acid upott cottvcrsion to cis-Aâ-octatlcccttoic acid. Kc found about 4 to 5% decrcasc in the 311:t4C ratio. (Table II, ii), while in their study of thr drsnturation of ...
CHEMISTRY 249, No. 9, Issue of May 10, PP. 2833-2642, Printed in U.S.A.
Enzymatic Interconversion of Oleic Acid, lo-Hydroxyoctadecanoic Acid, and trans-A1O-octadecenoic Acid REACTION
* (Iteceived for publication,
August 20, 1973)
From the Department of Biochemistry, The Pennsylvania State Univekty,
An enzyme preparation to catalyze the following IO-D-hydrosyoctadecanoic
from a l~seudomonatl reactions: hydration acid (1, 2) ; hydration
has been shown of oleic acid to of palmitoleic
* This work was supported by (irants MI1 15788 and III> 01505 from the National Institutes of IIealth. t: This report has been taken in part from the dissertation submitted to the faculty of The Pennsylvania State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Ph.!-). degree. § To whom correspondence should be addressed.
acid to IO-D-hydroxyhexadecanoic acid (2) ; hydration of linoleic acid to 10-r-hydroxy-A12-cis-octadecenoic acid (3) ; and hydration of cis- and frans-9, IO-epoxyoctadccanoic acids to threoand erythro-9, IO-dihydroxyoctadecanoic acids (4, 5). It was also noted (2) that oleic acid was converted to trans-A1O-octadeccnoic acid in low yield. We report here some further studies of the mechanism of formation of this trans isomer of oleic acid. We report the absolute stereochemistry of hydrogen addition and abstraction at carbon 9 and carbon I1 during the conversion of oleic acid to Iruns-Alo-octadecenoic acid and during the reverse reaction. Preliminary accounts of this work have been presented (6-8).
attd Preparations of Enzyme E&act-The organism used as a source of enzyme, Pseudo~~ot~as sp. NRRL 11-3266, was received from the Northern Regional Research Laboratory, Peoria, Ill. It was grown in a New Brunswick F-130 Fermentor on a medium consisting of 0.5yo potassium phosphate (pH 6.8), lyG glucose, 17; yeast extract, l”/b Bacto-tryptone, 0.1% MgSOd, and 0.030/, oleic acid. The cells were harvested by continuous centrifugation and stored frozen until used. A soluble enzyme preparation was prepared by sonication of the cells in 0.02 M Tris-HCl buffer, pH 7.0, followed by centrifugation at 20,000 and at 110,ooO X 9 for 90 min each. The 110,000 X g supernatnnt had a protein concentration of 10 to 15 mg per ml. This was treated with 0.1 volume of a 2% solution of protamine sulfate, pH 7.0. The crude protamine sulfate supernatant was used as the enzyme source in most experiments reported herein. It was stored frozen and was stable for several months. 12adiochro7,~utographic Assa~-[1-14C]Oleic acid was purchased from New lingland Nuclear Corp. Unlabeled oleic acid was purchased from Xupelco, Inc., Bellefontc, Pa. The assay for oleic acid isomerization involved incubation of (l-14C]oleic acid (0.04 to 0.1 mh%) in the appropriate buffer with varying amounts of enzyme extract. At appropriate times samples were removed from the incubation mixture into hydrochloric acid to stop the reaction. The fatty acids were extracted with ether containing 10% methanol, dried over anhydrous MgSOc, and methylated with diazomethane. The products of the reaction were separated by low temperature argentation thin layer chromatography (Silica Gel G impregnated with 37, AgN03 using a solvent of pentane-ether (96:-1) at 8”). Chromatographic standards of methyl oleate, methyl elaidate, and methyl 10.o-hydroxyoctadecanoate were used, and visualized by spraying with 0.2% 2’,7’-dichlorofluorescein in ethanol and viewing under ultraviolet light. The spots were marked and scraped into scintillation vials using a semiautomatic device obtained from Hansvedt Corp.,
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A soluble enzyme preparation from Pseudomonas sp. NRRL B-3266 catalyzes the interconversion of cis-A9-octadecenoic acid (oleic acid), trans.Alo-octadecenoic acid, and lon-hydroxyoctadecanoic acid. Oleic acid and lo-D-hydroxyoctadecanoic acid are directly interconvertible by hydration and dehydration. The cis and trans unsaturated fatty acid isomers are interconvertible by direct isomerization of the double bond. trans-A’O-Octadecenoic and lo-n-hydroxyoctadecanoic acid do not undergo direct interconversion without the intermediate formation of (enzyme-bound) oleic acid. Both hydration and isomerization reactions are very specific for a cis-A9 double bond, but the isomerization reaction is much more sensitive to changes in the hydrocarbon tail of the substrate distal to the double bond. The isomerization proceeds stereospecifically, with the 1 I-L (Pro-R) hydrogen of oleic acid being removed and a hydrogen from the medium being added at carbon 9 in the L (Pro-R) configuration. In the reverse reaction the 9-L (Pro-R) hydrogen is removed and a hydrogen from the medium is added at carbon Il. Primary kinetic isotope effects are seen for the removal of the 9-L and 11-L hydrogens. There is a marked discrimination against tritium in the addition of the 11.~ hydrogen from the medium. The hydration of oleic acid and the isomerization of trons-A1o-octadecenoic acid to oleic acid proceed more slowly in highly enriched *HZ0 than in H20, but the isomerization of oleic acid to trans-A1o-octadecenoic acid is slightly faster in 2Hz0.
