2015, NGWA, National Ground Water Association, Ground Water Flow in Fractured Rock Conference, Burlington, VT. http://www.ngwa.org/Events-Education/conferences/Pages/5017sep15.aspx

Sep 29-30, 2015, AIPG-GA, American Institute of Professional Geologists, Georgia, 6th Conference: Innovative Environmental Assessment and Remediation Technologies, Kennesaw, GA. Contact Yo Sumartojo at [email protected]. Web site TBA.

Sept. 30-Oct. 1, 2015, AEE, Assn of Energy Engineers, World Energy Engineering Congress (WEEC), Orlando, FL. http://www.energycongress.com/

Oct 4-6, 2015, FSCM, Founder Societies’ Technologies for Carbon Management, CMTC 2015, 3rd Carbon Management Technology Conference, focus on technologies for Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage, Houston, TX, http://fscarbonmanagement.org/event/cmtc-2015

Oct 8-9,2015, Enviro-Net, 21st Annual Florida Remediation Conference, Orlando, FL. Tools, Techniques & Practices for Soil & Groundwater Cleanup Practioners, http://www.enviro-net.com/publisher/

Oct 11-13, 2015, ICSEA, 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Environment and Agriculture, New York, NY, http://www.icsea.org/

Oct 19-22, 2015, AEHS, Assn for Environmental Health and Science, 31th Annual International Conference on Soils, Sediments, Water, and Energy, Amherst, MA, http://www.aehsfoundation.org/east-coast-conference.aspx

Oct 20-22, 2015, AWMA, 34th International Conference on Thermal Treatment Technologies and Hazardous Waste Combustors, Houston, TX, http://it3.awma.org/

Oct 26-28, 2015, Alabama Environmental Conference, Orange Beach, AL. http://alabamasafestate.ua.edu/environmentalconference/index.php

Oct 27-28, 2015, RREC, 17th Railroad Environmental Conference, Urbana- Champaign, IL. http://railtec.illinois.edu/RREC/overview.php

Oct 29-30, 2015, ASTSWMO, Association of State & Territorial Solid Waste Management Officials, Annual Meeting, Bethesda, MD. http://www.astswmo.org/

Nov 1-4, 2015, GSA, Geological Society of America, Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, http://www.geosociety.org/meetings/2015/

Nov 4-6, 2015, NOWRA, National Onsite Wastewater Recycling Association, Onsite Wastewater Mega‐Conference, Virginia Beach, VA, http://071812c.membershipsoftware.org/Files/Conferences/2015Annual/WWETT%20Promotional%20Flyer.pdf

Nov 8-19, 2015, INSTEP, International Society of Technical Environmental Professionals. 6th International Symposium and Exhibition on the Redevelopment of Manufactured Gas Plant Sites, Ghent, Belgium, http://www.mgpsymposium.com

Nov 16-19, 2015, AWRA, American Water Resources Assn, Annual Fall Water Resources Conference, Denver, CO, http://www.awra.org/meetings/Denver2015/index.html

Nov 17-18, 2015, GAWP, Georgia Assn of Water Professionals, 2015 Fall Conference, Athens, GA., http://www.gawp.org/events/event_list.asp

Nov 17-19, 2015, IPEC, 22nd International Petroleum Environmental Conference, Denver, CO. http://ipec.utulsa.edu/Conf2015/Call_for_Papers_FINAL.pdf

Nov 30 - Dec 11, 2015, United Nations, 21st Climate Summit Conference, Paris, France. http://www.cop21.gouv.fr/en/cop21cmp11

Dec 1-3,2015, DoD, Defense Energy Summit & Innovative Showcase, Austin, TX, http://www.defenseenergy.com/

Dec 1-3, 2015, CATEE, Clean Air Through Energy Efficiency Conference, Galveston, TX, http://catee.tamu.edu/home

Dec 8-9, 2015, GAWP, Georgia Assn of Water Professionals, 1st North American Water Loss Conference, Atlanta, GA. http://www.gawp.org/event/NAWL15

Dec 8-9, 2015, NEBC, Northwest Environmental Business Council, Northwest Environmental Conference & Trade Show, Portland OR. http://www.nebc.org/EventDetail.aspx?Id=161

2016 Conferences 

Jan 24-27, 2016, NEWEA New England Water Environment Assn, Annual Conference & Exhibit, Boston, MA, http://annualconference.newea.org/

