Sep 24, 2015 - SC Professional Development Event Schedule â Fall 2015. Page 1 of 5. EVENT SCHEDULE. FALL 2015. COMING
EVENT SCHEDULE FALL 2015 COMING ATTRACTION – SPRING 2016 Book in Common Educating a Diverse Nation Lessons from Minority-Serving Institutions By Drs. Marybeth Gasman and Clifton Conrad In an increasingly diverse United States, minority and low-income students of all ages struggle to fit into mainstream colleges and universities that cater predominantly to middle-income and affluent white students fresh out of high school. Anchored in a study conducted at twelve minority-serving institutions (MSIs), Educating a Diverse Nation turns a spotlight on the challenges facing nontraditional college students and highlights innovative programs and practices that are advancing students’ persistence and learning. The Book in Common series will consist of one drop-in open house for book pick up, and five brown-bag lunch meetings of approximately one hour each (lunch meetings are FLEX eligible) scheduled on Fridays throughout the Spring 2016 semester. More information will follow… Sponsored by: The Office of Access and Equity, EOPS/DSPS, and the Professional Development Committee
National Preparedness Month
09/24/15 Thursday 10:00-11:30 AM
WEBINAR (1.5 Hours)
Managing Disruptive Classroom Behavior: Strategies for Creating A Safe & Dynamic Learning Environment
Room: 2204 2200 Building
Whether you’ve been teaching for 20 years or you just started in the profession, there’s always the possibility that you will have a student in your class whose behavior is disruptive. Disruptive classroom behavior not only interferes with teaching and learning, but it can also have a negative impact on classroom civility and the overall enjoyment of the learning experience. The best classroom management strategy is to prevent disruptions before they occur. Participants of this webinar will learn strategies for creating and sustaining a dynamic learning environment PLUS effective methods for early intervention AND MINIMIZING PROBLEMS WHEN THEY FIRST OCCUR. We will also explore basic principles related to classroom management and learn a variety of strategies for managing disruptive behavior. Click here for more information>> Training provided by: Innovative Educators
SC Professional Development Event Schedule – Fall 2015
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9/30/15 Wednesday 9:00-10:00 AM
WEBINAR (1 Hour)
How to Effectively Support Multiple Bosses You need a system — a way to make sure that you understand each boss’s needs and are able to support individual goals. You have to prioritize multiple projects; effectively communicate your other obligations; and do it all while making sure nobody’s feeling slighted, neglected, or left out of the loop. And you need a way to make sure your bosses are communicating when their directions and demands conflict — so you don’t get stuck in the middle! In How to Effectively Support Multiple Bosses, we’ve boiled down the essentials into a powerful one-hour webinar. The strategies and techniques you’ll learn will be the best of the best — the ones that, like your supervisors, will have an immediate and positive impact on your career. Click here for more information>>
Room: Board Room 100 Building
Training provided by: National Seminars
Breast Cancer Awareness Month Bullying Prevention Month
10/02/15 Friday 11:30 AM12:30 PM
WEBINAR (1.0 Hour)
TITLE BROWN BAGGER WEBINAR Coaching Skills – Beyond Basic Supervision
Are you struggling with employee engagement? Do you wonder what motivates your team? Do you want to help your exceptional employees realize their full potential? You’re not alone. Countless managers struggle every day with those same issues. Every day managers work with divided teams, problem players and frustrated top performers. You have the will and desire to make a difference – but lack the tools and know how. The goal is to inspire or weed out the weak links, guide and develop your stars and build strong, cohesive bonds among the members of your team. You want to go beyond just supervising them and possess the tools to coach your staff to success. Click here for more information>>
Room: Board Room 100 Building Feel free to bring your lunch!
Training provided by: Fred Pryor Seminars - CareerTrack
10/08/15 Thursday 11:30 AM1:00 PM
WEBINAR (1.5 Hours)
BROWN BAGGER WEBINAR Bullying in Academia: Prevention and Response
Room: Board Room 100 Building
Feel free to bring your lunch!
Gain a better understanding of what workplace bullying in academia involves and the legal issues triggered. Learn how to create an environment that minimizes the risk of bullying Take away strategies for effectively responding when a problem arises. Identify the early warning signs when bullying begins to move toward the possibility of workplace violence Learn practical steps necessary to deal with potentially dangerous employees
Training provided by: PaperClip Communications
SC Professional Development Event Schedule – Fall 2015
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10/23/15 Friday 1:30-3:00 PM
WEBINAR (1.5 Hours)
Frontline Staff: Strategies for Defusing & Responding to Difficult and Disruptive People On a daily basis, frontline staff are asked to respond to and manage disruptive customers, challenging parents, a flood of questions, rude behavior, and it seems these interactions are only increasing over time. This webinar is designed to examine real-life situations with disruptive people and identify realistic alternatives that can improve outcomes and interactions. We will help you learn how to defuse difficult situations and create positive service experiences — for the person you are serving, and you! Click here for more information>>
Room: Board Room 100 Building
Training provided by: PaperClip Communications
10/27/15 Tuesday 12:00 PM
BROWN BAGGER TED Talk Roselinde Torres: What it Takes to be a Great Leader The world is full of leadership programs, but the best way to learn how to lead might be right under your nose. In this clear, candid talk, Roselinde Torres describes 25 years observing truly great leaders at work, and shares the three simple but crucial questions would-be company chiefs need to ask to thrive in the future.