University Pa&,. Pennsylvania 16806
2834 added to 2 volumes of water and extracted with ether. The tosylate was purified on a Supelcosil ATF column, being eluted with 10% ether in pentane. The yield was 1.44 g of methyl Q-Dtosyloctadecanoate. A portion of the tosylate (1.0 g) was hydrolyzed with inversion by refluxing for 10 hours in 60 ml of aqueous 4 N NaOH plus 12 ml of dioxane. After extraction of nonsaponifiable material, the reaction mixture was acidified and the Q-L-hydroxyoctadecanoate was extracted with ether, methylated with diazomethane, and purified by column chromatography in a yield of 0.25 g. The optical rotations of both the methyl Q-n-hydroxyoctadecanoate and methyl Q-L-hydroxyoctadecanoate were measured in spectral grade methanol using a Perkin-Elmer model P-22 spectropolarimeter (kindly provided by Dr. L. Jackman, Penn State) (Table I). The samples were concluded to be optically pure, based on comparison with literature values and with standard lo-~and lo-L-hydroxyoctadecanoate prepared from Pseudomo,zas NRRL B3266. The tosyl ester of methyl Q-L-hydroxyoctadecanoate was prepared as described above. A portion of each of the tosylates was reduced with LiA13H4 to form the corresponding tritiated octadecanols. Methyl Q-Dtosyloctadecanoate (4.7 mg, 10 pmoles) was dissolved in 1.5 ml of tetrahydrofuran, freshly distilled from LiAlHa. Working in a nitrogen-filled glove bag, 12.5 mCi of LiA13Hd (25 &Ji per patom of H) were added and tetrahydrofuran was added to a final volume of approximately 8 ml in the reaction flask. The mixture was gently refluxed for 10 hours. To assure complete utiliza.tion of the LiA13Hr, an additional 10 mg of tosylate were added and refluxing was continued for 2 hours. Unlabeled LiAlH, then was added in excess and refluxing was continued another 2 hours. Excess LiAlH, was decomposed with ethyl acetate and the reaction mixture was acidified and extracted with ether. The tritiated octadecanol was purified by column chromatography on Supelcosil ATF, being eluted by 12% ether in pentane. Methyl Q-L-tosyloctadecanoa.te was carried through an identical procedure. The octadecanols were then oxidized to octadecanoic acid by chromic acid (11). The octadecanol (6 mg) was dissolved in 4 ml of glacial acetic acid to which were added 15 mg of chromic acid. The samples were allowed to react at room temperature for 5 hours. Three milliliters of water were added, followed by sufficient solid NaHS03 to reduce the excess chromic acid. The mixtures were extracted with ether and tritiated octadecanoic acids were purified by column chromatography. Since the LiA13Hd reduction is reported to result in reductive removal of the tosyl group with inversion of configuration by an &-a-type TABLE
Gas chromalographic esters ar,d their
times of unsaturated fatty acid methyl ozonolysis products; 10% ethylene glycol succinate on acid-washed chromosorb W, 200” retenliorl
T, Compound Flame detector
Methyl oleate. Methyl cis-octadecenoateb.. . Methyl trans-octadecenoateb. Methyl a&elate semialdehyde.. Methyl adipate semialdehyde. Methyl undecandioate semialdehyde Methyl ester semialdehyde from cisoctadecenoateb.. Methyl ester semialdehyde from transoctadecenoateb..
Radioactivitya detector
986 986 983 653 277 1130
1035 1035 1032 702
a The lag of the radioactive peak relative to the mass peak is due to the length of tubing between splitter and detector and is constant at 48 to 50 s. b Derived from incubation of [l*C]oleic acid with the Pseudomonas enzyme.
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Urbana, 111. Scintillation counting was carried out in a Beckman LSZOOB.scintillation spectrometer ising a scintillation fluid containing. bv volume. 60% toluene. 30% Triton X-100 (Rohm and Haas), 10% water; aii 0.45yo ‘dipl&yloxazole. The radioactivities were used to determine the percentage of the total fatty acids present in each fraction, and initial velocities of formation of products were calculated. For assays involving counting of products labeled with both 3H and 14C, adjustable energy channels of the Beckman LSSOOB were used, and efficiencies were determined using internal standards of [3H]- and [‘4C]toluene. &lass Spectral Analysis-Mass spectra were obtained using the LKB 9000 combination gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer (courtesy of the Department of Food Science, The Pennsylvania State University). The column used was 4yo SE-30 on Supelcoport. Synthesis of Unsaturated Fatty Acid Substrates--The following unsaturated fatty acids were synthesized in both unlabeled and l-l% form: heptadec-Q-enoic; nonadec-Q-enoic; eicos-Q-enoic; heptadec-%enoic, cis- and trans-octadec-10.enoic. The procedure followed was essentially that of Ahmad and Strong (9) involving coupling of an w-chloroalkyliodide with a terminal acetylene, formation of the nitrile bv condensation with KCN or K’%N. hydrolysis of the nitrile ti yield the acetylenic fatty acid, and hydrogenation to the cis-olefinic fatty acid using a Lindlar catalyst. All fatty acids used in these experiments were chromatographically and radiochromatographically pure (>95%) based on silica gel thin layer chromatography, argentation thin layer chromatography, and gas-liquid chromatography on 40/, SE-30 and 10% ethylene glycol succinate using a Barber Colman 5000 instrument equipped with a stream splitter and radioactivity monitor. Reagents for the syntheses were obtained from Aldrich or K & K. Lipids and chromatographic materials were obtained from Supelco. Stereospecijic Synthesis of Trans-A’O-[9-n-3H]and trans-A1O19-L-3H10ctadecezoic Acids-In order to determine the stereospecificity of the enzymatic interconversion of cis-A9- and fransA’O-octadecenoic acids, we needed samples of substrates labeled singly and stereospecifically with tritium. These may be prepared from the corresponding optically active hydroxy fatty &ids by reduction of the corresponding tosylates with LiA13Hd as was described bv Schroenfer and Bloch (10). The resultant tritium-labeled oct,adecanoiE acid samples were’converted to the desired labeled unsaturated fatty acids by microbiological desaturation. The synthetic procedure followed was essentially that used by Schroepfer and Bloch (10). Optically pure Q-n-hydroxy-A’2octadecenoic acid was isolated from seeds of Dimorphothica sinuata which were graciously provided by Dr. R. G. Powell of the Northern Regional Research Laboratory. A sample of seeds from Holarrhena antidysenterica was also obtained from Dr. Powell but the hydroxy fatty acid from these seeds was only 7597, of the D isomer and 25yo of the L isomer. Fifteen grams of D. sinuata seeds were ground in a mortar and pestle and extracted in a Soxhlet apparatus with pentane. The solvent was evaporated and the oil was saponified by refluxing with methanolic KOH. The nonsaponifiable material was extracted and discarded and the fatty acids were extracted after acidification of the reaction mixture. The fatty acids were converted to their methyl esters with diazomethane and the methyl 9-n-hydroxy-A12-octadecenoate was purified on an activated silicic acid column (Supelcosil ATF), eluted with pentane-ether (70: 30). The unsaturated hydroxy fatty acid methyl esters were hydrogenated over palladium black catalyst in methanol at 40 p.s.i.g. of hydrogen for 5 hours in a Parr hydrogenation apparatus. The resulting methyl Q-n-hydroxyoctadecanoate was purified by crystallization from acetone. Over-all yield was 3.5 g. The nonracemic nature of the product was determined by measurement of the optical rotation (see below). To prepare Q-L-hydroxyoctadecanoate, the tosyl ester of methyl Q-n-hydroxyoctadecanoate was prepared and subjected to alkaline hydrolysis. Methyl Q-n-hydroxgoctadecanoate (1.3 g) was dissol;ed in 50 ml of freshly distilled pyridine and treated with 7.4 g of recrvstallized D-toluenesulfonvl chloride. The mixture wasstored ai 4” for 48 Ihours. Compl&eness of reaction was ascertained by thin layer chromatography on Silica Gel G with pentane-ether-acetic acid (50:50:1). The pyridine solution was
The final step in the synthesis of the 9-n and 9-L-lrans-Aiooctadecenoic acids was chemical isomerization of the double bond (14). The methyl cis-A10-[9-o-aH]and cis-A10-[9-L-3H]octadecenoates were dissolved in 5 ml of glacial acetic acid to which was added dropwise with stirring 1 ml of 20% NaN02. After 30 min at room temperature, 5 ml of water were added and the fatty acid methyl esters were extracted with ether. The trans isomers were purified by prepara.tive argentation thin layer chromatography and saponified with methanolic KOH to yield trans.Ai0[9-rGH]octadecenoic acid and trans-A10-[9-L-3H]octadecenoic acid. Stereospecijk Synthesis of [ll-L-3H]Oleic Acid-A sample of 11-n-hydroxyoctadecanoic acid (a generous gift of Dr. M. Hamberg, Karolinska Institute) was converted to [ll-L-~H]octadecanoic acid by procedures essentially identical-to those described above. The microbiological desaturation to oleic acid was accomplished using a culture of Corunebacterium diphtheriae Crs(-) to;(-) (a gift of Dr. A. M. Pappenheimer, Harvard Universitv). as described bv Schroenfer and Bloch (10). The final product was characterized by radio thin layer and ‘gas chromatography and the double bond position was confirmed using [l-l%]octadecanoic acid and reductive ozonolysis.
