arXiv:math/0610251v1 [math.AP] 7 Oct 2006
GUI-QIANG CHEN AND YA-GUANG WANG Abstract. Compressible vortex sheets are fundamental waves, along with shock and rarefaction waves, in entropy solutions to the multidimensional hyperbolic systems of conservation laws; and understanding the behavior of compressible vortex sheets is an important step towards our full understanding of fluid motions and the behavior of entropy solutions. For the Euler equations in two-dimensional gas dynamics, the classical √ linearized stability analysis√on compressible vortex sheets predicts stability when the Mach number M > 2 and instability when M < 2; and Artola-Majda’s analysis reveals that the nonlinear instability may occur √ if planar vortex sheets are perturbed by highly oscillatory waves even when M > 2. For the Euler equations in three-dimensions, every compressible vortex sheet is violently unstable and this violent instability is the analogue of the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability for incompressible fluids. The purpose of this paper is to understand whether compressible vortex sheets in three dimensions, which are unstable in the regime of pure gas dynamics, become stable under the magnetic effect in three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamics (MHD). One of the main features is that the stability problem is equivalent to a free boundary problem whose free boundary is a characteristic surface, which is more delicate than noncharacteristic free boundary problems. Another feature is that the linearized problem for current-vortex sheets in MHD does not meet the uniform Kreiss-Lopatinskii condition. These features cause additional analytical difficulties and especially prevent a direct use of the standard Picard iteration to the nonlinear problem. In this paper, we develop a nonlinear approach to deal with these difficulties in three-dimensional MHD. We first carefully formulate the linearized problem for the current-vortex sheets to show rigorously that the magnetic effect makes the problem weakly stable and establish energy estimates, especially high-order energy estimates, in terms of the nonhomogeneous terms and variable coefficients without loss of the order. Then we exploit these results to develop a suitable iteration scheme of Nash-Moser-H¨ ormander type and establish its convergence, which leads to the existence and stability of compressible current-vortex sheets, locally in time, in the three-dimensional MHD.
1. Introduction We are concerned with the existence and stability of compressible current-vortex sheets in three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamics (MHD). The motion of inviscid MHD fluids is governed by the following system: ∂t ρ + ∇ · (ρv) = 0, ∂ (ρv) + ∇ · (ρv ⊗ v − H ⊗ H) + ∇(p + 1 |H|2 ) = 0, t 2 (1.1) ∂ t H − ∇ × (v × H) = 0, 2 ∂ ρ( 1 (|v|2 + |H| ) + e) + ∇ · ρv( 1 |v|2 + e + p ) + H × (v × H) = 0, t
∇ · H = 0, (1.2) where ρ, v = (v1 , v2 , v3 ), H = (H1 , H2 , H3 ), and p are the density, velocity, magnetic field, and pressure, respectively; e = e(ρ, S) is the internal energy; and S is the entropy. The Gibbs relation p θdS = de − 2 dρ ρ implies the constitutive relations: p = ρ2 eρ (ρ, S),
θ = eS (ρ, S),
Date: September 8, 2006. 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary: 35L65,35L60,76W05,76E25,35R35; Secondary: 76N10,35L67. Key words and phrases. Stability, existence, compressible vortex sheets, MHD, free boundary problem, linearized problem, decoupled formulation, Nash-Moser-H¨ ormander iteration, energy estimates, magnetic effect. 1
p where θ is the temperature. The quantity c = pρ (ρ, S) is the sonic speed of the fluid. For smooth solutions, the equations in (1.1) are equivalent to (∂t + v · ∇)p + ρc2 ∇ · v = 0, ρ(∂ + v · ∇)v + ∇p − (∇ × H) × H = 0, t (∂t + v · ∇)H − (H · ∇)v + H∇ · v = 0, (∂t + v · ∇)S = 0,
which can be written as a 8 × 8 symmetric hyperbolic system for U = (p, v, H, S) of the form: B0 (U )∂t U +
3 X
Bj (U )∂xj U = 0.
Compressible vortex sheets occur ubiquitously in nature (cf. [3, 4, 10, 13, 21, 23, 24]) and are fundamental waves in entropy solutions to the multidimensional hyperbolic systems of conservation laws. For example, the vortex sheets are one of the core waves in the Mach reflection configurations when a planar shock hits a wedge and, more generally, in the two-dimensional Riemann solutions, which are building blocks of general entropy solutions to the Euler equations in gas dynamics. Therefore, understanding the existence and stability of compressible vortex sheets is an important step towards our full understanding of fluid motions and the behavior of entropy solutions to the multidimensional hyperbolic systems of conservation laws, along with the existence and stability of shock and rarefaction waves (cf. Majda [18], Glimm-Majda [13], Alinhac [2], and M´etivier [19]; also see [11, 15]). For the Euler equations in two-dimensional gas dynamics, the classical linearized stability analysis on √ compressible vortex sheets predicts stability √ when the Mach number M > 2 since there are no growing modes in this case, and instability when M < 2 since there are exponentially exploding modes of instability (see Miles √ [20] for the definitive treatment). The local nonlinear stability for the two-dimensional case with M > 2 was recently established by Coulombel-Secchi [8, 9] when the initial data is a small perturbation of a planar vortex sheet. In a series of papers, Artola and Majda [3] studied the stability of vortex sheets by using the argument of nonlinear geometric optics to analyze the interaction between vortex sheets and highly oscillatory waves. They first observed the generation of three distinct families of kink modes traveling along the slip stream bracketed by shocks and rarefaction√waves and provided a detailed explanation of the instability of supersonic vortex sheets even when M > 2. Therefore, one can not expect the nonlinear stability globally for two-dimensional compressible vortex sheets. For the Euler equations in three-dimensional gas dynamics, the situation is even more complicated. In fact, it is well known that every compressible vortex sheet is violently unstable and this violent instability is the analogue of the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability for incompressible fluids. The purpose of this paper is to understand whether compressible vortex sheets in three dimensions, which are unstable in the regime of pure gas dynamics, become stable under the magnetic effect, that is, the nonlinear stability of current-vortex sheets in three-dimensional MHD. One of the main features is that the stability problem is equivalent to a free boundary problem whose free boundary is a characteristic surface, which is more delicate than the noncharacteristic free boundary problems that are endowed with a strict jump of the normal velocity on the free boundary (cf. [18, 11, 19]; also [6, 10]). Another feature is that the linearized problem for current-vortex sheets in MHD does not meet the uniform Kreiss-Lopatinskii condition [17, 18]; see the analysis in Blokhin-Trakhinin [5] and Trakhinin [22]. These features cause additional analytical difficulties and, in particular, they prevent a direct use of the standard Picard iteration to prove the existence of solutions to the nonlinear problem. In this paper, we develop a nonlinear approach to deal with these difficulties in three-dimensional MHD, based on the previous results mentioned above. We first carefully formulate the linearized problem for the current-vortex sheet to show rigorously that, although any compressible vortex sheet may be violently unstable in the regime of pure gas dynamics and does not meet the uniform Kreiss-Lopatinskii condition, the magnetic effect makes the linearized problem weakly stable as observed in [5, 22]. In particular, we successfully establish high-order energy estimates of the solutions for the linearized problem in terms of the nonhomogeneous terms and variable coefficients without loss of the order. Then we exploit these results to 2
develop a suitable iteration scheme of Nash-Moser-H¨ ormander type and establish its convergence, which leads to the existence and stability of compressible current-vortex sheets, locally in time, in the three-dimensional MHD. We remark that, in order to establish the energy estimates, especially high-order energy estimates, of solutions to the linearized problem derived from the current-vortex sheet, we have identified a well-structured decoupled formulation so that the linear problem (3.1)–(3.3) is decoupled into one standard initial-boundary value problem (3.10) for a symmetric hyperbolic equations and another problem (3.11) for an ordinary differential equation for the front. This decoupled formulation is much more convenient and simpler than that in (58)–(60) given in [22] and is essential for us to establish the desired high-order energy estimates of solutions, which is one of the key ingredients for developing the suitable iteration scheme of Nash-MoserH¨ ormander type that converges. This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we first set up the current-vortex sheet problem as a free boundary problem, and then we reformulate this problem into a fixed initial-boundary value problem and state the main theorem of this paper. In Sections 3–4, we first carefully formulate the linearized problem for compressible current-vortex sheets and identify the decoupled formulation; and then we make energy estimates, especially high-order energy estimates, of the solutions in terms of the nonhomogeneous terms and variable coefficients without loss of the order. Then, in Section 5, we analyze the compatibility conditions and construct the zero-th order approximate solutions for the nonlinear problem, which is a basis for our iteration scheme. In Section 6, we develop a suitable iteration scheme of Nash-Moser-H¨ ormander type. In Section 7, we establish the convergence of the iteration scheme towards a compressible current-vortex sheet. Finally, in Section 8, we complete several necessary estimates of the iteration scheme used in Section 7. 2. Current-Vortex Sheets and Main Theorem In this section, we first set up the current-vortex sheet problem as a free boundary problem and then reformulate this problem into a fixed initial-boundary value problem, and finally we state the main theorem of this paper. Let a piecewise smooth function U (t, x) be an entropy solution to (1.1) with the form: ( U + (t, x) when x1 > ψ(t, x2 , x3 ), U (t, x) = (2.1) U − (t, x) when x1 < ψ(t, x2 , x3 ). Then, on the discontinuity front Γ = {x1 = ψ(t, x2 , x3 )}, U (t, x) must satisfy the Rankine-Hugoniot conditions: [mN ] = 0, [HN ] = 0, m [v ] + [q] = 0, mN [vτ ] = HN [Hτ ], N N (2.2) Hk for k = 1, 2, 3, mN [ ρ ] = HN [vk ] m [e + 1 (|v|2 + |H|2 )] + [qv − H (H · v)] = 0, N
where [α] denotes the jump of the function α on the front Γ, (vN , vτ ) (resp. (HN , Hτ )) are the normal and tangential components of v (resp. H) on Γ, i.e., vN := v1 − ψx2 v2 − ψx3 v3 ,
HN := H1 − ψx2 H2 − ψx3 H3 ,
vτ = (vτ1 , vτ2 )⊤ := (ψx2 v1 + v2 , ψx3 v1 + v3 )⊤ , Hτ = (Hτ1 , Hτ2 )⊤ := (ψx2 H1 + H2 , ψx3 H1 + H3 )⊤ ,
mN = ρ(vN − ψt ) is the mass transfer flux, and q = p +
|H|2 2
is the total pressure.
If mN = 0 on Γ, then (U , Γ) is a contact discontinuity for (1.1). In this paper, we focus on the case: + − HN = HN = 0,
Hτ+ 6k Hτ− ,
for which U (t, x) is called a compressible current-vortex sheet. Then the current-vortex sheet is determined by (2.3) and |H|2 ± ] = 0, (2.5) ψt = vN , [p + 2 3
on which generically ([ρ], [vτ ], [S]) 6= 0.
When H ≡ 0, U (t, x) becomes a classical compressible vortex sheet in fluid mechanics without magnetic effect. + − Since HN = HN on Γ = {x1 = ψ(t, x2 , x3 )}, it is easy to see that condition (2.4) is equivalent to the condition: + − H2 H2 6k on Γ. (2.7) H3+ H3− + − Indeed, when HN = HN on Γ, we have
Hτ± = ((1 + ψx22 )H2± + ψx2 ψx3 H3± , ψx2 ψx3 H2± + (1 + ψx22 )H3± )⊤ which implies that αHτ+ + βHτ− = 0 if and only if αHk+ + βHk− = 0 hold for k = 2, 3. Furthermore, system (1.1) has the following property: Let (U ± , ψ) be the current-vortex sheet to (1.1) for t ∈ [0, T ) for some T > 0. Then, if ∇ · H ± (0, x) = 0, we have ∇ · H ± (t, x) = 0
for all t ∈ [0, T ).
This can be seen as follows: From (1.3), we find that, on both sides of Γ, (∂t + v ± · ∇)(∇ · H ± ) + (∇ · v ± )(∇ · H ± ) = 0.
± On Γ, we use ψt = vN to obtain
± ∂t + v ± · ∇ = ∂t + (vN + ψx2 v2± + ψx3 v3± )∂x1 + v2± ∂x2 + v3± ∂x3 = τ ± · (∂t , ∇), ± where the vectors τ ± = (1, vN + ψx2 v2± + ψx3 v3± , v2± , v3± )⊤ are orthogonal to the space-time normal vector ⊤ n = (ψt , −1, ψx2 , ψx3 ) on Γ. Thus, ∂t + v ± · ∇ are tangential derivative operators to Γ. Thus, equations in (2.9) are transport equations for ∇ · H on both sides of Γ, which implies (2.8).
