ERP OS Localization Framework Mario Batista
Carlos J. Costa
Manuela Aparicio
Instituto Universitario de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL) Lisboa, Portugal
Instituto Universitario de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL), ADETTI-IUL Lisboa, Portugal
Instituto Universitario de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL), ADETTI-IUL Lisboa, Portugal
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solutions, specially ERP systems. These systems have to conform to a set of specific requirements related to the functionality that an ERP offers and their applicability in a particular country/region.
ABSTRACT Business applications internationalization is relevant because of the necessity of promoting communication between organizations from different contexts. ERP systems are no exception. Only considering internationalization´s applications, software can fit and localized into a particular country or region. This paper presents an ERP Open Source (OS) localization framework, identifying which are the components, which must be located. The translation and customization are the main tasks in this process.
With the economic globalization and the advent of the Internet, it has become much easier to reach the foreign markets. The ERP, for use in a particular cultural and organizational context, must be properly located.
H.5.2 [User Interfaces]: Standardization. H.5.3 [Group and Organization Interfaces]: Web-based interaction
This paper presents a brief background, briefly discussing issues like ERP, internationalization and localization. It follows the identification of components to consider in the process of internationalization. These components are customized in the localization process. The proposal of the framework localization of ERP systems is presented in the final section.
General Terms
Categories and Subject Descriptors
Standardization, Languages, Legal Aspects.
ERP is a software platform developed to integrate various functional areas in an organization, allowing the work to be carried out only on one platform for the whole organization. The advantage of having only one platform is to have coherent and consistent information across the organization [22].
Keywords Internationalization, Localization, Language tools, ERP.
Globalization, also known as G11N, ”addresses all of the enterprise issues associated with making a company truly global. For the globalization of products and services this involves integrating all of the internal and external business functions with marketing, sales, and customer support in the world market” [21]. Globalization, encompasses the internationalization and localization. The term globalization, refers to the whole process of software development, from conception to implementation and location for sale in international markets [17], [23].
The Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems have been developed to suport companies in the automation and integration of corporate cross-functional activities in order to meet the management needs of organizations in a globalized world. It is not just enough to have an ERP. To take advantage of the competitive capabilities of these systems, the managers and collaborators must understand the basic principles of the ERP in order to take advantage of their potential [9].
Internationalization (i18n) is an engineering process whose objective is making it flexible and neutral cultural, financial and legal constraints in a country. It is the way of designing a product that can be adapted to different cultures. In other words, it is the process of developing an application that separates all elements of design and code, so do not make assumptions specific to a single location, but whose code is structured to each local context [37], [19].
Open Source is widely used in web servers, mail servers and in a wide range of applications [37], [26]. Today we can no longer live without Open Source systems. It is already a part of our lives. Nevertheless, the same has not been seen in Open Source business Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than ACM must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. Request permissions from
[email protected] OSDOC'13, July 11-12, 2013, Lisbon, Portugal.
Copyright 2013 ACM 978-1-4503-2255-3/13/07…$15.00.
Localization (L10n) is the process of creating or adapting a product to a specific location. According to Localization Industry
Standards Association (LISA1) “Localization involves taking a product and making it linguistically and culturally appropriate to the target locale (country/region and language) where it will be used and sold.” [37], [20].
Internationalization Software Application
The distinction between internationalization and localization is subtle but important. Internationalization is the process of designing an application so that it can be adapted to various languages and regions without engineering changes. Internationalization takes place in the country where the product is originally developed. Localization refers to the process of infusing a specific cultural context in a previously internationalized product [25].
Source Code Localization Resource Files Figure 1. Component Division in i18n [21] It is interesting to discuss what components may be affected by the localization process. From the literature review, we can highlight the following components:
The benefits of OS ERP are greater than in other types of applications for these principal reasons: •
Greater adaptability. It is necessary to implement a project to combine business processes and local regulations. Having full access to source ERP can facilitate customization [26], [11];
Decreased dependence on a single supplier. Companies that acquire a proprietary ERP, are highly dependent on manufacturers and distributors of products [26], [37];
Cost reduction. ERP proprietary licenses are expensive. Between one-sixth to one-third of the project costs of implementation are licensing costs [26], [37];
Could be implemented by the client with no extra costs and it is possible to continuous development by the client [11];
Security, Reliability/Stability [37];
Greater freedom to change between different software packages, platforms with open standards [37].
