A first criterion for a dedicated hosting cells scaffold is to allow cells to spread on its ... The objective of this work package was to establish optimal conditions for ...
GAMBA Report Summary Proje ct re fe re nce : 245993 Funde d unde r: FP7-NMP
Final Repo rt Summary - GAMBA (Gene Activated Matrices fo r Bo ne and Cartilage Regeneratio n in Arthritis)
Exe cutive Summary: The GAMBA cons ortium has aime d at cre ating a nove l ge ne -activate d matrix platform for bone and cartilage re pair with a focus on os te oarthritis -re late d tis s ue damage . The S&T obje ctive s of this proje ct have be e n comple me nte d with an innovative program of public outre ach, active ly linking patie nts and s ocie ty to the e volve me nt of this proje ct. The GAMBA platform has be e n conce ive d to imple me nt a conce pt of s patiote mporal control of re ge ne rative bioactivity on command and de mand. The platform compris e s module s that can be inde pe nde ntly addre s s e d with e ndoge nous biological and e xoge nous phys ical or pharmacological s timuli, re s ulting in a te mporally and s patially coordinate d growth factor ge ne e xpre s s ion patte rn. This has be e n inte nde d to re produce ke y e le me nts of natural tis s ue formation. The module s are growth factor-e ncoding ge ne ve ctors , me s e nchymal s te m ce lls , magne tic nanoparticle s , a ce ramic matrix and a biomime tic hyaluronan ge l. Anatomical adaptivity was to be achie ve d with e ngine e re d the rmal prope rtie s of the hyaluronan matrix, which e mbe ds the othe r module s , s e le cte d according to functional re quire me nts . Me chanical s upport was to be provide d by the Micro Macroporous Biphas ic Calcium Phos phate (MBCP™), a re s orbable mate rial approve d for clinical us e . Spatiote mporal control of bioactivity and re s pons ive ne s s to phys iological conditions was to be re pre s e nte d, firs tly, in the s patial dis tribution and re le as e profile s of ge ne ve ctors within the compos ite matrix and, s e condly, by le tting local and e xte rnal biological or phys ical s timuli activate the promote rs driving the e xpre s s ion of ve ctor-e ncode d trans ge ne s . The proje ct had four major obje ctive s : 1) Es tablis hing GAMBA, cre ating the cons truction kit – matching mate rials s cie nce and ge ne ve ctor de ve lopme nt to achie ve hie rarchie s of s patiote mporal control of bioactivity on command and de mand; 2) Validating GAMBA – matching biophys ics and ce ll biology in orde r provide proof of conce pt in ce ll culture mode ls and e ve ntually in animal mode ls ; 3) Linking GAMBA to s ocie ty through innovative outre ach me thods including te aching s tude nts , dis cus s ing chance s and ris ks in patie nt and citiz e n pane ls and rais ing aware ne s s for ge nde r e quality within and outs ide the cons ortium; 4) Dis s e minating and e xploiting proje ct re s ults through publications , public re lations e fforts and e ve ntually through comme rcial product de ve lopme nts . To achie ve the s e obje ctive s , the proje ct was s tructure d in 7 s cie ntific workpackage s comple me nte d by the outre ach workpackage . Two furthe r workpackage s we re de dicate d to dis s e mination / e xploitation and proje ct manage me nt. The e s s e ntial goals of the proje ct have be e n re ache d. In a firs t s te p, all re quire d ve ctor cons tructs we re e s tablis he d and dis tribute d among the partne rs . Inducible ge ne e xpre s s ion was de mons trate d in ce ll line s . Howe ve r it turne d out that s ome of the inducible s ys te ms did not work e qually we ll in me s e nchymal s te m ce lls which are an e s s e ntial e le me nt of the GAMBA platform. He nce , only thos e cons tructs could be us e d that did work in this ce ll type . While s ome of the GAMBA partne rs continue d the ir bas ic re s e arch on the biology of bone and cartilage re ge ne ration, notably with patie nt ce lls , in orde r to de fine the pre conditions for the GAMBA platform to work, the ve ctor and biomate rial e ngine e rs within the proje ct s tarte d to as s e mble the module s to de mons trate s patial and te mporal control of re porte r ge ne e xpre s s ion in 3-dime ns ional s e tups of the GAMBA module s . The individual e ngine e ring tas ks proce e de d quite s ucce s s fully with re porte r ge ne s . It turne d out much more challe nging to de mons trate cartilage (re )ge ne ration and anti-inflammatory action with the individual ge ne s that had be e n chos e n be fore hand bas e d on the s cie ntific lite rature while the induction of bone formation was de mons trate d s ucce s s fully in vitro and in vivo. Achie ving s patio-te mporal control with thre e diffe re nt the rape utically re le vant ge ne s re mains to be accomplis he d. The GAMBA proje ct has s ucce s s fully cre ate d a toolbox of individual e le me nts that will be us e d in follow-up proje cts . Pos s ibly the mos t s ucce s s ful and e xciting part of the proje ct was public outre ach in patie nt and citiz e n pane ls which was gre atly appre ciate d by the participating lay pe rs ons and s cie ntis ts alike . As part of the GAMBA proje ct, 20 pape rs we re publis he d and 9 mas te r and PhD the s e s we re comple te d. Nume rous pre s s article s and broadcas ts made the wide r public aware of the proje ct. Thre e comme rcial ge ne de live ry products for tis s ue e ngine e ring we re launche d and one pate nt application is unde r way. Summariz ing, this proje ct is a s ucce s s upon which future ge ne rations of follow-up proje cts can build on.
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Proje ct Conte xt and Obje ctive s : Conte xt and obje ctive s Due to de mographic and life s tyle change s , de ge ne rative dis e as e s are an e normous me dical and s ocio-e conomic challe nge in indus trialis e d nations . Among the m, the mus culos ke le tal dis e as e s os te oarthritis (OA), rhe umatoid arthritis and os te oporos is are the mos t pre vale nt. The re is curre ntly no gold s tandard for the re pair or pre ve ntion of ons e t of OA. The re are thre e major challe nge s : re ducing inflammation, cartilage re pair and s ubchondral bone re pair. Biomime tic approache s for tis s ue re pair in os te oarthritis re quire tight s patiote mporal control of bioactivity in orde r to addre s s the s e challe nge s in a coordinate d fas hion. No s ingle e s tablis he d tre atme nt of tis s ue de fe cts – including OA - imple me nts the fe ature s of natural tis s ue formation, name ly ce ll diffe re ntiation in re s pons e to s patiote mporally controlle d growth factor ge ne e xpre s s ion patte rns on command and de mand. GAMBA was conce ive d to imple me nt the s e fe ature s and has focus s e d on innovative mate rials that induce and s us tain bone and cartilage he aling agains t the background of os te oarthritis . Os te oarthritis (OA) is a de ge ne rative dis e as e of the joints affe cting, above the age of 45, more wome n than me n, with an incide nce incre as ing with age . It is e s timate d that 80 % of the population will have radiographic e vide nce of OA by age 65. The cartilage of the affe cte d joint be come s rough and de ge ne rate s . With dis e as e progre s s ion, the cartilage dis appe ars and bone rubs on bone . The population burde n of OA will incre as e ove r the ne xt ye ars due to the age ing population and the ris ing pre vale nce of obe s ity, be ing the principal non-ge ne tic ris k factor for OA. This le ads to tre me ndous e conomic burde n. The e tiology of OA is s till unknown. The curre nt manage me nt of os te oarthritis is not re ge ne rative but me re ly s ymptomatic, aime d at re duction of pain, controlling inflammation with non-s te roidal anti-inflammatory drugs with an ultimate option of total joint re place me nt. He althy tis s ue fe ature s unique plas ticity characte ris e d by continuous re mode lling in re s pons e to phys iological and e xte rnal s timuli, re s ulting in a controlle d balance of anabolic and catabolic proce s s e s . Tis s ue damage is characte ris e d by imbalance , los s of control and in the cas e of os te oarthritis a dominance of catabolic proce s s e s . Innovative the rape utic conce pts are re ge ne rative in nature , thriving on the re ge ne rative pote ntial imprinte d in our ge ne tic background. The challe nge is s e iz ing this pote ntial. This can be achie ve d, in principle , with growth factors and s te m ce lls . While the latte r are inhe re ntly multipote nt, the forme r can be us e d to re awake n s ile nce d e ndoge nous programs of tis s ue formation, in a s imilar way to the s patiote mporal conce ntration gradie nt of morphoge ne s is obs e rve d during e mbryoge ne s is . The s e programs cons is t initially of te mporally and s patially coordinate d ge ne e xpre s s ion patte rns , le ading ultimate ly to a s patially and te mporally conce rte d action of growth factors . In the conte xt of tis s ue re ge ne ration with biomime tic implants , s uch conce rte d action is e xce e dingly challe nging to re produce with re combinant growth factors as the y have no inhe re nt e le me nts for re s ponding to phys iological conditions or e xte rnal s timuli. In contras t, ge ne ve ctors can be e ngine e re d to have the s e e le me nts and thus can re produce s patiote mporally controlle d ge ne e xpre s s ion patte rns in s itu. He nce , the main obje ctive of the GAMBA proje ct was de ve loping a biomime tic implant s ys te m us ing a nanobiote chnological approach that de live rs re ge ne rative bioactivity in a te mporally and s patially controlle d fas hion in re s pons e to e ndoge nous and e xte rnal s timuli. In this manne r, the s ys te m was de s igne d to re s pond to and control inflammation and induce cartilage and s ubchondral bone re pair in OA-re late d tis s ue de fe cts . The implant s ys te m was de s igne d alte r the phe notype of ce lls in a phys iologically me aningful way to e licit the de s ire d the rape utic outcome . For this purpos e , the GAMBA cons ortium has aime d at cre ating a nove l ge ne -activate d matrix platform for bone and cartilage re pair with a focus on os te oarthritis -re late d tis s ue damage . Thre e the rape utically re le vant ge ne s unde r the control of inde pe nde ntly inducible promote rs we re to be ve ctoriz e d and co-incorporate d with me s e nchymal s te m ce lls in a 3-dime ns ional compartme ntaliz e d matrix. The compartme nts we re to mimic the s ituation in an os te ochondral bone de fe ct, name ly damage d bone and cartilage to be re ge ne rate d while the cartilage facing an inflammatory de s tructive e nvironme nt. He nce , the re was to be a ve ctoriz e d ge ne e ncoding an os te oinductive factor in the firs t compartme nt, anothe r one e ncoding a cartilage -inducing s e cond compartme nt and a third one e ncoding an anti-inflammatory factor in the third compartme nt. The compartme ntaliz ation was to be re aliz e d with bone re place me nt mate rial (MBCP™, a re s orbable mate rial approve d for clinical us e ) impre gnate d with the bone -inducing ve ctor and co-incorporate d with the s te m ce lls in a hydroge l matrix that in the uppe r laye r would compris e the cartilage inducing and inflammatory ve ctors . While re s iding in the compartme ntaliz e d matrix, the s te m ce lls would be trans fe cte d, s tart to e xpre s s the the rape utic ge ne s and in cons e que nce diffe re ntiate to bone and cartilage ce lls while als o fighting inflammation by producing the anti-inflammatory factor. To make the s ys te m controllable in a te mporal fas hion, the thre e the rape utic ge ne s we re to be s witchable by inde pe nde ntly inducible promote rs . This s cie ntific conce pt was to be comple me nte d with an innovative program of public outre ach, active ly linking patie nts and s ocie ty to the e volve me nt of this proje ct. Conce que ntly, the proje ct had the following obje ctive s : Obje ctive 1: Es tablis hing GAMBA, cre ating the cons truction kit – matching mate rials s cie nce and ge ne ve ctor de ve lopme nt to achie ve hie rarchie s of s patiote mporal control of bioactivity on command and de mand 1. Cre ate s patiote mporal control e le me nts bas e d on biological/pharmacological principle s with nonviral and ade noviral ve ctors with fe e dback re s pons e e le me nts driving trans ge ne e xpre s s ion. Ve ctors we re to be cons tructe d s uch that inducible promote rs drive trans ge ne e xpre s s ion: Ve ctors re s ponding to inflammatory s ignals with the e xpre s s ion of P a ge 2 o f 23 Research and Innovation
anti-inflammatory factors (Cox-2 promote r). Ve ctors re s ponding to te mpe rature (HSP70 promote r driving growth factor ge ne e xpre s s ion; induction by AC magne tic fie ld hype rthe rmia). Ve ctors re s ponding to doxycycline (te t-on s ys te m driving the growth factor ge ne e xpre s s ion). 2. Cre ate s patiote mporal control e le me nts bas e d on phys ical principle s . A the rmo-re s pons ive hyaluronan-bas e d biomime tic polyme r and e mbe dde d the re in MBCP™, a calcium phos phate ce ramic, we re to be us e d as carrie rs for ge ne ve ctors . Magne tic nanoparticle s we re to be co-e mbe dde d. Spatial control was to be achie ve d by diffe re ntial ve ctor pos itioning within the compos ite . Spatiote mporal control was to be de mons trate d bas e d on ve ctor re le as e patte rns including the rmally induce d re le as e ge ne rate d by AC magne tic fie ld hype rthe rmia and magne tic nanoparticle s . Obje ctive 2: Validating GAMBA – matching biophys ics and ce ll biology 1. De mons trate s patiote mporal control of trans ge ne e xpre s s ion with s e le cte d ve ctor/biomate rial combinations in ce ll and tis s ue culture mode ls , by e valuating trans duction/trans fe ction e fficie ncie s , trans ge ne e xpre s s ion duration and e ffe ctive ne s s of growth factor s e cre tion with time . As control e le me nts we will us e diffe re ntial ve ctor re le as e , mole cular biological / pharmacological me ans (doxycycline ), phys ical (he at) and mole cular-biological (HSP70) me ans . 2. Obtain anti-inflammatory re s pons e in vitro with ge ne activate d compound mate rials e ncoding IL-10 unde r the control of Cox-2 promote r. The Cox-2 promote r re s ponds to inflammatory cytokine s and the re by provide s a fe e dback control e le me nt for the e xpre s s ion of the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10. This proce s s was to be characte ris e d in vitro, e x vivo and finally in a s mall animal mode l. 3. Us ing the GAMBA platform to obtain s patiote mporally controlle d chondroge ne s is or os te oge ne s is with MSCs e mbe dde d in ge ne activate d compound mate rials . For induction of chondroge nic diffe re ntiation TGF-ß e xpre s s ion and for s timulation of os te oge ne s is BMP-2 e xpre s s ion was to be induce d by promote rs that re s pond to doxycycline or he at to be able to re gulate location, time and duration of ge ne e xpre s s ion. As s e s s me nt was to be pe rforme d in vitro, e x vivo and in s uitable s mall animal mode ls of os te ochondral de fe cts . 