experimental and numerical investigations of thermo ...

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tribological testing on the coefficient of friction between friction brake material (brake pad) and steel (brake disc) in laboratory conditions on the tribotester which ...

Transportation and Tribotechnology Division, Silesian University of Technology,

ul. Akademicka 2, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland

Keywords: industrial brakes, thermal stress, friction characteristics, disc distortion


This paper presents the brake disc surface temperature field measurements, during emergency braking in real industrial conditions, by means of the thermovision infrared camera. The temperature field assessment enables the verification of the numerical modelling of the brake performance in the succeeding step. The experimental part of the research also covers tribological testing on the coefficient of friction between friction brake material (brake pad) and steel (brake disc) in laboratory conditions on the tribotester which satisfied the similarity criteria with the mine winder hydraulic disc brake. The tribological characteristic of the friction couple, including kinetic, and static coefficient of friction was determined for use in the finite elements analysis (FEA) of the brake thermo-mechanical instability (TMI) problem. In the numerical part, the FE modelling technique was used to simulate the brake interface hot spotting and the axial disc distortion as a function of geometrical and material properties of the brake elements, and the brake’s operational conditions. The critical speed above which TMI would occur was calculated for the analysed mine winder brake system. A FE method was used to find not only temperature distribution, but also the resulting thermal stresses and distortions in the brake discs. The disc division into various numbers of sections was numerically tested for the division’s effect on the thermal stress reduction, and the axial distortions. 1. Introduction Hot spotting and thermal judder were recorded [1-3] during the action of automotive and railway disc brakes. The most important cause contributing to both effects is thermoelastic

deformation of the disc [4-8]. Thermoelastic instability in friction disc brakes is the final effect of the a sequence of phenomenon, namely: heat generation during friction, and expansion of the disc material leading to an axial deflection of the disc, which in turn increases pressure diversification along the friction surface (pads versus disc friction contact) and consequently diversifies heat generation, temperature distribution (hot spotting) and finally intensifies the disc thermoelastic stresses and deformations. Numerous experimental investigations on automotive and railways disc brakes and many numerical predictions of the distribution and magnitude of the brake disc temperature by utilizing finite element analysis (FEA) [5-10] confirmed that for each brake system there is a critical value of sliding velocity, vcr above which hot spotting takes place [6]. In works concerning automotive disc brakes the borderline between thermoelastic stability and instability was established based on the temperature difference between both sides of the disc. Determination of the critical velocity, vcr according to the assumption made in [7] might be related to over 10% differentiation in temperature on the opposite sides of the disc. For the given friction, disc brake velocity higher then vcr is going to initiate thermoelastic instability. This criterion appeared to be inappropriate for the very large industrial disc brakes. The winder’s brakes, contrary to automotive brakes, distinguish themself by a very large diameter of the disc (in some cases over 6 meters) and a relatively small gap between pads and disc (axial clearance is usually between 1.5 to 2.0 mm). The gap and journal bearings slackness are both sharply limiting permissible axial deformation of the disc. The critical permissible axial deformation of the disc might be considered as the new criterion for thermo-mechanical instability (TMI) determination in the industrial brakes [11]. Alternative criterion which might be crucial in establishing the critical braking conditions (e.g. critical velocity, vcr) is related to the thermal stresses generated in the disc during the winder’s emergency braking. It has been already reported [12, 13] that for non-divided disc (disc in one piece joined to the multirope drum by fitted bolts) maximal thermal stresses are higher than yield strength of the steel used to manufacture the disc.

2. Infrared investigation of winder disc brake during emergency braking

The winder emergency braking is the situation were the only mechanical friction brake take a part in energy dissipation of the winding system. The emergency stop might be instigated e.g. at maximum speed, whenever power or control is lost. The objective of this solely friction braking is stopping the winder before conveyance reaches the limits of travel.

Infra-red investigations covered emergency stop from maximum speed to zero on mine winder. The most important technical parameters are listed in Table 1.

