Equivalent Boundary Integral Equations For Plane Poisson's ... - wseas

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Key-Words: - Poisson equation, exterior boundary value problem; BEM; .... v y is a continuous function on Γ . ...... [9] Yang, L. F., Li, Q. S., Leung, A. Y. T., Zhao,.

Yaoming Zhang, Wenzhen Qu, Bin Zheng

Equivalent Boundary Integral Equations For Plane Poisson’s Exterior Boundary Value Problems Yaoming Zhang, Wenzhen Qu, Bin Zheng* School of Science Shandong university of technology Zhangzhou Road 12#, Zibo , Shandong, 255049 China [email protected] Abstract: - The solution of conventional boundary integral equations (CBIEs) sometimes does not exist or is not unique, which has been demonstrated in a large number of numerical experiments. According to the authors’ opinion, there exist two reasons which can lead to this phenomenon. One reason is that the solution of the CBIEs can not describe the behavior of the solution of the corresponding boundary value problem at infinity accurately; the other one is that the form of exterior boundary value problem has deficiency, which is still a problem to be solved but has not attracted adequate attention. Many examples illustrate that CBIEs are not equivalent to the Poisson’s exterior boundary value problem. In this paper, the equivalent boundary integral equations (EBIEs) for Poisson’s exterior boundary value problems are established. Key-Words: - Poisson equation, exterior boundary value problem; BEM; EBIEs; Equivalent boundary integral equations; Extremum principle

∆u ( x ) = 0,  u ( x ) = u0 ( x ),  u ( x ) = O(1/ x ), 

1 Introduction Research on numerical methods of differential equations is a hot topic. Many efficient methods for finding numerical solutions of differential equations have been presented so far such as in [1-4]. Many problems of steady field in physics and engineering are directly related to boundary value problem (BVP) about solving Laplace’s equation or Poisson’s equation, such as in hydrodynamic pressure [5-8], torsion of elastic rod [9, 10], membrane equilibrium [11], stable heat conduction [12-14], steady seepage [15-18], and electromagnetic field [19, 20]. Therefore, the efficient methods of solving Laplace’s equation play important roles in the engineer application. For the mixed interior BVP, it is well known that the existence and uniqueness of the solution to this kind of problem can be determined by the governing differential equations and its corresponding boundary conditions. However, when it comes to the exterior BVP, the existence and uniqueness of the solution depend on not only the governing differential equations and the corresponding boundary conditions but also the behavior of its solution at infinity [21-23]. The conventional Laplace’s exterior BVP can be expressed as two forms: one is directly transplanted from the BVP in a finite field, the solution of this BVP is existent but not unique; the other one, which is the most prevalent, can be written as

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x ∈ Ωc x ∈Γ x →∞

If the above BVP has a solution, the solution must be unique. However, the question is the solution to this problem is not always existent. The EBIE refers to the equivalence of the boundary integral equation and the original BVP. The CBIE in infinite domain is directly transplanted from the CBIE in finite domain, and sometimes there is no solution, or sometimes the solution is not unique. In 1977, Jawson and Symm [24] pointed out that, in some situation, the CBIE would be wrong. However, in their work the efficient method to solve such problem was not provided. In this paper, a sufficient and necessary condition with respect to the Dirichlet exterior BVP, which can ensure the existence and uniqueness of the solution, is provided and fully proved. Based on the proposed condition, EBIEs for Poisson’s exterior boundary value problems are established. For Poisson’s exterior BVP, the research of its BIE is a very difficult problem to be solved in boundary element analysis. In fact, to the author’s best knowledge, there is no similar work can be found in the literature for solving this problem. According to this, the main work of this paper can be summarized as follows: section 2 of this paper


Issue 6, Volume 9, June 2010


Yaoming Zhang, Wenzhen Qu, Bin Zheng

Lemma 3[22] If u ( x ) is the harmonic function in H ⊂ R 2 − {0} , then we can obtain u ( x ) is the

provides a sufficient and necessary condition which can ensure the existence and uniqueness of solution for Dirichlet exterior BVP of the harmonic function. Section 3 establishes the BIE which are equivalent to the BVP on the exterior domain. It then goes on, in the section 4, to present the EBIE for the Poisson’s exterior BVP. Section 5 concludes the paper with further discussions.

