Evaluating Climate Visualization: An Information ... - ITN - Liu

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Utopian and dystopian thought in climate change science and policy. Fu- tures, 41(4):234–245, 2009. [7] ICE: www.visualiseringscenter.se/1/
Evaluating Climate Visualization: An Information Visualization Approach Jimmy Johansson∗ , Tina-Simone Schmid Neset† and Bj¨orn-Ola Linn´er† ∗ C-Research, Link¨oping University, Sweden † Centre for Climate Science and Policy Research, Link¨oping University, Sweden [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Abstract To meet the growing demand of communicating climate science and policy research, the interdisciplinary field of climate visualization has increasingly extended its traditional use of 2D representations and techniques from the field of scientific visualization to include information visualization for the creation of highly interactive tools for both spatial and abstract data. This paper provides an initial discussion on the need and design of evaluations for climate visualization. We report on previous experiences and identify how evaluation methods commonly used in information visualization can be used in climate visualization to increase our understanding of visualization techniques and tools. Keywords— Evaluation, climate visualization, information visualization



Climate change has been broadly discussed in a large variety of media over the last years. There is thus an evident need for communicating scientific data to all ages, social, cultural and professional groups. The most recent conflicts of trust towards data referred to in the reports of the International Panel for Climate Change (IPCC) [9] has further increased the need for clear and uncompromised communication of uncertainties, global implications and effects on a regional to global scale. Visualization is a powerful tool, as it is persuasive and can provide intuitive understanding of complex data. Climate visualization refers to tools for analysis and communication of climate change issues and research results, and provides decision making support for planners and policy makers [15], see figure 1. The field of climate visualization has a tradition of representing data using both static 2D representations and visualization techniques originating from scientific visualization and engineering [17]. The complexity of climate research and its inherent need for communication within scientific fields, to decision makers as well as to a broader audience, however, benefits from interactive information visualization techniques [11].



Decision Making

Figure 1: The three interlinked research areas of climate visualization. Due to the power of visualization, all choices related to data selection, transformation and representation need to be carefully reflected upon and their effectiveness and efficiency [8] evaluated. This calls for a close collaboration between climate, visualization and human-computer interaction researchers to define key communication challenges and to design appropriate evaluation tools for different groups of audiences. The aim of this paper is to initiate a discussion on how to perform scientific evaluations of climate visualization tools originating from the field of information visualization. We argue the need for advanced interactive information visualization tools for climate visualization and the need for appropriate evaluation techniques. A number of survey evaluations have so far provided a general understanding of the requirements and aims of our audiences and users but more detailed evaluations are necessary to get a more in-depth understanding of the effectiveness and efficiency of climate visualization. This paper will discuss challenges that arise with the use of visual representations of climate data sets and how evaluation methods applied within the

Figure 3: Example of a web-based application—the Interactive Climate Visualization Environment (ICE [7]). Figure 2: An inflatable dome, with space for an audience of 25 visitors. In this immersive environment, the WorldView project [19] has presented a programme on climate visualization at several venues during 2009. field of information visualization can support the development and interaction between climate and visualization researchers. We will exemplify evaluations of visual presentations created for immersive environments (figure 2) for a broad audience where the focus is on the cause, effect and future alternatives related to climate changes, as well as for analysis tools (figure 3) for a specific user group.



Climate visualization as a general concept of interdisciplinary research over the fields of visualization and climate research ‘refers to interactive research platforms, which use computer graphics to create visual images of causes and effects of climate change as well as mitigation and adaptation options’ [15]. Key challenges are the complexity of societal and environmental systems and the vast amount of heterogeneous data on spatial and temporal scales. Within the climate system and impact research communities standard visualization techniques have been used for communicating results between scientists themselves as well as to a broader public. The rapid development of computational power and computer graphics has, however, created a broad spectrum of opportunities to visually represent vast amounts of data on climate processes and its effects as well as the associated complexities and uncertainties interactively, using consumer computer hardware. Further, information visualization techniques enable the interactive analysis of interrelations of abstract data to convey synergies within social and environmental systems. A number of attempts have been made to use information visualization techniques for climate visualization, see for ex-

ample [17, 16, 11]. Using information visualization techniques within climate visualization is today receiving increasing attention but discussions on how to perform scientific evaluations of these tools are not as prominent. The information visualization community has today recognized the importance of usability and evaluation is one of the key research challenges [1, 2]. Evaluation can be qualitative or quantitative and be performed at different levels, ranging from evaluating small, individual features to entire systems. For a review of currently available methods and further discussions, see [4, 20, 18]. In [18] Plaisant derived four different categories of evaluation obtained from a survey of literature of about fifty different user studies conducted within the area of information visualization: (1) controlled experiments comparing design elements, (2) (qualitative) usability evaluation of a tool, (3) controlled experiments comparing several tools, and (4) case studies of tools in realistic settings. Among these categories, case studies of tools in realistic settings (4) is the one least occurring in literature. The most frequently reported evaluations concern controlled experiments and comparisons between different tools (1 and 3). Controlled experiments are typically used to test the effectiveness or efficiency [8] of an isolated feature. For example, in [10] common patterns in parallel coordinates were examined when distorted by different levels of noise in order to determine thresholds for visual identification. Comparisons of several tools can be found in, for example, [12, 3]. To meet the specific requirements of climate visualization tools originating from information visualization, evaluation techniques already used within this community can be applied and adopted.