Table 1. Technical data of the mine winder No






Initial velocity (maximal)





Deceleration (nominal)





Breaking force (total)





External disc radius





Internal disc radius





Disc thickness





Number of discs





Number of disc’s segments





Disc’s mass





Brake pad length





Brake pad width





Brake pad thickness





Number of brake callipers





Hoisting depth





Number of hoisting ropes





Number of hoisting balance ropes




In the investigation of surface temperature distribution on the brake disc the thermovision camera (Fig.1) was used. The camera’s zoom lens enabled a view from a 1 metre distance field of view on the disc equal 0.32x0.32 m2. The surface temperature distribution during winder’s emergency braking was recorded in function of the brake action time. Emissivity of the disc surface was experimentally determined [14] by comparison of the infra-red camera results with temperature test measurements by the thermocouples placed in selected points on the disc

surface. Disc’s friction surface has diversified emissivity because of circular-strip like microroughness structure, which was formed mainly by frictional action of hard particles of brake pad’s composite (NAO - non asbestos organic) material [15]. Scatter of the emissivity results and spread of averages on the tribologically active part of the disc surface are represented by:

ε  0,49 – arithmetic mean value and s(ε)=0,025 – standard deviation

v 3



Figure 1.

View of workplace for thermovision investigation, where: 1 – thermovision camera, 2 – calliper hydraulic brake, 3 – disc (outside diameter Ø4 m)

The applications of the thermovision measuring system for the experimental research of the brake disc surface temperature field during braking were presented in [11]. Temperature recording was always turned on before braking action began, and was terminated after moving disc came to the rest. This part of disc was observed which was just coming out of frictional contact with pads (brake linings), (Fig. 1). The results of testing were presented in the form of polychromic

thermograms (Fig. 2) and as a numerical data in Table 2. Numerical discs’ surface temperatures were evaluated in four measuring points (P1, P2, P3 and P4) arranged along a radius with a distance between themselves of approximately 70 mm, which made them representative for the whole active width of the disc. P1

Figure 2.




Thermogram of the disc area during emergency breaking from initial velocity 10 ms-1 just coming out of the frictional contact with brake pads, were P1, P2, P3 and P4 are four measuring points

Table 2. Disc surface temperature in oC during winder emergency breaking, from initial velocity 10 ms-1, and duration of braking: 5 s (emergency braking was initiated during winder operation and values of the initial temperature, for to=0 s, were random) Measuring point

Braking time, s 0







Temperature, C





























3. Tribological characteristics of the friction couple brake material versus steel

Composite friction brake material belonging to the non-asbestos organic (NAO) materials, consists of four main components: organic binder (phenolic resin), structural materials (nonasbestos fibers), fillers and friction modifiers [3,15]. Tribological investigations were conducted in order to determine numerical values of the kinetic and static coefficients of friction between the brake material and disc made out of medium-carbon steel. Tribological characteristics of the friction couple were implemented to FEM analysis of the TMI problem. Tribological testing was conducted on braking tribometer (Fig. 3) which satisfied the principal tribological similarity criteria with the mine winder hydraulic disc brake such as: sliding velocity, mean contact pressure and surface temperature distribution. The main operational parameters of the tribometer are shown in Table 3.


L1 L2

(b) Figure 3.

Braking testing apparatus: a) overview and (b) diagrammatic layout of the apparatus and simplified scheme of measuring system, where: 1 – the DC motor (used for kinetic friction determination), 2 – wrapping connector (used for static friction determination), 3 – friction material sample (pin), 4 – disc, 5 –normal force transducer, 6 – flywheel, 7 – speed indicator, 8 – friction force transducer, 9 – temperature sensor (thermocouple), 10 – voltmeter, 11 – PC-based data acquisition system with a sampling rate of 10 Hz, 12 – fast A/D card, 13 - clamps

Table 3. The tribometer description and its main operational parameters No






Sliding velocity


10; 20; 30



Mean contact pressure


0.8; 1.0; 1.2; 1.6



Initial temperature of the disc


50; 150; 300


Pin friction surface





Disc dimension

D, g




Disc friction surface





Mean friction radius




Loading system – hydraulic actuators



In order to cover range temperature up to 300 oC the braking tribometer was equipped with an electric heater used to control temperature of the disc, particularly during static friction testing. Friction material cylindrical samples (ø24x15 mm) were cut out from randomly selected parts of brake’s lining. Before friction testing, the samples were running-in on a distance of about 5000 m, in order to achieve uniform distribution of real contacts on the nominal friction surface. During friction testing such values were recorded with 10 Hz frequency as: friction force, normal forces between the samples and disc, temperature on the friction surface and time of braking action. Coefficient of static friction was determined on the same tribometer (Fig. 3) with the same set of friction material samples. In the designed brake under investigation, proposed nominal pressure in the frictional interface is equal to 1 MPa, hence the brake couple characteristics actually implemented into FEA were limited to such pressure and are presented in Fig. 5 and 6. Before the kinetic friction measurement was made the rotating parts of the testing apparatus, including the flywheel were accelerated up to specific velocity. When nominal values of braking parameters were attained (velocity and temperature of disc brake surface) then braking process was initiated. Figure 4 shows an example of kinetic friction graph. The segment AB is the time where normal force is increasing to its nominal value. When the nominal value of normal force is reached the braking process is actuated (segment BC). Final part of breaking process (velocity of disc brake is zero – point C) is represented by steep segment on the graph (CD).

