Exact FCFS matching rates for two infinite multi-type sequences Ivo Adan∗
Gideon Weiss†
September 2, 2011
Abstract Motivated by queues with multi-type servers and multi-type customers, we consider an infinite sequence of items of types C = {c1 , . . . , cI }, and another infinite sequence of items of types S = {s1 , . . . , sJ }, and a bipartite graph G of allowable matches between the types. We assume that the types of items in the two sequences are i.i.d. with given probability vectors α, β. Matching the two sequences on a first come first served basis defines a unique infinite matching between the sequences. For (ci , sj ) ∈ G we define the matching rate rci ,sj as the long term fraction of (ci , sj ) matches in the infinite matching, if it exists. We describe this system by a multi-dimensional countable Markov chain, obtain conditions for ergodicity, and derive its stationary distribution which is, most surprisingly, of product-form. We show that if the chain is ergodic, then the matching rates exist almost surely, and give a closed form formula to calculate them. We point out the connection of this model to some queueing models. Keywords: Service system; first come first served policy; multi type customers and servers; infinite bipartite matching; infinite bipartite matching rates; Markov chains; product-form solution. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 60J10; Secondary 90B22; 68M20.
In its early days queueing theory modeled single-type indistinguishable customers being served by single-type indistinguishable servers. Next came models with multi-type customers, first studied in priority queues, later in queueing networks. Many unexpected phenomena were discovered in the study of multi-class queueing networks. Multi-type servers were modeled through parallel servers, serving parallel queues, or different queues in a queueing network. Recently though the need to consider the interaction of multi-type customers with multi-type servers has come up in the modeling of various applications. In this paper we will study multi-type customers, of types {c1 , . . . , cI } each of which requires a single service, provided by multi-type servers, of types {s1 , . . . , sJ }, with overlap of service capabilities. Here each type of customer ci has a subset of suitable server types, S(ci ) the servers of ci , and each type of server can serve a subset of ∗ Department
of Mechanical Engineering, Eindhoven University of Technology, P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, the Netherlands; email
[email protected] Research supported in part by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO). † Department of Statistics, The University of Haifa, Mount Carmel 31905, Israel; email
[email protected] Research supported in part by Israel Science Foundation Grants 454/05 and 711/09, hospitality of the Newton Institute on Mathematics is gratefully acknowledged.
customer types, C(sj ) the clients of sj — this is best described by the bipartite graph G with an edge (ci , sj ) whenever sj and ci are compatible. These multi-type customer multi-type server models take into account the special needs of customers as well as the aptitudes and capabilities of the servers, but the main interest here is in the flexibility of providing individually tailored service while still allowing for cooperation and pooling of the servers, through the overlap of the client and server subsets. We mention several types of applications which illustrate these concepts. Consider a machine shop with several machines, and orders for jobs of several types. It is often possible to perform each type of job on more than one of the machines, and each machine may be capable of performing several types of jobs. This situation is, for example, seen in semiconductor manufacturing, where parallel lithography workstations process a mix of wafers. Although the lithography workstations are functionally identical, each of them may be equipped with a subset of process recipes only. This makes them dissimilar in their capability to process a mix of wafers; see e.g. [17]. Another example is mounting of vertical electronic components on printed circuit boards by parallel insertion machines, each of which may be loaded with a different subset of components; see e.g. [20]. There are many questions of scheduling, efficient use of the machines, quality of service to various types of jobs, and accounting of costs, which can be posed in this model. We refer to it as the manufacturing model. Consider next a service center, which accepts a stream of calls for services of various types and these are sent to agents according to a skill based routing mechanism. Here questions of quality: availability of service, preferential treatment, prevention of abandonment, and questions of efficiency: timely staffing, correct mix of skills, and flexible routing are very challenging; see e.g. [9, 3]. We refer to this as the call center model. The manufacturing model and the call center model both have a fixed set of servers, machines or agents, each of which alternates between active/utilization periods and idle/availability periods. A different situation exists in a travel depot in which vehicles collect passengers along different routes — here the vehicles as well as the customers arrive into the depot in two seemingly random streams. Each arriving vehicle offers a choice of destinations along its route, and each passenger has a destination which lies on several of the routes. Arrivals spend some time waiting at the depot, a vehicle for a suitable passenger, a passenger for a suitable vehicle, and then they depart. There is no fixed server population, and there are no service/utilization periods here, and the role of servers/vehicles and customers/passengers is symmetric. A model of this type is suitable for shipping lines on the one hand, and for communication networks on the other hand, and we refer to it as the traffic model. It is simpler than the manufacturing or the call center models, in that it has no service times, and its primitives are two arrival streams which are not influenced by the subsequent interaction between them. A fourth kind of a multi-type server multi-type customer application is presented by what we will refer to as the infinite matching model. A classic example was studied by Kaplan [10, 11]: in the city of Boston families entitled to public housing list their preferred housing projects, and are offered housing from the chosen projects when they become available. Again here the families and houses arrive randomly and once matched they leave the system and do not return within the time horizon of interest. Here it is the sequence of matches which is of interest, irrespective of the time at which matches are made. Similar applications are the matching of adoptive parents to adopted children, the allocations of donated kidneys to patients, or simply the process of people of both genders looking for partners. This infinite matching model brings a further simplification, as the random arrival times are no longer part of the model, and one only studies the ordered sequences of customers and of servers of the various types. A major role in these four models, manufacturing, call center, traffic and infinite matching is played by the first come first served regime, FCFS, which is sometimes dictated by law (in
the Boston public housing example), by ethics and fairness (kidney transplants), by simplicity (call center) or by efficiency (manufacturing). Unfortunately the analysis of systems governed by FCFS is often very hard. The difficulty of these models is illustrated by the simple example of two machines with different processing speeds which are serving a single stream of customers. The utilization of the slower processor, and various results for FCFS are discussed by Kelly [12] and by Rubinovitch [13]. Further complications arise in the so called N model with two customer types and one specialized and one flexible server. This has been analyzed in great detail by Adan, Foley and McDonald [1], and the analysis is far from straight forward. An important performance measure for systems with multi-type customers and servers are the matching rates: how many customers of type ci are actually served by a server of type sj . It turns out that this is an extremely hard question to answer in most situations. We discuss these difficulties now. Consider first the manufacturing model, under FCFS. Let λci be the arrival rate of type ci customers, and µsj the service rate of machine sj . Matching rates will depend on the order at which servers of type sj become available and on the queues of customers of various types at those times. The behavior of these random quantities is fairly intractable. A desirable feature is that all the servers are utilized to the same extent, and this would indicate that they are pooling their resources to the maximal extent. If that is the case, then the fraction of time that P P each server is busy must be ρ = λci / µsj < 1. This implies that νci ,sj , the rate at which customers of type ci get served by server sj , will satisfy: X νci ,sj = λci , for all ci , sj ∈S(ci )
νci ,sj = ρµsj ,
for all sj .
ci ∈C(sj )
We call these the complete resource pooling equations for the manufacturing model. A more sophisticated condition is derived for the call center model by Talreja and Whitt [15]. They assume arrival and service rates as above, however they consider an overloaded system, with ρ > 1, and the system is stabilized by abandonments: Customers of type ci abandon the queue without service once their patience, distributed according to Fci , is exhausted. Under uniform acceleration (many server scaling) the system may exhibit global first come first served, so that on a fluid scale all customers that do not abandon are served after a common waiting time W , which is determined by X X µsj = λci (1 − Fci (W )) (2) and the complete resource pooling equations for the call center model are then: X νci ,sj = µsj , for all sj , ci ∈C(sj )
νci ,sj = λci (1 − Fci (W )),
for all ci .
