Pieces of evidence are documents that identify facts or information that indicate a conclusion around the criteria of ..
Guidance Documentation EPSRC Balancing Capability Call for Evidence 2016 This document provides advanced information on our Balancing Capability ‘Call for Evidence’ that is due to go live in April 2016. It contains information on why we are doing this, our timescales, what we are looking for and how your returns will be used. Please note that further guidance on how to submit your evidence will be issued in due course. In the meantime, the template provided should be used to prepare your returns. Enquiries should be directed to
[email protected] Version Two: Minor text edits and to highlight 'Number Theory' as a research area where we are seeking additional information. This Research area was omitted in error from annex D in version one. Correct as of 10th April 2016.
Contents Call for Evidence: Context ............................................................................................ 2 What is EPSRC doing now as part of the Balancing Capability strategy? .............................. 2 What is the Call for Evidence? ....................................................................................... 2 Specific details ......................................................................................................... 2 What will the evidence be used for? ............................................................................... 3 Annex A: What does EPSRC regard as evidence for the purpose of this project? .............. 5 Annex B: Definitions of Quality, NI and Capacity ......................................................... 6 Annex C: Evidence Template and Example ................................................................. 7 Annex D: Research areas where additional information is particularly sought .................. 9 Annex E: New Research Areas ................................................................................ 11 Annex F: Frequently Asked Questions ...................................................................... 13 Annex G: Snapshot of the Current Evidence Base ...................................................... 14
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Call for Evidence: Context Balancing Capability is one of three strategies in our strategic plan and is an important part of managing our portfolio of investments. It aligns our portfolio to areas of UK strength and national importance. Our strategy has enabled us to champion excellence and invest in research of the highest quality in addition to securing better value for the taxpayer. Through this strategy, EPSRC supports a balanced portfolio that nurtures both discovery and challengeled research – a balance that is achieved through our engagement with the business and government to influence, respond and adapt to a changing research landscape. Balancing Capability has continued to use the research area trajectories of ‘grow’, ‘maintain’ and ‘reduce’ and this approach will continue to enable EPSRC to balance our portfolio in line with national need.
What is EPSRC doing now as part of the Balancing Capability strategy? EPSRC are now reviewing the research area rationales to reflect how the research base has changed over the last five years. This will enable EPSRC to align these with future aspirations for the next five years. Why are we reviewing our rationales?
Our original research area rationales were published in 2012 and the science landscape has continued to evolve and we need to ensure our rationales reflect this. We need to ensure we focus on UK strengths and nationally important areas so the UK remains internationally competitive and builds strength in areas with potential in terms of national prosperity. In our delivery plan, we have identified four interlinked Outcomes which collectively underpin UK prosperity: Productivity, Connectedness, Resilience and Health. We want to ensure that our research area rationales link appropriately to this outcomes framework.
What is the Call for Evidence? The Call for Evidence is a process to gather further evidence to support the review of our research area rationales. It will support the work that EPSRC already has undertaken. The combined analysis of this will inform the development of our research area rationales in implementing the delivery plan. Specific details for the Call for Evidence are:
To submit to the Call for Evidence organisations will need to register by emailing
[email protected]. Final submission details issued through this email address. The returns period will open on Monday 11 April and remain open until Friday 3 June.
This is a call for evidence and not a request for personal opinion. Evidence is as defined at annex A.
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This activity will call for pieces of evidence and an explanation demonstrates relative to the quality, national importance and capacity area or areas (as defined at annex B). We are particularly interested in an international perspective. Evidence should be timely and relate to the within the context of the last 5 years.
of what this of a research evidence with research area
Returns will be in the format indicated on the template found on our website and as shown in annex C; each piece of evidence described should be a distinct entry. The template contains an additional note section that should be used to highlight where multiple pieces of evidence collectively contribute towards the conclusions against quality, national importance and capacity considerations for research areas. An example return is provided in the annex.
All research areas will be open for submission. However, as there are 112 research areas1, submitters may choose to prioritise their returns. To aid this process, we have highlighted specific research areas where specific information is particularly sought (Annex D).
EPSRC does not expect significant levels of resource to be invested in seeking or generating evidence. We do however want to pool the collective knowledge of the community to identify pieces of evidence, which may be of benefit in informing the future direction of the research area rationales.
Responses will be submitted at an institutional level e.g. Universities, businesses and professional bodies. This will allow a strategic overview, ensure consistent returns, and aid analysis. EPSRC will continue to engage with specific communities, for example through workshops.
A snapshot of evidence already considered by EPSRC is at annex G. As evidence and engagement activities are on-going, this evidence pool is not final and will continue to evolve alongside this call.
Not all evidence submitted will be specifically referenced in the refreshed rationales – responders to the call should bear that in mind when preparing returns. All submissions will be considered as part of the wider body of evidence to form forward rationales that also balance external constraints and emerging trends across our portfolio.
What will the evidence be used for? Evidence gathered already is being used to inform our future decisions on research areas. Evidence identified through the call will contribute to wider analysis being undertaken by EPSRC ensuring that we are as informed as possible when making decisions. Working in partnership with our strategic advisory bodies, EPSRC will make recommendations on the future rationales for the research areas. The final decisions on research areas will be relative and in practice, this means that comparable judgements will be made between research areas. EPSRC Council will approve the decisions.
Please note that these 112 research areas reflect proposed changes to our portfolio in the next Delivery Plan (2016-20). For more information on these changes and their definitions, please see Annex E. Page 3 of 32
Information provided to EPSRC via the Call for Evidence will be used for the purpose of internal policy and strategy development. This will be viewed by EPSRC staff (and other parties assisting in the process e.g. SATs) only and your information will not be used for any other purpose without your specific consent. Responders should be aware that we cannot give an assurance that confidentiality can be maintained in all circumstances, and should bear this in mind when formulating responses.
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Annex A: What does EPSRC regard as evidence for the purpose of this project?
Pieces of evidence are documents that identify facts or information that indicate a conclusion around the criteria of national importance, quality and capacity (defined at Annex B). These facts may be research area, discipline or theme specific and can be used to build an assessment of the change in activities over the last Delivery Plan period and inform decisionmaking around future rationales and directions. Evidence should be timely and not historical pieces of evidence with little relevance to today’s environment. Factual evidence
Evidence that has been published in the form of a report or publication (see below), Evidence where points made cite references that have not been misrepresented, Evidence focused on potential future opportunities e.g. horizon scanning.
In addition to published reports, this category may include items such as theme day reports or community workshops, especially if a wide collection of experts contributed. Internal working group outputs may also count as evidence; however, their outputs will be tensioned against other returns of this nature. Opinion data should not be included, especially where:
It represents the views of an individual alone, Points made cannot be linked to published evidence or credible internal analysis i.e. are observational or perceived in nature.
N.B. We will not accept individual research publications in journals as evidence against quality, national importance or capacity. A formal and publically accessible meta-analysis may be eligible where appropriate and demonstrates against the criteria as defined at annex B Reviews may be cited as evidence if they demonstrate against the criteria as defined at annex B.