unsaturated fatty acid as cis-A9-octadecenoic acid. The ozonolysis product from the truns fraction was identified as the locarbon semialdehyde by comparison of its retention time with the 5-, 9-, and 11-carbon standards. Thus the truns unsaturated fatty acid produced by the Pseudomonas enzyme is trans-AlOoctadecenoic acid. The double-bond positions of the cis and trans fractions were also determined by the mass spectral method of Niehaus and Ryhage (15). The unsaturated fatty acids were oxidized by alkaline permanganate to dihydroxy fatty acids which were characterized by thin layer radiochromatography on boric acidimpregnated plates (16). The dihydroxy fatty acid formed from the cis fraction was exclusively the ergthro isomer, that formed from the trans fraction was exclusively the threo isomer. Gas chromatographic-mass spectral analysis gave characteristic fragments at m/e 201 and 157 for derivatives of standard oleic acid and the cis fraction. The corresponding values were 215 and 143 for the trans isomer (Table II). These values show that the double bond of the truns-octadecenoic acid is located between Cl0 and Cii. Other peaks at m/e 151 and 183 are also characteristic of this double bond location (15). Thus the enzymatic product has been unequivocally identified as transAiO-octadecenoic acid. Mechanism of Production of trans-A1o-Octadecenoicc Acid-The production of trans-Ai0-octadecenoic acid from oleic acid could occur via two potential pathways (Scheme 1) : direct isomeriza-
81 143 151 157 183 201 215
27 52 41 94 63 35 27 23 92 79 25 39 21 5 24 9
41 43 45 55 58 59 67 69 71
IdentiJication oj trans Isomer as trans-A’O-Octadecenoic AcidTo prepare sufficient trans isomer for identification, 1 mg (3.5 pmoles) of oleic acid was dissolved in 0.1 ml of ethanol and 0.01 N NaOH was added to neutralize the carboxylate group. This mixture was incubated in 20 IrIM acetate buffer, pH 6.0, with 60 mg of enzyme protein at room temperature for 15 min. The fatty acids were extracted and separated by preparative argentation thin layer chromatography. Double-bond positions of the cis and trans fractions were determined by reductive ozonolysis (13) and the fragments were identified by gas-liquid chromatography on 10% ethylene glycol succinate on acid washed Chromosorb W (Supelco) employing both mass and radioactivity detectors. The ozonolysis was performed using the Supelco microozonizer. Standards of methyl oleate, methyl elaidate, methyl vaccenate, and methyl petroselenate were used t.o identify the methyl ester semialdehydes. The results (Table I) show that both the cis and trans unsaturated fractions contained only octadecenoic acid. The ozonolysis product from the cis fraction was the g-carbon semialdehyde, thus identifying this
TABLE II of methyl lO,li-dimethoxyoctadecanoate
Mass spectral identification
,F=“c \H ;-KH,),-CH, Isomerizotion
H’c$ HP /L Y
( /
/ Dehydration
H yHH HOOC-(CH,),-;-$-;-(CH,),-CH, SCHEME
\ (CH,),
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reaction (lo),, the products were expected to be [9-L-3H]octadecanoic acid from the 9+tosyloctadecanoate, and [9-n-3H]octadecanoic acid from the 9-L-tosyloctadecanoate. As will be mentioned under “Discussion,” the LiAlHa reduction does not proceed with total stereospecificity. The tritiated octadecanoic acids were converted to [9-3H]A10octadecenoic acids by microbiological desaturation. A strain of Bacillus cereus was reported by Dart and Kaneda (12) to desaturate stearic acid exclusively to cis-Alo-octadecenoic acid. However, we were unable to obtain a culture of this organism from Dr. Kaneda. We obtained another strain of Bacillus cereus (PSU-43) from Dr. It. Doty (Department of Microbiology, Penn State) which produced both A5- and Ai0-octadecenoic acids and, by adjusting the culture conditions, we were able to produce nearly pure cis-Ai0-octadecenoate from added octadecanoate. The B. cereus was grown in 125-ml flasks containing 25 ml of 0.8q7c Difco nutrient broth plus 4yo glucose and O.OS’% ferric ammonium citrate. The culture was grown at 30” on a rotary shaker to an optical density (660 nm) of 0.5. Tritiated octadecanoic acid (400 pg) then was added in 0.5 ml of ethanol along with 0.25 ml of 0.5% ferric ammonium citrate. Incubation was continued for 3 hours. The cells were collected by centrifugation and digested with methanolic KOH. The fatty acids were extracted with pentane after acidification, methylated, and purified by preparative thin layer chromatography. The product was shown to be radiochemically pure cis-octadecenoic acid by thin layer and gas chromatography. Using [1-‘%]octadecanoic acid as a substrate for microbiological desaturation in a parallel experiment, the double bond was shown to be exclusively Ai0 by reductive ozonolysis
2 y, 00
FIG. 1. A, time course of interconversion of [14C]oleic acid (o), [3H]10-hydroxyoctadecanoic acid (A), and trans-A1O-octadecenoic acid (0). Oleic acid (0.018 mnl) and hydroxyoctadecanoic acid (0.018 mM) were incubated with enzyme (1 mg of protein per ml) in 0.1 M phosphate buffer, pH 5.6. Correction has been made fol the unreactive lo-L-hydroxyoctadecanoic acid present in the incubation. The quantity of each product per ml of incubation mixture was assayed radiochromatographically. B, 3H:14C ratio of the products of the incubation of [r4C]oleic acid and [3H]hydroxyoctadecanoic acid. Oleic acid (0) ; Irarls-A1o-octadecenoic acid (0); hydroxyoctadecanoic acid (A). Correction has been made for the unreactive IO-n-[3H]hydroxyoctadecanoic acid present in the incubation. A logarithmic scale has been used for presentation of the first 10 min of the 2-hour incubation. Values at later time points are found in the text.