sj ∈S(ci )
Similar complete resource pooling equations can be written for the traffic model, but one needs first to modify the model to make it stable, by assuming bounded buffers or abandonments. Whether these complete resource pooling equations hold as approximations or as limiting relations for the stochastic models is a largely unexplored question at the time of writing (in [18, 19] these questions are partly answered for the manufacturing model: a steady state distribution 3
is obtained, but it is not verified whether all servers are equally utilized). It seems that the traffic model with abandonments is simplest to analyze with a view to showing such results. However, even when the complete resource pooling equations are meaningful for the various types of models, the difficulty in evaluating the matching rates only starts. In all four models, there are three distinct possibilities: If there is no non-negative solution to the equations, then there is not enough overlap between the various server types, complete resource pooling is impossible, and these pooled matching rates cannot exist. If there is a unique non-negative solution, then the question of whether the stochastic system converges to these matching rates still remains, but the solution gives the only possible values. However, and this is where the difficulty lies, depending on the structure of the graph G, for many systems the equations have a convex polyhedral set of non-unique non-negative solutions. In such cases, the question of which is the right solution has been wide open until recently. It should be pointed out that while the set of possible solutions is a convex polyhedron, there are good reasons to rule out all the extreme point solutions, and it is therefore unlikely that the correct matching rates will be found by solving an optimization problem. The other alternative is to analyze the stochastic model directly. This seems to be very hard for the manufacturing, call center and traffic models, but as was pointed out recently [7], it is hopeful in the infinite matching case. This indeed is what we do in the current paper. Having discussed the background and motivation, and pointed out the difficulty of other approaches, we are now ready to first introduce our infinite matching model more precisely, second, to formulate our problem, and third, to state our results. As suggested by Caldentey, Kaplan and Weiss [7], we have an infinite sequence of customers, c1 , . . . , cN , . . . and of servers, s1 , . . . , sM , . . .. Customers are of types {c1 , . . . , cI }, servers are of types {s1 , . . . , sJ }, compatibility is defined through the bipartite graph G, with C(sj ), S(ci ) defined as above. A unique FCFS infinite bipartite matching is defined between the two sequences: customer cN is matched to the first server in the sequence that can serve it and that has not been matched to any of the customers c1 , . . . , cN −1 . Equivalently, server sM is matched to the first customer in the sequence that he can serve, and which has not been matched to any of the previous servers in the sequence. A third way to construct the matching is to add one pair of a server and a customer at a time, and to match those to the earliest unmatched customer or server that they find, or leave them unmatched, waiting for subsequent pairs. That all three methods result in the same unique infinite matching between the two sequences is at first glance maybe not obvious. It is in fact true and we prove it in Proposition 1 at the end of this section. Indeed, the roles of servers and customers in this model are completely symmetric. To define matching rates, we count for each N the number of (ci , sj ) matches created between c1 , . . . , cN and s1 , . . . , sN , and divide by N to get rcNi ,sj . We assume that the sequences of customers and servers are randomly generated. The types of customers are i.i.d. drawn from a probability vector α = (αc1 , . . . , αcI ), and the types of the servers are i.i.d. drawn from a probability vector β = (βs1 , . . . , βsJ ), with the two sequences independent. This defines a probability distribution on the matches, and in particular on rcNi ,sj . For given G, α, β we define the matching rates rci ,sj = limN →∞ rcNi ,sj if these limits exist almost surely. By the law of large numbers, if they exist, these matching rates must satisfy the following complete resource pooling equations for infinite matching: X rci ,sj = βsj , for all sj , ci ∈C(sj )
rci ,sj = αci ,
sj ∈S(ci )
for all ci .
S Let C,Sresp. S denote a subset of customer, resp. serverPtypes, and let S(C) = ci ∈C S(ci ), P C(S) = sj ∈S C(sj ), and let also αC = ci ∈C αci , βS = sj ∈S βsj . Caldentey, Kaplan and Weiss [7] have shown that the complete resource pooling equations have a non-negative solution if and only if the following condition holds: αC ≤ βS(C) , for all subsets C,
βS ≤ αC(S) , for all subsets S.
The proof is by formulating an appropriate maximum flow problem. Caldentey, Kaplan and Weiss [7] conjectured that the sharpened condition: αC < βS(C) , for all non trivial subsets C,
βS < αC(S) , for all non trivial subsets S,
is both necessary and sufficient for the existence of matching rates. Busic, Gupta and Mairesse [4] have shown that this sharper condition (5) is necessary for the existence of rates, and discussed some related models. To prove the conjecture, Caldentey, Kaplan and Weiss [7] suggested some Markovian descriptions for the infinite matching process, in which each successive server sN , or each successive pair cN , sN is matched. The idea was that once one can prove ergodicity of these Markovian models, then the matching rates, which are performance measures calculated from the process, will indeed exist almost surely, and will satisfy the complete resource pooling equations (4). Furthermore, if a stationary distribution of the Markov model can be obtained explicitly, then one would be able to calculate the matching rates explicitly from this stationary distribution. Using their Markovian description Caldentey, Kaplan and Weiss [7] proved that (5) is necessary and sufficient for ergodicity, and confirmed the conjecture, for some special types of graphs G, and calculated the matching rates for some of those. In a recent paper Busic, Gupta and Mairesse [5] used fluid methods to prove ergodicity under (5) for some similar models. Unfortunately, the Markovian model suggested in [7] to describe the FCFS infinite matching turns out to be intractable in general, and could therefore not be used to prove the conjecture in general or to calculate the rates. The main achievement in this paper is that we come up with a different Markov chain, which proves to be tractable. Using this new Markov chain, we give in this paper a complete analysis of the infinite matching model. On the question of convergence of the matching rates and conditions for such convergence we prove: Theorem 1. The quantities rcNi ,sj converge almost surely to unique matching rates rci ,sj , which satisfy the complete resource pooling equations (4), if and only if the condition (5) holds. Proof. The necessity of (4) was shown in [4]. The sufficiency is proved as follows: It is shown that the matching rates can be calculated as performance measures of a Markov chain (Theorem 4). Hence convergence follows from ergodicity of the Markov chain. It is shown that the Markov chain is ergodic if and only if the condition (5) holds (Theorem 3). The Markov chain which we use in this paper behaves like a multidimensional random walk with geomertrically distributed jumps. Such multi-dimensional random walks are seldom tractable. However it turns out that in our case it is tractable, and in fact it has a product-form stationary distribution. Our Markov chain is derived from a model used by Visschers et al. [18, 19] to describe the manufacturing model. Surprisingly, while the product-form in [18, 19] only holds under some very special conditions, it turns out to always hold in the infinite matching model. As is often the case with product-form solutions, once one chooses the right Markov chain, and guesses the product-form solution, the proof is quite straight forward. Notwithstanding this seeming simplicity, models that allow some form of a product-form solution are extremely useful, 5
since an explicit product-form stationary distribution allows the calculation of many performance measures of the system. Their discovery is almost always quite a surprise, especially because it is often counter intuitive, because a product-form indicates independence, where in fact no independence exists. Because of this contradictory flavor, the property of product-form always provides a lot of additional insight to the understanding of the system. Our formula to calculate the matching rates is very intuitive once we have it, though the actual calculation of the matching rates seems to be of high computational complexity. Nevertheless, exact values are easily obtained and manipulated for reasonable numbers of types (say up to 10 customer types and 10 server types). We hope that these results will provide insights and allow approximate evaluation of matching rates also for the manufacturing, call center, and traffic models. The rest of the paper is structured as follows: In Section 2 we define the Markov chain and derive its stationary distribution. In Section 3 we obtain formula (13) for the matching rates. In Sections 5 and 6 we explore the relationship between our model and the manufacturing type queueing system of Visschers et al. [18, 19] and the call center skill based routing type model of Whitt and Talreja [15]. Remark 1. We assume without loss of generality that in the graph G no two nodes have exactly the same connections. The reason is that our matching mechanism does not distinguish between such nodes. Therefore, if we have for example two server types s0 , s00 with C(s0 ) = C(s00 ), we will merge them to a single-type s and calculate the matching rates for the merged server type s with βs = βs0 + βs00 . Once we can calculate rs,c for any customer type c, we can retrieve rs0 ,c = ββss0 rs,c , rs00 ,c = ββss00 rs,c .