Feb 3-5, 2016, EUEC, Energy, Utility & Environment Conference, 19th Annual Conference, San Diego, CA, http://www.euec.com/

Feb 17-20, 2015, WWETT, Water & Wastewater Equipment Treatment & Transport, Annual Conference & Expo, Indianapolis, IN, http://wwettshow.com/exhibitor-information

Mar 6-8, 2016, EIA, Environmental Information Assn, National Conference & Exposition, Los Vegas, NV, http://eiausa.org/meetinginfo.php?id=14&ts=1427738036

Mar 9-10, 2016, AEE, Assn of Energy Engineers, Globalcon 2016 Conference and Expo, integrated energy solutions, Boston, MA, http://www.globalconevent.com/

April 11-14, 2016, NAEP, National Association of Environmental Professionals, Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, http://www.naep.org/2016-conference

May 23-26, 2016, Battelle 10th International Conference on Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds, Monterey, CA. Web site TBA.

Jun 21-24, 2016, A&WMA, Air & Waste Management Assn, Annual Conference & Exhibition, New Orleans, LA, http://10times.com/awmanew-orleans

Sep 9-13, 2016, AIPG, American Institute of Professional Geologists, 2016 National Conference, Santa Fe, NM. http://www.aipg.org/events/futureannualmeetings.html

Sep 24-28, 2016, WEFTEC 2016, 89th Water Environmental Federation Technical Exhibition & Conference, New Orleans, LA. http://www.weftec.org/about_weftec/default.aspx

Dec 10-15, 2016, Restore America’s Estuaries, 8th National Summit on Coastal & Estuarine Restoration, New Orleans, LA, https://www.estuaries.org/

More Conferences and events 

Other US environmental conferences, forums, exhibitions and further details. See https://www.fedcenter.gov/calendar/conferences/

Other international environmental conferences, see http://www.wikicfp.com/cfp/call?conference=environment

Other Climate Change international conferences and events, see http://climate-l.iisd.org/events/

Environmental Training 

Jun 8-12, 2015, HAZMAT, 20th Annual Contaminated and Hazardous Waste Site Management Course, Toronto, Canada. http://www.hazmatmag.com/events/20th-annual-contaminated-hazardous-waste-site-management-course2015/?utm_source=HM&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=HM-EN03262015

EPA's Sustainable Materials Management Program (SMM) Web Academy series provides information to materials management stakeholders through webinars. See http://epa.gov/smm/web-academy/, and http://www.epa.gov/epawaste/education/train.htm

ITRC, International Technology Regulatory Council, Sep 15-16, 2015, Seattle, WA; Nov 18-19, 2015, Austin, TX. Light NonaqueousPhase Liquids: Science, Management, and Technology http://www.itrcweb.org/Training

EPA (Live) Environmental Webcast Events.. CLU-IN Internet seminars. See http://clu-in.org/training/#upcoming

SERDP and ESTCP webinar series on Environmental Restoration and other webinars see http://www.serdp-estcp.org/Tools-andTraining/Webinar-Series

USAEC, Defense and Federal Grant Environmental and NEPA Training, http://aec.army.mil/Opportunities/Training.aspx

Environmental Contracts & Grants 

ESTCP, Installation Energy Solicitation, Preproposal due April 2, 2015, https://www.serdp-estcp.org/Funding-Opportunities/ESTCPSolicitations/Installation-Energy-Solicitation

Environmental Grants, various sources. See http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/search-grants.html

Fed Biz Opps. Environmental Management Support (EMS), CLU-IN Federal Business Opportunities. See http://www.clu-in.org/fedbizopps; subscribe at http://www.clu-in.org/fedbizopps/

FedCenter.gov. Provides sources and procedures for a variety of environmental grants. https://www.fedcenter.gov/opportunities/grants/#cleanup

USAF Environmental Cleanup Projects, A new on-line system documents the cleanup status of sites at over 170 active and closed Air Force installations in the continental United States. It is available to the public at http://afcec.publicadmin-record.us.af.mil.