. harmonic function in H

Lemma 4[22] Assume u ( x ) is the harmonic function in Ω − { y} . If u ( x ) = o(log x − y ) as x → y , then y is removable singular point of u.

2 The sufficient and necessary condition to exterior boundary value problem

Corollary[22] Let u ( x ) is the harmonic function in Ωc and 0 ∉ Ω c (without loss of generality). If

We assume that Ω is a bounded domain with the boundary Γ in R 2 , Ωc = R 2 − (Ω ∪ Γ) is open complement of Ω .

u ( x ) = o(log x ) as x → ∞ , then there is constant C such that lim u ( x) = C . x →∞

Lemma 5[22] There exist the special harmonic function u in Ωc such that

Lemma 1 For Laplace’s equation ∂ 2ω ∂ 2ω ∆ω = 2 + 2 = 0 , define the ∂ x1 ∂ x2 following nondegenerate transformation  x1 = ϕ ( y1 , y2 ) ,which satisfies the   x2 = ψ ( y1 , y2 ) ∂ϕ ∂ψ ∂ϕ ∂ψ conditions = , =− ,Then we ∂y1 ∂y1 ∂y2 ∂y2 have ∆ω =

∆u ( x ) = 0,   u ( x ) = 0,   u ( x ) = O(ln x ),

 , Lemma 2[22] Assume H ⊂ R 2 − {0} , and Let H  H be the two sets satisfying  ⊂ { y y = x / x 2 , x ∈ H} , H

 ⊂ {y y = x / x 2 , x ∈ H } H 2

where x = ( x1 , x2 ) and x = x12 + x22 , then we  have H = H .


u ( x ) ≤ M , x is large enough where M is a constant.


Definition If H ⊂ R − {0} and u ( x ) is a function in H , we can form a new function u ( y ) defined as follows 2  u ( y ) = u ( y / y ) , y ∈ H


Theorem 7 Let Γ be a piecewise smooth curve, 0 ∉ Ω c ∪ Γ (without loss of generality) and u0 ( x ) is a continuous function on Γ , there exists a unique solution of problem (1)-(2) if and only if (3) holds.

where  = {( y , y ) y = x / x 2 , x ∈ H , k = 1, 2} . H 1 2 k k

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Lemma 6[22] Assume u ( x ) , uc ( x) are the harmonic functions in Ω and Ωc respectively, and uc ( x ) = O(1) at ∞ , then we have ∂u ∫Γ ∂nd Γ = 0 , ∂u ∫Γ ∂nc d Γ = 0 Let us consider Dirichlet exterior BVP as follows (1) ∆u ( x ) = 0, x ∈ Ω c u ( x ) = u0 ( x ), x ∈ Γ (2)

∂ 2ω ∂ 2ω + =0. ∂ 2 y1 ∂ 2 y2


x ∈ Ωc


Issue 6, Volume 9, June 2010


Yaoming Zhang, Wenzhen Qu, Bin Zheng

where f ( x ) has compact support in Ωc . For the above inhomogeneous BVP, solution is the sum of two solutions: u = u1 + u2 , where u1 is a solution of the associated homogeneous BVP and u2 is a particular solution of inhomogeneous BVP. Suppose w( y ) = ∫ f ( x )u * ( x , y )d Ω c , and

Proof (Sufficiency). If lim u ( x ) = C holds, and x →∞

then consider the BVP as follows ∆u = 0,

 c ∪ {0} in Ω


2  v( y ) = u0 ( y / y ), on Γ


 c ∪ {0} is a finite domain with boundary Since Ω  , and v( y ) is a continuous function on Γ . Γ


y ∈ Ω c . It is easy to deduce ∆w = − f , so w( y ) is a particular solution. The problem (6)-(7) can be transformed as follows