Set D(λ, U ) :=
˜ D(λ, U) 0
0 1
1 ˜ with D(λ, U ) := λρH 03×1
λ ⊤ ρc2 H
I3 −λI3
O1×3 −ρλI3 . I3
As in [22], property (2.8) implies that system (1.1)–(1.2) is equivalent to the following system on both sides of Γ: 3 X (2.10) Bj (U ± )∂xj U ± + λ± G± ∇ · H ± = 0, D(λ± , U ± ) B0 (U ± )∂t U ± + j=1
provided ∇ · H (0, x) = 0, where
G± = −(1, 0, 0, 0, H ±, 0)⊤ ,
and λ± = λ± (v2± , v3± , H2± , H3± ) will be determined later so that (λ± )2 < are satisfied for the sound speeds c± . We rewrite system (2.10) as
(c± )2 ρ± (c± )2 + |H ± |2
A0 (U ± )∂t U ± +
3 X
Aj (U ± )∂xj U ± = 0,
which is also symmetric hyperbolic. Then the problem of existence and stability of current-vortex sheets of the form (2.1) can be formulated as the following free boundary problem: 4
Free Boundary Problem: Determine U ± (t, x) and a free boundary Γ = {x1 = ψ(t, x2 , x3 )} for t > 0 such that P3 ± ± ± ± =0 for ± (x1 − ψ(t, x2 , x3 )) > 0, tU + j=1 Aj (U )∂xj U A0 (U )∂( + (2.13) U0 (x) when x1 > ψ0 (x2 , x3 ), U |t=0 = − U0 (x) when x1 < ψ0 (x2 , x3 )
satisfying the jump conditions on Γ:
|H|2 ] = 0, Hτ+ 6k Hτ− , 2 where ψ0 = ψ(0, x1 , x2 ), and condition (2.11) is satisfied for λ± given by (3.9) later. ± ψt = vN ,
± HN = 0,
[p +
For a piecewise smooth solution U (t, x) of problem (2.13)–(2.14) with smooth (U ± , ψ) for t ∈ [0, T ), it can be similarly verified that, if ∇ · H ± (0, x) = 0, then ∇ · H ± (t, x) = 0 for all t ∈ [0, T ). Hence the equations in (2.13) and (1.1)–(1.2) are equivalent for such a solution. Furthermore, unlike the shock case, the new difficulty here is that the free boundary Γ in problem (2.13)– (2.14) is now a characteristic surface of system (2.13), rather than the noncharacteristic boundary surface endowed with a strict jump of the normal velocity as in the shock case (see [6, 10, 11, 18, 19]). To deal with such a free boundary problem, it is convenient to employ the standard partial hodograph transformation: ( t = t˜, x2 = x ˜2 , x3 = x ˜3 , (2.15) x1 = Ψ± (t˜, x˜1 , x ˜2 , x ˜3 ) with Ψ± satisfying (
±∂x˜1 Ψ± ≥ κ > 0, Ψ+ |x˜1 =0 = Ψ− |x˜1 =0 = ψ(t˜, x ˜2 , x ˜3 )
for some constant κ > 0. Under (2.15), the domains Ω± = {±(x1 − ψ(t, x2 , x3 )) > 0} are transformed into {˜ x1 > 0} and the free boundary Γ into the fixed boundary {˜ x1 = 0}. ˜ ± (t˜, x Then we define U ˜) := U ± (t, x). From the first jump condition in (2.14), the natural candidates of Ψ± are those that satisfy the following eikonal equations: ∂t Ψ± − v1± + v2± ∂x2 Ψ± + v3± ∂x3 Ψ± = 0
in {x1 > 0},
where we have dropped the tildes in the formula for simplicity of notations. ˜ ± (t˜, x It is easy to check that, under (2.15), U ˜) = U ± (t, x) satisfy L(U ± , Ψ± )U ± = 0 the boundary conditions on {x1 = 0}:
and the initial condition at {t = 0}:
in {x1 > 0},
Ψ+ |x1 =0 = Ψ− |x1 =0 = ψ, B(U + , U − , ψ)|x1 =0 = 0,
(U ± , ψ)|t=0 = (U0± (x), ψ0 (x2 , x3 )),
where the tildes have also been dropped for simplicity of notations, L(U, Ψ)V = A0 (U )∂t V + A¯1 (U, Ψ)∂x1 V +
3 X
Aj (U )∂xj V
with A¯1 (U, Ψ) =
1 ∂x1 Ψ
A1 (U ) − ∂t ΨA0 (U ) −
∂xj ΨAj (U ) ,
⊤ ± ± B(U + , U − , ψ) = ∂t ψ − Uv,N , UH,N , q+ − q−
± ± with Uv,N = U2± − ψx2 U3± − ψx3 U4± , UH,N = U5± − ψx2 U6± − ψx3 U7± , and
1 q = U1 + |UH |2 2
for UH = (U5 , U6 , U7 )⊤ . 5
With these, the free boundary problem has been reduced into the fixed initial-boundary value problem (2.17)–(2.20). To solve (2.17)–(2.20), as in [2, 7, 14], it is natural to introduce the tangential vector M = (M1 , M2 , M3 ) of {x1 = 0}: M1 = σ(x1 )∂x1 M2 = ∂x2 , M3 = ∂x3 , with ( x1 when 0 ≤ x1 ≤ 1, σ(x1 ) := 2 when x1 ≥ 2,
and the weighted Sobolev spaces defined on ΩT := {(t, x) ∈ [0, T ] × IR3 : x1 > 0}: Bµs (ΩT ) := {u ∈ L2 (ΩT ) : e−µt M α ∂xk1 u ∈ L2 (ΩT )
for all s ∈ IN and µ > 0, imposed with the norms kuks,µ,T := where ku(t, ·)k2s,µ :=
ku(t, ·)k2s,µ dt
for |α| + 2k ≤ s} ,
µ2(s−|α|−2k) ke−µt M α ∂xk1 u(t, ·)k2L2 .
We will also use similar notation as above for the spaces with µ = 0, B s (ΩT ), whose norm is defined by X 1/2 . kM α ∂xk1 uk2L2 (ΩT ) kuks,T := |α|+2k≤s
Also denote bΩT := {(t, x2 , x3 ) : t ∈ [0, T ], (x2 , x3 ) ∈ IR2 }. ¯ for ¯ ± , ψ) Then, when the initial data (U0± , ψ0 ) is a small perturbation of a plane current-vortex sheet (U ¯ ± and ψ¯ = 0 satisfying (2.3)–(2.5), we have the following main theorem of this paper. constant states U Theorem 2.1 (Main Theorem). Assume that, for any fixed α ≥ 14 and s ∈ [α + 5, 2α − 9], the initial ¯ ± ∈ B 2(s+2) (IR3+ ) satisfy the compatibility conditions of problem data functions ψ0 ∈ H 2s+3 (IR2 ) and U0± − U (2.17)–(2.20) up to order s + 2. Then there exists a solution (U ± , Ψ± ) of the initial-boundary value problem (2.17)–(2.20) such that α (U ± − Ua± , Ψ± − Ψ± a ) ∈ B (ΩT )
ψ = Ψ± |x1 =0 ∈ H α−1 (bΩT )
for some functions Ua± and Ψ± a satisfying ¯ ± , Ψ± ∓ x1 ∈ B s+3 (IR+ × IR3 ). Ua± − U + a
We remark that, since ±∂x˜1 Ψ± ≥ κ > 0, the corresponding vector function of the solution (U ± , Ψ± ) in Theorem 2.1 under the inverse of the partial hodograph transform is a solution of the free boundary problem, i.e. the current-vortex sheet problem, which implies the existence and stability of compressible current-vortex sheets to (2.1)–(2.2) under the initial perturbation. To achieve this, we start with the linear stability in Sections 3–4 and then establish the nonlinear stability by developing nonlinear techniques in Sections 5–7. Some estimates used in Sections 5–7 for the iteration scheme of Nash-Moser-H¨ ormander type are given in Section 8. 3. Linear Stability I: Linearized Problem To study the linear stability of current-vortex sheets, we first derive a linearized problem from the nonlinear problem (2.17)–(2.20). By a direct calculation, we have d Φ L(U + sV, Ψ + sΦ)(U + sV ) |s=0 = L(U, Ψ)W + E(U, Ψ)W + ∂x (L(U, Ψ)U ), ds ∂x1 Ψ 1 where
W =V −
Φ ∂x U ∂x1 Ψ 1 6
is the good unknown as introduced in [2] (see also [11, 19]) and E(U, Ψ)W = W · ∇U (A¯1 (U, Ψ))∂x1 U +
3 X j=2
W · ∇U Aj (U )∂xj U.
Then we obtain the following linearized problem of (2.17)–(2.20): L(U ± , Ψ± )W ± + E(U ± , Ψ± )W ± = F ±
in {x1 > 0}
with the boundary conditions on {x1 = 0}: ± ± ± ± ± ± φt − (W2 − ψx2 W3 − ψx3 W4 ) + U3 φx2 + U4 φx3 = h1 , ± ± ± ± ± ± W5 − ψx2 W6 − ψx3 W7 − U6 φx2 − U7 φx3 = h2 , P7 + W1 − W1− + j=5 (Uj+ Wj+ − Uj− Wj− ) = h3 ,
and the initial condition at {t = 0}: for some functions F
and h :=
(W ± , φ)|t=0 = 0,
± ⊤ (h± 1 , h2 , h3 ) .
To separate the characteristic and noncharacteristic components of the unknown W ± , we introduce J ± = J(U ± , Ψ± ) as a 8 × 8 regular matrix such that X ± = (J ± )−1 W ±
± P7 ± ± ± X1 = W1 + j=5 Uj Wj , X ± = W ± − Ψ ± W ± − Ψ ± W ± , x2 3 x3 4 2 2 ± ± ± ± ± W7± , W − Ψ X = W − Ψ x x 6 5 5 3 ± ± ± 2± ± (X3 , X4 , X6 , X7 , X8 ) = (W3± , W4± , W6± , W7± , W8± ).
Then, under transformation (3.4), problem (3.1)–(3.3) for (W ± , φ) is equivalent to the following problem for (X ± , φ): ˜ ± , Ψ± )X ± + E(U ˜ ± , Ψ± )X ± = F˜ ± L(U in {x1 > 0} (3.5)
with the boundary conditions on {x1 = 0}: ± ± ± ± φt − X2 + U3 φx2 + U4 φx3 = h1 , X5± − U6± φx2 − U7± φx3 = h± 2, + X1 − X1− = h3 , and the initial condition at {t = 0}: ˜±
where F
± ⊤
(X ± , φ)|t=0 = 0,
= (J ) F , ˜ ± , Ψ± ) = A˜0 (U ± , Ψ± )∂t + L(U
3 X
A˜j (U ± , Ψ± )∂xj
with A˜1 (U ± , Ψ± ) = (J ± )⊤ A¯1 (U ± , Ψ± )J ± , A˜j (U ± , Ψ± ) = (J ± )⊤ Aj (U ± )J ± , j 6= 1, and
˜ ± , Ψ± )X ± = (J ± )⊤ E(U ± , Ψ± )J ± X ± + (J ± )⊤ (L(U ± , Ψ± )J ± )X ± . E(U
For simplicity of notations, we will drop the tildes in (3.5). By a direct calculation, we see that A1 (U ± , Ψ± ) can be decomposed into three parts: A1 (U ± , Ψ± ) = A±,0 + A±,1 + A±,2 1 1 1 with A±,0 1
1 = ∂x1 Ψ±
0 a⊤
a O7×7
A±,1 = 1
± ∂t Ψ± − Uv,N
∂x1 Ψ±
A˜±,1 1 ,
A±,2 = 1
± UH,N
∂x1 Ψ±
A˜±,2 1
± ± where a = (1, 0, 0, −λ±, 0, 0, 0), Uv,N = U2± − Ψx2 U3± − Ψx3 U4± , and UH,N = U5± − Ψx2 U6± − Ψx3 U7± . 7
When the state (U ± , Ψ± ) satisfies the boundary conditions given in (2.19), we know from (3.5) that, on {x1 = 0}, + + A1 (U + , Ψ+ ) 0 X X < , >= 2X1± [X2 − λX5 ], (3.8) 0 A1 (U − , Ψ− ) X− X− when [X1 ] = 0 on {x1 = 0}. Furthermore, from (3.6), we have [X2 − λX5 ] = φx2 [U3 − λU6 ] + φx3 [U4 − λU7 ] − [h1 + λh2 ]. Thus, from assumption (2.4) that is equivalent to (2.7), there exists a unique λ± = λ± (v2± , v3± , H2± , H3± ) such that − + + − H2 H2 v2 v2 − + , (3.9) − λ − = λ H3− H3+ v3+ v3− that is, [U3 − λU6 ] = [U4 − λU7 ] = 0, which implies [X2 − λX5 ] = −[h1 + λh2 ]. Therefore, with the choice of λ± in (3.9), problem (3.5)–(3.7) is decomposed into L(U ± , Ψ± )X ± + E(U ± , Ψ± )X ± = F ± in {x1 > 0}, [X − λX ] = −[h + λh ] on {x1 = 0}, 2 5 1 2 + − X − X = h on {x = 0}, 3 1 1 1 ± X |t≤0 = 0,
which is maximally dissipative in the sense of Lax-Friedrichs [12, 18], and !−1 ! U6+ U7+ X5+ − h+ ± ± ± 2 φt = X2 − (U3 , U4 ) + h± 1 U6− U7− X5− − h− 2 φ|t=0 = 0.
