Event Report

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Introduction of i-TUFS by Smt Kiran Soni Gupta, Textile Commissioner, GOI ..... Dr K M Soni, Chief Engineer, Western Zone-I (Mumbai), Central Public Works.
TECHNOTEX 2015 Event Report

4th International Conference and Exhibition on Technical Textiles April 09-11, 2015

Ministry of Textiles

Technotex 2015- Event report

Agenda ► Introduction ► Inaugural Session ► Interactive CEO Forum ► Exhibition Overview ► Day 1: Conference Session 1 & 2 ► Day 2: Conference Session 3, 4 & 5 ► Technical Textile Product Show ► Buyer Seller Meets

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Technotex 2015- Event report

Agenda ► Introduction ► Inaugural Session ► Interactive CEO Forum ► Exhibition Overview ► Day 1: Conference Session 1 & 2 ► Day 2: Conference Session 3, 4 & 5 ► Technical Textile Product Show ► Buyer Seller Meets

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Technotex 2015- Event report

Technotex 2015 - Introduction Organizers

Ministry of Textiles Government of India

International Conference & Exhibition

Partner States

Indian Technical Textiles Industry: Challenges and Opportunities

Government of Gujarat

09-11 April, 2015 BEC, Mumbai EXHIBITION HIGHLIGHTS • • • •

One of the focused exhibition Technical Textiles in India 161 companies participated as Exhibitors Country Pavilions from Taiwan and China International Participants from Taiwan, China, Japan, UK, Sweden, Switzerland,, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Italy & USA • 6581 business visitors attended the exhibition

Knowledge Partner

CONFERENCE HIGHLIGHTS • 325 Delegates attended the Conference. • CEO’s Forum with the Hon’ble Minister of State for Textiles, GOI • Exclusive sessions on Challenge & Opportunities & Strategies to Build Global Competitiveness for Indian Technical Textiles Industry, and Buyer’s Perspective- Defence, Medical, Security, Rail, Road, Agriculture & Sports Institutions • Institutional Buyers (Indian Air Force, Navy & Army, CRPF, CISF, AFMS, Central Railway, BRO, SAI, CPWD, DGQA, etc) • Exclusive Buyers Sellers Meetings

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Government of Karnataka

Technotex 2015- Event report

Introduction to Technotex 2015 ► Technotex 2015 was the fourth international conference-cum-exhibition jointly organized by FICCI and Ministry of Textiles to promote the international technical textiles sector. ► Government of Gujarat and Karnataka were partnering states in the event and NTC was the supporting organisation. ► The event theme was “Indian Technical Textiles Industry: Challenges and Opportunities” ► Technotex 2015 attracted senior-level participation from domestic and international industry and governments. ► The event was inaugurated by Shri Santosh Kumar Gangwar, Minister of State for Textiles (Independent Charge), Government of India and knowledge paper on “Strategies to Build Global Competitiveness for Indian Technical Textile Industry” was released. Page 5

Technotex 2015- Event report

Introduction to Technotex 2015 - Event Format Schedule of the Event Day 1 April 09, 2015 1000 – 1055 hrs Inaugural Session • Welcome address by Shri Shishir Jaipuria, Chairman - Textiles & Technical Textiles Committee, FICCI and MD, Ginni Filaments Ltd • Introduction of i-TUFS by Smt Kiran Soni Gupta, Textile Commissioner, GOI • Launching of i-TUFS by Shri Santosh Kumar Gangwar, Hon’ble Minister of State for Textiles (Independent Charge), Government of India • Theme address by Shri Mohan Kavrie, MD, Supreme Group • Industry Perspective by Shri Pramod Khosla, CMD, Khosla Profil Pvt Ltd • Address by Shri Swadhin Kshatriya, Chief Secretary, Government of Maharashtra • Address by Shri Sanjay Kumar Panda, Secretary, Ministry of Textiles , GoI • Address by Shri Govindas Konthoujam, Hon’ble Minister for Commerce & Industries, VET/SERI), Government of Manipur • Address by Smt Gokula Indira, Hon’ble Minister of Handloom & Textiles, • Government of Tamil Nadu • Address by Shri Santosh Kumar Gangwar, Hon’ble Minister of State for Textiles (Independent Charge) , Government of India and Release of the Knowledge Paper • Vote of Thanks by Shri Vinay Mathur, Deputy Secretary General, FICCI 1100 – 1140 hrs Inauguration of Exhibition by Shri Santosh Kumar Gangwar, Hon’ble Minister of State for Textiles (Independent Charge) , Government of India 1145 – 1245 hrs Interactive CEOs Forum with Shri Santosh Kumar Gangwar, Hon’ble Minister of State for Textiles (Independent Charge) , Government of India Page 6

Technotex 2015- Event report

Introduction to Technotex 2015- Event Format 1200 – 1300 hrs Presentation by DRDO & Mangalore SEZ Ltd 1400 – 1515 hrs Session I - Challenge and Opportunities for Indian Technical Textiles Industry Moderator: Mr U K Gangopadhyay, Executive Director, The Synthetic & Art Silk Mills Research Association (Sasmira) 1530 – 1645 hrs Session II – Strategies to Build Global Competitiveness - Creating A Roadmap for Indian Technical Textiles Industry Moderator: Mr Prashant Agarwal, Co-Founder & Joint Managing Director, Wazir Advisors Day 2 April 10, 2015 1000 – 1115 hrs Session III - Buyer’s Perspective- Defence, Medical & Security Institutions Moderator: Dr Arindam Basu, Director General, NITRA 1130 – 1245 hrs Session IV - Buyer’s Perspective- Rail, Road, Agriculture & Sports Institutions Moderator: Dr Sharad Mhaiskar, Dean, MPSTME 1330 – 1445 hrs Session V - Value Creation through Innovation Mr Avinash Mayekar, Managing Director & CEO, Suvin Advisors Pvt Ltd

Buyer Seller Meetings are conducted after each session

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Technotex 2015- Event report

Introduction to Technotex 2015 - Event Sum-up

No of Exhibitors

• 161 companies participated as Exhibitors. There was Separate Taiwan and China Pavilion in the Exhibition. Government of Gujarat and Karnataka were the Partner States. Government of Rajasthan also showcased their potential in the sector.

No of Delegates

• 325 Delegates attended the Conference

State Level Delegation

No of Speakers

• State Delegates from Maharashtra, Karnataka, Gujarat, Rajasthan and Andhra Pradesh attended the exhibition • 40 Speakers addressed the delegates and made presentations

International Participants

• Representation from Taiwan, China, Japan, Switzerland, UK, Sweden, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Italy and USA

No of Business Visitors

• 6581 business visitors attended the Exhibition during the three days

No of B2B/ G2B Meetings

• 48 one to one meetings between Institutional buyers and sellers of Technical Textiles

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Technotex 2015- Event report

Agenda ► Introduction ► Inaugural Session ► Interactive CEO Forum ► Exhibition Overview ► Day 1: Conference Session 1 & 2 ► Day 2: Conference Session 3, 4 & 5 ► Technical Textile Product Show ► Buyer Seller Meets

