Existence of solutions of nonlinear integrodifferential equations of ...

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kИ1 ckB└1TЕtkЖBk ` 1. So such an operator E exists on X. DEFINITION 1 [15]. A continuous solution u of the integral equation. uЕtЖ И B└1TЕtЖBEu0 └. Иp.
Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Math. Sci.), Vol. 110, No. 2, May 2000, pp. 225±232. # Printed in India

Existence of solutions of nonlinear integrodifferential equations of Sobolev type with nonlocal condition in Banach spaces K BALACHANDRAN and K UCHIYAMA* Department of Mathematics, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore 641 046, India *Department of Mathematics, Sophia University, Tokyo 120-8554, Japan MS received 16 September 1999 Abstract. In this paper we prove the existence of mild and strong solutions of a nonlinear integrodifferential equation of Sobolev type with nonlocal condition. The results are obtained by using semigroup theory and the Schauder fixed point theorem. Keywords. Integrodifferential equation; Sobolev type; nonlocal condition; uniformly continuous semigroup; Schauder's fixed point theorem.

1. Introduction The problem of existence of solutions of evolution equations with nonlocal conditions in Banach spaces has been studied first by Byszewski [7]. In that paper he has established the existence and uniqueness of mild, strong and classical solutions of the following nonlocal Cauchy problem: t 2 …t0 ; t0 ‡ aŠ; u0 …t† ‡ Au…t† ˆ f …t; u…t††; u…t0 † ‡ g…t1 ; t2 ; . . . ; tp ; u…:†† ˆ u0 ;

…1† …2†

where ÿA is the infinitesimal generator of a C0 semigroup T…t†, on a Banach space X, 0  t0 < t1 < t2 <    < tp  t0 ‡ a, a > 0, u0 2 X and f : ‰t0 ; t0 ‡ aŠ  X ! X, g : ‰t0 ; t0 ‡ aŠp  X ! X are given functions. Subsequently several authors have investigated the same type of problem to different classes of abstract differential equations in Banach spaces [1±4, 8, 11, 13, 14]. Brill [6] and Showalter [16] established the existence of solutions of semilinear evolution equations of Sobolev type in Banach spaces. This type of equations arise in various applications such as in the flow of fluid through fissured rocks [5], thermodynamics [9] and shear in second order fluids [10, 17]. The purpose of this paper is to prove the existence of mild and strong solutions for an integrodifferential equation of Sobolev type with nonlocal condition of the form Z t 0 g…t; s; u…s††ds; t 2 …0; aŠ; …3† …Bu…t†† ‡ Au…t† ˆ f …t; u…t†† ‡ u…0† ‡

p X


ck u…tk † ˆ u0 ;



where 0  t1 < t2 <    < tp  a; B and A are linear operators with domains contained in a Banach space X and ranges contained in a Banach space Y and the nonlinear 225


K Balachandran and K Uchiyama

operators f : I  X ! Y and g :   X ! Y are given. Here I ˆ ‰0; aŠ and  ˆ f…s; t†: 0  s  t  ag. 2. Preliminaries In order to prove our main theorem we assume certain conditions on the operators A and B: Let X and Y be Banach spaces with norm j  j and k  k respectively. The operators A : D…A†  X ! Y and B : D…B†  X ! Y satisfy the following hypothesis: …H1 † A and B are closed linear operators, …H2 † D…B†  D…A† and B is bijective, …H3 † Bÿ1 : Y ! D…B† is compact. From the above fact and the closed graph theorem imply the boundedness of the linear operator ABÿ1 : Y ! Y. Further ÿABÿ1 generates a uniformly continuous semigroup T…t†; t  0 and so maxt2I kT…t†k is finite. We denote M ˆ maxt2I kT…t†k, R ˆ kBÿ1 k. Let p X jck j. Br ˆ fx 2 X : jxj  rg and c ˆ kˆ1

