Equipment and procedures for long-term cryogenic creep testing are presented in detail. ... oxygen free high conductivity (OFHC) copper are presented. Equipment for long-term creep .... assemblies where load transfer has to be controlled. b.
Equipment and procedures for long-term cryogenic creep testing are presented in detail. Particular attention was given to the maintaining of constant cryogenic test temperature and with respect to the stability and sensitivity of strain measurements. Typical long-term cryogenic creep testing results on oxygen free high conductivity (OFHC) copper are presented.
Equipment for long-term creep testing at cryogenic temperatures C.T. Yen, L.D. Roth, J.M. Wells, and J.K. Tien Keywords: cryogenics, creep, copper That creep deformation can be significant at cryogenic temperatures has been documented in the late fifties and early sixties. This phenomenon can be important because of the relevance of cryogenic temperature mechanical behaviour to superconducitng generators, computers, deep space and other applications. One shortcoming of the published experimental data 1-10 on cryogenic creep is a lack of long-term creep testing results which are necessary in studying creep bchaviour of materials, for example, in distinguishing steady-state creep from logarithmic creep it is the inability to achieve appropriate constancy of temperature and stability of strain measurement schemes for long times that has precluded the availability of long-term cryogenic creep data in the literature. In the present paper, a creep facility especially designed for long-term stability and the experimental procedures adopted will be described in detail. This facility is currently in use for the study of creep behaviour of O F H C copper at cryogenic temperatures.
CryostaL A model 10DT-supervaritemp cryostat was procured from Janis Research of Stoneham, Massachusetts based on our requirements. The unit has three coaxial chambers isolated from each other by vacuum jackets. The central chamber is the test chamber which houses the tensile testing insert. An inner chamber surrounds the test chamber and contains the primary coling medium either liquid helium or liquid nitrogen depending on the desired test temperature. The outermost chamber is filled with liquid nitrogen which provides additional thermal insulation to the system. The cryogen level in the liquid helium chamber is measured with a superconducting metallic strip. The cryogen level in the outer chamber is measured by a float resting on the liquid nitrogen surface. The cryostat is positioned in the creep load frame by an adjustable mounting flange located at half height. A unique feature of this cryostat is a Lever arm retie 20:1
Equipment The purpose of this cryogenic creep testing system is to measure changes in strain increments accurately over an extended period of time, say I00 h or longer. Therefore, the equipment adopted should fulfil the following requirements: 1.
Stable temperature control which ranges from liquid helium temperature (4.2 K) to ambient temperature with an accuracy of + 2 IC
Load stability which assures no significant disturbance in strain measurements for 100 h or longer.
Strain measurement with a resolution on the order of microstrain (10-~ m m -t) and long-term stability of the measuring system for more than 100 h.
Minimum cryogen consumption rate for economic reasons.
There is no commercial cryogenic creep testing system available at present. Our testing system is shown schematically in Fig. 1. It consists of a cryostat, a tensile testing insert, a constant load creep machine and other auxiliary devices. The details of the equipment are described as follows: 0011-2275/84/008410--05 410
Load Reg. Thermocouple
I i1---
TO mech. pump
iquid elium ~vel tdicotor
,ogenic lperoture Itroller
i I
: :
] Specimen
chamber chamb(
Fig. 1
Equipment for cryogenic creep tests
$ 0 3 . 0 0 © 1 9 8 4 Butterworth 8. Co (Publishers) Ltd CRYOGENICS. AUGUST 1984
porous metal helium vaporizer and diffuser with a bifilar wound nonmagnetic heater mounted at the base of the vacuum isolated specimen chamber. Use of the helium vaporizer allows the specimen and the mechanical testing fixture to be thermally isolated from the liquid helium reservoir. The liquid helium is brought through a vacuum insulated capillary tube to the vaporizer and then into the test chamber from the bottom. This technique allows the latent heat capacity of the vaporized helium to both cool the specimen and offset the heat leak down the specimen pull rod. The resulting liquid helium consumption rate is, therefore, quite low ( N.I/3 l h -I) and allows for longer duration experiments with less frequent refilling. Tensile testing insert. The cryostat test chamber houses the tensile testing insert, which is a separate piece composed of the compression tube, pull rod, specimen grips and electrical feedthrough connections. The tensile testing insert applies the creep load to the specimen by tensile loading of the pull rod and reactioo loading of the compression tube. Axial loading of the specimen is insured by concentricity bumpers fixed at several locations along the pull rod. Specimen grips are made of K-monel, heat treated to a yield strength of 931 MPa (135 ksi). The top grip is screwed onto the pull rod and the lower grip is secured by pins into the bottom of the compression tube. An O-ring was originally used to seal the tensile testing insert, allowing a vacuum to be drawn in the test chamber before the cryostat is cooled down to prevent the condensation of high boiling point gases. However, the presence of the O-ring was found to cause loading instability of this system because the friction of the O-ring restricts the relative motion between the pull rod and the compression tube. Thus, temperature gradients can cause the thermal stress build up. Calculations of the friction and liquid nitrogen level effect are given in the Appendix. The problem is alleviated by relocating the O-ring from mid-flange position to the top of the flange, as shown in Fig. 2. We discuss this problem in some detail since it was an unexpected problem and a problem that may be generic to cryogenic/vacuum assemblies where load transfer has to be controlled.
