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Curriculum Vitae. Student Name. Address ... Marriage and Family Therapist – MFCC, California, United States (#MC2XYZ). Professional Counselor – LPC ...
Curriculum Vitae

Student Name Address 555 Snoopy Drive Vancouver, BC V5P 5V5 Canada

Contact Day Phone: (604) 827-5555 Evening Phone: (604) 555-5555 Email: [email protected]

Education (most recent first) PhD

University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada Political Science, May 1998. Creating Comparative Advantage: The Development of the South Korean Automobile Industry Supervisors: Dr. Charles Snoopy and Dr. Eleanor Rigby


University of California, Berkeley, United States Anthropology, May 1993.


University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada Marine Biology, November 1990. Spotting Oysters Supervisor: Dr. Sam Snail


Riverwood University, Vancouver, Canada May 1988. Supervisors: Dr. Ralph Nader and Dr. Isabel Rodriguez


Occidental College, Phi Beta Kappa History, 1982.

Certificates and Licensures CERTIFICATES Community College Counselor, California, United States Community College Instructor – Psychology, California, United States Counseling Supervisor (#065) NBCC, Nationally Certified Counselor – NCC (#1XCw8) LICENSURES Marriage and Family Therapist – MFCC, California, United States (#MC2XYZ) Professional Counselor – LPC, Alabama, United States (#23322)

Scholarly and Professional Activities REFEREED PUBLICATIONS Mol, L. (2002). “Getting there from here: Non-traditional pathways to traditional career internships.” A workshop presented for Community College Counselors. Orange County Tech Prep/Community College Counseling Association Conference, March, 2001. D.B. Moody et al. “Structural requirements for glycolipid antigen recognition by CD1b-restricted T cells.” Science, 1997, 278, 283-286. NON-REFEREED PUBLICATIONS Doe, J., & Smith, J. (2005). Results from the Self-Efficacy Questionnaire. Technical report submitted to the British Columbia Ministry of Education. 63 pages. REFEREED CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS Davidson, M. V. (2004) “Evidence-based” Practicing for Teachers: Provoking conversation and action around literacy education policy: research, analysis and critique. Paper presented at the Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, April 14, 2004 NON-REFEREED CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS Butler, D. L. (2004, March). Supporting Self-Regulated Learning by Students with Learning Difficulties: Integrating Support into Classroom Instruction. Guest lecture, University of Montreal. Butler, D. L. (2004, February). Promoting and Assessing Strategic Reading by Secondary Students: Next Steps. Invited presentation to the Richmond School District. Richmond, BC. BOOKS PUBLISHED Mol, Louise. "My Mother's Kitchen - A Portuguese Journey Through Food." Vancouver, Canada: Raintree. 2004. Mol, L. & Stone, D.T. (1989). “Illusion and Well-Being: Toward a New Agenda for Mental Health.” Journal of Counseling and Development, June 1989. BOOK CHAPTERS Butler, D. L. (2004). Adults with Learning Disabilities. To appear in B. Y. L. Wong (Ed.), Learning about Learning Disabilities (3rd ed.) (pp. 565-598). Toronto: Academic Press. ARTISTIC WORKS, PERFORMANCES, DESIGNS, OTHER "Detoxed" The Antigonish Review, Vol 110, 1997, 6pgs PATENTS & COPYRIGHTS

CURRENT ACTIVITIES Works Submitted Mol, Ll & Guest, M. (under review). "Leveraging Advantage: Career Education Strategies for disenfranchised students." A proposal submitted for review for the upcoming international Career Development Conference, San Francisco, CA: November 3, 2000. Works in Progress Mol, Ll & Guest, M. (in preparation). "Leveraging Advantage: Career Education Strategies for disenfranchised students." A paper to be submitted for presentation at the international Career Development Conference, San Francisco, CA: November 3, 2000.

Awards Award BC Advanced Systems Institute Graduate Scholarship Dorothy Somerset Memorial Scholarship in Theatre, University of British Columbia Faculty of Applied Science Grant Supplement Award

Value $2000 $650

Faculty Senate Dissertation-Year Fellowship, University of Virginia Graduate Entrance Scholarship, University of British Columbia International Partial Tuition Scholarship

$1000 $7000 $1750

Jack Frost Award, Riverwood University NSERC Postgraduate Scholarship A Ph.D. Tuition Fee Award, University of British Columbia

$450 $16,500 $5,200

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council – Doctoral Fellowship, University of British Columbia


Year 2000 2001, 2003 1999, 2000 2002 2003 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 2005 1999 2003, 2004 2004

Value $750 $500

Year 2004 2004

TRAVEL AWARDS Award Drinking Port, Porto, Portugal Eating and Cooking, Lisbon, Portugal


Employment Year Apr 1, 2004 – to present

Location Faculty of Grad Studies - UBC Programmer/Analyst Data analysis of graduate students, including surveys, data mining, and focus groups. Develops reports for other areas as needed. Yada yada yada.

Nov 1, 2003 – Mar 31, 2004

Faculty of Grad Studies - UBC

Secondment, Research/Analyst Sep 27, 1999 – Mar 31, 2004

Planning & Institutional Research - UBC Programmer/Analyst

Jan 15, 1991 – Sep 26, 1999

Registrar’s Office – UBC Scheduling Coordinator

May 1, 1986 – Jan 14, 1991

Registrar’s Office – UBC Clerk III

Aug 29, 1984 – Apr 30, 1986

Registrar’s Office – UBC Clerk II

May 1, 1984 – Jul 31, 1984

Registrar’s Office – UBC Clerk I

Aug 27, 1983 – Apr 30, 1984

Student Health – UBC Clerk I

Service COMMUNITY SERVICE Richmond SPCA Volunteer Group, Administrator, 1998 - 2003 Southshore Strata Counsel, Member at Large, 2002 – 2003 Southshore Strata Counsel, Secretary, 2003 – 2004 PROFESSIONAL SERVICE American Counseling Association, 2005 – present American Psychological Association, 2005 – present Association for Counselor Education, 2005 – present California Association for Counseling and Development, 2005 – present California Career Development Association, 2005 – present National Career Development Association, 2005 – present Western Psychological Association, 2005 - present UNIVERSITY SERVICE SIS Advisory Committee, Committee Member, 1998 – present