On the uniqueness of FCFS matching
We consider two infinite sequences, c1 , . . . , cM , . . . of customers of types c1 , . . . , cI , and s1 , . . . , sN , . . . of servers of types s1 , . . . , sJ . We assume that an infinite number of customers of each type and of servers of each type appear in these sequences. Let G be a bipartite graph between the types of customers and the types of servers. We say that (cm , sn ) are compatible if their types are connected on G, which we write as (cm , sn ) ∈ G. For the fixed subsequence of the first M customers and N servers we define a partial (M, N ) matching as a collection of matched compatible pairs of customers and servers, defined by: A = {(i, j) : 1 ≤ i ≤ M, 1 ≤ j ≤ N, (ci , sj ) ∈ G, each i and each j appears at most once}. Denote Ac = {i : (i, j) ∈ A}, As = {j : (i, j) ∈ A}. We say that a partial (M, N ) matching A is full if there are no unmatched compatible pairs left outside of A, i.e. {(i, j) : 1 ≤ i ≤ M, 1 ≤ j ≤ N, (ci , sj ) ∈ G, i 6∈ Ac , j 6∈ As } = ∅. We say that a partial (M, N ) matching A is FCFS if for every (i, j) ∈ A, if l < j, (ci , sl ) ∈ G, then there exists k < i such that (k, l) ∈ A and if k < i, (ck , sj ) ∈ G, then there exists l < j such that (k, l) ∈ A . Proposition 1. For every M, N there exists a full FCFS matching, and it is unique Proof. We prove this by induction on M, N . For (M, N ) = (1, 1), if (c1 , s1 ) ∈ G, then A = {(1, 1)}, else A = ∅. Clearly this is a full FCFS (1, 1) matching, and it is unique. 6
To prove existence, assume that a unique full FCFS matching exists for (M, N ), denoted by A. We will show how to extend it to (M, N + 1). The extension to (M + 1, N ) is analogous. We consider sN +1 and define i0 = arg min{i : 1 ≤ i ≤ M, i 6∈ Ac , (ci , sN +1 ) ∈ G}, if the set on the right hand side is not empty, and let A˜ = A ∪ {(i0 , N + 1)}. Else, if the set is empty, let A˜ = A. It is immediate to see that A˜ is full and FCFS: it is full, since the added sN +1 is either matched or has no match, and to check that it is FCFS, we need to check the condition only for sN +1 , but all ci compatible with sN +1 with i < i0 are matched to one of s1 , . . . , sN , so the condition holds. To prove uniqueness, assume that for all (M 0 , N 0 ) with M 0 < M, N 0 ≤ N or M 0 ≤ M, N 0 < N there is a unique full FCFS matching, and consider M, N . Assume that there are two full FCFS (M, N ) matchings and denote them by A, B. Define A˜ by removing sN , and if (i, N ) ∈ A for some i, then A˜ = A\{(i, N )}. It is immediate to see that A˜ is a full FCFS matching on (M, N − 1): If sN was not matched in A, then A and A˜ consist of the same pairs, so there is nothing to show, and if (i, N ) ∈ A, then after removal of sN , customer ci cannot have any match, since it was previously matched to sN , and so there is no earlier unmatched server that is compatible with ˜ analogously. By the induction hypothesis, since both A˜ and B ˜ are (M, N − 1) full it. Define B ˜ ˜ FCFS matchings, they must coincide, so A = B. It remains to consider pairs (i, N ) ∈ G, and see that the same ones appear in A and B, to show that A = B, and prove the uniqueness. If sN has no match in either A or B, there is nothing more to show, A = B. Assume that (i1 , N ) ∈ A. If sN has no match in B, then ci1 is unmatched, which contradicts the fact that B is full. If (i2 , N ) ∈ B, and i1 6= i2 , then we have a contradiction to the FCFS property. Hence A = B is proved. To construct an infinite matching we can proceed in many different ways, by extending a full FCFS (m, n) matching to either (m + 1, n) or (m, n + 1), and continuing letting both m, n → ∞ in any order. When any such construction reaches (M, N ), it does not matter in what order it was reached, by the uniqueness Proposition 1. Three specific ways to do this are described in [7] and are as follows: Match successive servers Start from (0, 1) matching. Then add customers till s1 is matched. You now have a full FCFS (m1 , 1) matching. Add a server to get the (m1 , 2) full FCFS matching, and then add 0, 1, . . . additional customers until s2 is matched. Continue till you have a full (mN , N ) matching, in which for the first time sN is matched. Then add sN +1 and so on. Match successive customers Analogous, with roles of customers and servers reversed, to obtain a sequence of matches (M, nM ) in which all first M customers are matched. Add a customer and server pair Start from the (1, 1) matching. Extend it to (2, 2), (3, 3), . . .. When increasing from (N, N ) to (N + 1, N + 1), cN +1 , sN +1 may be matched to previously unmatched si , cj , i, j ≤ N , or one may be matched and the other left unmatched, or if they both have no matches to previously unmatched customers and servers they may form a match between them if (cN +1 , sN +1 ) ∈ G, or else they will both remain unmatched. In the matching of successive servers one only needs to add a finite number to go from mN to mN +1 , since we have assumed that each type of customer and server appears infinitely often in the sequence. It is seen that in this way all servers will be eventually matched. Similarly, by considering the matching of successive customers, we see that all customers will be eventually matched. Thus all three ways, as well as any other versions in which M, N → ∞, lead to a unique infinite FCFS matching, in which all customers and servers are matched. 7
The Markov chain
The organization of this section is as follows. First, in Section 2.1, we introduce the states of the Markov chain associated with the infinite matching. The transition mechanism of the Markov chain is described in Section 2.2, where it is also shown that the Markov chain is irreducible and aperiodic. Section 2.3 formulates the global balance equations and presents the main result of this paper in Theorem 3: the product-form solution to the global balance equations.
State space
We now define a discrete time Markov chain ZN associated with the matching of successive servers, so that ZN summarizes the state after the matching of s1 , . . . , sN . Assume that N is large enough so that s1 , . . . , sN contains at least one server of each type sj for j = 1, . . . , J. Let skj be the last server of type sj among s1 , . . . , sN , and let clj be the customer which is matched to server skj . Note that because matching is FCFS, if we look at the customers which were matched to s1 , . . . , sN , then clj is the last of them which is matched to a type sj server. Let l(1) < l(2) < · · · < l(J) be the ordered string of l1 , . . . , lJ . This defines a (random) permutation of server types, S1 , . . . , SJ , where Sj is the server that matched customer cl(j) . Consider now the customers cl(j) +1 , . . . , cl(j+1) −1 (this may be an empty string). Some of them may have been matched to servers sM where 1 ≤ M ≤ N and where M 6∈ {k1 , . . . , kJ }. Let nj be the number of unmatched customers between cl(j) and cl(j+1) . We define the state of ZN as s = (S1 , n1 , S2 , n2 , . . . , SJ−1 , nJ−1 , SJ ). Figure 1 illustrates a typical state of ZN . There are five types of customers and five types of servers. The system graph G at the top of the figure has S(c1 ) = {s5 , s1 } and S(ci ) = {si−1 , si }, i = 2, . . . , 5. The figure illustrates the state ZN which is seen by server sN +1 when he is searching for his match. All previous servers s1 , . . . , sN , represented by gray dots, have been matched to customers, represented by gray dots and by the five black dots which are cl(1) , . . . , cl(5) , the last customers matched by each type of server. The oblongs around those 5 black dots spell out the type of server that matched each of them. Server sN +1 is represented by a black dot, and the white dots represent the remaining unmatched servers and customers. This state is ZN = s = (s5 , 0, s1 , 3, s4 , 2, s2 , 3, s3 ).
c s
Z N = (s5 ,0, s1, 3, s 4 ,2, s2 , 3, s3 ) 1
s5 s1
c1,c2 , c5
{ {
s N +1
Figure 1: Illustration of the system’s Markovian state We will use the following notation:
C S C(S)
: : :
αC βS
: :
an arbitrary server type from the set of server types {s1 , . . . , sJ }. The capitalized S points to one of the server types, and in particular in an arbitrary state s = (S1 , n1 , . . . , nJ−1 , SJ ), the sequence S1 , . . . , SJ is the permutation of the server types as they appear in the order of cl(1) , . . . , cl(J) . Note that the actual server types sj are not capitalized. a subset of customer types. a subset of server types. the subset S of customer types which can be matched to at least one server type in S, equals s∈S C(s). the set of customer types which are uniquely served by the set of server types S. Customer types in U(S) cannot be served by any type of server which is not in S. It is equal to C(S), the complement set of all the customers which can be matched to server types in the complement of S. We let by convention U(∅) = ∅. sum of αc over c ∈ C. By convention, α∅ = 0. sum of βs over s ∈ S.
