Math. Meth. Oper. Res. (2006) 63: 261–285 DOI 10.1007/s00186-005-0003-y
Jorge Alvarez-Mena On´esimo Hern´andez-Lerma
Existence of nash equilibria for constrained stochastic games
Received: March 2004 / Revised version: January 2005 / Published online: 8 October 2005 © Springer-Verlag 2005
Abstract In this paper, we consider constrained noncooperative N-person stochastic games with discounted cost criteria. The state space is assumed to be countable and the action sets are compact metric spaces. We present three main results. The first concerns the sensitivity or approximation of constrained games. The second shows the existence of Nash equilibria for constrained games with a finite state space (and compact actions space), and, finally, in the third one we extend that existence result to a class of constrained games which can be “approximated” by constrained games with finitely many states and compact action spaces. Our results are illustrated with two examples on queueing systems, which clearly show some important differences between constrained and unconstrained games. Keywords Constrained Markov games · Nash equilibria · Constrained Markov control processes Mathematics Subject Classification (2000) Primary: 91A15 · 91A10; Secondary: 90C40 1 Introduction In a standard (or unconstrained) noncooperative N -person dynamic stochastic game each player i = 1, 2, . . . , N has an objective function, say Vi0 (π), on a given J. Alvarez-Mena Programa de Investigaci´on en Matem´aticas Aplicadas y Computaci´on, IMP, A. Postal 14-805, M´exico D.F. 07730, M´exico Current address: Departamento de Ciencias B´asicas, UAT, A. Postal 140, Apizaco, Tlaxcala 90300, M´exico E-mail:
[email protected] O. Hern´andez-Lerma (B) Departamento de Matem´aticas, CINVESTAV-IPN, A. Postal 14-740, M´exico D.F. 07000, M´exico E-mail:
[email protected]
J. Alvarez-Mena, O. Hern´andez-Lerma
set of multistrategies π , and one wishes to determine the existence of Nash equilibria. In this paper, we study a class of N -player constrained dynamic stochastic, or q Markov, games in which we have additional objective functions Vi1 (π), . . . , Vi (π) for each player i, and look for Nash equilibria that satisfy constraints of the form Vil (π) ≤ kil ∀ l = 1, . . . , q; i = 1, . . . , N, where the kil are given constants. From the viewpoint of applications, constrained games (CGs) have been studied for some telecommunications systems (Hsiao and Lazar, 1991; Korilis and Lazar, 1995). Another source of CGs, albeit still unexplored, is the case of commonly owned resources, such as deep-sea fisheries. These resources are often overused or overexploited thus leading to the phenomenon known as the tragedy of the commons (Dutta and Sundaram, 1993). For instance, some fisheries can be modelled as noncooperative games in which the players are the different fleets competing for the fish stock, the common resource. As each fleet wishes to maximize its reward by increasing the harvest, the fish stock can reach a severely degraded state (Clark, 1990, 1980; Gordon, 1954; Levhary and Mirman, 1980; Mckelvey, 1997, 1999), which could be avoided by imposing suitable constraints. In fact, a “fishing treaty” is, roughly speaking, an agreement on each side to limit its harvest in some respect. On the theoretical side, conditions for the existence of Nash equilibria for unconstrained dynamic Markov games are known when the state space is a countable set (Altman et al., 1997; Borkar and Ghosh, 1993; Federgruen, 1978; Sennott, 1993, 1994), and also for uncountable state spaces when the game has a so-called “additive” (or “separable” or “ARAT”) structure – see (Ghosh and Bagchi, 1998; Nowak, 1987; Parthasarathy, 1982) or Example 5.3 below. However, to the best of our knowledge, the constrained case has been considered only in Shimkin (1994) for zero-sum games with average cost, and in Altman and Shwartz (2000) for N -person games where each player can have either a discounted or an average criterion. Both of these papers deal with CGs with finite state and finite action sets. Finally, on the numerical side, the problem of computing Nash equilibria is considered in Godoy-Alcantar et al. (2002a,b) for constrained static games with finite state and finite action sets. Our main results generalize (Altman and Shwartz, 2000) to discounted CGs with a countable state space and compact action sets (see Remark 3.7). In order to obtain this, we first prove the existence of Nash equilibria for CGs with finite state space and compact action space. It should be noted that the latter generalization, in the constrained case, is not trivial. Indeed, the standard method to get existence of Nash equilibria consists in characterizing those equilibria as fixed points of certain multifunction from the space of stationary multistrategies into itself, and to use some fixed-point theorem. It turns out that this approach requires, on the one hand, some continuity arguments which are trivial for CGs with finite state-action spaces, but do not carry over directly to CGs with finite state set and (nonfinite) compact action spaces. On the other hand, that approach also requires convexity conditions. For unconstrained games these convexity conditions are easily verified via the optimality or dynamic programming equation for Markov control processes. However, there is no such optimality equation for constrained Markov control processes. Hence, the fixed-point/convexity approach is not directly applicable to CGs. To get around this difficulty we use the formulation of constrained Markov control
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processes as linear programs on suitable sets of so-called occupation measures. In the second stage, we generalize our existence result to countable-state CGs which can be “approximated” in a suitable sense by CGs with finitely many states. The contributions in this paper, summarized in Theorem 3.6, consist of several results on the existence of Nash equilibria for CGs. The most straightforward essentially states that, under standard hypotheses, a CG with a finite state space and compact metric action spaces has a Nash equilibrium. On the other hand, to extend this existence result to CGs with a countable state space, we first study the sensitivity (or approximation) of CGs, establishing that if a CG can be approximated (in the sense of Assumption 3.5) by CGs each of which has a Nash equilibrium, then the CG has a Nash equilibrium. Finally, it is established that under suitable hypotheses (see Assumption 3.4), the countable-state CG has a Nash equilibrium and, in addition, it can be approximated by finite-state CGs (with compact actions sets) each having a Nash equilibrium. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In section 2 we introduce the game model we are interested in. In section 3 we state our main result, Theorem 3.6. In section 4 alternative assumptions for Theorem 3.6 are given. In section 5, our results are ilustrated with two examples on queueing systems. After some technical preliminaries in section 6, Theorem 3.6 is proved in section 7. Finally, we conclude in section 8 with some general remarks.
2 The CG model In this section we introduce the (discrete-time, time-homogeneous) constrained game (CG) model we are interested in, and the corresponding CG problem. The CG model. We shall consider the N -person nonzero-sum constrained stochastic game model {X, (Ai , {Ai (x)|x ∈ X}, ci , ki )i∈N , Q, γ },
in which N := {1, 2, . . . , N} is the set of players. A generic player is indexed by i. Moreover, X denotes the state space, which is assumed to be a countable set with the discrete topology. Each player i is characterized by (Ai , {Ai (x)|x ∈ X}, ci , ki ),
where Ai is the action (or control) space, a metric space endowed with the corresponding Borel σ -algebra B(Ai ). For each x ∈ X, the nonempty set Ai (x) ∈ B(Ai ) in (2.2) stands for the set of admissible actions in x and we shall suppose that it is compact. Thus the set IA(x) := ×i∈N Ai (x) is also compact. Note that the set Ki := {(x, a) | x ∈ X, a ∈ Ai (x)} of feasible state-action pairs for player i is a closed (hence a Borel-measurable) subset of X × Ai , and, similarly, the set K := {(x, a)|x ∈ X and a ∈ IA(x)} of feasible state-action vectors is a closed subset of X × IA, with IA := ×i∈N Ai .