Environmental Reports/Publications 

EPA ChemView, an updated database developed in 2013 of chemicals regulated under TSCA. http://www.epa.gov/opptintr/existingchemicals/chemview/index.html

EPA Office of Super Fund Remediation & Technology Innovation, Reference Guide to Treatment Technologies for Mining-Influenced Water, Mar 2014. http://www.clu-in.org/download/issues/mining/Reference_Guide_to_Treatment_Technologies_for_MIW.pdf

NRDC National Research Defense Council, On Earth magazine, http://www.onearth.org/

ITRC, International Technology Regulatory Council, Contaminated Sediments Remediation, Remedy Selection for Contaminated Sediments (514 pages), http://www.itrcweb.org/contseds_remedy-selection/#Welcome.htm%3FTocPath%3D_____1

EPA, Climate Change Adaptation Implementation Plans, Oct 30, 2014, (seven office-specific plans and 10 regional plans), http://epa.gov/climatechange/impacts-adaptation/fed-programs/Final-EPA-Adaptation-plans.html

NASA 2014 Warmest Year Report, Jan 16, 2015,


year-in modern-record/ 

WEF, Water Environment Federation, Water Environment & Technology Magazine,


Environmental Newsletters 

AEE, Association of Energy Engineers, Energy, Power, Facilities Newsletter and others. Subscribe at http://www.aeecenter.org/i4a/pages/index.cfm?pageid=3416

AEG, Association of Environmental and Engineering Geologists, GeoNews Newsletter. Subscribe at http://www.aegcarolinas.org/

Army Regional Environmental and Energy Office (REEO). Newsletters. Contact Regulatory Affairs Specialist for the ten regional offices to subscribe at http://www.asaie.army.mil/Public/ESOH/REEO/ . For EPA Regions 8, 9 & 10 contact Nancy Reese at [email protected]

EERE, DOE’s Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy. Newsletter addresses energy, environmental and nuclear challenges through transformative science and technology solutions. http://apps1.eere.energy.gov/news/enn.cfm

EPA, Technology News and Trends, http://www.clu-in.org/products/newsltrs/tnandt/

ETEBA, Energy Technology and Environmental Business Association, Winter 2015 Newsletter https://eteba.org/wpcontent/uploads/2014/08/Winter-2015.pdf

GLIN, Great Lakes Information Network, Environmental Topics, http://www.great-lakes.net/envt/

HAZMAT Management, Environmental Solutions, Site Remediation, Clean Tech News, http://www.hazmatmag.com/digital-edition

NAVFAC, Naval Facility Engineering Command, Mid-Atlantic Regional Environmental Coordination Office (REC) Newsletter. http://www.navfac.navy.mil/navfac_worldwide/atlantic/fecs/mid-atlantic/about_us/environmental_norfolk/rec.html

NRDC, Natural Resources Defense Council, This Week, http://www.nrdconline.org/site/MessageViewer?pw_id=4321&dlv_id=59761&em_id=64741.0

NRDC, Natural Resources Defense Council, On EARTH magazine. http://www.nrdc.org/newsletter/

USGS, US Geological Survey, Science for a Changing World, http://www.usgs.gov/newsroom/

Environmental Related Organizations - Metro Atlanta, Georgia Chapters 

AEG, Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologists. Contact Matthew Howe, [email protected], (678) 637-7060, http://www.aegweb.org/sections-chapters/southeastern .

AGS, Atlanta Geological Society. Contact Burton Dixon, [email protected], (678) 209-8080, http://www.atlantageologicalsociety.org/

AHMP, Alliance of Hazardous Materials Professionals. Contact Gerald R. Mueller, [email protected], (770) 421-3436. http://www.ga-ahmp.org/

AIChE, American Institute of Chemical Engineers. Contact Krupa Patel, ([email protected]), (404) 786 6117, http://www.atlaiche.org/Menu.html

AIPG, American Institute of Professional Geologists. Contact Ron Wallace, [email protected], (404) 362-2589, http://www/aipg.org/sections/GAaipg.htm

ASCE, American Society of Civil Engineers. Contact Rebecca Shelton, [email protected] (678) 376-7033, http://www.ascega.org/

ASCE Georgia Construction Institute. Contact Thomas M. Baglivo, [email protected], (770) 426-7100, http://www.ascega.org/events/event/asce-construction-institute-georgia-chapter-october-2014-meeting

ASCE EWRG, Environmental & Water Resources Group of ASCE. Contact Rasheed Ahmad, [email protected], 404-546-3313. http://www.ascega.org/environmental-water-resources/

ASCE GEO-INSTITUTE, Geological Institute Section of ASCE. Contact Sarah Fick, [email protected], 423.385.2310, http://www.ascega.org/georgia-geo-institute-chapter-of-asce/

ASSE, American Society of Safety Engineers. Contact David Brani, [email protected] , (770) 423-1400, http://georgia.asse.org/ 5

AWMA, Air & Waste Management Association. Contact Justine Harrison, [email protected], (678) 388-1668, http://www.gaawma.org/

GAWP, Georgia Association of Water Professionals. Numerous different professional committees. Contact Ashley Simone, [email protected], (678) 540-7326, http://www.gawp.org/

GBA, Georgia Brownfields Association, http://georgiabrownfield.org/, or contact Kelly Andrews, [email protected]

GGWA, Georgia Ground Water Association, Contact Greg Cherry, [email protected], (678) 924-6632, http://www.gawp.org/group/ggwa.