Obviously, there exists a unique solution to the above boundary value problem in mathematical physical equation. c ∪ Γ . Suppose v ( x ) is a function in Ω ∪ Γ = Ω

∆v = 0,


According to both Lemma 2 and Lemma 3,  is a harmonic functions in Ωc = Ω , so c


v ( x ) v ( x )

That is to say, v ( x ) satisfies (2). Thus, u ( x ) = v ( x ) is the solution of the problem (1)-(2).


y >1


f ∈ L1 ( R 2 ) ,


f ( y ) × log y dy , then ω = f *


is local

in R 2 , that is to say,

f * (x) = ∫ f ( y) (x − y)dy = ∫ f (x − y) ( y)dy = * f (x)

satisfying lim u ( xk ) = b for random real number k →∞

( x ) = − log x / 2π .)

, where

b . Thus, if u ( x ) is the solution of problem (1)-(2), and l is random real number, then u ( x ) + lu ( x ) is also the solution of that according to Lemma 5. But this is a contradiction because there exists a unique solution to the problem (1)-(2). This completes the proof.

Proof: Define



Remark: Let Γ be a piece smooth curve, u0 ( x ) is a continuous function which only contains a finite number of discontinuity points of the first kind, then theorem 7 still is true. Now we consider inhomogeneous Dirichlet exterior BVP (Poisson’s exterior BVP) as follows (6) ∆u ( x ) = − f , in Ωc

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integrable functions f ,

or we can find a unbounded sequence { xk }

on Γ


integral, and also is a distribution solution. denote the convolutions of all the ( f*

(Necessity). Assume (3) is false. When x approaches ∞ , either we have u ( x ) = O(ln x ) ,

= u,

= u − w, on Γ

According to the Theorem 7, a unique solution v exists to the above problem. It is obvious that u = v + w is the solution of the problem (6)-(7).




v = O(1), at ∞

 = Γ , we have satisfies (1). On Γ 2 v ( x ) = v( y ) = v( x / x ) = u ( x )



in Ωc


( x ) as follows

 ( x ) ( x) =  0 0

x ≤1 x >1

∈ L1 , then f *

everywhere. Suppose


is defined almost

( x) =

( x) −


( x) ,

there exists lim(log x − y − log y ) = 0 for any y →∞

x , so f * ∞ exists everywhere and is local bounded. Thus ω = f * 0 + f * ∞ is defined almost everywhere and local integrable for any case. Now define f j ( x ) as follows



Issue 6, Volume 9, June 2010


 f ( x ) f j ( x) =  0 Let ω j = f j *

Yaoming Zhang, Wenzhen Qu, Bin Zheng

3.1 Equivalent expression of the harmonic function

x ≤ j x > j

Theorem 10 Let Γ be a piece smooth curve in plane, and u ( x ) that with the first-order

, according the dominated

continuous partial derivatives in Ωc is a harmonic function in Ωc . Assume u ( x ) = O(1) as x → ∞ . Then u ( x ) can be expressed as follows

convergence theorem, we have ω j → ω , ∆ω j → ∆ω in the distribution sense. If φ ∈ C0∞ , and f j ( x ) = f j (− x ) , then < ω , ∆φ >=< f * , ∆φ >=< , f * ∆φ >=< , j



∂u ( x ) dΓx = 0 (11) Γ ∂n ∂u(x) ∂u*(x, y) * u( y) = ∫ [u (x, y) ]dΓx +C, y∈Ωc −u(x) Γ ∂n ∂n (12)

f j *φ ) >= −(  f j * φ )(0 ) = < − f j , φ > ∆(

Since ∆ω j = − f j , thus ∆ω = − lim f j = − f . This completes the proof.