J. Alvarez-Mena, O. Hern´andez-Lerma q
The last two components in (2.2) are a measurable function ci := (ci0 , . . . , ci ) q from K to Rq+1 , and a vector ki = (ki1 , . . . , ki ). The function ci0 denotes the q 1 cost-per-stage, while the other functions ci , . . . , ci and the vector ki are used to formulate the CG problem; see (2.3), (2.4) below. The game’s transition law (or law of motion) Q is a stochastic kernel from K to X, i.e., Q(·|x, a) is a probability measure on X for each fixed (x, a) ∈ K, and Q(x |·) is measurable function on K for each fixed x ∈ X. Finally, γ is the initial state distribution. To state the CG problem let us first recall some standard concepts. Strategies. Let H0 := X, and Ht := K × Ht−1 for t = 1, 2, . . . For each t, an element ht := (x0 , a 0 , x1 , a 1 , . . . , xt−1 , a t−1 , xt ) of Ht represents a “history” of the game up to time t. A strategy for player i is then defined as a sequence π i := {πti } of stochastic kernels πti from Ht to Ai such that πti (Ai (xt )|ht ) = 1 for all ht ∈ Ht and t = 0, 1, . . .. We denote by i the family of all strategies for player i. A multistrategy is a vector π := (π 1 , . . . , π N ) in P i := ×i∈N i . Let i be the class of stochastic kernels ϕ from X to Ai such that ϕ(Ai (x)|x) = 1 for all x ∈ X. Then a strategy π i = {πti } for player i, is called randomized stationary (or simply stationary) if there exists ϕ ∈ i such that πti (·|ht ) = ϕ(·|xt ) for all ht ∈ Ht , t = 0, 1, . . . We will identify i with the family of stationary strategies for player i, so that := ×i∈N i will stand for the set of stationary multistrategies. Let P(X) be the family of probability measures on B(X). Let (, F) be the (canonical) measurable space that consists of the sample space := (X × IA)∞ and its product σ -algebra F. Then for each multistrategy π = (π 1 , . . . , π N ) ∈ P i and each initial distribution γ ∈ P(X), there exists a probability measure Pγπ and a stochastic process {(xt , a t ), t = 0, 1, . . . } defined on (, F) in a canonical way, where xt and a t represent the state and the action vector at stage t. The expectation operator with respect to Pγπ is denoted by Eγπ . For each π = (π 1 , . . . , π N ) ∈ P i and a = (a 1 , . . . , a N ) ∈ IA, we denote by [π −i |a i ] the N -vector whose kth component is π k if k = i, and the ith component is a i (for instance, [π −1 |a 1 ] := (a 1 , π 2 , . . . , π N )). The N -vector [a −i |π i ] is defined similarly (e.g. [a −1 |π 1 ] = (π 1 , a 2 , . . . , a N )). Finally, taking π in i , it is clear that [π −i |π ] is the multistrategy according to which player k uses π k if k = i, while player i uses π . The CG problem. Throughout the following we consider a fixed discount factor α ∈ (0, 1). Let ci and ki be as in (2.1), (2.2). For each player i the expected discounted cost functions are defined, for each l = 0, 1, . . . , q and each multistrategy π ∈ P i, as ∞ α t cl (x , a ) . (2.3) V l (π) := (1 − α)E π γ
The objective function for player i is Vi0 . On the other hand, a multistrategy π ∈ P i is said to be feasible for player i if it satisfies the constraints Vil (π) ≤ kil
∀ l = 1, . . . , q,
and π is said to be feasible for the CG if it is feasible for each player. We denote by the set of all feasible multistrategies for the CG.
Constrained Markov processes
For each π ∈ P i, we define the set of feasible strategies for player i against π as i (π) := {π ∈ i | Vil ([π −i |π ]) ≤ kil
∀ l = 1, . . . , q}.
In particular, π = (π 1 , . . . , π N ) is in if and only if π i is in i (π) for all i ∈ N . Definition 2.1 (Nash equilibrium) Let π ∈ P i. A strategy π ∈ i is called an optimal response of player i against π if it is feasible for player i, i.e., π is in i (π), and it also satisfies that Vi0 ([π −i |π ]) =
π ∈ i (π )
Vi0 ([π −i |π ]).
A feasible multistrategy π = (π 1 , π 2 , . . . , π N ) ∈ is called a Nash equilibrium for the CG (or a constrained Nash equilibrium) if, for each i ∈ N , the strategy π i is an optimal response of player i against π, i.e., if it satisfies Vi0 (π) =
π ∈ i (π )
Vi0 ([π −i |π ]) ∀ i ∈ N .
The problem we are concerned with is to give conditions ensuring the existence of a constrained Nash equilibrium. Remark 2.2 The stochastic game is said to be unconstrained if cil (·) ≤ kil for all i ∈ N and l = 1, . . . , q. In this case, from (2.3)–(2.5) we see that i (π) = i for all π ∈ P i and i ∈ N , and so = P i. Hence the unconstrained game reduces to the standard noncooperative stochastic game, as in Altman et al. (1997); Borkar and Ghosh (1993); Federgruen (1978); Ghosh and Bagchi (1998); Nowak (1987); Parthasarathy (1982) and Sennott (1994), for instance. 3 Main results We begin this section with a remark on the topologies on i and . Remark 3.1 (a) (Notation) Let f : K → R be a measurable function. Then for each x ∈ X, a = (a 1 , . . . , a N ) ∈ IA(x), ϕ = (ϕ 1 , . . . , ϕ N ) ∈ , and i ∈ N , we define −i i f (x, a 1 , . . . , a i−1 , ξ, a i+1 , . . . , a N )ϕi (dξ |x). f (x, [a |ϕ ]) := Ai (x)
This notation is extended in the obvious way to f (x, [ϕ −i |a i ]), f (x, [ϕ −i |ϕ ]) for ϕ ∈ i , f (x, [a −i |a ]) for a ∈ Ai (x), and f (x, ϕ). (b) (Weak topology on P(S)) Let S be a metric space (with the Borel σ -algebra). Let P(S) the set of probability measures on S, and Cb (S) the space of continuous bounded functions on S. A sequence {νn } in P(S) is said to converge weakly to ν ∈ P(S) if u dνn → u dν ∀ u ∈ Cb (S). S
If S is compact, then so is P(S) endowed with the topology of weak convergence.
J. Alvarez-Mena, O. Hern´andez-Lerma
(c) (Weak topology on i ) As Ai (x) is compact, so is P(Ai (x)). Hence, by the Tychonoff theorem, the spaces i = ×x∈X P(Ai (x))
= ×i∈N i
are compact. A sequence {ϕn } in i is said to converge weakly to ϕ ∈ i if the sequence {ϕn (·|x)} in P(Ai (x)) converges weakly to ϕ(·|x) for each x ∈ X. (d) (Weak topology on ) In view of (3.2), a sequence of stationary multistrategies ϕ n = (ϕn1 , . . . , ϕnN ) ∈ is said to converge weakly to ϕ = (ϕ 1 , . . . , ϕ N ) if ϕni → ϕ i weakly for each i ∈ N . Using Fubini’s theorem it can be seen that {ϕ n } converges weakly to ϕ if and only if, for each function f : K → R such that f (x, ·) is in Cb (IA(x)) for all x ∈ X, it holds that f (x, ϕ n ) → f (x, ϕ) ∀ x ∈ X. We first consider CGs with a finite state space, that is CGs for which the following holds. ⊂ X such that Assumption 3.2 There exists a finite set X |x, a) = 1 for all x ∈ X and a ∈ IA(x). (a) Q(X . (b) The initial state distribution γ is concentrated on X A CG that satisfies Assumption 3.2 will be called a finite CG, and, of course, it can be seen as a CG with finite state space and compact action space. Assumption 3.3 (a) For each x, y ∈ X, the transition law Q(y|x, ·) is continuous on IA(x). (b) For each l = 0, . . . , q and i ∈ N , the cost cil is bounded on K and, moreover, cil (x, ·) is continuous on IA(x) for each x ∈ X. (c) (Slater condition) For each stationary multistrategy ϕ ∈ and each player i, there exist π ∈ i such that Vil ([ϕ −i |π]) < kil ∀ l = 1, . . . , q.
Assumption 3.3 will be used, in particular, to study CGs with a finite state space. However, for the general CG in (2.1) we need to consider additional hypotheses. The next one, Assumption 3.4, essentially means that in one transition the state of the system remains “close” (in probability) to the previous state. In other words, if the state xt of the game is known to be in a finite set X at time t, then there exists another finite set X ⊃ X such that xt+1 is in X with probability close to 1. This is certainly the case for birth-and-death-like systems, which include many queueing and population models. Moreover, such a behavior is always true if the action sets Ai (x) are finite for each i ∈ N and x ∈ X – see Proposition 4.3(2)–(3).
Constrained Markov processes
Assumption 3.4 There exists an increasing sequence {Xn } of finite subsets of X and a decreasing sequence { n } of nonnegative numbers, such that n ↓ 0, Xn ↑ X, and for each n ≥ 2 sup x∈Xn−1
sup Q(Xnc |x, a) ≤ n , a ∈IA(x)
where Xnc stands for the complement of Xn with respect to X, and X0 is defined as the empty set. Assumption 3.4 will be used to construct a sequence of CGs with finite state space that approximate the original CG. That is why we will first study the sensitivity (or approximation) problem of CGs. Sensitivity. For each n ≥ 1 consider the CG (CGn ) {X, (Ai , {Ai (x)|x ∈ X}, ci,n , ki,n )i∈N , Qn , γn },
with components as in (2.1). The original game (2.1) sometimes will be denoted by CG∞ , and we shall suppose that CGn → CG∞ in the following sense (see Remark 3.7). Assumption 3.5 (a) CG∞ and each CGn satisfies Assumption 3.3. (b) For each x, y ∈ X and {ϕ n } ⊂ such that ϕ n → ϕ ∞ , we have lim Qn (y|x, ϕ n ) = Q(y|x, ϕ ∞ ).