~ ]j
Load Pull rod-- ~ r ~ . ~ Compression 11jbe O-ring Flange
J ~ ~1 ,~ ;d ;d
v. v. v, v,
Liquid nitrogen level
v. v~ v~
Fig. 2 Top section of the tensile testing insert, a - - with O-ring at the mid-flange position; b - with O-ring on top of the flange
Creep frame. An ATS model 2450 lever ann tester, constant load creep machine with a level arm ratio of 20:1 was used for the experiments. Some modifications of the frame were necessary to accommodate the cryostat. First, a very stiff cross beam was welded onto the creep frame to support the reaction force of the tensile testing insert. This cross beam had the added function of centring the pull rod before test start up. Second, a cantilever support bracket was fashioned to suspend and position the cryostat in the frame. Uniaxial load application was obtained by placing a universal joint between the lever arm and the pull rod. Final balancing of the lever arm before testing was performed with cryostat, pull rod and specimen in place, thus minimizing any tendency to induce a bending moment on the specimen upon load application. Auxiliary test equipment Several additional pieces of equipment have been used to obtain and monitor cryogenic creep test conditions. A Lake Shore Cryogenics model DTC-500SP automatic cryogenic temperature controller with a calibrated (1.5 K - 300 K) silicon diode temperature sensor allows for accurate control of the helium vaporizer (more commonly called the porous metal plug). The controller is capable of using proportional, integral or differential control or any combination thereof in the temperature ranges between boiling cryogen temperatures. The time constants for the above are adjustable over a range suitable to almost any desired test condition. A vacuum system is connected to the cryostat via a manifold, which was constructed for that purpose. The vacuum system pumps down the vacuum isolation chambers on the cryostat and the main test chamber. A Welch 1397 Rotary vacuum pump evacuates the system at 0.425 m 3 min -~ and ultimately attains a minimum pressure of less than 10/x torr. Temperature measurement. Test temperatures are measured at three locations in the cryostat: at the porous metal plug and at both the top and bottom specimen grip. Measurements are made with Teflon sheaved, 0.254 mm (0.010 in) diameter, copperconstantan thermocouples procured from Omega Engineering Inc., using a liquid nitrogen reference junction (77 K). Thermocouples are measured individually and continuously during the test using a strip chart recorder in addition to either a potentiometer or a dc multimeter with microvolt resolution as a cross check. Under properly adjusted test conditions, no temperature gradient would be observed across the specimen gauge length. Temperature measurements are considered accurate to less than one degree. Thermocouple leads exit via a Conax Thermocouple outlet located at the top of the tensile testing insert. Strain measurement. Strain measurement was accomplished by the use of two strain gauges mounted axially on the gauge length of the creep specimen. Strain gauge techniques are considered the most direct strain measurement possible in this situation. The strain gauges were Micromeasurement's WK-09-062AP350, which is a four lead, 350 f~, encapsulated gauge made of modified Karma alloy with self temperature compensation (STC). For each test all the gauges were used from the same lot. The gauge factor was 1.97. The strain gauge application techniques suggested by Micromeasurements were followed so that some uniformity among the strain gauges and specimens was
established. The gauges were placed near the middle of the gauge length on either side of the specimen (see next section for specimen configuration), the adhesive selected was Micromeasurement's M-Bond 610, which cures under slight clamping pressure and elevated temperatures. The conditions were 100 to 480 kPa (15 to 70 psi) and 150°C for 2.5 to 3 h, and these conditions never produced an inadequate bond. Solder tabs were placed directly below each strain gauge as a terminus for the gauge lead wires and teflon sheaved hook up wires. Conventional strain indicators were insufficiently stable. Strain measurement was obtained instead via the Wheatstone bridge circuit shown in Fig. 3, with two active gauges on the creep specimen and two temperature compensating gauges on a dummy specimen, which is located very close to the creep specimen. The output signals, due to temperature fluctuations of strain gauges, will cancel each other within the bridge circuit arid will not affect the mechanical strain measurement. The output of the Wheatstone bridge circuit shown in Fig. 3 can be calculated from the following equation:
vo_ Vex
2 + Fe
where Vo is the output voltage from the bridge circuit, Vex is the excitation voltage, F is the strain gauge factor (1.97), and e is the strain on the specimen. Equation (1) can be written as e
F ( r e x - Fo)
Creep specimen
Dummy specimen
Active gouge
Temperoture compensoting gouge
+ Ex:
Positive excitation voltoge
Negotive excilation volioge
Positive response voltoge
Negotive response voltage
Experimental procedures
J -Ex
~ AG
-Ex Strip chart recorder
Stroin omplifier
Fig. 3 Bridge circuit for creep strain measurements. AG - active gauge; TCG - temperature compensating gauge; +Ex - positive excitation voltage; -Ex - negative excitation voltage; +R - positive response voltage; -R - negative response voltage
The excitation voltage (Vex) is usually much greater than the output voltage (Vo). To achieve a resolution of one microstrain in the measurement, the excitation voltage should be stable (fluctuation less than 10-6 Vex) and the amplifier and the recorder should be of the low noise variety and insensitive to the fluctuation of room temperature. The amplifier that fulfills these requirements is the Westinghouse #2504 strain gauge amplifier. Stress measurement Four strain gauges were attached to the upper specimen grip and were connected into a typical load-cell bridge circuit, two axially oriented gauges and two Poisson gauges. This bridge was calculated and is used to monitor the load (or stress) on the specimen during the test. Uniaxial applied stresses can thus be measured to :1:0.04 MPa. Liquid nitrogen refilling systen~ In order to keep the liquid helium from vaporizing rapidly, the liquid nitrogen level in the outside diameter is maintained always higher than the top of the liquid helium chamber during the test. In addition, the nitrogen level should also be kept as constant as possible; otherwise, the specimen might be subjected to extra stress, which induces extra strain due to different thermal strains on the pull rod and the compression tube of tensile testing insert. (See Appendix). An automatic liquid nitrogen refilling system was installed as shown in Fig. 1. A solenoid valve at the outlet of the dewar is controlled by a temperature controller and a timer. The thermocouple exposed to the nitrogen atmosphere in the outside chamber will be warmed up as the nitrogen level lowers. At some present temperature, the temperature controller will energize and thus open the solenoid valve and liquid nitrogen can be refilled. Better refilling frequency control was achieved by installing the timer in series with the temperature controller. With this refilling system, the liquid nitrogen level can be maintained within a range of l cm.
The procedures which follow speak only of the liquid helium case; however, the same procedures hold for testing in liquid nitrogen or any other cryogen. The strain gauged specimen was placed into the grips; ie, solder connections were made, and thermocouples were positioned and secured. Then the tensile testing insert was placed into the test chamber and clamped. The cryostat was then aligned for a good fit in the creep machine; ie, the test chamber being concentric around the creep machine pull-rod. Before cooling the cryostat, a vacuum must be drawn on the vacuum chamber;, and the liquid helium chamber, needle valve, capillary tube, porous metal plug and test chamber must be 'clean' of all higher boiling point gases. First, the vacuum chamber was evacuated, and the liquid helium chamber, needle valve, capillary tube, porous metal plug (delivery system) and test chamber were purged with helium gas supplied by a laboratory cylinder. After a hard vacuum (P < 10/x ton-) was achieved in the vaccum insulation chambers, it was valved off, and the test chamber was evacuated by closing the needle valve. A hard vacuum was drawn (P < 10/x tort), and again the test chamber was purged with flowing helium gas. Again the vacuum chamber was evacuated, and now the cryostat was prepared for cooling.