Returning to Figure 1 we look at the unmatched customers. There are 3 unmatched customers following directly after the last s1 match. Clearly those are customers which can only be matched to servers s5 , s1 . Hence, looking at G, they are all of type c1 . Similarly the two unmatched customers following the last s4 match cannot be matched to s2 , s3 and hence must belong to U({s5 , s1 , s4 }) = {c1 , c5 }, and the last three unmatched customers must be of types {c1 , c2 , c5 } = U({s5 , s1 , s4 , s2 }) = C({s3 }). In general, for a state s = (S1 , n1 , S2 , n2 , . . . , nJ−1 , SJ ) the nj unmatched customers following directly after the last match of Sj will all belong to U({S1 , . . . , Sj }). Those unmatched customers include exactly all the customers of types in U({S1 , . . . , Sj }) which were in the original infinite sequence of customers between cl(j) and cl(j+1) . As a result, if c ∈ U({S1 , . . . , Sj }) then c each of the nj unmatched customers can be of type c with probability αU ({Sα,...,S . Clearly, }) 1
U({S1 , . . . , Sj }) ⊆ U({S1 , . . . , Sj , Sj+1 }), with possibility of equality. Also, it is possible that U({S1 }) = U({S1 , S2 }) = · · · = U({S1 , . . . , Sj }) = ∅ in which case n1 = · · · = nj = 0 for all sample paths; states for which nj > 0 but U({S1 , . . . , Sj }) = ∅ are not feasible. Let S be the state space of ZN . Hence, if PJ is the set of all permutations of {s1 , . . . , sJ }, and Z+ the set J−1 of all (feasible) of non-negative integers, then the state space of ZN is the subset of PJ × Z+ states s satisfying nj > 0 only if U({S1 , . . . , Sj }) 6= ∅, so S = {(S1 , n1 , . . . , nJ−1 , SJ )|(S1 , . . . , SJ ) ∈ PJ , nj ≥ 0, nj = 0 if U({S1 , . . . , Sj }) = ∅, j = 1, . . . , J−1} It is worth noting the following: In the paper of Caldentey, Kaplan and Weiss [7] the matching process of successive servers is described by the Markov chain XN which lists the ordered string of customers considered by s1 , . . . , sN but not matched to any of them, and the countable state space of XN consists of finite ordered strings of customer types. This Markov chain turned out to be intractable, and we believe that it does not in general have a product-form stationary distribution. Our current process ZN is based on Visschers et al. [18, 19], which analyze and obtain product-form solutions for a continuous time Markov chain that describes a multi-type customer multi-type server queueing system (this will be discussed in Section 5). The process ZN retains information different from that retained by XN about the matching process. It records the last match for each type of server, which is not included in the state description of [7], but it does not specify the types of unmatched customers, only how many there are following directly after the last match of each type of server. This concludes the description of the state space of ZN . In the next section we specify its transitions. 9
We now describe the transition mechanism of ZN . If the chain is in state ZN = s = (S1 , n1 , . . . , ni−1 , Si , ni , . . . , nJ−1 , SJ ), and sN +1 is of type Si then none of the first n1 + · · · + ni−1 unmatched customers can match him. He will then consider the ni unmatched customers following cl(i) , and look for a match, and take the first α 1 ,...,Si })∩C(Si ) , and the match. The probability for each one of them to provide a match is U ({S αU ({S ,...,S }) 1
successive trials are independent. If no match is found among these ni customers, server sN +1 will continue searching along the remaining ni+1 + · · · + nJ−1 customers, to look for a match, and if none is found he will then search the rest of the infinite sequence following customer cl(J) , where he will eventually find a match after a geometrically distributed number of trials. Recall that, for j ≥ i, all of the nj unmatched customers following cl(j) are of types U({S1 , . . . , Sj }), so the probability that one of these nj unmatched customers following cl(j) will provide a match αU ({S1 ,...,Sj })∩C(Si ) for sN +1 is , and the trials are independent. αU ({S ,...,S }) 1
The effect of sN +1 finding a match among the nj customers following Sj is that the permutation S1 , . . . , Si , . . . , Sj , . . . , SJ is replaced by a permutation in which Si moves to the right and is inserted between Sj and Sj+1 . In addition, the counts ni−1 and ni are merged, and nj is reduced by 1 and split into two. In the special case that a match is found among the ni customers following cl(i) the permutation is unchanged and only the counts ni−1 and ni change. In the special case that no match is found among the ni + . . . + nJ−1 customers, Si moves to the rightmost position in the permutation and new unmatched customers are counted as result of searching through the infinite sequence. If the type of sN +1 is S1 and n1 > 0, server sN +1 will be matched to the first unmatched customer following cl(1) , and the only change in state will be that n1 is reduced by 1. This concludes the description of the Markov chain ZN . Before formulating the global balance equations in the next section we establish the following properties of ZN . Theorem 2. ZN is an irreducible and aperiodic Markov chain. Proof. It is obvious from the foregoing description of the states and transitions that the transition probabilities do not depend on any of the states prior to ZN , so ZN is a Markov chain. It is possible to move with positive probability from any state (S1 , n1 , . . . , nJ−1 , SJ ) ∈ S to a state with no unmatched customers between them and (possibly) some other permutation of the PJ−1 server types, say (S¯1 , 0, . . . , 0, S¯J ), in i=1 ni steps, by having consecutive servers each of which can match a consecutive unmatched customer. One can also move with positive probability from PJ−1 any state (S¯1 , 0, . . . , 0, S¯J ) to the state (S1 , n1 , . . . , nJ−1 , SJ ) ∈ S in J + i=1 ni steps. This is done if successive servers are of type S1 , . . . , SJ and the infinite sequence of customers starts with a customer of S1 followed by n1 customers of types in U({S1 }), and then a customer of S2 , followed by n2 customers of U({S1 , S2 }), and so on. Hence the chain is irreducible. The chain is aperiodic, since from any state (S1 , n1 , . . . , nJ−1 , SJ ) one can stay in the same state in the next step if sN +1 is of type SJ and the first customer following cl(J) can be matched to SJ .
Balance equations
To formulate the global balance equations we need to specify the precise transitions into state s = (S1 , n1 , . . . , nJ−1 , SJ ) ∈ S. For j = 1, . . . , J, if sN +1 is of type Sj , then state s can be reached from an originating state in which Sj follows Sk , and there are nk − l unmatched customers between Sk and Sj . Here k ≤ j − 1, with 0 ≤ l ≤ nk . We denote this originating
state swapk,lj (s). A typical transition from swapk,lj (s) to s is illustrated in Figure 2. Note that in the originating state Sj−1 and Sj+1 are in consecutive positions in the permutation, with nj−1 + 1 + nj unmatched customers between them, one of which is then matched to sN +1 .
