ESRI ArcGIS for Windows Mobile installation instructions

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ARDB - Windows Mobile Installation Instructions (1st DRAFT). 1. Download the ESRI ArcGIS for Windows Mobile software package using the link on the ARDB.
ARDB - Windows Mobile Installation Instructions (1st DRAFT)

1. Download the ESRI ArcGIS for Windows Mobile software package using the link on the ARDB resources page. 2. Install this on a Windows device of your choice (We recommend using a device which is both portable but robust. It will also require either a built in GPS or an attached one). 3. Launch the ESRI ArcGIS for Windows Mobile application 4. Tap/Click the application’s icon in the top left hand corner of the screen. 5. Tap/Click ‘View and Manage Settings’. 6. Tap/Click ‘Project Download Source’ 7. Tap/Click the tick box next to ‘ArcGIS Online’ 8. Tap/Click ‘Ok’ in the bottom right hand corner of the screen 9. Tap/Click ‘Download Project’ in the bottom right hand corner of the screen 10. Login using the username and password you specified when signing up for ArcGIS Online 11. Tap/Click ‘Sign In’ 12. Tap/Click ‘African Raptor Databank’ 13. Tap/Click the ‘Live recording’ project to download it. The project will now begin to download. This could take some time due to the size of the project and its basemap. Please be patient and, if it takes a significant amount of time, get in touch with habitat INFO. 14. 15. 16. 17.

You will be prompted to download data; Tap/Click ‘Yes’ Tap/Click ‘Select All’ in the bottom right hand corner of the screen Tap/Click ‘Next’ in the bottom right hand corner of the screen If you are prompted to login please use your ARDB username and password and NOT your ArcGIS Online details. 18. Once the download has succeeded tap/click ‘Back’ The project has now fully downloaded to your device. You can proceed to the instructions on how to use the ArcGIS Mobile application now. Having now downloaded the application and project, when launching it in future, you will be presented with a splash-screen asking you to open a project. Tap/Click the ARDB project in future to continue recording records.

habitat INFO | Rookwood Studios, Llanunwas, Solva, Pembrokeshire, SA62 6UJ, UK | e: [email protected] | t/f: +44 (0) 1437 720 021 | facebook/twitter: habitatINFO