The filling of the liquid nitrogen chamber started the cooling, and the vacuum chamber no longer needed continuous pumping, due to cryopumping caused by liquid nitrogen. However, the purging of liquid helium and test chambers and delivery system continued. The purging was necessary and kept the delivery system from 'freezing shut' due to higher boiling point gases; also the helium gas hastened the cooling by convection, given that the flow rate was slow. As the temperature dropped, the strain gauges were monitored for output changes due to thermal contractions and resistivity changes, so that the temperature compensation of the bridge was tested. Once a steady temperature (T ,~'80 K) (described previously), was reached the cryostat was filled with liquid helium. Liquid helium transfer was accomplished by using a two-piece vaccum insulated stainless steel transfer tube, from a 100 1 storage dewar of liquid helium. After transferring the liquid helium, the needle valve was opened, and liquid helium was forced through the delivery system into the test chamber. As the flow continued, the temperutre in the testing chamber dropped eventually reaching a steady temperature at 4.2 K. Both strain and temperature were monitored from this point for at least 20 h to make sure a stable condition was established before starting the creep test. The specimen was loaded after 20 h, at first incrementally to obtain stress/strain data in the elastic region, then by larger increments to the creep load. The sensitivity and the pen position of the recorder were adjusted to measure creep strain immediately after the creep load had been applied. A field plot of strain rate versus time was incrementally obtained from the recorded strain data to determine the onset of the steady-state creep regime. At the termination of the creep test, the specimen was unloaded and the amount of recovered strain was recorded.
Typical results Oxygen-free high-conductivity copper was selected for this study. The specimens with 6.4 m m (1/4 in) gauge diameter and 31.75 m m (1-1/4 in) gauge length were annealed at 649°C (1200°F) for 30 min to obtain a uniform and equiaxed grain structure. Before the creep tests, the stabilities of the strain indicating system and of the temperature control in the cryostat were tested under no-load condition at 4.2 K and 77 IC Fig. 4 shows the results obtained at 77 K,
84 g2 Strain ,eee.e
o ooeooe
Temperolure ~o
!7B E ,-/'7 ~ ~76
-IC 74 I
20 Time, h
Fig. 4 Results of long term stability test of the cryogenic creep strain indication system at 77 K and zero load
CRYOGENICS . A U G U S T 1 9 8 4
22C 200 ooooOOOo° °°o o°OO~,ooOOOo o oc
180 ,~ 160 o -~ 140
•~ 120 ~ I00
o N4 (with O-ring onthe pull rod, refill every 12 h)
g 8c ~? 60
• N7(withouf O-ring,refill every 15~30 min)
4C 2C
~o 3o ,io ~
oo ~o ~o ~o ,oo
Time, h Fig. 5 Creep curves for annealed programme OFHC copper at 77 K and 34.5 MPa (5 ksi)
The m a x i m u m drift on the strain curve over an extended period of time, 40 h or longer, is approximately 1 p~. Therefore, any strain indication greater than 1 ~e on this system under creep load will be considered real strain. With this resolution and 100 h testing time, the m i n i m u m detectable creep rate is approximately 4 x 10-~2 s-L Temperature control during the no-load test was very steady; no fluctuation could be detected with a resolution limit of 0.5 K in the 77 K range. Similar results of stability test were observed at 4.2 IC The results of two typical creep tests, conducted at 77 K and 34.5 M P a (5 ksi) for a testing period of 100 h, are shown in Fig. 5. The results will be discussed to again illustrate the need for minimizing extraneous thermal stresses. Open circles show the creep curve of the test with the O-ring in the mid-flange position and liquid nitrogen refilled every 12 h manually. Total creep strain accumulated during the test was 185 p,e yet it is very difficult to determine the onset of the steady-state region and the steady-state creep rate accurately because of the irregularity of the curve. Two possible effects were postulated to explain the behaviour of the creep curve. As the liquid nitrogen level changes in the outside chamber of the cryostat, there is a difference between the thermal strains of the pull rod and the compression tube due to different changes of their temperatures. This difference could induce a thermal stress on the specimen. The friction of the O-ring, which is compressed tightly in the tensile testing insert, tends to restrict the relative motion between the pull rod and the compression tube. The combination of these two effects will impose an extraneous force and thus an extra strain on the specimen. This extraneous force can be released when the tendency of the relative motion between the two components of the tensile insert changes after liquid nitrogen refilling. The above postulations were justified by the results of the second test which was conducted with the O-ring position adjusted to the top of the flange and more frequent liquid nitrogen refilling (every 15 to 30 min). The results are shown by the dotted line in Fig. 5. The smoothness of creep curve was much improved and a steady-state creep was observed after a 70 h primary stage. The steady-state creep rate was 4 x 10-" s-~ and the total creep strain accumulated was 160/.re.
