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... EPLAN®, EPLAN Electric P8®, EPLAN Fluid®, EPLAN PPE®, and EPLAN ...
EPLAN NEWS for Version 2.0
Copyright © 2010 EPLAN Software & Service GmbH & Co. KG EPLAN Software & Service GmbH & Co. KG assumes no liability for either technical or printing errors, or for deficiencies in this technical information and cannot be held liable for damages that may result directly or indirectly from the delivery, performance, and use of this material. This document contains legally protected proprietary information that is subject to copyright. All rights are protected. This document or parts of this document may not be copied or reproduced by any other means without the prior consent of EPLAN Software & Service GmbH & Co. KG. The software described in this document is subject to a licensing agreement. The use and reproduction of the software is only permitted within the framework of this agreement. ®
RITTAL is a registered trademark of Rittal GmbH & Co. KG. ®
EPLAN , EPLAN Electric P8 , EPLAN Fluid , EPLAN PPE , and EPLAN Cabinet are registered trademarks of EPLAN Software & Service GmbH & Co. KG. ®
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RSLogix 5000 and RSLogix Architect are registered trademarks of Rockwell Automation. All other product names and trade names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. EPLAN uses the Open Source software 7-Zip (7za.dll), Copyright © by Igor Pavlov. The source code of 7-Zip is subject to the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL). The source code of 7-Zip and details on this license can be found on the following Web site: EPLAN uses the Open Source software Open CASCADE, Copyright © by Open CASCADE S.A.S. The source code of Open CASCADE is subject to the Open CASCADE Technology Public License. The source code of Open CASCADE and details on this license can be found on the following Web site:
Table of Contents
Table of Contents Preface ................................................................................................................. 15 Notes for the reader ........................................................................................... 16
More User-friendly Interface .............................................................. 18 New Icons with Greater Color Depth ................................................................. 18 Faster Access via New Mini Toolbars ............................................................... 19 New Repeat Action Menu Option ...................................................................... 20 Adjustable Display in the Title Bar .................................................................... 21 Clearer "Display" and "Format" Tabs in the Properties Dialog ...................... 22
New Functionalities for Graphical Elements .................................... 24 New Editing Functionalities ............................................................................... 24 Trimming graphical elements ............................................................................. 24 Cutting off elements ........................................................................................... 25 Changing lengths of lines and arcs .................................................................... 26 Filleting / chamfering corners ............................................................................. 27 Drawing a Rectangle through Center ................................................................ 29 Drawing Assistance with Perpendicular and Tangential Points ..................... 30 Perpendicular and tangential points ................................................................... 30 Perpendicular or tangential mode when drawing ............................................... 31 Drawing perpendicular or tangential lines .......................................................... 31 Defining a radius through a tangential point....................................................... 32 Line projection ................................................................................................... 32 Input Box for Editors .......................................................................................... 33 Using the input box ............................................................................................ 34 Functions with input-box support ....................................................................... 35 Activating the input box ...................................................................................... 35
Elliptical Text and Alignment Boxes ................................................. 37 Elliptical Text Boxes ........................................................................................... 38 Elliptical Alignment Boxes and Leader Lines .................................................. 39
New Features in Dimensioning .......................................................... 41 New Project-wide Settings for Dimensioning ................................................... 41 New Settings in the Properties Dialog .............................................................. 45
New Features in the Page Navigator ................................................. 47 Page Filter with Schemes................................................................................... 47 Specifying page filters via default filter ............................................................... 47
Table of Contents Specifying page filters via detailed selection...................................................... 48 Selection in the Page List Takes Place when Scrolling Pages ....................... 49 Automatic Page Names when Inserting Pages or Macros .............................. 49 Customizing the Displayed DT for Location Boxes when Inserting Pages or Macros ................................................................................................. 50 Determining Number of Pages / Page Name per Property .............................. 51
Using Terminals .................................................................................. 53 Using Main Terminals ......................................................................................... 53 Managing terminal strips .................................................................................... 55 Managing terminal strips as in the previous versions......................................... 55 Definition of multi-level terminals ....................................................................... 55 Converting older projects and macros ............................................................... 57 Terminal Strip and Terminal Accessories ........................................................ 58 Defining alignable accessories for terminals ...................................................... 58 New Features in Editing Terminal Strips .......................................................... 60 Assigning alignable accessories when editing terminal strips ............................ 60 Information about terminal connection points .................................................... 62 Generating saddle jumpers manually................................................................. 62 External / internal saddle jumpers ...................................................................... 63 New Features in the Terminal Strip Navigator ................................................. 64 Display in the navigator...................................................................................... 64 Generating new terminals .................................................................................. 64 Sorting terminals of a terminal strip ................................................................... 65 New Function Definitions for Terminals ........................................................... 65 New properties for characterizing terminals ....................................................... 66 Online Numbering of Terminal Sort Codes ...................................................... 66 Online numbering of terminal and pin designations ........................................... 67 Extended Reports for Terminals ....................................................................... 68 Output terminal connection point in addition to target ........................................ 68 Terminal report generation in relation to connection points or targets ............... 68
Optimized Database Structure for Projects ...................................... 69 Restoring Deleted Projects from the Recycle Bin ............................ 71 PDF Export in Archiving Format ........................................................ 72 Improved Use of Accessories and Accessory Lists ........................ 73 Managing Accessory Parts in Parts Management ........................................... 73 Clear identification of parts as accessories ........................................................ 73 Displaying accessory parts in parts management .............................................. 74
Table of Contents Using accessory lists ......................................................................................... 76 Assigning accessories to a main part................................................................. 77 Data transfer on update of the parts database................................................... 78 Accessory Parts in Device Selection ................................................................ 79 Changes in the "Device selection" Dialog .......................................................... 80 Selecting accessories ........................................................................................ 81 Check Run for Missing, Required Accessory Parts......................................... 83 Changes to the Device Selection Settings ....................................................... 83
New "EPLAN Pro Panel" Add-On....................................................... 86 Protected Devices ............................................................................... 89 Assigning Protection .......................................................................................... 90 Protecting functions or connections ................................................................... 90 Protecting devices.............................................................................................. 91 Removing device protection............................................................................... 92 Using Protected Devices .................................................................................... 93 Creating macros / copies of protected devices .................................................. 93 Deleting functions .............................................................................................. 93 Using existing functions / assigning functions .................................................... 94 Actions in the graphical editor ............................................................................ 94 Managing Unplaced Auxiliary Functions at the Main Function ...................... 94
Definition of Multi-line Connections in the "Single Line" Add-on ... 97 Defining Multi-line Connections on a Single-line Connection Point .............. 98 Defined multi-line connections in the connection navigator ............................. 101 New messages for defined multi-line connections ........................................... 101
Graphical Device Tag List ................................................................ 102 Simple Graphical Device Tag Lists ................................................................. 102 Customizing forms for device tag lists.............................................................. 103 Specifying settings ........................................................................................... 104 Jumping to the schematic ................................................................................ 105 Graphical Device Tag Lists with Overviews ................................................... 105 Symbols for display in reports .......................................................................... 106 Data for reports ................................................................................................ 107 Conditional forms ............................................................................................. 108
Symbols for Complex Devices ......................................................... 113 New Device Connection Points ....................................................................... 114 Storing a Symbol Macro at the Function Template........................................ 117
Table of Contents
Channel-oriented Operation in the "PLC & Bus Extension" Add-on ............................................................................................... 118 Improved Views in the PLC Navigator ............................................................ 119 Channel display in the PLC navigator .............................................................. 120 Inserting PLC Cards ......................................................................................... 123 Macro Placement .............................................................................................. 123 Assigning Functions ........................................................................................ 124 Taking account of the representation type ....................................................... 125 Using existing PLC connection points blockwise ............................................. 126
New "Net Based Wiring" Add-on Module ........................................ 127 Nets with Net-based Connections ................................................................... 129 Defining net-based connections....................................................................... 130 Disabling target specification of connection symbols ....................................... 132 Specifying Nets with Net-based Connections ................................................ 133 Inserting net definition points ........................................................................... 133 Defining daisy chains ....................................................................................... 135 Displaying Nets and Net-based Connections ................................................. 138 Net-based connections in the connections navigator ....................................... 138 Displaying nets in the potential navigator......................................................... 138 Highlighting nets .............................................................................................. 140 Editing Nets with Net-based Connections ...................................................... 141 Connecting nets ............................................................................................... 141 Modifying nets.................................................................................................. 142 Net-based connection reports .......................................................................... 143 Correcting connections .................................................................................... 144 New messages for net-based connections ...................................................... 145
New Features in EPLAN Mechatronic Integration .......................... 146 EPLAN EMI Add-ons ......................................................................................... 146 Importing Mechanical Data .............................................................................. 147 Mechatronics Navigator ................................................................................... 147 Recognizing assignment status ....................................................................... 149 New filtering options in the navigator ............................................................... 149 Updating the mechanical model....................................................................... 150 Assigning data ................................................................................................. 151 Transfering data to Inventor ............................................................................. 151 Inserting a device tag into Inventor drawings ................................................... 152 Creating and reading information ..................................................................... 153 Calculating the connection length .................................................................... 153
Table of Contents Inserting a Model View for EPLAN EMI ........................................................... 154 Settings for EPLAN EMI ................................................................................... 154 Addition for length calculation .......................................................................... 154
New Features in the EPLAN Data Portal ......................................... 156 Unique Part ID for Parts in the EPLAN Data Portal ........................................ 158 Settings for the EPLAN Data Portal................................................................. 159 Integration into the EPLAN platform ................................................................ 159
New Features in Device Numbering ................................................ 161 Subcounters in Offline Device Numbering ..................................................... 161 New Numbering Formats for Busbars ............................................................ 163
Safety-relevant Functions ................................................................ 164 Connections and Connection Numbering....................................... 166 Applying Predefined Values for Connection Colors and Cross-section / Diameter ............................................................................................................ 166 Determining Connection Sources and Targets .............................................. 168 Aligning Connection Definition Point Placements with Each Other ............ 169 Resetting the Counter for Connection Numbering per Structure / Page ..... 171 Defining the counter reset range ...................................................................... 173 Numbering Card Power Supplies and Bus Cables with General Connection Numbering .................................................................................... 173
Other New Features of the Entire EPLAN Platform ........................ 175 Optimizing Performance by the Use of Modern Processors......................... 175 Use of multi-core processors ........................................................................... 175 Use of more updated processors ..................................................................... 175 Project Editing .................................................................................................. 176 New projects with current creation date and creator ........................................ 176 Automatic data format checking ....................................................................... 178 EPLAN 5 / fluidPLAN Data Import ................................................................... 179 Symbol library sequence in the settings........................................................... 179 EPLAN 21 Data Import ...................................................................................... 180 Including net-based connections ..................................................................... 180 Inherit black box structures to interruption points ............................................. 180 Data Backup ...................................................................................................... 181 Distribution of directory information during data backup .................................. 181 Extended PDF and DXF / DWG Export of Pages ............................................ 186 Saving PDF settings as a scheme ................................................................... 187 New user-specific settings for export ............................................................... 188 EPLAN NEWS 2.0
Table of Contents PDF export with linked documents................................................................... 192 Exporting pages in PDF format ........................................................................ 192 Outputting 3D models in the PDF export ......................................................... 194 Finding and Replacing ..................................................................................... 195 Jumping forwards and backwards in the jump sequence of crossreferenced functions ........................................................................................ 195 Go to part assemblies ...................................................................................... 196 Including objects in the layout space in the search .......................................... 197 Influencing the Value and Unit Display ........................................................... 198 New display properties..................................................................................... 198 Using the new display properties ..................................................................... 201 New project setting for output of the unit.......................................................... 203 Enhancements to the EPLAN API ................................................................... 203 Graphical Editor ................................................................................................ 204 Rapid opening of page properties .................................................................... 204 Extending the search for path function text ...................................................... 204 Setting the displayed language of multilingual texts blockwise using actions .. 205 Multilingual texts for designation of hyperlinks ................................................. 206 Property texts for boxes when changing scale................................................. 207 Plug DT and channel designation retained when moved ................................. 207 Expansion of special characters ...................................................................... 208 Devices .............................................................................................................. 209 Extension to user-defined property arrangement ............................................. 209 Changing the graphic of black boxes and similar components via the properties dialog .............................................................................................. 210 Properties dialog for bundle connection points ................................................ 211 Jump functions for location boxes .................................................................... 212 Plug DT for device connection points............................................................... 213 Considering part placements in global editing ................................................. 214 Adopting properties of the P&I diagram functions during synchronizing .......... 215 Assigning structure identifiers for part definition points .................................... 216 Allowing identical connection point designations for devices ........................... 217 Edit in Table ...................................................................................................... 218 Shortcut key to close edit in table .................................................................... 218 Project Data Navigators ................................................................................... 219 New jump functions in the connection navigator .............................................. 219 Placing macros ................................................................................................ 219 Placing all functions of a device ....................................................................... 221 Adjusting the column width .............................................................................. 221 Device group DT on associated devices .......................................................... 221