3 Equivalent equations for problems

boundary Laplace’s

integral exterior

Proof Let BR (0) including Ω denote a sufficiently large ball with radius R and center  = B (0) ∩ Ω at the original point. Setting Ω R

∂u( x) ∂u*( x, y) − u( x) ]dΓ Γ ∂n ∂n ∂u(x) ∂u*( x, y)  ]dΓ, y ∈Ω + ∫ [u*( x, y) − u(x) ∂BR ∂n ∂n (13)

u( y) = ∫ [u* (x, y)

Proof Since 2 ln x − y = 2 ln y + ln(1 −

2( x , y ) y



x y

2 2

Since u ( x ) is bounded at infinite, we have lim u ( x ) = C according to the corollary of


x →∞

lemma 4, thus

cos(( x, y ), nx ) ∂ ln x − y = ni∇ ln x − y = ∂nx x− y

1 ∂u*(x, y) 1 1 u(x) =C+O( ) and =− +O( ) x∈∂BR ∂n R 2πR R

Then, as y → ∞ , we have

u( y) = −


 , we can and applying Green theorem on Ω obtain

Theorem 9 A harmonic function is defined as follow ∂u(x) ∂u*(x, y) * u(y) = ∫ [u (x, y) ]dΓx +C, y∈Ωc −u(x) Γ ∂n ∂n As y → ∞ , u ( y ) → C if, and only if, ∂u ( x ) ∫Γ ∂n d Γ x = 0 .


1 1 ∂u ( x ) (∫ d Γ x ) ln y + O( ) + C 2π Γ ∂n y

∂u ( x ) ∂u * ( x, y ) lim [u ( x , y ) ]d Γ x = C − u( x) R →∞ ∫∂BR ∂n ∂n (14) *

Therefore u ( y ) → C if, and only if, ∂u ( x ) d Γ = 0 as y → ∞ . Γ ∂n

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Substituting (14) into (13) and setting R → ∞ , we can deduce


Issue 6, Volume 9, June 2010


u( y) = ∫ [u*(x, y) Γ

Yaoming Zhang, Wenzhen Qu, Bin Zheng

∂u(x) ∂u*(x, y) ]dΓx +C, y∈Ωc −u(x) ∂n ∂n

δ = inf{ x − y : x ∈ V , y ∉ S} and U ={x : exist y ∈V suchthat x − y < δ / 2}

then we have δ >0 , V ⊂ U and U ⊂ S . Suppose TU is characteristic function of U . Let φ is a nonnegative function belonging to

This proves (12). Applying Green theorem to harmonic function u ( x ) and v( x ) ≡ 1 in Ωc , then we have


C0∞ ( Bδ / 2 (0)) and ∫ φ = 1 . It can be verified easily

∂u ( x ) ∂u ( x ) dΓx + ∫ dΓx = 0 ∂ B R ∂n ∂n

that TU * φ is the g satisfying the conditions of theorem.

The equation (11) holds as R → ∞ This proves theorem.

Lemma 12 Let f ( x ) have compact support, then the particular solution w( y ) has the following properties

3.2 Equivalent boundary integral equations Letting y → Γ , according the equations (11) and (12), we can get the following equivalent boundary integral equations ∂u ( x ) dΓx = 0 (15) ∂n ∂u(x) ∂u*(x, y) ku( y) = ∫ [u*(x, y) ]dΓx + C, y ∈Γ −u(x) Γ ∂n ∂n (16)


where k equals α / 2π for 2D and α denotes the interior angle at point y on the boundary [25].

4 Equivalent equations for problems

boundary Poisson’s

∂w( x) ∂u* ( x, y) ]dΓx = 0, y ∈Ωc − w( x) Γ ∂n ∂n (17) ∂w( x ) ∂w( x ) ∫Γ ∂n d Γ + ∫Ωc ∂n d Ωc = 0 (18)

* ∫ [u ( x, y)