on {x1 = 0},
Remark 3.1. To have the identities in (3.11), it requires the compatibility, that is, the right-hand side of (3.11) for the plus sign is equal to the term for the minus sign. This is also guaranteed by the choice of λ± in (3.9). 4. Linear Stability II: Energy Estimates In this section, we establish the energy estimates for the linear problem (3.1)–(3.3), which implies the existence and uniqueness of solutions. We know from Section 3 that it suffices to study the linear problem (3.10)–(3.11). As noted as above, when the state (U ± , Ψ± ) satisfies the eikonal equation (2.17) in {x1 > 0} and the boundary conditions on {x1 = 0} in (2.19), we know that the boundary {x1 = 0} is a uniform characteristic of multiplicities 12 of the equations in (3.10). First, we have the following elementary properties in the space B s (ΩT ), whose proof can be found in [2]. Lemma 4.1. (i) For any fixed s > 5/2, the identity mapping is a bounded embedding from B s (ΩT ) to L (ΩT ); (ii) If s > 1 and u ∈ B s (ΩT ), then u|x1 =0 ∈ H s−1 (bΩT ), the classical Sobolev space. Conversely, if v ∈ H σ (bΩT ) for a fixed σ > 0, then there exists u ∈ B σ+1 (ΩT ) such that u|x1 =0 = v. ∞
˙ Denote by coef (t, x) all the coefficient functions appeared in the equation in (3.10), and coef(t, x) = coef(t, x) − coef (0). With the decoupled formulation (3.10)–(3.11) for the linearized problem, we can now employ the Lax-Friedrichs theory [12, 18] to establish the desired energy estimates, especially the high-order energy estimates, of solutions for the linear problem. 8
˙ s ,T Theorem 4.1. For any fixed s0 > 17/2, there exist constants C0 and µ0 depending only on kcoefk 0 for the coefficient functions in (3.10) such that, for any s ≥ s0 and µ ≥ µ0 , the estimate max kX ± (t)k2s,µ + µkX ± k2s,µ,T
C0 ± 2 2 ˙ 2 kF ± k2s,µ,T + khk2H s+1 (bΩ ) + kcoefk s,µ,T (kF ks0 ,T + khkH s0 +1 (bΩT ) ) T µ µ
holds provided that the eikonal equations (2.17) and
± UH,N := U5± − ∂x2 Ψ± U6± − ∂x3 Ψ± U7± = 0 ± ⊤ s are valid for (U ± , Ψ± ) in a neighborhood of {x1 = 0}, where h = (h± 1 , h2 , h3 ) and the norms in Hµ (bΩT ) s are defined as that of Bµ (ΩT ) with functions independent of x1 .
Proof: The proof is divided into two steps. Step 1. We first study problem (3.10) with homogeneous boundary conditions: ± h± 1 = h2 = h3 = 0
on {x1 = 0}.
Define P
I2 = 0 0
A± 1
± 0 P2 0 0 I3
1 0 0 1 , 0 0
0 P1 = 0 1
0 P1 0
± ⊤
= (P )
± A± 1P
with A±,1 11
0 1
1 0
0 I5
0 λ± . 1
1 0 = 0 1 0 0
A±,1 11 A±,1 21
A±,1 12 A±,1 22
±,1 ±,1 A±,1 12 = A21 = A22 = 0
in a neighborhood of {x1 = 0}. Thus, from (3.10) and (4.2), we find that the vector function Y ± = (P ± )−1 X ± satisfies the following problem: ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± L(U , Ψ )Y + E (U , Ψ )Y = F [Y1 ] = [Y2 ] = 0 on {x1 = 0}, ± Y |t≤0 = 0,
where F ± = (P ± )⊤ F ± ,
L(U ± , Ψ± ) = A± 0 ∂t + with
A± j
± ⊤
= (P )
± A± j P ,0
≤ j ≤ 3, and E
± ⊤
= (P ) EP
3 X j=1
in {x1 > 0},
A± j ∂xj
+ (P ± )⊤
± A± j ∂xj P .
L2 -estimate: With setup (4.4), we can apply the Lax-Friedrichs theory to obtain the following L2 −estimate: max kY ± (t)k20,µ + µkY ± k20,µ,T ≤
when µ ≥ µ0 > 0, where
C0 ± 2 kF k0,µ,T µ
C0 = C0 (kcoef kL∞ , k∇ · coef kL∞ ). 9
Estimates on the tangential derivatives. From (4.4), we find that M α Y ± , |α| ≤ s, satisfy α ± ± α ± α ± ± α ± in {x1 > 0}, LM Y + E M Y = M F + [L + E , M ]Y α α [M Y1 ] = [M Y2 ] = 0 on {x1 = 0}, α ± M Y |t≤0 = 0,
which, by the Lax-Friedrichs theory again, yields max |Y ± (t)|2s,µ + µ|Y ± |2s,µ,T
C0 ± 2 ˙ |2 |F ± |2s,µ,T + (kcoef k∗T )2 |Y ± |2s,µ,T + k∇Y ± k2L∞ |coef s,µ,T + |∂x1 YI |s−1,µ,T , µ
where YI± = (Y1± , Y2± ), the norms | · |s,µ and | · |s,µ,T are the special cases of the norms k · ks,µ and k · ks,µ,T respectively without the normal derivatives ∂xk1 , and X X k∂x1 M α ukL∞ (ΩT ) . kM α ukL∞ (ΩT ) + kuk∗T = |α|≤1
− Estimates on the normal derivatives. Set Aj = diag[A+ j , Aj ], 0 ≤ j ≤ 3, with ±,j A11 A±,j 12 A± = . j A±,j A±,j 21 22
From (4.3)–(4.4), we find that YI± = (Y1± , Y2± ) and YII± = (Y3± , . . . , Y8± ) satisfy the following equations: ± ± + coef · Y ± + FI± , A±,1 11 ∂x1 YI = coef · M Y
and (P
3 ±,j ± j=0 A22 ∂xj YII ± YII |t≤0 = 0,
± ± + C22 YII = FI± I −
± ± ± A±,j 21 ∂xj YI − C21 YI ,
P ± where the linear operator 3j=0 A±,j 22 ∂xj + C22 is symmetric hyperbolic and tangential to {x1 = 0}. Thus, from (4.8), we obtain ˙ (t)|s,µ , |∂x1 YI± (t)|s−1,µ ≤ |FI± (t)|s−1,µ + kcoef kLip(T ) |Y ± (t)|s,µ + kY ± kLip(T ) |coef
with k · kLip(T ) denoting the usual norm in the space of Lipschitz continuous functions in ΩT and, from (4.9), we deduce the following estimate on ∂x1 YII± by using the classical hyperbolic theory: max |∂x1 YII± (t)|2s−2,µ + µ|∂x1 YII± |2s−2,µ,T
C0 ± 2 ± 2 2 2 |∂x1 FI± I |s−2,µ,T + kcoef kLip(T ) (|YI |s,µ,T + |∂x1 YI |s−1,µ,T ) µ ˙ |N )2 , + (kcoef k∗ |Y ± |N )2 + (kY ± k∗ |coef T
II s,µ,T
|u|N s,µ,T = |u|s,µ,T + |ux1 |s−2,µ,T .
Combining estimates (4.7) with (4.10)–(4.11), applying an inductive argument on the order of normal derivatives ∂xk1 , and noting that all the coefficient functions of L and E ± in problem (4.4) depending on ± 2 (U ± , ∇t,x Ψ± ) and (U ± , ∇t,x U ± , {∂xα11 ∇α t,x2 ,x3 Ψ }α1 ≤1,|α2 |≤2,α1 +|α2 |≤2 ), respectively, we can conclude estimate (4.1) for the case of homogeneous boundary conditions by choosing s0 > 17/2. ± Step 2. With Step 1, for the case of nonhomogeneous boundary conditions in (3.10) with (h± 1 , h2 , h3 ) ∈ 2 ± H ([0, T ] × IR ), it suffices to study (3.10) when F = 0. By Lemma 4.1, there exists X0± ∈ B s+2 (ΩT ) satisfying s+1
[X0,2 − λX0,5 ] = −[h1 + λh2 ],
[X0,1 ] = h3
on {x1 = 0}.
Thus, from (3.10), we know that Y ± = X ± − X0± satisfies the following problem: ± ± ± ± ± ± ± in {x1 > 0}, L(U , Ψ )Y + E(U , Ψ )Y = f [Y1 ] = [Y2 − λY5 ] = 0 on {x1 = 0}, ± Y |t≤0 = 0,
with f ± = −L(U ± , Ψ± )X0± − E(U ± , Ψ± )X0± ∈ B s (ΩT ). Employing estimate (4.1) in the case h = 0 for problem (4.13) established in Step 1 yields an estimate on Y ± , which implies the estimates of X ± = Y ± + X0± . Combining this estimate with that for the case of homogeneous boundary conditions yields (4.1) for the general case. By choosing µ ≫ 1 and T so that µT ≤ 1 in (4.1), we can directly conclude ˙ s ,T Theorem 4.2. For any fixed s0 > 17/2, there exists a constant C0 > 0 depending only on kcoefk 0 such that, for any s ≥ s0 , the estimate ˙ 2 (kF ± k2 + khk2 s0 +1 (4.14) kX ± k2s,T ≤ C0 kF ± k2s,T + khk2H s+1 (bΩT ) + kcoefk s,T s0 ,T H (bΩT ) )
5. Nonlinear Stability I: Construction of The Zero-th Order Approximate Solutions With the linear estimates in Section 4, we now establish the local existence of current-vortex sheets of problem (2.17)–(2.20) under the compatibility conditions on the initial data. From now on, we focus on the ¯ for constant states ¯ ± , ψ) initial data (U0± , ψ0 ) that is a small perturbation of a planar current-vortex sheet (U ± ¯ ¯ U and ψ = 0 satisfying (2.3)–(2.5). We start with the compatibility conditions on {t = x1 = 0}. For fixed k ∈ IN , it is easy to formulate the j th –order compatibility conditions, 0 ≤ j ≤ k, for the initial data (U0± , ψ0 ) of problem (2.17)–(2.20), from which we determine the data: {∂tj U ± |t=x1 =0 }0≤j≤k
and {∂tj ψ|t=0 }0≤j≤k+1 .