Table of Contents Defined Devices ................................................................................................ 222 Taking account of macro variants .................................................................... 222 Representation types for unplaced functions ................................................... 222 Part Selection .................................................................................................... 224 Part selection with scheme selection ............................................................... 224 Do not show conflict dialog .............................................................................. 225 Modifications to part management during part selection .................................. 226 Symbol Editor ................................................................................................... 227 Reorganizing symbol libraries .......................................................................... 227 Displaying variants when paging in the symbol editor...................................... 227 Form Editor ....................................................................................................... 228 Combining overview reports ............................................................................ 228 Combining parts in enclosure legends ............................................................. 230 Conditional areas in dynamic forms ................................................................. 230 Suppressing blank data lines ........................................................................... 232 Renamed placeholder texts for the device tag list ........................................... 233 Outputting function data for the device tag list and symbol overview ............... 233 Regenerating headers without sorting ............................................................. 234 Outputting only connected connection points in connection diagrams ............. 234 Essential customization of user-defined connection diagram forms ................ 235 New placeholders for cable charts in terminal and plug diagrams ................... 236 Macros ............................................................................................................... 238 Description text for automatically generated page macros .............................. 238 Group macro boxes and associated objects .................................................... 238 Specifically assigning objects to macro boxes ................................................. 239 Placeholder Objects ......................................................................................... 240 Properties dialog and new symbol for placeholder objects .............................. 240 New properties for placeholder objects ............................................................ 241 Simplified assignment ...................................................................................... 243 Reports .............................................................................................................. 244 Connection diagrams for wiring diagrams ........................................................ 244 Appending reports to the end........................................................................... 248 Sorting cable overviews according to source and target .................................. 249 Using page structure identifiers for reports ...................................................... 250 Creating report templates ................................................................................ 250 Copying and pasting function-related embedded reports................................. 250 Breaking up modules ....................................................................................... 251 Outputting part assemblies in labeling ............................................................. 252
Table of Contents Parts Management ............................................................................................ 253 Improved full-text filter...................................................................................... 253 Additional selection option using the "Combination" tab .................................. 256 Creating subtrades for fluid power ................................................................... 256 Data field for the part number of an ERP system ............................................. 258 Entering barcodes for parts.............................................................................. 258 Clip-on height for placements on mounting rails .............................................. 259 Entering outline drawings in parts management .............................................. 261 New "Documents" tab ...................................................................................... 262 Assigning cables / connections to an image file ............................................... 263 Protecting data fields before updating.............................................................. 263 New synchronization of parts ........................................................................... 263 Updating parts when opening a project............................................................ 264 Additional menu items for the part master data navigator ................................ 265 Message Management ...................................................................................... 266 Improved ergonomics ...................................................................................... 266 New trade-specific filter settings ...................................................................... 267 New "Prevent errors" check type for error checking......................................... 268 Setting option for module-specific checks ........................................................ 269 Separate filters for running error checking ....................................................... 269 New check run for checking the online numbering format ............................... 270 New Features in the "Revision Management" Add-on .................................. 271 Renamed revision control operation ................................................................ 271 Dividing menu items for improved ergonomics ................................................ 272 Project completion enhancement ..................................................................... 275 Generating a report when completing a project and pages.............................. 277 Numbering the revision index .......................................................................... 278 Differing graphical markers for change tracking ............................................... 281 Alternative properties comparison ................................................................... 283 Comparing the properties of projects ............................................................... 283 Displaying results of properties comparison .................................................... 286 New settings for the property comparison of projects ...................................... 289 Project-specific databases for the comparison results ..................................... 290 Deleting revision data of the property comparison ........................................... 291 Displaying deleted objects ............................................................................... 292 Layout spaces in revision control ..................................................................... 297 New Features in the "Multi Language Translation" Add-on .......................... 299 Distinguishing between source language and displayed language .................. 299 Upper-/lower-case letters for the source language .......................................... 301 Text-based line breaks in translations.............................................................. 302
Table of Contents Changed translation behavior on input ............................................................ 304 Exporting the missing-word list based on the dictionary .................................. 305 New messages for the translation .................................................................... 306 New Features in the "User Rights Management" Add-on ............................. 307 Assigning new rights ........................................................................................ 307 New Features in the "Mounting Panel" Add-on ............................................. 308 A clearer view in the navigator ......................................................................... 308 Placing terminal strips on the mounting panel ................................................. 309 Displaying the handles of part placements ...................................................... 310 Same legend item for identical devices............................................................ 311 Settings.............................................................................................................. 311 New action for importing settings ..................................................................... 311 Preceding sign for interruption point names..................................................... 313 New settings for displayed units of measure.................................................... 314 Renamed settings for graphical editing ............................................................ 315 Properties .......................................................................................................... 316 User-defined property configurations ............................................................... 316 Renamed project property ............................................................................... 317 New properties for device tags ........................................................................ 317 Other New Features in Utilities ........................................................................ 318 Extensions for automated editing ..................................................................... 318 Improved registration for add-ons .................................................................... 319 Improved display of system messages ............................................................ 320 Licensing ........................................................................................................... 321 Extensions to EPLAN License Manager .......................................................... 321
Special Topics EPLAN Electric P8................................................... 324 Terminals / Plugs .............................................................................................. 324 Terminal / pin and connection point descriptions ............................................. 324 Displaying saddle jumpers for "Interconnect devices"...................................... 326 New Features in the "PLC & Bus Extension" Add-on.................................... 328 Configurable PLC connection points ................................................................ 328 Channels with several I/O connection points ................................................... 329 Blockwise use of existing PLC connection points and PLC boxes ................... 330 Interface for PLC data exchange with Rockwell ............................................... 330 Simplified data display when importing PLC data ............................................ 331 Extended part allocation when exporting and importing bus configurations..... 331 Cables ................................................................................................................ 332 Highlighting cable connections ........................................................................ 332 Ignoring subordinate DTs for nested targets .................................................... 333 EPLAN NEWS 2.0
Table of Contents Inserting insulated wire terminations ................................................................ 334 Devices .............................................................................................................. 337 Inserting cable parts as devices ....................................................................... 337 Device Selection ............................................................................................... 339 Device selection for wires ................................................................................ 339
Special Topics EPLAN Pro Panel .................................................... 342 Navigators for the 3D Mounting Layout .......................................................... 342 Logical structure in the layout space navigator ................................................ 342 Devices displayed in the layout space navigator ............................................. 343 Project structure in the 3D mounting layout navigator ..................................... 345 Filters in the navigators .................................................................................... 346 Creating and Opening a Layout Space ........................................................... 348 Placing Mounting Panels and Enclosures ...................................................... 349 Placing mounting panels .................................................................................. 349 Placing free mounting panels........................................................................... 351 Placing enclosures with mounting panels ........................................................ 352 Placing Components on Mounting Panels or Mounting Surfaces................ 354 Activating mounting surfaces / items automatically .......................................... 355 Activating mounting surfaces directly ............................................................... 355 Placing mounting rails and wire ducts .............................................................. 356 Inserting devices as defined devices ............................................................... 357 Defining locked areas ...................................................................................... 358 Changing the 3D View of the Layout Space ................................................... 359 Showing / hiding components from the layout space navigator ....................... 360 Showing / hiding individual components in the 3D view ................................... 361 Simplifying the object display ........................................................................... 361 Setting colors and / or transparency ................................................................ 362 Editing Objects in the Layout Space ............................................................... 363 Rotating objects about an axis ......................................................................... 363 Changing the length of objects in the layout space .......................................... 364 Measuring distances in the layout space ......................................................... 367 Displaying mounting clearances ...................................................................... 369 Macros for the 3D Mounting Layout ................................................................ 370 Importing a 3D graphic..................................................................................... 370 Uniting objects in the layout space................................................................... 371 Managing 3D macros in the macro project ...................................................... 371 Creating 3D macros ......................................................................................... 372 Inserting 3D macros ......................................................................................... 373 Changing the rotation angle when inserting 3D macros................................... 373 12
Table of Contents Editing the Device Logic .................................................................................. 374 Interactive points, lines, and areas in the device logic ..................................... 374 Defining the device logic .................................................................................. 375 Model Views for the 3D Mounting Layout ....................................................... 378 Inserting a model view ..................................................................................... 379 Updating the model view.................................................................................. 380 Modifying the contents of the model view ........................................................ 381 Outline Editor for Extrusions ........................................................................... 381 Creating outlines .............................................................................................. 382 Editing outlines ................................................................................................ 382 Importing and cleaning up outlines .................................................................. 383 Checking outlines............................................................................................. 384 Device Structure for Mechanical Devices ....................................................... 384 Online Numbering for Mechanical Devices .................................................... 385
Special Topics EPLAN PPE.............................................................. 386 Compressing and Reorganizing Projects ....................................................... 386 Redesigned Import of Loops and Consumers ............................................... 386 Including Parts from EPLAN PPE for Bills of Materials................................. 389 New Identifier for Measurands without Supplementary Letters ................... 390 Labeling and Scripts for EPLAN PPE P&ID .................................................... 390
Special Topics EPLAN View ............................................................. 391 User Settings for Multi-user Operation ........................................................... 391
New Features in the "API Extension" Add-on................................. 392 Direct Access to Parts Management Data ...................................................... 392 Access to Function Templates ........................................................................ 394 All Revision Control Functions are Available ................................................ 395 Other New Features in the EPLAN API ........................................................... 396
New Features in the Master Data ..................................................... 401 Enhanced Information in the Master Data Editor ........................................... 401 Master Data: Symbols ...................................................................................... 402 Master Data: Function Definition Library........................................................ 433 Master Data: Plot Frames ................................................................................. 436 Master Data: Settings for Messages and Check Runs .................................. 437 Master Data: Identifiers .................................................................................... 437 Master Data: Projects and Templates ............................................................. 438 Master Data: Workspace .................................................................................. 438 EPLAN NEWS 2.0
Table of Contents Master Data: Schemes...................................................................................... 438
Other New Features and Information .............................................. 439 Customer Queries and Messages ................................................................... 439 Validation Code ................................................................................................. 442 Retrieving the validation code online ............................................................... 442 Installation and Subsequent Operation Steps ............................................... 444 Directory structure after installation ................................................................. 446 Automatically importing the settings of the previous version............................ 448 Synchronization with original EPLAN master data ........................................... 449 Software Requirements and Approvals .......................................................... 454 General requirements ...................................................................................... 454 Client operating systems.................................................................................. 454 Server operating systems ................................................................................ 454 EPLAN Mechatronic Integration ....................................................................... 455 Database systems for parts management / selection ...................................... 455 Microsoft Office Excel versions ........................................................................ 456 Internet browsers for the EPLAN Data Portal .................................................. 456 Unsupported operating systems ...................................................................... 456 EPLAN software no longer supported .............................................................. 456 Other software no longer supported ................................................................ 457 Hardware Requirements................................................................................... 457 Workstation hardware requirements ................................................................ 457 Recommended workstation configuration ........................................................ 458 Minimum net requirements .............................................................................. 458 Minimum multi-user requirements .................................................................... 458
Preface Dear EPLAN users, We are delighted to introduce the new EPLAN platform 2.0. The focus is on practical orientation: this latest development contains well over 1,000 new features, many of them requested by customers. The result is an EPLAN platform which has been optimized across the board to support consistent, time-efficient, and cost-saving engineering and cross-disciplinary cooperation. Focus on ergonomics: with a new dialog layout, advanced filtering techniques, high-quality CAD functions, and redesigned toolbars, project design is now even easier. Focus on quality: device data from preplanning can now be protected against unauthorized changes. This critical element for quality assurance in engineering also complies with the requirements of the new Machinery Directive (2006/42/EC). In addition, the new export format PDF/A supports additional requirements relating to the archiving of EPLAN project documentation. Focus on engineering: the new "Net Based Wiring" add-on can be used to define detailed connections within a network at database level. It's an ideal way of creating clear schematic layouts or simple daisy chains in production. Keyword "mounting panel assemblies": these can now be defined in 3D in electrical engineering and fluid power design and be integrated directly into the EPLAN platform. The convenience of 3D – the simplicity of 2D. This News document highlights many additional features of the new version. We wish you every success with the new EPLAN platform 2.0. Your EPLAN Software & Service team
Notes for the reader Important information: • Before installing the new version please read the information in "Other New Features and Information" from page 439 onwards. In particular please read "Software Requirements and Approvals" on page 454. • Before opening old projects please read the information in "Optimized Database Structure for Projects" on page 69. • For reasons of space the printed version of the News does not cover all topics exhaustively. The installation DVD includes a PDF of the complete version of the News. Before you begin reading, please note the following symbols and styles used in this document: Warning: Text preceded by this symbol contains a warning; you should be absolutely sure to read this warning before proceeding! Note: Text preceded by this image contains extra notes. Example: Examples are highlighted by this symbol. Tip: Useful tips to facilitate your interaction with the program are presented after this image.