{ Sk
n j −1
nk − l
S j −1
S j +1 Sj
swap k,l (s) → s
n j −1
S j −1
nk − l
S j +1
Figure 2: Transition from state swapk,lj (s) to state s To clarify we illustrate some special cases in Figure 3. In the transition swapSk,lJ (s) to s (Figure 3a), there is obviously no SJ+1 , and SJ moves from its originating position in the permutation Sj to the last position. If k = j − 1 we have the transition swapj−1,l (s) to state s (Figure 3b), in which the permutation remains the same, but the counts of unmatched customers between Sj−1 , Sj , Sj+1 change, from nj−1 − l, l + 1 + nj in the originating state to nj−1 , nj in s. The case of k = 0 means that sN +1 is of the same type as the leftmost server in the originating state. There are now two possibilities. If there are any unmatched customers following the first server in the originating state, then sN +1 would match with the first of them, and the transition would 1 be from swapS0,0 (s) to s, with the permutation remaining the same and the number of unmatched customers in the first interval reducing from n1 + 1 to n1 (Figure 3d); in this case j = 1. If there are no unmatched customers following the first server in the originating state, then the Sj transition will be from swap0,0 (s) to s (Figure 3c); in this case j > 1. S
Note that, if j < J, the originating state swapk,lj (s) always has one additional unmatched customer in front of Sj+1 , i.e. the one matching Sj in state s. However, if U{S1 , . . . , Sj } = ∅, S such an additional customer is not possible and thus the state swapk,lj (s) is not feasible; this S
means that s can not be reached by a match of Sj . Hence, the transition swapk,lj (s) to s is feasible only if U{S1 , . . . , Sj } = 6 ∅. S S We denote the probability of the transition from swapk,lj (s) to s by qk,lj (s), conditional on the event that sN +1 is of type Sj . For k > 0, k < j − 1 (see Figures 2, 3(a)) it is given by: S
qk,lj (s) = (δk (Sj )) (δk+1 (Sj ))
· · · (δj−1 (Sj ))
(1 − δj−1 (Sj )) ,
0 < k < j − 1,
and in the remaining cases (see Figures 3(b,c,d)) it is: S
j qj−1,l (s) = (δj−1 (Sj )) (1 − δj−1 (Sj )) ,
Sj q0,0 (s) S1 q0,0 (s)
Sj q1,n (s), 1
j > 1,
= 1, 11
j > 1, (7)
S J−1
S j −1
S j +1
S swap k,lJ (s) → s
j swap j −1,l (s) → s
n j −1 − l
S J−1
S j −1
S j −1
S j +1 Sj swap 0,0 (s) → s
S2 S1 swap 0,0 (s) → s
{ S j −1
n j −1
S j +1
n j −1
n J−1
nk − l
{ Sk
n j −1 − l
n J−1
nk − l
S j +1
Figure 3: Some additional swap transitions where we use δi (Sj ) =
αU ({S1 ,...,Si }) , αU ({S1 ,...,Si ,Sj })
0 < i < j,
to denote the probability of no match for sN +1 = Sj with one of the unmatched customers following Si in the originating state. We set by convention, δi (Sj ) = 0 if U({S1 , . . . , Si }) ⊆ U({S1 , . . . , Si , Sj }) = ∅. Equipped with the above notations, the global balance equations can be formulated as follows: X π(s) = βSj QSj (s), s ∈ S, (9) j:U {S1 ,...,Sj }6=∅
where π(s) is the stationary probability of state s and QS1 (s) QSj (s)
= =
S1 1 q0,0 (s)π(swapS0,0 (s)), S
j j q0,0 (s)π(swap0,0 (s)) +
(10) j−1 X nk X
qk,lj (s)π(swapk,lj (s)),
j > 1.
k=1 l=0
Note that QSj (s), j = 1, . . . , J is the probability that the state ZN +1 = s has been reached by a match of sN +1 = Sj .
Product form solution
In the forgoing sections we specified the Markov chain ZN and formulated the global balance equations for its stationary probabilities π(s). We are now ready to present our main theorem stating that π(s) has a product-form: 12
Theorem 3. The global balance equations (9) for the Markov chain ZN are solved by: J−1 Y αU {S1 ,...,Sk } nk 1 π(s) = π(S1 , n1 , S2 , n2 , . . . , SJ−1 , nJ−1 , SJ ) = B , s ∈ S, β{S1 ,...,Sk } β{S1 ,...,Sk } k=1 (12) where B is a constant, U{S1 , . . . , Sk } is the set of customer types which are served exclusively by the servers {S1 , . . . , Sk }, and X
αU {S1 ,...,Sk } =
αc ,
β{S1 ,...,Sk } =
k X
βSj .
c∈U {S1 ,...,Sk }
A necessary and sufficient condition for ergodicity of ZN is condition (5), or equivalently, for each subset {S1 , . . . , Sj } of the server types s1 , . . . , sJ : αU {S1 ,...,Sj } < β{S1 ,...,Sj } ,
j = 1, . . . , J,
in which case π(s) is the stationary distribution with the normalizing constant: X 1 B −1 = (β{S1 } − αU {S1 } )(β{S1 ,S2 } − αU {S1 ,S2 } ) · · · (β{S1 ,...,SJ−1 } − αU {S1 ,...,SJ−1 } ) PJ
Proof. We will substitute expression (12) into (9) and check that global balance holds. For easier reading we use for the time being B=1. First, for each state s ∈ S and j ∈ {1, . . . , J} such that S S U{S1 , . . . , Sj } = 6 ∅, we calculate by substitution of (12) the quantities βSj qk,lj (s)π(swapk,lj (s))/π(s) appearing in (9) – (11). For 1 ≤ k < j we have: α l U {S1 ,...,Sk ,Sj } 1 Sj π(swapk,l (s)) β{S1 ,...,Sk ,Sj } β{S1 ,...,Sk ,Sj } S l = βSj (1 − δj−1 (Sj )) (δk (Sj )) βSj qk,lj (s) α l π(s) U {S1 ,...,Sk } β{S1 ,...,Sk }
j−1 Y
(δi (Sj ))
1 β{S1 ,...,Si ,Sj }
= βSj (1 − δj−1 (Sj ))
U {S1 ,...,Si ,Sj }
1 β{S1 ,...,Si }
αU {S1 ,...,Sj−1 ,Sj } β{S1 ,...,Sk ,Sj }
αU {S1 ,...,Sj−1 ,Sj } − αU {S1 ,...,Sj−1 }
β{S1 ,...,Si ,Sj } αU {S1 ,...,Si } β{S1 ,...,Si }
β{S1 ,...,Sk } β{S1 ,...,Sk ,Sj } βSj
β{S1 ,...,Sk ,Sj }
l αU {S1 ,...,Sj−1 ,Sj } − αU {S1 ,...,Sj−1 } (1 − θk,j )θk,j
αU {S1 ,...,Sj−1 ,Sj } β{S1 ,...,Sj−1 ,Sj } 1 β{S1 ,...,Sj−1 ,Sj }
l j−1 Y β{S1 ,...,Si } ni +1 β{S1 ,...,Si ,Sj } i=k+1
β{S1 ,...,Sk } β{S1 ,...,Sk ,Sj }
j−1 Y
l j−1 Y β{S1 ,...,Si } ni +1 β{S1 ,...,Si ,Sj } i=k+1
ni +1 θi,j .
i=k+1 S
The first equality is obtained after canceling all the common terms of π(swapk,lj (s)) and π(s). The second and third equalities follow from canceling the α terms with the corresponding δi (Sj ) terms. Finally, for the last equality, we denote θi,j =
β{S1 ,...,Si } , β{S1 ,...,Si ,Sj } 13
1≤i 1:
j βSj q0,0 (s)
j π(swap0,0 (s)) π(s)
j−1 Y
(δi (Sj ))
1 β{S1 ,...,Si ,Sj }
βSj (1 − δj−1 (Sj ))
U {S1 ,...,Si ,Sj }
β{S1 ,...,Si ,Sj }
1 βSj
β{S1 ,...,Si }
αU {S1 ,...,Si } β{S1 ,...,Si }
αU {S1 ,...,Sj−1 ,Sj } − αU {S1 ,...,Sj−1 }
Y j−1
αU {S1 ,...,Sj−1 ,Sj } β{S1 ,...,Sj−1 ,Sj } 1 β{S1 ,...,Sj−1 ,Sj }
ni +1 θi,j
Performing the summation in (11) we get, for j > 1: βSj QSj (s)
j j = βSj q0,0 (s)π(swap0,0 (s)) + βSj
j−1 X nk X
qk,lj (s)π(swapk,lj (s))
k=1 l=0
= π(s) αU {S1 ,...,Sj−1 ,Sj } − αU {S1 ,...,Sj−1 } "j−1 # j−1 X j−1 nk Y X Y ni +1 ni +1 l θi,j + (1 − θk,j )θk,j θi,j i=1
k=1 l=0
π(s) αU {S1 ,...,Sj−1 ,Sj } − αU {S1 ,...,Sj−1 } .
