ErbB4 in pre-implantation mouse embryos after re-vitrification. Majidi N,Movahedin M,Mazaheri Z. Department of Anatomical Sciences, Medical science Faculty, ...
Evaluation of developmental rate and expression of Bax, Bcl-2 and ErbB4 in pre-implantation mouse embryos after re-vitrification Majidi N,Movahedin M,Mazaheri Z Department of Anatomical Sciences, Medical science Faculty, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
Study question: Does re-vitrification affect on developmental rate and expression of Bax, Bcl-2 and ErbB4 genes in mouse pre-implantation embryos. Summary answer: re-vitrification could change the developmental rate and expression of Bax, Bcl-2 and ErbB4 genes in mouse pre-implantation embryos. What is Known already: many studies have been shown that there are relationship between vitrification and gene expression. Necessary for revitrification of embryos sometimes is Unavoidable. Many researchers try to find out which developmental stage is more suitable to do revitrification. Study design, size, duration: Control versus treatment. Embryos at cleavage stage were collected from hyper stimulated mice and divided to five groups. 1: fresh embryos, 2: vitrified embryos at 5-8 cells 3: vitrified embryos at blastocyst stage. Groups 4 and 5, first vitrified at 5-8 cells, then re-vitrified at compaction or blastocyst stage respectively. Participant/material, Setting, methode: 400 embryos were used. Vitrification was done using cryolock method according Kuwayama report. The relative quantification of Bax, Bcl-2 and ErbB4 genes was carried out by real time PCR. Total RNA was isolated from blastocyst embryos using RNX-plus. RAN was transcribed to cDNA. Then real time PCR was performed. Main result and role of chance: Survival rate after re-vitrification in groups 4 and 5 was 87.5% and 84.5% respectively and these rates didn’t show any significant difference with vitrification groups 2 and 3, (88.8% 1 and 92.2%) respectively (p>0.05). Blastocyst formation rates showed no significant differences between vitrified and re-vitrified groups (p>0.05). Although there was significant difference between re-vitrified and fresh embryos (p< 0.05).
Fig: expression apoptotic genes and implanting genes control1: fresh embryos, control2: vitrified embryos at 5-8 cells, control 3: vitrified embryos at blastocyst stage. Expriment 1: re-vitrified at compaction stage, Expriment 2: re-vitrified at blastocyst stage α :statical significancy with control 1 (P