3. INTERNATIONALIZATION The software to be developed on the standard i18n is fit to the localization process. This standard aims to ensure that the software has a basic computational architecture that allows the location, otherwise the software will have to be rewritten from scratch [25]. The i18n process begins early in the development process of software, when computer scientists identify the requirements that the application to be developed must obey. The goal of the i18n is to ensure that elements dependent of language or culture have been eliminated [21]. Thus, in i18n components are identified that have to fit a certain place / region. These components are separated from the core of the program. They are grouped in two areas: Source Code and Resource Files [21]. The source code corresponds to the core of the program, ie, the part that will not change regardless of where the software is installed. The so-called resource files, includes all the components that will be adjusted at each local / region [21] (Figure 1).
LISA was declared insolvent in 2011, now Globalization and Localization Association (GALA) 2
User Interfaces and printed documentation: Is included error messages, help texts, menus, warning messages and graphics [21], [17], [28];
Character classification: The English has only 52 characters in the alphabet ratings. They are [A - Z] and [a - z]. But many other languages have more characters in their alphabets. The characters ä, ë e ü are examples of characters used in Germany and é, á, ç for Portugal [21], [17], [22], [32];
Character transliteration: Converting characters from uppercase to lowercase (or vice versa), can cause problems if the character is not in ASCII code table [21], [17];
Numerical and monetary formats: The way to display a numerical value varies from region to region. In Portugal the decimal separator is a comma (,) while the U.S. is the point (.) [21], [17], [22], [14], [31], [32];
Date and Time formats: The format of the date and time must be set for each location. The expression 10-032013 may represent either March 10, 2013 and October 3, 2013 [21], [17], [22], [14], [32];
Collating or sorting: Sorting a list of data in many cultures is more complex than the simple sort by code ASCII [21], [17], [31];
Regular expressions: Regular expressions are expressions patterns used in the research data. This search form does not work properly in foreign languages, due to their tendency for English, based on the ASCII [21], [17], [31];
Encoding schemes: “An encoding scheme illustrates the one-to one mapping between a character and the computer’s bit representation. The most common code page is ASCII, but ASCII doesn’t support much more than the English language.” [21];
Character versus byte processing: Internationalized software needs to support codepages multi-byte and not just the one-byte encoding (does not support the characters used in all languages of the world, especially the Far East languages) [21], [17], [32];
Text directionality: Regardless of the language, the text can be read from left to right or from right to left (Hebrew and Arabic) [21], [17]; Input method editors: Many languages (such as Asian) have more characters than the number of keys on the keyboard [21], [17].
address format
IEC 14652
telephone number
IEC 14652
measurement units
IEC 14652
The i18n should foster the implementation of internationally recognized standards. If the ERP needs to implement a table of countries or currencies shall include as standard tables recognized and accepted worldwide (Table 3) [24].
The encoding of each presented component should be extracted from the source code and stored in resource files. To facilitate the localization, the components must be organized in modules (Table 1).
Table 3. Relevant international standards for i18n Table 1. Modules and components Module
Standard ISO/IEC 10646
Component Calendar
ISO 639
Date/time Local data
ISO 3166
Phone numbers
ISO 4217
Zip Code
ISO 8601
Standard description Universal Character set (Unicode) Defining an identifier for the representation of language codes Defining an identifier for the representation of countries codes Defining an identifier for the representation of currency codes Standards representation dates and times format
Units of measure Unicode is an international standard that defines a digital code for each character, symbol, ideogram used in all languages of the world. As the default encoding of HyperText Markup Language (HTML) and eXtensible Markup Language (XML), the Unicode standard provides the basis for the World Wide Web and the globalized world of business. The Unicode support by the ERP to locate ensures a higher level of i18n [15], [21].
Byte processing Character transliteration Data Encoding Schemes Regular Expression Graphics
The character set ASCII presents as a starting point, but the Unicode standard goes beyond the limited capacity of ASCII to encode only the uppercase and lowercase letters of A to Z. Unicode provides the encoding of all characters used in the written languages of the world. More than 1 million characters can be encoded [16]. There are 3 encoding formats: UTF-8, UTF16, UTF-32 (Table 4) [35].
Colors User Interface
Text directionality Input method editors Text messages
Table 4. Unicode formats The ISO / IEC 14652 specifies a description format for the specification of cultural conventions. It is compatible with the previous standard Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX) (Table 2) [32]. Table 2. Categories for cultural conventions Category
character classification
POSIX / IEC 14652
string collation
POSIX / IEC 14652
date and time format
POSIX / IEC 14652
number format
POSIX / IEC 14652
currency format
POSIX / IEC 14652
messages in locale language
POSIX / IEC 14652
paper size
IEC 14652
personal name format
IEC 14652
Code Unit Size
8 bits
Byte Order
Fewest bytes per character
16 bits 32 bits little-endian / bigendian 2
The Unicode character encoding treats alphabetic characters, ideographic characters, and symbols equivalently, which means it can be used simultaneously, with easily, in all parts of the world [16].