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Annex B: Definitions of Quality, NI and Capacity The overall Quality of a research area takes into account:
The international standing of the Research Area; Its potential to lead to transformative or disruptive research; Whether the area provides the UK with a unique capability in an international context.
The National Importance of a Research Area takes into account: •
• •
how the Research Area contributes to, or helps maintain the health of other research disciplines, contributes to addressing key UK societal challenges, contributes to current or future UK economic success, for example, through increased productivity, connectedness, resilience and health. See our Delivery Plan Outcome framework; Enables future development of key emerging industry(s); the extent to which the Research Area has the potential to meet national strategic needs by establishing or maintaining a unique world leading research activity (including areas of niche capability); how the Research Area fits with and complements other UK research funded in the area or related areas in EPSRC’s portfolio.
The Capacity definition takes into account: 1. The balance of people The numbers, international standing and quality of the researchers in this area. The balance of researchers at different career stages, profile or shape of the people pipeline. • Evidence of leadership and potential leadership • The destination of PhD students • Flexibility in skills, knowledge and attitude of the cohort • The risks of losing capacity • Trends in people issues over time e.g. the speed of change 2. The range of accessible facilities and equipment • •
The relevance of facilities/equipment e.g. the age of equipment, whether it is state of the art or how critical it is to the research process • The value of the facilities/equipment for the research community – identify who uses them and how they are used • Researchers’ ability to use facilities and equipment • Mid- range facilities – how useful they are and what other areas the model could be extended to • Equipment replacement programmes – consider what is needed for a research field e.g. by looking at what has been needed historically 3. The coverage of research themes across the Engineering and Physical Sciences •
• • • • • • •
Mechanisms for interdisciplinary working Comparison of top down (strategy) vs. bottom up (how people actually work) The flexibility of the UK’s capacity, including how well researchers are able to respond to emerging challenges. International benchmarking UK researchers’ engagement in addressing societal challenges Leading UK researchers’ involvement in Grand Challenges Level of support to align with EPSRC strategic aspirations
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Annex C: Evidence Template and Example Please only use one piece of evidence per template. Refer to Annex B for definitions.
Please note that the above picture is for illustration purposes only, please use the template available on the website.
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Below is an example evidence entry for illustrative purposes only. Please refer to annex A and B when completing the template.
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Annex D: Research areas where additional information is particularly sought As part of our portfolio management and knowledge, we have been working with our strategic advisory teams and communities to gather evidence. We would like to take this opportunity to strengthen our body of evidence. In particular, our Strategic Advisory Teams have highlighted that additional information would be helpful in a number of research areas. We are particularly interested to receive evidence in the following research areas: Energy • • • •
Energy Efficiency (End use Energy Demand) Hydrogen and alternative energy vectors Whole Energy Systems Power Generation
Engineering and Healthcare Technologies • • • • • • • • • • •
Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering Clinical Technologies (excluding imaging) Combustion Engineering Complex Fluids & Rheology Electrical Motors and Drive / electromagnetics Materials Engineering - Ceramics Particle Technology Process Systems: Components and Integration Resource efficiency Water Engineering Assistive Technology, Rehabilitation and Musculoskeletal Biomechanics
• • • • • • • • • • • •
Architectures and Operating Systems Biological informatics Databases Displays Human Communication in ICT Information Systems Optical Communications Optoelectronic Devices and Circuits Pervasive and ubiquitous computing Software Engineering Verification and Correctness Vision, Hearing and Other Senses
Mathematical Sciences • • • • • • • •
Algebra Complexity Science Continuum Mechanics Geometry & Topology Logic and Combinatorics Mathematical Analysis Mathematical Biology Mathematical Physics
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• • • • •
Non-linear systems Numerical Analysis Number Theory Operational Research Statistics and Applied Probability
Manufacturing the Future •
Engineering Design
Physical Sciences • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Biophysics and soft matter physics Chemical Biology and Biological Chemistry Condensed Matter: Electronic Structure Condensed Matter: Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Electrochemical Sciences Functional Ceramics and Inorganics Graphene and Carbon Nanotechnology Light matter interaction and optical phenomena Plasma and Lasers Polymer Materials Spintronics Superconductivity Surface Science Synthetic Coordination Chemistry Synthetic Supramolecular Chemistry
NB A full list of research areas are here with definitions of our new research areas detailed in Annex E.
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Annex E: New Research Areas
These are the eight new research areas EPSRC are creating as part of the refresh project. Please note that these definitions are still in development and will continue to evolve. Microelectronics Device Technology (merge of CMOS and non-CMOS) This theme covers research into electronic devices, from enabling technologies and implementation of materials, to the integration of these technologies as components for electronic devices and circuits. This research also includes devices based on integrating electronics with computational state variables beyond electronic charge alone. This area excludes research predominantly based on photonic or quantum technologies, which are covered separately in the Optoelectronic Devices and Circuits, and Quantum Devices Components and Systems research areas respectively. Theoretical Computer Science (merge of Maths of Computing and Theory of computation) Theoretical computer science (TCS) examines the fundamental and foundational aspects of computers and computation, and employs abstract models and the rigorous use of mathematical and logical concepts and reasoning. It includes the study of the limitations of computation, through algorithms and complexity, and the study of programming languages, through their semantics and their relationship with logic; however, it is far more wide-ranging than this and underpins almost all of Computer Science with strong links with various branches of Mathematics. Research in TCS aims to improve our understanding of computation, its capabilities, limitations and future potential. Power Generation (split from Conventional generation and combustion) Research covering the chemical reaction mechanisms involved in combustion processes to fundamental, generic and applied research in coal, gas and oil combustion in power generation. This topic also covers design and development of new plant and machinery and / or research on the improved operation of existing plant for conventional electrical generation (in other words based on conventional and unconventional fossil fuels). Monitoring of plant condition within the generation process is included in the theme. Combustion engineering (split from Conventional generation and combustion) Combustion Engineering is concerned with the addressing fundamental engineering challenges related to combustion and associated technologies through the application of both multi-scale modelling and experimental approaches. This research area will contribute towards the advanced propulsion systems of the future. Operational research (merge of Mathematical aspects of operational research, aspects of transport operations and management, and Engineering approaches to manufacturing operations) Operational Research concerns the development and application of advanced analytical methods to support improved decision-making, especially in relation to the operation of complex systems. These analytical methods draw heavily from mathematics, statistics and computer science. They include (but are not limited to) modelling, optimisation, forecasting, simulation, data analysis, stochastic processes and computational search.
