Feb 18, 2010 - I. INTRODUCTION. The interest on quantum entanglement has dramati- ...... monogamy inequality for arbitrary pure quantum states,. Phys. Rev.
Estimating Concurrence via Entanglement Witnesses Jacek Jurkowski and Dariusz Chru´sci´ nski Institute of Physics, Nicolaus Copernicus University ul. Grudzi¸adzka 5/7, 87–100 Toru´ n, Poland
arXiv:1001.5185v2 [quant-ph] 18 Feb 2010
We show that each entanglement witness detecting given bipartite entangled state provides an estimation of its concurrence. We illustrate our result with several well known examples of entanglement witnesses and compare the corresponding estimation of concurrence with other estimations provided by the trace norm of partial transposition and realignment.
The interest on quantum entanglement has dramatically increased during the last two decades due to the emerging field of quantum information theory [1, 2]. It turns out that quantum entanglement may be used as basic resources in quantum information processing and communication. The prominent examples are quantum cryptography, quantum teleportation, quantum error correction codes and quantum computation. Hence it is of basic importance from both experimental and theoretical point of view to provide methods of detecting and quantifying entanglement [3–5]. There are no universal criteria to detect quantum entanglement and there are few measures of entanglement (based on the notion of entropy [6], entanglement of formation [7], concurrence [8], robustness [9, 10], geometrical measures [11, 12] and others). They can be calculated for pure quantum states or for the very limited class of mixed states possessing some symmetry properties [13–16]. Therefore, the great effort is directed to obtain methods of estimation of particular entanglement measures and to find relations between them [17–22]. On the other hand, what is measured in an experiment it is an expectation value of some observables, hence the estimations based on such quantities are most welcome [23–25]. For example, it was recently shown [25] that the concurrence for pure bipartite state |ψi living in a Hilbert space H can be obtained as follows q ˆ C(|ψi) = 2 hψ | ⊗ hψ |Π|ψi ⊗ |ψi ,
ˆ =Π ˆ+ ⊗ Π ˆ + and Π ˆ + is the projector onto the where Π symmetric subspace of H, i.e., concurrence is expressible ˆ acting on the twoby the mean value of the observable Π copy space H ⊗ H. It turns out that useful candidates for this purpose are entanglement witnesses [24] (see [26] for the recent review on entanglement witnesses). We shown that each entanglement witness detecting given bipartite entangled state in HA ⊗ HB provides an estimation of its concurrence. Hence, EWs define a universal tool not only for detecting quantum entanglement but also for estimating its measure. We compare estimation based on entanglement witnesses with other ones provided by the trace norm of partial transposition and realignment. The paper is organized as follows: in the next Section
we provide basic introduction to concurrence and its estimations. Section III presents our main result which is illustrated by the family of examples in Section IV. Final conclusions are collected in the last section. II.
Let us recall that the concurrence for a pure bipartite state |ψi ∈ HA ⊗ HB is defined as follows q C(|ψi) = 2(1 − Tr ρ2A ) , (1)
where ρA = Tr B (|ψihψ |) is the reduced density matrix. In the following, we will use a Schmidt decomposition of the pure state |ψi =
m X √ µi |ai i ⊗ |bi i,
where m = min{dimHA , dimHB }, and {|ai i}, {|bi i} are orthonormal bases in HA and HB , respectively. The Schmidt coefficients µi ≥ 0 and satisfy the following normalization condition m X
µi = 1 .
