16 Sep 2011 ... The 2011 VCE Visual Arts show (titled “Experientia”) held on. Sunday 11
September at the Rebecca Magid Centre exceeded all expectations ...
16 September 2011 17 Elul 5771 The Weekly Newsletter of The King David School
Experientia - a crowd pleaser Artwork by Marco Fink
The 2011 VCE Visual Arts show (titled “Experientia”) held on Sunday 11 September at the Rebecca Magid Centre exceeded all expectations as it showcased the extremely high standard of our senior students’artworks, many of which were hung in the Joseph Brown Gallery, which allowed the work to be exhibited in a professional display. Visitors were able to observe students at work in the various studios and talk first hand to the individual artists who articulated their rationales with great pride. Families admired the range and diversity of work. Guest viewed drawings, paintings, photography, packaging designs, digital rendering and architectural models that had been produced by our highly talented students.
Artwork by Brad Spencer
The VCE Media Studies screening captivated the audience with a range of short films that illustrated the individuality and strong creativity, as well as technical competence of our senior students. Artwork by Ethan Brivik
The afternoon also gave an opportunity to those families who had not yet been into the recently opened Rebecca Magid Centre, to appreciate the innovative teaching spaces and facilities on offer to students. Past students also took the opportunity to attend the show and admire students’ work and the beautiful new facilities. Many thanks to all the Visual Arts staff and students involved in making this event a success. Maya Huxley, Visual Arts Learning Area Leader Whole School Arwork by Jessie Obel
Gabrielle with her model
Sam Wood
Diary Dates
TUES 20 Prep to Year 2 Parent Teacher Interviews MON 19 – THURS 22 Urinetown Musical FRI 23 Term Ends The King David School — PO Box 286 Malvern Victoria 3144, Australia — Tel. 9527 0121 — Fax. 9005 2718 — Email.
[email protected] — www.kds.vic.edu.au
Young Engineers
Sasha & Gabi
The King David School was involved for the first time this year in the Aurecon Bridge Building competition. The competition brings together schools in a fun and challenging way to see who can build the strongest bridge from balsa sticks, glue and string. The model bridges are then assessed on design, creativity and core strength. The competition is open to all Year 8 and 9 students. Our team of “Young Engineers” comprised of Sarah Sadique, Jeremy Wat, Sasha Goldenberg, Ben Wyatt, Gabriel Abrahams, Alex Holmes and Lucas Valansi. The team was supported by Russell Newman and Sarah Naismith from the Science Department. Out of the 52 teams that competed we finished an admirable 18th , which is a wonderful achievement for our first year in the competition. Well done to all the students and staff and we look forward to next year’s competition Russell Kaplan Head of Magid Campus
Jeremy & Alex
Celebration of a Nation “Celebration of a Nation” is the culmination of a new Humanities unit on migration. Year 6 students spent the term exploring what it means to be an Australian citizen and how each wave of migration has enriched our society. Students researched a country and focused on why people left there for Australia and what they do once they arrive. On our celebration day, students set up booths representing their country, dressed up and prepared food and activities relevant to their culture. Year 6 students did a fine job and can be very proud of their efforts. Marlo Newton and Gayle Dolgoy Humanities
Year 10 Building Bridges A team of ten Year 10 students have been representing The King David School in interfaith dialogue through the Building Bridges program. The other schools involved in the southern region include Mt. Hira (Islamic) Mazenod, Nazareth and Kilbreda (Catholic), and Scotch College (Protestant) and Caulfield Grammar (Anglican). The King David School participants were Genevieve Brott, Ellie Neufeld, Elie Loummer, Ike Curtis, Ilan Zolotarev, Eva Zeleznilow, Gaby Pecherskiy, Justin Kanowitz, Lauren Winn and Hannah Chorowski. The students have regularly engaged in interfaith dialogue and activities encouraging tolerance and acceptance of others over terms two and three. This program culminated in a creative day where all participants worked in mixed teams to lead sport, drama, music and art activities with Grades 3 and 4 at St. Joseph’s Primary, Springvale, where there is a large new migrant cohort. “The kids were well behaved and co-operative”, noted IlanZolotarev. Genevieve Brott who led drama activities found, “the children were very enthusiastic.” Ike Curtis who helped to lead the music activity concluded, “I liked the way we [the Building Bridges participants] all worked together to make things happen.” Shayndel Samuel Co-ordinator of Jewish Life Magid Institute
Animals in need Do you have any unwanted second hand blankets or towels? If you do then Erin Kanowitz and Tara Finkelstein are calling for donations for the Lost Dogs Home. The shelter is also in need of cat and dog food and appropriate toys. Erin first thought of the Home when she was deciding on a charitable cause as part of her Batmitzvah programme. A keen animal lover with 2 dogs of her own, Erin contacted the Home to see how she could help. Tara also wanted to lend her support and together they are collecting items from students at Magid Campus. As a bonus the homeroom which donates the largest amount will receive free ice cream. Over the holidays please look out for any unwanted blankets and towels at home or add a can of cat or dog food to your shopping trolley and spare a thought for the animals. The collected donations will be sent mid October. Erin and Tara send their thanks. Linda Winter (NB Pillows or doonas are not suitable for donation)
Battle for Australia
Commemoration As part of the Year 9 Expanding Horizons program, City Investigation students were able to participate in the Battle for Australia Commemoration at the Shrine of Remembrance last Wednesday. This was in honour of the Australian armed forces during the Pacific War (1941 – 1945).