In this paper we assume that there exists an operator E on D…E† ˆ X given by the formula " #ÿ1 p X Eˆ I‡ ck Bÿ1 T…tk †B kˆ1

and Eu0 2 D…B†,   Z tk Z s E Bÿ1 T…tk ÿ s† f …s; u…s†† ‡ g…s; ; u…††d ds 2 D…B† 0


for k ˆ 1; 2; . . . ; p: The existence of E can be observed from the following fact (see also page 426 of [8]). that kBÿ1 T…tk †Bk  Suppose that fT…t†g is a C0 semigroup of operators on X suchP ÿtk 1; 2; . . . ; p†, where  is a positive constant and C  1. If pkˆ1 jck jeÿtk < 1=C Ce …k Pˆ p then k kˆ1 ck Bÿ1 T…tk †Bk < 1. So such an operator E exists on X. DEFINITION 1 [15] A continuous solution u of the integral equation ÿ1

u…t† ˆ B T…t†BEu0 ÿ 

p X



ck B T…t†BE

kˆ1 s



Bÿ1 T…tk ÿ s†

 Z t g…s; ; u…††d ds ‡ Bÿ1 T…t ÿ s†  f …s; u…s†† ‡ 0 0   Z s g…s; ; u…††d ds  f …s; u…s†† ‡ Z



is said to be a mild solution of problem (3)±(4) on I. DEFINITION 2 [15] A function u is said to be a strong solution of problem (3)±(4) on I if u is differentiable P almost everywhere on I, u0 2 L1 …I; X†; u…0† ‡ pkˆ1 ck u…tk † ˆ u0 and

Integrodifferential equations


…Bu…t††0 ‡ Au…t† ˆ f …t; u…t†† ‡



g…t; s; u…s††ds;


a.e on I:

Remark. A mild solution of the nonlocal Cauchy problem (3)±(4) satisfies the condition (4). For, from (5)   Z tk Z s p X ck E Bÿ1 T…tk ÿ s† f …s; u…s†† ‡ g…s; ; u…††d ds u…0† ˆ Eu0 ÿ 0



and p X


u…ti † ˆ B T…ti †BEu0 ÿ



ck B T…ti †BE

kˆ1 Z s



Bÿ1 T…tk ÿ s†

  Z ti g…s; ; u…††d ds ‡ Bÿ1 T…ti ÿ s†  f …s; u…s†† ‡ 0 0   Z s  f …s; u…s†† ‡ g…s; ; u…††d ds: 0

Therefore, u…0† ‡

p X

" ci u…ti † ˆ I ‡


p X

# ÿ1

ci B T…ti †B Eu0



ÿ I‡

p X

# ÿ1

ci B T…ti †B





Z ck



 f …s; u…s†† ‡ Z 




tk 0

Bÿ1 T…tk ÿ s†

 p X g…s; ; u…††d ds ‡ ci


B T…ti ÿ s† f …s; u…s†† ‡




p X

ˆ u0 ÿ

Z ck E



 f …s; u…s†† ‡

p X




 g…s; ; u…††d ds

Bÿ1 T…tk ÿ s† Z




 p X g…s; ; u…††d ds ‡ ci


B T…ti ÿ s† f …s; u…s†† ‡




 g…s; ; u…††d ds

ˆ u0 : Further assume that, …H4 † g :   Br ! Y is continuous in t and there exists a constant K > 0 such that kg…t; s; u†k  K


…s; t† 2  and

u 2 Br :

…H5 † f : I  Br ! Y is continuous in t on I and there exists a constant L > 0 such that k f …t; u†k  L




u 2 Br :

…H6 † RMkBEu0 k ‡ …R2 M 2 akBEkc ‡ RMa†…L ‡ Ka†  r:


K Balachandran and K Uchiyama

3. Main results Theorem 1. If the assumptions …H1 †  …H6 † hold, then the problem …3†±…4† has a mild solution on I. Proof. Let Z ˆ C…I; X† and Z0 ˆ fu 2 Z : u…t† 2 Br ; t 2 Ig: Clearly, Z0 is a bounded closed convex subset of Z. We define a mapping F : Z0 ! Z0 by Z tk p X ck Bÿ1 T…t†BE Bÿ1 T…tk ÿ s† …Fu†…t† ˆ Bÿ1 T…t†BEu0 ÿ 0

kˆ1 s




g…s; ; u…††d ds ‡ Bÿ1 T…t ÿ s†  f …s; u…s†† ‡ 0 0   Z s  f …s; u…s†† ‡ g…s; ; u…††d ds; t 2 I: 0

