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Aug 2, 2007 ... two key review articles: ... R.J. Gaitskell (experiment review) in Ann. Rev. Nucl. .... Emax. Emin. dR(Ei). Ei r. For Emax use ∞ or vesc (later. . . ) .... e−v2 esc/v2. 0. ] Fortunately, average value well approximated by numerical fit.
Direct Detection of WIMP Dark Matter: Part 1 - a primer Dan Akerib Case Western Reserve University CDMS Collaboration SLAC Summer Institute Aug 2, 2007

Standard Cosmology Colley, Turner & Tyson

from Perlmutter, Phys. Today (units of critical density)


WMAP Dan Akerib

SSI 2007

Tytler & Burles Case Western Reserve University

Non-Baryonic Dark Matter Matter = 0.30 ± 0.04

Nature of dark matter Non-baryonic Large scale structure predicts DM is ‘cold’

WIMPs – Weakly Interacting Massive Particle   

Freeze out: H > A~ n A v 

Baryons = 0.05 ± 0.005

Production suppressed (T= OmegaCDMmin) Guidice and Romanino, 2004, mu < 0 A. Pierce, Finely Tuned MSSM Guidice and Romanino, 2004, mu > 0 Chattopadhyay et. al Theory results - post WMAP Baltz and Gondolo, 2004, Markov Chain Monte Carlos (1 sigma) Baer et. al 2003 Kim/Nihei/Roszkowski/de Austri 2002 JHEP Ellis et. al Theory region post-LEP benchmark points Baltz and Gondolo 2003 Baltz and Gondolo, 2004, Markov Chain Monte Carlos 060227062601

Dan Akerib


Case Western Reserve University

WIMPs in the Galactic Halo detector

Exploit movements of Earth/ Sun through WIMP halo 

Direction of recoil -- most events should be opposite Earth/Sun direction (Spergel 1988) Annual modulation -- harder spectrum when Earth travels with sun (Drukier, Freese, & Spergel 1986)

galactic center Sun 230 km/s

June Dec.

energy transferred appears in ‘wake’ of recoiling nucleus

WIMP-Nucleus Scattering

Scatter from a Nucleus in a Terrestrial Particle Detector



~2% seasonal effect



Erecoil Dan Akerib

SSI 2007

Case Western Reserve University

Defining the Signal



• •

n(v ) MW

halo density cross section

• •

SD/SI coherence & form factors


dR log dER

annual modulation of rate diurnal modulation of direction


Backgrounds Experimental methods & results Dan Akerib



σW N

Primary signal Secondary features 

• •

halo potential WIMP mass target mass & velocity

} mostly tomorrow

SSI 2007

Case Western Reserve University

References and further reading

References and notation - generally following the treatment of two key review articles:  

A very nice pedagogic reference 

J.D. Lewin and P.F. Smith, Astroparticle Physics 6 (1996) G. Jungman, M. Kamionkowski and K. Griest, Physics Reports 267 (1996) S. Golwala, Ph.D. thesis, UC Berkeley (2000) (

• •

10th CDMS dissertation - first astrophysics results! winner of first APS Tanaka dissertation prize!

See also  

Dan Akerib

R.J. Gaitskell (experiment review) in Ann. Rev. Nucl. Part. Sci. 54 (2004) G. Heusser (low background techniques) in Ann. Rev. Nucl. Part. Sci. 45 (1995)

SSI 2007

Case Western Reserve University

Differential energy spectrum (simplified) dR R0 −ER /E0 r = e dER E0 r R ER R0 E0 r MW MN

dR log dER ER

= = = =

event rate per unit mass recoil energy  ∞ total event rate dR dER = R0 dER most probable incident 0 energy (Maxwellian)  ∞ 4MW MN dR = ER  = ER dER (MW + MN )2 dER 0 = mass of WIMP = E0 r = mass of target nucleus

Dan Akerib

SSI 2007

Case Western Reserve University

WIMP search - c.1988 Germanium ionization detector (UCSB/UCB/LBL) Gaitskell,Mandic,Filippini

log cross section (arb. units)





10 WIMP Mass [GeV]


from Jungman et al. (D.O. Caldwell et al.)

Dan Akerib

SSI 2007

Case Western Reserve University


Typical numbers For: MW

β ER 

Dan Akerib



= MN = 100 GeV/c ⇒r=1


∼ 0.75 × 10−3 = 220 km/s MW β02 c2 GeV 1 = 2 100 2 (0.75 × 10−3 )2 c2 c = 30 keV =

1 2

SSI 2007

Case Western Reserve University

Refinements  dR  = R0 S(ER ) F 2 (ER ) I  dER OBS S(ER ) = spectral function — masses and kinematics F 2 (ER ) = form factor correction, with ER = q 2 /2MW I = interaction type

Dan Akerib

SSI 2007

Case Western Reserve University

Kinematics DM particle with velocity v and incident KE Ei = 12 MW v 2 scattered at angle θ in CM frame gives recoil energy in lab frame θ θ