Administrator: The text introduced by these pictograms contains important information for the administrator. You must always read the sections marked with pictograms before working with the new version (see pages 307 and 444). Project editor: The texts introduced by these pictograms contain important information for the "normal" users working on projects. You must always read the sections marked with pictograms before working with the new version (see pages 53, 69, and 236). • User interface elements are marked in bold (and blue) so they can immediately be located in the text. • Italic text provides particularly important information that you should definitely pay attention to. • Code examples, directory names, and direct input (among other elements) are displayed in a non-proportional font. • Function keys, keyboard keys, and buttons within the program are shown in square brackets (e.g., [F1] for the "F1" function key). • To improve the flow of the text, we often use "menu paths" in this document (for example, Help > Contents). In order to find a particular program function, the menus and options shown in a menu path must be selected in the sequence shown. For example, the menu path mentioned above calls up the EPLAN help system. • In combination with settings or fields (e.g., check boxes) which can only be switched on or off, in this document we often use the term "activate" (after which the setting is active ) and "deactivate" (after which the setting is inactive ).
More User-friendly Interface
More User-friendly Interface We have significantly changed the appearance of EPLAN in some areas and made it more user-friendly for you. The changes include the following new features: • New icons with greater color depth • Mini toolbars in the editors (see page 19) • Repeat menu option in the editors' popup menus (see page 20) • Adjustable display in the title bar (see page 21) • Clearer Display and Format tabs in the properties dialog (see page 22).
New Icons with Greater Color Depth New, updated icons with a greater color depth are now used for toolbars, for the cursor, and for the display of objects in the navigators and other dialogs. The color depth with approx. 16.78 million colors now permits detailed illustrations giving the user a very natural impression. Benefit: The program functionalities assigned to the icons are clearly recognizable, making use of the program via the icons substantially more intuitive. A decisive advantage, especially for the occasional user, is the adjustment of the icons to the Windows standard (same icons => same functionalities). Example: The following figure shows the "old" Standard toolbar for an opened project.
And in comparison, here is the "new" Standard toolbar.
More User-friendly Interface
Faster Access via New Mini Toolbars There are now new mini toolbars when working in the editors (graphical editor, symbol editor, etc.) for text and graphical elements. Benefit: With the help of the mini toolbars you can edit text and graphical elements fast and directly without having to navigate through the main menu. If the Mini toolbars option is activated, a semi-transparent toolbar is displayed in miniature format when you check a corresponding individual element. Move the cursor away from the checked element and the mini toolbar disappears. If you place the cursor above the toolbar it becomes fully visible and you can carry out the desired settings. Example: Mini toolbars let you select line settings options such as Line thickness and Color and / or copy or apply a format to the selected line.
The mini toolbars give you access to the following functionalities: • Text elements: Font size, Font style, Copy format, Assign format, Color. • Graphical elements: Line type, Line thickness, Copy format, Assign format, Color. You can decide in the Options menu whether to display mini toolbars or not with the new Mini toolbars menu option or switch them on or off with button in the View toolbar. The new "Mini toolbars on / off" the new right has been incorporated into the rights management for this menu option. EPLAN NEWS 2.0
More User-friendly Interface
The mini toolbars are displayed only when an individual element is selected. If the selected element is blocked due to access to multiusermode or if the project has been opened with write-protection (e.g. for a filed project), the fields and symbols of the mini toolbars are grayed out. Notes: • Note that you can use either the Mini toolbars option or the Direct editing option. Working with mini toolbars is activated by default. The Mini toolbars option is switched off when you activate direct editing. It is also possible to deactivate both options. • If direct editing is activated temporarily, however, using [F2], then both the mini toolbar and the direct editing box are visible. The respective values in this field are checked and can be directly edited. Click on the mini toolbar or on the page in the graphical editor to deactivate "temporary" direct editing. • You can set the degree of transparency of the mini toolbars using the same settings as for the input boxes (Transparency level (without focus) / Transparency level (with focus)). The menu path is as follows: Options > Settings > User > Graphical editing > Input box / Mini toolbars.
New Repeat Action Menu Option The popup menus of the different editors (graphical editor, symbol editor, etc.) have been amended to include the Repeat menu option. You can use this menu option to repeat the last action performed in the editor. Benefit: The quick combination of two mouse clicks – one right-click (to request the popup menu), one left-click (to select Repeat) – enables users to repeat the last performed action as many times as required. This enables you to greatly accelerate a sequence of repeated actions.
More User-friendly Interface
The Repeat menu option is always the first option in the popup menu and the action to be repeated is displayed after the colon (e.g. Repeat: Angle down, right). Undo, Undo list, Redo, Redo list, and Cancel action can not be repeated. These actions are therefore not listed in the Repeat menu option.
Adjustable Display in the Title Bar EPLAN lets you define which information you wish to have displayed in the title bar of your EPLAN application in addition to the program name. Benefit: You can set the display in the title bar individually. You can be kept fully informed about the current open project via the optional display of a project path to prevent you from inadvertently editing the wrong project. You can choose the settings in the new Display in title bar drop-down list. The menu path to the corresponding settings dialog is: Options > Settings > User > Display > User interface. You can choose between the following options: • Project path+Project+Page: If you select this option, the title bar displays the project name with the file path and the page. • Project+Page: If you select this option, the title bar displays only the project name and page. • Page: If you select this option, the title bar displays only the page. In this case the name of the current open page is displayed in square brackets in the title bar (e.g. [=EB3+ET1/1]). If there is no page open in the graphical editor, no page name will be displayed.
More User-friendly Interface
Clearer "Display" and "Format" Tabs in the Properties Dialog The Display and Format tabs for the properties dialogs of graphical symbols and texts have been redesigned for the new version. All properties settings (Font size, Color, Border, etc.) are now shown in a new table with a tree structure. Benefit: All display or format settings are now clearly listed. These properties settings are now quicker and easier to change. If, for example, you have checked a property for a general device on the left-hand side in the Component or Connection points tab, e.g. DT (displayed), you can edit its display properties in the Property / Assignment table on the right-hand side.
More User-friendly Interface
To change the value assigned to a property, click in the corresponding cell of the Assignment column and select another value from the dropdown list using or select the relevant check box. Since the different "Settings areas" such as Format, Border, Value / unit or Position are displayed in the table as hierarchy levels, the secondary Border dialog for the device and the Language and Border tabs for texts are now superfluous. Under Format you can find display properties such as Font size, Layer, Language, etc., and under Border you can find properties such as Draw text box, Activate alignment box, etc. The new Value / unit area contains properties for the display of values and units. The properties under Position all relate to a main property.
New Functionalities for Graphical Elements
New Functionalities for Graphical Elements The following new functionalities are now available for editing and drawing graphical elements in the editors (graphical editor, symbol editor, etc.): • Cut off (see page 25) • Change length (see page 26) • Fillet corners and Chamfer (see page 27) • Rectangle through center (see page 29) • New Perpendicular and Tangential snap points and modes for drawing graphical elements (see page 30) • Input box for editors (see page 33).
New Editing Functionalities The four new functionalities, Cut off, Change length, Fillet corners, and Chamfer have been added to the Edit menu together with the existing editing functionalities Rotate, Mirror, Scale, and Stretch under the new Graphic menu option. Benefit: The new editing functionalities enable the simple and rapid change of graphical elements for the precise construction of component contours and graphical macros.
Trimming graphical elements Trim functionalities are tools which let you change the lengths of graphical elements retrospectively. The two trim functionalities Cut off and Change length let you cut off, extend, or shorten graphical elements. It is not possible to select multiple elements. Nor can a group of graphical elements be trimmed. To trim an individual element you first need to disable the grouping. 24
New Functionalities for Graphical Elements
Note: Note that the trimming of graphical elements does not take into account splines. Nor can you cut ellipses from splines and ellipses.
Cutting off elements When cutting off, determine with a mouse click which part of a graphical object is to be "cut off" (erased). The part to be removed can be defined for a line as follows: • Via one or two intersections Beispiel: A section is cut off at the tangential point.
• Via an intersection and an end point Beispiel: Several sections are cut off between the intersection and end points.
• Via two end or corner points.
New Functionalities for Graphical Elements
Cutting off sections is possible for the following elements: • Line • Polyline • Polygon • Rectangle • Circle • Arc • Sector • Ellipse. Graphical elements comprising just a line and not intersecting with other elements are fully erased. To cut a section off a graphical object, select the Edit > Graphic > Cut (Cut off) button in the Edit graphic off menu option (or click on the toolbar). Click on the desired section of a line or a graphical object. The selected section is removed. The trim functionality remains active until you select Popup menu > Cancel action.
Changing lengths of lines and arcs You can use the Change length functionality to extend or shorten lines and arcs. One end of the element to be trimmed always remains unchanged; the other end is moved to make the trimmed element shorter or longer. Example: The end of a line is extended in the left-hand illustration and reduced in the right-hand illustration.
New Functionalities for Graphical Elements
To change the length of a line or an arc, select the menu option Edit > Graphic > Change length (or click in the Edit graphic toolbar on the (Change length) button). Click on the end of the line to be changed. By moving the cursor in a particular direction you extend or shorten the corresponding line. The trim functionality remains active until you select Popup menu > Cancel action. Tips: • You can also open the input box when changing the length and extend / shorten the line by entering positive / negative values (see the section "Input Box for Editors" on page 33). • If the Object snap option is activated, then ends, snap points, and intersections with other lines are used as snap points when extending / shortening. The lines are then automatically connected to these snap points when trimming.
Filleting / chamfering corners Use the Fillet corners functionality to fillet enclosed angles of less than 180°. Angles between open lines can not be filleted, i.e. lines cannot be connected via the filleting function. Example: A corner of a rectangle is filleted with a radius of 16 mm.
You can use the Chamfer functionality to chamfer the corners of different elements symmetrically. This functionality can be used on enclosed angles which are less than 180°. In this case the original lines are shortened symmetrically by a value (the so-called chamfer width) which is measured from the angle point.