4. Obtain proof of conce pt for GAMBA. To finally as ce rtain the s ucce s s of GAMBA, a large animal mode l (goat) was to be us e d. The choice of the mode l will de pe nd on the re lative s ucce s s e s of the pre vious obje ctive s with an os te ochondral de fe ct be ing the mode l of choice as s uming the s ucce s s of all pre vious obje ctive s . Obje ctive 3: Linking GAMBA to s ocie ty through innovative outre ach me thods 1. Educating s tude nts in nanome dicine . Each Partne r curre ntly participate s in local e ducation programs for unde rgraduate s tude nts . We will incorporate the GAMBA conce pt in the s e e xis ting cours e s as we ll as attract unde rgraduate and graduate s tude nts to participate in the proje ct. 2. Inte grate patie nts (e s p. fe male /e lde rly) into the de ve lopme nt of innovative tre atme nts . This was to be accomplis he d with s o-calle d Patie nt Pane ls . OA patie nts we re to be invite d to participate in works hops toge the r with the s cie ntis ts carrying out this proje ct and we re to be as ke d to communicate the ir ne e ds and vie ws in re lation to this proje ct. The patie nts will compile the ir e xpe ctations and re comme ndations on re ge ne rative me dicine in writing. Proce e dings from the patie nt pane ls we re to be made available to s cie ntis ts , the inte re s te d public, re gulators and politicians via an inte rne t dis cus s ion forum and othe r PR me as ure s (s e e chapte r 3.2) toge the r with re s ults from (3) be low. 3. Dis cus s chance s , ris ks and e thical as pe cts of GAMBA with the ge ne ral public. In a format s imilar to the Patie nt Pane ls , Citiz e n Pane ls we re to be he ld in orde r to e nhance aware ne s s of nanome dicine in the public and take into account public e xpe ctations and re s e rvations . Randomly s e le cte d citiz e ns we re to be invite d to dis cus s the chance s , ris ks and e thical as pe cts of GAMBA toge the r with e xpe rts from diffe re nt s cie ntific dis cipline s facilitate d by ne utral communication e xpe rts . The participants we re to compile a Citiz e n Re port with re comme ndations on re ge ne rative me dicine that we re to be publis he d and dis s e minate d to inte re s te d s cie ntis ts , me dical pe rs onne l, re gulators , the me dia and the inte re s te d ge ne ral public. 4. Rais e aware ne s s for and dis cus s ge nde r e quality. A Partne r works hop was to be organis e d to rais e aware ne s s for ge nde r is s ue s within the Partne r organis ations and to dis cus s e xpe ctations and ne e ds of fe male e mploye e s re garding ge nde r e quality. The goal of this works hop is to e s tablis h the profe s s ional ne tworks for fe male proje ct me mbe rs that are e s s e ntial for a s us taine d profe s s ional care e r. Achie ving this goal is facilitate d by the fact that 4 out of 8 of the Principal Inve s tigators in this proje ct (including the s ubcontractor PIs ), among the m notably the coordinator, are fe male . Obje ctive 4: Dis s e minating and e xploiting GAMBA 1. Trans fe r of proje ct re s ults into re s e arch and clinics through the participating companie s . Thre e of the Partne rs are locate d in acade mic hos pitals and are in clos e contact with patie nts . Me dical doctors we re to be active ly involve d in the proje ct from an e arly s tage . The companie s involve d will guarante e prote ction of IP rights . We will organis e s pe cific me e tings with me dical s pe cialis t and bus ine s s pe ople to dis cus s the ne e ds and pos s ibilitie s to ge t our ide a into a clinical application. The re was to be at le as t one s uch me e ting at the s tart, one at midpoint and one at the e nd of the proje ct. Stake holde rs will als o be invite d to participate in Patie nt Pane ls and Citiz e n Pane ls of Obje ctive 3. 2. Public re lations campaign. The pre s e nce of me mbe rs of inte rnational/national as s ociations in re ge ne rative me dicine within the cons ortium will s ignificantly e nhance the pos s ibility to dis s e minate ne w data to as wide an audie nce as pos s ible . Afte r the IP pote ntial has be e n e valuate d and s e cure d, data and re s ults we re to be made public to the s cie ntific and wide r community. As the proje ct is progre s s ing the ne w information was to be dis s e minate d. Proje ct Re s ults :
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WP 1: Ve ctor de ve lopme nt for s patiote mporally controlle d ge ne e xpre s s ion Le ad be ne ficiary: TUM WP le ade r: Chris tian Plank, Martina Anton The aim of this WP was to cons truct and characte riz e ge ne ve ctors s uitable to inde pe nde ntly re gulate ge ne e xpre s s ion of re porte r ge ne s or the rape utically active ge ne s that is to s ay ge ne s that are known to be involve d in re ge ne ration of cartilage or bone or in re ducing inflammation in joints . The aim was to produce non-viral and viral ve ctors , optimiz e the m for trans duction e fficie ncy, s how the ir functionality in ce ll culture e xpe rime nts and pre pare and analyz e as s e mblie s of ge ne ve ctors and s caffolds with ce lls . TUM s ucce s s fully cons tructe d a s e rie s of inducible plas mid and ade noviral ge ne ve ctors combining as re gulatory e le me nts e ithe r the TET-on s ys te m, a he at-inducible Hs p70B bas e d promote r or an inflammation inducible Cox-2 promote r. The s e we re us e d to drive e xpre s s ion of bone morphoge ne tic prote in 2 (BMP-2), trans forming growth factor be ta1 (TGFb1 or viral Inte rle ukin 10 (vIL10), which was chos e n, s ince vIL10 was re porte d to e xhibit s ole ly antiinflammatory activity. Additionally ge ne ve ctors carrying the re s pe ctive cDNAs unde r control of cons titutive ly active promote rs we re produce d as controls . The s e ve ctors we re analyz e d for the ir functionality afte r infe cting or trans fe cting tumor ce lls , me s e nchymal s te m ce lls or chondrocyte s and by applying the re s pe ctive s timulus . He at induction was by s imple incubation at e le vate d te mpe rature s and turne d out to be optimal at 43°C; inflammation was mimicke d by e ithe r applying LPS and TPS or IFNgamma and TNFalpha and the choice of induce rs was de pe nde nt on ce ll type ; pharmacological s timulation was by addition of doxycycline (DOX) to tis s ue culture me dium. Induction was de mons trate d by re porte r ge ne as s ays , fluore s ce nce micros copy and flow cytome try and by ELISA for s e cre tion of the growth factors and the cytokine . All re gulation s ys te ms s howe d inducibility by the re s pe ctive s timulus in tumor ce ll line s . Howe ve r induction le ve ls of the he at-inducible ve ctors was low as we ll as for the inflammation inducible Cox-2 promote r. Additionally no inducibility of both promote rs was s e e n in MSC e ithe r due to toxicity of non-viral ve ctors with he at or background activity of the Cox-2 ve ctors in hMSC (NUI Galway, EMC). Production of the rape utic prote ins was e xpe cte d not to re ach critical le ve ls that might drive diffe re ntiation of MSC. In contras t, the TET-on s ys te m re s ulte d in high induction le ve ls for re porte r ge ne s and BMP-2 in diffe re nt ce lls , mos t importantly in MSC, with only background e xpre s s ion in the abs e nce of induce r. The s e highly favourable characte ris tics le ad to cons truction of ne w ve ctors for TET-on vIL10 e xpre s s ion, which re s ulte d in tightly re gulate d and high vIL10 e xpre s s ion afte r infe ction of rMSC. Since re s ults of WP5 had s hown that TGFb ne e ds to be e xpre s s e d for e xte nde d pe riods of time , which cannot be achie ve d by he at s hock the continuous ly active CMV promote r was chos e n. This way the ability of the ve ctor s ys te ms for te mporal ge ne e xpre s s ion was cle arly de mons trate d for all induction s ys te ms te s te d, but the choice of promote rs ne e de d to be adapte d to the e xpre s s ion time s and le ve ls ne e de d for pote ntial bias ing MSC diffe re ntiation. Due to the ir highe r e xpre s s ion le ve ls , ade noviral ve ctors we re chos e n for furthe r analys is for functionality of produce d the rape utic prote ins . The influe nce of s witche d “on” (and “off”) ge ne e xpre s s ion of the growth factors BMP-2 and TGFb and the cytokine vIL10 on os te oge nic and chondroge nic diffe re ntiation of MSC was analyz e d. Rat MSC infe cte d with diffe re nt Dox-inducible and cons titutive ly e xpre s s ing ade noviral ve ctors we re s ubje cte d to s tandard in vitro diffe re ntiation as s ay for os te oge ne s is (Ca2+ quantification and aliz arin re d s taining) and pe lle t mas s as s ays for os te oge nic diffe re ntiation (glycos aminoglycan quantification and alcian blue s taining). At the s ame time the le ve l of the rape utic ge ne e xpre s s ion was monitore d ove r time and in the cas e of cons titutive ge ne e xpre s s ion turne d out to be de cre as e d as e xpe cte d, e ithe r due to los s of ve ctor (non-inte grating s ys te ms ) or due to e pige ne tic s ile ncing. Unde r diffe re ntiation conditions DOX-inducibility was re taine d. At e arly time points high induction le ve ls we re achie ve d, but DOX-induce d le ve l of the rape utic prote ins de cre as e d ove r time although induction was s till pos s ible at the e nd of diffe re ntiation as s ays . Expe rime nts re ve ale d that the Te t-induce d BMP-2 e xpre s s ion e nhance s os te oge nic and to a le s s e r e xte nt chondroge nic diffe re ntiation of MSC. Non-re gulate d TGFb1 e nhance s chondroge nic diffe re ntiation, although be ing produce d at a low le ve l, thus re placing re combinant TGFb prote in. vIL10 ove rproduction had a ne gative impact on os te oge nic diffe re ntiation, but did not influe nce chondroge nic diffe re ntiation ne gative ly. Thus with the Te t-induce d s ys te m we could s ucce s s fully de mons trate te mporal control of growth factor e xpre s s ion and s howe d the functionality of all the rape utic ge ne ve ctors in a 2D mode l of chondroge ne s is and os te oge ne s is . Spatial control of ge ne e xpre s s ion was s hown by as s e mbly of module s (OZB) with re porte r ge ne s us ing diffe re nt s caffolds for ge ne ve ctors and ce lls provide d from partne rs (ARI, BIM, INSERM) or comme rcially available ge ls . Spatially diffe re ntial e xpre s s ion of re porte r ge ne s was s e e n us ing re d and gre e n fluore s ce nce prote in re porte rs (TUM), but we re difficult to quantify and de mons trate une quivocally us ing the the rmos e ns itive hyaluronan ge l (ARI). With 3D-as s e mbly of diffe re nt s caffolds , ve ctors and ce lls TUM was able to confirm te mporally re gulate d BMP-2 e xpre s s ion combine d with non-re gulate d TGFb e xpre s s ion. So far us ing qRT-PCR as s ays of MSC in/on the diffe re nt s caffolds did not de mons trate any influe nce on diffe re ntiation by the the rape utic prote ins produce d due to low ce ll numbe rs . The s e e xpe rime nts ne e d optimiz ation and are s till ongoing. Howe ve r e vading ce lls hinte d at incre as e d Ca2+de pos ition unde r Doxycycline addition and Te t-re gulate d BMP-2 e xpre s s ion was incre as e d. It was de mons trate d by ELISA, that e ve n in 3D- culture the Te t-on s ys te m is functional for BMP-2 e xpre s s ion and that Dox has no ne gative influe nce on the cons titutive TGFb e xpre s s ion in the s ame as s e mblie s . P a ge 4 o f 23 Research and Innovation
As an alte rnative to de mons trate s patial control of ge ne e xpre s s ion, a 2D biolumine s ce nce imaging s ys te m was chos e n by TUM. He re one of the induce rs of the Cox-2 promote r was locally produce d, s e cre te d into the me dium and afte r diffus ion re s ulte d in induction of Cox-2 promote r-drive n lucife ras e biolumine s ce nce of ce lls s e e de d in a diffe re nt locus of the s ame dis h. Thus within the GAMBA proje ct the conce pt of s patial and te mporal control of ge ne e xpre s s ion was s ucce s s fully de mons trate d. Additional tas ks of WP1 de alt with optimiz ing ge ne ve ctors by s hie lding and e mbe dding of ge ne ve ctors into/onto s caffolds and magne tic ge ne ve ctors and magne tofe ction. On the nonviral s ide , a high throughput s cre e ning of a lipid library by OZB le d to the s e le ction of two DNA trans fe ction candidate s for both 3D-hydroge ls and 3D-Scaffolds . The s e two compounds we re optimiz e d on a varie ty of matrice s and we re late r comme rcially launche d (3D-Fe ct™ & 3D-Fe ctIN™). The re afte r, ne w lipids and polyme rs we re furthe r s ynthe s iz e d to s olve the trans fe ction proble ms as s ociate d with the combination of the rmo-re s pons ive HA-PNIPAM ge l with the hydrophobic lipids . Ne w lipids and polyme rs candidate s with re duce d hydrophobic prope rtie s we re s ynthe s iz e d, s e le cte d and s e nt to partne rs 1, 2 and 7 (MRI, ARI and IRCCS). Phys ical and che mical characte riz ation and biological e valuation we re pe rforme d for the s e compounds (s e e WP2 ). OZB has the n s e le cte d the be s t formulation to trans fe ct chondrocyte s and hMSC in clas s ical ce ll culture conditions (be fore implantation in the biomate rials ) (1) with high e fficie ncy, (2) low toxicity and (3) without inducing any vis ible phe notypic change s . The lipids DOGTOR and NL-37 induce d highe s t trans fe ction e fficie ncy in te rms of numbe r of ce lls trans fe cte d and trans ge ne e xpre s s ion. More ove r, CombiMag (Magne tofe ction) allowe d rais ing the trans fe ction e fficie ncy of both re age nts . Importantly OZB als o de fine d critical parame te rs that influe nce the trans fe ction e fficie ncy including ce ll de ns ity, culture conditions , pas s age numbe r, days of trans fe ction, me dium change e tc. OZB has the n produce d a de taile d protocol to s tandardiz e the trans fe ction proce dure of hMSC that was dis s e minate d with the re age nts to all partne rs . DOGTOR was finally adopte d by all partne rs to be the re age nt of choice for trans fe cting s te m ce lls in 2D. With re s pe ct to ve ctor s hie lding, the partne rs had pre -e xis ting knowle dge and compounds re ady. Polyme rs and/or magne tic nanoparticle s (MNP) and we re analys e d for the ir phys ical prope rtie s , including re le as e from s caffolds and ge ne e xpre s s ion le ve ls . Surpris ingly, magne tic nanoparticle s alone e xe rte d an e xce lle nt s urface s hie lding e ffe ct on the ade noviral ve ctor which was at the s ame time trans fe ction e nhancing whe n the ve ctor was co-incorporate d into 3D culture format toge the r with ce lls . The ge ne ration of magne tic particle -as s ociate d ve ctors was an important tas k in the proje ct als o for anothe r re as on. One modality of the induction of trans ge ne e xpre s s ion was via he at ge ne ration by AC magne tic fie ld action on magne tic nanoparticle s . This re quire d a high conce ntration of the particle s in the 3D phas e . And luckily this turne d out to e nhance ade noviral trans duction, as me ntione d. From a colle ction of MNP, two type s we re ide ntifie d by TUM that re s ulte d in a s atis fying incre as e of te mpe rature unde r AC magne tic fie ld. Furthe rmore , the s e particle s we re compatible with the ge lation prope rtie s of the hyaluronan-bas e d hydroge l (ARI, TUM). The s e particle s we re finally us e d to induce lucife ras e e xpre s s ion by AC magne tic fie ld induction in a ce ll line that carrie s the ge ne unde r control of a he at-inducible promote r. The s ys te m s till ne e ds improve me nt, but proof of principle was achie ve d. As AC-MF ins trume nts are not wide ly available , a s wift te chnology trans fe r to othe r partne rs was not pos s ible . As a s ide -product of re s e arch in nanomagne tic ve ctors , OZB de ve lope d and publis he d the i-MICST me thod for inte grate d ce ll s orting and trans duction of MSC with ade noviral ve ctors . This me thod is highly e fficie nt in ge ne rating ge ne tically modifie d me s e nchymal s te m ce lls and can be us e d advantage ous ly for ce rtain obje ctive s of the GAMBA proje ct. Conclus ion: In WP1 we s ucce s s fully cons tructe d re gulate d non-viral and ade noviral ge ne ve ctors and de mons trate d functionality with re s pe ct to re gulation (TUM). The s e ve ctors we re made available to all partne rs . Non-viral and viral magne tic ge ne ve ctors have be e n s ucce s s fully produce d. Two compounds we re optimiz e d by OZB on a varie ty of matrice s and we re late r comme rcially launche d (3D-Fe ct™ & 3D-Fe ctIN™). A de taile d protocol to s tandardiz e the non-viral trans fe ction proce dure of hMSC was dis s e minate d with the re age nts to all partne rs . DOGTOR was finally adopte d by all partne rs to be the re age nt of choice for trans fe cting s te m ce lls in 2D. Like wis e the AC/MF he at induction had be e n inve s tigate d and de mons trate d, but ne e ds improve me nt. As AC-MF ins trume nts are not wide ly available a s wift trans lation to othe r partne rs was not pos s ible . Some of the re gulatory e le me nts (Cox-2- and Hs p70B promote rs ) turne d out to be functional, but too we ak to be e xpe cte d to work in driving diffe re ntiation of MSC. The re fore the following alte rnative s we re chos e n, that allowe d for s tronge r or cons titutive e xpre s s ion: Te t-s ys te m for the re gulate d e xpre s s ion if vIL10 and the cons titutive CMV promote r for TGFb e xpre s s ion. With the Te t-induce d BMP-2 s ys te m we could s ucce s s fully de mons trate te mporal control of growth factor e xpre s s ion and s howe d the functionality of all the rape utic ge ne ve ctors in a 2D mode l of chondroge ne s is and os te oge ne s is . TGFb1 P a ge 5 o f 23 Research and Innovation
