Page 1 of 5. SAP. Exam Code: C_TAW12_740. Exam Name: SAP Certified Development Associate- ABAP with SAP NetWeaver 7.40.
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SAP Exam Code: C_TAW12_740 Exam Name: SAP Certified Development AssociateABAP with SAP NetWeaver 7.40
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EXAMSBOOST2 | P a g e Version: 7.0 Question:1 Which of the folDynpro application to transaction database data to the user interface? A. Interface controller B. Supply function C. Inbound plug D. Context node
Answer: D Question:2 You to include an element of type ‘Table' in your Web Dynpro. Which action adds the corresponding columns to the table automatically? A. Generate a 'BIND_TABLE' method using the Web Dynpro method wizard B. Right click the table and select the 'CREATE BINDING' option C. Bind the table attribute 'DATA_SOURCE' to the context node D. Include the method 'BIND TABLE' of' IF _WD _CONTEXT _NODE'.
Answer: B, D Question:3 The component interface of a Web Dynpro component contains three interface views. Which of the following controllers must also exist? A. One custom controller B. Three windows controllers C. Three component controllers D. One configuration controller
Answer: B Question:4
EXAMSBOOST3 | P a g e You have created a Web Dynpro view that shows data for airline connection between cities. You want to display flight data for a specific date in a different view after the users selects a date and presses a button. Which of the following actions must you perform? A. Edit the handler method in the view controller B. Add a client-side event in the view C. Create and link plugs between the views D. Set the interface property for key fields
Answer: B, C Question:5 You want to translate text in a Web Dynpro. From which should you inherit? A. CL_WD_COMPONENT_SERVICES B. CL_WD_COMPONENT_ASSISTANCE C. CL_WD_CONFIGURATION_MODEL D. CL WD CONTEXT SERVICES
Answer: B Question:6 You have two Web Dympro component controller A and B. A uses B for display functions. Which of the following describe the external context mapping beteen A and B? A. The 'Interface Node' property is set on context node of A B. The 'Interface Node' property is set on context node of B C. The mapping target is defined on the context node of A D. The mapping origin is defined on the context node of A
Answer: B, D Question:7 What can be exposed in the component interface of a web dynpro component? A. Custom methods of the component controller B. Public attributes of WINDOW controllers C. Context nodes of the WINDOW controllers
EXAMSBOOST4 | P a g e D. Standard hook methods the component controller
Answer: A, C, D Question:8 In which controller type can you embed a service call? A. Configuration controller B. View controller C. Component controller D. Interface controller
Answer: C
Question:9 When does SAP recommend that you use a full buffering type for a database table? A. When the table is very large and frequently written B. When the table is very small and frequently written C. When the table is very large and seldom written D. When the table is very small and seldom written
Answer: D Question:10 Which of the following types of SQL statements always bypass the SAP table buffers? A. SELECT SUM( sales ) B. SELECT... UP T0 1 ROWS C. SELECT... INNER JOIN ... D. SELECT SINGLE ...
Answer: A, C
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