(c) For each {ϕ n } ⊂ such that ϕ n → ϕ ∞ , and for each i ∈ N and {µn } ⊂ P(Ki ) such that µn → µ∞ , we have l −i lim ci,n (x, [ϕ n |a])µn (d(x, a)) = cil (x, [ϕ −i ∞ |a])µ∞ (d(x, a)) n→∞ K i
for l = 0, 1, . . . , q. (d) For each x ∈ X, γn (x) → γ (x) as n → ∞. (e) ki,n →k as n → ∞. We now state our main results. Theorem 3.6 (a) Suppose that Assumption 3.5 holds. If each CGn has a Nash equilibrium ϕ n , then so does CG∞ . In fact, any accumulation point of the sequence {ϕ n } (whose existence is ensured by the compactness of – see Remark 3.1(c)) is a Nash equilibrium for CG∞ . (b) Suppose that the CG (2.1) satisfies Assumptions 3.2 and 3.3 (in particular, CG has a finite state set). Then the CG has a Nash equilibrium. (c) If the CG (2.1) satisfies Assumptions 3.3 and 3.4, then it has a Nash equilibrium. Moreover, there exists a sequence CGn of CGs with finite state space such that CGn “converges” (in the sense of Assumption 3.5) to the CG (2.1). Remark 3.7 Suppose that in the game model (2.1) the set of actions Ai is finite for each player i ∈ N . If in addition the game satisfies Assumption 3.2, then it is in fact a CG with finite state and finite action spaces. In this case, part (b) of Theorem 3.6 reduces to results obtained in Altman and Shwartz (2000) for discounted CGs. Theorem 3.6 is proved in section 7, after some technical preliminaries in section 6.
J. Alvarez-Mena, O. Hern´andez-Lerma
4 Alternative assumptions In this section we give alternative assumptions to obtain the results in section 3. In fact, we give conditions that imply Assumption 3.4 and the hypotheses on the cost functions and the transition laws in Assumption 3.5. Assumption 4.1 (Uniform convergence) (a) CG∞ and each CGn satisfies parts (a) and (b) of Assumption 3.3. (b) Qn (y|x, a) → Q(y|x, a), for each x, y ∈ X, a ∈ IA(x), and the convergence is uniform on IA(x). l (x, a) → cil (x, a) for each x ∈ X, a ∈ IA(x) i ∈ N and l = 0, 1, . . . , q, (c) ci,n and the convergence is uniform on IA(x). Assumption 4.2 For each x ∈ X, ux (·) := supa ∈IA(x) Q(·|x, a) satisfies ux (y) < ∞.
Proposition 4.3 (1) Assumption 4.1 implies parts (a)–(c) of Assumption 3.5. (2) Assumption 4.2 implies Assumption 3.4. (3) If for each x ∈ X and i ∈ N the sets Ai (x) of admissible actions in x are finite, then Assumption 3.4 holds. Proof (1) Part (b) of Assumption 3.5 follows from Assumption 4.1(a) and (b) and Lemma 4.5(b) given in Alvarez-Mena and Hern´andez-Lerma (2002). The proof of part (c) of Assumption 3.5 is the same as the proof of part (b) of Lemma 6.6, except that to justify the convergence (6.15), which in this case becomes l −i l ci,n (x, [ϕ −i mr |ϕmr ]) → ci (x, [ϕ ∞ |ϕ ]),
it is necessary to invoke Lemma 4.5(b) in Alvarez-Mena and Hern´andez-Lerma (2002), instead of our Remark 3.1(d). To prove (2) we fixan arbitrary x ∈ X and > 0. By (4.1), there exists a finite set Bx ⊂ X such that y ∈B / x ux (y) < . Thus sup Q(Bxc |x, a) <
a ∈IA(x)
Now let X1 be a finite subset of X and let n := ( 21 )n for n ≥ 1. By (4.2), for each x ∈ X1 there exists a finite subset Bx of X such that Bx ⊃ X1 , and supa ∈IA(x) Q(Bxc |x, a) < 2 . Hence, taking X2 := ∪x∈X1 Bx , for each x ∈ X1 we see that sup Q(X2c |x, a) ≤ sup Q(Bxc |x, a) < 2 . a ∈IA(x) a ∈IA(x) Hence, we have found X1 and X2 that satisfy (3.4). Proceeding in the same way we can find a sequence {Xn } that satisfies (3.4), and therefore Assumption 3.4 holds. Finally, to prove (3) we shall verify (4.1), and then the desired conclusion follows from (2). As the action sets Ai (x) are finite, so is IA(x). Therefore, sup Q(y|x, a) ≤ Q(y|x, a) = 1 < ∞, y∈X a ∈IA(x) a ∈IA(x) y∈X a ∈IA(x) for each x ∈ X.
Constrained Markov processes
5 Examples In this section, we present two examples to illustrate Theorem 3.6. In each of them we consider two cases, constrained and unconstrained games, and we show their differences. Example 5.1 (Two competitive servers) Consider a discrete-time, two-server queueing system in which the state variable xt denotes the total number of customers in the system at each time t = 0, 1, . . .. Arriving customers form a single waiting line, and a customer can be served by server 1 or server 2 which are the players 1 and 2, respectively. We assume that the potential departures occur in (t−, t) and the potential arrivals in (t, t+), which following a standard convention in discrete-time queues means that departures occur “a little” before t (for t > 0), whereas arrivals occur “a little” after t (for t ≥ 0). The state variable xt includes both situations, what occurs in (t−, t) and (t, t+). The dynamics of the system in the slot [t − 1, t) is as follows. At time t − 1, players 1 and 2 observe the state xt−1 and choose their service rates a 1 ∈ A1 (xt−1 ) and a 2 ∈ A2 (xt−1 ), respectively, with Ai (x) ⊂ [0, 1] as specified below. If player i chooses the service rate a i , the service will be completed (and the customer will leave the system in (t−, t)) with probability a i . If the service is not completed, then in the next slot, [t, t + 1), the service starts again and player i has to choose a new service rate. When xt = 1, we assume that the single customer is served by player 1 and so player 2 is idle, i.e., • If xt−1 = 0, and only one customer arrives at the system in (t, t+), it will be served by player 1. • If xt−1 = 2, and in (t−, t) only one customer leaves the system and none arrives in (t, t+), we assume that the remaining custumer will be served by player 1 (in particular, if that customer is with player 2, it is transferred to player 1 to be served). In this way, xt = 1 means that server 2 is idle. It is then obvious that A1 (0) = A2 (0) = A2 (1) := {0}. Otherwise, A1 (1) = A1 (x) := [α1 , β1 ], with 0 ≤ α1 < β1 ≤ 1, and A2 (x) := [α2 , β2 ] for all x ≥ 2, with 0 ≤ α2 < β2 ≤ 1. In each slot the probability of j ≥ 0 customers arriving to the system is Pj , with P0 < 1. Let γ be the initial distribution. The state space is X := {0, 1, . . . }, and the transition law for (x, a 1 , a 2 ) ∈ K and y ∈ X is given by Q(y|x, a 1 , a 2 ) := a 1 a 2 Py−x+2 + [a 1 (1 − a 2 ) + a 2 (1 − a 1 )]Py−x+1 + (1 − a 1 )(1 − a 2 )Py−x
where P−z := 0 for all z ≥ 1. There are two types of costs for each server i (i = 1, 2): a service cost ci0 (x, a 1 , a 2 ) := si (a i ) and a penalization cost ci1 (x, a 1 , a 2 ) := Hi (x, a i ) for all (x, a 1 , a 2 ) ∈ K, with si (0) = Hi (0, 0) := 0. The penalization cost can be thought of as a holding cost plus a cost for the server’s inefficiency. The servers behave as players of a noncooperative CG in which each server i (i = 1, 2) wishes to minimize the expected discounted service cost Vi0 , while maintaining the expected discounted penalization cost Vi1 bounded above by a given number ki ≥ 0. We may represent this queueing CG as QCG := (X, {[αi , βi ], si , Hi , ki }i=1,2 , {Px }, γ ).