e nhance d chondroge nic diffe re ntiation The 3D-as s e mbly of diffe re nt s caffolds , ve ctors and ce lls was s ucce s s ful. Although we we re not able to de mons trate bias of diffe re ntiation by ge ne ve ctors within the 3D as s e mblie s due to low ce ll numbe rs , we we re able to de mons trate that s witching on of BMP-2 e xpre s s ion was s ucce s s ful in 3D as we ll as 2D culture . Thus the te mporal control of ge ne e xpre s s ion by the Te t-on s ys te m was s ucce s s fully imple me nte d in 3D culture as we ll. Spatial control of ge ne e xpre s s ion was de mons trate d by re porte r ge ne imaging and une quivocally in an inde pe nde nt s ys te m of lucife ras e imaging that re lie s on the local production of TNFalpha, which le ads to Cox-2 promote r me diate d lucife ras e e xpre s s ion in a s patially s e parate locus . WP2: De ve lopme nt of a biomime tic polyme r as carrie r of ge ne ve ctors Le ad be ne ficiary: ARI WP le ade r: Mauro Alini Thus , the major obje ctive of the workpackage 2 was to cre ate a biomime tic polyme r bas e d carrie r platform that allowe d s patiote mporal control of ce ll be haviour us ing a combination of te chnological bre akthroughs achie ve d by Partne rs of the cons ortium. The s pe cific te chnical module de ve lope d in the workpackage 2 was a te mpe rature -s e ns itive hyaluronan (HA) hydroge l and its combination with MBCP™ tailor-made granule s (Micro macroporous Biphas ic Calcium Phos phate ), nanos iz e d nonviral or viral ge ne ve ctors e ncoding de s ire d growth factors unde r the control of inducible promote rs , s upe rparamagne tic nanoparticle s and me s e nchymal s te m ce lls . All the partne rs we re involve d in this major workpackage . The biomime tic hydroge l carrie r de ve lope d in this proje ct was bas e d on hyaluronan which has important role s in organ de ve lopme nt and ce ll s ignaling (Le ach e t al., 2004). Commonly, hyaluronan hydroge ls are obtaine d by cros s -linking re actions involving che micals and/or UV light (Lapcik e t al., 1998), which are pote ntially de trime ntal to biologics to be e mbe dde d in the ge ls . In the workpackage 2, the partne r 2 (AOF) pe rforme d the grafting of the rmo-re s pons ive line ar polyme rs (poly(N-is opropylacrylamide )) onto the hyaluronan e ithe r via Cu(I) catalyz e d alkyne -az ide cycloaddition (CuAAC) re action or via dire ct amidation. The mate rials we re characte riz e d with notably; 1H nucle ar magne tic re s onance , the rmal analys is , rhe ology, and s we lling-s hrinkage me as ure me nts , as we ll as s tability te s t. The mate rials we re s ucce s s fully s ynthe s iz e d and s howe d a ge l point in aque ous s olution at 30-32•C. The grafting via amidation re action did not le ad to de gradation of hayluronan as obs e rve d in the CuAAC re action pe rforme d in the pre s e nce of the catalys t; CuSO4, 5H2O with s odium as corbic acid s alt. This le ade d to improve re producibility and pote ntial s caling-up. More ove r, the abs e nce of pote ntially toxic coppe r trace s in the amidation re action product incre as e d the like line s s for us e in vivo. The the rmore s pons ive ne s s of the hydroge ls and the rhe ological fe ature s of the ge ls we re modulate d from room te mpe rature to above body te mpe rature de pe nding on compos ition and conce ntration, he nce providing te mpe rature -de pe nde nt s patiote mporal control of the mate rial prope rtie s . In the me antime , a biomime tic hyaluronan hydroge l platform bas e d on a thiol-e ne re action cros s linking was de ve lope d in orde r to compare with the pure ly phys ical cros s linke d hyaluronan carrie r. Biomime tic functionalitie s , s uch as RGD binding e pitope we re e as ily adde d in this 2nd hyaluronan platform, e nhancing hMSCs s pre ading in 3D hydroge l matrix. Pre liminary ce ll s tudy was pe rforme d in orde r to as s e s s the viability of ce lls dis pe rs e d in a the rmore s pons ive hyaluronan compos ition afte r inje ction through a ne e dle . Ce ll viability at 24 h afte r inje ction was 90 ± 2% for the the rmore s pons ive hydroge l compare d to 71 ± 9% for alginate hydroge l control, confirming that the the rmore s pons ive hydroge l can be us e d as an inje ctable ce ll carrie r. Furthe r s tudy on the e ncaps ulation of human me s e nchymal s te m ce lls (hMSCs ) has be e n pe rforme d by s e ve ral partne rs s howing that hMSCs viability at 7 days was highe r or ide ntical in the the rmore s pons ive hydroge l compare d to alginate control hydroge l. Furthe r, ce ll culture de mons trate d the chondroge nic pote ntial of the the rmore s pons ive hydroge l in vitro. Afte r, the optimiz ation of the biomime tic hydroge ls platform, combination with micro and macroporous biphas ic calcium phos phate (MBCPTM and MBCP+TM) de ve lope d and produce d by Biomatlante (BIM) was pe rforme d in orde r to cre ate the os te ochondral GAM. The MBCPTM was firs t cons ide re d to be the ge ne ve ctor carrie r e ncoding a firs t factor which will the n be e mbe dde d in the hydroge l which acte d as a cohe s ion e nhance r for the MBCPTM particle s , ce lls carrie r or 2nd ge ne ve ctor carrie d. In a whole , the compos ite GAM conce pt provide d an e le me nt of s patiote mporal control in this proje ct. The combination of MBCPTM granule s of diffe re nt compos ition and varying conce ntration with the the rmore s pons ive hydroge l s olutions was pe rforme d in collaboration be twe e n AOF, BIM and INSERM partne rs . The pre paration of compos ite mate rials was s ucce s s ful. It was found that the loading of the hydroge l s olution with a quantity of particle s up to e ight time highe r in we ight of the polyme r in s olution, 1) incre as e d the vis cos ity of the compos ition at te mpe rature be low the lowe r critical s olution te mpe rature (LCST), 2) de cre as e d the LCST with the amount of granule s adde d, 3) cons e rve d the ge lling prope rty of the hydroge l and 4) incre as e d the final s torage modulus with the granule conte nt. Full characte riz ation of the compos ite s was pe rforme d ranging from IR s pe ctros copy, rhe ology, X-ray diffraction, e le ctron micros copy, e tc. The s tability of the formulations was e valuate d obs e rving the s e ttling of the particle s . Focus ing on the handling of the compos ite matrice s pre pare d e xtrus ion force was me as ure d on an Ins tron 4302 e le ctrome chanical te s ting machine e quippe d with a cus tomiz e d load ce ll. The diffe re nt formulations we re characte riz e d by diffe re nt s tability de pe nding on the particle s iz e . It was s e e n that particle of s iz e above 200µm te nd to s e ttle . Such compos itions ne e de d to be formulate d at highe r vis cos ity (for ins tance , addition of unde rivatiz e d hyaluronan) at room te mpe rature . All the compos itions we re e xtrudible at room te mpe rature through a s yringe . The y had the re fore s uitable handling for us e in a s urgical the ate r. P a ge 6 o f 23 Research and Innovation
Additionally, s upe rparamagne tic nanoparticle s have be e n combine d with the biomime tic hydroge l platform: Magne tic nanoparticle s are wide ly us e d in biology, bioe ngine e ring, bios e paration, me dical diagnos tics as we ll as in pre clinical and e arly clinical s tudie s with innovative the rapie s . The hydrodynamic diame te rs of the particle s us e d we re of fe w nanome te rs (about 10%) was re quire d to maintain the comple xe s into the ge l. Howe ve r unde r this condition, the hydroge l was difficult to handle . Cons e que ntly, OZB produce d ne w lipids and polyme rs with minimiz e d hydrophobic prope rtie s . The ne w compounds we re e ffe ctive in trans fe cting ce lls in 3D hydroge l made of ate locollage n but much le s s e ffe ctive with hyaluronan ge l. In orde r to gain a be tte r ins ight on the phys icoche mical characte riz ation of the comple xe s , OZB produce d fluore s ce ntly labe le d trans fe ction re age nts for s tudying the capacity of fluore s ce nt comple xe s to be maintaine d ins ide the matrice s according to the s caffold compos ition. The s tudy allowe d to gaining ins ights on s e ve ral points : s uch as the diffe re nt nonviral ve ctor re te ntion capacity of matrice s . A cle ar outcome was that the e mbe dding MBCP and MBCP+ granule s , into hydroge l was ne ce s s ary to re tain the comple xe s ins ide the biomate rials and e fficie ntly trans fe ct coloniz ing ce lls . The s e re s ults we re in clos e re lations hip to the obs e rve d ce ll trans fe ction data. The s e obs e rvations we re of high importance for in vivo e xpe rime nts as GAM be aring comple xe s mus t re main active s e ve ral days to allow coloniz ation and trans fe ction of ce lls . OZB and ISTGE collaborate d on in vivo mous e mode l and lipids non-viral ve ctor ne wly s ynthe s iz e d and ne w GAM protocol. Pre liminary re s ults s howe d that fluore s ce nce e xpre s s ion of trans fe ct ce lls can be obs e rve d in the implante d s caffold. In addition to the above re porte d in vivo s tudy, ARI has de mons trate d that viral trans fe ction of hMSCs in the rmore s pons ive hydroge l was highly e fficie nt and that s e le cte d biomime tic hydroge l compos ition was biocompatibility (s e e WP7). For this las t tas k, s te riliz ation me thods we re s cre e ne d, mate rial batch s ynthe s is was s cale d up and as s e s s e d, and in vivo s tudy pe rforme d. To conclude , although high e fficacy of non-viral ve ctor into the the rmore s pons ive hydroge l matrix could not be re ache d, the GAM de ve lope d by the GAMBA te am, as a combination of biomate rials and a biomime tic polyme r, has re ache d a le ve l whe re it can be us e d as ge ne ve ctors and ce lls carrie rs for pre -clinical s tudie s . WP3: Biomime tic Calcium Phos phate Bioce ramics granule s as carrie rs for ge ne ve ctors Le ad be ne ficiary: BIM WP le ade r: Pas cal Borge t/Guy Daculs i The conce pt of s caffold for the invas ion of ne wly forme d tis s ue s at the e xpe ns e of the latte r is the corne rs tone of bone tis s ue e ngine e ring. The challe nge of the Europe an proje ct Gamba to combine ge ne the rapy and bone tis s ue e ngine e ring involve s optimiz ing bioactive mate rials s upporting the re cons truction thanks to adhe s ion of hos t ce lls and ve ctors for ge ne trans fe ction. Biomatlante company, s ynthe tic bone s ubs titute s manufacture r, and LIOAD Ins e rm laboratory of Nante s Unive rs ity, de ve lope d ne w formulations of bioactive ce ramics to achie ve obje ctive s . Re s e arch and De ve lopme nt tas ks ne ce s s ary for the comple tion of this proje ct are the s cie ntific and te chnical he art. Biocompatibility te s ts we re the n pe rforme d in vitro and s pe cific in vivo animal mode ls have be e n s e t up to be tte r me e t the s pe cifications and accurate ly as s e s s the cons is te ncy of e s tablis he d biologics s olutions . At maturity of 3 ye ars of Gamba proje ct, Biomatlante company and Ins e rm LIOAD laboratory we re able to de mons trate une quivocally the e ffe ctive ne s s of ce ramic s caffolds (MBCP+®) in te rms of ce lls or trans fe ction ve ctors adhe s ion, diffe re ntiation and bone ingrowth P a ge 7 o f 23 Research and Innovation
e ve n in the mos t adve rs e s ituations (os te one cros is ). I. Scaffolds optimiz ation and ne w gale nic formulations de ve lopme nt The de mand place d on biomate rials for bone re ge ne ration involve s a total control of crys tallographic, che mical and me chanical prope rtie s . Biological re s pons e s to the s e alloplas tic grafts de pe nd on the s e multiple factors that cannot be le ft to chance . That is why Biomatlante company in collaboration with the laboratory Ins e rm LIOAD de e ply characte riz e d its ne wly de ve lope d me dical de vice s for Gamba proje ct in orde r to anticipate the ir pos itive bioactivity. 1) MBCP® te chnology (granule s or blocks ) [Tas k T3.1] Bone knowle dge is the bas e of biomime tic approach which le ads to improve ce ramic biomate rial s ynthe s is approaching native bone in te rms of che mical e le me nts through the crys talline phas e name d hydroxyapatite . Biological apatite is form as nanocrys tals afte r pre cipitation proce s s . The mate rials e ngine e ring joining biomime tic and che mical s trate gie s was us e d to de ve lop me thods to combine intimate ly crys talline phas e of hydroxyapatite with calle d Be ta-Tricalcium Phos phate (TCP), the latte r be ing abs e nt from the body. Re s orption prope rtie s of TCP give the biomate rial, biphas ic (HA / TCP), a "s mart de s ign". Inde e d, the s ynthe s is proce s s control at high te mpe rature s and the addition of poroge ns , allow offe ring dual-poros ity, micros copic and macros copic to the s e biphas ic bioce ramics with crys tallographic grains s iz e monitoring. Crys tal s iz e will influe nce microporos ity, re s orption and me chanical re s is tance . From this e xpe rtis e was the n cre ate d the MBCP conce pt, “M” for Macro-Microporos ity, and “BCP” for Biphas ic Calcium Phos phate . 2) Ne w granule s formulations with lowe r de ns ity and inte rnal large concavity [Tas k T3.1] As ge nic the rapy and bone tis s ue e ngine e ring s tate me nts of Gamba proje ct focus e d on hos t ce lls adhe s ion on os te oconductive s caffolds , Biomatlante and Ins e rm laboratory have inve nte d a ne w gale nic formulation of granule s . The s e granule s have be e n s pe cifically de s ign for s e ve ral re as ons : - To prote ct ce lls from tribological force s be twe e n granule s s urface s , which could damage ce lls on conve xical e xte rnal s urface s . - To improve ce ll adhe s ion in a large inte rnal concavity acting as a favorable os te opromotive calcium phos phate re le as ing “niche ”. - To de cre as e de ns ity of s caffolds which incre as e s the re s orption rate thanks to thin microporous walls and e nhance s the fluids pe ne trations . In othe r te rms , with a lowe r mas s of granule s , you could obtain at le as t as much ne w bone volume than with high de ns ity granule s . The s e ne w granule s are curre ntly be ing pate nte d by Biomatlante and Ins e rm LIOAD laboratory toge the r. 3) Compos ite Ce ramic/Hydroge l [Tas k T3.2] Cohe s ion be twe e n hydroge l made of e ithe r hyaluronic acid (AO foundation, Davos , Switz e rland) and ce ramic granule s (Biomatlante ) have be e n te s te d, as we ll as che mical e ve nt monitoring afte r as s ociation with trans fe ction ve ctors . Two formulations of granule s we re us e d for as s ociation, the firs t was cons titute d with 60% HA and 40% TCP, and the s e cond with 20% HA and 80% TCP. Re s ults de mons trate d a highe r s tability of s caffolds with ge ne ve ctors for 60% HA/40% TCP, than for 20% HA/80%TCP formulation, be caus e of dis s olution/pre cipitation phe nome non of TCP more re active phas e during as s ociation proce s s . 4) Compos ite matrice s Ce ramic/Polyme r Fibe rs [Tas k T3.3] As bone is a biological compos ite mate rial made of collage n and apatite , the biomimicry s take for Biomatlante company and Ins e rm laboratory in the conte xt of Gamba proje ct was to de ve lop a fibe r-bas e d compos ite matrix able : - To improve ce ll adhe s ion in 3D, along bioine rt polyme r fibe rs and on/in os te oconductive ce ramic granule s . - To e mbe d ce ramic granule s in fibe r me s h, which provide controlle d s pacing and avoid frictions be twe e n granule s . - To incre as e me chanical s tre ngth and allow be tte r handle ability. To obtain s uch compos ite fibe r-bas e d s caffolds , a one -s te p, room te mpe rature proce s s was us e d: e le ctros pinning. This me thod is available to s ynthe s is nano or microfibe rs from a polyme r s olution thanks to high voltage pote ntial be twe e n s yringe containing s olution and a me tallic colle ctor. The chos e n polyme r was polylactic acid (PLA), s ince its hydrolytic de gradation rate in vivo and bionie rty cons titute as s e ts to be e ligible in s uch me dical de vice s . Macros copic granule s e mbe dde d in PLA fibe r matrix we re the ne wly formulate d granule s de s cribe d above . The ne xt s te p would have be e n the as s ociation of the compos ite with the ve ctors to te s t the inte grity of the trans fe ction mate rials . P a ge 8 o f 23 Research and Innovation
