determining friction power, fuel economy and performance of the vehicle. Keywords: Petrol engine ... L.D. College of Engineering, Ahmedabad, India. ISSN 2319-9725 .... A Course of Internal Combustion Engine By Domkundwar. Papers: 1.
Experimental Investigation of Laser Surface Texturing on Piston Rings for Reduction of Friction Power ISSN 2319-9725 K. Patel PG Student Hiren P.Patel PG Student Hitesh J. Yadav Lecturer, Mechanical Engineering, R.C.T.I. Ahmedabad, India Prof. V.R.Patel Professor, Automobile Engineering Department L.D. College of Engineering, Ahmedabad, India
Abstract: In this research work, the surface micro structure of piston rings is changed by Laser Surface Texturing method, in order to change lubrication regime of surface, and wear resistant. Piston Ring with line cross hatch marking Fully Textured and the friction data will be compared to base data say Un-textured Piston Rings. Average percentage of Reduction in Friction power is 10.52 % by using Laser surface texturing piston ring. Lubricant film in an internal combustion engine (I.C. Engine) is an important factor in determining friction power, fuel economy and performance of the vehicle. Keywords: Petrol engine, Laser surface texturing, LST, Piston ring, Friction power.
May, 2013
Vol 2 Issue 5
1. Introduction: Petrol engine has gained the name and frame in serving the society in many ways. Its main attractions are fuel efficiency of 10km/lit. to 20km/lit. ,ruggedness in construction, simplicity in operation and ease of maintenance Small petrol vehicle enjoy the market share more than 65% for domestic, commercial, agriculture and family passenger vehicles purpose. So it is preferable to select piston ring system of same vehicle for the study of piston ring assembly friction in multi cylinder engine system. But due to friction, we may not be able to avail its services for long time. Hence efforts are being made all over the world, to reducing the friction between the parts in petrol engine. The friction loss in an internal combustion engine is the most important factor in determining the fuel economy and performance of the vehicle utilizing the power of the engine. Approximately 50% of the friction losses in an internal combustion engine are due to the piston/cylinder system, of which 70–80% comes from the piston rings. 2. Laser Surface Texturing (LST): Proper lubrication and surface texture are key issues in reducing friction in a piston/cylinder system and, hence, have received great deal of attention in the relevant literature. Surface texturing as a means for enhancing tribological properties of mechanical components is well known for many years. Perhaps the most familiar and earliest commercial application of surface texturing in engines is that of cylinder liner honing. Surface texturing in general and laser surface texturing (LST) in particular has emerged in recent years as a potential new technology to reduce friction in mechanical components. In this work, the surface micro structure of piston rings is changed by Laser Surface Texturing method, in order to change lubrication regime of surface, and wear resistant. Piston Ring with line cross hatch marking Fully Textured and the friction data will be compared to base data say Un-textured Piston Rings.
Figure 1: LST on Piston Ring International Journal of Innovative Research and Studies
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3. Test Rig Description: A special Experimental set-up was developed at laboratory scale to measure piston ring assembly friction of multi cylinder 800CC petrol engine system indirectly by measurement of Friction power consumption under different operating parameters i.e. speed, lubricants, laser surface texturing piston ring, effect of coolant at various locations of piston cylinder system (TDC, BDC) are also observed. Efforts are put to study the power consumption under, with laser surface texturing piston ring set, without laser surface texturing piston ring set. In the fabrication of laser surface piston ring assembly friction measurements test rig, 800CC multi cylinder internal combustion engine system with crank mechanism, piston cylinder head, and engine lubrication system, without engine cooling system, without gear box is used. Crank shaft is coupled with induction motor to drive the engine. (Fig 3.1) For varying the speed of test rig, the A.C. motor drive/variable frequency drive is used and to measure the power consumption variable frequency drive is used. To measure the temperature of engine, the temperature sensors are installed at different seven locations and the temperature is indicated by digital value. In the test rig, Variable frequency drive, Digital tachometer, Laser radiation pyrometer and the digital indicator to measure the temperature are fitted in a box as shown in fig.
Figure 2: Layout of experimental test rig set-up 3.1.Locations Of Eight Temperature Sensors Are As Follows:
T1- Cylinder 1 (TDC)
T2- Cylinder 1(BDC)
T3- Cylinder 2 (TDC)
T4- Cylinder 2(BDC)
T5- Cylinder 3 (TDC)
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T6- Cylinder 3(BDC)
T7- Oil temp.
T8 & T9- Bearing temp. [ Measure by Digital radiation pyrometer]
Vol 2 Issue 5
Figure 3: Multi Cylinder Engine Test Rig 4. Experimental Methodology: In this experimental work the Motored engine friction test method (strip method) is used. Test started at 400 rpm followed by step increments of 200 rpm each, up to the maximum speed of 3000 rpm. Initially the system is to be run for at least 5 to 10 minutes, so that the system get stabilize & the lubricating oil can reach properly up to the surface of piston ring & cylinder liner. After getting the stable condition, Variable Frequency Drive records the actual power consumed by the system, rpm of the system and the Pt 100 type thermocouple measures the temperature of different eight locations of an engine. Now for the next measurement frequency was changed on VFD to change the rpm of the system. During the changing there is no need to switch off the power. Record all the measurements in the observation sheet and plot the graphs of Speed v/s. Temp. like T1,T2… T9. And speed v/s. power consumption.
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5. Results and Discussion: As per literature review, friction loss at piston cylinder assembly is maximum, means power consumption with this piston cylinder assembly system will also be maximum in comparison to the other friction generating system power consumption. Thus it is important to understand the contribution of frictional power loss by piston ring at different speed under normal and laser surface texturing piston ring, following results are derived.
0 0
Figure 4: Engine Speed v/s Power consumed [KW]
% Of Reduction in power consumed [ kw ]
Without LST With LST
0 0
Engine Speed [ RPM ]
Figure 5: Engine Speed v/s % of Reduction in Power consumed [KW] International Journal of Innovative Research and Studies
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6. Conclusion: Following major observations are derived from the plotted graph. Power consumption increases with increase in speed Power consumption with normal piston ring is greater compare to LST piston ring at all observed speed. Percentage of Reduction in Power consumption is decreases with speed from 400 rpm to 1400 rpm. Max. Percentage of Reduction Power consumption at 400 rpm speed [low speed]. Min. Percentage of Reduction Power consumption at 2400 rpm. Average percentage of Reduction in power consumption is 10.52 % by using Laser surface texturing piston ring.
___________________________________________________________________________ Acknowledgement: Partial support by the M/S. Modtech Machine Pvt. Ltd., Ahmedabad and M/S. Sahajanand Laser Technology Ltd., Gandhinagar is gratefully acknowledged.
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