whereas the isomerization-hydration pathway would result in the stable incorporation of 2 atoms of deuterium, one at carbon 11 during isomerization, and a second at carbon 9 during hydration. Therefore, analysis of the distribution of deuterium in the hydroxyoctadecanoate, especially after very short incubation times, should allow one to assess the extent to which direct hydration of the trans-Alo double bond might occur. Several technical difficulties arose during this experiment. It was found (Fig. 2) that the conversion of truns-Ar0-octadecenoic acid to IO-hydroxyoctadecanoic acid occurs much more slowly in 2Hz0 than in lHzO, necessitating the use of relatively large amounts of enzyme protein. This, coupled with the need to analyze very early time points at which extremely small quantities of lo-hydroxyoctadecanoate had been produced, cause us to be concerned with possible contribution from endogenous fatty acid present in the enzyme preparation, The crude enzyme preparation, containing 25 pg of fatty acid per mg of protein, was added to 15 volumes of acetone at -15”. The resulting protein powder contained only 0.25 I.rg of fatty acid per mg which did not interfere in the subsequent analyses. The acetone-precipitated enzyme (6 mg) was dissolved in a medium containing 0.1 ml of 0.1 M phosphate buffer (pH 6.1) and 19.9 ml of 2Hz0 (99.8 atoms y0 excess) (Bio-Rad), yielding a calculated over-all enrichment of 99.2oj,. The mixture was allowed to equilibrate at 10” for 30 min. A sample was removed to assay for contributions from cndogenous fatty acids. A sample of trans-A10-[l-14C]octadecenoic acid (4.3 pmoles in 10 ~1 of pentane) was added to the enzyme buffer mixture and incubated at room temperature with stirring. Samples were removed at 4, 10, 25, and 75 min and the fatty acids were extracted and separated by preparative thin layer chromatography. The product distribution was determined by radiochemical assay. The methyl ester of lo-hydroxyoctadecanoic acid was converted to its trimethylsilyloxy derivative by treatment with 10 ~1 of N,O-bis(trimethylsilyl)acetamide in 50 ~1 of pyridine 5 min prior to injecting the sample into the LKB 9000 gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer. Spectra were taken of derivatives of standard 10.hydroxyoctadecanoate and of the lo-hydroxyoctadecanoate samples from the 2Hz0 incubation. Spectra were also taken of derivatives of lo-hydroxyoctadecanoate derived from oleic acid in 2Hz0, which has been shown (17) to contain 1 atom of deuterium at carbon 9 in the L configuration. The major fragmentation pattern is shown in Scheme 2. The major peak at m/e 215 contains carbons 10 through 18 and therefore a deuterium atom at carbon 11 will increase this fragment to m/e 216. Likewise, the peak at m/e 273 represents carbons 1 to 10 and incorporation of a deuterium atom at carbon 9 will increase this fragment to m/e 274. At all time points examined, 97 y0 of the IO-hydroxyoctadecanoate molecules contain deuterium in t,he fragment Cr-Cro, presumably at CQ, and 96% of the molecules contain deuterium in the fragment Cl&&, presumably at Cl1 (Table III). Since even at
m/e 215 r-KHJ, Si H6H H,COOC-(CH,),-C-C-C-(CH,),-CH, H HIH I
m/e 273 &IEME
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tion of the &s-A9 double bond; or adclition of water across the c&-A9 double bond, and subsequent removal of the elements of water from carbons 10 and 11. To distinguish between these possibilities the following experiments were performed. [lJ4C]Oleic acid (0.45 pmole, 1.1 pCi) and [lo-DL-3H]-[10-~~h@oz2/]octadecanoic acid (0.45 pmole, 2.4 PCi) (prepared by reduction of lo-ketooctadecanoic acid with NaB3H4) were incubated with 20 mg of enzyme protein in 25 ml of potassium phosphate buffer, 0.1 M, pH 5.6. Samples were removed at intervals from 10 s to 2 hours and the products were extracted and separated. The change in fatty acid composition and 3H:14C ratio with time is shown in Fig. 1. The 3H:14C ratios of oleic acid, truns-Aro-octadecenoic acid, and lo-hydroxyoctadecanoic acid at 1 and 2 hours (not shown) were: 0.9, 1.0, and 1.3; and 1.1, 1.1, and 1.1, respectively. Since the reaction had reached isotopic equilibrium, it had presumably also reached thermodynamic equilibrium. Under these conditions of incubation, therefore, equilibrium was reached at 67% hydroxyoctadecanoic acid, 8% oleic acid, and 25% frans-ArO-octadecenoic acid. The fact that the 3H:14C ratio of [runs-ArO-octadecenoic acid closely parallels that of oleic acid throughout t.he course of the incubation strongly implicates oleic acid as its immediate precursor. A minor contribution of the hydration-dehydration pathway, possibly involving an enzyme-bound intermediate, cannot be rigorously eliminated, however. An alternative method to investigate this question therefore was employed whereby trans.AlO-octadecenoic acid was incubated with enzyme in 2Hz0 enriched medium, and the resulting IO-hydroxyoctadecanoic acid was analyzed for its deuterium content by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Examination of the two potential pathways (Scheme 1) shows that a direct hydration of the truns-A1O double bond would result in the stable incorporation of one atom of ,deuterium at carbon 11,
2837 TABLE III Mass spectral analysis of methyl-lo-trimethylsilyloxyocladecanoale derived from incubation of trans-Alo-octadecenoic acid in 2HzO Incubation time
min 4 10 25 75
Relative intensity octadecanoate
3.2 5.7 8.0 9.8
4.5 4.3 4.3 4.4
1 m/e216 1 m/e213 100
100 100 100
2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2
1 m/e
70 70 71 70
Substrate speciJcity of oleale hydratase-isomerase Hydration
nmoles/min/ntgp*otein 250 85 85
lG:lAs..... 17:1As...... 18:lA9.... 19:lAs......
Isomerization n*toles/min/mg
100 17
18:2 As,=. .