Our students laid floral tributes to fallen soldiers and also heard scripts of verbatim comments given by school children in Melbourne during the Battle for Australia. They then were able to inspect a gallery of war medals, the Crypt and other interesting exhibits in the Visitors Centre. Damien Green Year 9 Co-ordinator
HERE IS YULIA’S SOLUTION FOR THE FOURTEENTH MATHS PROBLEM: Problem Number 14: Birds and Seeds In the first box there are 6 kg of nuts less than in the second and third boxes together. In the second box there are 10 kg of nuts less than in the first and third boxes together. How many kg of nuts are there in the third box?
Maths Problem Maths Problem Number 15:
Peter’s way to school
It takes Peter 20 minutes to walk from his house to school. One day on his way to school, Peter realised that he has left his project at home. If now he continues to walk to school with the same speed, he will come to school 3 minutes before the bell. If now he returns home to get his project, walking with the same speed all the time, he will be 7 minutes late to school. Which fraction of his way he passed till he realised that he has left his project at home?
Solution Since 10 birds eat more than 1100 seeds, 9 birds will eat more than (1100 / 10) x 9 = 990 seeds. It is also given that 9 birds eat less than 1001 seeds. The only number divisible by 9 between 991 and 1000 inclusive is 999. Therefore, 9 birds eat 999 seeds and one bird eats 999 / 9 = 111 seeds.
Congratulations to Adam Black (Year 7), Sasha Goldenberg (Year 8), Ross Lomazov (Year 9), Ari Mushin (Year 9), Daniel Kahan (Year 9), Jotham Barazani (Year 9) and Jason Krowitz (Year 9).
For their correct solutions to the 14th problem.
Top of the State! Our School is extremely proud of Year 7 student, Adam Sun who achieved the Victorian top score in the 2011 International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) – Mathematics. He outclassed an extremely strong field of Year 7 mathematics students across Victoria to achieve the best score. We have been advised by the University of New South (UNSW) who co-ordinate these tests that he may be eligible for a UNSW medal. Well done Adam!
Storm Scene Judged a Winner Year 7 student Matthew Kolomeysky’s painting entitled ‘Approaching Storm’ has won first prize in a competition organised by the Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society. It is a stunning piece of art work. As well as winning a cash prize, Matthew 7OB also took home a beautiful series of books on the topic of weather which he has donated to the Magid Library.
We are very grateful to Matthew for his gift to the School and expect him to gain further accolades for his artistic skills in the future. If you would like to view more of his amazing artwork, visit his website: www.art-by-matt.com Linda Winter Librarian
Music and Lyrics Mark Hollmann
Book and Lyrics Greg Kotis
September 19 -22 at 7.30pm
Chapel Off Chapel, 12 Little Chapel St Prahran
Tickets: $20.00 full, $15.00 conc.+ booking fee $55.00 family – 2 x full + 2 x conc. Bookings: 8290 7000 or visit: www. chapeloffchapel.com.au
URINETOWN was produced on Broadway in September, 2001 by the Araca Group and Dodger Theatricals in association with TheatreDreams, Inc., and Lauren Mitchell by arrangement with Hal Leonard Australia Pty Ltd Exclusive agent forMusic Theatre International (NY)
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