5) Phys ico-che mical as s e s s me nt [Tas k T3.1; T3.2; T3.3; T3.4; T3.5] Characte riz ation me thods us e d for quality as s e s s me nt and control monitoring of our s caffolds we re : • X-Ray diffraction (XRD) to ide ntify and quantify crys talline phas e s (HA/TCP). • Infra-re d s pe ctros copy (FTIR) to ide ntify che mical groups and highlight unde s irable mole cule s . • Me rcury intrus ion poros ime try (MIP) to e valuate pore dis tribution and bulk de ns ity. • He lium pycnome try to me as ure the s ke le tal “true ” de ns ity. • Phys is orption te s t (BET) to me as ure the s pe cific s urface are a (i.e . are a available to prote ins ads orption from body fluids invas ion). • Ele me ntal analys is (EDX) to de te ct pos s ible impuritie s . • Ze ta pote ntial to e valuate e le ctric s urface charge s in s olutions • Scanning Ele ctron Micros copy (SEM) to vis ualiz e macro- micros tructure and grain boundarie s . A s e rie s of ads orption-re le as e te s t of prote ins have als o be e n s ubcontracte d to e xpe rt in the s e fie lds : CIC-IT ins titute (Borde aux, France ) and Atlantic Bone Scre e n (ABS) company (St-He rblain, France ). 6) Manufacturing and s te riliz ation proce s s [tas k T3.4, T3.5] Equipme nt qualification, proce s s validation for up-s caling from laboratory, s te riliz ation e fficie ncy according inte rnational quality s tandard and s taff training was s che dule d in orde r to e ns ure s afe ty, e fficie ncy and re producibility of the de vice which has to be combine d with the ve ctors and cDNA jus t be fore implantation.. To s tart the indus trial valoriz ation of the s e re s ults , the proof of conce pt re garding the as s ociation of the ge ne tic mate rials and the de vice is the firs t s te p and has s till to be pe rforme d. II. Biological e valuations : in vitro te s ts 1) Ce ll adhe s ion [tas k T3.1] A firs t crite rion for a de dicate d hos ting ce lls s caffold is to allow ce lls to s pre ad on its s urface . Human me s e nchymal s tromal ce lls we re s pre ad onto MBCP s caffolds and vis ualiz e d by SEM. It obvious ly appe are d that ce lls attache d and s pre ad into concavitie s of macropore s . 2) Ce ll viability [tas k T3.1] Ce lls afte r s pre ading on ce ramic granule s have to be able to prolife rate ; it will de pe nd on the biocompatibility of biomate rials . So as to e valuate this viability, a bioche mical te s t (MTS) was pe rforme d us ing murine bone ce lls (murine bone ce lls ). Re s ults highlighte d a ve ry good viability in comparis on with a pos itive and ne gative control, ove r 90% viability. 3) Ce ll diffe re ntiation [Tas k T3.1] Whe n s te m ce lls are re cruite d from blood or bone marrow, the y adhe re to the s urface of ce ramic granule s , the n prolife rate and if the re is a favorable e nvironme nt ce lls diffe re ntiate into bone ce lls . So as to as s e s s the os te oinduction of our mate rials , a re ve rs e trans cription polyme ras e chain re action (RT-PCR) analys is was pe rforme d. Re s ults s hown os te oge nic diffe re ntiation pote ntial was hundre d time s highe r whe n ce lls we re s pre ad on os te oconductive ce ramic granule s than along bioine rt polyme r fibe rs (without granule s ). 4) Active s ubs tance ads orption/re le as e [Tas k T3.1] Active s ubs tance ads orption/re le as e quantification has be e n done in a comparis on s tudy be twe e n round de ns e granule , MBCP granule and ne w lowe r de ns ity granule s . Albumin prote in involve d in ce ll adhe s ion was te s te d, as we ll as s pe cifically de s igne d Pe ptide 8 from ABS company and vancomycin antibiotic (CI-IT Borde aux). It was notice d that MBCP granule s are e ligible for drug de live ry purpos e , thanks to inte rconne cte d poros ity and highe r s pe cific s urface are ra, allowing gradual re le as e ove rtime without burs t e ffe ct at s hort time . Conclus ion The joint e fforts of Gamba cons ortium partne rs made it pos s ible to de ve lop multiple pote ntial s olutions to the challe nge s rais e d by ge ne the rapy and bone tis s ue e ngine e ring s take s . MBCP te chnology de mons trate d all its as s e ts to ans we r os te oconduction and os te oinduction obje ctive s . As to ne w granule s formulation with large inte rnal concavity and lowe r de ns ity, the y are highly promis ing in orde r to offe r favorable e nvironme nt to patie nt ce lls by acting as phos phocalcic niche s , prote cting ce lls and providing the m with ions pre curs or of biological apatitic pre cipitations le ading to mine raliz ation of os te oid tis s ue . Compos ite hydroge l or fibe r polyme r bas e d-s caffold have als o be e n s ucce s s fully de ve lope d thanks to one -s te p proce s s . Combine d prope rtie s of the s e ine rt 3D polyme r me s he s and highly os te opromotive ce ramic granule s cons titute an e xciting outcome obtaine d thanks to Gamba Europe an proje ct. P a ge 9 o f 23 Research and Innovation
To go furthe r, the as s ociation of the de vice s (granule s , compos ite s bas e d on hydroge l or fibe rs ) with the ge ne tic mate rials has to be te s te d in vivo to validate the ir the rape utic pote ntial. WP4: Atte nuation of inflammation for os te ochondral de fe ct re pair by immune modulation Le ad be ne ficiary: NUI Galway WP le ade r: Mary Murphy Os te oarthritis (OA) is a de ge ne rative dis e as e that re pre s e nts an e normous me dical and s ocio-e conomic burde n worldwide . De s pite inte ns ive re s e arch ove r many ye ars , tre atme nts for the dis e as e re main an unme t ne e d and the re is no acce pte d way to re pair damage due to os te oarthritis or pre ve nt the ons e t of this dis e as e . One of the major challe nge s to addre s s in e s tablis hing nove l the rapie s for OA is inflammation. Although damage to articular cartilage is cons ide re d a primary fe ature the re are als o change s to the s ubchondral bone and s ynovium. It is known that inflammation is a major drive r of dis e as e progre s s ion in OA acting in an inhibitory manne r on re ge ne rative mole cular proce s s e s . In fact s ynovial inflammation occurs in ve ry many patie nts and is a pre dictive factor in dis e as e progre s s ion. The obje ctive of this work package was to e s tablis h optimal conditions for s patiote mporal, controlle d inducible cytokine re le as e to achie ve immune modulation in orde r to facilitate re pair of pathologie s in the injure d os te oarthritic joint. Inte rle ukin 10 (IL-10) has both anti-and pro-inflammatory functions ; howe ve r, the viral analog (vIL-10) is known to have an atte nuating influe nce on inflammation. The GAMBA conce pt anticipate d the incorporation of a ge ne s huttle with the coding information for vIL-10 in the uppe r compartme nt of the GAMBA module s . The propos e d ge ne tic s witch was the cyclooxyge nas e -2 (COX-2) promote r which has be e n s hown to re s pond to inflammatory s ignals . The goal was to imple me nt a fe e d-back me chanis m whe re inflammatory mole cule s re le as e d by the s ynovium would activate production of vIL-10 through the COX-2 promote r, the re by re ducing the inflammation and s ile ncing the s ignalling s witch in a cyclical manne r. Tas k 1: Se le ction of optimal anti-inflammatory ve ctor s ys te m Plas mid DNA was clone d into COX-2 inducible promote r containing cas s e tte s . Non-viral and ade noviral s huttle ve ctors containing a s hort (-372/+59) and long form (-1432/+59) of the COX-2 promote r we re cons tructe d for as s e s s me nt of inducible e xpre s s ion of vIL-10. In addition the y provide d ve ctors with a re porte r ge ne . For this tas k the s e le cte d re porte r was s e cre te d Me tridia longa lucife ras e (METLuc). Initial as s e s s me nt indicate d s ucce s s ful functionality of the inducible cons tructs in ce ll line s . Following purification of the virus e s , a validate d me thod for the viral trans duction of human me s e nchymal s te m ce lls (hMSCs ) us ing lanthanum chloride was e s tablis he d. Furthe rmore , an in-hous e ELISA for the as s e s s me nt of vIL-10 re le as e from the ce lls was optimis e d and the ability of hMSCs to re s pond to optimis e d le ve ls of tumour ne cros is factor (TNF)-α and IL-1β as the inflammatory s ignals by incre as e d e xpre s s ion of COX-2 e s tablis he d (Fig. 4.1). De s pite inte ns ive and de taile d as s e s s me nt it was found that the COX-2 promote r cons tructs we re not functional at re gulating vIL-10 in hMSCs whe the r afte r a primary (Fig. 4.2) or s e condary inflammatory challe nge : induce d COX-2 e xpre s s ion or production of anti-inflammatory vIL-10 was not found. We als o inve s tigate d whe the r re gulate d vIL10 re le as e could be achie ve d following non-viral trans duction with COX-2 promote r drive n vIL-10 plas mids . Although vIL10 re le as e at low le ve ls was found with the cons titutive CMVIL-10 plas mid following trans fe ction of hMSCs with lipofe ctamine , no vIL-10 was de te cte d with the COX-2 inducible promote r plas mids (Fig. 4.3). The us e of the cons titutive CMV promote r, which was obs e rve d to ge ne rate high le ve ls of vIL-10 re le as e from hMSCs , was s e le cte d for furthe r in vitro me chanis tic analys e s and as s e s s me nt of immune modulation in a mous e mode l of OA. In te rms of alte rnative s to a ge ne tic s witch for controlle d re le as e of vIL-10, the pharmacological s witch, doxycycline , was found to be ve ry e ffe ctive in inducing re le as e of vIL-10 from both human and mous e MSCs trans duce d with a te tracycline (te t)-inducible vIL-10 virus (Fig. 4.4). Tas k 2: Sys te matic as s e s s me nt of the anti-inflammatory e ffe ct of re le as e d vIL-10 An in vitro mode l of inflammation us ing LPS activation of the monocyte ce ll line THP1 was e s tablis he d to as s e s s the anti-inflammatory ability of vIL-10 conditione d me dium (CM) from hMSCs . Re le as e profile s for vIL-10 we re e s tablis he d pos t hMSC trans duction us ing CMVIL-10 for the s e me chanis tic s tudie s . It was s hown that vIL-10 re producibly re duce d the le ve ls of TNFalpha re le as e and ge ne e xpre s s ion in THP1 ce lls following s timulation with LPS (Fig. 4.5). Mainte nance of cartilage inte grity or promotion of a pro-chondroge nic e nvironme nt is important for e s tablis hme nt of a re parative proce s s in OA. The re fore , inve s tigations with EMC we re pe rforme d to as s e s s the pote ntial of vIL-10 in dampe ning inflammation in vivo us ing an e x vivo mode l with chondroge ne s is of hMSCs achie ve d on an alginate ge l modulate d by CM from os te oarthritic s ynovial tis s ue (SCM). Factors s e cre te d from the os te oarthritic s ynovial tis s ue we re cle arly s hown to inhibit chondroge ne s is by de cre as e d ge ne e xpre s s ion for collage n II and aggre can. Additionally, e xpe rime nts we re pe rforme d to as s e s s the ability of vIL-10 to pre ve nt inflammation.. Synovium and fat pad we re obtaine d from patie nts unde rgoing total joint re place me nt with informe d cons e nt and e thical approval from local e thics committe e s . The following obje ctive s we re addre s s e d: to inve s tigate whe the r 1) inflammatory me diator production by os te oarthritic s ynovium and polaris e d macrophage s can be modulate d by tre atme nt with vIL-10, 2) the inhibition of MSC chondroge ne s is by os te oarthritic s ynovium is due to macrophage s , and ide ntify a role of macrophage phe notype in the inhibition of MSC chondroge ne s is , and 3) whe the r chondroge ne s is may be re s cue d by modulating macrophage s ubtype with vIL-10. P a ge 10 o f 23 Research and Innovation
Re combinant vIL-10 was not found to re producibly dampe n inflammatory me diator production by e nd s tage os te oarthritic s ynovium as as s e s s e d by quantification of pro-inflammatory IL-6, cytokine , or anti-inflammatory CCL18 [Che mokine (C-C motif) ligand 18]. The e ffe ct of SCM and vIL-10 tre ate d SCM on collage n type 2 ge ne e xpre s s ion in hMSCs was als o as s e s s e d to de te rmine the pote ntial of vIL-10 to modulate chondroge ne s is . Although vIL-10 had a pos itive e ffe ct on chondroge ne s is in the abs e nce of tre atme nt with SCM, this e ffe ct was ablate d with SCM pre s e nt. Again donor variability was a fe ature of the re s pons e to vIL-10. Le ve ls of collage n type 2 mRNA we re s ignificantly incre as e d in Donors 2 and 4 afte r v-IL-10 tre atme nt in the pre s e nce of SCM. No e ffe ct was s e e n in Donor 1 but vIL-10 was inhibitory in Donor 3. vIL-10 s timulation of M1 and M2 macrophage s did not s ignificantly alte r the re le as e and ge ne e xpre s s ion of inflammatory me diators . Human monocyte s we re is olate d from pe riphe ral blood and induce d to the M1 phe notype by tre atme nt with 100ng/ml LPS and 10ng/ml IFNgamma and to the M2 phe notype by e xpos ure to 10ng/ml IL-4. Morphological analys is s howe d the characte ris tic appe arance of M1 and M2 ce lls . M1 macrophage s de mons trate d characte ris tic e xpre s s ion of IL-6 and cytokine s e cre tion with M2 macrophage s s howing incre as e d e xpre s s ion and s e cre tion of CCL18. Expos ure to 100ng/ml vIL-10 had no e ffe ct on the s e parame te rs and als o did not impact e xpre s s ion of TNFalpha, CD206 and IL-10 its e lf. Finally, the e ffe ct of M1 and M2 conditione d me dia on chondroge ne s is of hMSCs and the impact of vIL-10 on this proce s s was as s e s s e d. Expre s s ion of type II collage n and aggre can was s ignificantly inhibite d by e xpos ure to M1 CM and vIL-10 was not able to re s cue this e ffe ct. M2 CM had a s light inhibitory e ffe ct on the e xpre s s ion of the chondroge nic factors . vIL-10 did promote e xpre s s ion of collage n type II mRNA but not aggre can. Joint fat pad CM als o de cre as e d the collage n type II and aggre can e xpre s s ion of MSCs . Tas k 3: In vivo trans fe ction and cytokine e xpre s s ion As a s trate gy to achie ve e xpre s s ion of vIL-10 in the joint, we inve s tigate d the e fficacy of dire ct intra-articular ve ctor inje ction in a s mall animal mode l. This s trate gy for in vivo trans fe ction and cytokine e xpre s s ion re quire d the us e of a murine collage nas e -induce d mode l of os te oarthritis . CMVIL-10 was us e d to as s e s s whe the r in vivo trans duction could be achie ve d and an anti-inflammatory e ffe ct of re le as e d vIL-10 could be de mons trate d in vivo. At Time 0, all mice re ce ive d two inje ctions of 1U collage nas e ove r 2 days . One we e k afte r the firs t inje ction, an e quivale nt amount of CMVIL-10 virus us e d to trans duce hMSCs at MOI 100 was inje cte d alone . All mice we re humane ly s acrifice d at s e ve n we e ks following collage nas e inje ction. Poplite al and inguinal lymph node s we re harve s te d and dige s te d to ge ne rate a s ingle ce ll s us pe ns ion for analys is of T ce ll and macrophage populations us ing flow cytome try. A tre nd of de cre as e d le ve ls of CD11b+ and CD11b+Ly6C hi inflammatory monocyte le ve ls in both the inguinal and poplite al lymph