To see that the sums of products of all the θi,j add up to 1, note that they represent probabilities Pj−1 for Bernoulli trials, of which there are altogether i=1 (ni + 1) trials, starting with nj−1 + 1 trials with success probability of (1 − θj−1,j ), followed by ni + 1 trials with success probability Pj−1 Pnk (1 − θi,j ), for i = j − 2, . . . , 2, 1. The summation of terms k=1 l=0 sums up the probabilities that the first success will be on the first, the second, . . . or the last of the trials, while the first term in the square brackets is the probability of no success at all. These obviously add up to 1. For j = 1 the substitution gives: βS1 QS1 (s)
S1 1 = βS1 q0,0 (s)π(swapS0,0 (s)) αU {S1 } π(s) = βS1 1 β{S1 } = π(s) αU {S1 } − αU {∅} ,
where we used that αU {∅} = 0. Finally, summing up over j ∈ {1, . . . , J} satisfying U{S1 , . . . , Sj } = 6 ∅, we get from substituting (12) in the global balance equations (9) that: J X
βSj QSj (s)
αU {S1 ,...,Sj−1 ,Sj } − αU {S1 ,...,Sj−1 }
j:U {S1 ,...,Sj }6=∅ J X
αU {S1 ,...,Sj−1 ,Sj } − αU {S1 ,...,Sj−1 }
π(s) αU {S1 ,...,SJ } − αU {∅}
Here the second equality is valid since if U{S1 , . . . , Sj } = ∅ then αU {S1 ,...,Si } = 0, i = 1, . . . , j, and finally we use αU {S1 ,...,SJ } = 1 and αU {∅} = 0. This confirms that (12) solves the global balance equations. If αU (S) < βS , for every non-trivial subset of servers S, the solution of the balance equations converges. This implies, by Theorem 1 in [8] and our Theorem 2, that the Markov chain ZN is ergodic and its stationary distribution is obtained by normalization of the solution (12). Hence, the condition αU (S) < βS , for every non-trivial subset of servers S, is sufficient for ergodicity of ZN . Using αU (S) = αC(S) = 1 − αC(S) and βS = 1 − βS , we see that this condition is equivalent to condition (5). So (5) is sufficient for ergodicity, and Busic, Gupta and Mairesse [4] have shown that it is also necessary. To finally derive the normalizing constant B the sum of the terms (12) over all states in S is set to 1. For a single permutation S1 , . . . , SJ the number of unmatched customers ni between Si and Si+1 can take any value in Z+ if U({S1 , . . . , Si }) 6= ∅, and otherwise, if U({S1 , . . . , Si }) = ∅ only ni = 0 is feasible (and also αU ({S1 ,...,Si }) = 0). Hence, taking the sum over all feasible values of n1 , . . . , nJ−1 for permutation S1 , . . . , SJ yields π(S1 , ·, . . . , ·, SJ ) =
B (β{S1 } − αU {S1 } )(β{S1 ,S2 } − αU {S1 ,S2 } ) · · · (β{S1 ,...,SJ−1 } − αU {S1 ,...,SJ−1 } )
The normalizing constant B readily follows by adding π(S1 , ·, . . . , ·, SJ ) over all permutations of {s1 , . . . , sJ }. This completes the proof.
The matching rates
We now calculate the matching rate between server type sj and customer type ci , where ci ∈ C(sj ). We will first calculate the probability of a (ci , sj ) match, conditional on server sN +1 being of type sj and on the system ZN being in state s = (S1 , n1 , S2 , . . . , nJ−1 , SJ ) ∈ S. We denote this as rci ,sj (S1 , n1 , S2 , . . . , nJ−1 , SJ ). For convenience we define, relative to the permutation S1 , S2 , . . . , SJ , α(k) = αU {S1 ,...,Sk } ,
β(k) = β{S1 ,...,Sk } = βS1 + · · · + βSk ,
and S(k) as the set of feasible values for nk , so S(k) = Z+ if U({S1 , . . . , Sk }) 6= ∅, and S(k) = {0} otherwise, where U {S1 , . . . , Sk } are the customer types which can be served exclusively by server types {S1 , . . . , Sk }. Note that α(k) = 0 when S(k) = {0}. Further, let φk =
αU {S1 ,...,Sk }∩{ci } , αU {S1 ,...,Sk }
ψk =
αU {S1 ,...,Sk }∩(C(sj )\{ci }) , αU {S1 ,...,Sk }
χk = 1 − φk − ψk .
Here φk is the probability that a customer in the list of nk unmatched customers between Sk and Sk+1 will be type ci and hence allow a (ci , sj ) match. ψk is the probability that such a customer will be of a type different from ci and will allow a match with sj . χk is the probability that such a customer is incompatible with sj . In other words, φk , ψk , χk are the probabilities that when server sN of type sj examines one of the unmatched customers between Sk and Sk+1 , this will result in an immediate (ci , sj ) match, or in an immediate match with a customer of a type different from ci , or in a continuation of the search for a match among the following customers. Note that either one or both of φk , ψk may be zero, or that one of them may be 1. In particular, φk = ψk = 1 − χk = 0 when U{S1 , . . . , Sk } = ∅, and φJ = αci and ψJ = αC(sj )\{ci } .
We have: rci ,sj (S1 , n1 , S2 , . . . , nJ−1 , SJ ) = φ1 φ2 φ3 n1 n1 n2 n2 (1 − χ1 ) + χ1 (1 − χ2 ) + χ2 (1 − χn3 3 ) + ··· φ1 + ψ1 φ2 + ψ2 φ3 + ψ3 φJ−1 φJ nJ−1 nJ−2 nJ−1 1 − χJ−1 χJ−2 + χJ−1 ··· , φJ−1 + ψJ−1 φJ + ψJ k = 0 for all n ≥ 0. where it is understood that if φk , ψk are both zero, then (1 − χnk ) φkφ+ψ k We next calculate the probability of a (ci , sj ) match conditional on server sN being of type sj , and on the event ZN = s ∈ {(S1 , n1 ∈ S(1) , S2 , n2 ∈ S(2) , . . . , SJ−1 , nJ−1 ∈ S(J−1) , SJ )}, i.e the permutation of server types is S1 , . . . , SJ , with an arbitrary and feasible number of leftover unmatched customers between them. We denote this as rci ,sj (S1 , S2 , . . . , SJ ) Conditional on the permutation, using our convenient notation,
π(n1 , . . . , nJ−1 | S1 , . . . , SJ )
J−1 Y k=1
we get by performing the summations: X rci ,sj (S1 , . . . , SJ ) =
α(k) 1− β(k)
α(k) β(k)
nk ,
π(n1 , . . . , nJ−1 | S1 , . . . , SJ )rci ,sj (S1 , n1 , . . . , nJ−1 , SJ )
n1 ∈S(1) ,...,nJ−1 ∈S(J−1) J−1 Y
α(k) nk α(k) = 1− β(k) β(k) n1 ∈S(1) ,...,nJ−1 ∈S(J−1) k=1 φ1 φ2 φ3 (1 − χn1 1 ) + χn1 1 (1 − χn2 2 ) + χn2 2 (1 − χn3 3 ) + ··· φ1 + ψ1 φ2 + ψ2 φ3 + ψ3 φJ φJ−1 nJ−2 nJ−1 nJ−1 χJ−2 + χJ−1 1 − χJ−1 ··· φJ−1 + ψJ−1 φJ + ψJ X α(1) n1 α(1) φ1 (1 − χn1 1 ) = 1− β(1) β(1) φ1 + ψ1 n1 ∈S(1) X α(2) n2 α(2) φ2 n1 +χ1 1− (1 − χn2 2 ) β(2) β(2) φ2 + ψ2 X
n2 ∈S(2)
α(J−1) α(J−1) nJ−1 φJ−1 nJ−1 1 − χJ−1 1− β(J−1) β(J−1) φJ−1 + ψJ−1 nJ−1 ∈S(J−1) φJ nJ−1 +χJ−1 ··· φJ + ψJ n
J−2 +χJ−2
J−1 X k=1
J−1 X k=1
k−1 J−1 Y β(l) − α(l) α(k) (1 − χk ) Y β(l) − α(l) φJ φk + φk + ψk β(k) − α(k) χk β(l) − α(l) χl φJ + ψJ β(l) − α(l) χl l=1
α(k) β(k) − α(k) χk
k−1 Y l=1
β(l) − α(l) φJ + β(l) − α(l) χl φJ + ψJ 16
J−1 Y l=1
β(l) − α(l) . β(l) − α(l) χl
Finally we need to multiply each of these rci ,sj (S1 , . . . , SJ ) by βj and by the probability of the permutation, which is: π(S1 , . . . , SJ ) = B
J−1 Y
(β(k) − α(k) )−1
and then add up over all the permutations, to get: Theorem 4. For each pair (ci , sj ), the matching rate rci ,sj is given by rci ,sj
J−1 Y
PJ J−1 X k=1
(β(k) − α(k) )−1
k−1 J−1 Y β(l) − α(l) Y β(l) − α(l) α(k) φJ + φk β(k) − α(k) χk β(l) − α(l) χl φJ + ψJ β(l) − α(l) χl l=1
! .
