Rivstart A1/A2 main text book and work book. Chapters 1-5. Text book: ISBN.
27666856. Work book: ISBN 27666863. -. Handouts provided by the tutor.
Evening Courses Swedish level 1 Course duration 20 hours
Aims and Objectives The aim of the course is to enable the students to function at a survival level. The student should be able to communicate in basic Swedish on a range of personal and concrete subjects. Language learning skills, including autonomous learning and how to approach some authentic material will be enhanced.
Course Content: Main topics -
Introductions & Greetings Family & friends Work and studies Leisure, culture & hobbies The family Hobbies Food & drinks - buying food Numbers 1-100. Days of the week, month, year The alphabet Time
Functions -
Greetings, introducing yourself and others Telling the time Giving information about where you live, you address, telephone number et cetera Spelling in Swedish Counting from 1 – 1000 Reading short simple notices Talking about your hobbies Planning your leisure time with others Expressing what you like and don’t like Talking about events in the present and the future Talking about the weather
Grammar -
Personal, possessive and relative pronouns Tenses: the present and the future Modal verbs (kan, ska, vill, får) Question words (hur, var, vad, vem, varifrån) Word order in questions & main clauses The position of adverbs in main clauses The noun – declensions The noun – definite & indefinite endings The agreement of the adjective Adverbs of frequency Prepositions: time & place
Linguistic Structures/ Phonetics -
the pronunciation of spoken Swedish focusing on: long and short vowels (a o u å e I y ä ö); stressed & unstressed vowels; consonants and consonant clusters (ng, ngn); stressed words in a sentence; regular intonation patterns.
Learning Resources Books -
Rivstart A1/A2 main text book and work book. Chapters 1-5. Text book: ISBN 27666856. Work book: ISBN 27666863. Handouts provided by the tutor. In addition there is a wide range of language learning materials for self-study in the Self-Access Centre.
Bilingual Dictionaries -
Bilingual Dictionary (Norstedt).
Reference: -
Swedish grammar in use. ISBN 912750252-X Common Swedish verbs. ISBN 9197422002
Useful websites: -
Grammar exercises – www. nok.se/rivstart Book shop on line – www.bokus.com Swedex - Swedish exams, www.swedex.info
Bookshops: -
Foyles – 113-119 Charing Cross Road, WC2H 0EB, 44 2074375660 www.foyles.co.uk BOKUS - on-line shop, www.bokus.se