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ANational Agricultural Research Foundation, Institute for Mediterranean ... and Forest Products Technology, Terma Alkmanos, GR-11528, Athens, Greece.


International Journal of Wildland Fire, 2006, 15, 293–297

Research note

Evaluation of forest fire retardant removal from forest fuels by rainfall Gavriil XanthopoulosA,C , Dany GhosnB and George KazakisB A National Agricultural

Research Foundation, Institute for Mediterranean Forest Ecosystems and Forest Products Technology, Terma Alkmanos, GR-11528, Athens, Greece. B Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania, Alsyllio Agrokepiou, PO Box 85, GR-73100, Chania, Crete, Greece. C Corresponding author. Email: [email protected]

Abstract. Long-term forest fire retardants for fire prevention purposes are currently used, or are under consideration, in many parts of the world. Their use requires, among other things, knowledge about weathering of retardants with time, which may lead to the need for re-application. Rainfall is a factor that can lead to retardant depletion from the fuels. In this study, the rate of depletion was evaluated experimentally using Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis) needles. The needles were made into small bundles and immersed in retardant, which was FIRE-TROL 936 concentrate, diluted to 20% (v/v) with water. The retardant-treated needles, after drying, were exposed to natural rain in three different rainfall events, and retardant depletion was measured. A regression equation was developed with percentage retardant removal as the dependent variable. The natural logarithm of rainfall quantity, expressed in mm of rain, and the duration of rain, expressed in min, were the two independent variables. A simple equation can be used to support pre-suppression planning and to assess environmental effects.

Introduction Forest fire retardants are being used extensively in firefighting around the world. They have proven to be a valuable tool for firefighters so their use has grown steadily in the last few decades. They are especially useful where water is not readily available because they increase the effectiveness of the water in which the retardant concentrates are diluted (Hardy 1977). Today, the most successful and widely used forest fire retardant category is long-term fire retardants. This is because, in addition to their effectiveness in fire suppression, they can be applied well in advance of an approaching fire-front as their action does not depend on the presence of water, although they may benefit from that (Xanthopoulos and Noussia 2000). They do not act by improving water penetration or moisture retention by the fuel, but rather their action is chemical; they act as catalysts, changing the pathway of pyrolysis (Liodakis et al. 2004). The ability of long-term fire retardants to act without the presence of water makes them potentially suitable in fire presuppression. The idea is that an appropriate long-term retardant can be applied at locations that are highly likely to be the ignition points of a serious fire. Examples are fine dead fuels at the sides of heavily used roads, especially in wildland– urban interface areas, and along railway tracks where engine © IAWF 2006

sparks and heated metal particles from wheels and brakes are common fire causes. Such an application requires careful evaluation before operational use. This evaluation includes application considerations (where, how, when, and how much), assessment of effectiveness and cost, and, of course, environmental considerations. Such considerations have been addressed in the recent past through research initiatives of the US Forest Service, such as the ‘Operational Retardant Evaluation’ programme (George and Johnson 1986, 1990; Blakely 1990) and have been reviewed in detail (Adams and Simmons 1999; Kalabokidis 2000). Further evaluation, with emphasis on European conditions, is among the objectives of the European Union-funded research project called the Extended Retardant Application System (ERAS). The present study is part of this project and focuses on evaluating the rate at which a long-term fire retardant is washed off forest fuels by rainfall. Such information, to our knowledge, has not been reported, even in recently published reviews (Gimenez et al. 2004). Materials and methods The methodology developed for this study consisted of exposing retardant-treated pine needles to natural rain and measuring the rate at which retardant was removed from this fuel. Three sets of experiments were carried out in the open, 10.1071/WF06006