Figure 4.

Example of kinetic friction force graph

The value of medium friction force for every experiment was calculated as relation between area of friction force chart (Fig. 4) ABCD (integral of friction force curve in braking time) and adequate interval base BC (stable value of normal force) according to: t2

 F (t)dt T

FT 



t 2  t1 where: t2-t1 is breaking time (stable value of normal force), s, FTk(t) – friction force, N.

The value of medium kinetic friction for one braking process was calculated from: 0,75  FTk μk i  FN1  FN2 where: FN1, FN2 is nominal value of normal force, N,

 


FTk is medium value of friction force, N, i =1, 2, 3, 4, 5 is the number of experiment, 0.75 is the characteristic parameter of apparatus, calculated form relation between L1 – distance between centre of friction material sample and pivot and L2 – distance between centre of friction material sample and friction force transducer (Fig. 3b). The experiment was repeated five times (i=5) for the same conditions (surface temperature of disc brake, initial braking velocity, nominal normal force). For the each experiment the medium value of kinetic friction coefficient was calculated. The value of coefficient kinetic friction for five experiments was calculated from:

μk 

 

1 5  μk 5 i 1



Approximately 400 tests were carried out for every combination of parameters shown in Table 3.


0.60 0.57




0.51 0,453





0,472 0,440

0.42 0,465

0.39 0.36 0.33

50 10 200


ν, m·s -1 Figure 5.


T, o C


Kinetic friction characteristics for the brake material (NAO) versus steel disc for various velocities of sliding v, and friction surface temperature T, tested in nominal pressure condition pn=1.0 MPa


0.50 0,42





0.40 0,39


0,38 0,35



0,34 0,33

0.30 0,33



0.8 200

T, Figure 6.


1.2 300



pn , MPa

Static friction characteristics for the brake material (NAO) versus steel disc for various surface temperature T and nominal pressure conditions pn, (only results for pn=1.0 MPa were implemented into FEA)

4. Numerical modelling of winder machine’s emergency braking by FEA


Numerical model of the disc brake

Finite elements (FE) modelling was used in the thermal analysis of the automotive railway and industrial brakes [2 6, 8, 11, 14, 16]. Application of FE modelling enables relatively extensive simulation of the design, material and tribological characteristics influence on the brake performance. Thermal analysis of the brake requires assessment of the friction energy generated during braking process. Concurrently the fraction of the rate of plastic work dissipated into heat is used. Farren and Taylor measure fraction as approximately 0.9 for most metals [17]. Moreover, the heat entering the disc and pad respectively is essential. The heat partition ratio is explained and defined in [8, 18, 19]. In addition the disc is cooled by surrounding air. The cooling process depends on environment temperature and on rotational speed of the disc. Both, the natural heat convection and forced convection are taken into consideration in FE modelling. Frictional heat flux, q, generated in the interface of the brake pair is dependent upon the coefficient of friction, µ, pressure distribution in the brake pair interface, p, and the velocity of the disc brake, v, which decrease with time, hence equation: q(x,y,t)=µpv(x,y,t)


FEM’s are suitable for numerical calculation of stationary elements; however the threedimensional modelling of movable elements requires the application of very fine FE mesh. It is related to numerical instability problems when Peclet’s number, Pe>2. As the FE results vary slightly, about several µm length must be used, as shows equation: hx 

Pe  λ v  ρ  cp

where: hx is FE size along velocity vector, v is sliding velocity,

ρ is disc material’s density, cp is disc material’s specific heat, λ is disc material’s heat transfer coefficient, Pe is Peclet’s number.