The results of the second test show the capability of conducting long-term creep tests on this equipment. They also demonstrate the necessity of long-term creep testing at cryogenic temperatures. Because of the long primary state observed, the determination of an accurate steady-state creep rate would require a creep test of at least 100 h. A limitation inherent in the present equipment is the strain gauges. Most strain gauges for cryogenic use are limited to deformations less than 1.5% strain. Accordingly, the stress range of creep testing at cryogenic temperatures is also limited. A possible alternative is the use of a 'capacitance strain gauge' which has larger capacity for strain measurements.
CTY and JKT are from the Henry K r u m b School of Mines, Columbia University, New York, New York 10027. L D R and J M W are from the Materials Engineering Department, Westinghouse Research and Development Center, 1310 Beulah Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15235, USA. Paper received September 1983. The authors with to thank the International Copper Research Association (INCRA) and Dr L.M. Schetky, the Technical Director, for supporting this programme. We are also grateful to Dr. Schetky for his technical comments. The assistance of Mr C.M. Fox, Mr D. Barber and Mr. R. Blackham in creep testing and in optimizing the strain gauge technique is appreciated.
References Koval, V.A., Osetskii, A.I., Soldatov, V.P., Startsev, V.I. Adv Cryo Eng 24 (1978) 249 Stulikova, I., Soldatov, V.P., Startsev, V.I. Phys Stat Sol (a) 63 (1981) 717 Aly, A.A., Podus, G.N., Sirenko, A.F.: Phys. Star. Sol. (a), 53
2 3
(1979), 461 4
Natsik, V.D., Osetskii, A.I., Soldatov, V.P., Startsev, V.I. Phys Stat Sol (b) 54 (1972) 99 Arko,A.C., Weertmaa, J. Acta Met 17 (1969) 687 Groh, Conte, R. Acta Met 19 (197I) 895 Conrad,H. Acta Met 6 (1958) 339 Wyatt, O.H. Proc Phys Soc 66B (1953) 459 Tesh, J.R., Whitworth, R.W. Phys Stat Sol 39 (1970) 627 GleH,J.W. Phil Mag 1 (1956) 400
5 6 7 8 9 10
Appendix. Estimation of friction on the O-ring and temperature change on the tensile testing insert Assume the liquid nitrogen level in the outside chamber changes by an amount of h, as shown in Fig. 2. The corresponding temperature changes on the pull rod and the compression tube, ATpR and ATcT respectively, would be different because the compression tube is closer to the outside c h a m b e r (heat sink) than the pull rod. The difference of their thermal elongations (or contractions) is AL
f L, aATpRdX -- f L, aATcTdX
a = thermal expansion coefficient; L~, L2 = lengths on which temperatures were disturbed on the pull rod and compression tube.
#_ xE
8 2o O3
I 0.05
I 0.1
I 0.15 StrQin,%
I 0.2
I 0.25
Fig. 6 Stress-strain curve at 77 K for OFHC copper annealed at 649"C for 30 rain
The relative motion between the compression tube and the pull rod is restricted by the O-ring, therefore, zA will impose a thermal force on the specimen. To estimate the temperature fluctuation which can disturb the strain measurement, one can assume L~ = L2 = h (actually L~, L2 > h), then AL = ctATpR h - t~ATcT h AL AT = A T p R - ATcT = ~ let AL = 2.54 × 10-6 cm (strain resolution limit), a = 5 × 10-6 K -~ for stainless steel at 77 K and h = 1 cm, we get AT = 0.5 K This means that if the two members of the tensile testing insert change their temperatures by slightly different amounts, as small as 0.5 K, the effect can be detected by the strain indicating system. Next, to estimate the friction force on the O-ring required to impede the relative motion between the compression tube and the pull rod, F=A-~-
where A = gauge section area = rr/4 (6.4 mm) 2 = 32.3 m m 2 e = 1 x l 0 -~ Aa/Ae -- the slope of the stress-strain curve at the applied stress level (Fig. 6) A~r/Ae -~ 8.4 × l& M P a (1.2 × lIP psi) Then F ~ 0.27 N (0.06 lb) If the friction is greater than this value, there is no relative motion between the two members and this force will be imposed on the specimen and an extra strain will be induced. From the above calculations, it is shown that a minute environment disturbance will cause a detectable strain. Therefore, the refilling of liquid nitrogen and the friction of O-ring have critical effects on the long-term stability of the testing system.