New Functionalities for Graphical Elements
Example: A corner of a rectangle is chamfered with a chamfer width of 16 mm.
Filleting / chamfering is available for the following elements in EPLAN: • The corner of two radiating lines • The corner between a line and a polyline • The corner between two polylines • The corners of polylines (open and closed) • Rectangles. Filleting / chamfering rectangles will result in the rectangle being converted into a polygon with four segments (starting point of the first polyline segment = start point of the rectangle). To enable this, the Polyline tab has been amended to include the field Radius. You can also use this field to change a fillet radius or fillet a "straight" polyline segment.
New Functionalities for Graphical Elements
To fillet a corner select the menu option Edit > Graphic > Fillet corners. To chamfer a corner select the Chamfer menu option in the same menu. Alternatively click on the (Fillet corners) / (Chamfer) button in the Edit graphic toolbar. Click on the corner to be filleted/ chamfered. Click to set the fillet radius / chamfer width. The corner is correspondingly filleted / chamfered. Once defined, a fillet radius / chamfer width is applied until you cancel the action. Notes: • If it is not possible to apply a selected fillet radius you will receive a system message. • You can also fillet or chamfer corners of single elements in a group of elements. Tip: Once you have chosen the corner to fillet or chamfer, you can also use the opened window of the input box to set the fillet radius or the chamfer width (see the section "Input Box for Editors" on page 33).
Drawing a Rectangle through Center You can now also use the center and a corner point to define a rectangle. To do this select the menu option Insert > Graphic > Rectangle through center. Start by defining the center of the rectangle and click with the left-hand mouse button. Drag the rectangle out from the center and click with the left-hand mouse button to set a corner point for the button to select this functionality from the rectangle. Click on the new Graphic toolbar.
New Functionalities for Graphical Elements
Tip: Rather than using the mouse you can also set the center and corner points of the rectangle via the input box (see page 33). Since relative coordinates are used when entering the second point and the input relates to the center, the point entry for a corner point of the rectangle (e.g. 20 20) corresponds to half the width and height of the rectangle (e.g. 40 mm 40 mm).
Drawing Assistance with Perpendicular and Tangential Points When drawing graphical elements in the editors (graphical editor, symbol editor, etc.) you are now assisted by new snap points (perpendicular and tangential points). Benefit: Drawing using tangential points assists you particularly when constructing slotted holes which you define via two drill holes connected by lines placed on the circle tangents. You then use the Cut off functionality to erase the inner circle segments. The result is a fast, simple, and cleanly-constructed slotted hole.
Perpendicular and tangential points If the Object snap option is activated when drawing graphical elements, or tangential point is displayed at the cursor as a perpendicular soon as a perpendicular or tangential line element is possible. If the Object snap option is deactivated, then these (and other) points are not treated as snap points and are accordingly also not displayed.
New Functionalities for Graphical Elements
Perpendicular or tangential mode when drawing Irrespective of whether the Object snap option is selected, the two new modes Perpendicular and Tangential are available in the popup menu when drawing particular graphical elements (lines, circles, etc.). These functionalities can help you draw a perpendicular line or a tangent. Once you have selected a mode in the popup menu, the icon at the cursor changes. The respective modes are available for the following graphical elements: • Perpendicular mode (cursor: ): for lines, polylines, and polygons ): • Tangential mode (cursor: for lines, polylines, polygons, circles, arcs through center, and sectors.
Drawing perpendicular or tangential lines With the help of the Perpendicular and Tangential modes you can draw a line perpendicularly or tangentially to an object. Defining the start point for a line When drawing lines (polylines) you can use the new modes once to define the start point for a line (polyline). Once you have selected the relevant menu item in the Insert > Graphic menu (Line, Polyline, Polygon), you can e.g. select Popup menu > Perpendicular. The icon at the cursor indicates that the Perpendicular mode is active. Next click on the respective object (line, rectangle, circle, etc.) to which you wish to draw a perpendicular line. Provided you have not defined the end point yet, the start point is variable and the line can be moved up and down vertically to the selected line segment of the object. Click once more to determine the end point of the line (the next corner point of the polyline).
New Functionalities for Graphical Elements
Defining the end point for a line You can also use these modes to set the end point of a line (the next corner point of a polyline). To do this, once you have defined the start point, select the mode via the popup menu (e.g. Perpendicular). Then move the cursor to the object to which you wish to draw a perpendicular line. As soon as you have reached a perpendicular point, the possible line is displayed. Click to draw this perpendicular line.
Defining a radius through a tangential point Tangential mode additionally lets you define the radii of circles, arcs, and sectors in your drawing. Once you have selected the corresponding menu item in the Insert > Graphic menu (Circle, Arc through center, Sector), start by clicking with the left-hand mouse button to define the center. Then select Popup menu > Tangential. The icon at the cursor indicates that Tangential mode is active. Now move the cursor to the object to which you wish to draw a tangent. Once you have reached a tangent point the possible arc is displayed. Click again to draw the circle / arc / sector.
Line projection It is now possible to define a projection for lines. Benefit: This new feature lets you produce a DIN-compliant center line, i.e. with projection. If this is required for a line, open the respective properties dialog on the Format tab and activate the Projection check box. A projection is then drawn at the start and end point of the line. This is calculated according to DIN on the basis of the line thickness and drawn with a length of "12 d" (wherein d = dashed line diameter (Line thickness)). 32
New Functionalities for Graphical Elements
Note: The line's snap points and dimensions are not changed by inserting a projection.
Input Box for Editors The new input box in EPLAN offers you the option for various functionalities in the editors (graphical editor, 3D view, etc.) of entering values via the keyboard. Benefit: The input box permits fast, clear input of values. You can define all the required dimensions for a high-quality production document without use of the grid. If the input box is activated, a small text window for inputting numbers appears at the cursor for these functionalities (e.g. for inserting a line). This window exhibits a predefined level of transparency which you can change in the settings.
Tip: You can use the input box in combination with the base point shift e.g. to construct recesses in an enclosure door quickly and easily. To do this select Options > Move base point and click on the bottom left corner of the enclosure door. This defines the auxiliary point for the relative input. Then select Insert > Graphic > Rectangle. If the Input box option is activated the input box text window is displayed at the cursor.
New Functionalities for Graphical Elements
Input two values to set the position of the first corner of the rectangle. This point entry relates to the movement of the reference point on the bottom left corner of the door. Enter one more point in the input box and the rectangle is drawn to the exact preset size as a recess.
Using the input box The input box text window consists of two heading rows and the actual input box. The first header row shows the respective action (e.g. Start point for line) and the second row shows the required input as comment text. The numbers input via the keyboard are displayed in the input box. The sequence of values to be input is defined in the system for each functionality. Thus, e.g. in the case of the line, two entries are possible in the order "X and Y value of a coordinate" or "Angle and length". In the case of the point entry the input of two values separated by a space is interpreted as the X and Y values of coordinates (start or end point). In this case the input values relate to the graphical coordinate system with its origin at the bottom left and which is specified in "mm" or "inch" depending on the unit presetting. Note: Note that only the first point entry uses absolute values while the subsequent point entries use relative coordinates. You input one value to define the angle of a line. Use "Value 100". Tip: If the external field designations and the EPLAN property designations are identical, field assignment can be carried out automatically using the [Automatic assignment] button.
Special Topics EPLAN PPE
Assignment tab On this tab, you can specify other import settings. At the time of the previous import, the Order and PI code drop-down lists and the Override errors, Overwrite, Test import, and No new loops / consumers check boxes were part of the Import settings dialog that followed.
Including Parts from EPLAN PPE for Bills of Materials Parts that have been scheduled via specifications / hook-ups in EPLAN PPE can now be included in the EPLAN platform "Parts list" and "Summarized parts list" reports as well as in the bill of materials export. Benefit: This allows you to create a complete bill of materials for a project. Parts from the preliminary and basic planning stages can be added to the bill of materials in EPLAN PPE, giving you an overview of the required items and project components even in the early stages of a project. This allows you to monitor components with longer delivery times or technically demanding specifications, and continuously manage all project data throughout the term of the project. For this purpose, the two EPLAN platform settings dialogs Settings: Parts and Settings: Labeling were extended in the Include parts group box by the Specifications (EPLAN PPE) and Hook-ups (EPLAN PPE) check boxes. When these check boxes are selected, the parts from EPLAN PPE are attached to the lists to be output. For these parts, the device tags are empty. If the check boxes are deselected, the part from EPLAN PPE is not included.
Special Topics EPLAN PPE
Note: Objects whose parts have already been included using engineering in the EPLAN platform are ignored in EPLAN PPE to prevent parts from being output more than once.
New Identifier for Measurands without Supplementary Letters EPLAN PPE projects now have the new identifier "m". This identifier stands for the measurand of the PCT loop without supplementary letters. This is used to display and report the measurand without supplementary letters for the power station identifier system (KKS).
Labeling and Scripts for EPLAN PPE P&ID The two utilities Labeling and Scripts are now available with the relevant functions for EPLAN PPE P&ID. Benefit: Using the Labeling utility, you can now export item data for labeling based on the plant overviews created with the EPLAN PPE P&ID add-on and transfer information easily and quickly to downstream engineering processes. You can automate recurrent tasks by creating scripts. Time-consuming, manual work processes are avoided.
Special Topics EPLAN View
Special Topics EPLAN View User Settings for Multi-user Operation The settings for User code / address are now also available in EPLAN View. This dialog, which is accessed via Options > Settings > User > Display > User code / address, is used to save user data for multi-user operation. Benefit: If an EPLAN View user has opened a project and this results in a conflict in multi-user operation, the other users in the net will now immediately see who has locked the project. Note: As rights management is not used in EPLAN View, the Logon name field in the Settings: User code / address dialog remains empty.
New Features in the "API Extension" Add-on
New Features in the "API Extension" Add-on Note: The "API Extension" add-on is available as an option for EPLAN Electric P8 Professional, for EPLAN Fluid, and for EPLAN PPE. A unified, and especially high-performance, programming interface (API, Application Programming Interface) is available for EPLAN platform products. This add-on – the EPLAN API – allows you to develop your own customized solutions in collaboration with EPLAN or other partners. The sections below describe the new features in the EPLAN API: • Direct access to parts management data • Access to function templates (see page 394) • All revision control functions are available (see page 395) • Other new features in the EPLAN API (see page 396).
Direct Access to Parts Management Data The latest version of the EPLAN API provides direct access to EPLAN parts management data. For this purpose, the EPLAN API has been extensively enhanced. Benefit: Direct access to parts management data in the EPLAN API allows for communication with external ERP systems. Parts can be created, edited, or deleted in the ERP system and synchronized with a central EPLAN parts database to which all users have access. This allows you to seamlessly integrate EPLAN into your individual system landscape and open up all potentials for efficiency improvements throughout the engineering process.
New Features in the "API Extension" Add-on
Depending on the add-on, there is a new API DLL (Eplan.EplApi.MasterData.dll) and a new namespace with the same designation. Numerous new classes have been created in this namespace that usually start with MD (for MasterData). The new classes enable use of the following and other functions: • Generate new database To generate a new database for parts management, use the CreateDatabase method from the MDPartsManagement class. • Read all parts from the parts database All parts that are in a parts database can be read using the Parts property from the MDPartsDatabase class. The part is then sorted by its part number. In the EPLAN API, each part variant displays its own object. For example, if a part occurs in three variants, then it will have three objects of the class MDPart in the EPLAN API. • Read filtered parts from the parts database To read filtered parts use the GetsParts(filter) method in the MDPartsDatabase class. This filtering option corresponds to the fieldbased filter in parts management. • Define any part property The Properties property from the MDPart class is used to define parts management properties. There is a common properties list MDPartsDatabaseItemPropertyList for the different data from parts management (part, construction, connection points, customer or manufacturer / supplier). • Create and remove parts The AddPart and RemovePart methods in the MDPartsDatabase class are available to you for this purpose. Analog methods (AddCustomer, RemoveCustomer, etc.) are available to create and remove customers, manufacturers / suppliers, etc.