Climate Visualization

One of the main challenges within climate visualization is the creation of nuanced representations of climate change related issues. Within climate communication sev-

eral challenges have been identified [14], and a responsible approach has to be taken by climate scientists regarding the selection of data, their visual representations and the creation of narratives. Information on climate change is of a particularly complex nature. Studies of causes, effects and means to take action include several interlinked areas of studies. Climate science includes areas such as atmospheric chemistry, oceanography, biology, palaeoclimatology, physics, biology, glaciology as well as natural and human geography, political science, economics and sociology. One of the great challenges is how to capture the numerous intricate linkages between these areas in order to understand the consequences of inaction as well as of the various action alternatives to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions or adapt to a changing climate. In addition, information on climate change involves large data sets and complex modelling. The character of climate change information poses a particularly wicked problem to convey to public and decision makers. The intricate interaction between humans and nature is often conveyed in narratives. The storylines of climate change narratives typically follow a temporal structure (what has happened, what is happening and how will this develop in the future). Narratives in climate visualization often imply the specific storyline of a sequence of visuals and the link between areas of content. It is however equally important to relate the narrative to the selection of presented scenarios, alternative futures and how a future society will adapt to climate change. Visions of alternative futures and future societies are frequently employed in climate science and multilateral negotiations, for instance, the storylines developed by the IPCC. Indicators that are represented by visualization range from economic development, greenhouse gas emission and energy use to regional scenario representations including effects of water scarcity and sea level rise. The selection of these narratives are however strongly related to the conception of (un)sustainable futures. Whichever future scenario we choose to represent, this implies a choice of a brighter or darker future. As climate debate gains a massive medial and political breakthrough, the risk of exaggerating worstcase scenarios has been substantial, creating a general anxiety over the unavoidable doomsday [5, 6]. The climate debate has been characterized by rhetorical apocalypse, i.e. warnings of catastrophic consequences if we do not change our course of action. However, such rhetorical narratives run the risk of being contra productive, making the public, in particular young people, disheartened and in the end passive. Further, if the worstcase scenarios do not come true, the history of environmental debate reveals that opponents of stricter environmental

policies use the failed forecasts or exaggerated scenarios to discredit the environmental organizations and policy making [13]. For each selected data set and narrative, we thus have to thoroughly evaluate their impact, both in terms of content and representation, on the audience.


The WorldView Project

Since 2008, the WorldView project [19] is the basis of a cooperation between climate and visualization researchers at Link¨oping University, the Norrk¨oping Visualization Centre and the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute. Within the project we have developed a number of narratives and data sets focused on the cause and effect of climate change as well as on a number of action alternatives aimed for approximately 30 minutes presentations in an immersive dome environment (illustrated in figure 2). During 2009 several presentations were held for mostly heterogeneous audiences where survey evaluations were conducted [14], see section 3.2. The narrative of the WorldView presentation included both effects of climate change to regional change in temperature, changes in arctic sea ice as well as regional and global sea level rise. Principles for responsibility and effort sharing related to green house gas emissions were presented in form of volume bar charts for each country (as illustrated in figure 4) and discussed with the audience. Both categorical and numerical data sets were produced by the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute and the Centre for Climate Science and Policy Research. The general aim of the project is to provide a nuanced picture based on scientifically validated data to communicate the complexity of climate change as well as to open up to joint discussions with the audience. Presentations were always held by climate experts to facilitate interaction and dialogue with the audience.


Previously Performed Evaluations

Our experience of evaluating climate visualization in the WorldView project has so far been limited to surveys. In six different studies, some ongoing, we have focused on five specific areas: data, representation, narrative, narrator and presentation environments. All survey evaluations have been performed as paper or web-based surveys and included grading scales as well as free-text answers. Evaluations were conducted with heterogeneous groups and most respondents indicated that the content and form of the presentations were relevant. Most survey questions were related to the understanding of data sets and on how these are related to increased engagement, own lifestyle choices, general knowledge and understanding for climate related issues and the audience’s professional interest. When the participants were asked to iden-

tify which audience would have the largest gaining of this kind of climate visualization presentation, most pointed towards education [14]. Questions that were related specifically to the visual representation were posed in three areas: novelty, aesthetics and understanding of the visual representations. Questions related to these areas were posed as positive claims e.g. ‘it was clear that emission levels were symbolized by the height of the bars in the bar chart, not the volume’ and the respondents answered using a rating scale ranging from disagreement to agreement. We received positive response to the aesthetics and novelty of the climate visualization presentation as well as in respect to the immersive environment as ‘a new way of presenting this data’. The aesthetics of the visuals was also by most respondents considered as supporting their general understanding of the data. Further, the response to the visual representation as volume bar chart (see figure 4) was positive and the colouring was by most respondents considered as helpful when interpreting the data. These surveys are, however, limited in detail and indepth communication of the responses due to the fact that the questions were directly posed after a brief presentation and the format of using rating scale answers. Further, generalized surveys for heterogeneous audiences pose a challenge and may cause mis-interpretation of both questions and responses. While even brief comments on open-ended questions generate an insight into the argumentation and motivation of the respondent, these were not sufficient in order to reflect upon the general understanding and experience of the visual representation. The performed evaluations provide us thus with a general knowledge on the audience’s background and general rating of the presentation, but lack a deeper insight both in terms of climate communication as well as of the visual representations.




