in this study are Internet service administrators in Zahedan. Reference standard ... family business, small or medium business and ...) Using resources that.
Shiraz Journal of System Management Special Issue 2014, 1-12
Evaluation the Characteristics of Entrepreneurial Internet Service Administrators Nourmohammad Yagoubi∗ Sistan & Baluchistan University, Sistan & Baluchistan, Iran
Masoud Dehghani Sistan & Baluchistan University, Sistan & Baluchistan, Iran
Akram Ahmadnia Chenijani Sistan & Baluchistan University, Sistan & Baluchistan, Iran
Abstract. Achieving economic growth and development is the most important vision and the desire of every nation, that value creation through the creation of new businesses and entrepreneurial activities, And to increase public revenue, Welfare and comfort for the general public. Encourage potential entrepreneurs and identifying and nurturing potential entrepreneurs, is an important strategic step to promote the development of entrepreneurial activity and entrepreneurial culture in the country. The aim of the present study is to measure the personality characteristics of entrepreneurship. The research objective is practical and Research method is descriptive-survey. The populations in this study are Internet service administrators in Zahedan. Reference standard questionnaire was used to collect data that all questions are indicators that reflect the Characteristics of entrepreneurship. Validity of Questionnaire was confirmed by experts and to calculate reliability, Cronbach’s alpha of 0.92 was obtained. The results show that the study populations in the feature subset Entrepreneurship are very strong in ∗
Received: February 2014; Final Revision: July 2014 Corresponding author
N. Yagoubi, M. Dehghani, and A. Ahmadnia Chenijani the risk appetite, Success-seeking, pragmatic and challenging. Also these people have a strong control focus, Dream, clearness of thought and tolerance of ambiguity. And total Entrepreneurial profile of Internet service administrators in the city of Zahedan Presents a strong image. Keywords: Entrepreneur, Character, Entrepreneurship.
Achieving economic growth and development is the most important vision and the desire of every nation, that value creation through the creation of new businesses and entrepreneurial activities, And to increase public revenue, Welfare and comfort for the general public. Encourage potential entrepreneurs and identifying and nurturing potential entrepreneurs, is an important strategic step to promote the development of entrepreneurial activity and entrepreneurial culture in the country.
Literature Review
An entrepreneur is someone who will explore opportunities and to track and fulfill it’s, Create an organization. Experts of entrepreneurship also have presented viewpoints on entrepreneurs; Schumpeter says an entrepreneur is a person who has a particular innovation; this innovation is in manufacturing, process or service, customer satisfaction etc. Peter Drucker also believes that the individual entrepreneurs always seek the change, reacted against it and it sees an opportunity and chance (Nahid, 2009).Harbynsun and Mays believed that an entrepreneur is a person who cannot be separated from their organization, because he is mixing with it. His task is to Conditions provided That Under it, other elements of management could achieve their personal goals while carrying out the tasks set by the organization (Gasse, 1985:56). Robert Lamb Believes that Entrepreneur’s role as a decision maker and the role of the entrepreneur is Implementation process of creating a community-wide, national and international or transforming the social and economic symbols (Kalantari, 2004).
Evaluation the Characteristics of Entrepreneurial ...
Ahmadpour (2002) Believes that an entrepreneur is a person who has a new idea that through a Business (Home business, internet business, family business, small or medium business and ...) Using resources that are Coupled with financial, social, honor and dignity risk, new product and service provide to the market. Finally we can say that an entrepreneur is someone who opportunities identified and diagnosed, collect the required resources Taken over the design and implementation of an action plan collects the results obtained in a timely and flexible manner and reasonable. Commer defines the character as unique pattern and permanent of Inner experience and outer behavior that is specific characteristics of each individual (Commer, 1999:432). Another definition; Character is Unique aspects of internal and external relatively stable individual disposition that in different situations Impact on behavior (Schultz, 2009). Freling and Forbe (2005), Suggest that the structure of human personality includes five dimensions of personality that developed by Norman and include trueness, excitement, competence, sophistication and violence. Entrepreneurship Words of entrepreneurship before the concept that arise in today’s language, been devised In French. Its French roots (Entrepreneur), Means committing and emanating from, so that means dealer and is a concept that is been studied from many different perspectives. This is while in many cases Mistake these concepts have been defined simply equivalent job creation. As in other discussions in the human sciences, the entrepreneurs have been many different definitions (Ahmadpour, 2002) (Aghazamani, 2006). A number of different definitions of entrepreneur are provided: Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, An entrepreneur is person who is committed Accept the risks of an economic activity and manage it (Webster, 1966). Schumpeter argues that Entrepreneurship is major driver of Economic development and the role of the entrepreneur is: Innovation and creating new combinations of materials (Palmer, 1987, 48). Entrepreneurship Means identifying and exploiting opportunistic thoughts to creation and development of small firms (Brockhaus & Horwitz, 1986, 45). Entrepreneurship is a management process this gives the possibility to personalize that continually Take Maximum uses of existing opportu-
N. Yagoubi, M. Dehghani, and A. Ahmadnia Chenijani
nities and provide a new idea and collateralize it (Thompson, 1999). Entrepreneurship is a process in which the entrepreneur Begins Small and new economic activity with his capital (Drucker, 1985). Entrepreneurship is a process which regardless of the resources that is available, opportunities to be followed by individuals (Hurley, 1999, 2). Overall Entrepreneurship is defined as: Innovation process and take advantage of opportunities with effort and persistence Along with Acceptance Financial, psychological and social risks (Histrich, 2002) (Kiakojouri & Roudgarnejad, 2006). Small and medium enterprises and entrepreneurs sometimes have been used interchangeably (Hodgetts & Kuatko, 2002), Therefore, in this article we know each other synonym. On the topic of entrepreneurship taken many investigations in the field of foreign and domestic; Salehi and Shahhoseini (2010), in their study have examined entrepreneurial characteristics and effectiveness of managers In Azad University units. As a result the six main components of entrepreneurship Respectively Need to succeed, the need for independence, Tend to be creative, having internal control centers, Tolerance of ambiguity And finally, venture Were In first grade to sixth. In other words, need to succeed is excellent and risk taking is weak, in managers. In another study entrepreneurial characteristics include seeking success, independence, creativity and volition has been evaluated among students of Mazandaran University. The result is this indicates that Features determination and ambition to succeed are respectively in first and second place and then the features and creative risks, while the independence with the lowest average is in final ranking (Zally, 2007). In the article entitled “Study of Entrepreneurial characteristics of students”, characteristics of the entrepreneur and effectiveness of training programs on entrepreneurship rates of students has been evaluated. The results of this study indicate that there is a significant relationship Between Variables; Tolerance of ambiguity, belief in internal control, needs to succeed in politics, risk taking, creativity and independence With Entrepreneurship. In addition, Education University programs no effect on the rate of student entrepreneurship. And that most of the students tend to make business for their future while a small number of students are self-employed (Sabaghyian, 2005).