Obviously F is continuous and maps Z0 into itself. Moreover, F maps Z0 into a precompact subset of Z0 . Note that the set Z0 …t† ˆ f…Fu†…t† : u 2 Z0 g is precompact in X, for every fixed t 2 I. We shall show that F…Z0 † ˆ S ˆ fFu : u 2 Z0 g is an equicontinuous family of functions. For 0 < s < t, we have k…Fu†…t† ÿ …Fu†…s†k  kBÿ1 …T…t† ÿ T…s††BEu0 k p X jck jk…T…t† ÿ T…s††k ‡ R2 MakBEk…L ‡ Ka† kˆ1

Z ‡ Z ‡

t 0 t s



kB kkT…tÿ†ÿT…sÿ†k k f …; u…††k‡ 



kB kkT…s ÿ †k k f …; u…††k ‡



 kg…; ; u…††kd† d 

kg…; ; u…††kd† d

 …RkBEu0 k ‡ R2 MakBEk…L ‡ Ka†c†kT…t† ÿ T…s†k Z t ‡ R…L ‡ Ka† kT…t ÿ † ÿ T…s ÿ †kd ‡ RM…L ‡ Ka†jt ÿ sj: 0

The right hand side of the above inequality is independent of u 2 Z0 and tends to zero as s ! t as a consequence of the continuity of T…t† in the uniform operator topology for t > 0. It is also clear that S is bounded in Z. Thus by Arzela±Ascoli's theorem, S is precompact. Hence by the Schauder fixed point theorem, F has a fixed point in Z0 and any fixed point of F is a mild solution of (3)±(4) on I such that u…t† 2 X for t 2 I. Next we prove that the problem (3)±(4) has a strong solution. Theorem 2. Assume that (i) conditions …H1 †  …H 6 † hold (ii) Y is a reflexive Banach space with norm k  k (iii) f : I  Br ! Y is Lipschitz continuous in t, that is, there exists a constant L1 > 0 such that k f …t; u† ÿ f …s; v†k  L1 ‰jt ÿ sj ‡ ku ÿ vkŠ;

for s; t 2 I;

u; v 2 Br :

(iv) g :   Br ! Y is Lipschitz continuous in t, that is, there exists a constant L2 > 0

Integrodifferential equations


such that kg…t; ; u† ÿ g…s; ; u†k  L2 jt ÿ sj;

for …t; †; …s; † 2 ;

u 2 Br :

(v) Eu0 2 D…ABÿ1 † and   Z s Z tk ÿ1 B T…tk ÿ s† f …s; u…s†† ‡ g…s; ; u…††d ds 2 D…ABÿ1 † E 0


for k ˆ 1; . . . ; p: (vi) u is the unique mild solution of the problem (3)±(4). Then u is a unique strong solution of problem (3)±(4) on I. Proof. Since all the assumptions of Theorem 1 are satisfied, then the problem (3)±(4) has a mild solution belonging to C…I; Br †. By assumption (vi), u is the unique mild solution of the problem (3)±(4). Now, we shall show that u is a unique strong solution of problem (3)±(4) on I. For any t 2 I, we have u…t ‡ h†ÿ u…t† ˆ Bÿ1 ‰T…t ‡ h† ÿ T…t†ŠBEu0 ÿ

ck Bÿ1 ‰T…t ‡ h† ÿ T…t†ŠBE


 Bÿ1 T…tk ÿ s† f …s; u…s†† ‡ g…s; ; u…††d ds 0 0   Z s Z h Bÿ1 T…t ‡ h ÿ s† f …s; u…s†† ‡ g…s; ; u…††d ds ‡ 0 0   Z t‡h Z s ÿ1 ‡ B T…t ‡ h ÿ s† f …s; u…s†† ‡ g…s; ; u…††d ds h 0   Z t Z s ÿ1 ÿ B T…t ÿ s† f …s; u…s†† ‡ g…s; ; u…††d ds Z

p X




ˆ Bÿ1 T…t†‰T…h† ÿ IŠBEu0 ÿ

p X kˆ1


ck Bÿ1 ‰T…t ‡ h† ÿ T…t†ŠBE

 B T…tk ÿ s† f …s; u…s†† ‡ g…s; ; u…††d ds  0 0   Z h Z s ÿ1 ‡ B T…t ‡ h ÿ s† f …s; u…s†† ‡ g…s; ; u…††d ds 0 0 Z t ‡ Bÿ1 T…t ÿ s†‰ f …s ‡ h; u…s ‡ h†† ÿ f …s; u…s††Šds 0 Z s‡h  Z t Z s ÿ1 ‡ B T…t ÿ s† g…s ‡ h; ; u…††d† ÿ g…s; ; u…††d ds: Z