In order to shorten computation time, the hybrid method was introduced [17] which combines the fast Fourier transformation technique (FFT) with FEM. To solve the question of heat convection and thermal diffusion, the Petrov-Galerkin method was used [20]. Numerical stability of the computation is reached if Courant’s number Cu  1 . Value of the Courant’s number is calculated from: Cu 

v  Δt hx


Cu is Courant’s number, Δt is iteration time. The network applied was not as fine as required by the FE analysis because of limited capacity of the computing system evaluable. The FE model of the brake system (Fig. 7) was built from hexahedron, 8-node 3D elements (1250682 elements) and subsequently the following appropriate material properties and boundary conditions were set (Table 4) and incorporated:  initial rotational velocity of the disc,  initial temperature of the model’s elements,  steady temperature of the environment,  steady pressure in the brake pair interface,  real winder rotating and reciprocating winder’s masses  natural and forced convection,  thermo-mechanical disc’s material dependence on temperature [11],  coefficient of friction dependence on velocity and temperature (Fig. 5 and 6). The properties of the brake disc as functions of temperature are well documented so it easy to use them this analysis but there are very difficult to get them for the pad material even from the producers. Investigation of this properties are very expensive in this range temperature (20-300oC) so authors decided to use constant value of this properties for the pad material. The decision was justified by the fact that the effective depth of heat penetration (penetration during braking time th=5 s) was very low, approximately bef≈0.0019 m [3], particularly in comparison to the pad thickness is which 0.027 m. Separation of heat between pad and disc brake was calculated based on the condition of the equality of temperature of contacted nodes.

multirope drum

friction lining

friction lining brake disc

Figure 7.

FE model of the disc brake system

Table 4. Basic material properties and boundary conditions used in FEA Parameters and materials properties


Brake disc

Friction material

Elastic modulus, E


f(T), [8]


Heat capacity, cp

J kgK

f(T), [8]


Thermal conductivity, λ

W mK

f(T), [8]


1 K

f(T), [8]




Thermal expansion coefficient, α Density, ρ

kg m3

Temperature of the environment, To



Initial temperature, Tp




f(T, v, p) Fig. 5 and 6

Pressure in the brake interface, p



Initial sliding velocity, vo



Coefficient of friction


To validate the numerical model a statistic analysis was used integrated with STATISTICA software. This stage of FEA model verification was described in [11].

4.2. Setting limitations on of the thermo-mechanical stability based on criterion concerned with temperature differentiation on opposite sides of the disc

After [7] the criterion of 10% temperature discrepancy on opposite sides of the disc was accepted as the border line, the critical velocity, ν Tcr initiating thermo-mechanical instability (TMI) was set. Based on the numerical disc brake model (Fig. 7) and material properties (Table 4) the dimensionless critical velocity ν Tcr_dl and linear critical velocity, ν Tcr were computed. The disc material properties (Table 4) effect on the both critical velocities are shown in Fig. 8. Ratio, z , means  , E and 0



 1   1    /   c   c0 

where: α0, E0 and c0 are basic

properties of the brake disc material, whereas α, E and c are multiples and fractions of the basic values. The dimensionless critical velocity was calculated from equation:







instability zone


νTcr_dl v

ρ 01  c 01  b1 λ 01


16 12

analysed brake 20000 10000


stability zone

, m/s νcr v, krm/s

ν Tcr_dl  ν Tcr



0 0,5 0,6 1,5 1,6 2,0 0.5 0.6 0,7 0.7 0,8 0.8 0,9 0.9 1,0 1.0 1,1 1.1 1,2 1.2 1,3 1.3 1,4 1.4 1.5 1.6 1,7 1.7 1,8 1.8 1,9 1.9 2.0

z/z0 α/α /oo Figure 8.

E/E E/Eoo

(1/c)/(1/co) (1/c)/(1/co)

The effect of the disc material properties on the critical velocity, for the disc thickness b1=0.022 m

where: ν Tcr – linear critical velocity, ms-1, ρ01 – density of the disc material; 7850 kgm-3, c01 – heat capacity of the disc material at T=20 oC; 486 Jkg-1K-1, λ01 – thermal conductivity of the disc material at T=20 oC; 51.9 Wm-1K-1, b1 – brake disc thickness (0.015 m, 0.022 m, 0.03 m). Fig. 8 shows both critical velocity changes vs. disc material properties (α, E, c) changes. Graphs obtained from calculations (in accordance with the criterion) determine the instability zone (Fig. 8). The strongest effect on the thermo-mechanical stability demonstrate disc’s material thermal expansion, α (Fig. 8). Graphs show that analysed disc brake during its nominal performance is situated in stability zone i.e. the brake maximal (initial) velocity is 10 ms-1 whereas calculated critical velocity ν Tcr =13 ms-1. The critical velocity depends on disc thickness (Fig. 9) and has highest values for thickest disc, b1=0.03 m i.e.an increase in disc thickness reduces the probability of TMI occurrence. Industrial and laboratory scale testing as well as FE analysis demonstrated that the surface temperature has not exceeded the permissible temperature for NAO lining material [3,11]. 100000



80000 60000 40000 20000 0

0,5 0.6 0,6 0.7 0,7 0.8 0,8 0.9 0,9 1.0 1 1.1 1,1 1.2 1,2 1.3 1,3 1.4 1,4 1.5 1,5 1.6 1,6 1.7 1,7 1,8 2 0.5 1.8 1,9 1.9 2.0 α/α/ o o 15 mm

Figure 9.