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Technotex 2015 - Inaugural session ► Technotex 2015 inagural session was held in Hall 2, Bombay Exhibition Centre, Goregon, Mumbai and Mr Shishir Jaipuria, Chairman – Textiles and Technical Textiles Committee, FICCI delivered the Welcome address. ► Smt Kiran Soni Gupta, Textile Commissioner, Government of India, introduced the iTUFS scheme and described it as a step towards accountability of the authorities and empowerment of the people. ► Shri Santosh Kumar Gangwar, Hon’ble Minister of State for Textiles (Independent Charge), Government of India launched a computerised software programme called i-TUFS. The software will provide online tracking of applications, and give units information about the status of their subsidy claims. ► Mr Mohan Kavrie, Managing Director, Supremo Group delivered the theme address on ‘Indian Technical Textiles Industry: Challenges and Opportunities’. He said that more and more companies should enter in this sector as the Indian government providing good support. ► The industry perspective was provided by Mr Pramod Khosla, CMD, Khosla Profil Pvt Ltd. While thanking the government for its efforts, he felt that a lot more needs to be done both by the government and the industry if India has to achieve its potential on the world map. Page 10

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Technotex 2015 - Inaugural session ► Shri Swadheen Kshatriya, Chief Secretary, Government of Maharashtra, in his address he assured the gathering that the Government of Maharashtra is working hard to ease the process of setting up businesses. He also disclosed that a technical textile unit would be ready for commissioning very soon in Amravati and called upon more technical textile investors to consider investing in Maharashtra. ► Shri Sanjay Kumar Panda, Secretary, Ministry of Textiles, Government of India, described the world as “one driven by technology.” He said that goods and services of high quality should be made available at competitive prices. “Technical textiles is a new addition to the textile industry,” he observed, discussing its importance and highlighting the road map laid by the Central Government for ‘Make in India’ with emphasis on speed, scale and zero defects. He said that we need to explore how technical textiles can be exploited for achieving this objective. ► Shri Govindas Konthoujam, Minister for Commerce and Industries (VET/SERI), Government of Manipur, also addressed the gathering on the occasion. He said that the field of technical textiles is vast and expansive and it will not be possible for a single organisation to provide the necessary support services.Hence, he felt, several support service centres must be set up at several locations across the country. He also called for closer interaction between the technical textile industry and the users of their products, such as doctors and engineers. Page 11

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Technotex 2015 - Inaugural session ► Smt Gokula Indira, Minister of Handloom and Textiles, Government of Tamil Nadu, described her state as leading in the textile industry. It is the first in spindling and yarn manufacture, second in powerlooms and gives employment to about eleven lakh people. “The handloom sector being the largest cottage industry in Tamil Nadu, contributes 46 percent of the total production of the country,” she informed the packed house. The state, with its long coastline of 1056 km, makes it very easy for investors to have textile parks there, and she said the state government was keen on creating policies to make it easy to set up technical textile industries there.

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Technotex 2015 - Inaugural session ► Shri Santosh Kumar Gangwar, Minister of State for Textiles (Independent Charge), Government of India, while inaugurating the 4th Technotex 2015 Said that this year, India’s technical textile business is close to Rs 1 crore, in contrast, the international market stands at Rs 17 lakh crore. This is the potential of the technical textile sector, which the minister described as clearly a sunrise sector. • Shri Gangwar also indicated that the government was keen that all stakeholders join together to take the industry forward. He also disclosed that Prime Minister Narendra Modi is also taking interest in the textile industry, particularly in the north eastern states, where the government has invested Rs 427 crore in technical textiles. They also plan to give a boost to the apparel and garment industry in the region. • Describing the textile industry as a great employment generator, he observed that people are interested in textiles in any part of the country, and pledged his ministry’s support to the industry to make progress. • He said that, under SITP scheme government has already announced 20 new textile parks. Page 13

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Technotex 2015 - Inaugural session

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Technotex 2015- Event report

Agenda ► Introduction ► Inaugural Session ► Interactive CEO Forum ► Exhibition Overview ► Day 1: Conference Session 1 & 2 ► Day 2: Conference Session 3, 4 & 5 ► Technical Textile Product Show ► Buyer Seller Meets

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Technotex 2015 - Interactive CEOs Forum ► Post the inaugural session, a interactive roundtable meeting of CEOs from leading companies in technical textiles sector was organized with Minister of State for Textiles, Government of India. The agenda of the roundtable session was to discuss how to accelerate the usage of the technical textiles and promote the investment of this sector in India. ► Participants of the CEO Round table Conference are enlisted below: ► Shri Santosh Kumar Gangwar, Minister of State for Textiles, Government of India ► Smt Gokula Indira, Minister of Handloom & Textiles, Government of Tamil Nadu ► Shri Govindas Konthoujam, Minister for Commerce & Industries, VET/SERI), Government of Manipur ► Shri Sanjay Kumar Panda, Secretary, Ministry of Textiles, Government of India ► Shri Sujit Gulati, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Textiles, Government of India ► Smt Kiran Soni Gupta, Textile Commissioner, Government of India ► Shri Sunil Porwal, Additional Chief Secretary, Government of Maharashtra ► Shri Shishir Jaipuria, Chairman- FICCI Textiles and Technical Textiles Committee and Managing Director, Ginni Filaments Ltd ► Shri P C Vaish, Chairman & MD, National Textile Corporation Page 16

Technotex 2015- Event report

Technotex 2015 - Interactive CEOs Forum ► Shri Aloke Banerjee, Director Marketing, National Textile Corporation ► Dr Chandan Chatterjee, Advisor, iNDEXTb ► Dr R Raju, Commissioner for Textile Development & Director of Handlooms & Textiles, Government of Karnataka ► Mr Mohan Kavrie, Managing Director, Supreme Group ► Shri Pramod Khosla, Managing Director, Khosla Profil Pvt Ltd ► Mr Y. K. Kusumgar, Chairman, Kusumgar Corporates ► Mr Sushil Kapoor, President & CEO (Technical Textiles Business), SRF Ltd ► Mr. Khurshed Thanawala, Chairman & MD, Oerlikon Textile India Pvt Ltd ► Mr Milind Hardikar, Executive Director-Advanced Textiles, Welspun India Ltd ► Mr K S Sundraraman, Executive Director, Shiva Texyarn Ltd ► Mr Balvinder Singh Kalsi, President, DuPont South Asia ► Shri Anil Rajvanshi, Sr. Executive Vice President, Reliance Industries Ltd ► Mr M V Subbarao, President, Garware Wall Ropes ► Mr G V Aras, Director, ATE Enterprises Pvt Ltd ► Mr. Amit Agarwal, Managing Director, CTM Geosynthetics ► Ms Shashi Singh, Executive Director, ITTA ► Mr Rakesh Mehra, Chairman, SRTEPC ► Mr Prashant Agarwal, Co-Founder & Joint Managing Director, Wazir Advisors ► Shri R K Vashisht, Under Secretary, Ministry of Textiles ► Shri Ajay Pandit, Director, Office Textile Commissioner, Ministry of Textiles Page 17

Technotex 2015- Event report

Technotex 2015 - Interactive CEOs Forum After the inaugural address a session “Interactive CEOs Forum with Shri Santosh Kumar Gangwar, Minister of State for Textiles, Government of India” was arranged by FICCI for the industry to voice their concerns and the kind of support they look forward to from the Government. The key points are highlighted as follows. ► Mr Santosh Kumar Gangwar, Minister of State for Textiles (Independent Charge), Government of India, called upon the industry to level with the government about their various problems. He assured them full support from the government. ► Mr Mohan Kavrie, MD, Supremo Group, observed that a proper mechanism is required for distribution of funds under TUFS. The payments take very long to get cleared, and this creates a real problem for the smaller companies. This problem will lead to a sick industry and should find solution as soon as possible. ► Mr Yogesh Kusumgar called for a road map of how the industry has grown in the three important segments of commodities, customised commodities and niche markets. “Niche markets can bring glory to the country and ‘make in India’ can be fulfilled,” was his view. Page 18