4. LOCALIZATION The L10n is applied to software coded according to standard i18n. Localization consists in the adjustment of all the resource files to a particular country/location. As a general rule, in the L10n are not performed changes to source code [21]. The localization is based on research carried out in each country. Many aspects of the country knowledge are almost unchanged, for 3
example, the language. Other aspects are subject to more subtle and cultural changes, such as, for example, the meaning of colours. These small changes of meaning, makes it particularly important to use individuals in the target country, who have current knowledge rather than individuals who have lived or worked there, whose knowledge cannot be updated [14]. The localization process has two fundamental dimensions: text localization and cultural localization [31]. Text localization consists in translating the interface and application documentation. Cultural localization includes respect for all cultural conventions of a particular region. There are, five levels in the localization process [31]: •
Adjustment of graphical elements in the software (colours, symbols, signs), directionality of text (if applicable), font used in the texts and setting text to graphic layout;
Parameterization of local settings in order to contemplate all formats specific to each country / local.
The components that require localization are [21], [31]: •
Dialog boxes;
Level II, analyze the components to localize and application source code compatibility with the new region;
Level III, is reserved for the translation of menus and messages of the application. At this level, it is only the user interface that is translated;
Status bars.
Level I, reserved for a translation of written documentation on paper and analysis of the effort to consider in the localization process;
Level IV, is an extension of level III. Translation extends to help, tutorials, examples and documentation;
Level V, are analyzed all cultural conventions (meaning of colours, images) so that the users of this region feel as if the software were developed in their country of origin.
There are three approaches to the end of the process to ensure that the components are grouped in one functional system, they are: compile time, link time and run time. The methodology at compile time requires changing the source code of the application in order to adapt it to a new market place. The methodology bonding time uses a version of the source code, but the links to the libraries are different for different locations. The methodology runtime uses a single internationalized product that can use different dynamic libraries, and localization files defined at the user-defined local resource files [22], [31].
V-Cultural Localization
4.1 ERP Localization
IV-On-line help tutorials and documentation
The aspects presented are also valid for the case of an ERP localization, namely Front Accounting. To be used in another context should be in accordance with standard i18n. However, the effective use by companies requires that the localization reaches level five. Only level five ensure compliance with the convention and cultural contexts [31]. The localization requires the adjustment of the functionality to the new location in accordance with the specifics of a particular country (Figure 3).
III-menus and dialogs II-Enable the code I-hard-copy doc Figure 2. Localisation Levels [31]. There is a close relationship between language and layout software. In Portuguese, in English and other European languages, the reading is done from left to right. In Arabic, reading is done from right to left. This situation affects the movement of the eyes in the screen. Thus, individuals who are used to read and write from right to left, will look for an image in the upper right, while Europeans look to secure the upper left corner. This affects eye movement on screen [21].
Original ERP
Communication with users is made not only with text, but graphics, signs and icons. There are numerous signs (error, danger, for example) and icons with special meanings. Users should be familiar with its meaning. Many signs are different from country to country. One should therefore use culturally neutral images and internationally known signals [21], [17].
Located ERP
Figure 3. Original ERP vs located ERP. The correct localization of an ERP requires more extensive work compared to software of a general nature, since it has to take into account the applicable legal and accounting in a particular location [22]. These legal requirements and tax are generally the target of numerous changes as is the case of Portugal.
The adjustment of resource files to a particular location, presents three main challenges [21]: •
Country specificities
The legal system is of particular importance. The application must be properly located in accordance with the law in force in the respective region. One of the modules constituting an ERP, is the
Translation of all messages in the user interface. A translation of all documentation can be optional; 4
accounting module. It is necessary to know the current accounting model in the country in which you want to localize the ERP. There are two models worth mentioning: the Anglo-American model and the European model. In the Anglo-American model, accounting is oriented for the need of investors' decision. Oriented for the analysis and financial performance of the organization, accounting reports are geared to providing information about the company's future development [22].
The reports are available in the form and content according to the context of a particular location. In Portugal, the income statement, balance sheets accounting statement summarizing the customer, assume a specific configuration [1]. The sales documents are valid only if they present certain information and configuration [12], [5].
The European model is used in countries such as Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Japan, Switzerland and Portugal. The main difference is that the major objective of financial statements is not to provide information targeted to the need for a decision, but to provide information required by the government, for example, taxing [22].