New Features in the "API Extension" Add-on
• Copy and paste parts The Duplicate method from the MDPart class is used to copy parts. There is the option to create a new part as a variant or as a new part with its own part number. • Querying selected parts The SelectedPartDatabaseItems property from the MDPartsManagement class can be used to determine the part that a user has selected in parts management or in the part master data navigator. Note: An object from the MDPart class stands for a part from the parts database. An EPLAN API object from this class is not related in any way to parts stored in the project (API object: Article). Only the property names are for common use. The enhanced functionality means that the following data can now be processed in the EPLAN CPM program variant via the EPLAN API: • Function templates • Data on customers and manufacturers • Construction and connection point data.
Access to Function Templates The new version of the EPLAN API now allows you to access function templates. Benefit: If you create a device using the EPLAN API, you can now also place auxiliary functions or edit them as unplaced functions.
New Features in the "API Extension" Add-on
The PlaceAt method from the Function class can be used to place function templates and functions on schematic pages in a particular representation type. The new FunctionTemplates property from the same class allows you to query the function templates of a main function. The PlaceAsConnectionDefinitionPoint method from the Connection class now allows you to place function templates for connections as a connection definition point in the schematic.
All Revision Control Functions are Available In the new version, all revision control functions can now be accessed via the EPLAN API. Benefit: You can now control the entire revision process using the EPLAN API. You are using the enormous rationalization potential of the EPLAN API by standardizing and consistently automating your engineering processes. For this purpose, the following methods have been added to the Revision class: • CompletePages: Saves the revision modifications of the selected pages in the current revision project. • CompleteProject: Saves the revision modifications in a project. • CreateRevision: Generates a new revision of the source project. • GetUncompletedPages: Provides a list of unchanged and uncompleted pages in the current revision project. • RemoveWriteProtection: Removes the write protection from a revision project.
New Features in the "API Extension" Add-on
Other New Features in the EPLAN API New methods for placeholder objects It is no longer the case that only a graphical character is used for placeholder objects; now an appropriate symbol is also used (see section "Properties dialog and new symbol for placeholder objects" on page 240). Because of this new feature, the new SymbolVariant property has been added to the Eplan.EplApi.DataModel.Graphics.PlaceHolder object which means that the symbol can be changed. Transferring objects to an action Using the two new GetContextParameter and SetContextParameter methods from the ActionCallingContext class, you can now transfer any object to an action. Opening part selection The new ShowPartSelectionDialog method can now be found in the EplApplication class. This method is used to open the Part selection dialog. To preselect a part, the part number (parameter: strPartNr) and the variant number (parameter: strVariant) are transferred. Creating a progress bar for your own offline program Users of the EPLAN API can now create a progress bar for their own offline programs. A new IEplProgress interface is available for this purpose. Launching the API offline program There is a new launch dll in the EPLAN API that is used to search for and load all EPLAN API DLLs. The EPLAN version must be specified before calling the Eplan.EplApi.Starter.dll. All API dlls from the BIN directory are then loaded using the AssemblyResolver class. Converting components into graphic The new Group SymbolReference.ConvertToGroup method allows you to convert components into objects in the EPLAN API. 396
New Features in the "API Extension" Add-on
Adding user-defined property arrangements The EPLAN API allows you to save or add user-specific property arrangements for symbols under a specific name. The new Add method has been added to the SymbolReference::PropertyPlacementsSchemasConfiguration
class for this purpose. Switching project options to transparent In the EPLAN API, you can now set deactivated project options to transparent. The new IsTransparent property has been added to the Option class for this purpose. Moving elements into the foreground / background The new BringToFront and SendToBack methods are now available in the Placement class of the EPLAN API. These are used to move placed elements into the foreground / background. Developing new interactions using the EPLAN API You can now use the EPLAN API to develop your own graphical interactions for the graphical editor. These interactions can be used to draw new graphical elements. For this purpose, the new Interaction class has been added to the Eplan.EplApi.EServices.Ged namespace. Specifically locking individual objects You can now use the EPLAN API not only to lock objects for the entire project, but also to lock individual objects for multi-user operation. The following methods are available for this: • LockDevice: This method from the Function class locks all objects associated with a device. • LockObject: This method from the StorableObjekt class locks the current object.
New Features in the "API Extension" Add-on
• SmartLock: This method from the StorableObjekt class (and classes derived from it) locks the current object and the associated objects (for a placed object the entire page may be locked, for example). Deleting all message management messages The new Clear method in the PrjMessagesCollection class allows you to delete all message management messages. Updating parts database The new UpgradePartsDb method in the PartsService class can now be used to update parts databases of an older EPLAN version to the latest version using the EPLAN API. Note: If you work with several EPLAN versions then we recommend using the latest EPLAN version when editing and managing the parts database. Determining window macro variants The EPLAN API now allows you to determine all variants of a specific representation type for a window macro. The new GetVariants method in the WindowMacro class is available for this. Enabling / disabling actions The new IEplActionEnable interface is used to enable or disable actions. If this interface is not used, then the relevant action is enabled by default. If you implement this interface for an action class, you can then disable the respective action. If you implement the action for a menu item or a symbol button, this interface element will accordingly be disabled (and grayed out). Retrieving information on project-specific settings The ProjectSettingNode class in the EPLAN API can now be used to retrieve information on project setting nodes.
New Features in the "API Extension" Add-on
Retrieving a trade function definition The MainGroup property has been added to the FunctionDefinition class in the EPLAN API. This property allows you to retrieve the name of the trade (e.g. Electrical engineering) in which a function definition has been classified. Retrieving window macro insertion points The new Location property in the WindowMacro class allows you to retrieve the position of the window macro insertion point. Tracking potentials and signals The new TrackPotential method can now be found in the ConnectionService class. This method allows you to use the EPLAN API to determine all connections that belong to the same potential. Accordingly, you can use the new TrackSignal method to determine all connections that transmit the same signal. Name of menu item as multilingual string The AddMenuItem method in the EPLAN API Menu class has been enhanced. This allows you to add the name of a menu item as a multilingual string. The menu item will then be displayed in the specified dialog language. Deleting all pages in a project The new RemoveAllPages method in the Project class allows you to delete all pages in a project in one go. Retrieving all page macro placeholder objects You can now use the PlaceHolders property in the PageMacro class to retrieve all page macro placeholder objects.
New Features in the "API Extension" Add-on
Multilingual project properties The type of the PROJ_TYPE (Project: Type ), PROJ_PARTFEATURES (Part features ) and PROJ_REGULATION (Regulation ) project properties has been changed. These properties can now be created as multilingual character strings. Retrieving file names when exporting image files There is now the option in the EPLAN API to retrieve the names of the created files when exporting the entire project or individual pages in image file format. Two new methods GraphicProjectEx and GraphicPageEx in the Export class are provided for this. Retrieving filtered project data In the EPLAN API DMObjectsFinder class, there are now several new methods (GetWithFilterScheme) available for the retrieval of filtered project data. These methods, such as GetFunctionsWithFilterScheme, return the filtered objects that are left over when using a filter scheme for the respective navigator (device navigator for the method described above). Exporting filtered bill of materials The new ExportPartsListWithFilterScheme method in the PartsService class allows you to export all filtered project parts data for the bill of materials navigator.
New Features in the Master Data
New Features in the Master Data Enhanced Information in the Master Data Editor For the new version, the information displayed when editing master data has been enhanced and the structure improved. When you create, open, or copy a master data type (symbol library, plot frame, outline, or form), the following properties for a selected file are listed in the info area in the right-hand side of the dialog: • for symbol libraries: Symbol library description, creation date, created by, company code, last editor, modification date, number of symbols. • for plot frames: Description, company code, created by, creation date, last editor, modification date. • for outlines: Description, outline type, company code, created by, creation date, last editor, modification date. • for forms: Description, company code, created by, creation date, last editor, modification date, form handling. The designation of the property is shown first and this is then separated from the value by a colon (e.g. Created by: ROE). If the text for a property is too long, an automatic line break is inserted in the info area.
New Features in the Master Data
Example: In the Open form dialog, you have selected the F01_001.f01 form for the "Parts list" form type. The text that appears in the info area looks like this Description: Parts list ..., Created by: mka, Creation date: 25.10.2001, etc.
Master Data: Symbols Note: The following pages show numerous illustrations of new symbols from different symbol libraries. The illustrations show variant "A" of the respective symbols in multi-line representation (except the symbols from the SPECIAL symbol library). The name and number of the symbol are shown underneath the symbol. IEC, GOST, and GB standards • The following new symbols have been added to the IEC_symbol, IEC_single_symbol, GOST_symbol, GOST_single_symbol, GB_symbol, and GB_single_symbol symbol libraries (the respective symbols are shown in multi-line representation):
// 330
_LEFT // 331
_LEFT_PLUG // 332
_PLUG // 333
New Features in the Master Data
// 334
// 335
// 336
// 337
_PLUG_M // 338
_PLUG_FEM // 339
// 1198
// 1251
K_4 // 1252
KS3 // 1253
KS4 // 1254
KST3 // 1255
KST4 // 1256
S_EL // 1261
O_EL // 1262
XU2 // 1265
XU2S // 1266
F_SNH_1P // 1281
F_SNH_3P // 1282
F_AB_1P // 1284
QLIM11_1 // 1286
QL3_8 // 1290
W3_SWR_2 // 1291
W3_SWL_2 // 1292
New Features in the Master Data
W3_SWB_2 // 1293
W3_VES_2 // 1294
W3_NES_2 // 1295
W2_OU_1 // 1328
BW3P // 1372
BW3SW // 1373
BW3D // 1374
X1_NB // 1410
X1_B // 1411
X2_NB // 1413
X2_B // 1414
X2_B_2 // 1415
X3_NB // 1417
X3_B // 1418
X3_B_2 // 1419
X4_NB // 1421
X4_B // 1422
X4_NB_1 // 1424
X4_B_1 // 1425
X4_B_2 // 1426
X6_NB // 1428
X6_B // 1429
X6_NB_1 // 1430
X6_B_1 // 1431
New Features in the Master Data
X6_B_2 // 1432
X8_NB // 1434
X8_B // 1435
X8_NB_1 // 1436
X8_B_1 // 1437
X8_B_2 // 1438
SSNS1_ST // 1440
SONS1_ST // 1441
SLS_ST // 1442
SLSAC_ST // 1443
SLSDC_ST // 1444
SLEDC_ST // 1445
SLEAC_ST // 1446
SSUS_ST // 1447
SOUS_ST // 1448
NFPA standard • The following new symbols have been added to the NFPA_symbol and NFPA_single_symbol symbol libraries (the respective symbols are shown in multi-line representation):
// 330
_LEFT // 331
_LEFT_PLUG // 332
_PLUG // 333
New Features in the Master Data
// 334
// 335
// 336
// 337
_PLUG_M // 338
_PLUG_FEM // 339
// 1198
// 1251
K_4 // 1252
KS3 // 1253
KS4 // 1254
KST3 // 1255
KST4 // 1256
S_EL // 1261
O_EL // 1262
XU2 // 1265
XU2S // 1266
F_SNH_1P // 1281
F_SNH_3P // 1282
F_AB_1P // 1284
New Features in the Master Data
QLIM11_1 // 1286
QL3_8 // 1290
W3_SWR_2 // 1291
W3_SWL_2 // 1292
W3_SWB_2 // 1293
W3_VES_2 // 1294
W3_NES_2 // 1295
W2_OU_1 // 1328
BW3P // 1372
BW3SW // 1373
BW3D // 1374
X1_NB // 1410
X1_B // 1411
X2_NB // 1413
X2_B // 1414
X2_B_2 // 1415
X3_NB // 1417
X3_B // 1418
X3_B_2 // 1419
X4_NB // 1421
X4_B // 1422
X4_NB_1 // 1424
X4_B_1 // 1425
X4_B_2 // 1426
New Features in the Master Data
X6_NB // 1428
X6_B // 1429
X6_NB_1 // 1430
X6_B_1 // 1431
X6_B_2 // 1432
X8_NB // 1434
X8_B // 1435
X8_NB_1 // 1436
X8_B_1 // 1437
X8_B_2 // 1438
SSNS1_ST // 1440
SONS1_ST // 1441
SLS_ST // 1442
SLSAC_ST // 1443
SLSDC_ST // 1444
SLEDC_ST // 1445
SLEAC_ST // 1446
SSUS_ST // 1447
SOUS_ST // 1448
New Features in the Master Data
Fluid power and process engineering • A new symbol library for the "Lubrication" trade has been created: LUB1ESS.