Using our assumptions we observe that ku…t ‡ h† ÿ u…t†k  RkBEu0 kMhkABÿ1 k ‡ cM 2 R2 akBEk…L ‡ Ka†hkABÿ1 k Z t ‡ hRM…L ‡ Ka† ‡ RM L1 ‰h ‡ ku…s ‡ h† ÿ u…s†kŠds 0


K Balachandran and K Uchiyama ‡ RM

Z t Z 0

s 0

Z kg…s ‡ h; ; u†ÿg…s; ; u†kd ‡ ÿ1


s ÿ1

2 2

 kg…s ‡ h; ; u†kd ds

 RkBEu0 kMhkAB k ‡ ‰cM R akBEkhkAB k ‡ hRMŠ…L ‡ Ka† Z t ‡ RML1 ‰h ‡ ku…s ‡ h† ÿ u…s†kŠds ‡ RMah…K ‡ L2 a† 0 Z t ku…s ‡ h† ÿ u…s†kds;  Ph ‡ Q 0

where P ˆ RkBEu0 kMkABÿ1 k ‡ cM 2 R2 akBEk…L ‡ Ka†kABÿ1 k ‡ RM…L ‡ Ka† ‡ MRL1 a ‡ RMKa ‡ RML2 a2 and Q ˆ RML1 . By Gronwall's inequality ku…t ‡ h† ÿ u…t†k  PheQ ;



Therefore, u is Lipschitz continuous on I. The Lipschitz continuity of u on I combined with (iii) and (iv) imply that Z t t ! f …t; u…t†† and t ! g…t; s; u…s††ds 0

are Lipschitz continuous on I. Using the Corollary 2.11 in x 4.2 of [15] and the definition of strong solution we observe that the linear Cauchy problem: Z t …Bv…t††0 ‡ Av…t† ˆ f …t; u…t†† ‡ g…t; s; u…s††ds; t 2 …0; aŠ v…0† ˆ u0 ÿ

p X


ck u…tk †


has a unique strong solution v satisfying the equation Z t v…t† ˆ Bÿ1 T…t†Bv…0† ‡ Bÿ1 T…t ÿ s† 0   Z s g…s; ; u…††d ds;  f …s; u…s†† ‡ 0

t 2 I:


Now we will show that v…t† ˆ u…t† for t 2 I. Observe that Z tk p X ck E Bÿ1 T…tk ÿ s† v…0† ˆ u…0† ˆ Eu0 ÿ kˆ1


 f …s; u…s†† ‡




 g…s; ; u…††d ds:

So, Bÿ1 T…t†Bv…0† ˆ Bÿ1 T…t†BEu0 ÿ   f …s; u…s†† ‡

p X kˆ1 s



ck Bÿ1 T…t†BE

Z 0


Bÿ1 T…tk ÿ s†

g…s; ; u…††d ds:

Integrodifferential equations


Substituting this in the equation (6) we see that v…t† ˆ u…t†. Consequently, u is a strong solution of the problem (3)±(4) on I. 4. Example Consider the following differential equation @ …z…t; x† ÿ zxx …t; x†† ÿ zxx …t; x† ˆ …t; z…t; x†† ‡ @t




…t; s; z…t; x††ds

x 2 ‰0; Š; t 2 J; z…t; 0† ˆ z…t; † ˆ 0; t 2 J p X z…tk ; x† ˆ z0 …x†; z…0; x† ‡

0 < t1 < t2 <    < tp  a; x 2 ‰0; Š:




Let us take X ˆ Y ˆ L2 ‰0; Š. Define the operators A : D…A†  X ! Y; B : D…B†  X ! Y by Az ˆ ÿzxx ; Bz ˆ z ÿ zxx ; respectively, where each domain D…A†; D…B† is given by fz 2 X : z; zx are absolutely continuous, zxx 2 X; z…0† ˆ z…† ˆ 0g: Define the operators f : J  X ! Y; g :   X ! Y by f …t; z†…x† ˆ …t; z…t; x††;

g…t; s; z†…x† ˆ …t; s; z…t; x††

and satisfy the conditions …H4 † and …H5 † on a bounded closed set Br  X. Here r satisfies the condition …H6 †. Then the above problem (7) can be formulated abstractly as Z t …Bz…t††0 ‡ Az…t† ˆ f …t; z† ‡ g…t; s; z…s††ds t 2 J: 0