Let BR (0) denote a sufficiently large ball with radius R and center at the original point, and BR (0) ⊃ supp f (support of f ). According to Lemma 10, there is g ∈ C0∞ ( BR (0)) satisfying g ≡ 1 in BR (0) . Applying Green theorem to w( y ) and gu * ( x , y ) in BR (0) , then we have the equation (17); It is similar that we can get the equation(18) by applying green theorem to w( y ) and g . It is evident from Theorem 9 the solution v( y ) of boundary value problem (8)-(9) can be expressed as follows ∂v( x ) ∫Γ ∂n d Γ x = 0 (19) * ∂v(x) ∂u (x, y) v( y) = ∫ [u*(x, y) ]dΓx +C, y ∈Ωc −v(x) Γ ∂n ∂n (20) Since v( y ) = u ( y ) − w( y ) , so it follows that

integral exterior

In this section, we shall deduce Equivalent boundary integral equations for problem (6)-(7) (Poisson’s exterior BVP). 4.1 Equivalent direct boundary integral equations Lemma 11 Suppose V is a compact set, n S ⊂ R is an open set, and V ⊂ S . Then there is g ∈ C0∞ ( S ) such that g ≡ 1 in v and 0 ≤ g ≤ 1 in S.

∂u ( x ) ∂w( x ) dΓx − ∫ dΓx = 0 Γ Γ ∂n ∂n

Proof: Define

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Issue 6, Volume 9, June 2010


Yaoming Zhang, Wenzhen Qu, Bin Zheng

x ∈ Ωc ∆u ′ = 0,  u ′ Γ = uc − ω , x ∈ Γ u ′ = O(1), x→∞ 

∂u(x) ∂u*(x, y) u(y) −w(y) = ∫ [u (x, y) −u(x) ]dΓx +C Γ ∂n ∂n ∂w(x) ∂u*(x, y) ]dΓx, y∈Ωc −∫ [u*(x, y) −w(x) Γ ∂n ∂n *

Let BR (0) including Ω denote a sufficiently large circle with radius R and center at the  = B (0) ∩ Ω and original point. Setting Ω

According to Lemma 12, we have ∂u ( x ) d Γ x + ∫ f ( x )d Ωc = 0 Γ Ωc ∂n


(21) ∂u ( x ) ∂u ( x , y ) ]d Γ x u ( y ) = ∫ [u * ( x , y ) − u( x) Γ ∂n ∂n *




f ( x )u ( x , y )]d Ω c + C ,

u′( y) = ∫ [u*(x, y) Γ

y ∈ Ωc

∂u′(x) ∂u*(x, y)  ]dΓx , y ∈Ω −u′(x) ∂BR ∂nc ∂nc (25) Since u ′( x ) = O (1) , and lim u ′( x ) = C

Letting y → Γ , according the equations (21) and (22), we can get the following equivalent boundary integral equations

x →∞

according to lemma 4, thus 1 1 1 ∂u* ( x, y) ′ u ( x) = C + O( ), =− + o( ), x ∈∂BR R ∂nc 2π R R

∂u ( x ) ∫Γ ∂n d Γ x + ∫Ωc f ( x)d Ωc = 0 (23) * ∂u ( x ) ∂u ( x , y ) ]d Γ x ku ( y ) = ∫ [u * ( x , y ) − u( x) Γ ∂n ∂n Ωc

f ( x )u * ( x , y )]d Ω c + C ,

∂u′(x) ∂u*(x, y) ′ −u (x) ]dΓx ∂nc ∂nc

+ ∫ [u*(x, y)




 , we can obtain applying Green theorem in Ω

So lim ∫ [u * ( x , y )

R →∞ ∂BR

y∈Γ (24)

∂u ′( x ) ∂u * ( x , y ) ]d Γ x = C − u ′( x ) ∂nc ∂nc

then we can deduce

where k equals α / 2π for 2 D and α denotes the interior angle at point y on the boundary.