150 17
17:1As...... 18: 1 A*O-cis
18: 1 Ag-lrans TABLE
Mass spectral iclentijcation of methyl 9-trimethylsilyloxyheptadecanoate derived jrom hydration of cis-As-hepladecenoic acid m/e 73 75 79 83 103 109 129 155 215 216 259
Relative intensity
87 56 17 18 15 15 12 20 95 18 100
hydration or isomerization reaction when added to the incubation mixture at the same concentration as the oleic acid substrate. Interestingly, cis-A*-heptadecenoic acid was a substrate for hydration but not for isomerization. The hydration product has been identified as a 9-hydroxyheptadecanoic acid by gas chromatographic-mass spectral analysis of the trimethylsilyloxy derivative (Table V). The major peaks at m/e 215 and 259 correspond to the peaks at m/e 215 and 273 in the spectrum of IO-trimethylsilyloxyoctadecanoate, as shown in Scheme 2. The absolute,stereochemistry has not been determined, but is presumed to be D. Stereospecificity of Hydrogen Abstraction during IsomerizationTo determine the stereochemistry of the hydrogen removed from the unsaturated fatty acid during isomerization, we incubated stereospecifically tritium-labeled fatty acids mixed with 14C-labeled fatty acid with the Pseudomonas enzyme preparation. From the 3H:14C ratio of substrate and product we could determine whether the labeled hydrogen had been removed during the enzymatic isomerization. To approximately 40,000 dpm each of the trans-&0-[%w311]and the trans-A10-[9-QH]-octadecenoic acid were added chemically synthesized trans-AlO-[1-14C]octadecenoic acid and a portion was removed to determine the 3H:14C ratio. The remainder of each doubly labeled substrate was incubated with the Pseudomonas enzyme preparation (1 ml of 0.1 M sodium acetate, pH 5.2, and 1.2 mg of protein) for 30 min. The incubations were terminated and the hydroxy, cis, and trans unsaturated fatty The fatty acid methyl esters were elutcd acids were separated. from the silver nitrate impregnated silica gel with 20% ether in pentane and were counted in the Beckman LS 200B liquid
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the earliest time points assayed (3% conversion to hydroxyoctadecanoate) no monodeuterated product is seen, we can conclude that direct hydration of the trans-Alo double bond does not occur to a measurable extent, and the reaction with which we are dealing is a direct isomerization of the &s-A9 and trans-Alo double bonds. Substrate Specijicity for Hydration and Isomerization-It had previously been demonstrated that the Pseudomonas enzyme preparation would catalyze the hydration of oleic acid, palmitoleic acid (1, 2), and linoleic acid (3). No attempts were made to measure the relative rates of hydration of these various substrates, nor was the possibility of double-bond isomerization investigated for these other substrates. In an attempt to gain further insight into the structural features of the substrate required for each of these enzymatic processes, we synthesized a series of cis monounsaturated fatty acids, labeled with 14C in the carboxyl group and determined the relative rates of hydration and isomerization. Since the rate of hydration is much greater than is the rate of isomerization, somewhat different incubation conditions were used for the two assays. Both assays were performed at pH 5.2 and room temperature, but for the isomerase assay somewhat lower substrate concentration (0.04 versus 0.10 mM) and higher enzyme concentration (1.2 versus 0.12 mg per ml were employed). For the hydratase assay, time points were taken at 0.5, 1, 2, and 4 min; for the isomerase assay, time points were taken at 1, 2, 4, and 6 min. All assays were linear throughout this incubation period with the exception of the hydration of palmitoleic acid, which was subsequently assayed at 0.25, 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5 min. The results (Table IV) show several interesting features of the reactions. Under the conditions of the assay, the rate of hydration of oleic acid (18: 1 Ag) is about 65 times the rate of its isomerization to the trans-Alo isomer. The effect of introducing changes into the hydrocarbon tail of the substrate, distal to the &s-A9 double bond, is quite different on the hydration and isomerization reactions. For example, palmitoleic acid (16:l Ag) and linoleic acid (18:2 AsJz) are hydrated at 2 to 3 times the rate seen for oleic acid, but the rate of isomerization is greatly reduced for palmitoleic acid and is zero for linoleic acid. The isomerization of linoleic acid would presumably have produced a conjugated fatty acid, trans-Ar0, cis-A’*-octadecadienoic acid. A mixture of this compound and the cis-A9, trans-A11 isomer, produced by alkaline treatment of linoleic acid (18) was used as the chromatographic standard for the assay. The results seen with the 17 : 1, 19 : 1, and 20 : 1 isomers are less striking but also show greater relative rates of hydration than isomerization. Several other potential substrates, including elaidic acid (transA9-octadecenoic acid), cis-AlO-octadecenoic acid, and 9- and lo-octadecynoic acids, underwent neither hydration nor isomerization. The acetylenic analogs did not inhibit either the
0.25 0.3 1.3 0.5 0 0 0 0 0
truns-A10-[9-L-3H]octadecenoic substrate ratio is indicative removal of the 9-L hydrogen.
The stereospecificity
acid to 130% that of a primary isotope
of hydrogen TABLE
of hydrogen
of the effect
initial in the
from Cl1 in the
conversion of cis-Ag-octadecenoic acid to truns-AlO-octadecenoic acid was investigated as described above, using cis-Ag-[ll-~-3H]octadecenoic acid assubstrate (Table VI, Experiment C). These data show that it is the 11-L (Pro-R) hydrogen which is abstracted during the isomerization of cis-Ag-octadecenoic acid to trunsAlO-octadecenoic acid. The 3H:14C ratio of the product is again 20yo that of the substrate, indicative of a partially racemic nature of the substrate, and there is again a primary isotope effect for removal of the 11-L hydrogen. Stereospecijicity of Hydrogen Addition at Carbon 9-Incubations carried out in 2H20 enriched medium demonstrated that a hydrogen derived from the medium was incorporated during the isomerization reaction (Table III). In order to examine the hydrogen addition in more detail, we incubated cisdg-octadecenoic acid in medium enriched with 3Hz0 and examined the extent of tritium incorporation and the stereochemistry of the addition. [1-14C]Oleic acid (1.6 kmoles, 0.098 &i per pmole) was incubated with 1.2 mg of enzyme protein in 0.2 ml of 3H20 enriched medium (2 pCi per patorn of hydrogen) for 9 hours. The long incubation time was necessitated by the use of the very high substrate concentration (8 mM). These conditions were chosen to obtain incorporation of significant amounts of tritium without requiring an excessively large total quantity of 3Hz0. The reaction was stopped and the products were extracted and separated by preparative argent,ation thin layer chromatography. truns-A1O-Octadecenoate comprised 8.8 % of the total products or about 40 pg. Based on the known specific activity of the [lJ4C]oleic acid, (0.098 PCi per pmole) and the tritium enrichment of the medium (2 $Zi per patom of hydrogen), it could be calculated that the 3H :14C ratio of the trunsAlo-octadecenoate should be 20.6. The experimentally determined value was 19.4 (Table VII, A), indicating that isotopic equilibrium between tritium and protium was achieved over the long incubation period. The IO-hydroxyoctadecanoic acid produced from oleic acid during the incubation (84yo of the products) was also isolated and the 3H:14C ratio was determined (Table VII, A). The 3H:14C ratio was 85% of that calculated for the addition of a single hydrogen. Thus, very little dis-
Incorporation vl:“C
A. Substrate trans-A10-[l-14C
of tritium into fatty acids in 3HzO-enriched medium
by incubation
Products Observed
decenoic acid. ’ Products cis-A9-Octadecenoic acid. . IO-Hydroxyoctadecanoic acid trans.Alo-Octadecenoic acid. B. Substrate trans-A10-[l-*4C 9-L2H]Octadecenoic acid. y Products cis-A9-Octadecenoic acid. IO-Hydroxyoctadecanoic acid. trans-AlO-Octadecenoic acid C. Substrate cis-A10-[l-14C, 11-GH]Octadecenoic acid. Products cis-A9-Octadecenoic acid. . trans-A’O-Octadecenoic acid.
