learned about with what I learn about about myself? myself? MBTI®. Lominger.
Lominger. FYI Online g. VOICES®. 360° g. YOU/MBTI mapping. Development.
Executive MBA 2009 Local Orientation Leadership Workshop July 2009
Our Leadership Development “Journey” Journey Today: Local Orientation
June 26 Kickoff
1. At my “ “core” ” who am I?
2. How do others see me?
g Lominger VOICES® 360°
3. How do I sort out what is to be learned about myself? Lominger g YOU/MBTI mapping
4. What do I do with what I learn about myself? FYI Online Development Plan
Connecting the Dots: MBTI + VOICES = YOU
What is YOU? YOU displays the research-based links between each of the 16 individual p personality y types/preferences yp p ((reported p in yyour MBTI report) and the 67 Lominger leadership competencies. For each MBTI type (like ENTJ), YOU presents: • Strengths (in the form of competencies) typically associated with that type • Developmental Challenges typically associated with that type • Compensating Competencies that can temper the overuse of strengths associated with that type (if any of your VOICES strengths appear overused, for example)
Your Assignment Involving YOU: • Find your MBTI type on each of the three posters (Strengths, Development Challenges Overuse) Challenges, • For each category (Strengths, Development Challenges, Overuse) record the number and name of each Lominger competency found in your MBTI type box on each poster p • Now, look at your VOICES report results that indicate the 21 Competencies from High to Low (VOICES report, pages 13 and 14) – the number of each competency is in parentheses after the competency description • First, compare your seven highest rated VOICES items to the Competencies in your Strengths category – these are strengths others see that are also embedded in your preferences • Second, S d compare your seven lowest l t rated t d VOICES items it to t the th Competencies C t i in your Challenges category – these are issues others see that are also embedded in your preferences • Finally, determine if you have any overused VOICES competencies among your strengths - if you do, look to see if any of the Compensating Competencies from the “overuse” MBTI poster are also your strengths that might help you offset overuse
How can you use this information to think about your personal development? • The strengths and developmental competencies that match yyour MBTI type yp are more “hardwired” – to the degree that our preferences are more challenging to change (think about your handwriting preference). • The Th strengths t th and d development d l t competencies t i ffrom your VOICES report that do not match your MBTI type are g in particular, are quite more malleable - the challenges, amenable to development. • We will now look at a tool that enables you to develop a strategy for addressing your challenges challenges, however easy or difficult they may be – FYI Online.
Our Leadership Development “Journey” Journey Today: Local Orientation
June 26 Kickoff
1. At my “ “core” ” who am I?
2. How do others see me?
g Lominger VOICES® 360°
3. How do I sort out what is to be learned about myself? Lominger g YOU/MBTI mapping
4. What do I do with what I learn about myself? FYI Online Development Plan
FYI For Your Improvement™ Plans Online • Web-based application for creating development plans based on Lominger p g competencies p • Students generate their personal development plan by selecting: Behaviors that describe them Tips and remedies appropriate to them Additional suggested readings available • Access to content in FYI For Your Improvement, periodically updated
What’s Next: How to Create Your FYI Development Plan 1. Watch 15-minute webcast a. Ruth Reiner will send webcast link next week b Ruth Reiner will also send your user ID and password to access b. the system next week 2. Create your FYI Online Development Plan a. We strongly encourage you to complete this step within 30 days of Orientation b. You can change the plan for 90 days – after that, you can view and print it, but not change it
What Did This Journey Look Like? Today: Local Orientation
June 26 Kickoff
1. At my “ “core” ” who am I?
2. How do others see me?
g Lominger VOICES® 360°
3. How do I sort out what is to be learned about myself? Lominger g YOU/MBTI mapping
4. What do I do with what I learn about myself? FYI Online Development Plan
Break-out Exercise Objectives: •
Get to know your study group partners
Define how the study group will work together and communicate
Take handout with instructions Please take your seats in this room in one hour
Back-up Slides
MBTI Preference Dichotomies Extraversion
IN Ntuition
VOICES: Which Competencies Were Selected?
A total of 21 -- 14 that are closely associated with ith core leadership l d hi themes th att Booth… B th • Interpersonal Savvy
• Sizing Up People
• Personal Disclosure
• Organizational Agility
• Peer Relationships
• Compassion
• Building Effective Teams
• Timely Decision Making
• Presentation Skills
• Time Management
• Comfort Around Higher Management
• Personal Learning
• Conflict C fli t M Managementt
• Dealing With Ambiguity
Which Competencies Were Selected? (cont’d) …and and 7 that are proven predictors of leadership success in international settings: Assignment A i t Hardiness H di Cross-Cultural Agility Cross-Cultural C C l lS Sensitivity ii i Global Business Knowledge Cross-Cultural Resourcefulness Humility Organizational Positioning Skills (from Remote Locations)