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near the installations of the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania (MAICh) in Crete, Greece. Green Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis) needles were collected and oven dried at 80◦ C for 48 h. Then the needles were made into bundles of similar size and weight. It was decided to use bundles instead of branch tips after a few trials with branch tips revealed problems with drying, such as losing needles, and problems during handling, such as breakage of dried needles that became brittle and broke off due to the irregularity of the shape of the branch tips. Fifty bundles were prepared for each experiment. The bundles were weighed and then immersed for ∼5 s in a preparation of a long-term fire retardant. The commercial product used was FIRE-TROL 936 liquid concentrate (Chemonics Industries, Phoenix, AZ, USA), diluted to 20% (v/v) with water. This product consists of ammonium polyphosphate, a wetting agent and corrosion inhibitor. It is not gum-thickened because it was designed for application mainly by ground means. Gum thickening is used to reduce retardant evaporation and drift when it is dropped from aircraft and it improves retardant penetration and retention (George 2002). The treated bundles were hung in still air in the laboratory and were allowed to drip excess retardant for ∼20 min. Then, the bundles were oven dried at 80◦ C for 48 h. When taken from the oven, they were weighed again. The difference between the first and the second measurements was the weight of the dry retardant held on the needles. The weight of needle-bundles varied between 2.2 and 7.8 g, while the retardant remaining on them after immersion and drying varied between 0.013 and 0.220 g. Prior to anticipated rain, the 50 bundles were placed in a large round frame with a metal-mesh bottom and supports that kept the bundles off the ground (see Fig. 1). The frame was covered with a plastic sheet and carried into the open. Next to it were positioned 10 metal tubes for the collection and measurement of rainfall (Fig. 1). With the onset of rain, all the lids were removed and the plastic sheet covering the frame was pulled to the side, exposing the bundles to the rain. Wind speed was measured throughout the experiment at a height of 2 m above ground. The maximum and minimum wind speed values recorded during the experiment were averaged and this mean served as a rough indication of wind speed in the analysis that followed. The bundles were exposed to rain for different predetermined lengths of time. These lengths were 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, and 50 min. At each of these times, such as the 5 min mark, five bundles were removed from the tray while the corresponding metal rainfall-tube was simultaneously covered. The amount of water in the tube provided a measurement of the total amount of rain (in mm) that the five needle bundles had received while exposed to the rain for the corresponding duration. The bundles were hung, protected from the rain, and allowed to drip excess water for 30 min. They were then dried

G. Xanthopoulos et al.

Fig. 1. The needle bundles in the tray and the metal rain collector tubes covered with their lids, prior to the onset of rain.

in an oven at 80◦ C for 48 h, and weighed again. This measurement indicated the amount of retardant remaining on the bundle after its exposure to rain for the particular amount and duration of rain. This amount did not exceed 0.22 g, often being close to 0.01 g. Results The first run of the experiment stopped after the 40th minute because the rain stopped. Forty-seven data points resulted from this run, 12 of them for a 40-min exposure to rainfall. The average rainfall intensity calculated for these 40 min was 3.86 mm/40 min or 0.0965 mm min−1 . The second experiment stopped after the 45th minute, providing 45 data points. The average intensity was 0.93 mm/45 min or 0.0207 mm min−1 . Finally, the third experiment was completed, resulting in 50 data points. The total number of valid observations was 142 and average rainfall intensity was 6.88 mm/50 min or 0.1376 mm min−1 . In spite of the accurate balance used, the very small weight of the retardant that was removed by the rain made the results sensitive to the introduction of small errors, mainly caused by the absorption of moisture by the samples in the 20–30 s it took to move them from the oven to the balance. This was verified by leaving a few samples on the balance for up to 20 min after initial weighing, and monitoring their weights, which increased by 0.2% after 4 min, exceeding 0.4% after 12 min. The result of these small errors was that some calculated values of removed retardant (%) were slightly negative, as if there was retardant addition rather than depletion due to the rain. This occurred in 17 cases corresponding to low rain intensity and rainfall duration values for which retardant depletion, if

Evaluation of retardant removal by rainfall

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2.23 0.27

9.01 4.85

4.25 2.73

0.08 0.07

0.95 0.79




1.73 25.92 0.065 1.430 1.095

1.30 1.12 0.0035 0.063 0.054

1.55 13.34 0.042 0.756 0.640



0.05 5 0.01 0.9 0.6

any, was minimal. These values of retardant removal were corrected to zero in the dataset. On the other hand, in 12 cases of high total rainfall, retardant removal attained values slightly higher than 100%, as if more than the whole amount of retardant was depleted. That can be partially justified by the probable loss of small needle segments during handling. The probability of such an event cannot be eliminated for this experimental procedure. These values of retardant removal were set equal to 100%. The data, after calculating the basic descriptive statistics (Table 1), were analysed through multiple regression analysis, using the stepwise procedure of the SPSS statistical software. The dependent variable was ‘retardant removal’ (RR) expressed as a percentage of the total retardant that was on each bundle before rain exposure: RR =