node s was obs e rve d 6 we e ks pos t intra-articular inje ction with AdIL-10. Cytokine e xpre s s ion in vivo was as s e s s e d following analys is of harve s te d s e rum us ing a multiple x ELISA as s ay to inve s tigate re le as e d le ve ls of vIL-10 following in vivo trans duction, as we ll as othe r inflammatory me diators . Howe ve r, available re age nts we re not s ufficie ntly s e ns itive . Tas k 4 Ex vivo trans duction and immune modulation The re afte r, in vivo as s e s s me nt of AdIL-10 e xpre s s ing hMSCs unde r the control of the CMV ve ctor was als o pe rforme d. Five groups of 8 C57BL/6 mice , 8-10 we e ks old we re te s te d. Groups we re as follows : Ve hicle (s aline ), AdIL-10, MSCs , Adnull MSCs and AdIL-10 MSCs . A dos e of 20 x 104 hMSCs was inje cte d into the tre ate d joint, ide ntifie d as the optimal ce ll numbe r re quire d for the production of 100 ng/ml vIL-10, following in vitro trans duction s tudie s . hMSCs we re trans duce d with CMVIL-10 or Ad-Null virus at MOI of 100, us ing Lanthanum Chloride bas e d trans duction. Furthe rmore , an e quivale nt amount of CMVIL-10 virus us e d to trans duce hMSCs at MOI 100 was inje cte d alone . Blood was harve s te d prior to collage nas e inje ction, 1 we e k pos t-tre atme nt inje ction and again at s acrifice . Se rum was is olate d and froz e n for cytokine analys is until re quire d. Cytokine e xpre s s ion analys is , and lymph node harve s t and analys is we re pe rforme d as de s cribe d above . Tre ate d kne e joints we re harve s te d, fixe d in 10% formalin ove rnight and de calcifie d in EDTA for 2 we e ks prior to paraffin e mbe dding for his tological analys is of OA progre s s ion. The le ve l of OA damage and de gre e of s ynovial inflammation in all tre ate d joints was grade d by thre e blinde d re vie we rs . As s e s s me nt of inflammatory ce ll s ubs e ts was pe rforme d to inve s tigate whe the r vIL-10 e xpre s s ion re s ulting from in s itu trans duction, or re le as e from trans duce d hMSCs has an e ffe ct of inflammatory ce ll phe notype within the lymph node s . Pre liminary analys is indicate d a de cre as e in the total numbe r of CD4+ and CD8+ T ce lls locally in the poplite al lymph node in re s pons e to intraarticular inje ction of hMSCs trans duce d to e xpre s s vIL-10. At the optimal time s us e d for analys is of immune modulation by vIL-10, as s e s s me nt of s ynovium damage and os te oarthritis progre s s ion was not s ignificantly diffe re nt be twe e n groups and additional e xpe rime nts will ne e d to be pe rforme d to s e e if the change s that are s e e n in te rms of the inflammatory e nvironme nt re s ult in prote ction from OA at late r time points . Conclus ions : COX-2 inducible ade noviral ve ctors we re not found to be functional at re gulating vIL-10 in hMSCs although controlle d re le as e of the cytokine was achie ve d with chondrocyte s in vitro. The inducible re le as e of vIL-10 from human and mous e MSCs following doxycycline s timulation of ce lls that we re co-trans duce d with AdCMVrtTA and AdTREtvIL-10 ve ctors , was achie ve d. OA s ynovium and infrapate llar fat pad inhibit chondroge nic diffe re ntiation of MSCs , and tre atme nt of the s ynovium with vIL-10 doe s not counte ract this e ffe ct. The ne gative e ffe ct of OA s ynovium can be addre s s e d to the pre s e nce of M1 macrophage s and the cytokine s that are re s pons ible for the ne gative e ffe ct of OA s ynovium s ignal act, at le as t partially, via the inflammatory pathways TAK1 and JAK. The s e re s ults indicate that vIL-10 has the pote ntial to impact the os te oarthritic joint pro-inflammatory e nvironme nt but this e ffe ct may be limite d by the le ve l of inflammation. In vivo trans fe ction utilis ing AdCMVIL-10 viral ve ctors s e rve d as an alte rnative s trate gy to achie ve vIL-10 re le as e and s ubs e que nt immune modulation. A tre nd in de cre as e d le ve ls of CD11b+ and CD11b+Ly6Chi inflammatory P a ge 11 o f 23 Research and Innovation
monocyte le ve ls was achie ve d in both the inguinal and poplite al lymph node s , 6 we e ks pos t intra-articular inje ction with AdIL-10, s ugge s ting modulation of inflammatory proce s s e s . In vivo immune modulation following intra-articular inje ction of hMSCs trans duce d with AdvIL-10 was als o e vide nt, with re duce d CD4+ and CD8+ T ce ll le ve ls de te cte d following tre atme nt with AdIL-10 MSCs . A s ignificantly highe r proportion of CD4+CD62L- ce lls in the AdvIL-10 MSC tre ate d group compare d to hMSC alone was als o e vide nt, which may s ugge s t an incre as e of e ffe ctor me mory ce lls in re s pons e to this tre atme nt. Obs e rve d tre nds in modulation of the de ve lopme nt of os te oarthritic s ymptoms ne e d to be addre s s e d at a late r time point, and with mous e MSCs . WP5 Spatiote mporal control of growth factor ge ne de live ry for cartilage re pair Le ad be ne ficiary: EMC WP le ade r: Ge rjo van Os ch We have de mons trate d that inflammatory factors s e cre te d by s ynovium from os te oarthritis patie nts pre ve nt the formation of cartilage by s te m ce lls originating from bone marrow. Spe cific drugs can partially counte ract this e ffe ct: the y pre ve nt the biological communication of the inflammatory factors into the ce lls , but the timing of adminis tration appe are d to be an important is s ue . The inflammatory factors are mainly produce d by ce rtain immune -ce lls pre s e nt in s ynovium: macrophage s . To favor cartilage formation in a patie nt with os te oarthritis , changing the s e macrophage s from producing inflammatory factors towards producing pos itive factors is of gre at importance . So far, IL10, a prote in that can have s uch an e ffe ct was te s te d for this purpos e . Unfortunate ly this was not s ufficie nt. Furthe r e xpe rime nts us ing othe r s timulants to change the be haviour of s ynovial macrophage s are ne ce s s ary. In orde r to le t s te m ce lls originating from bone marrow form cartilage unde r laboratory conditions , a s timulant calle d TGFb is ge ne rally e s s e ntial. The TGFb s hould be pre s e nt the whole time in s ufficie nt quantitie s . We we re not able to re ach s ufficie ntly long e xpre s s ion us ing plas mids to trans fe ct human s te m ce lls . Howe ve r, in a mode l that we de ve lope d, the pre s e nce of additional TGFb appe are d to be no longe r ne ce s s ary. Joints that are le ft ove r from s laughte re d cows we re us e d to obtain cartilage -bone biops ie s : pie ce s of bone that are cove re d with cartilage on top. In this cartilage we can make de fe cts to s imulate cartilage damage . Us ing this mode l we te s te d the capacity of s te m ce lls originating from bone marrow to form cartilage . Factors produce d by the bone we re s ufficie nt to s tart cartilage formation. Initially we hypothe s iz e d that TGFb produce d by the bone would be re s pons ible for this e ffe ct. Howe ve r we have prove n us ing multiple ways to pre ve nt TGFb from having its e ffe ct on s te m ce lls that the bone mus t produce othe r factors that are s timulating the s te m ce lls to form cartilage . We have not ye t ide ntifie d which factor or which combination of factors is re s pons ible for this . The pos itive e ffe ct of the bone was als o influe nce d by the type of mate rial that was us e d to e ncaps ulate the ce lls . Whe n we us e d HA-pNIPAM or alginate , the s te m ce lls s tarte d to form cartilage , whe re the y did this to le s s e r e xte nt whe n we us e d fibrin. This e ffe ct was e ve n s tronge r whe n we ins te ad of culture in the laboratory, trans fe rre d this mode l s ys te m of cartilage -bone biops ie s unde r the s kin of mice : cartilage was forme d by the s te m ce lls in alginate and not in fibrin. The us e of fibrin e ve n re s ulte d in unwante d bone formation, a phe nome non that is known to occur in s te m ce lls . Alginate appe are d to pre ve nt this . Altoge the r, we have de ve lope d a mode l s ys te m that is more re pre s e ntative for the s ituation in a joint than conve ntional laboratory mode ls . This mode l can be us e d to s cre e n ce ll type s and/or mate rials for the ir us e in cartilage re ge ne ration. This s cre e ning is of vital importance towards the de ve lopme nt of tre atme nts for patie nts with os te oarthritis as we have found that the s pe cific mate rial us e d to e ncaps ulate ce lls can have major e ffe cts on the outcome . WP6 Spatiote mporal growth factor de live ry for bone formation Le ad be ne ficiary: IRCCS (FORMERLY INRC OR USMI) WP le ade r: Chiara Ge ntili/ Ranie ri Cance dda Workpackage 6 is de dicate d to s patiote mporal growth factor de live ry for bone formation. One of the initial obje ctive s was to de fine the te mporal re quire me nts for BMP2 e xpos ure to obtain os te oge nic diffe re ntiation. While the re combinant prote in is approve d for clinical us e in s ome applications , major re s e arch is re quire d to e s tablis h the us e of its pre curs or, the corre s ponding ge ne tic cons tructs have be e n accomplis he d by partne r 1 (TUM), that the y had cons tructe d non-viral and ade noviral ve ctors for e xpre s s ion of TET-on BMP-2. We have achie ve d inducible BMP2 e xpre s s ion in human MSC following Doxycycline s timulation of ce lls . We obs e rve d that at e arly pas s age the BMP-2 MSC incre as e os te oge nic diffe re ntiation in vitro, but BMP-2 trans fe ction probably inte rfe re with the prolife ration and diffe re ntiation of the MSC in culture , re s tricting the ability to e xpand ce lls in vitro. Combining s caffolds and ve ctors
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To te s t the e fficacy of e ndochondral-bone formation us ing cons tructs /ve ctors de ve lope d in GAMBA cons ors ortium, in WP6 we e valuate d with diffe re nt type of ce lls , human bone marrow s tromal ce lls (BMSCs ) and human os te oblas ts (OB) the capacity to form bone in vivo. We loade d the s caffolds that we re ce ive d from Biomatlante partne r, only with ce lls and we implante d the m in mice to e valuate the e fficacy of bone formation of the s caffold plus and minus ce lls . Human and s he e p BMSCs we re is olate d from adult bone marrow and culture d in vitro. Human OB we re harve s te d from bioptic pie ce s of large bone s by s e ve ral me chanical and e nz ymatic dige s tions and culture d according to (Torte lli e t al. Tis s ue Eng Part A. 2009 Se p;15(9):2373-83). We us e d two micro/macroporous biphas ic calcium phos phate ce ramics (MBCP) with diffe re nt compos ition; MBCP A, compos e d of 60% of hydroxyapatite and 40% of tricalcium phos phate be ta and MBCP +, compos e d of 20% of hydroxyapatite and 80% of tricalcium phos phate be ta. To e valuate the e ffe ct of the diffe re nt calcium phos phate ce ramics compos ition on e ctopic bone formation, we us e d hMSCs and hOB and pos itive control ce lls s he e p MSC, we s e e de d 2 x 106 ce lls at pas s age 1 into MBCP (A and +) s caffolds . Immunode ficie nt mice (CD-1 nu/nu; Charle s Rive r, Calco, Italy) we re ane s the tiz e d and four s ubcutane ous pocke ts cre ate d. Scaffolds of e ach of the calcium phos phate ce ramics we re implante d for 1, 4 and 8 we e ks . At the e nd of time points , animals we re s acrifice d and implants we re harve s te d for his tological analys is to acce s s bone formation. As re quire d by the Italian Minis try of He alth, all animals we re maintaine d in accordance with the s tandards of the Fe de ration of Europe an Laboratory Animal Scie nce As s ociations (FELASA). The re s ults s hown that us ing diffe re nt MBCP s caffolds loade d with no trans fe ct BMSC a good bone formation occur. More ove r, we analyz e d s e ve ral his tological s e ctions to compare bone s iz e and dime ns ion for both s caffolds and re s ults that hBMSCs de pos it more bone e xtrace llular matrix in the s caffolds made with MBCP plus granule s (Fig.6.1). His tomorphome tric analys is was pe rforme d to quantify bone and blood ve s s e l amounts . The re s ults s hown an ove rall bone formation in both s caffolds loade d with hMSC. We als o obs e rve d a s ignificantly large r amount of blood ve s s e ls in the condition with more bone forme d. The induction of large and mature bone as s ociate d with vas t pre s e nce of organiz e d blood ve s s e l s tructure s might be re late d not only to diffe re nt microporos ity grade but mainly to Ca2+ ion flux product of CaP dis s olution/re -pre cipitation e ve nts occurring in bone microe nvironme nt. From the in vitro s tudie s , pre vious de s cribe d, we obs e rve d that BMP-2 trans fe ction inte rfe re with the prolife ration and diffe re ntiation of the MSC in culture , re s tricting the ability to e xpand ce lls in vitro. For the s e re as ons , we have not obtaine d the corre ct numbe r of ce lls to load on MBCP s caffolds , and pe rforme d the in vivo s tudie s us ing BMP-2/MSC combine d with MBCP s caffolds . More ove r, in collaboration with WP1 (OZB, TUM) we pe rforme d in vivo trans fe ction s tudie s with lipople xe s /GFP cDNA and Microporous Biphas ic Calcium Phos phate (MBCP) granule s provide d by BIM (WP3). We us e d DOGTOR lipid, ide ntifie d in pre vious e xpe rime nts as a favourable trans fe ction re age nt for hMSC and we combine d this lipid comple x and MBCPs s caffolds to pe rform an in vivo 3D s caffold trans fe ction. The s e cons tructs s hould be us e ful for following dire ctly the in vivo trans fe ction of the ce lls re cruite d from the s caffolds . Te s ting the e fficacy to re pair de fe cts in s mall animal mode ls Since biphas ic calcium phos phate (BCP) granule s are known to be os te oconductive , INSERM, Biomatlante , TUM and OZB have e valuate d the os te oinductive e ffe ct of MBCP+™ micro-macroporous s ubs titute s us ing he at-induce d mode l of rabbit os te one cros is in fe moral e piphys is s ite s . The re fore , afte r as s e s s ing the the rape utic os te oge nic pote ntial of the s e BCP granule s , the ultimate obje ctive of this work was to combine MBCP+™ granule the rapy with s pe cifically de s igne d ge ne ve ctors (Dogtor, OZbios cie nce , Mars e ille , France ) whos e plas mid is coding for BMP2 growth factor. Critical s iz e de fe cts (5–6 mm in diame te r and 8 mm in le ngth) we re induce d in fe moral e piphys e s of 36 Ne w Ze aland rabbits . A the rmocouple , which was controlle d by a te mpe rature probe , was he ate d to 80°C. Rotation of the the rmocouple was pe rforme d in orde r to improve homoge ne ity of the the rmal tre atme nt, which las te d for 45 s e conds . Following implantation of loade d/unloade d bioce ramics s caffolds with ve ctor/plas mid, the animals we re confine d for 3, 6, and 12 we e ks (Figure 6.2). Re s ults de mons trate d the ne cros is mode l induce d by focal he ating ins ults was e ffe ctive as a ve ry highly s ignificant diffe re nce was obs e rve d be twe e n e mpty-ne cros e d s ite and ce ramic fille d s ite s . A highly os te oinductive pote ntial of MBCP+™ granule s in os te one cros e d s ite s was prove n s ys te matically by his tological analys is (Figure 3). The addition of Dogtor/plas mid s ys te m to MBCP+ granule s s hown at le as t as good re s ults in te rms of ne w bone volume but not s tatis tically s ignificant diffe re nce s we re highlighte d. The s e re s ults are the n promis ing s ince optimiz ation of ve ctor/plas mid conce ntration on granule s and improve me nt of the as s ociation protocol could be done thanks to furthe r inve s tigations . WP7 Large animal mode ls for OA Le ad be ne ficiary: ARI WP Le ade r: Mauro Alini The aim of this Workpackage was to pe rform a proof of conce pt of one or more module s cre ate d by the pre vious WPs P a ge 13 o f 23 Research and Innovation