The companies in the course of their business, have reporting obligations to the state and other stakeholders [12]. In the case of Portugal, many of these tax returns can be submitted electronically through specific formats defined by the Tax Authority (AT). The most commonly used formats are:
In many countries, tax laws effectively determine accounting standards. The company recorded revenues and expenses in the accounts taking into account the effect of each tax and legal classification [12].
Net financial resources
Accounts receivable and payable
Capital, reserves and retained earnings
XML file format (Example: SAF-T file).
The file SAF-T PT (Portugal) [18] is a file in XML format standardized in order to allow an easy export, at any time of a predefined set of records, in a common and readable format, regardless of the program used, without affecting the internal structure of the database program or the functionality. Created primarily to facilitate the collection of data in electronic format by the relevant tax inspectors / auditors, also allows the exchange of information between applications, provided they possess the functionality to integrate this file.
Table 5. Portuguese SNC classes Description
Text file with a certain structure (example: VAT periodic statement); •
The chart of accounts adopted in Portugal is SNC (Sistema de Normalização Contabilistica - Accounting Standardization System) [13]. The SNC, is based on the international accounting standards of the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). The movements are classified into accounts. The accounts are grouped in a hierarchical structure. The accounts of the first level are called classes (Table 5) [1].
Trial Balance (Balancete in Portuguese), Balance Sheet (Balanço in Portuguese) and Income Statement (Demonstração de Resultados in Portuguese) [1], [22];
ERP systems must ensure the integrity and authenticity of data. The Portuguese tax report system requires that the software has mechanisms that do not allow you to change the data of the fiscally relevant documents, such as changing the value of an invoice. ERP systems must have a feature called certification [6]. The certification consists of the application of an RSA asymmetric encryption algorithm (SHA-1) to each document recorded in selling ERP in order to create a hash key, ensuring that the registration was not subsequently modified [2], [6]. In the case of Portugal is recommended that ERP systems are provided with webservice to send real-time information of:
Thus, on the fiscal point of view it is necessary to bear in mind the following to localize the software for Portugal:
Sales documents [7];
Transport documents [8].
Data to be included in the sales documents [5];
The use of the web service is not mandatory. The system can send information via XML files, including the simplified SAF-T [7]. This requirement is a mandatory reporting to the state.
XML reporting Tax to government. Example: Standard Audit File for Tax Purposes (SAF-T) [18], [22];
In short, the localization of an ERP is achieved at the expense of two main tasks:
Chart of Accounts. Example: SNC System Accounting Standards [13];
Tax included on invoices. Example: Value Added Tax (VAT), in Portuguese named IVA [5], [22];
Personal Income Tax. Example: IRS (Imposto sobre Rendimentos Singulares) [4], [22];
Income tax corporate or capital gains tax. Example: IRC (Imposto sobre Rendimentos Colectivos) [3], [22];
Translation [28], [31];
Customization [29].
4.1.1 Translation In the process of translation is important to involve qualified individuals, in order to master the techniques, terminology and experience in the area concerned, to be carried out translations that users can understand. You must have the notion that a term can have different meanings depending on the context in which it is used [22].
The interface of the application may have to be adjusted to the new language. The same expression translated into different languages, occupies different dimensions. Microsoft recommends that considered 30% more free space reserved for the expansion of sentences [21].
Customization can be used to adjust an ERP to a particular location. The framework of Luo and Strong [29], helps to determine the effort required to achieve the complete localization of ERP.
Automatic translation is especially effective when the source text is written in an international style. In many cases the direct translation can change the meaning of the message, requiring human intervention due to the context in which the phrase is inserted [28].
In the research reported in this paper, it is proposed a Framework that consists of four dimensions. Each dimension corresponds to a separate component of the source code. Each component has a set of variables that require adjustment in order to meet all requirements of a particular location. Three dimensions of the framework corresponds to the dimensions of the model of Gross [21], on which is added a new dimension: functionality (Figure 4).
The most common translation framework in Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) projects is gettext [32], [31]. The GNU gettext covers over 90 percent of the translations of GNU / Linux [32]. Messages in the source code are introduced in a macro that calls a function gettext to retrieve the translated version. At program startup, the database of messages from a particular region is loaded. Thus, all messages are translated by quick reference during program execution. Therefore, the task of translation is to build the database of message translation for a particular language and get it installed in a location appropriate for a particular country / local. With this preparation, gettext programs are automatically translated into a certain place without touching the source code [32]. There are now a set of open source tools to support localization (Table 6) [27].
The successful implementation of an ERP depends on the match between ERP functionality and support to organizational processes [30], [36]. In the case of localization it is necessary to bring these new features to the specific country or location.