Retardant remaining on the needles after rain × 100 Retardant on the needles before rain

The independent variables tried in the regression were: RAIN, total rainfall amount received by the bundle, expressed in mm of rain; DURATION, duration of bundle exposure to rainfall, expressed in min; INTENSITY, intensity of rainfall, equal to the ratio RAIN/DURATION (mm min−1 ); WINDmax, maximum wind speed (m s−1 ); and WINDavg, average wind speed (m s−1 ). Plotting of RR v. the amount of rain (RAIN) and curve estimation for various standard equation forms revealed that a logarithmic transformation of RAIN was appropriate. The transformed variable, calculated as the natural logarithm of RAIN, was named LN_RAIN. Figures 2 and 3 are plots of percentage RR against RAIN and LN_RAIN, respectively. LN_RAIN was added to the independent variables list. LN_RAIN proved to be the best single predictor for RR. The linear model was: RR = 51.573 + 25.982 LN_RAIN,


where RAIN is expressed in mm before the logarithmic transformation to LN_RAIN, adjusted r 2 = 0.669, P < 0.001. All coefficients were significant (P < 0.001).

6.88 50 0.18 2.5 2.0

Standard error of the mean

Standard deviation

120 Removed retardant (%)

Weight of needle-bundles (g) Percentage retardant retained on needles after immersion – dry-weight basis (%) Retardant Removal (RR) (%) RAIN (mm) DURATION (min) INTENSITY (mm min−1 ) Maximum WIND (m s−1 ) Average WIND (m s−1 )

Descriptive statistics for the data

100 80 60 40 20 0 0









Rain (mm) 1st


3rd experiment

Fig. 2. Retardant removal (%) from each retardant-treated needle bundle plotted against the amount of rain (mm) received by that bundle.

100 Removed retardant (%)

Table 1.


80 60 40 20 0 ⫺4










3rd experiment

Fig. 3. Retardant removal (%) from each retardant-treated needle bundle plotted against the natural logarithm (LN_RAIN) of the amount of rain (mm) received by that bundle.

As seen in Figs 2 and 3, observations of each run of the experiment presented a grouping that indicated that RAIN was not the only variable affecting retardant removal. Prior to the present study, we expected that INTENSITY would be the independent variable that would provide the additional information, but the best fit was achieved when RR was regressed

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against both LN_RAIN and DURATION. The final equation was of the form: RR = 22.830 + 16.580 LN_RAIN + 1.132 DURATION, (2) where RAIN is expressed in mm before the logarithmic transformation to LN_RAIN and DURATION is expressed in min, adjusted r2 = 0.754, P < 0.000. All coefficients were significant (P < 0.001). Equation 2 was examined for colinearity problems between LN_RAIN and DURATION. The two variables were theoretically expected to be somewhat, but not completely, related to each other: higher durations being likely to lead to higher total rainfall. Pearson correlation between the two variables in the dataset was 0.706. Tolerance of DURATION was 0.502, which is quite high – much higher than the level that would suggest discarding DURATION and using only LN_RAIN (Affifi and Clark 1984). Furthermore, the Condition Index (CI) was equal to 6.025. This was substantially lower than 30 (a CI value greater than 30 suggesting the presence of moderate to severe colinearity) (Belsley et al. 1980; Kleinbaum et al. 1987). In conclusion, there were no serious colinearity problems between LN_RAIN and DURATION, and Eqn 2 could be considered a good model for estimating retardant depletion by rain. The addition of INTENSITY, either when inclusion of the variable was attempted or when the ratio LN_RAIN/ DURATION was created and tried, did not offer any significant improvement. Obviously, LN_RAIN and DURATION represented the action of rainwater, which is the causative factor of retardant removal, sufficiently well.There was no strong a priori expectation that wind speed would be an important independent variable, so it was not surprising that it was not included in the equation. Equation 2 identifies the rainfall characteristics that are important for retardant depletion through rainfall. It also provides quantitative estimates with the potential for practical use. Figure 4 is a plot of the behavior of the equation. Each curve in the plot corresponds to a given rainfall duration. According to Fig. 4, even a small amount of rain, 1–2 mm, leads to significant retardant depletion. Depletion is higher when this amount of rain falls over a longer period of time. Complete retardant removal (RR = 100%) is predicted when total rainfall reaches 7.1 mm with a duration of 40 min. However, if the same amount of rain were to fall within 5 min, it would lead to depletion of 61% of the retardant. It should be noted that the 7.1 mm amount of rainfall value in Fig. 4, where retardant depletion reaches 100%, is slightly higher than the maximum value in the dataset, which is equal to 6.88 mm of rain. Discussion Equation 2 can have practical uses. For example, it can be used in a stochastic modelling approach to calculate the amount of