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Technotex 2015 - Interactive CEOs Forum ► Mr Sushil Kapoor, who is a manufacturer of flame retardant products, wanted to know how the safety standards will be implemented. He felt that just having laws and standards is not sufficient, it is their implementation that is more important. Other panellists agreed, saying that in the absence of a strong law people will not spend even a little more for safety. Hence ventures will not be profitable. Ms Shashi Singh also called for proper rules regarding what workers wear in factories. She requested the government to pass the pending amendment regarding that law soon. Indian manufacturers are forced to export their products because currently there is no domestic market. She also felt that these safety products fulfil a social need, and so should be included in a company’s CSR activities. ► A panellist felt that the policy regarding technical textiles should be kept separate from that of textiles. While the textile sector is a very large industry, the technical textile industry is still an upcoming one. Hence it is important for the government to help it get its own identity.

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Technotex 2015 - Interactive CEOs Forum ► Another panellist felt that geotextile manufacturers are not getting a proper platform to project themselves. Hence they are forced to become export oriented. A manufacturer of agro textiles felt that currently the demand is not enough to justify large investment. This is where the government can help in providing clarity and guidance to improve demand. Larger demand will encourage investment and bring in better quality. Another point made was that the fibre is priced at a higher market in India than in the international market. Hence the upstream fibre manufacturing sector is competitive, but the downstream sector has the problem of conversion. Today, converted products from China are imported at low prices in India. Hence manufacturers have a problem in this regard.

► Mr Sanjay Kumar Panda, Secretary, Ministry of Textiles, Government of India, assured the forum that the government is seized of these issues. In a federal structure, the states also have a good share of funds to make things happen. The government will see how the textile policy can be tweaked for technical textiles; an on going exercise will be initiated in this regard.

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Technotex 2015 - Interactive CEOs Forum •

Responding to some of the constraints cited by the panellists, Mr Sanjay Kumar Panda said, “we are a democracy, we cannot just run the country by making rules. They need implementation. That varies from state to state. The most important thing is to make the industry acceptable to the people.” The minister also reiterated his full cooperation before the session drew to a close.

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Technotex 2015 - Interactive CEOs Forum

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Technotex 2015- Event report

Agenda ► Introduction ► Inaugural Session ► Interactive CEO Forum ► Exhibition Overview ► Day 1: Conference Session 1 & 2 ► Day 2: Conference Session 3, 4 & 5 ► Technical Textile Product Show ► Buyer Seller Meets

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Technotex 2015 - Exhibition Overview

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Technotex 2015 - Exhibition Overview ► ► ► ► ►

161 companies participated as Exhibitors The exhibition area - 10,000 sq. mtrs. Country Pavilions from Taiwan and China Partner States - Gujarat and Karnataka Over 6581 business visitors attended the Exhibition during the three days ► Exhibition had a simultaneous conference, which ensured a ready access to the target audience for the exhibitors

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Technotex 2015- Event report

Agenda ► Introduction ► Inaugural Session ► Interactive CEO Forum ► Exhibition Overview ► Day 1: Conference Session 1&2 ► Day 2: Conference Session 3, 4 & 5 ► Technical Textile Product Show ► Buyer Seller Meets

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Day 1: Presentations by DRDO and Mangalore SEZ ► Parallel to the Interactive CEO Forum, there were presentation by the DRDO and Mangalore SEZ which was moderated by Mr. Avinash Mayekar, MD & CEO, Suvin Advisors Pvt Ltd. ► The speaker for the this session were: •

Dr Anurag Srivastava, Group Director (Textile), Defence Materials & Stores Research & Development Establishment (DMSRDE), DRDO, presented on the research activities on the key application areas of technical textiles specially for Defence, forthcoming focus of research on future textiles, in terms of products requirement of DRDC, procurement process and expectations from industry.

Mr Ravinder Sethi, Market Development Consultant, Mangalore SEZ ltd, presented on the technical textile market potential and its growth drivers and brief about the Mangalore SEZ and invited technical textiles companies to set up their units in this SEZ.

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Day 1: Presentations by DRDO and Mangalore SEZ ► Q&A: ► Professor Ramkumar asked Dr Anurag Srivastava about how can SME can work with the DRDO for the niche products? -

Dr Anurag Srivastava informed that we are working with the SME for some of the products and we look forward to have more SME companies come and shared with us their issues to supply their products.

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Day 1: Session I Challenge and Opportunities for Indian Technical Textiles Industry ► After the CEO forum, the first session was on Challenge and Opportunities for Indian Technical Textiles Industry was chaired by Mr U K Gangopadhyay, Executive Director, SASMIRA. ► The speakers and their topics of discussion are listed below: ► Mr Sushil Kapoor, President & CEO (Technical Textiles Business), SRF Ltd global and Indian technical textile industry and he said that innovation will drive this industry and also emphasised on what we need to do for development of domestic industry, which is key to growth. ► Mr Milind Hardikar, Executive Director-Advanced Textiles, Welspun India Ltd presented about 3D Printing and its opportunity in textiles, commercial developments and its future scope and value creation in textile and fashion industry. ► Mr Tiru Kulkarni, Vice President & CEO - GEO Division, Garware Wall Rope Ltd briefed about the opportunities and challenges of geosyntetics in Coastal and River and Railway applications and also briefed case study of coastal protection work at Pentha village

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Day 1: Session I Challenge and Opportunities for Indian Technical Textiles Industry ► Mr Agnel Pereira, Head Innovation, Saertex India Pvt Ltd briefed about the advantages and challenges and developments of the glass, aramid, and carbon fabrics. ► Q&A ► Dr Seshadri asked about the absence of converting sector in India ? -

Mr Kapoor explained that this is particularly because we are technology driven rather than consumer driven and still no investment in happening in converting sector in India.

► Mr Sen Sharma from Pulcra Chemicals asked which type of polymers can use for 3D printing? -

Mr Hardikar said that it does not use the natural fibres but any polymers or thermoplastic which can pass through the printer can be used for 3D printing.

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Day 1: Session II Strategies to Build Global Competitiveness - Creating A Roadmap for Indian Technical Textiles Industry ► The session was on Strategies to Build Global Competitiveness - Creating A Roadmap for Indian Technical Textiles Industry moderated by Mr Prashant Agarwal, CoFounder & Joint Managing Director, Wazir Advisors. ► The speakers and their topics of discussion are listed below: ► Dr Chandan Chatterjee, Adviser (Project & Technology), iNDEXTb Ltd breifed about the hoe implementation of the any policy is difficult rather than formulation. Although, we have the online process but continues interaction with the industry and institution is more important for the government. ► Dr R Raju, Commissioner for Textile Development & Director of Handlooms & Textiles, Government of Karnataka briefed about their new textile policy and subsidies and scheme and invited textile companies to invest in the Karnataka. ► Mr G V Aras, Director, ATE Enterprises talked about the hurdles of marketing technical textile products and their markets in future. Need of Joint venture with over seas companies which can provide the knowhow of marketing the products. ► Mr Umasankar Mahapatra, Technical Director, Arvind Ltd talked briefed about their products and how they overcame the hurdles they faced about raw material availability and supply chain demand, standards etc Page 31

Technotex 2015- Event report

Day 1: Session II Strategies to Build Global Competitiveness - Creating A Roadmap for Indian Technical Textiles Industry ► Mr M K Talukdar, Vice President, Kusumgar Corporates said that to sustain in the market we need to have wide spectrum of the technical textile products. Need full integration under one roof to compete in the global market. ► Mr Kurien Pothen, Global Marketing and Sales Head – Non Woven, Birla Cellulose talked about the strategies should adopt by the companies to become globally competitive. ► Q&A ► Mr Gupta from Ved international asked about the uses of disposable linens in railways? -

Mr Pothen said that it could either cotton or Polypropylene based nonwovens used, but as we are manufactures of viscose, we recommend that the same.