in a large animal mode l, the goat. Although the is olation and e xpans ion of the e quivale nt ce ll populations de ve lope d in the workpackage 3-5 was e s tablis he d for the goat mode l, the large animal pre -clinical trial (WP-7) was not pe rforme d as the the rape utic s olutions e nvis ione d could not be fully prove n in pre liminary s mall animal s tudie s . The re fore , the cons ortium could not e thically and s cie ntifically approve the trial. Howe ve r, s mall animal s tudy was pe rforme d by ARI to de mons trate the biocompatibility of the biomime tic hyaluronan hydroge l. The rabbit mode l us e d was re le vant for the GAMBA proje ct aiming to re pair both cartilage and bone tis s ue s . It has the advantage to be a s imple r in vivo mode l, us e ful for pre -s cre e ning biomate rials and tis s ue e ngine e ring s olutions in comparis on to the more clinically re le vant but complicate d and e thically more de manding goat mode l. The in vivo mode l cons is te d in an os te ochrondral de fe ct on the we ight-be aring s urface of the me dial fe moral condyle of a rabbit with a diame te r of 2.7 mm and a de pth of 4 mm and cre ate d us ing a drill bit. The s tudy was approve d by authoriz e d e thical commis s ion. In this de fe ct a the rmore s pons ive hydroge l was inje cte d or le ft e mpty re s pe ctive ly. During the s tudy radiographs we re take n be fore (e ntry te s t) and imme diate ly afte r s urge ry. We ights we re controlle d pre ope rative ly, 3 days and 7 days afte r s urge ry. The rabbits we re e uthaniz e d 1 or 12 we e ks afte r s urge ry. Pos t morte m radiographs we re take n. All rabbits re cove re d we ll from s urge ry and all clinical e xams are within normal limits for the duration of the e ntire s tudy. During the s tudy no high burde n for the animals was de te cte d as s hown with the individual s corings during the whole s tudy duration. His tological findings indicate d that the biomime tic hydroge l was biocompatible and could the re fore be us e d as a de live ry carrie r in vivo. WP8: Linking GAMBA to s ocie ty through s cie nce -s ocie ty dialogue s on chance s , ris ks and e thical as pe cts Le ad be ne ficiary: SCID WP Le ade r: Katharina Zölle r Workpackage 8: Socie tal Vie ws : Patie nt and Citiz e n Pane ls on GAMBA What is a lay pane l? In a lay pane l, a group of 12-25 inte re s te d participants de ve lop a joint s tate me nt on a s ocially re le vant topic. Participants re ce ive information unde rs tandable to lay pe ople , and inte r¬vie w e xpe rts s ome of whom the y can choos e the ms e lve s . The y are s upporte d by a te am of profe s s ional, ne utral facilitators . The te rm “lay pane l“ is de rive d from “citiz e ns ' pane l“, which is a form of participation ins pire d by the me thods of “citiz e ns jury” and cons e ns us confe re nce s . The goal is to de ve lop a joint lay opinion in the form of a “lay re port“. The GAMBA lay pane ls took place be twe e n May 2011 and July 2012 on 3,5 re s p. 4 days pe r pane l (two we e ke nds with an inte rval of thre e we e ks ) in Munich/Ge rmany, Galway/Ire land and Zollike rbe rg ne ar Zurich/Switz e rland with altoge the r 71 participants age d 19 to 82. The participants of the citiz e ns ' pane ls we re partly re cruite d random¬ly. In this way we hope d to avoid re cruiting only participants who are alre ady (ve ry) active ly involve d in s ocie tal de bate s . Anothe r advantage of re cruiting at random is that participants from diffe ring s ocial backgrounds can be re ache d. The lay pane ls are a type of „microcos m“, re fle cting a s malle r image of s ocial re ality. The whole group’ as s e s s me nt, and not – as in a s urve y – the s um of the uninforme d individuals ' opinions , is le ading to the re s ults , as the y are bas e d on inte ns ive dis cus s ions and ne gotiations . One ce ntral e le me nt in the proce dure of the lay pane ls is a wide varie ty of e xpe rt input. It s e ts out to inform the participants on the whole range of s ubje ct-s pe cific ins ights and as s e s s ¬me nts . This e ns ure s that opportunitie s as we ll as unce rtaintie s and ris ks are dis cus s e d, and e thical que s tions are rais e d. This innovative form of public participation in s cie nce in profe s s ionally facilitate d lay pane ls e nable s the participants to take a s tand on the comple x s ubje ct matte r of GAMBA (ge ne and s te m ce ll the rapie s ). The y we re able to advis e the s cie ntis ts , the EU as our s pons or, re s e arch politics and othe r age nts on s ocie tal is s ue s on GAMBA in a knowle dge able way. Ove rvie w of the lay pane l proce s s : In the lay pane ls , participants we re as ke d to as s e s s the GAMBA fie ld of re s e arch from the ir various pe rs pe ctive s as patie nts or inte re s te d citiz e ns . To pre pare the m for this , the y firs t re ce ive d an introduction to GAMBA as a fie ld of re s e arch: in the run-up to the pane ls , participants re ce ive d the “Manual” and “Compe ndium” brochure s which had be e n writte n in layman’s te rms by the s cie nce journalis t, Be atrice Lugge r, in collaboration with the proje ct te am. The pane ls lis te ne d to pre s e ntations (on os te oarthritis , the propos e d mode of ope ration of the GAMBA approach, pos s ible ris ks and the e thical as pe cts of ge ne and s te m ce ll the rapie s ) and que s tione d s e lf-s e le cte d e xpe rts dire ctly in a he aring. Equippe d with this information, the y the n dis cus s e d the opportunitie s , pos s ible ris ks and e thical as pe cts of GAMBA, and afte r an e xte ns ive dis cus s ion in bre akout groups and in ple nary the y dre w up module s for s ubmitting the ir opinions (lay re port in Ge rman and Englis h: http://www.wis s e ns chafts dialog.de /inde x.php/download). Participants pre pare d the ir “Lay State me nts ” in two s e s s ions (of two days e ach) on the is s ue s re lating to GAMBA. The pane ls ’ firs t s e s s ion s e rve d to “e mpowe r” participants in the s ubje ct and me thodology:
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• Day 1: Afte r participants had be e n give n an opportunity to ge t to know e ach othe r and we re provide d with an outline of the s che dule , the y lis te ne d to an introductory pre s e ntation on os te oarthritis , we re give n an ove rvie w of the GAMBA re s e arch proje ct, put the ir que s tions to the s pe ake rs and dis cus s e d the is s ue s with the m. • Day 2: On the s e cond day, participants cons ide re d GAMBA in de pth with the local re -s e arch te ams . The lay participants als o lis te ne d to pre s e ntations on the pos s ible ris ks re late d to the GAMBA fie ld of re s e arch and on the e thical as pe cts . The s e s s ion conclude d with participants s e le cting e xpe rts for a he aring on the s e cond we e ke nd and the y we re give n the opportunity to e xte nd the ir knowle dge of the individual as pe cts of GAMBA in te rms of e thical and s ocial factors be twe e n the two s e s s ions through the cre ation of “ambas s adors hips ”, i.e . individual participants adopting an is s ue to purs ue on be half of the pane l. The s e cond s e s s ion (thre e we e ks late r) was wholly ge are d towards the de ve lopme nt of as s e s s me nts , opinions and the s ugge s te d wording of the lay re port: • Day 3: On the third day, thos e participants who had pre pare d a “ambas s adors hip” pre s e nte d or dis cus s e d the ir re s ults with the ir fe llow pane llis ts . The n the he aring with the e xpe rts s e le cte d by the participants took place . • Day 4: The fourth and las t day was us e d for an in-de pth dis cus s ion and for the as s e s s me nt of the GAMBA fie ld of re s e arch. The pane llis ts pre pare d module s of te xt cove ring the opportunitie s , ris ks and e thical as pe cts of GAMBA which we re the n compos e d by the Scie nce Dialogue te am and – afte r the pane ls - fe d back to the participants for comme nts and approval. Two e le cte d s poke s pe rs ons pre s e nte d the re comme ndations at the final e ve nt in e ach country. Each day e nde d with a “s naps hot re vie w”, i.e . a brie f apprais al of the re s pe ctive day. The facilitation te am was fle xible in addre s s ing the ne e ds of the individual groups , acce pte d criticis m and s ugge s tions and made change s . The re fore , e ve n though the proce s s is comparable ove rall, the re may be minor local variations . Summary of the re comme ndations of lay participants in the GAMBA pane ls : s e e attachme nt Quality crite ria for s cie ntific lay pane ls The following quality crite ria are important for public participation proce s s e s : Cle ar mandate : From the s tart it is cle arly de fine d what will be done with the re s ults and who the inte nde d audie nce is compris e d of. The s e addre s s e e s s hould commit to making a qualifie d public s tate me nt and include the lay re comme ndations in the ir work whe re ve r pos s ible . Me thodical e mpowe rme nt of participants : This is s upporte d by an inclus ive , e xpe rie nce d and appropriate me thod of facilitation, which is committe d to upholding the quality crite ria (be low). The facilitators e mpowe r the s e lf-confide nce and the as s e s s me nt s kills of the participants , allowing a dis cus s ion be twe e n laype rs ons and e xpe rts at e ye le ve l. Qualifie d input of information: This mus t be e ns ure d by a qualifie d information bas e (brochure s and othe r s ource s of information) which is balance d and unde rs tandable for laype rs ons , by e xpe rt pre s e ntations from various pe rs pe ctive s , as we ll as influe nce on the choice of e xpe rts and pos s ibilitie s for own re s e arch. Trans pare ncy: It is important to provide information about pane l obje ctive s including cre ative le e ways and limits . Furthe rmore , a continuous vis ualiz ation and docume nt¬ation of the proce s s s upports the proce s s ing of information and the achie ve me nt of re s ults . Outcome ope nne s s and impartiality: Participants mus t be able to influe nce the infor-mation proce s s through the s e le ction of the matic as pe cts and e xpe rts as we ll as the ir own re s e arch; outcome s are ge ne rate d as the s ole re s pons ibility of the participants . WP9: Dis s e minating and e xploiting GAMBA Le ad be ne ficiary: TUM WP Le ade r: Chris tian Plank, Martina Anton Dis s e mination of knowle dge has be e n on s e ve ral le ve ls : Inte rnal dis s e mination - re gularly s che dule d progre s s me e tings , phone confe re nce s , e le ctronic communication - e le ctronic communication, cre ating and continuous ly updating common knowle dge bas e s - the we bpage contains a s e cure d are a with acce s s re s tricte d to partne rs for e xchange and dis s e mination of information amongs t partne rs . - the we bpage contains a lis t of proje ct as s ociate d publications of partne rs and othe rs . - lab vis its of s tude nts in orde r to le arn ne w te chnique s Exte rnal dis s e mination:
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Exte rnal dis s e mination has be e n on s e ve ral le ve ls : to the inte re s te d lay-public and to the s cie ntific community. - a we bpage was cre ate d to allow for information on GAMBA - pre s s re le as e s : on ge ne ral is s ue s like granting of the proje ct by the EC, on s e le cte d re s ults - publications in non-s cie ntific journals to attract maximal atte ntion to GAMBA outputs and impact on the the rapie s availability and s afe ty for patie nts s uffe ring from arthritis - publications in s cie ntific journals - pre s e nce on inte rnational me e tings : pre s e ntation of s cie ntific re s ults - organis ation of s ympos ia and s ate llite me e tings on inte rnational congre s s e s - citiz e n and patie nt pane ls we re part of the GAMBA WP8 - the pre s e ntation of the proje ct obje ctive s , re s ults and impacts in works hop s e s s ions ope n for profe s s ionals - e ffe ctive communication with the me dia (te le vis ion, radio and pre s s ) has be e n e s tablis he d in orde r to be tte r inform the public, be more vis ible and incre as e citiz e n’s aware ne s s and inte re s t in arthritis ’ re s e arch. Nume rous pre s s article s and broadcas ts made the wide r public aware of the proje ct. Scie ntific community dis s e mination (including clinicians ). A public progre s s re port has be e n pos te d on the we bpage at re gular inte rvals . As part of the GAMBA proje ct, 20 pape rs we re acce pte d for publication in s cie ntific journals and 9 mas te r and PhD the s e s we re comple te d by s tude nts participating in the proje ct. Partne rs als o atte nde d inte rnational me e tings to communicate the ir findings . Educational mate rial has be e n pre pare d and made available to s tude nts to s tre ngthe n the ir e xpe rtis e in nanome dicine (WP8). Thre e comme rcial ge ne de live ry products for tis s ue e ngine e ring we re launche d and one pate nt application is unde r way. WP10 Manage me nt Activitie s Le ad Be ne ficiary: TUM Work package le ade r: Martina Anton, Chris tian Plank Obje ctive : The obje ctive of this WP was to e ns ure the following: that all budge tary actions are pe rforme d corre ctly and according to the rule s and re gulations e s tablis he d by the Europe an Commis s ion and in the cons ortium agre e me nt; that the re ce ive d funds are corre ctly dis tribute d and accounte d for, including inde pe nde nt auditing; that the work and tas ks are comple te d in time , within budge t, and s atis fy high-quality re quire me nts ; that re porting is done on a pe riodic bas is , in the mos t e fficie nt and pragmatic way, according to Commis s ion guide line s to provide all cons ortium me mbe rs with all important and impacting information that can influe nce the proje cts ’ outcome ; to imple me nt an authority e ns uring that knowle dge and innovation are prope rly manage d and re s ults e xploitation promote d; to pre pare me as ure s for pate nt application The cons ortium s tarte d with the Kick-off me e ting organiz e d by the coordinating partne r TUM in Ste ine bach Wörths e e , Ge rmany (ne ar Munich) on 16.-17.09.2010. We had a total of 23 participants with e ve ry partne r s e nding at le as t the PI and one more re pre s e ntative . The re the s te e ring committe e as highe s t body of de cis ion making within GAMBA was e s tablis he d with one re pre s e ntative of e ach partne r. The s te e ring committe e was chaire d by Martina Anton as coordinator. Chris tian Plank (TUM) was appointe d as e xploitation manage r. The s ix-month me e ting was he ld on 24.-26.02.2011 in Davos , Switz e rland. This me e ting was atte nde d by the PIs and additional inve s tigators of all partne rs . Additionally, the proje ct office r Dr. Johan Ve iga-Be ne s ch and the EU appointe d proje ct te chnical advis or Dr. Roxana Pitice s cu atte nde d the me e ting. Additionally the following phone confe re nce s took place : 20.12.2011 be twe e n TUM and NUI Galway;25.01.2012 be twe e n ARI, TUM, OZB, BIM, INSERM The midte rm GAMBA me e ting was he ld in Nante s , FR: 26.-27.03. 2012. The 24 months me e ting was he ld in Vie nna, AT, 08.-09.09.2012 on the occas ion of th TERMIS confe re nce . The 30 months me e ting was he ld in Ge nova, IT, 11.-12.2013 and the final me e ting was he ld in Munich, DE, 11.-12.07.2013. All me e tings we re atte nde d by at le as t one re pre s e ntative of e ach partne r and all me e tings include d a s te e ring committe e me e ting as we ll. The final me e ting in Munich was als o atte nde d by the Proje ct Office r Dr. Jaime Ibane z de Ele jalde and the proje ct te chnical advis or Dr. Roxana Pitice s cu. All me e tings we re ve ry e ffe ctive in te rms of s cie ntific e xchange and in te rms of imple me nting the work plan. An e xploitation plan had be e n compile d by the e xploitation manage r as we ll as the final plan of us e and dis s e mination of fore ground. The s e plans we re approve d by all partne rs and we re s ubs e que ntly s ubmitte d to the Commis s ion. Ethical is s ue s : No e xpe rime nts we re pe rforme d without obtaining pe rmis s ions from the appropriate re gulatory bodie s be fore hand. Ethical approvals had be e n s ubmitte d to the EC and update s have be e n obtaine d and communicate d during re gular re porting.