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It is clear that the transition law Q satisfies the Assumption 3.3(a). On the other hand, we may verify the Assumption 3.4 with Xn := {1, . . . , 2n } for each n ≥ 1. c and x ∈ Xn , we have y − x > 2n , whereas Q(y|x, a) ≤ Indeed, for y ∈ Xn+1 Py−x+2 + Py−x+1 + Py−x for all a ∈ IA(x) , by (5.1). Therefore c |x, a) ≤ sup (Py−x+2 + Py−x+1 + Py−x ) sup sup Q(Xn+1 x∈Xn a ∈IA(x) x∈Xn n+1 y>2 ≤ sup (Pz+2 + Pz+1 + Pz ) x≤2n
z>2n+1 −x
Pz := n+1 ↓ 0 as n → ∞.
Finally, we may obtain Assumptions 3.3(b) and (c) from the following. Assumption 5.2 For each i = 1, 2 : (a) The service cost si is continuous on [αi , βi ]. (b) The penalization cost Hi is bounded on X ×[αi , βi ], and Hi (x, ·) is continuous on [αi , βi ] for each x ≥ i. (c) For each stationary multistrategy ϕ ∈ we have Vi1 ([ϕ −i |βi ]) < ki , where [ϕ −i |βi ] is the multistrategy according to which player j uses ϕ j if j = i, while player i uses the deterministic strategy that always chooses the maximum service rate a = βi for x ≥ i, and a = 0 for x < i. Under Assumption 5.2, it is now clear that QCG satisfies Assumptions 3.3 and 3.4. Hence Theorem 3.6(c) yields: There exists a Nash equilibrium for the QCG. We next examine a particular QCG with the following parameters, for i = 1, 2: αi = 0, βi = 1, si (a) := a for all a ∈ [0, 1], and Hi (x, a) := h(x)+(1−a)I[i,∞) (x) for all (x, a) ∈ X × [0, 1]. (As usual, IB denotes the indicator function of the set B.) Here, h is a holding cost given by 0 if x ≤ 2, h(x) := (5.2) (x − 2)/(x − 1) if x > 2, and the term (1 − a)I[i,∞) (x) corresponds to the inefficiency cost of player i for selecting the action a in the state x. We take the initial distribution γ as the Dirac measure at the point x = 3, and, finally, the constraint constants k1 = k2 := 1. It is clear that Assumptions 5.2(a),(b) hold. Thus, to ensure the existence of a Nash equilibrium, we only need to verify the Slater condition 5.2(c). We first note some simple facts. (Recall that ci0 (x, a 1 , a 2 ) = si (a i ), and 1 ci (x, a 1 , a 2 ) = Hi (x, a i ).) For each i = 1, 2 ci1 (x, 1, 1) < 1
for all x ≥ i,
ci1 (x, 0, 0) ci0 (x, 0, 0)
for all x > 3,
= 0 for all x ∈ X, Q(y|3, 0, 0) = Py−3 for all y ∈ X.
(5.5) (5.6)
Constrained Markov processes
Let 1I be the deterministic strategy under which the maximum service rate βi = 1 is chosen for x ≥ i, and 0 for x < i. Then from (5.3) we get V11 (1I, π ) < V11 (1I, 1I) < 1 ∀π ∈ 2 , V21 (π, 1I) < V21 (1I, 1I) < 1 ∀π ∈ 1 . Hence, Assumption 5.2(c) holds and so there exists a Nash equilibrium for this particular QCG. To conclude the example, we next consider the (constrained) QCG and the unconstrained version of it, and we compare the results. Unconstrained case: Consider the game QCG without constraints. The pair of strategies (θ, θ), according to which the players always choose the minimum service rate a = 0, is a Nash equilibrium for the unconstrained version of QCG. Indeed, by (5.5), for each i = 1, 2 Vi0 (θ, θ) = 0. On the other hand, as the service cost is nonnegative, for each i = 1, 2, Vi0 (π 1 , π 2 ) ≥ 0 ∀ (π 1 , π 2 ) ∈ 1 × 2 . Constrained case: We already know that there exists a Nash equilibrium for the constrained QCG, but it cannot be (θ, θ). In fact, (θ, θ) is not even feasible for QCG because, as the system starts with x0 = 3, by (5.6), xt ≥ 3 for all t ≥ 0. Therefore (5.4) yields Vi1 (θ, θ) > 1. To conclude, note that in the unconstrained version of QCG, (θ, θ) is certainly an “undesired” Nash equilibrium because it implies that both servers should always be idle! Hence the example shows that the constraints can avoid undesired equilibria. Example 5.3 (N queues competing for service) Consider a discrete-time, singleserver queueing system with N infinite-capacity buffers. The state of the system at time t is given by a vector x t := (xt1 , . . . , xtN ), where xti is the number of customers currently in buffer i at time t. Departures occur in (t−, t); the service time of a customer is (exactly) one slot. The (potential) arrivals occur in (t, t+); the probability of x customers requesting admission to the system at buffer i is Pxi for each x ≥ 0 (with P0i < 1) and all i = 1, . . . , N. Thus the state space is X := ×i∈N Z+ , where Z+ := {0, 1, . . . }, and N = {1, . . . , N}. At each decision time t = 0, 1, . . . , the server chooses at random a nonempty buffer, from which he takes a customer to serve. At the entrance of each buffer i = 1, . . . , N there is a player (or entrance controller) who decides if arriving customers are admitted or not. At time t the players observe the state xt , and each player i takes an action from the action set Ai = A := {1, 0}, where a i = 1 means that he accepts the arriving customers to buffer i, and a i = 0 means that he rejects them. There are two costs for each player i (i ∈ N ): a bounded holding cost ci0 (x, a) := hi (xi , a i ), and a rejection cost ci1 (x, a) := ri (ai ) for all (x, a) ∈ K. Naturally we assume that hi (0, 0) = ri (1) := 0. Let γ be the initial state distribution.
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To get the full description of the game, we next give an expression for the transition law. For each x, y ∈ X and a = (a 1 , . . . , a N ) ∈ IA the transition law is given by Q(y|x, a) =
1 Qi (y|x, a i ) N i∈N
where Qi is a stochastic kernel from Ki to X defined as follows. Let ID be the indicator function of a set D, and δx (y) ≡ δxy the Kronecker function (i.e., δy (x) := 1 if y = x, and := 0 otherwise). Moreover, let |x| := x 1 + · · · + x N , and 1/|x| if x i ≥ 1, i (5.8) Lx := 0 if x i = 0. The stochastic kernel Qi (y|x, a i ) for x = (x 1 , . . . , x N ) andy = (y 1 , . . . , y N ) in X and a i ∈ {1, 0} is given by Qi (y|x, a i ) := a i [(1 − Lix )Pyii −x i + Lix Pyii −x i +1 ] +(1 − a i )[(1 − Lix )δ0 (y i − x i ) + Lix δ0 (y i − x i + 1)] where P−z := 0 for all z ≥ 1. By (5.7), the game’s transition law has an additive (or separable) structure, in the sense that Q is a convex combination of stochastic kernels Qi which only depend on the action of player i (i ∈ N ), and similarly for the costs cil . Games with this kind of structure are sometimes called separable or additive-rewards and additive-transition (ARAT) games. Each player i ∈ N wishes to minimize the expected discounted holding cost Vi0 , while keeping the expected discounted rejection cost Vi1 bounded above by a given number ki > 0. We may represent this constrained noncooperative game as ARATG = (X, {1, 0}, {{Pxi }x∈Z , hi , ri , ki }i∈N , γ ). The Slater condition (3.3) trivially holds. Indeed, for each i ∈ N and ϕ ∈ Vi1 ([ϕ −i |1I]) = 0 < ki , where [ϕ −i |1I] is the multistrategy according to which player j uses ϕ j if j = i, while player i uses the deterministic strategy that always accepts the customers arriving to buffer i. It is also clear that Q satisfiesAssumptions 3.3(a),(b) and, by Proposition 4.3(3), also the Assumption 3.4. We thus have the following. Suppose that, for each i ∈ N , the holding cost function hi is bounded. Then, by Theorem 3.6(c), there exists a constrained Nash equilibrium for ARATG. Finally we consider a particular ARATG with the following parameters. For each i ∈ N , let ki = 1/2, ri (1) = 0, ri (0) = 1, hi (x, a) := x/(x + 1) for all (x, a) ∈ Z+ × {0, 1}, and the initial state distribution γ is the Dirac measure at 0 := (0, . . . , 0) ∈ X. As in the Example 5.1 we can see fundamental differences between the (constrained) ARATG and the unconstrained version of ARATG.