► Mr Shravan, New entrepreneur asked about is either any experts or technical textiles incubators available to guide the new entrepreneurs? -

Dr Raju said Karnataka government providing such opportunities to new entrepreneurs and also gave information about the two relative schemes. Mr Pothen also add that we are working with converters in the same line. Dr Chatterjee also told that Gujarat has the scheme for the same. Page 32

Technotex 2015- Event report

Agenda ► Introduction ► Inaugural Session ► Interactive CEO Forum ► Exhibition Overview ► Day 1: Conference Session 1&2 ► Day 2: Conference Session 3, 4 & 5 ► Technical Textile Product Show ► Buyer Seller Meets

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Day 2: Session III Buyer’s Perspective- Defence, Medical & Security Institutions ► The session was moderated by Dr Arindam Basu, Director General, NITRA. ► The speakers and their topics of discussion are listed below: ► Air Vice Marshal R P George, AVSM, Assistant Chief of Air Staff (Logistics), Air HQ (VB), Indian Air Force gave the introduction of technical clothing used by the Indian Air Force. ► Group Captain S K Yadav, JD Procurement, Air HQ, Indian Air Force gave presentation about the specifications and procurement process in the Indian Air Force. ► Group Captain H K Gore, Commanding officer, Indian Air Force gave the presentation on technical products & applications used in the Indian Air Force. ► Lt General Ravi Thodge, AVSM, SM, VSM, Master General Ordnance, Indian Army said that Indian Army expect quality, reliability, timeliness from the industry. We are absolutely used e-procurement and transparent and open system. He said that there will be new defence procurement policy very soon. He welcomed the support of the textiles industry and looking the Make In India is very successful. ► Brig PNA Narayanan, DDG EM (GSTC), Indian Army gave the presentation on the budget allocated for the procurement of technical textile items and which types of products they procure and the expectation from the industry. Page 34

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Day 2: Session III Buyer’s Perspective- Defence, Medical & Security Institutions ► Capt Arvind Vadhera, DCV, Indian Navy gave the presentation on usage of the protective textiles used by the Indian Navy and their allocated budget, expectation from the industry and BIS and projects underway. ► Brig J S Yadav, Brig (Med), Director General Armed Forces Medical Services (DGAFMS) presented about the requirement of medical textiles for armed forces. He also presented the specification expectations of AFMS across various products. ► Dr Mahendra Gangurde, Addl. Chief Medical Director, Medical Department, Central Railway gave presentation about the textile products procure by Central Railway and their annual budget, vendors, tendering process and also welcomed more Indian manufactures to supply the product to them. ► Q&A session ► Mr. Ravi Shankar, from K’s Consultancy, asked how can be innovation rewarded in the procurement process of defence. Brig PNA Narayanan, from the panel responded that hope the new revised guidelines will cover this area. RADM A K Saxena said that Indian Navy have the procedure of developmental but that also has some basic specification. Air Vice Marshal R P George said that they have RFI (Request for information) process in which the vendors which want to sell the innovative product to Indian Air Force can take part. Page 35

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Day 2: Session III Buyer’s Perspective- Defence, Medical & Security Institutions ► Mr. S J Rao from Garware Wall Ropes, asked about the possibility where Industry can present their innovative products or get the exact idea about need of defence sector. Air Vice Marshal R P George said that every year IAF participate in AeroIndia show where you can have the idea about our all products demand and also there are various seminar where all the Defence force take part where they informed to industry about their needs. ► Mr. Rajendra Joshi from Pragati Enterprises asked what are the main hurdles in making “High Altitude Clothing” in India. Lt General Ravi Thodge said that they are trying to indigenize this product and few vendors have been shortlisted for further development.

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Day 2: Session IV Buyer’s Perspective - Rail, Road, Agriculture & Sports Institutions ► The session on Buyer’s Perspective - Rail, Road, Agriculture & Sports Institutions was moderated by Dr Sharad Mhaiskar, Dean, MPSTME. ► The speakers and their topics of discussion are listed below: ► Col N M Chandarana, VSM, Commandant, GREF Centre (Pune), Border Roads Organisation made a presentation about the major on-going road construction projects and yearly targets, challenges faced by BRO and thus the solution required, requirement of Personnel clothing, Special and Extra cold climate clothing, way forward for collaboration between Industry and BRO and said that Need to include subject in the curriculum at Graduation level of Engineering. ► Dr K M Soni, Chief Engineer, Western Zone-I (Mumbai), Central Public Works Department outlined the various application of Geosynthetic in railways and roads, its benefits and the market size of it. And also talked about the Indian standards and procurement procedures. ► Shri R K Naidu, Director, Sports Authority of India presented the perspective of its organization and products procure by SAI and its market size. He also share the specifications required by them for sport wear and procurement process of SAI.

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Day 2: Session IV Buyer’s Perspective - Rail, Road, Agriculture & Sports Institutions ► Mr U K Gangopadhyay, Executive Director, The Synthetic & Art Silk Mills Research Association (Sasmira) briefed about the agro textile products and usage, market size and potentials, buyers’ perspective for selecting agro textiles, Standards on agro textiles and supply chain for products. ► Mr M K Bardhan, Director, Wool Research Association briefed about the sport textiles and its market size product wise, problems to be addressed and opportunities in the Indian market. ► Mr P Raman, Sr Commandant, CISF gave a introduction of CISF and provides tailor made solutions and consultancies, safety security, man power assessment to the companies. He explained about the demand and usage of technical textiles products by CISF. He also shared that they needed water proof and water repellent fabrics, antibacterial fabrics and most important FR fabrics for their clothing. ► The above presentations threw light on a wide variety of topics from usage of geosynthetics and agro textiles and sport textiles in different applications and various success stories, to requirement of large institutional buyer’s like CPWD, BRO and SAI their procurement needs, processes and challenges they face in procurement and finally the expectations of these institutional buyers from Indian manufacturers. Page 38

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Day 2: Session V Value Creation through Innovation ► The final technical session of the conference was on the, ‘Value Creation through Innovation’ moderated by Mr Avinash Mayekar, MD & CEO, Suvin Advisors Pvt Ltd. ► The speakers and their topics of discussion are listed below: ► Mr Avinash Mayekar, Managing Director & CEO, Suvin Advisors Pvt Ltd introduced about the subject and brief about the new innovations and technology in the technical textiles industry and future of textiles industry. ► Dr David Randall, New Business Development Director, PIL Membranes Ltd gave the presentation on Films and Membranes for Textile and Garment Applications and Membranes for Different Market Segments and its specifications. ► Dr Seshadri Ramkumar, Professor, Nonwovens & Advanced Materials Laboratory, Texas Tech University presented the research in technical textiles by their lab. He emphasized that there is need of the awareness on the technical textiles converted sector. ► Mr Jacob Kutty, Country Manager, Hohenstein India Pvt. Ltd presented what they do and what and how they do in the area of innovation and value addition.