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The mos t challe nging tas k was , like in all EU proje cts , the re porting bus ine s s . Accordingly, this was the mos t time cons uming tas k to WP10. All re ports we re s ubmitte d in a time ly or clos e to time ly manne r. Pote ntial Impact: Impact: The GAMBA proje ct has addre s s e d s e ve ral ke y topics of the call [NMP-2009-2.3-1] as we ll as of the ge ne ral work programme s ummariz e d be low. Ce ll bas e d the rapie s : Me s e nchymal s te m ce lls have be e n activate d by ge ne s in the mate rials to re pair damage d tis s ue s . Os te oarthritis /Os te oporos is : GAMBA te chnologie s have be e n validate d in mode ls of os te oarthritis . Re s ults will be wide ly applicable in tis s ue re pair and have implications for future application in os te oporotic bone fracture s . Us e of bioactive mole cule s couple d to e ngine e re d biomate rials : The bioactive mole cule s are ge ne ve ctors . The biomate rials are e ngine e re d to allow for s patiote mporal control. Advance d multidis ciplinary approache s : The cons ortium has be e n a multidis ciplinary te am uniting biomate rials s cie nce , ge ne the rapy approache s , me dical s cie nce s , immunology, s te m ce ll re s e arch, trans lational re s e arch, s ocial s cie nce s and e conomic e xploitation. Local tis s ue re pair: Our mate rials we re de s igne d for tis s ue re pair. Inhibition of inflammation: The multicompone nt s ys te m compris e s ge ne ve ctors re s ponding to inflammatory mole cule s with the e xpre s s ion of anti-inflammatory mole cule s . Mate rials which can match and e xchange s timuli with the natural biological e nvironme nt and s timulate he aling: The s ys te m was de s igne d to adopt anatomical s tructure s , to re s pond to biological and phys ical s timuli and to induce he aling. Bio-ins pire d mate rials bas e d on natural or s ynthe tic biomime tic ge ls and polyme rs : The mate rials us e d he re e ntire ly conforme d to this re quire me nt. Radical innovation in s tate of the art biomate rials : Imple me ntation of s patiote mporal control of s pe cific ce llular actions to orche s trate tis s ue re ge ne ration. Mate rials with e le ctromagne tic prope rtie s : Supe rparamagne tic nanoparticle s we re include d to allow for s patiote mporal control. Pote ntial for me dical applications : Pote ntial for future me dical applications is cle arly e vide nt and has be e n dis cus s e d with affe cte d patie nts and the ge ne ral public. Ge nde r and age -re late d: Patie nt pane ls with mainly fe male and e lde rly patie nts and works hops with fe male e mploye e s : curre nt s ituation, care e r e xpe ctations and de mands . Within GAMBA, mate rials have be e n de ve lope d to re s ult in biome dical implants having characte ris tics clos e to thos e of natural tis s ue s . The innovative approach within GAMBA is e xpe cte d to contribute to an incre as e d compe titive ne s s of the Europe an biomate rial and biome dical indus try by giving ris e to pate ntable innovations to be e xploite d by the e xis ting ne tworks of the SME and acade mic Partne rs . The GAMBA proje ct was comple me ntary to othe r pre vious and on-going Europe -wide and national re s e arch programme s . Notably, Partne r ARI is re pre s e nte d by an inte rnational ne twork of more than 10’000 s urge ons s pe cializ e d in tre atme nt of trauma and dis orde rs of the mus culos ke le tal s ys te m. Eras mus MC participate s in all large national cons ortia in the fie ld of re ge ne rative me dicine and os te oarthritis (Dutch Platform for Tis s ue Engine e ring, Trans lational Exce lle nce in Re ge ne rative Me dicine ; “Smart-Mix”, BioMe dical Mate rials programme , Top Ins titute Pharma). In addition Eras mus MC is coordinator of a Marie Curie Fe llows hip program on bone re ge ne ration. Ranie ri Cance dda’s laboratory has be e n involve d in many EU s pons ore d proje cts , s uch as Angios caff, Purs te m, Join(e d)T, and ERISTO IV. The Re ge ne rative Me dicine Ins titute (REMEDI) is a biome dical re s e arch ce ntre with a ce ntral focus on the de ve lopme nt of nove l the rapie s for human dis e as e s us ing adult s te m ce ll the rapy and ge ne the rapy. GAMBA re s e arche rs have be e n involve d in additional EU-s pons ore d proje cts including Purs te m ADIPOA, BioSte m and ANGIOSCAFF, ERISTO. INSERM, EMC, ARI and IRCCS we re partne rs of cos t proje ct (Namabio, Franco Rus tiche lli coordination). More s pe cifically INSERM and Biomatlante are partne rs in bone re ge ne rative me dicine (REBORNE proje ct, 7th frame work program HEALTH-2009-1.4.2 of the Europe an Commis s ion on Re ge ne rative Bone de fe cts us ing Ne w biome dical Engine e ring approache s ) Among the GAMBA partne rs have be e n two SME’s which can comme rcializ e mate rials and re age nts e me rging from the GAMBA proje ct. OZ Bios cie nce s , France , is active in the re age nts bus ine s s . Biomatlante , France , is a we ll-known manufacture r of implantable biomate rials for re ge ne rative me dicine . The whole cons ortium and the companie s in particular contribute to re inforcing the Europe an compe titive ne s s and innovation as s ummariz e d in the table s be low. P a ge 17 o f 23 Research and Innovation
Dire ct e conomic be ne fits : • De cre as e time and cos t of nove l tre atme nts (matrix-bas e d; activate d on command and de mand) de ve lopme nts for cartilage and bone dis e as e s upporte d by the high e fficie nt te chnological package and as s ociate d proce s s e s de ve lope d by the GAMBA Partne rs , • Improve Europe an compe titive ne s s in the os te oarthritis fie ld, • Additional pate nts and compe titive pos itioning of GAMBA Partne rs on the te chnologie s and mode ls to be de ve lope d, • Be tte r manage me nt of age ing population s uffe ring from os te oarthritis (nove l tre atme nt s trate gie s ). Indire ct e conomic be ne fits : • • • •
Ne w tre atme nts for os te oarthritis , Bone re ge ne ration us ing bone s ubs titute s Significant re duction of Europe an He alth care cos ts as s ociate d to os te oarthritis , Improve d knowle dge and compe titive ne s s of Europe in os te oarthritis , bone re ge ne ration us ing bone s ubs titute s Pro-active campaign for acce ptance of te chnology by the ge ne ral public
GAMBA outputs : • Ne w e ngine e re d multifunctional ge ne ve ctors , • Nove l trans fe ction s trate gie s us ing non-viral or ade noviral ve ctors with fe e dback re s pons e e le me nts driving trans ge ne e xpre s s ion • Ne w biomime tic the rmo-re s pons ive hyaluronan hydroge l • Multiphas ic as s ociation of Biomime tic Calcium Phos phate granule s • Innovative granule s to e nhance bone re ge ne ration • Ne w Scaffolds for Drug De live ry Sys te ms • Ne w in vitro mode ls for e valuation of the rapie s to re pair os te ochondral de fe cts • Ne w dialogue tool (Pane l conce pt) in include s ocie tal/e thical as pe cts /value s into re s e arch Short-te rm innovation: • Ne w ge ne ve ctor carrie rs , • Innovative matrice s forme d by MSCs ce lls , biomate rials and ge ne ve ctors • Spatiote mporal control of chondroge ne s is and os te oge ne s is of MSCs e mbe dde d in ge ne -activate d mate rials and de ve lopme nt of a mode l that has prope rtie s clos e to natural tis s ue • Pate ntable de s ign of hollow granule s for be tte r os te oconduction • Nove l s trate gie s for immune modulation in a controlle d s patiote mporal manne r re s ulting in atte nuation of in vivo joint re pair for os te ochondral de fe cts and os te oarthritis Long-te rm innovation: • Innovative matrice s providing re me die s and innovative mode l to s tudy and tre at os te oarthritis dis orde r. • Enlarge me nt of GAMBA te chnologie s s pe ctrum of action to othe r cartilage and bone dis orde rs e .g. os te oporos is , de ntal implants . • Exte ns ion of GAMBA to wound he aling (s kin de fe cts ), he aling of te ndon e tc. • Ge ne ral application of GAMBA to tis s ue e ngine e ring by s e le ction of appropriate promote rs and cDNAs This is conne cte d to s ignificant marke t pe rs pe ctive s . The os te oarthritis marke t is pre dicte d to grow s te adily, and will re ach $7 billion by 2015*. *From the re port: Comme rcial Ins ight: Os te oarthritis - Marke t s e e s s te ady growth (2006) Furthe rmore , GAMBA may have a pronounce d s ocie tal impact in a long-te rm pe rs pe ctive . In Europe , around 6 pe r ce nt of the Europe an population s uffe r from fre que nt kne e pain and radiographic os te oarthritis . It has be e n e s timate d that around 35 to 40 million Europe an s uffe r from os te oarthritis in 2007. It is e s timate d that around 25 pe r ce nt of pe ople with age 60 and above s uffe r from dis ability due to os te oarthritis . The e conomic impact of mus culos ke le tal dis e as e s in indus trialis e d countrie s varie s from 1 to 2.5% of Gros s Dome s tic Product, with re fe re nce to local s ituations and to diffe re nt s ocial policie s . As os te oarthritis (OA) is the mos t common joint dis orde r, it abs orbs mos t of the re s ource s among mus culos ke le tal dis e as e s . GAMBA propos e s ne w the rape utic approache s and tre atme nts for os te oarthritis thus making pos s ible for the s uffe ring population to s ignificantly e nhance the ir quality of life and to re duce morbidity-re late d cos ts . GAMBA may have an impact on s tandards as we ll. With the long-te rm goal of e xploiting re s ults of the proje ct in clinical application, Europe an re gulatory authoritie s will be e ngage d in the future . The nove lty of the involve d te chnologie s will re quire adaptation of curre nt re gulatory provis ions . GAMBA has for the e ntire funding pe riod or parts of it ge ne rate d a numbe r of pos itions : 12 pe rs ons (full time or part time ) we re hire d s pe cifically for the GAMBA proje ct at the diffe re nt partne rs , thus incre as ing work force at the partne rs ins titutions . Additionally to pe rs ons paid by the GAMBA proje ct s cie ntific as we ll as te chnical or adminis trative pe rs onne l P a ge 18 o f 23 Research and Innovation
was involve d in GAMBA. Scie ntis ts include d mas te r s tude nts and inte rns hips that contribute d e s s e ntially to the proje ct although typically not be ing paid pos itions . Thus the GAMBA proje ct contribute d to s cie ntific e ducation at the partne r unive rs itie s as we ll. In total thre e doctoral the s is and s ix mas te r the s e s have be e n produce d in the conte xt of GAMBA. Additionally to e ducation of unive rs ity s tude nts GAMBA re s e arche rs of TUM pre s e nte d the GAMBA proje ct in a life vide o pre s e ntation broadcas te d to highe r e duction s tude nts in the “De uts che s Mus e um, Münche n” Munich during the “Nanoday” 09.02.2011. Furthe rmore the GAMBA manual and compe ndium to the GAMBA manual are we ll s uite d as s cie nce e ducation manuals e xplaining the inte gral topics of ge ne the rapy, adult s te m ce lls , nano-particle s , re gulation of ge ne e xpre s s ion. The GAMBA proje ct has give n ris e to an e xte ns ive collaboration of 3 biote ch companie s , 2 of the m having be e n me mbe rs of the GAMBA cons ortium (OZB and Biomatlante ). The third company, e thris GmbH in Munich, Ge rmany, is a s pin-off of TUM and works on bone re ge ne ration with me s s e nge r RNA e ncoding bone -inducing factors . It is inte nde d to continue this collaboration be yond the GAMBA proje ct. Wide r s ocie tal implications : In orde r to active ly involve lay pe ople a whole WP (WP8) was de dicate d to e ngaging civil s ocie ty in the GAMBA proje ct. For this purpos e citiz e n and patie nt pane ls we re pe rforme d in thre e countrie s (Ge rmany, Ire land and Switz e rland). The aim of the s e pane ls was to inform participants in lay language about the aims , chance s and ris ks of GAMBA. To allow an ope n ne utral dis cus s ion, mode rators we re involve d. Scie nce Dialogue (SCID), who are s ocial s cie ntis ts and profe s s ional mode rators , but we re not involve d in the natural/me dical s cie nce s /e ngine e ring was a partne r to the cons ortium. With the he lp of SCID participants produce d a lay re port on the s e s ubje cts with the main e mphas is on e thics , chance s and ris ks of the approach. The s e re ports we re publis he d in the original language s (Ge rman and Englis h) and als o we re trans late d. Furthe rmore the s e lay re ports we re communicate d to policy make rs , by s e nding the print ve rs ions and publis hing on the inte rne t. In orde r to incre as e public aware ne s s about the GAMBA conce pt in the wide r community and to addre s s re le vant s ocie tal is s ue s citiz e n and patie nt pane ls we re inte gral part of the GAMBA proje ct. With the he lp of partne r SCID in WP8 lay pe rs ons (citz e ns and patie nts ) we re involve d and e ncourage d in ge tting to know, dis cus s and actually give input into GAMBA. As can be s e e n in WP9 e xte ns ive s cie ntific as we ll as non-s cie ntific dis s e mination of GAMBA conce pt and re s ults have be e n achie ve d. TUM and SCID ge ne rate d pre s s re le as e s re late d to GAMBA and e s pe cially to the pane ls . SCID publis he d the lay re ports on the inte rne t as we ll as s e nt print ve rs ions to the EC and policy make rs . Additionally SCID s e nt the final lay-re ports to the participants of the pane ls , thus us ing the m as multiplie rs to othe r lay pe rs ons . With the s e me as ure s , the y contribute d to maximiz ing the aware ne s s of the public of the GAMBA proje ct. The Re ge ne rative Me dicine Ins titute at NUI Galway has a core outre ach e thos and aims • to incre as e public aware ne s s of re s e arch carrie d out