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Applications include (but are not limited to) manufacturing, service and supply chain operations; healthcare; transportation; telecommunications and networks; policy modelling; environment, energy and natural resources; security and defence; revenue management; financial engineering; reliability and maintenance. This area is crosscutting. It includes (i) theoretical contributions to the analytical underpinnings; (ii) novel analytical responses to applied challenges; and (iii) contributions to associated technologies and systems-including manufacturing technologies, engineering design and systems engineering. Mathematical Biology (new area) Mathematical Biology covers research into the development and application of state-ofthe-art mathematical or statistical tools and techniques to investigate biological processes and systems, including those of relevance to the medical sciences. It includes research into the development of such tools for the mathematical treatment of biological processes operating at any spatial or temporal scale, or over multiple scales, from the molecular level to the whole population level. Infrastructure and urban systems (merge of Sustainable land management, aspects of built environment, and non-operational aspects of Transport operations and management) Quantitative engineering research relating to future development of cities, and smart, resilient and sustainable infrastructures. Including design, improvement, management and use of IT in monitoring and modelling of the performance of infrastructure systems. Interconnection and interdependencies between infrastructures and whole systems approach to infrastructures. Photonic materials (merge of Photonic materials and metamaterials and plasmonics) Research into the synthesis, characterisation and theoretical understanding of materials, which can mould the flow of light or plasmons under certain conditions. This area includes liquid crystals, photonic crystals, metamaterials, organic and inorganic semiconductors and plasmonics. This area does not include materials for energy applications, electro- active ceramics or polymers or material integration into devices. This research is included in related research areas.
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Annex F: Frequently Asked Questions How do I obtain the full details to submit? Please email
[email protected] and specific details will be issued before the call goes live. Please note only eligible organisations can submit to the Call for Evidence. Individual personal responses are not eligible. How can I contribute? Organisations should agree the best mechanism to administer and solicit evidence gathering internally. You should enquire at your institution, company or professional body about your local arrangements. What do I do if I disagree with my organisation’s return? This is a call for evidence. Personal views will not be considered as part of this process. In addition, EPSRC have not prescribed the mechanism through which responses should be collected locally – this is a local arrangement and you should engage early on with your institution. Why can’t I submit my own evidence to this call? EPSRC made the decision to limit returns to an organisational level to allow for a strategic overview, ensure higher quality returns, and deliver a more manageable process after feedback from organisations likely to be involved and learned societies that suggested this. EPSRC, at a theme level, will continue to engage with specific communities, for example through workshops. Why is the call only open for 8 weeks? We are issuing advanced notice of the Call for Evidence to ensure that we provide sufficient time for high quality returns to be prepared. We are not expecting responders to spend significant quantities of time sourcing evidence if it is not clearly available. I’m an early career researcher and worry that my views are being overlooked. What are EPSRC going to do about this? This is call for evidence and not a request for personal opinion. . Organisations have been informed of the Call for Evidence and have should agree internally the best mechanism to administer and solicit evidence gathering. You should enquire at your institution, company or professional body about your local arrangements. EPSRC will continue to engage with the community including across all career stages. How do I submit? Full details will be issued in advance of the calls formal opening. Please register by emailing
[email protected] Why do you need to change the research trajectories? The science landscape has continued to evolve and we need to ensure our rationales reflect this. These were published in 2012 and we committed to refreshing the rationales early on in the new delivery plan. Why are you not doing a full consultation? The Call for Evidence forms part of a range of activities to inform current Balancing Capability activities. As the objective is to refresh existing rationales, the Call for Evidence supports EPSRC’s theme level consultations to allow the collection of additional evidence to inform decisions.
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Annex G: Snapshot of the Current Evidence Base The below list represents a snapshot of the evidence database that EPSRC has so far complied during its Balancing Capability Evidence and Engagement Activities. Please note that these activities are ongoing and the evidence base will continue to evolve while the Call for Evidence is live. EPSRC is providing this list to prevent, as far as possible, the duplication of effort; we therefore ask that no submissions are made replicating the evidence documented below.
Challenge Themes and Research Infrastructure The following table is the combined snapshot of the current evidence for our Challenge Themes (Energy, Manufacturing the Future, Digital Economy, Quantum technologies, Healthcare Technologies, Living with Environmental Change) and Research Infrastructure. It is supplemented by an analysis of our own data and portfolio knowledge. Title 21st Century Engineering for an Ageing Population A pre-competitive vision for the UK's food & drink industries A Review of the UK's Nuclear R&D Capability
Institution of Mechanical Engineers
KTN for Innovate UK
A Roadmap for Quantum Technologies in the UK
Innovate UK UK National Quantum Technologies Programme; EPSRC; Innovate UK
A Strategic Vision for UK e‐Infrastructure: A roadmap for the development and use of advanced computing, data and networks
A strategy for UK Regenerative Medicine
Additive Manufacturing Research Funding Survey
Advanced Propulsion Centre UK - building the propulsion nation Alan Turing Institute Workshop Evaluation Report - Digital Currencies and Peer to Peer economics Applying human cell and regenerative medicine technologies to efficacy and safety testing of new drugs
BBSRC, ESRC, EPSRC, MRC and Innovate UK EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacturing
Advanced propulsion centre
The Alan Turing Institute
Assessing the economic returns of engineering research and postgraduate training in the UK
Assistive technology for disabled and older people: research and development work
Automotive Council Technology Working Groups Consensus Roadmaps and work stream feedback
Automotive Strategy
Basic Research Needs for Clean and Efficient Combustion of 21st Century Transportation Fuels BBSRC AND MRC REVIEW OF VULNERABLE SKILLS AND CAPABILITIES BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING: ADVANCING UK HEALTHCARE - Institution of Mechanical Engineers Report
HM Government Commissioned report
National Centre for Replacement, Refinement and Reduction of Animals in research (NC3Rs) EPSRC Royal Academy of Engineering Technopolis group EPSRC, MRC, ESRC, InnovateUK, Department of Health, Industry, AHRC, BIS, NIHR, NISCHR Automotive Council Technology working group HMG - Industrial strategy and the Automotive Council. Department of Energy (USA)/ Office of Science workshop
Institution of Mechanical Engineers
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Bridging the skills gap in the biopharmaceutical industry
Centre for Innovative Manufacturing Midterm Reviews
Centres for Innovative Manufacturing (CIM) leverage data
Connected and Autonomous Vehicles: The UK Economic Opportunity CREATING THE FUTURE: A 2020 VISION FOR SCIENCE & RESEARCH: A Consultation on Proposals for Long-Term Capital Investment in Science & Research Delivering greenhouse gas emission savings through UK bioenergy value chains Designing in the Digital Economy Developing e-infrastructure in the UK's engineering and manufacturing industries Disposable Medical Device Sensors Market by Product -, Monitoring -, Diagnostics -, Therapeutics - - Global Forecast to 2020 Disposable Medical Sensors: Technologies and Global Markets - (Abstract) Disruptive Technologies: Advances that will transform life, business, and the global economy Distributed Ledger Technology: beyond block chain Economic impact of the Innovative Manufacturing Research Centres Efficiency, effectiveness and value for money Electrochemical Energy Technologies and Energy Storage: RCUK Energy Strategy Fellowship Energy Research and Training Prospectus Report 6 Electron Microscopy - roadmap Energy Research And Training Prospectus (Roadmap) Energy Superstore: EPSRC SUPERGEN Energy Storage Hub Engineering and Technical Sciences Committee Opinion Paper. Empowering Researchers to Provide Societal Value
Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry Mid-term review panellists including academics, industrialists, international representatives CIM data analysed by EPSRC. Data demonstrates leverage achieved from initial EPSRC investment in CIM.