G. Xanthopoulos et al.

120 Removed retardant (%)


100 80 60 40 20 0 0.2 0.8 1.4


2.6 3.2 3.8 4.4


5.6 6.2 6.8

Rainfall (mm) 5 min 25 min

10 min 30 min

15 min 35 min

20 min 40 min

Fig. 4. Behaviour of the ‘retardant depletion by rain’ regression equation.

long-term retardant that should be sprayed on dead groundfuels for fire-prevention purposes in critical areas, during the worst part of the fire season. Examples are high-use roads, especially in high-value wildland–urban interface areas. Additional knowledge needed for such an approach includes: • The amount of retardant that must be sprayed on the fuels, or remain on the fuels after partial depletion due to little rain, to achieve the desired fire-start prevention. The work of Rothermel and Philpot (1975) provides such information. Additional work is in progress at MAICh in the context of the ERAS project. • Climatic data for the area of interest that allow predictions of the probabilities for occurrence of rain events during the critical fire season, and the characteristics of such events. This probability is quite low in Mediterranean ecosystems. This knowledge, combined with Eqn 2, may support probability estimates about the need to reapply retardant during the critical fire season. This can be important information in support of decision making during the pre-suppression planning process. Furthermore, it may allow estimation of the overall amount of retardant that would be depleted, providing a basis for assessment of the potential environmental effects that the preventive use of retardants could have. For example, if the total input of retardants in streams or lakes is a major consideration, using the knowledge above, it would be possible to determine the maximum allowable area to be treated for prevention purposes within a water catchment area, in order to keep potential total retardant inflow to the water body of interest at acceptable levels (Kalabokidis 2000). Of course, there are limitations in the use of the equation. Commonly, such regression equations should not be used outside the range of values that were used for their derivation (Table 1). In this case, however, it can safely be assumed that larger amounts of rain and/or rain duration than those in the dataset will lead to retardant removal that approaches 100%.

Evaluation of retardant removal by rainfall

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Equation predictions have not been tested in field conditions. It should not be forgotten that the needles used for the experiment in the present study were in bundles and were not arranged naturally on tree branches. In this respect, they may act more like the packed dead needles on the forest floor rather than the live needles of tree crowns. Furthermore, it should be remembered that the needle bundles were dipped in retardant instead of being sprayed with a varying amount of retardant, as is usual in operational conditions. Hence, the results may represent a situation of generous application of retardant in the field. Equation 2 refers to the percentage of retardant removed, but the initial amount of the retardant that reaches and gets attached to the fuel during field application may have to be obtained from other studies (Anderson 1974). Finally, although most fuels should behave similarly, predictions of the equation should be accepted with caution for fuels other than pine needles. Conclusions The present study has resulted in a rational, easy-to-use and practical equation for the estimation of retardant depletion from retardant-sprayed fuels. It is especially useful for fireprevention activities. It can be used after a rainfall event to obtain an estimate of retardant depletion and assess the need for reapplication. It can also be used in support of presuppression planning and to assess environmental effects. Some caution should be exercised when the equation is not used in similar conditions to the ones used during these experiments. Acknowledgements The work described in this article was carried out as part of the participation of the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania (MAICh), Crete, Greece in the ERAS research project that was supported by the European Union (Contract EVG1CT-2001-00039). This support is gratefully acknowledged. We would also like to thank two anonymous reviewers and the associate editor for constructive comments on a previous draft and for linguistic improvements in the definitive manuscript.


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