22 mm

30 mm

The effect of thermal expansion of disc material on the dimensionless critical velocity, for disc thickness b1=0.015 m, 0.022 m, 0.03 m

4.3. Setting limitation of the thermo-mechanical stability based on criterion concerned with permissible value of the lateral run out

Because the analysed industrial disc brake does not exceed the stability zone according to the criterion presented above, the new criterion was implemented in order to check out its performance. The new criterion was concerned with the size of the gap between disc and pad (lining) when brake is disengaged. Size of the gap and allowable main journal bearings axial slackness (axial clearance) determine critical axial distortion. Maximal size of the gap is determined by Belleville spring pack characteristics and is usually about 1.5-2 mm, while the axial slackness of the bearings might be estimated for about 0.3 mm. Hence the permissible value of the axial distortion of the disc is approximately 1.2 mm. 70000

instability zone



40000 30000

, m/s νdcrv,krm/s

νdcr_dl v




15 analysed brake

stability zone


20000 5

10000 0

0 0,5 0,6 0.5 0.6 0,7 0.7 0,8 0.8 0,9 0.9 1,0 1.0 1,1 1.1 1,2 1.2 1,3 1.3 1,4 1.4 1,5 1.5 1,6 1.6 1,7 1.7 1,8 1.8 1,9 1.9 2,0 2.0

z/z0 α/αo /o Figure 10.

E/E o E/Eo

(1/c)/(1/co) (1/c)/(1/co)

The effect of the disc material properties on the critical velocity, for the disc thickness b1=0.022 m

Setting the limitation of the thermo-mechanical stability of the analysed industrial brake means computing the initial emergency braking velocity νdcr which is generating axial disc distortion (on its external diameter) of about 1.2 mm. Numerical analysis was conducted similarly to the last one (section 4.2). Figure 10 shows critical velocity ( νdcr_dl and νdcr ) changes vs. disc material properties (α, E, c). The graphs were obtained from computing determined

stability and instability zones. The dimensionless critical velocity νdcr_dl was calculated from equation:

νdcr_dl  νdcr

ρ01  c01  b1 λ 01


where: νdcr – linear critical velocity, ms-1. Figure 10 shows that the both critical velocities are higher than the critical velocities calculated in accordance with previous criterion (section 4.2).

4.4. Effect of the disc division on its state of strain and stress

Discs divided into two or four sections are typically used in mines. The discs’ division is applied in order to reduce stress during emergency braking. The FE method was used to find not only temperature distribution, but also the resulting thermal stresses and distortions in the brake discs. The disc division into various numbers of sections was numerically tested for the division’s effect on the thermal stresses reduction, and the axial distortions. FEA found that the bigger the number of sections, the lower the stress. On the other hand, the division of the disc increases the maximal axial distortion of the disc (disc coning). Fig. 11 shows that during emergency braking, disc’s local stresses are much closer to yield strength of the disc’s material than the axial disc distortions are to the permissible value of the disc distortion. In analysed industrial brakes it is more likely that the permissible value of stress (yield strength) is going to be locally exceeded than the permissible value of axial distortion of the disc.

Figure 11.

Maximal axial disc distortions and maximal equivalent stresses, for discs divided into various numbers of sections, where σy – yield strength of the disc’s material

5. Conclusions

In this article, a novel method for predicting thermo-mechanical instability in friction brakes has been presented and discussed. The results can be concluded as follows.  FE enables computing thermo-mechanical stability zone, for every industrial brake system, which is defined by the critical velocity above which instability would occur.  The critical velocity values might be calculated using two criteria the first concerned with 10% temperature differentiation on opposite side of the disc, and second concerned with permissible value of the axial distortion. The second criterion permits higher initial velocity during emergency braking.  The disc’s material thermal expansion coefficient has the strongest influence on the critical velocity. Increase of thermal expansion coefficient and Young’s modulus reduce the value of the critical velocity, which means that TMI occurrence in brake system is more likely. Increase of disc thickness causes elevation of the critical velocity value and reduces probability of TMI occurrence.

 In analysed industrial brakes it is more likely that the permissible value of stress is going to be locally exceeded than the permissible value of axial distortion of the disc.

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