It is easy to check that concurrence C(|ψi)) is uniquely defined in terms of the Schmidt coefficients µi . One has s X µk µl . (4) C(|ψi) = 2 k,l6=k
For a mixed state ρ = i pi |ψi ihψi | the concurrence is defined via a convex roof construction X pi C(|ψi i) . (5) C(ρ) = min {pi ,| ψi i}
It is well known [8] that for a two-qubit case one finds the following formula for the concurrence of the arbitrary mixed state C(ρ) = max{0, λ1 − λ2 − λ3 − λ4 },
where λ1 ≥ λ2 ≥ λ3 ≥ λ4 are singular values of a matrix Tkl = hvk |σy ⊗σy |vl∗ i with |vk i denoting eigenvectors of ρ
2 and σy stands for the Pauli matrix. In general, however, one has only the following estimation [27] 2
C (ρ) ≥
D X D X k=1 l=1
(1) max{0, λkl
(2) λkl
(3) λkl
(4) λkl }
(7) where now are singular values of (T )α,β = hvα |Lk ⊗ Ll |vβ∗ i, D = m(m − 1)/2 and Lk are generators of the SO(m) group. It is also possible to carry out the optimalisation procedure involved in (5) for particular families of states possessing some symmetry properties (Werner states, isotropic states) [13–16]. Let us recall two basic results which enable estimation of concurrence for an arbitrary entangled mixed state ρ. (i) λkl
Theorem 2 distinguishes a class of witnesses satisfying condition (10). Suppose now that W does not satisfy this condition. Clearly, for any α > 0 the rescaled operator α−1 W still defines an EW. Does α−1 W satisfy (10)? To P answer this question let us observe that for m √ µi |ai , bi i the expectation value of W |ψi = i=1 reads as follows X√ (W ) µk µl Akl (ψ) , (12) hψ |W |ψi = k,l
(W )
where the ψ-dependent matrix Akl
is defined by
(W )
Akl (ψ) = Re hak , bk |W |al , bl i . Theorem 1 (Chen, Albeverio, Fei [28]) The following estimation is valid: s 2 max{||ρTA ||1 , ||R(ρ)||1 }−1 , (8) C(ρ) ≥ m(m − 1) where ||X||1 denotes the trace norm of X. As usual ρTA denotes a partial transposition of ρ and R(ρ) stands for the realigned matrix [29, 30]. For some generalizations see [31]. Note that although for a PPT state ||ρTA ||1 = 1, the norm of a realigned matrix ||R(ρ)||1 can still be greater than 1 resulting in a nontrivial estimation. Let us recall that a hermitian operator W is called an entanglement witness for a state ρ, if Tr(ρW ) < 0 while Tr(σW ) ≥ 0 for all separable states σ. There are many examples [32] of entanglement measures M (ρ) (concurrence, negativity, robustness, etc.) which can be related to the expectation value of some entanglement witness n o M (ρ) = max 0, − inf Tr(ρW ) , (9) W ∈M
where the set M depends on the measure M in question. It is therefore clear that if W is an entanglement witness for ρ, i.e. Tr (ρW ) < 0, and W ∈ M, then one finds the following estimation
Note, that (W )
Akk (ψ) ≥ 0 ,
Theorem 2 (Breuer [33]) Let W be an entanglement witness such that X√ − hψ |W |ψi ≤ µi µj (10) i,j6=i
for every pure state (2). Then for an arbitrary mixed state ρ detected by the witness W s 2 |Tr (ρW )| . (11) C(ρ) ≥ m(m − 1)
by the very definition of entanglement witness. It is clear (W ) that Akl (ψ) encodes the entire information about W . Moreover, the condition (10) is equivalent to X√ (W ) µk µl (Akl + 1) ≥ 1 . (15) k,l
Let us observe that the space of normalized vectors defines a compact set and hence one may define a positive number λ by the following procedure (W )
− λ := min min Akl (ψ) . ψ
Now, comes the main result Theorem 3 For any α ≥ λ the rescaled entanglement witness α−1 W does satisfy (10). The proof is almost trivial. One has X X√ (W ) (W ) µk µl (Akl (ψ) + 1) = 1 + µk Akk (ψ) k
X √
≥ 1+
M (ρ) ≥ |Tr (ρW )| for the measure of entanglement of ρ. In the case of concurrence one has the following theorem
(W )
µk µl (Akl (ψ) + 1)
X √
(W )
µk µl (Akl (ψ) + 1) ,
where we have used (14). Hence, if (W )
Akl (ψ) ≥ −1 ,
for every normalized ψ, then W does satisfy (10). Suppose now that the above condition is not satisfied. It is therefore clear that for the rescaled witness Wα := α−1 W with α ≥ λ, one has (Wα )
(ψ) ≥ −1 ,
which proves our theorem. It should be stressed that the best estimation is provided by the witness corresponding to α = λ.