F15.5_14 // 238
F15.3.1 // 254
F15.3.1_01 // 255
AG10.1.1_03 // 307
AG10.1.1_02 // 308
AG10.5_02 // 326
V_BT_058 // 845
V_BT_059 // 846
V_BT_060 // 847
V_BT_061 // 848
AG10.1.2_04 // 856
V_BT_057 // 857
V_BT_053 // 861
V_BT_054 // 862
V_BT_055 // 863
V_S_011 // 871
V_S_012 // 872
V_S_013 // 873
V_S_014 // 874
Z_ZUB_16 // 1060
New Features in the Master Data
Z_ZUB_15 // 1061
V_ZUB_03 // 1063
V11.3.1_01 // 1068
PM13.3.4_01 // 1069
F15.5_31 // 1070
GS_EA_06 // 1071
V_BT_077 // 1077
V_BT_078 // 1078
Z14.1.2_17 // 1079
Z_ZUB_31 // 1080
VERB_11 // 1101
VERB_12 // 1102
VERB_13 // 1103
VERB_14 // 1104
VERB_15 // 1105
CON_04 // 1106
VERB_16 // 1107
V11.1.2_15 // 1108
V11.5.3_09 // 1109
ANZ_12 // 1110
ANZ_12_01 // 1111
ANZ_12_02 // 1112
ANZ_12_03 // 1113
ANZ_12_04 // 1114
New Features in the Master Data
// 1115
// 1117
// 1118
// 1120
// 1121
// 1122
// 1123
// 1124
// 1126
// 1135
// 1137
// 1138
STG_03 // 1139
STG_04 // 1140
V_RV_09 // 1143
V_RV_10 // 1144
F_13 // 1149
ST_01 // 1152
PM_17 // 1153
GS_SCH_01 // 1154
New Features in the Master Data
GS_SCH_02 // 1155
PM_ZUB_14 // 1157
PM_ZUB_16 // 1158
PM_ZUB_17 // 1159
SCHG_1 // 1162
SCHG_2 // 1163
SCHG_3 // 1164
SS_03 // 1165
SS_04 // 1166
SS_05 // 1167
BS_01 // 1168
PM_ZUB_15 // 1170
SI_01 // 1171
SI_02 // 1172
SI_03 // 1173
SI_04 // 1174
DS_04 // 1177
P_04 // 1180
SV_06 // 1182
SV_01 // 1183
New Features in the Master Data
SV_05 // 1184
SV_07 // 1185
V11.5.3_08 // 1186
GS_MIX_01 // 1187
GS_MIX_02 // 1188
GS6.1.7_04 // 1192
GS6.1.8_04 // 1193
GS6.1.8_02 // 1194
GS6.1.8_03 // 1195
GS6.1.7_02 // 1196
GS6.1.7_03 // 1197
PM_EL_05 // 1198
// 1201
// 1202
// 1203
// 1207
// 1210
// 1212
// 1213
// 1214
New Features in the Master Data
// 1215
// 1216
// 1217
// 1218
// 1219
// 1220
// 1221
// 1222
// 1223
// 1224
// 1225
// 1226
// 1227
// 1228
// 1231
// 1232
// 1233
// 1235
// 1239
// 1240
New Features in the Master Data
// 1241
// 1242
// 1243
// 1244
// 1245
// 1246
// 1247
// 1248
// 1249
// 1250
// 1251
// 1252
// 1253
// 1254
// 1261
// 1262
New Features in the Master Data
// 1263
// 1264
// 1265
// 1266
// 1267
// 1271
// 1272
// 1273
// 1274
// 1275
// 1276
// 1277
// 1278
// 1279
// 1280
• The following new symbols have been added to the HYD1ESS and HYD2ESS symbol libraries:
GS7.1.7_04 // 212
V11.5.4_12 // 213
GS7.5.1_02 // 214
GS7.1.8_02 // 217
New Features in the Master Data
F15.1_07 // 219
AG10.1.1_03 // 307
AG10.1.1_02 // 308
AG10.5_02 // 326
// 371
// 372
// 664
// 665
Z_ZUB_36 // 673
Z_ZUB_37 // 674
Z_ZUB_38 // 675
Z_ZUB_39 // 676
Z_ZUB_40 // 677
Z_ZUB_41 // 678
SV_006 // 681
SV_007 // 682
SV_008 // 683
SV_009 // 684
SV_010 // 685
SV_011 // 686
SV_012 // 687
SV_013 // 688
SV_014 // 689
SV_015 // 690
New Features in the Master Data
SV_016 // 691
SV_017 // 692
V7.1.5.3_03 // 695
V_BT_062 // 849
V_BT_063 // 850
V_BT_064 // 851
V_BT_065 // 852
AG10.1.2_04 // 856
V_BT_057 // 857
V_BT_056 // 859
V11.5.3_07 // 860
V_BT_069 // 869
V_BT_070 // 870
V_BT_049 // 890
V_BT_050 // 891
V_BT_051 // 892
V_BT_052 // 893
Z14.1.2_08_1 // 897
Z14.1.2_09_1 // 898
Z14.1.3_08_1 // 899
Z14.1.3_09_1 // 900
V7.1.2.43_51 // 939
SPIST_01 // 1090
SRLT_01 // 1091
New Features in the Master Data
SRLT_02 // 1092
SRLT_03 // 1093
SRLT_04 // 1094
SRLT_05 // 1095
SRLT_06 // 1096
SRLT_07 // 1097
SRLT_08 // 1098
SRLT_09 // 1099
// 1100
// 1274
// 1275
// 1309
EA_BT_42 // 1310
EA_18 // 1311
EA_19 // 1312
EA_20 // 1313
EA_BT_43 // 1314
EA9.1.4_02 // 1321
EA9.1.4_03 // 1322
EA9.1.4_04 // 1323
// 1324
_3x3M // 1331
_3x3M // 1332
_3x3M // 1333
New Features in the Master Data
_3x3M // 1334
_3x3M // 1335
_3x3M // 1336
_3x3M // 1337
_3x3M // 1338
_3x3M // 1339
_3x3M // 1340
_3x3M // 1341
_3x3M // 1342
_3x3M // 1343
_3x3M // 1344
_3x3M // 1345
_3x3M // 1346
_3x3M // 1347
_3x3M // 1348
_3x3M // 1349
_3x3M // 1350
_3x3M // 1351
_3x3M // 1364
_3x3M // 1365
New Features in the Master Data
// 1366
// 1376
// 1377
// 1378
// 1394
// 1395
// 1396
// 1406
// 1407
// 1408
• The following new symbols have been added to the PNE1ESS symbol library:
GS7.1.7_04 // 212
V11.5.4_12 // 213
GS7.5.1_02 // 214
F15.3.1_03 // 215
F15.3.1_04 // 216
GS7.1.8_02 // 217
F15.1_06 // 218
PM13.5.24 // 261
New Features in the Master Data
AG10.1.1_03 // 307
AG10.1.1_02 // 308
AG10.5_02 // 326
Z14.1.2_17 // 371
Z14.1.3_17 // 372
V_BT_026 // 461
V_BT_019_X2 // 575
V_BT_046_X // 576
V_BT_047_X // 577
V7.1.2_33_08 // 657
Z_ZUB_36 // 673
Z_ZUB_37 // 674
Z_ZUB_38 // 675
Z_ZUB_39 // 676
Z_ZUB_40 // 677
Z_ZUB_41 // 678
SV_006 // 681
SV_007 // 682
SV_008 // 683
SV_009 // 684
SV_010 // 685
SV_011 // 686
SV_012 // 687
SV_013 // 688
New Features in the Master Data
SV_014 // 689
SV_015 // 690
SV_016 // 691
SV_017 // 692
V_BT_062 // 849
V_BT_063 // 850
V_BT_069 // 869
V_BT_070 // 870
SPIST_01 // 1090
SRLT_01 // 1091
SRLT_02 // 1092
SRLT_03 // 1093
SRLT_04 // 1094
SRLT_05 // 1095
SRLT_06 // 1096
SRLT_07 // 1097
// 1098
// 1099
// 1100
// 1274
// 1275
// 1309
// 1310
// 1311
New Features in the Master Data
EA_19 // 1312
EA_20 // 1313
EA_BT_43 // 1314
EA9.1.4_02 // 1321
// 1322
// 1323
// 1324
// 1331
_3x3M // 1332
_3x3M // 1333
_3x3M // 1334
_3x3M // 1335
_3x3M // 1336
_3x3M // 1337
_3x3M // 1338
_3x3M // 1339
_3x3M // 1340
_3x3M // 1341
_3x3M // 1342
_3x3M // 1343
New Features in the Master Data
_3x3M // 1344
_3x3M // 1345
_3x3M // 1346
_3x3M // 1347
_3x3M // 1348
_3x3M // 1349
_3x3M // 1350
_3x3M // 1351
_3x3M // 1364
_3x3M // 1365
// 1366
// 1376
EA_Z_T_EL_3x3M //
EA_G_ANA_3x3M //
M // 1377
// 1395
// 1396
// 1406
// 1407
// 1408
New Features in the Master Data
• In the PPE_SYM symbol library, the function definition for the symbol B73 // 73 ("Symbol name" // "Symbol number") has been changed from "Analog temperature sensor, 2 connection points" to "Analog sensor, general, 2 connection points". Special symbol library • A new symbol for net definition points has been created in the SPECIAL symbol library: NDP // 312 // Net definition point (triangle)
• A new symbol for potential definition points has been created in the SPECIAL symbol library: PDP2 // 313 // Potential definition point (triangle)
New Features in the Master Data
• A new symbol has been created for placeholder objects in the SPECIAL symbol library: PLHO // 323 // Placeholder object
• A new symbol for insulated wire terminations has been created in the SPECIAL symbol library: NCI // 100 // Wire termination, insulated
• A new symbol for wire terminations that are not connected has been created in the SPECIAL symbol library: NC // 101 // Wire termination, not connected
New Features in the Master Data
• A new symbol for deleted objects has been created in the SPECIAL symbol library: DO // 300 // Deleted object
• A new symbol for outline definition points of outlines of type "Extrusion" has been created in the SPECIAL symbol library: ODP // 290 // Outline definition points for outlines of type extrusion
• A new symbol for connection definition points of type "Coiled pipe" has been created in the SPECIAL symbol library: CDPST // 472 // VDP, Coiled pipe
New Features in the Master Data
• The following new device connection points are available in the SPECIAL symbol library:
DCFP2OL2 // 59
DCPP3 // 408
DCPPJIC // 409
DCPPO // 411
• In addition, the following symbols for complex devices have been added to the SPECIAL symbol library:
D2DCP // 412
D3DCP // 413
D4DCP // 414
D2DCPFEM // 415
// 416
// 417
// 418
// 419
New Features in the Master Data
D2DCPM // 421
D3DCPM // 422
D4DCPM // 423
D2DCPJICM // 424
D3DCPJICM // 425
D4DCPJICM // 426
D2DCPNG // 427
D3DCPNG // 428
D4DCPNG // 429
D2DCPP3 // 430
D3DCPP3 // 431
D4DCPP3 // 432
D2DCPPJIC // 433
D3DCPPJIC // 434
D4DCPPJIC // 435
D2DCPPO // 436
D3DCPPO // 437
D4DCPPO // 438
New Features in the Master Data
S2DCP // 442
S3DCP // 443
S4DCP // 444
S2DCPFEM // 445
S3DCPFEM // 446
S4DCPFEM // 447
// 448
// 449
// 450
// 451
S3DCPM // 452
S4DCPM // 453
S2DCPJICM // 454
S3DCPJICM // 455
S4DCPJICM // 456
S2DCPNG // 457
S3DCPNG // 458
S4DCPNG // 459
S2DCPP3 // 460
S3DCPP3 // 461
S4DCPP3 // 462
S2DCPPJIC // 463
S3DCPPJIC // 464
S4DCPPJIC // 465
S2DCPPO // 466
S3DCPPO // 467
New Features in the Master Data
S4DCPPO // 468
• In the SPECIAL symbol library, the width of several symbols for PCT loops and PCT loop functions has been reduced to 10 mm. This relates to the following symbols: – PID6 // 346 // PCT loop – Process computer – On-site – PID7 // 347 // PCT loop – Process computer – Measuring – – – –
station PID8 // 348 // PCT room PID15 // 355 // PCT On-site PID16 // 356 // PCT Measuring station PID17 // 357 // PCT Control room.
loop – Process computer – Control loop function - Process computer loop function - Process computer loop function - Process computer -
General • In the IEC_symbol, NFPA_symbol, GOST_symbol, and GB_symbol symbol libraries, the appearance of contactor contact image symbol variants has been changed in several symbols (change-over contacts and contacts with delay). This relates to symbols with the number 3, 4, 5, 6, 270, 1011, 1012, 1013, 1057, 1058, 1059, 1060, 1061, 1062, 1063, 1106, 1107, 1126, 1127, 1128, 1129, 1130, 1131, 1132, and 1133.