Constrained Markov processes
Unconstrained case: Consider the game ARATG without constraints. Then the pair of strategies (θ, θ), according to which the players always reject the arriving customers is a Nash equilibrium. Indeed, Q(y|0, θ, θ) = 0 if y i > 0 for some i ∈ N . Thus, under the multistrategy (θ, θ), xt = 0 for all t ≥ 0. Hence Vi0 (θ, θ) = 0 for i = 1, 2. On the other hand, as the holding cost is nonnegative, for each i = 1, 2 we have Vi0 (π 1 , π 2 ) ≥ 0 ∀ (π 1 , π 2 ) ∈ 1 × 2 . Constrained case: We already know that there exists a Nash equilibrium for the (constrained) ARATG, but it cannot be (θ, θ). Actually, (θ, θ) is not even feasible for ARATG because Vi1 (θ, θ) = 1 > ki ∀ i ∈ N .
6 Technical preliminaries In this section we introduce some preliminary facts needed in the proof of Theorem 3.6. In particular, we associate a constrained (Markov) control process (CCP) to each stationary multistrategy and show that the results in Alvarez-Mena and Hern´andez-Lerma (2002) hold for these CCPs. Since the state space X is countable, a sequence {νn } in P(X) converges weakly to ν ∈ P(X) iff (if and only if) νn (x) → ν(x) for all x ∈ X. Equivalently, by Scheff´e’s Theorem [Billingsley, p. 233], νn → ν weakly iff x |νn (x) − ν(x)| → 0. This fact yields the following. Lemma 6.1 Let {un } be a bounded sequence of functions from X to R such that un (x) → u(x) for all x ∈ X, and let {νn } be a sequence in P(X) such that νn → ν weakly. Then x∈X
un (x)νn (x) →
For each ϕ ∈ i and ν ∈ P(X) we define a probability measure ν ◦ ϕ in P(Ki ) by (ν ◦ ϕ)({x} × C) := ϕ(C|x)ν(x) for all x ∈ X and C ∈ B(Ai (x)). Lemma 6.2 Let i ∈ N . Let {ϕn } be a sequence in i and {νn } a sequence in P(X) such that ϕn → ϕ weakly in i , and νn → ν weakly in P(X). Then the sequence of measures µn := νn ◦ ϕn in P(Ki ) satisfies that µn → µ weakly, where µ := ν ◦ ϕ. Proof See Alvarez-Mena and Hern´andez-Lerma (2002), Lemma 4.6.
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The CCP associated to a stationary multistrategy. Fix an arbitrary ϕ in . Suppose that all the players except one of them, say player i, selects the corresponding strategy given by the stationary multistrategy ϕ. Then the constrained game model (2.1) reduces to the constrained control model ϕ ϕ (6.1) (X, Ai , {Ai (x)|x ∈ X}, ci , ki , Qi , γ ) where the elements in (6.1) are defined exactly as in section 2, except that the transiϕ ϕ 1,ϕ 0,ϕ tion law Qi , a stochastic kernel from Ki to X, and the cost ci = (ci , ci , . . . , q,ϕ ci ) : Ki → Rq+1 are given by ϕ Qi (y|x, a) := Q(y|x, [ϕ −i |a]) ∀ y ∈ X, (x, a) ∈ Ki , (6.2) and for each l = 0, 1, . . . , q, l,ϕ ci (x, a) := cil (x, [ϕ −i |a]) ∀ (x, a) ∈ Ki .
(6.3) l,ϕ Vi
Thus, for each l = 0, 1, . . . , q, the expected α-discounted cost function for the constrained control model (6.1) is given (in analogy with (2.3)) for each π ∈ i by ∞ l,ϕ t l,ϕ π Vi (π) = (1 − α)Eγ α ci (xt , at ) , t=0
which of course satisfies
(π) = Vil ([ϕ −i |π]) ∀π ∈ i .
(6.4) l,ϕ Vi (π).
The corresponding constraints are given by (2.4) replacing Vil (π) with ϕ We thus obtain a CCP that will be denoted by CCPi . Moreover, directly from (6.4) and the Definition 2.1 of optimal response, we get the following.
Proposition 6.3 Let ϕ ∈ and i ∈ N . A strategy π ∈ i is an optimal response ϕ of player i against ϕ if and only if π is an optimal strategy for CCPi . ϕ ϕ A formulation of CCPi on a set of measures. There is a formulation of CCPi using the so-called occupation measures – see, for instance, Alvarez-Mena and Hern´andez-Lerma (2002) or Hern´andez-Lerma and Gonz´alez-Hern´andez (2001). We introduce this formulation because we will refer to it later on. Let M(Ki ) be the set of finite signed measures on X × Ai concentrated on Ki , and M + (Ki ) the cone of nonnegative measures in M(Ki ). Consider de problem 0,ϕ ϕ CCPi : Minimize Ki ci (x, a)µ(d(x, a)) l,ϕ l subject to : (6.5) Ki ci (x, a)µ(d(x, a)) ≤ ki ∀ l = 1, . . . , q, ϕ µ(x) = (1 − α)γ (x) + α Ki Qi (x|y, a)µ(d(y, a)) ∀ x ∈ X, (6.6) µ ∈ M + (Ki ),
where µ stands for the marginal (or projection) of µ on X, defined as µ(x) := µ(x × Ai ). A measure that satisfies (6.6) and (6.7) is called an occupation measure ϕ for CCPi – cf. Definition 3.5 in Alvarez-Mena and Hern´andez-Lerma (2002). Note that an occupation measure is in fact a probability measure.
Constrained Markov processes
Definition 6.4 Fix an arbitrary ϕ ∈ and i ∈ N . Let ϕ ∈ i be a stationary strategy for player i. A measure µ ∈ M + (Ki ) is said to be (ϕ, i)–equivalent (or simply ϕ-equivalent) to ϕ if ϕ (1) µ is an occupation measure for CCPi , and (2) ϕ and µ satisfy that µ= µ ◦ ϕ l,ϕ l,ϕ ci (x, a)µ(d(x, a)) ∀ l = 0, 1, . . . , q. Vi (ϕ ) =
(6.8) (6.9)
ϕ On the other hand, if µ ∈ M + (Ki ) is an occupation measure for CCPi , then a stationary policy ϕ ∈ i is said to be (ϕ, i)-equivalent (or ϕ-equivalent) to µ if (2) holds. For each ϕ ∈ i , the existence of a measure µ ∈ M + (Ki ) which is ϕ-equivalent to ϕ , and also, for each occupation measure µ ∈ M + (Ki ), the existence of a strategy ϕ ∈ i which is ϕ-equivalent to µ, are guaranteed by Proposition 4.2 in Alvarez-Mena and Hern´andez-Lerma (2002). Remark 6.5 (a) Note that the occupation measures in (6.6)–(6.7) and the objective functions (2.3) only depend on the transition law, the initial distribution and the multistrategy being used. That is why, to avoid confusions and to show explicitly this dependence, sometimes we write “(ϕ, Q, γ , i)–equivalent” or “Vil (ϕ, Q, γ )” instead of simply “(ϕ, i)–equivalent” or “Vil (ϕ)”, respectively. (b) If µ ∈ M + (Ki ) is (ϕ, i)–equivalent to ϕ ∈ i , then, from (6.8), we can write (6.6) as µ(x) = (1 − α)γ (x) + α
Q(x|y, [ϕ −i |ϕ ]) µ(y) ∀ x ∈ X,
and (6.9) as l,ϕ
(ϕ ) =
cil (x, [ϕ −i |ϕ ]) µ(x) ∀ l = 0, 1, . . . , q.