Local Data [21] Calendar / Date/time [17], [22] Currency [21], [17], [22], [14] Phone number format [21], [32]
Table 6. Open source tools who support L10n
Address format [32]
Tool Name
Supported Formats
paper size [32]
Personal name format [32]
Units of measure [21], [32]
Data [21] Byte processing [21], [17], [32] Character transliteration [21], [17] Encoding Schemes [21] Resource Files [21]
The XML Localization Interchange File Format (XLIFF) [38], Translation Memory eXchange (TMX) [34] and TermBase eXchange TBX [33] formats are designed to promote the exchange of data between localization tools and Translation Memory.
Regular Expression [21], [17], [31]
User Interface [21] Graphics [14], [17], [28] Colors [21], [17], [28], [14] Text directionality [21], [17]
4.1.2 Customization
Input method editors [21], [17]
ERP systems offer the possibility to adjust their functionalities to business needs. It is used customization to accomplish this adjustment. Customization is the adaptation of existing functionality in the ERP to a certain reality. ERP systems are comprised of a set of software modules, each module has a set of possibilities for parameterization and customization [10].
Text messages [32], [17], [28]
Functionality [30], [36] Documents Layout [12], [5]
Luo and Strong [29] defined a framework to assess the level of customization of an ERP. In this framework, we identified three types of customization: customization of source code, customization of the table and customization module. Each type of customization can be classified into three categories: no change, incremental change and radical change. A radical change is the highest level of customization, forcing a rethink and redesign existing processes.
Reports [32], [1], [12] Fiscal reports [5], [4], [3] Processing calculations [12] Security Data [2], [6] Figure 4. ERP components for i18n e L10n 6 gos_tributarios/irs/index_irs.htm, Acessed in 14/04/2013
Thus, the dimension functionality is considering the following variables: •
Documents Layout, considers the adjustment of the layout of business documents (invoice, credit notes, receipts) printed by the ERP to a particular location [12], [5];
[6] AT (2013), “DECREE Nº 363/2010, OF THE 23RD JUNE SERIES I Nº 120”, available in -4AA8-4F6C-8B41-22FC6670401A/0/Decree363New.pdf, Acessed in 11/04/2013
Reports, considers the adjustment of the shape and contents of the reports provided by the application queries [32], [1], [12];
Fiscal reports, considers the customization of new reports in digital or paper format that require a mandatory reporting to the state [5], [4], [3];
Processing calculations, considers the adjustment of the ERP calculations functionality to the new country. Calculations of tax values is an example [12];
[5] AT (2013), “Código do IVA”, available in gos_tributarios/civa_rep/, Acessed in 10/04/2013
[7] AT (2013), “Manual de Comunicação das Faturas”, available in 7-7E41-41C9-991B15C3F0126ABF/0/ComunicacaodedadosdasFaturas2013041 8.pdf, Acessed in 12/04/2013 [8] AT (2013), “Manual de Comunicação de Documentos de Transporte”, available in B-2380-45D7-9019ABCA80A7E99E/0/Comunicacao_Dados_Documentos_Tra nsporte.pdf, Acessed in 12/04/2013
Security Data, considers the customization of processes that ensure the integrity, confidentiality and availability of data according to the rules of a particular site. In Portugal ERP systems must abide by a Certification process [2], [6].
[9] Beheshti, H. M. (2006). What managers should know about ERP/ERP II. Management Research News, 29(4), 184–193. doi:10.1108/01409170610665040.
[10] Biancolino, C. A., & Riccio, E. L. (2011). Innovation, Management by Competences and the Use Value of Erp Systems in Its Post Implementation Phase. RAI, 8(2), 164. doi:
The localization of an ERP is only possible after it has been internationalized. In the process of internationalization are identified components that allow the separation of the core application's settings and features that differ from place to place.
[11] C. Costa and M. Aparicio (2006), Organizational Tools in the Web: ERP Open Source; Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference on WWW/Internet;Jan2006, p401
The presented framework, allows to identify the dimensions and variables to consider in the process of ERP localization. Translation and customization are the main tasks to be performed in the localization process. The effort to consider to achieve the four levels of localization depends on how the ERP has been internationalized and adjustment between the features offered in the original ERP and the specifics of a particular country or region.
[12] Carlos, A., Abreu, I., Durão, J., & Pimenta, M. (2012). Guia dos Impostos em Portugal. Lisboa: Quid Juris. [13] CNC (2013), “Comissão de Normalização Contabilística”, available in, Acessed in 05/04/2013 [14] Collins, R. W. (2002). Software localization for Internet software: Issues and methods. IEEE Software, 19(2), 74–80. doi:
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