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Characteristics in Diesel Engine Using Bio-Diesel Blends And. EGR (Exhaust Gas ... engine performance and parameters such as brake thermal efficiency ...
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering Website: www.ijetae.com (ISSN 2250-2459, Volume 2, Issue 2, February 2012)

Experimental Studies on Emission and Performance Characteristics in Diesel Engine Using Bio-Diesel Blends And EGR (Exhaust Gas Recirculation) Pooja Ghodasara1, Mayur Ghodasara2 1

lecturer , Vvp Engineering College, Rajkot. territory Manager , Bosch Limited, Rajkot.



[email protected] [email protected]


for ensuring much needed energy security and environmental protection. Bio-fuels have the potential to meet their growing energy demand in sustainable manner. Bio diesel is produced from plants, algae and animal fats. These have almost similar energy density, cetane number, heat of vaporization and stoichiometric air fuel ratio compared to mineral diesel fuel. Bio diesel has almost eliminates lifecycle of CO2 emissions. It has high cetane number which is a measure of fuel’s ignition quality. The high cetane number of biodiesel contributes to easy starting and low idle noise. Not only this, biodiesel has reduced emissions of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons. Using pure biodiesel fuel in diesel engine sustains various problems like poor fuel atomization, piston ring sticking, injector choking and lubricating dilution. These problems are because of high viscosity, low volatility and low calorific value. Hence blending of biodiesel is done to reduce viscosity and improving other performances. It has been reported that transestrification is an effective process to overcome all these problems. But use of biodiesel in diesel engine has led to a great problem of increased NOx emission. So in order to reduce NOx emission various techniques have been developed like SCR, EGR etc. among this EGR is the best technique to reduce NOx emission.

Abstract - Human consumption of energy in the form of fossil fuels has been a matter of great concern. There is a need to increase energy supplies to meet basic needs and to do it in a way that promotes sustainable development. Bio-diesel is an attractive alternative fuel which is renewable, non-toxic, reduces carbon monoxide and hydrocarbon emission due to higher content of oxygen. Bio-diesel has higher kinematic viscosity, low calorific value, poor fuel atomization, piston ring sticking and has lubricating oil dilution problem but this fuel is can be used as blend with diesel to overcome all these problems. Biodiesel blends has sort out many problems like reducing carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and hydrocarbon emissions. Along with this biodiesel has high cetane number which is a measure of fuel’s ignition quality. It replaces the exhaust odour of petroleum diesel with more pleasant smell of popcorn or French fries. Though many advantages biodiesel is not so popular because of high NOx emission. So to take advantage of this alternative fuel one EGR technique has been developed to reduce NOx emission as it enables lower flame temperature and oxygen concentration in combustion chamber. The objective of this study is to investigate the usage of biodiesel blends and EGR simultaneous in order to reduce NOx emission along with other regulated pollutants from diesel engine without any engine modification. For this single cylinder, naturally aspirated air cooled direct injection diesel engine is used for experimental work and different blends of biodiesel like B-20, B-50 and B-100 are used to compare the engine performance and parameters such as brake thermal efficiency, exhaust gas temperature and emission characteristics are calculated from measured data. Key words - EGR, NOx, Bio-diesel blends, Emissions




It is an effective method of controlling NOx emission. In this the exhaust gases are recirculated to engine inlet. It reduces oxygen concentration and act as heat sink which reduces peak combustion temperature and hence result in reducing NOx emission.


World at present is confronted with the twin crisis of fossil fuel depletion and environment degradation. Search for renewable alternative fuel is becoming very essential


International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering Website: www.ijetae.com (ISSN 2250-2459, Volume 2, Issue 2, February 2012)


IV. MEASUREMENT METHOD: The performance and emission characteristics of an engine can be measured with the help of fuel consumption measuring unit, Volt meter, Ammeter, Tachometer, Thermocouples and emission measurement. Fuel flow measuring system: - Starting from no load observation was recorded at 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100% of rated load.


It is a single cylinder naturally aspirated four stroke vertical air cooled engine.

