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eport A Special Section • june 29, 2017

Lifetime Achievement professional excellence

Lifetime Achievement

Virginia Taylor: Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton

brand owners. She has managed multiple confidential worldwide rights clearance and rebranding programs resulting from spinoffs, mergers and acquisitions by major publicly-traded companies. Prior to law school, she was active in civic and environmental causes in Atlanta, including the League of Women Voters and the Board of Directors of the Morningside Lenox Park Civic Association and was a real estate agent specializing in intown neighbor-



irginia Taylor has represented major

During the intense local highway fights of the

clients in a variety of industries in every aspect

early 1970s, she chaired the Atlanta Coalition on

of trademark law as a practitioner, litigator and coun-

the Transportation Crisis, the umbrella organization

sel. She has worked extensively in Europe and serves

of neighborhood and environmental groups, which

as the sole American law firm representative on the

successfully opposed the construction of multiple

Council of MARQUES, the association of European

freeways through both eastside and westside intown

professional excellence

Lifetime Achievement

­neighborhoods of Atlanta. She also

when the National ­Environmental

what was a key challenge you had

served on the Citizens’ Advisory

Policy Act was quite new. Along

to overcome to achieve it?

Committee of the Atlanta Regional

with other neighborhood activists, I

It has been a great honor to

Commission and on a National Sci-

participated in hiring lawyers, read-

become recognized by other mem-

ence Foundation Advisory Com-

ing cases and gathering facts in sup-

bers of the trademark bar, both in

mittee on urban transportation

port of an injunction that prevented

the USA and internationally, as a

policy during the 1970s.

the construction of I-485. That

respected practitioner in our field.

experience certainly influenced my

One challenge has been to find the

­interest in becoming a lawyer.

right balance between devoting the

After graduation from law school, she joined Kilpatrick, Cody, Rogers,

necessary time to actual law prac-

McClatchey & Regenstein and has practiced with the successors of that firm throughout her legal career. She graduated from Emory University School of Law school in

You are particularly active in

tice while also participating actively

international trademark law. What

in major organizations of profes-

drew you to the international aspect

sional colleagues.

of this practice area? Actually, at the beginning, inter-

What’s the one piece of advice

national trademark practice found

you would give someone when

You didn’t go to law school

me, rather than the other way

dealing with a crisis?

straight out of college, but you did

around. When I was about a fourth

Don’t try to solve the problem

spend some of the time between

year associate, I was handling just

alone. Consult with other partners

college and law school advocating

a few foreign registrations for our

whose judgment you trust. No mat-

for your neighborhood (and oth-

U.S. trademark clients. However,

ter how good your instincts may be,

ers) against highway construction

within less than one year’s time, as

the chances of a good outcome will

through them. How did that work

a result of a major foreign expan-

be improved significantly by drawing

influence your decision to become

sion by one client, the downsizing

on the collective wisdom of others.

a lawyer?

of the in-house legal department by


Prior to deciding to go to law

another and a foreign acquisition by

What part of legal practice should

school, I was living in Morning-

a third, I suddenly inherited three

younger lawyers pay particular

side, where I grew up, and became

large international trademark port-

attention to if they seek to have suc-

involved in the movement to oppose

folios to manage. I soon found that

cess like yours?

construction of I-485 and the Stone

I really enjoyed the challenges of

Mountain Freeway through Morn-

international trademark work.

Don’t be a lone ranger. Find good mentors and help to mentor others. Law practice is always better for the

ingside and other intown neighborhoods. That effort involved both

What is one of your proudest

political and legal ­strategies at a time

accomplishments as a lawyer, and

clients and more enjoyable for the players as a team sport.

Reprinted with permission from the 6/29/17 edition of the DAILY REPORT © 2017 ALM Media Properties, LLC. All rights reserved. Further duplication without permission is prohibited. Contact: 877-257-3382 [email protected] or visit www.almreprints.com. # 451-06-17-10