11 18 71
0.553 0.558 0.650
12 19 69
0.183 0.180 1.140
8.34 0.97
96 97 112
21 20 129
174 20
A. cis-A9-[l-14C]Octadecenoic acid (0.098 pCi/ pmole) B. cis-A9-[l-14C]Octadecenoic acid (1.07 &i/Mmole) C. trans-A10-[l-14C]Octadecenoic acid (0.068 pCi/ rmole) o Observed b Observed c Observed
at 540 min. at 30 min. at 60 min.
tru?~s-A10-18: lo-Hydroxy-18:
trans-Alo-18: lo-Hydroxy-18:O
cis-A9-18: 1 IO-Hydroxy-18:O
20.6 20.6
2.4 2.4 21.0 42.0
19.4s 17.4a
1.3*, 1.26,
1.4c 1.3~
1.P 16.7c
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scintillation spectrometer using a scintillation fluid of 0.4% diphenyloxazole in toluene. Efficiencies were determined using internal standards of [3H]- and [14C]toluene. Three possibilities exist for removal of a hydrogen from CS of truns-A10-octadecenoic acid: the D (Pro-S) hydrogen may be removed; the L (Pro-R) hydrogen may be removed; the reaction may proceed without stereospecificity, both D and L hydrogens being removed to some extent. For the first possibility, removal of the n-hydrogen, the cis-Ag-octadecenoate product derived from trun.s-A10-[9-n-3H]-octadecenoate would have a 3H :14C ratio of 0, and the cis-Ag-octadecenoate product derived from tran~-A~~[9-GH]-octadecenoate would have the same 3H :14C ratio as the substrate. For the second possibility, L-hydrogen abstraction, the cis-Ag-octadecenoate derived from the 9-n-3H-labeled substrate would have the same 3H :14C ratio as the substrate, whereas the product derived from the 9-L-3H-labeled substrate would have a 3H:14C ratio of 0. For the third possibility, nonstereospecific hydrogen removal, the product derived from both the n-Wlabeled and L-Wlabeled substrates would have a 3H:14C ratio significantly lower than that of the substrate. The results (Table VI, Experiments A and 13) are consistent only with the stereospecific removal of the 9-L (Pro-R) hydrogen during the isomerization of transd’o-octadecenoic acid to cis-Ag-oct.adecenoic acid. The finding that the 3H:14C ratio of the cis-A9 product derived from trans-A10-[9-L-3H]octadecenoic acid decreased to 20% that of the substrate, and not to 0, is presumably due to a partially racemic nature of the stereospecifically. labeled substrate, and is not without precedent (19) (see “Discussion”). That the remaining 20% of the tritium is not due to a nonstereospecific abstraction of hydrogen is shown by the fact that there is no significant difference in the 3H:14C ratios of substrate and products when Iruns-A10-[9-n-3H]octadecenoic acid is the substrate. The increased 3H:14C ratio seen in the unreacted
TABLE VIII Determi?lation of stereochemistry of hydrogen added at carbolL 9 in Ihe reaction cis-A9-ocladecenoale --) trar&A1o-ocladece~~oale Compound
[l-14C, 9-aH]Octadecanoic acid from hydrogenation of trans-A1O-octadecenoate Saturated fatty acids recovered from Corynebacterium diphtheriae Unsaturated fatty acids recovered from Corynebacterium diphtheriae.
2.14 2.38 2.01
acid the following experiment was performed. trans-AlO-[1-14C]Octadeccnoic acid (0.18 I.cmolc, 0.068 PCi per Imole) was incubated for 1 hour at pH 6, 25”, with 0.12 mg of Pseudomonas enzyme protein in 0.14 ml of 3H~0 enriched medium (calculated enrichment, 1.43 $Zi per patom hydrogen). The reaction was stopped, the fatty acid products were extracted and separated as described above, and their 311:14C ratios were determined (Table VII, C). The predicted 3H:14C ratio for the oleic acid (4% of products) produced by isomerization of truns-AlO-octadccenoic acid is 21 .O, based on the incorporation of 1 atom of hydrogen without isotope discrimination. The experimentally determined value was only 1.5, demonstrating a discrimination against 3I-I of greater than 9 : 1 for the addition of hydrogen at Cl1 during this 1 hour incubation. The stereochemistry of the added hydrogen was not determined, but is presumed to be L based upon the hydrogen abstraction data (Table VI, C). The subsequent hydration of the oleic acid formed by isomerization proceeded with incorporation of more than 7Oc/, of the theoretical amount of tritium into the lo-~hydroxyoctadecanoic acid (570 of total products), confirming the observation of a minimal discrimination against tritium observed in the direct hydration of oleic acid (Table VII, 13). EJect oj 21120 on Rate of Ilydrafion and Isomerization-The rates of hydration and isomerization of the cis-A9 double bond of oleic acid, and the rate of isomerization of truns-A1O-octadecenoic acid were measured in ‘Hz0 and in highly enriched ( >90%) *H20. For oleic acid hydration, 3.5 pmoles of [lJ4C]oleic acid were incubated with 0.6 mg of enzyme protein in a medium consisting of 25 ~1 of 1 M potassium phosphate buffer (pH 6.3) in 20 ml of lH20 or *HzO. The *Hz0 incubation had an over-all enrichment of 98.6 atoms Gh escess *H. Samples were removed for radiochromatographic assay at 1, 3, 8, and 20 min (Fig. 2). The hydration of oleic acid to 10.hydrosyoctadecanoic acid in the *I-1*0-enriched medium initially proceeds at about 35 the rate seen in lH20 and decreases during the course of the incubation. The hydration of oleic acid in ‘HZ0 is linear over 8 min, whereupon 90% of the oleic acid has been