Department for Business Innovation and Skills
Energy Technology Institute
Design Commission Department for Business, Innovation & Skills commissioned Report
2012 2015
BCC Research
BCC Research
McKinsey and Company, McKinsey Global Institute
Government Office for Science
EPSRC commissioned Report
2015 2014
2014 2013 2015 2015
Universities UK Research Councils UK Energy Programme EPSRC, in collaboration with Royal Microscopy Society, Institute of Physics, and SuperSTEM Research Councils UK Energy Programme EPSRC SUPERGEN Energy Storage Hub Science Europe Engineering Committee
EPSRC E-Infrastructure Roadmap
EPSRC SUPERGEN SuperSolar Research Hub
ERP Nuclear Fission report, 2011 ETI Insights: Smart systems and Heat - Creating Future Proof and economic local heating solutions for the UK Future Intelligent Technologies Workshop Report Future of CCS in the UK
EPSRC in consultation with the community. EPSRC SUPERGEN SuperSolar Research Hub The Energy Research partnership
Energy Technologies Institute
2015 2016
EPSRC Report House of Commons transcript
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Global Assessment of Biological Engineering and Manufacturing
World Technology Evaluation Centre (WTEC) study sponsored by the US NSF.
Healthcare Technologies Grand Challenges Report August 2014
EPSRC Report
Healthcare Technologies Grand Challenges Report August 2014
High Value Manufacturing landscape report
Human Computer Interaction Review
Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Research Hub (H2FC SUPERGEN) IfM report - Industrial Evolution - Making British Manufacturing Sustainable Improving Recognition of Team Science Contributors in Biomedical Research Careers Improving the quality and quantity of graduate level skills Industrial Evolution Industrie 4 Internal Combustion Engine Roadmap Automotive council International Comparative Performance of the UK Research Base
2015 2015 2016
EPSRC with input from key academics in the healthcare technologies community, industry, charities, other funders. Institute for Manufacturing Report Commissioned by EPSRC, independently chaired EPSRC SUPERGEN Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Research Hub UK manufacturing commission inquiry into industrial sustainability Academy of Medical Sciences
2015 2013
Engineering Employers Federation (EEF) Manufacturing Commission German Government
Automotive Council
Internet of Things Roadmap
Investing in Growth Joint Strategic Needs Assessment of Children and Young People in Calderdale 2015: Emotional health, wellbeing and mental health KTN - The future of High Value Manufacturing in the UK - Pharmaceutical, Biopharmaceutical and Medical Device Sectors Manufacturing a Circular Economy
Department for Business, Innovation & Skills Commissioned by Innovate UK and the Research Councils McKinsey Global Institute Report
Calderdale MBC
Institute for Manufacturing and Health KTN
Manufacturing a solution to the productivity crisis
Manufacturing Britain's future
Manufacturing skills pipeline
Materially Better: Ensuring the UK is at the Forefront of Materials Science
EPSRC Review
Materials for manufacturing - safeguarding supply
Engineering Employers Federation (EEF)
Medical Engineering Institute
Wellcome Trust Medical Engineering Centre
UK National Quantum Technologies Programme Strategic Advisory Board
Medical Engineering Initiative. Opportunities and Challenges: Advancing and Translating Knowledge and Technology Workshop Report Medical Engineering Initiative. Opportunities and Challenges: Advancing and Translating Knowledge and Technology National Product Verification Programme roadmap National Strategy for quantum technologies
EPSRC Engineering Employers Federation (EEF) Engineering Employers Federation (EEF) Engineering Employers Federation (EEF)
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NHS Five year forward view
NIRAB annual report, 2015.
Nuclear Magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy - roadmap Nuclear Research and Development Capabilities
EPSRC commissioned report
House of Lords Report Carbon Trust on Behalf of Low Carbon Innovation Coordination Group with input from academics and industrialists HM Treasury and Department for Business, Innovation & Skills Engineering Employers Federation (EEF) The Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology
Nuclear Technology Innovation Needs Assessment (TINA)
Our plan for growth: Science and innovation2014
Pioneering great British products
POST note on Novel Food Production
Progressing UK Energy Research for a Coherent Structure with Impact: Report of the International Panel for the RCUK Review of Energy 2010 Prospectus report: Energy in the Home and Workplace
2010 2013
Prospectus report: Bioenergy
Prospectus report: Energy Infrastructure
Prospectus report: Industrial Energy Demand
Prospectus report: Industrial Energy Demand
Prospectus report: Transport energy
Prospectus report: Wind, wave and tidal
Publication profiling of UK quantum technologies research Pulse: medical technology report 2015 Quantum Technologies Quantum Technologies: a patent overview
EPSRC Innovate UK NHS Nuclear Innovation and Research Advisory Board
RCUK review in association with E.On, National Grid and The Royal Academy of Engineering Research Councils UK Energy Programme Research Councils UK Energy Programme Research Councils UK Energy Programme RCUK Energy Strategy Research Councils UK Energy Programme Research Councils UK Energy Programme Research Councils UK Energy Programme
Digital Science, EPSRC
Ernst and Young Global Ltd.
Intellectual Property Office
RAS 2020: Robotics and Autonomous Systems
Robotics and Autonomous Systems Special Interest Group
RCUK efficiency 2011-2015: Ensuring Excellence with Impact
RCUK report
RCUK E-Infrastructure Roadmap
Realising the Potential for Formulation in the UK REF2014
2013 2014
Regenerative Medicine Forward Look
Report of the Medical Imaging Technology Working Group Research and Innovation performance in EU Member States and Associated countries Innovation Union progress at country level Research Councils UK Energy Programme
Future requirements for an RCUK e-infrastructure landscape Innovate UK Research Excellence Framework BBSRC, EPSRC, MRC and Innovate UK.
European Commission
Research Councils UK Energy
Page 17 of 32
strategy Fellowship Prospectus, Nuclear fission document, 2014 Research Performance and Economic Impact Report 2014/15 Review of the Catapult network Review of the civil nuclear R&D landscape in the UK, 2012.