Note that inside the parentheses of (13) each term in the summation over k is the probability of a match in the interval between the servers Sk , Sk+1 , and the last term is the probability that the match occurs in the infinite remainder of the sequence of customers.
Calculating the matching rates
We now give some examples and demonstrate calculation of the matching rates. For some special system graphs it is possible to derive the matching rates quite easily. If the graph G is complete, i.e. all customer types are compatible with all server type, then cN will be matched to S N for all N , and rci ,sj = αci βcj . This result is due to Talreja and Whitt [15]. Another tractable example are the almost complete graphs. In these graphs every server type is connected to all customer types except at most one, and every customer type is connected to all server types except at most one. Without loss of generality we assume that each customer and server node in G has exactly one missing arc. This is without loss of generality, since if server type s0 is connected to all customer types then we can add a fictitious customer type c0 with αc0 = 0, which is connected to all except s0 . We then have an equal number of customer and server types. We label the server types as s1 , . . . , sJ , and the customer types as c1 , . . . , cJ where sj is incompatible with cj , j = 1, . . . , J. The matching rates for this case were derived by Caldentey, Kaplan and Weiss [7], and are given by: (1 − αci )(1 − βsj ) − αcj βsi rci ,sj = αci βsj π(∅), (14) (1 − αci − βsi )(1 − αcj − βsj ) where π(∅) is the probability that n1 = · · · = nJ−1 = 0, given by: π(∅) =
J−1 Y
β{S1 ,...,Sj }
B 1 = . β β · s1 · · βsJ j=1 {S1 ,...,Sj }
To obtain (14) from (13), note that for the almost complete graph U(S1 , . . . , Sk ) = ∅, k < J − 1, so that α(k) = 0, k < J − 1, and a matching of sj with ci can happen only in states with
(i) no unmatched customers, i.e. n1 = · · · = nJ−1 = 0, (ii) nJ−1 > 0 and SJ = sj and (iii) nJ−1 > 0 and SJ = si . The calculation then is straightforward, by using the identity k XY Pk l=1
1 1 = , + · · · + βsl βs1 · · · βsk
where Pk denotes the set of all permutations of s1 , . . . , sk . This identity is verified by induction. We have used (13) also to derive the matching rates for complete minus two graphs, in which each customer type is connected to all but two of the server types, and each server type is connected to all but two of the customer types. In this case U(S1 , . . . , Sk ) = ∅, k < J − 2, so in the formula (13) one needs to sum over only two terms inside the parenthesis. Nevertheless the formulas quickly become very long and unilluminating, and seem to offer no advantage over the general expression (13). If the graph G is a tree, with no loops, one can derive the matching rates directly from the complete resource pooling linear equations (4), which in that case have a unique solution. The condition for stability is then that the solution is all positive. This result is also due to Talreja and Whitt [15]. In general formula (13) gives explicit expressions for the matching rates. However, it is not an easy formula to calculate, as it requires for every pair (ci , sj ) the calculation of several quantities separately for every permutation of s1 , . . . , sJ . It is not obvious that any short cuts could be used to reduce the computational complexity, since to obtain rci ,sj the formula requires addition of non-negative terms for each permutation. Recall that calculation of the permanent of an n × n matrix, which requires addition of non-negative terms for each of the n! permutations is known to be ]P (this is a famous result of Valiant [16]). A similar situation of an explicit queueing formula is the calculation of blocking probabilities in loss networks, which was shown to be ]P by Louth, Mitzenmacher and Kelly [14]. It is quite conceivable that the calculation of the normalizing constant B in (12) is also ]P . We are aware of some efforts to represent the matching rates as solutions to some optimization problem. Such a method could present an attractive alternative to the direct use of our formula (13), and may help in devising approximations. We have programmed the formula (13), and we conclude this section on computing matching rates by presenting one numerical example. It is for a system with 6 types of customers and 6 types of servers, where each node in the bipartite graph G is of degree 3, every type is connected to exactly 3, and incompatible with 3, see Figure 4. We have used: α = (.04, .25, .06, .27, .08, .30) β = (.14, .15, .16, .17, .18, .20) The following Table 1 gives the matching rates as calculated from formula (13). We have also C
Figure 4: A 3 connected bipartite graph with 6 customer and 6 types simulated the system, running 100 realizations of ≈ 10, 000 customer/server pairs each. To obtain 18
better estimates from the simulation we continued each run beyond 10,000 until we reached a state (S1 , 0, . . . , 0, SJ ) so that all customers and servers were matched. Note that each of these states is a regeneration point of the Markov chain, and so our simulation did not require warm-up and is unbiased. We give in the table approximate 95% confidence intervals for the matching rates (mean of the hundred runs ± 2 standard deviations). Note that all 18 values with the exception of rc4 ,s4 are within the confidence interval given by the simulation — this is just as a sanity check. PP Sj PP Ci P
1.4465 1.455 ± 0.025
10.0031 9.998 ± 0.066
2.55038 2.536 ± 0.034
0. 0.
0. 0.
0. 0.
0. 0.
6.0297 6.036 ±0.055
1.23971 1.253 ±0.023
7.7306 7.689 ± 0.061
0. 0.
0. 0.
0. 0.
0. 0.
2.20991 2.198 ± 30
10.9884 10.963 ± 0.061
2.80165 2.788 ± 0.040
0. 0.
0. 0.
0. 0.
0. 0.
8.28097 8.363 ± 0.068
1.59407 1.613 ± 0.026
7.12496 7.095 ± 0.071
1.57665 1.583 ± 0.027
0. 0.
0. 0.
0. 0.
3.60428 3.606 ± 0.040
2.8191 12.813 ± 0.062
0.976846 0.967 ± 0.019
8.96718 9.000 ± 0.075
0. 0.
0. 0.
0. 0.
10.056 10.042 ± 0.076
Table 1: Matching rates (percentages) for a 6×6, 3 connected example. Shown are the exact rates, and simulation results with 95% confidence intervals. Two algorithms, which were proposed to calculate the matching rates, are: the algorithm of Caldentey and Kaplan [6], and the quasi-independent algorithm. They are both discussed in [7], where it is shown that they do not always give the correct values. We note that they do not give the correct values of the matching rates for the example of this section.