3 IV.
Example 1 Let HA = HB = Cm and consider the flip operator F =
m X
|iihj | ⊗ |jihi|
where {|ii} is the computional basis in Cm . Simple calculation gives (F )
Example 3 In [35] we have investigated an ε-family (ε > 0) of states in C3 ⊗ C3
= hak , bk |F |al , bl i = hak |bl ihbk |al i . (F )
Now, evidently Akk = |hak |bk i|2 ≥ 0 and for k 6= l (F )
3 1 X ρ(ε) = Nε P3+ + dij |ijihij | , 3
= Re (hak |bl ihbk |al i) ≥ −1
where P3+ denotes a maximally entangled state,
Example 2 Let us consider isotropic states in Cm × Cm 1−f + + (1l − Pm ) + f Pm , m2 − 1
+ where Pm denotes the maximally entangled state and f + + is the fidelity defined by f = hψm |ρf |ψm i. Moreover, one introduces a family of k-EWs [34]
Wkiso =
k + 1l − Pm , m
k = 1, . . . , m − 1 ,
satisfying Tr [Wkiso ρf ] =
k −f, m
that is, Wkiso detects isotropic state with fidelity f > k/m. Such state has Schmidt number strictly greater 1 + than k. Since Pm = m F TA the previous example implies for i 6= j (W iso ) Aij k
1 ≥− , m
di,i+1 = ε ,
1 , ε
(mod 3)
Nε =
1 . 1 + ε + ε−1
It turns out that ρ(ε) is entangled if and only if ε 6= 1. Moreover, its entanglement is detected by the entanglement witness 1 · · · −1 · · · −1 · 1 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · W1 = −1 · · · 1 · · · −1 , (23) · · · · · 1 · · · · · · · · · 1 · · · · · · · · · · · −1 · · · −1 · · · 1
for ε < 1 and
and the estimation (11) takes the form r
di,i+2 =
and the normalization factor
which shows that λ = 1/m. As a consequence, the optif iso = mW iso . Now, mal Wkiso , in the sense of (18), is W k k fkiso ) = mTr (ρf Wkiso ) = m k − f Tr(ρf W m
according to orthonormality of both basis.
ρf =
Let us note that a much more general (but also numerically more involved) method of estimating various entanglement measures was proposed in [18]. The method uses a concept of an entanglement witness and on the other hand provides a numerical procedure to calculate the Legendre transform of the measure in question. The method provided in this paper is much more restricted. However, being simpler it provides estimation of concurrence which can be very often computed analytically. The above examples show that it can leads not only to upper bounds for concurrence but also to exact results.
k 2m f− ≤ C(ρf ) . m−1 m
Note that although for k 6= 1, Wkiso provides only the bound for concurrence, when k = 1, we obtain an exact result [13].
1 · · · −1 · · · −1
· · · · · · · · ·
· · 1 · · · · · ·
· −1 · · · −1 · · · · · · · · · · · · 1 · · · · · · 1 · · · −1 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 1 · · −1 · · · 1
for ε > 1. To make pictures more transparent we replaced all zeros by dots. Interestingly, W1 corresponds to the celebrated Choi positive indecomposable map and
4 C
0.04 0.0005 0.02 a Ε 1
FIG. 1: Two estimations of concurrence as a function of ε. The dashed line is for the estimation based on ||R(ρ(ε))||1 due to (8). The solid line is for the estimation based on (25).
W2 to its dual. Numerical calculations show that in(W ) deed Akl i (ψ) ≥ −1 for i = 1, 2. Hence one obtains the following estimation for concurrence based on the above EWs ε(ε − 1) 1 1 + ε + ε2 C(ρ(ε)) ≥ − √ 1−ε 3 1 + ε + ε2