Next, we shall establish the connection between a sequence of constrained conϕ trol process CCPi n and the convergence results in Alvarez-Mena and Hern´andezLerma (2002). Lemma 6.6 Suppose that the Assumption 3.3 holds. Let {ϕ n } ⊂ be a sequence of multistrategies such that ϕ n → ϕ ∞ weakly in . Then for each i ∈ N the following holds. weakly in i we have (a) For each sequence {ϕn } ⊂ i such that ϕn → ϕ∞ lim
n→∞ A (x) i
ϕ Qi n (y|x, a)ϕn (da|x) =
Ai (x)
ϕ Qi ∞ (y|x, a)ϕ∞ (da|x). (6.12)
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(b) For each sequence {µn } ⊂ P(Ki ) such that µn → µ weakly in P(Ki ) we have l,ϕ l,ϕ lim (6.13) ci n dµn = ci ∞ dµ ∀ l = 0, 1, . . . , q. n→∞ K i
(c) Theorem 3.9 and Corollary 3.10 in Alvarez-Mena and Hern´andez-Lerma ϕ ϕ (2002) hold for the sequence {CCPi n } and the limit CCPi ∞ . This implies, in parϕ ticular, the following: If µ∗n ∈ M + (Ki ) is an optimal solution for CCPi n for each ∗ n ≥ 1, then {µn } is relatively compact and, moreover, any accumulation point ϕ of {µ∗n } is an optimal solution for CCPi ∞ . A similar result holds for the optimal ϕn strategies for CCPi . Proof (a) By Assumption 3.3(a), Q(y|x, ·) is a continuous bounded function on −i IA(x) for each x, y ∈ X. Then (by Remark 3.1(d)), as [ϕ −i n |ϕn ] → [ϕ ∞ |ϕ∞ ] weakly in , we have −i Q(y|x, [ϕ −i n |ϕn ]) → Q(y|x, [ϕ ∞ |ϕ∞ ]) ∀ x, y ∈ X.
Thus part (a) follows from (6.14) and the following equality that results from Fubini’s Theorem: Qϕ n (y|x, a)ϕn (da|x) = Q(y|x, [ϕ −i n |ϕn ]) ∀ n ∈ IN, Ai (x)
where IN := {1, 2, . . . } ∪ {∞}. (b) Let {µn } ⊂ P(Ki ) be such that µn → µ weakly. To prove (6.13), choose l,ϕ an arbitrary l with 0 ≤ l ≤ q, and let { Ki ci m dµm }m be a subsequence of the l,ϕ bounded sequence of real numbers { Ki ci n dµn }n . Let ϕm ∈ i be such that µm = µm ◦ ϕm , where µm denotes the marginal of µm on X; the existence of ϕm is well known, see page 88 in Dynkin and Yushkevich (1979), for instance. By the compactness of i (see Remark 3.1(c)) there exists a subsequence {ϕm r } of {ϕm } µmr also consuch that ϕm r → ϕ weakly for some ϕ in i . As the marginals −i verge to µ, Lemma 6.2 implies that µ = µ ◦ ϕ . Moreover [ϕ mr |ϕmr ] → [ϕ −i ∞ |ϕ ] l weakly in and, on the other hand, by Assumption 3.3(b), ci (x, ·) is continuous and bounded on IA(x) for each x ∈ X. Therefore (by Remark 3.1(d)) l −i cil (x, [ϕ −i mr |ϕmr ]) → ci (x, [ϕ ∞ |ϕ ]).
Hence, as in the proof of part (a), from (6.15) and Fubini’s Theorem it follows that c∞ pointwise on X, cmr → where cmr (x) :=
Ai (x)
l,ϕ mr
(x, a)ϕm r (da|x) = cil (x, [ϕ −i mr |ϕmr ]).
Constrained Markov processes
Note that, by Assumption 3.3(b), the sequence { cmr } is bounded. Hence (6.16) and Lemma 6.1 yield c∞ (x) µ(x). (6.17) cmr (x) µmr (x) → x∈X
Finally, since
l,ϕ mr
dµmr =
r→∞ K i
cmr (x) µmr (x), x∈X
l,ϕ ci mr dµmr
from (6.17) we obtain
l,ϕ ∞
l,ϕ l,ϕ Therefore, as the subsequence { Ki ci m dµm }m of { Ki ci n dµn }n was arbitrary, (6.13) follows. (c) We need to guarantee that Theorem 3.9 and Corollary 3.10 in Alvarez-Mena and Hern´andez-Lerma (2002) can be applied. Assumptions 3.1, 3.2 and 3.8 of Alvarez-Mena and Hern´andez-Lerma (2002), except 3.1(c) and 3.2(b), hold. However, by Remark 6.1(a) in Alvarez-Mena and Hern´andez-Lerma (2002), 3.1(c) and 3.2(b) admit alternative assumptions which follow from parts (a) and (b) above. 7 Proof of Theorem 3.6 Proof of Theorem 3.6(a) (Sensitivity of CGs) Let {ϕ n } ⊂ be such that ϕ n = (ϕn1 , . . . , ϕnN ) converges to some ϕ = (ϕ 1 , . . . , ϕ N ) ∈ . Fix an arbitrary i ∈ N . ϕ Each CGn in (3.5) defines a constrained control problem CCPi n associated to the multistrategy ϕ n as in (6.1)–(6.3), i.e. (X, Ai , {Ai (x)|x ∈ X}, Qn , γn , cn , kn , ). q
where the law transition Qn , the cost vector cn = (cn0 , cn1 , . . . , cn ), and kn are given by Qn (y|x, a) := Qn (y|x, [ϕ −i n |a]) ∀ y ∈ X, (x, a) ∈ Ki ,
l (x, [ϕ −i cnl (x, a) := ci,n n |a]) ∀ (x, a) ∈ Ki , l = 0, 1, . . . , q,
and kn :=ki,n . As in Lemma 6.6(c) above, Theorem 3.9 and Corollary 3.10 in Alvarez-Mena ϕ ϕ and Hern´andez-Lerma (2002) hold for the sequence {CCPi n } and the limit CCPi . Now, for each n ∈ IN, let ϕ n be a Nash equilibrium for the CGn . By the compactness of (see Remark 3.1(c)), there exists a subsequence {ϕ m } of {ϕ n } that converges to some ϕ = (ϕ 1 , . . . , ϕ N ) ∈ . Hence, from Proposition 6.3 in Alvarez-Mena and Hern´andez-Lerma (2002), ϕ for each m ∈ IN, ϕmi is an optimal strategy for CCPi m , and so, by [Alvarez-Mena and Hern´andez-Lerma 2002, Corollary 3.10], the limit point ϕ i of the sequence ϕ {ϕmi }m is also an optimal strategy for CCPi . Therefore, by our Proposition 6.3 i above, ϕ is an optimal response of player i against ϕ. As i ∈ N was arbitrary, it follows that ϕ is a Nash equilibrium for CG∞ .
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CGs with finite state set. Next, we develop some lemmas necesary to prove part (b) of Theorem 3.6. We assume that Assumption 3.2 holds and, furthermore, . For each i ∈ N , the initial distribution the initial distribution γ has support on X γ defines an equivalence relation on i as follows: ϕ ∈ i is related to ϕ ∈ i . This equivalence relation if ϕ(·|x) = ϕ (·|x) γ -a.e. (almost everywhere) on X defines a partition of i in equivalence classes. We denote by Rϕ the equivalence class of ϕ, and by i /γ the set of all equivalence classes on i . i }, where K i := Let µ be in Mi := {µ ∈ P(Ki ) : µ has support on K , a ∈ Ai (x)}. As the marginal µ of µ ∈ Mi has support on {(x, a) : x ∈ X , i.e., , if µ := µ ◦ ϕ2 , then ϕ1 (·|x) = ϕ2 (·|x) for all x ∈ X X µ ◦ ϕ1 and µ := Rϕ1 = Rϕ2 . Furthermore, {ϕ ∈ i : µ = µ ◦ ϕ} = Rϕ1 = Rϕ2 . N Thus, the map G from ×N i=1 Mi to ×i=1 (i /γ ) given by
µ = (µ1 , . . . , µN ) → G(µ), where
1 ◦ ϕ}, . . . , {ϕ ∈ N : µN = µ N ◦ ϕ}), G(µ) := ({ϕ ∈ 1 : µ1 = µ is well defined. 1 N Note that if µ = (µ1 , . . . , µN ) ∈ ×N i=1 Mi and ϕ = (ϕ , . . . , ϕ ) ∈ are i i i 1 N such that µ = µ ◦ ϕ for each i ∈ N , then G(µ) = (Rϕ , . . . , Rϕ ). We denote by Rϕ the equivalence class (Rϕ 1 , . . . , Rϕ N ) in ×N i=1 (i /γ ). Lemma 7.1 Suppose that Assumptions 3.3 and 3.2 hold, and that γ has support . Let ϕ 1 = (ϕ 1 , . . . , ϕ N ) and ϕ 2 = (ϕ 1 , . . . , ϕ N ) be in . If ϕ 1 and ϕ 2 lie on X 1 2 1 2 in the same equivalence class (that is, Rϕ1i = Rϕ2i for all i ∈ N ), then both ϕ 1 and ϕ 2 have the same associated CCPs, that is, for each i ∈ N , the set of feasible ϕ ϕ solutions and the set of optimal solutions for CCPi 1 and CCPi 2 are the same. ϕ ϕ Proof Fix an arbitrary i ∈ N . We will use the formulations CCPi 1 and CCPi 2 in (6.5)–(6.7) to prove that ϕ ϕ (a) µ is feasible for CCPi 1 iff µ is feasible for CCPi 2 , and ϕ ϕ (b) µ is optimal for CCPi 1 iff µ is optimal for CCPi 2 . and j ∈ N , it follows that Since, ϕ1 (·|x) = ϕ2 (·|x) for all x ∈ X j
−i l cil (x, [ϕ −i 1 |a]) = ci (x, [ϕ 2 |a]) ∀ (x, a) ∈ Ki , l = 1, . . . , q,
−i Q(y|x, [ϕ −i 1 |a]) = Q(y|x, [ϕ 2 |a]) ∀ y ∈ X, (x, a) ∈ Ki .