New Features in the Master Data
Master Data: Function Definition Library Numerous new function definitions have been added to the function definition library. For further information on the properties, the basic symbol, etc. of the function definitions listed below in the Function definitions dialog, navigate to the location indicated in the Selection field. Trade: General • The following new function definitions have been added under General // General special functions // Connection // Connection definitions: – Internal jumper.
Trade: Electrical engineering • The following new function definitions have been added under Electrical engineering // Electrical engineering special function // Device connection point to the groups
listed below: "Device connection point" group: – N device connection point – SH device connection point.
"Device connection point, 2 connection points" group: – N device connection point, 2 connection points – PE device connection point, 2 connection points – SH device connection point, 2 connection points.
• The following new function definitions have been added under Electrical engineering // Terminals and plugs // Terminal to the groups listed below:
"Terminal, variable" group: – Terminal, variable – N terminal, variable – PE terminal, variable – SH terminal, variable. EPLAN NEWS 2.0
New Features in the Master Data
"Terminals with saddle jumper, 1 connection point" group: – General terminal with saddle jumper, 1 connection point – Terminal with saddle jumper, 1 connection point – N terminal with saddle jumper, 1 connection point – PE terminal with rail contact, 1 connection point – SH terminal with saddle jumper, 1 connection point.
"Terminals with saddle jumper, 2 connection points" group: – General terminal with saddle jumper, 2 connection points – Terminal with saddle jumper, 2 connection points – N terminal with saddle jumper, 2 connection points – PE terminal with rail contact, 2 connection points – SH terminal with saddle jumper, 2 connection points.
"Terminals with saddle jumper, 3 connection points" group: – General terminal with saddle jumper, 3 connection points – Terminal with saddle jumper, 3 connection points – N terminal with saddle jumper, 3 connection points – PE terminal with rail contact, 3 connection points – SH terminal with saddle jumper, 3 connection points.
"Terminals with saddle jumper, 4 connection points" group: – General terminal with saddle jumper, 4 connection points – Terminal with saddle jumper, 4 connection points – N terminal with saddle jumper, 4 connection points – PE terminal with rail contact, 4 connection points – SH terminal with saddle jumper, 4 connection points.
"Terminals with saddle jumper, 6 connection points" group: – General terminal with saddle jumper, 6 connection points – Terminal with saddle jumper, 6 connection points – N terminal with saddle jumper, 6 connection points – PE terminal with rail contact, 6 connection points – SH terminal with saddle jumper, 6 connection points.
New Features in the Master Data
"Terminals with saddle jumper, 8 connection points" group: – General terminal with saddle jumper, 8 connection points – Terminal with saddle jumper, 8 connection points – N terminal with saddle jumper, 8 connection points – PE terminal with rail contact, 8 connection points – SH terminal with saddle jumper, 8 connection points.
"Terminals, 1 connection point" group: – General terminal, 1 connection point – Terminal, 1 connection point – N terminal, 1 connection point – PE terminal, 1 connection point – SH terminal, 1 connection point.
"Terminals, 2 connection points" group: – General terminal, 2 connection points – Terminal, 2 connection points – N terminal, 2 connection points – PE terminal, 2 connection points – SH terminal, 2 connection points.
"Terminals, 3 connection points" group: – General terminal, 3 connection points – Terminal, 3 connection points – N terminal, 3 connection points – PE terminal, 3 connection points – SH terminal, 3 connection points.
"Terminals, 4 connection points" group: – General terminal, 4 connection points – Terminal, 4 connection points – N terminal, 4 connection points – PE terminal, 4 connection points – SH terminal, 4 connection points.
New Features in the Master Data
"Terminals, 6 connection points" group: – General terminal, 6 connection points – Terminal, 6 connection points – N terminal, 6 connection points – PE terminal, 6 connection points – SH terminal, 6 connection points.
"Terminals, 8 connection points" group: – General terminal, 8 connection points – Terminal, 8 connection points – N terminal, 8 connection points – PE terminal, 8 connection points – SH terminal, 8 connection points.
• The following new function definitions have been added under Electrical engineering // PLC / bus // PLC connection point // PLC connection point, I / O, 1 connection point: – PLC connection point, multifunction.
• The following new function definitions have been added under Electrical engineering // Coils, Contacts and protective circuits // Coil // Coil, 2 Connection points: – Coil, auxiliary relay.
The "Coil" function definition was renamed "Coil, power circuit breaker".
Master Data: Plot Frames GOST standard • The following new plot frames have been created: – GOST_first_page_scheme_A2_sl.fn1 – GOST_next_page_scheme_A2_sl.fn1.
New Features in the Master Data
Master Data: Settings for Messages and Check Runs • Enhanced program functionality means that two check run messages in the "Cable" message class are now redundant. For this reason, the following message numbers have been removed: Number: Message text: 003016
Identical shield symbols affect identical and differing connections.
Identical shield symbols affect differing connections.
Master Data: Identifiers Utilities > Master data > Identifier • In the Suggested identifiers dialog, you can now sort the tables shown alphabetically by either the Trade, Category, Group, or Function definition column, in ascending or descending order. To do so, double-click on the column. • In addition, you can assign identifiers for mechanics items in this dialog. For this purpose, additional lines with function definitions from the "Mechanics" trade have been added to the Suggested identifiers dialog. Identifiers can be saved for these function definitions in the IEC 61346 and NFPA columns as well as for user-defined identifier sets. Note: After each change, the changed identifier sets must be exported. To do this, select the columns with the changed identifier sets and select Popup menu > Export. If you receive a new function definition library in an update, you need to import your exported identifier sets into the new program version and add the new function definitions.
New Features in the Master Data
Master Data: Projects and Templates • A new "Higher-level function number" page structure has been added to sample projects and templates. • In the Num_bas001.zw9 and Num_tpl001.ept templates, the Numbering format setting when inserting symbols has changed from "Identifier + page (three-digit) + column" to "Identifier + counter and device connection points".
Master Data: Workspace View > Workspace • In the Workspace dialog, the "EPLAN PPE" scheme has been revised. The Documentation dialog has now been replaced by Graphical preview.
Master Data: Schemes • Two new filter schemes have been created for the terminal strips navigator: – Main terminals – Auxiliary terminals.
• A new filter scheme has been made available in the PLC navigator: – Address-oriented.
• The new "UnityPro - Txt" scheme, with PLC-specific formats for Schneider Electric's "Unity Pro" software, is now available for the PLC-specific settings field in the Settings: PLCdialog. • The following filter scheme has been created for the field-based filter of parts management: – Accessories.
Other New Features and Information
Other New Features and Information Customer Queries and Messages Note: Please note that the following EPLAN service is not possible in all countries. A large number of your queries and wishes have contributed to the new version of the EPLAN platform. Please note that not all queries can be listed within the scope of this document. You can, however, query the status of your message ("issue") with us at any time. Login to EPLAN Support on the Internet (software service customers only) and, within our support area, click the Login Call-Tracking hyperlink under Call tracking. The "EPLAN Support Call Tracking" page will now open in your browser.
Other New Features and Information
You need the following information to log on here: • User name (= your last name) • The first five digits of your Software service number. After filling out the form, confirm this information by clicking [Login]. In the Issue No. field on the next page, enter the issue number that you were given by support and click [Search].
Other New Features and Information
You will be redirected to your message. This will show you an overview of your support query.
Other New Features and Information
Validation Code To use this new version of EPLAN, you need a new validation code. This is provided on the delivery note sent with your storage medium. In addition, you can now have the option of retrieving the validation code via the internet (see the following section).
Retrieving the validation code online EPLAN now enables you to carry out the final installation step quickly and easily by allowing you to retrieve the validation code required for licensing via the internet. After the required data have been transmitted, the validation code is automatically copied into the license dialog. Benefit: Retrieving the validation code via the internet, makes entering the validation code quicker and easier and you are less likely to make mistakes. Note: Please note that you must be connected to the internet to download the validation code. You cannot retrieve a validation code for network licenses or licenses without a dongle. The Enter validation code dialog has been enhanced to allow you the option of retrieving the validation code online.
Other New Features and Information
This dialog opens when you start the application for the first time after installation. Click the new [Retrieve online] button. The Company name and Serial number are automatically entered into the open Set validation code online dialog. This data is needed to retrieve the validation code successfully. Up-to-date information If you would like to receive information in the future (such as our eNewsletter), please select the I would like to receive further information check box. EPLAN will then save your personal details (Name, Phone, E-mail address, etc.). Internet settings The settings for the existing internet connection are adopted by default. You can also use a proxy server as a network component via the [Settings] button and the dialog that then opens. In this case, enter the relevant data in the Address, Port fields, etc. Contact your administrator for the relevant settings. Returning the validation code Click [Send] to send the encoded data to EPLAN. If your details are already held by EPLAN and are valid, a validation code is created and sent to the license dialog. Then start the application by clicking [OK].
Other New Features and Information
Installation and Subsequent Operation Steps Administrator: As the administrator, you must read the sections below on installation, software and hardware requirements before working with the new version. Warning: Data of previous versions generated with the EPLAN platform can still be used in the latest version. However, data edited in the current version may not always be compatible with previous versions – due to extended functionalities and parameters. We expressly advise you not to work with mixed data originating from different versions. In the installation wizard directory settings, in place of the previous Database directory field, you will now find two new input fields, EPLAN original master data and System master data. In addition to this change, the installation behavior has also changed.
Other New Features and Information
Benefit: Because the original master data is not overwritten when installing an update, the system can be completely reset to the factory settings. The original master data can be copied to the relevant company directories selectively and at any time. Original EPLAN master data For original EPLAN master data (reference master data and examples), the installation wizard creates version-dependent directories (e.g. for forms \\Forms\EPLAN). System master data The directories for system master data are version-independent. When installing for the first time or installing EPLAN 2.0 as another EPLAN version, this means the following: • Initial installation When installing for the first time, the directories for the system master data are created when the program is started for the first time. A directory with the company code specified in the installation (e.g. \Forms\) is then created for each master data type (e.g. forms) below the relevant master data directory. The master data from the directories for the original EPLAN master data is copied into this directory. • Installation of another EPLAN version If the directory for the system master data and the company code are unchanged during the installation, the previous system master data remains unchanged. The new master data will for now only be installed in the new version-dependent directory for the original EPLAN master data.