Also, A and B can be written as [12] Az ˆ Bz ˆ

1 X nˆ1 1 X

n2 hz; zn izn ;

z 2 D…A†;

…1 ‡ n2 †hz; zn izn ;

z 2 D…B†;


p where zn …x† ˆ 2= sin nx, n ˆ 1; 2; . . . ; is the orthoganal set of eigenfunctions of A. Furthermore, for z 2 X we have Bÿ1 z ˆ ÿABÿ1 z ˆ T…t†z ˆ

1 X

1 hz; zn izn ; …1 ‡ n2 † nˆ1

1 X

ÿn2 hz; zn izn ; …1 ‡ n2 † nˆ1

1 X nˆ1



t=…1‡n2 †

hz; zn izn :


K Balachandran and K Uchiyama

It is easy to see that ÿABÿ1 generates a strongly continuous semigroup T…t† on Y and T…t† is compact such that kT…t†k  eÿt for each t > 0. For this T…t†, B, Bÿ1 we assume that the operator E exists. So all the conditions of the above theorem are satisfied. Hence the equation (7) with nonlocal condition (8) has a mild solution. References [1] Balachandran K and Chandrasekaran M, Existence of solutions of nonlinear integrodifferential equations with nonlocal condition, J. Appl. Math. Stoch. Anal. 10 (1997) 279±288 [2] Balachandran K and Chandrasekaran M, Existence of solutions of a delay differential equation with nonlocal condition, Indian J. Pure. Appl. Math. 27 (1996) 443±449 [3] Balachandran K, Park D G and Kwun Y C, Nonlinear integrodifferential equations of Sobolev type with nonlocal conditions in Banach spaces, Comm. Korean Math. Soc. 14 (1999) 223±231 [4] Balachandran K and Ilamaran S, Existence and uniqueness of mild and strong solutions of a Volterra integrodifferential equation with nonlocal conditions, Tamkang J. Math. 28 (1997) 93±100 [5] Barenblatt G, Zheltov I and Kochina I, Basic concepts in the theory of seepage of homogeneous liquids in fissured rocks, J. Appl. Math. Mech. 24 (1960) 1286±1303 [6] Brill H, A semilinear Sobolev evolution equation in Banach space, J. Diff. Eq. 24 (1977) 412±425 [7] Byszewski L, Theorems about the existence and uniqueness of solutions of a semilinear evolution nonlocal Cauchy problem, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 162 (1991) 494±505 [8] Byszewski L, Applications of properties of the right hand sides of evolution equations to an investigation of nonlocal evolution problems, Nonlinear Anal. 33 (1998) 413±426 [9] Chen P J and Curtin M E, On a theory of heat conduction involving two temperatures, Z. Angew. Math. Phys. 19 (1968) 614±627 [10] Huilgol R, A second order fluid of the differential type, Internat. J. Nonlinear Mech. 3 (1968) 471±482 [11] Jackson D, Existence and uniqueness of solutions to semilinear nonlocal parabolic equations, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 172 (1993) 256±265 [12] Lightbourne J H III and Rankin S M III, A partial functional differential equation of Sobolev type, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 93 (1983) 328±337 [13] Lin Y and Liu J U, Semilinear integrodifferential equations with nonlocal Cauchy problem, Nonlinear Anal. TMA. 26 (1996) 1023±1033 [14] Ntouyas S K and Tsamatos P Ch, Global existence of semilinear evolution equation with nonlocal conditions, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 210 (1997) 679±687 [15] Pazy A, Semigroups of linear operators and applications to partial differential equations, (New York: Springer±Verlag) (1983) [16] Showalter R E, Existence and representation theorem for a semilinear Sobolev equation in Banach space, SIAM J. Math. Anal. 3 (1972) 527±543 [17] Ting T W, Certain nonsteady flows of second order fluids, Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 14 (1963) 1±26