ϕ Let µ be a feasible solution of CCPi 1 . From (6.6) and Assumption 3.2, µ has i , that is, µ is in Mi . This fact together with (6.2), (6.3), (7.1) and support on K
Constrained Markov processes
(7.2) yields that ϕ ϕ Qi 2 (y|x, a)µ(d(x, a)) ∀ y ∈ X, Qi 1 (y|x, a)µ(d(x, a)) = Ki Ki l,ϕ l,ϕ ci 2 (x, a)µ(d(x, a)) ∀ l = 0, 1, . . . , q. ci 1 (x, a)µ(d(x, a)) = Ki
The last two facts imply (a) and (b).
By Lemma 7.1, each equivalence class Rϕ = (Rϕ 1 , . . . , Rϕ N ) defines a ϕ Rϕ unique CCPi which will be denoted by CCPi . Hence, we can define without N ambiguity two multifunctions i : ×l=1 Ml → Mi and : ×N l=1 Ml → N N 1 N ×l=1 Ml as follows. For each i ∈ N and µ = (µ , . . . , µ ) in ×i=1 Mi , G(µ)
i (µ) := {ν ∈ Mi | ν is an optimal solution for CCPi
and (µ) := ×N i=1 i (µ). Next, to relate a stationary Nash equilibrium with the fixed points of it suffices to note that the formulation (6.5)–(6.7) of a CCP yields the following. Lemma 7.2 Suppose that Assumptions 3.3 and 3.2 hold, and that γ has support . Then the CG has a stationary Nash equilibrium if and only if has a fixed on X point. Proof Suppose that ϕ = (ϕ 1 , . . . , ϕ N ) is a stationary Nash equilibrium for the CG. We take µ = (µ1 , . . . , µN ) such that, for each i ∈ N , µi is (ϕ, i)-equivalent to ϕ i . Thus Rϕ = G(µ), and µi is in Mi for all i ∈ N . Let i ∈ N be fixed. As ϕ is a Nash equilibrium, ϕ i is an optimal response of player i against ϕ, that is ϕ (by Proposition 6.3), ϕ i is an optimal strategy for CCPi . Hence, µi is an optimal ϕ solution for CCPi , that is, µi ∈ i (µ). As i ∈ N was arbitrary, it follows that µ is in (µ), that is, µ is a fixed point of . Now suppose that µ = (µ1 , . . . , µN ) is a fixed point of , and let ϕ = 1 µi ◦ ϕ i for each i ∈ N . Thus Rϕ = G(µ). Now, (ϕ , . . . , ϕ N ) be such that µi = ∗ 1∗ N∗ we take ϕ = (ϕ , . . . , ϕ ) such that ϕ i∗ is (ϕ, i)-equivalent to µi for each i ∈ N . Thus Rϕ ∗ = Rϕ = G(µ). Pick an arbitrary i ∈ N . As µ is in (µ), µi is ϕ an optimal solution of CCPi , and as ϕ i∗ is (ϕ, i)-equivalent to µi , then ϕ i∗ is an Rϕ ∗ optimal strategy for CCPi , that is, ϕ i∗ is an optimal response of player i against ϕ ∗ . As i ∈ N was arbitrary, it follows that ϕ ∗ is a stationary Nash equilibrium for the CG. In view of Lemma 7.2, to show the existence of a Nash equilibrium it suffices to show that has a fixed point. This requires to study some properties of the multifunction . Lemma 7.3 Suppose that Assumptions 3.3 and 3.2 hold, and that γ has support . Then on X
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(a) for each i ∈ N , i is upper semicontinuous and, moreover, for each µ in ×N l=1 Ml the set i (µ) is nonempty and convex; (b) is upper semicontinuous and, for each µ in ×N l=1 Ml , the set (µ) is nonempty and convex. Proof (a) Let i ∈ N be fixed. From Theorem 3.9(a) in Alvarez-Mena and Hern´andez-Lerma (2002)(see Lemma 6.6(c) above), for each µ ∈ ×N l=1 Ml , the G(µ) problem CCPi is solvable, that is, i (µ) is nonempty, and, on the other hand, G(µ) from (6.5)–(6.7) it is clear that the set i (µ) of optimal solutions for CCPi is convex. To prove that i is upper semicontinuous, let µn ∈ ×N l=1 Ml and νn ∈ i (µn ) be such that (1) µn → µ∞ in ×N l=1 Ml , and (2) νn → ν∞ in Mi . ν∞ ◦ ϕ∞ . We have to show that ν∞ is in i (µ∞ ). Let ϕ∞ ∈ i be such that ν∞ = Taking ϕn ∈ i such that νn = νn ◦ ϕn , it follows from (2) that ϕn (·|x) → ϕ∞ (·|x) . Choosing ϕn as for each x ∈ X ϕn (·|x) :=
ϕn (·|x) ϕ∞ (·|x)
, if x ∈ X if ∈ / X,
we see that ϕn is in Rϕn and ϕn → ϕ∞ . In this manner we can find a sequence µin ◦ ϕni of multistrategies ϕ n = (ϕn1 , . . . , ϕnN ) such that, for each n ≥ 1, µin = (i = 1, . . . , N) and ϕ n → ϕ ∞ . Now, as Rϕ n = G(µn ), νn is an optimal solution ϕ G(µ ) for CCPi n (≡ CCPi n ). Hence, by Lemma 6.6(c) it follows that the limit point ϕ ν∞ of the sequence {νn } of optimal solutions is also an optimal solution for CCPi ∞ G(µ ) (≡ CCPi ∞ ), that is, ν∞ is in i (µ∞ ) Part (b) follows from (a) and the definition of . Proof of part (b) of Theorem 3.6 First we suppose that γ has support on the finite i (see Remark 3.1(b)). Hence, . The space Mi is compact because so is K set X M is a convex compact subset of the convex Hausdorff linear topological ×N i i=1 space ×N M(K ). On the other hand, by Proposition 7.3(b), the multifunction i i=1 is convex and upper semicontinuous. Hence, by Glicksberg’s Theorem Glicksberg (1952), has a fixed point. . Taking another Now let γ ∈ P(X) be concentrated on X γ ∈ P(X) with support on X , the probability measure γn :=
n−1 1 γ+ γ n n
. We now consider a CG with initial distribution and transition also has support on X law γn and Q, respectively. Then, for any ϕ = (ϕ 1 , . . . , ϕ N ) ∈ and i ∈ N (see Remark 6.5),
Constrained Markov processes
l V (ϕ, γn ) − V l (ϕ, γ ) i i = cil (x, [ϕ −i |a])µn (d(x, a)) − cil (x, [ϕ −i |a])µ(d(x, a)) cil (x, ϕ) µn (x) − cil (x, ϕ) µ(x) = x
µT V , ≤ L µn −
where µ is (ϕ, γ )-equivalent to ϕ i , µn is (ϕ, γn )-equivalent to ϕ i , L is a positive constant, and · T V stands for the total variation norm. On the other hand, by (6.6), µT V := | µn (y) − µ(y)| µn − y
µn − µT V . ≤ (1 − α)γn − γ + α Using the latter inequality and (7.3) we get that µn − µT V ≤ γn − γ T V 1 = γ − γ T V . n
Thus, (7.4) and (7.5) yield that, for each l = 1, . . . , q and i = 1, . . . , N, L γ − γ T V sup |Vil (ϕ, γn ) − Vil (ϕ, γ )| ≤ n ϕ ∈ =: ηn ↓ 0 as n → ∞.
