European Aviation Safety Agency

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Mar 13, 2014 - refreshments have been organized, you may bring your own or they will be available ... Open session on Ce
European Aviation Safety Agency Alain Leroy

Head of Products Department

Certification Directorate Cologne, 23 January 2014 ALE/eve/C.1 2014(D)50389


Invitation to “Cessna SID Open session Thursday 13th of March 2014 (09.30h 17.OOh) Jugendherberge Deutz Siegesstr. 5 50679 Cologne Meeting room Barcelona —

Attachments: Registration form

Draft Agenda Location & restaurants Map

Dear, It is our pleasure to invite you to our “Cessna SID Open session”, to be held at Jugendherberge Deutz Siegesstr. 5 50679 Cologne in the meeting room Barcelona, on Thursday 13th of March 2014. The meeting will start at 09.30 and end around 17.OOh. —

Safety Information Bulletin 2014-01 Cessna-Supplemental (Structural) Inspection Programmes has been issued to explain EASA’s current position concerning the applicability of the structure inspections for Cessna 100 and 200 Series aeroplanes. —


This session is to provide further information and discussion on this topic. The FAA participation is not confirmed yet and if they cannot participate we will adjust the agenda. Cessna have confirmed the participation. You will find attached the draft agenda of the meeting as well as a location map with nearby restaurants indicated. Please be aware that, in order to keep the price below the threshold for charging, no refreshments have been organized, you may bring your own or they will be available at the canteen of the Jugendherberge. Please do not hesitate to submit any further questions you may have to this regard, as this may help to prepare the final agenda. We kindly ask you to forward any questions, as well as the confirmation of your participation, to our functional mailbox [email protected] by 28 February 2014 at the latest, using the attached registration form. Yours Sincerely,


Tel: +49 221 89990 4007 [i1TiOO1


Fax: +49 221 89990 4507

[email protected]

Visiting address: Ottoplatz 1, 0-50679 Cologne, Germany Postal address: Postfach 10 1253, 0-50452 Cologne, Germany Tet: +49 to) 221 8999 000 Fax: + 49 tO) 221 8999 099 E-mait: info[ Website: —

Open session on Cessna 100/200 series Supplemental Inspection Documents on March 13, 2014 at EASA— Draft Agenda Time





Welcome, Introduction

Alain Leroy, Head of Product Certification Department /

Eric Sivel. Deputy Director Rulemaking/Head of Product Safety



Presentation and discussion of Cessna 100/200 CAW programmes (SID, CAP,


— 11:15

Cessna Aircraft Company: Beth Gamble




FAA (US SID/AD system, regulatory aspects, future

Dan Withers, FAA office Wichita, PCM CAW

activities related to aging aircraft,


1 1:30

— 12:00



Marco Capaccio, Safety Information Section Manager /

Richard Minter, Structures Sec. Manager




Part M interpretation and status

Juan Anton, Continuing Airworthiness Manager


Standardisation in the EU

Mark Kieft, Airworthiness Standardisation Section Manager



13:30— 14:00

Owner’s experience of implementation

AOPA, Michael Erb

14:00 -14:30

Maintenance organisation’s experience


14:30— 15:15

NAA’s presentations (15 minutes each)

Representatives: TBD



15:30— 16:30


Eric Sivel to chair


On-going GA rulemaking tasks (ageing Aircraft,

Juan Anton

definitions, ICA, ALl, Maintenance Instructions, TBO,

...) GA roadmap 16:45


Offer to do authorities only

Alain Leroy

European Aviation Safety Agency

Registration form Cessna SID Open Session 13 March 2014 (09.30— 17.00) Siegesstr. 5 50679 Köln Tel: +49 221 814711 Fax: +49 221 884425 Meeting room Barcelona —



Please return by email to: [email protected] before 28 February 2014

The following person will participate: Mn Mrs: First Name: Last Name: Function: Organisation: Mailing address Street: Postal code: City: Country: Phone:

Fax: Email:

Postal odres: Post1ac 10 12 53 0-50452 Kln, Germany Visiting address: Ottoplatz, 1 0-50679 KOLn Germany Te.: +49 (0)221 S999 0000 Fax: +49 (0)221 8999 0999 E-mail: infoeasa, www,easaeuropa,cu —

2. L’Orange