Programme 2016
EPSRC Report
Department for Business, Innovation & Skills
HM Government Report
Second Generation Biofuels ready for roll out Sector insights: skills and performance challenges in the advanced manufacturing sector
Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Laser Machining and Association of Industrial Laser Users. Chaired by the Minister for Universities and Science, BIS with independent experts. European Commission
HM Government report
Sensor Summit for Trillion Sensor Roadmap
Software as an infrastructure - Action Plan Strategy for UK Life Sciences Strategy for UK life sciences: one year on Supergen Hub report: Supergen Bioenergy Hub Sustainable Bioenergy Policy for the period 20202030. Taking Stock of Regenerative Medicine in the United Kingdom
2012 2011 2012 2015
Microelectromechanical systems Industry Group EPSRC Report Office for Life Sciences Office for Life Sciences Supergen Bioenergy Hub
European Commission
HM UK Government report
Roadmap for laser based manufacturing applications
Round table with the Science Minister on Quantum Technologies
Technology Innovation Needs Assessment (TINA) - Bioenergy
Technology Innovation Needs Assessment (TINA) - Domestic Buildings
Technology Innovation Needs Assessment (TINA) - Electricity Networks & Storage
Technology Innovation Needs Assessment (TINA) - Heat
Technology Innovation Needs Assessment (TINA) - Industrial Sector
Technology Innovation Needs Assessment (TINA) - Marine Energy
Technology Innovation Needs Assessment (TINA) - Non-domestic buildings
Technology Innovation Needs Assessment (TINA)
Carbon Trust on Behalf of Low Carbon Innovation Coordination Group with input from academics and industrialists Carbon Trust on Behalf of Low Carbon Innovation Coordination Group with input from academics and industrialists Carbon Trust on Behalf of Low Carbon Innovation Coordination Group with input from academics and industrialists Carbon Trust on Behalf of Low Carbon Innovation Coordination Group with input from academics and industrialists Carbon Trust on Behalf of Low Carbon Innovation Coordination Group with input from academics and industrialists Carbon Trust on Behalf of Low Carbon Innovation Coordination Group with input from academics and industrialists Carbon Trust on Behalf of Low Carbon Innovation Coordination Group with input from academics and industrialists Carbon Trust on Behalf of Low
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- Offshore Wind Power
Technology Innovation Needs Assessment Bioenergy Technology Innovation Needs Assessment Industrial Sector The Age of the Qubit The Alan Turing Institute strategy The Big Data Dilemma The future UK life sciences manufacturing landscape The impact of HECToR
2012 2011 2015 2016 2012
Innovate UK
EPSRC Report Horizon 2020-European Funding for Research and Innovation. CleanSky programme EPSRC commissioned review. Led by Professor Patrick Maxwell (Chair) Regius Professor of Physic, University of Cambridge
The Importance of Aviation 2011 The Importance of Engineering and Physical Sciences Research to Health and Life Sciences The Internet of Things - Making the most of the second digital revolution The Photonics Landscape Europe The RCUK International Review of Energy (2010) The STFC-EPSRC Review of Nuclear Physics and Nuclear Engineering The UK Landscape for Robotics and Autonomous Systems The UK’s Nuclear Future UK Innovation support for Energy Demand Reduction UK Manufacturing Review UK Mental Health Research Funding: MQ landscape Analysis UK Photonics: Future Growth Opportunity Roadmap UK Quantum Technology Landscape 2014 UK Regenerative Medicine Platform Annual Report 2015
Carbon Innovation Coordination Group with input from academics and industrialists Departments of Energy and Climate Change and Business Innovation and Skills, EPSRC, Carbon Trust, Energy Technologies Institute , Innovate UK, The Scottish Government, Scottish Enterprise Low Carbon Innovation Coordination Group Institute of Physics The Alan Turing Institute House of Commons Science and Technology Committee
2014 2014
Government Office for Science
2016 2010
Photonics21 Research Councils UK
EPSRC and STFC led report
Robotics and Autonomous Systems Special Interest Group HM Government Report
Institution of Civil Engineers
EPSRC Centres Innovative Manufacturing
MQ: Transforming Mental Health
UK Photonics Leadership Group
Dstl and Royal Society
Understanding digital engagement in later life
Wind tunnels - roadmap
Women in manufacturing
Government report, University of Manchester EPSRC commissioned report Engineering Employers Federation (EEF)
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Engineering Theme The following table is the combined snapshot of the current evidence for our Engineering theme; this will continue to develop alongside the call for evidence. It is supplemented by an analysis of our own data and portfolio knowledge. Title
Improving Recognition of Team Science Contributors in Biomedical Research Careers
Academy of Medical Sciences.
Advanced Propulsion Centre UK - building the propulsion nation
Advanced propulsion Centre
Building Momentum for UK Aerospace
Control in an Information Rich World
Vision 2030 Creating the Future of Mechanical Engineering Education
Bridging the skills gap in the biopharmaceutical industry
Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry
Automotive Council UK - Driving Success: A Strategy for Growth and Sustainability in the UK Automotive Sector
Automotive Council UK
Driving success – a strategy for growth and sustainability in the UK
Automotive Council UK
Internal Combustion Engine Roadmap - Automotive council
Automotive Council UK
Automotive Council Technology Work Groups Consensus Roadmaps and work stream feedback
Automotive Council UK
Automotive Council UK - Electric Machines and Power Electronics Report
Automotive Council UK
Robotics & Autonomous Systems: Challenges and Opportunities for the UK
Autonomous Intelligent Systems Ltd
UK Regenerative Medicine Platform Annual Report 2015
A strategy for UK Regenerative Medicine
Nuclear industrial strategy: the UK's nuclear future Nuclear Industrial Vision Statement
2013 2013
BIS Power Electronics - A Strategy for Success
The British Bio-economy - An assessment of the impact of the bio-economy on the United Kingdom economy
Chemical Industries Association - Policy Issues Skills UK Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry Facts and Figures CITI bank - global perspective report on energy
2015 2014 2015
Aerospace Technology Institute Air Force Office of Scientific Research (USA) American Society for Engineering Education
BBSRC, ESRC, EPSRC, MRC and TSB report BIS and DECC BIS and DECC BIS Power Electronics Strategy Group Capital Economics, Office for National Statistics Chemical Industries Association Chemical Industries Association CITI bank analysts and sector experts
Page 20 of 32
Disruptive Innovations II Disruptive Innovations III
2014 2015
Citi GPS Citi GPS
Technology at Work 2.0
Citi GPS
Technology at Work: The Future of Innovation and Employment
Citi GPS
Projections of future flood risk in the UK 2016 UK Composites Strategy
2015 2016
Committee on Climate Change Composites Leadership Forum
DARPA: Broad Agency Announcement, Biological Control
DARPA (Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency)
Creating The Future: A 2020 Vision For Science & Research: A Consultation on Proposals for Long-Term Capital Investment in Science & Research
Department for Business, Innovation & Skills
Driving success: UK automotive strategy for growth and sustainability
The Smart City Market: Opportunities for the UK
Basic Energy Sciences (BES) office report on combustion
Department for Business, Innovation & Skills Department for Business, Innovation & Skills Department for Business, Innovation & Skills Department of Energy (USA)
Basic Research Needs for Clean and Efficient Combustion of 21st Century Transportation Fuels
Department of Energy (USA), Sandia National Laboratories
An introduction to Mechanical Engineering: Study on the Competitiveness of the EU Mechanical Engineering Industry
Directorate-General Enterprise & Industry
ECPE - Strategic Research Agenda - Electronics for Energy Efficiency and Sustainability
ECPE (European Centre for Power Electronics)
Healthcare Technologies Grand Challenges Report August 2014
EPSRC commissioned report
Manufacturing a Circular Economy EPSRC Review of Mechanical Engineering
2015 2011
EPSRC commissioned report EPSRC commissioned review
The importance of engineering and physical sciences research to health and life sciences
EPSRC commissioned review
EPSRC E‐Infrastructure Roadmap
Wind Tunnels - Infrastructure Roadmap
EPSRC commissioned roadmap EPSRC commissioned roadmap
Materially Better: Ensuring the UK is at the Forefront of Materials Science
EPSRC review
EPSRC Future Intelligent Technologies Workshop Report
EPSRC workshop - published report
Assessing the economic returns of engineering research and postgraduate training in the UK
EPSRC Royal Academy of Engineering
Pulse: medical technology report 2015
Ernst and Young Global Ltd.