GSPE, Georgia Society of Professional Engineers. Contact Rob MacPherson, [email protected], (404) 425-7100, http://www.gspe.org/Default.htm

SAME, Society of American Military Engineers. Contact Beth Harris, [email protected], (770) 582-2829, http://sameatlantapost.org


The Green Sheet is a complimentary newsletter of EcoVac Services, Inc. To subscribe for periodic updates, or to add/edit information, or for more information about EcoVac Services email [email protected] or [email protected]

The World Leader in Mobile Dual-Phase/Multi-Phase Extraction Patented SURFAC®/ISCO-EFR®/COSOLV® Technologies Treatability Studies/Research & Development www.ecovacservices.com, 770/592-1001

Groundwater Remediation Aggressive, Rapid, Cost-Effective, Guaranteed-Fixed Price Site Closures Remediate Groundwater Sites Impacted with: 

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Solvents (chlorinated hydrocarbons: TCE, PCE, DCE)

 Highly viscous hydrocarbons (Creosote, Coal Tar, Pine Tar, No. 6 fuel oil) EcoVac’s Innovative Solutions Include: 

Enhanced fluid recovery (EFR®), a mobile, vacuum-enhanced dual-phase/multi-phase extraction (DPE/MPE) for the removal of all VOC phases (i.e. separate, adsorbed, dissolved, and vapor phases) from the entire soil column utilizing a single remedial process. This process provides an expedited and mobile cost-effective-efficient solution for NAPL and dissolved phase plumes.

Remediation of NAPL (LNAPL and DNAPL-TCE/PCE) utilizing our patented SURFAC® process, which combines the elements of specially formulated surfactant emplacement with EFR®.

Remediation of dissolved phase VOCs utilizing our proprietary ISCO-EFR® process, which combines the elements of chemical oxidant emplacement with mobile EFR®.

Remediation of viscous NAPLs and DNAPLs, such as coal tar, creosote, crude oil, and no. 6 fuel oil (bunker fuel) with our patented process SOLV-IT® utilizing EcoVac Formulated Solvents (EFS®) combined with the SURFAC® and EFR® processes. Tar site remediation project summary available.

Background EcoVac Services is a remediation services firm formed in 1995 with a multidisciplinary staff and affiliated offices positioned in numerous states providing services nationwide. We pioneered, patented provide expedited and cost-effective in-situ, mobile remedial solutions for groundwater sites impacted fuels, solvents and other highly viscous VOCs. We have applied our cost-efficient technologies with regulatory acceptance in over 41 states and PR.

Our Differentiators & Benefits                     

Field Proven (over 15,000 events, 2300+ sites, 450+ clients) Effective (recovered over 2 million gallons of fuel & other VOCs) All NAPLs (DNAPLs like TCE and LNAPLs) Viscous NAPLs, too (creosote, coal tar) Rapid Remediation Closure (mos. vs. yrs., 2.5 acre plume in 33 days) Hydraulic Containment (prevents plume displacement) Highly competitive ($40/gal contaminant recovery for closure) Guaranteed Fixed Price Fuel Site Closures (avg $300K for 1/3-acre gas plume) Performance Based Remediation (PBR)/Pay for performance (PFP) Innovative (multiple patented technologies) Remedial Process Optimized (continuously by on-site operator) Customized Treatment Train & Amendments (in-house treatability lab) 100% Mobile (no fixed installation; $zero O&M) In-situ, 24-7 (beneath structures too, minimally disruptive) All Lithologies (clays to fractured bedrock) Deep (effective to 150 feet below ground surface) Scalable (remediate unlimited size plumes) Green Sustainable Remediation (70% less GHG than fixed system) Nationwide Regulatory Accepted (operated in 41 states since 1995) Small Business, NAICS Code 592910, Remediation Services Perfect Safety Record