For any fixed integer s > 9/2 and given data ψ0 ∈ H
(IR ) and
¯ ± ∈ B s (IR3+ ), U˙ 0± = U0± − U
˙ ± ∈ B s (IR3+ ) satisfying by using Lemma 4.1, we can extend ψ0 to be Ψ 0
± ˙ ±U ± = 0 ˙ ± U ± − ∂x3 Ψ U0,5 − ∂x2 Ψ 0 0,7 0 0,6
± ˙± which is possible by using assumption (2.4). Let Ψ± 0 = Ψ0 ± x1 be the initial data for solving Ψ from the eikonal equations (2.17). j ± Let Uj± (x) = ∂tj U ± |t=0 and Ψ± j = ∂t Ψ |t=0 for any j ≥ 0. For all k ≤ [s/2], from problem (2.17)–(2.20), we determine
{Uj± }1≤j≤k
and {Ψ± j }0≤j≤k+1
in terms of (U0± , Ψ± 0 ) and ( Uj± ∈ B s−2j (IR3+ ), 1 ≤ j ≤ k, s−2(j−1) s−1 (IR3+ ), 2 ≤ j ≤ k + 1. (IR3+ ), Ψ± Ψ± 1 ∈ B j ∈B
Furthermore, we have the estimate [s/2]+1
X j=1
kUj± kB s−2j (IR3+ ) +
X j=2
± kΨ± j kB s−2j+2 (IR3+ ) + kΨ1 kB s−1 (IR3+ )
≤ C0 (kU˙ 0± kB s (IR3+ ) + kψ0 kH s−1 (IR2 ) )
with C0 depending only on s, kU˙ 0± kW 1,∞ (IR3+ ) , and kψ0 kW 1,∞ (IR2 ) . 11
Set s1 = [s/2] + 1. We now construct the zero-th order approximate solutions (Ua± , Ψ± a ). First, we construct s1 +1 ˙± Ψ (IR+ × IR3+ ) (5.5) a ∈B ˙ ± |t=0 = Ψ ˙ ± , 0 ≤ j ≤ s1 , and Ψ ˙ + |x1 =0 = Ψ ˙ − |x1 =0 , and satisfying ∂tj Ψ a a a j ± U˙ a,l ∈ B s1 (IR+ × IR3+ ),
l 6= 2,
± ± satisfying ∂tj U˙ a,l |t=0 = U˙ j,l , 0 ≤ j ≤ s1 − 1. Moreover, we have ( ± ± ± ± in {x1 > 0}, Ua,5 − ∂x2 Ψ± a Ua,6 − ∂x3 Ψa Ua,7 = 0 1 2 [Ua,1 + 2 |Ua,H | ] = 0 on {x1 = 0},
¯ ± + U˙ ± , Ψ± = Ψ ˙ ± ± x1 , and Ua,H = (Ua,5 , Ua,6 , Ua,7 )⊤ . where Ua± = U a a a ± Finally, we construct Ua,2 ∈ B s1 (IR+ × IR3+ ) by requiring ± ± ± ± ± ∂t Ψ± a − Ua,2 + ∂x2 Ψa Ua,3 + ∂x3 Ψa Ua,4 = 0
in {x1 > 0}.
Therefore, we conclude ¯ ± , ψ0 ) ∈ Lemma 5.1. For any fixed integer s > 9/2, assume that the initial data (U˙ 0± , ψ0 ) = (U0± − U 3 2 s−1 ± ± ± ± ¯± ∈ B (IR+ ) × H (IR ) is bounded in the norms. Then there exists (Ua , Ψa ) such that U˙ a = Ua − U ˙ ± = Ψ± ∓ x1 ∈ B [s/2]+2 (IR+ × IR3 ), B [s/2]+1 (IR+ × IR3+ ), Ψ a a + s
± ∂tj (L(Ua± , Ψ± a )Ua ))|t=0 = 0
for 0 ≤ j ≤ [s/2] − 1,
and (5.7)–(5.8) hold. With this, we set ψa = Ψ± a |x1 =0 . From the compatibility conditions of problem (2.17)–(2.20) and Lemma 5.1, we have ∂tj (B(Ua+ , Ua− , ψa ))|t=0 = 0
for 0 ≤ j ≤ [s/2].
Set V ± = U ± − Ua± ,
Φ± = Ψ ± − Ψ ± a.
Then it follows from Lemma 5.1 and (5.10) that problem (2.17)–(2.20) is equivalent to the following fixed initial-boundary value problem for (V ± , Φ± ): L(V ± , Φ± )V ± = fa± in {t > 0, x1 > 0}, ± ± in {t > 0, x1 > 0}, E(V , Φ ) = 0 (5.12) Φ+ |x1 =0 = Φ− |x1 =0 = φ, + − B(V , V , φ) = 0 on {x1 = 0}, V ± | ± Φ |t≤0 = 0, t≤0 = 0, ± where fa± = −L(Ua± , Ψ± a )Ua ,
± ± ± ± ± ± L(V ± , Φ± )V ± = L(Ua± + V ± , Ψ± a + Φ )(Ua + V ) − L(Ua , Ψa )Ua ,
± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± E(V ± , Φ± ) = ∂t Φ± − V2± + ∂x2 (Ψ± a + Φ )V3 + ∂x3 (Ψa + Φ )V4 + Ua,3 ∂x2 Φ + Ua,4 ∂x3 Φ ,
and B(V + , V − , φ) = B(Ua+ + V + , Ua− + V − , ψa + φ). 12
6. Nonlinear Stability II: Iteration Scheme From Theorem 4.1, we observe that the high-order energy estimates of solutions for the linearized problem ˙ keep the same order. (3.10)–(3.11) in terms of the nonhomogeneous terms F ± and variable coefficients coef Based on these estimates and the structure of the nonlinear system, we now develop a suitable iteration scheme of Nash-Moser-H¨ ormander type (cf. [16]) for our nonlinear problem (5.12). To do this, we first recall a standard family of smoothing operators (cf. [2, 9]): {Sθ }θ>0 : Bµ0 (ΩT ) −→ ∩s≥0 Bµs (ΩT )
(s−α)+ kukα,T for all s, α ≥ 0, kSθ uks,T ≤ Cθ s−α kSθ u − uks,T ≤ Cθ kukα,T for all s ∈ [0, α], d k dθ Sθ uks,T ≤ Cθs−α−1 kukα,T for all s, α ≥ 0,
for all s, α ≥ 0. (6.3) k(Sθ u+ − Sθ u− )|x1 =0 kH s (bΩT ) ≤ Cθ(s+1−α)+ k(u+ − u− )|x1 =0 kα,T s Similarly, one has a family of smoothing operators, still denoted by {Sθ }θ>0 acting on H (bΩT ), satisfying (6.2) as well for the norms of H s (bΩT ) (cf. [2, 9]). Now we construct the iteration scheme for solving the nonlinear problem (5.12) in IR+ × IR3 .
The Iteration Scheme: Let V ±,0 = Φ±,0 = 0. Assume that (V ±,k , Φ±,k ) have been known for k = 0, . . . , n, and satisfy ( (V ±,k , Φ±,k ) = 0 in {t ≤ 0}, (6.4) Φ+,k |x1 =0 = Φ−,k |x1 =0 = φk on {x1 = 0}. Denote the (n + 1)th approximate solutions to (5.12) in IR+ × IR3 by
V ±,n+1 = V ±,n + δV ±,n , Φ±,n+1 = Φ±,n + δΦ±,n , φn+1 = φn + δφn . (6.5) p Let θ0 ≥ 1 and θn = θ02 + n for any n ≥ 1. Let Sθn be the associated smoothing operators defined as above. We now determine the problem of the increments (δV ±,n , δΦ±,n ) as follows: Construction of δV ±,n : First, it is easy to see
L(V ±,n+1 , Φ±,n+1 )V ±,n+1 − L(V ±,n , Φ±,n )V ±,n = L′
±,n ) e,(Ua± +V ±,n+ 2 ,Ψ± a +Sθn Φ
δ V˙ ±,n + e±,n ,
where V ±,n+ 2 are the modified states of Sθn V ±,n defined in (6.24)–(6.25) later, which guarantees that the boundary {x1 = 0} is the uniform characteristic of constant multiplicity at each iteration step, δ V˙ ±,n L′ ± ±,n+ 1 ± 2 ,Ψa +Sθ Φ±,n ) e,(Ua +V n (6.7) 1 1 ±,n ±,n = L(Ua± + V ±,n+ 2 , Ψ± )δ V˙ ±,n + E(Ua± + V ±,n+ 2 , Ψ± )δ V˙ ±,n a + Sθ n Φ a + Sθ n Φ are the effective linear operators, 1
∂x (Ua± + V ±,n+ 2 ) δ V˙ ±,n = δV ±,n − δΦ±,n 1 ± ∂x1 (Ψa + Sθn Φ±,n )
are the good unknowns, and e±,n =
4 X
are the total errors with the first error resulting from the Newton iteration scheme: (1)
±,n+1 ±,n e±,n =L(Ua± + V ±,n+1 , Ψ± )(Ua± + V ±,n+1 ) − L(Ua± + V ±,n , Ψ± )(Ua± + V ±,n ) a +Φ a +Φ
− L′(U ± +V ±,n ,Ψ± +Φ±,n ) (δV ±,n , δΦ±,n ), a
the second error resulting from the substitution: (2)
e±,n = L′(U ± +V ±,n ,Ψ± +Φ±,n ) (δV ±,n , δΦ±,n ) − L′(U ± +S a
θn V
±,n ,Ψ± +S ±,n ) θn Φ a
(δV ±,n , δΦ±,n ),
the third error resulting from the second substitution: (3)
e±,n = L′(U ± +S a
θn V
±,n ,Ψ± +S ±,n ) a θn Φ
(δV ±,n , δΦ±,n ) − L′
±,n ) (Ua± +V ±,n+ 2 ,Ψ± a +Sθn Φ
(δV ±,n , δΦ±,n ),
and the remaining error: 1 δΦ±,n 1 ±,n )(Ua± + V ±,n+ 2 ) . ∂x1 (L(Ua± + V ±,n+ 2 , Ψ± a + Sθ n Φ ±,n + Sθ n Φ )
e±,n =
Ψ± a
Similarly, we have
B(V +,n+1 , V −,n+1 , φn+1 ) − B(V +,n , V −,n , φn ) = B ′
(Ua± +V ±,n+ 2 ,ψa +Sθn φn )
where e˜n =
4 X
(δ V˙ +,n , δ V˙ −,n , δφn ) + e˜n , (6.14)
e˜(j) n
with the first error resulting from the Newton iteration scheme: + +,n+1 e˜(1) , Ua− + V −,n+1 , ψa + φn+1 ) − B(Ua+ + V +,n , Ua− + V −,n , ψa + φn ) n =B(Ua + V ′ − B(U (δV +,n , δV −,n , δφn ), ± +V ±,n ,ψa +φn )
the second error resulting from the substitution: ′ +,n ′ e˜(2) , δV −,n , δφn ) − B(U ± n = B(U ± +V ±,n ,ψa +φn ) (δV +S a
θn V
±,n ,ψ
a +Sθn φ
(δV +,n , δV −,n , δφn ),
the third errors resulting from the second substitution: ′ e˜(3) n = B(U ± +S a
θn V
±,n ,ψ
a +Sθn φ
(δV +,n , δV −,n , δφn ) − B ′
(δV +,n , δV −,n , δφn ), (6.18)
(δV +,n , δV −,n , δφn ) − B ′
(δ V˙ +,n , δ V˙ −,n , δφn ). (6.19)
(Ua± +V ±,n+ 2 ,ψa +Sθn φn )
and the remaining error: ′ e˜(4) n =B
(Ua± +V ±,n+ 2 ,ψa +Sθn φn )
(Ua± +V ±,n+ 2 ,ψa +Sθn φn )
Using (6.6) and (6.14) and noting that L(V ±,0 , Φ±,0 )V ±,0 = 0,
B(V +,0 , V −,0 , φ0 ) = 0,
we obtain Pn δ V˙ ±,j + e±,j , L(V ±,n+1 , Φ±,n+1 )V ±,n+1 = j=0 L′ ± ±,j+ 12 ± e,(Ua +V ,Ψa +Sθj Φ±,j ) Pn +,n+1 (δ V˙ +,j , δ V˙ −,j , δφj ) + e˜j . , V −,n+1 , φn+1 ) = j=0 B ′ ± ±,j+ 1 B(V j (Ua +V
,ψa +Sθj φ )
Observe that, if the limit of (V ±,n , Φ±,n ) exists which is expected to be a solution to problem (5.12), then the left-hand side in the first equation of (6.20) should converge to fa± , and the left-hand side in the second one of (6.20) goes to zero when n → ∞. Thus, from (6.20), it suffices to study the following problem: ′ δ V˙ ±,n = fn± in ΩT , L 1 ±,n ) e,(Ua± +V ±,n+ 2 ,Ψ± a +Sθn Φ (6.21) B ′ ± ±,n+ 1 (δ V˙ +,n , δ V˙ −,n , δφn ) = gn on bΩT , 2 ,ψa +Sθ φn ) (Ua +V n ˙ ±,n δV |t≤0 = 0,
where fn± and gn are defined by n X
n−1 X
fj± + Sθn (
e±,j ) = Sθn fa± ,
n X
by induction on n, with f0± = Sθ0 fa± and g0 = 0.
n−1 X
g j + Sθ n (
e˜j ) = 0,
We now define the modified state V ±,n+ 2 to guarantee that the boundary {x1 = 0} is the uniform characteristic of constant multiplicity at each iteration step (6.21). To achieve this, we require 1
(B(V +,n+ 2 , V −,n+ 2 , Sθn φn ))± i |x1 =0 = 0 14
for i = 1, 2, and all n ∈ IN ,
which leads to define
+,n+ 12
= Sθn Vj±,n
for j ∈ {3, 4, 6, 7},
±,n+ 12 ±,n+ 12 ±,n+ 21 ±,n ±,n )V3 )V4 = ∂t (Sθn Φ±,n ) + ∂x2 (Ψ± + ∂x3 (Ψ± a + Sθ n Φ a + Sθ n Φ V2 ± ± +Ua,3 ∂x2 (Sθn Φ±,n ) + Ua,4 ∂x3 (Sθn Φ±,n ), 1 1 1 V ±,n+ 2 = ∂x (Ψ± + Sθ Φ±,n )V ±,n+ 2 + ∂x (Ψ± + Sθ Φ±,n )V ±,n+ 2 n n 2 3 a a 5 6 7 ± ± +Ua,6 ∂x2 (Sθn Φ±,n ) + Ua,7 ∂x3 (Sθn Φ±,n ).