Other New Features and Information
Notes: • To update your company-specific master data in this case, perform a synchronization of the system master data (see page 449). • If you install EPLAN 2.0 as another version of EPLAN, a dialog opens when you start the program for the first time in which you can opt to use the settings of the previous version. For more information on this, see section "Automatically importing the settings of the previous version" on page 448.
Directory structure after installation The precise appearance of the directory structure for the installed data depends on the operating system used and the setting you have specified for the application in the installation wizard. If you selected the Anyone who uses this computer option, the system master data is stored in a public folder. If you select the Only for me option, then this data is stored in the user-specific area of the user currently logged on. Note: Please note that this setting cannot be subsequently changed. Windows XP Under the Windows XP operating system, the original and the system master data are stored in the following directory by default: • Anyone who uses this computer: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\EPLAN\ • Only for me: C:\Documents and Settings\\Application Data\EPLAN\
Other New Features and Information
Example: Following the installation of EPLAN Electric P8 with the default settings, the directory structure for the forms described above would look something like this: Directory for original EPLAN master data: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\ EPLAN\EPLAN Electric P8\2.0.5\Forms\EPLAN
Directory for system master data: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\ EPLAN\EPLAN Electric P8\Forms\MyCompanyCode
Note: Please note that to see the application data under Windows XP, you must make the following settings in Windows Explorer: Select Tools > Folder options. Open the View tab and in the Advanced settings field look for the Hidden files and folders folder. Select the Show hidden files and folders option here. The Application Data folder will now be visible. Windows Vista and Windows 7 Under the Windows Vista and Windows 7 operating systems, the original EPLAN master data is stored in the following directory by default: • Anyone who uses this computer: C:\ProgramData\EPLAN\\
• Only for me: C:\ProgramData\\EPLAN\\
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Under the Windows Vista and Windows 7 operating systems, the system master data is stored in the following directory by default: • Anyone who uses this computer: C:\Users\Public\EPLAN
• Only for me: C:\Users\\EPLAN
Note: To see the protected program directory ProgramData, you must enter %ProgramData% in the Windows Explorer address bar.
Automatically importing the settings of the previous version If you are installing the current EPLAN version in addition to an existing version, you now have the opportunity to automatically apply the settings of the previous version. The first time you start the program, the Import settings dialog is displayed for this purpose. Benefit: It is no longer necessary to manually import and export the various setting ranges. After installation, you can immediately continue working with your familiar user settings. In this dialog the check boxes of the User, Workstation, and Company settings areas are selected by default. [OK] imports the settings of these areas to the current version, and generates the corresponding settings databases. In addition to this, the settings for Property arrangement, Dialog memory, Column configuration, and External programs are also applied. Note: If the new EPLAN version is started via the W3u.EXE file using the /Quiet parameter, the Import settings dialog is suppressed. In a case like this, the settings are not applied.
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Synchronization with original EPLAN master data When installing another EPLAN version with unchanged directory settings, the new master data is for the moment only installed in the original EPLAN master data directories. For example, the original forms are copied to a directory with the designation EPLAN that can be found below the new version-dependent directory for the original EPLAN master data (e.g. \\Forms\EPLAN). To use the new master data, you must first synchronize the system master data. To do so, copy the original EPLAN master data into your company-specific directory (e.g. \Forms\). Create the company-specific directories, which will be used by default, in the Company code field during installation. Benefit: The option of updating master data means you are less likely to make mistakes when transferring data. Errors that previously arose when copying data are avoided and data can be synchronized more quickly. Synchronizing system master data Synchronization of the system master data starts in the following situations: • When the program is first started and if you have installed a new EPLAN version in addition to an existing version. • When the program is first started and if you later install an add-on with master data. • When you open the dialog for synchronizing system master data via the Utilities > Master data > Synchronize system master data menu path.
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In the first two cases, the program displays a prompt asking you whether synchronization should take place immediately. You have the following options in this dialog: • If you select [User-defined], the master data is loaded, and the Master data synchronization - system master data dialog opens. You can then use this dialog to transfer specific EPLAN original master data to specific targets. • If you select [Yes], the system master data will be synchronized automatically. Old system master data will be overwritten and nonexistent system master data added. • If you select [No], you can resume your work without synchronizing. Recommended data backup A security warning is displayed at the same time as the Master data synchronization - system master data dialog opens. This warning reminds you that changes due to synchronization cannot be undone and recommends that you back up your data beforehand. Click [No] to exit master data synchronization and switch to data backup. Click [Yes] to keep the dialog for master data synchronization open and synchronize data without backing up your data beforehand. Dialog for synchronizing system master data Specify which master data is to be updated in your company-specific directories in the Master data synchronization - system master data dialog.
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Directories: You can select various directories for master data synchronization from this drop-down list. To be able to do this, you must first have saved these directory settings as a scheme. This may be useful if you are using different master data directories for different companies / customers. Click [...] to open the Settings: Directories dialog and create a new scheme for the directories. Source: Select the source for the synchronization from this drop-down list. The list contains all the installed program variants and add-ons, such as "EPLAN Electric P8", "EPLAN Fluid Addon", and "EPLAN PPE add-on". System master data / EPLAN master data: The master data in the company-specific directories are displayed in the table on the left. The original EPLAN master data is listed in the table on the right. Click on the Status, Name, Type, or Modification date column to sort the entries in the tables.
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Filter: Use this drop-down list to set the dialog for synchronizing the master data so that only specific data is displayed. The following options are available: • Show differences: When you select this filter, only master data that exists both in the EPLAN master data for the selected source and in the system master data in the specified directories and that has the status "Older" or "Newer" is displayed. • System master data (older): When you select this filter, only master data that is older than the corresponding EPLAN master data is displayed in the System master data list. • EPLAN master data (older): When you select this filter, only master data that is older than the corresponding system master data is displayed in the EPLAN master data list. • Extensions: When you select this filter, only master data that does not yet exist in the system master data ("Only in EPLAN master data" status) is displayed in the EPLAN master data list. • System master data (older) and extensions: Select this filter to display both system master data that is older than the corresponding EPLAN master data, and the EPLAN master data that does not yet exist in the system master data ("Only in EPLAN master data" status). Select the Active check box to use the selected filter. Synchronizing data To transfer specific original EPLAN master data to a specific target, select the data in the EPLAN master data table on the right and click (Move to the left). A warning prompt is displayed to ensure you do not accidentally replace a newer version of a list entry in your system master data with an older one and you still have the option of canceling the update.
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To update the system master data globally, use the menu items available below the [Update] button: • System master data (older): Replaces all outdated system master data with the latest EPLAN master data. • Extensions: Adds data that was previously only available in the EPLAN master data to the system master data. • System master data (older) and extensions: Replaces all outdated system master data with newer EPLAN master data and adds data that are not yet available in the system master data. Synchronizing project master data To be able to use the updated system master data in a specific project, you must then synchronize the project master data for this project with the system master data. When the Synchronize project master data when opening project setting is enabled, the Project master data prompt is displayed whenever you open an "outdated" project. This dialog now has the [User-defined] button as well which is similar to the prompt for synchronizing system master data. Use this button to open the dialog for synchronizing project master data and to transfer specific master data to specific targets. Click [Yes] to update the project master data automatically as previously. If you wish to synchronize the project master data later, click [No]. The menu items for this can be found under Utilities > Master data.
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Software Requirements and Approvals General requirements The Microsoft .NET framework 3.5 SP1 is required to operate the EPLAN platform. Further information and the latest version of .NET framework are available for download from the Microsoft website. EPLAN recommends that a 64 bit Windows operating system is used. The EPLAN platform is approved for the following operating systems and applications:
Client operating systems • Windows XP Professional SP3 (32 bit) • Windows Vista SP2 Enterprise (32 or 64 bit) • Windows Vista SP2 Business N (32 or 64 bit) • Windows Vista SP2 Ultimate (32 or 64 bit) • Windows 7 Professional (32 or 64 bit) • Windows 7 Enterprise (32 or 64 bit) • Windows 7 Ultimate (32 or 64 bit). Note: Further information on these operating systems is available on the Microsoft website.
Server operating systems • Windows Server 2003 SP2 (with all hotfixes and updates) • Windows Server 2008 SP2 (32 or 64 bit) • Windows Server 2008 R2 (64 bit).
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Notes: • Please note that the EPLAN platform may not be installed on servers that run Back Office products from Microsoft (e.g. proxy servers, SQL, Exchange, Active Directory) or other suppliers (e.g. Lotus Notes, Linux servers, Novell servers). • Please also bear in mind that the EPLAN License Manager is not approved for use with virtual operating systems.
EPLAN Mechatronic Integration EPLAN EMI is approved for the following Inventor products: • AutoCAD Inventor Professional Suite 2010 • AutoCAD Inventor Routed Systems Suite 2010 • AutoCAD Inventor Professional Suite 2011 • AutoCAD Inventor Routed Systems Suite 2011. Note: Please also note the relevant hardware requirements when installing these Inventor products.
Database systems for parts management / selection • Microsoft SQL Server 2005 SP2 Express / Workgroup / Standard or Enterprise Edition • Microsoft SQL-Server 2008. The EPLAN platform supports these Microsoft SQL servers for all client and server operating systems approved by us. Note: Other database systems from other manufacturers are not currently supported. EPLAN NEWS 2.0
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Microsoft Office Excel versions • Microsoft Office Excel 2003 SP2 and SP3 • Microsoft Office Excel 2007 and Excel 2007 SP1.
Internet browsers for the EPLAN Data Portal • Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.
Unsupported operating systems Windows 2000 Professional The EPLAN platform no longer supports the Windows 2000 Professional operating system that is no longer supported by Microsoft. Windows 2000 Server The EPLAN platform no longer supports the Windows 2000 Server operating system that is no longer supported by Microsoft. Microsoft has ceased official support for this operating system. Note: Further information on the life cycle of operating systems is available on the Microsoft website.
EPLAN software no longer supported Remote Dongle Server 4.3 We are offering a new version of our EPLAN License Manager for the management of network licenses alongside the new EPLAN platform. For this reason, Remote Dongle Server 4.3 is no longer supported.
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Other software no longer supported AutoCAD 2006 EPLAN PPE now has a new P&ID AutoCAD interface that supports the current versions of AutoCAD 2007, 2008, 2009, and 2010. For this reason, EPLAN no longer supports the AutoCAD 2006 software from Autodesk.
Hardware Requirements Workstation hardware requirements The computer platform is a PC with an Intel Pentium 4 or compatible processor. Notes: • The introduction of the enhanced command set SSE2 (Streaming SIMD Extensions 2) started with the Intel Pentium 4 in 2001. In the case of AMD processors, this enhancement was introduced with the Athlon 64 in 2005. If you use a computer system from Intel, the CPU should be restored to 2002. In the case of AMD processors, the CPU should be newer than 2005. • If you are using a processor that dates to before 2005, check whether this processor supports SSE2 command sets. The "CPU-Z" program allows you to do this. This program can be downloaded free of charge from It is preferable to choose a high speed dual-core computer rather than a quad-core computer at the same price (i.e. a slower machine), as you will get better performance from the EPLAN platform. A high speed quad-core processor (which is therefore slightly more expensive) is optimal since it also offers further potential for the future.
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We advise against choosing a single-core computer (which also includes a Pentium 4 with its 2 virtual cores).
Recommended workstation configuration Processor:
Comparable to an Intel Pentium D at 3 GHz or comparable to an Intel Core 2 Duo at 2.4 GHz
4 GB
Hard disk:
160 GB
Monitor / graphics resolution:
2-screen solution 21" or 16:10 graphics system with a resolution of 1680 x 1050
3D display:
Graphics card from ATI or Nvidia with the latest OpenGL driver
Minimum net requirements As stated in the software requirements and performance, only operate the server with a Microsoft Windows operating system. Net transfer rate of the server:
1 Gbits/s
Net transfer rate of the client computer:
100 Mbits/s
Recommended latency period:
< 1 ms
Minimum multi-user requirements Please contact the EPLAN Support for further information about the minimum requirements for multi-user operation. We can advise you individually on the basis of your requirements.
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