Relation to a manufacturing system
Visschers et al [18, 19] consider the following queueing model to describe a manufacturing system. There are jobs of types {c1 , . . . , cI } and a total of J machines {s1 , . . . , sJ }, where job of type ci can be processed by machine sj if (ci , sj ) ∈ G. Jobs arrive in independent Poisson streams of rates λci , i = 1, . . . , I, the processing times of jobs by machine sj are independent and exponentially distributed with rate µsj , j = 1, . . . , J. Service discipline is first come first served, so that when machine sj finishes processing of a job it will take the longest waiting job in the system which it can serve. Arriving jobs of type ci will join the end of the queue if they find no available idle machine. An arriving job of type ci which will find one or more idle machines that can serve him will go into service immediately at one of the machines. The choice of machine is random according to an assignment probability distribution, where P (ci , sj |{S1 , . . . , Si }) is the probability that a job of type ci is assigned to the idle machine sj which can serve it, when the unordered set of busy machines is {S1 , . . . , Si }. These assignment probability distributions determine assignment rates: λSj ({S1 , . . . , Si }) is the rate at which idle machine Sj is activated when {S1 , . . . , Si } is the set of busy machines. 19
The state of the manufacturing system is given as ˜s = (S1 , n1 , . . . , Si , ni ), where there are a total of i + n1 + · · · + ni jobs in the system, i of which are being processed, where machine Sk is serving the k + n1 + · · · + nk−1 -th job in the queue, for k = 1, . . . , i, with n1 , . . . , ni−1 jobs waiting between the machines, and ni jobs waiting after the last machine. The remaining J − i machines are idle. Visschers et al. [18, 19] using the results of [2], show that there exist unique assignment rates λSj ({S1 , . . . , Si }) which have the property that for any subset of machines the product λS1 (∅)λS2 ({S1 }) · · · λSi ({S1 , . . . , Si−1 }) is independent of the permutation of {S1 , . . . , Si }. Furthermore they show that there always exist assignment probability distributions P (ci , sj |{S1 , . . . , Si }) (those may be non-unique) that achieve these assignment rates. They then show, by employing partial balance arguments (which directly lead to a candidate product-form solution), that these assignment rates dictate a productform stationary distribution of the system: n i λS1 (∅)λS2 ({S1 }) · · · λSi ({S1 , . . . , Si−1 }) Y λU {S1 ,...,Sj } j ˜ , π ˜ (˜s) = B µ{S1 } µ{S1 ,S2 } · · · µ{S1 ,...,Si } µ{S1 ,...,Sj } j=1
P ˜ is a normalizing constant and λC = P where B c∈C λc , µS = s∈S µs . The system is stable if and only if for all the subsets of servers λU {S1 ,...,Sj } < µ{S1 ,...,Sj } , which holds exactly when the the complete resource pooling equations for the manufacturing model (1) have positive solutions. This manufacturing system is closely related to our FCFS infinite matching model. In particular, when all the machines are busy, we can draw the state of the system at time t as in Figure 5. Here all the jobs in the system at time t are drawn in order of arrival, and those which are currently being served have a square drawn around them, to indicate the machine which is processing them. In the dynamics of this system new jobs join from the right, and machines move from left to right. If we think of the sequence of services in the order in which they are
S J −1
n J −1
Figure 5: Manufacturing system when all the machines are busy started, then each service is a match between a machine sj and a job of type ci , and the current position of each machines sj indicates the last service of type sj to have occurred by time t. This picture corresponds precisely to the state description in Figure 1, where the relevant part are the last matched servers of each type, and the unmatched customers between them. Furthermore, when all the machines are busy then, by the assumption of exponential service times, the next machine to become available will be machine sj with probability proportional P to µsj . Let µ = µsj be the total processing P rate, βsj = µsj /µ be the fraction of service capacity of the individual servers, and let λ = λci be the total arrival rate, with αci = λci /λ the fraction of customers of type i. Hence, when all the machines are busy, then the sequence of matches of machines to customers is exactly the sequence of FCFS matches of servers of 20
i.i.d β types with customers of i.i.d α types. Hence the matches of the FCFS infinite matching model correspond exactly to the changes of state at service completions, for the manufacturing system when all the machines are busy. Furthermore, both sequences of state changes have the same Markov transition probabilities. In addition, note that, given all the machines in the manufacturing system are busy, the time till the next service completion (or match) is always exponential with the same rate µ, so the long-run fraction of time the machines are in state s = (S1 , n1 , . . . , nJ−1 , SJ ) is the same as the long-run fraction of jumps to this state. Indeed, when we start from the (15), we obtain when all machines are busy that: π ˜ (˜s)
n J λS1 (∅)λS2 ({S1 }) · · · λSJ ({S1 , . . . , SJ−1 }) Y λU {S1 ,...,Sj } j ˜ = B µ{S1 } µ{S1 ,S2 } · · · µ{S1 ,...,SJ } µ{S1 ,...,Sj } j=1 ˜ J+nJ αS (∅)αS ({S1 }) · · · αS ({S1 , . . . , SJ−1 }) = Bρ 1 2 J
J−1 Y j=1
˜ J+nJ Ψ Bρ
J−1 Y j=1
1 β{S1 ,...,Sj }
ραU {S1 ,...,Sj } β{S1 ,...,Sj }
1 β{S1 ,...,Sj }
ραU {S1 ,...,Sj } β{S1 ,...,Sj }
nj .
where we use the notation that ρ = λ/µ and αC = λC /λ, βS = µS /µ. Here the first line is (15) with i = J. The second line is obtained from division by λ in the numerator and µ in the denominator, taking out ρnJ , noting that αU {S1 ,...,SJ } = β{S1 ,...,SJ } = 1, and rearranging. In the third line we use the property that λS1 (∅)λS2 ({S1 }) · · · λSJ ({S1 , . . . , SJ−1 }), and hence αS1 (∅)αS2 ({S1 }) · · · αSJ ({S1 , . . . , SJ−1 }) is independent of the permutation, and replace it by the constant Ψ. Note that nJ appears only in the exponent of ρ. Summing over nJ = 0, 1, . . . we obtain the marginal stationary probabilities: J−1
J Y ˜ ρ Ψ π ˜ (s, ρ) = B 1 − ρ j=1
1 β{S1 , . . . , Sj }
ραU {S1 ,...,Sj } β{S1 , . . . , Sj }
nj .
Hence the conditional probabilities given that all servers are busy are: π(s, ρ) = B(ρ)
J−1 Y j=1
1 β{S1 , . . . , Sj }
ραU {S1 ,...,Sj } β{S1 ,...,Sj }
nj .
with a new normalizing constant. Substituting ρ = 1 we get the result (12).
Conjectured matching rates for an overloaded call center
Talreja and Whitt [15] considered a queueing system which provides a model for call centers with skill based routing. The model is similar to the manufacturing model of Section 5. Customers of types ci , i = 1, . . . , I arrive as independent ergodic point processes (not necessarily Poisson) with rates λci . They are served by pools of servers of various types sj , j = 1, . . . , J, with Msj servers of each type, that have i.i.d service times distributed as Gsj (not necessarily exponential). The total service capacity of the type sj server pool is at total rate µsj . A server of type sj can serve customer of type ci if (ci , sj ) ∈ G. Service discipline is first come first served. The added feature here is that the system is overloaded so that there is not enough service capacity to serve all the customers. The system is kept stable because customers abandon the system if their waiting 21
time is too long. Type ci customers have patience distribution Fci , and each of them abandons the queue without service if his patience limit is reached. Talreja and Whitt consider this system under many server heavy traffic scaling (uniform accelaration), where one thinks of a sequence of systems in which for system n the arrival rates and the number of servers are scaled up by a factor of n, and the queue lengths are then rescaled through division by n. Since the system is overloaded servers will be busy almost all the time, and queues of customers of all types will be non-empty almost all the time. Also, two consecutive customers will have arrived almost at the same time, and when a server becomes available for one of them, a server will become available for the next one (if resource pooling holds) almost immediately, irrespective of their types. It is conjectured in [15] that under this scaling global first come first served occurs for the fluid limit, so that all customers which do not abandon get served after a global common waiting time of W . Assuming patience distributions are absolutely continuous with positive densities, W is uniquely determined by (2), I X
λci (1 − Fci (W )) =
µsj ,
and the matching rates νci ,sj then need to satisfy the complete resource pooling equations for the call center model (3): X νci ,sj = µsj , for all sj , ci ∈C(sj )
νci ,sj = λci (1 − Fci (W )),
for all ci .
sj ∈S(ci )
Talreja and Whitt obtain the matching rates for systems where G is a tree, or when G is complete, and for hybrid cases of these. For the complete graph case they prove convergence of the stochastic system to these rates. No further results exist for this model so far. Consider now this Pmodel, and P assume that arrivals are Poisson and processing times are exponential, let µ = µsj , λ = λci , and let ρ = λ/µ. If we let ρ & 1 the solution of (2) will have W = 0, and the total resource pooling linear equations are identical to our model. It seems that just as the infinite matching model corresponds to the manufacturing system of Section 5 when ρ % 1 so it can also correspond to the overloaded system with abandonments, as ρ & 1. For ρ ≥ 1, under many server heavy traffic scaling (uniform acceleration), the following limiting behavior appears plausible: Most customers will wait a time which is close to W before being served. When a server will look at the queue he will therefore encounter enough customers of the various types which have all been waiting approximately W , and are now close to the head of the queue. He will choose the first one of those which he can serve. Assume now that arrivals are Poisson, which is a reasonable assumption for a high arrival rate call center. This implies that customers which get served are i.i.d. of type ci with probability αci = λci (1 − Fi (W ))/µ. Also, since servers are busy almost all the time, with many servers this results in servers of type sj becoming available as independent Poisson streams with rates µsj , so consecutive servers will be i.i.d of type sj with probability βsj = µsj /µ. We conjecture that in the model of Talreja and Whitt [15], under uniform acceleration (many server heavy traffic scaling), the matching rates are given by formula (13).
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