Construction of δΦ±,n satisfying δΦ±,n |x1 =0 = δφn . Clearly, we have E(V ±,n+1 , Φ±,n+1 ) − E(V ±,n , Φ±,n ) = E ′
(V ±,n+ 2 ,Sθn Φ±,n )
(δ V˙ ±,n , δΦ±,n ) + e¯±,n ,
± ± ± ± ′ ± ± , Θ± ) =∂t Θ± − W2± + ∂x2 (Ψ± E(V ± ,Φ± ) (W a + Φ )W3 + ∂x3 (Ψa + Φ )W4 ± ± + V4± )∂x3 Θ± + (Ua,3 + V3± )∂x2 Θ± + (Ua,4
is the linearized operator of E and
4 X
e¯±,n =
with the first error resulting from the Newton iteration scheme: (1)
±,n ′ , δΦ±,n ) e¯±,n = E(V ±,n+1 , Φ±,n+1 ) − E(V ±,n , Φ±,n ) − E(V ±,n ,Φ±,n ) (δV
= ∂x2 (δΦ±,n )δV3±,n + ∂x3 (δΦ±,n )δV4±,n ,
the second error resulting from the substitution: (2)
′ ±,n ′ ±,n e¯±,n =E(V , δΦ±,n ) − E(S , δΦ±,n ) ±,n ,Φ±,n ) (δV ±,n ,S ±,n ) (δV θn V θn Φ
=∂x2 ((I − Sθn )Φ±,n )δV3±,n + ∂x3 ((I − Sθn )Φ±,n )δV4±,n + (I −
Sθn )V3±,n ∂x2 (δΦ±,n )
Sθn )V4±,n ∂x3 (δΦ±,n ),
+ (I −
the third error resulting from the second substitution: (3)
′ ±,n e¯±,n = E(S , δΦ±,n ) − E ′ ±,n ,S ±,n ) (δV θn V θn Φ
(V ±,n+ 2 ,Sθn Φ±,n )
(δV ±,n , δΦ±,n )
′ which vanishes due to (6.24) and that all the coefficients of the linearized operator E(V ± ,Φ± ) are independent ± ± of (V2 , V5 ), and the remaining error: (4)
e¯±,n = E ′
(V ±,n+ 2 ,Sθn Φ±,n )
(δV ±,n , δΦ±,n ) − E ′
(V ±,n+ 2 ,Sθn Φ±,n )
(δ V˙ ±,n , δΦ±,n ).
Thus, we have E(V
n X j=0
(E ′
(V ±,j+ 2 ,Sθj Φ±,j )
(δV ±,j , δΦ±,j ) + e¯±,j )
which leads to define δΦ±,n that is governed by the following problem: ( ′ E ±,n+ 1 (δ V˙ ±,n , δΦ±,n ) = h± on ΩT , n ±,n (V
,Sθn Φ
δΦ±,n |t≤0 = 0,
where h± n are defined by n X
by induction on n starting with h± 0 = 0.
h± k + Sθ n
n−1 X k=0
e¯±,k = 0
By comparing (6.34) with (6.21), it is easy to verify δΦ±,n |x1 =0 = δφn .
From (5.9)–(5.10) and (6.34), we know that the compatibility conditions hold for the initial-boundary value problem (6.21) for all n ≥ 0. The steps for determining (δV ±,n , δΦ±,n ) are to solve first δ V˙ ±,n from (6.21) and then δΦ±,n from (6.34). Finally, δV ±,n can be obtained from (6.8). 7. Nonlinear Stability III: Convergence of the Iteration Scheme and Existence of the Current-Vortex Sheet Fix any s0 ≥ 9, α ≥ s0 + 5, and s1 ∈ [α + 5, 2α − s0 ]. Let the zero-th order approximate solutions for the initial data (U0± , ψ0 ) constructed in §5 satisfy ± ˙± kU˙ a± ks1 +3,T + kΨ a ks1 +3,T + kfa ks1 −4,T ≤ δ,
kfa± kα+1,T /δ
is small
for some small constant δ > 0. Before we prove the convergence of the iteration scheme (6.21) and (6.34), we first introduce the following lemmas. Lemma 7.1. For any k ∈ [0, n], (s−α)+ for s ∈ [s0 , s1 ], s 6= α, k(V ±,k , Φ±,k )ks,T + kφk kH s−1 (bΩT ) ≤ Cδ θk ±,k ±,k k α−1 k(V , Φ )k + kφ k ≤ Cδ log θ , α,T k H (bΩT ) (s−α)+ for s ≥ s0 , s 6= α, k(Sθk V ±,k , Sθk Φ±,k )ks,T + kSθk φk kH s−1 (bΩT ) ≤ Cδ θk ±,k ±,k k k(Sθk V , Sθk Φ )kα,T + kSθk φ kH α−1 (bΩT ) ≤ Cδ log θk , k((I − Sθk )V ±,k , (I − Sθk )Φ±,k )ks,T + k(I − Sθk )φk kH s−1 (bΩT ) ≤ Cδ θks−α for s ∈ [s0 , s1 ].
These results can be easily obtained by using the triangle inequality, the classical comparison between series and integrals, and the properties in (6.2) of the smoothing operators Sθ . 1
Lemma 7.2. If 4 ≤ s0 ≤ α and α ≥ 5, then, for the modified state V ±,n+ 2 , we have 1
kV ±,n+ 2 − Sθn V ±,n ks,T ≤ Cδθns+1−α
for any s ∈ [4, s1 + 2].
Lemma 7.3. Let s0 ≥ 5 and α ≥ s0 + 3. For all k ≤ n − 1, we have 1 2 L (s) ∆k for s ∈ [s0 , s1 − 4], ke±,k ks,T ≤ Cδ θk L2 (s)
k¯ e±,k ks,T ≤ Cδ 2 θk ∆k for s ∈ [s0 , s1 − 3], L3 (s) k˜ 2 ek kH s (bΩT ) ≤ Cδ θk ∆k for s ∈ [s0 − 1, s1 − 4],
max((s + 2 − α)+ + s0 − α − 1, s + s0 + 4 − 2α) 1 L (s) = max(s0 − α, 2(s0 − α) + 4) if α = s + 4, s0 + 2 − α if α = s + 2, max((s + 2 − α)+ + 2(s0 − α), s + s0 + 2 − 2α) L2 (s) = s0 − α − 1 if α = s + 3, s0 − α if α = s + 2,
max((s + 3 − α)+ + 2(s0 − α), s + s0 + 3 − 2α) 3 L (s) = s0 − α − 1 if α = s + 4, s0 − α if α = s + 3. 16
α 6= s + 2, s + 4,
α 6= s + 2, s + 3,
α 6= s + 3, s + 4,
Denote the accumulated errors by E±,n =
n−1 X
e±,k ,
˜n = E
n−1 X
e˜k ,
¯±,n = E
Then, as a corollary of Lemma 7.3, we have
e¯±,k .
n−1 X
Lemma 7.4. Let s0 ≥ 5, α ≥ s0 + 3, and s1 ≤ 2α − s0 − 1. Then 2 for s ∈ [s0 , s1 − 4], kE±,n ks,T ≤ Cδ θn 2 ¯ kE±,n ks,T ≤ δ for s ∈ [s0 , s1 − 3], ˜ kEn kH s (bΩT ) ≤ Cδ 2 θn for s ∈ [s0 − 1, s1 − 4].
Lemma 7.5. For any s0 ≥ 5, α ≥ s0 + 5, and s1 ∈ [α + 5, 2α − s0 − 1], we have ± s−α−1 (kfa± kα,T + δ 2 ), kfn ks,T ≤ C∆n θn kgn kH s+1 (bΩT ) ≤ Cδ 2 ∆n θns−α−1 , ± khn ks,T ≤ Cδ 2 ∆n θns−α−1
for all s ≥ s0 .
The proofs of Lemmas 7.2–7.3 and 7.5 will be given in Section 8. With these lemmas, we can now prove the following key result for the convergence of the iteration scheme. Proposition 7.1. For the solution sequence (δV ±k , δΦ±,k , δφk ) given by (6.21) and (6.34), we have ±,k , δΦ±,k )ks,T + kδφk kH s−1 (bΩT ) ≤ δθks−α−1 ∆k for s ∈ [s0 , s1 ], k(δV s−α−1 (7.8) kL(V ±,k+1 , Φ±,k+1 )V ±,k+1 − fa± ks,T ≤ 2δθk+1 for s ∈ [s0 , s1 − 4], s−α−1 +,k+1 −,k+1 k+1 kB(V ,V , φ )kH s−1 (bΩT ) ≤ δθk+1 for s ∈ [s0 , s1 − 2]
for any k ≥ 0, where ∆k = θk+1 − θk .
Proof: Estimate (7.8) is proved by induction on k ≥ 0. Step 1. Verification of (7.8) for k = 0. We first notice from (5.7)–(5.8) that (Ua± , Ψ± a ) satisfies the 1 Rankine-Hugoniot conditions, and V ±,0 = Φ±,0 = 0 imply that V ±, 2 = 0. Thus, δ V˙ ±,0 satisfies the following problem: ′ in ΩT , δ V˙ ±,0 = Sθ0 fa± Le,(Ua± ,Ψ± a ) ′ +,0 −,0 0 ˙ ˙ (7.9) B(U ± ,ψ ) (δ V , δV , δφ ) = 0 on bΩT , a a δ V˙ ±,0 | = 0. t≤0
Applying Theorem 4.2 to problem (7.9), we have (s−α−1)+
kδ V˙ ±,0 ks,T ≤ Cθ0
Similarly, from (6.34), we obtain
kfa± kα+1,T
for all s ∈ [s0 , s1 ].
˜ ± ks,T + kU˙ ± ks,T kh ˜ ± ks ,T , kδΦ±,0 ks,T ≤ C kh a 0 0 0
˜ ± = δ V˙2 ±,0 − ∂x Ψ± δ V˙3 ±,0 − ∂x Ψ± δ V˙4 ±,0 satisfies where h 3 a 2 a 0 Thus, we have
˜ ± ks,T ≤ Ckδ V˙ ±,0 ks,T ≤ C0 θ kh 0 0
kδΦ±,0 ks,T ≤ C1 θ0
kfa± kα+1,T .
kfa± kα+1,T .
(7.12) (7.13)
∂x U˙ ± δ V˙ ±,0 = δV ±,0 − δΦ±,0 1 a± , ∂x1 Ψa
we use (7.10) and (7.13) to find (s−α−1)+
kδV ±,0 ks,T ≤ C2 θ0
kfa± kα+1,T .