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Day 2: Session V Value Creation through Innovation ► The above presentations were a mix of innovations, new developments and initiatives in the technical textiles sector from changing needs and challenges of buyers to advancement of technology. Providing newer and simpler products which can create new and profitable business opportunities. ► Q&A Session: ► Mr Suresh Iyer from technicaltextiles.net asked Dr Seshadri whether your product (Cotton Sandwiched with carbon) can be used in effluent treatment. Dr Seshadri responded that this product can be for all type of filtration purposes and it also cheaper. ► Mr Kishor Tuteja, Entrepreneur from Nagpur asked about the usages of low grade cotton and waste in garment industry in technical textile applications. Dr. Seshdri told that automotive industry is using this type of natural composites products. ► One of audience asked whether the cotton waste can be used for this type of products and Dr Ram Kumar said that blow room, carded waste and comber waste can be used for this products.

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Agenda ► Introduction ► Inaugural Session ► CEO Roundtable ► Exhibition Overview ► Day 1: Conference Session 1&2 ► Day 2: Conference Session 3, 4 & 5 ► Technical Textile Product Show ► Buyer Seller Meets

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Technical Textiles Product Show

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Agenda ► Introduction ► Inaugural Session ► CEO Roundtable ► Exhibition Overview ► Day 1: Conference Session 1&2 ► Day 2: Conference Session 3, 4 & 5 ► Technical Textile Product Show ► Buyer Seller Meets

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Buyer-Seller Meetings: Day I Post Session I DRDO Dr Anurag Srivastava Group Director (Textile), DMSRDE Phone: 0512-2453428 [email protected]

Alok Industries Ltd Mr Bhavesh Somani Deputy Manager (Garments) +91 9619161016 [email protected]

About the organisation: Defence Research & Development Organisation (DRDO) works under Department of Defence Research and Development of Ministry of Defence. DRDO dedicatedly working towards enhancing self-reliance in Defence Systems and undertakes design & development leading to production of world class weapon systems and equipment in accordance with the expressed needs and the qualitative requirements laid down by the three services.

Key discussion points ► Mr. Somani gave Dr Srivastava a brief about Alok Industries and enquired about Coast Guard’s requirements and relevant contacts to establish business links. ► Mr. Somani showed Dr Srivastava new developed fabric particularly for the defence, NBC suit, and activated carbon fabrics. ► Dr Srivastava shown interest in the some of the products of the Alok industries and told Mr Somani they would need the poncho and requested for few samples.

Lucky International Mr Nitin Rathod +91 9619942565 [email protected]

► Mr Rathod shared as to what all products does Lucky international and specially PVC fabrics of 2.5mtr width. ► In response, Dr Srivastava said that they usually need this type fabrics for certain applications and would definitely contact Lucky international for this in future.

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Buyer-Seller Meetings: Day I Post Session I DRDO

Key discussion points

Dr Anurag Srivastava Group Director (Textile), DMSRDE

Laxmi Technical Textiles Pvt Ltd Ankit Ganeriwal Director

► Mr. Ganeriwal showed knits polo-neck shirts made out of different material in military print to Dr Anurag Srivastava. ► Mr. Ganeriwal wanted guidance to get along with government orders, Dr Srivastava guided him and gave the information how to became the supplier to DRDO.

+91 982 123 8876 [email protected]

Garware Wall Ropes Mr Siddheshwar Wankhede

► Mr Wankhede showed their product to Dr Srivastava usually used for the defence. ► Dr Srivastava showed interest in Kevlar based inflated structure for the tent. He said this product would be very useful for defence and would like discuss more about it.

+91 9324276442

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Buyer-Seller Meetings: Day I Post Session I DRDO

Key discussion points

Dr Anurag Srivastava Group Director (Textile), DMSRDE

Ginni Nonwovens Mr Sudeep Agarwal AGM-Marketing +91 9717340590 [email protected]

► Mr. Agarwal showed and brief about their products to Dr Anurag Srivastava. ► Mr. Agarwal wanted guidance to get along with government orders and asked about the relevant contacts. ► In response, Dr Srivastava guided him and gave the information how to became the supplier to DRDO.

Khosla Profil Pvt Ltd Mr Rahul Bajaj, Director +91 9819624999 [email protected]

► Mr Bajaj showed their product offering to Dr Srivastava. He also discussed about the online tendering process with Dr Srivastava and said that EMD can be only applicable for the final vendor selected by the DRDO. ► Dr Srivastava said that this is the common practice of the Government and difficult to change.

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Buyer-Seller Meetings: Day I Post Session I DRDO

Key discussion points

Dr Anurag Srivastava Group Director (Textile), DMSRDE

Supreme Nonwoven Mr Prayag Bodade +91 22 25208822 [email protected]

► Mr. Bodade showed and brief about their products to Dr Anurag Srivastava. ► Mr. Agarwal wanted guidance to get along with government orders and asked about the relevant contacts. ► In response, Dr Srivastava shared the relevant contacs.

NTC Mr Vinu Nair Assistant Manager (Marketing)

► Mr Nair showed their product offering to Dr Srivastava. ► Dr Srivastava told him that they need the poncho over jacket garments and gloves for high altitude. ► Mr Nair said that they manufactured the 3 layer gloves specially for high altitude and would a shared more information through emails about it.

+91 11 24362592

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Buyer-Seller Meetings: Day I Post Session I Western Railway Mr. Ravinder Bhakar Dy. Chief Materials Manager (G) Phone: 022-22030163 Mobile: +91 9004490761 [email protected]

Alok Industries Ltd Mr Bhavesh Somani Deputy Manager (Garments) +91 9619161016

[email protected]

About the organisation: The Western Railway is one of the 17 zones of Indian Railways, and is among the busiest railway networks in India. The major railway routes of Indian Railways which come under Western Railways are: Ratlam - Mumbai Central, Ahmedabad - Mumbai and Palanpur Ahmedabad. The railway system is divided into six operating divisions: Vadodara, Ahmedabad, Rajkot, Bhavnagar, Ratlam and Mumbai

Key discussion points ► Mr. Somani gave Mr. Bhakar a brief about Alok Industries and enquired about WR’s requirements and relevant contacts to establish business links. Mr. Bhakar responded that WR is currenlty looking for procurement of Flame Retardant fabrics for the purpose of curtains etc. ► Mr. Bhakar also shared relevant contacts of personnel within Western Railway who are responsible for procurement, with Mr. Somani.

Khosla Profil Pvt. Ltd Mr Gurmeet Singh, AGM, Marketing (Industrial Fabric) +91 99676 44507 [email protected] [email protected]

► Mr. Gurmeet SIngh shared as to what all products does Khosla Profil manufacture and gave a brief introduction about the company. ► In response, Mr. Bhakar shared that the WR is currently looking to procure tarpaulins, conveyor belts etc.

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Buyer-Seller Meetings: Day II Post Session III Indian Army Lt General Ravi Thodge & Brig PNA Narayanan MGO’s Branch Phone: 011-23015934 Email: [email protected]

About the organisation: The Indian Army is the land-based branch and the largest component of the Indian Armed Forces. The President of India serves as the de-jure Commander-in-Chief of the army While the de-facto leadership lies with Minister of defense and it is commanded by the Chief of Army Staff (COAS), who is a four-star general.