converted to lo-hydrosyoctadecanoic acid. To study the effect of 2H20 on the rate of isomerization of cis-A9-octadecenoic acid to truns-A10-octadecenoic acid, 0.7 /*moles of [lJ4C]oleic acid were incubated as described above with 1.2 mg of enzyme protein in lH20- and *H20-enriched buffers (98.4 atoms To excess *H). The incubation was repeated at a higher level of enzyme, 5.4 mg, and phosphate buffer, 100 ~1. Samples were removed for radiochromatographic assay at 1, 3, 8, and 20 min (Fig. 3). The initial rates of isomerization of oleic acid are identical in lH20 and in 2H20, and the over-all conversion of cisdg-octadecenoic acid to [runs-AlO-octadecenoic acid is somewhat greater in the 2H20 enriched medium. The effect of 2H20 on the rate of isomerization of Iruns-AlOoctadecenoic acid to cis-A9-octadecenoic acid was complicated by the subsequent rapid hydration of the cis-A$-octadecenoic acid. We therefore measured the over-all conversion of IrunsA1O-octadecenoic acid to IO-hydroxyoctadecanoic acid in ‘Hz0 and 2H20. tran.s-A10-[l-14C]Octadecenoic acid (4.3 Fmoles) was incubated with 5.8 mg of enzyme protein in a medium consisting of 100 ~1 of 1.0 M potassium phosphate buffer (pH 6.1) in 20 ml of ‘Hz0 or *H*O. For two separate incubations, the *Hz0 enrichment was 92 atoms 7. excess *H and 97.5 atoms y. excess 2H. Samples were removed for radiochromatographic assay at 4, 10, 25 and 75 min (Fig. 4). The initial rate of isomerization and subsequent hydration of Irans-Alo-octadecenoic acid in *H20-enriched medium was less than 34 that seen in lH20.
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crimination against tritium esists during the hydration of the &-A9 double bond. Schroepfer (9) has shown that this hydrogen is added at c&bon 9 in the L configuration. The determination of the stereochemistry of the tritium added during isomerization is based on the finding by Schroepfer and Bloch (4) that in the conversion of stearic acid to oleic acid by Corynebacterium diphtheriae, the 9-n (Pro-S) and 10-n (Pro-S) hydrogens are stereospecifically removed. The frans-A10-[9-31-I]octadecenoate derived from the aH20 incubation was diluted with unlabeled methyl stearate and methyl [ 1-W]stearate and subjected to catalytic hydrogenation (Palladium black catalyst,, 40 p.s.i.g. of H?). The doubly labeled methyl stearate was saponified with methanolic KOH at room temperature overnight. The recovered stearic acid had a 3H:14C ratio of 2.14. The [l-14C,9-aH]stearic acid was added in 0.5 ml of ebhanol of a growing culture of C. diphtheriae as described above. The fatty acids were extracted and separated as described. The saturated and cis unsaturated fatty acid fractions were isolated and the 3H:14C ratio of each was determined (Table VIII). Since there is essentially no decrease (-6c/J in the 3H :14C ratio upon removal of the 9-n (Pro-S) and 10-11 (Pro-S) hydrogens, it is apparent that the tritium which was incorporated upon conversion of cis-A9-octadecenoic acid to (runs-AlO-octadecenoic acid was of the 9-L (Pro-R) stereochemistry. Since the need to produce a rather large quantity of the ~ransAlO-octadecenoic acid had dictated an estremely long incubation time in the above experiment, we repeated the experiment under slightly different conditions to investigate further the extent of incorporation of tritium into t.he reaction products. [l-‘“ClOleic acid (0.005 pmoles, 1.07 &i per pmole) was incubated for 30 min and 60 min at pH 5.2, 25”, with 0.12 mg of enzyme protein in 0.17 ml of 3H20 enriched medium (calculated enrichment The reaction was stopped, 2.6 PCi per patom of hydrogen). the fatty acid products were extracted and separated as described above, and their aH:14C ratios were determined (Table VII, B). After 30 min of incubation, the [runs-AlO-octadecenoic acid (7% of products) had a 3H:14C ratio 54% that of the calculated value, based upon the incorporation of 1 atom of hydrogen from the medium without isotope discrimination. The aH :14C ratio for the IO-hydroxyoctadecanoic acid (67 y0 of products) was 50% that of the calculated value. After 60 min of incubation the .corresponding 3H:14C ratios had increased to 58% for the trans-A1O-octadecenoic acid (15% of products) and to 54% for the lo-hydroxyoctadecanoic acid (74oj, of products). Thus one sees an apparent 2-fold discrimination against tritium incorporation in the conversion of oleic acid to either lo-hydrosyoctadecanoic acid or to truns-A1O-octadecenoic acid. Addition of Hydrogen at Carbon 11--To esamine the extent of incorporat.ion of 3H from the medium at carbon 11 in the conversion of truns-A1O-oct’adecenoic acid to cisdg-octadecenoic
5 1.6c 0
i, 0
I 5
I 15
I I 20
0, ‘Hz0 medium; A., 2H20 medium, 94 atoms y, excess *H; oleic acid, 0.035 mM, was incubated at pH 6.3 with enzyme preparation, 0.27 mg per ml. FIG. 4 (right). Effect of 2HsO on the rate of isomerization and subsequent hydration of trans-Alo-octadecenoic acid to lo-hydroxyoctadecanoic acid. l , 1H20 medium; A, *Hz0 medium, 92 atoms y. excess *H; A, 2H,0 medium, 97.5 atoms ‘j$ excess *H. !!‘rans-A1o-octadecenoic acid, 0.22 mM, was incubated at pH 6.2 with enzyme preparation, 0.29 mg per ml.