(1 − cos θ) E R = Ei r 2 4 M W MN 4m2r = r= MW MN (MW + MN )2


MW MN mr = MW + MN

is the reduced mass Dan Akerib

SSI 2007

Case Western Reserve University

Kinematics Isotropic scattering: uniform in cos θ Incident WIMP with energy Ei gives recoil energies uniformly in ER = 0 → Ei r


dR dER

Recall “familiar” case for equal masses (r = 1), target at rest, head-on collision ER = Ei dR(Ei) Overall spectrum? —sample incident spectrum In each interval Ei → Ei + dEi contribution to spectrum in ER → ER + dER at rate dR(Ei ) of ER  dR(E )  dR Ei r i (ER ) = d dER Ei r Dan Akerib

SSI 2007

Case Western Reserve University

Kinematics Need to integrate over range of incident energies dR (ER ) = dER



dR(Ei ) Ei r

For Emax use ∞ or vesc (later. . . )

ER Ei ≥ ≡ Emin r

dR dER

dR(Ei) log

For Emin , to get recoil of energy ER need incident energy


Ei r and also need differential rate. . . Dan Akerib

SSI 2007

Case Western Reserve University

Differential rate In a kilogram of detector of nuclear mass number A N0 dR = σ v dn A where the differential density dn is taken as a function v n0 dn = f (v , vE ) d3v k

volume v swept per unit time contains dn(v) particles with velocity v

with n0 = ρDM /MW and normalization  k = f d3v

Dan Akerib

SSI 2007

Case Western Reserve University

Coordinate system collision kinematics



vW,E vE,G vW,G

= = =

WIMP velocity in the target/Earth frame Earth velocity in the Galaxy frame WIMP velocity in the Galaxy frame

galaxy dynamics





= vW,E + vE,G = v + vE

−( v + vE )2 /v02

f (v , vE ) = e

Maxwellian velocity distribution Dan Akerib

SSI 2007

Case Western Reserve University

Differential rate For simplified case of vE = 0 and vesc = ∞ 1 3 v f (v, 0) d v dR = R0 4 2πv0 with R0 =

− 12 N0 ρDM 2π A MW

σ0 v0 −v 2 /v02

For Maxwellian f (v, 0) = e , isotropic d3 v → 4πv 2 dv, Ei = 12 MW v 2 and E0 = 12 MW v02 : dR (ER ) = dER = Dan Akerib

∞ ER r

dR(Ei ) R0 = 1 Ei r r( 2 MW v02 )2

R0 −ER /E0 r e E0 r SSI 2007



−v 2 /v02


v dv

 = 2ER /rMW

Case Western Reserve University

Corrections: escape velocity

For finite vesc 2 dR k0 R0 −ER /E0 r −vesc /v02 = −e ) (e dER k1 (vesc , 0) E0 r


k0 k1

= 0.9965 for vesc = 600 km/s,

and for MW = MN = 100 GeV/c2 , maximum ER = 200 keV ⇒ cutoff energy ER  = 30 keV

Dan Akerib

SSI 2007

Case Western Reserve University

Corrections: earth velocity Clearly vE = 0 — but ∼ v0 = 230 km/s. Full calculation yields: √   

2 2 vmin + vE vmin − vE π v0 k0 R0 dR(vesc , vE ) erf −erf −e−vesc /v0 = dER k1 E0 r 4 vE v0 v0  x −t2 3 2 where erf(x) = √π 0 e dt, vmin = v0 ER /E0 r, k0 = (πv02 ) 2 and  

2 2 vesc 2 vesc k1 = k0 erf −√ − e−vesc /v0 v0 π v0 Fortunately, average value well approximated by numerical fit R0 −c2 ER /E0 r dR(vesc = ∞, vE ) = c1 e dER E0 r

~30% increase in integrated rate = c1/c2 = 0.751/0.561 and harder spectrum Dan Akerib

SSI 2007

Case Western Reserve University

Signal modulations: annual effect June

June Dec



WIMP Signal





Background Dec


t − 152.5 vE (t)[km/s] = 232 + 15 cos 2π 365.25 galactic center Sun 230 km/s Dan Akerib


t in days after January 1 June Dec. SSI 2007


~2% seasonal effect need ~1000 events June


Case Western Reserve University

Signal modulations: recoil direction

Differential angular spectrum:

d2 R 1 R0 −(vE cos ψ−vmin )2 /v02 = e dER d(cos ψ) 2 E0 r

• •

Asymmetry  more recoils in forward direction by 5x: ~10 events Orientation of lab frame rotates relative to forward direction  

eg, definition of forward/backward in lab frame changes as earth rotates ⊥ versus reduces asymmetry to 20% effect: ~300 events

ψ galactic center Sun 230 km/s Dan Akerib

me a r f g n rotati SSI 2007


Case Western Reserve University

Refinements  dR  = R0 S(ER ) F 2 (ER ) I  dER OBS S(ER ) = spectral function — masses and kinematics time dependence

F 2 (ER ) = form factor correction, with ER = q 2 /2MW I = interaction type in zero-velocity limit (v