Key discussion points Garware Wall Ropes Mr S J Rao Associate Vice President +91 20 30780297 [email protected]

► Garware wall ropes showed their product such as Canvas tank (water tank) / aerostat ► Lt General Ravi Thodge said they need dust proof and ecofriendly fabrics ► Garware stressed upon the need to shift from existing cotton to polyester and their capability to manufacture those products indigenously. ► Lt General Ravi Thodge stressed upon the need of product shown to have shear resistance , abrasion resistance, breathability in adverse environment.

Welspun India Ltd Mr Arvind Rao Asst. Manager +91 9769900281 [email protected]

► Since the Welspun make the home textiles products, Lt General Ravi Thodge told them about requirement of 20 lakh towels. Earlier the towels were sourced from khadi development corporation but now it is open for every player in the market. ► The specification would be put online soon.

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Buyer-Seller Meetings: Day II Post Session III Indian Army Lt General Ravi Thodge MGO’s Branch

Key discussion points Khosla Profil Pvt Ltd Mr Rahul Bajaj, Director +91 9819624999 [email protected]

► Both of them discussed upon the need for indigenous manufacturing and the relevance of “Make in India Campaign”. ► Lt General Ravi Thodge stated that army wants manufacturers, who will not compromise on product quality. He also stressed upon the initiatives taken to make procurement procedure more effective and transparent by implementing e-tendering procedure, uploading specifications online.

Alok Industries Ltd Mr Bhavesh Somani Deputy Manager (Garments) +91 9619161016 [email protected]

► Mr. Somani gave brief to Lt General Ravi Thodge about their products and enquired about Indian Army’s requirements and relevant contacts to establish business links. ► Lt General Ravi Thodge highlighted the need for 35 lakh mt cloth, and stressed upon the quality requirements.

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Buyer-Seller Meetings: Day II Post Session III Indian Army Lt General Ravi Thodge MGO’s Branch

Key discussion points Kusumgar Corporates Mr Nitesh Mittal Sr. Manager-Technical Institutional Sales +91 9987267008 [email protected]

► Kusumgar showcased their high altitude clothing wear. Lt General Ravi Thodge mentioned that they require much lighter product. ► The Tyre removing auto socks displayed is a replacement for metal chains which are used for removing vehicles which are stuck in snow. Kusumgar highlighted that the product is very effective and has a life of two years. Lt General Ravi Thodge told them to supply the product for user testing. ► Lt General Ravi Thodge enquired about disposable dead body covers made up of nonwovens.

NTC Mr Vinu Nair Assistant Manager (Marketing)

► NTC showcased their all products to Lt General Ravi Thodge. ► Lt General Ravi Thodge told that they are looking for high altitude clothing which will be light in weight. ► Lt General Ravi Thodge said that they are trying to indigenize this product, and few vendors have been shortlisted for further development.

+91 11 24362592

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Buyer-Seller Meetings: Day II Post Session III Indian Army

Key discussion points

Lt General Ravi Thodge MGO’s Branch

Pragati Enterprises Dr. Rajendra Joshi +91 22-28887447 [email protected]

► Dr Joshi asked about the main hurdles in making “High Altitude Clothing” in India, since we are making so many high tech items in India, then why this was being imported from Europe, via the China route ► Lt General Ravi Thodge expressed that they are trying to indigenize this product, and few vendors have been shortlisted for further development. ► Lt General Ravi Thodge also shared information about Membrane based Hitech Clothing.

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Buyer-Seller Meetings: Day II Post Session III Indian Air Force Group Captain Harshad K Gore Mobile: +91 9999394629 [email protected]

About the organisation: The Indian Air Force is the air arm of the Indian armed forces. Its primary responsibility is to secure Indian airspace and to conduct Aerial warfare during a conflict. The President of India Pranab Mukherjee serves as the ex-officio Commander-in-Chief of the IAF. The Chief of Air Staff, an Air Chief Marshal (ACM), is a four-star commander and commands the Air Force.

Group Captain S K Yadav Mobile: +91 9871248370

Arvind Ltd Mr Avinash Misar, CEO +91 2764 395780 +91 8980 000315 [email protected]

Lucky International Mr Nitin Rathod +91 9619942565 [email protected]

Key discussion points ► Mr. Misar gave Mr. Gore a brief introduction about Arvind Ltd. and the advanced materials division at Arvind Ltd. ► Mr. Gore responded that IAF is currently looking for procurement of Flame Retardant garments with better quality adherence as compared to the ones being procured currently.

► Mr. Rathod gave Mr. Gore a brief introduction about Lucky International and the products from the Sioen International. He informed Mr. Gore about the utilities of the products and their special features. ► Mr. Gore responded that Directorate of Madhya Pradesh for IAF needs such materials ad Works Directorate of IAF also procures such items and the company should connect with those entities for the purpose.

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Buyer-Seller Meetings: Day II Post Session III Indian Air Force

Key discussion points

Group Captain Harshad K Gore

Cooptex Government of Tamil Nadu Mr. T. N. Venkatesh (IAS) M.D., COOPTEX

► Mr. Venkatesh informed Mr. Gore about the fabrics that COOPTEX manufactures and can supply to the IAF. He also informed that Cooptex is currently supplying to numerous government establishments across the country. ► Mr. Gore nformed that Cooptex may connect with Director General Medical Services for IAF for hospital procurement ► For procurement of personnel clothings Cooptex may connect with headquarter maintenance Command, Vayu Sena Nagar, Nagpur and Chief Logistics Officer for IAF at Chennai.

CSTRI Dr. Naveen Padaki

► Dr Padaki explained Mr Gore about their research on the silk in their institute. ► Both were discussed about utilization of silk on parachute fabric ► Bothe exchange their contact details for further interaction.

+91 9880333002 [email protected]

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Buyer-Seller Meetings: Day II Post Session III Key discussion points Indian Air Force Group Captain Harshad K Gore

Alok Industries Ltd Mr Bhavesh Somani Deputy Manager (Garments) +91

9619161016 [email protected]

Garware Wall Ropes Mr S J Rao Associate Vice President +91 20 30780297 [email protected]

► Mr. Gore responded that IAF is currently looking for procurement of Flame Retardant garments with better quality adherence as compared to the ones being procured currently and they also need camouflage nets, tents, balloons and parachutes, etc. ► Mr Somani showed the samples of defence uniform which has 50 washes stability with teflon and they also have FR and antibacterial finishes. They are working to meet the demand of 100 washes stability for this fabrics.

► Mr Rao showed their products offering to Mr Gore such as geosynthetics, ropes, covers, flexible fuel tanks and water tanks, etc. ► Mr. Gore tell that IAF needed the tents and camouflage nets and Garware wall ropes can send more details of this product to him. ► Bothe exchange their contact details for further interaction.

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Buyer-Seller Meetings: Day II Post Session III DGQA Mr C B Pandey JAG (NFSG) SQAO SQAE (General Store) +91 7738099745 [email protected]

Alok Industries Ltd Mr Bhavesh Somani Deputy Manager (Garments) +91 9619161016 [email protected]

About the organisation: The Directorate General of Quality Assurance (DGQA) is under Department of Defence Production, Ministry of Defence. This organisation provides Quality Assurance (QA) cover for the entire range of Arms, Ammunitions, Equipment's and Stores supplied to Armed Forces. Apart from QA activities, the organisation is responsible for import substitution and associates with Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) in the development projects. It also ensures Documentation, Codification and Standardisation Action for minimizing the variety of components / equipment.

