Do to the offline ability ESRI ArcGIS for Windows Mobile provides it is necessary
... Navigate to the relevant location and select the relevant file using the window ...
ARDB - Windows Mobile Installation Instructions (1st DRAFT) Refer to the ESRI ArcGIS for Windows Mobile installation instructions to find out how to install the application and connect to the data held in the ARDB. Do to the offline ability ESRI ArcGIS for Windows Mobile provides it is necessary to synchronise changes you and other users have made to the data between your device and the ARDB. Please refer to the instructions at the end of this guide for details about this process. TO ADD A RECORD 1. Tap/click the tasks button (Figure 1).
Figure 1 – Tasks button
2. Tap/click ‘Collect Features’ in the list which appears (Figure 2).
Figure 2 – Tasks list
3. Choose a feature type by tapping one of the species which appears in the list. 4. Tap/click ‘Edit Attributes’ in the list which appears (Figure 3).
Figure 3 - Database fields
habitat INFO | Rookwood Studios, Llanunwas, Solva, Pembrokeshire, SA62 6UJ, UK | e:
[email protected] | t/f: +44 (0) 1437 720 021 | facebook/twitter: habitatINFO
5. Complete as many of the database fields as possible in the list which appears – The more you manage to complete the more value your data and ultimately the ARDB will have. 6. Tap/click ‘Ok’ in the bottom right corner. 7. Tap/click ‘Attachments’ in the list which appears (Figure 3). 8. Navigate to the relevant location and select the relevant file using the window which appears (Figure 4) and then tap/click ‘Ok’ followed by ‘Done’
Figure 4 - Attachment window
9. Tap/click ‘Collect Geometry’ in the list which appears (Figure 3). This presents you with two options; ‘Collect Using Map’ and ‘Collect using GPS Position’ (Figure 5).
Figure 5 - Geometry collection options
a. Collect Using Map i. Tap/click ‘Collect Using Map’ in the geometry collection options window (Figure 5). ii. Navigate the map using the options in the top right corner (Figure 6)
Figure 6 - Map navigation tools
iii. Tap/click on the map in the location you would like to record the record. iv. Tap/click ‘Accept’ b. Collect using GPS Position
habitat INFO | Rookwood Studios, Llanunwas, Solva, Pembrokeshire, SA62 6UJ, UK | e:
[email protected] | t/f: +44 (0) 1437 720 021 | facebook/twitter: habitatINFO
i. Tap/click ‘Collect using GPS Position’ in the geometry collection options window (Figure 5). ii. Tap/click ‘Use GPS Position’ and wait while the device captures the GPS position iii. When the device has captured the GPS position tap/click ‘Accept’ 10. Tap/click ‘Finish’ 11. You now have four options:a. ‘Collect Another eagles’ i. Collect another ealges and copy the values previously collected ii. Refer to the instructions above from step 9 b. ‘Collect New ealges’ i. Collect another ealges using default values ii. Refer to the instructions above from step 4 c. ‘Collect Features’ i. Add new features ii. Refer to the instructions above from step 3 d. ‘View Map’ i. Browse the map display if you now collect a new record, starting from step 1 of the instructions above, and choose a feature type that you have previously recorded you will be presented with options a and b above or ‘Cancel’. TO VIEW/EDIT/DELETE A RECORD (YOU CAN ONLY VIEW, EDIT OR DELETE A RECORD THAT YOU CREATED) 1. 2. 3. 4.
Tap/click the tasks button (Figure 1). Tap/click ‘Identify’ in the list which appears (Figure 2). Tap/click the record which you wish to view the attributes of. In the identify results pane tap/click the right arrow on the record you wish to view the attributes of. 5. You have four options:a. ‘Edit Attributes’. i. Tap/click ‘Edit Attributes’. ii. Amend the attributes as required. iii. Tap/click ‘Finish’ in the bottom right corner. iv. At any point you can tap/click ‘Cancel’ in the bottom left corner. b. ‘Manage Attachments’. i. To view attachments. 1. Tap/click ‘Manage Attachments’. 2. Tap/click an existing attachment to view it. 3. Close the window which opens. 4. Tap/click ‘Done’ ii. To delete attachments 1. Tap/click ‘Manage Attachments’. 2. Tap/click ‘Menu’ and tap/click ‘Delete’. 3. Check the boxes next to the attachments you wish to delete and then tap/click ‘Delete’ in the bottom right corner. 4. Tap/click ‘Done’. iii. To add new attachments 1. Tap/click ‘Manage Attachments’. 2. Tap/click ‘Add New’. 3. Refer to step 8.
habitat INFO | Rookwood Studios, Llanunwas, Solva, Pembrokeshire, SA62 6UJ, UK | e:
[email protected] | t/f: +44 (0) 1437 720 021 | facebook/twitter: habitatINFO
6. 7. 8. 9.
