I would like ______ copy/copies of the 2015/2016 yearbook at a price of $30 for each book. ... Credit Card Payments can
Academy 2015/16 Yearbook
Eton Academy 2015/16 Yearbook Sales Slip 120 pages, full color, price: $30.00 Reserve your copy NOW!!! If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact Mr. Parr at: T: 248.642.1750 ext. 357, E:
[email protected] email is preferred. Please fill in the blanks below, cut and return the bottom portion to: To order your Eton Academy yearbook fill out the form below and return it to the student’s Advisory Teacher
Student Name Print: ____________________________________ Students Advisory Teacher: ____________________________________ I would like ______ copy/copies of the 2015/2016 yearbook at a price of $30 for each book. Please make checks payable to Eton Academy Credit Card Payments can be made through the Business Office
Date Due for Yearbook Orders: May 3rd, 2016 Any books ordered after this date could have additional costs and Eton Academy cannot guarantee that any yearbooks ordered after May 3rd, 2016 will arrive before the end of the school year. All yearbooks will be delivered to the students Advisory Teacher unless otherwise specified. Parent: ____________________________________ Signature______________________
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