Growing Trend in China: Printers with. Epson DX5 and DX7 printheads. Much
much more than just Epson itself. Complete inventory of newly launched brands.
August 2011
Growing Trend in China: Printers with
Epson DX5 and DX7 printheads
Much much more than just Epson itself Complete inventory of newly launched brands Nicholas Hellmuth
Printers with Epson DX5 and DX7 printheads Complete inventory of newly launched brands
As a result of many months of research, this FLAAR Report lists almost a dozen brands of printers which use DX5 and DX6 printheads, that are exhibited at the D-PES expo in Dongguan 2011. This printer list was available for free last year. It is now in our new section for people who write us for a Subscription or for Consulting Services: distributors, printshop owners and managers, and manufacturers. You can receive all these reports when you either Subscribe, or sign up for consulting. If you wish a Subscription, please look at and then contact us at FrontDesk “at” If you wish consulting services, download the consulting PDFs on any Consulting page on any FLAAR web site, or write us at FrontDesk “at”
August 2011
Growing Trend in China: Printers with
Epson DX5 and DX7 printheads
Much much more than just Epson itself Complete inventory of newly launched brands Nicholas Hellmuth