He revised and expanded it into Language in Thought and Action in 1949. The fifth edition appeared in 1990. He wrote several
Samuel Ichiye Hayakawa July 18,1906-February 27,1992 . S Dr . I . Hayakawa, who wrote the all-time best-selling book on general semantics and edited Et cetera for 26 years, died at the age of 85 . He was born in Canada, graduated from the University of Manitoba, and received his master's degree from McGill. He was initially refused admission to the United States because of his Japanese ancestry, but won a fellowship to the University of Wisconsin where he earned his Ph .D. in 1935. While teaching freshman English in UW's extension center, he was deeply impressed with Alfred Korzybski's Science and Sanity . He combined his interpretation of Korzybski's ideas with his own experiences and observations, and, seeing the need for a basic orientation text for freshman English classes, wrote Language in Action in 1941 . The book turned out to be of great general interest and was an alternate selection of the Book of the Month Club . He revised and expanded it into Language in Thought and Action in 1949. The fifth edition appeared in 1990 . He wrote several other books and edited anthologies of material from Et cetera . In 1943 he was one of the founders of the Society for General Semantics (The "International" was added later) and became the first editor of the society's quarterly magazine . At various times he also served as president and as secretary-treasurer of the society . He moved to Chicago in 1939, taught at Illinois Institute of Technology and at the University of Chicago, then came west in 1955 to teach at San Francisco State College . When growing student unrest culminated in a student strike in 1968, he was appointed president and dealt forcibly with the demonstrators . He served as president until 1973 . Drawing on popular support of his "law and order" stance, he was elected United States Senator from California in 1976 as a Republican . He served for one six-year term . While in the Senate he introduced a constitutional amendment specifying English as the country's official language, and later inspired the formation of U .S . English, a public-policy lobbying group seeking that goal . He leaves Margedant, his wife of 54 years, and their children Alan, Mark, and Wynne . Robert Wanderer