Once we have (7.6) we can choose suitable constraint constant vectors ki,n to obtain the Slater condition and such that ki,n →ki as n → ∞. Moreover, letting ηn be as in (7.6), for each ϕ ∈ , it holds that Vil (ϕ, γn ) ≤ Vil (ϕ, γ ) + ηn for all l = 1, . . . , q and i ∈ N . Now, for each ϕ ∈ and i ∈ N , let π = ϕ ∈ i be as in Assumption 3.3(c), and define ki,n := (ki1 + ηn , . . . , kiN + ηn ).
This yields the Slater condition l Vil ([ϕ −i |ϕ ], γn ) < ki,n ∀ l = 1, . . . , q. l := kil + ηn . Hence, for each n ≥ 1, the constrained game CGn with ki,n
{X, (Ai , {Ai (x)|x ∈ X}, ci , ki,n )i∈N , Q, γn }.
Therefore, satisfies the Asumptions 3.3 and 3.2, and in addition γn has support on X. CGn has a Nash equilibrium. From the latter fact and Lemma 6.6, together with (6.2) and (6.3), the sequence CGn and the original CG ≡ CG∞ satisfy Assumption 3.5; hence, by part (a) of Theorem 3.6, the CG (with finite state space) also has a Nash equilibrium.
J. Alvarez-Mena, O. Hern´andez-Lerma
Proof of part (c) of Theorem 3.6. Let {Xn } be as in Assumption 3.4. Since n ↓ 0 and Xn ↑ X, there exists a subsequence {Xm } of {Xn } such that γ (Xmc ) ≤ α m and supXm supIA(x) Q(Xmc |x, a) ≤ α m where 0 < α < 1 is the discount factor. Hence, without loss of generality we can suppose that sup x∈Xn−1
sup Q(Xnc |x, a) ≤ α n and γ (Xnc ) ≤ α n . a ∈IA(x)
Now, for each n ≥ 1, pick xn ∈ Xn \ Xn−1 . For define the transition law Q(y|x, a) Qn (y|x, a) := Q(xn |x, a) + Q(Xnc |x, a) 0
all y ∈ X and (x, a) ∈ K, if y ∈ Xn \ {xn }, if y = xn , if y ∈ / Xn ,
and the initial distribution γ (y) γn (y) := γ (xn ) + γ (Xnc ) 0
if y ∈ Xn \ {xn } if y = xn if y ∈ / Xn .
= Xn . Furthermore, with Note that Qn and γn satisfy the Assumption 3.2 for X Qn and γn we may define a constrained game CGn as in (7.8). Then, as in (7.4), for any ϕ = (ϕ 1 , . . . , ϕ N ) ∈ and i ∈ N we have µn − µT V ∀ l = 1, . . . , q. (7.10) |Vil (ϕ, Qn , γn ) − Vil (ϕ, Q, γ )| ≤ L µ are the marginals of µn and µ, respectively, which are (ϕ, Qn , γn )Here, µn and equivalent to ϕ i and (ϕ, Q, γ )-equivalent to ϕ i . From (6.6) and the definition of µn is concentrated on Xn , and, thus, Qn and γn , the measure
µn − µT V =
| µn (y) − µ(y)| + µ(Xnc ).
We next estimate an upper bound for the second term on the right-hand side of (7.11). From (6.6), (6.10) and (7.9), for each n ≥ 1 we get µ(Xnc ) = (1 − α)γ (Xnc ) + α
≤ (1 −
α)γ (Xnc )
µ(x) Q(Xnc |x, ϕ)
c x∈Xn−1
c µ(Xn−1 ) + α µ(Xn−1 )
Iterating n-times (recall that X0 is the empty set) and using (7.9) again, µ(Xnc ) ≤ (1 − α)
c α l γ (Xn−l ) + α n+1
≤ (n + 1)α n ↓ 0 ,
µ(Xn−l ) + α n µ(X0c )
as n → ∞.
Constrained Markov processes
We now consider the first term on the rigth-hand side of (7.11), which we denote µXn . Using once more (6.6), (6.10), (7.9) and the definition of Qn and by µn − γn , µn − µXn := | µn (y) − µ(y)| + | µn (xn ) − µ(xn )| y∈Xn \{xn }
α µn (x) − Q(y|x, ϕ) µ(x) Qn (y|x, ϕ)
y∈Xn \{xn }
Qn (xn |x, ϕ) µn (x) − Q(xn |x, ϕ) µ(x) +α x∈X
+(1 − α)(γn (xn ) − γ (xn )) + µn (x) − µ(x)| Q(Xn |x, ϕ)| ≤ α x∈Xn
µn (x) + (1 − α)γ (Xnc ) Q(Xnc |x, ϕ)
x∈Xn \Xn−1
x∈Xn−1 Xn
µ + α µ(Xnc ) + α n+1 µn (Xn−1 ) + α µn (Xn \ Xn−1 ) ≤ α µn − c +(1 − α)γ (Xn ). Hence µXn ≤ µn −
1 α µ(Xnc ) + α n+1 µn (Xn−1 ) + α µn (Xn \ Xn−1 ) 1−α (7.13) +(1 − α)γ (Xnc ) .
Finally, we consider the next-to-last term on the right-hand side of (7.13). By (7.12), for each n ≥ 1 we have (recall that X0 is the empty set) c µn (Xn−l ) µn (Xn \ Xn−l ) ≤
≤ nα n−1 ↓ 0,
as n → ∞.
Hence, by (7.14), (7.12) and (7.9), the inequality (7.13) yields µXn < µn −
1 (n + 2)α n ↓ 0, 1−α
as n → ∞.
Furthermore, from (7.15), (7.12) and (7.11), we see that (7.10) yields sup |Vil (ϕ, Qn , γn ) − Vil (ϕ, Q, γ )| ↓ 0, ϕ ∈
as n → ∞
for all i = 1, . . . , N and l = 0, 1, . . . , q. Thus, taking ki,n as in (7.7) for each n ≥ 1, the constrained game CGn given by {X, (Ai , {Ai (x)|x ∈ X}, ci , ki,n )i∈N , Qn , γn }.
J. Alvarez-Mena, O. Hern´andez-Lerma
is a CG with finite state space, and it satisfies the Assumptions 3.2 and 3.3. Thus, by part (b) of Theorem 3.6, each CGn has a NE. (Note that we have constructed state approximation for the CG by CGs with finite state spaces.) From the latter fact, the proof will follow from part (a) of Theorem 3.6 if we verify Assumption 3.5. To this end, observe that the definition (7.16) of CGn and Lemma 6.6(b), together with (6.3), yield parts (c)–(e) and (a) of Assumption 3.5, respectively. Finally, to verify part (b), let x, y ∈ X be fixed, and let {ϕ n } ⊂ be such that ϕ n → ϕ ∞ weakly. As Xl ↑ X, there exists an integer l such that x, y ∈ Xl weakly. Thus Qn (y|x, a) = Q(y|x, a) ∀ n ≥ l + 1, a ∈ IA(x), - and so, by Remark 3.1(d), part(b) of Assumption 3.5 follows.
8 Concluding remarks In this paper, we considered CGs with a countable state space and compact action sets. Sufficient conditions were given to ensure the existence of Nash equilibria for those CGs. Two examples illustrate important differences between constrained and unconstrained games. These examples suggest that some constraints eliminate “unreasonable” Nash equilibria. The obvious question then is, is this always possible? In other words, suppose we wish to eliminate Nash strategies that give an undesirable behavior. Is it possible to introduce constraints to remove those strategies? This would avoid paradoxical or objectionable situations as in the “prisoner’s dilemma” or the “tragedy of the commons” (Clark, 1990, 1980; Gordon, 1954; Levhary and Mirman, 1980; Mckelvey, 1997, 1999). Another key issue still unexplored is the computation of Nash equilibria for constrained dynamic games (when they are known to exist). A possible line of research would be to extend to countable CGs the existing computation methods for unconstrained dynamic games on finite spaces (Filar and Vrieze, 1997) in combination with suitable approximation schemes as in our Theorem 3.6(a),(c), or (Alvarez-Mena and Hern´andez-Lerma, 2002). To this end we could use, for instance, the finite state approximations defined by (7.16) Acknowledgements This research was supported partially by a CONACyT scholarship and partially by CONACyT grant 37355-3.
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