Fig 1. Schematic Line Diagram of Test Rig

Table 1: Specification of Diesel Engine Make



DAF 10

Fig 2. Fuel Flow Meter

Rated Brake Power (bhp/kW)

9.6 / 7

Rated Speed (rpm)


Number of Cylinder


1. Exhaust emission analysis :- For measuring smoke opacity and emission gases, AVL smoke analyzer and gas analyzer was used for measuring unburnt Hydrocarbon, Carbon Dioxide, Carbon Monoxide and Nitrogen Oxide

Bore X Stroke (mm)

102 x 110

Compression Ratio


Cooling System Lubrication System Cubic Capacity SFC at rated hp/1500rpm Starting Inlet Valve Open (Degree)

2. Measurement of gas recalculated air :- The quantity of EGR is to be measured and controlled accurately bypass for exhaust gas is provided along with manually controlled EGR valve and orifice meter is designed and installed to measure volumetric flow rate of EGR.

Air Cooled (Radial cooled) Forced Feed 0.948 Lit 251 g/kwh (185 g/bhp-hr) Hand start with cranking handle 4.5 BTDC

Inlet Valve Closed (Degree)

35.5 ABDC

Exhaust Valve Open (Degree)

35.5 BBDC

Exhaust Valve Closed (Degree)

4.5 ATDC

Fuel Injection Timing (Degree)



International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering Website: www.ijetae.com (ISSN 2250-2459, Volume 2, Issue 2, February 2012)

Fig 4. Variation of TE Vs BMEP for Biodiesel Blend at 15% EGR rate

EGR ratio is calculated as

EGR % 

M EGR  100 Mi

NOx Emission: NOx emission in case of Bio-Diesel blend is higher than diesel due to higher temperature prevalent in combustion chamber. Here it is observed diesel with 15% EGR gave lowest NOx emission as compared to other test fuel samples. This is due to presence of inert gases in combustion chamber and unavailability of molecular oxygen.

MEGR = mass of re-circulated gas Mi = Mass of total intake air of cylinder

V. RESULT & DISCUSSION In this experiment a series of engine test were carried out at 1500 RPM. Here the performance and emission characteristics of engine are compared using different blends of Bio-Diesel at fixed 15% EGR rate. Exhaust gas temperature: It is observed that 15% EGR rate diesel have lowest exhaust gas temperature among all fuel samples. This is possibly due to unavailability of molecular oxygen. However blends of Bio-Diesel with application of EGR gives lower exhaust gas temperature than base line Diesel data without EGR.

Fig 5. Variation of NOx Vs BMEP for Biodiesel Blend at 15% EGR rate

CO Emission: In this experiment CO & HC emissions are measured to check the completeness of combustion inside the cylinder. It is observed that diesel & B 20 at 15%. EGR gave maximum CO emission which is probably due to oxygen deficient open.

Fig 3. Variation of Exhaust Gas Temperature Vs BMEP for Biodiesel Blend at 15% EGR rate

Thermal Efficiency: It is observed that thermal efficiency improved with increasing concentration of Bio-Diesel in blend due to improved thermal efficiency observed with oxygenated fuel. All Bio-Diesel blends have higher thermal efficiency than base line data. Fig 6. Variation of CO Vs BMEP for Biodiesel Blend at 15% EGR rate

HC Emission: When engine is operated in diesel engine with EGR the HC emissions the higher at higher load due to less availability of O2 results in poor air fuel ratio & tends to incomplete combustion but by adding biodiesel to diesel increase O2 required for combustion because of presence of molecules oxygen in fuel.


International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering Website: www.ijetae.com (ISSN 2250-2459, Volume 2, Issue 2, February 2012)

This results in lower HC emission however HC emission for pure biodiesel with 15% EGR is lowest. Compared to baseline data of diesel without EGR.



Though many advantages of EGR still there are some limitations which can be resolved by further modification in future. In future long term assessment of engine durability and effect on lubricating oil of bio-diesel fueled engine with EGR need to be examined. Another field of research is development of sophisticated EGR valve which could response to dynamic mode of engine operation.

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Fig 7. Variation of HC Vs BMEP for Biodiesel Blend at 15% EGR rate

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Fig 8. Variation of Smoke Opacity Vs BMEP for Biodiesel Blend at 15% EGR rate

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It is observed from the experiment that EGR is good technique to reduce all regulated emission from diesel engine but it gives good result when engine is operated with EGR using bio-diesel blend. It has shown that brake thermal efficiency for Bio-diesel blend is higher than base line data of diesel. Along with there is reduction in the emission of Hydrocarbon HC, CO, NOx & smoke when blends of bio diesel are operated with EGR.

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International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering Website: www.ijetae.com (ISSN 2250-2459, Volume 2, Issue 2, February 2012)

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