Evaluation of Toxic Properties of the Crude Extracts of ...

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1956). The fruit of the plant contains triterpenoid sapogenins such as Barringtogenol-B, Barringtogenol-C and. Barringtogenol-D (Barua et al. 1961, Chakraborti.
Evaluation of Toxic Properties of the Crude Extracts of the Bark of Barringtonia acutangula (Gaertn.) on Laboratory Animals M . S. Rahman', Y. S. A. Khan', M . A. Gafur^ and M . K. Ahmed^ 'Institute of Marine Sciences, University of Chittagong, Chittagong 4331, Bangladesh ^Pharmacology Division, Bangladesh C o u n c i l of Scientific and Industrial Research Laboratories, Chittagong 4220, Bangladesh

Abstract The toxic properties of petroleum spirit (40''-60°C) and water-soluble absolute alcoholic extracts of the bark of Barringtonia acutangula (Gaertn.) were investigated on laboratory animals. The petroleum spirit extract w h e n administered intra-peritoneally was found toxic to the experimental mice. The 24-hr LDj-^ value was found 81.47 mg.kg" ' body weight. The value for the lethal dose was found significant at 0.1% level of significance. The petroleum spirit and water-soluble absolute alcoholic extracts w h e n admuiistered orally to rats showed some toxic properties but no mortality. The study reveals that the petroleum spirit (40''-60''C) extract of the bark of Barringtonia acutangula (Gaertn.) has a great prospect to decrease or substitute the use of synthetic pesticides, especially the organophosphates.

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