Erasmus BA Course Descriptions

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Name of subject: Business English - BBNNT03511. ECTS credits ... Press, 2005.; OR Longman Business English Dictionary New Edition with CD-ROM, Pearson.
Name of subject: Business English - BBNNT03511 ECTS credits Number of Number of Type of Prerequisite Assessment 6 terms 1 none seminar grade classes/week course unit 2 seminar Course Description The course focuses on the skills, terminology and functional language required to communicate in an English speaking work environment. The course sets out to give students an overview of the business world through a variety of current business topics; help students acquire and practice key business communication skills (oral and written) that they will need in real-life work situations. The course also provides opportunity to prepare for any B2-level Business English exam. Course schedule 1. First impressions / Corporate image 2. Motivation 3. On schedule / Project management 4. New ideas and innovations 5. Customer service 6. Ethical business 7. Making decisions 8. Outsourcing 9. Employees 10. New business 11. Communications 12. Facts and figures 13. Culture Requirements • Active participation (no more than 3 absences) • Writing tests and vocabulary quizzes • Handing in assignments on time Coursebook Business Result Upper-intermediate Student’s Book by M. Duckworth & R. Turner, Oxford University Press, 2008. Recommended readings Business Vocabulary in Use Intermediate by B. Mascull, Cambridge University Press, 2002. Oxford Express Series - Work skills: English for Emails; English for Meetings; English for Presentations; English for Socializing; English for Telephoning, Oxford University Press. Business English Dictionary Oxford Business English Dictionary for Learners of English with CD-ROM, Oxford University Press, 2005.; OR Longman Business English Dictionary New Edition with CD-ROM, Pearson Longman.

Staff: Rita Mészárosné Kóris