Epidemiology of Road Traffic Accidents (RTA)

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Key words: Epidemiology, Road traffic accidents, Tertiary hospital. Authors: .... Forensic. Med. Toxicol.2004;4:12-16. 10. Maj S.M. Pathak , Col A.K. Jindal YSM,.
National Journal of Research in Community Medicine. Vol. 4. Issue 1. Jan-Mar. 2015 (101-105) Short Article

Epidemiology of Road Traffic Accidents (RTA) Reported at a Tertiary Care Hospital in Chennai V.V. Anantharaman1, M.Logaraj2 Date of Submission: 23.01.2015

Date of Acceptance: 14.02.2015

Abstract Background: Road traffic accidents happen to be a leading cause of death among young people. About 1.24 million people die each year due to road traffic accidents and cause considerable economic losses to victims and their families and nation at large. Objective: To study the epidemiological factors in Road traffic accident cases and the characteristics of the resultant injuries in Chennai metropolitan city. Materials and methods: The present cross sectional study was carried out at tertiary care hospital in Chennai. All the Road Traffic Accidents reported to Casualty Department for treatment for a period of one week were included in this Study. Results: Ninety percent of RTA victims were in the age group of 18-59 years and males to female ratio of 6:1. About 32% of the accidents took place between 18.01 hours to 24.00 hours and 63.6% of the type of accidents was sideways collision. Nearly 43.0 % of the vehicle was light motor vehicles. The common site of injury was lower extremities (45.4%). Road traffic accidents were fatal in 5.2% of the victims. Conclusion: In conclusion most of the victims of road traffic accidents were young males and productive age group with male to female ratio of 6:1. Young people need to be educated regarding Risk factors, Traffic rules and safety precautions. Key words: Epidemiology, Road traffic accidents, Tertiary hospital. Authors: 1 Associate 2





Professor of Community medicine, Department of

Community Medicine, SRM Medical College Hospital & Research Centre, Kattankulathur-603203.

Corresponding Author: Dr.V.V.Anantharaman Associate professor of Community medicine SRM medical college Hospital & research Centre Kattankulathur -603203 Email: [email protected]

Introduction The rapid urbanization and industrialization has

accidents happen to be a leading cause of death

resulted in a revolutionary increase in the

among young people. About 1.24 million people

number of motor vehicles globally which have

die each year due to road traffic accidents and

led to the increase in morbidity and mortality

cause considerable economic losses to victims

due to road traffic accidents especially in

and their families and nation at large.

developing countries like India. Road traffic

Estimated road traffic death rate per 100 000


101 ISSN - Print: 2277 – 1522, Online: 2277 – 3517 Epidemiology of RTA, V.V. Anantharaman et al. Click here for more articles: www.commedjournal.in

National Journal of Research in Community Medicine. Vol. 4. Issue 1. Jan-Mar. 2015 (101-105) population in India has increased from 16.8 in

of Road Traffic Accidents were obtained from

2009 to 18.9 in 2013. Over the last decade the

the accident register of casualty department of

incidence of accidental deaths has witnessed an

the hospital daily and then these patients were

increasing trend with an increase of 44.2% for

contacted in the trauma wards. Thus the study

the year 2011 as compared to 2001. This figure

included a total of 423 victims of Road Traffic

translates into one death on the Indian roads

Accidents. Using interview Technique as tool

every five minutes and is expected to escalate to

for data collection the demographic and injury


characteristics were recorded on a pre-designed

Between 1970 and 2010, the number of

proforma. The site and nature of injury were

accidents increased by 4.4 times with 9.3 times

recorded as reported in the case sheets of the

increase in fatalities and 7.5 times increase in

patients by the specialists. The statistical

the number of persons injured, while there was


an increase of 82 times in the number of


one death every three minutes by 2020.





registered motor vehicles and more than three times increase in the road network.




Road traffic injuries depend on number of

A total of 423 cases of road traffic accidents

factors like Type of Accident, Colliding vehicle,

were reported during the study period of 1

site of impact etc. This study is important for

week. In this study majority of the victims

setting priorities for the prevention of such

(90.8%) were in the age group of 18-59 years

injuries. The mortality and morbidity data in

and males (85.8%). Among the victims of road

RTA depend on to which health care unit the

traffic accidents 32% of the accidents took place

victim reports for treatment. Thus the present

between 18.01 hours to 24.00 hours and 63.59%

cross sectional study was carried out to

of the type of accidents was sideways collision.

understand the various epidemiological factors

On analysis of the type of vehicle showed 43.02

in Road traffic accident

and the

% of the vehicle was light motor vehicles.

characteristics of the resultant injuries in

Majority of the injury was fracture (65.95%)

Chennai metropolitan city.

followed by multiple injury (18.91%).


Materials and Methods


common site of injury was lower extremities (45.39%) followed by multiple sites injury

The present cross sectional study was carried out at tertiary care hospital in Chennai. All the Road Traffic Accidents reported to Casualty Department for treatment for a period of one week were included in this Study. The information about the patients admitted as cases

(26.96%). Road traffic accidents were fatal in 5.2% of the victims [table1]. Discussion Present study revealed most of the victims of road traffic accidents were young males and

102 ISSN - Print: 2277 – 1522, Online: 2277 – 3517 Epidemiology of RTA, V.V. Anantharaman et al. Click here for more articles: www.commedjournal.in

National Journal of Research in Community Medicine. Vol. 4. Issue 1. Jan-Mar. 2015 (101-105) Table1. Factors related to Road Traffic Accidents (RTA) Factors related to road traffic accidents Age distribution