Room: Board Room 100 Building Feel free to bring your lunch!
American Indian Heritage Month Veteran’s Day
11/05/15 Thursday 2:00 PM
WEBINAR (1.5 Hours)
Understanding the New Non-Traditional Student: Supporting Their Success In & Out of the Classroom
Room: Board Room 100 Building
Colleges are so caught up with trying to anticipate the needs of their incoming Millennials and technology-savvy freshmen that sometimes the greatest population of students—the majority in many colleges—is overlooked. This group of students, between the ages of 26 and 30, are “adult” learners who are baffled by college jargon. They are unemployed adults who are serious about their education. They are parents trying to determine how they fit into classes filled with recent high school graduates. They are veterans, baby boomers that cannot afford to retire, unemployed degree holders looking for retraining, refugees, international students, and immigrants. This webinar will examine the characteristics of today’s “21st Century Learners,” including their life experiences, knowledge base, family circumstances, and professional commitments outside of the college setting. Participants will learn how to best support this group of students in and out of the classroom by reviewing their current needs. Click here for more information>> Training provided by: Innovative Educators
SC Professional Development Event Schedule – Fall 2015
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11/12/15 Thursday 12:00 PM
WEBINAR (30 Minutes)
With over 900,000 apps for the iPhone and over a million apps for Android, it can be hard to determine which ones are worth your time. Find out the most popular (and useful) apps for work when you attend this 30-minute webinar.
Room: Board Room 100 Building Feel free to bring your lunch! 11/17/15 Tuesday 1:00 PM
BROWN BAGGER WEBINAR: The Most Popular Smartphone Apps for Work
Training provided by: National Seminars
WEBINAR (1 Hour)
Survive the 10 Toughest Conversations Every Supervisor Dreads In today's workplace, many employees seem to be guided only by their own personal standards. With the variety of personalities and philosophies that are brought together in any organization, supervisors and managers have a tough job on their hands. It can be very challenging — even uncomfortable — to confront employees about certain issues. If you find yourself dreading these conversations or putting them off, you are not alone.
Room: Board Room 100 Building
Learn not only how to address these critical situations and endure the toughest conversations, but also how to end each encounter on a positive note. This 1-hour Webinar will equip you with the communication strategies and confrontation management skills you need to survive and thrive as a successful manager. Click here for more information>> Training provided by: Fred Pryor Seminars - CareerTrack
12/03/15 Thursday 2:00 PM
WEBINAR (1.5 Hours)
Room: Board Room 100 Building
TITLE Generation Z on Your Campus: Meeting the Needs of the Next Generation – Respond to New Expectations & Characteristics Short attention span Digital. Digital. Digital.
Expect speedy response
FOMO – Fear of Missing Out
These are just a few of the new characteristics your campus needs to consider as you adapt your services and systems to respond to the next student generation coming through your doors — Generation Z. Your Gen Z students are savvy consumers of social media, never knowing a world without computers or cell phones. You face a very difficult challenge in connecting to this new generation and in identifying new student behaviors you will likely start seeing more often. Join our presenters where you will learn how to engage the Generation Z student community. We will position you with tools and resources to give this future generation what they need and offer a forecast for what your campus can do now to prepare today. Click here for more information>> Training provided by: PaperClip Communications
SC Professional Development Event Schedule – Fall 2015
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12/04/15 Friday 12:00 PM
WEBINAR (1 Hour)
WEBINAR (1 Hour)
What's the secret to unlocking the creativity hidden inside your daily work, and giving every great idea a chance? Harvard professor Linda Hill, co-author of "Collective Genius," has studied some of the world's most creative companies to come up with a set of tools and tactics to keep great ideas flowing — from everyone in the company, not just the designated "creatives."
Room: Board Room 100 Building Feel free to bring your lunch! 12/10/15 Thursday 3:00 PM
BROWN BAGGER TED Talk Linda Hill: How to Manage for Collective Creativity
How to Manage, Train and Motivate the Change-Resistant Employee There's no doubt about it, change can be stressful, frustrating and confusing for anyone … but some employees seem to be particularly set in their ways. If you deal regularly with people who are resistant, apathetic, negative or just plain suspicious of anything new, we can help! We've created an exciting new webinar designed specifically to address the needs of managers, supervisors and team leaders who are faced with change-resistant employees. With the solutions, ideas and tools you'll learn in this webinar, you'll be well-prepared to gain cooperation and buy-in from even the most unmanageable of employees. Click here for more information>> Training provided by: Fred Pryor Seminars - CareerTrack
12/11/15 Friday 12:00 PM Room: Board Room 100 Building Feel free to bring your lunch!
BROWN BAGGER WEBINAR Simple, Quick & Stress-Free Organization Strategies If you’re like most professionals, struggling to keep your work space and projects organized can be extremely stressful and time-consuming. You’ve got 101 things on your plate for the day, and taking the time to place everything in an organized file (or in its place) isn’t exactly a priority on your list. But imagine how much more efficient your workdays would be if you were able to quickly find paperwork in a flash — the frantic file search would be eliminated. Your ability to remain organized as you juggle a variety of projects, deadlines, and duties would enable you to perform your job more easily and with less stress! Click here for more information>> Training provided by: National Seminars
FREE WEBINARS Innovative Educators offers free webinars on topics applicable to all staff. To view a list of free webinars, click here>>
SC Professional Development Event Schedule – Fall 2015
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