ESCO - A Blueprint for UK Economic Growth
ESCO (Electronic Systems Challenges & Opportunities)
Metallurgy made in and for Europe E4U - Electronics Enabling Efficient Energy Usage
2014 2009
European Commission European Commission as part
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of the E4U project (Electronics Enabling Efficient Energy Usage) Research and Innovation performance in EU Member States and Associated countries - Innovation Union progress at country level
European Commission
ERTRAC Research and Innovation Roadmaps - Road transport
Realising the Potential for Formulation in the UK
European Road Transport Research Advisory Council Formulation Special Interest Group
A Strategy for Innovation in the UK chemistry-using industries June 2013
Innovate UK: Chemistry Innovation KTN
IfM report - Industrial Evolution - Making British Manufacturing Sustainable
Institute for Manufacturing
IEEE Control Systems Society - The Impact of Control Technology
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Chemical Engineering Matters - The Sustainable Water Vista
Institution of Chemical Engineers
The State of the Nation: Water
Institution of Civil Engineers
Autonomous and Driverless Cars
BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING: ADVANCING UK HEALTHCARE - Institution of Mechanical Engineers Report
Institution of Mechanical Engineers
Composites: Consolidating the UK's Competitiveness
Institution of Mechanical Engineers
Control: A perspective
Automatica Journal
Connected and Autonomous Vehicles: The UK Economic Opportunity
UK Infrastructure Challenges
A pre-competitive vision for the UK's food & drink industries
KTN for Innovate UK
Autonomous Systems: Opportunities and Challenges for the UK
KTN: Aerospace, Aviation, and Defence
A Landscape for the Future of NDT in the UK Economy
Materials KTN
Materials KTN
Disruptive Technologies: Advances that will transform life, business, and the global economy
McKinsey and Company, McKinsey Global Institute
Vision 2030: The UK Metals Industry’s New Strategic Approach
Metals Forum
Sensor Summit for Trillion Sensor Roadmap
Microelectromechanical systems Industry Group
Institution of Mechanical Engineers Institution of Mechanical Engineers
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Nancy J Kelley & Associates, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
The Future of U.S. Chemistry Research - Benchmarks and Challenges
National Academy of Sciences National Centre for Replacement, Refinement and Reduction of Animals in research (NC3Rs), UKRMP, Stevenage Bioscience Catalyst, Non-animal technologies SIG and Innovate UK. National Infrastructure Commission
Applying human cell and regenerative medicine technologies to efficacy and safety testing of new drugs
National Infrastructure Commission report: Smart Power
Future Visions for Water and Cities: A Thought Piece by UKWRIP
NERC commissioned report
Network Rail Technical Strategy Strategy for UK Life Sciences Strategy for UK life sciences: one year on
2013 2011 2012
Network Rail Office for Life Sciences Office for Life Sciences
Driving the Future Today A strategy for ultra-low emission vehicles in the UK
Office for Low Emission Vehicles
The economic impact of physics research in the UK: Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Scanners
Oxford Economics; STFC
RCUK E-Infrastructure Roadmap REF 2014:
2014 2014
RAS 2020: Robotics and Autonomous Systems
The UK Landscape for Robotics and Autonomous Systems
RCUK commissioned report REF Main Panel B Robotics and Autonomous Systems Special Interest Group Robotics and Autonomous Systems Special Interest Group
Engineering and Technical Sciences Committee Opinion Paper. Empowering Researchers to Provide Societal Value
DECC Smart Grid Vision and Route map
Bio-design for the Bio-economy
Qi3 Insight: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Power Electronics UK - Prioritisation of Enabling Technologies for Power Electronics to Enable UK Industry to Capitalise on Market Opportunities
2028 Vision for Mechanical Engineering
Materials for manufacturing - safeguarding supply
Science and innovation in the UK
Science Europe Engineering Committee Smart Grid Forum (created by Department of Energy and Climate Change and Ofgem) Synthetic Biology Leadership Council Members, Observers, Policy Advisors and Secretariat Taylor Vinters, Qi3 Technology Working Group of PowerelectronicsUK The American Society of Mechanical Engineers The Manufacturers' Organisation (EEF) The Royal Society; British Academy; Royal Academy of Engineering; The Academy of Medical Sciences; Innovate
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The UK’s Nuclear Future
Taking Stock of Regenerative Medicine in the United Kingdom
A Synthetic Biology Roadmap for the UK
Responding to water challenges with research
UK; The British Council; The UK Higher Education International Unit; Met Office; RCUK; Arthritis Research UK; British Heart Foundation; Cancer Res UK Government UK Government report on Regenerative Medicine in the UK. UK Synthetic Biology Roadmap Coordination Group UK Water Partnership
Tapping the Potential: A Fresh Vision for UK Water Technology
UK Water Partnership
UKCDS Taking Responsibility for Water Report Water and treated water
2011 2015
UK Water Partnership UKTI
Advanced Combustion and emission control technical team roadmap
US Department of Energy
Power Electronics for Distributed Energy Systems and Transmission and Distribution Applications
US Department of Energy, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Droughts and Floods a more Holistic Approach
Water research partnership
Medical Engineering Initiative. Opportunities and Challenges: Advancing and Translating Knowledge and Technology
Wellcome Trust Medical Engineering Centre
Regenerative Medicine Forward Look
Global Assessment of Biological Engineering and Manufacturing
Workshop organised by BBSRC, EPSRC, MRC and TSB. Included academia and other stakeholders. World Technology Evaluation Centre (WTEC) study sponsored by the US Natural Sciences Foundation.