Key discussion points ► Alok industries is an existing supplier to the DGQA. The meet began with a discussion on the new products required by the DGQA such as Camouflage nets, tents and balloons and parachutes etc. ► Mr Somani showed the latest developed fabric samples to Mr Pandey.

Arvind Ltd Mr Avinash Misar, CEO +91 2764 395780 +91 8980 000315 [email protected]

► Arvind ltd introduced its product profile and technology to DGQA. ► Mr Pandey was shown interest in some of the designs and requested for the detailed information and informed that he will get in touch with Arvind Ltd in case any opportunity shows up in the future.

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Buyer-Seller Meetings: Day II Post Session III DGQA

Key discussion points

Mr C B Pandey JAG (NFSG) SQAO SQAE (General Store)

Khosla Profil Pvt Ltd Mr Rahul Bajaj, Director

► The meet began with a discussion on the new products required by the DGQA such as Camouflage nets, tents and balloons and parachutes etc. ► Mr Pandey suggested that to supply this product to Defence, they have to regisred wioth the DGQA. He explained the procedure for the vendor registration to Khosal Profil. ► Bothe exchanged their contacts for further interaction..

+91 9819624999 [email protected]

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Buyer-Seller Meetings: Day II Post Session III Armed Forces Medical Supplies (AFMSD) Brig. J S Yadav Email: [email protected]

Ginni Nonwovens Mr Sudeep Agarwal AGM – Marketing +91 97173 40590 [email protected]

About the organisation: The AFMS is the largest health care delivery system in the country. It provides comprehensive health care to serving armed forces personnel, their families and dependents, numbering approximately 15 lakh and medical stores for 1 about 27 lakh veterans . The Directorate General of Armed Forces Medical Services (DGAFMS) is the controlling authority of AFMS. The Armed Forces Medical Stores Depots (AFMSD) functions under the direct control of DGAFMS.

Key discussion points ► Mr Agarwal showed and explained their products specially about disposables to Brig. J S Yadav ► Both were discussed about wounded and dead body carrier bags. Brig. J S Yadav requested for samples of the both. ► AFMS wanted to use dead body carrier bags as a carrier for contagious disease infected bodies. ► Further contact details of buyer was shared for further interaction.

Hohenstein India Mr Jacob Kutty & Mr Tejas +91 22 26823561 [email protected]

► Mr Tejas gave the brief introduction about their companies and testing to Brig. J S Yadav ► Bothe were discussed about the testing protocols. ► Further contact details of buyer was shared for further interaction.

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Buyer-Seller Meetings: Day II Post Session III Key discussion points Armed Forces Medical Supplies (AFMSD) Brig. J S Yadav

Welspun India Ltd Mr. Puneet Singh

► Mr Singh showed their products to Brig. J S Yadav. ► Both were discussed about the disposable wound care and home care wipes. ► Brig. J S Yadav requested for few samples and specifications of the products.

+91 9910610891 [email protected]

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Buyer-Seller Meetings: Day II Post Session III Central Railway Dr Mahendra Gangurde Addl. Chief Medical Director Medical Dept, Central Railway +91 22 23791895 Email: [email protected]

About the organisation: ► The Central Railway is one of the largest of the 17 zones of Indian Railways. The central railway covers a large part of the state of Maharashtra and small part of Southern Madhya Pradesh and North-Eastern Karnataka. The Medical Department of Central Railway provides comprehensive health care to its employees both serving and retired and their families.

Key discussion points

Ginni Nonwovens Mr Sudeep Agarwal AGM-Marketing +91 9717340590 [email protected]

Welspun India Ltd Mr Arvind Rao Asst. Manager Mob: +91 9769900281 Email: [email protected]

► Mr Agarwal informed about all the product lines they have and shared contact details with representatives from Central Railway. ► Mr Agarwal showed the new wipes recently produced by their company. Dr Gangurde showed interest in wipes and wadding products from Ginni.

► Welspun informed the representatives from Central Railway that Welspun India Ltd. manufactures nonwoven fabrics such as wipes, hygiene nonwovens, disposable bed sheets etc. ► Dr Gangurde asked about the costing of the disposable bed sheets and also requested to sent some samples to their office. ► Dr Gangurde also enquired about the disposable linen and gown for their hospitals.

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Buyer-Seller Meetings: Day II Post Session III Central Railway

Key discussion points

Dr Mahendra Gangurde

Garware Wall Ropes Mr S J Rao Associate Vice President +91 20 30780297 [email protected]

► Mr. Rao informed Dr Gangurde about the complete product line offerings from Gareware Wall Ropes. ► Dr Gangurde showed interest Tents. He said it can be very useful for them while working in the remote areas. This type of tent will reduce the timing. ► Dr Gangurde invited Garware Wall Ropes to come and present about their products to the organisation.

Precot Meridian Mr S Sridhar Manager MarketingNonwovens

► Mr. Sridhar informed Dr Gangurde about the complete product line offerings from Precot Meridian which mainly for medical and hygiene care. ► Dr Gangurde said most of this products their hospitals are using, so Precot Meridian can send some samples to their departments.

+91 9994401411 [email protected]

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Buyer-Seller Meetings: Day II Post Session III Central Railway

Key discussion points

Dr Mahendra Gangurde

Birla Cellulose Mr Rahul Bansal General Manager

► Mr. Bansal informed Dr Gangurde about the products offerings from Birla cellulose. ► Dr Gangurde asked about the wipes produced by Birla Cellulose. Both discussed about the Kara wipes later.

+91 22 61957700 [email protected]

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Buyer-Seller Meetings: Day II Post Session IV Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) Mr P Raman & Ms Shipra Shrivastava +91 022 27762012 [email protected]

Alok Industries Ltd Mr Bhavesh Somani Deputy Manager (Garments) +91 9619161016 [email protected]

About the organisation: The CISF is the largest industrial security force in the world, came into existence in 1969 and it is directly under the federal Ministry of Home Affairs. The CISF provides security cover to 300 industrial units and other establishments located all over India. CISF is just a unique organization in paramilitary forces for India, which works for sea ways, airways and some of the major installations in India.

Key discussion points ► Mr Somani explained various segments Alok Industries has done work in and suggested that a visit of CISF personnel to the Alok Industries office where they can showcase their designs, innovations and offerings would help both parties. Mr Somani also requested relevant contacts within CISF which were duly shared with him by Mr Raman. ► Mr. Raman shared that they needed water proof and water repellent fabrics, antibacterial fabrics and most important FR fabrics for their clothing. ► Mr Raman also said that CISF also provides tailor made solutions and consultancies, safety security, man power assessment to the companies.

011-26811691 Laxmi Technical Textiles [email protected]

Pvt Ltd Mr Ankit Ganeriwal Director

► Mr. Ganeriwal showed knits polo-neck shirts made out of different material to Mr Raman. ► Mr. Ganeriwal wanted guidance to get along with government orders, Mr Raman gave the relevant contacts.