‘Delete Feature’. i. Tap/click ‘Delete Feature’. ii. Tap/click ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ depending on your desired outcome. d. ‘Add to Work List’. i. Tap/click ‘Add to Work List’. ii. This is a list of features which is accessible at any time by tapping/clicking ‘Tasks’ (Figure 1) and then ‘View Work List’ in the list which appears (Figure 2). iii. Tapping/clicking the right arrow on a feature in the features pane provides you with the same options as step 5 with the exception that ‘Add to Work List’ is replaced with ‘Remove from List’. Tap/click ‘Back’ to return to the main map view. As a shortcut to any edits you have made you can tap/click ‘Tasks’ (Figure 1) and then ‘Manage Edits’ in the list which appears (Figure 2). Tapping/clicking the right arrow on a feature in the features updated pane provides you with the same options as step 5 along with the option to ‘Cancel Edits’ Tap/click ‘Back’ to return to the main map view.
OTHER FEATURES 1. Search a. b. c. d.
Tap/click ‘Tasks’ (Figure 1) and then ‘Search’ in the list which appears (Figure 2). Tap/click ‘New Search’. Choose a feature type. Choose a search area using the right arrow. i. You have three options:1. ‘Current Map Extent’. a. This will use the extent you were viewing when you .tapped/clicked ‘Tasks’ in step a. b. Tap/click ‘Current Map Extent’ 2. ‘Entire Map’. a. This will use the entire extent of the data. b. Tap/click ‘Entire Map’ 3. ‘Custom Extent’. a. This requires you to select a custom extent. b. Tap/click ‘Custom Extent’. c. Using the map navigation tools (Figure 6) navigate to an extent you wish to search and then tap/click ‘Ok’. d. You may tap/click ‘Cancel’ if you wish to go back and select either option 1or 2. e. Tap/click ‘Show Results’. f. Tapping/clicking the right arrow on a feature in the search results pane provides you with the same options as step 5 in the TO VIEW/EDIT/DELETE A RECORD section. g. Tap/click ‘Cancel’ the return to the main map view. 2. Measure a. Tap/click ‘Tasks’ (Figure 1) and then ‘Measure’ in the list which appears (Figure 2).
habitat INFO | Rookwood Studios, Llanunwas, Solva, Pembrokeshire, SA62 6UJ, UK | e:
[email protected] | t/f: +44 (0) 1437 720 021 | facebook/twitter: habitatINFO
Figure 7 - Measure window
b. You have four options which appear in the measure window (Figure 7):i. ‘Length’ 1. Tap/click ‘Length’ (Figure 7). 2. Tap/click on the map where you wish your line to begin. 3. Tap/click elsewhere on the map where you wish your line to end. 4. You can add additional nodes by tapping/clicking elsewhere on the map if you wish you add other segments to your measurement. 5. The length is displayed in the bottom left corner. 6. You can change the units of measurement in the bottom right corner. 7. If you wish to start again or remove the last node tap/click ‘Menu’ and then tap/click ‘Start Over’ and ‘Remove Last Location’ respectively. 8. Tap/click ‘Back’ to return to the main map view. ii. ‘Area’ 1. Tap/click ‘Area’ (Figure 7). 2. Tap/click on the map where you wish your first node to be. 3. Tap/click elsewhere on the map where you wish second node to be. 4. Tap/click elsewhere on the map where you wish third node to be. 5. You can add additional nodes by tapping/clicking elsewhere on the map. 6. The area and perimeter is displayed in the bottom left corner. 7. You can change the units of measurement in the bottom right corner. 8. If you wish to start again or remove the last node tap/click ‘Menu’ and then tap/click ‘Start Over’ and ‘Remove Last Location’ respectively. 9. Tap/click ‘Back’ to return to the main map view. iii. ‘Feature’ 1. This feature does not function in the ARDB as it requires polygon data and the ARDB uses point data. iv. ‘Cancel’ 1. Tap/click ‘Cancel’ (Figure 7) to return to the main map view. SYNCHRONIZE It is important that you do this after recording new features or updating existing ones. It is essential that you have an internet connection to complete the following steps. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Tap/click ‘Tasks’ (Figure 1) and then ‘Synchronize’ in the list which appears (Figure 2). Tap/click ‘Select All’ and then ‘Next’ (Upload). Tap/click ‘Select All’ and then ‘Next’ (Download Data). Tap/click ‘Select All’ and then ‘Next’ (Download Attachments). Tap/click ‘Back’ which will return you to the main map view.
habitat INFO | Rookwood Studios, Llanunwas, Solva, Pembrokeshire, SA62 6UJ, UK | e:
[email protected] | t/f: +44 (0) 1437 720 021 | facebook/twitter: habitatINFO