erratum: ''the influence of supershells and galactic ... - IOPscience

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Akimi Fujita, Crystal L. Martin, Mordecai-Mark Mac Low, and Tom Abel. A copy of Figure 11 was published in place of Figure 10. We provide the correct Figure ...
The Astrophysical Journal, 615:1082, 2004 November 10 # 2004. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A.

ERRATUM: ‘‘THE INFLUENCE OF SUPERSHELLS AND GALACTIC OUTFLOWS ON THE ESCAPE OF IONIZING RADIATION FROM DWARF STARBURST GALAXIES’’ (ApJ, 599, 50 [2003]) Akimi Fujita, Crystal L. Martin, Mordecai-Mark Mac Low, and Tom Abel A copy of Figure 11 was published in place of Figure 10. We provide the correct Figure 10 here.

Fig. 10.—Changes in the instantaneous escape fractions fesc (t) when the effect of shells of swept-up ISM is included. The model is a disk with Md ¼ 108 M at z ¼ 0, with f ¼ 0:06, and the Lyman continuum photon luminosities are based on the instantaneous-burst model (diamonds and solid line) with Lmech ¼ 1041 ergs s1 and the multiple burst model (triangles and dashed line) with Lmech ¼ 1040 ergs s1. The instantaneous escape fraction fesc (t) with shells cooled to the density expected for isothermal shocks are shown with open symbols, fesc (t) with unresolved shells in our lower resolution simulations are shown with filled symbols, and fesc (t) without shells are shown with lines. The decrease in fesc (t) is significant once the maximum effect of fully cooled shells is included, before the bubble blows out of the disk at t  8 Myr.