Equipment Cleaning & Winterizing Guidelines

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Bran. TREATER Brand. Model #. Serial #. Drum and Drive Assembly. Grease Bearings if applicable. Check Red Caster Wheels.

Equipment Cleaning & Winterizing Guidelines Follow these steps to extend the life of your equipment and chemical. It is very important to take the time to clean out all of your pump stands, chemical lines and transfer pumps before tucking it away in the warehouse until next year. Below are a few helpful tips to make cleaning your equipment easier: Pump Stands 1. Use warm water and a cleaning agent (Simple Green works great!) to flush out your lines. 2. Recirculate the pumps with the solution to ensure everything is cleaned out. (This may need to be done a couple times) 3. Run the treater with this solution. For example, let it run through the IP pumps, atomizer, flowmeters and chemical tree. 4. Once this is done, run anti-freeze through all of your lines. This will prevent any cracking due to freezing over the winter months. 5. Replace any worn tubing on the treater. IP Pumps utilize peristaltic tubing (squeeze tubes) that may need to be replaced. Treater 1. Clean out the atomizer with a putty knife and warm water. 2. Ensure the Drum/Poly Cupped Auger is cleaned. 3. Poly Cupped Auger: There is an access door at the base. Open, and clean out any residual beans/treatment 4. Locate any grease points on the unit and grease. Conveyors 1. At the base of the conveyors, clean out any residual beans/corn/wheat 2. Track and tension the conveyor belts if needed 3. Grease the bearings Transfer Pumps 1. Pump water through the transfer pumps. 2. Place the micro-matic fitting (keg fitting) in a 5-gallon bucket of water and turn the pump on. 3. Catch your waste water in an empty keg. 4. Run RV Anti-freeze through this as well. Your treater is now winterized and ready to be stored until next season!

Leftover Seed Treatment 1. Store all leftover product in a climate-controlled area (40° to 80° Fahrenheit) 2. To ensure no separation, mix the chemical at least once a month for 2 minutes Tip: To save space, pump any remainder product in a 2.5-gallon jug. Once a month, shake the jugs to agitate. Use this product first, when you start up next year.


Preventative Maintenance Checklist TREATER


Model #

Drum and Drive Assembly Grease Bearings if applicable Check Red Caster Wheels Tighten Motor Coupler Tighten and Oil Chain Check Motor and Gear Box Tighten Drive Sprocket set screws Check wear on idler wheels Check Condition of Drum Atomizer and Adj Chamber Grease and Tighten Bearing Inspect motor Tighten Shaft Coupler Disassemble and clean atomizer head Scrape & Clean Atomizer Chamber Scrape & Clean Adj. Chamber Inspect position of telescoping Arm Check Pins on power cable Seed Wheel Inspect wear of seed wheel & bottom plate Check for blockages or seed build up Check Amp Draw CONVEYOR 1 Serial # Brand/Model Inspect V-belt for wear and tension Check drive sprockets and align chain Examine motor for damage, wear, and corrosion Grease head and tail section bearings Tighten and align conveyor belt Check conveyor belt for damage and wear Examine conveyor belt splice for damage Check undercarriage for damage and wear

Serial # Mix Tank Check Motor condition Check Gearbox Condition Check Condition of Paddles Check Ball Valves Tighten Coupler Pumps and Plumbing/Pump Stands Inspect pump motor Inspect pump heads ______________________ Check Masterflex and RNT Tubing ___________ Inspect 3-way Air Valve Controls and Panels Check and tighten wire connections Check estop & comm cables for damage Check timers and relays Check fuses and breakers Check voltage at disconnect ________________ Check voltage at DC power supply _____________

CONVEYOR 2 Serial # Brand/Model Inspect V-belt for wear and tension Check drive sprockets and align chain Examine motor for damage, wear, and corrosion Grease head and tail section bearings Tighten and align conveyor belt Check conveyor belt for damage and wear Examine conveyor belt splice for damage Check undercarriage for damage and wear

Notes: _____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________