4.2 Equivalent indirect boundary integral equations

∂u′(x) ∂u*(x, y) ]dΓx +C, y∈Ωc −u′(x) Γ ∂nc ∂nc (26) And since u ′( x ) = uc ( x ) − ω ( x ) and

Without loss of generality, let us consider Dirichlet exterior BVP as follows

∂u ′ ∂uc ( x ) ∂ω ( x ) = − , Thus ∂nc ∂nc ∂nc

∆uc = − f ,  uc = u0 ,

u′( y) = ∫ [u*(x, y)

∂uc ( x) ∂u* ( x, y) ]dΓx uc ( y) = ∫ [u ( x, y) − uc ( x) Γ ∂nc ∂nc *

x ∈ Ωc x∈Γ

∂ω( x) ∂u* ( x, y) ]dΓx − ∫ [u ( x, y) − ω( x) Γ ∂nc ∂nc *

According to the theorem 8, ω ( x ) is a particular solution of the above problem. Assume u ′ = uc − ω , we consider the following exterior BVP

+ ∫ f ( x)u* ( x, y)dΩc + C, Ωc

y ∈Ωc (27)

According to lemma 12, there exists

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Issue 6, Volume 9, June 2010



[u * ( x , y )

Yaoming Zhang, Wenzhen Qu, Bin Zheng

∂u ( x ) ∂uc ( x ) + , y ∈ Ωc ∂n ∂nc By the Lemma 6 we have

∂ω ( x ) ∂u * ( x , y ) − ω( x) ]d Γ x = 0 ∂nc ∂nc

where ϕ ( x ) =

then we have

uc ( y) = ∫ [u* ( x, y) Γ


∂uc ( x) ∂u ( x, y) ]dΓx − uc ( x) ∂nc ∂nc

+ ∫ f ( x)u* ( x, y)dΩc + C, Ωc


∂u ( x ) dΓ = 0 , ∂n


∂u ′( x ) dΓ = 0 ∂nc

∂u ′ ∂uc ( x ) ∂ω ( x ) = − , according to the ∂nc ∂nc ∂nc lemma 12, we can get

y ∈Ωc


(28) Performing non-analytic continuation of uc ( x ) to the finite domain Ω , we have the following harmonic function u ( x )

∫ ϕ ( x )d Γ Γ


x ∈Ω ∆u ( x ) = 0,  u ( x ) = uc ( x ), x ∈ Γ


=∫ [ Γ

∂u ( x ) ∂uc ( x ) ]d Γ x + ∂n ∂nc

∂ω ( x ) d Γ x = − ∫ f ( x )d Ω c Γ Ωc ∂nc


Applying Green theorem in Ω , then the following equation exists

∫ ϕ ( x )d Γ + ∫

∂u( x) ∂u*( x, y) 0 = ∫ [u (x, y) ]dΓx , y ∈Ω − u( x) Γ ∂n ∂n (29)

Therefore the equivalent expression of the potential function can be expressed as




∂u ( x ) ∂u * ( x, y ) ]d Γ x − u( x) ∂n ∂n

+ ∫ f ( x )u * ( x, y )d Ω c + C , Ωc


y ∈ Ωc

y ∈Γ

∂uc ( y ) = kϕ ( y ) ∂nc

∂u * ( x , y ) ∂u * ( x , y ) =− and ∂n ∂nc u ( x ) = uc ( x ) , there are the following equation

∂u* ( x, y) ∂u* ( x, y) dΓx + ∫ f ( x) dΩc , y ∈Γ +∫ ϕ( x) Γ Ωc ∂nc ∂nc (34)

uc ( y) = ∫ ϕ( x)u* ( x, y)dΓx + ∫ f ( x)u* ( x, y)dΩc + C

where k equals α / 2π for 2 D and α denotes the interior angle at point y on the boundary.