Future Directions

The understanding and perception of visual representations needs to be evaluated beyond the realms of a general audience survey. In particular since climate visualization covers three distinct but overlapping areas: science communication, data analysis and decision making support (figure 1), evaluation of visualization tools and visual representations need to focus on features relevant to one or more of these three dimensions. To capture in depth knowledge on the effectiveness and efficiency of climate visualization, we have identified the below listed areas, following the categorization by Plaisant [18]. Controlled experiments comparing elements. This category refers to testing the usability of small, individual features. Specific areas for climate visualization include:


Figure 4: Illustrations of climate visualization, using extruded regions with different colour maps to convey information on a regional and global scale using example data sets [7].

i) the evaluation of colour maps both directed towards climate researchers from different fields and their understanding and connotation of colour choice as well as for a laymen audience. For example, what does a colour choice deviating from a white-red scale for temperature increase imply, or how does the colouring of a high-emission country in bright red influence your perception of the underlying data? ii) evaluation of how effective and efficient different graphical primitives (points, lines, polygons) convey significant structures in data. How are, for example, multivariate parameters best represented on a local or global scale? Are multiple simple 2D glyphs a better choice than fewer complex 3D ones? iii) assessment of interaction techniques and their efficiency in revealing information. For example, how are parameters selected and how do pre-defined choices of adaptation and mitigation parameters influence the users’ perception of the inter-linkages in the data set. iv) evaluation of how uncertainties and variations in research data are conveyed by the visual representations. How do, for instance, parallel Earth representations opposed to a single representation effect the understanding of future climate scenarios for greenhouse gas emissions and temperature changes? v) mapping of data values to opacity using linear and non-linear transfer functions. For data sets containing large ranges of values, a linear mapping might not always be sufficient in order to represent all differences within the data. Non-linear mappings allow the user to put emphasis on selected value ranges but at the cost of distorting the underlying structures in the climate data. vi) effectiveness and efficiency of advanced illumination models; e.g. how does the gaining of attractive advanced illumination models reflect upon engagement and interest for the presentation itself opposed to the accuracy and reliability of the presented climate data. (Qualitative) usability evaluation of a tool. Specific application areas for climate visualization tools might range from: i) web-based platforms and their applicability for uploading, displaying and sharing various data sets for a number of research areas (e.g. climate temperature models, land use data, water scarcity data) ii) tools for dome presentations, their interactivity and compatibility for different data formats. In these settings the visualization tool is ideally accompanied by

a climate expert, guiding the audience through the narrative and providing additional information and the possibility for increased interaction and response to spontaneous questions. Controlled experiments comparing two or more tools. Presentations using climate visualization in immersive environments are becoming more frequent as the number of visualization domes (both portable as well as large dome theatres) increases throughout the world. Hence, it is vital that the visualization tool is flexible (supporting numerous data formats, interaction techniques and graphical representations) and intuitive to use for the presenter. Controlled experiments, using the same environment with identical settings, should thus be used to compare visualization tools currently under development with what is stateof-the-art to advance the insights on user perspectives. Case studies of tools in realistic settings. While presentations to a larger audience have certain requirements on the visualization tool, climate visualization for analysis and decision making support is an equally important area with a specific setup of demands. A particular need of flexibility, interactivity and ease of use is posed by climate researchers handling both categorical and numerical data and the inherent need of their studies to provide decision support to planners and policy makers on a local to global scale. The evaluation process should involve new applications functioning as visualization platforms, that include the development, storage and possibility to display and share relevant data sets in an interactive session with for instance regional decision makers. As the direct use of the visualization tool is of significant importance for the development and improvement of the application, climate researchers and decision makers need to be observed in their interaction with the tool in a realistic decision environment.



Communicating climate change is a global challenge, both in terms of the large amount and complexity of data, scenarios and the mixture of categorical and numerical data sets. Communication and analysis tools therefore need to be adapted to meet the specific goals and tasks at hand— be it to provide a scientific understanding of complex phenomena or to tell a nuanced story to a school class. Information visualization provides climate researchers with such interactive tools to meet the demands of science communication, analysis, planning and decision making. In this paper we have reported on previous experiences and identified specific areas of climate visualization where

evaluation methods commonly used in information visualization can be applied to develop and improve existing tools as well as gain a better understanding of the effects and efficiency of developed visual representations of climate change related issues. These evaluation methods need to be further adapted and designed towards a large variety of audiences and user groups.

Acknowledgements This work was partly supported by the Swedish Research Council in the Linnaeus Centre CADICS.


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