Estimation of the solar energy potential in real time ...

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SOLEA is a new research project for the development of SOLar Energy Applications ... A zoom sequence showing a selection of the solar energy products.
The SOLEA Project

Estimation of the solar energy potential in real time




Panagiotis Kosmopoulos 1Michael Taylor 2Stelios Kazadzis

National Observatory of Athens World Radiation Centre, Switzerland

Introduction  SOLEA is a new research project for the development of SOLar Energy Applications ( based on solar irradiance spectra produced from a operational system that uses a synergy of neural networks (NN), radiative transfer (RT) simulations and real-time satellite retrievals.  Surface spectra for the DNI, GHI and DHI are produced at high resolution (1nm, 0.05 degrees, 15-min) using input data acquired from MODIS & AERONET (aerosol) and from the SEVIRI onboard the MSG3 satellite (cloud).  The RT-NN solver is capable of producing maps of spectrally-integrated GHI of the order of 104 to 105 pixels within 1-minute and with relative errors less than 20% of libRadtran-simulated values. Local or regional maps of the total DNI, GHI and DHI provide the capability needed to serve high precision solar power applications.  SOLEA is one of the main pilot studies of the European project GEO-CRADLE (HORIZON 2020) and its scope is the interconnection of the solar energy applications with potential end users from different countries (North Africa, Middle East, Balkans, etc).

Innovations  System high speed (58.000 simulations in < 1 minute)  Precise effect of clouds and aerosols on radiation  High spatial and temporal resolution (0.05 x 0.05 degrees, 15-min)  Capable of high-precision calculations in real-time  High spectral resolution (1nm)  Reliability

Simulating atmospheric conditions and radiative transfer

 NN is trained on a large-scale (2.5 million record) look-up table (LUT) of clear and cloudy sky radiative transfer simulations (generated by a bank of PCs running in parallel for over 3-months) to convert satellite cloud and aerosol products directly into solar radiation spectra.

The SOLEA model Satellite data

Precise assessment of solar energy Radiative transfer models

Neural networks

Momentum of the SOLEA model

UV index Solar Energy

Cloud Modification Factor

 A zoom sequence showing a selection of the solar energy products. Going clockwise: the GHI for Europe, the UV index for Greece, the clear sky factor on the island of Crete, the insolation spectrum in a single pixel, and finally, the spectrally-weighted UV radiation specrum. Maps of UV products, including the UV index and the Vitamin D effective dose derived from the spectra, serve health, outdoor leisure and environmental protection end-users.

Input Data from MeteoSat

Estimation of the Solar Energy Potential in Real Time Global Horizontal Irradiance

Without clouds Clouds

Advanced products

Cloud Modification Factor

UV index

Dust episode impact Direct Normal Irradiance Attenuation (70-100%)

 The inclusion of cloud and aerosol effects means that this approach is ideal for correct assessments of solar power operational loads.

Major Applications & Contribution to Emerging Technology Products

SOLEA is ideal for:

 Real time nowcasts and short-term forecasts of:

realistic assessment of solar energy potential

 cloud cover  gridded spectra over the Earth disc

provision of solar energy applications of high precision in real time

 gridded solar potential  health and environmental UV radiation impact measures

solar potential forecasts for energy planning

 Continental and local maps of solar products

Applications  Location studies for the placement of SCP plants and CPV installations  Large-scale and precise solar energy calculations to assist Public Authorities in energy planning policy  Supporting the work of various scientific communities  Provision of specialized data of high spectral precision for private and public sectors dealing with health protection, energy consumption and solar energy exploitation

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