From (7.13)–(7.14), we deduce k(δV ±,0 , δΦ±,0 )ks,T ≤ δθ0s−α−1 ∆0
kfa± kα+1,T /δ
provided that Obviously, one has
for any s ∈ [s0 , s1 ],
is small.
kL(V ±,1 , Φ±,1 )V ±,1 − fa± ks,T ≤ k(Sθ0 − I)fa± ks,T + ke±,0 ks,T ,
e±,0 =
ke±,0 ks,T ≤ Cθ0 Using the property of Sθ0 , we have
kfa± kα+1,T
for s ∈ [s0 , s1 − 2].
k(Sθ0 − I)fa± ks,T ≤ Cθ0s−α−1 kfa± kα+1,T
k(Sθ0 − I)fa± ks,T ≤ Cθ0s−s1 kfa± ks1 ,T Thus, from (7.16), we obtain kfa± kα+1,T /δ
±,1 ± L(Ua± + V ±,1 , Ψ± )(Ua± + V ±,1 ) − L(Ua± , Ψ± a +Φ a )Ua δΦ±,0 ± ′ ±,0 ±,0 −L(U ± ,Ψ± ) (δV , δΦ ) − ∂ Ψ± ∂x1 fa
kL(V ±,1 , Φ±,1 )V ±,1 − fa± ks,T ≤ 2δθ1s−α−1
when is small and θ0 > 0 is properly large. Similarly, we can obtain
kB(V +,1 , V −,1 , φ1 )kH s−1 (bΩT ) ≤ δθ1s−α−1
for s ≤ α + 1, for s ∈ [α + 1, s1 ]. for s ∈ [s0 , s1 − 2],
for s ∈ [s0 , s1 − 2].
Step 2. Suppose that (7.8) holds for all k ≤ n − 1, we now verify (7.8) for k = n. First, we note that, when α ≥ s0 + 3, 1 ˙ ± + Sθn Φ±,n )ks0 +2,T k(U˙ ± + V ±,n+ 2 , Ψ a
˙ ± )ks0 +2,T k(U˙ a± , Ψ a
+ kV ±,n+ 2 − Sθn V ±,n ks0 +2,T + k(Sθn V ±,n , Sθn Φ±,n )ks0 +2,T
≤ Cδ(1 + θns0 +3−α + θn(s0 +2−α)+ ) ≤ Cδ,
by using assumption (7.1) and Lemmas 7.1–7.2. Applying Theorem 4.2 to problem (6.21), we have ˙ s,T (kf ± ks ,T + kgn kH s0 +1 (bΩ ) ) kδ V˙ ±,n ks,T ≤ C kf ± ks,T + kgn kH s+1 (bΩ ) + kcoefk 0 n
1 ±,n ˙± ≤C + kgn kH s+1 (bΩT ) + k(U˙ a± + V ±,n+ 2 , Ψ )ks+2,T (kfn± ks0 ,T + kgn kH s0 +1 (bΩT ) ) . a + Sθ n Φ (7.20) On the other hand, similar to (7.19), from assumption (7.1) and Lemmas 7.1–7.2, we have 1 ±,n ˙± )ks+2,T ≤ Cδ 1 + θns+3−α + θn(s+2−α)+ , (7.21) k(U˙ a± + V ±,n+ 2 , Ψ a + Sθ n Φ kfn± ks,T
which implies 1 ˙ ± + Sθn Φ±,n )ks+2,T (kf ± ks0 ,T + kgn kH s0 +1 (bΩ ) ) ≤ Cθs−α−1 ∆n (kf ± kα,T + δ 2 ) (7.22) k(U˙ a± + V ±,n+ 2 , Ψ n n a a T
for all s ∈ [s0 , s1 ] by using α ≥ s0 + 3 and (7.7). Thus, from (7.20), we conclude kδ V˙ ±,n ks,T ≤ Cθns−α−1 ∆n (kfa± kα,T + δ 2 )
for s ∈ [s0 , s1 ].
For problem (6.34), we can easily obtain the following estimate: ˜ ± ks ,T ) ˜ ± ks,T + kU˙ ± + Sθ V ±,n ks,T kh kδΦ±,n ks,T ≤ C(kh 0 n
for any s ≥ s0 , n n a ±,n ± ˙ ks0 ,T , and where C > 0 depends only on kUa + Sθn V ±,n ± ± ± ˜ = h + δ V˙ ˙ ± + Sθn Φ±,n )δ V˙ ±,n . ˙ + Sθn Φ±,n )δ V˙ ±,n − ∂x3 (Ψ h − ∂x2 (Ψ a a n n 4 3 2
(7.23) (7.24)
Obviously, we have ˜ ± ks,T ≤ kh± ks,T + (1 + kΨ ˙ ± + Sθn Φ±,n ks+1,T kδ V˙ ±,n ks0 ,T , ˙ ± + Sθn Φ±,n ks0 ,T )kδ V˙ ±,n ks,T + kΨ kh a n n a 18
which implies ˜ ± ks,T ≤ C∆n θs−α−1 (kf ± kα,T + δ 2 ) kh n n a
by using (7.23) and Lemmas 7.1 and 7.5.
Substituting (7.26) into (7.24), we find kδΦ±,n ks,T ≤ C∆n θns−α−1 (kfa± kα,T + δ 2 )
for all s ∈ [s0 , s1 ].
Together (7.23) with (7.27), we obtain (7.8) for (δV ±,n , δΦ±,n ) by using 1
δV ±,n = δ V˙ ±,n +
∂x1 (Ua± + V ±,n+ 2 ) ±,n δΦ ±,n ) ∂x1 (Ψ± a + Sθ n Φ
and choosing kfa± kα,T /δ and δ > 0 to be small. Finally, we verify the other inequalities in (7.8). First, from (6.21)–(6.22), we have L(V ±,n , Φ±,n )V ±,n − fa± = (Sθn−1 − I)fa± + (I − Sθn−1 )E±,n−1 + e±,n−1 .
From Lemma 7.4, we have k(I − Sθn−1 )E±,n−1 ks,T ≤ Cθns−˜s kE±,n−1 ks˜,T ≤ Cθns−˜s+1 δ 2 ≤ Cθns−α−1 δ 2
by choosing s˜ = α + 2. From Lemma 7.3, we obtain ke±,n−1ks,T ≤ CθnL by using α ≥ s0 + 5. When s ≤ α + 1, we have
(s) 2
δ ≤ Cθns−α−1 δ 2
for all s ∈ [s0 , s1 − 4],
k(Sθn−1 − I)fa± ks,T ≤ Cθns−α−1 kfa± kα+1,T ;
while s ∈ (α + 1, s1 − 4], we have
k(Sθn−1 − I)fa± ks,T ≤ kSθn−1 fa± ks,T + kfa± ks,T ≤ Cθns−α−1 kfa± kα+1,T + δ
by using (6.2) and (7.1). Substitution (7.29)–(7.32) into (7.28) yields kL(V ±,n , Φ±,n )V ±,n − fa± ks,T ≤ 2δθns−α−1
for s ∈ [s0 , s1 − 4],
provided that kfa± ks1 −4,T ≤ δ and kfa± kα+1,T /δ is small. Similarly, we have kB(V +,n , V −,n , φn )kH s−1 (bΩT ) ≤ δθns−α−1 .
Thus, we obtain (7.8) for k = n.
Convergence of the Iteration Scheme: From Proposition 7.1, we have X k(δV ±,n , δΦ±,n )kα,T + kδφn kH α−1 (bΩT ) < ∞,
which implies that there exists (V ± , Φ± ) ∈ B α (ΩT ) with φ ∈ H α−1 (bΩT ) such that ( (V ±,n , Φ±,n ) −→ (V ± , Φ± ) in B α (ΩT ) × B α (ΩT ), n α−1 φ −→ φ in H (bΩT ).
Thus, we conclude ¯ ± ∈ B 2(s1 +2) (IR3+ ) Theorem 7.1. Let α ≥ 14 and s1 ∈ [α + 5, 2α − 9]. Let ψ0 ∈ H 2s1 +3 (IR2 ) and U0± − U satisfy the compatibility conditions of problem (2.17)–(2.20) up to order s1 + 2, and let conditions (2.3)–(2.4) and (7.1) be satisfied. Then there exists a solution (V ± , Φ± ) ∈ B α (ΩT ) with φ ∈ H α−1 (bΩT ) to problem (5.12). Then Theorem 2.1 (Main Theorem) in Section 2 directly follows from Theorem 7.1. 19
8. Error Estimates: Proofs of Lemmas 7.2–7.3 and 7.5 In this section, we study the error estimates for the iteration scheme (6.21)–(6.22) and (6.34)–(6.35) to provide the proofs for Lemmas 7.2–7.3 and 7.5 under the assumption that (7.8) holds for all 0 ≤ k ≤ n − 1. We start with the proof of Lemma 7.2. Proof of Lemma 7.2. Denote by E1±,n := E(V ±,n , Φ±,n ),
and ± ± ±,n ±,n )V7±,n − Ua,6 )V6±,n − ∂x3 (Ψ± E2±,n := V5±,n − ∂x2 (Ψ± ∂x2 Φ±,n − Ua,7 ∂x3 Φ±,n a +Φ a +Φ
as the extension of (B(V ±,n , φn ))± 2 in ΩT . 1 By the definition in (6.25) for V ±,n+ 2 , we have ±,n+ 1 2 V2 − Sθn V2±,n ±,n ±,n )V3±,n ) )Sθn V3±,n − Sθn (∂x2 (Ψ± = Sθn E1±,n + [∂t , Sθn ]Φ±,n + ∂x2 (Ψ± a +Φ a + Sθ n Φ ±,n ±,n )V4±,n ) )Sθn V4±,n − Sθn (∂x3 (Ψ± + ∂x3 (Ψ± a +Φ a + Sθ n Φ ± ± ± ± + ∂x2 (Sθn Φ±,n )Ua,3 − Sθn (∂x2 Φ±,n Ua,3 ) + ∂x3 (Sθn Φ±,n )Ua,4 − Sθn (∂x3 Φ±,n Ua,4 ) , 1 V ±,n+ 2 − Sθ V ±,n n 5 5 ±,n ±,n ±,n )V6±,n ) )Sθn V6±,n − Sθn (∂x2 (Ψ± E + ∂x2 (Ψ± = −S θ a +Φ a + Sθ n Φ n 2 ±,n ±,n )V7±,n ) )Sθn V7±,n − Sθn (∂x3 (Ψ± + ∂x3 (Ψ± a +Φ a + Sθ n Φ ± ± ± ± ) . − Sθn (∂x3 Φ±,n Ua,7 )) + (∂x3 (Sθn Φ±,n )Ua,7 − Sθn (∂x2 Φ±,n Ua,6 + ∂x2 (Sθn Φ±,n )Ua,6 On the other hand, we have ±,n ±,n )δV3±,n−1 E1 = E1±,n−1 + ∂t (δΦ±,n−1 ) + ∂x2 (Ψ± a +Φ ± ±,n )δV4±,n − δV2±,n−1 + ∂x2 (δΦ±,n−1 )(Ua,3 +∂x3 (Ψ± + V3±,n−1 ) a +Φ ±,n−1 ± ), +∂x3 (δΦ±,n−1 )(Ua,4 + V4 ±,n−1 ±,n ±,n−1 ± ±,n (Ψ + Φ )δV E = E − ∂ x 2 a 6 2 2 ± + V6±,n−1 ) + Φ±,n )δV7±,n + δV5±,n−1 − ∂x2 (δΦ±,n−1 )(Ua,6 −∂x3 (Ψ± a ± +∂x3 (δΦ±,n−1 )(Ua,7 + V7±,n−1 ),
which implies
k(E1±,n , E2±,n )ks0 ,T ≤ Cδθns0 −1−α
by using ∆n = O(θn−1 ), the inductive assumption for (7.8), and Lemma 7.1. Thus we deduce kSθn (E1±,n , E2±,n )ks,T ≤ Cδθns−α−1
for any s ≥ s0 .