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Information and communication Technologies Theme The following table is the combined snapshot of the current evidence for our Information and communication Technologies theme; this will continue to develop alongside the call for evidence. It is supplemented by an analysis of our own data and portfolio knowledge. Title
Contributors (ISC) survey done by International Information System Security Certification Consortium, Inc., (ISC)²® 2
(ISC)2 study report: women in security
A Photonics Private Public Partnership in Horizon2020
An Overview of EU-funded Photonics Research
BBC User Experience Research Partnership
CITIA Roadmap for Conversational Interaction Technologies - Five Scenarios for Research and Innovation
Conversational Interaction Technology Innovation Alliance
ESCO Priorities
Electronic Systems Challenges & Opportunities (ESCO)
ESCO report: Research, Development & Intellectual Property Creation
Electronic Systems Challenges & Opportunities (ESCO)
Evaluation Report - Data Science for the Digital Economy Digital currencies and P2P economics
The Alan Turing Institute
Future Intelligent Technologies Workshop Report
Healthcare Technologies Grand Challenges Workshop Report 2014
ICT Delivery Planning Workshops 1 & 2 Workshop Report
ICT Perspectives on Big Data Analytics Workshop Report
International Benchmarking Review of UK Psychology
Internet of Things Roadmap
Machines that Learn in the Wild
Map of the UK games industry
National Audit Office Cyber Security Strategy: Landscape Review2013
Photonics Industry Report: Current Situation 2015
Photonics Leadership Group webpages
Photonics Multiannual Strategic Roadmap
ESRC, The British Psychological Society, Association of Heads of Psychology Departments, Experimental Psychology Society Internet of Things Special Interest Group (KTN) National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts (NESTA) Report National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts (NESTA) Report National Audit Office Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany Photonics Leadership Group Jointly developed and adopted by the members of the European Technology Platform Photonics21.
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Photonics: revolutionising our world
Raytheon-NCSA survey: Cybersecurity Talent Gap
Raytheon & National cyber security alliance (NCSA, US)
REF Panel Report
REF Panel
Research Performance and Economic Impact Report 2014/15
Roadmap: UK III-V Community Engagement with Industry
Electronics, Sensors and Photonics KTN
Skills: Supply, Demand, Provision & Gaps
Electronic Systems Challenges & Opportunities (ESCO)
The Alan Turing Institute: scientific expertise of venture partners + interested organisations
The Beckman Report on Database Research
Communications of the ACM
The ESCO Report: A Blueprint for UK Economic Growth
Electronic Systems Challenges & Opportunities (ESCO)
The importance of engineering and physical sciences research to health and life sciences
EPSRC commissioned report
The Internet of Things - Making the most of the second digital revolution
Government Office for Science
The Photonics Landscape Europe UK Photonics: Future Growth Opportunity Roadmap UKCRC Impact Case studies Web of Science and Conference attendance data
2016 2015 2015 2016
Photonics21 UK Photonics Leadership Group UKCRC Executive committee EPSRC
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Mathematical Sciences Theme The following table is the combined snapshot of the current evidence for our Mathematical Sciences theme; this will continue to develop alongside the call for evidence. It is supplemented by an analysis of our own data and portfolio knowledge. Title
Contributors NC3Rs, MRC, BBSRC, EPSRC, InnovateUK, Dstl
A non-animal technologies roadmap for the UK
Academia-Industry collaboration in Risk Management – a case in the hospitality sector
Oxford Brookes University
Alan Turing Institute Workshop on Logical Foundations of Data Science Report
The Alan Turing Institute
Alan Turing Institute workshop: Probabilistic Numerics
The Alan Turing Institute
BBSRC and MRC review of vulnerable skills and capabilities
Council for Mathematical Sciences People Pipeline Report
Council for Mathematical Sciences
Data Science: Exploring the Mathematical Sciences foundations
Smith Institute and the KTN
Defining a Research Strategy for Uncertainty
Dstl and EPSRC roundtable meeting report
Deloitte - Measuring the Economic Benefits of Mathematical Science Research in the UK
Disruptive Technologies: Advances that will transform life, business, and the global economy
McKinsey and Company, McKinsey Global Institute
Engineering and Technical Sciences Committee Opinion Paper. Empowering Researchers to Provide Societal Value
Science Europe Engineering Committee
EPSRC Pure Mathematics 2012 Workshop report Extracting insight from complexity
2012 2016
Higher Education in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) subjects
Independent review of UK economic statistics: Interim Report
International Review of Mathematical Sciences 2010
Bibliometric evaluation and international benchmarking of the UK’s physics research
Institute of Physics
Issac Newton Institute Case Studies
Issac Newton Institution
Mathematical Sciences: Driving the UK Economy forward
Council for Mathematical Sciences
Met Office Science Strategy 2016 - 2021
Met Office
Mathematical Sciences research leading the way to UK economic growth
EPSRC and Council for Mathematical Sciences
National Audit Office Cyber Security Strategy: Landscape Review2013
National Audit Office
EPSRC Bank of England House of Lords, select committee on science and technology Government report independently chaired EPSRC commissioned review with independent panel
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Operational Research Theme Day report
EPSRC and working group
Operations Research - A Catalyst for Engineering Grand Challenges
Community led report
Predictive Multiscale Materials Modelling Workshop
Turing Gateway to Mathematics, KTN, others
Publication profiling of UK quantum technologies research
Digital Science, EPSRC
Pure Maths Landscape Documents from IRM 2010
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 2020: Robotics and Autonomous Systems
REF Panel Reports
International Review of Mathematics Robotics and Autonomous Systems -Special Interest Group REF Panels
Research Performance and Economic Impact Report 2014/15
EPSRC The Royal Society; British Academy; Royal Academy of Engineering; The Academy of Medical Sciences; Innovate UK; The British Council; The UK Higher Education International Unit; Met Office; RCUK; Arthritis Research UK; British Heart Foundation; Cancer Res EPSRC Tech City and Nesta House of Commons, Science and Technology Committee Government Office for Science
Science and innovation in the UK
Statistics and Applied Probability Review Day Tech Nation 2016 report, Transforming UK Industries
2014 2016
The big data dilemma
The Future of Manufacturing
The importance of engineering and physical sciences research to health and life sciences physical sciences research to health and life sciences
The Opportunities and Ethics of Big Data
The UK Landscape for Robotics and Autonomous Systems
UKCRC Impact Case studies
Royal Statistical Society Robotics and Autonomous Systems -Special Interest Group and Innovate UK Report UKCRC Executive committee
Uncertainty Quantification & Management in High Value Manufacturing Special Interest Group - Annual Report 2015
EPSRC commissioned review.
To be published: Algebra - Community perspective (To be published)
Applied Analysis SWOT (to be published)
Geometry and Topology Community perspective (To be published)
Algebra academic community members Attendees at AMEE workshop Geometry and Topology Academic community
Page 28 of 32
members. Logic Academic Community members EPSRC commissioned, community led
Logic Community perspective - (To be published)
Maths Analysis Landscape Document 2016 (to be published)
Number Theory Community perspective (To be published)
Number Theory academic community members.