Furthermore, the over-all extent of isomerization-hydration was greatly decreased in 2Hz0, the effect being greater in 97.5% 2Hz0 than in 92’$& 2Hz0. Since the 2Hz0 effect on the rate and extent of combined isomeriaation-hydration seen here is of considerably greater magnitude than the 2Hz0 effect on the rate and extent of direct hydration of the cis-Ag-double bond of oleic acid (Fig. 2) we conclude that the rate of isomerization of trans-Ai0-octadecenoic acid to cis-Ag-octadecenoic acid is also significantly reduced in 2HzO-enriched media. This is consistent with the large discrimination against the incorporation of tritium from water during this isomerization reaction (Table VII, C).
which is essential in the @ oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids’ This enzyme converts cis-A3-acyl-CoA to truns-A2-acyl-CoAJ which is a substrate for enoyl-CoA hydratase. The activated thioester form of the substrate is required, and the double bond of the trans-AZ-acyl-CoA is conjugated with the thioester carbony1 oxygen. Davidoff and Korn (24) have described a similar enzyme in mitochondria which catalyzes the reversible isomerization of trans-AZ-hexadecenoyl-CoA to cis- and trans-A3hexadecenoyl-CoA. This mitochondrial preparation also catalyzes the hydration of trans-AZ-hexadecenoyl-CoA to 3-n-hydroxyhexadecanoyl-CoA. The hydration is presumably catalyzed by an enzyme distinct from the isomerase. Bloch and his co-workers (25) have extensively studied an enzyme from Escherichia coli which catalyzes the interconversion of thioesters of 3-hydroxydecanoate, trans-AZ-decenoate, and cis-A3-decenoate. The mechanism has been shown to involve direct isomerization of trans-AZ-decenoyl thioester and cis-A3-decenoyl thioester, and also direct hydration of transA2-decenoyl thioester. Enzyme-bound trans-A2-decenoyl thioester is an intermediate in the interconversion of the &-A3 isomer and 3-hydroxydecanoyl thioester. The enzyme is very specific for the Cl0 substrate, having essentially no activity with Cs and CIZ analogs, and the activity with the biologically unnatural Cg and Cn analogs is significantly reduced. The GO acetylenic analog is isomerized to an allene conjugated with the thioester carbonyl. This conjugated allene alkylates an essential histidine residue at the catalytic center, irreversibly inactivating the enzyme. This is in sharp contrast to our finding that neither Q- nor lo-octadecynoic acid inhibited the Pseudomonas isomerase. Thus it should be emphasized that, although the oleate hydratase-isomerase has some features in common with previously described enzymes, it has the unique feature of acting upon an isolated double bond and of forming products which are not stabilized by a conjugated unsaturated system. Detailed knowledge of the mechanism of action of an enzyme requires purification of the enzyme, determination of the amino acid residues present at the substrate binding site which are necessary for activity, and careful kinetic analysis. However, much may be learned about enzyme mechanism by a study
The enzyme system we have described catalyzes the first known example of cis-trans isomerization with bond migration of an isolated double bond in an acyclic molecule. Although potentially the conversion of cis-Ag-octadecenoic acid to trans-Ai0octadecenoic acid could occur by a hydration-dehydration mechanism, experiments detailed above have eliminated this possibility. The direct c&runs isomerization of double bonds of fatty acid derivatives is not totally without precedent. Tove and his co-workers (20-22) have extensively studied an enzyme from Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens which catalyzes the isomerization of linoleic acid (cis-AS,cis-Aiz-octadecadienoic acid) to cis-Ag, trans-Au-octadecadienoic acid. Like the system we are studying, the substrate for the linoleate cis-Ai2-trans-Au isomerase is the free carboxylic acid. The double bond which is isomerized is in the middle of a long hydrocarbon chain remote from any activating functional group. The enzyme, does, however, require an all cis-A9J2 diene system, and the product is stabilized by the conjugation of the cis-trans diene system (20). The effect of chain length on linoleate isomerase is remarkably similar to that seen for oleate isomerase (Table IV). The M-carbon dienoic acid, linoleic acid, is the preferred substrate, the 16-, 17-, and 19-carbon analogs being isomerized at 15 to 55% of the rate for linoleic acid. The 20-carbon analog was inactive as a substrate (21). No accompanying hydration reaction has been demonstrated for this enzyme. Stoffel et al. (23) characterized an isomerase from rat liver
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FIG. 2 (left). Effect of 2H,0 on the rate of hydration of oleic acid to IO-hydroxyoctadecanoic acid. l , 1H20 medium; (A), 2H20 medium, 98.6 atoms y0 excess 2H. Oleic acid, 0.18 mM, was incubated at pH 6.3 with the enzyme preparation, 0.03 mg per ml. FIG. 3 (ce&er). Effect of *Hz0 on the rate of isomerization of oleic acid to tra?rsdlO-octadecenoic acid. 0, ‘Hz0 medium; A, *H*O medium, 98.4 atoms y0 excess 2H; oleic acid, 0.035 mM, incubated at pH 6.3 with enzyme preparation, 0.06 mg per ml.
2841 strates the magnitude of the isotope effect cannot be dctermined. The strong disrriniittation against tritium in the addition of the 1 LL hydrogen in the conversion of trans.A’o-octatleccttoic acid to cis-A”-o~tatleccttoi~ acid, and the minimal discrimination against tritium in addition of the 9-L hydrogen in the rcversc reaction (Table VII) may be csplained in several ways. The hydrogctts would be cspected to be added to the substrate from a protott-donating general acid group of the enzyme, rather than added directly from hilt lyatrr. The gntcral acid group which dotiatcs the hydrogen to the 9-t, position tnust, extensively equilibrate its protons with those of the medium, as would be cspccted for the proton of a carbosyl, imitlazolc, sulfhydryl, or amino group. The protons of the gcnrral acid group which donates the hydrogen to the 1 l-t, position, however, obviously do not rquilibrate rapidly with tritiutn of the medium, since only about 7 $; of the predicted amount of tritium is incorporated This may bc due to the chcmiral nature of the into product. gcwcrnl acid group, or may bc tlue to the environment of the $eticral acid group. The cffcct of *I&O on the rates of thr various enzymatic reactions (Figs. 2, 3, and 4) also is subject to several itttrrprctations. Ait enzyme may undrrgo a change in trrtiary structure whe~i transferrctl from ‘II,0 to 211L0. This change in structure may affect its rat of catalysis. The relative acidities of functional groups 011 the enzyme also change in 211n0. If the enzyme reaction involves trattsfrr of hydrogens which arc easily eschangeable (e.g. OH or XI-I), a change of solvent from *I-I,0 to 211s0 can have large effects on rate processes associated with It is, hen-rwr, of interest to note that the reacthe transfers. tions which proceed at a decrcascd rate in %,O, i.e. the hydration of oleic acid to 10.ltytlrosyoctndecattoic arid and the isomcrization of oleic acid to fruns-A1O-octadecenoic acid, also involve estensive incorporation of tritiutn at C-9 when the incubation is carried out in medium containing %*O (Table VII, U). The isomerization of frans-AtO-octadcceiioic acid to cis-Ag-octadcccnoic acid is not affected by high cttricltt~~ettt of *HzO, and involves only minimal incorporation of tritiutn at C-11 when the incubation is carried out in %I20 (Table VII, C).
1. Ntlsti.\us, them.
12~s. Conlmutr.
J., Jtt. (19G5) &‘o-
21. 271-275.
Ntt~:tx.\us, iV.” (:., JIL, K~stc:, A., Tottr