The discussion for the commutators in (8.3) follows an argument from [9]. We now analyze the third term ±,n+ 1
2 of V2 − Sθn V2±,n given by (8.3) in detail. When s ∈ [α + 1, s1 + 2], we have
±,n )Sθn V3±,n ks,T k∂x2 (Ψ± a + Sθ n Φ
±,n ±,n ˙± ks+1,T kSθn V3±,n kL∞ ≤ Cδ 2 θns+1−α , )kL∞ kSθn V3±,n ks,T + kΨ ≤ C k∂x2 (Ψ± a + Sθ n Φ a + Sθ n Φ ±,n )V3±,n )ks,T kSθn (∂x2 (Ψ± a +Φ ±,n ±,n ˙± kα+1,T kV3±,n kL∞ ≤ Cδ 2 θns+1−α )kL∞ kV3±,n kα,T + kΨ ≤ Cθns−α k∂x2 (Ψ± a +Φ a +Φ
by using (7.1), the induction assumption for (7.8), and Lemma 7.1, which implies ±,n ±,n )V3±,n )ks,T ≤ Cδ 2 θns−α+1 . )Sθn V3±,n − Sθn (∂x2 (Ψ± k∂x2 (Ψ± a +Φ a + Sθ n Φ 20
When s ∈ [s0 , α], we have
±,n ±,n )Sθn V3±,n − Sθn ∂x2 (Ψ± k∂x2 (Ψ± )V3±,n ks,T a +Sθn Φ a +Φ
±,n ±,n )(Sθn − I)V3±,n ks,T )V3±,n )ks,T + k∂x2 (Ψ± ≤ k(I − Sθn )(∂x2 (Ψ± a +Φ a +Φ
+k∂x2 ((Sθn − I)Φ±,n )Sθn V3±,n ks,T ±,n ±,n ≤ Cθns−α k∂x2 (Ψ± )kL∞ kV3±,n kα,T )V3±,n kα,T + k∂x2 (Ψ± a +Φ a +Φ
±,n ks+1,T + k∂x2 ((Sθn − I)Φ±,n )Sθn V3±,n ks,T +Cθn3−α kV3±,n kα,T kΨ± a +Φ
≤ Cδ 2 θns+1−α . Together (8.7) with (8.8), it follows that ±,n ±,n )V3±,n )ks,T ≤ Cδ 2 θns−α+1 )Sθn V3±,n − Sθn (∂x2 (Ψ± k∂x2 (Ψ± a +Φ a + Sθ n Φ
for all s ∈ [s0 , s1 + 2]. (8.9)
Other commutators appeared in (8.3) satisfy the estimates similar to the above. Thus, we complete the proof. To show the error estimates given in Lemma 7.3, we first show several lemmas dealing with different type errors. Lemma 8.1. Let α ≥ s0 + 1 ≥ 6. For the quadratic errors, we have (1) 2 L1 (s) ∆k for s ∈ [s0 − 2, s1 − 2], ke±,k ks,T ≤ Cδ θk (1) k¯ e±,k ks,T ≤ Cδ 2 θks−2α+s0 −2 ∆k for s ∈ [s0 − 1, s1 − 1], (1) s−2α+s0 −1 2 k˜ ek kH s (bΩT ) ≤ Cδ θk ∆k for s ∈ [s0 − 2, s1 − 2]
for all k ≤ n − 1, where
L1 (s) = max((s + 2 − α)+ + 2(s0 − α) − 3, s + s0 − 1 − 2α, s + 2s0 − 3 − 3α, s0 − α − 3). Proof. The proof is divided into three steps. (1) Step 1. From the definition of e±,k , we first have Z 1 (1) ±,k , δΦ±,k ), (δV ±,k , δΦ±,k ) dτ. (1 − τ )L′′ (Ua± +V ±,k +τ δV ±,k ;Ψ± e±,k = ±,k +τ δΦ±,k ) (δV a +Φ
From (7.1) and Lemma 7.1, we find
±,k ˙± sup (kU˙ a± + V ±,k + τ δV ±,k kW 1,∞ (ΩT ) + kΨ + τ δΦ±,k kW 1,∞ (ΩT ) ) ≤ Cδ. a +Φ
0≤τ ≤1
On the other hand, we have kL′′(U ± ,Ψ± ) ((V ±,1 , Φ±,1 ), (V ±,2 , Φ±,2 ))ks,T ˙ ± )ks+2,T k(V ±,1 , Φ±,1 )kW 1,∞ k(V ±,2 , Φ±,2 )kW 1,∞ ≤ C k(U˙ ± , Ψ + k(V
)ks+2,T k(V
)kW 1,∞ + k(V
(8.14) )kW 1,∞ k(V
Therefore, we obtain
)ks+2,T .
(1) 2(s −1−α) 2 ke±,k ks,T ≤C δ 2 θk 0 ∆k (δ + k(V ±,k , Φ±,k )ks+2,T + k(δV ±,k , δΦ±,k )ks+2,T ) + δθks0 −1−α ∆k k(δV ±,k , δΦ±,k )ks+2,T ,
which implies
ke±,k ks,T ≤ Cδ 2 θk ∆k when s + 2 6= α, s ≤ s1 − 2, max(s0 −α−3,2s0 −2−2α) (1) ∆k when s + 2 = α, ke±,k ks,T ≤ Cδ 2 θk 21
by Lemma 7.1, the inductive assumption for (7.8), and ∆k = O(θk −1 ), where L(s) = max((s + 2 − α)+ + 2(s0 − α) − 3, s + s0 − 1 − 2α, s + 2s0 − 3 − 3α). Thus, we conclude the first result in (8.10). (1) Step 2. Obviously, from the definition of e¯±,k in (6.29), we have (1) k¯ e±,k ks,T ≤ C kδV ±,k ks,T kδΦ±,k kW 1,∞ + kδV ±,k kL∞ kδΦ±,k ks+1,T ,
which implies the second result in (8.10). (1) Step 3. Since e¯±,k |x1 =0 = (˜ ek )± ek )± 1 , we obtain that (˜ 1 satisfy the estimate given in (8.10). Moreover, (1)
from the definition of e˜k , we have (1)
±,k k (˜ ek )± − ∂x3 (δφk )δV7±,k , 2 = −∂x2 (δφ )δV6
(˜ ek )3 =
1 (|δVH+,k |2 − |δVH−,k |2 ), 2
which implies ( (1) k ±,k k(˜ ek )± kL∞ + kδφk kW 1,∞ (bΩT ) kδV ±,k kH s (bΩT ) , 2 kH s (bΩT ) ≤ C kδφ kH s+1 (bΩT ) kδV (1) k(˜ ek )3 kH s (bΩT ) ≤ CkδV ±,k kL∞ kδV ±,k kH s (bΩT ) ,
yielding the last estimate of (8.10) by the inductive assumption for (7.8). For the first substitution errors, we have Lemma 8.2. Let α ≥ s0 + 1 ≥ 6. Then, for all k ≤ n − 1, we have (2) 2 L2 (s) ∆k for s ∈ [s0 − 2, s1 − 2], ke±,k ks,T ≤ Cδ θk (2) k¯ e±,k ks,T ≤ Cδ 2 θks−2α+s0 ∆k for s ∈ [s0 − 1, s1 − 1], (2) s−2α+s0 +1 2 k˜ ek kH s (bΩT ) ≤ Cδ θk ∆k for s ∈ [s0 − 2, s1 − 2],
L2 (s) =
(s + 2 − α)+ + s0 − α − 1 for α 6= s + 2, max(5 − α, s0 − 1 − α) for α = s + 2.
Proof. The proof is divided into three steps. (2) Step 1. From the definition of e±,k , we have Z T (2) e±,k = L′′ (Ua± +Sθ V ±,k +τ (1−Sθ k
±,k +τ (1−S ±,k ) )V ±,k ;Ψ± θk )Φ a +Sθk Φ
× ((δV ±,k , δΦ±,k ), ((1 − Sθk )V ±,k , (1 − Sθk )Φ±,k ))dτ.
As in (8.13), from the inductive assumption for (7.8), we find sup kU˙ a± + Sθk V ±,k + τ (1 − Sθk )V ±,k kW 1,∞ (ΩT ) ≤ Cδ,
˙ ± + Sθ Φ±,k + τ (1 − Sθ )Φ±,k kW 1,∞ (Ω ) ≤ Cδ. sup kΨ a k k T
0≤τ ≤1
and 0≤τ ≤1
Then we use (8.14) in (8.21) to obtain (2)
ke±,k ks,T ≤C k(δV ±,k , δΦ±,k )kW 1,∞ k(1 − Sθk )(V ±,k , Φ±,k )kW 1,∞
˙ ± )ks+2,T + kSθ (V ±,k , Φ±,k )ks+2,T + k(1 − Sθ )(V ±,k , Φ±,k )ks+2,T ) × (k(U˙ a± , Ψ a k k + k(δV ±,k , δΦ±,k )ks+2,T k(1 − Sθk )(V ±,k , Φ±,k )kW 1,∞
+ k(δV ±,k , δΦ±,k )kW 1,∞ k(1 − Sθk )(V ±,k , Φ±,k )ks+2,T .
Using the properties of the smoothing operators, the inductive assumption for (7.8), and Lemma 7.1 in (8.24), we conclude the first estimate in (8.19) when s ≤ s1 − 2. 22
Step 2. From the definition of e¯±,k in (6.30), we have (2) k¯ e±,k ks,T ≤C kδV ±,k ks,T k∇(x2 ,x3 ) (1 − Sθk )Φ±,k kL∞ + k(1 − Sθk )Φ±,k ks+1,T kδV ±,k kL∞
+ k(1 − Sθk )V ±,k ks,T k∇(x2 ,x3 ) δΦ±,k kL∞ + kδΦ±,k ks+1,T k(1 − Sθk )V ±,k kL∞ ,
which implies the second result in (8.19) when s ≤ s1 − 1 by the inductive assumption for (7.8) and Lemma 7.1 in (8.25). Step 3. Noting that (2)
¯±,k |x1 =0 (˜ ek )± 1 =e (2)
from the above discussion, we conclude that (˜ ek )± 1 satisfy the estimate given in (8.19) when s ≤ s1 − 2. (2) From the definition of e˜k , we have (2) ±,k k ek )± + ∂x3 ((Sθk − I)φk )δV7±,k + (Sθk − I)V6±,k ∂x2 (δφk ) (˜ 2 = ∂x2 ((Sθk − I)φ )δV6 (8.26) +(Sθk − I)V7±,k ∂x3 (δφk ), (2) +,k +,k −,k −,k (˜ ek )3 = (I − Sθk )VH δVH − (I − Sθk )VH δVH , which implies (2) ±,k ek )± kH s (bΩT ) k(1 − Sθk )φk kW 1,∞ + k(1 − Sθk )φk kH s+1 (bΩT ) kδV ±,k kL∞ k(˜ 2 kH s (bΩT ) ≤ C kδV +k(1 − Sθk )V ±,k kH s (bΩT ) kδφk kW 1,∞ + kδφk kH s+1 (bΩT ) k(1 − Sθk )V ±,k kL∞ , (2) k(˜ ek )3 kH s (bΩT ) ≤ C kδV ±,k kH s (bΩT ) k(1 − Sθk )V ±,k kL∞ + k(1 − Sθk )V ±,k kH s (bΩT ) kδV ±,k kL∞ . (8.27) Using the inductive assumption for (7.8) and Lemma 7.1 in (8.27), we conclude the last result in (8.19) when s ≤ s1 − 2. (3)
The representations of the second substitution errors (e±,k , e˜k ) are similar to those of (e±,k , e˜k ). Thus, using Lemma 7.2 and the same argument as the proof of Lemma 8.2, we conclude Lemma 8.3. Let α ≥ s0 + 1 ≥ 6. For the second substitution errors, we have ( L (s) (3) for s ∈ [s0 − 2, s1 − 2], ke±,k ks,T ≤ Cδ 2 θk 3 ∆k (3) for s ∈ [s0 − 2, s1 − 2] k˜ ek kH s (bΩT ) ≤ Cδ 2 θks+s0 +2−2α ∆k
for all k ≤ n − 1, where L3 (s) = max(s + s0 + 2 − 2α, s + 2s0 + 3 − 3α, (s + 2 − α)+ + 2(s0 − α) + 1). Lemma 8.4. Let s0 ≥ 5 and α ≥ s0 + 3. For the last errors, we have (4) 2 L4 (s) ∆k for s ∈ [s0 , s1 − 4], ke±,k ks,T ≤ Cδ θk (4) L (s−1) (8.29) k¯ e±,k ks,T ≤ Cδ 2 θk 5 ∆k for s ∈ [s0 , s1 − 3], (4) L5 (s) 2 k˜ ek kH s (bΩT ) ≤ Cδ θk ∆k for s ∈ [s0 − 1, s1 − 4]
for all k ≤ n − 1, where max((s + 2 − α)+ + 2 + 2(s0 − α), s + 4 + s0 − 2α) L4 (s) = max(s0 − α, 2(s0 − α) + 4) if α = s + 4, s0 + 2 − α) if α = s + 2,
α 6= s + 2, s + 4,
max((s + 3 − α)+ + 2(s0 − α), s + 3 + s0 − 2α) L5 (s) = s0 − α if α = s + 3, s0 − 1 − α) if α = s + 4.