at the ce ntre • to incre as e aware ne s s and inte re s t in s cie nce among young pe ople and to e ncourage the m to cons ide r furthe r e ducation or a care e r in this fie ld • to e ngage the public, including patie nt groups and care rs , in dis cus s ions of future applications and e thical implications of conte mporary s cie ntific re s e arch This e ffort is ne ce s s ary to cre ate the ability to be come promine nt as a re s ource for s te m ce ll re s e arch comme nt and analys is in the Iris h me dia. GAMBA’s s ignificant e ffort in addre s s ing s ocie tal is s ue s as a core e le me nt of the proje ct is ins trume ntal in achie ving the s e aims both locally in all partne r countrie s but als o in a broade r Europe an conte xt. Dis s e mination and re al outre ach/e ngage me nt e fforts targe te d to patie nts and the ge ne ral public have e ns ure d this . This e ffort will e ns ure maximum aware ne s s of the contribution of GAMBA to advance s in nanome dicine , incorporating s te m ce ll and ge ne the rapie s as we ll s mart biomate rials , le ading to more e ffe ctive the rapie s in the future . By e ngaging with patie nts and the public s o e ffe ctive ly throughout the cours e of the proje ct, GAMBA has als o incre as e d aware ne s s of the s e nove l the rapie s and promote d ultimate acce ptance of nove l the rapie s that may re s ult from GAMBA output. NUI Galway contribute d to achie ving aware ne s s as follows : NUI Galway built on the GAMBA pre s s re le as e by TUM in Munich and adapte d the information for a re le as e of the launch of the proje ct on the NUI Galway we bs ite . An invitation to the work-package le ade r, Mary Murphy, to participate in a radio Inte rvie w pos t pre s s re le as e was re ce ive d as a re s ult. NUI Galway als o had s ignificant e xpos ure as s ociate d with WP8 outre ach activitie s : s pe cifically, dis s e mination of GAMBA occurre d as a re s ult of activitie s in WP8 and the imple me ntation of Tas k 8.4, “Patie nt and citiz e n pane l in Ire land”. P a ge 19 o f 23 Research and Innovation
In re s pons e to a NUI Galway pre s s re le as e , publis he d on the NUIG we bs ite , to promote the Patie nt Pane l in an e ffort to initiate re cruitme nt, many me dia hits e ns ue d. The s e include d a radio inte rvie w and s ubs e que nt daily promotion of GAMBA by Galway Bay FM for ove r 7 days . Additionally, s e ve n online me dia hits and 3 article s in the local print me dia we re note d. Additional e ffort conce ntrate d on liais ing with Arthritis Ire land and the ir acce s s to me mbe r de tails and dis s e mination of le afle ts through local hos pitals , doctor’s office s and clinics , librarie s , pharmacie s and he alth s tore s . In addition to me dia e xpos ure for the Patie nt Pane l re porte d in the re porting pe riod cove ring the firs t 18 months of the proje ct, an additional 3 ne ws pape r article s focus ing on the GAMBA pane l he ld in Fe bruary and March 2012. As the re are no compre he ns ive vote r databas e s in Ire land due to the ability of citiz e ns to opt out of dis s e minate d re gis tration databas e s , we initiate d a s ignificant e ffort to adve rtis e the Citiz e n Pane l in orde r to re cruit participants for the pane ls he ld in May and June 2012. Efforts include d dis s e mination through le tte rs to the local county council, s e condary s chools , 20 Active Re tire me nt Groups , Galway branch of the Gre e n Political Party, Lite rary and De bating Socie ty at the NUI Galway, local librarie s , Galway City Community Forum all s tude nts and s taff at NUI Galway, volunte e r organis ations , a half page adve rtis e me nt in the local ne ws pape r (Galway Adve rtis e r) and a pre s s re le as e on the NUI Galway we bs ite . Se ve n me dia hits re s ulte d from this e ffort to adve rtis e the citiz e n pane l in the pe riod to the e nd of May 2012. The launch of the combine d Citiz e n/Patie nt pane l re port was he ld on Nov 2, 2012 and furthe r e licite d a numbe r of re ports online and in the print me dia. Re ce ntly, one of the GAMBA patie nt pane llis t was fe ature d on a TV pie ce on s te m ce lls and a ne w initiative re ce ntly launche d at NUI Galway on production of s te m ce lls for clinical trials . All me dia e xpos ure is lis te d in De live rable 10.2 (T9.3: Public re lations campaign). Ge nde r is s ue s : A Ge nde r work s hop was he ld during the Ge nova me e ting 11.-12.02.2013 with fe male participant from the following partne rs : TUM, NUI Galway, IRCCS, EMC and SCID. The s e re s e arche rs als o contribute d to the ge nde r works hop to e mphas is e ge nde r e quity in GAMBA organiz e d by SCID. To pre pare the ge nde r work s hop a que s tionair pre pare d by SCID had be e n pre vious ly s e nt to all fe male me mbe rs of the cons ortium and the WP le ade r pre s e nte d the outcome of the s urve y. An e xce rpt of the re s ults of the ge nde r work s hop was pre s e nte d to the whole cons ortium during the following GAMBA me e ting, highlighting the role s , re quire me nts and wis he s of wome n in the s cie ntific re s e arch world. Dis s e mination and Exploitation Dis s e mination of knowle dge has be e n on s e ve ral le ve ls : Inte rnal dis s e mination: • re gularly s che dule d progre s s me e tings , phone confe re nce s , e le ctronic communication • e le ctronic communication, cre ating and continuous ly updating common knowle dge bas e s • the we bpage contains a s e cure d are a with acce s s re s tricte d to partne rs for e xchange and dis s e mination of information amongs t partne rs . • the we bpage contains a lis t of proje ct as s ociate d publications of partne rs and othe rs . • lab vis its of s tude nts in orde r to le arn ne w te chnique s • Exte rnal dis s e mination • Exte rnal dis s e mination has be e n on s e ve ral le ve ls : to the inte re s te d lay-public and to the s cie ntific community. • a we bpage was cre ate d to allow for information on GAMBA • pre s s re le as e s : on ge ne ral is s ue s like granting of the proje ct by the EC, on s e le cte d re s ults • publications in non-s cie ntific journals to attract maximal atte ntion to GAMBA outputs and impact on the the rapie s availability and s afe ty for patie nts s uffe ring from arthritis • publications in s cie ntific journals • pre s e nce on inte rnational me e tings : pre s e ntation of s cie ntific re s ults • organis ation of s ympos ia and s ate llite me e tings on inte rnational congre s s e s • citiz e n and patie nt pane ls we re part of the GAMBA WP8 • the pre s e ntation of the proje ct obje ctive s , re s ults and impacts in works hop s e s s ions ope n for profe s s ionals • e ffe ctive communication with the me dia (te le vis ion, radio and pre s s ) has be e n e s tablis he d in orde r to be tte r inform the public, be more vis ible and incre as e citiz e n’s aware ne s s and inte re s t in arthritis ’ re s e arch Scie ntific community dis s e mination (including clinicians ). A public progre s s re port has be e n pos te d on the we bpage at re gular inte rvals . Nume rous manus cripts have be e n publis he d in s cie ntific journals , s e ve ral are unde r re vie w and s ome are in pre paration. Partne rs als o atte nde d inte rnational me e tings to communicate the ir findings . Educational mate rial has be e n pre pare d and made available to s tude nts to s tre ngthe n the ir e xpe rtis e in nanome dicine P a ge 20 o f 23 Research and Innovation
(WP8). The following pe e r re vie we d pape rs have be e n publis he d by me mbe rs of the cons ortium during the above me ntione d funding pe riod: Cé dric Sape t, e t al. 2012. Magne tic nanoparticle s e nhance ade novirus trans duction in vitro and in vivo. Pharm Re s . 29(5): 1203-18. (Date of publication: 01.05.2012) Chris tian Plank, e t al. 2012. Ge ne Activate d Matrice s for Bone and Cartilage Re ge ne ration in Arthritis GAMBA – an EUFunde d Proje ct. Europe an Journal of Nanome dicine 4(1): 17-32 (Date of publication: 20.05.2012) Matte o D’Es te e t al. 2012. Single s te p s ynthe s is and characte riz ation of the rmore s pons ive hyaluronan hydroge ls . Carbohydrate Polyme rs . 90(3): 1378-85. (Date of publication: 13.07.2012) Thomas Miramond e t al. 2012. In vivo Comparative s tudy of two inje ctable /moldable Calcium phos phate Bioce ramics . Ke y Engine e ring Mate rials 529-530: 291-5. (Date of publication: 29.11.2012) Thomas Miramond e t al 2012. Compos ite bioce ramics /polyme r e le ctros pun s caffolds for re ge ne rative me dicine . Ke y Engine e ring Mate rials 529-530: 441-6. (Date of publication: 29.11.2012) Guy Daculs i e t al. 2012. Calcium Phos phate Bioce ramic s caffold for bone tis s ue e ngine e ring. Ke y Engine e ring Mate rials 529-530: 19-23. (Date of publication: 29.11.2012) Matte o D’Es te e t al. 2013. Hydroge ls in calcium phos phate moldable and inje ctable bone s ubs titute s : Sticky e xcipie nts or advance d 3-D carrie rs ?. Acta Biomate rialia 9(3): 5421-5430. (Date of publication: 01.03.2013) Rui C. Pe re ira e t al. 2013. Dual e ffe ct of plate le t lys ate on human articular cartilage : a mainte nance of chondroge nic pote ntial and a trans ie nt pro-inflammatory activity followe d by an inflammation re s olution. Tis s ue Eng Part A. 19 (11-12): 1476-1488. (Date of publication: 30.01.2013) Markus Be rninge r e t al. 2013. Tre atme nt of Os te ochondral De fe cts in the Rabbit's Kne e Joint by Implantation of Alloge ne ic Me s e nchymal Ste m Ce lls in Fibrin Clots . Journal of Vis ualiz e d Expe rime nts 75: e 4423. (Date of publication: 21.05.2013) Sape t e t al. 2013. 3D-fe ction: ce ll trans fe ction within 3D s caffolds and hydroge ls . The rape utic De live ry. 4 (6): 673-685. (Date of publication: 01.06.2013) Zölle r, Katharina: Laie n dis kutie re n und be we rte n Wis s e ns chaft: Partiz ipation be i Wis s e ns chafts the me n. Erfahrunge n und Qualitäts anforde runge n. In: UMID 2/2013. 67-74. Zölle r, K., s cie nce Dialogue . 2013. GAMBA Manual and Compe ndium, In Pre s s Bioce ramics De ve lopme nt and Applications . BDA 203, Journal of the Inte rnational Socie ty for Ce ramic in Me dicine , ISCM. Thomas Miramond e t al. Os te opromotion of Biphas ic Calcium Phos phate granule s in critical s iz e de fe cts afte r os te one cros is induce d by focal he ating ins ults . IRBM (acce pte d for publication 24.07.2013) M.L. de Vrie s – van Me lle , R. Narcis i, N. Kops , J.L.M. Koe voe t, P.K. Bos , J.M. Murphy, J.A.N. Ve rhaar, P.M. van de r Kraan, G.J.V.M. van Os ch. Chondroge ne s is of me s e nchymal s te m ce lls in an os te ochondral e nvironme nt is me diate d by the s ubchondral bone . (Acce pte d for publication in Tis s ue Engine e ring Part A – 27.08.2013) Barry F, Murphy M.. 2013. Me s e nchymal s te m ce lls in joint dis e as e . Nat Re v Rhe umatol. [e pub ahe ad of print Jul 23, 2103; DOI 10.1038/nrrhe um.2013.109] Zölle r, Katharina: Scie nce and the Lay Pe rs pe ctive : Lay Pe ople s ’ involve me nt in as s e s s ing Tis s ue Engine e ring Is s ue s . 2013. Acce pte d for publication at the journal Tis s ue Engine e ring Part C. The following manus cripts are unde r pe e r-re vie w: De Vrie s -van Me lle e t al. Europe an Ce lls and Mate rials Van Be uninge n, de Vrie s -van Me lle e t al. Tis s ue Engine e ring A Fahy, de Vrie s -van Me lle e t al. Os te oarthritis and Cartilage The following book chapte r has be e n publis he d: G. Daculs i, T. Miramond. Calcium phos phate de rive d biomate rials . Encylope dia of Biophys ics (Robe rts , GCK, e d.). 01.03.2013: 206-211.
P a ge 21 o f 23 Research and Innovation
The following doctoral the s e s have be e n produce d: T. Miramond. Dé ve loppe me nt de matrice s cé ramique s e t compos ite s pour l’ingé nie rie tis s ulaire os s e us e . (Ph.D the s is de fe nce , date : 27.11.2012; INSERM/BIM) M.L. de Vrie s -van Me lle . In vitro mode ls for ce ll-bas e d cartilage re ge ne ration. (Anticipate d de fe nce : s pring 2014; EMC) Pe re ira, Rui. Ins ights into the role of bioche mical factors and e xtrace llular matrix e nvironme nt during chondrocyte culture : re le vance on articular cartilage re pair s trate gie s . Ph.D the s is in pre paration (IRCCS) The following mas te r the s e s have be e n produce d: Ste fan Sandke r: Os te ochondral culture mode l. (2010, Te chnical Me dicine Unive rs ity Twe nte /EMC) Re ne van de r Be l. A highly adaptable os te ochondral culture mode l towards s timulating microfracturing in vitro. (2011 Te chnical Me dicine Unive rs ity Twe nte /EMC) Liz e tte Utomo. Optimiz ation of the pre paration, ce ll e ncaps ulation and analys is of hydroge ls (2011 Te chnical Me dicine Unive rs ity Twe nte /EMC) Johanne s Le hmann: Modulating Synovial Macrophage phe notype s to improve s te m ce ll bas e d cartilage re pair. 2012 (EMC) Maria Tihaya: Comparing the ability of thre e hydroge l ce ll carrie rs to s upport re pair of os te ochondral de fe cts by me s e nchymal s te m ce lls in an in vitro mode l 2012 (EMC). M. Hillre ine r. Evaluation von Ge n-aktivie rte n Matrice s z ur Kontrolle de r Ge ne xpre s s ion. (Evaluation of ge ne -activate d matrice s for the control of ge ne e xpre s s ion). (2012; TUM) Pate nts : A pate nt application for hollow granule s by BIM and INSERM is unde rway. Lis t of We bs ite s : http://www.gamba-proje ct.e u/
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Subjects Me dical biote chnology - Nanote chnology and Nanos cie nce s Last updat ed o n 2014-07-08
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Information s ource : SESAM Ret rieved o n 2016-02-16 Permalink: http://cordis .e uropa.e u/re s ult/rcn/141283_e n.html © Europe an Union, 2016
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