Alan Turing Institute Workshop Report on PDEs (to be published)
The Alan Turing Institute
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Physical Sciences Theme The following table is the combined snapshot of the current evidence for our Physical Sciences theme; this will continue to develop alongside the call for evidence. It is supplemented by an analysis of our own data and portfolio knowledge. Title A Foresight Activity on Research in Quantum Biology (FarQBio) A Photonics Private Public Partnership in Horizon2020 A pre-competitive vision for the UK's food and drink industries
A Roadmap for Quantum Technologies in the UK
A state of the art review of Smart Materials - A Review of Metamaterials in the UK A Strategy for Innovation in the UK chemistry-using industries June 2013 BBSRC AND MRC REVIEW OF VULNERABLE SKILLS AND CAPABILITIES BIS Innovation report 2014 - Innovation, Research and Growth Bridging the skills gap in the biopharmaceutical industry Creating The Future: A 2020 Vision For Science & Research: A Consultation on Proposals for LongTerm Capital Investment in Science & Research Data-rich organic chemistry: Enabling and Innovating the Study of Chemical Reactions Disruptive Technologies: Advances that will transform life, business, and the global economy Efficient Utilization of Elements (5th CS3 2013 White Paper)) Eight Great Technologies - Quantum Technologies; A Patent Overview Electrochemical Energy Technologies and Energy Storage: RCUK Energy Strategy Fellowship Energy Research and Training Prospectus Report 6 Electron Microscopy - roadmap Enabling Resiliency in Energy, Water and Food Systems for Society Addressing the Scientific, Technological, and Societal Challenges of the Energy, Water, and Food Nexus Energy and GHG Reductions in the Chemical Industry via Catalytic Processes Chemical Industry via Catalytic Processes Energy and GHG Reductions in the Technology Roadmap - Energy and GHG Reductions in the Chemical Industry via Catalytic Processes Energy Superstore: EPSRC SUPERGEN Energy Storage Hub EPSRC E-Infrastructure Roadmap
European Science Foundation
Food and Drink federation. KTN for Innovate UK UK National Quantum Technologies Programme; EPSRC; Innovate UK
Innovate UK: Chemistry Innovation KTN
2014 2014 2015
MRC; BBSRC Department of Business, Innovation & Skills ABPI (The Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry)
Department of Business, Innovation & Skills
NSF-Sponsored Workshop
2013 2013
McKinsey and Company, McKinsey Global Institute Chemical Sciences and Society Symposium (CS3)
UK Intellectual Property Office
Centre for Environmental Policy, Imperial College London
EPSRC, in collaboration with RMS, IOP, and SuperSTEM
NSF workshop.
International Energy Agency; International Council of Chemical Associations; DECHEMA
2015 2014
EPSRC SUPERGEN Energy Storage Hub EPSRC, in consultation with the community.
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EPSRC SUPERGEN SuperSolar Research Hub
European Research Council funding data Extreme Light Infrastructure: Newsletter Issue 01 FinTech Futures: The UK as a World Leader in Financial Technologies
2014 2015
EPSRC SUPERGEN SuperSolar Research Hub European Research Council ELI Delivery Consortium
Government Office for Science
Global developments Quantum Technologies
Horizon2020: Work programme 2014 - 2015 Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Research Hub (H2FC SUPERGEN) Industrial Biotechnology: The Challenge
Industrialization of Biology: A Roadmap to Accelerate the Advanced Manufacturing of Chemicals.
International Comparative Performance of the UK Research Base International Conference of Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics (META) Large facilities Project: Science Requirements Document Leiden University Citation Analysis Market - Conectus: Current Technological Status and developments Materially Better: Ensuring the UK is at the Forefront of Materials Science Metamaterials 2016
2015 2015
Elsevier for BIS
META 14, 15 and 16
EPSRC, Leiden University Conectus - Consortium of European Companies Determined to use Superconductivity
2012 2013
EPSRC review
International Conference The Nanophotonics Europe Association The Nanophotonics Europe Association UK National Quantum Technologies Programme; The Quantum Technologies Strategic Advisory Board (QT SAB)
Nanophotonics - a forward look
Nanophotonics foresight report
National Strategy for Quantum Technologies: A New Era for the UK
Nuclear Magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy roadmap Optics and photonics: Physics enhancing our lives Organic Electronics for a Better Tomorrow Tomorrow: Innovation, Accessibility, Organic Electronics for a Better Tomorrow: Innovation, Accessibility, Organic Electronics for a Better Tomorrow: Innovation, Accessibility, Sustainability Photonics Industry Report: Current Situation 2015 Progressing UK Energy Research for a Coherent Structure with Impact: Report of the International Panel for the RCUK Review of Energy 2010
Ministry of Economic Affairs, Netherlands European Commission EPSRC SUPERGEN Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Research Hub University of Manchester Committee on Industrialization of Biology: A Roadmap to Accelerate the National Academy of Sciences Advanced Manufacturing of Chemicals; Board on Chemical Sciences and Technology; Board on Life Sciences; Division on Earth and Life Studies; National Research Council.
EPSRC review
2015 2010
Chemical Sciences and Society Summit Photonics21 RCUK review in association with E.On, National Grid and The Royal Academy of Engineering
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Quantum Information Processing and Communication: Strategic report on current status, visions and goals for research in Europe Quantum technologies- Opportunities for European Industry Realising the Potential of Formulation in the UK Research and Innovation performance in EU Member States and Associated countries Innovation Union progress at country level Research Excellence Framework 2014
Science and innovation in the UK
SCIENTIFIC SUPPORT TO POLICY MAKING: QUANTUM TECHNOLOGIES FOR COMPUTING, COMMUNICATIONS, METROLOGY AND SENSING Securing the Future of UK Forensic Science 2015 report Strategy for delivering chemistry-fuelled growth of the UK economy chemistry-fuelled growth of the UK economy T Sensors Summit - for trillion sensor Roadmap Technology Touching Life Consultation 2015 The economic impact of physics research in the UK: Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Scanners The importance of engineering and physical sciences research to health and life sciences physical sciences research to health and life sciences The Institute of Physics Strategy 2015-19 The Photonics Landscape Europe The UK's performance in physics research - national and international perspectives Time for Strategic Change: UK Surface Engineering and Advanced Coatings Industry Towards 2020 - Photonics Driving Economic Growth in Europe - multiannual strategic roadmap 20142020 UK innovation support for Energy Demand Reduction UK Photonics: Future Growth Opportunity Roadmap WASTE OR RESOURCE? STIMULATING A BIOECONOMY
European Commission report
Innovate UK - Formulation Special Interest Group European Commission
2013 2015
HEFCE The Royal Society; British Academy; Royal Academy of Engineering; The Academy of Medical Sciences; Innovate UK; The British Council; The UK Higher Education International Unit; Met Office; RCUK; Arthritis Research UK; British Heart Foundation; Cancer Research UK JRC with the participation and support of DGs ENTR and CNECT
Government Office for Science
Chemistry Growth Strategy Group
2013 2015
University of Stanford Joint BBSRC, EPSRC, and MRC response to Public Consultation
Oxford Economics; STFC
EPSRC review
2015 2016
The Institute of Physics Photonics21
Institute of Physics
Innovate UK: Surface Engineering and Advanced Coatings (SEAC) Special Interest Group
Photonics 21
Institution of Civil Engineers
UK Photonics Leadership Group House of Lords - Science and Technology Select Committee
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