α 6= s + 3, s + 4,
Proof. The proof is divided into three steps. Step 1. Set 1 1 ±,k Rk± = ∂x1 L(Ua± + V ±,k+ 2 , Ψ± )(Ua± + V ±,k+ 2 ) . a + Sθ k Φ 23
Then we have
±,k kRk± ks,T ≤kL(Ua± + V ±,k+ 2 , Ψ± )(Ua± + V ±,k+ 2 ) a + Sθ k Φ ±,k − L(Ua± + V ±,k , Ψ± )(Ua± + V ±,k )ks+2,T a +Φ
+ kL(V ±,k , Φ±,k )V ±,k − fa± ks+2,T ,
which implies that, for all s ∈ [s0 − 2, s1 − 4], 1 1 ±,k ˙± kRk± ks,T ≤C kV ±,k+ 2 − V ±,k kW 1,∞ (kU˙ a± + V ±,k+ 2 ks+2,T + kΨ ks+4,T ) a + Sθ k Φ 1 + kU˙ a± + V ±,k ks+4,T (kV ±,k+ 2 − V ±,k kL∞ + k(I − Sθk )Φ±,k kW 1,∞ )
1 + kU˙ a± + V ±,k kW 1,∞ (kV ±,k+ 2 − V ±,k ks+2,T + k(I − Sθk )Φ±,k ks+4,T ) 1 + kV ±,k+ 2 − V ±,k ks+4,T + kL(V ±,k , Φ±,k )V ±,k − fa± ks+2,T
(s+4−α) +s +1−α
+ 0 Cδ 2 θk s +2−α Cδ 2 θk0 + Cδθk
+ Cδθks+5−α for s + 4 6= α, for s + 4 = α.
Thus we find that (4)
e±,k =
Rk± δΦ±,k ±,k ) ∂x1 (Ψ± a + Sθ k Φ
satisfy (s+2−α)+
ke±,k ks,T ≤ C kRk± ks0 −2,T (δθks−1−α ∆k + δθks0 −1−α ∆k (δ + δθk
when s + 2 6= α, and
)) + δθks0 −1−α ∆k kRk± ks,T ,
(4) ke±,k ks,T ≤ C kRk± ks0 −2,T (δθks−1−α ∆k + δθks0 −1−α ∆k (δ + δ log θk )) + δθks0 −1−α ∆k kRk± ks,T ,
(8.32) (8.33)
when s + 2 = α, which yields the first estimate in (8.29) for any s ∈ [s0 , s1 − 4], provided α ≥ s0 + 3 by using (8.31). Step 2. Set 1
Rkb = B(Ua± + V ±,k+ 2 , ψa + Sθk φk ).
Then we have 1
kRkb kH s (bΩT ) ≤ kB(Ua± + V ±,k+ 2 , ψa + Sθk φk ) − B(Ua± + V ±,k , ψa + φk )kH s (bΩT ) + kB(V ±,k , φk )kH s (bΩT ) ,
which implies
k(Rkb )± 1 kH s (bΩT ) ±,k+ 21 ≤ C k(Sθk − 1)φk kH s+1 (bΩT ) + kV2 − V2±,k kH s (bΩT ) + k(Sθk − I)V ±,k kL∞ kψ˙ a + Sθk φk kH s+1 (bΩT ) + k(Sθk − I)V ±,k kH s (bΩT ) kψ˙ a + Sθk φk kW 1,∞ + k(Sθk − 1)φk kH s+1 (bΩT ) kU˙ a± + V ±,k kL∞ + k(Sθk − 1)φk kW 1,∞ (bΩT ) kU˙ a± + V ±,k kH s (bΩT ) + kB(V ±,k , φk )kH s (bΩT ) .
Therefore, we have the estimate k(Rkb )± 1 kH s (bΩT )
max((s+2−α)+ +s0 −α,s+2−α) Cδθk ≤ Cδθk if α = s + 1, Cδ if α = s + 2
for all s ∈ [s0 − 1, s1 − 2]. Thus we find that (4)
(˜ ek )± 1 = −
if α 6= s + 1, s + 2,
∂x1 (Rkb )± 1 δφk + Sθk Φ±,k )x1 =0
∂x1 (Ψ± a
satisfy (4)
k(˜ ek )± 1 kH s (bΩT ) ≤
s−α C k(Rkb )± ∆k + δ 2 θks0−1−α ∆k θk 1 kH 4 (bΩT ) (δθk s −1−α +δ 2 θk0 ∆k k(Rkb )± 1 kH s+2 (bΩT ) , 24
when s + 3 6= α, and
(4) s−α b ± k(˜ ek )± ∆k + δ 2 θks0 −1−α ∆k log θk ) + δ 2 θks0 −1−α ∆k k(Rkb )± 1 kH s (bΩT ) ≤ C k(Rk )1 kH 4 (bΩT ) (δθk 1 kH s+2 (bΩT ) , (8.38) (4) ± when s + 3 = α, which yields the estimate of (˜ ek )1 given in (8.29) for any s ∈ [s0 − 1, s1 − 4] by using (8.36). (4) Estimate (8.29) for the other components of e˜k can be proved by the same argument as above. (4)
ek )± Step 3. Noting that the restriction of e¯±,k on {x1 = 0} is the same as (˜ 1 , we conclude the estimate (4)
of e¯±,k in (8.29) for any s ∈ [s0 , s1 − 3].
Proof of Lemma 7.3: Summarizing all the results in Lemmas 8.1–8.4, we obtain the estimates given in Lemma 7.3. Proof of Lemma 7.5. From the definitions of (fn± , gn , h± n ) given in (6.22) and (6.35), respectively, we have ± ± fn = (Sθn − Sθn−1 )fa − (Sθn − Sθn−1 )E±,n−1 − Sθn e±,n−1 , ˜n−1 − Sθn e˜n−1 , (8.39) gn = −(Sθn − Sθn−1 )E ± ¯ hn = (Sθn−1 − Sθn )E±,n−1 − Sθn e¯±,n−1 . Using the properties of the smoothing operators, we have ± s−˜ s−1 ∆n kfa± ks˜,T for s˜ ≥ 0, k(Sθn − Sθn−1 )fa ks,T ≤ Cθn s−˜ for s˜ ∈ [s0 , s1 − 4], k(Sθn − Sθn−1 )E±,n−1 ks,T ≤ Cθn s−1 ∆n kE±,n−1 ks˜,T ≤ Cδ 2 θns−˜s ∆n (8.40) s)+ +L1 (˜ s) (s−˜ s )+ 2 (s−˜ ke±,n−1 ks˜,T ≤ Cδ θn ∆n for s˜ ∈ [s0 , s1 − 4]. kSθn e±,n−1 ks,T ≤ Cθn
Estimate (8.40)3 can be represented as the following three cases. Case 1: s = s0 . For this case, if we choose s˜ ∈ [s0 , α − 5], then
L1 (˜ s) = max(s0 − α − 1, s˜ + s0 + 4 − 2α) = s0 − α − 1,
which follows from (8.40)3 that
kSθn e±,n−1 ks0 ,T ≤ Cδ 2 θns0 −α−1 ∆n .
Case 2: s = s0 + 1 or s = s0 + 2. For these two cases, if we choose s˜ = α − 4 ≥ s0 + 1, then L1 (˜ s) = max(s0 − α, 2(s0 − α) + 4) = s0 − α,
which implies
kSθn e±,n−1 ks,T ≤ Cδ 2 θns−α−1 ∆n . Case 3: s ≥ s0 + 3. For this case, if we choose s˜ = α − 2 ≥ s0 , then
(s − s˜)+ + L1 (˜ s) = (s + 2 − α)+ + s0 + 2 − α ≤ s − α − 1
by using α ≥ s0 + 5, which follows from (8.40)3 that On the other hand, we have
kSθn e±,n−1 ks,T ≤ Cδ 2 θns−α−1 ∆n .
k(Sθn − Sθn−1 )E±,n−1 ks,T ≤ Cδ 2 θns−α−1 ∆n
by setting s˜ = α + 1 in (8.40)2 if s1 ≥ α + 5.
Together (8.41)–(8.44) with (8.39), it follows kfn± ks,T ≤ Cθns−α−1 ∆n (δ 2 + kfa± kα,T )
for all s ≥ s0 .
Similarly, we have ( ˜n−1 kH s˜(bΩ ) ≤ Cδ 2 θns+1−˜s ∆n for s˜ ∈ [s0 − 1, s1 − 4], k(Sθn − Sθn−1 )E˜n−1 kH s+1 (bΩT ) ≤ Cθns−˜s ∆n kE T (s+1−˜ s )+
kSθn e˜n−1 kH s+1 (bΩT ) ≤ Cθn
(s+1−˜ s)+ +L3 (˜ s) 2
k˜ en−1 kH s˜(bΩT ) ≤ Cθn
Estimate (8.46)2 can be represented as the following three cases. 25
δ ∆n for s˜ ∈ [s0 − 1, s1 − 4]. (8.46)
Case 1: s = s0 . For this case, if we choose s˜ = α − 4, then L3 (α − 4) = s0 − α − 1, which follows from (8.46)3 that kSθn e˜n−1 kH s0 +1 (bΩT ) ≤ Cδ 2 θns0 −α−1 ∆n ; Case 2: s0 + 1 ≤ s ≤ α − 3. For this case, if we choose s˜ = α − 3, then L3 (α − 3) = s0 − α, which implies kSθn e˜n−1 kH s+1 (bΩT ) ≤ Cδ 2 θns0 −α ∆n ≤ Cδ 2 θns−α−1 ∆n ; Case 3: s ≥ α − 2. For this case, if we choose s˜ = α − 5 ≥ s0 , then L3 (˜ s) = s0 − 2 − α, which implies s)++L3 (˜ s) 2 (s−˜ 2 s−α−1 ∆n ≤ Cδ θn ∆n . kSθn e˜n−1 kH s+1 (bΩT ) ≤ Cδ θn In summary, we obtain kSθn e˜n−1 kH s+1 (bΩT ) ≤ Cδ 2 θns−α−1 ∆n
for all s ≥ s0 .
From the assumption s1 ≥ α + 6, it is possible to let s˜ = α + 2 in (8.46)1 , which yields kgn kH s+1 (bΩT ) ≤ Cδ 2 θns−α−1 ∆n
for all s ≥ s0 ,
by using (8.46)1 and (8.47) in (8.39)2 . Furthermore, we have ( ¯±,n−1 ks˜,T ≤ Cδ 2 θs−˜s−1 ∆n k(Sθn − Sθn−1 )E¯±,n−1 ks,T ≤ Cθns−˜s−1 ∆n kE n kSθn e¯±,n−1 ks,T ≤
(s−˜ s )+ k¯ e±,n−1 ks˜,T Cθn
(s−˜ s)+ +L2 (˜ s) 2 Cθn δ ∆n
for s˜ ∈ [s0 , s1 − 3],
for s˜ ∈ [s0 , s1 − 3].
Estimate (8.49)2 can be represented as the following three cases. Case 1: s = s0 . For this case, if we choose s˜ = α − 3, then L2 (˜ s) = s0 − α − 1, which follows from (8.49)2 that kSθn e¯±,n−1 ks0 ,T ≤ Cδ 2 θns0 −α−1 ∆n ; Case 2: s = s0 + 1. For this case, if we choose s˜ = α − 2, then L2 (˜ s) = s0 − α, which implies kSθn e¯±,n−1 ks0 +1,T ≤ Cδ 2 θns0 −α ∆n ; Case 3: s ≥ s0 + 2. For this case, if we choose s˜ = α − 4 ≥ s0 , then L2 (˜ s) = s0 − 2 − α, which implies kSθn e¯±,n−1 ks,T ≤ Cδ 2 θns−α−1 ∆n . In summary, we obtain kSθn e¯±,n−1 ks,T ≤ Cδ 2 θns−α−1 ∆n
for all s ≥ s0 .
Letting s˜ = α in (8.49)1 , we find 2 s−α−1 kh± ∆n n ks,T ≤ Cδ θn
for all s ≥ s0 ,
by using (8.50) in (8.39)1 . Acknowledgements: The research of Gui-Qiang Chen was supported in part by the National Science Foundation under Grants DMS-0505473, DMS-0426172, DMS-0244473, and an Alexandre von Humboldt Foundation Fellowship. The research of Ya-Guang Wang was supported in part by a key project from the NSFC under the Grant 10531020, a joint project from the NSAF and a Post-Qimingxing Fund from the Shanghai Science and Technology Committee under the Grant 03QMH1407. The second author would like to express his gratitude to the Department of Mathematics of Northwestern University (USA) for the hospitality, where this work was initiated when he visited there during the Spring Quarter 2005.
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[email protected] URL: http://www.math.northwestern.edu/∼gqchen Y.-G. Wang, Department of Mathematics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 200240 Shanghai, PRC E-mail address: E-mail:
[email protected]