+91 982 123 8876 [email protected]

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Buyer-Seller Meetings: Day II Post Session IV Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) Mr P Raman & Ms Shipra Shrivastava

Key discussion points Welspun India Ltd Mr. Puneet Singh +91 9910610891 [email protected]

► Mr Singh showcased their products to Mr Raman and Ms Srivastava and explained specially their medical products for Security Guards. ► Mr Singh requested relevant contacts within CISF which were duly shared with him by Mr Raman. ► Mr Raman also said that CISF also provides tailor made solutions and consultancies, safety security, man power assessment to the companies. ► Mr. Raman shared that they needed water proof and water repellent fabrics, antibacterial fabrics and most important FR fabrics for their clothing.

Arvind Ltd Mr Avinash Misar, CEO +91 2764 395780 +91 8980 000315 [email protected]

► Mr. Misar Showed their FR garments specially for the defence and para military forces. to Mr Raman and Ms Ms Srivastava . ► Mr. Raman shared that they needed water proof and water repellent fabrics, antibacterial fabrics and most important FR fabrics for their clothing. ► Mr Raman also said that CISF also provides tailor made solutions and consultancies, safety security, man power assessment to the companies.

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Buyer-Seller Meetings: Day II Post Session IV Central Industrial Security Force (CISF)

Key discussion points

Mr P Raman & Ms Shipra Shrivastava

Garware Wall Ropes Mr S J Rao Associate Vice President +91 20 30780297 [email protected]

► Mr Rao showcased their products to Mr Raman and Ms Srivastava such as ropes. ► Mr. Raman shared that they needed water proof and water repellent fabrics, antibacterial fabrics and most important FR fabrics for their clothing. ► Mr Raman also said that CISF also provides tailor made solutions and consultancies, safety security, man power assessment to the companies.

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Buyer-Seller Meetings: Day II Post Session IV Border Roads Organisation (BRO) Col N M Chandarana, VSM, Commandant Mobile: 8551056111 Email: [email protected]

About the organisation: The Border Roads Organisation (BRO) maintains roads that serve the borders areas of India. The BRO faces environments like the icy Himalayan mountaintops, the marshes of West Bengal, and the deserts in Rajasthan. The BRO builds and maintains roads at high altitude; Some of the BRO roads are built as high as 5,608 metres (18,399 ft) above mean sea level. BRO has operations in twenty-two states, including the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, a union territory.

Key discussion points VED International Mr. Kapil Gupta Mobile: 9812509117

Laxmi Technical Textiles Pvt Ltd Ankit Ganeriwal Director

► Exchange of co-ordinates was done along with brief introduction. Mr. Gupta mentioned about capacity of Ved international as a Blanket and textile manufacturer . ► Col N M Chandarana briefed Mr. Gupta the about how to get along with government orders. He also asked for a catalogue with list of different products along with prices. ► He mentioned that estimations are very important so that the costs can be budgeted and eventually orders can be placed. Further Mr. Gupta agreed to send out a catalogue and touch base with BRO on a later date.

► Mr. Ganeriwal showed Col N M Chandarana knits polo-neck shirts made out of different material in military print. ► Mr. Ganeriwal wanted guidance to get along with government orders, Col N M Chandarana suggested to submit the open tenders with credentials.

+91 982 123 8876 [email protected]

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Buyer-Seller Meetings: Day II Post Session IV Border Roads Organisation (BRO) Col N M Chandarana,VSM, Commandant

Pragati Enterprises Dr. Rajendra Joshi +91 22-28887447 [email protected]

Garware Wall Ropes Mr. Siddheshwar Wankhede +91 9324276442

Key discussion points ► Exchange of co-ordinates was done along with brief introduction. Dr Joshi mentioned about capacity of Pragati enterprises. ► Both were discussed on automatic tunnelling machines and use of geosynthetics in various situation.

► Representatives from Garware wall Ropes informed Col N M Chandarana about the product line manufactured. ► Discussed over the products of the company that can withstand and can be useful for typical site specific issues like Swastik project in Kalimpong or Deepak project in Manali. ► Utilization of nets to prevent landslides and other geosynthetic materials for road construction were discussed over.

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Buyer-Seller Meetings: Day II Post Session IV Border Roads Organisation (BRO)

Key discussion points

Col N M Chandarana,VSM, Commandant

Kusumgar Corporates Mr. Nitesh Mittal +91 9987267008

► Exchange of co-ordinates was done along with brief introduction. Mr Mittal mentioned about capacity of Kusumgar Corporates. ► Both were discussed on specialty clothing's.

[email protected]

Times Fiberball Mr. Sumit Mall Marketing Head

► Mr Mall briefed about their products to Col N M Chandarana such as Nonwoven geotextiles, Geobags etc. ► Both agreed to meet some time later to have more discussion to associate with each other.

+91 9830081804 [email protected]

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Buyer-Seller Meetings: Day II Post Session IV About the organisation:

Sports Authority of India Shri R K Naidu Director Mobile: 8527837789 Email: [email protected]

The field arm of the Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports, Sports Authority of India (SAI) supports & nurtures talent in youth, and provides them with requisite infrastructure, equipment, coaching facilities & competition exposure through its sports promotional schemes. Presently, it has 7 regional centres at Bangalore, Bhopal, Gandhinagar, Kolkata, Sonepat, Delhi, Mumbai & Imphal & two sub-centres at Guwahati & Aurangabad. Netaji Subhas National Institute of Sports, Patiala, the Lakshmibai National College of Physical Education, Thiruvananthapuram are the major sports institutes run by this body. It has also a High Altitude Training Centre at Shillaroo, Himachal Pradesh.

Key discussion points Garware Wall Ropes Mr. Siddheshwar Wankhede +91 9324276442

► Shri R K Naidu stressed upon the requirement of nets for different sport activities. He mentioned about the specification requirements and procedures. ► Garware displayed different shade nets which are manufactured by them and the potential areas where they can be used. ► Shri R K Naidu highlighted the requirement of sail cloth for sporting activities. ► Shri R K Naidu inquired about knitted fabrics used in shoes and coated fabrics for stadium awnings.

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Buyer-Seller Meetings: Day II Post Session IV About the organisation:

Central Public Works Department Dr K M Soni Chief Engineer, Western zone – I (Mumbai) [email protected]

Central Public Works Department of India (CPWD, is a central government owned authority in charge of public sector works. The CPWD under the ministry of urban development, builds and maintains public buildings. CPWD came into existence in July, 1854 when Lord Dalhousie established a central agency for execution of public works and set up Ajmer Provincial Division. It has now grown into a comprehensive construction management department, which provides services from project concept to completion, and maintenance management.

Key discussion points Garware Wall Ropes Mr. Siddheshwar Wankhede +91 9324276442

Times Fiberball Mr. Sumit Mall Marketing Head +91 9830081804 [email protected]

► Dr K M Soni enquired about the soil dynamics with respect to geo-synthetics used in track railway, drainage system, landfilling and filtration. ► Garware showcased all woven PP, PE materials of different GSM ► Dr K M Soni enquired about the capabilities of high strength PP and PET in Roadway applications. ► Garware displayed different geo-membranes manufactured by them. They also described the procedures used in laying of geo-membranes. ► Textiles used for costal protection and its effectiveness were also elaborated.

► Mr Mall briefed about their products to Dr Soni such as Nonwoven geotextiles, Geobags. ► Dr K M Soni enquired about the capabilities of high strength PP and PET in Roadway applications. ► Mr Mall asked about their tendering process and how to become their supplier. In response, Dr Soni provided the information regarding this to Mr Mall.

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Ministry of Textiles