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uc ( y) = ∫ ϕ(x)u*(x, y)dΓx + ∫ f (x)u*(x, y)dΩc +C,

(30) According

f ( x )d Ωc = 0

Letting y → Γ , according the expression (31), we can get the following equivalent boundary integral equations

∂uc ( x ) ∂u * ( x, y ) ]d Γ x − uc ( x ) ∂nc ∂nc

+ ∫ [u * ( x , y )


 ϕ( x)dΓx = 0 ∫Γ  * * uc ( y) = ∫Γ ϕ( x)u ( x, y)dΓx + ∫Ω f ( x)u ( x, y)dΩx + C

By the addition of equations (28) and (29), we can get

uc ( y ) = ∫ [u * ( x, y )



∂u * ( x , y ) in the equation (21) has singularity ∂nc


Issue 6, Volume 9, June 2010


Yaoming Zhang, Wenzhen Qu, Bin Zheng

1 O ( ) . Thus, considering the nonexistence of r regular integral on Γ , we can only get Cauchy principal value integrals. Equivalent indirect boundary integral equations in three typical boundary conditions are given in ∂u the table 1( u n = ) ∂n Table 1: Equivalent indirect boundary integral equations Boundary Boundary value Boundary integral problems conditions equation

Now we will certify that the CBIE have no extensive suitability by an example. Example 2 Suppose Ω is a bounded domain with the boundary Γ , and Ωc = R 2 − (Ω ∪ Γ) is its open complement. We shall consider the following two Dirichlet exterior boundary value problems (BVPs) ∆u(x) =0, x∈Ωc  ( Ι) : u(x) =u0(x) +C x∈Γ u(x) =O(1) x →∞ 



(32), (33)



(32), (34)


u , un

(32), (33), (34)

5 Discussion and conclusion 5.1 Laplace’s problem




Example 1 Let Ωc be the open complement of the unit circle with the boundary Γ , consider the following Dirichlet exterior BVP

In fact, both u1 ( x ) ≡ 1 and u2 ( x ) ≡ ln x + 1 ,

where C is a constant. The CBIE base on the harmonic function in Ωc can be expressed as ∂u( y) ∂u* ( x, y) u( x) = ∫ [u* ( x, y) ]dΓy , x ∈Ωc − u( y) Γ ∂n ∂n (35) Supposing the solutions u1 and u2 to the above two problem can be get by the use of the CBIE, then u = u1 − u2 is the solution of the following boundary integral equation

∆u ( x ) = 0,  u ( x ) = C u ( x ) = O(1) 

∇ 2u = 0, x ∈ Ω c  u ( x ) ≡ 1, x ∈ Γ

for any

∆u(x) =0, x∈Ωc  ( ΙΙ) : u(x) =u0(x) x∈Γ u(x) =O(1) x →∞ 

x ∈ Ωc x∈Γ x→∞

It is obvious that u ( x ) ≡ C ( x ∈ Ω c ) is the solution of the above problem. According to the ∂u ( y ) theorem 9, if ∫ d Γ y = 0 , the equation (35) Γ ∂n ∂u ( y ) approaches 0 as x → ∞ ; if ∫ dΓ y ≠ 0 , Γ ∂n the equation (35) approaches ∞ as x → ∞ . Thus, at least one solution of problem (Ⅰ) and (Ⅱ) can’t obtained by means of the CBIE.

x ∈ Ω c are all the solutions of the above problem. It shows that the problem may have not unique solution if any conditions ensuring the behavior of the solution at infinite are not given. However, the constraint condition is not arbitrary. If we give the following condition u ( x ) = O(1/ x ), x → ∞ then the solution of the above problem does not exist.

5.3 Conclusions 5.2 Boundary integral equation of Laplace’s exterior boundary value problem

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For any two boundary value problems that the difference of two boundary functions is a


Issue 6, Volume 9, June 2010


Yaoming Zhang, Wenzhen Qu, Bin Zheng

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constant, at least one problem can not be solved by CBIE. What’s more, on account of complexity of boundary conditions in projects, it is difficult to judge that the problem can be solved under whatever conditions. In this situation, the EBIE of the Poisson’s exterior problems are developed. The above conclusions also apply to Neumann and mixed BVPs.


The research is supported by the National Nature Science Foundation of china (no.10571110) and the Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province of China (no.2003ZX12).

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ISSN: 1109-2769


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Yaoming Zhang, Wenzhen Qu, Bin Zheng

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ISSN: 1109-2769


Issue 6, Volume 9, June 2010